Las Vegas
- 2 years ago
- 65
- 0
John looked around the parking lot anxiously. As the sole proprietor of his business, Show Tune Tours, he was responsible to make sure that customers showed upon time. The bus had arrived on time, thankfully, but there seemed to be some stragglers. After loading up the beer and double-checking to make sure he had everything, John disembarked and welcomed the passengers scheduled to come on the trip. He shook their hands and greeted them warmly as they filed into the bus. He leaned out the door to see if more cars were pulling into the parking lot. They were running late. John felt tense. There was a feeling of expectation in the air. John could hear wafts of conversation floating by between his worry.
"I got a good feeling about this trip honey. I really think we're going to hit it big."
"Are you playing 21 or Craps?"
"There's a rumor that that gay dude who got his head bit by the tiger might try and stage a comeback."
"Last time I went on one of these trips I made 10 grand on the slot
s." "Yeah right. You say that every year and you're still driving a Pinto" Laughter.
"Are those beers in back cold yet?"
John hopped off the bus onto the parking lot; the conversations becoming muffled and unintelligible.
As always, he had called everyone the evening before to make sure there were no cancellations. Everyone said they were ready and looking forward to the trip, including Scott, a smug jock type who John used to go to college with. According to the list of people on his clipboard forty-four people were signed up to go. Yet, only thirty nine people had arrived. John glanced through the bus's windows. Although most of the passengers on the bus were talking and laughing, a few of the them seemed to be scowling. A few of them looked more than irritated. They were growing impatient.
John pounded a nervous beat on the seat in front of him. He felt nervous and tense. He looked down at his watch worriedly. 'Dumb assholes' he thought to himself, 'they are more than 1/2 hour late." John was not much of a businessman. He was a nice guy, a decent guy, but not very comfortable with himself. He started off the morning by polishing off a couple of quick Coronas in the parking lot, to take an edge off his nervousness. Running a tour business was hard. So many things could go wrong and oftentimes they did. John's alarm clock decided to take it's own nap in the morning. When John groggily woke up, he was shocked to see that he had a little over an hour to get to the church parking lot were everyone was supposed to meet. He didn't even have a chance to grab a donut. The alcohol produced a mild buzz, which mellowed him out a bit. Still however, his eyebrows were furrowed with worry.
John felt a warm arm encircle his waist. He looked down at his girlfriend Lourdes. They had met about nine months ago. They had been introduced by a mutual friend oftheirs at the University. The attraction was immediate. John always wondered to himself what a beauty like Lourdes saw in him. He wasn't alob or anything, but in a crowd of people he stood out like an ink spot on a piece of black velvet. He was the quintessential Regular Joe. There was nothing remarkable about his personality or his looks. Lourdes on the other hand was the closest thing to heaven he had ever seen, and as far as he could tell the world had ever seen based on the hard stares and furtive glances that constantly were directed at her. It bothered John that Lourdes caused such a reaction, but he was reasonably sure that she only had eyes for him. In fact she was the one that suggested they only date each other. By mutual agreement they had an exclusive relationship for the last six months. Everything between them was great, but the sex was basically non-existent, much to John chagrin. Lourdes had told John early on when they were on the cusp of segueing from friends to dating, that she had a bad sexual experience when she was younger, which ruined the relationship she was in, a relationship she felt had a lot of potential.
She said that later on after they were more firmly established maybe she would consider intercourse, but for the present time, she wanted to base their relationship on caring and mutual respect. "Anyone can have sex" she was fond of saying, "but only a select few can maintain a healthy and emotionally stable relationship." She was 24, two years young than John, yet in many way much more mature than him.
When Lourdes spent the night at his apartment last night, he could hardly keep his hands off her. He acted like a little boy on his first visit to a Toys "R" Us. He often was frustrated at her control. He didn't understand how she couldn't feel as horny as he did.
After watching another boring movie on the Life Time Channel. John and Lourdes gravitated to the bed. It was late and they had to get up early. John was horny and becoming more resentful. Just sitting next to Lourdes was enough to get his cock to harden. Why couldn't they at least try it once? He knew that Lourdes wasn't on the pill, but he didn't have any problems using a condom. Shit, he didn't care? He'd put one on. Shit, he'd get a vasectomy if it would help him get into Lourde's pants. He was getting sick of hand jobs. He got the opportunity to shoot his nut, but it wasn't the same. He wanted to feel himself inside the tight, wet hole of Lourdes' pussy.
Lourdes patiently explained, as she stroked Johns cock, that what mattered most was the emotional connection, the sharing of thoughts, dreams and feelings between two people. That's what made their relationship so special. Intercourse would come later. As her little hand pumped his shaft, and she continued to explain in that maddening matter of fact way of hers the importance of maintaining an intercourse free relationship, and focus on what's important, he tuned her out and gazed at her body. Her heavy breasts swayed up and down as she used her hand and arms to maintain a consistent rhythm on his throbbing shaft. She was propped up on her knees, which caused her back to bow gracefully accentuating her perfect round behind. He reached down and traced his finger down her back, opened his hand and ran his fingers over the tight firmness of her ass. god, how he wished she would let him fuck her. Just once. He would even settle being able to run the taut head of his cock in the folds of her pussy for a few seconds. That would be enough to relieve his lust if just for a few hours. In frustration he tried to touch her pussy, but she quickly shifted away. She wouldn't let him near it. Lourdes paused in mid stroke making him groan with frustration, his hard member throbbing with unreleased tension.
"You haven't been listening to a word that I've said," Lourdes stated reproachfully. "We are not going to have sexual intercourse. I don't want to leave you frustrated, but if you can't control yourself I won't even do this. You can do it to yourself." She put her arms behind her and leaned back. Her position rolled her shoulders slightly back, pushing her full breasts, with those delectable dark brown nipples forward. John's felt a dull ache of need in his groin. Lourdes was stacked. Her breasts were, large and round with nipples just made to suck and nibble. She wouldn't let him near those either. She had mentioned in the past that they were ultra-sensitive and she wasn't comfortable having them fondled. He had little recourse other than stare at them and wonder what they felt like, what it would be like to suck them into his mouth and roll the nipple around his tongue until the nubs stood out hard and throbbing. John felt like a diabetic in a sea of chocolate.
All he could do was look, fantasize and hope. He knew better than to argue. Lourdes always got her way. She was too strong willed to break down. Secondly, he knew that although she had a soft spot for him and cared for him deeply, she would have no problem leaving him unfulfilled. His cock ached. He looked down and saw it twitching and then glanced at Lourdes who looked back at him impassively. He needed to cum. He needed to cum so bad. He was just going to have to settle for another hand job. It was better than nothing. If their relationship continued the way it had been going, eventually he was going to have the chance to be inside her, to fuck her, but for the time being he was just going to have to be patient and wait.
"I'm sorry baby," John said apologetically, "you just drive me crazy. I promise to keep my hands to myself."
Lourdes didn't respond. She just slowly moved into her prior position and moved her hands towards John's still extremely hard cock. "No more trying to touch me, all right John" Lourdes whispered as she began to stroke John's cock with both of her hands.
"I don't want to break up John," she continued, "but you need to really show some self-control." She began to stroke him faster. The pre-cum that bubbled out of his piss hole coated his cock, making Lourdes' hands glide effortlessly back and forth. John gasped, "I'm sorry Lourdes. Really, I'm sorry. I wo - wo- wo shiiit" John began to cum, his cock spraying his warm sperm in the air, residual drops falling back on his stomach. The excess spunk from his last contraction bubbled out, coating the fingers of Lourdes who patiently milked the last bit of sperm from the softening member in front of her. John breathed a sigh of relief. It had felt good to blow his nut. In his post orgasmic bliss he felt sated.
Lourdes reached over and kissed him gently on the lips. "I'll be back in a second hon, I need to use the bathroom." She scampered off the bed, her heavy breasts slightly bouncing as she stood up. John watched her naked form. Her body was wonderfully and absolutely perfect. The dark hair just a few shades darker than her brown skin, cascaded down her slim back He just had to control himself. He didn't want to lose her.
Lourdes came back and quickly jumped under the covers. "Burr it's cold," she said, but not before John had another eye full of her. His cock started to engorge again. He willed it back to it's flaccid state, but it grew bigger and firmer. She reached over and gave him another quick peck on the lips reminding him that they had a big day tomorrow and had to be at the parking lot by 5:00 in the morning. She turned her back to him to fall asleep. John couldn't help himself. He was horny again. He couldn't stop thinking about Lourdes. He started to stroke himself being careful not to shake the bed. He imagined her on her knees on the floor and him behind her pummeling her pussy. In his fantasy he was sticking his cock in her ass, pulling out, and then sticking his cock back into her pussy, while at the same time pinching and pulling her nipples. She was moaning and telling him how good it felt, how large he was, how filled she was. She was asking for it, begging for it. John gripped his cock tightly and slowed down the strokes, pro-longing the length of his cum as ropes of his jism flew out of his cock into the blanket. He had to bite his lip to keep from yelling out from the intensity of the experience. John fell back to a peaceful, yet troubled sleep.
Lourdes knew that John was jacking himself off to sleep. As hard as John was trying to be still, it was obvious when he came. Picturing him shooting was a turn on, but she was adamant about her feelings of not consummating the relationship until she felt ready. Until then, when she felt that she could trust John completely and explicitly, the most he would be getting were his daily hand jobs. There was no way that she was going to let him inside of her. She wasn't cruel, she didn't think so anyway, that's just the way it had to be. She drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
John scanned the parking lot again. He was recently starting to get uptight. Lourdes squeezed him close. "Don't worry honey, the other people will get here soon and then we'll leave. Look" she said, pointing her finger to the entrance of the parking lot, "I bet that's them now."
The black Hummer burned rubber entering the parking lot. The driver broke hard coming to a stop next to the bus, his tires leaving a three foot skid mark on the asphalt. John and Lourdes approached the truck. John was irritated. Those morons were forty minutes late. The driver of the truck disembarked quickly. He held out his hand. "Hi, it's me Scott. Sorry we're late." John winced at Scotts hard grip. "Good seeing you again," Scott said. It was like shaking hands with a bear.
Scott stole a full body glance at the gorgeous Latina girl in front of him. Even under the wrap around skirt and her blouse, Scott could see that this girl was hot; nice legs and ass, full round, tits that filled her blouse out pleasingly. She turned away. In disgust? Embarrassment? 'What a fucking package' he thought to himself. Scott, quickly introduced the other four guys in their party, Mark, Craig, Paul and Manny. John said to the group as he was checking of their names on the clipboard,"Well, we better get going. We got a long way to go before we get to Vegas and we're already late." Oh, he said checking himself, "this is my girlfriend Lourdes," addressing the rest of the group who had missed the previous introduction, "she is going to be assisting me on this trip."
The entire groups gave Lourdes a quick once over and it was obvious they were pretty impressed. Lourdes mumbled an indifferent greeting and told John she would meet him on the bus. All the guys in the group had a cockiness to them. They seemed too sure of themselves, too confident, and it made John nervous. He was in band when he was in school, part of the Band Geek crowd. The only thing he lettered in was the alphabet. He was a world away from this group in terms of confidence. He knew it and he knew that they knew it too. All of they guys were in excellent shape and it was obvious they worked out frequently. John looked down at himself. He wasn't in bad shape, but felt like his legs were too skinny and overall he was too thin and lanky. He had more of a runners body, not a weight lifters. As it was going to be a hot day, they all had dressed for it; short, shirts and tank tops. Scott and the rest of the guys glanced at Lourdes' tight ass as she walked up the steps into the bus. John tried to pretend he didn't notice, but he did. "Well guys," he said almost apologetically, "let's go huh?"
After introducing the bus driver and Lourdes to the group, John announced the itinerary, reminding everyone the importance of getting back to the bus on time at each stop. The way John got paid was by bringing groups into casinos for pre-set intervals, usually three or five hours. All bus participants were expected to play during the allotted time. John got paid a couple hundred dollars per hour so on a given weekend he could gross a good $1,500.00 on "stops" as they were called in the industry on top of what he made by raffling off items during their bus ride. It was a lot of responsibility and stressful to keep a busload of passengers happy. It was particularly difficult when they started getting sauced. He had thought in the past to run non-alcoholic tours, but Lourdes balked at the idea when he presented it to her. It wasn't Prohibition. Alcohol was a socially sanctioned beverage. What was important was how people handled their liquor.
Three hours into the trip the beer was flowing pretty heavily. John had already done two raffles, a bottle of Cuervo, which Scott, the passenger that was late had won, to overly boisterous yelling and clapping, and a $20.00 gift certificate to the Olive Garden, won by a nice older couple sitting towards the front. John scanned the bus. It looked like everyone was having a good time. They would be pulling into Vegas in two or three hours depending on the traffic. Glancing out the window John could see that the traffic on Highway 15, was fairly light, so they would probably be getting to the first casino by noon or so.
Scott and his friends had found ample room in the back of the bus next to the beer, which was adjacent to the restroom. They had taken over two rows of seats. It was louder in that area than the rest of the bus, but there was more privacy and the back section was the designated smoking section. John hoped that they were doing anything they weren't supposed it; something illegal. The way they were huddled in the back it looked like they were passing around a joint. During the morning announcements John could see Scott and his friends looking at him with mild contempt. In the middle of explaining the itinerary John has gotten momentarily confused about the itinerary and Scott had yelled out from the back, "Come on Napoleon Dynamite, get your words out!" The bus had erupted into laughter. John could feel his face burn with embarrassment. Those guys were potentially trouble and John would have to really keep an eye on them. He thought to himself that maybe he should make sure that what he saw being passed around was not loco weed, but thought it best to just ignore the situation. They were going to be in Vegas in a few hours and it made no sense to antagonize the passengers, especially the ones from that group.
Lourdes turned to John, "Hon, I need to use the restroom. Save my place for me would you?" "Sure babe," he replied, "just watch out for the guys in the back. If they give you any trouble, just ignore them." Feigning courage he continued, "if they behave disrespectfully to you make sure you let me know and I'll go have a talk with them." "Stop worrying," she replied, "I'll be back in a minute." She kissed him lightly on the lips and headed towards the back.
As Lourdes made her way down the narrow space between the rows of seats, she had to sometimes squeeze herself between people who had struck up conversations; inebriated dialogues between red faced drunks, arguing the merits of the various U.S. immigration policies, who would be in the Final Four that year and a host of other alcohol driven chatter. John watched Lourdes walk. She looked sexy just walking. Her tight ass seemed to almost twitch under her pink wraparound skirt. Furtive glances followed her as she made her way to the restroom. John saw one lady poke her husband in the arm when his gaze seemed to linger maybe a few seconds too long when Lourdes walked by. John saw him look away guiltily as his wife hissed at him to put his eyes back in his head.
John looked back and saw Lourdes pause at the entrance to the restroom. Apparently Scott was whispering something to her. She hesitantly bent over to hear what he was saying. John could feel a flash of adrenaline flow thru him. What the hell did Scott want?
At that moment one of the passengers came over to John and introduced himself. To John's disbelief the guy actually sat down in Lourdes's seat as if he were John's official seat mate. 'Shit' John thought to himself. He couldn't be rude so he tried to follow the guy's conversation, making the appropriate "Uhuh" and "Oh really" in all the correct places. What the hell was Lourdes? It didn't take that long to take a leak. He wanted so bad to excuse himself, or at least get up to look over the seats to see what was going on, but didn't know how to extract himself from the unwanted social situation he was in. The guy was actually pretty drunk. He was lamenting the loss of his wife to cancer and then complaining about his born again Christian son who never visited him. John was going nuts and was starting to get worried. While the man next to him continued droning on about the trials and tribulations of his life, John snuck a quick peek at his watch. "Fuck, it's been fifty five minutes already" he thought angrily, but with just the slightest bit of anxiety. He clenched his fists in frustration. Dammit,, he had to get this guy to shut-up. At that moment, the bus driver asked John a question about the lodging, giving John a temporary reprieve. He used the moment to excuse himself. "Look sir, I'm really sorry, but I have to talk to my driver" trying to be as polite as he could. "No bother" slurred the man, pointing crookedly to the back of the bus "the reason I came over here in the first place was because some guy in the back paid me fifty bucks to keep you company for a while." John quivered with fury. Leaving the drunk and telling the bus driver he'd be back in a few minutes, John walked with resolve to the back of the bus.
After Lourdes left John she walked daintily down the narrow catwalk to the back. She was annoyed by the lecherous stares and looked away or thru the most obvious ones, but didn't let it her affect her attitude. Being stared at was part of being an attractive woman. She barely contained a smile when a woman to the side of her hit her husband whose eyes were boring holes into Lourdes' top. She giggled, 'Men were such dorks.' she said to herself.
Four or five feet from the restroom she saw Scott and his friends. Even from this distance she could smell the tell tale sign of marijuana. Scott leaned over and whispered something to one of the guys who smiled. Lourdes looked nonchalantly out the window, and continued walking, intending to ignore them. She knew this breed of guys. Muscle bound dimwits trying to perpetuate their adolescence another ten years. What losers. Defiantly, she put some extra swing in her step making her sexy hips undulate provocatively under her skirt and her full, round breasts rocking slightly in the tight confines of her bra. They could say, think and fantasize about anything they wanted, but they had as much chance connecting with her as they had a chance winning the Super Lotto.
Right when Lourdes reached the bathroom, she glanced to the right intending to give Scott and his motley crew of thickheaded friends a withering glance of distain. Scott caught her eyes, but ignored the flash of disgust. Purposely, he called out to her with a voice too low to hear. Taken off guard at not getting the reaction she expected she unconsciously leaned forward, straining to hear. Lourdes whiffed a strong smell of marijuana. She wrinkled her nose. She really hated people who needed to be in an altered state to be happy. She really needed to go. She could feel the pressure in her bladder. What did this creep want. Scott flashed a white, toothy smile. "Hi," he said smoothly, "we were wondering if we could solicit your opinion on something." He stared into her eyes openly waiting for her response. The rest of the guys quieted down checking her out quickly and then glancing away so as not to distract Lourdes in a negative way. It was important that she felt safe.
The seats in the back faced each other, which formed an almost complete cubicle. All of them were filled except the seat next to Scott, by the window, which couldn't be seen from the rest of the bus. The only way people could see what was happening if they came to the back to get beers, but the rate of consumption seemed to have slowed down some as nobody had come by for quite a while. Apparently a lot of people had snuck their own wine and hard liquor too, which accounted for the lack of traffic. Even if someone came to use the restroom, Scott's broad back could easily block the view if he chose to reposition himself. Lourdes eyes them suspiciously. As she scanned their faces, Scott looked down. He could see the firm, soft swells of Lourdes' large breasts as gravity pulled the top away from her soft, brown skin. When Lourdes looked back at Scott he was again looking at her eyes. She didn't trust this guy, but he was out of his league if he thought he could pull anything on her. She might have been born on a weekend, but it wasn't last weekend. Lourdes squatted down, bending her knees, aware that her top was loose enough to show ample cleavage to this group of degenerates. As much as these dopes might like a free peep show, they would have to go to a boobie bar in Vegas and pay for the thrill if they wanted to see a pair of boobs.
"What opinion might that be?" she asked with an openly hostile attitude. "Have a seat" Scott gestured his palms open to the open seat beside him."
"I don't think so."
"Don't you trust me?"
"Not really."
"I take it you've had bad experiences with men?"
"Yes, actually no, I'm very happy right now - anyway it's none of your damn business," she added an edge in her voice.
"Relationships can be hard."
"I know that."
"I've been through a divorce. It was very painful" Scott said softly, gazing out the window as if overcome with the pain of the experience.
Lourdes was at a loss for words. She wasn't expecting to feel empathy for this creep. Scott took advantage of the situation. Looking into Lourdes' eyes he said "Look, people get the wrong idea of me and my friends. If they got to know us, and took the time to look behind this whole jock stereotype thing they would see that there is a lot more to us than just weightlifting and playing sports, but people jump to conclusions without giving us a chance, without giving us the benefit of the doubt. We have feelings too, just like everybody else does. Scott looked away from Lourdes to stare out the window again. He threw out the hook. Shaking his head dismissively he said, "Never mind, you probably don't care and a woman of your caliber has better things to do than talk to a bunch of dumb jocks." He bit the last words off.
Lourdes wasn't expecting the conversation to go this direction. She was expecting Scott to get defensive, giving her the opportunity to maintain the level of control she was so used to. An emotional Berlin Wall, where she was safe, entrenched and which gave her the opportunity to launch her verbal assaults and circular arguments where she was always the winner. It always worked out the way. She was proud of the fact that she was always so in control of herself, that nobody could touch her, physically or emotionally, unless she gave the O.K. Scott's vulnerability made her uncomfortable, but she didn't let on. She hesitated. "Give me a sec." She opened the door to the bathroom and let herself inside.
Mark, Paul, Manny, and Craig simultaneously put their index and and middle fingers together and raised them to their faces. They thrust their tongues thru them rapidly, the universal symbol of eating pussy and began giggling like 4th grade boys reading their first Playboy Magazine. "O.K guys, we just have a few minutes until she comes out" Scott said, "stick with the plan. Act normal, at least for a while longer, huh?" He tried to hold back his own grin. With mock anger he whispered hoarsely, trying not to crack up, "and do something else with your stupid fingers."
Lourdes came out and paused by Scott. He quickly got up. Playfully he said, "Please step into my office." Lourdes slightly paused and squeezed by Scott, her tight ass rubbing his legs. Scott willed himself not to grab the firm round ass in front of him and squeeze. This woman was hot. A perfect specimen of the female species. Lourdes was just how he liked them. Latin, long thick hair, almond eyes, full lips, big tits, thin waist and perfectly round ass.
Lourdes sat down. She felt a pang of trepidation, but pushed it out of her mind. She took a deep breath and exhaled. What she was doing was odd and out of character for her, but she felt safe. She was on a bus, not some rave club in an abandoned warehouse somewhere. She was about to say something when she realized that she hadn't taken the time to tell John she was visiting with some of the passengers.
Scott sensed that Lourdes was going to get up again, so he reached under his seat to grab the bottle of Cuervo Gold. They had brought their own booze and glasses, but the tequila he won was the best for this type of situation. It gave a special buzz, which crept up on a person like an early fog. Bang. Before they knew it they would all be in Tomorrow Land, especially Lourdes.
Manny and Paul were directly in front of Lourdes and Scott. Mark was sitting on the hand rest kitty corner to Scott. Craig was next to him on the other armrest. Scott had subtly turned his body so that his broad back was blocking the view from the restroom door and beer area. Lourdes felt penned in and was particularly uncomfortable because she was blocked in by a wall of solid muscle. Actually, she wasn't blocked in, she could get up any time she wanted and leave. She was the one in control. Always had, always would. "I need to talk to John," Lourdes said abruptly.
"Sure," Scott said easily, "he's not going anywhere. Now that you have seen the error of your ways and have realized we are just as real, warm and caring as everybody else, let's celebrate with a shot or two shall we?" Lourdes had scooted up on the seat, causing her skirt to ride up a few inches past her knees exposing her firm thighs. Lourdes squeezed her legs together. She really wanted to go. John would be worried. Manny who was directly in front of her said, "Hey Lourdes relax, we are glad you're here. You seem really nice and we're looking forward to getting to know you." He gave her a friendly wink. Imperceptibly, he slowly pressed Lourdes' knees and pushed her back into her seat. Lourdes felt stifled, but didn't want to make a scene. John would be fine. She'd see him in little while.
Scott cracked open he bottle, got out a salt shaker and a plastic bag of limes. People gave him a hard time for over packing, but it was always good to be prepared. He gave everyone a shot glass. With great gravity he raised his shot glass, "To Lourdes, the woman who gave us a chance to prove our worth as individuals." Everyone raised their glasses solemnly except Lourdes. Something didn't seem right. She was on her way to the bathroom and now she was sitting down with a bunch of stoned and half drunk jocks. Scott didn't allow her time to dwell on her thoughts. He cocked his head to oneside. "Come on Lourdes, you are going to give us a chance, right?" She hesitated briefly and then shyly raised her glass too.
"Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation."Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been married three years and had been...
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I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...
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© 2002 LaffWithMe Press "Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation." Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been...
"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez, it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied."With Dress A, you'd be making a statement. It does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal.""Dress B, on the other hand, allows you to reveal as much as you want. I know it's not your color, but looking at...
ExhibitionismI met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot. I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female form at any...
TabooAs with all my stories, the only deviation from the truth is caused by mymemory.This sucktale takes place in a Las Vegas peep show. There are several peepshows in Vegas that are much grittier than the ones down close to the stripwhere the tourists go. The locals head up to downtown to Main street.Some tourists in the know go to the crisscross of filthy streetswhere there are three or four bookstores, but mostly local white trash men,married straight middle-class locals, a lot of blacks, street...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I’d like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I'd like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...
TabooLAS VEGAS - The Private Show I got some water for you, which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the nightstand lights while I waited. Flipped the TV on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I...
Exhibitionism"This isn't Crys, but don't hang up," I said quickly to Sealy, the bouncer at COEDS – the bouncer who'd thrown me out of the club on the night that Crystal had had a near-fatal car accident – and, finally, the guy who was probably one of Crys's main friends in Las Vegas. "Crystal had a car accident last night and is in the hospital. This is James Starzck, the guy you threw out of the club last night." There was pause in the conversation. On my end, because I didn't want to say...
My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a f****y so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant. Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he ‘got around’ alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got...
I had talked to Cathy on line for several months. She lived in another state, was married and not able to travel very much so we had never met. We exchanged Email, "action" pictures, and vids. We often masturbated together on line. She gave me her phone number so that we could masturbate while talking on the phone. On one occasion she said "listen to this..." and I heard wet sounds, "squish, squish..." She said a bit breathlessly, "what you hear is my fingers in my pussy as I held the phone...
My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a family so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant.Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he "got around" alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got settled...
Toni und ich eilten durch den Flughafen, um nach Las Vegas zu fliegen . Wir waren wie immer zu spät dran und es waren nur noch drei Minuten, bevor das Flugzeug abflog. Egal wohin wir gingen, wir schienen immer zu spät zu sein. Obwohl ich kein Problem damit hatte, bereit zu sein, musste Toni immer sicherstellen, dass Haare, Make-up und Kleidung perfekt waren, bevor sie das Haus verließ. Für mich als ihr Ehemann hatte dies Vorteile und Nachteile. Meistens war es kein Problem, einfach zu spät zu...
So this story starts with a business trip to Las Vegas, I was there for a convention but was going to stay thru the weekend for a bit of R&R as it finished on a Thursday and it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity. I had been out with a few colleagues on the Thursday night and as many had early flight they headed to their rooms and left me to my own devices. I thought I would have a nightcap before retiring, the bar was packed with all the conventioneers and I found a small table in a...
I have not seen my cousin Jessica in a year. We always hung out with each other. we told each other everything and pleased each other oraly. Then her mom remarried and moved away and I haven't seen her since. But now I can finally get the chance I missed back in having sex with my cousin ”Derrick hurry up” my stepmom said ” have you seen your sister” ” no I haven't” I replied as my step sister Casey sucked my Dick ” what do you mean you haven't i'm right here sucking ur cock” ”sshhhh”...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone. “I haven’t kissed you,” I said. “No, you haven’t,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice. I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very...
Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...
I was quickly approaching burn out at work. My last raise was a whopping 25 cents. Whoopee!! My girlfriend broke up with me six months prior, and I found out that two weeks before she broke up with me she got drunk and fucked her neighbor. So I was trapped in a joyless job with shit pay, and I hadn't been laid in half a year. I had tried dating in the mean time, but nothing ever worked out. I even came right out and asked a woman if she wanted to have sex. That's how desperate I was to get my...
Last week my husband had a business trip to wonderful Las Vegas and after some talking we thought it would be a good way to take a little trip for us as well. So i got my tickets and went with him. He had a two day meeting so i had free time to myself during the days filled with much needed sleeping in and time at the pool. At night we went out and enjoyed what the town had to offer. Well Friday his last day of his meetings I thought i would be a little sexy for him and bought a new tight black...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46.I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone.“I haven't kissed you,” I said.“No, you haven't,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice.I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very much...
TabooThe big diesel was purring as we moved along Highway 93 toward Boulder Dam. Mickey was sitting in her usual place on the couch looking out the windows and enjoying the desolate beauty of the desert as we ate up mile after mile. Things had changed between us since our time at the Grand Canyon. It was there that I had finally admitted to myself, but most importantly to her, that I was in love with her. To my great relief, she admitted the same. The extra day we spent there was not for playing...
As a boarded the plane I wasnt looking at where in the hell I was going and my cock erect from hot girls back at the boarding dock, I bumped into one of them hot girls, who my cock wounded up going straight in her ass. =WHAP= I didn't know what happened but the next thing I knew security was already on the plane. "Whats goin on here" the officer asked She pointed at me and said "That perv is trying to rape me take him away". I denied the situation of course; one thing I've learned...
Clarence pulled himself together, but left the tie undone. Xenia grabbed the shopping bag, but left the panties inside. Taking his hand, Xenia led him out of the private room and out of the strip club. She didn’t think they could walk all the way back to the hotel without winding up fucking in some dark corner and she wasn’t a fan of public sex, so she hailed a cab and had the driver quickly take them back to the hotel. Back in the room, Xenia noticed that the clock said 2:30. The sun would...
Wife LoversSiento mucho el retraso en terminar esta historia. Aqu? pongo las partes que faltan para terminar el primer libro. Comentarios, opiniones, o lo que quer?is, pod?is dirigirlos a [email protected]. Comments welcome. You may locate me at [email protected] *************Decimoquinta parte************* Cuando bajamos las escaleras, yo era una chica nueva. Estaba cansada y sudada y seguro que mi maquillaje necesitaba un retoque bastante importante, pero me sent?a contenta. Ni siquiera la i...
You may think that your broke ass doesn’t belong at a place like Royal Vegas Casino. I don’t know if I should disagree with that. If this was a physical casino that looks as lustrous as it sounds, I would probably be correct.But this isn’t a physical casino. Royal Vegas Casino is an online casino that brings a taste of the high life of the Vegas strip to your neck of the woods. And the online casino differs wildly from the typical Vegas attractions, anyway. Skip the endless ocean of STDs,...
Betting SitesDid the Pandemic kill your weekly trip to the local casino? Who the fuck even wants to visit that disease-ridden place anyway?! I say good riddance! Besides, you don’t need to visit a casino to get that fucking bet on!In its place, you could visit New Vegas and take a gander at all the casino action you are missing out on. Quickly, you will be convinced that casinos can take place outside your local establishment. You can bet and win big wherever you are! New Vegas makes it happen, and it all...
Betting SitesVegas By The Professor "Have you ever seen anything like it?" The man who asked that over my shoulder was the last person I would have expected to say that. Lt. Matt Henshaw, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, had probably seen more strange things than most people could ever imagine. I didn't answer him, because if I said yes, I'd be compromising classified material, but in fact, this wasn't the first time I'd seen anything like it - or rather pictures of it during...
Las 55 reglas de oro de una esclava por Whipmaster [email protected] Estas que encontrareis a continuación resumidas en 55 puntos son lasnormas básicas de comportamiento que un Amo debería inculcara su esclava a lo largo del proceso de doma y aprendizaje con la finalidadde determinar con meridiana claridad los roles que son propios de una buenay completa relación Amo/esclava. Partimos de la base que esta relaciónes una relación sana entre personas adultas, libremente aceptada y...
We were at home 1 night watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it to hear an old friend of Angels ask to speak to her. He was a Country Western star & band leader that Angel had met years before we met the 1st time when he was performing at a bar she was a cocktail waitress at then. He took a liking to her then & during a break he asked her to dance & after the show to a late dinner. Dinner then led to his room & more fun that night. Then he asked her to join his troupe...
I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...
The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales, profits,...
Wife Lovers*************Decimotercera parte************* El agotamiento me venci? pronto. Eran poco m?s de las diez cuando not? c?mo se me cerraban los ojos a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Mi primera intenci?n fue acostarme. Pero claro... ?el maquillaje! As? que tuve que hacer de tripas coraz?n (unas tripas que segu?an implorando m?s comida despu?s de la escueta cena) e ir al ba?o a devolver mi cara a un estado natural que cada vez iba a ver menos y menos en mi vida. Aprovech? para aliviarme. No me hubiera gustado despertar...
I’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...
Cuckold*************Novena parte************* Me acerqu? directamente a la persona que atend?a el bar. Era una mujer de unos cuarenta y tantos a?os, muy bien conservada. Estaba sentada delante de la caja registradora. Ten?a el pelo rubio (creo que no he visto tantas rubias juntas en mi vida) en un conservador peinado recogido en un mo?o bajo. Era muy delgada y s?lo destacaban dos impresionantes pechos, algo ca?dos, en su figura recta como la de una escoba. Vest?a un feo uniforme de camarera de rayas verdes y bla...
This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. I know that having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that...
Fear And Lusting In Las Vegas By Cooper There is nothing more depraved than beer drunk Southern Baptists on a tear in Las Vegas. Nothing. Spending most of the year wearing pants that are three sizes too small in the crotch area, married to frigid women with bee-hive hairdos on their heads-- and in their skirts-- pounding Bibles and burning crosses, these hypocrisy-drenched Jesus freaks come to Vegas once a year, hit the Casinos and make Jim Morrison look like Jim Baker. Let...
*************Duod?cima parte************* A medida que avanzaba la tarde entend? por qu? Dalia nunca parec?a estar en una postura relajada, aunque estuviera sentada, comiendo o de cualquier otra manera. Al parecer, mi due?o hab?a elegido para m? que fuera elegante y sexy al mismo tiempo. Eso requer?a aprender toda una nueva forma de moverme, de sentarme y hasta de comer. En algunos puntos me parec?a a los juegos gestuales de mi nueva amiga, pero en otros me separaba. Ella era m?s... vulgar hasta en eso. Per...
*************Octava parte************* Apenas un minuto m?s tarde estaba de nuevo sentada ante el tocador donde Isabel hab?a depilado mis cejas la tarde anterior. Repar? que estaba lleno de productos que no hab?a visto en mi ?ltima visita. ?Todo esto es lo que vas a tener que aprender a usar, Laura ?me dijo Isabel con su voz siempre agradable. Con la rotundidad de su cuerpo, con su belleza y con esa voz tan profundamente sensual, una idea me daba vueltas por la cabeza. ?C?mo pod?a carecer de de...
‘CindySpice, you are an amazing woman.’ Hello Las Vegas! That was my motto for three beautiful nights and two and a half days. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, how true that is. At least it is for me. I had never been to Las Vegas before though I’d had the opportunity to go once before but just didn’t think it smart at the time. Looking back I’m grateful that I didn’t go when I had the chance because I don’t think I would have done all that I did this time, probably not even...
VEGAS GETAWAYA STORY OF drunkEN SEX & DIRTY SECRETSFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 1My head was pounding as I tried to fall back asleep. It was no use, of course. I yawned involuntarily and stretched my legs, trying to remember how to open my eyes. I was hung over...seriously hung over. As my eyelids fluttered, I flinched at the brightness in the room. It was probably mid-afternoon by now. I had been up drinking until at least four in the morning. But hey...that's what you're supposed to...
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGASI’d never been in Vegas before, but the other day my sugar daddy called me and asked me to go meet him there. Seems he had some kind of a conference and that would give him an excuse to stay a few extra days and he wanted me to be there with him. I said sure, why not; I’d never been there and I liked spending time with him, plus I was going to stay in a fancy hotel suite (he had to book two rooms for appearances) and he was surely going to buy me lots of...
Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...
The trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...
*************S?ptima parte************* Entr? al ba?o y cerr? la puerta detr?s. Dej? la maquinilla y el gel sobre el lavabo. Ah? me ten?a de nuevo, delante del espejo. El pelo era una aut?ntica mara?a y ten?a ojeras de haber llorado y de no haber dormido lo suficiente (?o lo hab?a hecho?. Segu?a sin saber qu? hora era... ni qu? d?a, ni siquiera qu? a?o). Suspir? y me quit? el pijama. Volv? a mirar mi cuerpo desnudo. Me fij? de nuevo en mis diminutas tetas. ?Joder! ?Ni siquiera estaban proporcionadas!. Eran una peque?a protuberancia con...
Insisto, mi cuñada una gordibuena q me saca d eje, después d tener nuestros primeros encuentros, la relación fue distinta, ya mas confianza, nuestros juegos a doble sentido son mas seguidos, cada vez q la saludo, si estamos solos le como la boca, y le mando mano a su hermoso culo, si hay alguien la apretó bien a mi para sentir esas tetas grandes q me vuelven loco, disimulando un abrazo de familiaEn una ocasión me toco ir a hacer un tramite muy temprano, q al volver a casa la cruzo, iba...
Brander Sharpe sat alone at a cocktail table in the middle of the lounge. He didn’t feel conspicuous, though. This was where he liked to be. It allowed him to survey his surroundings, his opportunities. It also allowed him to be clearly seen. He was the hawk on the treetop.Just beyond the confines of the quiet lounge, the casino buzzed. The chimes of the slot machines, and the rare cheer of some guys hitting it big --or modestly so-- at the tables seeped into the room. It reminded everyone of...
Straight SexDr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...
Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....
*************Decimocuarta parte************* Mi rubia tutora tuvo que consolarme con caricias en el pelo y palabras tranquilizadoras. Yo, por mi parte, estaba m?s que dispuesta a dejarme mimar. Me apoy? sobre su pecho, grande y duro, hasta que mis l?grimas, que por fin hab?an salido en torrente, amainaron de nuevo. ?Despu?s del cambio, los primeros reconocimientos no son agradables, lo s? ?me dec?a, cuando iba recuperando mi compostura?. Ni siquiera conoces a?n tu cuerpo como para que te lo examine ...
KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. FINALE; WINKING OUT IN VEGAS. August 4th, 2006 Cleveland, Ohio Karen Foster Klein's Journal; Let it be said it from the start, 'I'll miss that sweet old bastard.' Thanks to him, I'm stunning in my wedding dress, still waiting for Mom to fix her raccoon eyes before helping with my makeup. While handing her another tissue, I can't help but smile,...
1A Vegas EscapadeKim & James StoryChapter 1 My friends James and Kim where coming to Las Vegas for 10 days vacation. They asked me to make the arrangements for them as they had never been here before. I was happy to take care of their needs while here. We have a saying here, ?hat Happens Here, Stays Here.” James and Kim planned to do some gambling, partying and generally let loose and have a good time. Every thing had been arranged and was ready for their arrival. The Limo...
It was Monday, the day after the incredible sex-filled party weekend my husband Dave and I attended in San Francisco. A lot happened, including a significant change in my job status that included a nice increase in my income.Before leaving the hotel yesterday, Amy had taken me aside and said she had some news about my first assignment as the new “Executive Analyst” and wanted me to have more background information before I departed. I had a good laugh at that title, which I thought was a clever...
ExhibitionismChastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said. "Yeah," she agreed. Then she...