Raw Hunger (part 2) free porn video

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Sipping their drinks, they made small talk. They spoke of what they did for work, causing Caleb to improvise. After the first few awkward pauses, they hit it off, finding more and more in common. For example, they both liked the color blue, their favorite food was Fettechini, and dessert was vanilla ice cream. They both reeked of confidence, and both were after dominance. Yet with all the similarities, a great many differences were noted and accepted. Tonight would be a sexually arousing experience worth repeating in, hopefully, the near future. Caleb was already picturing the nights of restless slumber to come, while Shayton's mouth watered with thoughts of this one night to follow their poison. He would taste every inch of this god-like image beside him. Salty-sweet tastes filled his mind, making Ravenwood have to down his drink in hopes to cool the boiling lust in his blood. It didn't work, Caleb had followed Shay's idea, that just meant it was time to get to the lusty fucking. Shayton took charge and went to reserve a room upstairs; he settled on a suite. After all, he planned to use everything offered, including the giant tub and shower. So many different fantasies would be fulfilled just using any of the things offered.

Grabbing Caleb's hand Shayton led them up to their room. With a quick slide of the key card, they entered a nicely lit room. Roses decorated the gold lay of the room, soft red petals covered the rich gold bedspread. A better place for romance couldn't be found.

Not even waiting for the door to close, Shay pushed Caleb against the wall and began to kiss his neck while sliding his hands under Caleb's shirt to touch his firm, smooth skin over a ripple of muscles. Moaning at the touch, Caleb quickly spoke a reply to Shay's aggression. "And here I thought I would be the one to lead."

Another moan left his lips as Shayton flicked his fingers across Caleb's navel before reaching into his pants. The warm feel of Shayton's hand wrapping around his heat made Caleb forget to breathe. Shay began moving his hand, causing a sweet friction that brought a shuddering inhale from Caleb. Seeing the smile on Shay's face showed Caleb that he was enjoying Caleb's lack of control. Not wanting to be the only one to lose control, Caleb took a deep, shuttering breath to steel himself against the rising pleasure. Wanting to give as much as get, Caleb followed Shay's lead and reached beyond the fabric of his pants and cupped Shay's swollen manhood.

Shocked at Caleb's unknown move, Shay froze as he waited to see what Caleb would do. Realizing the short reprieve, Caleb took over. Flipping Shayton up against the wall, he began to pump with one hand as the other roamed up Shayton's tight, muscled chest to play with his nipples. The tweaking of his tits and the tight pumps in his pants had Shay groaning in pleasure.Sensing Shay's slipping control, Caleb melded their lips together before thrusting his tongue inside to match pace with his pumps. Not wanting to leave Caleb out of it, Shay began stroking his length once more. Feeling the friction start again, Caleb stepped it up a notch while he continued assaulting Shayton with skill.

A cool breeze touched his exposed skin, making Shay conscious that Caleb had masterfully removed his clothing without stopping in his strokes. The guy he had chosen for the night was proving to be well worth Shay's time. Seeing as they were moving to more hot and heavy, Shay began stripping Caleb with the same ease as he had in losing his clothes.

Caleb felt his skin being exposed and decided to help. Taking the hand away from the hard bud of Shay's nipple, he deftly pulled his shirt over his head, only breaking away from the tongue duel long enough to rip it over his head. Now both stood completely nude.

Shay took a step back, breaking Caleb's hold on his member to admire the golden sculpture of the man before him. Caleb was god-like in looks and his groin, standing full and proud was just as impressive. Caleb felt Shayton's eyes slide over him, heating every part they seared in their travel. Caleb took the time to admire the mysterious, sexy man before him. He was hung like a horse. Noticing his partner's gaze Shay immediately brought their bodies together in order to lock lips in attempts to devour Caleb.

The moment skin touched, both men groaned in pained-pleasure as their bodies pushed into one another. At once Caleb's hands went out to feel every inch of Shay. His body's skin was soft and smooth, covering layers of hard muscle, only to roam up to his gold, silken hair. Roving hands soon began their repayment as they stroked at Caleb's skin, the heat was becoming nearly unbearable.

Feeling his partner's restlessness, Shay shoved Caleb away so that he went crashing down admits the bedding and petals. Caleb, feeling his dominance slipping, tried to move off the bed for another tongue match, causing him to be slammed into the bedding fluff as a rock hard body grinded against him. Recognizing his fate, Caleb decided to play the role in full for the first few times. He began stroking Shayton as his lips roamed to his neck and shoulder. Wanting to taste every even more, Caleb flipped his hips upward, tossing Shay to his back. Before Shay could retaliate, Caleb brought Shay's golden, hair-covered member into his mouth, licking it as he went. The feeling of wet-hot liquid stole Shay's breath as he bucked his hips in sheer need. Caleb's masterful mouth had Shay near spilling within a couple of minutes. With a final suckle on his cock, Shay shot his load, watching as Caleb swallowed every drop.

Coming up for breath, Caleb laid his length over Shay as he thrust his tongue into Shay's pants. Once more passion stirred, and Shay felt his cock grow in response. Tonight promised to be a night of sweet passions that wouldn't break until the sun peaked from behind the earth.

Feeling Shay begin to harden against his stomach, Caleb clasped his hand around Shay's wet rod once more. The friction against his tender flesh had Shay panting in time with Caleb's pulls. Not wanting to be outdone, Shay took his left hand and placed his pointer and middle finger into Caleb's mouth when his muse came up for air. Taking the hint, Caleb began to lick and suckle them, wetting them so that they dripped with his saliva. The feeling of Shay's warm fingers moving in his mouth, turned Caleb's blood to boiling. Changing his fingers for his lips, Shay pushed his slick, wet fingers into Caleb's begging ass.

Caleb stiffened at first, before moaning in pleasure as his body was being stimulated. They rolled together, so that Caleb was holding Shay between his legs while on his back. Caleb began grinding his hips in action with Shay's thrusting fingers. As the pressure built inside Caleb, he knew he was close to coming. With a powerful surge of Shay's fingers, cum covered both of their navels. Smiling at Caleb's shouting burst, Shay retracted his fingers, only to replace them with his swollen and sticky cock. Slowly entering Caleb took all of his consideration, and beads of sweat broke out across his body as he worked to maintain control of himself as his length sunk deeper into Caleb's hungry, wet ass.

As Caleb became filled with Shayton, his body stretched painfully to accommodate such largeness; but the moment Shay's rod hit Caleb's sweet spot, pleasure roared its head and consumed Caleb's actions as he began to move his hips against Shay, begging for more. Caleb's erotic movements tore a moan from Shay as his animalistic nature took over. Both now mindless to anything other than one another and the white-hot pressure building inside them; moans of pleasure filled the room as Shay rode Caleb hard and true. The rubbing of Shay's abs on Caleb's member added to the ecstasy, making Caleb aware that he was close to bursting. Wanting Shay to come along for the ride, Caleb began to squeeze more urgently on Shay's golden maleness. Pleasure built rapidly as Shay felt Caleb clamp down on him more firmly. To help take them over the edge, they locked tongues while allowing their hands to rove over their joined bodies. The world shattered moments later with a deep, powerful thrust forward that filled Caleb completely.

They both floated in the after glory a moment before Shay pulled out and fell to his back, pulling Caleb into his side. Relaxing into the comfort the bed offered, he allowed Shay's body heat to mellow his racing heart. Sex with him was going to be better than Caleb had ever thought. Still awake and hardly tired, Caleb rolled from bed, dragging Shayton with him. Caleb walked towards the large glass windows, Shay in tow. Curiosity was written over Shay's face, but he didn't try to stop Caleb.

Feeling the excess juices flowing down his thighs, Caleb coated two of his fingers as he gently pushed Shay against the window, noting that dusk had set in. Forcing Shay to face the city view, Caleb brought his heated body against Shay, pushing Shay's stiffening beast and taunt body up against the cold windowpane. The cool glass and hot body that covered Shay forced him to draw in a hitched breath. Whatever Caleb was going to do was arousing Shay in ways he never thought possible.

Shay stiffened against the window as he felt two, wet fingers at his hole. Noting Shay's body language, Caleb quickly began pushing his fingers forward before an objection could be raised. The foreign feeling being laid on him was painful, yet something worth wanting was just below the surface, building in intensity. Caleb's magical fingers soon made slick slapping noises as they moved in Shay's extremely tight ass. It was obvious to Caleb, Shay had never taken it from behind before. Keeping this in mind, Caleb let his free hand wander to Ravenwood's front to play with his hard male buds. Circling his fingers over each one in turn, Shay let out a whimper as his body built in pleasure. Soon Caleb had Shay rubbing his burning, hot rod against the window as pre-cum began to leak out. Realizing that Shay was close to coming, Caleb moved his hand away from his nipples to stroke his cock. Trembling against Caleb, Shay's knees began to give out causing him to press more firmly against Caleb for support. Wanting to hit bliss together, Caleb removed his fingers. His dick thrusting forward into hotness, inch by inch to help Shay stretch for his size. Shay was instantly drowned in pain as something larger replaced Caleb's fingers. The pain's intensity was so great that not even a proper scream could escape his lips. Knowing his partner's pain, Caleb began squeezing Shay's rod harder as he pumped faster. Slowly Shay became aware of a pressure building inside him, before turning to blinding lust. Unsure of the whys, Shay began moving his hips in hopes to find more build to add to the pleasure. He succeeded as Caleb began to thrust in and out of Shay's willing and wet body.

Feeling his control beginning to slip as the reflection of Shay's passioned body filled his focus, Caleb tilted his partner's head until their gazes met in the window. Locking eyes, Caleb slowly withdrew before powerfully thrusting forward. A sweet, whispery shout escaped from Shay's slightly parted lips. Shocked at such ecstasy, Shay could only watch as his face lit in pleasure and Caleb's did as well when thrusting continued.

Shaking in pure bliss, Shay rode the waves to heaven as Caleb thrust a final time, cumming in liquid, hot juices that filled Shay so completely. With no thought of his own burst of semen, Shay felt Caleb's cock's absence as it was taken from between his thighs, only to moments later rub against Shay's own rod as he was roughly turned around for a heart throbbing kiss.

Moments later, Shay chose to comment on Caleb's lovemaking, "I must say, being fucked is nearly as good as fucking; just don't expect it to happen a lot." Shay stated, "I much prefer to ride." Laughter followed his statement.

Caleb loved hearing those words. It meant a compromise that allowed him what he wanted. To show his respect and agreement, Caleb led Shay back to the bed before pushing him gently down amongst the pillows and covers. Before Shayton had time to change position or get up, Caleb came crashing down on top. Sitting on Shay's navel, Caleb carefully stroked Shayton's staff until it was a rock once more. Unsure of what Caleb was doing, Shay let it play out. Slowly raising his ass off Shay, Caleb placed Ravenwood's cock perfectly between his cheeks before slamming down. Instantly Shay's penis was sheathed in scorching liquid-fire. A moan escaped from Caleb's lips as he relished in the feel of Shay's penetration. Recognizing this as a peace agreement for Shay's earlier statement, Shay began to move his hips to help stimulate stronger pleasure. Soon both men were whimpering and panting as they moved together. Shay looked up at the fallen angel, whose face was one of splendor as he rode Shayton's rod. Just looking at Caleb in all his naked glory sent Shay over the edge as he exploded. The feeling of liquid, hot seed pouring into him triggered Caleb's own release as his jizz shot out, covering Shay's muscled stomach.

Not much time was given for after glory as Shay grabbed Caleb's black hair, bringing him down for another lust boiling kiss. In hopes to show his appreciation, Shay pushed Caleb to his back before coming down between Caleb's bent knees to take his manhood in mouth. Caleb lay in silence, shocked as his sticky manhood was instantly swallowed by Ravenwood. The warm wet interior of Shay's mouth immediately went about pleasing Caleb. Panting in bliss, Caleb reached his hands downward, intertwining in honey-golden hair. Soon Caleb's whimpers filled the room as Shay lavished upon his hard member. Within minutes, Shay was finally getting a great taste of the meat his mouth had watered over. A hot, salty-sweet taste filled Shay's mouth as he worked to take all of Caleb's rich cum.

After a lick of his lips for any remaining drops, Shay slid his body along Caleb's until lips locked once again. Soon enough both were aroused again, leading to more hot and heavy sex that lasted through the night until around 6:30 AM, when the lovers collapsed together into the warm sheets, having lost the comforter somewhere during their fucking. Wrapping limp arms around each other, they found restful sleep as they waited for the world to once more demand of them. For now, both were full and satisfied.

Light filled the room, yet neither man stirred, both were exhausted from last night's passions. As early evening came rolling in, the buzzing of a cellphone filled the room. It reached Shay first, as he rose to answer it. A shot of pain drove Shay to his knees, causing him to crawl toward Caleb's buzzing pants. Taking out the cell, Shay answered. A very masculine voice filled his ears. "Caleb, where are you. Your late for the job. Hurry down here!" Shay didn't know how to go about it.

"Sorry sir, he is still sleeping. This is Shayton Ravenwood speaking, I don't believe he will be coming to work, seeing as I have used him nicely and plan to do so again. So I apologize for the inconvenience, but he is mine for a while. Now have a good day, bye."

With that, Shay ended the call before powering down Caleb's phone. Crawling to where his pants lay, he took out his own phone to check all his missed calls and texts. His house butler had called wondering where he was. Deciding not to disappear completely with his prize, Shayton shot him a message letting him know not to worry. He told him he wouldn't be home for a bit, he just didn't know when exactly he would. After that, he powered off his phone so nothing would disrupt the time they had.

Trying to stand again, Shay's body trembled in pain. Resigned to his issues, Shay only hoped Caleb could loosen him up. Dragging himself up Caleb's side of the bed, Shay did his best, but the stab of pain forced Shayton to collapse fully on top of Caleb.

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Nine Vampiric Hungers

Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....

4 years ago
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Susans Hunger Games

Susan’s Hunger Games Susan was an extraordinary girl. She had the most to-die-for body that anyone could wish for, with firm but pendulous breasts that swayed erotically whenever she walked through the house naked. She had long slender legs and slim waist. Susan was perfect. She was also happily married and had a wonderful sex life with the man of her dreams. Susan also harboured a secret. She had an insatiable hunger for sex. It was something that just crept up on her from time to time. She...

1 year ago
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Untamed Hunger

© Luxferremorningstar 2013Untamed HungerHe watched her with untamed hunger. As their lips collided, the chemistry exploded, the sudden eruption of passion so primitive that it was like being caught in white water. Emma was swept along, her senses churning and tumbling, unable to escape the flow of searing excitement that shot through her body. Her mouth opened under the demand of his and she felt the erotic stroke of his tongue and the pressure of his hand on the small of her back as he pulled...

1 year ago
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Hunger Pangs

It had been an entire day and night. That’s all. But it felt like forever. “Daddy” could be so cruel. He’d forbidden her to touch herself. Forbidden her from his beautiful cock. Of course, she knew he wasn’t her real Daddy, but sometimes – just sometimes – he made her feel like his petulant daughter. Sometimes like his horny little submissive. Sometimes he even made her feel like his slave. She loved all the various ways he made her feel. Daddy, Sir, Master; he was all of them and much more to...

2 years ago
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Jenns Hunger A Prequel to Hard Time Sex Part 1

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

2 years ago
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Jenns Hunger 4 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an OK from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

4 years ago
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Jenns Hunger 7 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

2 years ago
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Hunger For Sex 8211 Me And My Sunny

I love this site and I am a regular reader of ISS. This is my personal encounter which I am going to narrate today . Let me describe myself , I am Megha from Delhi. My stats is 36-28-36 , a great desire for every man . I am just 33yrs married women , but my husband is every time busy with his work and never gives me time . He is very rich . Once while going through this site I had found a guy who had written a great sex experience with his GF and I had sent him mail regarding his story as I...

1 year ago
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HungerParts 1 and 2

Hunger— Part 1 I am straddled across his body, my legs bent and gripping his hips, my hands on his chest and my head bent forward as the last wave of my orgasm ripples up from my groin. I feel the final contraction dissipate and the warm flow of my juice begin to seep from my body. Collapsing on him I take my fist from my mouth, gasp for breath and inhale the musky scent of his unwashed body. I feel the scratch of his unshaven growth rub against my cheek like a rasp as I recover from my...

Straight Sex
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Unsatiable hunger

This is a true story of my life. My name is Shashidhar, now I am 52 years old. This is story of my wife’s escapades, adventures. Her name is Shalini. We got married in 1979. I am an engineer in a PSU. Before continuing, it is necessary for my readers to know about the physique of both of us. I am a lean, bony structured, person with hollow cheeks, below average health, rather complexion on darker side. My wife is beautiful wheatish complexion, very healthy body with astonishing figures. Some...

2 years ago
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It's my office, I didn't get up very well today. It's the memories, still them. My secretary suspicious, realize. My sad, uncomfortable way.Miriam is 25 years old, curly hair, green eyes, medium breasts, brown skin. We've never had anything, but she knows about my wishes for her figure. Especially after my separation.She then starts, provokes me, curious to know if it's what she suspects."What was? Talk!""Nothing, no. I'm not well today.""Are you sad?""Yeah."She takes off her glasses and comes,...

3 years ago
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Urgent Hunger

Copyright © 2003 We finally decided to meet. After months of e-mails, private chats and playful instant messages. We decided on a public place, no pressure, just a dinner with friends. The tablecloth was heavy, either a cotton or linen mix, draped nearly to the floor. Four people could easily have shared the rounded booth where we were sitting, but only the two of us would be sharing the conversations that would take place there. As she slid into the booth, the tablecloth tangled around...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 13 The Hunger

"Thank you Regent McKensie. I really owe you one." "Don't thank me yet Gregg. I'm only buying you a little time. What you're proposing is either madness or genius, but you'll hail or hang on your own merits." Gregg gulped. The enormity of the task at hand was sinking in now that the ESU regent who co-sponsored the archeological dig in Tunisia had given him the green light. The deadline was fast approaching for him to find a way to save the dig before it got bulldozed to become a...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 11

Arnie trembled uncontrollably as he looked at the woman in front of him. Her deep red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and the tangle of braids framing her face made her look terrifying. "You puny little man!" she said, and her voice echoed off the walls of the room. "You don't know what you're saying. You have no respect for the old ways, you and your kind. You think you can go about trampling on the knowledge that has sustained life on this planet for millennia. Sacrilege!" Arnie cowered...

1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 33 Hunger

From the depths of a Montmartre alley, hungry yellow eyes reflected the weak lamplight that timidly made its way from the well-ordered streets to the gloomy passage. The owner of the eyes, a beast, one of the four-legged varieties, watched a pair of human forms locked in a desperate embrace; an embrace that the animal in its own bestial way understood would find its end in death and thus provide it with an easy and long overdue meal. Patiently, the beast awaited the outcome. It listened to...

4 years ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Eight Unholy Hungers

Chapter 8: Unholy Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Wow, I'm surprised at the talent at Walmart at 3 in the morning,” Mary said as she strolled in front of the shopping cart. “Talent?” Britney Kingston asked her best friend and sort of mistress. Britney was only a thrall to Damien while Mary was one of his vampiresses. “Look at him,” Mary purred, licking her red lips. “Wouldn't you like to writhe beneath him and taste his blood.” Britney cast her gaze in the direction...

2 years ago
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I sat there, quietly contemplating and digesting the ways that I could get to meet Sara again, the last time had been a mere taster of how we could be together. She was stunning, more than I could ever imagine a beautiful woman to be, sensual but dirty, gentle but raw, young but intelligent…she was everything that I wished for but at the same was everything that I had not had before. My work made it easy for me to be away from home but that wasn’t sufficient, I needed to play a game, the game...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 38 Katiersquos Boy Hunger

Mrs. Katherine Jackson, the reigning Mrs. America, paced back and forth on the stage in front of a packed Town Square of the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center with the microphone in hand. She was well prepared for her speech. The hard bodied beauty queen had given presentations to greater numbers when she was at Bank of America and her interview experience helped her to be named “America’s Sweetheart” by her well planned responses. Katie wore her Venus berry red suit set with black...

1 year ago
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Raw Passionate Sex With Office Colleague

Hi, I am a 28-year-old guy from Mumbai, working in a small company. This story is about how I got lucky with a horny lady in the office who was the HR. I have a soft corner for older women and it’s been a fantasy to get laid with one. I came across this woman in my final round of interview. There was nothing initially but a platonic and cordial relationship. But once I joined the company and started observing her on a daily basis, I got infatuated by her more and more. She was not one of those...

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Her power was mesmerising. The way she held herself. The way she commanded the room. It was only me in it, but she owned it. She owned me. She had made her position clear, as she strolled around in grace and thigh high stockings. Heels and lace underwear set. My eyes followed her. She had given me an option: not touch her, or be tied up.  I chose the latter, knowing from experience that I would not be able to trust myself if I was free to move. She walked back over to me, swaying her hips with...

2 years ago
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Hunger games with a little extra

When the Capitol woman arrived she wore a large ammount of make up and her clothses were very strange. "Hello everyone welcome to the 74th Reaping for The Hunger Games. I am Effie Trincket, I will be drawing the names for the tributes. Naturally ladies first." As I watched her hand swirl around that bowl and then she drew a name. "Primrose Everdeen." I heard a screm then i heard "I volounteer! I volounteer as tribute!" That voice I knew that voice it was Katniss...

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Hunger Part One

The night was Maki’s haven. There was something about the night sky that brought him solace. Everything about the night was calmer, more peaceful, and the people were a hell of a lot better, too. Maki preferred the people with dyed hair and “too many” body piercings, enjoyed watching people on street corners and frequenting the night clubs. He preferred sleeping during the morning hours and being awake in the evenings and nighttime. It wasn’t a lifestyle for everyone, and that’s the way...

2 years ago
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my hunger grew strong

Only true story. I really do get so turned on by my friend.My hunger grew every second away from him. The distance between us killed me. My heart ached for his presence and my pussy pounded at the thought of him. He was my everything and I couldn’t wait to talk to him, to see his face, to see the look in his eyes when I smile. Everything he does drives me crazy!One lonely night of writing fantasies and waiting for him to come on Skype, I started touching myself. I couldn’t help it, the...

1 year ago
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HungerParts 1 and 2

Hunger— Part 1 I am straddled across his body, my legs bent and gripping his hips, my hands on his chest and my head bent forward as the last wave of my orgasm ripples up from my groin. I feel the final contraction dissipate and the warm flow of my juice begin to seep from my body. Collapsing on him I take my fist from my mouth, gasp for breath and inhale the musky scent of his unwashed body. I feel the scratch of his unshaven growth rub against my cheek like a rasp as I recover from my...

4 years ago
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Aussie Teen Discovers His Homo Hunger Part 2

In Part 1 of this story I described that my name is Frank, and I am a seventeen-year-old Aussie boy living in Sydney, in my twelfth year in high school, or what would be a senior in the US. I am five feet and ten inches tall and weighed one hundred and eighty-five pounds. I was average looking, but sometimes received compliments on having a cute face and a nice smile, and everyone said that I look younger than my age. I was a little chubby and soft around the middle and had never been...

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hunger part 2

~Cum is dribbling down my face as I lay there restrained and gasping for breath. Your cock twitches a few inches from my mouth and even after taking your huge load, I’m still eager for more. I watch you walk out of the room and return with a bottle of expensive champagne in a bucket of ice. Placing it on the nightstand, you take an ice cube in your hand and drag it across my lips. My tongue darts out for a lick and you watch my mouth intensely as I slip it inside and suck on it. It melts in no...

2 years ago
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A Night for Hunger

At the top of the stairs she stepped aside so I could let her into the apartment. Before opening the door I turned to her, looking at her. Reaching up I placed my hand upon the back of her head, running my fingers through her soft hair. With my eyes on hers I closed my hand, taking a fistful of hair. Slowly, firmly, I pulled downward. I was rewarded, as her face turned up, with her leaning her body against mine, her hands on my arms. With her face turned up, her eyes closed and her lips...

4 years ago
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Sex Hunger Leads To Cheating And Breaking Up With Boyfriend

Hello friends, so I already shared two incidents of my life with you. If you haven’t read yet please read it. “My Introduction To Lesbian Sex” and “Girl Losing Virginity to Senior Boy In School”. Well, you all know me (at least 10%) and what type of girl I was and still am. So after having my first-time sex, which was weird and little awkward with Rohan, we gave it another shot after two weeks. Obviously, there was still great pain but not a lot of bleeding and it felt quite better than last...

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