207 the padlocked nurse pt5
- 3 years ago
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“Hi Darren,” one of the triplets said out loudly as I heard all three say it over the triplet link.
I can’t believe I have been the one connecting to them and their sister anytime I needed them over the last year. It feels so good to be linked back into them.
“Hey girls. All three of you look even more amazing than the last time I saw you. I hear you came to turn me into a monk for a few days,” I told them as we joined in a big naked hug.
Over the triplet link I felt the intense love they had for me. I heard them telling me they were naked because they had used their, tuned down, abilities to have everyone lust after their firm bodies. All who saw them would know there was no chance they would ever get to touch, must less enjoy, their bodies, ever. Once out in the hall I had one in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist. The other two put one of my arms around their shoulders.
This is going to cause an even bigger stir than Skylar, Mary, and Corwin walked naked with me to Mary’s suite. Might as well let my dick get as hard as I could while still aiming at the ground. I really don’t give a shit if that will have it bouncing around happily.
Right as we were about to walk out to the pool area the old man and his bodyguard were entering a meeting room of some sort. Everyone had stood as he started to enter so they all saw me standing behind him with one triplet in my arms and the other two with a breast against my back and the nipples from the other one brushing against my arm.
In what seemed to be a common shared language, spoken by everyone in the meeting room, the old man told me, “Darren you continue to demonstrate to all that you are indeed an honorable man. I’ve heard rumors of there being three of these amazing young women, but at most I have gotten the briefest of glimpses of two of them together in the same place. Until now I questioned if that was just a figment of my imagination. Now I not only see all three at once, but they are here completely naked with you here to protect their honor.”
Those in the room gasped when he asked the triplets for permission to seek my presence should they need clarification on my suggestions as to various family businesses as we had discussed prior to flying here together. The one in my arms had me let her down and she turned to face him.
“Sir,” she said as she, and her two sisters, bowed to the old man. “Unless Darren tells us otherwise, he will be unavailable to all until just prior to a scheduled visit with one of the families who have named him their heir apparent.”
Bowing back to the girls he replied, “As you wish. Unless there is a matter of the utmost urgency, no one will disturb Darren, should they be able to locate him.”
She was very good to blocking her mind from the triplet link as she leaned forward to kiss the old man’s cheek before whispering something into his ear. Whatever it was caused the old man’s deadwood to show his equipment still had some life left in it.
Damn he is well hung to make that big of a tent in his slacks.
Once the triplet was back up in my arms we headed out to cause a stir around the pools.
Each of the girls positioned themselves so that no one could really know if they got a glimpse of their mounds or not. A few did manage to see part of the tit not mashed into my back. None of them were using their abilities to cause anyone to watch us, or not watch us. Every man and body along out path sprouted wood once we were close enough for them to look at us. I couldn’t tell for sure, but I think most of the girls developed enough to get aroused, from thinking about sex, were. Most of the women appeared to be as well. With the angle of the sun they couldn’t see if my dick was up inside the triplet, which is off limits at every family, and probably all the other, nudist resorts.
I don’t think any of them cooled off when seeing my dick was bouncing around and slapping my thighs instead of up inside the triplet in my arms.
True to their word. the triplets guided me off deep into the bowels of this resort.
Does Elena or her dad even know about these catacombs down here?
After making sure all four of us had used the bathroom, ate until we were stuffed and drank plenty of water, their big sister and boyfriend guided us into a room that was pretty much a huge bed. I expected to find that I wasn’t going to get any rest after all and only the shield around my dick would be all that kept any skin on my dick.
As usual, I was wrong.
They guided me to the center of the big bed and laid me down. The triplet I had been carrying put my dick laying down between my legs and pushed my legs back together. Her two sisters found which side they wanted to sleep against me and pushed their backs up against my side. The third twin climbed up to lay on top of me. Before I tried to figure out what was going on, as the triplet link was screaming out how horny they were and how badly they needed sex with me, I felt my body go to sleep and start resting soundly. My mind, however, joined in an imaginary world.
I never considered that I could do this with anyone. This is so cool!
In our minds, the imaginary world turned the hours into days, days into week, and weeks into years. There we no topics we didn’t discuss, unlike the rest of those here at the resort. We hung out there like we were normal teenagers. We took long walks on the beach, hiked through the mountains, swam in the world’s oceans, had candlelight dinners, and even kicked back to cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie. Surprisingly, while the sex was beyond amazing, we did stop fucking like crazed rabbits after spending a few days screwing in our imaginary world. Not that doesn’t mean we didn’t screw anywhere we could get away with it. There were many slimy move theater seats, but it was more the thrill that someone might catch us than just doing it to get laid. In the back of my head I knew this had to come to an end eventually.
As I found myself waking up, I somehow knew that they had fed me, taken to the bathroom, having the girls each get a turn lying on top of with me. They cared for my body like what happened for me back when I as in a coma, to some degree at least. I had no idea how long I had been sleeping and resting.
Yeah. No one was getting semen samples while I rested here.
“How long were we sleeping,” I asked the triplet’s big sister.
While helping her sister off me she said, “Forty-seven hours with food, water and bathroom breaks every twelve hours, but I doubt you really noticed since you never broke the link with my sisters. Even though you can’t feel it over the link the four of you shared, they are as happy and peaceful as I have ever seen them. They haven’t gotten to be normal teenagers. You have given them something no one else is able to provide them. While in your mind they lived an entire year without strings, restrictions, mind games, jealousy, or worries about someone finding out about their abilities.”
After I used the bathroom and she showered with me. I found that woke me to eat, they gave me a large variety of vitamins and herbs used my many of the world’s cultures to increase male fertility. She made sure that Skylar’s family found out about it. She didn’t have any idea that either my sperm somehow matured faster or I was making many times more sperm than a normal male.
My balls weren’t even half empty when I left Corwin’s family harem. Now they are almost too full. I need to ask Steve if this is something he has tested with other guys like us.
It seems that the only time my dick rose was when I needed to pee badly. She used that as a good indicator that her sisters needed to use the bathroom more urgently than I. No matter how she tried to get me hard, nothing worked. As I dressed, she insisted that I wear dress shorts that reached down below my dick, and a button-down shirt. I didn’t need anyone diverting me from my scheduled arrival at Skylar’s family suite.
It turns out that it was all for naught. The triplets guided me through service tunnels that took me right to the elevator on the floor Skylar’s was occupying.
One of the triplets whispered in my head, “It wouldn’t be polite to meet with the master of the household naked. Their culture judges a man’s strength and power by the length, and to a lesser extent, girth of the male. Even dressed your Adonis-like body crushes the evaluations their culture feels will make a great leader.”
I guess that makes sense, though I bet it has something to do with me running into the old man with the three naked triplets.
A “butler” of sorts opened the door and welcomed me into the suite. He directed me to a small office where Skylar’s father was already waiting. The office doors closed he offered me various forms of alcohol and expensive cigars. He didn’t take any offense when I told him, in the formal version of the language his family uses to conducts business, that I worked very hard over the last year to get my body looking like this and wasn’t going to mess with what was working well for me. Alcohol and cigars were not part of the regimen. After the pleasantries he got right down to business.
“Darren, I’m impressed by the general thought of the ideas you proposed to the old man, but I can’t quite wrap my head around it. I’m sure not going to Skylar to explain it, that would be a great sign of weakness,” he explained.
After finding where he was confused, I tried explaining it differently than I told the old man, “Sir, you have made a simple idea significantly more complex than how it was designed. Your business provides products to your customers, which you obtain from a supplier and then mark up to make a profit, as does most businesses. My proposal doesn’t care about the supplier of the product or even the products themselves, whether they are legal or illegal by the governments when you do the business transaction. I’m telling you nothing new. I know I’m not my parents, but I have given this some thought. There are many businesses who have no store fronts and have no inventory of their own. They provide warehouses in the areas where there are buyers, stocked with the seller’s products. When someone desires a product and make the payment, these middlemen collect the agreed upon payment, take their percentage, and arrange for secure delivery of the merchandise. Warrior Princess uses a form of this design. I took things in a slightly different direction. You don’t provide warehouses to store the good, so there is nothing to raid or inspect for contraband. The services you offer change minor, but important, ways. You maintain your trusted list of suppliers and buyers, but never touch the product or even know the products they sell. The services you provide is a secure fund transfer service that removes cash from the point of sale. Sure, people wire funds all the time, but that still requires both parties to directly engage in face-to-face transactions. My suggestion converts your business methods from being distributors to facilitators. A customer requests a product. Depending what they wish to buy, you suggest trusted suppliers who may provide the product the customer seeks. The service is only provided to trusted customers vetted in the same ways your family does now.”
“That is where I am confused,” he interrupted, “Why would buyers go through my family business to reach the supplier when they can do it directly themselves?”
“That is the best part. Right now, each time a deal succeeds in leaving the buyer with the product and payment, you’re screwed twice. You take it in the ass a third time if they killed or wounded your men when pulling off the heist. What I suggest doesn’t protect you from some moron trying to skim off the top, but they will soon find that too is as easy when dealing only with cash. In this new model, the buyer wires their funds to you and you notify the supplier you have the amount required for the deal. Once the buyer inspects and verifies the product, you take your fee out of the funds wired to you and wire the rest to the supplier,” I explained. “You don’t even need to use your own people to make the delivery, that can be contracted to unaware third parties, such as local party with a truck needed to transport it for a fee.”
He interrupted me again to say, “I still don’t understand why they wouldn’t just wire the funds themselves. Why would they go through me?”
“Because you provide both parties value. You don’t make money in business if you don’t mark up anything you purchase to cover your costs. Suppliers know to sell more product, they must stay competitive or you will find others who will sell the same quality goods for a lower price. Your buyers wouldn’t come to you now if they were able to buy direct,” I explained. “What I removed you from the supply chain while adding value to both parties. Suppliers know you are taking your fee off the top, so they add that into the price they give the buyer and make more profit than going through you. The buyers get the products at a lower cost because your transaction fee percentage is less than what you previously marked up your goods and thus make more profit. Each buyer can choose to lower their prices to beat out competition or make more profit. This is good for them both, but now you aren’t making the profit you did previously. Your family will want to know why you would ever do this sort of change.”
He nodded.
“That is the best part. When you are part of the supply chain you have a lot of people you must pay to protect your interests, handle the money, verify products, make the deliveries, bribes, and the costs you’ve always paid to stay in business. On top of those costs there are the lawyer’s fees to fix things that go wrong. I’ve not investigated the numbers, but I suspect that digs deeply into your profits. With this model those costs, well except legal fees, go away. Your tax costs go down too as you will only pay against your transaction fees after deducting your business costs,” I said as he made some notes. “The best part, for you and your family, is how you don’t ever need to worry about law enforcement affecting your income any longer. It doesn’t matter if they are posing as the seller, buyer, or bust the deal. There is no money or wire transfers going on between the parties, you’re holding the funds. If the buyers are cops and bust the seller’s people at the sale, you take your cut and send the rest to the seller as agreed. The cops payed the price for their entrance to the show. On the converse, the buyer still pays your fee. From there it is entirely up to your family to decide if you keep the rest of the funds, for their stupidity of not ensuring they weren’t dealing with cops, or you just charge them a penalty fee and return the rest. If both parties are cops, then you can choose if you keep it all, split it up, return to the buyer, or pay the seller. Regardless of how the deal shakes out, you get your fee, even if they decide to cancel the deal all together. It will take some time, but I expect word-of-mouth will have suppliers and customers contracting your financial services without you knowing anything about the details of the deal other than the price for the transaction.”
Again, he sat there with a notepad writing down some numbers, thinking a bit, and doing some more calculations.
“You’ve confirmed what I already suspected Darren. You are more than just well skilled in the bedroom. For someone of your age to come up with an idea this ambitious is impressive. With how I do business, it will need some refinement, discussion, and validation, but it is a damn good start to increasing my family’s wealth while further reducing the associated danger,” he said with a big grin. “Prior to the business changes last spring, we purchased products in such large quantities that we charged ten times what we paid and were still very competitive with others in that same line of business. Other items we marked up no less than three times the purchase price. I will need to sit with Skylar to run the numbers, but for every product we sold then, and those we do now, I can charge a two-hundred percent transaction fee and buyers will insist I’m screwing myself in the deal because they are paying at least twenty-five percent less than they did before and this is with the seller bumping up their prices as well.”
Skylar must have been waiting just outside the doors for me because she walked in to say, “Even before getting down the fine details, two-hundred percent is about right for high-volume, low-priced items sold by the shipping container. I’m thinking four-hundred percent as a bare minimum. Without the previously needed overhead, we can establish a variable fee schedule. We will get much less per sale than in the past, as Darren noted already, but we have nearly non-existent costs. For what is costs us to deliver our minimum order quantities of our lowest priced product today, we can acquire computer software, which will run at each of the large cloud service providers, that automatically handles these transactions more securely than all banks and stock exchanges. We can even look into agreements that allow us to create one-time use wire-transfer accounts for each deal and relay our fee through multiple of them before using a non-electronic means to transfer our funds into our accounts.”
“The first time I met Darren, my dear husband,” Skylar’s mom started saying from being Skyler. “Darren is much more than a pretty face. When before has anyone come to any of the families to offer a way to earn an honest income with all the rewards and none of the risk, with no strings attached? I never once heard him ask for anything in return for the idea he proposed to the elder. He continues to show the other families you chose well when selecting someone from outside out family to make your heir apparent, even if he holds that same position in two other families. His physique is an example to what all males should seek to accomplish.”
Skylar wanted to be sure she put the cherry on top of me, though I don’t understand why, as she added, “You, and the head of other families, need not accept my or mother’s opinions of Darren’s honorability, or those of the old me. Each need only seek out the father of the triplets, upon whose island we vacationed last year. None has ever confirmed seeing more than two of his triplet daughters in the same place together and never when not fully dressed. Two days ago, he had one with her arms and legs wrapped around his torso while other two had one of his arms around them. All four were completely naked and David showed no signs of being aroused.”
“Skylar you weren’t around when the triplets guided David the length of the pool desks as they headed to parts unknown,” her mom told her. “Your father, brothers, uncles, and male cousins were. Without having the knowledge of Darren having fathered every infant born to your father’s wives and daughters in the harem, they would have decreed him gay. Some attempted to make such claims when attempting to state his unacceptability of being heir apparent. At least they did until challenged by your infertile sisters, and their mothers, to give them eight continuous hours of multiple, consecutive orgasms, as he did while still having the body of a just developing boy. Many tried, but none were up to the task, not even with Alyssa.”
Who was Alyssa? I’m not sure I can remember what name goes with which girl, but I do know that there wasn’t one named Alyssa.
Skylar’s father must have seen my confusion.
Using a language, that neither Skyler or her mom appeared to know, he told me. “Alyssa is one of my daughters my family considers a black sheep as they consider her behaviors to dishonor my name. All within my extended family held that view of her until your mother called us all into a single location and read us her version of the riot act. Your father then twisted the knife when he said that if we continued to believe she was anything other than a gift from our God, then they would do whatever it took for us to beg them to adopt her. If begging them to adopt her wasn’t enough, we all knew he wasn’t making idle threats when he said a significant portion of our profits would go into a trust fund for her to ensure she never wanted for anything. If such a thing came to pass, the family would know better than to ever question it. None wished to find out what your mother meant by all of us, except for Skylar of course, having very bad days until we chose one of their two options. As you should now be aware, you do not have an adopted sister.”
He had much more to say, but stopped when a young woman came in to the room uninvited, dropped her robe, and had me as naked as she in the blink of an eye.
How am I fully buried inside her when I didn’t even have a boner a few seconds ago?
I soon felt a pressure probing my shield as the girl worked her vaginal muscled to jack off my dick without anyone seeing. Looking into her eyes confirmed she was the one probing my shield to get into my head, but I had the place in my head show me that the energy was only coming from her and no one controlled her. The energy wasn’t quite like the twin and triplet links, but just as easy for me to tap into for us to talk while not letting through my shield.
“Alyssa, it is very fortunate you have run into me instead of some I know are here, so I’m only going to tell you this once. Many considered it very rude to go into someone’s mind without their permission, even if they are ignorant of your ability to connect to them in that way. If you ever try to do this with me again, I will punish you in a way few living on this planet are able,” I told her.
With a slight shiver I had found her off switch, which seemed to also be tied to my own. She lifted her butt up only high enough to let my now limp dick pop out of her before locking her arms and legs around me like she was a baby monkey holding onto their mother for dear life. I couldn’t feel any signs of her nipples where her firm breasts were mashed tightly into my chest.
Looks like I’m back to having no idea what they hell to do here now that I caused this mess. I’m just going to lightly rub her back and butt. It always that always seems to work.
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as with all my stories this one is 100% true. names have been changed to protect the guilty. it has taking me some time to write about Lisa because she passed away from a heart attack about 3 years ago. this is a tribute to Lisa. RIP Lisa....i miss you..... i met Lisa at my job but she worked on a different floor than me. i didn't think nothing of it until we were thrust into working together to gather some data that the company needed. she had to move her office a few cubicles from mine. i was...
Alessandra's arousals awake and deep disappointments developThis exciting erotic autobiography by Alessandra arises from our hundreds of hours of talks at several social media. Expect some hot highlights, several serious setbacks and deep disappointments in the tales of early teen times. As her guest writer, it took me many years to get a grip on all that stuff she tells me over those three years, in thousands of erotic and erratic exchanges in chats. Soon enough though, I discover that Alessa...
So I am back after a long time. This is just the continuation of my about my slut mom and our family of incest. To explain in brief, my mom, who is a housewife has fucked enough men in her life as my dad has business tours and lives abroad most of the time. I had actually stopped having incest relations but recently had the fuck. So as you know my mom loves my uncle. She always fucks around with him whether anyone is at home or not. It’s an open house. My mom just loves having his dick in her...
IncestThis series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. I was still in pain and the...
Chapter 12: A Night To Remember - Ebony Gets Triple-Teamed"All right, girls," said Ebony, as she addressed Tiffany, Clyda and Dee. "Here's how it's gonna be tonight. You're right in the fact that I haven't been fucked for longer than I care to remember. And when I was, it usually wasn't with anyone who could fill me or satisfy me. So here's what we're gonna do..." Ebony reached up to the head of the bed, and grabbed several of Tiffany's pillows. She placed these at the end of the bed in a...
Yvette would have fidgeted, but her current circumstances made that impossible. She was naked, fastened securely, face-in, to a saltier cross. She looked over her shoulder nervously at John. That wasn't his real name, of course, but she had to call him something, and, though it was stereotypical, it worked for both of them. John had been a regular customer at Madame Decreaux's brothel for over a year, and he had long since picked Yvette out as his favorite. The establishment catered to a wide...
SpankingHi Mates, myself Max Cooper here with another real incident which happened just 2 days before at the shopping mall where three hot ladies took me for a full night and day sexual fun by paying me lots of money for my time. Thank you very much for your hot responses to my previous incident, I got lots of new mails looking for Sex but unfortunately couldn’t travel to long distance. reach me at with your reviews about this incident and if you liked my experience… can contact for sex in bangalore...
Triple Play By Ellie Dauber (c) 2004 Author's Note: If you ever wondered whether there was a point to posting comments to a story, this story is your answer. When I first posted it to the TG_Fiction List, it had a different ending. But, after reading and thinking about comments I got from from Jezzi Stuart, Steve Zink, and Ron Green, I re-worked it to the ending it has now. Thanks for the help, you three. *** Matt Bauer saw his prey about twenty...
Initiated into the "triple C," club Chapter 1 Jane had only married Simon for his money. After all, a wimp like Simon would clearly have needed something extra to hitch himself a trophy wife like Jane. Whilst Simon was only 5'6 tall Jane towered over him at 5'10 and that was before she put her heels on. Slim and blond she turned men's heads whenever she walked by. She was clever too - she knew how she could work the system with her stunning looks and Simon's inherited wealth...
Initiated into the triple C club part 2 Having read the reviews a couple of apologies. As it was my first story posted here I incorrectly failed to make clear that the story was not complete and that I intend to add to it. Further the X rating is in respect to the complete story rather than each chapter. Thanks for your reviews. Its what has inspired me to press on with this tale Chapter 2 Before they left the annex, Amanda gathered up a selection of dresses other accessories...
My Best Day Ever Starting with Lovely Arlene.During my first summer out of High School, I was sleeping in on a day off from my summer job. The phone rang too early, I sleepily answered to a dull hum. There was no voice but household noises in the background on the phone. In 1960 there was no way to know who was calling, so I hung up. A few minutes later it happened again. No voice again. I listened for a while until I heard a familiar faint noise in the background. I let Arlene know I...
TeenI was sixteen and an expert in sex! I'd done it on my own, with implements, with my dog and then my brother. I'd gone boldly to the varsity football team's private party and let them know my body was available to them. All forty-five team members made free use of me through that night and I ended up covered and full of cum, exhausted from more orgasms than I could ever imagine, amazed at how erotic it was to watch black cocks go into my white pussy and contracted syphilis. Yes, I'd...
April 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “«Ты говоришь по-русски?»” I asked when I recovered from the double shock. “«Удивлены»?” “I don’t think surprised even scratches the surface!” I replied in English, not wanting to give up any nuances of my speech. “What’s your full name?” “Larissa Sergeyevna Federova. I was named for ‘Lara’ in Doctor Zhivago, but I go by Laura Sera Bragg. My parents divorced when I was little and both remarried. My mom changed her and my legal name to Bragg, which is my...
I had to get pushed down to the cafeteria in a wheelchair, but we found one readily enough in the hallway and appropriated it for the duration. Nolan wanted to ride, too, so Maureen, tiny as she was, had her hands full pushing us in and out of the elevator and down the crowded corridor to the cafeteria. We had responsibly left messages at our respective wards as to our whereabouts. I wasn't overly concerned that the Orioles' team physician would arrive before the later hours of the...
It must be admitted that Brazilians are not known for their punctuality, so it was surprisingly close to the advertised time when the signal sounded for the riders to go to the starting position. Famously laid back in many ways, Brazilians are razor sharp where betting takes place, so the rules of ‘The Triple’ are keenly enforced. Once all the competitors are gathered at the starting point, the signal is given and the riders free to start in their own time, as the race is against the clock...
Although Juan had only administered enough to last just a little longer than needed for the race, Jess could feel absolutely no change in her stallion’s shaft, it was, she realised, the extra depth and her body’s tight constriction that was prolonging their coupling. There was nothing to do but wait... Waiting might seem simple, just relax in the sling and do nothing. The problem was that now the race was over and Jess had allowed herself to relax, her body was reacting to the powerful...
Tripletit Welcome Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is an immediate sequel to Journey to Tripletit. The events in both stories happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet...
Journey To Tripletit Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The events in this story happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet Tripletit’ but it can be read on its own.Introduction.Tripletit....
We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...
"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...
I had always thought my High School creative writing teacher was joking when he claimed to be a hunted terrorist. I actually had no reason to doubt his story, aside from the fact that it sounded ludicrous. He was of medium height, medium weight, medium build, medium rare, with a black beard that barely covered his chin and thin lips, it was more of a ten PM shadow than anything else. His brown eyes held a dry wit that emanated in his voice. He looked Caucasian, with a light Mediterranean tan....
Treachery, yeah that's more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it 'til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her words, I was boring, especially in bed. I'm sorry I wasn't raised by prostitutes, trained in every nuance of lovemaking. Ok, ok, so I'm not the most romantic, passionate man alive....
While they were disappointed that Bruce wasn’t readily available, neither Marissa nor Ben wanted to waste the week without trying out all of Declan’s new abilities. They even decided to try having the droids going into sleep mode in bed with them. It was actually rather cozy with each partner waking up to someone, or something, of the opposite sex on either side of them. It was starting to become an integral part of their sex life.On the second morning after Declan’s upgrades, Ben once again...
Wife Lovers"It looks like you have a horny little fan club, Babe," I said to my wife. We were sitting at a bar after a long hot day on the beach. About twenty feet away at a table outside on the patio sat three young men who had been staring at Susan since she walked in.I call them young men, but I would guess they still had a couple of years to not be considered as teenagers."Yeah, I've felt them undressing me with their eyes. I'm feeling quite naked actually." I looked at her and just smiled. She...
Group SexJohn was so proud of his wife as she urged her Toy on, so nasty, so slutty, so fucking hot. She rode it as he barely held onto the end. John knew she was trash-talking for his benefit, spurring James on to bigger and better things. She was completely in charge….and the Master didn’t have a clue. James didn’t want to sound mean and “demanding”, and he was still uncomfortable calling her a bitch or a whore, or other nasty names. This “Master” business is tough! All he could think to do was...
With her belly swollen with 3 pups, 1 male and 2 females. She was able to finally relax without having to look over her shoulder for a male about to rape her, she however didnt forget the faces and never would, were they simply waiting for the pups to be born before showing there faces and killing her preshious pups or would they leave her alone the rest of her life the question remained unanswered. Since that fatefull day when the three brothers upburptly took her prizoner in her own home...
It was about 9:30 at night when a male invaded her territory, he was nearly double the size of the younger vixin and his age was around 5, and his strength and could easily overpower her. but today he wasnt on the look out just for a regular mate he was looking for a toy, and when he got a whiff of the females scent it almost immediatly made him quiver with antisipation. his additude was not one to be taken lightly and he was not freindly. but he wasnt alone he had two other loners with him...
Introduction: Part two. Eclipse endured nearly 6 or 7 months of nothing but force breeding, even when her heat ended they forced the vixen to breed even when she was to sexually tired to. However as she drew near to having the litter of pups the 3 males seemed to just one day vanish early in the morning and leaving her alone was this a blessing or would they be back she wasnt shure. With her belly swollen with 3 pups, 1 male and 2 females. She was able to finally relax without having to look...
My husband wrote up the circumstances of me having sex with three guys on a beach recently. ( Four counting him.) First of all, I come off sounding like a slut. Ok, maybe I was but… I’m not always like that. Maybe I’m like that new thing they call ‘Bi-polar’ I guess, because most times I’m just a fun loving giggly girl. I was the ‘Class-Clown’ in High School, and I’ve always had this urge to get male attention. Once I found out how guys SO getoff getting blowed, finding out I didn’t have to...
Yvette would have fidgeted, but her current circumstances made that impossible. She was naked, fastened securely, face-in, to a saltier cross. She looked over her shoulder nervously at John. That wasn’t his real name, of course, but she had to call him something, and, though it was stereotypical, it worked for both of them. John had been a regular customer at Madame Decreaux’s brothel for over a year, and he had long since picked Yvette out as his favorite. The establishment catered to a wide...
A truck was slightly hidden from above under a lush green canopy of live oak trees laden with hanging Spanish Moss. The light of a full moon found its way through, glistening off of three sweaty naked bodies, writhing in the bed of the old Ford pick-up truck. Moans of delight competed with the chirping frogs and singing katydids. The sounds of the swamp forest and drenching humidity of the south Georgia night did not seem to dampen the aroused spirits of the threesome as they continued their...
Theresa and Sheryl hadn’t had a weekend off in weeks. Their busy schedule, recording their latest albums had taken priority. That was out of the way though and now they could spend some girl time together. Their widely publicised lesbian affair had caused one of the biggest nights in Twitter history but had done their album sales no harm. Now the girls were waiting in the first class lounge at Shagwick airport. They were both in dark glasses hoping to avoid any would-be celebrity spotters. As...
Ordinarily I would have had qualms about my wife wearing such a teensy bikini as I watched her ‘twirl around’ outside the dressing room of a Boutique swimwear shop, but… Seeing as how we were heading to a ‘Clothing Optional’ beach on Cape Cod, ‘Miniscule’ seemed better than bareass? I had kind of fantasized for a long time going to a nudey beach, and I was actually quite shocked when Angie actually seemed to consider my ‘silly’ idea. I guess I caught her in the...
Hello, and welcome to the world of Pokemon! In this story, you take control of a new Pokemon trainer on their journey! You'll experience fun, challenges, and things you'd see in porn!