- 4 years ago
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You might like to read Anniversary before this. Thanks for the comments they give as incentive to continue.
Aurora couldn’t help thinking back two weeks to the weekend of their anniversary celebration wondering if it had gone right or wrong, only time would tell. Her intended naughty surprise for Bob had turned out to be his scandalous surprise for her. That evening she had thought her game had run out of control, especially when she had been given to a complete stranger while hypnotised into a state of helplessness. Again she shuddered at the thought of how she had climaxed time and time again under the hands of a stranger. She had been unable to see his face, only later seeing the unmistakable handwriting on her forehead and the use of her pet name, Aury, had she suddenly discovered it had been her husband all along. Even now she couldn’t decide if it would have been better if a stranger had taken her as a whore rather than her husband. ‘What must he be thinking of me having acted like such a slut?’ She wondered. They hadn’t mentioned it at all, he even apologised for missing their anniversary.
She had been hypnotised at the time so perhaps he thought she couldn’t remember the tawdry episode or maybe not mentioning it was a part of his game. She read the first note he had left, written by someone else so she wouldn’t recognise his handwriting. ‘Aurora, you were such a good whore a bonus has been included. Now you are mine I will call upon you whenever I want you. Until next time!’ When she had first read that note she had though it was from a stranger yet even now it sent a thrill of fear through her body. She knew he would call upon her and trembled again, a little frightened at what she would be submitted to next time. The hypnotic trance when summoned was so strong she knew it would be impossible to resist but made no effort to erase it. The fear wouldn’t let her admit she was looking forward to it knowing whatever humiliation was heaped upon her it would result in an ecstasy of pleasure. Or so she hoped.
Meanwhile she lived each day as it came. He was off to the office as early as she was, both picked up in chauffeured limousines, both arriving home too tired to talk and if they did what was common ground? Both their parents were dead and they were only children. They did nothing outside of work. Often one of them would sleep in a spare bedroom not wishing to disturb the other after arriving home late. High-powered jobs in two of the countries most prestigious companies held out the prospect of early retirement to a life of comfort, if they made it. He was thirty-eight and she was only two years younger, so they both had a long way to go. They had all the trimmings, luxury cars they never drove, a modest mansion they merely slept in. They had both asked the question, ‘Was it worth it?’ but had done absolutely nothing about their life style. Until now!
Aurora had only mentioned she had the weekend off once but was sure the cogs of the smart business lawyer’s brain were turning over, planning something. At last it was Friday evening with the whole weekend away from the office, Monday too! If he hadn’t swung it too she would be livid but right now she felt exhilarated with anticipation. There it was! A note was on the fridge door with another on the microwave door just as she had placed them two weeks ago. On the table was a large envelope. It could only mean one thing. She wanted to rush to open it but instead slowly read the other two. Nothing significant, they merely brought her attention to the large envelope sitting innocently upon the table. As though she, unlike him, could miss it. Aurora wanted to saviour this moment, slowly opening it she began to read the typed letter.
The first phrase triggered the deep hypnotic state although to outward appearances nothing changed. She stood there unable to resist an instruction to read and obey the written orders. Sliding the piece of paper back into the envelope she knew wherever this took her she would be unable to refuse any order, however embarrassing, until the release phrase had been given. She flew upstairs eager to discover what had been left for her to wear. On the bed was a little black dress and she was relieved to find hidden underneath it some underwear. Catching sight of her self in the mirror confirmed it was Bob’s choice. Sheer stockings held up by a black suspender belt, transparent black panties, a push up bra and black high heels, all added up to man bait. ‘Well! He baited the hook so let him be the one to be caught.’
She sighed, curving her hips in a seductive wiggle while contemplating what might be in store for her that evening. Adjusting the bra did no good as her large breasts stood up to attention pushed together in a deep cleavage threatening to explode outward. The tiny bra was not up to the job of keeping them under control. With that in mind she reached for the dress knowing it was daringly low cut and the effect it would have. It was a delightful soft glowing black silk dress hugging tight below the bust. ‘Thank goodness the underwear isn’t showing through.’ She said, to the mirror image while swaying her hips back and forth. The light silk swirled seductively about her thighs but once outside she would have to be careful its hem didn’t fly around her waist.
Giggling to herself she raced outside, nearly tripping in the high heels, where her Mercedes spider was parked in the drive ready for the adventure. Looking elegant with her hair up she drove to the destination proscribed all the time having to lift her right foot off the accelerator fighting an eagerness to be there. Fortunately the street was dark so no one would see her dressed so daringly, though it was far from home, she would die from embarrassment if any one she knew saw her. Besides in this vulnerable state it would be dangerous to get into a conversation with someone. There it was a door with the number in rough lettering. It seemed to be some kind of warehouse, a delivery entrance. Taking a deep breath she knocked.
The door opened and she stepped inside hoping for the protection of her husband or at least Daren the young man who guided her so skilfully last time. In the gloom of low lighting she saw the guess had been right, it was a storeroom. The young man wasn’t her husband or Daren. ‘Your early.’ He said. ‘Come on through. I have your instructions ready. Daren will be here later, in the meantime I’m to look after you, show you the ropes. I’ll tell you what to do.’ At least this was the right place and they had prepared for her. This man was even younger than Daren how could he possibly be expected to look after her not knowing the state she was in. Until either her husband or Daren arrived she would have to be careful no one took over as her master.
He pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his jeans pocket. ‘My brother Daren left these instructions. You know how my brother is, ‘you must obey’.’ He mimicked. ‘You are to help out in the store. I’m in charge though. So you have to do as I say.’ He said with a look of ‘official responsibility’ flashing across his face, which quickly turned to a slight embarrassment. ‘Yes sir.’ She responded, feeling humiliated at the sound of those dreaded words especially speaking them to this young man. All the more so that it confirmed him as her new master. She knew the words, instruction, obey and ‘I’m in charge’ had accidentally trapped her. This is exactly what she had dreaded. She was now committed to obeying this young man as her new master. ‘He said you must wear some of the clothing we are trying to shift out of stock.’
‘Yes sir.’ She said it again unable to hold the response back it had become so automatic. He now looked distinctly embarrassed having, what was to him a mature woman, deferring to him. ‘Anyway, you can’t wear that expensive dress it will make the customers feel uncomfortable.’ He said, while staring at her cleavage. It was a good guess that he didn’t have a clue about the game being played out, meanin
g she was relatively safe, and his youthful innocence was somewhat reassuring too. His mention of changing her dress brought back memories of the naughty uniform she wore at the Saucy Café and that did worry her. At least this was a clothing shop and there shouldn’t be many customers in this evening. ‘Follow me, I’ll show you to the changing room.’ He told her.
‘Oh, dear!’ She gasped. It was now very obvious what kind of store she was to serve in. It was a sex shop. A look of pain screwed up her face on seeing the garish outfits decorating tired looking mannequins and all manner of lewd objects decorating the walls. ‘You can change in there. You had better be quick and help me with a customer, if I sell that corset I’ll get a bonus. Put the dress behind the counter otherwise it’ll go missing if you leave it in there.’ Jimmy told her. ‘Thankfully it has a substantial feel to it.’ She thought, while quickly slipping out of the dress. ‘No! Not this. Damn! Damn it!’ She sighed, in resignation. ‘Why didn’t I check it first? I could have asked him for something more suitable.’ She was under orders to place the dress behind the counter so would have to wear just the bright red corset. It had looked full enough to cover her but she found it was too low cut. Her large breasts sat balanced on top on display and she had been told to hurry up leaving her no time to do anything about it. There was nothing for it but join him and the customer out there like one of the outrageously dressed mannequins.
Jimmy was behind the counter chatting to an elderly man, fortunately the only customer in the place. He stopped talking with a look of surprise on his face staring straight at her as she walked the length of the isle toward him. The man turned to see what had taken his attention only for him in turn to gawp at her. ‘This is on special offer. It comes in black too.’ Jimmy managed to say before his mouth dried, his face turning a colour to match the corset. ‘Very nice, very nice in deed.’ The man said, considering her closely rather than the corset. Perhaps she should have tried to cover her breasts only she kept her hands wringing in nervousness behind her back. Inclining his head at Aurora he asked, ‘How much?’ Neither of them took their eyes off her breasts while she watched them nervously. If he bought the damn thing she would ask Tommy to give her something less revealing until then she was stuck with it unable to question her young masters orders. In the mean time she would keep her mouth shut avoiding putting her foot in it.
‘So much for so little. A bargain I think!’ The gentleman said, closely regarding her breasts. ‘Worth considering of course. Would you mind turning round?’ She obliged willingly to break away from their stares. Their eyes gleamed at the site of her pert bottom pushed out from below the tight corset perfectly framed in see-through panties. They had suddenly lost interest in her breasts now fixated with her legs. Concerned about her breasts she had forgotten how insubstantial her panties were until they had reminded her. Feelings of embarrassment were reaching to the limit of endurance. ‘A work of art young man, I can’t refuse. There is no need to package or deliver I will take her with me.’ His eyes twinkled with devilment. ‘Oh!’ The little exclamation was all she could say, with the embarrassment abruptly giving way to fear. It was no joke to hear him pretending she was for sale rather than the corset. ‘I see you have an eye for a bargain. This is one of a kind. A real special.’ Jimmy quipped. She wanted to warn him but she couldn’t tell her master ‘No.’ and she had become too confused to think of a clever rejoinder in an attempt to stop him. Tommy only needed to jokingly say the words that, it was a sale or it’s a deal, and she would have to accept this stranger had purchased her. After that it wouldn’t matter what Tommy said as she would have to obey this stranger as her new master. She would have to follow him home to do whatever he wanted of her.
With a shiver she imagined being owned by this stranger, vulnerable to his every whim. Most frightening of all, he knew nothing of the phrase to bring her round, so she would be his forever. ‘She seems to be cold in that brief outfit.’ He said, as the two men caught sight of her hardening nipples. Could it get any worse? They knew she was becoming excited. This was simply dreadful. Overwhelmed with emotion she hadn’t noticed it herself, yet the signs were there and they were sure to notice. There was no privacy in those fine panties where she was revealing a growing excitement. ‘You’ll have to find her something warmer to wear. I’ll take the lot, panties and all. For the same price!’ He told Jimmy.
‘You had better get changed.’ Jimmy told her. It was a great relief to escape to the cubicle where she gave a little laugh at the idea of being pleased to strip off in such a salubrious place. Jimmy collected the clothes leaving her standing behind the small curtain this time completely naked. He hadn’t even peeked at her merely rushing back to the customer in case he changed his mind. ‘The dirty old bugger.’ Jimmy said after pushing through the curtain another outfit. ‘He took your dirty panties too. I’m sure he was sniffing them while pretending to check everything was in the bag. He said to tell you ‘he’ll think of you whenever he sees the outfit’. Do you think he will try it on?’ Jimmy laughed, muttering to himself. Aurora called to him. ‘Excuse me sir! I can’t get it closed. It’s so tight I need help zipping it up.’ She said, relieved to be covering her body at last. ‘Stand still. Its nearly there.’ He told her. The outfit zipped up the back from bottom to neck sealing her into the flesh coloured latex body suit. The most difficult part had been slipping it over her shoulders for it pulled into her crotch until she thought it would cut her in half.
‘That is really something. I’m sure the kinky one’s will go for that. Stand up straight, shoulders back!’ He told her. The innocent remark had a more intimate effect than intended. The thin latex stretched between her legs, tight between the lips. Her breasts seemed more erotic than when naked even though the nipples were deflated they still showed clearly through the thin latex skin. In the mirror she was dismayed to see large brown circles around each nipple, mistaking them for a moment as her own areola but these were too large. The red tips of nipples made them look like targets. Inwardly she groaned on seeing between her legs the colour there was an imitation of her own opening. She didn’t want to see the view behind her. The whole effect was of a tanned skin colouring with intimate places coloured and exaggerated to give the effect of being naked. ‘OK. Your ready, lets get out there before someone steals the stock.’ He told her. He had been surprised when she appeared in the corset, unaware how revealing it would be, and of course he was completely ignorant of how brief her panties were. This time he dressed her with more confidence, even looking pleased with his handy work, which was worrying.
‘Oh! It’s too tight to walk.’ She exclaimed.
‘Come on, you’ll get used to it.’ He told her. Helping her out of the cubicle she tried to walk as ordered. Now she knew the reason for the bobbles on the inside of the suit after thinking they were just unfinished material. They were sawing across her labia with every step. Trying to step carefully on tiptoe, like a cat on a hot tin roof, she managed a few steps unaided. ‘You man the counter, I need a break.’ He said. She managed it eventually and it did seem as though the material had stretched around her body. The sawing motion had subsided to a firm massage sending deep tingling sensations out to her limbs and face. Even her scalp tingled, it was so strange and so stimulating she drifted into a little world of pleasure. Looking down at herself she was resigned to the distasteful effect revealed upon the suit. Her nipples were growing out like gaudy red lipsticks. As large as they were the brown colouring surroun
ding them still looked large as though she had huge areola. If she could have seen the effect between her legs she would have been mortified as the latex stretched, graphically emphasising her excitement.
A middle age customer walked in perusing the magazines. Finding what he wanted he approached the counter not looking up until close when he stopped dead with a look of amazement across his face. For a moment he thought a young woman was standing before him completely naked. Regaining his composure he slipped the magazine across the counter all the time examining her. The outfit was covering every part of her body but it felt more audacious than being naked. Her most intimate parts were highlighted in glossy coloured detail and this customer was straining to see it all. He hadn’t said a word and she thought he might leave taking the look of shock with him until he hesitantly asked for help. ‘Do you have those suites in stock.’ He asked, between each word licking dry lips, unable to even glance away from her nipples to look her in the eye. ‘Yes, Sir.’ She said, wondering what to do next. He stood there expectantly. ‘Would you like me to show you them?’ He nodded. Following her up the aisle he had a good view of her bottom, which she wiggled, enjoying the voluptuous movements, which caused her lips to protrude rudely. In a mirror she caught sight of herself to quickly look away on seeing for the first time how explicit the outfit was.
‘Could you get one the same colour for me?’ He asked, most politely in a soft well-spoken voice. Discomfited by the image she determined to suppress the sexual excitement by concentrating upon the task at hand. Reaching up to the shelf for a package she gasped out loud. ‘Oh!’ The crotch bit between her lips running the bobbles across her bud. Almost coming she could not move but wait for the sensations to subside. ‘Can I help?’ He said. All she could do was nod. He took hold of the package while pressing up against her where she felt his body with as much sensitivity as if she had been naked. She knew the suite revealed her state of readiness, so despite his shyness and good manners she knew he was ready to take advantage. Despite not having a command to obey him she was nevertheless unable to escape being too far gone to move. ‘This material is more soft than I thought it would feel.’ She heard him say as though from a long way off. He stroked her back down her spine with great sensitivity as though he were merely testing its feel all the time shrewdly aware she became more sensitive with every touch. Down between her cheeks he stopped to press against her bottom. Something she hadn’t noticed was a piece of harder material but he had found it. Pressing ever so slightly she felt it enter her bottom. ‘Oh! No!’ She gasped.
‘I’m sorry. Did that hurt?’ He asked. Without thinking she replied honestly for that is all she could do. ‘No. It just took me by surprise.’ As though this were approval of his exploration a hand came round to a breast softly cupping it then exploring its nipple. His other hand was exploring the depths of the crotch scratching a distended lip with a fingernail sending shudders through her already overwrought senses. He found the bobbles doing the same to her clit. Her body was at a heightened state of attention uncontrollably sensitive to the light touches of his fingers. Without instructions to obey this man she should have been able to walk away, only the intensity of feelings left her helplessly leaning against the rack for him to explore her body. With a slight trembling in her legs she felt it begin.
For the third time this evening she had been in this state only this time there would be no escape. With eyes tightly shut her senses concentrated on the sensations his fingers bore into her body. Her breasts were glowing pinpricks of heat. At last after an evening of stimulation she was coming. Little mewing sounds emanated from her mouth. A long slow exhaust of breath blew between clenched teeth with every thrust of a finger at her hole. Her thighs were in spasm in time with her whole body trembling to his touch. At last she came. Like a leaf her mind floated gently down to earth. Like a deflating doll she slumped against the rack where he held on to her still massaging her body.
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After inheriting a small fortune you have created in a small commune town in the middle of no where Maine. The commune is designed to organize a community to cater to your eclectic sexual taste, but provide as small profit. You are the owner, administrator, and sole profiteer of the commune. Guests/customers will come to tour the ambiance, and purchase the bric-a-brac on weekends. Where the commune performs in British Victorian fashion. However, during the week everyone creates the bric a brak,...
FetishShe stepped off the bed and brought the glass of wine with her. She took a large gulp of it and then, without swallowing, she took my cock back into her mouth and swirled the wine around my mushroom-head which made loud slurping sounds around the room. She sucked and then took another swig of wine from the glass and did the same again. Monica repeated this till all the wine was finished from her glass. Monica looked up and said, “How was that lover? Did you like it?” I looked up and nodded....
Straight SexThe Clan meeting went off without a problem. Although they all knew about the Matthews’ vacation to the stars, Jeff again invited any who wished to go. The farmers said they could not leave their farms for someone else to operate for two years, and the FBI agents said they couldn’t get away from their jobs for that length of time. Dave and Evie wanted to go but said they couldn’t leave their company for that length of time, either. Eric, the pharmacist, said he had no one to take over whom he...
Alex and Natasha were heading down for the weekend to stay with Marina, Natasha’s mother. Natasha hadn’t seen her Mother, step Dad Connor and baby sister Charlotte for a while, so she was looking forward to the weekend.Alex was keen for other reasons, he had just got a new black Range Rover Vogue and wanted to put it through its paces on the trip down from their home on the other side of New York to The Hamptons.Natasha relaxed in the passenger seat wearing jeans and a grey top with black...
TeenHe walked straight over to Samantha and lifted her by the arm. Taking her over to one side of the room he slipped the gown off her shoulders and sat her on one end of a broad padded box, some three feet off the ground. Pushing her backwards he had her lie down on her back. Then the eunuchs appeared and her legs were lifted high and wide, and the Emir pressed his forefinger into her vagina. Rummaging about a little, he felt her virgin membrane and grunted in approval. Dropping his shalwar and...
Back in those good ol' days of Rock 'n' Roll I swear that we played our music louder -- even louder, than we do now. Perhaps that was just because I in particular couldn't afford decent earphones but whatever the reason, we'd turn the sound up high enough to rattle the roofs and windows -- and then wonder why it was that we all had troubles with our hearing years later!But in those days of the 1970s and onwards we were happy doing 'our thing' whenever we had freedom to do so. I had my...
Hi, my name is Jeet (name changed), and am from Assam. This is one of my favorite site. and i visit it whenever possible. This story is about me and my cousin Neha (name changed), when we were living together in Guwahati for our 12th. This is my first story so please ignore the mistakes. About me, am average guy, and my dick not much but 5 and a half inch. And my cousin is slim with a figure of 32:30:32. So lets start. Hum dono ka parivar ek hi town mai rehte the. Humne sath mai hai schooling...
The first thing I noticed when I walked out to the car to go to my first class on Monday morning was that Rhonda and Samantha were going with me. I was taking Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 330. It included a lecture, a discussion, and a second lecture on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday, the entire three hours was taken up by the lab. That meant four days a week, 9:30-12:30. Then for good measure, they threw in one final 9:30 lecture on Friday before we were free for the weekend....
Dan 1.0’s turn: It wasn’t like this when I first met a little teenie redhead by a swimming pool a few years ago. She was timid, but lonely enough to overcome her timidity. That was then, this is now. Cindy with goals. Tomorrow morning we’re flying to Atlanta, first commercial stop on the way to Switzerland. Stoney (both greater and lesser) and Johanna and Anders and Bridgette are accompanying us. First European stop is Oslo, and we’ll do a courtesy visit to Uncle Jan. They’ll stay, me and...
You are restless all day. In the office you are hardly able to concentrate. You write an e-mail twice, and only notice it quite at the end, thank goodness before hitting the send button. When you bring a cup of coffee to your boss, your hand trembles and you ruin a document on his desk. Your apology is stammered and indistinct. He looks at you blankly – confused by the change in your behavior. Then, on the way home, you step into a gully and brake the heel, the right heel of your new black...
Tai came into Bo’s bedroom dressed in a little yellow outfit that hugged the curves of her body. The top was a tight fitting yellow chemise with spaghetti straps that allowed the tops of her breasts to show. Her boobs were creamy where they showed over the top of the shirt and her nipples pushed the thin material out suggestively. The rest of the shirt clung on her thin torso and ended above her navel accentuating her flat smooth tummy. The bottom was granny pants that showed half of...
What follows is the true and terrible record of the Countess Mila, who sought to harness the “seed of life” to remain eternally young.I must remain anonymous for posterity’s sake, so call me Ichobod. I nearly fell prey to Mila’s powerful allure.For me, it began in the year 1795 in the small village of Stone Gorge, in the shadows of the mysterious Carnalia Mountains. I was but ten and seven years, and had never ventured more than a few miles from my home. Living with my parents and younger...
MasturbationIt was late at night. A dark, misty fog covered the streets, which were only illuminated by flashing street lamps in a cold and dim light. The streets were empty and quiet. Only from far away one could hear the barking of street dogs, the humming of occasional cars passing by and other sounds that were impossible to specify. It was raining. A girl, 18 year old Nela, walked through the streets. Alone. Her hair wet from the rain, the cowl of her hoodie jacket pulled deep into her face and her...
Demi stood on her balcony smoking a cigarette and fighting tears. Under her warmest coat, she wore the red Christmas baby doll nighty with lacy panties she had bought for tonight for him. Then came the text message she knew deep down was coming.“Can’t come, kids have flu.”She knew it was a lie, just as she knew sleeping with her married boss was a terrible idea. He wasn’t the first married man she had gotten involved with, but she was starting to think maybe he should be her last.Married men...
Straight SexWhen the car transporting Dave and the two girls away from the bus incident pulled up on the Promenade des Anglais and in front of the hotel in Nice, Roxanne declared, "I'll go in and get us checked in; then I'll come back out and get you. You two can then go straight up to the rooms while I get everything straightened out down here." Sarah and Dave just nodded as Roxanne's confident persona took over and she stepped out of the car and glided into the hotel. The twenty-minute drive had...
“Hi Darren,” one of the triplets said out loudly as I heard all three say it over the triplet link. I can’t believe I have been the one connecting to them and their sister anytime I needed them over the last year. It feels so good to be linked back into them. “Hey girls. All three of you look even more amazing than the last time I saw you. I hear you came to turn me into a monk for a few days,” I told them as we joined in a big naked hug. Over the triplet link I felt the intense love they...
Paul had a very dirty secret. It was the sex games with the young sexy whore. He set her up in an apartment so she was available for him any time he arrived. She was petite with big double D tits with nice puffy nipples and a big bubble butt. She loved sex and let Paul use her any way he desired. Tonight he showed up and she was naked under her robe. He grabbed her and pulled her tight to him and kissed her and let the robe fall to the floor. He grabbed a tit with one hand and pulled on the...
Please read! These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through the eyes of a VILLAIN. If you do not enjoy very dark themes, this is not for you! Please note, every chapter gets more extreme! 9-part story. This...
Part 3: If you haven’t already, please read “Just what the Doctor ordered” parts 1 and 2 on my home page. It had been several weeks sense my last encounter at the doctors office. The stars and the moons had not aligned to allow me to go back to be serviced again. I’m Trying hard to get used to my caged cock, keeping me from masturbating on an average basis. Funny, when you can’t masturbate, all you can think about is masturbating! The day finally arrived. I get dressed up in...
I tried to get my life back to normal. Still suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, I was easily rattled, had recurring nightmares, and was always afraid. You'd think with my tormentors out of harm's reach the PTSD would go away -- but it didn't. My therapist told me to remember what it was like not to be afraid. The only images that surfaced were being with Angelo. What an apropos name! He was my angel, my guardian angel. He saved my life. He got rid of my demons. I felt safe with...
Joe woke the next morning to an empty house. He went to his office to work on his novel, which was near completion. He’d set it aside, essentially, by the time the tour recommenced in Europe, the first draft completed. It would be on his laptop. A thought might come to him to change something. But he wanted the time away from it. To not be too inside it. To have somewhat fresh eyes after a couple of months. Only then would he begin his editing. A couple times through, and he’d send the...
August 30, 1848 We began our journey back to Oregon today. Our party has increased by ten men and older boys who have been persuaded to return to Oregon. I have noticed that many of the men feel uneasy that the women are carrying weapons and two husbands have made attempts to have their wives give them the guns. One man succeeded and they are riding somewhat separated from the main group. Two other men came over to me and demanded that I take the guns away from their wives. I told them that...
What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, swap siblings Rion King and Leia Rae are feeling some sexual tension as they enjoy some family time by playing a board game. Their swap mom, Tiffany Fox, warns the kids that they’re going to act like a real family, but as soon as she leaves to take a shower the kids’ swap dad, Jack Vegas, lets them know he’s cool with their flirtation since he’s hoping...
xmoviesforyouPass It On - Part I of VII: Lust By Mithrandir NOTE: HIGHLY SEX-DRIVEN MATERIAL AHEAD. I know this says one of seven, but I have to admit I don't have a ton of time and chances to write like this. Hopefully there'll be more to come, but I put enough effort into this one that, if this ends up being the only one I can knock out, I hope it hits the spot. Feedback, collabs, or art always welcome, just be sure to ask for give credit/ask for permission on creative stuff! "You think...
A full arrivals hall, with multiple arrivals from all over the world, and staff at O.R Tambo had the wisdom of placing just two Immigration Officers at Passport Control. This was taking forever, and James time was very limited on this occasion.Just eighteen hours earlier, standing jaded at Check-In after a three-day conference in Hong Kong, he'd initially been inclined to reject the offer of flying home via Johannesburg in exchange for an upgrade. But just as he was about to politely say, "no,...
FemdomMr Millar smiled to himself when he saw thirty year old Jenny Williamson stepping out from her rear porch. His mood had not been good that morning. For over three weeks the heat-wave had rolled on and Millar had been cursing it each and every day. Outside was desperately humid and inside even worse. It reminded the old man of his time in Korea were every menial task was of the up-most effort. Already Millar was resigned to drinking beer in his garden and listening to his old portable radio. Yet...
Anticipating her brother's sleeping challenge, Ellie was more than willing to join him in bed again. She had kept on her same outfit, just pulling on a long T-shirt for additional modesty until bedtime. Betty had given her daughter some instructions before she joined her brother, and those instructions had left Ellie fairly crackling with anticipation. Glen's bedside lamp was still on when Ellie came into his room, and he watched her with obvious appreciation, noticing a definite nervous...
I arrived late back from the gym at Craig’s place, about 11 o’clock and he was already there, eager to know how things had gone with Mike. “Well, I got the job with no problem and the terms seem okay. At least I will have enough cash to keep the wolf from the door, but the great surprise was what Mike and I had got up to that afternoon. If you can believe it, he invited me up to his apartment- he lives above the bar, by the way, in case you did not know - and we spent the entire afternoon...
Gay MaleHe awakened alone in the room. Night had fallen and the room was an eerie shade of gray. Where was Rose? She was still lying beside him when he fell asleep and his first thought was of her sneaking out to meet a boy for sex. She was fully capable to following through with her threat and with her looks it wouldn't be very difficult to find some horny teenage boy waiting in the wings. Feeling his blood boil he caught himself squeezing his fist in a fit of rage. But why was he so angry? Was it...