Bathed in the Lights of Vegas
- 3 years ago
- 42
- 0
On the first of July, I had just sat down to eat my breakfast. Cat was running a little late, when I heard, “Master get your ancient ass up here!” from the top of the stairs.
My irate student stood at the top of the stairs in what looked like a long sleeved, tight fitting shiny black dress that went past her knees. Her stockinged feet together while she glared daggers at me. My Pet was definitely improving in that area.
“Need help?” I asked solicitously.
“This is worse than the corsets. It laces all the way down. If you want me to wear the stupid thing you get to lace it.” Perturbed, not angry or upset. We returned to the bedroom.
“Turn around.” She did and I restrained a whistle. I didn’t think she thought about how it would look from back even after I tightened the laces. Starting from the bottom and working up took me a few minutes. There was still a four inch gap evenly spaced top to bottom in the black vinyl dress.
I had to re-lace and retighten the back three times. In the end I thought it was too tight but she didn’t think so.
After having her turn around, I suggested she get her shoes for Images. Then she could decide what to do. The string from the shiny thong stood out among the crisscrossing sideways black leather laces.
“Ugh. Just call me Morticia Adams.” The dress had no give so she could only take small steps.
“How does it feel?”
“Weird. And it squeaks when I move. The dress feels tight everywhere like I’m wearing a glove instead of a dress.” Cat glanced at the deep overstuffed leather chair in the corner and crossed that out mentally. The three-inch matching strappy pumps were beyond her range of movement. A death glare and I willingly, but carefully put them on for the restricted girl.
“I’ll help you down.” I offered my arm, which she accepted. Descending the stairs was even harder for her than I expected. While breakfast waited, I Imaged her, then we ate.
The long sleeves didn’t seem to hinder her studies or note taking and she didn’t reject the dress, so I left her to her devices. I did notice she got up and walked around more than normal. Since she didn’t make a fuss, I enjoyed her low-level discomfort from a distance.
After dinner she demanded my assistance up the stairs so she could remove the skintight outfit for her evening swim. I took her to the Optics room first. I wanted her reaction when she noticed the gap all the way down.
“You’re a Jerk. But you’re too late, I noticed when I sat at breakfast. The cushion on the wood chairs I sat on doing my homework doesn’t feel the same as the lining in the vinyl.” Hmm. Better than expected.
“Seriously?” she uttered in frustration when she walked into my den in a strapless, sleeveless, red vinyl minidress.
It looked fine from the front. I had her spin. “Oh.”
“Yeah, ’Oh’!” my Pet echoed my reaction in derision.
Three thin leather straps in back were all that held the dress together. One mid shoulder blade, one across the upper hip, and the last one right below her cheeks. The red leather panties covered her from being indecent. Hell, they probably had the most rear coverage in weeks. “At least they didn’t give you a thong.”
She blushed. “There was one in the box, but I decided this was better.”
“How is this one compared to the last?”
“It doesn’t squeak. It’s lighter and easier to wear. If not for MY ASS STICKING OUT, I might like it.” We took Images and she went off to study. “Stupid bondage week.”
I did notice that she looked more comfortable in that outfit while studying than the previous associated ones that week.
Catherine was ordered to spend a few minutes in the Optics room before bed.
We had to get up early for the drive to the airport on the 3rd. I, in my usual gray suit and Cat in a thin white leather; mini bustier, buckled long sleeved jacket and pants with tucked in mid-calf matching boots with the standard two inch heel. The half inch silver rings sewn into the cuffs, elbows, collar, thighs calves gave it a shiny accent in the natural looking leather. At second glance there were linear bulges running along the forearms, thighs and calves.
Spinning in place to let me look it over before Imaging and departure. The pants weren’t pants. They were chaps with a very well hidden pair of zippers that ran on both sides of her ‘V’. The jacket had a ring just under the collar and one woven just under the shoulder blades.
“How is it?” I reached out to the flick the left zipper cover, causing her to dance backwards in fear.
“Don’t touch that.”
“What are those bulges?” an eight inch long one on the forearm and two sets of twelves on the legs.
“I don’t know. Steel rods of some sort. I think it takes two hands to extract them from their sleeves.
“Arm.” She offered her left. By squeezing the top stitching, I was able to remove an 1/8th inch diameter silvered steel rod with a hook and a strong clasp on each end. I confiscated both of the arm ones. Took her Images and then demonstrated how they were supposed to work with the aid of the built-in rings. With her hands behind her back, I connected her elbows and her writs.
“How is that?”
“Jerk. How do you think it is?” ‘Perv.’
“You know, I bet I could link the right elbow to the left wrist and vice versa. The same with the two sets on the legs. This is very well done.” I took two more Images while she was cuffed. Not that she had a say in it before releasing her. I put the connecting rods back in place. Ate breakfast, loaded the car and left for the hour plus drive to the small airport where the rented plane was waiting for us.
“How is the fit and comfort of the outfit.”
“It sucks. All these outfits suck.”
I choked back a snort of laughter. “It looks nice on you. I like this one as much as the scaled green leather a couple weeks ago.”
Giving in, she admitted, “This one is tighter in the sleeves and legs but looser in the hips and shoulders. I have better range of movement.”
“Is it comfortable to wear?”
“I hate you, you know.”
“I’ll take that as a yes. What don’t you like about it?”
“I don’t know. Could it be that it comes with its own built-in restraints? Or maybe it’s the removable crotch piece once I am restrained?”
Ignoring her fears, “How about the bars? Does the pressure bother or hinder you?”
“The stupid things are fine, I barely feel them.”
“If you were to design one like that without the rods and standard pants what would you change?”
Seeing how I wasn’t leaving the topic be, “I don’t know why you like this one so much.”
“You look great in it. What would you change?”
The long-suffering sigh of a student that was subjected to a ‘pervy’ Master echoed throughout the car. “I can’t wear anything with sleeves under the jacket, the arms are a little snug.”
“Isn’t that jacket specifically meant to be worn without anything besides a bra?”
“You asked what I would change.”
“What about two jackets? One tight and one loose for a simple T?”
“That would work.”
After I released her, she studied for the rest of the trip while I drove to the airport.
After we landed in Vegas, there was a SUV waiting with a rental agent nearby. A quick signature while the flight attendant helped Cat load the suitcases and off we went to our meeting with Professor McCraken.
With my guest Faculty pass, I found a good parking spot near the Washington Physical Studies Building.
“Is the whole campus cement?” Cat watched the people and buildings as we drove.
“Vegas is a desert. Beats sand everywhere. Remember to make sure you keep within ten feet of me at all times. I doubt that there will be an issue. But you never know.”
“I know, you told me before. Three times now.” she replied wryly.
Following the walkway as it curved around an oval building, Cat stayed at my side as we passed numerous students, few of which gave us a second glance. One group of three girls that recognized my student from Justice followed us.
“Isn’t she too young to have a Sugar Daddy?”
“Hell, for that sweater, you fucked Josh last week.”
“Is that old guy her Daddy or her Daddy?”
“Shit, he isn’t bad looking and built, not that I would fuck him for free ride and clothes.” The snarky comments continued until we entered the Material Building where the three veered off.
Cat’s response after the doors closed behind us was singular. “Bitches.”
“There will always be some like that. And as time has proved throughout the ages, there will always be some who are willing to sell their bodies for what they can get.”
Professor McCraken reserved a small conference room for our meeting today. The thirty-five-year-old short, top heavy woman greeted us when we entered. She had her folders and notes spread out as if she had been there for hours before we arrived in Vegas.
“Smith, Miss Larkin, thank you for coming. Please have a seat.” Gretchen McCraken was a bundle of energy. Her mannerisms were crisp and lively. The well-tailored dark blue pinstriped suit didn’t seem to fit her personality.
“Thank you, Gretchen.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
“You aren’t one of my students, thank god. Please call me Gretchen. Can I call you Catherine?”
“That would be fine.”
“There is a mini fridge in the corner. Help yourself; water, sandwiches and munchies. The AC isn’t the best, but we make do.”
Cat took her tablet from her over the shoulder black leather case and I, my laptop from my much older beaten brown one. Gretchen dove right in the main topic right away with Cat taking notes at my side and I filled in a few of the blanks for our host while guiding her towards other solutions or at least better guesses on the rest.
Two hours on the dot later a knock on the door interrupted our conversation. “Professor, lunch is here.”
“Enter Charles.”
An early-twenties, lanky, grad student entered pushing a cart. He stopped, almost knocking over the trays of food. “Mistress! You never told me that they were your guests?” he whined.
“Charles, did you forget where you are?” she reproached with menace.
“Sorry, Professor. Sorry, Smith, Sorry, Miss Larkin. I know my mistake and will atone later.” I grinned. He was addressing his Faculty Adviser but his attention was still on Cat.
“Please excuse Charles. He gets carried away, all too often.” Both threat and promise to be delivered later, apparently. “Charles, this is Smith, and Miss Catherine Larkin. I’m sure you know who they are. Charles is beginning his masters in Metallurgy this semester under me.”
“Good luck with your studies Charles, your choice of professors is a good one.”
“Thanks, Professor Smith.”
Before the clueless lad could dig his hole deeper, his Professor pointed at the door, “That will be all Charles.” The top-heavy blonde ‘Mistress’ ordered her student out.
As soon as the door closed, our host continued exactly where she left off. Cat nibbled while taking notes for later. She was under orders not to speak until the meeting was over and any questions regarding Gretchen’s material were to be addressed tonight.
At 3:30 Gretchen’s watch chimed once causing her release a sigh. Leaning back in her chair. “You certainly don’t disappoint. I hope you realize that all of academia hates your guts, Catherine.”
Cat froze beside me for the briefest of moments with Gretchen’s non-sequitur.
“Why...?” She visibly stumbled over that question.
“Jealousy and Envy. Greed and Pride too. They all want what you have. HIM.” Gretchen pointed at me.
“And they think I stole him or something?”
“Who knows what they think or if they even can think? I’d sacrifice the whole English department with a shale knife on the altar of Satan for your place by his side. Learning what only ‘that Jerk’ can teach year after year.” She made fun of Cat’s favorite phrase describing me.
Switching to a pleasant smile, “I’m rooting for you, Catherine.”
“Thanks,” Cat responded, slightly bewildered.
Gretchen slid a business card across to me. “It’s a little club I belong to off the strip. I understand you two have a busy day planned but if you have some free time stop by.”
Club L&L. The first ‘L’ was in thick black ink the second was snowflake white. “Thank you for the offer, but we were up early this morning.”
“Understood.” The mentally and physically robust woman stood and shook each of our hands. “It was a pleasure meeting you both. Tomorrow at eight then?”
“Tomorrow at eight,” I confirmed.
We parked in one of the casino lots and strolled the strip for a couple of hours until our dinner reservation at the newly opened Dino’s. Checking in to our two-bedroom suite on the 88th floor to wash the dust off, we rode the elevator down to the seventieth floor to dine at a new restaurant.
Six o’clock was early by Vegas standards but the grossly oversized dining room was still full. Giant white marble dominated the senses. Tables, pillars, the five steps down from the Hostess’s Stand, the sixty-foot walls were even covered in the white marble with blue veins. The massive glass and gold chandeliers hung half way down strongly illuminating the whole room. There was a single wall of towering windows with four tables in dominating placement. One was ours.
Cat received a second glance or two but that was it. One of the benefits about starting her in Vegas was that the people, both local and tourist, were used to celebrities.
Cat was stiffer than usual. Even checking in, she wasn’t all there. Mostly looking around like a normal tourist yet she never left my side. I sat her across from me and we both ordered drinks.
“Something wrong?”
“This place is a little...”
“I was thinking obnoxious. But yeah.”
I laughed at her description. We discussed her impression of Vegas so far (Unfavorable). The dinner, very favorable, especially considering neither of us cooked well, nor cared to learn. The atmosphere in the dining room was louder than either of us liked. No hard surfaces separating the diners to reduce the noise. A large drunken party off in a corner had their festivities carry further than expected.
“What they need here is a noise break. Can you make one?”
“I can.”
“How much do you think you can make it for? And how many will they need?”
THAT was new. Very new. She is thinking about Devices and their applications. “Ten Devices at twenty-five each, my cost. What do you plan on doing?”
“How long will it take you to make them?”
“Two weeks. I designed and have used something similar in the workshop to reduce the noise level of the Stations and control room for the last thirty years.” The control room was where she probably stole the idea from.
After a few questions on how they worked and their performance she asked, “May I, Master?”
“Go ahead.” I thought I understood what she intended and wanted to see it played out ... see her play it out.
When the waiter brought my coffee and her Creme Brule, Cat asked to speak with the manager ‘when they have a second, please’.
Cat pulled out a pen and scribbled her email address on it.
A smart dressed woman with a natural smile stopped by a few minutes later while Cat was enjoying her flamed creamy sugar.
“Are you enjoying your meal Miss Larkin?”
“Very much so, Ma’am. He’s a worse cook than I am.” Steeling herself. “For seven hundred fifty thousand, Master can make you a set of Devices that will bring the noise between tables to less than twenty-five decibels.”
“For the entire restaurant?” The professional auburn haired, fit woman clarified.
“This whole open area. Delivery in two weeks along with installation instructions. Sorry, I don’t have any cards and this Jerk,” ‘not yet at least.’ “doesn’t carry any. This is my email, let me know if you accept.” She handled herself very well. The price was a little low, but I wasn’t about to quibble. I would have quoted a million for an establishment such as this.
“I’m Belinda Carlisle. Here is my card, Miss Larkin. I believe once I speak with the owner’s representative, he will instantly approve your deal. Expect a notice later tonight.”
They shook hands on the proposed agreement. Mrs. Carlisle comped our dinner without informing us.
“The waiter. What should be his tip?” I wanted to see how far she would go.
“The whole meal,” she stated.
“100% tip?”
“The meal was excellent. You will end up making money off the time here and he deserves to be tipped.”
Not the most well thought out or articulate of reasons, BUT I approved of her initiative.
I made Cat pay. The reservations were in her name after all. With little time remaining we took a taxi a mile away to Murder Mystery Theatre where we watched an improvised play. The actors each received a write up of their character and their motives. Two directors, at the corners of the stage visible to the audience, kept the actors running and stumbling for two hours until the culprit was revealed.
The maid killed the butler over an affair with the nanny, who stole the silverware, who blamed the cook for pursuing the maid, who accused the nanny, who insisted her innocence while sneaking in with the houseman at night. All of which was revealed along with other amusing sub plots. The Master and Mistress of the manor returned to find the house surrounded by police while everyone explained what happened.
Quite well done. Cat clapped and smiled at their antics, appreciating their off-the-cuff performance. We sat in a private box so she didn’t get bothered, not that I believed that she would be. Just in case.
I slid over my phone. “Look up Club L&L.”
“Club Leather and Lace, admittance by invitation only. Nothing else is on their site unless you are a member.”
“Keep looking,” I ordered while we lounged in our seats. We passed fifteen minutes or so that way before they asked us to vacate.
“I’m looking ... I am ... It’s a private BDSM club. No Sex. No Drugs. Is that the card Professor McCraken gave you?”
“Yes, it is. Do you want to go see what it is like?”
“You are such a Jerk.” She didn’t sound sure one way or the other.
“Which Jerk was that? Was that a ‘you did that on purpose, but I’ll try’ or ‘you did that on purpose, and no way in hell’?” I chuckled ruefully. Cat’s use of Jerk was a language all to itself.
“We leave when I say.”
“Of course, we will have to stop back at the hotel and get a mask.”
“Yeah. Because No One ever recognizes anyone disguised behind a domino mask.”
“Maybe you will Perv someone else for once,” she whispered to herself.
I pretended not to hear her complaint.
Going to an unknown venue, I added an extra layer of security on my charge. “The bracelet is voice activated. If you raise your voice, call for help, assistance, mayday, or say ‘Master Now’ a force field will protect you until I arrive. Make sure you don’t accidentally say ‘Master now is a Jerk’ causing it to activate or Master now let’s go home. If you want to change the activation words. We can do that at home.” I was serious, giving her another obvious escape Device.
“Okay. Thanks, Master,” Cat responded, subdued for some reason.
The taxi dropped us off at a converted nightclub with an attached boutique of the same name which had closed hours ago. Blackened exterior windows on all three floors accompanied the sole black lit neon sign ‘Club Leather and Lace’. The single guard was sitting on a tall three-legged stool with her left foot on the ground, the other resting on the spoke.
“I haven’t seen you before. Do you have an invitation?” The lady in jeans and a Knights jacket asked.
Handing over the card with my right, keeping Pet’s leash in the other. “Gretchen McCraken invited us for the evening.”
“She left word but didn’t think you would make it. Hundred per person at the register. No open sex or drugs, respect other’s property. No pictures, vids or recordings of any type. If one of the guests gets out of line, call for the management. Do not handle it yourself.”
“Thanks, the rules sound acceptable.”
“This isn’t a bar. We treat it as our house. Please act accordingly.”
The bouncer knocked once, which activated a buzzer. Pulling the door, I escorted Cat inside the moderately lit hallway. “This is my first time in one of these places too. Shall we see how it plays out?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” Eyes widening, Cat harshly whispered in accusation.
“Now, now. No hitting your Master,” I warned too late.
“Jerk.” ‘A warning.’
No special activities were planned for tonight according to the cashier. Rock played over the speakers at a low enough volume not to disturb the conversations yet loud enough for it to be noticeable.
The booths were all taken except for the crescent shaped one for five or so next to the stage, probably because of the large blind spot that was left for the ones that faced away from it.
Escorting Cat to the middle behind the table, I sat next to her with the stage partially blocked, I took the spot with the better view of the room. The waiter, in gaudy silver chaps with matching underwear took our orders of iced tea for her and bourbon and water for me. “Breathe and relax. No one will come at you. Just treat it as a fashion show.”
“They said no sex!” Cat communicated across the table with a concerned whisper.
“That girl on the table there with food on her.” The teen with her Midwest sheltered, prudish upbringing, was aghast.
“They are eating snacks off that girl. She is wearing tiny red panties.” The ‘snacks were placed very close to the area in question where a portly younger woman was licking the whip cream off the victim’s inner thighs. The other two table companions were also slurping and licking up the morsels located on the ‘victim’s’ almost completely bare body.
“Did you notice, she is chained down. We have the same sets just under the four corners of this table. Just a simple clasp.”
“What!?” Cat jumped and stretched out to feel the clasp.
“If that girl there wanted to be free, she could easily release herself. Do you feel the clasp under the table right across from my hand? Even with it closed on the chain you still have enough play to undo it in seconds. Unless you panic.”
“That guy over there is staring at you,” she noted.
“The one with the four girls?”
“Yeah.” Right now, Cat would do just about anything to distract herself from the girl being used as a dinner platter.
“That’s Typhoon. Catherine, he is not staring at me. It’s you, he’s watching.”
“He looks like a creep.”
The waiter brought our drinks before I could respond. I ordered the sampler for munchies. “He’s a famous A- ranked Hero in this city. Are you saying a Hero is a creep?”
“His reputation with the ladies isn’t the best. I don’t know much about him other than no Heroine will work with him more than once or twice.”
“I wish he would stop.”
“Unfortunately, pretty girls get stared at all the time in bars across the world. There isn’t much you can do unless you want to make a scene or leave.”
I noticed a new triple enter. “Don’t stare, look at the three that just entered.” A woman toting two Arabian Nights twins, one in blue gauze and the other in red, took a center table. The twins, probably the same age as Cat knelt, on either side of their Mistress. The woman was a beauty, dressed in a white sheik’s robe and matching oversized turban with a towering blue feather jutting from the front of it. The raven-haired woman looked vaguely familiar.
Cat froze again after she grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Breathe, just Breathe. Do you know who she is?”
“Sersi, a Villainess.”
Seeing how Pet was still not relaxing, I tried to sooth her, “Do you believe that you are in danger with me next to you?”
“What is she doing here?” Panic was setting in again.
Sigh, “Catherine, what is the definition of the Planck Constant?”
“It’s a physical constant that is the quantum of action, one of the central values of quantum mechanics,” she recited from somewhere. We hadn’t progressed that far in physics yet.
“What are you going to have for breakfast tomorrow?”
“I get it. Thanks, Master.” She still had not released her death grip on my hand.
“Super villains need to unwind too you know.”
I got the ‘LooK’.
“You should be thanking her. She is now blocking the ‘creep’s’ line of sight.”
A steady stream of guests entered, filling the chairs and the floor in certain areas next to the chairs if none were available. Cat and I discussed their behavior and apparel. Mostly lack of in the latter case. The guests slowly mingled amongst the tables, excluding ours. We were the obvious outsiders.
Half way through our appetizers, a red Arabian princess stood from her kneeling position, turned and gracefully headed to our table, one of the few not completely filled.
Cats nails dug into my leg under the table this time. “My Mistress would like to join you for conversation if that is acceptable with Master Smith.” The beautiful girl politely inquired.
“Tell Sersi, she is welcome at our table.”
“Pet...” I paused, “Consider this neutral ground. No one will start anything. No one wants to lose a good place to unwind. The tightly wound sixteen-year-old forced a long breath out and seemed to relax. Even the nails that had tried to draw blood a few times let up.
“Thanks for welcoming me, Smith.” Her oversized turban wobbled a bit when she sat to my right. Sersi’s two Pets knelt facing the table with only their faces above the edge.
“I don’t believe we have met before. I hear you are called Sersi, or do you prefer a different name?”
“Virginia is fine. I must admit that your latest acquisition is outstanding. Charm, beauty, intelligence and temperament. The rest of us are quite jealous.”
“Pet here still needs work. Give her time.” Those nails dug into my thighs as a warning.
“No need to worry about me. I will admire from afar. I have little to do with gadgets.” The enchanting woman replied, not so frivolously.
“What brings you to my table then Virginia?”
“Ooh straight to the point. I heard that about you. I was hoping that you would let your Pet spend time with my two kittens. We can get a room, sit back and watch, while the children play.
The heat of embarrassment coming from Pet was enough to fuel the forges of old. The twins both looked eagerly at their Mistress’s suggestion. I tilted Cat’s head back looking her over while she begged with a simple, “Please.” That was not a please; ‘May I go play’. That was a please; ‘let’s get the hell out of here’.
“Looks like my Pet here is not quite ready for the advanced course yet. I’ll need to take a rain check.”
“Pity. My girls are more than willing to play just for your pleasure. If you two would rather watch. And learn.” The black-eyed woman sneaked a covetous smile at Cat. I detected a hint of magic in the air, subtly probing but unable to broach my defenses, which also warded my charge.
“Again, I will pass. Tonight, is Pet’s first night out. Viewing is the only item on the itinerary.”
“Shame. Maybe next time. Come girls. Mistress is despondent, let’s cheer her up.” Speaking in the third person, Virginia instructed her Pets into another area. She was definitely not the original Sersi.
I stabbed a calamari that was getting cold, dipped in the red sauce and fed it to Cat who was still half-frozen in fear. “You didn’t want to join those two tonight, did you?”
“NO.” She squeaked out. The number of times Cat had troubles speaking tonight was over twenty.
“Are you sure? Those two looked eager and experienced.”
“Master can we please go?” Cat broke down, begging in tears.
“Sure.” I called the taxi who let me know it would be five to seven minutes. Not sure of the etiquette, I left a couple hundreds for the waiter and escorted Cat to the entrance to wait for the cab.
Once in the back of the yellow taxi, she leaned into me and started crying in earnest. All I could do was hold her. I had no clue what she was crying about. Virginia demonstrated no ill intent.
Entering the hotel side of the casino, we went straight to the elevators. Our two-bedroom suite was on the 88th floor. Once in the safety of the room Cat seemed to settle down.
“Too much too fast, right?” She nodded staring off into the night. “Take this. Go shower and get to bed.” I handed her a sleeping pill for emergencies such as this. Not that I expected to use it after going to a club, more like if a death or a bloody scene happened from a Super confrontation.
Unquestioning, she took the glass of water from me and swallowed the capsule and went to her room. “Leave the door open. I’ll be here.”
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Straight SexDr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...
Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....
The Game ... first time sex: Part 20 Gaming in Las Vegas Please read chapters 1 - 19 in order understand the context for this chapter. From the feedback that I receive, I promise that the preceding chapters are worth reading. I send a very sincere thanks in advance for to all of the loyal readers for leaving comments. The title of the first chapter is "The Game First Time Sex rev 1" for anyone just finding my diary. Please use the search feature to find all of the chapters. There are several...
First TimeKOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. FINALE; WINKING OUT IN VEGAS. August 4th, 2006 Cleveland, Ohio Karen Foster Klein's Journal; Let it be said it from the start, 'I'll miss that sweet old bastard.' Thanks to him, I'm stunning in my wedding dress, still waiting for Mom to fix her raccoon eyes before helping with my makeup. While handing her another tissue, I can't help but smile,...
It was Monday, the day after the incredible sex-filled party weekend my husband Dave and I attended in San Francisco. A lot happened, including a significant change in my job status that included a nice increase in my income.Before leaving the hotel yesterday, Amy had taken me aside and said she had some news about my first assignment as the new “Executive Analyst” and wanted me to have more background information before I departed. I had a good laugh at that title, which I thought was a clever...
ExhibitionismChastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said. "Yeah," she agreed. Then she...
My wife, Pamela Smithe, and I, Daniel Smithe, had always been fairly open about our sexual fantasies. But I thought she was holding back on me a bit. There was nothing I could specifically point to, just a feeling I had whenever I watched her when we discussed our fantasies.Our tenth anniversary was coming up, and one night as we were laying in bed after making love, Pam asked, “Do you trust me to plan something special for us to celebrate our tenth anniversary? I really want to surprise...
BisexualThis is a follow up to World's Best Diet Plan - Jingle Bells. If you want to see how the characters reached this point in their story, you can read the first story, however, this does stand on its own.*True to her word, Marcia did begin working out with me. She had no time to do so before going to work, so I would go in the mornings and work on my aerobics and swimming. Instead of walking on the treadmill, I was now able to do light jogging. On the bikes, I could now get between 15-20 miles in...
Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversThis is a continuation, almost nine months later, of my story about Two Japanese girls in VegasIt was a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was with me girlfriend. We had met a couple of months ago. We were still much in love and because of that we were fully naked. Occasionally stroking and caressing each other. We were startled when the door bell rang. We didn’t expect anybody. The mailman had been on his round already and most of the neighbors were away on holiday.I decided to check it out so I put...
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 As soon as he woke up, Jim Lewis knew that something was terribly wrong. First off, he was in a totally different hotel room; second, he was totally alone; and third, he was dressed in a pink lace teddy. This was supposed to be the getaway vacation that he had been dreaming of for the last year. He had reserved a suite in one of the top hotels in Las Vegas and planned to spend his time...
The Las Vegas convention The church was holding it's annual convention in Las Vegas. Yes, churches do have conventions in the city of wonderful, delightful, sinful Las Vegas. Probably to get a firsthand view of what they are preaching against. The preacher, Roger Matthews, and his lovely wife, Brenda, were already to go to Las Vegas, However, at the last minute there was a call from a member of their church who was facing major surgery. The preacher felt he needed to stay for the surgery and...
In almost every respect, I'm an ordinary thirty-seven-year-old guy, tall but not too tall, good looking but a chiseled jaw short of handsome. I've got my health but not much wealth. I'm just to the right side of being a median average male.My job is as a curator at a natural history museum in California. My passion is digging for fossils in places no one would visit unless they are a scientist or deranged. Come to think of it, the two are synonymous. Who else would hike four miles into the...
MILFAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversWell I want to tell this story. This story is about a virgin. Who goes to Las Vegas to have some fun. A young man from West Philadelphia. Plans a trip to go to Las Vegas. He saved a lot of money to get a plane ticket. He packs up a few things and he. Heads down to the airport. He definitely makes sure that he has everything. Once he gets to Philadelphia International Airport. He gets in line to show his plane ticket. He got on a first class flight to Las Vegas. He enjoyed flying first class for...
It's interesting what you notice when the world ends. I was sitting in my doctors office, listening to him tell me what to expect in the last two months of my life as symptoms from a particularly aggressive form of non- operable brain stem cancer began to reappear. I wasn't listening very closely. I was noticing how every time he used a medical term, he spread open his hands like he was about to catch a basketball. I was only 33, and in good shape other than the whole dying thing. I had...
It was a comfortable Friday night in July after everyone got home from work. We had packed the important stuff the night before, so all we really need to do was throw some last minute stuff in a bag and jump in John’s SUV. Guys in the front, girls in back, our warriors leading us on a journey across the southern California desert. Ashley is my female lover/fianc? She was 23, with long straight blonde hair, green/blue eyes, 5' 6", 110 lbs, 36B, athletically built, toned,...
Introduction: Written for the 2nd contest on the forum. Summer vacation themed story written for the 2nd writers contest on the forum. It was a comfortable Friday night in July after everyone got home from work. We had packed the important stuff the night before, so all we really need to do was throw some last minute stuff in a bag and jump in Johns SUV. Guys in the front, girls in back, our warriors leading us on a journey across the southern California desert. Ashley is my female...
Finally, June and time for the conference in Vegas. Due to scheduling problems, I would arrive one day before Carol. For the first few days we would be staying with my college buddy Reese. We were frat brothers back in school and best man at each others weddings. Any time I was in Vegas, we’d get together and raise some hell. Reese is a plastic surgeon, so Vegas is a goldmine for him.Boobs, butts, facelifts, you get the idea. He has an estate about 40 minutes out of town. Huge house, pool,...
Life in high technology as a salesperson can be very rewarding with the right firm. Cindi, my wife, and I have been living life to the fullest. We have a great house in a gated community, we belong to a country club, we both drive nice cars and Cindi wears the latest fashions.Unfortunately I have to travel 3 or 4 times a year to conferences and they are so boring Cindi no longer travels with me. As I was leaving a presentation last month in Vegas I received a surprise.“Derek” this cute brunette...
For those new to my stories; everything you read is a true story of an event that happened to me. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I document these events to show how I transitioned from a shy virgin to a DOM BBC Bull. It was a faily quiet week in my small conservative town. After work one day, I checked my AFF account and saw I had a new message from a couple. Since there was very little action in my town on AFF, I moved my AFF location to Vegas (which was only a...
It wasn't until all four of us were waiting for a taxi to take us to our hotel that the conversation, and power struggle, started again. Ellie said, trying to set the tone for the crazy weekend, "I just thought I was going to a wedding." "And?" Miranda asked, confused by Ellie's point. "Well, I packed for a wedding, not for a weekend with a submissive," Ellie smiled, looking directly at my mother, whose face went flush. Ellie added, never taking her eyes off my submissive mother, "It's just...
IncestMy wife Eileen and I are in our early 50’s. Our sex life has always been good, though over the years a bit routine and less frequent. While having sex, I have always been the most verbal, blurting out kinky things I’d like to do (that we almost never actually do) while Eileen’s response has always been to close her eyes and moan, with no word spoken. I’ve always felt she had nasty thoughts running through her head while we had sex, and imagined her fantasizing about things and people she could...
Introduction: Please leave your comments so I can get better What Happens in Vegas Fuck those Bitches Cindy thought as she stumbled back into the casino. This was suppose to be her weekend, her chance to cut loose and have fun with the girls, but NO those bitches run off to fuck the first guys that buy them a drink. I dont need them to have a good time I will find one on my own she told herself. Shit, damn shoe looking down she noticed the buckle of her shoes had come undone again. Bending...
That One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....
LAS VEGAS"I dunno, some of the dresses are short, and the others are also skimpy, and jeez it exposes so much of me," you said."Look, we're in Vegas, and frankly, I think most people don't give a rat’s ass, except the wives and girlfriends of guys that start to stare at you," I replied. "Dress A (, you'd be making a statement. I should point out that Dress A does come in black, which does make it a bit more formal. Dress B (, on the...
My wife Eileen and I are in our early 50’s. Our sex life has always been good, though over the years a bit routine and less frequent. While having sex, I have always been the most verbal, blurting out kinky things I’d like to do (that we almost never actually do) while Eileen’s response has always been to close her eyes and moan, with no word spoken. I’ve always felt she had nasty thoughts running through her head while we had sex, and imagined her fantasizing about things and people she could...
BisexualThat One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....
Group SexJust like most men my fantasy has always been to be with two women at once. My wife of 20 years, Leigh, knows all too well about this fantasy but has always told me that there was no way in hell that it would ever happen. For the past couple of years I had been hinting around about us having a threesome with another man. My thinking being that if she was willing to try it with another man then maybe the experience will open her mind to having a threesome with another woman. I also figure...
[i]WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...
Julia DeMarco was a genius, a scientific protégée, and an extreme techno-nerd. She could read and write well before her third birthday, had graduated from MIT before her fourteenth birthday, and received her third doctorate before she could legally drive at the age of sixteen. The breakthroughs in long distance holography which she developed while getting those doctorates were immediately adopted by the military. But for security reasons, it was not until she reached her eighteenth birthday...
ExhibitionismThis story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...
This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...
It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we?Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three?Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot. But it wasn’t like it used to be. You know...
My plane landed in Las Vegas just after noon on a Thursday. I had come to town to attend a sales conference for Remax brokers and agents. A shuttle took me to my hotel which was also the site of the conference. Thursday was just for registering for the various seminars and other activities to be held all day Friday and until two on Saturday. I had a bellman take my luggage to my room while I registered for the conference and picked up my credentials and name tag.I wanted to use this conference...
Gay MaleIt was our twentieth wedding anniversary and I wanted to party for the weekend. I didn't want a romantic getaway, I wanted to dance, get wild, and make it a memorable time. The best place to do that was Las Vegas. Hubby pulled out all the stops. A limo was waiting at the airport to take us to our hotel. Once we arrived we checked in and were taken to the top floor. When we opened the door to our room I was floored. He had booked us a suite that was enormous, complete with a pool table and an...
ExhibitionismHey guys, I’m back with yet another experience about what happens in Vegas. This is a continuation of . So if you haven’t read it yet, go through it to get a gist of what’s happening. I’m hoping y’all know me already from the previous stories. So let’s skip the introduction and quickly get to the incident. So I ended up sleeping with Ryan and fulfilling my BBC fantasy, god it was amazing! He was and still is the best sex I’ve had. After that night, we met on a few more occasions and had...
LesbianHey guys, I’m back with yet another experience about what happens in Vegas. This is a continuation of . So if you haven’t read it yet, go through it to get a gist of what’s happening. I’m hoping y’all know me already from the previous stories. So let’s skip the introduction and quickly get to the incident. So I ended up sleeping with Ryan and fulfilling my BBC fantasy, god it was amazing! He was and still is the best sex I’ve had. After that night, we met on a few more occasions and had...
LesbianOnce back at the hotel, Mary and Joe talked about the possibility of heading out to the bar again. They recalled the great time they had the other night there, and also how Mary had teased the hell out of the three big black men. It had really gotten pretty raunchy the last time. Joe remembered how Mary had let the huge men explore her body tattoos, showing them intimate parts of her tiny sexy body. She danced with Marvin, allowing him to feel her tight body up. Also how she had allowed two of...
Jan was ecstatic with the news! Her husband, Terry, had just called and told her that his company was having its annual corporate business meeting in Las Vegas and that he, as a senior manager, was allowed to bring her along on the trip. Jan and Terry had been married just over ten years and they hadn't had a vacation in the last seven - and Vegas was going to be the perfect place to renew their sagging sex life. There had been subtle changes over the past two years, their once imaginative...
Four months had passed since Jennifer had her fling with Gary. We had stopped discussing that subject about two and a half months ago. Now it was pretty much a distant memory. I still hadn't decided what I wanted from Jennifer. She stopped asking me about it and I didn't bring it up. It was July and time for a vacation. Jennifer and I talked about several possible places we could go and ended up deciding to take our vacation in Las Vegas. We had never been there and the airfare and hotel...
We were planning a trip to Vegas. All of us are big gamblers, so we would prefer to spend our money at the tables, and hopefully bring home more of it than we had originally. As a result of this, we agreed to all stay in one room, and just kind of take shifts sleeping. Nobody really sleeps all that much when we're in Vegas anyway. This means that we had 8 people in one room, 4 officially, don't tell anyone ;). I'm a guy, 26, tall and in pretty good shape. The rest of my friends were a mix of...
Erotic FictionCaroline had been at her job for a few months but had a hard time fitting in. Her colleagues, a bunch of catty, older women froze her out, because they believed she got the job on her looks, that she slept her way into her position. There was no truth to that, but her boss, Mr. White, had looked at her hungrily during the interview and always stood way too close while they talked. It was her first job out of college and she had actually been surprised she got it. Caroline had done nothing to...
Bryan had always promised to take me to Las Vegas. Each time he told me of his plans to go, they did not include me. I was hurt. I knew I had no business feeling that way. It was his entertainment. I knew my place in his life. I was not his girlfriend.He usually took his girlfriend Lisa. He went to Las Vegas often. I had never been and had all my life heard stories of Las Vegas and wondered what it was like in person.This particular week Bryan told me of his plans to go. He said he was bringing...
TrueI was 33 and recently divorced. I had decided to take a break from things and take a little trip. A couple of girlfriends of mine had invited me to go to Vegas with them for the weekend. I had accepted and looked forward to some fun. One of the girlfriend’s husband was a pilot for a major airline so we got free upgrades to first class. We left on a Friday afternoon and planned to return on Sunday evening. We were staying at the Bellagio. We had fun on the flight out there. We drank champagne...
My parents had booked to go to Vegas as usual this year, having been the past few years I was getting bored with the place but my dad is a bit of a gambler and loves the atmosphere. I was in high school now and could easily have stayed home with my older b*****r to watch me, he was 19 and far too responsible for his age, he would NEVER have let anything happen to me. Despite this, they insisted I should join them, being 5 years younger than my older sibling they said they would worry too much...
If you are new to my stories. All the stories are true; some details have been changed to protect the guilty. If you are new, a little background about me. I share these stories in order to document the progression I made from a shy virgin to a DOM BBC Bull. It was a normal week at work and, as usual, I had made the decision to go to Vegas for the weekend. I drove down to Vegas on Friday after work. I hadn't taken the time to make any plans for meeting and women or couples that weekend. In that...
Linda was happy that conference was finally over!Linda had agreed to come to Vegas to represent the company but her real intention was to have sex with good looking stranger that she would never have to see again and certainly would never have actually be in a relationship with. You see, Linda had recently finalized her divorce and she had no intention of ever being in relationship again. There was just one problem; sex had become an obsession for her since her marriage broke up. There were men...
Wednesday morning, Terri and I finished packing and were getting dressed to go to the airport and head to Las Vegas. I told Terri I was going to wear shorts during the day because it gets rather warm in Vegas in the summer. She said, “Shorts are fine during the day but you will dress nicer when we go out at night.” Terri had always been the fashion police in our family; she often accused me of being colorblind. When she had gone shopping on Monday, she bought me several pairs of shorts that...
Wife LoversIt was our last full day in Vegas, the teachers conference was really informative, and I did a lot of networking. Bonnie, (Ms. Johnson) and I, attended a seminar the last morning, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting quite close to a teacher from a district 150 miles from where we teach. The seminar was about "dynamic classrooms" and the teacher giving the presentation wasn't half bad looking. After the seminar ended Bonnie came to me with her teacher friend in tow and asked if I wanted to go with...