Buried at the Beach
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
The following day dawned bright and clear. Before breakfast Max freed Toni from the tree he had been chained to throughout the night. A length of chain led from the tree to a loop of chain wrapped around the young man's neck. He had just enough scope to allow him to lie down in his sleeping bag. Max said during the day a chain hobble joining his ankles would be enough to ensure he could work but couldn't run.
Mirabelle had slept—between bouts of being used for rough sex—chained to April. The accountant seemed to take spiteful pleasure in the plight of the young woman. Perhaps it was just relief she was no longer at the bottom of the pecking order. At her master's command she held Mirabelle's legs in bizarre positions while Skull raped the teenager time and again. She pinched and squeezed the woman's young flesh. To satisfy Skull's fancy she used the dildo on Mirabelle while the younger woman employed her lips and tongue to bring April to a climax as Skull mercilessly ravaged the blonde's ass. Skull declared Mirabelle was now part of his harem and he gave her the name of "Little Tart".
Carmen and Max had slept in the Ford. Carmen had taken the opportunity to ask what Max intended to do once the money had been recovered. She was still worried that Skull would kill the three captives. She didn't trust him and disbelieved his earlier agreement that killing was not an option. Max reassured her that Skull, who had been jailed for a series of aggravated rapes, was nevertheless no killer. According to Max once they had split the loot the captives would be freed.
Work started straight after breakfast. The three unfortunate captives labored naked supervised by Carmen armed with Toni's .22. She stuck the riding crop stuck through the belt of her jeans and hoped that April would give her the opportunity to use it. The laborers were soon covered with dirt as they dragged loose rocks and soil from the tunnel on makeshift sledges. The damage done to the excavation by the rain was quickly repaired and, with the generator providing light and power, the diggers pushed forward quickly. Lunchtime passed without Snake fucking any of the captives. He was tired from his night-time exertions and eager to finish the job. In fact by nightfall they had still not reached the van. The diggers had found a huge boulder in their direct path and had been forced to excavate around the obstacle. They were all exhausted from hauling rock and soil or working in the tunnel digging or shoring up the sides.
While the workers cleaned up in the pool beneath the waterfall Carmen washed, changed into a clean summer dress and cooked dinner. She had raided Toni and Mirabelle's Toyota and found the young people had come well prepared for a long stay in the mountains. The meal that night was leg of lamb roast in a camp-oven with a variety of vegetables and fresh fruit to follow. They all sat around the table on makeshift stools and benches. The prisoners were under strict orders from Skull not to speak unless spoken to. A couple of bottles of wine Carmen had bought helped the food to go down and the treasure hunters to relax. A shot or two of Grandad's moonshine loosened inhibitions further.
Max, Skull and Carmen sat at the table while their naked captives cleared away the meal and, in silence, washed up the dishes and pans in the makeshift sink.
Skull finished his rot-gut. "Look at that," he said in a loud voice, waving at the group bending over the washing up. "Three fucking ass-holes to choose from. Three shapely butts. Which one would you pick, Max?"
"Leave it be," said Max. "Don't you think of anything but sex?"
Skull leered at Carmen. "How about you, gorgeous? Who would you like to see getting the golden rivet? I know you like to watch."
Carmen shook her head and said nothing.
"You ever seen a man fucked?"
Carmen shook her head.
"Max has, haven't you ol' buddy? Didn't join in himself but there was this blonde kid in the can. Assigned to our cell due to overcrowding. I overcrowded the little catamite. You remember that, Max?"
"Yes, I remember. Just leave it, Skull."
"Hey, Toni," Skull called out ignoring Max's mild prohibition. "Have you ever been buggered?"
Toni didn't reply.
"I asked you a fucking question, asshole," growled the tattooed man.
Toni shook his head. Skull got up from the chair and crossed the cabin in four quick strides. He grabbed Toni by the neck and dragged the slighter, younger, man over to the mattress and, despite Toni's desperate resistance, brutally forced the young squatter to his knees. Skull held Toni's hands behind his back. The naked youth fought back silently but fiercely making it difficult for Skull to finish what he had started.
"Fuck-Toy, bring those chain cuffs over here," panted Skull. "Put them on his wrists while I hold the bastard."
April hurried to obey Skull's order. She looked at Carmen and Max as though she expected them to intervene. Carmen shook her head. Max shrugged. April sneered.
Mirabelle shrieked, "No!"
As April reached for the makeshift cuffs Mirabelle ran, screaming, at Skull with a knife grabbed from the washing up.
Max caught the naked girl around the waist and disarmed her before she reached her target. Mirabelle squealed and fought but Max held her tightly on his lap. As the unequal struggle progressed, Carmen saw that her husband was enjoying man-handling the smooth-skinned young mulatto. Max slotted the bulge in his jeans into the cleft of Mirabelle's smooth round buttocks and his hands found and squeezed the frantic young woman's small breasts and smoothly plucked pussy more often than was strictly necessary to hold her tight. Carmen surprised herself by not really caring.
In fact Carmen began to recognize the familiar warmth in her groin she associated with Skull's exhibitions of sexual violence and her own "Lady With the Lash"experience. To Max's surprise his wife reached out and took one of Mirabelle's nipples between finger and thumb and pinched it hard. Mirabelle squealed even more loudly.
"Just shut up," said Carmen. "You're not helping your boyfriend any by making this racket." Mirabelle quieted and Carmen let go of the small pink teat. She could feel how wet she was becoming and sighed. It's wrong, she thought, to get sexual pleasure from the pain and humiliation these two youngsters are suffering. But one more shot of grandad's hooch and I could happily get April's dildo and fuck young Mirabelle myself.
April chained Toni's wrists together behind him. Skull, his hands now, free unzipped his fly and let his stiffening cock unfold.
"Head down, ass up, motherfucker," Skull said as he forced Toni's head onto the mattress.
"Fuck-toy, pull his fucking arms toward you. Hold the little sod down. Sit on his fucking head if you have to."
April did as she was told. She knelt astride the young man's head and dragged down on his cuffed wrists. Her large breasts heaved with the effort involved. Carmen sighed inwardly. She thought And then I'd take my riding crop to your tits, you poor sad bitch. Skull really has you in his power, doesn't he? You have truly become his creature.
Skull, as if reading her mind, smiled at Carmen. He stroked his growing erection. She scowled at him, filled her fruit jar with moonshine and knocked it back.
"No, no, no!"cried Mirabelle as Skull pumped his cock in readiness for the forceful penetration of Toni's virgin ass. "Not Toni. Please ... the shame will kill him."
Skull turned to look at the young woman held tightly on Max's lap. "I don't think so," he said. "Hey, Max, why don't you bring the little tart over here. We could have an ass busting contest. First bugger to come loses."
"What did he do, Carmen?" asked Max in a low, tense, voice. He kept his eyes on the road and maintained a steady speed just under the authorised limit. "He made her suck his dick. He pinched her breasts. He shot his load in her mouth," she replied. "She's terrified." "Why doesn't she say anything?" "I told the bitch I'd choke her to death if she made a noise above a whisper. Obedient, ain't she?" said Skull. "Say, Carmen," he exclaimed. "I've just had an idea. Why...
It took over two hours before the Ford had been unloaded and parked out of view behind the hut, the fire lit, and breakfast of bacon, eggs and beans cooked and eaten. April, still wearing only shoes and stockings, was no great help but she stuck to Carmen like an idiot sister. Carmen understood how frightened their blonde captive must be but was irritated by the accountant's constant presence at her elbow. Carmen was almost happy when they finished the washing up and Skull grabbed April by...
Work at the mine finished early that afternoon. The weather changed and heavy rain began to fall. Before long water began to stream out of the tunnel making it at first uncomfortable and then too dangerous to continue. "I see you've been giving my bitch some training," laughed Skull regarding the red stripes Carmen's belt had painted on April's backside. "What did she do to deserve a whipping?" "You know damn well. And so do you, Max. Couldn't you resist sticking your dick in the...
University of Tennessee It was still early enough in the day when they were able to track the sponsor down at his office on campus. Taylor started getting an itch that this meeting was going to be annoying when they found the man’s office in one of the buildings that housed most of the humanities department. That feeling just increased when he saw that the professor’s class list screamed ‘activist’. Taylor wasn’t particularly political, and he usually checked out when conversations turned...
** Originally submitted as darkeyeddemon while I lived on the east coast of Florida ** This story is not at all what my readers have come to expect. It was initially written entirely for myself, and long after its’ writing it comes to serve a new purpose. I lost a nephew this past Tuesday June the 3rd 2003. He committed suicide, and that makes my black old heart ache to no end. We identified a lot. I can’t count the times we came to each other’s rescue. We were and still are so much alike. I...
Steady vibrations from the road added a nice backbeat to the rhythm of the lips sliding up and down Jeff's dick. The petite blond nestled between his legs looked up long enough to wink, then went back to her long-distance blowjob. The van's driver, a longhaired, earth mother beauty, glanced over and smiled, then turned her attention back to the road. How lucky can one guy get? Two sexy girls, one customized van, and no particular place to go. And all thanks to Uncle Hiram. If not for the...
“What are you planning?” Whitaker asked as they got back in the car and headed home. “I need to find a way into the investigation.” “Yeah, I get that,” she said. “How? You know Joe isn’t a fan of yours. Neither are a lot of the other top brass. They don’t like your methods, and they all think you’re a loose cannon. There is no way in hell they’ll let you take part of an active investigation.” “The rank and file guys I know like me,” Taylor said defensively. “Yeah, cause you get results....
Crawford broke off from them at the Tuscon airport, saying he still thought there was something to investigate there, and seemed pretty confident that Qasim or his men weren’t still in town. Whitaker seemed to want to agree with Crawford but eventually sided with Taylor, who was certain the trail at this end was cold. It wasn’t an easy decision for her. Her experience clawing her way up the through the bureau told her it was a bad idea to go against a high ranked agent, even one from another...
As she’d suggested, Taylor and Whitaker found themselves available the next morning as agents continued to run down leads. While Taylor was glad that they were able to keep their appointment, he was also somewhat disappointed. While he hadn’t lied when he told Whitaker that he was confident one of the people working for Qasim would make a mistake, he also wasn’t as sure as he’d made it sound. While it was true the young people most of these groups recruited to do their dirty work were...
Memphis, Tennessee When they landed, a car from the local field office met them on the tarmac. The way Crawford started with the agent waiting at the car without prelude, suggested to Taylor that he’d either coordinated with this man ahead of time or knew him already. “Where are we?” “We’ve picked up the car, and the locals have three cars on a rotating tail. As soon as you give the word, locals will affect the traffic stop.” “I want to be on hand before that happens.” “We should get...
Memphis FBI Office It had taken them a while to get back, with a two-hour stop at the hospital so the kid’s cuts and scrapes could be cleaned and the one broken leg set in a cast. He also had a broken rib and some nasty bruises, but considering he’d been literally blasted out of a second story window, he’d gotten off lighter than he could have. They’d used the time well, pulling fingerprints and all the records they could find on him, from his visa and schooling in the US to online...
The ring felt like an anchor in Taylor’s pocket, weighing him down as he and Kara walked back into the apartment. It struck him as odd how easy it was to ignore the phone, wallet, keys he regularly carried, even the gun clipped to his belt, but he couldn’t stop feeling the small little box pressing against his leg. “You’re late,” Whitaker’s said as they walked through the apartment entryway. Taylor pulled up short, Kara almost running into him, both because he hadn’t expected her to be home...
9 Taylor turned and sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him through the gate of the water treatment plant shouting, “Gas.” While the sheriff and deputy both just stared at him confused, Whitaker turned and also ran towards the trunk of their SUV, wrenching the rear door. By the time Taylor got to them she’d already opened their NBC kit and started pulling out provisions. “Sheriff, do you have gas masks in your car?” “What the hell...” The deputy started to say before Taylor...
“You’re...” Kara started to say as Taylor and Whitaker walked into their apartment and stopped, staring at them. “What happened?” “We had a very bad day,” Taylor said, not wanting to talk about the tragedy in Amberville or worry Kara. “Clearly.” “Come on, you’ve gotta get cleaned up. The person picking you up should be here soon.” “What are you going to do while I’m at this thing?” Taylor said as he followed her into their bedroom. “Go to the office. I know Crawford wants us to take the...
Taylor found Whitaker in her office. It occurred to him, on the elevator ride up, the one actually good thing out of being an employee of the FBI, even temporarily, was the pass that let him into the building without having to go through the visitor process every time. “Hey,” he said, dropping his bag next to her desk. “Kara said you needed me back here. Something break?” “Good timing, I was about to head over and see Crawford,” she said as she got up from her desk. “We haven’t had a major...
It was still dark outside when Whitaker’s cell phone rang. Taylor, who was usually the first of the pair to wake up thanks to being a light sleeper since his first deployment, found he couldn’t get his arm around to pick it up. Whitaker was all but lying on top of him, her head nestled on his chest almost up to his chin. After several tugs, he finally got one arm free and grabbed the phone. “Agent Whitaker’s phone.” “Taylor,” Crawford’s voice said through the line. “A plane is standing by...
Washington DC They spent the rest of the day working on Bennett without much success. Taylor had been more right than he knew, as her rumblings became more incoherent with each hour they pressed her. After six hours and five interrogators taking a shot at breaking her, Crawford held up his hands in disgust. “You’re right, she’s batshit crazy.” “I told you,” Taylor said. “Someone’s done a serious number on her. She might be telling us something we can use, but it’s impossible to tell with...
Highland County, Virginia The helicopter trip to western Virginia reminded Taylor strongly of his days in the service. Looking at the slightly older, early generation Blackhawk, Taylor imagined the FBI must have bought them off of either the military or from a defense contractor with unsold inventory. What it did have, was just as much noise as he remembered. Even with mic’d headphones it was still hard to hear what anyone was saying. These were probably only used by tactical teams and not...
Taylor moved around the edge of the car he’d been using as cover in case more terrorists had come out while the tac team was clearing the building and holstered his weapon. Considering the tac team leader and the man with him both had their weapons slung over their shoulders, Taylor assumed there wasn’t any immediate danger, at least not from anything that a gun could help with. Considering the urgency in the man’s voice a few moments before, that didn’t mean there wasn’t any danger at...
Both Taylor and Whitaker were winded as they turned the corner and finished the run from Allied Mechanical Systems to the water processing station that held Allied’s high-pressure injection system. While four blocks weren’t that far to run normally, coming in at just under half a mile, they’d both ran flat out to get to their destination as quickly as possible, a goal made harder by the people and traffic they’d had to avoid. The station itself was a small, square concrete structure...
“ ... and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God,” Kara said, finishing the oath and lowering her right hand. Taylor looked across Kara at Whitaker, who was looking up at her adopted daughter smiling. He hadn’t seen her do much of that over the last several weeks since Qasim’s death. He was happy to see a small glimpse at the woman he knew, but hadn’t seen in a while. Whitaker had been stunned into silence after Taylor had...
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It was almost half past one when the cars rounded the final bend and drove slowly past the train station. The majority of houses were darkened and Maurice slowed down to almost a crawl to ensure they didn’t miss the turning. “Here! Here!” whispered Mike, pointing to his right. Maurice drove past, looking for any signs of life, almost hitting the steep bank that formed the edge of the field. “It looks more like a farm than a house, not really what I had imagined.” said Maurice, searching for...
"Are you sure you'll be all right?" Judy asked, concerned. "I'll be all right!" Mark snapped. "Go on, get the hell out of here." "But..." "If you don't go, you'll lose the sale for sure," Mark argued. "And if you do, what will happen to me then will make today look like a tea party. Right?" "Yes," she agreed softly. "But still..." "Go," he snorted. "Go. There's nothing you can do for me here anyway. Now go, already, before you're late." Judy opened her mouth,...
Hi to all my ISS readers and horny fans out there. I hope you all liked my first part. If you are new to my page, please read the first part before reading this one to help you understand better. So as you know, I met the African hulks who were enjoying the time of their life. I was enjoying being their pet. After the bathroom session, I became way too horny and started begging them to fuck me with their beasts. But they were just pretended as they were not ready yet and decided to play a...
She is a good looking lady, house wife; with a charming fair skin I have lust on my mom from my c***d hood as I had a very large fantasy about sex. My mom don’t had a habit of wearing bras and panties the blouse which my mom wear in home will be of very thin through which I can see her complete breast easily whenever she will wash her face and become wet it was very easy to see her areola and dark nipple of her she had a very big size of boobs around 38d which will make me mad.My family is of...
It must have been an alignment of the sun, moon and stars otherwise I don't know how this could have happened. It was early July and as such it was time for our annual family vacation. My husband Bill had made the reservation for the beach house months ago and as it happened my daughter Elizabeth had found a new boyfriend towards the end of her sophomore year, a young man named Josh who was a junior at the same high school. By the time the summer finally arrived they were going steady and she...
“What is that supposed to mean?” Trent asks. ‘By putting on that costume we have entered a contract of sorts,’ Arlyne begins to explain. ‘I’m kind of in a limbo and I have had to slowly build my powers back up. Now that I have, I will have your body and you will be here where I am, powerless.’ Trent’s eyes go wide. He instantly begins trying to tear the costume off. But it doesn’t budge. Instead it hurts. It is like trying to tear skin off, completely with the pain and blood. “What the fuck...
(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...
IncestDan had Lisa bent over the arm of the couch, thrusting his hard swollen cock in to her excited wet pussy from behind when the maid had walked in. With no reply to her knock, she had let herself into the room and now stood transfixed, watching Lisa moan with pleasure each time his cock thrust inside her. Middle aged and living alone, it had been a long time since anyone had fucked her like that. Watching them brought back memories that made her pussy tingle and juices start flowing....