Chapter Seven XHamster Profil for Love2Bused
- 4 years ago
- 38
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He walked straight over to Samantha and lifted her by the arm. Taking her over to one side of the room he slipped the gown off her shoulders and sat her on one end of a broad padded box, some three feet off the ground. Pushing her backwards he had her lie down on her back. Then the eunuchs appeared and her legs were lifted high and wide, and the Emir pressed his forefinger into her vagina. Rummaging about a little, he felt her virgin membrane and grunted in approval.
Dropping his shalwar and lifting his kameez, he pressed his prick into her welcoming vagina, and with one thrust tore deep into her, eliciting a scream of pain. Pumping for a few moments, he came copiously inside her. As he withdrew, he said something she didn't understand to the eunuchs; they were the first words he had spoken since entering the harem. As he turned away he beckoned to the nearest of the watching women; she came over to him, dropped to her knees and sucked his prick clean.
Samantha was trying hard to get up, but the eunuchs held her in the undignified position, flat on her back with her knees on her chest. Then something short, hard and cold was pressed into the entrance to her vagina and strapped in position. Only after that was she allowed to stand up, and the fat eunuch helped her dress in a silk gown, blue this time. He also gave her an embroidered handkerchief which she realised was what he had used to wipe the blood from her thighs.
Meanwhile the Emir had dressed and as he left he said to the general gathering, "Ayda, please. And look after the new one," then turning to the Chief Eunuch he said, "Only three."
This caused a buzz to go round the women and Ayda came over to Samantha.
"Well you weren't in white for long," she said in a friendly manner, and added, "You will have time to recover. He's asked for me tonight, so you'll have healed by the time he has you again. Then you'll be able to enjoy it."
"No," she replied ruefully, "It wasn't how I had imagined giving up my virginity. Is sex really as good as they say, when you're used to it? Why have I got this thing strapped on me?"
"It's to stop his semen escaping. He came inside you and it gives the seed chance to impregnate you. You are lucky, usually they wash it out as fast as they can. When was your last period?"
"Two ... Oh, no, two weeks ago. What if I'm pregnant?" and she began to cry.
"If you are pregnant you are made for life. Your status will go from new girl to one of the elite overnight. Some of these girls have never had a drop of his semen inside them, but they have all been fucked from time to time. Those of us who have borne him children are the most important ones here. If it is a boy he will make you a Princess, and may even marry you."
Young and beautiful, sexy and desirous, drunk and easy, were term that would have aptly described how I felt that day and night.Friends from another time, when we were just outrageous girls, teasing old Bob, who was the only sex symbol in our youthful lives.We had all given Bob a wank at some time or another, but that was rite of passage, and when it was my turn, I gave him a blow job as well, for good measure, not because he asked me, no I wanted to do it, I wanted to feel a man's cock in my...
Derek Pullman always knew exactly when and where he first meet Helen Adams; it was at half past eleven on the morning of Tuesday, 1st August, 2028 in the main lecture theatre at the head office of Thomas Hunt Management Associates on the Embankment in London. They were both working their way through what each hoped would be the first day of paid employment either had ever had. They met on the induction course for new Graduate Trainees, and the organisers of this intensive two week session of...
As time went by the frequency of their coupling did not decrease, though the variation of the sex games dropped considerably as Derek's ingenuity ran out of ideas for novel sexual games. Helen tried shaving her mons, but soon gave that up on the grounds that it itched abominably, and did little for Derek's enjoyment. Tying Helen up became a bore, because there was nothing he could do to her tied up that she wouldn't let him do when she was untied. Almost without noticing it, they became a...
Early Friday afternoon, as they travelled back to Bristol, Bob said casually, "You can go back to Derek tonight and give him a good fucking." Helen stared at him in confusion. "But you said I could move in with you, sir?" she asked timidly. He had made it clear that even in bed he was "Sir," and she was never to use his name, or endearments. "Yes, and you will move tomorrow. Tonight you will say nothing about leaving him, and you will give him the best night he has ever had, and...
Derek went into the office on Monday in a daze. No matter what he tried to do, he could not concentrate. One of the older women came over to his desk and said, "Come with me." Blindly he followed her out of the building and in to the coffee shop opposite. She motioned for him to sit down, and then ordered coffees for both of them. "Bob does that," she said quietly. "Does what?" asked Derek. "Picks one of the new trainees and takes her. He likes to take one who has formed a...
On the Air Kobekistani flight out, Derek was impressed by the service, which was far better than anything he had ever had before. He seemed to have a stewardess to himself, and only had to look round for her to rush to see what he wanted. Her uniform was similar to that of any air hostess, but the skirt was shorter than most, showing her bare legs to great advantage. The blouse bearing her name, Shafiqa, embroidered on it seemed to be a size too large for her and she was obviously wearing no...
The moment the Embassy car dropped Derek at the main entrance to the Golden Palace, no side doors for this visit, he was escorted by an obsequious guard through the Throne Room and to a door behind the dais. From there a eunuch escorted him along a corridor into a large, well-appointed dining room whose walls were decorated with beautiful fine mosaics depicting scenes of sexual excess. The Emir rose from the table and said, "Good. I'm glad you could come. There is something I want to talk...
When they were comfortably ensconced in the sitting room with liqueurs and coffee, the Emir took up the topic of the possible contract again. "Another thing I wonder about is whether the Royal Flight of Air Kobekistani needs seven super jumbo jets and a purpose built Concorde just so that I can get from A to B? Might it not be more use to give the Concorde to my Air Force to use? I hate it because it feels cramped after the jumbos and I don't like arriving before I have left, if you see...
After a few moments, the largest of the eunuchs asked quietly, "Would the master wish more coffee or refreshment?" "I don't know," said Derek, "What just happened?" "My Master, my he live for ever, has invited you to stay the night, and has offered two of the harem ladies for your pleasure. He has retired for the night, but that does not mean that you have to cut short your enjoyment of an after dinner coffee." "Does this happen often?" asked Derek, sitting down because he felt...
Over breakfast, Derek discovered that things could move very fast indeed in Kobekistan if an Emir wanted them to. THMA had been contacted and had agreed to release him to work for the Emir at the end of his present contract. The Emir seemed to assume that three times his present salary, tax free with a free house would be sufficient incentive for him to join the Golden Palace staff, and since it had been agreed with THMA it seemed that he had little choice. "As to the other details of the...
It turned out that there was a spare seat on the afternoon flight to London, but Derek was disappointed to find that Shafiqa was not the one of the stewardesses. Before leaving, Derek enquired further about the hunt; the Ambassador advised him that this was no holds barred full scale traditional English hunting, but in Kobekistan. An outfit of hunting pink was an absolute requirement for him and he was instructed in the etiquette of the chase. He was not a Kobekistani and so must not be in...
With the end of the British Government project, Derek had to move out of the small flat he had been occupying in the Embassy, and he decided to get some local advice before picking an hotel to stay in. ~For the love of Allah, can you advise a poor lonely stranger, respected Hajji, he started. ~Derek, my friend, replied the Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov gravely, ~How can an ignorant old fool such as your humble servant presume to advise a well educated and clever young man such as you?~ ~I...
A couple of weeks after he moved in to his new house, the Chief Eunuch whom he had acquired with it came to him in his study one evening. "Master," he said in his slightly odd version of English, "it is not seemly for a man of your prestigious status and great importance to have only three women in his harem. It should be better if there was more, or some boys if that is your heart's desire? The Master has not used any of the women." "These three women, where did they come from? Are...
In his bath that evening, Derek wondered which of his three concubines would be sent to his room first. More than that, he wondered why he was nervous about it. He had happily indulged himself with the Emir's wife and concubine, whom he had never seen until they arrived almost naked in his bedroom for specifically sexual purposes. Why was this different? He decided it was because this was a resident concubine, and not just a one night stand. He remembered Yul Brynner's advice to Prince...
The meetings that day were interminable, and Derek was in a thoroughly foul temper by the time he returned to his house. The wine he had with his dinner tasted awful, but he assumed that was his temper. It was only as he went to bed that he felt a headache starting and decided to ask about the wine. "Master, it was the wine which was not drunk last Tuesday," explained the Chief Eunuch, "Then you remarked that it was very good." "Imbecile," thundered Derek, "Do you know nothing of...
Eventually he decided to purchase another, or perhaps some more women for his harem. It was quite something to think that he had a harem of his own. Nobody in THMA would believe that! Consulting his Chief Eunuch, he discovered that women could be bought quite cheaply at one or other of the frequent auctions, so he arranged to attend one. Naturally, in a country where a man's status depended on maximising the number of slaves in a household, a gentleman did not bid himself. He merely looked...
~Master, the Chief Eunuch began, grovelling on the floor before Derek in a way he had never seen, ~Oh, Master. Oh dear, Master. A tragedy, Master, and it is all the fault of that accursed son of a misbegotten camel, the auction room slave trader. Truly he should be thrown to the dogs to eat one piece at a time, starting with his manhood. Master, forgive me; he has never so deceived me before.~ "What is it?" asked Derek in irritation, "Stop whining, get up and tell me what has...
It was at the end of the study into Golden Palace economics that the Emir called Derek in to see him in his private quarters. When he was escorted in to the room by the Chief Eunuch, he saw that there was a woman in an abaya standing to one side. This intrigued him, since he and no idea who she might be. "Ah, Derek," said the Emir, "I called you in here so that we need not stand on ceremony, but could talk as two friends." This sounded ominous to Derek. He wondered if it were a prelude...
By degrees over the couple of days available to him, using the windows of the upper stories to help with her training, Derek accustomed Shulah to the reality of 'outside' and the fact that the world was so very much larger than the harem which had previously been her entire universe. He even took her out in the car several times until it no longer frightened her to be driven through the streets. He tried to prepare her for the flight by describing it as being a car journey writ large. He...
It was three days later when Molly approached Derek as he was mowing the front lawn. "I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Pullman, but I can't get the kitchen tap to flow, and George, my husband, is away on business. Would you be a darling and help me?" "Of course, Mrs. Davenport," he answered, wondering what she was planning as he moved towards her house. "Oh," she gushed, "Do call me Molly." "And I'm Derek." As they walked down the side of the house, Molly took his hand quite...
When he had finished the lawn, Derek went back in to his own house, wondering how Molly would react, given that she had had an hour to think things over. She had made it pretty clear that she was ready for a little adultery, if he was. She was also intrigued by Shulah's position in his life. He decided that if she did visit, he would make it clear that she would only get her excitement on his terms, and those terms would include whipping her. Promptly on the hour, the doorbell rang, and...
It was about six months later, when business was just beginning to boom in the Gulf, that Derek was making one of his regular visits to Head Office for a Partners' meeting. With the very good relationship he had established with the Emir, it was normal for him to fly as a guest of the Emir on Air Kobekistani. This means that instead of a portion of the first class cabin being partitioned off, the passenger gets a luxurious private cabin the size of a small office. A stewardess is, of course,...
Promptly at eight that evening Helen was escorted by the Maître d' to Derek's table. To put her at her ease he chatted about mutual acquaintances among their entry and where they were now. It was clear to Helen that Derek had been easily the most successful of their year's graduates, even without become the youngest full Partner that THMA had ever had. Over dinner they talked of some others in their graduate entry group, and she heard the story of his career since they parted. It cheered...
As they came in to land at Kobek International, Derek told Helen she had to conform to the local custom of purdah whenever she was out of doors. The curtains were round their seats, so she slipped off her evening dress and donned an abaya over her English brassière and knickers. Her evening dress was left on the aeroplane and ended up as part of the wardrobe of one of the stewardesses, who wore it in London on layovers to amuse the pilots. The pair of them left the aeroplane and were soon...
Food, some of which was clearly lamb, but with some very peculiar vegetables was brought, and wine was provided with it. After this main course a plate of sweet pastries, dripping with honey proved too tempting to ignore. 'There goes my diet, ' she thought as she ate the fourth of the extremely tempting titbits, licking the honey off her fingers. As she was washing her hands to remove the last of the stickiness she heard the door open and assumed that the sweet tray was being removed, but...
When Helen came back to Derek's house after a week in the harem of Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov, she expected to see him, but he apparently didn't want to see her. The Chief Eunuch conducted her up to her room in the harem and left her there. After a few minutes Shafiqa came in to see her. "I have some good news and some bad news," said the concubine, "Which do you want first?" "The bad news, please," said Helen after a moment, deciding that the good news would help her get over the...
"I have news for you," Derek told Samantha the next afternoon. "Oh, are you going to sell me?" she asked lightly, still unable wholly to believe that the slave market was real. "No. I'm giving you to one of the local dignitaries. Don't look so worried, he's only about fifty and isn't fat or unhealthy. He's very rich, so in his harem you will want for nothing, and there are some English women there as well." "Is this the Hajji somebody that you lent Helen to? She said he was...
The Emir's Chief Eunuch hurried her out of the room and down a corridor, through a long narrow windowless room and into a huge open space where many women were lounging about, chatting, bathing and so on. The abaya was removed and she was dragged up to a middle-aged white woman. "Princess," the eunuch said, "A new English one," and he turned away. Samantha stood frozen to the spot; had he said, "Princess"? The woman spoke, "Hello my dear." Samantha could not for the life of her...
When the closed, darkened car carrying Helen away from Derek's house arrived some half an hour later at its destination, she was taken out and hustled by guards along a dreary corridor with a bare concrete floor and the paint peeling off walls into a small room, where a number was tattooed into her upper arm, just below her right shoulder. Still smarting from the clumsiness of the man wielding the needle and the bruises he had left where he had gripped her shoulder, she was led into a huge...
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Standing about 5 foot 10 inches, and a bit husky, Daniel was ruggedly handsome with or with out his glasses and he had a hell of a winning smile and brown hair. Daniel sat at his desk in a dark office illuminated by the light of a screen, wracking his mind for ideas. He hadn't posted a single lusty word to the Lush Stories site in weeks. There was no way he wanted to quit but he was drawing a blank on the next step of his titillating reunion opus. For the longest time he had had this problem,...
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I have always enjoyed dressing up and having horny guy fun with hard cocked guys,makes me feel so damn slutty,but the one thing that makes me cum so very hard is being used by multiple men and being used for their pleasure not mine,so every few months I organise a session where clean and health vetted guys can get their fun and cum with me.So this time we were playing at a friends farm,he has an enclosed open to the sky yard and we were playing in there,I was wearing my catsuit,long black...
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Gay MaleThis started last summer while my wife and family were away on a cruise.Do to work I had to stay home and work. However I took a week or so off to get some honey do stuff done.One thing was running to the d**g store to get my perscripitons etc.There at the pharmacy was a good looking d**g store tech. She was maybe in her 40's. About 5'8" with blond hair and a really slim build. I often flirted with her on my visits and she with me. Her name was Sharon and she told me she was divorced and lived...
This happened a few months after I had been taken by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel when I was skipping a class. If you do not remember these three are the worst of worst Juvenal Delinquents that an urban high school could produce. These three had taken me against my will the very first day that we all met! I was used repeatedly by the three of them for six or seven hours, after the first three I believe I just gave up fighting and allowed them to pleasure their selves with my body! I was made to...
I cannot see or hear. I'm relying on my Daddy to lead me where he wants me. I can feel the tiled floor beneath me as he pulls me, my nipples sore from the chain. He stops and positions me, pushing on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I feel him bind them, keeping me down. My hands bound behind me so I must stay there, I have no choice, nor would I want any with Daddy around. He rocks me forward and supports me before I feel something pressing against my little sissy pussy. It opens me and...
FetishIt was late Friday night, around 11pm. My boyfriend had come over to stay the night, which he regularly does when mom is on night shift. We were watching a movie on TV, snuggled up to each other, with my head on his chest. It was rather hot and humid this night, which was not particularly unusual. I was wearing a long and oversized t-shirt, and that was it, no underwear whatsoever. My boyfriend had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. A hot sex scene started on the movie we had been watching,...
I guess that my story starts pretty much like the story of many other men. I am 40 years old, married to Lena , she is also 40 years old. We have been married for 11 years now. We have 2 gorgeous kids, a boy and a girl. At first our sex life was good. We had a lot of it, it wasn’t monotonous. My wife is a little reserved in sex matters, but she agreed to try new things as long as they were not too strange. Since this period of good sex was rather short, we did not get to try many new things. ...
Standing about 5 foot 10 inches, and a bit husky, Daniel was ruggedly handsome with or with out his glasses and he had a hell of a winning smile and brown hair. Daniel sat at his desk in a dark office illuminated by the light of a screen, wracking his mind for ideas. He hadn’t posted a single lusty word to the Lush Stories site in weeks. There was no way he wanted to quit but he was drawing a blank on the next step of his titillating reunion opus. For the longest time he had had this problem,...
In a previous story i told you how i was able to get my Mother in Law Jean drunk and passed out and how i was able to strip her naked,, tie her up and use her..I still jack off to that often... I thought how easy it was to get her in this helpless state.. I thought what if i could get some roofies,, or some other d**g that could be mixed with her drink.. something that would cause amnesia,, no memory hummmmm.The situation would have to be right,,, her staying here with me alone over night or...