Anniversary Trip ch 1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers
- 4 years ago
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My wife, Pamela Smithe, and I, Daniel Smithe, had always been fairly open about our sexual fantasies. But I thought she was holding back on me a bit. There was nothing I could specifically point to, just a feeling I had whenever I watched her when we discussed our fantasies.
Our tenth anniversary was coming up, and one night as we were laying in bed after making love, Pam asked, “Do you trust me to plan something special for us to celebrate our tenth anniversary? I really want to surprise you!”.
“Sure,” I said, running my fingers around her still erect nipples, “Vegas would be fun. I leave it in your capable hands.”
Pam didn’t say another word about our anniversary celebration. About a week later, I was curious and asked, “How is the planning going?”
“Just fine,” she replied, not giving me any hints or saying anything else about it.
I tried again to get her to give me some of the details, but she just changed the subject. The only thing she said was, “Make sure you take off the Friday and Monday of our anniversary weekend, I think we will need that time!” and then winked at me as she walked away. She was such a tease at times! But I loved her, so I requested that Friday and Monday off from work and was ready for our trip.
Friday before our anniversary we took a mid-morning flight out to Vegas. We found our hotel and settled into our room. I was happy to see it was a nice-sized suite. I reached out for Pam after we walked into the room, thinking that we really should start celebrating a bit. She just slapped my hand and told me, “There will be plenty of time for that! Now, let’s unpack and then walk around and see what’s here. Maybe we can find a show to see tonight.”
“A show tonight?” I thought as I finished unpacking my things. “The only show I want to see tonight stars her and me and will be x-rated. I certainly hope she doesn’t blow me off again when it comes to sex.”
Done unpacking, we kissed and walked down to the elevators, taking them down to the lobby. Getting out, Pam surveyed the chaos and pulled me behind her making her way towards the street exit. Once out on the street, she said, “I just want to walk down the strip a bit and see what is going on. We can stop in at Caesar’s and the Bellagio to see what acts they have playing too.”
As a love-struck husband, I followed her lead down the strip. We passed all sorts of folks letting loose and enjoying themselves. We stopped at the Bellagio, but they didn’t have anything playing that she wanted to see. At Caesar’s, she found a singer that she liked and we were able to get tickets for the 9 pm show.
We kept walking the strip Friday afternoon. We’d stop at a casino and play a little, but then would soon continue down the strip. Around 5:15 pm, we both were getting a bit hungry, so we started looking for a place to have dinner. We settled on a restaurant in one of the hotels. They had decent food and really good drinks. We had a few too many and decided to take a cab back to the Bellagio – it was about 8:30 pm. We played a little at the casino then made our way to the show. It was a good show – it had all the over-the-top theatrics you would expect from a top show in Vegas. Afterward, we stopped at a little bar and had a few more drinks on the way back to our hotel. We stumbled into our room around midnight. We were both tired so decided to call it a night. I hoped we might be able to enjoy all things sexy when we get into bed. But, even though we both slept naked, Pam passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I was then beginning to develop a major case of blue balls. ‘Oh well,’ I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep, ‘I’m sure we can have some fun tomorrow before breakfast.’
However, Saturday, our anniversary, she was long gone when I awoke. After looking in the bathroom, I found a note she left me. First, she said that she had picked out an outfit that she wanted me to wear to dinner and left it in the bathroom. Finally, she said she was going to be at the hotel spa all day to get ready, but that I should enjoy myself—go golfing or play some poker. Now, I was getting a bit pissed. We were supposed to be celebrating our tenth anniversary, and to me, that meant reenacting our honeymoon. Well, maybe not all of it, but I thought we would at least have had sex a couple of times by our anniversary breakfast.
Knowing how Pam gets, I knew that calling her would not change a thing. She would be at the spa until dinner just as she said. So, I was stuck in Vegas effectively by myself on my anniversary! ‘Just awesome!’ I thought as I jumped into the shower. After a quick shower, I changed into some casual wear and headed downstairs to find breakfast. While it was only a fleeting thought, I did think about catching a flight home if Pam was going to act this way on our anniversary trip. I was feeling very neglected and quite sexually frustrated. I hoped things changed significantly this evening. Otherwise I was going to catch a flight home tomorrow. I found a breakfast bar and indulged—they had waffles and crepes and great coffee. I just wished I could have shared all of it with Pam.
Glumly, I set about finding a poker game. I wanted one that wasn’t too high stakes. I finally found one like that and bought in. Sitting down, I picked up my cards and settled in to play. I lost a couple and won a couple. I likely had come out about even, so I excused myself from the table around noon and went looking for lunch. I found a Japanese restaurant and decided to give it a try. While the meal was good, I was still suffering from some self-pity by being abandoned by Pam.
Thinking about what to do, I decided that I was on my own today and Pam apparently didn’t want to spend the day with me. So, I made my mind up and walked out the hotel lobby and back onto the strip. Before walking too far, I spotted what I was looking for – a strip club. I paid the $20 cover charge and the $20 minimum drink order and went in. I was not expecting Saturday afternoon to be too busy nor for the women performing to be the top performers, but I was very pleasantly surprised. There was a woman dancing and several more taking orders. The dancer had the wholesome, next-door-neighbor type of look to her. She was a beautiful blond that knew how to move her body. I watched her for a bit and worked on my beer that a waitress had brought.
I reached in my pocket and grabbed a couple of singles. I motioned to the dancer, and she made her way over to where I was sitting at the bar and smiled at me. She moved her leg with her garter belt closer to me, and I tucked the singles away. She then got back up and danced a bit more. Her set ended, and a curvaceous brunette came out on stage. She looked fantastic and had my full attention as she danced on stage. I again gave her a tip once her set was winding down. The guy behind the bar announced that there would be an intermission and then things would start again.
I looked around and spotted the brunette walking towards me from behind the stage.
“Hi, gorgeous!” I said, offering her the seat next to me, “what are you drinking?”
“Sorry honey, I can’t drink while on duty, and I will be dancing the next set.” She said sitting down.
“Sprite.” She said to the barman.
Turning to me she said, “Let me guess, in Vegas, your friends abandoned you, and you decided to stop in here?”
“No, but close,” I replied. “My wife and I are here to celebrate our anniversary. She decided she needed a spa day today, so I’m on my own.”
“Hmm. That wasn’t very smart of her then,” the brunette responded, winking at me.
“Um…why not?” I asked, getting a bit tongue-tied around her.
“Because silly, any woman around here looking for a quality guy will spot you a mile away.”
“So?” I asked
“Well, if a woman were looking for a quality guy and spotted you, she would be on you as quick as can be.” She replied smiling at me.
“You mean, like you?” I laughed in response.
“Hmmm. Perhaps. My name is Cindy by the way.” She answered looking me up and down.
“Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Danny.” I replied, and continued, “While I am flattered, I am married and will not cheat on my wife.”
“I admire your loyalty and ethics,” Cindy responded. “But, if your circumstances change and you’d like to enjoy my company sometime, just let me know. Here is my card.” Cindy said handing Danny her business card as she stood up and made her way back towards the backstage entrance.
I couldn’t believe what had just happened. That gorgeous woman just hit on me, and I turned her down!
‘Damn! Pam better make it up to me tonight. Otherwise, I really will need to catch a flight home tomorrow – far too much temptation here in Vegas.’ I thought as I finished my beer and settled in to watch the next set.
When the next set was just about over, my phone buzzed. Looking down I noticed it was a text from Pam. All it said was, “Be sure you clean your ass out really good before dinner honey. I want that for my dessert!”
Just reading that caused my cock to stiffen in my shorts. Looking at my watch, I decided it was time to head back to the room and get ready, especially if I was going to follow my wife’s instructions.
I waved good-bye to the barman and the waitress that had been helping me out, leaving her a nice tip. I made my way back to my hotel room and decided another shower was in order. Before that though, I broke out my enema kit and used it to clean out my ass thoroughly before my shower. I dressed in the outfit Pam had laid out for me. Funny, she had not left any underwear, so I followed her instructions to the letter and did not put any on. At the very least, I can use that to embarrass her a bit.
Just as I was finishing up, Pam swept into our suite.
“Hi honey, I’m back!” she called out as she made her way to her dresser and began pulling out her clothes for dinner.
“Oh, hi. Nice to see you finally on our anniversary!” I snarkily replied as I finished drying my hair.
“Now, don’t be like that. I told you we’d have dinner tonight and I needed to look my best, so a spa day was in order,” She replied walking into the bathroom with her outfit.
“Well, it’s a little hard not to be upset when your wife abandons you on your anniversary in Vegas, and you haven’t made love to her since you arrived!” I hotly responded.
“I know honey,” she said, “We will have plenty of time tonight. Don’t worry about it. I am going to rock your world. You are going to get to experience something you have never had before, and I know you are going to love it!”
“Well, it better be good. Because right now I am considering catching a flight home tomorrow. Your idea of an anniversary trip to Vegas is not at all like mine. So far it has left out all celebrations, and there has been no sex. If I wanted that I would have come to Vegas with my friends!”
To her credit, Pam didn’t say another word. She walked up to me, grabbed my head in her hands and planted a toe-curling kiss on me that involved a significant amount of tongue. I felt myself melting at her touch. She reached down and rubbed my cock through my dress pants and said, “Just wait. After dinner, you are going to be very satisfied. We both will be. But I need you at your horniest to strengthen the impact. Okay, honey? You know how much I love sucking your cock. If it weren’t for the surprise, I would have been down on my knees when we first got here and sucked you off. Also, I knew I couldn’t trust myself around you today, so I had to go to the spa. Don’t worry, tonight will be so worth it!” she said while she continued to plant kisses on my lips and cheeks.
“Okay. I’ll trust that you have a major surprise that will blow my socks off tonight. However, if it doesn’t and if we don’t have sex, then I am leaving on the first flight tomorrow. You have no idea how much temptation is around in Vegas, and I want to remain faithful.” I replied looking her square in the eye.
“Okay, that works for me. Now get out of the bathroom so I can get ready for dinner.” She said pushing me out the bathroom door.
Almost an hour later, Pam emerged from our bathroom. She was a vision! She was wearing her little black dress, the pearls I had bought her for last Christmas, stockings, and black high heels! Her naturally blonde hair was set off magnificently by the dress’ color. It was a simple, but oh so very sexy combination that she used to lethal effect with me. Seeing how beautiful she looked stepping out of the bathroom, all my anger vanished, and I started thinking about getting to unwrap her when we got back from dinner.
“Okay, let me grab my purse, and we can head down. I want to have a drink before dinner.” Pam said walking over to the dresser and picking up her clutch.
“You look amazing!” I replied walking to the door to hold it open for her.
“Thank you, Sir!” she said as she walked into the hallway.
All the way down to the lobby, I kept stealing glances of my gorgeous wife in her phenomenal outfit. I caught her slightly smiling a couple of times. I guess she could tell the effect she was having on me. All I will say is that I had to adjust my pants before we got off the elevator.
We walked across the lobby and down to where there was a quiet bar near the restaurant she had selected. A waiter approached, and Pam quickly said, “I’ll have white wine and bring my husband a gin and tonic.”
We sat there watching each other as we enjoyed our drinks and the piano playing in the bar. After about a half hour, we had both finished two drinks, and Pam said, “Well, let’s not be late!” and stood up.
I followed suit, and we walked arm in arm down to the restaurant. They sat us quickly in a darkened booth at the back. The restaurant was an Italian trattoria, and we soon were enjoying some fabulous Italian cuisine.
After we finished our main course, the waiter brought out the dessert menu. I looked at my wife, and she said, looking at the waiter, “I think we can find something better,” as she gave me a wink. My cock stirred a bit in anticipation.
Arm in arm we walked back through the lobby and took the elevator up to our room.
Once inside, Pam suggested, “Why don’t you lie down on the bed?”
I did, thinking we’d soon both be naked and enjoying one another. She walked over to the bed and started kissing me deeply. Slowly her hands pulled something from behind her back and started putting in on my head. The next thing I knew, she had slipped a hood over my head. The hood did not have any cutouts for my eyes but did have cutouts for my mouth and nose.
“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked starting to stand up and reaching for the hood.
Pam pushed me back down on the bed, grabbing my hands, and said, “Relax. You are going to love this! Now, whatever happens, just go with it. I love you and think we will both enjoy this.” Then she took my hands and cuffed them to the headboard.
I heard her moving about in the room. It sounded like she was on her phone. A bit later I heard the door to our suite open. Someone else was now in our room! Neither my wife nor this new person said a word. Then I heard the stereo turn on with some nice jazz, and I couldn’t hear what they were doing. Suddenly I felt hands on my waist working at undoing my pants. My belt got unbuckled, then my pants were undone, and someone was tugging them down under my ass and down my legs. They unbuttoned my dress shirt and let it hang to my sides. My chest was completely bare and exposed. I heard my wife’s excited breath as I felt another hand grab and pull on my hardening cock.
It was wild laying there in complete darkness not able to see who was undressing me nor what my wife was doing. I kept imagining that she had paid a call girl to meet up with us so that we could enjoy a threesome. ‘That would be awesome!’ I thought.
I felt someone climb on the end of the bed and slowly inch up between my legs. They licked my legs up to my belly button and then down the sides of my thighs. My cock grew even harder just anticipating where their tongue would go next. The first tongue kept licking up and down my thighs. I felt another tongue then start at my belly and lick down to my balls. Slowly the mouth attached to that tongue opened and engulfed one of my balls. The person sucked on it for a bit, then let it go and moved to my other ball. My cock grew even harder. Then the other tongue started licking the slit of my cock, just licked right into it and if I weren’t cuffed to the bed I would have jumped.
One of the people then moved across me, and I felt soft womanly flesh. The next thing I felt was a pussy being lowered to my lips. I reached out with my tongue and started to lick and suck it, being rewarded with moans and gasps that I recognized belonged to my wife. The other person continued to focus on my cock and balls. Suddenly, the other person swallowed my entire cock and used their tongue to lick my balls. I just about erupted from that but caught myself and refocused my efforts on my wife’s pussy. Slowly, the other mouth let go of my cock and my wife lowered her mouth down onto my cock. The other person shifted a bit, and I next felt a pillow being pushed towards my ass. My wife took her mouth off my cock long enough to say, “Raise your hips off the bed honey.”
I did as she wished, and the pillow was placed under my butt.
The other person shifted again on the bed, and the next thing I felt was my balls being licked and sucked while my wife continued to suck my cock. The person licking my balls slowly edged downward, probing the folds of my ass. Soon, the tongue was swirling around my asshole, and they were rimming me! The attention continued, and the tongue even started probing into my asshole, just a bit at first, but soon it was almost like the person was fucking me with their tongue. Pam must have appreciated the sight because she started sucking my cock furiously. It was all too much, and I couldn’t hold it together. I cried out that I was going to cum and Pam clamped down on my cock. At that moment my cock erupted and spewed cum into her mouth. She continued to suck until I was spent.
The attack on my ass stopped, and I suddenly heard kissing sounds. From the sounds of it, this was a very wet and sloppy kiss. Pam was moaning, and I heard the other person moaning as well.
Pam said, “I’m sharing your cum with the other person here with us. They think it tastes fabulous! Now, just relax.”
I heard them stop making out. Pam got up off the bed and was gone for a bit. When she got back, she grabbed my cock and then started probing my ass with her fingers which were wet. She was lubing my ass!
“There, there honey, this will not hurt too much. It might be a little uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it. You’ve had me peg you many times at home. So, now, breath in.” Pam said as she continued to prepare my ass.
As she said this last part I suddenly felt an object pressed at the entrance to my asshole. She pushed harder, and suddenly it was past my ring and sliding deeper into me.
“Honey, this is just a nice butt plug I got for you,” Pam said as she backed away from the bed. “Now, I want you to get ready for a 69. Just remember, go with it.”
I felt the other person move closer to me; their legs were up by my head. Then they were swinging into position and starting to suck my cock. I started trying to reach for her pussy. Instead, I got the shock of my life. A hard cock greeted my searching tongue. I recalled that Pam had said to just go with it. So, I figured ‘what the hell’ and started to lick the cock that was near my face.
“Mmmmmmm. That’s it, mister, lick that cock!” Pam commanded. “Now suck it. I want to see you suck that whole cock into your mouth!”
I reached forward a bit more and managed to get my whole mouth around the cock. It was a bit spongy but felt good in my mouth. I was doing a good job, because the guy began to thrust his cock into my mouth, slowly fucking my mouth. I just clamped down on his cock and sucked it for all I was worth, also twirling my tongue around the head while I did so. Before too long, I heard the guy beginning to gasp and moan. I knew what was coming next.
“Fuck Dan’s mouth. Fuck it hard!” Pam directed the guy, “Now cum in his mouth. Let him suck down all your cum!”
The guy let loose, and I was soon swallowing as quickly as I could to try and keep up. This guy came a lot. I didn’t get it all, some of it escaped my mouth and ran down my chin. I then felt a tongue lick my chin up to my mouth.
Pam then said, “That was so hot! Well, that was it for round one. Everyone needs to rest a bit.”
Pam then licked my face again and gave me a deep kiss. I’m sure she got some residual cum from my mouth when she frenched me.
Pam left me tied up on the bed and told me, “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen in person!”
I was happy I made her fantasy come true. Me being with a guy was something we had discussed at one point when we had discussed possible threesomes.
“What did you think about it?” Pam asked.
“Can you take off this hood?” I replied.
“No.,” she said, “just answer my question.”
“Well, I was a bit shocked, but as you suggested I went with it. You know I had always wanted to try that. So, thanks for making it happen honey.” I answered.
“Good! I was hoping you’d say that. Now stay right there.
‘How was I going to go anywhere?’ I thought. She had me handcuffed to the bed!
I heard her run over to the desk. It sounded like she picked up her phone and texted again. About twenty minutes later our suite’s door opened again. ‘What was going on?’ I wondered, ‘Is she planning an orgy?’
I soon found out that my guess wasn’t too far off the mark. It turns out my wife had texted someone else, and they had entered our suite.
“Strip,” commanded Pam once the door was closed.
I heard the sounds of someone removing clothing. Then I heard what sounded like a couple of people walking towards the bed on which I was still restrained.
“Honey, I want you to relax and live in the moment for this next thing,” Pam said as she whispered in my ear.
After adjusting my cuffs, Pam had me get up on all fours on the bed. She still had me restrained. I felt someone get on the bed behind me.
“Okay honey, I am going to remove this butt plug now. That should have loosened you up a bit for this next part!” Pam said as she slowly pulled the butt plug out of my ass.
Before I could respond, I felt the bed shift, and someone was behind me on the bed. The person behind me wasted no time and quickly pushed his cock into my waiting ass. He was gentle and slid it in slowly past my sphincter. Once he was past that, he slowly kept feeding his cock into my ass. My ass just felt full, almost to the point of being painful. My ass slowly adjusted, and Pam asked, “How does that feel? Are you ready to get fucked?”
“Hmmm. Yeah.” I responded, focusing on keeping my feelings in check. Here I was restrained and getting fucked by someone I couldn’t see on my anniversary night!
The guy then started to fuck my ass slowly. As I got used to the feeling, not unlike when Pam had pegged me in the past, I started pushing my ass back into the guy. That got his attention, and soon he was thrusting into me hard, and I felt his balls slap against my ass. ‘Hmm. Man does that feel good,’ I thought as I lost myself in the sensations of having a real cock fuck my ass.
“That’s it. Fuck his ass. Make him know what it feels like to get fucked! Harder! Don’t be a sissy! He can take it. Fuck that ass hard. I want you to cum deep in his ass!” Pam stated while watching what was transpiring.
“Now, you come up here,” Pam then said to the other person in the room.
I heard Pam direct the other person up to the head of the bed.
“Now, you place yourself right in front of this slut and make him give you oral!” Pam commanded the other person.
The other person did so, and I was soon presented with another cock! My wife had arranged for two guys to fuck me anonymously. What the hell? I thought as I focused on sucking the cock in front of me.
“Mmmmmmmmm,” I moaned as I sucked the longer cock in front of my while getting fucked hard from the one behind me.
After a bit, the guy behind me cried out, “Argh!” and I felt a flood of warm cum hitting the inside of my ass. He slowly pulled his cock out, and I redoubled my efforts on sucking the cock in front of me.
Soon, the guy in front of me was panting. I could tell by the way his cock started to twitch that he was going to unload soon.
“Fill his mouth up with your cum!” Pam commanded, which sent the other guy over the edge and he flooded my mouth with cum. I swallowed some, but quite a bit trickled out of my mouth and down my chin. Pam again came over and cleaned up my face.
“Okay gentlemen, thank you for your assistance. We can take it from here. I will talk with you later.” Pam said as she got off the bed.
It sounded like the guys simply got dressed and left our room. Pam slowly approached the bed where I was still restrained.
“All good?” Pam asked as she stroked my cock which stiffened at her touch, ready to go again.
“Yes. I was just very surprised. But the experience was amazing. I just wish I could have watched what happened. Why all the secrecy? Why didn’t I get to see who fucked me and whose cocks I sucked?” I asked as I tried to pull Pam into my arms.
Pam laughed and backed away, “Now be a good boy, and I’ll set you free so we can have fun the rest of the night!”
I remained still, and she soon released my cuffs and removed the hood. Seeing her smiling face, I looked up at her and said, “You have some work to do young lady!”
“What?” she asked looking at me questioningly.
“There is still a good amount of cum leaking out of my ass. Now get down there and clean my ass up!” I commanded as I pushed her down on the bed and placed my ass over her head. Like a trooper, she dug in, lapping at my hole with her tongue. The feeling was exquisite!
“Now, tell me what is going on!” I told her while her face was still buried in my ass.
She came up for air and said, “I won’t. All I can tell you is that we will look back on this weekend fondly for the rest of our lives. I am sorry that I cut you off when we got here, but I needed you to be the horniest you have ever been so that the release would be so much sweeter. Can you forgive me?” she asked.
“Hmm. Maybe, but you need to be punished somehow. Failing to have sex for almost two days when we are supposed to be celebrating our anniversary was a bit much. You have no idea how close I came to calling up Cindy, a brunette I met at a strip club today. However, everything seems to have worked out for the most part. But, never do that to me again. It is not right or fair. I owe you a similar experience now.” I responded.
“Hmmmmm. That might be fun!” she replied as she started licking my balls and cock, which started to stiffen again.
“Now fuck me! I got so horny watching those guys with you I need to get fucked now!” she commanded.
“Oh, you do, do you? How about turn about right now? Let’s say I tie you up and tease you and wait for one hour before I fuck you?” I asked.
“Would that make us even?” she asked.
Thinking about it I told her, “Yes since I love you and want to spend our anniversary weekend together making love, I don’t want to delay that any more than needed. But, you need a bit of a lesson.”
I took the handcuffs and cuffed her to the headboard. Once she started squirming and pleading to suck my cock, I told her, “No, you have to wait for one hour!”
I proceeded to tease her nipples, pussy, ass and the rest of her body for the next sixty minutes. It was one of the longest periods I have ever waited to have sex. My cock was rigid by the end and leaking pre-cum all over. Once the time was up, I could see the juices flowing down Pam’s legs from her pussy. She was ripe for the taking, so I got behind her doggy style and proceeded to fuck her hard and fast with my stiff cock. After just a couple of strokes, she came a couple of times. That set me off, and I proceeded to cum deep in her pussy.
I uncuffed her and pulled her into my arms. We just lay there naked on our bed. Finally, both were exhausted, we drifted off to sleep. Just as I was losing consciousness, I wondered what else was in store for us during the remainder of our special anniversary weekend in Vegas.
Introduction: I call this little tale fiction, but a small part of it is actually true. Which part is your guess? For years my wife, Lynn and I had many arguments about her lack of wanting sexual activity. She didnt care for any sex and I wanted it. She would find any reason to avoid all sexual contact. One time we had a very nasty fight and I left our martial bed to sleep on the couch alone, much less stress. Eighteen months later, I was still sleeping on the couch alone. My wife wasnt the...
1Waking UpDan slowly came awake the next morning lying in bed to a warm sensation around his groin. Looking down, he saw his wife Pam slowly sucking his morning wood.“Good morning gorgeous!” he greeted her.Pam grunted in reply and continued with her task, getting Dan off before their first cup of coffee.Dan loved it when Pam surprised him by waking him in this fashion. It didn’t happen that often, but when it did, it often was a precursor to a day full of sexy surprises for them both. Noticing...
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AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...
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The next day, we flew to Las Vegas. Evan lived a couple of hours from the Portland airport. Since Noelle was going, too, she hopped a ride with us and we all traveled together. It was a quiet trip, at first. I was exhausted from the day before and my relatively sleepless night. Every once in a while, Evan would look at me, squeeze my hand and smile. I knew he was worried about me, but I was just tired. The flight was uneventful and the cab ride to the hotel took less than twenty minutes....
Vegas By The Professor "Have you ever seen anything like it?" The man who asked that over my shoulder was the last person I would have expected to say that. Lt. Matt Henshaw, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, had probably seen more strange things than most people could ever imagine. I didn't answer him, because if I said yes, I'd be compromising classified material, but in fact, this wasn't the first time I'd seen anything like it - or rather pictures of it during...
I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...
I’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...
CuckoldMark I traveled to the west coast for two nights, heading for Los Angeles area instead of San Jose where Tom was engrossed in the nanotechnology project. He was doing fine, I trusted my new friend, and there was no need to have him think I was checking up on him. This trip I took Melanie with me for several reasons. The business reasons dealt with the fact that some of the ideas she’d come up with in Mexico had me rethinking how we’d organized and staffed the home goods manufacturing...
The next few years merged into one big sexual blur. Dawn became the official entertainment for the weekly card game. Each of the players had his own surrogate wife, but none of them were as young as Dawn and none cared to spread her legs for the entire group. In addition, Dawn wanted the work badly, planning to use the money to finance her college education. She treated each man, and most of the wives, with the attention they would have gotten had she spent the night alone with each...
Up north, in Reno, Tina and her two friends were in the garage. They were loading the luggage into her mother's van. Closing the back door, they stood there chatting as they waited for Tina's mom. Tina looked around the garage, and saw a towel on the dryer. Walking over, she grabbed her beach towel with Jonny Depp on it as Captain Jack. "Damn, I almost forgot this." Walking back to the van she opened the door and stuffed the towel into her bag. Kathleen said, "Yeah, you would have...
Paula Oldham counted five reasons to be pissed, ticking them off on her fingers. She would have gone higher but she needed the other hand to haul her bag to the luggage cart. One, she counted, starting with the most recent: The peach-fuzzed limo driver called her ma'am. Ma'am was for old ladies. She showed him who was a ma'am, grabbing her suitcase out of his hand. It would have been a better idea if it weren't so damn heavy. Two was that exhibition she'd witnessed at the end of the...
Fear And Lusting In Las Vegas By Cooper There is nothing more depraved than beer drunk Southern Baptists on a tear in Las Vegas. Nothing. Spending most of the year wearing pants that are three sizes too small in the crotch area, married to frigid women with bee-hive hairdos on their heads-- and in their skirts-- pounding Bibles and burning crosses, these hypocrisy-drenched Jesus freaks come to Vegas once a year, hit the Casinos and make Jim Morrison look like Jim Baker. Let...
‘CindySpice, you are an amazing woman.’ Hello Las Vegas! That was my motto for three beautiful nights and two and a half days. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, how true that is. At least it is for me. I had never been to Las Vegas before though I’d had the opportunity to go once before but just didn’t think it smart at the time. Looking back I’m grateful that I didn’t go when I had the chance because I don’t think I would have done all that I did this time, probably not even...
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGASI’d never been in Vegas before, but the other day my sugar daddy called me and asked me to go meet him there. Seems he had some kind of a conference and that would give him an excuse to stay a few extra days and he wanted me to be there with him. I said sure, why not; I’d never been there and I liked spending time with him, plus I was going to stay in a fancy hotel suite (he had to book two rooms for appearances) and he was surely going to buy me lots of...
Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...
The trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...
Brander Sharpe sat alone at a cocktail table in the middle of the lounge. He didn’t feel conspicuous, though. This was where he liked to be. It allowed him to survey his surroundings, his opportunities. It also allowed him to be clearly seen. He was the hawk on the treetop.Just beyond the confines of the quiet lounge, the casino buzzed. The chimes of the slot machines, and the rare cheer of some guys hitting it big --or modestly so-- at the tables seeped into the room. It reminded everyone of...
Straight SexDr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...
Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....
Anniversary Surprise "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a...
KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. FINALE; WINKING OUT IN VEGAS. August 4th, 2006 Cleveland, Ohio Karen Foster Klein's Journal; Let it be said it from the start, 'I'll miss that sweet old bastard.' Thanks to him, I'm stunning in my wedding dress, still waiting for Mom to fix her raccoon eyes before helping with my makeup. While handing her another tissue, I can't help but smile,...
Chastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said. "Yeah," she agreed. Then she...
The Game ... first time sex: Part 20 Gaming in Las Vegas Please read chapters 1 - 19 in order understand the context for this chapter. From the feedback that I receive, I promise that the preceding chapters are worth reading. I send a very sincere thanks in advance for to all of the loyal readers for leaving comments. The title of the first chapter is "The Game First Time Sex rev 1" for anyone just finding my diary. Please use the search feature to find all of the chapters. There are several...
First TimeFor the last 15 years I have been married to the most wonderful lady, my best friend, confidant, and partner-in-crime. And after all these years I am lucky to say, still as sexy as the day we met. Of course two kids, two jobs, to mortgages, two car payments, etc. have put a bit of a damper on the frequency of our sexual activity, but it certainly hasn’t diminished the passion and excitement we have when jumping in bed. Having said that, five years ago we decided that we needed to get away from...
This is a follow up to World's Best Diet Plan - Jingle Bells. If you want to see how the characters reached this point in their story, you can read the first story, however, this does stand on its own.*True to her word, Marcia did begin working out with me. She had no time to do so before going to work, so I would go in the mornings and work on my aerobics and swimming. Instead of walking on the treadmill, I was now able to do light jogging. On the bikes, I could now get between 15-20 miles in...
Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversThis is a continuation, almost nine months later, of my story about Two Japanese girls in VegasIt was a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was with me girlfriend. We had met a couple of months ago. We were still much in love and because of that we were fully naked. Occasionally stroking and caressing each other. We were startled when the door bell rang. We didn’t expect anybody. The mailman had been on his round already and most of the neighbors were away on holiday.I decided to check it out so I put...
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 As soon as he woke up, Jim Lewis knew that something was terribly wrong. First off, he was in a totally different hotel room; second, he was totally alone; and third, he was dressed in a pink lace teddy. This was supposed to be the getaway vacation that he had been dreaming of for the last year. He had reserved a suite in one of the top hotels in Las Vegas and planned to spend his time...
The Las Vegas convention The church was holding it's annual convention in Las Vegas. Yes, churches do have conventions in the city of wonderful, delightful, sinful Las Vegas. Probably to get a firsthand view of what they are preaching against. The preacher, Roger Matthews, and his lovely wife, Brenda, were already to go to Las Vegas, However, at the last minute there was a call from a member of their church who was facing major surgery. The preacher felt he needed to stay for the surgery and...
In almost every respect, I'm an ordinary thirty-seven-year-old guy, tall but not too tall, good looking but a chiseled jaw short of handsome. I've got my health but not much wealth. I'm just to the right side of being a median average male.My job is as a curator at a natural history museum in California. My passion is digging for fossils in places no one would visit unless they are a scientist or deranged. Come to think of it, the two are synonymous. Who else would hike four miles into the...
MILFAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversWell I want to tell this story. This story is about a virgin. Who goes to Las Vegas to have some fun. A young man from West Philadelphia. Plans a trip to go to Las Vegas. He saved a lot of money to get a plane ticket. He packs up a few things and he. Heads down to the airport. He definitely makes sure that he has everything. Once he gets to Philadelphia International Airport. He gets in line to show his plane ticket. He got on a first class flight to Las Vegas. He enjoyed flying first class for...
It's interesting what you notice when the world ends. I was sitting in my doctors office, listening to him tell me what to expect in the last two months of my life as symptoms from a particularly aggressive form of non- operable brain stem cancer began to reappear. I wasn't listening very closely. I was noticing how every time he used a medical term, he spread open his hands like he was about to catch a basketball. I was only 33, and in good shape other than the whole dying thing. I had...
It was a comfortable Friday night in July after everyone got home from work. We had packed the important stuff the night before, so all we really need to do was throw some last minute stuff in a bag and jump in John’s SUV. Guys in the front, girls in back, our warriors leading us on a journey across the southern California desert. Ashley is my female lover/fianc? She was 23, with long straight blonde hair, green/blue eyes, 5' 6", 110 lbs, 36B, athletically built, toned,...
Introduction: Written for the 2nd contest on the forum. Summer vacation themed story written for the 2nd writers contest on the forum. It was a comfortable Friday night in July after everyone got home from work. We had packed the important stuff the night before, so all we really need to do was throw some last minute stuff in a bag and jump in Johns SUV. Guys in the front, girls in back, our warriors leading us on a journey across the southern California desert. Ashley is my female...
Finally, June and time for the conference in Vegas. Due to scheduling problems, I would arrive one day before Carol. For the first few days we would be staying with my college buddy Reese. We were frat brothers back in school and best man at each others weddings. Any time I was in Vegas, we’d get together and raise some hell. Reese is a plastic surgeon, so Vegas is a goldmine for him.Boobs, butts, facelifts, you get the idea. He has an estate about 40 minutes out of town. Huge house, pool,...
Life in high technology as a salesperson can be very rewarding with the right firm. Cindi, my wife, and I have been living life to the fullest. We have a great house in a gated community, we belong to a country club, we both drive nice cars and Cindi wears the latest fashions.Unfortunately I have to travel 3 or 4 times a year to conferences and they are so boring Cindi no longer travels with me. As I was leaving a presentation last month in Vegas I received a surprise.“Derek” this cute brunette...
For those new to my stories; everything you read is a true story of an event that happened to me. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I document these events to show how I transitioned from a shy virgin to a DOM BBC Bull. It was a faily quiet week in my small conservative town. After work one day, I checked my AFF account and saw I had a new message from a couple. Since there was very little action in my town on AFF, I moved my AFF location to Vegas (which was only a...
It wasn't until all four of us were waiting for a taxi to take us to our hotel that the conversation, and power struggle, started again. Ellie said, trying to set the tone for the crazy weekend, "I just thought I was going to a wedding." "And?" Miranda asked, confused by Ellie's point. "Well, I packed for a wedding, not for a weekend with a submissive," Ellie smiled, looking directly at my mother, whose face went flush. Ellie added, never taking her eyes off my submissive mother, "It's just...
IncestThe final element of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Emir's accession to the throne of Kobekistan was a private dinner party on the evening of 9th April in the Emir's chambers, attended by the Earl and Countess of Bargoed and the Princesses Ayda and Alima. The young Crown Prince Mustapha, still only nine years old, and back in Kobekistan for his school's Easter holidays, begged to be allowed to attend but his father wisely forbade it, as he hoped it would turn out to be a...
Anniversary Present By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers "So I need you to pick me up about 7:30pm at the salon, ok sweetie?" Darlene kissed her husband and glanced at her watch. "We'll go out from there." "You're getting you hair done again! Come on, it's Friday night!" Matt gave her a look. "And are we going to dinner, or one of those Halloween parties we've been talking about?" "You wanted this, and it's been three weeks!" Darlene ran her fingers through her long,...
I told Jess because our anniversary fell on Thursday this year we were going to push it to Saturday to allow better time for celebration. Truth was I had something special planned and it couldn't be done on a Thursday. I found out about a special restaurant that accommodates special requests. It was one of the 'secret' restaurants this city is somewhat famous for. The kind of place that if you don't know it exists, you won't find it. The mystery is supposed to make it exclusive or...
My wife Eileen and I are in our early 50’s. Our sex life has always been good, though over the years a bit routine and less frequent. While having sex, I have always been the most verbal, blurting out kinky things I’d like to do (that we almost never actually do) while Eileen’s response has always been to close her eyes and moan, with no word spoken. I’ve always felt she had nasty thoughts running through her head while we had sex, and imagined her fantasizing about things and people she could...
Introduction: Please leave your comments so I can get better What Happens in Vegas Fuck those Bitches Cindy thought as she stumbled back into the casino. This was suppose to be her weekend, her chance to cut loose and have fun with the girls, but NO those bitches run off to fuck the first guys that buy them a drink. I dont need them to have a good time I will find one on my own she told herself. Shit, damn shoe looking down she noticed the buckle of her shoes had come undone again. Bending...
That One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....
LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (, you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (, on the...
My wife Eileen and I are in our early 50’s. Our sex life has always been good, though over the years a bit routine and less frequent. While having sex, I have always been the most verbal, blurting out kinky things I’d like to do (that we almost never actually do) while Eileen’s response has always been to close her eyes and moan, with no word spoken. I’ve always felt she had nasty thoughts running through her head while we had sex, and imagined her fantasizing about things and people she could...
BisexualWe made it to Vegas. We drove along I-15 through the heat of the desert and made it to our hotel. We were giggling like kids, but that’s because this wasn’t so much of a vacation as a mission. You see, my lover revealed a fantasy. A fantasy I would like to explore with her. We checked into the hotel, and took the elevator up to the 16th floor. We checked into our room. It was a nice room. I didn’t cut corners on the room. It had a nice king size bed and a nice size in-room hot tub. It also had...
Straight SexThat One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....
Group SexJust like most men my fantasy has always been to be with two women at once. My wife of 20 years, Leigh, knows all too well about this fantasy but has always told me that there was no way in hell that it would ever happen. For the past couple of years I had been hinting around about us having a threesome with another man. My thinking being that if she was willing to try it with another man then maybe the experience will open her mind to having a threesome with another woman. I also figure...
We've been married now for 19 years. I love my wife dearly. We have a great relationship, have had wonderful sex over the years and 4 k**s have popped out as a result. My wife Jill is not as adventurous or daring as I am or want her to be. But she still gets my cock to rise on a daily basis. I figured that it was time to do something different for our anniversary this year so I decided to finally take my wife away from the k**s to a night of food, drinks, and a hotel. The day started off good...
[i]WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...