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Hunger Pangs: A DarkRealms Story by D.A.W. Author's Note: This story is part of Enemyoffun's DarkRealms Universe, but I wrote it so that it could stand on it's own. This was originally posted as a serial at Bigcloset Topshelf, but EOF was kind enough to give me permission to post it here as well. Other stories set in this universe can be found at BigCloset Topshelf and anyone may write in it, but story ideas are subject to approval from either Donjo, Maggie Finson or Enemyoffun (all of whom may be contacted at BCTS). WARNING: This story is much darker than what you will typically see from me. It has explicit content including, sex, scenes of rape, suicidal themes, and language. If any of these things offend you please read no further. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark and damp, an altogether unpleasant night, but Leena didn't notice. She walked through the streets seemingly unaware of the rain that had soaked through her clothing. In her arms she held a child, her infant son. He let out a high pitched wail of pure misery and she did her best to sooth him. The child continued screaming despite her best efforts and she wept that he would have to experience so much pain. She moved through the streets thinking perhaps she had taken a wrong turn somewhere, but felt relief flood through her when she saw the red-brick building with the covered stoop porch. She wished there was another way, but she knew there wasn't. The child would be far better off in the hands of humans until he awakened. She was one of the Unseen, beings believed to be nothing more than a myth by the humans who populated the world. Vampires, weres, and fairies, they were all real and the human world knew nothing of their existence. Her particular breed of unseen, were wanderers by nature,never staying in one place for too long. In ancient times her kind had been called demons and monsters and nearly hunted to extinction. Memories of these times were so deeply ingrained in their minds that they dared not ever trust a human. Humans feared that which that they didn't understand. She was old for one of her kind, she remembered those times, if somewhat vaguely, so she was especially wary of humans. Leena sobbed and gently placed the child down on the doorstep. This was not the first she had placed on a doorstep, and she doubted it would be the last. She kissed the boy on the cheek, rapped loudly on the door and ran for it. She turned around the closest corner and watched as the door swung open and a woman wearing a nun's habit stepped out onto the porch. The nun looked down at the weeping child and lifted him from the porch. A piece of paper, a note Leena had scrawled hours before fell to the ground and the nun bent over to pick it up. Leena didn't stay to watch for the Nun's reaction; she turned her back and walked away. She couldn't bear to watch anymore, each time she abandoned a child it only seemed to get harder. Leena walked a few more blocks then returned to the battered old Ford that she had left parked on the street. Once inside, she sat and stared blankly at the steering wheel then she wept for what seemed an eternity. When she was finally able to blink back the tears she started the car and put it into gear. Then she drove off her thoughts on the child she knew she would never see again. "Goodbye my dear," she whispered as she merged onto the freeway. It was time to move on... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wall next to me came alive with the most ungodly noise and I groaned irritably at the sound of my roommate Daniel Corday's snoring. I sometimes thought that he shook the whole apartment. Shit, it was fucking unearthly! How could that inhuman sound come from the throat of a human being? The closest I could come to describing it was rocks grinding in a blender, but this was worse, much, much worse. I stumbled to my feet and grabbed the pillow off my bed. Maybe I would sleep better on the couch. At least I didn't have class tomorrow since it was a Saturday. I stumbled into the small living room and collapsed on the ratty sofa that occupied almost an entire wall. I closed my eyes and was almost asleep when I heard Daniel's damn snoring again. God, I wanted sleep! I let out a deep sigh and suppressed the urge to sneak into Daniel's room and smother him with the pillow in my arms. Instead, I sat up on the couch and groaned, running a hand through my hair. If he weren't one of the more tolerable roommates I'd ever had, I probably would have tried to find another apartment months ago. Daniel was always respectful and never ate any of my food, or touched any of my things without asking. Not that I had many possessions. We had hit it off almost immediately and had become fairly good friends in the short time that we had shared the apartment. He was the perfect roommate, well at least when he wasn't shaking the whole goddamn apartment with that unholy snoring. As great as Daniel was, sometimes I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of the guy. He was born and raised in Ravencrest and knew nearly everyone in town. His mom and dad were always stopping over to bring him food or just to visit. I didn't have that, hell sometimes I thought I'd kill for that. I had spent my entire childhood drifting from orphanage to orphanage and from foster home to foster home. I didn't have ties to anyone or anything. It sounded like some stupid clich?, but when I was just a little baby I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage, in Virginia of all places, with a note that said simply, "Please find my child a loving home, he deserves far better than I could ever hope to provide." Whoever wrote the note didn't ever bother telling them my name, if I had ever been given a name. So instead the nun that found me stuck me with the name Archibold Tucker. Yeah, that's my name; I took a lot of shit for that such a freaking weird ass name growing up, so I go by Archie which is only slightly more tolerable. Despite being bounced around from school to school in my teen years I did pretty well. I figured my only way of making a future for myself was getting good grades in school. I did well, not spectacular mind, but pretty damn good nonetheless. I spent a lot of time, studying on my own to keep myself from falling behind and even convinced one of my foster parents to let me take the SAT. I scored well enough to get a scholarship to Ravencrest University and that's how I ended up in this shit hole of a town. Daniel's snoring continued in the other room and I sighed, and sank back down into the sofa. Even though I could still hear that damn racket I was too tired to go back to my room. Shit, I really needed to get some earplugs or something. I closed my eyes and eventually managed to drift off to sleep despite all the noise. "Crap man," Daniel said as I stumbled over to the small card table that passed for our kitchen table. "You look tired." "Yeah, well who could sleep with your snoring," I said with a grunt and collapsed into the chair opposite my roommate. "Sorry man, I can't help it," Daniel said with a sheepish grin. "You should really see a doctor or something. That sound you make... It's unnatural," I said with a shake of my head. Daniel chuckled. "It can't be that bad can it?" I glared at Daniel but didn't say another word. Instead I got up and stumbled across the room to the single cupboard that housed all our dishes as well as what little dry food we kept in the apartment. I grabbed a bowl as well as a box of Loco Kokos then nabbed the milk out of the small black mini-fridge and sat back down at the table. "So there's this club, everyone's talking about, called The Pit. It's supposed to be pretty sick. I was gonna check it out tonight. I hear there's usually a lot of hot chicks hanging around the place. You want to come with?" "Shit no," I said after pouring cereal and milk into his bowl. "I need to study." "Oh, come on man! You hardly get out at all except to go to classes. You can study tomorrow." "You know I have to work tomorrow, and those places are always so crowded and they probably won't let us inside anyway," I said after swallowing my first bite of cereal. Truthfully, Daniel rarely had trouble getting into those places. He was six-foot-three and was packed with solid muscle. He wasn't exactly handsome, but that didn't seem to bother the women who dated him and were usually pretty hot. Conversely, I was five-nine, had a long hawk-like nose, red-hair, and a face-full of freckles. I had never had much success at night clubs or girls in general. Most girls usually had eyes for much better looking guys. Let's face it I've never been much of a looker. "The doorman is my cousin. I can guarantee I can get us in. Tell you what. We'll go for two hours if you don't want to stay after that we'll leave." "Thirty minutes," I said flatly. "That's as long as I'll stay." "An hour," Daniel countered with a grin on his face. "Fine, an hour," I said feeling for all the world as if I had just been handed the raw end of a stick. Shit, how did Daniel do it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "God Dammit," I said when the can of chili I had been holding fell to the floor. I reached down and brushed it with the tips of my fingers, but it rolled away before I could get a hold on it. Still bent over, I watched it spin clear to the end of the aisle. With a sigh I walked over to where it settled and bent over to pick it up, but before I could reach it, some freaking asshole with boots that were so well polished I could see my reflection in them came by and kicked it. I don't think it was on purpose, but shit he should have been paying attention. I growled under my breath and chased after the can snatching it off the floor just before it could roll into the bakery. I worked as a stock boy at Kona's a small market in Ravencrest. The pay wasn't great, but it was enough to cover rent and a few other things my scholarship didn't cover. Maybe if I got that specialist position that had opened up, I'd have a little extra cash. I absently looked over into the bakery and noted two men facing each other. Normally, this wouldn't have caught my attention, but there was something about the men that seemed just a little off. They held themselves stiffly and they stuck out like a sore thumb. I moved a bit closer and started to pull forward some bags of sliced bread that been pushed to the back of the shelf. I didn't know why, but those guys really put me on edge. Then I noticed that both men wore polished black boots like the one that had kicked the can of chili. The first, a tall gray-haired man with an unlit cigarette in his mouth spoke, "Son, you didn't find what we are looking for, did you?" "Not yet, but I think I will find it in town," the second younger man said. "Good," the father said. "I'll plan everything for tomorrow morning, I'd hate for your sister's surprise to be spoiled if you can't find it." The son grinned, "Trust me, si- uh, Dad. I'm confident I'll have found it by then." The father smiled coolly, "Very good then. I have things to see to, if you need any assistance I'm sure your brothers will be willing to help out. If there are any problems call me." The older man pulled a lighter out of his pocket and made as if to light it. "Sir," I said. "You can't smoke that in here." The older man ignored me and lit the cigarette, damn what a fucking asshole. He turned to leave and blew smoke into my face as he passed by. A few seconds later the gray-haired man left the store. Thankfully, the smoke didn't seem to have any effect on the fire system. The younger man glared at me for some weird reason and shook his head, "If you know what's good for you kid. You'll stay home tonight," he told me then followed his father out of the store. What the Hell? Stay home tonight? Somehow I got the feeling these two assholes were knee deep in some pretty scary shit. I shook my head and laughed, yeah fucking right. For a minute I had even convinced myself that the men were speaking in code like they did in those over-the-top spy movies, but that was just ridiculous. Nothing like that could ever happen in Ravencrest, nothing interesting ever happened in Ravencrest. With another chuckle, I remembered the can of chili I still had clutched in my hand and turned away to go put it back on the shelf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dan my man!" The giant mass of muscles that was the doorman said bumping fists with Daniel. "Hey man," Daniel said. "Archie, this is my cousin Stu. Stu this is my roommate Archie. You know the guy I told you about." Stu gave Daniel a hesitant look. "I'm sure your friend is cool, Danny boy, but you know this place has certain rules about who can enter." "In other words I'm too big of a loser for you to let me in," I muttered bitterly, fucking asshole. "I might as well go home." Daniel clamped a big hand on my shoulder and pulled me close before I could take a single step. "No, you're not going home man. Stu let us in. Come on, I promised him, man." "Fuck, Mr. Breem is going be so pissed if he finds out I let him in. Go on get in before I change my mind," Stu shook his head motioned us both inside. Before I could mutter a single freaking word of protest Daniel clamped down even harder and dragged me into the club. "This is for your own good, man. You spend too much time alone. You need to get a girl." "Shit I don't know, man, I don't belong in a place like this. All these girls are way out of my league," I said looked around at all the hot girls. "Dude," Daniel said. "It's all in the attitude. You got to act confident and the girls will flock to you." "Easy for you to say," I grumbled glancing at Daniel's broad shoulders and heavily muscled arms enviously. I had never once seen my roommate work out, yet somehow he seemed to be able to maintain his physique. "See that girl over there she just looked your way. I bet if you offered to buy her a drink. She'd dance with you," Daniel said giving me a gentle shove. I looked to where my friend had motioned to and felt my jaw drop to the damn floor. He couldn't be serious, could he!? Shit! A girl with long brown hair and a sultry smile looked across the room at me or seemed to. That girl was a total bombshell, I couldn't hope to get a girl like to even glance at me. Yet she was, or I thought she might be. I nervously stepped onto the dance floor and approached the woman. She smiled, "You came in with muscles?" She asked giving Daniel an appreciative glance. "Uh, yeah," I said with a nervous gulp. "Is he seeing anyone?" "Uh, no. I don't think so," I replied stupidly and before I knew it the damn woman had stepped past me. Damn fucking whore. I didn't have to look back to know she was moving toward Daniel. I worked up the nerve to approach a couple more girls, but each time it ended badly. One outright laughed at me, another walked off without a word and the rest almost seemed to cringe when I neared. With a sigh I left the dance floor and headed right for the bar sitting along the north wall. I glanced over and was surprised to see a familiar face sitting a few seats down from him at the bar. It was one of those assholes that had come into work, the son. "Did you ever find whatever it was you were looking for?" I asked. "Why's it any business of yours," the man spat glaring at me then downed the rest of his drink. "You should have stayed home kid. You might find yourself involved in the worst sort of trouble. Go home before it's too late," he said then stood to leave. The man strode off before I could even think of responding. Shit, something was up with that guy; I just wish I knew what it was. I wasn't about to be scared off by some weird ass mother fucker who got his jollies from telling people weird ass shit. I sighed and shook my head; it was time for another round of humiliation. Daniel would never let me hear the end of it if I sat at the bar the whole time. "Tough luck on the dance floor?" a sultry voice asked just as I was about to stand. I turned to look and felt my breath catch in my throat. The woman that was leaning against the bar a few feet from me was easily the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She had long red hair, bright blue eyes, a figure to make any man weak at the knees and a black form fitting dress that clung to her hour-glass figure as if it might blow away at any moment. She oozed sex from every pore and I couldn't help but undress her with my mind. She almost gave the impression of a wild animal ready to spring on its prey. It was a ridiculous thought, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. "I'm Selina," she said with a purr. "Archibold,"I said trying my best not to gape at the bombshell, "But everyone calls me Archie." "Nice to meet you, Archie. You're a virgin aren't you? I like virgins they taste good," she said. "And what they lack in ability they make up for with their zest." I swallowed hard, how the fuck had she known I was a virgin? Something in the back of my mind told me this woman was dangerous and maybe I should steer clear of her. I got the feeling that the stranger's warning to go home had something to do with Selina, but like almost any guy my cock won out. I almost told her to buzz off, but I couldn't bring myself to. I shook my head and cast all doubts aside. I must be freaking nuts, how often did someone like me get a chance to score with a girl like that? "Y-yes," I said. "Good," she said with another purr. "Let's dance." Without another word she grabbed my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. I was usually an average dancer at best, but that night I moved with the music effortlessly. As good as I was Selina was better. Each move, each sway of the hips had a grace that few women could match. It felt like hours that we were out there on the dance floor, but it couldn't have been more than three or four songs. When they were finally done, I would have done almost anything to get her in bed. I had never wanted anything so bad in my life. "You want something to drink?" I said. Selina smiled, "I would love a drink." "I'll have a Jack and coke," I said. "And they lady would like--" I stopped short and looked to Selina with the question in my eyes. "--would like sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist," Selina finished for me. "You're an excellent dancer," she said. "Uh, thanks," I said rubbing at the back of neck. "You're good too. No, fuck that you're amazing. I've never seen a person move like that." "Do you have a place nearby?" she asked suddenly. "Sure," I said in shock. Shit, was this really happening? "I live a few blocks away." "Take me," she said and grabbed hold of my hand possessively. In a shocked daze I led Selina through the club. Half-way to the door I locked eyes with Daniel who flashed me a surprised but approving smile then gave me a thumbs-up. A few moments later we were out of the club. Stu was just as surprised, but he didn't say a word as Selina and I left together. When I glanced back, the big doorman gave me a thumbs up and an approving smile that was nearly identical to the one Daniel had given me. Selina was quiet as we walked to the apartment. I was still shocked that such a beautiful woman would want to see my apartment. Shit, I was afraid that if I said anything I'd scare her away. It was pretty damn chilly, so I offered Selina my jacket but she declined with a weird glimmer of amusement in her eyes. Finally we reached the apartment and I fumbled for the keys for what felt like an eternity before finding the right one. My hands were shaking as I fit it into the lock and turned the handle. "It's not much, bu--" "It will suffice," she said walking into the apartment and looking around. "Uh, make yourself comfortable then," I said looking around the place, half expecting someone to pop out and tell me I was a victim of some strange practical joke. I stared at her chest and quickly looked away when I realized I staring. She was so hot, I couldn't believe she was standing in my apartment. Again something in the back of my head tried to tell me that something was seriously wrong, but I didn't listen. I would do almost anything to score with Selina. "Let me be blunt with you, Archie. I'm only here for one reason, I want sex. I don't care if we talk or what the place looks like," she said with a sultry smile. "Uh, well then I'll show you to my bedroom," I said disbelievingly as I swung my bedroom door open. She walked in then turned back to me with that sultry smile on her face. My knees almost gave away at the sight of her, but I managed to stumble into my room and swung the door shut behind me. She stroked my cheek then suddenly our lips were locked and I thought I was going to die from shock. I don't know who had initiated the kiss, but damn it felt good. We broke away long enough for Selina to slip out of her dress and began to unbuttoning my shirt. I fumbled with her bra for a minute before I could figure out how to undo the damn hooks and then the bra fell to the floor and we were both naked. I was really dizzy for some reason and there was this weird sensation like something was tugging at me from the inside and it was then that I knew with a certainty I had made a terrible mistake bringing Selina home. Something was seriously wrong, but no matter how much I tried I couldn't stop myself. Whatever was happening I felt like I was being sapped of energy. The moment my cock finally pierced her was a moment of pure exquisite agony. The pain exploded through my body and Selina moaned in delight seemingly unaware anything was wrong. Again and again I pierced her and I grew weaker and weaker until everything faded into darkness and I lost consciousness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selina moaned in delight as energy poured into her. She had never imagined that anyone could have so much pent up sexual energy. She wouldn't need to feed for days perhaps even a week after tonight. A human woman would have been disappointed by the boy's poor performance as a lover, but Selina didn't care. He was a virgin, after all, he couldn't be expected to perform as well as a more seasoned man. Truthfully, it was his sexual energies she sought. She gasped as another orgasm trickled through her body and she shivered in pure ecstasy. Selina was a succubus. She fed on the sexual energies of men. Ancient lore labeled her kind as demons, but nothing could be further from the truth. She was one of the unseen, beings of supernatural origin that remained hidden to humans. She wasn't evil, and wished no harm to humans, but she needed to feed on them in order to survive. Tomorrow the boy would wake feeling weak and would have a terrible headache, but would otherwise feel fine. She gasped again, but this time it wasn't from pleasure it was from shock. No wonder she had found herself so strongly drawn to this boy. She felt a familiar pang of hunger and it took her a moment to understand that it was not coming from her, but from the boy. Had she realized what the boy was she never would have seduced him. Self-loathing and anger flooded through her as she climaxed and felt the boy collapse from exhaustion. She had drawn more from the boy than she had intended, but not enough to cause any permanent harm. Normally once she had fed on someone she would leave and let them wake wondering if it had all been a dream if they even remembered at all, but this time she wouldn't. No, she couldn't not after what she had done. He would need someone to guide him and to teach him how to feed. He would have awakened eventually on his own, but by feeding on him she had accelerated the process. Now it was just a matter of time. Poor boy, he would discover the truth soon enough... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groaned as the light to my bedroom flicked on. "Holy Fuck, it wasn't a dream," was the first thing out of my mouth. "No," Selina said with sad smile. "It wasn't. I need to tell you something. It won't be easy for you to hear, but it cannot be helped." I shook my head in a vain attempt to clear my thoughts. Why was I so tired? Why the Hell did I feel like I'd had the shit beat out of me? I felt weak, like I was sick or something. I had some strange recollections from last night, but they were jumbled and didn't make much sense. I vaguely remembered having sex with Selina and growing weak, but there didn't seem to be any reason for it. "Uh, yeah okay," I muttered "There is no easy way to say this so I'll just say it. I am a succubus; I feed on the sexual energies of men, and the occasional woman but they are never as filling as a male lover." "A succubus? Uh, okay whatever," I said sitting up. "I am telling the truth." "Shit, this is a joke right? Who put you up to this?" I asked in disbelief. "It is not a joke," she folded her arms across her naked breasts. "Please just listen," she said before I could say anything. "I am a succubus and so are you." "Okay," I said standing up and looked down at my naked body. I teetered on my feet. Shit, why was I so weak? It took a lot of effort, but I was able to stumble across the room where my pants and boxers lay in a heap. "I think it's time for you to leave." "Listen to me!" She said throwing up her hands in frustration. "I knew there was something different about you when I found you last night. I thought it was because you were a virgin, but that wasn't it at all. You had so much pent up sexual energy I didn't realize it was because you were a succubus." "Right, I'm a female sex demon. Did I sprout breasts last night when I wasn't looking?" I said looking down at my flat chest. "Shit this is getting weird," I muttered as I pulled on my boxers and pants and reached over for my shirt which lay a few feet away. "I knew there was something odd about this whole thing. You're a fucking loon." "Men!" she said angrily. "You are an orphan, right?" "How the hell did you know that?!" I demanded angrily. "Because almost all of us are! When a succubus gives birth to a child she abandons it. It is in our nature to wander and a child will only hinder our ability to feed," she said. "You are the offspring of a succubus and an incubus and by feeding on you I awoke the succubus within you." "Okay, I really think it's time you leave. I don't know what sort of shit you're hopped up on but--" There was a loud thud from somewhere in the apartment. What the hell was that? I, stopped to listen then moved across my room and poked my head out the door. Daniel was just passing my bedroom when several more thuds sounded from the front door of the apartment and it collapsed out of its frame. I watched in disbelief as men wearing plain clothes and toting guns rushed into the apartment. I probably would have stayed there gaping if it hadn't been for Daniel. "Get out of here!" he growled then forced my head back through the door and slammed it shut behind me. "They've come for me," Selina said, but my eyes remained on the door. I tried to force it back open, but Daniel must have put his weight against it because I couldn't get it to budge. There was a scream from the other side and a something that almost sounded like a wild animal roaring. What the hell was that? I shook my head then turned around to find that Selina had somehow dressed herself in some of my clothes in the short time that I had been at the door. "Shit," I muttered even wearing my clothes she looked smoking hot. "We must leave," she said. "I am not leaving Daniel to those people whoever the hell they are! He's the only friend I have!" I said shouting angrily. Another roar and another scream came from the other side of the door. A rapid succession of dull thuds pounded into the door. I looked at it, and felt my heart sink. There was no way Daniel could survive not with those assholes shooting at him. I moved toward the window and a cold blast of wind blasted me in the face as I shoved it open. God, I wanted to make those assholes pay, but if I stayed I probably would die too. "Shit, I don't know what you've gotten me involved in." I kicked the screen out then helped Selina climb through. There was a bit of a drop to the snowy ground below, but Selina jumped through and landed effortlessly on her feet. Shit she made it look easy. I looked back at the door on more time, and watched wide-eyed as the door collapsed in the frame. Something big occupied the doorway; it stood on two massive paws, had a short nub of a tail, a thick coat of brown fur and looked for all the world like the rear end of a bear on its hind legs. "What the hell?" I said and scurried out the window. It couldn't be what it looked like, could it? I tumbled to the ground and landed gracelessly in the cold wet snow below. "Come," Selina said gripping my shoulder. "We must hurry." 'What the hell did I just see?' I thought to myself as I let her lead me away from the apartment window. I stumbled and almost fell to my knees as we walked. Wondering, not for the first time, what the hell was wrong with me, I crawled back onto my feet and followed after Selina. Jumping out the window had taken a lot more out of me than I cared to admit. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to put one foot in front of another. Each step was harder, but I kept standing out of sheer stubbornness. We hadn't walked very far when two thugs with tranquilizers guns appeared in front of us. "Don't move," said the one on the left, a brown-haired man. Selina smiled seductively and took a few steps forward. "Why don't you boys put those weapons down and I can show you a good time." The man on the right, a blond man with a scar running from left to cheek to just below his jaw line, let his gun fall to his side, but it lasted only a second and his weapon was once again pointed at Selina. "Get down on the ground, freak," the one with the scar spat. For a moment Selina's smile faltered, but when she fell to her knees it returned with a wicked cast to it. Her skin seemed to ripple taking on an almost purple color, a set of curled ram-like horns appeared on the side of her head a few inches above her ears and a pair of leathery bat wings shot out from her back tearing a big hole in the back of the shirt. "Damn, that was my favorite shirt," I muttered. I know it was a weird thing to say under the circumstances, but it was the first thing that popped into my head. Scarface's hands were shaking, "Don't move!" he yelled as Selina stood back on her feet. If Selina had been attractive before, she seemed even more so after her transformation. Before she merely oozed sex from every pour, with her transformation she was sex defined. The bat-wings and the ram horns didn't detract from her appearance somehow they made her seem more alluring. She walked over to the two thugs and traced her hand across Scarface's cheek. "Put the guns down," Selina said softly. Scarface complied, but the brown-haired thug seemed more in control of himself. "I'm warning you!" he screamed. "Kill him," Selina said with a pout of her lips. Scarface responded immediately, dropping the tranquilizer gun, he pulled a handgun from a holster under his jacket and shot his companion between the eyes. "Very good," she purred with another seductive smile. Scarface didn't say a word he merely stared at her chest with obvious lust on his face. "Holy Hell," I said nearly hysterical.. "You really are a succubus!" "Yes, I am," she said her smile faltering. For a brief moment a deep sadness seemed to pass across her face. For some reason I got this weird urge to go over and hug her and tell her everything would be alright. Then that look of sadness was gone from her face and sanity returned to me. "You are a very good boy," she said glancing down at Scarface's crotch where he had a massive erection and lopsided grin on his face. "Maybe later you and I can have some fun. Take me to your car, and deal with your friends should any try to resist us." "Come, Archibold," Selina commanded turning to follow Scarface. Yeah right, like I was going anywhere with her. Not after what I had seen. Shit, she was just as dangerous if not more so than the thugs that had attacked us. "No," I say planting my feet firmly on the ground. She stopped and motioned for the thug to stop as well. "Why?" "Why?! After that shit you just pulled you need to ask why!?" "You're far better off with me," she said. "If they get hold of you they will do worse than kill you. Even if you don't believe me about you being a succubus they'll kill you just to make sure you don't tell anyone what has happened here." "No," I repeated, "I'll take my chances with them. How can I trust you?" "If I wanted you any harm to come to you, you would be lying there on the ground in a puddle of your own blood," she said calmly. "Please Archie, you cannot survive without my help. I did what had to be done. I would gladly undo it if I could. If there had been any other way... Please, there is no time. If they don't know we've escaped yet they soon will." she said a pleading tone in her voice. "Watch out," she screamed suddenly and I dove to the ground. Pain exploded on the top of my head and I reached up to feel blood trickling down my scalp. "Take care of them, my lovely." I heard Selina say sweetly. For a few moments bullets whizzed overhead then everything fell dead silent. "Get up," Selina said. "It's safe now." "God damn you!" I screamed in fury. "Can't you see I've been shot?" "Where?" "My head, shit it hurts!" I yelled back at her. Selina hands grasped my head and I heard her snort. "You were just barely grazed. You'll be fine. Please, we need to leave. There will be more of them soon." I got back on my feet and grimaced, "Shit I need some damn Tylenol." "Are you coming or not?" she asked already moving away from me. "Damn, I'm probably going to regret this," I said, but moved to follow. I didn't trust Selina, but she hadn't tried to kill me, so I was probably better off with her than them. "Take us to the car, dear," Selina said turning back to Scarface. Scarface nodded and led us to a dark-blue SUV parked on the other side of the building. "Darrell, what the he--" A short man with close-cropped brown hair started to say, but was stopped short as 'Darrell' pumped bullets into his chest. Without even so much as blinking he pulled the dead man out of the car and killed the man in the driver's seat before he could pull his weapon from its holster. "Collect their weapons and sit down in the passenger seat, my lovely," Selina said patting Darrell's cheek and smiling happily. "Archie, can you drive, please?" Selina asked as Scarface bent over to collect the discarded weapons. "Me?" I muttered in protest. "Why the fuck do you want me to drive?" "Because our dear friend is too enthralled to focus on the road, and I need to maintain this form in order to keep hold of him," she said her wings twitching. "I think it best if I sit in the back where I cannot be seen." "This is too freaking weird. God, I hope this is all a dream," I said with a shake of my head and walked around to the other side of the car. I pulled the door open and the corpse in the driver's seat tumbled out of the car. I started dry heaving at the sight of the dead body. I turned my head away, but it was already too late. I vomited on the ground next to the corpse. There hadn't been much in my stomach so it was mostly bile. Shivering I stepped over the body and climbed into the car. Selina hopped into the back and Darrell's eyes followed her every move. The big thug had a huge grin on his face, and he turned back in his seat so he could keep his eyes on Selina. It creeped the hell out of me. "So where to?" "After we find another car I think we need a place to hide. You're too exhausted to go very far or I'd recommend leaving town." Selina said leaning awkwardly forward from the back seat. "Fuck! Why the hell do we need another car?" I muttered. "Do you want to drive around in a stolen car owned by the people chasing us? If they have some means of tracking this car we'd be in a world of a trouble. Worse yet they could report it missing and we'll have the police after us too." "Okay, okay I get your point. So what, we go steal another car?" "Drive and I will tell you," she said. "Right," I muttered as I turned the key in the ignition. "Find an office parking lot," she said. "It's almost ten, most offices will be open for business," she said blandly. "And?" I spat at her. She shrugged, "And we steal a car. It will be several hours before anyone notices it's missing. Long enough for us to find a place to hide and ditch the car." We met no resistance as the SUV pulled out of the parking lot. "Okay, who the hell were those guys?" I asked after several moments of silence. Selina sighed and shook her head, "I don't really know much about them to be honest. I know only that they call themselves the Tenebris Petentibus. A few months ago, they captured me, and did all sorts of things to me." "Things? What sort of things?" "Some sort of surgical experiments. There didn't seem to be any reason behind it all. They never explained themselves," she said with a shudder. "I managed to escape, and they've been chasing after me ever since. I thought I had lost them when I came to Ravencrest." "Yeah well, you thought wrong and now I'm caught up in this mess," I growled staring back at her through the rear view mirror. "Shit, what did you say they called themselves?" "The Tenebris Petentibus," Selina replied with downcast eyes. "Sound like Latin, Daniel would have known what it meant," I muttered angrily. Daniel didn't look the type but he was minoring in linguistics and was a wiz when it came to languages. "He's probably dead now thanks to you," I added with a growl. "The muscular fellow you came into the club with? I wouldn't be so quick to count him out," she replied with a knowing smile. "Yeah sure, those guys just let him walk out of the apartment," I replied my voice dripping with sarcasm. I slammed on the brakes as the light turned red. "Just give me one reason why I shouldn't get out of this car right now. I'm beginning to wonder if coming with you was such a good idea. You're a freaking sex demon for Christ sakes! How can I trust you?" Selina shook her head, "I do not serve the devil, if he even exists, if that's what you're worried about. I do feed on sex, but believe me when I say I wish I didn't have too." "And what about our friend?" I said jerking my head toward Darrell as the light turned green again. "What exactly did you do to him anyway?" I asked slamming my foot down on the accelerator. "He is a slave to my will," she said with a shrug. "Well gee, that sure cleared things up didn't it?" Selina sighed, "It is not an ability I am particularly fond of using. When I am in this form I can sometimes form a link between myself and a man. When I do so they become mindless thralls who will do anything to please me." "Can you at least try and get some information out of him? I mean if he's a slave to your will like you say, can't you just ask him about his buddies?" "He can no longer speak and the longer I keep my hold on him the more of his mind is lost," she said sadly. I shuddered, "Shit, I'm glad you didn't use that on me." "As I said it is not an ability I like to use. I only use it in dire circumstances and it only works on people with weak minds. Besides it wouldn't have worked on you." "Oh, right. Because I'm supposed to be a Succubus too." "Yes." "Shit, and I'm supposed to just take your word for it? No offense, but that's a load of bullshit," I growled suddenly swerving into a parking lot. "Will this place work or do you want to steal your car somewhere else?" I spat glaring at her through the rear view mirror. "It will suffice," she said calmly as the SUV came to a stop. "You know I've never stolen a car," I muttered. "I have," she muttered with a shudder as her skin started to ripple and her horns and wings shrunk back into her skin and disappeared. "What the hell are you doing? I thought you needed to stay like that to keep control of him!" I said yelling at her hysterically. Darrell frowned then glanced at me for a moment, then that stupid grin returned to his face and he looked back at Selina. "There is no cause for concern," she said as her changes completed. "He won't be a problem. He is mine now, no matter what form I am in." "Well, that's reassuring," I muttered swinging the door open and hopped out of the car. Besides still being really weak, I was starting to feel really odd. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but there was this strange need building inside of me. I didn't know what would satisfy it, but it was getting stronger by the minute. It was freezing cold out, but despite that I was sweating my ass off. My hands were shaking and I felt as if I might collapse from sheer exhaustion at any moment. My teeth started to chatter and I could feel a headache coming on. "Archie, oh god, not now," Selina said somewhere nearby. I blinked and shook my head trying to clear it, "What?" "It's starting," she said, but it seemed as if she were speaking from really far off. A small part of me wanted to ask what she meant, but that part of me was rapidly diminishing. What really mattered was my need and how I might fulfill it. I looked around and spotted Darrell and a slow smile crept across my face. Darrell had what I needed; maybe he would give it to me. I walked over to him and reached for his crotch. 'No!' something inside of me screamed. I quickly snatched my hand back and looked down at it disbelievingly and fell to my knees. What the hell was I doing? What had I almost done? The need was strong, but I couldn't let myself give in. The need continued to grow in me and I wasn't sure how much longer I could resist. I looked up at Darrell, at his erect crotch, and licked my lips. He had what I needed, why shouldn't I partake? "Archie, no!" Selina said. "Not here!" "Step off bitch. He's mine! I need what he has!" I growled jumping to my feet and rounding on her. "No!" I screamed suddenly and fell back to my knees. No, no, no... My head was spinning, everything was wrong and I starting yelling at the top of my lungs. Distantly I remember hearing the sound of footsteps nearby, but it wasn't until the man grew close that it really registered. "Miss, are you okay? Are these guys bothering you?" he said. He looked down at me with a disapproving thrown then over to Darrell with the same look. I looked up at the newcomer. He had what I needed, he had lots of it. He was a big fellow, but if I acted quickly I might be able to pin him to the ground and get what I needed. I leapt at him and laughed with glee as we both fell to the ground in a heap. We struggled for a few moments, but in the end I managed to reach for his pants and unzip them. For some reason his dick was limp, a part of me, a very small part now, was happy about this. The rest of me howled with rage then I reached inside of myself and it was like I flicked on a switch. A stupid grin formed on the man's face and I laughed triumphantly as I wrapped my hand around his now erect appendage and began to suck what I needed from him. God, it felt so good! I could never have imagined anything feeling so invigorating. Why hadn't I done it sooner? His energy filled me up and I laughed from the sheer ecstasy, but something was missing. It wasn't enough. There had to be a better way to get what I needed. He stopped struggling and I think he must have passed out, but I continued to drain him. Suddenly, I was being pulled away and I screaming in rage. "Let go!" "Archie," Selina said. "Please you have to snap out of it. I promise I will let you feed when we are somewhere safe." "You don't understand," I said with a sob. "He has what I need! Why won't you let me have it!" Something slammed into my face and I thought I might black out, then suddenly everything snapped back into focus and I gasped. "Shit," I muttered feeling bile rise in my throat. "What the hell did you do to me?" "I slapped you," she said staring at me blandly. "Darrell, my sweet let him down." Darrell let go of me and I fell to the ground. "God that hurt," I groaned. "What is happening to me?" I said curling up into a fetal position. "I'm sorry Archie, I really am, I tried to tell you that you were a succubus," she said putting her hand on my shoulder. "Fuck, I practically raped that I guy," I said with a shudder. "You nearly drained him dry, he will wake feeling extremely weak and in all likelihood have no memory of what happened. No lasting harm has been done to him," she said with a sympathetic look on her face. "Is that what you tell yourself to make you feel better about preying on people?" I said between gritted teeth "Please we need to go, they could--" "No! I don't want to be like you! Just leave me to die!" I screamed in rage and misery. "Please, Archie," she said practically begging me. "No!" "Darrell, pick him back up. If he won't come willingly then we'll have to do it the hard way," she said sadly. Darrell bent over and locked a huge arm around my waist then he lifted me up and draped me over a shoulder like a sack of flour. I tried to resist, but it was to no avail, Darrell was just too damn strong. I tried to kick and punch him, but the blows didn't seem to have any effect at all. "Put him down," a voice said suddenly and stared in shock at the person holding a gun just a few feet away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Holy Shit! Daniel you're alive!" were the first words out of my mouth. Daniel looked pretty battered and bruised and he had a blood-stained cloth wrapped around his left arm just above his elbow, but at least he was alive. The gun he had aimed at Selina looked identical to the one that Darrell had holstered under his jacket. Daniel had probably picked it up from one of the guys who had attacked the apartment. "I said put him down!" Daniel commanded glaring at Darrell intently. "Put him down, my dear," Selina said with a faint smile. Again, Darrell dropped me to the ground. Shit, why couldn't Selina have been more specific? I grunted against the pain then scrambled to my feet. "Daniel," I said. "It's alright you can put the gun down." Daniel glanced at Selina and Darrell warily, then he nodded and tucked the gun into the back of his pants. "Please tell me you know what's going on," he said with a wary sigh. "Shit man, you wouldn't believe me if I told you," I replied with a wry grin. "This is all your fault, isn't it?!" Daniel asked between clench teeth as he rounded on Selina. "I should have never let Archie leave the club with you." Selina sighed, "If you are referring to the gunmen, they are after me, near as far as I can tell I did nothing to warrant their attention." Daniel shook head and spoke between gritted teeth, "Let's get out of here. Then you, Archie and I are going to have a long talk." Selina nodded, "Archie, can you walk on your own?" "Even if I couldn't I wouldn't let Darrell carry me. Don't we still need a ride?" "I got that covered. Come on, if we stay here much longer someone is bound to call the police if they haven't already," Daniel said motioning for us to follow. "Wait, what about him?" I said pointed down to the guy lying there on the ground. I couldn't just leave him there, not after what I had done to him. Selina walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Leave him, he's better off." "Someone could come by and run him over. We should at least put him somewhere warm," I said. Selina smiled sympathetically, "Yes, we can do that at least." Struck with a sudden idea, I reached down and stuck my hand down in his pockets. A wave of dizziness swept over me, and I fought down the urge to start feeding on him again. I pulled his keys out and felt a small sense of satisfaction when I found what I wanted on his key chain, a key fob. With a deep breath I turned away from him, and felt my need to feed dwindle. I handed the key fob to Selina, "We could probably find his car with this." Selina nodded and pressed a button on the small remote, the horn on a nearby car started blaring. She pressed the button again, and silenced the car. "Darrell, my dear pick the gentleman up and kindly place him in the car." Darrell bent over to pick the guy up and I moved to open the car door so he could set him down. After the man was seated, I bent down to straighten his legs and felt that same hungry feeling come over me and quickly stepped away. I let Selina finish up for me, she put the keys back in his pocket and slammed the car door shut. "We better get out of here," Daniel said when it was all finished. "Yeah, lead the way," I said. We followed him down a few rows and stopped at a huge silver king-cab truck. "It belongs to Stu," he explained as he opened the passenger side door and pulled the seat forward. "Why don't you sit in back like a good boy," Selina said tracing a finger across Darrell's cheek. The big thug climbed into the rear seat with the usual stupid grin on his face and I got in after him. "You sure you want to sit back there with that guy? There's something that sets me on edge about him," Daniel said grabbing my shoulder. "It's probably for the best. Fuck, I'd be more worried about me if I were you," I said, and received a sharp look from Daniel before I climbed into the back seat. Shit, if I tried to feed on Daniel while he was driving it would spell disaster for us all. Selina slid into the front passenger seat, and a moment later Daniel hopped in the driver's side. "So where to?" "Some place where we can hide until things settle down," Selina said. "I know just the place," Daniel replied with a shake of his head. He started the truck and sped out of the parking lot. "Okay, someone tell me what's going on now." Selina glanced back at me with a warning look then let out a sigh. "How might you answer if I said 'What lies in the shadows remains unseen'"? Daniel glanced over at Selina with a surprised look on his face, "Well, if you're saying what I think you're saying, I'd say the two of us should talk somewhere a bit more private." "I don't think that will be necessary," Selina said. "Yeah, well I disagree," he shot back. "You're a were, aren't you?" Selina said suddenly. Daniel slammed on the brakes and turned to stare at Selina with his mouth hanging open. Selina met his gaze and the two just sat there staring at each other for almost a minute. Cars whizzed past us honking their horns as the passed by, one almost rear-ended the truck. It was Selina that finally broke the silence, "Don't worry. Archie and I are both Unseen, and Darrell, well he couldn't tell anyone even if I instructed him to." "You're an Unseen?" he asked looking back at me. "Uh, what the fuck is an Unseen?" I asked giving him a confused look. "Some people would call an Unseen a monster," Selina said. "Well, I'd say that freaking well fits the bill," I spat bitterly. "I don't like it. How can I be sure your friend won't spill the beans," he said pointing his thumb back at Darrell. Selina sighed, "He's a slave to my will. He exists only to please me." Daniel's jaw dropped again then he shook his head and put his foot down on the accelerator and the truck lurched back into motion. "So what are you? If I had to guess I'd say you were a vamp, but I think I'd be wrong," he said glancing at Selina with a level look. "Succubus," she said. "And Archie? What's he an incubus or something?" "I'm a succubus, too," I muttered bitterly. It wasn't like I could deny it after I had practically raped that guy. "Crap, I'm sorry man," he replied with nowhere near the amount of surprise I would have expected. "What about you?" I asked him. "I'm a Were," he said simply. "You're aware of what?" Daniel chuckled, "No, man I am a Were. You have heard of werewolves haven't you?" "You're a werewolf then?" "No, no, there's different types. I turn into a bear, a Kodiak to be exact," he said casually. "Shit, that was you I saw at the apartment!" I said. "Yeah, that was me," he said with a shudder. "Something wrong?" "I just don't like violence is all," he said. That took me aback a bit; it seemed like an odd comment coming from a guy that could change into a massive killing machine at will. I didn't respond because I couldn't really think of something to say to that. I had this image in my head of Daniel turning into a bear and tearing everything around him into pieces. Maybe, I shouldn't have been too quick to assume. My attention drifted and my need, no my hunger, started to grow again. I reached over to Darrell and I started to unzip his pants, my hands reached for his cock. Distantly I heard Selina say something then I felt his Darrell's hands lock around my wrists and force me away. I struggled against him, but I couldn't break free. "Please," I begged. "I need it, why won't you let me have it?!" "Not here, dear. I promise you can feed soon. Just hold on a little longer," she said reaching across the seat and stroking my cheek. I don't know exactly why, but I seemed to grow more lucid. The hunger was still strong, but I was able to think rationally. I nodded, "I don't know how much longer I can wait," I said and felt like crying. Darrell's hold on me loosened and I put my head between my knees and clutched it with my hands. "Did you do this to him?" Daniel said with accusation in his voice. "Yes and no, losing one's virginity is usually the catalyst and that would have happened eventually with or without another succubus to help the process along," Selina said calmly. "So when he says he needs something he's talking about sex?" Daniel asked incredulously. "Yes, but at the moment his ability to feed is hampered by his male form. He can suck a man dry and only gain a small amount of energy," Selina said sadly. Pins and needles prickled across my body and I felt like vomiting. Dizziness washed over me, with wave after wave, like ocean currents washing against a beach. Cold chills wracked my body and I was sweating so bad I felt like I had taken a shower in my clothes. God, I needed to feed. Why wouldn't Selina let me feed? It seemed so unfair! By some miracle I kept myself from reaching across the seat and trying to feed on Darrell again, but it was a close thing. The thought crossed my mind a number of times, but whatever part of myself that still resisted managed to keep me from doing so. Every moment was torture, distantly I could hear Selina and Daniel talking, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. They might have well have been speaking in another language. Finally, after an eternity of fighting back my hunger the truck came to a stop and I felt a pair of large hands wrap themselves around me and lift me like a child. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a short time, that might as well have been another eternity, I fed. It was glorious or at least I thought so at the time. I reached deep in my victim, and drained nearly every last bit of energy I could, but when it was all done I was still hungry. I almost sapped away that last little bit of energy, but I restrained myself. Somehow I knew that if I drained everything my victim would die. Slowly sanity returned to me, and I became aware of my surroundings. I was lying atop Darrell with my hands over his crotch, I quickly yanked them away and suppressed the urge to vomit. Despite being unconscious, he still had that stupid shit-eating grin on his face, and I shuddered at the sight of him. I stood and backed away from his unconscious form, and noticed that I felt stronger than I had all day. In fact, other than being hungry for both food and sex, I felt amazing. I looked around and noticed my shabby surroundings. The room I was in looked like it hadn't been inhabited by humans in years. Paint was peeling away from the walls, and what remained of the carpet was stained black and brown with dirt and god knew what else. Darrell was lying on the ground atop a blanket, which, despite being a bit shabby, looked clean. I shuddered and turned away I couldn't bear the thought of what I had done to Darrell. I looked down at my hands and realized something was wrong. They looked different somehow, not much, but it was enough for me to detect a difference. The fingers seemed just a bit thinner, and maybe even a little longer. "Shit, shit, shit!" I yelled with my fists clenched. I had a feeling I knew what was happening. Selina had never said anything about it, but it made sense that if I was a succubus that I would transform somehow. I pulled my shirt off, and winced at the sight of my chest. All my chest hair was gone, and my nipples were swollen and tender to the touch. I ran my hand through my hair and realized that it was longer, if only by about an inch. If I had any doubts about my changes, they were gone after I pulled my pants down. The changes in my crotch were drastic to say the least. My usual equipment had almost completely disappeared. A half-formed mound had appeared in its place, the only remnant of penis was a tiny nub that stuck out from my new cunt. I stared at the damn thing and felt like hitting something. Why the hell did this have to happen to me? I screamed and suppressed my violent urges. All my dreams, all my hopes for the future had gone down the tube. I couldn't hope to finish my degree, no one would recognize me. There would be no way to prove my identity. It was worse than that though, I couldn't use my social security number, I wouldn't have any documented past whatsoever. I would be starting over with a blank slate, and no way to fill it. A hand touched my shoulder and I turned to find Selina looking back at me with tears in her eyes. "I am sorry." I wanted to hate Selina I wanted to yell and scream at her, but for some reason I just couldn't. "You said in the car that I would have awakened eventually with or without your help." "I didn't think you had been aware enough to hear that," Selina said staring at me with wide eyes. "I didn't hear much else, but I believe you. God knows why, but I do," I said. She smiled, "It's not so bad once you get used to it. In time you might even come to enjoy it." "Selina, I had dreams. I wanted to make something of myself, and now... Now there's no way I'll ever get my degree," I muttered as tears fell down my face. "You're not the only one who has had their dreams shattered," she muttered sadly. I didn't respond, I merely stared at Selina. I had never thought of her as anything but the sexy shelf-assured creature that she seemed to be. "I had just gotten married," she continued. "I thought I would spend the rest of my life with Shamus. I had never been with a man before, I was nervous that I wouldn't know what to do or that I wouldn't please him. When we consummated our love I awoke as a succubus and started to feed on him. I drained him dry, and he died." I stared at Selina with a horrified look on my face, "I just left then, I hated myself for what I did. All my dreams, my hopes of raising a family and spending a lifetime with the man I loved, everything was shattered. I ran away from everything and everyone I knew and I changed along the way. I had always been a plain girl, Shamus told me I was pretty, and he made me feel pretty sometimes. I never really believed him, though. It's funny I always envied beautiful women, but the price of becoming one was greater than I had ever imagined." "Selina, I'm sorry I had no idea," I said not really knowing what else to say. Selina shook her head, "Don't be. Ours is a lonely existence, but maybe it doesn't have to be. You could come with me when I leave this town. I've been alone for far too long." "I'll think about it," I said quietly. "Get dressed, you need to get some food in you," she said suddenly then turned and left the room. I looked down at Darrell again, and suppressed a shudder. Then I hurriedly got dressed and followed Selina out of the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I took a bite out of the energy bar, the hurriedly devoured the rest of it. "Jeez man, how long has been since you've eaten?" Daniel said from across the battered dining table. We were in an old abandoned house a few miles outside of Ravencrest. The kitchen wasn't in any better shape than the other room I had seen, but it had furniture at least. "Last night," I said after swallowing. "Here have another," Daniel said tossing me a foil-wrapped bar. I had flat out refused the beef jerky he had tried to get me to eat. Normally, I loved the stuff, but the sight of it made me want to vomit. I tore open the package and devoured the bar in mere seconds. The bar tasted awful, but I would have eaten almost anything. Well, except for jerky apparently. "So, how do you feel?" he asked with a worried expression. "Weird as fucking hell," I muttered. My head wouldn't stop spinning and I felt like I was being jabbed by thousands of tiny needles. "So, you're really going to change?" he asked. "Going to? Shit, I've already started," I growled with a shudder. Daniel looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, "Now that I think about it you do look a little different." "Can we talk about something else?" I asked. "Sure," Daniel said with an apologetic smile. "How did you find us?" I asked suddenly. "I tracked you by scent," he said with a proud grin. "By scent, you mean like a dog?" I asked incredulously. Daniel folded his arms across his chest and shook his head, "Being a were does have its advantages. Most people don't know this, but bears can smell better than wolves or dogs and even in human form I can smell well enough to track a scent. Especially ones as strong as yours and Selina's." I stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing. "You realize that you're a were bear, right?" He stared at me blankly, "Yeah, I don't get why that's funny." "A were bear," I said emphasizing 'were'. "You know how ridiculous that sounds don't you?" "Uh, I still don't get it man," he said with another blank look. "Well, it's nothing, but it sort of sounds like care bear is all," I said barely able to contain my laughter. It really wasn't that funny, why was I laughing so hard? Abruptly, I stopped, not by choice, but because I couldn't breathe. I struggled for breath, but it just wouldn't come. My limbs seemed to go limp and I fell to the floor with a dull thud. Frantically, I tried to grab for my throat, but I couldn't move my arms. Daniel's shadow appeared over me and suddenly his lips were over my own. At first my air deprived mind thought he was kissing me, but then I realized he was giving me mouth to mouth. Suddenly, air flooded through my lungs, and I sat up with a start. I could feel the hunger build and I reached toward Daniel. I yanked my hand away when I realized what I had almost allowed myself to do. I couldn't feed on Daniel, he was my friend. "Get away from me!" I screamed suddenly and felt my eyes bulge out of my head at the sound of my voice. Shit, I sounded like a damn girl. "Archie, buddy, it's alright," he said reaching for my shoulder. I scrambled away from him, "Fuck, do you know how close I came to feeding on you?!" I screamed again. "Please just don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you," I said with a pleading tone. Daniel nodded and backed off, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." "I... think I need to be alone right now

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HungerParts 1 and 2

Hunger— Part 1 I am straddled across his body, my legs bent and gripping his hips, my hands on his chest and my head bent forward as the last wave of my orgasm ripples up from my groin. I feel the final contraction dissipate and the warm flow of my juice begin to seep from my body. Collapsing on him I take my fist from my mouth, gasp for breath and inhale the musky scent of his unwashed body. I feel the scratch of his unshaven growth rub against my cheek like a rasp as I recover from my...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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It's my office, I didn't get up very well today. It's the memories, still them. My secretary suspicious, realize. My sad, uncomfortable way.Miriam is 25 years old, curly hair, green eyes, medium breasts, brown skin. We've never had anything, but she knows about my wishes for her figure. Especially after my separation.She then starts, provokes me, curious to know if it's what she suspects."What was? Talk!""Nothing, no. I'm not well today.""Are you sad?""Yeah."She takes off her glasses and comes,...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 11

Arnie trembled uncontrollably as he looked at the woman in front of him. Her deep red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and the tangle of braids framing her face made her look terrifying. "You puny little man!" she said, and her voice echoed off the walls of the room. "You don't know what you're saying. You have no respect for the old ways, you and your kind. You think you can go about trampling on the knowledge that has sustained life on this planet for millennia. Sacrilege!" Arnie cowered...

2 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 26 Growing Pangs

Anno 2034 The following spring, as soon as the ground was dry enough to drive the vehicle over grassy fields, Clark returned to where he and Sally had seen the horses, this time bringing along the whole family. They also brought some grain, carrots and apples to entice the horses and gain their trust. A carpet of green grass was beginning to show through the thatched layer of dry grass from the previous year’s growth. Except for a few frightened, jumpy rabbits, the field was deserted. The...

4 years ago
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Her power was mesmerising. The way she held herself. The way she commanded the room. It was only me in it, but she owned it. She owned me. She had made her position clear, as she strolled around in grace and thigh high stockings. Heels and lace underwear set. My eyes followed her. She had given me an option: not touch her, or be tied up.  I chose the latter, knowing from experience that I would not be able to trust myself if I was free to move. She walked back over to me, swaying her hips with...

3 years ago
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Hunger games with a little extra

When the Capitol woman arrived she wore a large ammount of make up and her clothses were very strange. "Hello everyone welcome to the 74th Reaping for The Hunger Games. I am Effie Trincket, I will be drawing the names for the tributes. Naturally ladies first." As I watched her hand swirl around that bowl and then she drew a name. "Primrose Everdeen." I heard a screm then i heard "I volounteer! I volounteer as tribute!" That voice I knew that voice it was Katniss...

2 years ago
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Hunger Part One

The night was Maki’s haven. There was something about the night sky that brought him solace. Everything about the night was calmer, more peaceful, and the people were a hell of a lot better, too. Maki preferred the people with dyed hair and “too many” body piercings, enjoyed watching people on street corners and frequenting the night clubs. He preferred sleeping during the morning hours and being awake in the evenings and nighttime. It wasn’t a lifestyle for everyone, and that’s the way...

2 years ago
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HungerParts 1 and 2

Hunger— Part 1 I am straddled across his body, my legs bent and gripping his hips, my hands on his chest and my head bent forward as the last wave of my orgasm ripples up from my groin. I feel the final contraction dissipate and the warm flow of my juice begin to seep from my body. Collapsing on him I take my fist from my mouth, gasp for breath and inhale the musky scent of his unwashed body. I feel the scratch of his unshaven growth rub against my cheek like a rasp as I recover from my...

4 years ago
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hunger part 2

~Cum is dribbling down my face as I lay there restrained and gasping for breath. Your cock twitches a few inches from my mouth and even after taking your huge load, I’m still eager for more. I watch you walk out of the room and return with a bottle of expensive champagne in a bucket of ice. Placing it on the nightstand, you take an ice cube in your hand and drag it across my lips. My tongue darts out for a lick and you watch my mouth intensely as I slip it inside and suck on it. It melts in no...

2 years ago
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Hunger Games Sex Part 1

I just want all of you to know that this is before Katniss ever went to the Hunger Games. This is the day The Reaping happens, but Gale and Katniss are in the forest...I walked across the leaves, hearing the crunchy noises echo from tree to tree. Grasping the arrow in my palms, I glanced around hoping for the slightest hint of a bush rustling caused by a dear or a badger or maybe even a branch twitch by the cause of a bird. But as I look around harder, the less hope fills be that I will be able...

3 years ago
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Hunger Part IV

I feel the sharp pang of disappointment as I realize that my own psyche has left me stranded on the floor, bereft of the means and energy to scale the soaring walls of delight that I was so close to conquering moments ago. I weaken as the rush of passion ebbs and the soft focus of arousal fades, replaced by the harsh glare of the fluorescent bulb above me and the coarse rub of the nylon rug beneath me. Also, I sadly conclude that my pubic artwork has fallen short of the erotic masterpiece I was...

3 years ago
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Lyle is hungry. It seeps from his body like a wave of corruption to spread about him. It shines like a dark light, touching every woman he passes in the street.And they know it. Like a****ls, aware of a scent, they recognise him as he passes them by, seeing him for what he is; Hungry. A man starving with lust.Lyle sits alone in his apartment as a wisp of cigarette smoke curls from his hand in the darkening light. Outside, the city is beginning to come alive as the annual Jazz festival gets...

3 years ago
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Copyright 2007© An excruciating pain in my jaw sends me running to the door. Is it that time of month already? It seems too soon! I have not had time to make excuses to my sweet, innocent wife and daughters! What will they think? "Get the girls inside NOW!" I scream at my wife. "Bar the door and shutter the windows and don't open them until after sunrise!" "But..." "NOW!" I scream, tearing outside as the pains threaten to rip me apart. Oh God! Please let me get far enough...

4 years ago
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Hunger Hunger Sister Anne

One rainy Tuesday, Anne cruised the library stacks, looking for something saleable. Finding herself at a stack of plain-cover reference books, she turned away to find better pickings. Something behind her buzzed, then flashed pale blue. The glare was bright enough to cast her fleeting shadow on the opposite wall. Looking back, she saw a fading brightest near the floor. Then it was gone. Anne squatted, feeling among the books on the bottom shelf until she found one oddly warm. Tan hardcover,...

3 years ago
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Hunger For LoveChapter 2

Fay sat up and said "Carl you taste even better than I remember, you are still delicious." I had moved from the door to the bed and was sitting there stroking her tits. Fay smiled at me and said "Thanks "BIG-R" for letting me do that. I said "No problem but now it's my turn." I sucked Fay's cunt and then she gave me a blowjob just like she had given Carl. It was early, still daylight outside. Carl wanted to take us to dinner. We dressed together, I chose a flimsy dress for Fay and...

3 years ago
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Hunger and Memories

With a sigh of resignation, she realized that like all the other recent nights, if sleep was ever to find her...she would have to breakdown and pleasure herself in order to dim the turmoil of thoughts lingering in the back of her mind...not mention, tire herself out so that sleep might come. After a month's worth of successive nights of this... she'd also given up on the idea of ever satiating the gnawing desire. She breathed in deeply for a moment as if girding herself for what must follow,...

3 years ago
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Hunger Ch 06

After that first wonderful weekend I knew my decision to open myself up to love and life had been the right one. We spent long hours talking about anything and everything, we ate the delicious food that Ben lovingly prepared, we caressed, massaged and touched each other every chance we got. My heart and soul swam in the warmth of feelings that were precious and new and my body gloried in the attention we all gave it. I was being nourished not just by wonderful comfort food, but by warm hugs,...

5 years ago
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Hunger Ch 01

The wonderful thing about long lasting friendships is that they often create strange, but very interesting combinations of people. Meet Sarah, a warm and caring woman who’s not afraid to love and love deeply. And Susan, a cold-looking woman who never lets anyone into her life, because it’s just safer that way. And Rose, well-dressed, polished, seemingly happy, living what appears to be the perfect life. And Mary, laughing, protective, all-seeing Mary, who keeps people away with her sarcasm...

4 years ago
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Hunger Ch 04

I grew conscious in small, quiet steps, my senses waking up just as slowly, one by one. I felt the heat of the sun caressing the side of my face and the warmth of the two now familiar bodies pressed to my front and back. I sensed the smell of sawdust and fabric softener along with an undefinable but distinctly male scent. I heard the soft breaths of both Ben and Jerry and felt the smooth t-shirt and only slightly rougher skin that my face was pressed against. I felt my upper body pressed...

3 years ago
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Hunger Ch 05

It seemed that every time I woke up lately, something new, strange, scary or wonderful was waiting just around the corner. I didn’t know quite what to expect as I woke up this time. I wanted to believe I would wake up to incredible pleasure once more, but the absence of male forms in my bed seemed to indicate otherwise. The darkness outside the window made me realize that I had probably slept the day away. I yawned and stretched, carefully cataloguing all of my injuries and sore spots, both...

3 years ago
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Hunger Ch 03

I woke up with a sore head and my ears ringing from the sound of two angry voices shouting at each other. ‘What have you done to her?’ Jerry’s angry voice said. ‘Why would you ever think that I’d do anything to her?’ Ben’s angry voice replied, not much calmer than Jerry. I tried to sit up, to stop their fighting, but fell back weak and dizzy into what appeared to be my bed. They were standing just outside of the room, and I decided to try to call them instead. ‘Hello’ I said, obviously too...

2 years ago
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Hunger Ch 02

After spending an evening packing things up, moving furniture and generally preparing for the building project, I was already beginning to regret my decision to hire someone to help me rebuild and redecorate. As I put all of the boxes with my beautiful things in one of the spare rooms and myself in the other one, it made me feel as if the world had stopped spinning and started doing somersaults instead. This slight change in my living arrangements was enough to unbalance me, it seemed. At...

3 years ago
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Hunger Part IV

I feel the sharp pang of disappointment as I realize that my own psyche has left me stranded on the floor, bereft of the means and energy to scale the soaring walls of delight that I was so close to conquering moments ago. I weaken as the rush of passion ebbs and the soft focus of arousal fades, replaced by the harsh glare of the fluorescent bulb above me and the coarse rub of the nylon rug beneath me. Also, I sadly conclude that my pubic artwork has fallen short of the erotic masterpiece I...

3 years ago
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Hunger Part III

I wake to the humming sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden night stand next to my bed. Groggily, I reach for the offending appliance, resist throwing it against the wall and press the button to accept the unwelcome intrusion to my slumber. It is him. “Hi,” I mumble. “You woke me up.” “Poor baby,” he replies in a voice that I know means he is smiling at my expense. “Get up and Carpe Diem kiddo! I mean, it’s past noon already. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I’m on the plane and...

3 years ago
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It is time. It has been far too long. Walking down the emptying streets in the seedy part of town, I cannot seem to form complete thoughts. How long has it been? How much longer must I wait. This desire must be fulfilled. Tonight. I have waited long enough. I must seek pleasure of the flesh. The usual place will do nicely. I wonder if she will be there tonight. Tonight will be the night. I see the dingy and run down looking bar near a dark alley. I slowly slink into the dimly lit room. I see...

4 years ago
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Hunger Games

I woke up with a start as the crushing light came threw the blinds in my family house in my room. The reason I woke up were that I had a bad dream about a rebel against the Capital in Panem. My family of 12 year old twin brothers and my crazy grandma fought against the Capital but we lost and I had to watch as each of my family member died. I woke when president Snow shot me in my forehead. Today is the reaping in district 7 the lumber district. This year will be the first time they will enter...

4 years ago
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Hunger but of what kind

It has been a great cruise and you and your friend got so drunk last night you actually fell asleep in the same bed.(Mainly because you were too drunk to get in the top bunk) When you wake up (with a giant headache) you don't immediately open your eyes, because you like to listen to the sounds of the ocean. When you notice that the sounds are a lot louder than normal, but you just think it's your hangover.

5 years ago
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You push me against the wall the moment I step through the door. Our mouths find one another in the pale yellow light of the moon. Your touch is desperate and hurried. We haven’t seen each other in a week - yet it feels like forever. You rip at my dress, untying the belt and letting it all fall to the floor in a heap of overpriced polyester."This is new," You say, with an approving smile."You like it? I had you in mind when I brought it."I finger the lace of the black chemise lingerie and...

4 years ago
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Hunger Satisfied By A Charming Boy

Hey, folks, this is The anonymous guy. I am fond of reading interesting stories here and thought to post a creation of my mind. This sex story is purely imaginary and the characters of this sex story do not have any resemblance to any real person. I have written this sex story in a girls perspective (just thought for some change). Enjoy the sex story and do give your feedback on it, I hope that the sex story will give pleasure to all of you. Hello, all readers this is Tanisha Singh, a girl in...

2 years ago
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Hunger Part III

I wake to the humming sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden night stand next to my bed. Groggily, I reach for the offending appliance, resist throwing it against the wall and press the button to accept the unwelcome intrusion to my slumber. It is him. “Hi,” I mumble. “You woke me up.” “Poor baby,” he replies in a voice that I know means he is smiling at my expense. “Get up and Carpe Diem kiddo! I mean, it’s past noon already. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I’m on the plane and...

3 years ago
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Hunger meets opportunity

Roshan finally got up, had some water & went back to his sofa. I knew he was getting impatient & irritated because I was sitting on the single sofa. Not to tease him any further, I got up and went to the back of where he was sitting. I bent forward put my arms around his neck & kissed him lightly on the cheek. He said, ¡§Come sit here¡¨ and indicated a place by his side. I didn¡¦t obey. Instead I went over & took his laptop. Switched it on and searched for some music. Got a folder full of...

4 years ago
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Hunger Meets OpportunityII

I woke up around 5 in the evening. I felt ashamed having gone to sleep half naked. I remembered the lunch incident & felt ashamed too. I shouldn’t have invited him to touch my back like that, I thought. But the slowly as I felt more awake, I knew that I needed Roshan & would do anything for it. Almost immediately the phone started ringing, and I knew it was Roshan. Roshan sounded hoarse on the other side, probably he was sleeping too, after a good masturbation. He asked what I wanted to do in...

5 years ago
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Hunger for opportunity

I have been reading iss for a long time & been fantasizing about the stories in iss. Fantasizing & self-help had been the story of my sex life till three months ago. Thus when i finally lost my virginity, i decided that i will share the same on iss. I passed out of my engineering college last year when i was 22. Being attractive, i had always got many proposals from many guys. In college. But most were of emotional in nature. The guys were all afraid of making any physical approach. &...

2 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 2

Sasha finishes up long after the school day has ended. Those student papers she never got to has tied her up. Normally she would just say screw it and leave as soon as the students did, but Jonathan had called her and told her she’d be running late because of the homicide. By the time she finishes it is nearly dark outside. She puts away the papers, cleans up the desk, and this brings a smile to her face. Earlier in the day she had barely gotten both her desk and floor cleaned up before the...

3 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 3

The house is dark matching the darkness outside by the time Sasha gets home. It’s not strange that Jonathan isn’t home yet. Sometimes when he grabs a case he doesn’t make it home until the next day. He always says that the first forty-eight hours is the most important, especially when it comes to a homicide. Sasha drops her shoulders slightly. She was looking forward to some kind of dinner, and hell, after what happened earlier, she was looking forward to another good fuck. She shrugs and...

2 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 4

Jonathan turns the bolt on the door and steps into the quiet house. The first thing he sees are two sets of shoes, two sets he’d recognize anywhere and is instantly glad that Sasha didn’t spend her birthday alone. He heads into the kitchen and finds a couple empty bottles of wine sitting on the table and smiles. He passes them up to open up the refrigerator where he grabs the orange juice cartoon and gulps some down before replacing it and heading back out. The living room, Jonathan,...

2 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 5

“It sounds like Lisa is having a blast out there,” Sasha comments after hearing the woman scream for Jonathan to cum in her. “I know,” August agrees as she leans against Sasha. “It’s fucking hot isn’t it?” Sasha nods and August kisses her, pressing her body against Sasha. Their breast mash against one another as Sasha runs her hands down her back, pulling August into her. Her hands rest on August’s soft, toned ass. Their tongues touch and they kiss deeply. The water arches over Sasha as...

3 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 6

August and Lisa treat Sasha to a lunch at a Tex-Mex grill by the mall. After last night’s adventures which carried on this morning, all three women are hungry. They order enough food for an army and miraculously put it all down. When they finish they decide on a stroll through the mall. “How about we check this place out,” Sasha offers as they pass a lingerie storefront. “A little expensive here,” August says. “Girl, don’t you know that she has Jonathan’s credit card?” Sasha smiles and...

4 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 7

The next couple of days are uneventful. Jonathan had gotten home late after picking up yet another homicide while August and Lisa received a business client from Hong Kong that they had to entertain over the next few days. So this has left Sasha time to herself and her job. And the special outfit she bought has yet to be used. The bell rings and Sasha’s students hurriedly get up from their desks, ready to go on to their next class. Sasha stands and yells over the noise, “Remember that your...

3 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 8

Susie Holmes wakes up with a start. Instantly her fear grips her. She sits up in the bed, the soft white sheets clinging to her nude form. Her eyes scan the small bedroom. The street light outside her window illuminates it just enough for her to make out shadows and shapes of her furniture. There seems to not be anything out of the ordinary. Slowly, she pulls the sheets from her body and slides her feet over the edge of the bed to hang slightly before pressing her toes into the soft carpet....

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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 9

Jonathan steps through the door, tosses his keys to the small table in the foyer and quickly steps into the living room. Sitting on the couch is Sasha in the matching black bra, thong, stocking, suspenders and stilettos. She has a big smile on her face. “Welcome home love,” she says soothingly. “I stopped at the hospital and they said you left early,” he says stopping short as he looks her over. “I feel tent times better,” she says coolly. “Besides, you know I hate hospital stays.” “Who...

4 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 10

“Please call up August of Lisa,” Jonathan says as he grabs his keys. “I don’t want you alone tonight.” Sasha nods her head and then kisses him. “I will and be careful.” “Always am,” he says with a smile and then he is out the door. Sasha call up August and Lisa right after. August explains how she is able to come over but Lisa is not. Lisa has to run numbers by their client from Hong Kong before closing the deal with him. So while she is busy at the business dinner, August is coming over....

3 years ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 11

The scene at home is just too much for Sasha. Seeing her friend dead on her bed was already too much, but having homicide detectives there is worse. Jonathan works the scene quickly and leaves his partner, Tom, to finish up so that he can be here for her. Sasha had decided that hearing about August’s death would be better coming from her and thus best to wait until the morning. That chance never comes, however. Lisa had closed out the business deal earlier than expected and made her way to...

3 years ago
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HungerChapter 2

"Where do I sign?" Arnie said. "Right here," Vera said, whipping out a contract. It was six pages long, with a lot of fine print and legalese. "What's this?" Arnie said. "A contract? I thought you'd just have me sign a purchase order." "Oh, no," Vera said. "We don't do business that way at Cloven Flour. We make a very special product, and we select our customers very carefully. We have certain legal requirements that are necessary in order to do business." "I don't...

3 years ago
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HungerChapter 3

Arnie didn't like that look in her eyes. It was a look he imagined a hungry lioness would have if you came up and tried to take a piece of meat from her. He busied himself making the birthday cake, but he kept Julie in view out of the corner of his eye. He didn't have to worry, because she hardly seemed to notice him now; she was completely focused on the oven, sitting on a stool with a dreamy expression in her eyes, sniffing the aroma of baking donuts and giving little shivers of...

3 years ago
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HungerChapter 4

"You're kidding, right?" Arnie said. He knew by the look in her eyes, though, that she wasn't kidding. "Make more donuts," Julie said. "Lots more." "Listen, Julie, I'm spent right now," he said. "I don't think I have enough energy to pull my pants up, let alone--" "Make. More. Donuts," she said. "Now." There was something in her voice that chilled Arnie right to the bone. She had been a gymnast in high school, and she had muscular arms that were intimidating. She seemed...

4 years ago
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HungerChapter 5

Arnie couldn't believe it, but it was true. His cock was as hard as if he'd been a man who'd been in solitary confinement for a year who suddenly found a Playboy centerfold model standing in front of him stark naked. This is weird, he thought. I just shot my load twice in the space of 40 minutes, and I'm still ready for action. What's happening to me? He had a feeling that whatever had happened to his body was related to what was happening to Julie's. She was getting horny and fat, and...

3 years ago
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HungerChapter 6

The sound coming from the back room of the bakery was truly frightening. It was like a wild animal had gotten loose back there. Arnie heard grunts, roars, metal trays falling to the floor, and moans of ecstasy. He shuddered to think what was going on. That damn flour, he thought. I should have destroyed it when I had the chance. Now instead of just Julie back there, he had three more women who seemed to be driven insane by the donuts he'd made. Julie. He remembered that he'd locked Julie...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 7

"No," Arnie said, gasping. "No, please. I can't make any more donuts. I can't even get up." "Ha!" Julie snorted. "Looks to me like you have no trouble getting it up." She caressed the head of Arnie's cock, and to his amazement he realized he was hard again. What was this madness? He could barely lift his head off the table, but his cock was standing up ramrod straight. Cold fear ran through him, as he realized there must have been a curse on that flour the strange woman sold him...

3 years ago
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HungerChapter 8

He could see the black bag, half empty now, on the table just fifteen feet away from him. If I can get to it, he thought, it's only another 30 feet or so to the long stainless steel sink where I clean the utensils. I could wash the flour down the sink, and then it would be gone. But he was so weak. He didn't know how he'd be able to get his shaky legs to walk that far, and then lift the bag and tote it to the sink. It seemed like a herculean task. Then he heard the women again, fighting...

2 years ago
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HungerChapter 9

Arnie groaned. "No, please, I can't do it." "Hah!" Julie snorted. "It looks like your cock has other ideas. Come on over here, you skinny beanpole, and let me fuck you." "No," Arnie said, hoarsely. "I'm too weak. That flour ... it's poisoning me ... something's wrong. Too weak to move." Julie laughed again. "Well, if you can't come to me, I'll come to you, baby." She got up slowly, first getting on all fours and then grabbing on to the wall to hoist her huge body up. The...

4 years ago
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HungerChapter 10

He shuddered with fear. Once again he had the feeling that he wanted to wake up from this bad dream, but once again he realized with a chill that he wasn't dreaming. It was real. He was in a room with women who had turned into pigs. I have to get away, he thought. Have to get out of this room. He was weak, so weak, but he thought if he could just get to his feet maybe he could make a run for it before they saw him. They were busy fighting over some crumbs, squealing in rage and bumping...

4 years ago
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Hunger For LoveChapter 3

The next week we were supposed to play at Blake's house. The evening before, he called me and told me that his wife and one of the kids had a bad case of the flue. Blake said that he wanted someone else to host the card game this time. I told him I would have it at my place. I thought Fay would be excited at the news but she was scared instead. She was afraid something would go wrong. She made me promise that I would not leave her alone with anyone. She wanted me there to prevent any of...

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