Pass It On - Part I Of VII: Lust free porn video

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Pass It On - Part I of VII: Lust By Mithrandir NOTE: HIGHLY SEX-DRIVEN MATERIAL AHEAD. I know this says one of seven, but I have to admit I don't have a ton of time and chances to write like this. Hopefully there'll be more to come, but I put enough effort into this one that, if this ends up being the only one I can knock out, I hope it hits the spot. Feedback, collabs, or art always welcome, just be sure to ask for give credit/ask for permission on creative stuff! "You think you're ever going to get married?" The conversation from last night was sticking with me, and it wasn't going away. I settled down in my seat on the train, staring out the window for the short trip back to my neighborhood from work. "Because, one, you'd be an awesome husband, and two, I really want an invite to your open bar." It had all been pretty innocuous; Tami and I had known each other back in grade school, had done theater club together in high school, gone our separate ways for awhile, then reunited when we had both moved to the city as adults for work. Always the high achiever, Tami had married her longtime boyfriend Eric and become a doctor at the hospital; I was doing alright myself, putting coding skills to good work at the big office tower downtown that hosted various firms that wanted a better web presence. By a strange stroke of luck we had both moved into a high rise building near downtown; imagine our shock when we bumped into each other on the twelfth floor and realized we were now down the hall neighbors! "C'mon, I can't do that yet; Stacey and I only hooked up like four months ago, you know that!" The situation had brought us closer; not romantically, mind you, Tami was happily married and I was more than glad for her. We hadn't been best friends or anything in school, but hanging out as adults meant we had some fun nostalgic memories to share with one another. Being just a few doors down gave us some chances to hang out, have a couple rounds, and BS about our days. "Pssht, like that's an excuse to hold off on throwing your friends a big reception party. That's cold, Jack." Granted, I'd have to be nuts not to at least be attracted to Tami: the girl's medical school credentials laid bare her high intelligence, and her time in theater had given her a stage to flaunt both her sweet singing voice and her lithe, athletic, dancer's body. She had dark hair, tan skin, almond-shaped eyes, a beaming smile, the whole nine yards that said she could easily have done some modeling in her life. But she was a really chill person, her marriage seemed healthy, and I just appreciated having a friend to chat with so nearby. Her husband worked in a law office, so their weird hours meant each had a good deal of alone time, which likely made my presence more welcome to her. Last night, though, the vodka had been flowing, which meant some opening up about personal things. Looking back on it maybe it had been a little embarrassing, but something about it kept nagging at me. "I...Ok, I'm just really weird about, like...marriage and relationships and stuff." She had finished taking a sip and shot me a raised eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell." My brain had already been getting a bit fuzzy for a few minutes, inhibitions were low, and I had let my thoughts flow. "I mean, I'm not saying marriage is bad. You n' Eric look real happy, y'know? Whatever works for, right?" She laughed a bit. "Already trying to minimize any damage, eh?" "I'm serious! Same with Mira downstairs, she and her husband are great together." Mira had done theater with us, too; it was like everyone had moved to the city as we got older, and now she and her husband were just a few floors up from where we were now. Small world, huh? "Look at how, like, commercial so many of them are, like when it costs as much as going to college to have one. It's like...I just don't get why people get married so, I dunno, automatically, I guess?" "Hmm," she mused, "y'mean, like it's expected?, then job, then wedding and kids and all that?" I shot a finger toward her approvingly. "Yeah, yeah, that! You think people actually think that through? It's just something you do, because everybody else does it, but it's, like, one of the toughest things in the world!" She paused and thought for a moment. "I guess that makes sense. There's a lot of work involved. Compromise n' stuff." We could tell the drinks were getting to her a bit, too. I let loose a bit more. "Think about it: a lot of people just get hitched because it's expected, but meantime if you're going to do it, the person you get with? That's the person who you gotta be willing to spend most of your time around. That's gotta be your best friend; you gotta be able to share, like, ANY secret with them. You've gotta deal with money with them, with kids, then it's like they stay home and never see their friends anymore." She laughed a bit at that. "That's worse in the suburbs, Jack; look what we're doing now, right?" "I know, I know," I went on. "But it's kind of scary, y'know? Best friend, business partner, sharing hobbies, and people change after awhile..." "Ooh, cheating!" she laughed back. "Monogamy's a commitment!" I chuckled. "Shit, that's right, it's the only person you're ever supposed to sleep with anymore! Kids are tough, too; I think I'd like to be a dad, but, like, monogamy means you pretty much raise the kid on your own, doesn't it? I feel like it'd be smarter if people lived, I dunno, I guess like communal or something, then you could always get help, have friends around...guess I'm just kinda weird like that." "Nah, I get it," she offered, "kinda puts us on an island. I could see that getting awkward, though; someone else caring for your baby," she giggled a bit, "maybe caring for your wife, instead." I thought for a second. "Isn't it kinda weird how people put up with all kinds of bad stuff, but freak out over their wife thinking some other guy's hot or whatever? Feels like it shouldn't be a big thing. Like, it's just sex, man, people can have their fun. How insecu-" I paused, and noticed the gaze Tami was giving me. It dawned on me that I was talking about spousal infidelity with my rather attractive and rather married friend. "I think," she butted in, "we miiiiight have had a little too much to drink tonight." "Shit!" I feigned indignation, "But now I can't drive home!" I hoped a joke would work, but ended the night walking to my place still embarrassed that Tami probably thought I was a pervert now. I let that thought roll off, I'm sure she knew what I meant, but the rest of it kind of stuck with me. I guess I did have kind of a lax view of sex and relationships, and over time I had kind of gotten over the whole fear of being cheated on; it could still hurt, but I felt like there was so much worse that people could do to one another, I guess. Plus, I had been dating Stacey, a bartender in the neighborhood, for a few months now, and now that I was pushing thirty years old I was getting really tired of people asking me when I'd 'settle down'. I hadn't given it a ton of thought before, but talking about it all last night had my head swimming about the topic. The train screeched to a halt; it was my stop, and I gathered up my bad to disembark. Yeah, I thought, why IS everybody just expected to get married? It's not like I wouldn't do it, but it's not that simple a choice to make. At my age I knew a lot of married friends, and I felt like I barely saw most of them anymore. I knew many of them who moved out to suburbs, isolated from everyone else, some raising kids on their own with very little help, which meant very little sleep or sanity. Such a huge commitment, and we just pressure others into it? And yeah, the sex part was weird to me, too; I had seen people go through emotional abuse and sometimes worse with a partner, but the one thing that would actually get them to leave was catching their partner red handed with someone else, as if THAT was the one bridge too far. Plus, person for the rest of your life? If that works for someone then that's great, but man, no wonder a lot of people cheat; it'd be nice if people could talk that stuff over, but it must be so hard to be upfront about it without bruising egos or hurting feelings. I was glad to give things a try with Stacey, and I hadn't tried to see anyone else in the past couple of months, but it was still kind of an overwhelming thought. Stepping out onto the train platform, my shoe slid just a little bit. What could have caused that? I looked down and noticed a small piece of paper, about the size of a business card, beneath my shoe. Not wanting to hold up the other commuters behind me, I quickly reached down and snatched it up and walked on. It was a plain little thing, just slightly off-white, and of hard enough stock that it wasn't wrinkled or folded over in spots; someone must have dropped it recently. That said, I couldn't begin to place what it was for: it just said "PASS IT ON" in bold print, and had a lineup of seemingly random letters underneath that. I'd toss it in my recycle bin when I got home, I figured, so I pocketed it and made my way toward my building. Arriving home, I made my way to my mailbox to see if anything but the typical advertisements were there; no such luck today, just offers for cable bundles. I thought I felt a slight ringing in my ear, but dismissed it and approached the elevator. Pressing the up button, I did feel a little uneasy in my stomach; maybe I was overthinking the relationship stuff too much. I hadn't given it much thought before, but I guess I was simply a non-traditionalist on marriage, something I'd have to deal with going forward, and perhaps admitting that to myself just had me sort of nervous. In a rare stroke of luck I entered an empty elevator, pressed twelve...and then felt what I could only equate with a bolt of lightning striking through my stomach. I tried to yell out, but as soon as the car began moving upward I felt lightheaded; sort of a dizziness, but more like I had just received a numbing agent somewhere in my body, making my head and appendages feel floaty and loose. What in God's name WAS this? I grit my teeth and tried to focus; the pain in my stomach was subsiding somewhat, but what stayed behind was a strange twisting sensation, like something in between a cramp and a muscle spasm. I sank to one knee, my right hand gripping the metal bar that wrapped around the elevator, determined to get out of there, get into my apartment, and call a doctor as soon as possible. It felt like it took forever, but when the car stopped and the doors opened I staggered out. The sight that greeted me was strange; I knew my apartment was near the end of the hallway, but it was like my vision had gone nuts, creating a strange tunnel effect that made the end of the hallway look like it was a mile away. I stepped forward, and the world around me wobbled. Another, and I found myself sinking down, sweat beading on my forehead...was this a heart attack? How? What was doing this? "Jack? Ohmigod, Jack!" It was Tami's voice. Thankfully, Tami was a doctor. She was home today, decked out in a tank top and gym shorts; it was why she could stay up drinking last night. A wave of relief hit me, and the world around me started to go black at the edges. I was faintly aware of being coaxed into Tami's apartment, of being placed on her couch, of sipping some water, of her worried voice entering my ear, but for I don't know how long I couldn't bring my senses fully to bear. The world remained unclear, my head still floating, my ears still ringing. I was still doubled over on the couch and clutching my midsection when Tami came over with another glass, this time of seltzer, hoping to calm my clearly unbalanced insides with carbonation until she could bring her medical training to bear, figure out what was wrong, and probably get me to the hospital. I took a sip, then another, and then...huh. The dizziness, the weird cramping, it started to fade just a bit. I began opening my eyes, still breathing heavily but able to sit up just a little, Tami's apartment (not to mention the rest of the world) coming back into view. "Jack," Tami's said softly, voice more than tinged with concern, "Are...are you alright? Has anything like this happened to you before?" I wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but the fuzzy feeling in my head hadn't lifted quite enough for that yet. "I really don't think so," I managed to say between breaths, wanting badly to reassure her, "I feel like I would've remembered something like that, y'know? But yeah, I think I'll be alright." "Ok, but I'm gonna call the hospital; even if you don't need to go, we should get someone from emergency sent over to check on you; I wish I could do more, but I don't have all my stuff here." She brought a friendly, comforting hand down to my left shoulder, and ran it across the back of my neck to the other side. "I'm just glad you-" "AH!" What the hell was that?! I leapt up from the couch, suddenly able to move quickly again, as if her hand had been electrified and provided me with a supercharge of energy. A slight, yet lower, buzz entered my ears as I turned to face Tami, her eyes showing concern. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, did I-?" "No, you're fine, I just-" I again tried to reassure her, but a sudden CRACK rang through the apartment, seeming to have come from me. I tried to yelp, but surprisingly there wasn't really any, it centered around my waist, keeping me from using all my air. Something was off, and I couldn't put my finger on what it was for a few moments; moments that now seemed to grow longer and longer, punctuated by my own heartbeat joining the quiet buzz in my ears, each beat separated by what felt like an eternity as my mind raced for a logical explanation for my symptoms. There was a strange tingling, and for a moment I thought that my fears from earlier were confirmed and I was indeed on the verge of a heart attack; I remembered all the stories of people feeling a numbness or tingling sensation near their arms, but it dawned on me that the tingling and numbness was all over my skin, turning into a slight tickle as I felt it race across not only my arms, but my torso and legs, as well. I thought I might teeter and fall from the sensations, but I brought my mental faculties to bear and held firm, determined to get to the bottom of this. I tried speaking again. "I think I...I think I just NEED-" I was cut off again as a world of feelings swept over me, choking my words once more and nearly tossing me to the floor! I caught myself on the end table next to their couch, my knees bent a bit, leaving me pigeon-toed for a moment. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Tami had been grabbing for her purse, undoubtedly to get her phone out to call 911, but she was frozen, her face shocked, her eyes not meeting mine but instead gaping at my midsection. "Jack, your...your stomach!" Maybe the shock had kept me from noticing it, but my stomach was certainly where the feeling that had nearly launched me to the floor had been centered. I could feel...something. It was wave like, a strange tide pulling in, then out, muscle spasms and feelings of shifting that I was not in control over. Dreading what might await me there I slowly brought my eyes down, and noted that the normally pretty flat and unremarkable sight of my belly was moving under my work shirt. Gulping, I untucked my button-down and undershirt, and lifted them up, just a bit...and saw my belly moving in that same spasm-induced pattern that I was feeling, as if it was rearranging itself. I let out another yelp as I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of intense heat, this time centered in my lower body, near my crotch. I wanted to know what was happening, but once more the tingling and the heat kept me from feeling very much. There was a steady, I don't know, a hum? Something like that coming from my lower body and from both sides of my chest, but it wasn't actually audible, more like something I just felt in my insides. What the hell was happening to me? Tami was still frozen, paralyzed by shock; given that she was a doctor, presumably ready for any sort of medical crisis that might pop up on the job, this did not fill me with reassurance. She could clearly see something going on that I couldn't; wanting answers but knowing she might not be able to provide them yet, I staggered across the living room toward their full body mirror near their front door, where I paused, my mind not quite processing what had just happened. It was me, but...what, exactly? Was I shorter? Maybe I was still hunched over a bit from grabbing at my stomach? My pants weren't falling, but the hems at the bottom of my legs were starting to bunch up a bit. I lifted a foot up to see what was happening there foot slipped right out of my shoe. I leaned in closer, and something dawned on me. It was darker in the foyer of the apartment, so I wasn't able to notice it at first, but I could see it clearly now; my facial hair was gone! I hadn't had much, I had just shaved a couple of days prior, but no, nothing! No, it was just dark, maybe I couldn't see any wipsy stuff. I could once more feel sweat forming; apparently the heat I had felt before hadn't resulted in my actual body heat rising, but now my nerves were triggering a reaction as I started to realize that there was a very strange, alien feeling beginning to emanate from my crotch. Was it just the numbness, or did I suddenly no longer feel-? Tami's soft, sock-muffled footsteps broke my contemplation; she had snapped out of her daze, stood to my side, and reached out to me. "Jack, please, get back on the couch," her right hand went to my back, the left to my arm, "Or, hell, lay down on the bed, we're going to call emergency and figure out what-" A strange voice cut her off. "Ooooh." My knees nearly buckled again, as a different kind of wave shot through me all at once. Like before there was an electricity to it, but unlike then there was something ELSE, something...nice. Almost pleasurable. That voice, though; was Couldn't have been; the pitch was off, the tone not quite right...but who else could it have been? I looked Tami square in the eye, not sure this time if I was trying to reassure her or myself, when another sudden CRACK rang out, causing me to clamp my eyes shut, bring my knees together, and... Moan? Yes, that's exactly what it was, and no, its higher pitch didn't sound like me at all. Perhaps to steady myself, I had reached out and ended up taking Tami's hands in my own. Poor Tami; if I was so bent on finding a logical explanation to what was going on, this had to be driving her crazy. We locked eyes for a moment before her worried expression began to give way to wide-eyed horror...and I could tell why. I felt it all over, but especially in my scalp: the tickle that had raced across my body earlier now concentrated there. Looking down for a moment I saw my hands, and while my shirt sleeves were still on I had rolled them up enough earlier that I could see my now hairless wrists. Noticing that made my heart rate jump up, but it didn't prepare me for the sight of hair, this time from my head, slowly pouring down into my line of vision. I tried to tear myself away, to get back to the mirror to see what was happening, but as I held onto Tami's hands something else inside was keeping me there, standing in front of her. Whatever this was, I guess I just felt safer, more secure, with my friend there to help me; and despite her still shocked expression, she did not seem like she was going to move at all, either. There was a strange sound now, a slight straining noise; it was the waist of my slacks, and I could feel my leather belt digging into my sides, into my hips. Further down, the bottom of the pant legs continued to bunch up; I took a small step forward, getting out of my other shoe without having to untie anything, my feet now small enough to slip loose without the help, and looked back up in time to realize that I was now closer to eye-level with Tami. This should have shocked me, but not a moment later another wave washed over me. "Mmmmmm-oooooh!" My body racked itself as I clung more tightly to Tami's hands, my fingers nearly encircling her wrists, as a teeming cascade of sensations thundered through my entire body! My sense of time upended itself; I couldn't tell if everything was happening at once, or if it was one prolonged, sensual moment at a time, all adding up to a totality that had the core of my being shuddering. Whichever it was, I felt each shift, each muscle spasm, and each wave of pleasure centered on different parts of me individually. I felt a pinch at the sides of my waist again, but more pronounced this time. I could feel the pinch draw that part of me closer together, even as I could feel a series of small pops begin to bubble up within my hips, pushing and straining even harder against my men's size 34 belt. Even lower, I felt something else: the fabric of my pant legs was rubbing against my thighs in a way I was not at all accustomed to. Despite my interest in running I had always had slightly skinny legs, but the way the fabric met the flesh of my thighs now told me this was no longer the case. I tried to stifle another increasingly high pitched and erotic moan, but I wasn't prepared for how alien it all felt; I settled for bringing my mouth closed and trying to bite my lower lip as the moan escaped, although after the bite I could feel a puffiness in my lip that for a split second made me think I was having some kind of allergic reaction...before reminding myself not to be an idiot, as no reaction could be doing all THIS. I tried to pace my breathing, and it occurred to me that with each breath in, my shoulders weren't quite rising the same way, like they were losing definition or something. Higher up, I could feel my facial features shifting, but without a mirror and without bringing my hands up to feel about my cheeks and nose, I had no idea what any of that meant for me. The locks of hair I had noticed before had begun creeping down at a steadier pace; I could feel their richness and smooth texture as they slid down my neck, some of them nestling on my shoulders as more settled on my upper back, between my shoulder blades, then even lower. Some of it came down partially within my line of vision; a couple of locks here and there going off to the sides of my face, but some settling on my forehead, in what I could assume was a row of bangs. The locks, were But I had light brown, almost dirty blond hair... No matter how much happened to me, my hands remained glued to Tami's. Our eyes met once again, and in that moment I could tell: we could sense one another's heartbeats, one another's pulses. Mine had to be going into overdrive, but there was a strange nervous energy building up in her own, as well. POP! If Tami had been startled by the buckle of my belt giving way to my expanding hips, she didn't show it; she remained locked in place, just as I was, but whereas I was a mess of moans, yelps, and shudders, her shocked expression had given way to one that was just slightly different. Her almond-shaped eyes were still gaping at me, but I felt like there was a subtle change behind those dark pupils, almost as if the surprise and terror that was there was now joined by what seemed like excitement. Something like hunger. Riiiiiiip! The fabric of my gave way. Despite myself, I breathed out a sigh of relief, no longer feeling confined by the fabric or the belt. Yes, the pant legs were still bunched down near my calves, but the popping sensation at my hips had given way to a steady swell that was centered on my behind. My breath had shuddered once more as the swelling had pushed up against the seat of my pants, filling them in a way I had never been able to before, until the combined pressure of my expanding rear and my thickening thighs caused the upper portion of the garment to give way, revealing soft, and notably smooth skin underneath. The feeling of weight and heft being added to my behind was indescribable; everything had felt so alien up to this point, but this took the cake. It wasn't just like a balloon filling up, there was weight and substance to it, there was a bit of tone and definition, and each moment of expansion brought a jiggling that caused my stance to shift, my upper thighs now meeting my ass in a dramatic, sloping curve and called attention to wide, feminine hips. Of course I had begun to piece together what was happening earlier, but this moment really made it hit home, especially as I recalled the numbness I had felt in my crotch. I should've been squirming at this moment, with my pants becoming unbearably tight against my groin and everything there...but instead, nothing. The front of my now-visible underwear, a boxer-brief set, instead remained stubbornly flat, betraying the inescapable reality. I was now a woman. I yelped out in both pain and pleasure as one last CRACK sang through the apartment. The sleeves of my button-down shirt, like my pant legs before, had begun to grow long on me, or more accurately, I was getting smaller in them. My arms had been steadily shrinking; not that I was exactly ripped or anything, but they were clearly losing muscle bulk, becoming lithe, sleek, smooth, and, looking down at my hands and wrists again, they were...tan? The last big crack and given way to some smaller ones again, this time concentrated in my spine. I felt my pectoral muscles shifting, moving on their own accord, and then seemingly deflate, flatten, and finally vanish, leaving my chest feeling barren and empty. I gave a small moan as I felt something I hadn't expected: Tami's fingernails suddenly dug a bit into my wrists. I gazed back at her; what was THAT about? The look I had seen in her eyes before was back, and this time it was unmistakable: she was looking at me with an expression I could best describe as ravenous, her grip on my wrists coming across as if she felt her livelihood depended on bringing about the last notable change that I knew was coming, as if she was willing it to begin. It didn't last long; she eased up after only a couple of seconds, giving way to a look of worry and remorse, but there had been no denying what was there just a few instants ago. Just one more of those instants later, though, the hum I had felt previously in my chest reactivated; there was no mistaking what was about to happen, as glands, ducts, and fatty deposits inside my chest which had just barely awakened before now seemed to go into overdrive. Pop...pop...pop-pop! It might have happened just that quickly, the machine-gun like escape of the buttons off the top of my shirt, but it didn't feel that rapid in the moment. Instead, I was all too aware of each pulse that ran through my chest, coinciding with my breath and my heartbeat. The first pulses brought a tingle, then a whole new sensitivity to my nipples; with each excited thump of my heart, I felt them stand higher, taller, and thicker beneath my white undershirt, while with each breath I felt them become more sensitive, the cotton of the t-shirt going from unnoticeable to a distraction to a source of pleasure in a matter of moments that nevertheless seemed to stretch into an eternity. Body fat, perhaps redistributed from other parts of me, began its slow, inescapable pour into the budding blossoms that now began to peek out against my smooth flatness, the lack of rustling betraying the fact that my chest hair was no more. Noting the jiggle of my behind and thighs as I clenched my knees together to brace myself, I began to realize there really was no logical explanation to be had; how could body fat be redistributing at this point, given how much jelly now resided in my rump and hips? Perhaps it was all appearing magically, and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. The buttons had began to pop slowly once my chest had reached what was perhaps a...a breast cup size. It couldn't handle more, but the growth continued unabated, pushing and straining like my hips and behind did against my pants, until there was no place left to go. Before the last couple of buttons had popped, though, I took a moment to glance down and nearly had my breath taken away; the strain of breasts against my shirt had forced the two fleshy orbs together, creating a mountain of flesh and a valley of cleavage that took up my entire line of sight. When the buttons finally gave way, I let out one more unhinged sexual moan as I not only felt my heaving, heavy breasts bounce, jiggle, and nestle into place on my chest, but also took note of how long and how darkly my nipples and areolas stood out against the now-strained fabric of my white t-shirt, the tension constantly teasing and exciting them. A moment later, Tami and I finally released one another from our grips, and my breathing began the long process of steadying. How long had that taken? An hour? Two hours? Five minutes? A single instant? I honestly could not tell, and with no clock or cell phone in sight I wasn't able to check the time...not that I could really remember what time it was when I had first stumbled into Tami's apartment. I looked down at myself; how could I not? My hands were now small; my fingers were still slightly long, but the change was obvious; even my fingernails were now longer, and as if to prove there was something supernatural behind this, they were clearly well-shaped...maybe not salon manicure quality, but obviously cared for. I slowly brought them up to my chest, and once more stifled a moan; these breasts were sensitive to the touch! Holding my hands out, though, I noted the backs of them, and just as I had suspected earlier, they were much tanner than they had been before. My breathing choked back a bit; I wanted to...I wanted to what? To yell? To get angry? At who, Tami? At what? What would that accomplish? In that moment, the enormity of my situation crashed down around me, and despite my first inclinations, a different emotion welled up inside me, something I had not known or done in quite some time. I brought my small, delicate hands up to my face and began to cry. Tami immediately rushed over and embraced me, a friendly, and perhaps now sisterly kind of hug. I planted my face into her shoulder, letting some tears run free, allowing frustration at my powerlessness in all of this to release itself. Though her voice hit my ear a bit muffled, I could make out certain phrases, some just supportive and comforting, but others clearly framing an apology. "Oh my God, Jack, I'm...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, believe me..." I wondered if she was starting to tear up the way I was, as well. I gathered myself, and pushed back just a bit; I still wanted to convince her things would be fine. None of this was her fault, after all. I backed up just a step, her arms still around my now much narrower and curvier waist, and brought my hands near my chest again. "How..." I began, fighting back a sob and pointing at my new endowments, " do you guys deal with THESE?" She blinked at me, confused for a moment, then began to crack a smile. I smiled back. No, I wasn't comfortable with this situation, yes, I was still terrified, but maybe it was just my nature shining through, always wanting to defuse tough situations. Whatever the reason we both had a small laugh...though from me it now sounded like a cute giggle. "Seriously, though," I put my hands on her shoulders, "how could this be your fault? Don't be sorry, let's just...I don't know, let's figure out how to fix this!" Tami's face was conflicted for a minute. "Jack, this is going to sound weird, but I need you to look in the mirror. Uh...we should probably get you out of your khakis, they're kind of useless now. I think...I don't know. But I feel like I did something to you. Please, go and look." I felt my pulse quicken again, fear of the unknown hitting me like a ton of bricks. I wouldn't cry again, though; no, something had happened to me, something had CHANGED me, and I could never know what to do about it unless I confronted those changes. I hadn't really ever imagined taking my clothes off in front of Tami before, but these were pretty clearly exceptional circumstances; I stepped out of the shredded pants carefully, trying not to trip over them as I did when I felt my chest impacting my balance and my hips shifting toward a new center of gravity; I took the now mostly buttonless dress shirt and dropped it to the floor, leaving me in nothing but a long white t-shirt that nonetheless strained at the chest, now very tight boxer-briefs that were largely hidden by the shirt, and a pair of dress socks that would likely fly off my much smaller feet as soon as I sat down. We walked back to the full body mirror, and I gasped. Tami stood behind me, her face a mixture of concern and curiosity, but the face I now wore was the shocked expression that could only fit an average guy upon seeing that he's been transformed into a woman. But it wasn't just the wider hips. It wasn't just the oversized breasts. It wasn't just the difference in height and weight distribution. It just wasn't every day that an average white guy was transformed into a knockout, pinup worthy Asian woman. My hair was now jet black, thick and luxurious; it cascaded around my head and down beneath my shoulder blades, complete with "sideburn" locks that came down to frame the sides of my now unrecognizable face, and bangs that stood out stylishly above my brow. My features were hard to pin down; I resembled Tami a bit, I suppose, but only in the sense that we likely shared Filipina features, though I seemed to have a bit of mixed cultural features as well that made my skin just a shade lighter, my features slightly more...Chinese? Korean? I honestly couldn't be sure. My eyes took a similar almond shape, my nose had become smaller and more button-like, while my lips were now plumped and fleshed out, giving me a very enticing appearance. I felt Tami shift a bit, as if something was making her feel a little uncomfortable; hell, who could blame her, after what had just happened? Looking down, I began to notice other differences between Tami and I; we stood nearly the same height now, probably around five-and-a-half feet, but a lot diverged from there. Tami was strong and toned, yet still with notably soft curves and not at all bulky. While she was a doctor now she had come up in the theater as a dancer before going to medical school, and while she still possessed a notable chest and womanly hips, the years of physical training still showed in her lithe form, toned stomach, and full, athletic legs. Her face was magazine cover-worthy: million dollar smile, graceful curves and edges, the works. I, uh, was a different story. I was beautiful, sure...I wasn't "big", no...well, I was big, but just in certain places. I guess if Tami was a classical dancer, I was more, um...exotic? Tami was curved, yet sleek; I was curved, then curved again, then a Sunday drive through the Alps' worth of more curves added on for good measure. She was classically beautiful, but I was voluptuous; her midriff toned, mine with a noticeable layer of "baby fat", or whatever you'd want to call it. Tami's chest was probably just about a C-cup, if I had to guess, but while I was no immediate expert on the topic I couldn't imagine my chest being any lower than a double-D, probably a decent deal higher, and against my relatively short frame they seemed positively enormous. I turned a bit to the side and saw the dramatic swell of the bubble that was now my behind; again, Tami's curves were supple, to be sure, but mine flared dramatically and would likely sway and jiggle in a way hers never have. It had to be more than forty inches around, given how it stuck out so far behind my smaller frame. Even my thighs, there was a bit of tone there, but they were rounder than Tami's, not quite as muscular, and unlike before I could feel them rub together as I stood there, becoming aware of how they met at the upper thigh without causing any friction with my new sex. I couldn't put my finger on it, but the sight seemed to start stirring something in me. Was it arousal? If so, it felt different from what I was used to. "" It was all I could muster. Tami coughed a little, and padded off to grab herself a drink of water. She returned, but her cheeks seemed a bit flushed, like a strange feeling was eating at her. "Alright," I stiffened up, stood forward, and stared at the mirror, my reflection glancing toward Tami, "What do you think you did to me?" She took a deep breath; there was no way she was as nervous as I was, right? "Um...this is going to sound really weird, but, kinda...look like my cousin." I turned toward her, confused. "Are you...DID you do this to me?!" "No, no! I...I don't know!" she was clearly flustered, and I wanted to get suspicious but, again, I couldn't blame her. She closed her eyes, brought her hands up, and pushed them away as if she was trying a split-second meditation technique to catch her thoughts. "Ok, ok, let me try to figure this out before I just say a bunch of stupid shit, because none of this makes ANY sense, not medically any way!" She looked me over for a moment in the mirror, and began. "Alright, you got to my place already not feeling well, as if you were passing out from blood rushing to your head or a problem with your stomach; something was going on, but we don't know what it was. You started to feel better, then I remember I rubbed your back for a second, and next thing I knew you were up and...and changing! I don't know if you realize it but...did you know what was happening, then?" I tried to clear my head and remember. I uncomfortably shifted a bit, the weights on my chest and hips still requiring getting used to, as the low hum from earlier seemed to return, slightly, in my core. "I think...I felt some weird tickle around me, some numbness around different parts of my body, I..." I trailed off. "Yeah," she continued, "at that point, going by what I saw...I think your primary sex characteristics were changing. You didn't look this, but your hair started to change a little, your hips flared just a bit, and uh...I'm guessing you didn't feel it, but that's probably when you lost, uh," she got herself together, trying to be more a doctor than a friend to me at the moment, "...that's when you lost your penis." I caught my breath upon hearing that. I knew it had happened, of course, but to hear her say it added another level of gravity to what had happened. I shivered for a quick moment, despite there not being a breeze in the room. "After that, when we grabbed each other's hands, I felt...I felt something. Like something from inside of me was pushing out through my hands and into you. I promise, I didn't try to do anything; whatever it was, whatever caused it, I didn't have any control. But then you started developing your secondary sex characteristics. You started developing a pronounced hourglass shape...your hips became full, like...a fertility idol...your chest, and your butt, they swelled up and out and...and your hair became so thick and...and luscious..." She was playing with my hair. Standing behind me, her right hand was up behind my neck, twisting a few locks between her fingers, her face seemingly in a trance. I wanted to make a sound to snap her out of it, but in that moment...I couldn't withhold a quick "Mmm" at the feeling, and felt myself leaning back into her a bit. I felt a quick flush of goosebumps, as I could sense my blood flowing to different sensitive points in my body. Her eyes stayed transfixed on the hair in her hands. The hum I had started to feel inside before was starting to increase in vibration, and the feeling was traveling downward, from my stomach, to my hips, down, down... "I just feel like it must've been my fault, because you started to resemble someone I cousin, Ami. She lives on the West Coast now, but we're about the same age and both grew up around here. We're both Filipino, but she had some other east Asian ancestry, as well, which kind of upset the older folks in the family sometimes. You look like her, but, I guess more like a version of her? She and I played together a lot growing up, we were close," she paused for a split second, as my plump, curvaceous behind unintentionally brushed against the front of her shorts, bringing the start of a moan to my lips, "...we, uh, y'know, our nicknames sounded so similar...we still talk online and everything, but don't get to see each other much, work and stuff, um...she...she couldn't make it to my wedding..." she was stammering a bit, especially as my rear began to snuggle in comfortably against her. Was it due to its size or was I leaning back a bit? "When...when we were younger I would get jealous of her. Around junior high we both began to develop, and I remember people telling me I was pretty, that I was beautiful, but Ami...she was different. I...I couldn't stand that her chest grew so much bigger than mine, that she filled out her tights and stockings more than I did, that her butt," I gasped as I felt a hand start down my back, a palm beginning to cup one of my ass cheeks through the strained fabric of my underwear, the touch sending a jolt through me, "it was curvier than mine. Thing is...I got over it, I learned to love my body, but back then I was all caught up in what other girls had, and it made me doubt myself, right? But...but I still couldn't help but notice the ways Ami's body was different from mine. During holidays, or when our families got together, I'd always notice how she showed her curves off, how fierce and confident she was, how..." she paused, catching her breath, her words now barely a whisper, "how sexy..." Her other hand came around and first rested on my ever-so-slight puff of belly, reached below my shirt to the increasingly warm skin underneath, then began a slow pattern up and down, around and across, eliciting a reflexive coo from my thick, kissable lips. I shuddered uncontrollably; I can't put into words how sensitive my new body felt, how aroused and alive a simple brush of her hand was making me feel. She leaned in close, her voice now just a level or two above a whisper, hesitance still clear but determination to open up winning out. "One day, late in high school, Ami and I were talking about college...she was going across country, I was staying a little closer to home, and...and we were going to miss each other, y'know? We snuck some wine and talked for hours, started talking about what life would be like on campus, all the new things waiting for us...all the new things we wanted to try.. I was dating Eric by then, and I loved him, but I told her about something I had never tried. I still remember how she giggled, then just looked in my eyes, and...It was wrong, it was just once, we don't really, um, talk about it now...but I was never able to forget amazing...." her hand in front now ran higher, cupping the weight of my right breast, providing my insides with a shot of fireworks mixed with some very pleasurable relief. Her other hand teased around the elastic strap of my underwear; I felt a small spasm, maybe a reflex, in my midsection, just above my waistline, and gave in to another shudder, my breaths starting to coming out a bit more quickly, a bit more ragged. One of her fingers began reaching down, a light, delicate, unsure touch stirring something much stronger within my core. "I can...I can remember everything. I remember she had a tank top on with a smiley face on the front, and I remember the way her breasts stretched the design. I remember the perfume she had on, the posters on her wall, and how warm her smile was when I leaned in..." Something clicked in place inside of me. Without a sound, I leaned my neck back and brought my lips to hers. There was hesitation at first, but not on my part. Through her story something in me had awakened, slowly, surely, and confidently. She tensed for just a moment, until I brought my hand up behind her head, pressing her just ever so much closer, until she slowly began to open her mouth, her tongue peeking its way through and gradually making its way toward my own. My GOD, my body went electric with her kiss. I stroked her hair, and deftly reached up and undid the casual ponytail she had tied up there, allowing her own dark, silky tresses to rain free. After a brief moment, we both dove in with reckless abandon, our tongues intertwined, acting as a leak in a dam that had opened a deluge of passion. I moaned loudly into her mouth; just the sensation of her tongue on mine was sending a shiver through me...a shiver like I used to know when I would get head from a woman as a man. Kissing, but feeling like a blowjob? What WAS this? Still, pulling back a bit, I smiled at her. My conscious brain could not possibly be processing all of this, but that feeling, that extra sense that had 'clicked' within in, I could almost feel it take control of me, like an extra set of hands at the controls of my mind. Maybe it was some kind of new instinct that came with this new body; a woman's intuition? No, more than that; I writhed my body around, facing her, feeling the sweet heat of her breathing, and brought my arms down and around her shoulders and she attempted to wrap her own around the expanse of my hips. "I think I've figured it out." I purred. Somehow, some way, I could feel my misgivings, my fears over my situation begin to float off of my shoulders, tension and weight replaced by an airy lightness, as if my life had just come into focus, everything falling into place, making me feel as if I could walk on air. Why not let my instincts take over? There was no awkwardness here; I could almost hear how hard I was causing her heart to race. "Just a guess, do love Eric, but he could never replace what Ami did for you, could he?" My hands reached up to my chest, first cupping my breasts before running down across the curvy slope of my waist, then settling on my round, wide hips. I wanted to think that this body was controlling me, that I couldn't stop what was happening...but that would be a lie. "He can't...scratch that itch, not the way Ami did. He can't be everything you've ever dreamed of...because what person could ever be for someone else? You miss've always missed her. You miss her touch; you miss her body; but you really miss someone to take you to places you didn't know existed, that no one partner alone could show you. But she was so forbidden that you could never, ever admit it to yourself, couldn't even deal with her being at the wedding. So you spent years telling yourself that it was all couldn't be queer, you had a boyfriend, and true love and the fairytale wedding wins the day...that as long as you were married to him, you could write off your desires as a drunken mistake, that you could pretend one person could fulfill every single last one of your needs, in or out of bed...and so you denied it...denied yourself..." I reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it off in one swift motion, my massive tits...bouncing back down, their wide, dark areolas topped by nubs that proudly displayed my arousal; I then brought my arms down lightly across her shoulders, wrapped around her neck, my tits pushing up against the stretchy fabric of her workout top, and made a whisper of my own. "Denied yourself; denied the bad girl who fucked her hottie of a cousin." With a nibble I took her earlobe in my mouth for a moment and then traced my tongue down her cheek. Where before she had her hands all over me, the roles were now reversed; I once more opened our mouths to kiss, and with a deftness and expertise I never knew I had ran my hands all over her supple dancer's body. Coming down near her tight workout shorts, I heard her whimper for a moment...the arousal, both the moist feeling of it and the scent our juices were creating through our clothing, was becoming too much to bear. In what had to be a blinding flash, we went from the front of the apartment into the bedroom, flew to the bed, fully undressed, and unleashed every desire she had pent up for all this time. Part of me wanted to laugh, partly for pure joy, and partly for the satisfaction I was feeling. This, THIS felt right...precisely because to most people it would be so, SO wrong. But then, would it, really? How many married people in the world would sleep with their dream partner and cheat on their spouse without a moment's notice? How many already did? How many denied themselves their true urges, their deepest desires, all because of a promise to monogamy put in place by a culture pulling a power trip on women? I had no doubt of Tami and Eric's love for one another...which was precisely what made this so delicious now. Where was this feeling coming from? I had told her about my misgivings about weddings, about marriage as an institution, but I never once imagined sleeping with her, "disrespecting" her marriage, or taking joy in inducting her into the rank of adulteress. Rather than think about it, I reveled in it. I brought her mouth to my now enlarged and darkened areolas, allowing her to suck, to nibble, to run her tongue across them; my voice sang out a clear, sweet note, as the increased sensitivity that I had felt in my tongue was only magnified here, particularly when she would release them from her lips with a pop and allow me to feel their full weight bounce down; maybe their weight would make me ache later, but tonight, knowing that before now I could not have understood the feeling of my own breasts moving and weighing me down, it was ferociously erotic. "MmmMMMM-OOOOH!" A bomb went off inside of me. Before I could fully process what was happening to me my body wracked and shuddered with its first female orgasm, a gorgeous heat emanating from my new pussy and flowing to my chest, only to subside for just a moment as my body, clearly designed for this, readied itself for the second of what would undoubtedly be many climactic rounds that night. She hadn't even penetrated me, at least not yet! Taking the initiative, I plunged my fingers into her, her love wet and willing, and delighted at the sounds of her unrestrained pleasure. Our bodies became a tangle of limbs, of furiously working digits, of cast off hang ups and melted inhibitions. After a time I forcefully shoved her down, her head at the foot of the bed, and paused just briefly to gaze at her glistening, panting form. In that moment, I wanted her to look at me, and to see and fully comprehend what we were doing: something, some force neither of us could comprehend, had turned me into a sexually idealized version of her cousin, and here she was now, living every subconscious fantasy she had likely been keeping tamped down since going away to college after that one improbable, forbidden night. I wasn't Ami, she even said I didn't look identical to her, probably more like Tami's fantasy ideal of her...but I would still be her sexual emancipation tonight, and she knew it. Our eyes once more locked, and a devious smile began to play across my lips. "What do you say, bad girl?" Her smile was one of satisfaction and revelry. "Yessss..." she drew out in a breath. It was all I needed. I drank her in, and proceeded to run my tongue up the entire length of her body, stopping to taste of her sex, to tease her nipples, to bring her own juices to her mouth in one more kiss, before I rose up and swiftly towered above her; my knees came down on either side of her head, my delicious behind sat down lightly on her chest. She nodded. With a cry of unimaginable pleasure, I lowered my own new sex onto her mouth, allowing her to show me what I had been missing in all my years of manhood. I had told myself I wouldn't cry again, but the tears nearly came now as the pleasure of her oral treatment mixed with the eroticism of our entire inexplicable situation, catapulting my mind beyond the clouds and into the vastness. I found myself acutely aware of the anatomy of my new sex, my mind skillfully sorting out how each individual part and fold of my vagina responded uniquely to Tami's tongue. I ground my hips, moving to allow her to come up for air before beginning again, and if she was at all uncomfortable she did not show it. With one hand I ran my fingers through my own hair, then brushed down along my nipples, caressing and then tugging at them; with the other I reached down and pulled on hers, wanting her tongue deeper, to act like the brush of an artist against the new part of me that I knew was now the center of my world. I came. A lot. I did not try to count how often. I felt like I could go on forever, like I had become a source of raw, teaming sexual energy. Tami, it seemed, was more than up to the task. As I floated along my cloud of bliss, I had just enough awareness to pick up on something; my hand in Tami's hair, it felt a bit, well, tangled. Was Tami's hair getting...longer? Couldn't be, right? My thoughts jostled a moment when the bedroom door, which we had left slightly ajar, flew open, revealing a shocked Eric. I hadn't noticed it before, probably owing to my own limited sexuality as a man, but he was certainly handsome; a close kept haircut and a clean shave gave him a bit of a babyface, but his body seemed to be the result of some weekly trips to Crossfit or one of those other ridiculous gyms. I should have been concerned, but there was a calm in my mind as I sized him up; some sort of strange instinct now appeared in me, and I regarded Eric with a keen, discerning, dare I say almost predatory eye. I felt like I could sense certain things about him; I felt I could pick up on his heartbeat, the state of his nerves, his excitement level...what might I be able to do with all of that information? The sight of him, the first man I had laid on eyes since my change, put a strange feeling in my stomach. "Wh-what the hell?!" he stammered, unable to muster up much else. I eased back on Tami, allowing her to crane around and look at her husband. "Eric! It's, I-we..." With a grin, I pressed my pussy back down onto her face, giving her the cue to continue her ministrations. "Hi, Eric." I began, all smiles and not at all acknowledging that I was getting eaten out by his wife. "I'm Ami, Tami's cousin, remember me? I'm in from the coast for the weekend and wanted to, uh, catch up with you both. Would to join us?" He started to say something, probably to demand an explanation, or demand that I leave, but I noticed him stop short, as if something had gripped him. I cocked my head to the side a bit, curious; yes, he had to realize what opportunity now lay before him, his beloved wife in bed with a woman with the body of a fertility goddess, who was now offering a threesome with no strings attached. Please, what man has never had the "sleep with hot twins" fantasy? This wasn't even THAT incestuous, right? But something in his eyes seemed to be in a trance; was I doing that, causing it? I could sense the low thud coming from his chest; a few beads of sweat appeared on his head; it was like he wanted to step forward, but some kind of unseen force was restraining him. His nerves on edge, he had to like the sight before him...and right now, I could tell that weird feeling in my stomach felt an awful lot like hunger. Mmm, prey in a trap; maybe this WAS my doing? Only one way to find out. I leaned up a bit off Tami, allowing her to catch her breath. The feeling of her hot panting across the inside of my thighs warmed me to my core. "Eric," I sighed sexily, then crooked a beckoning finger his way, "I'm waiting." He finally staggered a step forward, then another. He stood at the foot of the bed stock still, as if awaiting orders. I heard his breathing come out a bit harder, could almost sense how his blood was now flowing in a torrent down toward his rod. I stopped to think for just a second, to ponder the choice before me. Just this afternoon, this would never have crossed my mind...but that was now a lifetime ago. The hesitation passed as quickly as it had arrived, and my hands went to work, undoing his belt and tossing it aside, undoing his pants, and revealing the prize that awaited me. If Tami's tongue in my mouth felt so good, well... Just as I had run my tongue along Tami's body, I now lightly teased Eric's cock with it. A small kiss here, a quick lick all seemed to come to me so naturally. My hand worked the shaft, I rolled the head in and out of my mouth a bit; it all felt so simple, and the rewards were more than what I had hoped for. I allowed his length in, excruciatingly slow; I found myself aware of every vein of his cock, of the feeling of each taste bud on my tongue running underneath it, and slid his length down my throat before just as slowly pulling back, and let out a high pitched but muffled moan; his cock hitting the back of my throat shot a sensation down my spine that might have exceeded even the ministration of Tami's fingers in my new pussy. There's no way a normal woman could feel this way, could she? Then again, I couldn't be called a particularly "normal" woman. Any revulsion or unease that I would have had just hours ago, it was as if it has never existed. In less than a minute all three of us were moaning in pleasure, Tami from pleasuring me (and, I could tell, herself at the same time), Eric from my slow-yet-sure move to deep-throat him, and myself feeling bliss emanate from both my pussy and within my mouth and throat. I felt myself in complete control of the situation; not only of the happy hubby and wife, but the sensations coursing through their bodies, as well as my own. My new instinct kicked in once more, and I suddenly knew I could time this precisely how I wanted to; in one motion I pulled Eric's cock all the way down, no gagging whatsoever, and ground my hips just so on Tami's face, and felt the joint torrents of Eric's seed and my own juices flow simultaneously. The flavor thrilled me, but I felt an even stronger surge from within, as if I had just consumed vital energy; the strange 'hunger' from before sated a bit as Eric's cum filled my belly, just bits of it flicking across my lips and cheeks. As his cream poured into me, I felt a surging sensation in my chest and hips; I couldn't place what it was, but there was a somewhat heavy, but not at all unpleasant, feeling. At the same time I felt a great warmth and contentment as I similarly emptied the signs of my own orgasm into Tami's eager mouth; she had made me cum before already, but the sense of passing a bit of myself along to someone else created a whole new sense of satisfaction that put my mind on cloud nine. Honestly, we could have stayed like that all night, but I couldn't shake a nagging feeling...Eric had really fallen in line with this a lot more readily than I had thought he would, hadn't he? I was wielding some kind of power here, for sure, but just how strong was it? This called for a test; just how 'into this' were these two, really? Just as soon as I had thought that, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, an item next to the bed. I could hear the ragged breathing from my new playmates as I finally rose off of Tami's chest. Taking a moment I regarded Eric's cock, how it had begun to droop just a bit after cumming so hard for me, and quickly reached out and pressed my palm against it; within seconds, another blood rush arrived, restoring his staff to full attention. Hmm, note taken! I then crawled across the bed toward the item I had noticed: a woman's handbag, resting on the floor against the bed. Tami's? Couldn't be, her's was in the living room. Where had it come from? Reaching for it, I could see and feel the quality of its design, but also noticed that it was quite full. I opened it and had to laugh just a bit. Well, why not? Why shouldn't a purse full of sex toys appear next to the bed, where I lay transformed into a woman, fulfilling every sexual fantasy I never knew any of us in the room had? I had to test things out, I had to see what was really happening here, what I was truly capable of, but a magic bag filled with dildos, plugs, and lube might just ease that process a bit! I looked over and saw Eric still standing where he had been since I had begun blowing him, helpless in my thrall. Tami, meanwhile, caused my eyes to widen a bit: my stray thought from before, that her hair was longer, was now confirmed, but it was merely the tip of the iceberg. I couldn't know how aware she was yet, but her breasts, still mostly perky, now carried an extra bit of heft to them; they had clearly grown since our lovemaking had begun. The same effect seemed to stem down her body; there was what appeared to be a slight but noticeable bit of extra curvage to her hips, down to her thighs, adding a tiny, soft layer to her otherwise toned form. I almost commented on thinking that her naturally beautiful face, undone since she had been heading to the gym when I had first stumbled toward her doorstep this afternoon, seemed to have gained a subtle layer of foundation, maybe a touch of color on her lips, some makeup near her eyes, when I glanced down at my own form; like her, I could tell my chest had expanded, even if just slightly, after all we had been through. Briefly, a part of my mind said to stop and investigate these changes, but the newer, louder, much more worldly part of my mind shot back to keep pushing forward. "Tami," I said gently, placing an item from the bag in her hand, "here, play with this for awhile. Why don't you watch the show and enjoy yourself?" It was a 'magic wand' vibrator. Her eyes lit up, then I went to work quickly; I pulled Eric all the way down onto the bed, nearly tearing his clothes away, shoving him onto his back so that his full erection stood tall, pointing toward his own stomach. I thought Tami might mutter some protest, but I was moving with a speed and self-assuredness I had never known before; if I should have been tired from all the evening's previous action, my lower body wasn't feeling any exhaustion whatsoever. I climbed atop and faced away from Eric, sat back, and in a flash impaled myself on his rod, getting to work pleasuring myself with some reverse cowgirl action. "Oooooh GAAAAAWD!" WOW. THIS was something else! My mind was still wired to feel and contextualize every bit of pleasure I gave and receive, but I almost felt something bestial rising within me; my eyes rolled back, my back arched, my hands flew up to my tits then down to my clit and I screamed for all I was worth. Incredible! My hips gyrated with a mind and rhythm of their own, circling and grinding. With each second my mind focused more and more on the feeling and sensation of being penetrated by something longer and thicker than a tongue or a finger, making me oh- so-aware of this foreign body dancing about within me, offering me all its pleasures. My pussy, my wonderful pussy, fit him like a glove; I could tell it was arranging itself to suit his dick perfectly, warm and inviting but tight enough to precisely suit his size. A stray thought brought a full laugh to my lips: could Tami possibly be enjoying this as much as I was? A click and a humming sound caught my attention, cutting through my orgasmically clouded mind. Turning, I glanced at Tami, still wondering what she would think of me taking her husband's cock for my own, only to see her slowly moving the vibrator down, resting the wand's head high on her pussy near her own clit, her free hand working up to her own ripened breasts; yep, that girl was definitely enjoying this. My ride went on for a good, long time, my rhythm completely my own, my orgasms radiating through me in one constant stream of pleasure. I don't know

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself Some Subtle Considerations A word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all...

2 years ago
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Earthicus VII and the Dread Fearless Arden

As the last moments of Warner's sojourn in the punitive quadrant tick away I miss him before he is gone. Prior to the unannounced arrival of his pretty stalker friend Parker, a Command officer, Warner was silly and often flirted with me. Now we don’t get a moment alone and Warner lets her stay with him in his guest-dom. The morning ends when the door of my dom slides open. Warner wears only a dark gray loxxet. It barely caches his intimates. “Parker took my clothes,” he explains, “when she went...

Gay Male
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Sissy Julian Chapter VII The Birth of Julia

Sissy Julian - Chapter VII, The Birth of Julia by: sissystevie Well, another, albeit short, but transitional chapter. My author grove is coming back. High time to get our little sissy into major petticoats. I think maybe we shall complete this saga. It's become fun again. Again, I do recommend a review of the prior six chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part VII 8211 With Boy Friend II

Hi dear readers and friends This is Julee again with next part (Part VII) of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am thankful to all and am happy that I have received a lot of comments and support from all over to my true story. Here I would like to mention that a lot of males have requested me to provide them my phone no., my nude photos etc….etc.. … . Many of them wanted my photo to masturbate by seeing it. I do not know what reply I should give to them. So…. I start the story without taking...

3 years ago
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The Curtsey Part VII

The Curtsey Part VII By Sissy Smith Crystal dropped her daughter Lisa off at Lisa's home with her packages. They kissed each other good bye and Crystal wished Lisa good luck and asked her to call her later and let her know how things were going. Lisa and Allen had been living together for several years and while Lisa had wanted to marry, Allen would not hear of it. Lisa was figuring out that Allen just had it a little too good. He had a girlfriend to do his laundry, clean house, share...

4 years ago
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A Woman in Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VII Questions and Precautions

Part VII - Questions and Precautions Suddenly, Holloran was scarce. No pop-in visits to Jocelyn's office, no spur-of-the-moment summonses to his office or even phone calls; all she got was the occasional desultory e-mail. They dealt solely with routine matters - no mention was made of the investigation or of what had appeared in the New York Sun-Tribune over the weekend. He wasn't the only one. Her secretary had called in sick, and any number of people she tried to reach on Monday...

3 years ago
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by Sinistra Part VII Ding! Scarlett instinctively reached for her phone, but stopped upon realising that she had no pockets. She was wearing a skirt. Of course. Skirts don’t have pockets. This made sense in her mind, but something still felt wrong. It was the same feeling she’d had that morning, when choosing an outfit for the day. She looked in her drawer, but all she had seen was a bland selection of trousers. Jeans, chinos, callotts - surely these couldn’t be her clothes? Where...

4 years ago
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Chace McCartson Part VII

Introduction: Story follows between Chace having Erika closer than ever and having to divide his time with Candys initiation. Hey guys. Its been almost one year and I know that. I dont even know if I still have readers out there (again). Anyway, theres the seventh part of the story. Enjoy. Here goes some considerations: – Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good dose of romance to come, this story tends to get darker as it goes. – Im not an English speaker and...

2 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part VII


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Away for the Summer Part VII

Away for the Summer, Part VII by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through VI before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: By the time Sally gathered Joe up from the swing set he was clearly worn out, and was fast asleep even before she got him buckled back into his stroller. Making the short trip back to her car, she wasn't surprised to find...

5 years ago
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Revenge of a Goddess Part VII

Revenge of a Goddess, Part VII By Limbo's Mistress Chapter Thirteen After leaving the principal's office, I rushed to my locker and grabbed a spare pair of underwear from my locker. As I stuffed the lacey garment into my bag, I suddenly giggled at the realization that, should my activities with Principal Lewis continue, I was going to need to increase the amount of backup panties I kept on school premises. Hopefully he wouldn't make a habit out of keeping them afterwards....

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A Year Ago part VII

A Year Ago - part VII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phase of the story... I didn't sleep well, arising several times to clear the beer from the evening with Matt. His look was on my mind. Lying awake for nearly an hour I wondered about attracting men. Of course I'd considered this after my first walk in the Green. The man offering to buy me a drink that evening wasn't guilty nor was I but I needed some...

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The Templar Belles Parts I VII

by Bleeding Rainbow Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and parody, to be read only by individuals aged 18 or above. The events depicted herewith are fantasy and do not reflect real world events or persons in any way.. Foreword: This story is a parody or fan fiction of a number of real-world celebrities. Rather than spam XNXX with a whole bunch of chapters at once, I elected to put them all into one single story instead. It is meant to be read as a whole, but the subject matter...

3 years ago
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Like it or not youre a girl Part VII

Part VII Like it or not, You?re a Girl by Christine One day Danielle entered my room in the morning as usual. I was of course all dressed up in a short skirt, and a white blouse with a pair of heels on, and nylons. She complimented me on my outfit and then told me she had a surprise for me. ?We?re going shopping at the mall today. Eat your breakfast and I?ll be back in a little bit to get you. Don?t forget to freshen your makeup. I want you to look really pretty.? I...

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part VII

[All characters are age 19+ ; work of fiction] Having grown bored with how things were progressing with my sissy son, I have recently ventured into a new and fun project -filming and distributing video clips of our adventures together. Milking sessions, peggings, spankings, foot worship...over two dozen clips so far. All of them uploaded online for viewing. Did I mention how lucrative this new project is? I am amazed at what people are willing to pay for the clips and especially for...

5 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part VII

A sissy called Jezebel Part VII - Jezebel has finished hir tour with the Head Mistress into the secretive dungeon/reform school below the fair walls of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. But is the Head Mistress entirely done with Jezebel? Additionally, what ever does one learn in a 'sissy life skills' class? I require the gurls in my harem to crawl on the floor at home and in private at the office. So get on...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part VII

Dans le Murs – Part VII Synopsis: Colin has assisted Mme Lestrade with her Asian and African acquisitions and has performed the form of punishment to Therese that she feared most. Colin became an outrageous counsellor and Simone has been fascinated by his technical systems. Now read on. Part 7 – Sonia and Pippa Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations between a...

Erotic Fiction
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The Corruption of CeCe Part VII

The Corruption of CeCe, Part VII by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. I slowly came to but my eyes weren't open yet. My whole body felt sore and ached. I was still barely conscious and couldn't yet talk or even moan. I could hear Bobby and Dr. Calderon having a conversation somewhere away from...

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The Wife Next Door Part VIIAngelas Best Friend

The Wife Next Door: Part VII- Angela’s Best Friend I was emerging slowly from an incredibly restful sleep. Almost dreamlike visions of Angela and what had happened last night flitted through my brain and I wasn’t sure what was real and what was, perhaps, just a dream. In this half awakened state my mind thought of Angela’s beautiful little pink nipples and how I had sucked on them. I thought of how my big purple cockhead had slipped into her seventeen-year-old pale pink labia and had finally...

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment Part Two

Intro to Sissies VII: The Meting of the Punishment Part Two By latexslut Goddess Chanazene stood, glass in one hand, the ever present cigarette in the other. "Welcome, again, gurls. I trust you have all behaved. And for those of you that haven't, well, you get to spin the wheels." She did a slight bow, and the gurls in the temple began to clap, timidly. They had been taught to do so, but still, the meting of the punishments always brought something bad to someone, even if...

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All Dolled Up Part VII

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VII Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. It had been an emotionally exhausting day. A good dinner and a hot bath before bed would do us both good. Jamie had a burger for lunch, so I wanted to make him something more nutritious. Mac and cheese was always a good, quick meal. I prepared it, made a salad, set the table and called Jamie to dinner. He came...

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The Wife Next Door Part VIIAngelas Best Friend

The Wife Next Door: Part VII- Angela’s Best Friend I was emerging slowly from an incredibly restful sleep. Almost dreamlike visions of Angela and what had happened last night flitted through my brain and I wasn’t sure what was real and what was, perhaps, just a dream. In this half awakened state my mind thought of Angela’s beautiful little pink nipples and how I had sucked on them. I thought of how my big purple cockhead had slipped into her seventeen-year-old pale pink labia and had finally...

First Time
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2Introduction to Part VII Hearthstone Entertainment

Time: A few years ago. Summer between freshman and sophomore years at IU. Place: Monroe County, Indiana—or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Description: Brian Frost, one-time runt geek of the neighborhood, has gathered nearly 50 others into the Clan of the Heart. He has become the protector and leader, or patrón, of the clan. Rose Davis has become matrón, but it is Rhonda Gordon as Executive Producer of Hearthstone Entertainment that is driving the clan's expansion of their television...

1 year ago
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A Quirk of fateVIIa pony girlJ13part1of1

A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy… A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband Charles both think I write Harlequin romance novels of which they have no interest. Neither has...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

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New Family Secrets VII

Ryan went to look for Kara... New Family Secrets VII I was looking for Kara everywhere I asked everyone if they had seen her. One kid told me that he had seen her heading towards the park. I ran across the street to the park at the first shelter I found her backpack. There was another backpack sitting with it so I looked around. I spotted a bathroom and figured that she had gone in there. I decided to scare them as they came out and I crouched down by the door. As I was...

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George Isolde etc Ch VII

Chapter VII George had been sitting on the front stoop, nursing a bottle of Boh when Terry pulled up. He stood up and walked toward the car. Sticking out his hand, he said, “Hi. I’m George. Welcome. Bob said you were making hay today. There’s a hose ‘round back, if you wanna knock the dust off.” Terry shook hands and said, “Name’s Terwilliger, but everyone calls me Terry. A hose doesn’t do very well. I was thinking maybe I’d run over to Mago Vista and jump in the river.” He cocked his head...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VII“The Gentlemen’s Club Part I”, with Ernest Saillard (“from Aunt Pauline’s Secret”, Hugdebert), Charles Swann (from “Swann in Love”, Hugdebert) and James Hastington (from “Lady X’s Lust Captive”, Giovanni Degli Espoti) Characters:Ernest: (the man, of course)Swann: Hastington: (the light-haired with a moustache)( “Well, gentlemen, how are supposed to do that?”, questioned James Hastington to his two friends, Ernest Saillard and Charles Swann, during a...

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Sisters Gift VII

Part VII This one is long as hell.  Part VI end: “Gabby, the only way I know that you will stay with me is if it is only me. I hate to do this, and I thought I wouldn’t have to, but I do. The only way I can know that we will always be together is if it is only us. Not Ty.” My heart dropped at this news. Gabby had to choose between me and Abby. I couldn’t imagine life without either of them, but I might be losing one or both. I couldn’t bear this. Several hours had elapsed, and I sat in my empty...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter VII

Chapter VII – Their Armchair (based on Love Diary No. 41 cover, Orbit-Wanted, circa 1949)I guess everyone has fantasies and fetishes, but how do you say about someone who wants to have sex in the armchair you just bought for your best friends because you felt envy of their ‘adventures’Me and Charlotte just found this beautiful and stylish armchair as a gift for Keith and Donna, which were to move to a new house. The armchair was so awesome and fittable that we resisted till the last urge to buy...

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A Maiden Gamble Pt VII

A Maiden Gamble Part VII By Sydney Michelle Chapter Sixteen Sharon juggled the portfolio under her arm as she walked down the hall. The cold hallway still gave her the creeps, even after having walked it several times. When she twisted the handle, the door opened, unlocked for a change. Inside she saw Marilyn sitting in a chair, legs crossed, watching Mercedes hold a video camera while Lyra Fredericks directed Maria. "Chin up, dear, project and let us see your face."...

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Punishment for a Sissy VII

Punishment for a Sissy VII By PJD Joan Cartwright glared at the broken sobbing sissy standing in front of her. As he cringed beneath her severe contemptuous gaze she thought, 'You don't understand the true reason why I intend to reduce you to a spineless snivelling sissy do you? No, you believe its because Wanda and I discovered you wearing her underwear If that were the true reason sissy. Wanda and I would have simply have paraded you in front of our friends, with a notice...

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Caught with Consequences Pt VII

Caught with Consequences Pt VII By Teaser If thug number one was big and stupid, then thug number two was big, and, well, maybe, not quite as stupid. He eyed Debbie like a hawk. And not just her ass either. He kept his distance from her. We had our hands up the whole time. That meant one thing. Thug number one had recovered enough to scoop up what was left of his balls, and limp home. He marched us over to the management area of the building. I hadn't been over here often, so I...

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A Womans Clothes VII

A Woman's Clothes VII By Donna Williams "Morning Sara!" my wife exclaimed, apparently in a better mood. "Time for your big change! We won't be having a party this time, because I think you are a little too old for that." "How old am I?" I asked. "Eighteen!" She responded. "And I got you some real sexy lingerie, and some real sexy outfits to go over them. But first, we need to make you look older. Go shower, no bubble bath yet, and shave real close all over. Then come back...

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Intro to Sissies VII The Meting of the Punishment

Author's note 1: Please review the stories. It doesn't have to be long, but there is no measure here, on how many actually read this stuff. I don't know if I am writing for only 1 person, me, or several. Author's note 2: Bad reviews are good too. I don't know if this will ever end, I have about another 20+ chapters in mind. School, Work, Fridays, Marie, and so much more, but if no one cares, why bother, unless I am only writing for me, in which case there is lesser urgency. But...

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Peepers Punishment VII

Peeper's Punishment VII By PJD The ladies followed Lady Ann into the dining room, where they saw the dining table had been laid out awaiting their arrival. Lady Ann's servants stood prepared to wait on the assembled ladies, but what caught the ladies attention was a large steel cage in which a elderly plump sissy dressed in a white bra, white nylon panties, suspender belt, black nylon stockings and pink six inch high heeled shoes stood sobbing. The ladies surrounded the...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VII

Hi - another installment. No editing again (sorry but no editors interested in helping), long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date - emails and feedback left. It helps more that you'll ever know. I am deep into the next chapter and with luck it won't be so long before it's out there. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VII By Rachel M. Moore November 21st 12:10 AM ...I pushed away from Brad and pulled the garbage can to my face just in time...

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Morgana VII

FOREWARD: To all of you who have been waiting for this one, I apologize for the wait. I won't go into the details of why it happened, but life threw me a few sudden curves over the past year. Once I got restarted on the story I also realized that getting it all into one last chapter was not going to happen, so here is the first of the new ones that will bring this part of the saga to a close. Again, my most humble apologies for the wait all of you have put up with for me to get this...

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Jennifers CumPulsion VII San Francisco Revisited

Jennifer's CumPulsion Part VII: San Francisco Revisited By Jennifer James [email protected] If you've read my other stories you'll already know a bit about me. And you'll also notice that my previous stories ran backwards chronologically from the end (the present) to the beginning. But time marches on, so this one actually took place after Part 1. Since Part 1, though, things have changed with me somewhat. I've gotten tired of the TG clubs and the repetitive games with...

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Night Skies Hotel VII The Sands of Time

Night Skies Hotel VII: The Sands of Time By Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel. It isn't necessary to have read the other NSH stories in order to appreciate this one, but there are some references to events and characters from those stories. ************************************************************************************** Flashes of blinding white light flared across the cerulean blue skies above the rolling campus...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter VII

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER VII The first thing I noticed was how warm and comfy I felt. It was a nice change from leaning my head against a cold, hard window. I wondered who had carried me in when I'd fallen asleep in the mini-van. Slowly, I opened one eye and saw... my bedroom. It wasn't the room I'd just moved into with all the half-opened boxes scattered across the floor; this was my old bedroom. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VII

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VII Prissys Prognosis

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This penultimate chapter is rated R. There is...

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Green Acres VII

"Green Acres VII" The next day, mid-morning, Mrs. Foster knelt beside the wide sweep of a white satin wedding gown and lifted the hem of the gleaming satin skirt. She seemed mesmerized as she reached underneath and gathered the voluminous layers of petticoats and fluffed them out to their maximum fullness. The sounds of nylon, satin and crisp taffeta filled the perfumed room with rustling, whispering zips. "Nine petticoats in all, all so lovely, and so deliciously feminine!" She...

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Patchwork People VII A Bicycle Built for Two

VII. A bicycle built for two. Everyman's Cycles looked like a bicycle field hospital. Wherever you looked bicycles, or parts of bicycles, stood, leaned, or lay in various states of distress, awaiting Walt's attention. He'd get to each of them, eventually, in his methodical, patient way. Walt took in stray bicycles the way crazy old ladies collected cats. Most of them were rescues. Bicycles he found abandoned in fields, weeds growing through their spokes. Or locked for months to streets...

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George Isolde etc Ch VII

Chapter VII George had been sitting on the front stoop, nursing a bottle of Boh when Terry pulled up. He stood up and walked toward the car. Sticking out his hand, he said, “Hi. I’m George. Welcome. Bob said you were making hay today. There’s a hose ‘round back, if you wanna knock the dust off.” Terry shook hands and said, “Name’s Terwilliger, but everyone calls me Terry. A hose doesn’t do very well. I was thinking maybe I’d run over to Mago Vista and jump in the river.” He cocked his head...

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Tranisitions VII

Transitions VII by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 14 - Kandy Krush Saga As I sit here, it's hard to believe that everything seemed so carefree and decadent the day before yesterday, when I unveiled my new assets to our neighbors. But that was before yesterday. That was before Gillian and Renee had filled me in on the saga of Kandy. What I heard chilled me to the bone. They seem to have no idea what they have done. Maybe I've filled in the blanks incorrectly. Maybe I've projected my...

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Dont Be Too Familiar VII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VII Worn out, but victorious, Jessica rearranges her pillows to be absolutely comfortable. Wearing the sexiest lingerie and dumbfounded as to today's turn of events. She is now safe and powerful. Three hours earlier, she was about to pass out inside a ceramic sculpture that she did not model for but was a form to be developed. Two days prior, she was a nonmacho boy accustomed to being doted on by a bevy of enthusiastic older gentlemen. They would go apeshit when...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 3

The next morning, we were up reasonably early. I was sure that many of those who would be at the meeting would need time to recover from the good times that everyone had had yesterday, but I was sure that all of them knew the hangover spell. As a result of getting a good night’s sleep, we were more than ready when Uncle Aengus arrived at 9:30 that morning. “Ah, you’re ready, let’s go,” he muttered in a tired voice, and we three disappeared on joining him. We reappeared in a room that I...

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Seductive Swap Story 8211 Part VII

Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV – Part V – Part VI – This is real...

5 years ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part VII Turning Tricks

A continuation of the journey described in part 6: The next day I went to work as usual, but skipped my noon time ‘date’ with Brad. When I got home, I called Cindy and confirmed the party invitation. Then I called Tracy and asked if she could use me at the club.“Of course! Are you k**ding? Anytime!”“Well great, what time should I come by?”“How early can you make it? We open at nine, as you know, but although nothing much happens until close to midnight, there is always a lot of action for the...

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My Sexual Odyssey Part VII Turning Tricks

The next day I went to work as usual, but skipped my noon time ‘date’ with Brad. When I got home, I called Candy and confirmed the party invitation. Then I called Trixie and asked if she could use me at the club. “Of course! Are you kidding? Anytime!” “Well great, what time should I come by?” “How early can you make it? We open at nine, as you know, but although nothing much happens until close to midnight, there is always a lot of action for the girls.” “Well, I could be there by ten or...

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21st Century Subteranian Slavery Part VII

21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part VIII            Back in the lineupOne-eight-six felt wild and untamed on her first day back in the lineup. She deliberately stumbled within the chain gang next to the board walk. She stopped now and then defiantly yanking the chain in front of her, forcing the slave behind her to crash into her back. When the guard lashed her she spat in her face leading to more lashes. By the time she got to the display section her ass and thighs were well striped. She...

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I wish my wife was this dirty part VII

“Well, I’ve still got it !” my wife greeted me with delight one evening when I returned home from the golf club.“You certainly have my dear. And I am sure plenty of men would agree with me. Who is it this time ?” I smiled.“Well, to cut a long story short, I found Luke’s semen in our garden.”“I hope there’s a good explanation for this.” I replied, sitting back in my armchair, and although taken somewhat aback, I whetted my lips at what I expected to be an arousing account.Luke had been spending...

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