Anniversary Present free porn video

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Anniversary Present By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers "So I need you to pick me up about 7:30pm at the salon, ok sweetie?" Darlene kissed her husband and glanced at her watch. "We'll go out from there." "You're getting you hair done again! Come on, it's Friday night!" Matt gave her a look. "And are we going to dinner, or one of those Halloween parties we've been talking about?" "You wanted this, and it's been three weeks!" Darlene ran her fingers through her long, straight hair. "It takes a lot of maintenance babe. Didn't you know that when you made me dye it, and add all these extensions?" "More than I expected, I guess?" said Matt, rolling his eyes. "I was happy being a brunette, and you married me like that, right?" Darlene smiled. "But I've been a good wife, and that's what my sweetie wanted for his birthday, and so here I am. The little blonde tart you always wanted." "I thought you liked being blonde, and I figured it would spice up our love life," said Matt, trying to reason with her. "I'm not complaining and it does have its advantages." Darlene glossed her lips. "Also, I agree our life in the bedroom has definitely changed! Now, I'll need some extra cash please. How much you got on you?" "A couple hundred, but," Matt sighed, opening his wallet. "Perfect, I need to do some shopping, and I'm sure you didn't buy my anniversary gift yet, right?" asked Darlene, looking at his money. "You know it's today right? Remember, it's always around Halloween?" "Well, I was getting to it, but I just haven't had time yet," explained Matt as she snatched his cash. "No need. I've got my eyes on this dress I really love, and some incredible shoes," said Darlene, counting what she took from him as she stuffed in it her purse. "Let me see how I make out shopping on my lunch hour, and I'll let you know later whether we're going to diner for our anniversary, or a Halloween party. Ok, got to run, my car pool is here." Darlene scurried out the door, hearing a car horn beeping as she kissed her husband good bye. He licked his lips, tasting the strawberry gloss and finished his coffee before heading out to his office. He was thinking about how hot she'd look in a skimpy dress and sexy shoes all day, as he could care less about dinner or a party. "I think you're going to find what I bought today really sexy," Darlene texted her husband. "I also had enough money to get something pretty spicy for underneath. I'm very psyched about tonight. See ya at 730 babe!" Matt was hornier than ever now reading her message a few times. He enjoyed a few drinks at happy hour on this fun filled Friday night, talking to some of his buddies and was happy high fiving them as he left to go get her. He pulled up at the salon, feeling just a little buzzed and went inside, sitting down in the waiting area. "You must be Matt," said the receptionist. "Yes, hi," said Matt, casually checking her out. "I'm here for my wife, Darlene." "Yes, we've been expecting you," said the girl. "Follow me and I'll get her." Matt followed the young girl down the hall, barely moving his eyes from her tight jeans. They entered a small private room as she switched on the lights as he looked around, seeing a few chairs, some basic furniture, and a large dentist like chair in the middle. "She'll be in in just a few minutes," said the girl, handing him a white terrycloth bathrobe. "She told me to tell you that you're changing into your outfit here, so you'll be comfortable in this until she gets here with it. I'll give you a minute, and if you put your clothes into this laundry bag, I'll make sure they put it with her stuff." "Oh, thanks," said Matt. "I guess she decided we're going to a Halloween party from here." "Sure, whatever," said the girl, nodding and rolling her eyes as she left. "I'll be back in a minute." After two minutes, the girl returned taking the bag. Matt sat there annoyed, waiting as time seemed to move slowly until finally he heard a knock on the door as his wife came in with two other women. "Hey honey," said Darlene, kissing him softly. "This is Greta, she does my brows and bikini, and this is April who does my hair and makeup. They're wonderful." "Oh hello ladies. Great work on my wife. She always looks amazing when she leaves here," said Matt, surprised at seeing his wife as he sat there in his robe. "So I guess you'll be needing some time then, honey?" "Oh this," said Darlene, pointing to the towel wrapped turban style on her head. "Yeah, but not that much more. I know it's a bit of a surprise babe, but the girls are here because I hired them to help you get ready for tonight," "Oh, it's that elaborate what we're dressing up as tonight?" said Matt, totally blindsided. "Not really, but you're certainly going to need quite of bit of work. I gave you what you wanted for your birthday, and now I definitely expect you'll return that request for our anniversary." Darlene smilied before walking over and whispering in his ear. "I'm thinking this will be a night to never forget, ok?" "Yes," sighed Matt, getting aroused. "Awesome! I'm good with that!" "Good, because I guarantee this will produce your wildest sexual experience ever," said Darlene, giving his ear a little nibble as she whispered. "Deal, sweetie?" "Deal," replied Matt, ready to explode. "Oh definitely." "Ok ladies, he's all yours. See you in a bit when they're done making you gorgeous," said Darlene, winking as she opened the door to leave. "Gorgeous?" Sighed Matt. "Is that what you said?" "It's Halloween weekend, honey," said Darlene, shooting him a devilish look and raising her brows. "I plan on this being our most interesting anniversary ever. Toddles until later. I can hardly wait!" "Don't be nervous, Matt." April took him by the hand. "I'll take good care of you and this will be fun. It always is this time of year, especially when I get to work on the husbands." Matt thought he knew what she meant, but was not completely sure as he had little issue being taken by the hand by the perky attractive blonde hairdresser back out into the salon. It was hard to concentrate, seeing all the women in the busy salon as she brought him to a chair and wrapped a cape around his neck. He sat staring at her boobs in her tight black tunic as she leaned him back and proceeded to wash his hair. It was like heaven feeling her nails dig into his scalp as she leaned over exposing her tight abs, as he could barely keep his eyes off her. He was putty in her hands as she worked on him over and over before finally she walked away as he lay there relaxed, feeling just a little soothing buzz from happy hour. "You enjoying you're first salon visit, Mathew?" said Greta, looking down on him after about twenty minutes as she came over. "It was unexpected, but it is relaxing so far," replied Matt, looking up at her wishing he was staring at April again, as she was a large strong looking woman. "I'm feeling good after a few cocktails after work." "I'm sorry to have to change that Mathew, but I promise I will be quick my dear," said Greta, pressing down above his right eye as she pushed his eyelid shut with her pinky. "Try not to overreact and embarrass yourself please." Matt did his best muffling his scream as she ripped a portion of his eyebrow from his forehead. "Greta, holy shit," screamed Matt as he instantly put his hand up to curb the sting and feel it as she pushed it back down. "How much did you rip?" "Don't be a baby, Mathew," said Greta, shaking her head. "I'm just shaping, and there are kids here that I wax that are tougher than you." "Yeah but they expect it," cried Matt as he was scared shitless, shaking as she now repeated it on the other side. He did his best trying to act tough as she jumped back and forth, making some small adjustments. Again he tried raising his hands to feel as she slapped his wrist gently as April came back over. "There, fine sweetie. It's just that they were so bushy and gross," said April, rubbing some cream on his face. "I'm going to give you a nice lather and shave and you'll feel so much better." He watched as she swirled a brush all around his face, smoothing shaving cream everywhere. It was strange being shaved by a hot girl holding up a long blade, instead of the old fat barber that cut his hair as again she helped relax him. When she finished, she was rubbing a cream all over his face, gently massaging his skin and ever so softly at his sensitive brow area. "I'm going to let this set in for a bit and it'll help take the sting away, sweetie," said April, gently rubbing his arm. "You're doing great." With that she walked away, coming back a few times, checking on him. Finally she returned, rinsing his hair without saying a word and then took a small towel, wiping his face. When she finished, she again rubbing cream all over his cheeks, neck, and forehead, only this time he could see her blending with a small sponge. "Having fun yet?" said Darlene as he looked up, unable to see her as she was standing out of his line of sight. "I know what you're doing, honey!" said Matt, slightly annoyed. "I didn't agree to a costume like whatever crazy shit you picked, but I hope you're not taking this too far." "Nothing's crazy right now, you big baby. It's Halloween weekend," said Darlene as he felt a kiss on his forehead from behind while Darlene was working on his eyes. "Don't be worried, because I only hired the best so you'll look incredible when they're done with you. Now just keep cooperating, because it's my anniversary gift and if you ruin our anniversary, that'll be worse than what a little makeup can do to you." "Ok, ok," said Matt, having little choice anyway. "You better help me get all this shit off later." "Oh don't worry!" whispered Darlene in his ear. "I plan on making sure you strip down perfectly!" Matt was so aroused he could barely control himself as Darlene apparently walked away while April continued working on contouring his face. Finally after about twenty minutes, she stopped brushing some powder to his face before finally she rinsed his hair again. "That's it?" said Matt as she leaned him forward wiping his hair. "For now honey," said April, wrapping his head turban style and motioning him to get up. "Come on, this way so there's no peeking. We'll fix up that sexy body of yours and I'll do your nails." "Ok, I'm playing along," said Matt as she dragged him by the hand. "First, I thought you were making me a girl, then doing some crazy monster or Dracula thing. Come on, clue me in here." "I never ruin the reveal sweetie," said April leading him around. When they turned the corner, he found himself back in the room he started, as Greta came back in undoing the belt of his robe. She wasted no time sliding it from his shoulders before pointing at the red dentist like chair as he looked at her with surprise as she took the robe. "Please, you have nothing we haven't seen," said Greta, pushing his hands away, covering his erection under his briefs. "Now relax! We have work to do." He found himself seated in the chair in nothing but his black briefs as she swung his legs apart, positioning them in the little stirrups at the ends of the foot rest. She stepped on a pedal as it began rising and reclining until it finally stopped as she took some cream and a razor, removing the few stray hairs he had from his chest. He looked to his left, seeing a cart with a series of fake nails and different colored polishes rolled over as April took his hand and began working "Oh, is it Dracula with the long red nails?" sighted Matt. "That's kinda cool, or are we back to the girl thing?" "You're not the brightest little bulb, are you Mathew?" said Greta, as he almost shit himself when she took a small stick, rubbing a hot substance on his left calf. "Holy fucking shit, Greta," screamed Matt as she ripped the first section of hair from his leg. He was panting as the girls chuckled as April continued buffing as Greta opened a drawer, filling a small mouthpiece with some paste. "Here, this will help whiten just a bit," said Greta, shoving it in his mouth. April just kept working at prepping his nails, holding his finger tightly each time Greta ripped a section off his legs, as each time Matt grunted and cringed. He was crying like a baby as she lifted and worked, quickly having most doubts removed from his mind about his costume as they worked. He looked over, seeing his long nail extensions on all five fingers now as she worked on shaping the tips, wondering how he would grip anything with their length. When she finished, Greta wasted little time holding that arm straight up, as it wasn't much work quickly shaving his pit and waxing off the little bit of hair he had below his elbow He was right about one thing as the smell of nail polish filled his nasal cavity as he watched the blood red polish slide across his new extensions, giving him just an ounce of doubt as his nails now sat under the portable dryer as they worked together waxing and prepping the other arm. Finally as she worked on the other hand, Greta opened his legs a bit wider now as she stood between them, sliding some plastic gloved over her hands. "Don't be nervous while I clean you up down there. I told you I've seen it all dear," said Greta, sliding off his briefs before closing a little buckle around each ankle and watching his eyes widen as the chair was elevating near his thighs and buttocks. "There's nothing to worry about unless of course you decide to fidget around. I'm just going to belt you for a few minutes for safety, so you don't slide back." When it stopped, his rear section was elevated way above his head and he felt ready to jump from the chair, but couldn't as his ankles had been fastened. He was embarrassed and nervous as she spread them as wide as possible, hearing a click as he was stuck spread eagled. He looked up, hearing a buzzing sound as he could see her moving around his penis and buzzing through his public hair. He couldn't tell how much she had buzzed off, but knew she was really grooming him as he could feel the cold blade of a razor around his testicles, before he finally felt a gooey sensation as she rubbed some ointment all around the area. He sat like this for a good ten minutes, wondering what was happening as she walked behind him making some ruffling noses. He tried stretching his neck, but was unable to see her work until finally April had finished his other hand and rolled a cart up next to him. "You're doing well," said April, softly touching his face. "Don't be stressed. Just go with the flow and have some fun with all this. Now eyes open and closed when I tell you sweetie." April now leaned over his chest, blowing into his eyes as she worked with liners and pencils, performing some precision work in front and behind his lashes. He couldn't see Greta but now felt her pushing at his crotch as it was very annoying as she pressed at his skin. It was odd as he heard a hair dryer and felt the warmth near his balls as April pressed at his lashes now. It was aggravating as she squeezed them in a lash curler and over and over coated them in mascara, while he felt Greta applying something creamy and even now and then hitting the area with the dryer constantly. Finally, he felt his ankles being released as she was painting at his lips. While the rear of the chair declined, the back was raising up to a sitting position as April wrapped a long cape over his body now. When the seat finally returned to the normal sitting position, April now removed the towel and began blow drying. He figured it was almost over as Greta surprised him, lifting only his left foot as she began working on his toes while April was sectioning his hair in the back.. She seemed to be working rapidly now as he felt a liquid being squirted from side to side at the nape of his neck. It was an odd sensation as he felt some tugging at his scalp before she hit the area with her hairdryer and then moved upward creating the next section. This work went on for a good while as he felt the weight slowly increasing as it tugged at his scalp. "Please keep your focus straight ahead," said April, using both hands at his temple moving his head. "It's getting late and you're just about there." Finally, she was brushing over and over as he felt the tension dying for it to be over, as he knew she had pinned hair to his. "Five minutes until we dress you, now a few last pinches," said Greta as the chair again reclined just a bit. "Noooo," muttered Matt, tying to speak as his eyes widened, knowing exactly what was about to happen as he grabbed Greta's hand, seeing the little gun approach his ear. "Stop, or it will be crooked," said Greta, sliding it off as she ignored him, popping his left lobe. "I have a job to do, no please do not interfere again." He was teary eyed as she turned his face, doing the right ear before April touched his tear with a tissue as the chair returned upward. "No biggie. It's waterproof honey," said April, holding a brush and flat iron in her hand. He was in total panic mode now, quivering as she released the few clips from his head and he could see out of the corner of his eyes some long light strands of hair roll down his shoulder. She took her brush, pulling some of it forward on the right before he watched the flat iron glide through the long blonde strand as he could feel the slight tugging at his scalp as she stretched it. He bit down hard, infuriated but realizing all this torture was just about over, except it was pretty unsettling realizing his wife had paid them to transform him like this for Halloween. There was now no point fighting at all now as she flat ironed over and over, and then came out in front of him, pulling out the last clip. He was distracted for a moment, feeling his left leg lifted as he watched Greta rolling a black stocking up his leg until April lifted his face. "Chin up please," said April as she took the long tail of her comb, digging it straight through his hair between is eyes. She brushed a little side to side, and then placed her palm under his chin as she brushed right past his nose while Greta worked on the other leg. Across his brows he felt her blade slide as she quickly trimmed before she took her fingers, flicking little strands from his cheeks and nose. It all happened so quickly as the slim flat iron twisted horizontally on his forehead and it was seemingly over, she smiled stepping back. "I'll take that now, and smile big for me, please," said April as she took the piece from his mouth and touched his lips with some gloss from a tube. "This is crazy," said Matt breathing a little through his mouth now as Greta took his hand, helping him up as he watched all the small blonde clippings flutter to the floor as he stood "Fold your arms for me," said Greta as she took the cape from his neck, moving his arms. He glanced down as he watched her pinch the loose flesh on his chest, and took some little alcohol wipes cleaning the outsides. To his right, he watched April pull some white tabs of some double sided tape and before he could even blink, two large forms were being pushed at the outsides of his chest. Greta pushed and snapped a small clear clip on the very underside of the forms as Matt glanced down, stunned at the cleavage it gave him, and before he could even blink they were being supported by a black bustier corset as they pressed it against him. They worked together sliding the straps right over his arms and Greta quickly fastened some little snaps on the back, getting it nice and snug. It was happening so fast as Greta was adjusting the arm strap's tension, pulling his breasts upward as April was working with some makeup and a brush between his natural boobs as he could see the difference as she enhanced the gap in his boobs artistically. "Palms straight out on the wall, honey," said Greta as she tugged some straps on his back. "Breathe in and hold in until I tell you." He couldn't believe the constricting feeling, as the moment he sucked in his breath, she pulled extremely hard, jerking him back as April held him steady. "Exhale, that's very nice," said Greta, snipping some strings as he couldn't believe he'd be staying like this, while April fastened and adjusted the garters which hung from the corset, attaching them to his silky hose. "This may be some of our best work, April." "I'd like to think so," said April ,opening a shoe box and bending in front of Matt. "Hold my shoulder, honey." The first shoe wasn't that bad as he held her shoulder, until he had to balance in it as he grabbed hard at her shoulder blade as she inserted his foot into the other. He almost fell as she chuckled, grabbing him as she stood as his knees knocked as she took a few steps back. "Let's go across the hall and get your dress on, dear," said Greta, putting her arm around him as April opened the door. "Like this!" Matt asked, taking his first step. "I'm half naked. Can't you bring it here?!" "It's just across the hall, and no one will see," said Greta, helping him take small steps. "I can't go out in this kind of costume anyway. My wife is nuts," Matt whined as they entered the next room and they turned, seeing his full view in the three way mirror. "Holy fuck! Where are my nuts?" Matt couldn't believe his eyes, immediately sliding his finger across the small slit between his legs and digging his nails into the small golden triangular patch. He knew it was synthetic, but gave a small tug with his nail tips, realizing he felt his flesh pull from under it, knowing it had been glued on. "Let's just say they've been tucked away for safe keeping," teased Greta. "Looks pretty real, right?" "Fucking shocking," said Matt. "Relax, they're under there, and as you can see, you look fabulous," said April rubbing his back. "I'll be right back with your dress." It was extremely uncomfortable seeing Greta stare at him as he stood there checking out his body in a form fitting one piece bustier corset, sheer black seamed stockings and stilettos. The corset had cinched him in drastically, giving him that hour glass look, and he couldn't believe how they could take his little chest and mould it into some amazingly bold cleavage. The fake portion of the adhered boobs where perfectly concealed under the rounded underwire cups of the bustier top as he stood sliding some of his extended hair off his left breast. It was quite disturbing thinking that he had a blonde vagina on display, framed ever so perfectly between the rigid straps of his garters. He twisted his left thigh a touch, gazing at the thin long black heel of his strappy 5 inch black peep toe stiletto sandals, looking like he was ready to engage his boyfriend in the bedroom rather than go out to a party. He twisted fully around, creeped out at how his ass appeared so much rounder without the little hairs which were waxed away, and noticed not a single sign of any boy in sight, seeing the long blonde hair arranged in a V-shape ending just inches from its butt crack. He turned back around, taking a few steps towards the mirror to confirm what he already knew as he touched the front of his hair, reluctantly accepting that all the soft massaging and tingling was actually bleaching as his trendy boy cut had been turned platinum. On his forehead, the simple straight bangs were cut from his own locks, fronting a meticulousness middle part and most of the rest of his natural hair had been used to cover the seams of glued on, very long straight platinum extensions. They had done a glamour type look with his makeup, as he had darkly lined blood red glossed lips and faint pink blushed cheeks. His thickly curled false dark lashes fanned out nicely above his dark thinly lined lids, standing out as he opened and closed them. Above the lashes, she used dark shadows at each crease and creamy taupe's at the edges of his now arched brows, giving him a cat like appearance, making his natural grey blue retinas really pop. "I hate to break up you meeting the new you, but it's time to go sweetie," said April as she held out his dress. "I'm pretty sure you'll get to enjoy your likeness later in the bedroom, but I assume you'd rather leave here dressed?" "Oh, yeah," said Matt, shaking his head. "Yes please. I'm already sick enough." He held her shoulder, stepping into it ever so gingerly in heels as she guided it up his body and slid his arms through the sleeves. She flipped his hair over his shoulder as she zipped it up before taking her brush and fixing his hair. She made a few final adjustment, now brushing a section in front across each breast before trimming at the edges as she angled each side, just slightly framing his cleavage a touch and giving just a last bit of shape. He gulped as she touched his neck with some perfume and then both wrists as he knew it was different than his wife's, but familiar and enticing. She took a moment twisting the dress just a touch and adjusting the tight straight skirt as his garters no longer showed. She touched his shoulders, moving some stray hairs one last time and adjusting the fit at the cleavage area before she picked at his hair just a bit with her fingers, before she shook her pump spray bottle, coating it. "Very sexy sweetie," said April as she was spraying him in hairspray over and over. He knew he'd be leaving like this now, staring at himself in a form fitting three quarter sleeve, classic little black dress as she walked behind him, moving the back of his hair. As she lifted it a touch from behind, he could see the little diamond studs in each ear just giving a hint of shine under all the long straight extensions, and she used both hands fastening the clasp of the silver chain, which seemed almost invisible holding a glittery single diamond pendant that sat delicately just inside the top of his cleavage, drawing in your eyes. Greta stepped in now, placing two thick silver bangles on his right wrist, and a delicate silver watch on his left as April bent down, fastening a silver ankle bracelet on the left ankle. Greta turned, leaving the room as April stepped back, admiring her work for a moment before approaching him looking satisfied. "You came out gorgeous!" exclaimed April, overjoyed with their work as she slid off his wedding band. "Your wife's going to be thrilled." "I guess. This was her crazy idea. It's hard to believe it's me under here," replied Matt, looking down seeing the little tan lines created by his ring being off. "Wait, I never take this off though. I don't think I should, especially on our anniversary." "Oh, you're not. We're just making it more authentic hon, with the rock," said April, sliding it back on his finger after another ring. "We went this far, so at least if someone doesn't realize your costume, then at least they'll think you're taken." Matt looked down, seeing a pear shaped cubic zirconia ring had been paired with his simple thin wedding band. It was crazy, fanning out his sparkling square tip red nails, staring at the glisten from both the rock and his nail tips. "I pulled my car around," said Greta, coming in now. "Let's get a move on, ladies." It was so strange as he walked as carefully as he could down the hall in his heels and through the main salon. No one seemed to even turn a head except for a guy sitting in the lobby, peaking up from a magazine giving him an uncomfortable little smirk. He was happy to leave that place as he exited outside with Greta, but immediately felt the chill on his legs as he stepped out into the night air. "Holy cow," whined Matt. "How late is it, and I need a coat?" "Just stop stalling and get in. No coat's covering those legs anyway. You'll get used to it," said Greta, unlocking the car. "It's 10:30 and we usually don't stay open this late excect some Fridays, as we have a big clientele who like to get done up for a big night out. You know this part of town is really hopping this time of year." He fumbled with the seatbelt, not used to his nails as finally he got it buckled in. He pulled down the visor, flipping open the mirror, amazed at how the whitening made his smile look brighter and shook his head, stunned she had made him do this. "Amazed how pretty you turned out, I imagine," said Greta, smiling as she was amused at him staring at himself. "Ahhh.. stunned, and stunned she wanted me to do this," said Matt, licking his lips. "So yes." "Don't lick them, but it's long wear lip color, plus April loaded your purse," said Greta as the car stopped and she tossed a purse in his lap. "It'll last all night but it does dry out your lips a little, so gloss them up every now and again." "We're here already," said Matt, folding up the mirror and looking out, almost shitting his pants. "It's only two blocks," said Greta. "I hear this place really hops!" "I can't go in there like this!" whined Matt. "That place is a meat market!" "Take that up with the Mrs.," said Greta, reaching over and opening the door. "Now get moving. I've got a date all the way across town, and your wife's been inside waiting for over an hour. Happy Halloween, and have fun." Matt got out of the car and stood in the parking lot nervously as Greta didn't give it a second thought, pulling away. He tugged his skirt down, quivering as it was certainly a cold night, and looked up seeing the bouncer standing alone at the entrance staring at him. He tried avoiding eye contact, fidgeting with his purse as he opened the door, staring aimlessly inside it as his mind raced. "There's no cover for the ladies, honey," said the bouncer, opening the door. "And if you're waiting for somebody, I suggest you have them meet you inside before you freeze your ass off." Matt knew he had no desire to head into the club, but had zero options with nothing in his purse but makeup as he gave a little grin and headed inside. "No coat then, move in please," said a greeter, as she ushered him past the coat check. "You're gonna freeze your ass off later, honey." He shrugged his shoulders and continued walking with his head down as he strolled through the small entry corridor and then stepped inside the club. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he looked around, seeing all the decked out girls and guys with their shirts half open as he shook his head. He went instantly into panic mode, stepping forward to the railing as he looked down to the large lower level dance floor, seeing the club hopping like it did regularly on any weekend. He then saw a girl waving at him from the bar down below and did a double take, realizing it was Darlene. He was ready to kill her as she threw up her hands and then again motioned for him to come down there. He shook his head no, giving her a look of hatred as she threw up her hands and grinned, seeing him put up a resistance. "Ok, then," mouthed Darlene, smiling as she winked at him. "Good luck!" "Can I buy you a drink?" said a guy touching his elbow as he could see her giggling. "Come on, let's hit the bar and get to know each other." Matt was ready to explode as he shook his head no and turned without saying anything, heading towards the long curved staircase. He made eye contact with Darlene as he headed her way as she crossed her legs and folded her hands over her lap, waiting for him with a big grin on her face. "You look incredible," said Darlene, hugging him as he approached her at the crowded bar. "Bartender, can you move my tab to that booth over there." She took his hand like two happy girlfriends weaving through the crowd as she dragged him across the room. She jumped in one side of the booth as he sat, looked agitated on the other side, ready to implode as she twisted her neck, looking him up and down. "So, happy anniversary," said Darlene. "This should be one to remember, right?" "What the fuck is wrong with you Darlene?" Matt yelled, trying to keep his voice down and not scream. "I'm the only one here in costume! How could you fuck that up! It's bad enough you made me dress like this, but even without this mess up, you took it way too far. Let's go right now before I lose it!" "Good idea keeping that voice down honey, but I'd keep the pitch of that voice down too if I was you. This place is really hot on a Friday night," said Darlene, as the waitress came over bringing them two cocktails. "Bring us another round and a couple of shots too please." "Are you insane!" Matt whispered angrily. "I can't stay here like this!" "Why not? You turned out even better than I thought!" replied Darlene, stirring her drink. "You know you haven't even commented on my hair? I'm sure you hate it, but maybe being one of the girls right now you might have a different perspective?" "You have really lost it! Haven't you?" said Matt, getting even more irritated now. "You fucking bleached my hair and I 'm pretty sure they glued these extensions in, because there fucking tugging at my scalp. You think I'm even thinking about this shitty bob cut you got." "No problem, I just thought maybe you'd have more of an appreciation for a trendy cut, but I did keep the honey blonde color you got me into," said Darlene, fluffing the back of her bob. "If nothing else, then at least you got an appreciation of much work it was getting processed, and honestly I think platinum is you color," "It is," said the waitress, returning with drinks as she barged in. "I looked so washed out when I was platinum. It's nice with your coloring though, hon!" Matt downed his shot, unable to even utter a word as he nodded at the waitress as Darlene tipped her. "Ok, no more," said Matt as soon as she left. "We can play this little crazy dress up thing at home, and have a nice anniversary. Give me the keys and let's go." "Yeah, about that sweetie," said Darlene, getting serious. "Not gonna happen!" "Enough Darlene, give me the keys," said Matt, grabbing her purse. Matt rummaged through her purse as she folded her arms now waiting for him to finish, as finally he tossed it on the table. "Satisfied?" said Darlene, taking her purse. "If you want to borrow my lip gloss, all you have to do is ask." "Not funny Darlene," said Matt. "None of this is funny. I'm not amused, are they in your coat?" "Ladies, these are from that big guy at the bar," said the waitress, coming over as Darlene lifted it, saluting him. "Why would you do that!" sighed Matt. "Here he comes." "Well, we do need a ride home. I took a cab here and we're almost out of money," teased Darlene. "Being a blonde it just slipped my mind, and I left my wallet and credit cards at home. Ooops!" "None of this is the least bit funny," said Matt, turning red as the guy approached. "Hi, ladies. I hope you didn't mind, but I figured two pretty lades like yourselves deserved another round," said the man. "I'm Mathew." "Are you kidding, Mathew!" said Darlene, excited and giving her husband a look. "I love that name so so much. I'm Darlene, but sorry... Kinda married!" "Oh, no problem," said the guy as she held up her ring. "But that doesn't mean we couldn't have a drink together, right?" "I guess there's no harm in that," answered Darlene, being flirty. "But maybe you can give us a minute first, ok? We're kind of in the middle of something and then we'll take that drink." "No problem, but that'll cost you another drink, and a dance," teased Mathew. "But I didn't catch your name?" "Uuumm, married too," replied Matt in his softest voice, holding up his wrist and fanning out his fingers. "Oh pick a cute name like you usually do when we hit the clubs," said Darlene, giving Mathew a wink as she grabbed Matt's wrist. "Ouuhh," sighed Mathew, grinning. "I'm pretty sure tonight you can call her Candy!" said Darlene, spinning the stone in the cubic zirconia on Matt's finger. "I'll give you girls that minute now," Mathew smiled. "See you in a bit for that dance. I'm looking forward to it." "I hear Candy's a lot of fun to be with in this club?" said Darlene, staring at Matt and tossing some forms on the table. "Why don't we talk all about that, or would you rather just sign everything over to me?" "Darlene, I..I," stuttered Matt. "You what? I'm all ears honey," Darlene lectured. "You recognize that perfume you've got on! Same as Candy! How about the lip color? You suck at hiding shit, asshole." "She meant nothing to me. It was just one night," Matt began to explain. "She meant enough that you took some pictures of her with your cell, and gloated about it when you sent it to your asshole friends," said Darlene, tapping her phone and turning it. "There's the top of her head while she sucked your dick. Oh, there's her ass and that's your little dick about to stick her. You're not even smart enough to wear a condom!" "I don't know what to say," said Matt meekly. "I was drunk and just killing time." "Yeah, killing time here in this fucking meat market when you said you were at a sports bar," said Darlene angrily. "Killing time while I was exactly where you were today." "Oh shit that's right," said Matt, shocked. "Exactly, asshole," Darlene again crossed her arms. "I was at the fucking salon double processing my hair and getting those stupid fucking extensions for you! So I could be your sexy little tart! But no, you couldn't wait. You had to have some other little platinum bimbo to fuck around with, while I was bleaching my fucking hair! You couldn't keep it in your pants like every other horny asshole here!" "I'm so sorry," said Matt. "I fucked up." "Sorry doesn't cut it! Sorry is what you get to say after you sign the papers, and I take everything you own," said Darlene, pushing them over. "So you know what! Now it's your turn to get fucked over. I thought about this a lot and planned today with this in mind. And that's exactly what I want for my anniversary gift." "You're not saying what I think you're saying," said Matt, feeling ready to piss himself. "Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm saying, but I'll make it crystal clear. You sign or I'll give you one more chance once I'm satisfied Candy's re-lived everything from that night," said Darlene, taking his hand and spinning the ring back around so he could see the rock. "And I mean everything. How bad could it be? You were a nice guy that likes hot blondes and married women. Mathew seems to have the same taste. Either way, it's Mathew's lucky day." Matt was just about choking as he gulped down his drink. He looked teary eyed as she stared at him, silently tapping her finger on the table while she looked across the room, making eye contact with Mathew smiling as he took it as a sign and finally came back over. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you Mathew," said Darlene, getting up and touching his forearm. "I love this song." "Cool, me too," said Mathew as he watched him put his arm around his wife. "Watch my purse, Candy!" Darlene winked. "My extra lip gloss is in there, depending on what you decide." Matt was both scared and steaming inside as he sat there watching his wife being twirled around by Mathew. He reminisced in his mind about their life and looked down at his nails and ring. He could see she was laughing and enjoying her dancing, as he'd occasionally see her glance over, seeing what he was doing. He looked over at a mirrored wall, running his fingertips through his platinum locks and opened her purse. He unscrewed the little tip from the applicator and spread the gloss across his lips as he swished them together. He tossed it back in her purse while taking a deep breath and grabbed both pocketbooks as he headed their way. "My turn to cut in, please," said Matt, handing her both purses as she smiled, letting go. "Really, wow! I guess, sure Candy, as long as it's ok with Darlene," said Mathew as he put one hand around Mathew's neck and they danced. "Sure," said Darlene grinning. He did his best balancing in the heels and they did seem to make it easier swaying his hips. He could see when he glanced up that Mathew's eyes barely ever left his boobs, until he moved in putting his arm around Matt's waist doing a little grinding. As they spun, he watched his wife back at the bar now nodding as she egged him on, enjoying his suffering, when finally a slower song came on. It wasn't too bad when his head was on Mathew's shoulder, but he could feel his back being rubbed ever so softly. "I'm sorry," mouthed Matt silently towards her as she gave him a stern look. "Please no more!" "No way," mouthed Darlene, flicking her finger at him as she watched intently. "Go ahead." He could feel his eyes getting glassy again as he leaned back, softly touching his eye. "I'll get that. It's just a lash," said Mathew, wiping near his eye. "You've got beautiful eyes, Candy." "Ahhh. Thanks," said Matt nervously, seeing him inch closer. "No thank you for allowing me to dance with someone so beautiful," said Mathew, making his move as Matt felt the bile in his stomach rush as Mathew's lips were pressed against his. He looked over, seeing his wife grinning as he wasn't sure if he could really do this, but crazy as it was, it was underway now. He tried closing his eyes thinking about other things, but it was very difficult and he pushed back, ending the kiss. "I'm sorry," reacted Mathew as Matt turned his head. "I know you're married, but I just thought." Matt looked over seeing his wife shaking her head, ready to kill, as she opened her purse holding up the divorce papers as he looked ready to breakdown. "Stop thinking so much," said Matt, turning back and initiating the kiss. It wasn't long until he found himself in a deep make out session, having little choice but to accept Mathew's tongue deep inside his throat and to feel his hands all over his back and satin clad ass. The kiss lasted a good five minutes until finally they both came up for air. They were breathing heavily, staring at each other as Matt could barely believe this was all happening as Mathew was holding both his hands now, staring at him. "I hate to interrupt this little love fest, but you guys ready to get out of here?" said Darlene, coming over and interrupting. "Oh, sure," said Mathew surprised and pleased. "Where would you like to go next?" "How far is your place?" said Darlene, giving him a sexy look. "Maybe fifteen minutes?" replied Mathew stunned. "Sounds good," said Darlene, rubbing his bicep through his skirt. "We're ready if you are." "All three of us! Oh yeah, definitely," said Mathew, very excited but trying to stay calm. "Wait, I only have a two seater car!" "We don't mind sharing. We share a lot of thing," whispered Darlene in his ear. "You good with that, big fella?" "Fuck yeah!" exhaled Mathew, taking both their hands. They walked outside, giving the valet the ticket as he was on cloud nine. The valet pulled up and then gave them a crazy look as they piled into his little two seat BMW as Mathew was puffing out his chest like a king. Darlene made sure Matt was in the middle, pushed half way onto the console bouncing everywhere. He couldn't stop looking at his wife as the smile never left her face, bopping to the loud club music in his car until finally they got there. They walked in and he poured them a few drinks as Darlene wasted no time pushing Matt onto the couch and taking her turn kissing Mathew for just a moment. She then pushed him next to Matt, standing in front of both of them smiling as she hopped across both their laps, stunning her husband by sticking her tongue into her husband's mouth and frenching him deeply. "I hope you're both ready for some fun tonight," said Darlene the moment she broke the kiss as she now touched Mathew's trousers. "Let's make this a night to remember!" "No doubt about that," said Mathew dying inside as Darlene wiggled off his lap to the other side of him as Mathew found himself sandwiched between two blondes. "Good, and I hope you don't mind," said Darlene, nibbling his ear as she whispered in it and undid his belt. "But I do love to watch Candy in action." "That's so hot," said Mathew, wiggling his hips as his zipper was coming down. "Good, you're about to watch my friend enjoy her own candy," said Darlene, as she knocked a throw pillow to the floor, giving Matt a look as she twisted, kissing his neck. "Let's just say she's got a major sweet tooth!" "Oh yeah," said Mathew, ready to explode. "She likes long chewy twizzlers," said Darlene, unbuttoning his first button. "And thick sticky lolli's." As she undid the second, giving his chest a lick. "And especially wet," as she did another nibbling now, "thick jaw stretching ice pops that melt in your deep in your mouth." "Holy shit," sighed Mathew, already losing it. "But most of all big creamy twinkie's with that delicious filling inside," said Darlene, ripping open the last button. "That slide deep down your throat." "Oh yeah," screamed Mathew. "Enjoy your sweets, Candy," said Darlene, taking Matt's hand and putting it on Mathew's hard member as she pulled him from the couch with a yank and walked across the room, before sitting facing them. Matt's eyes were completely bugging as he had nowhere to run as it was the moment of truth as she stared, looked over his shoulder watching her observe him. He looked down grossed out, seeing Mathew's hard member in his hand and then felt Mathew give him a nettle nudge. He couldn't even believe he was in this position on his knees in front of Mathew as he looked over, seeing Darlene give him a stern nod and then crossed her arms, leaning back awaiting his move. "Don't be shy for his sake, honey. Go ahead and show him how you love your own candy," said Darlene. "Sometimes she just needs a little nudge or encouragement, Mathew." Mathew could barely take it anymore, pushing down on the back of Matt's head as he found his lips touching Mathew's penis. "Mathew please, I'm so," said Matt, starting to speak as he jumped back gagging as Mathew held him, digging his fingers inside his hair, massaging his neck. "I know Candy," said Mathew, holding firm and bobbing his head each time he pulled back. "I'm so hot for you too!" He was dying, unable to pull off and unwilling to do this, but Mathew was clueless, pushing down really hard as he lasted less than a minute, exploding in his mouth. As he came up, he was choking a bit as Darlene hurried over immediately licking the dripping from his face and sticking her tongue in his mouth, sharing it. He was grossed out as she broke the kiss and licked his neck as Mathew sat there dumbfounded, enjoying their little moment, turned on beyond his wildest dream. "That's a good start to tonight," said Darlene, looking into his eyes before looking over at Mathew. "We're going to go freshen up and we'll be right back." "Absolutely," said Mathew amazed. "And don't get too comfortable," said Darlene, taking his pants and tossing them over her shoulder across the room. "The night is young." Darlene took Matt by the hand and they walked across the room into Mathew's bathroom. She opened his vanity, taking out his tooth brush and spreading some paste on it, handing it to Matt. "Darlene, no! Please no way," said Matt, pushing it away. "Fine, get used to the taste then," said Darlene, putting it to her own teeth. "Fine, please no more," said Matt as he brushed his own. Darlene had a nice chuckle and spit out her tooth paste in the sink before walking behind him and unzipping his dress. "Don't even whine for a second?" said Darlene, staring at him as she dropped it to the floor. "Now spread you little kitty there and sit and pee. Let's see if it works like they say." He sat there, feeling weird pushing open the synthetic vagina and peeing like a racehorse into the bowl as she dug through his medicine cabinet. When he finished, she looked pleased as it was odd wiping what was trapped inside. She then took more paper, cleaning it well and spun him around as he oddly felt her finger touch his ass. "Darlene!" screamed Matt, spinning around quickly. "You've come this far pretty girl," said Darlene, while wiping her finger with a towel. "Now finish it off and we're even. Be happy I made it nice and slippery for you, or I'd bet it would be a lot more painful." "Darlene, please, you made me do something that I can never forget," cried Matt. "Something no man should ever do. Isn't that enough!" "Not really, and I expect you to act as sexy as possible in this. You look amazing in this lingerie!" said Darlene, handing him his lip gloss and pulled the zipper at the back of his dress. "They really did some great job on you" "Please Darlene," said Matt, dropping to his knees. "I'm begging." "Honey, you did that kneeling thing already so just concentrate on acting sexy like I do for you," said Darlene, pulling off the dress before swinging open the door. "Oh by the way, you're right, it is something that no man should ever do. Now fix those lips because there's no man in sight right now, expect for Mathew on the couch. What I see is a hot blonde about to seduce her man." Darlene picked up his soiled dress and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door open as Mathew turned around, seeing Matt standing there half naked in his corset and heels. "Easy big fella," said Darlene, sitting next to him now, squeezing his limp member gently with her fingers. "Holy shit, you girls are off the charts!" said Mathew, seeing Matt standing there holding the tube of lip gloss. "She wants you bad," whispered Darlene in his ear as she was playing with him as it was waking up. "If you take her from behind, you can have her all night. She's already wet thinking about it. I wouldn't wait too long if I was you." Mathew jumped up hearing that, and ran over towards the bathroom as Matt froze, stunned as he was approaching rapidly. "Easy Mathew," screeched Matt, before could even finish applying the gloss to his lips as Mathew lifted him into his arms. "Mathewwwww!" Mathew's feet barely touched the floor as Matt hung on, having little choice clutching Mathew's neck as he raced him into the bedroom. "Sorry, you make me so hot, Candy," said Mathew, sinking his tongue into Matt's mouth as he carried him up the stairs. He didn't give him a moment to breathe, exploring every inch of his tonsils as the kiss didn't break until he pushed open the bedroom door, placing him on the bed. He leaned down, kissing his cleavage and then Matt quickly rolled over, sliding his hands away from his boobs, not wanting him to feel the fake ones under his bustier. "Be gentle," said Matt, knowing immediately that the roll put him in a bad spot as he gulped when both of Mathew's hands touched his ass. He closed his eyes looking straight ahead at the headboard as Mathew put his arm under his waist and lifted him onto all fours. He grit his teeth as Mathew parted his thighs, mounting him as he could feel the pressure as he was positioning himself. "Mmmaaaathewww!" screamed Matt feeling his cheeks begin to part as he found the spot now. "Hoollyyy shhhhhhhhhhiiiiitttt ... you're too big!" "I love that!" shouted Mathew. "Say my name again! Say it, Candy." "Please! Be gentle Mathew," screamed Matt. "You're ripping me in half! You're fucking huge!" "Don't stop," said Darlene, whispering in his ear before biting Mathew's nipple as she came over now. "That just means she wants it more. She loves big men. Fuck her hard, big boy." "I'm going fuck your brains out, Candy," screamed Mathew, totally aroused. "I know you love it big." He was pumping over and over as Matt was practically crying. Finally, he pushed hard and exploded before finally pulling out and lying next to him on the bed, stroking his hair as he lay on his back staring at the ceiling, completely shocked this had happened to him as Darlene was sitting across the room, enjoying every second. Darlene allowed him a few seconds to catch his breath and then she came back in, again kissing Mathew and stroking him back to life as Matt was laying staring at the ceiling, until his eyes widened at hearing Darlene's voice. "You can't be that tired," said Darlene, egging on Mathew. "She loves it when you lift and take her analy from the missionary position," "Oh, I can go again," said Mathew, jumping from the bed aroused again as he pulled Matt's ankles, sliding him towards the foot of the bed. Matt was almost numb, feeling his legs being lifted as the second he was about to scream out, Darlene stopped him from speaking as she began kissing him. Mathew wasted little time splitting his legs apart as they were touching his shoulders, penetrating Matt again as he was silenced with his wife's tongue deep in his throat. It was totally bizarre as he was being held by his ankles being rocked, as he just lay there being pounded much harder and faster this time. This seemed to last forever this time, as Darlene returned sitting and watching him being fucked until finally Mathew exploded for the third time that night. It was the last thing Matt could remember until morning as he finally woke up, looking over and realizing he was in a naked man's arms. "How fucking gross," said Matt, sliding out of the bed and looking around. He felt his sticky ass and went into the bathroom, washing up and feeling like he was hit by a truck. When he came out, there was no sign of Darlene and he hobbled downstairs, looking around before stopping dead in his tracks, seeing her wedding band, two Advil, and a folded note on the kitchen table labelled for 'Candy'. "Honey, you showed me a lot last night, and yes, now we're truly even! Unfortunately, I can't stop thinking about the fact you're a cheater, and today I'll be officially filing for divorce. I've gone back and forth with this in my mind, but I just can't be with you anymore. As you read this, I'm on a plane on my way to Vegas to get away from reality and settle a few things in my mind, and hopefully a little time away will help you do the same. P.S. While you were passed out sleeping in Mathew's arms last night, he and I had some wonderful conversations and he's really a great guy. Don't get mad at me, but try to have an open mind because I really think you'll be fine with Mathew while I'm gone, because obviously he really likes Candy, but that's up to you. My advice is that you might not want to mess this up so fast, because in my rage yesterday, I've already thrown out all your shit and changed the locks, so I'm sure if you're a good girl like you were last night, he'll let you sleep there for a few nights.. I doubt your parents or buddies would understand your new look, but that's your call, so until I get back and give you some money, you can stay with him. In your purse is everything you should need to look good for him when he wakes up, and if I were you I'd get rid of that morning stubble before he notices, and I'm sure you two can pick up where you left off. I left you all I had on me, which was twelve bucks, and luckily for you I still had the $200 gift card you got me that I never used, to Bebe, and a gift certificate to Fredrick's, so you can go get yourself a few things to wear. Love your X." "Hey morning gorgeous," said Mathew, wandering in totally naked. "Is Darlene gone?" "Yeah, I was just reading her note," replied Matt, turning his back to him. "I've got to use the bathroom. Give me a minute!" "Oh, is everything ok?" said Mathew as Matt ran in, slamming the door. "No just fine," said Matt nervously through the door. "She's got her own agenda and does this to me sometimes. Please, I just need a bit of privacy and I need to freshen up." After fifteen minutes, Mathew came back and knocked on the door again. "You need anything?" asked Mathew. "I made us some coffee." "Thanks, I'll be out in a minute," said Matt. "But I was wondering if you wanted to spend a bit more time together." "After last night," said Matt, pumped up. "Are you kidding me?! Yeah!" "Ok because I'm going to need to crash somewhere for a bit," said Matt, crying. "I'm in a bind now!" "What about your husband?" said Mathew. "My marriage is over," said Matt sobbing. "And I need to hit the mall and get some clothes." "It's a bad day for him, but a bright one for me then Candy," said Matt. "It's no problem. I was going there anyway" "Ok, give me a few more minutes please," said Matt, turning on the water. After another ten minutes, Matt came out with his hair brushed, his stubble gone, face repaired, and his lips nice and glossy. He was in Mathew's long grey dress shirt over his bustier, which draped down to his thighs and he had taken off his hose and shoes. "You look even more beautiful in the morning," said Mathew smiling as he saw him. "This is crazy," said Matt, shaking his head as Mathew walked over giving him a soft kiss and handing him a coffee cup. "It's not a big deal, and I have to go get my costume for tonight!" said Mathew. "I'd love to spend the day together, and then I'll take you with me to a Halloween party tonight. You must like dressing up for Halloween. Come on, dress up for me in something sexy, and I promise you an amazing night?" "You know what? Consider it done! I'll dress up for you!" said Matt, almost choking on his drink as he had a little chuckle. "You're amazing Candy, I'm going to buy you whatever costume you like. I'll forget the superman costume I was picking up, unless you want to be my wonder woman? They've got some sexy Cinderella's or princesses, and I could be a prince, or I saw this skimpy nurse outfit, and I could be a doctor! I'm sure you'll look hot as almost anything," said Mathew all excited. "In fact, we'll get one for the party and pick something else you can surprise me in later when we get home. Maybe you can shock me and we can even top last night!" "Oh, I doubt that will be a problem," said Matt, rolling his eyes as Mathew came over putting his arm around him and kissing him again. "Be careful what you wish for Mathew, as I'm pretty sure I can pull out a few big surprises!"

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Wow. Today is my tenth anniversary at Rainburg Hospital. I was actually surprised to find out, that my colleagues were planning a party for me. Over my entire time working there, I have never really socialized with any of my coworkers. It’s a nice way to find out, that they seem care about me. I need to get ready. The party will start in about an hour. Did they tell me, how formal this is going to be? Fuck, I don’t remember. Even the invitation doesn’t include a bloody hint. Why didn’t I pay...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Dinner

Our tenth anniversary was coming up next weekend. I overheard our children whispering that they were going to be spending that weekend at their cousins' house. My sister's children and mine were close in age and loved spending time together. The thought of spending the night over there was more excitement than they could keep secret. My husband always puts me first. He goes out of his way to make me happy. He is a wonderful father, and husband. I knew he probably had a big evening planned, and...

3 years ago
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Anniversary With My Mom 8211 Fucking Her

Hi friends let’s go with the new story. This story happened 3 years ago when I was 20 years old and my mother was 41 years old. We are a very small family – me, Rahul, my mother Lakshmi and father Raghuvardhan. My father was 53 years old when this incident happened, and he was working as a supervisor in mining industry. He used to come late in the night, like 1  or he usually works night shifts and his rest period is daytime. For me, from my childhood I have never been much fond of him....

1 year ago
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Their life had been like that of most other couples married five years: two children, a mortgaged house, good friends, some good times and some bad times. Their fourth anniversary had been a surprise, planned by him to make it special for her. She blessed it with tears of joy. She had planned and worked for months to make their fifth anniversary special for him. Her plan demanded physical as well as mental fitness. She was running and lifting weights at the gym. Watching her muscles ripple,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Night

If I have any fans out there who are interested in the more personal side of my life, and not just of my fantasies, I have a small gift for you. I thought I would treat you to a true little story. In my dreams I often go much further than I would ever accept in real life; or at least, further than I would go at this stage in my life. But how far do I go in my real life? This will show you! I am sorry about the limited dialogue, which I am aware a writer is supposed to put into these stories,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Waltz 6 25 Years of Foreplay Is Just About EnoughChapter 1

Paula Oldham counted five reasons to be pissed, ticking them off on her fingers. She would have gone higher but she needed the other hand to haul her bag to the luggage cart. One, she counted, starting with the most recent: The peach-fuzzed limo driver called her ma'am. Ma'am was for old ladies. She showed him who was a ma'am, grabbing her suitcase out of his hand. It would have been a better idea if it weren't so damn heavy. Two was that exhibition she'd witnessed at the end of the...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

4:58 p.m., My mind is buzzing with thoughts of what lay ahead, heat pools in my stomach and radiates from the "v" that is my core. I pressed my legs together tightly as I snap back to reality and straighten my desk. The hell with those last two minutes I think to myself as I grab my purse and hit the light switch on the wall near the door. I'm fumbling through my purse for my keys as I bee-line for the elevator, absent of those around me, consumed by my own raunchy thoughts. The drive...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

She sat at the table a little restless with her legs crossed. She wore a little black dress, as that was an essential item of clothing every woman should have in her closet. Her foot bounced up and down as she looked at her watch every few minutes. She’d been waiting almost twenty minutes, already on her second glass of Chardonnay. Suddenly she saw a familiar face coming toward her and she felt the familiar pitter-patter of her heart inside her chest. She smiled at her husband as he leaned...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Turns Into Erotic Threesome

Hello Friends. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. This story is an adventure of mine which turned into a memorable erotic experience. So let’s begin with the story. I was casually surfing the internet and came across a site where you can place some ads in the personals section. As I have some experience with massage, I thought to give it a try. Honestly speaking I never expected a reply. Because on this site most of the people are just glancing through the ads and never reply....

3 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

Summer holidays! Usually the time around which I wake up is 12 in the noon but I woke up to an alarm I’ve set the last night at 7 am. I almost forgot why would I set up an alarm at 7 am in the morning where I was supposes to be snoring to glory and all of a sudden I remembered, the days are special indeed very special. It was the day a year back which changed the whole moment of my life and before I say, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Royden 20 years, an engineering first year...

2 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend

It was our anniversary weekend and we were going away to a favorite hotel of ours. We have been married for over thirty years and my wife is still a looker. She has a luscious, curvy body, sexy red hair, and the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She is also a big flirt which draws men towards her.Earlier in our marriage, she had given into my desire for her to be a hot wife. She had a number of hook-ups, but often these guys would fall for her, and that was not what she wanted. We are happily...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Ch 02

You might like to read Anniversary before this. Thanks for the comments they give as incentive to continue. . Aurora couldn’t help thinking back two weeks to the weekend of their anniversary celebration wondering if it had gone right or wrong, only time would tell. Her intended naughty surprise for Bob had turned out to be his scandalous surprise for her. That evening she had thought her game had run out of control, especially when she had been given to a complete stranger while hypnotised...

2 years ago
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Anniversary celebration turns into 1st time cuckol

Chris couldn’t wait for him and his wife Jamie’s hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers

Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Date

Please be kind, I am not a writer. This is a true story and kind of tame compared to most on here. It was very exciting for my husband and I. It is rather long. I have posted pictures on WL for quite some time, mostly on the request board so you may know what I look like. I am 5’ 2” about 125 lbs, blonde hair. My husband is 5’10” 175lbs, dark brown hair.A few years ago my husband took me to dinner and dancing for our anniversary. The restaurant was located in a great hotel that also had a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Anniversary Surprise "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

3 years ago
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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they're bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. "Happy anniversary", she chirped. "Happy anniversary darling", he whispered in her ear. He...

Love Stories
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Anniversary Assignment Riding The Horse

Riding The HorseBy: Breanne Erikson and Michael AlexanderPart One02/24/11You know, taking off my chastity belt is not exactly the most pleasant thing to do, especially if I've been wearing it for almost twenty four hours straight.  Worse, doing it in an apartment parking lot at seven fifty in the morning is not something either easy, or that much fun.  With people driving by every few minutes while you're in the process of taking off your jeans, unbuckling everything, and then slowly extracting...

1 year ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

4 years ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 2Their Vegas Weekend Getaway Continues

1Waking UpDan slowly came awake the next morning lying in bed to a warm sensation around his groin. Looking down, he saw his wife Pam slowly sucking his morning wood.“Good morning gorgeous!” he greeted her.Pam grunted in reply and continued with her task, getting Dan off before their first cup of coffee.Dan loved it when Pam surprised him by waking him in this fashion. It didn’t happen that often, but when it did, it often was a precursor to a day full of sexy surprises for them both. Noticing...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Party

It was our seventh anniversary, and we wanted to celebrate it in style, so we went to an upscale restaurant in one of the city's plush resort hotels. I wore an evening gown type dress, and my husband wore a suit and tie, so we felt quite elegant. We agreed not to wear underwear, so we would feel sexy. My husband loves the feeling of his penis and testicles moving around freely under his pants, and I enjoy fondling him when I have the opportunity. My dress was revealing enough to give a...

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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they’re bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. ‘Happy anniversary’, she chirped. ‘Happy anniversary darling’, he whispered in her ear. ...

2 years ago
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I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to answer it. Of course, I already knew who it was. Her black hair spilled out over her black hoodie covered shoulders, her pale skin darkened under her green eyes. My mouth stretched into a smile as I opened the door, my cheeks automatically flushing. Her grandparents had already drove away, leaving us completely alone. She stepped inside, taking in the scene in the living room. I’d lit all the candles in the house, which were about fifteen. I...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort My husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

1 year ago
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Anniversary getaway

Cliff and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 30th (which was also my birthday), on a private island my family owns. We stayed in our own house near the main mansion. We had lunch at the beach, and then headed to our cottage to rest. Since it was our anniversary, I prepared something for him as a gift. As we lay down in bed, watching boring movies, I kissed him and whispered in his ear, “Just stay there and I have something to show you.” I quickly showered and dressed in a school...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Visitation

It had been a rough day. It was June 20th and for me, June 20th was never a good day. Normally I would be working, but this year the date fell on a Saturday and I didn't have to work. So I hung around the house for the most part and felt sorry for myself.You see, June 20th was the day my sweet Jenny had stood beside me in front of the preacher and our friends and became my wife. It was the happiest day of my life and I planned on having many wonderful years with her by my side, having a family,...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Anal

It was my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend Greg and I decided that I was going to do something really special for him. He's an amazing boyfriend. He respects me, listens to me, and makes me feel special everyday. And best of all, he has a huge cock and never cums before I do. So to celebrate our milestone, I decided to give Greg something he really really wanted. I was going to let him fuck my ass.I had never done anal before, but I could tell Greg really wanted to. He never asked me flat...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Please Fuck my Husband

I've never really liked getting massages from a professional it always makes me uncomfortable.Having a woman that isn't my wife touch me is weird. What happens if I get an erection? Does my wife get upset with me for being turned on by another woman? Does the masseuse get offended or flattered? Will a porn scenario happen where the masseuse gives her client a very happy ending? I don't know but I just spend the whole time trying to not get an erection and it's exhausting.Why not get a massage...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Debauchery Part I

Becky slowly adjusted to the sensory overload of the Elegant Desire gentleman’s club. The loud beating music, the swirling disco globe over the stage along with the black lights which created an eerie glow to the barely dressed dancers waiting their turn while encouraging the male patrons to have a private dance and maybe much more, with them. All the dancers were young and beautiful in their own right and Becky felt intimidated by them. Years ago, she could have been one of those dancers but...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Fun

Cal and Amanda dated for a while after college and their sexual adventures kept their interest peaked at a very high level. Cal's friends Lenora and Max wanted to show Amanda a different side of sex. The two couples spent time out, dining and dancing, but never in the bedroom or as Max called it, his playroom. Max and Lenora were into the BDSM lifestyle and wanted Cal and Amanda to join them. Cal knew of Max's special room and in fact, before dating Amanda used it several times with them. In...

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Anniversary Surprise

We've been married now for 19 years. I love my wife dearly. We have a great relationship, have had wonderful sex over the years and 4 k**s have popped out as a result. My wife Jill is not as adventurous or daring as I am or want her to be. But she still gets my cock to rise on a daily basis. I figured that it was time to do something different for our anniversary this year so I decided to finally take my wife away from the k**s to a night of food, drinks, and a hotel. The day started off good...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Proposal 2

If you haven't read the first installment, you might want to start there first. Chapter Five When we did finally wake up, I felt refreshed. Jim and I had only been here for two nights, but they both were full of passionate sex. The first night with Jim, my husband. The second night Jim had spent with Casey, a young attractive female who Kevin had said was a “sexual b**st.” I of course had spent last night with Kevin, our host. A very rich man who lived here in the Caribbean. We had met Kevin on...

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Anniversary Trip ch3 Paulas Turn

This is the third installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story and "Sex Slave Stripper" for the second part. After my two days as my husband's "sex slave", our vacation cooled down quite a bit. I still wore my sexy outfits, which attracted no end of male attention, but I was so sore from my evening as a "sex slave stripper", that two more days passed without anything worth writing...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude ResortMy husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

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I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to answer it. Of course, I already knew who it was. Her black hair spilled out over her black hoodie covered shoulders, her pale skin darkened under her green eyes. My mouth stretched into a smile as I opened the door, my cheeks automatically flushing. Her grandparents had already drove away, leaving us completely alone. She stepped inside, taking in the scene in the living room. I’d lit all the candles in the house, which were about fifteen. I...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Barbie Doll

Anniversary Gift: Barbie Doll By Greg Iacovelli "Hi honey," said my wife as I walked in the door. "Hi Barbie," I said. (I called her Barbie because Barbara was her name and she was obsessed with collecting Barbie dolls.) I thought how lucky I was, she looked perfect, a living Barbie doll in her own right. She had a perfectly shaped face with big green seductive eyes, small little up turned nose, and full pouting lush lips. Under that she had a rack so big and so perfectly...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Miracle

I sat on the exam table, clad only in a paper gown and panties. As usual, the exam room was too cold, and I shivered. I had come in to the doctor because I had not been feeling well for several days. The nurse came in and told me I could get dressed and that the doctor would be right in after I was dressed. Thankfully I put on my dress and sweater and waited for the doctor. I did not wait long before he came in with my file, thick after two years of going to his clinic. "Well, Ms....

2 years ago
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Anniversary getaway

Cliff and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary on the 30th (which was also my birthday), on a private island my family owns. We stayed in our own house near the main mansion. We had lunch at the beach, and then headed to our cottage to rest. Since it was our anniversary, I prepared something for him as a gift. As we lay down in bed, watching boring movies, I kissed him and whispered in his ear, “Just stay there and I have something to show you.” I quickly showered and dressed in a school...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Anniversary checkup

Anniversary Check-up You learn something new every day, or so they say. Boy that was true for me on the 10th anniversary of my arrival at Big Closet. It started with me waking up and realizing I wasnt in my bed. Now, I'm a pretty violent sleeper, and its pretty common for me to wake up with pillows and sheets thrown all over the place. I have even fallen out of bed once or twice, but I've never sleepwalked, as far as I know, so I knew something was wrong right away. Not I was...

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