A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 4
- 2 years ago
- 44
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Heads turned and conversations everywhere trailed off into silence when Yelena Markov walked into the Exchange, but she was used to that by now. She wasn’t exactly sure when it had started happening, maybe it was after word had gotten around about what she’d pulled off at the Guggenheim, or the day after CNN had broken the story about the Gardner Museum theft. She remembered the day she noticed, though. The first day that she realized that the best thieves in the world (because to even know where the Exchange moved to on its daily trips around the world put you into a class of elite criminal) no longer saw her as an equal, but as a superior. Instead of treating her like one of the boys, they all looked at her like musicians looked at Clapton, like soldiers looked at Patton. It was a strange feeling, proud and lonely all at once. Like she’d become an exhibit in a museum of Great Criminals of the 21st Century.
She didn’t think about it so much anymore. Let them think what they wanted. She walked past them, a vision in dark gray (all except for her hair, where she’d only just started finding a gray hair or two among the black), brown eyes hidden behind sunglasses while hearing the whispers behind her with well-trained ears. Three men exchanged rumors of her latest job (all untrue.) Two more expressed a desire to fuck her. (Not worth her time, really. She knew better than to get involved with a fellow thief, physically or emotionally.) Another two or three talked about involving her on one of their jobs. (Unlikely. She worked alone. She only stole for the challenge now.) She ignored it all, and walked to the long black table where Mr. Stone waited.
She sat down and took off her sunglasses. A courtesy to the broker, letting him look her in the eyes. Mr. Stone nodded. ‘Ms. Markov,’ he said, with quiet old-world politeness and an accent that had been worn away to dust through years of contact with the criminal element of every nation. ‘I trust there were no difficulties?’
‘None at all,’ she said. She reached into her breast pocket and pulled out a single gold coin, just over an inch across. She flipped it over her fingers as though she didn’t know it was worth over seven million dollars. ‘A genuine 1933 Double Eagle, just as requested. I trust there will be no difficulties with payment?’ Her own accent had dwindled to equal non-existence, despite her name, even a trained linguist wouldn’t be able to pick up a trace of Russian in her speech.
‘None at all,’ Mr. Stone replied. ‘The client has already expressed interest in hiring you on for another job, as a matter of fact.’ He noticed the expression on her face. ‘I did explain to him that you were not interested in taking on an exclusive contract with any bidder, but he had hoped that if I presented you with a sufficiently challenging job, you might be willing to bend your rules slightly.’
She paused. ‘On the whole, I think not. They always say they respect your independence, but when you take a second job, they have a third, and when you take a third, they have an idea, and then before you know it you’re…’ She gestured dismissively. ‘Tame. Leashed. Comfortable. I have no interest in that, Mr. Stone. Tell them to find someone else. I’m not the only thief in the world.’
‘Not even the best,’ someone said from behind her. She heard the man’s voice, a thick British accent harsh and slightly slurred with drink. The problem with turning from a woman into a legend, she thought idly as she stood up in her chair and turned to see the source of the challenge, is that there are more people out to topple legends than there are out to catch thieves.
‘Oh, and now she just gives me the look,’ the other thief said loudly, ‘and thinks I’ll go quiet just like the rest of you lot!’ All around them, conversations were stopping as everyone turned to watch the drama. Yelena became uncomfortably aware that whatever happened, she would have an audience for it. ‘She’s got all you fooled, but not Mick Eden!’
She’d already have dismissed him as a drunken idiot, if not for the silence of his approach. Whatever else he was, he was talented. She slipped out from between the chair and table. ‘That’s all it is, innit?’ Mick said, stalking closer. ‘Just a fancy trick, just a little stage magic for the boys. You walk in ‘ere, you give ’em the eye as you walk by, you act all cold like a little ice queen, and everyone just stares and wonders, ‘Ooh, how does she do it all?’ The crap I’ve heard about you, you wouldn’t fucking believe it.’
He was much closer, now, close enough so that she could smell the liquor on his breath. He had a foot of height on her, and muscles that suggested that he was the heavy on just about every job he pulled. ‘You probably would, though. You probably started half those stories, just to make yourself look good. They say nobody can take your picture. They say you can dodge bullets. They say motion sensors don’t even know you’re there. They say you’re a fucking ghost, girl.’ He grabbed her arm tight enough to hurt. ‘You seem solid enough to me.’
He leaned in. Yelena stood perfectly still, knowing that nobody would come to help her. If you had to be helped in the Exchange, you didn’t deserve to be here. If she didn’t handle Mick Eden on her own, she’d be like meat dropped into a shark tank the next time she came in. ‘You don’t fool me, Miss Markov. You’re a good thief, no doubt, but you’re just a woman. You can’t do magic. All those things people say about you, it’s just so they don’t notice that. ‘Cause if they did, maybe next time they’d treat you like I’m treating you right now, and you don’t seem to be doing much about that, do you?’
She blinked once. ‘Look down, Mr. Eden,’ she said.
He looked down. Very, very slowly, he let go of her arm.
‘That’s a .50 caliber Desert Eagle Mark XIX,’ she said. ‘I’m not certain how much you know about firearms, Mr. Eden, but I guarantee you, if I fire that pistol at this range, it won’t simply be a question of never getting to have sex again. You will bleed to death in seconds from an exit wound the size of a softball, and your obituary will be most embarrassing indeed.’
He swallowed slowly. ‘I didn’t even see you draw…’ he said, sounding more astonished than terrified.
‘Is this your first time in the Exchange, Mister Eden?’ she said, not unkindly.
‘Where did you even pull it from?’ he said, looking at her body and the slim catsuit she wore.
‘Mister Eden,’ she said, ‘I’d like you to focus, please.’
‘I…yes.’ He’d taken a step back from her now, involuntarily, but the gun continued to point squarely at his crotch.
‘I thought as much,’ she said. ‘Since it’s your first time, I’ll give you a bit of friendly advice. And I probably won’t turn your genitals into a fine red mist. Two services, Mister Eden, that I don’t perform lightly.’ She noticed the stain begin as she spoke, small at first but spreading quickly over the crotch of his jeans. ‘I don’t have much interest in frightening people, Mister Eden. Not unless I have to. Whatever stories you might have heard while drinking with your fellow crooks are just that.’ He wasn’t hearing her words, though, and neither was anyone else who was listening. They were all remembering the way she drew that gun on him.
‘Don’t put too much weight in stories, Mister Eden, and don’t worry too much about ‘reputation’, your own or anyone else’s. But at the same time, Mister Eden?’ She finally let the gun point away from him. ‘Be on your best behavior. You never know what might happen to you when you’re not.’
She turned and sat down, hearing his no-longer-stealthy footsteps behind her as he ran. She brushed off Mr. Stone’s apologies and began discussing her next job, but all she could think about was how on her next visit, those whispers would be even more awed, those stares even more reverent. The pedestal they put her on got higher every time.
Magic. That was the worst part of it, really, Yelena t
hought as she slowly and delicately made her way across the darkened floor of the museum. They all thought it was magic. They didn’t bother trying to figure out how she did it, they didn’t attempt to duplicate the techniques and equipment she’d spent a lifetime perfecting. No, Mick Eden had it right, for all that he was a drunken boor who’d pissed himself in front of the best of the criminal underworld. They all thought she was a magician, not a thief.
She carefully ducked under a laser eye whose beam was picked out thinly by a handful of baby powder floating in the air. ‘You can’t do magic,’ he’d said. Like he was telling her anything she didn’t already know. She’d studied every security system ever built for decades now, developed contacts in the field that shipped her blueprints of the latest designs years before they ever got installed. She spent constant, endless, lonely hours training until she could disable locks and alarms in her sleep. She fell asleep every night and dreamed about nothing but the next job. She lived for the challenge.
She approached the next set of motion detectors with icy stillness, her body heat carefully masked by the dark gray suit she wore. (Darkness was never perfectly black, she’d found. Dark gray blended better.) None of them understood, or even tried to understand. They simply stared at her in blank astonishment, the awe of the audience watching the magician. She couldn’t understand how so many crooks could have so little ambition. They didn’t want to learn from her, they simply wanted to be dazzled by the impossible baubles she brought in. African masks, Chinese coral sculptures, gemstones of every color of the rainbow…they gawped, when they could be studying.
That was the truth, she realized. ‘Doing it for the challenge’ was a meaningless phrase. The fact was, she did want admiration. She just wanted the admiration of an equal. She wanted someone to understand every bit of the intricate strategy she’d used to overcome every trap, pick every lock, and walk away with the goods with not a soul the wiser. She didn’t want someone to just appreciate the fact, she wished someone would understand the process. Stares of vacant admiration meant nothing to Yelena. They’d just become another trap.
And an inescapable one, it seemed. She refused to relent, to explain just how she’d done it every time. If they had to be told, they weren’t worth telling. Perhaps Yelena would always be alone on the pedestal. There’d never be someone who truly appreciated her, not on the level she wanted.
Magic, she thought with a silent snort, coming up on the Stradivarius violin she’d come to steal. There’s no such thing.
Then she heard someone approaching.
Earphones designed to amplify the slightest sound picked up the footsteps while they were still at the far edge of the exhibit hall. With a skill born of long practice (and nothing more), Yelena pressed herself up next to a support pillar, keeping herself perfectly still and letting the silence and shadows cover her. She listened for the crackle of a walkie-talkie and the speech of a guard, but the figure remained silent as it approached the case where the antique instrument was held.
To an ordinary observer, the darkness of the museum would have obscured the intruder completely, but Yelena’s custom-built low-light goggles picked out her features as though it were daytime in the exhibit hall. She was of indeterminate age (but seemingly younger than Yelena), with long, light blonde hair (foolish–never let pursuers find anything they could grab) and eyes that Yelena picked out as blue despite the washed-out colors of the low-light lenses. She wore a white dress that stood out like a flare in the dimly-lit exhibit hall, and held in her hand a…a walking-stick of some sort? What kind of amateur smash-and-grab moron was this girl? Did she really plan to just walk up and break open the case, without anyone the wiser?
The girl held up the walking stick in front of her. It seemed to taper towards the top, from a perfect circle to a chunky, carved square. Yelena couldn’t quite make out the carvings from this angle, though. She tensed, expecting the crash of breaking glass that would bring the security guard running, but the girl didn’t move at all.
The glass did, though. It softened and sagged as though it were melting under a heat-lamp, as though years flowed by for the case while seconds passed for Yelena and the girl. Within moments, it dripped down the side of the case like candle-wax, leaving the violin sitting on the cushion for the girl to take. Which, with a simple sweep of her hand, she did.
Yelena felt torn. On the one hand, this stranger had just walked into the room and snatched Yelena’s prize out from under her with casual, almost idiotic ease, and Yelena couldn’t help but feel furious. On the other hand…the device, whatever it was, was brilliant. Was it sonics of some sort, a resonator that vibrated the glass into a liquid state? Heat-based? Yelena had to know. She had to tell the girl that whatever deficiencies in her technique, her equipment was absolutely brilliant. She would express her admiration of a kindred spirit.
Then she’d steal the violin from the girl. After all, she did have a client waiting.
The girl turned, and Yelena realized just as she did that while they’d been intent on the case, someone else had been intent on them. The security guard approached with his gun at the ready. ‘Put the violin down very carefully, ma’am,’ he said, ‘and the cane as well. I want to see both your hands in the air, now.’
The girl smiled enigmatically. She held out the walking-stick, letting the guard see the carvings that continued to elude Yelena’s view. She could see the girl, even if her profile was slightly shadowed, she could see the guard, but the staff remained a mystery.
But Yelena wasn’t prepared for what she saw next.
When he saw the staff, the guard’s expression changed to one of pure awe. His eyes opened wide in utter astonishment, and his mouth hung open, slack and dazed. ‘Ohh…’ was all he said, his lips barely even moving.
‘That’s right,’ the girl said. Her voice echoed in the soft hush of the museum.
Yelena watched as the guard’s pupils widened. At first, she assumed it was just some sort of additional effect of the devices built into the cane, some sort of sonic projector that perhaps affected his balance, or reasoning. She’d heard of technologies like that, things that one military or another had been working on. She’d even stolen plans for prototypes of something along those lines…although that was the size of a city bus and could be heard from three blocks away. Yelena couldn’t hear anything, despite almost being close enough to touch the pair and having amplifiers in both ears.
But his pupils kept widening, engulfing his irises completely until his eyes were a perfect circle of black surrounded by white. Then…then Yelena felt a cold shiver run down her back. She watched through keen eyes as the pupils began to contract inwards again, even as they expanded outwards. The white and the black of his eyes began to mingle, first in notches, then in bands as the pupil changed shape right in front of her disbelieving view.
‘That’s right,’ the girl said again, her voice filled with smug satisfaction as the guard continued to watch. The bands of white arrowed their way into the center of his pupil, the bands of darkness widened as they traveled out to the edges of his eyes, and before Yelena knew it, the design had formed a perfect spiral from the tiny dot at the center all the way out to where it met flesh. Yelena wondered for a moment if the girl had dealt with them both by releasing some sort of hallucinogen into the air, if she was having drugged visions, but the sick chill in her gut told her it was all absolutely real. She’d waved a…sto za bljadstvo…a magic fucking wand in front of the guard, and his eyes had turned to spirals.
Then they started spinning. Slowly
at first, but then turning rapidly as his eyes widened even more, widened more than any natural eyes should be able to. He gaped straight ahead, staring unseeing at the girl as his eyes spun gently in their sockets. ‘That’s right,’ the girl said one final time. ‘Sleep for fifteen minutes, then awaken, remembering none of this.’ She walked right past him and headed for the door.
Yelena followed, but cautiously. More cautiously than she’d ever done in her life, the memory of the case and the guard like a weight in her mind. On some level, she wanted to run away, find a bar and drink until she’d convinced herself the whole thing never happened.
Two things stopped her. First, the girl was walking away with a Stradivarius violin worth over three million dollars. It had been eleven years since Yelena Markov had failed to fulfill a contract, and she would be damned if she broke that record today, especially not to another thief.
And two…the girl was lazy. Clumsy. She’d set off alarms, alerted the guards, and yet, she was walking away with goods she hadn’t earned. A lifetime of labor, of caution and skill and yes, false modesty aside, of brilliance, and this girl achieved the same effect with a stick? With a magic wand?
The girl had cheated, Yelena fumed as she drove behind the limo that her quarry had stepped into, keeping carefully out of view of the driver as she followed them. She hadn’t worked, she hadn’t sweated, she hadn’t…there was no other word for it, she hadn’t earned that theft. Yelena had started the night disbelieving in magic, now she ended the night hating it. Any idiot could wave a magic wand. Where was the challenge in that? Where was the skill? And yet, the foolish girl no doubt thought herself Yelena’s equal. Maybe even her superior.
She watched the limousine pull into the long driveway leading up to a mansion on a hill, and Yelena knew what she had to do. Part of her counseled caution, normally, she spent days or even weeks studying a target in preparation for a job. But even the simplest of glances told her that this girl’s security was a joke. Yelena needed no preparation, not for this arrogant girl who relied on…on magic. She would demonstrate to this girl that Yelena Markov was truly the best thief in the world. She almost wished they were here right now, those gawkers from the Exchange. This would be a story they would tell forever. Yelena Markov, stealing from a sorceress. She was born for this night.
She waited fifteen minutes, letting her target settle in, and then climbed the fence with cat-like ease. Dropping lightly to the ground, she crossed the estate in a matter of moments. She moved from shadow to shadow like she was one of them, darting between little patches of night so swiftly and easily that even a trained observer would doubt their own eyes. She reached the window and almost laughed out loud when she saw the lock. She had been picking these when she was a child.
Once inside, she listened for the sounds of conversation, but heard only a pair of footsteps treading lightly down the hall. Yelena ducked into an alcove and watched a man in chauffeur’s garb walk past her down the hall, his tread never breaking a perfect rhythm, his eyes staring ahead in unseeing, whirling spirals as he headed to some unknown task. It reminded Yelena of the need for caution, and she felt for the Desert Eagle’s grip, checking to ensure that it remained secure in its concealed holster.
She moved swiftly down the halls, noting treasures lining each wall and resting in display cases that were, themselves, antiques. Part of her, the hot vengeful part that remembered the lazy ease with which this girl had mocked her skills and her gifts, wanted to loot the place bare. She could do it, too, she knew. Magic was magic, but fools were fools, and this girl had left her house open for the taking to a thief like Yelena. But the craftier, cannier part, the part whose skills had been honed by long experience into instincts that transcended conscious thought…that part of her warned her of danger. She didn’t need to see the thief-traps to know they were there, didn’t need to see the alarms to know that the clock was ticking.
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As Carolyn finished her bath and stepped out of the tub, I stood up and began to dry her off with a large soft towel. She looked into the mirror over the sink, staring at me as I ran the towel over her back and buttocks. "I need to dry off my chest and stomach," she said. I handed the towel to her and watched as she casually wiped the beads of moisture from the front of her lovely body. She gave me back the bath towel and instructed me to dry off her legs and feet. When that was finally...
Sean came from the bathroom following his morning shower and saw her standing in front of the dressing table. Ginny was slowly drying herself as she looked into the mirror and as he drew nearer he caught her reflection. He could see from her facial expression that her mind was elsewhere. He knew exactly where it was as he rested his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her naked body, sun tanned from head to foot. “This time last week, hey?” She looked up at his reflection and smiled....
Cuckold‘What was your mistress’ name?’ Ivory asked the following day, while she and Glade prepared elixirs and drugs from what they’d foraged in the woods. ‘Demure,’ said Glade. ‘Or Lady Demure, as she was known then. At first, I didn’t know that was what the name meant. It sounded like nothing more than a short yelp. It took me quite a while to learn the language of the Knights of the Savannah. The names they gave themselves expressed the qualities that they believed were desirable. The men were...
The Succubus Awakening By Morpheus I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead I woke up with a case of blue balls. "Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast. "Not again..." I got up and went to the bathroom and jacked off for a few...
Johnny is trying to watch his favorite show until his stepmom Mandy steps in and reminds him that he still hasn’t started his project. She wants him to be on his project by the time she comes back. Johnny doesn’t want to hear it., just wants to relax and leave the project for later. While watching his show he gets on his phone and notices that his girl post a new picture on social media. This gets Johnny in the mood. He goes straight to the bathroom and starts filming himself and sends her a...
xmoviesforyouThe days melted into weeks and the weeks flowed into months as winter searched for spring. For the first couple dozen wake-ups, I started each morning with the unreal feeling that I was at the bottom of a rabbit hole. By the end of the second month, the sense of strangeness decreased, and I was able to open my eyes without breaking into a cold sweat. I was still on the wrong side of the looking glass, but Wonderland had become my home. I didn’t make a journey to Liberty Mountain to search...
Mary couldn’t get Jane’s face out of her mind. “Can’t you go any faster?” Sandy called out. Mary didn’t think she could, but she tried. She was dragging Sandy’s third and final pair of suitcases up the stairs. The third floor would have been no problem with the elevator; but Sandy wanted her to walk. Of course, Mary walked. Sandy giggled. Breathing heavily, Mary pulled the large brown suitcase through the door and into the bedroom. The green one was waiting outside. She looked around. Huge...
FetishNote : This story is completely fictional! [email protected] I've always thought my mom was sexy. I'm a 35 year old male and I still get a raging hardon when I think of my mother and the many times I’ve fucked her. She's only 18 years older than I am, so even at 51, she's got a body that still causes her own son to look twice and sigh when I think about the times I've been between those legs. But the best and most erotic part is that she doesn't know it's ever happened! My mom was raised a...
IncestTitle: Seduced by the Wind Author: Ella AshgroveShe could feel his presence - his eyes watching her from afar while the shadows dancing along the nearby brick buildings kept his identity a mystery. As a gentle breeze travels through the night sky, she hears her name being whispered “Katie.” Not knowing if it was hearing her name or the coolness of the night air, a shiver runs down her spine as she continues her “ritualistic” nightly walk from class to her dorm room.The heels of her shoes making...
ReluctanceThe line was written on the outside of a locker in the gym’s shower. I licked my finger and tried to rub it off, but I was getting nowhere fast. At least this one didn’t have the additional info ‘That’s Robert’s MOM LOL’ written under it. I sighed dejectedly because I knew I’d hear this joked about every day after gym now. “You okay over there?” a voice spoke. It was Mark. I saw him approaching as I glanced at the sound. Mark is huge. Too big for a wide receiver from what the other guys on...
Part 7: New Beginnings The following is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely unintentional. * Waking to the light of day Jennifer found that she and Bill were in bed together, and Monica wasn’t there. Jennifer’s morning fog let her know that Monica wasn’t there, but not what was going on, or where she was. Each night for the last three, she had slept in a different room. It was really starting to disorient her....
Jack awoke in his bed early Sunday morning. "What the fuck", he said as he sat up and looked around. He could have sworn he fell asleep in Emily's bed. But he just shook it off and got up. He had a few hours to burn before work, so he decided to take a shower and go for a walk. As the hot water poured down on him, he felt a sudden pain in his arm. He looked down and saw a long scratch on his forearm. "When did that happen", he wondered. "Emily must have scratched me and I didn't notice...
A Home Coming Story I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Here I was sitting in the back seat of this wonderful luxury stretch limo…naked. My eyes were closed and my head was thrown back. Sitting between my legs was my new Mother that I had just met a few hours ago. She was also naked She had one hand wrapped around my rock hard cock as she slowly jacked it up and down. Oh fuck the feelings were better than anything I had ever felt in my entire life. “Johnny, he’s beautiful,...
Introduction: Sorry it took me so long guys, I found it hard to write for a little while. Please post any suggestions for story in the comments and i will consider them, as part of my problem was introducing new material. Oh and no one answered my question: Is having sex with a mermaid bestiality?? please tell me. im not quite sure as this is a mythological gray area. Fuck me. Fuck me Fuck me fuck me. That thought kept running through my head. The airport was my least favorite place on the...
“So, you like the idea of being our chef then?” I said. “When do you want to start? What salary would be appropriate, remembering that I have all your accommodations and food covered?” “You’re asking me how much I’m worth, aren’t you,” Tom said, laughing. “I would say ... oh, I don’t know... 100k a year!” He was laughing out loud now. “Hey, you need me. I could do with a change of scenery and, yes, it would be great to be in a kitchen again. What would you need me to cover, and what help...
The sound of running water prompts me to open my eyes. Jessica is in the shower.I sit up and glance down at my naked body. I don't know how long I dozed off for; but my cock is still wet. It hangs half-engorged over the front edge of Jessica's bedroom chair. The carpet between my feet is slick with spit. I stand slowly, feeling somewhat drunk from the margaritas and my recent climax in Jessica's mouth.I walk across the room and knock on the frame of the open bathroom door."Mind if I rinse off...
Sassy, booty-blessed Gabi Paltrova loves to show fans her extreme anal skills. The wild vixen teases in stylish lingerie, soon teaming up with Rob Piper for a pounding interracial buttfuck. Giving a crude blowjob, she slobbers on his big black cock. Gabi props up her butt for a deep rectal reaming. The dirty-talking girl farts as she shows off her cavernous, gaping anus, and Rob injects lube into her stretched sphincter. See lewd, ass-to-mouth fellatio and vulgar intestinal prolapse! Finally,...
xmoviesforyouHi there I am Monish an old reader of Iss.I read it since i was a virgin but this is my first time I am writing one.Since a long time getting sex has not been a problem for me.I and my girlfriend share a wonderful sex life.I am very faithful to her.But the incidence which I am going to tell you, made me betray my girlfriend.This was the first and last time i betrayed her.My experience goes like this.I do my studies away from home in Mumbai and here I have a great pal Kushal who lives with his...
She was having a long day, a long month even. Nothing was going the right way ever since she walked in on her boyfriend fucking one of her subordinates in her office. Now she was sitting in her office and dying of heat – the bloody air conditioner wasn’t working again. She moved in her chair and inched her skirt up a little higher opening another button on her shirt. It was lunch time and there was no one in the office except for her- she was in the office because she had to deal with another...
Please see my first blog for background info: http://xhamster.com/user/p1llow/posts/18252.html* * * * *I never got anything from my father for xmas or bday since I started leaning toward my feminine side. I knew something is strange when I got up on xmas morning and saw some presents. He does buy me clothes he sometimes wants me to wear at home but that's never a gift - more like a strange punishment (or at least he thinks he's punishing me most of the time). I was too afraid to open them...
I was back at the Loftus’s not too late on Easter Monday night; the much-reduced Bank Holiday rail timetable and a consequently very crowded train got me there with only a slight delay, caused by having to take a bus from Darlington to Middlesbrough because of engineering works – the annoying bit was that the bus passed close to the Loftus’s street but the driver (a real jobsworth) wouldn’t stop and let me off because he was contracted to take us to the railway station and nowhere else! I...
I kept stealing glances at my wife's tight, black yoga pants which were clinging to the contour of her ass like a second layer of skin. A thin seam in the fabric ran down her crack toward a small cameltoe hump that was just barely visible as she bent down to check the zipper of her travel bag. The pants were on the shiny side, giving her well-rounded cheeks a sexy sheen from the punishing afternoon sun that was otherwise slowly roasting the hundred people that stood alongside us in the customs...
She was always late. Her blonde hair was blowing in the wind as she ran down the street for the bus. It was a chilly October morning, and Francesca was on her way to college. She knew she would be late. She had been awoken by her alarm right in the middle of a sex dream about Ebony, a girl who also attended college. Francesca has a huge crush on her, but who didnt? She had pert tits, an amazingly round arse and her hair was just as her name would suggest, long and beautifully dark. So...
Kitty and MichaelKitty Foreman lay in a drowsy haze, Red was in the shower. She was remembering the events that took place last night, it was their 25th wedding anniversary. They were at a very fancy restaurant downtown Milwaukee have drinks and some food. Kitty had been drinking a lot of wine while Red had a couple of beers. Red said to Kitty in a soft voice remember the first years of our marriage when we would swing with our friends and how you would get on your knees and all of us guys...
my old lady always wanted me to have sex with a man as she watched.at first i didnt no what to think than i thought what the hell.so i told her i wouldand she said she would bring me a surprize later that nite.i was nerveos and excited.we got stoned and than she had me go in the bedroom where i was surprized there was a guy a big man he was naked and he had a 9in cocki couldnt belive it he reach in my shorts and started stroking my cock i was so fucking hot now ,i went to my kneeses and suck...
Whisper to me. Tell me softly. Are your lips like roses…Do they have the scent of who you are on them and can they bite at my flesh. Causing pain Oh my God She’s scrubbing my floor, and for god’s sake she’s in the shortest skirt I’ve ever seen, I thought. I looked at the sheerest pr of panties, I knew I’d ever seen. ‘What are you doing?’ In know my voice was almost a whisper but I was in shock. She simply turned, looked at me, grinned at me and threw the rag she was using into a bucket....
Foreshadowing: It's late Fall; and you've arrived in Stowe, VT. You're staying at a nice upscale hotel, in a room rented by the Manager of the nearby airport. This, by the way, is my part-time job. NOTE: Thank you, Sir L. Sagramore, for your invaluable assistance! Now on to the story "Good Morning, Mr. Symthe-Granger. This is Vicki from the Front Desk? You asked that an 07:40 wake-up call be given? We have a very nice, complimentary Continental Breakfast being offered, would you like...
Working at the store was a lot of fun for me. I was making good money; I had made new friends, but most importantly, felt that I was making a contribution. My family had always looked at me as the black sheep of the family. I still recall those conversations that I used to have with dad:”David,” Dad would grunt, “When in the world are you going to get your act together””Dad, I am doing better than my best ok, would you just lay off”This was mom’s cue to come to my rescue and say, “John, lay off...
IncestJimmy leaned across his sister and switched off the bedside lamp. He fell back on the pillows, pushed the covers back and reached out for Penny. Giggling, the little teenager snuggled close to her brother. She wriggled down until her face was in inch from his prick. He snickered as she made a grab for him, but didn't object when she pushed her face against his cock and balls. In the weeks since she'd lost her cherry, brother and sister had been fucking regularly. Penny enjoyed fucking...
‘Dace’ Shepard, Lieutenant Commander, U. S. naval reserve, ex-U. S. Navy, is a graduate student in Germanics at the University of Washington. Widowed at 38 when his wife and their two youngest children died in an automobile accident in Italy during active duty as assistant naval attaché in Bonn, Germany, he opted for early retirement from the Regular Navy and civilian life with his surviving oldest daughter, then just 15. Professionally fluent in German and conversant in Russian, 6’–5′ 200...
The day Henry P., a client turned a friend of mine showed me what he called his secret cookie jar, which turned out to be an album or a portfolio of sorts, my own secret life began. For a long time, I could not shake off the disgrace that plagued me when the new interests and fascinations invaded my life. Each wave of guilty pleasure, dwarfing any prior sexual experience seemed to plunge me deeper into the unknown. At the age of 50, I was beginning to explore new territories, slowly bringing...
FetishPart 8 There wasn't an empty seat to be found in the stadium. Although the Cardinals were behind by 4 points, the crowd roared with excitement. The score was 17-13 and Arizona was marching down the field. Leading his team was Matt Coleman. There was still 1:20 minutes left on the clock and Arizona was at the 34 yard line. A field goal wasn't going to win the game. They needed a touchdown. The final timeout that the Cardinals took was coming to an end. Angela held onto Jordan's...
Hi friends. I am Rakesh from Hyderabad. I actually belong to Mangalore. But I am working in Hyderabad. Even my mom and dad are also here now. I am a regular ISS reader. I want to share my own experience with all my friends here. I would love to receive feedback about my story to I am in hangouts as well. So I am looking forward to hearing from some Hyderabadi girls. Let’s start the story. The heroine of the story is my office colleague. Her name is Sadhana (name changed). We both joined for...