Las Vegas
- 2 years ago
- 63
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The next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed. Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money. Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught. Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats.
Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to recharge the batteries, especially me.
We got up late, ate lightly for breakfast. Sort of wandered around the hotel to marvel at the shops and restaurants. The Bellagio is enormous, and there’s a lot to see, although the shops are like meh and expensive.
Since we did rent a car, I asked if you wanted to drive around and see some of the sites. You agreed, and off we went. We cruised the Strip, and I had forgotten how bad traffic can be. But we had no particular place in mind, and it’s been decades since I saw the Strip and downtown Vegas. We stopped off an exit and just cruised some of the side surface streets. We weren’t looking for anything in particular, but we did enjoy the lights even in the day time.
I turned off the Strip and head toward the freeway but got a little lost. I punched up directions on my cell, and then we saw this club. ‘Little Darlings’ lit up, flashing us, and what really caught my eye was a sign that simply said, ‘Amateur Night.’ I pointed it out to you.
“Oh no, no way,” you said. “You’re not getting me on stage in public. It’s one thing in private even with the curtains drawn back but not in public like that.”
“I dunno, you kind of enjoyed being on display like that. Besides, I know at the end of the day, you’re not going home with anyone else but me.”
“Having all those eyes on me, I'm going to have a panic attack, especially naked.”
“You’ll probably get into show towards the end if not the middle. The lights are pretty bright, and from what I understand, it’s hard to see. You’ll just need a couple of drinks to get you over the hump.”
“I’m going to need a whole freaking bottle,” you laughed.
“Let’s go check it out,” I said.
“Look, I promise I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You know that.”
I saw that brain churning with you finally sighing and said, “OK, but no funny business and no promises. I have to admit I’m a little curious to see what goes in these places.”
“I haven’t been at a strip club since my last time as a visitor in San Francisco. That was several decades ago, and it was pretty tame.”
I parked close but not right in front of the entrance. The bouncer/guard asked for IDs and let us in. The cashier asked which package I wanted to get. I said I was here more information and what was required to sign up for the amateur event. The gal was sweet about the whole thing and patiently went through what was needed to perform as an amateur.
After obtaining all the requisite forms and what the requirements were, we headed back to the hotel. We lounged at the pool and basically just relaxed all day.
Your question caught me off guard by its sudden directness.
“Are you really OK with me stripping in front of strange guys? Aren’t you going to be just a little jealous knowing what they want to do to me?”
“I’ll be jealous, especially if it’s a young stud with six-pack abs, but my concern would be if you would want to? At the club, it’ll be out in the open, and I know what they’ll be thinking when they’re looking…correction, leering at you.”
“You know I wouldn’t, and it’s not even thinkable.”
We continued to have an in-depth discussion on this, and it helped you get your mind straight on how both of us felt about you stripping. In the end, you decided at least to try knowing that at any time, you could back out. You would have total control and even how much you wanted to reveal.
Dinner was decided by you, and you wanted Italian with Lago as the choice. It was a great dinner since it was small plates or almost Tapas. They even had Iberico ham, which I really love. We turned in early that night, with you snuggled up next to me.
The next morning, as we got up, I asked how you felt and did you have a change of heart.
“Nope, right now I’m feeling pretty good about it. I want to continue this journey.”
I smiled at that and gave you a kiss.
“Thanks, babe, but as I said, you can change your mind at any time.”
“I know, and that makes me feel good about it, or at least I know I have a modicum of charge over this event.”
The rest of the day was spent driving and walking around Vegas like regular tourists. We even stopped off to shop at all the major outlets. I swear every single one had the same kind of clothes, just different colors. You did dispute that notion and insisted that it wasn’t valid.
I shrugged it off, and laughing said, “What do I know?”
At the hotel, I asked if there was anything you really wanted for dinner, and you said, “How about some room service?”
We decided to have breakfast for dinner. You opted for a spinach tortilla wrap with goat cheese and romesco sauce, and I went with Eggs Benedict. Neither of us was too talkative, you because of nerves and me not wanting to add any pressure whatsoever onto you.
We got dressed, and I noticed you carrying a small package.
“What’s that?”
“My outfit, silly boy.”
I chuckled and said, “Of course, what was I thinking.”
We left the room and stopped off at the hotel bar. I let you have a drink of some frou-frou whipped cream vodka at the hotel bar, and then we headed out in our rental car.
“God, I’m so nervous about this, but the drink did calm me down.”
“Relax, you’ll be great up there, just remember to look at me and perform to me.”
We got the club, got out, and walked up. I explained why we were here, and the guy let us and pointed us in the right direction. “Hey Julie, this gal is signing up for tonight,” the guy yelled.
“OK, got it. C’mon and sit down folks, and I’ll be back in a minute.
We sat, and within about five minutes, Julie appeared with the paperwork and went over the rules. “This is a full nude place, which is why we don’t serve alcohol. You can do one or the other, but not both.” After signing off and showing IDs, we headed to the booth near the stage you would “working on” and ordered two sodas. I snuck a small airline bottle of tequila and poured it into your drink. “It’ll help you relax a bit more,” I said. “You’ll be relaxed but not falling down drunk.”
Gratefully you sipped the now “adult” drink and let the alcohol worked the magic in you. We watched the girls dance, and you really could feel the energy in this place. Julie came by after about 30 minutes later, which allowed you to finish your drink, and took you backstage, into the dressing room.
[cut to strip scene]
Even without alcohol, the place was noisy and loud. There were a few other girls first, and then finally, it was your turn.
You and I agreed on the button-down dress since it gave you a lot of options, and it was simple yet sexy. There are the waist tie and buttons to remove, but that was all. It didn’t require any unusual movement on your part, including pulling down an outfit or, worse, overhead. It allowed you to control as much or as little that you wanted to expose to the audience. For the music, I suggested Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard. I figured the bass section would help you focus on the rhythm with the pounding bass. It might have been a non-original selection, but you were familiar with it and knew how it ended.
“Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm round of applause to a first-time contestant here at Little Darlings or, for that matter, anywhere else, T A Y L O R. There was loud applause from the gallery knowing they would have a “virgin” performer. I could see your silhouette on the side of the stage, and then they hit you with the lights. The hoop and hollers were loud and appreciative. You flashed a nervous smile when the lights came on you. I could tell you applied heavy makeup, but it was hard to see since you also had a Lone Ranger type mask on you. Still, you looked fabulous and sexy. As for the dress, it was the pink one that framed nicely with your blonde hair.
You strained to find me under the bright lights but only knew about where I was sitting and strutted over to the pole in the middle of the stage. It appeared your John Robert Powers training did come in handy after all. Even though you were nervous, you exuded some confidence, which was really a testament to you. You grabbed the pole with two hands and lean back, shaking your hair and then flashing a big smile in my direction.
You stopped, facing my seat position, slowly pulled on the belt around your waist. When you completed, you held it up like a trophy, and the crowd whistle and hollered appreciatively. A few dollar bills were being tossed on stage. Standing with your back towards me, you moved your hands to the top and then bottom to unbutton the dress. Slowly doing a turn, you showed the audience what you did, and then you raised the hem of your garb to display a lot of bare hips. I’m thinking, is she naked under her outfit? No, she had to at least have her microkini on. As you continue to lift your skirt portion of your dress, just as it got near your pussy line, you let go of the material, dropping the hemline down. Exaggerated but loud sighs of disappointment rippled through the crowd. My cock was hard thinking of you naked underneath your clothing.
You began to unbutton the on the top but stopped and undid the one in the middle. There was a collective groan from the audience, and then someone shouted, “Do the top, do the top.” The rest of the audience picked up the chant, and then you did something that told me you were really getting into it. You leaned on one side on the pole, brought up your other hand, and began wagging it in no-no direction as if to scold the audience. You pouted a bit to ‘show’ displeasure, then reached below to undo another button. Leaning back on the pole, you parted the dress a bit to give exposure to your inner thigh, bringing another big roar. More dollars were now being tossed onto the stage. A sure sign that guys were enjoying it. I was really leaking precum now.
I saw someone from the backstage yell something to you, and then you undid the rest of the buttons. More dollars were being flung to the stage. You shrugged one side of the dress and then the other to bare your shoulders. Turning around so that your back was facing me, and you held up the dress covering your tits until you slowly brought your hands downward, and the top portion of your dress fell below your waist. The folks on that side were tossing bills on the stage, which meant you were naked on top. I was floored that you were exposed on top with nothing beneath, and my cock was straining in my pants just thinking about it. The audience was in ecstasy, and as you turned your head, your smile was all I needed to know that you were enjoying it.
Your eyes acknowledged the power you had over the viewers with a smile that elicited groans of excitement from the audience. At the final beat of the song, you dropped the dress away, and the crowd erupted with catcalls, whistles, cheering like the first couple of gals didn’t get.
Completely naked and exposing your entire body, you then did something I didn’t expect; facing my seat, you squatted down, reached for your pussy, and spread your labia apart. The spectators could see your pussy was shimmering from your juices. Folks were rushing around the stage with everyone trying to get a better look. You then sat down on stage, spreading your legs, you slipped a finger deep inside your pussy. That elicited a groan from you that was genuine and real. The crowd was in a frenzy, and you were making it rain with bills. You worked that finger deep, massaging the walls of your pussy. Pulling your finger out and then showing the audience how your finger glistened from your juices. The spotlight was left on for a bit, and then it went dark.
I could make out your shadow as you scampered quickly off stage, collecting the bills left on stage. A couple of the stagehands helped you pick up the bills and your dress. The next act was announced, but I kept looking for you. Finally, I saw you and you were dressed in the clothes you came and removed all of ‘Taylor’s’ make up. Your eyes were bright and shiny with this over the top smile on your gorgeous face.
“Aren’t you going back up there to see if you won?”
“Nope, don’t care, I made a $200 bucks, and I want to fuck your brains out.”
With that, I paid the bill, and we head back to the hotel with memories that would not be forgotten.
LAS VEGAS The Road Back
Driving back to the hotel was quiet for both us, although as I kept glancing at you, I could see your chest rising and falling at a pretty rapid pace.
I wasn’t concerned that you might have a heart attack but did ask, “Are you OK?”
“Yes,” came back the reply. “I’m shaking a bit, but I think it’s from the adrenaline rush. I was scared, excited, and turned on, all at the same time.”
“I think you were probably scared, at least initially,” I paused, and let thought that sink in. “It’s not exactly your everyday event in your life, hell it’s never been in my life. Seeing you step out on stage, and then the kicker was grasping that you were completely naked underneath that dress.
“Yeah, I know. I decided since it was a short dance, I was just going to give it everything I had and not hold back. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it; hope you’re not mad or upset with me that I didn’t discuss or even tell you.”
“No princess, I was simply overwhelmed with, and well for lack of a better word, horniness.” I mean, everyone, at least the guys, loved it, and you brought so much energy and sex to the number. If a guy’s dick wasn’t hard, he had to be a eunuch.”
That brought laughter much to our relief as I think it bothered you to some degree that you hadn’t said anything beforehand.
“Did you like that last part? I didn’t plan that one, it just seemed like I should really do a show that you or any would forget.”
“Well, you succeeded, and then some. I mean, the place went bananas, and guys were coming from the other rooms to find out why so much noise and cheering was going on. The manager came over and asked if you would dance another number or be willing to perform tomorrow night for another show. I told him I don’t think so. It was a one-time special occasion for us.
“Really? The manager asked if I would do another? Wow, wasn’t expecting that. How do you feel about it if I did another one?”
We arrived at the hotel entrance and pulled the car up and said, “let’s talk about this in the room.”
The valet’s rushed to open up your door and to help you out. I suspect they all knew her as the leggy hot blonde. I got the ticket and handed off the key to the valet.
You placed your arm into my arm, and we walked over to the elevators. Pushing the call button, we waited in silence for the elevator doors to open. Hearing the ding and looking at the lights, when the doors opened, we stepped in, and I selected our floor. Your breathing had returned to a more normal pace, although you still had this giant smile on your face.
Opening the door to our room, the maid had completed the turndown service for us. We turned off the lights and simply took off our clothes. We were in sync and we climbed into bed naked and started kissing each other.
“So, you finally whispered, would you want me to go back and perform?”
“I don’t have issues, but you have to want to go back. It’s not a matter of me wanting you to perform again. You already gave that fantasy and turned it into reality. This time it has to be because you want to. Of course, I’d want to be there, and I’ll admit there would be jealousy just like tonight because I know the guys were looking at you and they were fantasizing what you were like in bed. Hell, they all wanted to fuck you, I know that, and I can’t blame them for it. But I also know that you wouldn’t. Now, you have to tell me how you felt and what you’re thinking about.”
I saw your mind furiously going into overtime mode… typical for you and start over processing things. I said, “let’s start at the very beginning when you went backstage to prepare for the show. What made you decide to go full commando under the outfit?
“It was for you. I knew you were there, and I wanted to really give you a show that you wouldn’t forget. Plus, when I asked about the song, they said fine, but it is just under 5 minutes, there wouldn’t be a whole lot of time for dancing or anything else. Are you mad?”
“Again, nope, not in the least. I was just surprised, but it was a fantastic surprise, and as I said before, not a limp dick in the audience.”
You laughed at that thought and asked, “You really think so?”
“I guarantee it. That does bring me back to the question of would you want to do it again?”
“Right now, I just need to be fucked into oblivion.”
I rolled on top of your body, kissing and nibbling your neck. I always love hearing you moan with delight and being already turned on from earlier this evening, I reached to feel how wet you were. I was not disappointed and felt your slick and wet pussy.
“Yessss, baby, right there. God, I was thinking about you all night long. I know you were looking at me. Did you like how your slut performed?”
“Oh yeah, baby, you were so fucking hot on stage, and watching the guys throwing those dollar bills meant that you were performing a great show. There were guys from other rooms stopping by to find out what was going on.
“I have to admit, I loved the attention that showing off like that did, and what about that last part when I squatted down and spread my slutty cunt?”
“That’s what sent the guys in the room into a frenzy. If their dicks were out, every one of them probably would’ve cummed. In fact, I bet some did.”
I began to enter your hot, juicy pussy and heard you groaning with delight.
“Right there, babe, oh god, I was thinking about your hard cock in me when I squatted. Fuck me, you bastard, I’m your slut, your pleasure slave.”
I plunged deeply into you feeling your sugar walls close tightly around my cock. I continued to fuck you like a man obsessed with owning every intimate inch of you. Again and again, I was compelled and driven to fuck you, to possess you, mind, body, and soul. Our naked bodies were locked together, with our foreheads touching… breathing into each other.
“Oh god, Ryker, don’t stop, keep fucking me,” you implored. “Take me, take me, take me now.”
“Baby, I’m coming, god, I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in me…fill me with your jizz.”
Our pelvis’ slammed into each other desperate to share all of life’s essence. You felt my hard cock expand and contract in you, filling you up and marking you as mine. Your orgasm was like an earthquake from the deepest parts of the earth. Both of us caught in a vise of sexual ecstasy that couldn’t be explained. It had to be felt.
Your quiet sobs of pleasures were noted by me, and I kissed you tenderly, whispering, “Thank you, love.” You were still heaving a bit, trying to catch your breath. We paused in repose, each of us in silent awe of our lovemaking to each other—both of us paying homage to the unseen forces that guided us.
I used my forearms for leverage and took my weight off of you, but you had arms around me and pressed me forward, so our naked bodies touched again. We kissed as ardent lovers do, both of us enjoying the moment.
“Shower?” I asked.
“No, I want to keep your scent and mine together for as long as possible.
With that, we kissed and fell asleep.
LAS VEGAS Morning After
My body clock woke me up even though the blackout curtain was closed and did an excellent job of keeping the sunlight out. I rolled out of bed after moving my arm that was under you. It tingled as the blood came back into my arteries. I looked down at your naked body and felt how lucky I was to have you in my life. I got, walked over to the bathroom, closing the door behind. I flipped the light on and was momentarily dazzled by the brightness of it. God, my body was a little stiff, and it was letting me know. I took a pee sitting since I didn’t have to aim it and decided a shower was in order.
I opened the shower door and flipped the water to let it heat up a bit before engaging the shower mode. I stepped and closed the door to let water pour over me. Jeez, that felt good, and my limbs started coming back to life. I did the Hollywood shower routine and simply let the water cascade over me for a while. It relaxed and untighten my muscles. I must have zoned out because I was startled for a moment when I felt a naked body press up against my back. I tensed and then calm down because I knew it was you that had entered my space.
I turned to face you and pull you under the indoor rain. You looked up, closed your eyes, and allowed the water to pour down your body. We kissed and holding on to each other. We stayed under the “rain” and enjoyed the sensation. I pushed you back to get you out of the water, reached for the shampoo, and began to wash your hair.
“Mmmm, that feels good, babe.”
“My pleasure,” as I kissed you again.
I gently massaged your scalp, scooping up your long hair to wash as well. Your eyes were closed, but you had this big grin on your face while I was scrubbing your hair and scalp.
“Enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Yep, this way better than the hairstylist.”
I pulled you under the running water and rinsed off the shampoo. I put a dollop of body wash on my hand began to wash your form. I took a swipe across to leave soap trails on your back and breasts, then turn you around to let you lean your frame against me. I rubbed my hands all over your globes and watched your nipples harden. I let my hands roam down to your tummy and then lifted your arms up, parallel to the ground so I could soap those down. You giggled as I rubbed the underarm portion. Moving your arms down, I slowly spun you around to face you and began washing your back. We kissed, and then I lean down to start kissing your tits.
“Ooo, that feels so good.” Then you gasped as you felt me sucking on your nipple. First one side then the other. Your nipples got even more erect. I turned you around and told you to lean on your arms. You looked puzzled until I told you to spread your legs. Complying, I got more soap and began washing your legs. You lifted your foot up so I could bathe them, and again you giggled at the sensation. Getting more soap, I started to lightly scrub your intimate areas with my hands.
“Yeesss baby, that feels so good,” you cooed. I washed the twin globes of your ass and spread them apart. I cleaned your anus and heard you suck in your breath at the first touch. “Oh god, that feels so naughty when you touch me there. I’m so bad, but I can’t help loving that.”
“That’s because only bad girls like that,” I intoned.
“And I am such a bad girl, such a dirty slut.”
“Yes, my dirty slut.”
“Ohhhh, god, yes…” you whimpered as you felt my finger penetrate your anus. “Finger fuck my slutty ass, oh jeez, what you do to me.”
I reached around to finger your clit, and your cries of passion told me to continue. I kept up the pace for a few minutes, letting your climax get close, and then I pulled out my finger from your anus.
“No, no, god damn it, don’t stop, please, I want it. Use my ass, make me yours,” you entreated.
Then you felt your anus being stretched again. “Oh god, babe, that’s it,” as you felt my hard cock trying to fuck you. You gasped when my cock head popped through your anus ring.
“Oh god, oh god, I’m yours, I’m your dirty fucking slutty whore.”
“Yes,” I panted as I slowly began to plunge my cock deeper into your ass. You moaned with delight and pain.
Finally, I was all the way in. Pausing for a moment to let you get used to my cock, I slowly withdrew and went back in again. I began a slow pace to allow you to get used to and reached in front to rub your clit. Your cries of ecstasy let me know that you were spellbound and loving it.
“God, Ryker, that feels so good, fuck my ass, you bastard. Fuck this dirty whore’s ass and use me for your pleasure. You own me.”
Faster and faster, I fucked you. I kept rubbing your clit and felt the walls of your anus start to contract around my cock.
“I’m cumming, oh god, don’t stop, don’t stop, fucking my ass,” you shouted.
That did it; I felt that urgent need to spill my seed into you. “Take it, take it, you bitch, take my cum up your ass.”
My cock pushed forward to get as deep into you as possible while you obliged and tried to slam your ass back toward my cock. I could feel your anus walls contracting as you were orgasming. For just a few moments, nothing in the world existed but us.
Finally, we both were spent and exhausted. I pulled out with a plop and helped you stagger up to stand. “How do you feel?”
“Used and abused, but I loved it, every moment. I loved having you cum in my ass like that.”
C’mon, I’ll wash you up again.”
I began cleaning you again the same way I started but without washing your hair.
“Good thing we ain’t paying the water bill.”
We both laughed at that, knowing we're in here for quite a while.
“I’d say let’s use the hot tub, but my hands are already getting pruney.”
“Well, it’s my turn to wash you up.”
You had me bend my head a little more to let you shampoo my hair and then proceed to soap up the rest of my body. You took extra care of washing and being tender with my cock. We stood under the shower for a while as we let the water rinse off all of the soap residues.
We stepped outside, and I handed the towel to you. Drying off, we both looked forward to the day’s next adventure.
Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...
Love StoriesI went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...
I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...
Las Vegas (m/f)I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot.I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female...
Viva Las VegasIt was a great early summer day. Oh the weather was hot and humid as usual in Atlanta, and my husband was out of town for a couple of weeks, again, but it was a great day anyway. My best friend Sara and I were going to Vegas! School was finally out, how sick I had gotten of chasing six graders! I started calling the boys sex graders, just trying to figure this idea out, and so obnoxious as they did. In addition the home situation was not very good that year. My husband was...
© 2002 LaffWithMe Press "Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation." Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been...
"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez, it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied."With Dress A, you'd be making a statement. It does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal.""Dress B, on the other hand, allows you to reveal as much as you want. I know it's not your color, but looking at...
ExhibitionismI met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot. I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female form at any...
TabooAs with all my stories, the only deviation from the truth is caused by mymemory.This sucktale takes place in a Las Vegas peep show. There are several peepshows in Vegas that are much grittier than the ones down close to the stripwhere the tourists go. The locals head up to downtown to Main street.Some tourists in the know go to the crisscross of filthy streetswhere there are three or four bookstores, but mostly local white trash men,married straight middle-class locals, a lot of blacks, street...
LAS VEGAS - The Private Show I got some water for you, which you drank copiously. “Ah, that’s good, thanks, I needed to rehydrate. Now it’s my turn,” you smiled wickedly. “Just stay there on the bed, this will take a while to prep.” Curious, I did what I was told and turned on the nightstand lights while I waited. Flipped the TV on since I suspected I might be here a while, I did what any red-blooded male does, channel surf. There really wasn’t much to see, and it wasn’t like home where I...
ExhibitionismIn the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I’d like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. Selene sat in post-orgasmic reverie following her encounter with the lovely stripper Savannah. As the lovely black girl left, she slipped her phone number in my sweet girl’s hand. “ Was I bad, daddy?” Selene asked. “ No, you were very good, baby,” I replied. Selene smiled sweetly at me. “She was a very nice girl to play with. I'd like to meet her again.” “ Maybe you...
Taboo"This isn't Crys, but don't hang up," I said quickly to Sealy, the bouncer at COEDS – the bouncer who'd thrown me out of the club on the night that Crystal had had a near-fatal car accident – and, finally, the guy who was probably one of Crys's main friends in Las Vegas. "Crystal had a car accident last night and is in the hospital. This is James Starzck, the guy you threw out of the club last night." There was pause in the conversation. On my end, because I didn't want to say...
My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a f****y so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant. Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he ‘got around’ alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got...
I had talked to Cathy on line for several months. She lived in another state, was married and not able to travel very much so we had never met. We exchanged Email, "action" pictures, and vids. We often masturbated together on line. She gave me her phone number so that we could masturbate while talking on the phone. On one occasion she said "listen to this..." and I heard wet sounds, "squish, squish..." She said a bit breathlessly, "what you hear is my fingers in my pussy as I held the phone...
My husband and I have been married about five years when we saved up enough money to go to Las Vegas. We thought it was time wo go and see what all the hub bub is all about. And we thought that would be a good time to start a family so I quit taking my pill so that we could try to get pregnant.Now my husband is a really good looking guy and I know he "got around" alot before I met him. I also know that he had been to Vegas a couple of times before. We arrived on a Saturday early and got settled...
Toni und ich eilten durch den Flughafen, um nach Las Vegas zu fliegen . Wir waren wie immer zu spät dran und es waren nur noch drei Minuten, bevor das Flugzeug abflog. Egal wohin wir gingen, wir schienen immer zu spät zu sein. Obwohl ich kein Problem damit hatte, bereit zu sein, musste Toni immer sicherstellen, dass Haare, Make-up und Kleidung perfekt waren, bevor sie das Haus verließ. Für mich als ihr Ehemann hatte dies Vorteile und Nachteile. Meistens war es kein Problem, einfach zu spät zu...
So this story starts with a business trip to Las Vegas, I was there for a convention but was going to stay thru the weekend for a bit of R&R as it finished on a Thursday and it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity. I had been out with a few colleagues on the Thursday night and as many had early flight they headed to their rooms and left me to my own devices. I thought I would have a nightcap before retiring, the bar was packed with all the conventioneers and I found a small table in a...
John looked around the parking lot anxiously. As the sole proprietor of his business, Show Tune Tours, he was responsible to make sure that customers showed upon time. The bus had arrived on time, thankfully, but there seemed to be some stragglers. After loading up the beer and double-checking to make sure he had everything, John disembarked and welcomed the passengers scheduled to come on the trip. He shook their hands and greeted them warmly as they filed into the bus. He leaned out the door...
I have not seen my cousin Jessica in a year. We always hung out with each other. we told each other everything and pleased each other oraly. Then her mom remarried and moved away and I haven't seen her since. But now I can finally get the chance I missed back in having sex with my cousin ”Derrick hurry up” my stepmom said ” have you seen your sister” ” no I haven't” I replied as my step sister Casey sucked my Dick ” what do you mean you haven't i'm right here sucking ur cock” ”sshhhh”...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46. I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone. “I haven’t kissed you,” I said. “No, you haven’t,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice. I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very...
Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...
I was quickly approaching burn out at work. My last raise was a whopping 25 cents. Whoopee!! My girlfriend broke up with me six months prior, and I found out that two weeks before she broke up with me she got drunk and fucked her neighbor. So I was trapped in a joyless job with shit pay, and I hadn't been laid in half a year. I had tried dating in the mean time, but nothing ever worked out. I even came right out and asked a woman if she wanted to have sex. That's how desperate I was to get my...
Last week my husband had a business trip to wonderful Las Vegas and after some talking we thought it would be a good way to take a little trip for us as well. So i got my tickets and went with him. He had a two day meeting so i had free time to myself during the days filled with much needed sleeping in and time at the pool. At night we went out and enjoyed what the town had to offer. Well Friday his last day of his meetings I thought i would be a little sexy for him and bought a new tight black...
In the last part of the story, Selene and I met in Las Vegas for some full-time daddy daughter roleplay. She is 18 and I am 46.I had just finished making Selene come with my tongue and she lay stretched across bed looking thoroughly ravished. Her red hair was wild across the pillows and green eyes shone.“I haven't kissed you,” I said.“No, you haven't,” Selene answered in a post orgasmic husky voice.I leaned down to kiss her pink and soft lips. Her skin was still damp to the touch. She very much...
TabooThe big diesel was purring as we moved along Highway 93 toward Boulder Dam. Mickey was sitting in her usual place on the couch looking out the windows and enjoying the desolate beauty of the desert as we ate up mile after mile. Things had changed between us since our time at the Grand Canyon. It was there that I had finally admitted to myself, but most importantly to her, that I was in love with her. To my great relief, she admitted the same. The extra day we spent there was not for playing...
As a boarded the plane I wasnt looking at where in the hell I was going and my cock erect from hot girls back at the boarding dock, I bumped into one of them hot girls, who my cock wounded up going straight in her ass. =WHAP= I didn't know what happened but the next thing I knew security was already on the plane. "Whats goin on here" the officer asked She pointed at me and said "That perv is trying to rape me take him away". I denied the situation of course; one thing I've learned...
Clarence pulled himself together, but left the tie undone. Xenia grabbed the shopping bag, but left the panties inside. Taking his hand, Xenia led him out of the private room and out of the strip club. She didn’t think they could walk all the way back to the hotel without winding up fucking in some dark corner and she wasn’t a fan of public sex, so she hailed a cab and had the driver quickly take them back to the hotel. Back in the room, Xenia noticed that the clock said 2:30. The sun would...
Wife LoversWe made it to Vegas. We drove along I-15 through the heat of the desert and made it to our hotel. We were giggling like kids, but that’s because this wasn’t so much of a vacation as a mission. You see, my lover revealed a fantasy. A fantasy I would like to explore with her. We checked into the hotel, and took the elevator up to the 16th floor. We checked into our room. It was a nice room. I didn’t cut corners on the room. It had a nice king size bed and a nice size in-room hot tub. It also had...
Straight SexSeveral times since between our the ‘lap dance’ and our departure for our 10th anniversary trip to Vegas, Stephanie asked me if I had figured out where I was taking her. This was, I assumed, in reference to her request to go to a strip club while we were there. I had indeed found what I thought would be a good club, Treasures. It was one I had indeed been to and seemed to offer a good mix of classiness and potential for some naughtiness. We landed about 10:30 on Thursday morning and caught a...
Siento mucho el retraso en terminar esta historia. Aqu? pongo las partes que faltan para terminar el primer libro. Comentarios, opiniones, o lo que quer?is, pod?is dirigirlos a [email protected]. Comments welcome. You may locate me at [email protected] *************Decimoquinta parte************* Cuando bajamos las escaleras, yo era una chica nueva. Estaba cansada y sudada y seguro que mi maquillaje necesitaba un retoque bastante importante, pero me sent?a contenta. Ni siquiera la i...
You may think that your broke ass doesn’t belong at a place like Royal Vegas Casino. I don’t know if I should disagree with that. If this was a physical casino that looks as lustrous as it sounds, I would probably be correct.But this isn’t a physical casino. Royal Vegas Casino is an online casino that brings a taste of the high life of the Vegas strip to your neck of the woods. And the online casino differs wildly from the typical Vegas attractions, anyway. Skip the endless ocean of STDs,...
Betting SitesDid the Pandemic kill your weekly trip to the local casino? Who the fuck even wants to visit that disease-ridden place anyway?! I say good riddance! Besides, you don’t need to visit a casino to get that fucking bet on!In its place, you could visit New Vegas and take a gander at all the casino action you are missing out on. Quickly, you will be convinced that casinos can take place outside your local establishment. You can bet and win big wherever you are! New Vegas makes it happen, and it all...
Betting SitesVegas By The Professor "Have you ever seen anything like it?" The man who asked that over my shoulder was the last person I would have expected to say that. Lt. Matt Henshaw, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, had probably seen more strange things than most people could ever imagine. I didn't answer him, because if I said yes, I'd be compromising classified material, but in fact, this wasn't the first time I'd seen anything like it - or rather pictures of it during...
Las 55 reglas de oro de una esclava por Whipmaster [email protected] Estas que encontrareis a continuación resumidas en 55 puntos son lasnormas básicas de comportamiento que un Amo debería inculcara su esclava a lo largo del proceso de doma y aprendizaje con la finalidadde determinar con meridiana claridad los roles que son propios de una buenay completa relación Amo/esclava. Partimos de la base que esta relaciónes una relación sana entre personas adultas, libremente aceptada y...
We were at home 1 night watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it to hear an old friend of Angels ask to speak to her. He was a Country Western star & band leader that Angel had met years before we met the 1st time when he was performing at a bar she was a cocktail waitress at then. He took a liking to her then & during a break he asked her to dance & after the show to a late dinner. Dinner then led to his room & more fun that night. Then he asked her to join his troupe...
Brander Sharpe sat alone at a cocktail table in the middle of the lounge. He didn’t feel conspicuous, though. This was where he liked to be. It allowed him to survey his surroundings, his opportunities. It also allowed him to be clearly seen. He was the hawk on the treetop.Just beyond the confines of the quiet lounge, the casino buzzed. The chimes of the slot machines, and the rare cheer of some guys hitting it big --or modestly so-- at the tables seeped into the room. It reminded everyone of...
Straight SexI did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...
If you are new to my stories, everything that you read is a true event in which I participated. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I write these stories to document my change from a shy virgin to a DOM BBC Bull. The stories are written in chronological order. If you haven’t read all of the older stories, you are missing some of the background information. A good friend of mine from back East called me up one day and asked if I would be interested in meeting him...
*************Decimotercera parte************* El agotamiento me venci? pronto. Eran poco m?s de las diez cuando not? c?mo se me cerraban los ojos a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Mi primera intenci?n fue acostarme. Pero claro... ?el maquillaje! As? que tuve que hacer de tripas coraz?n (unas tripas que segu?an implorando m?s comida despu?s de la escueta cena) e ir al ba?o a devolver mi cara a un estado natural que cada vez iba a ver menos y menos en mi vida. Aprovech? para aliviarme. No me hubiera gustado despertar...
The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales, profits,...
Wife LoversI’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...
CuckoldMy wife, Pamela Smithe, and I, Daniel Smithe, had always been fairly open about our sexual fantasies. But I thought she was holding back on me a bit. There was nothing I could specifically point to, just a feeling I had whenever I watched her when we discussed our fantasies.Our tenth anniversary was coming up, and one night as we were laying in bed after making love, Pam asked, “Do you trust me to plan something special for us to celebrate our tenth anniversary? I really want to surprise...
Bisexual(Note, translated from the German, original blog by tanjamami.)Again and again I had heard and read about how great Black men were in bed and that a white woman who has had a black, will never want a white man anymore. I could not quite imagine this. I felt as if I was alone in the big city eager to find out where to find a black man, with whom I can go to bed. I was eager to learn - the only thing missing was the man.One day I met a pitch-black African at a party. I had been invited by the...
*************Novena parte************* Me acerqu? directamente a la persona que atend?a el bar. Era una mujer de unos cuarenta y tantos a?os, muy bien conservada. Estaba sentada delante de la caja registradora. Ten?a el pelo rubio (creo que no he visto tantas rubias juntas en mi vida) en un conservador peinado recogido en un mo?o bajo. Era muy delgada y s?lo destacaban dos impresionantes pechos, algo ca?dos, en su figura recta como la de una escoba. Vest?a un feo uniforme de camarera de rayas verdes y bla...
*************Duod?cima parte************* A medida que avanzaba la tarde entend? por qu? Dalia nunca parec?a estar en una postura relajada, aunque estuviera sentada, comiendo o de cualquier otra manera. Al parecer, mi due?o hab?a elegido para m? que fuera elegante y sexy al mismo tiempo. Eso requer?a aprender toda una nueva forma de moverme, de sentarme y hasta de comer. En algunos puntos me parec?a a los juegos gestuales de mi nueva amiga, pero en otros me separaba. Ella era m?s... vulgar hasta en eso. Per...
This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them. I know that having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed: 1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve. 2. Voting that...
Fear And Lusting In Las Vegas By Cooper There is nothing more depraved than beer drunk Southern Baptists on a tear in Las Vegas. Nothing. Spending most of the year wearing pants that are three sizes too small in the crotch area, married to frigid women with bee-hive hairdos on their heads-- and in their skirts-- pounding Bibles and burning crosses, these hypocrisy-drenched Jesus freaks come to Vegas once a year, hit the Casinos and make Jim Morrison look like Jim Baker. Let...
*************Octava parte************* Apenas un minuto m?s tarde estaba de nuevo sentada ante el tocador donde Isabel hab?a depilado mis cejas la tarde anterior. Repar? que estaba lleno de productos que no hab?a visto en mi ?ltima visita. ?Todo esto es lo que vas a tener que aprender a usar, Laura ?me dijo Isabel con su voz siempre agradable. Con la rotundidad de su cuerpo, con su belleza y con esa voz tan profundamente sensual, una idea me daba vueltas por la cabeza. ?C?mo pod?a carecer de de...
‘CindySpice, you are an amazing woman.’ Hello Las Vegas! That was my motto for three beautiful nights and two and a half days. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, how true that is. At least it is for me. I had never been to Las Vegas before though I’d had the opportunity to go once before but just didn’t think it smart at the time. Looking back I’m grateful that I didn’t go when I had the chance because I don’t think I would have done all that I did this time, probably not even...
VEGAS GETAWAYA STORY OF drunkEN SEX & DIRTY SECRETSFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 1My head was pounding as I tried to fall back asleep. It was no use, of course. I yawned involuntarily and stretched my legs, trying to remember how to open my eyes. I was hung over...seriously hung over. As my eyelids fluttered, I flinched at the brightness in the room. It was probably mid-afternoon by now. I had been up drinking until at least four in the morning. But hey...that's what you're supposed to...
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGASI’d never been in Vegas before, but the other day my sugar daddy called me and asked me to go meet him there. Seems he had some kind of a conference and that would give him an excuse to stay a few extra days and he wanted me to be there with him. I said sure, why not; I’d never been there and I liked spending time with him, plus I was going to stay in a fancy hotel suite (he had to book two rooms for appearances) and he was surely going to buy me lots of...
Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...
The trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...
*************S?ptima parte************* Entr? al ba?o y cerr? la puerta detr?s. Dej? la maquinilla y el gel sobre el lavabo. Ah? me ten?a de nuevo, delante del espejo. El pelo era una aut?ntica mara?a y ten?a ojeras de haber llorado y de no haber dormido lo suficiente (?o lo hab?a hecho?. Segu?a sin saber qu? hora era... ni qu? d?a, ni siquiera qu? a?o). Suspir? y me quit? el pijama. Volv? a mirar mi cuerpo desnudo. Me fij? de nuevo en mis diminutas tetas. ?Joder! ?Ni siquiera estaban proporcionadas!. Eran una peque?a protuberancia con...
Insisto, mi cuñada una gordibuena q me saca d eje, después d tener nuestros primeros encuentros, la relación fue distinta, ya mas confianza, nuestros juegos a doble sentido son mas seguidos, cada vez q la saludo, si estamos solos le como la boca, y le mando mano a su hermoso culo, si hay alguien la apretó bien a mi para sentir esas tetas grandes q me vuelven loco, disimulando un abrazo de familiaEn una ocasión me toco ir a hacer un tramite muy temprano, q al volver a casa la cruzo, iba...
Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...
Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....