Hunger Ch. 01 free porn video

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The wonderful thing about long lasting friendships is that they often create strange, but very interesting combinations of people.

Meet Sarah, a warm and caring woman who’s not afraid to love and love deeply.

And Susan, a cold-looking woman who never lets anyone into her life, because it’s just safer that way.

And Rose, well-dressed, polished, seemingly happy, living what appears to be the perfect life.

And Mary, laughing, protective, all-seeing Mary, who keeps people away with her sarcasm and wit.


I used to think that my relationship problems had started when I had fallen in love that first time at the age of eighteen. In reality it was probably many years before that, from my early years of childhood, but if I had to name one critical moment it would be that one first love.

It was a crazy, wild love that made me skip school, stay out late and generally not care what my mother said. She couldn’t possibly know how much Seth loved me and I loved him. She was just jealous because she was a lonely old woman. But of course my mother was right about the ‘he’s just using you’-part and the ‘he’s a teenager boy, just one thought on his mind’, because after finally saying yes to his heated ‘I need you’ and ‘I want you’ pleas, he laughed at me and made sure the whole school knew that I was a cold fish. He’d then gone on to ruin several other lives as well, whilst I cried myself to sleep not really helped by my mother’s repeated, cold ‘I told you so’s.

I had given the relationship and human closeness-thing a few more tries as I grew older, but ended up hurt every time, hurt by the same comments about being cold, frigid, just lying there, stiff as a plank. And I was stiff and uncomfortable, because I was not even used to hugs and kisses – my upbringing was not exactly a loving one – and I was afraid that I’d do something wrong, say something wrong. In the end, I think it became something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And now words couldn’t hurt me anymore, or rather I would never let it show on the outside. I could hear the whispers at work, I knew I was called ‘Ice woman’, ‘Stone maid’ and many other things describing my personality, at least the parts of my personality I ever let anyone know.

Along with the ice- and stone-descriptions I was also called something of a financial genius. I made beautiful piles of money for the already rich and sometimes famous, and I was respected and sometimes feared. After a successful investment or deal I would still always be referred to as a hard and cold woman. And in business I wasn’t afraid to be just that, hard, dedicated, eyes on the target, in it to win it all the way through. And I didn’t make any decisions based on emotions or intuition, it took hard work, calculations and hard core statistical analysis to become successful in my line of work.

The people that hated and feared the ‘ice princess’ didn’t know how much fire I had inside, how hard I sometimes had to work to keep my cold outer mask intact. Small things could set me off, like an unusually beautiful song on the radio, a bright and colorful painting or the scent of a man passing me on the street.

The money I made, for most people a small fortune, I spent on beautiful things that made me feel alive, the music that made me cry, the paintings that made me sigh and the books that made me think and laugh. My large, luxurious apartment in the posh parts of town was filled with – for me – unbelievable treasures. Some of the things were really expensive, but most were just small, cheap things, things that all held a special meaning for me. I was lucky that if I really wanted something badly enough, I could usually afford it. Sometimes it made me feel like a child, really needing something, absolutely having to have it, instant gratification supposedly not being good for you and so on. But it made me happy, and it didn’t after all hurt anyone else.

As I came home from a long day of hard work, just entering my home made me feel as if my outer shell melted and after stripping away my strict business clothes and pulling on something old and comfortable, I could finally feel like the real me, soft and sensitive, no need for protection.

It would have been a lonely life if I didn’t have my old friends to talk to once a week. Even my friends didn’t know the real me from the block of ice I presented to everyone, but I really enjoyed meeting up with them on Thursday evenings, hearing them talk about everyday things, sometimes joining in, but mostly staying quiet, listening.

– – – – –

Mary called me one Monday evening after having talked to a heart-broken Sarah. She told me to meet her and the others at our regular bar the day after. We needed to talk to and comfort Sarah, because the guy she’d been dating had turned out to be a lying, cheating SOB – Mary’s words, not mine.

It took some rescheduling for me to be able to join ‘the girls’ that day and time, and my head was still filled with numbers and my last angry discussion with a lazy co-worker, trying to take credit for the work of others, when I walked into the bar.

They were all sitting there, at our usual table, Sarah looking absolutely devastated. I hurried over to the bar, got myself a glass of wine and then joined them. Poor Sarah, she looked so sad. The fact that I didn’t show any emotions did not make me less able to feel them or to feel for other people’s pain. I awkwardly pressed Sarah’s shoulder and then sat down, mask intact, ready to hear her story.

The stories my friends told me usually made me feel like I was somewhat missing out on life, but what Sarah told us that evening made me feel two things, bitterly aware that my protective shell was absolutely necessary and sad, because I couldn’t be a better, more comforting friend when Sarah really needed one. I could tell that both Mary and Rose were able to give her some of that well-needed comfort, but still at that moment, I didn’t feel like a very good friend.

I’m embarrassed to say that the picture that Sarah painted with her quick words about the three-men-one-woman session she’d seen sent an excited throb through my genitals. ‘Thank you, over-active mind and sex-starved body, for that very fitting reaction’ I thought to myself, glad that my inner turmoil was in no way showing on the outside.

– – – – –

Days passed by, with long workdays and lots of money-making activities. I didn’t have or give myself time to stop and think about the feelings that Sarah’s sadness had stirred in me, but that Saturday – the day in the week I forced myself not to work – all thoughts came crashing down on me.

My outer shell – my cold personality – that worked so well in my professional life and to protect me from potentially hurtful relationships, was hindering and could possibly destroy my friendship with the only three people I could actually call my friends. I didn’t like the idea of, perhaps not long from now, being completely alone and having no one. Well actually, perhaps not being completely alone, my mother was still alive after all, but it would be difficult to call our relationship ‘friendly’.

As always, thoughts of my mother made me depressed and had me absolutely dying for some ice cream – those sentiments usually went hand-in-hand after all. Keeping a strict, non-sugar diet on weekdays along with a steady, once-a-day workout schedule helped balance the intake of ice-cream on the weekends, an intake that I’d noticed had increased lately. Of course I took that as another sign that everything wasn’t right in my world, I did after all analyze patterns and make decisions based on structured conclusions for a living, didn’t I?

My increasingly depressed thoughts were interrupted by my phone signaling that Mary was calling. And yes, they all had their own separate ring tones, music chosen based on the feelings they brought me, in Mary’s case an extremely wel
l-written and complex piece with a lot of laughter in it. The music made me smile as I picked up and answered ‘Hello Mary’.

‘Hello there Sarah’ she answered right back ‘I just thought I’d call and see how you were.’

Already shaken by the thoughts that were running through my head, her well-timed call and her question made me feel naked and vulnerable, it also made me answer quite truthfully that actually I wasn’t feeling very well.

‘I could tell there was something wrong when met on Monday’ Mary told me with a serious voice. ‘What can I do to help?’

Everything that I had on my mind sort of poured out of me in long, confused sentences. Mary kept quiet or said short things like ‘Continue’ or ‘Go on’ and when I was done talking she was quiet for a short while and then started talking.

‘Being always in control is the easiest way of keeping yourself safe, but it could also be one of the most harmful ways.’ she said, voice still serious ‘Constantly masking your true feelings could eventually make you unable to feel anything, and that is a sorry way to live your life.’

After a long breath she continued ‘Based on what you’ve told me, it seems like you’ve still got plenty of feelings left and that’s a good thing. The hard part for you will be to start letting your feelings out through the mask. There are several ways to go about it though, and you’ll have to find some way that works for you.’

She was silent for a short while and then she said with a slightly shaky voice ‘I used a visualization technique where I imagined my mask getting thinner and then making it look like a sieve, lots of tiny holes in it.’

I was surprised, both at the wisdom of her words, and her last confession on having had to deal with something similar to what I was going through. I didn’t know what to say except thank you and after Mary telling me that I could call her anytime, we said goodbye. I put the phone away and sat down in my sofa, my head even more full of thoughts, trying to sort everything out and to put things in neat, organized stacks of information.

I had a mask because I was afraid of getting hurt. I wanted to be able to let certain people in, but not everyone. How would I be able to do that?

In the end, when thinking about it had only given me a slight head ache, I gave up and went straight to the kitchen for my favorite brand of ice cream, cold and deliciously gooey with chocolates and cherries, everything a girl needed for some artificial happiness.

– – – – –

Meeting up at the bar again one Thursday evening some weeks later I had consciously decided to try to take my mask off and to let my friends meet the real me, but it seemed it wasn’t as easily done as I had thought.

As Mary told us about her week, about the poor kid and his dad, I felt all of these feelings but I just couldn’t communicate them, they were all stuck inside. I could tell that Mary kept her eyes on me, a slight worried frown popping up very shortly before she started cracking jokes and making smart comments about Sarah’s situation.

The thought hit me again – about me being just like a child – feeling insecure, being afraid of getting hurt. Perhaps what I needed was someone that could make me feel safe? I shook that silly thought off quickly, a self-reliant woman didn’t need anyone but herself.

– – – – –

The agitation I had been feeling continued and even when I was walking around in my beautiful home I wasn’t feeling as calm and satisfied as I used to. To get out of my funk, I decided to make some alterations in my living room and the master bedroom. Mary had recently had something fixed by a local firm and she’d given them high recommendations, so I googled their contact information and made a call.

An unusually deep male voice answered and as I described what I wanted to do he asked knowledgeable questions and made some very nice suggestions making me feel comfortable in the knowledge that my precious home would be taken care of by a professional. We decided to meet at my apartment later that week so I could show him in detail what I wanted.

– – – – –

At the designated time, I walked up to my home, looked outside of the building but couldn’t see any obvious builder/handyman-dressed person standing around so I walked in and pressed the elevator button.

‘Ms. Carlton?’ a dark, strong voice asked.

I turned around and saw a nicely dressed man approaching me.

‘I’m Ben, from Sanderson & Sons.’

I shook his hand and answered ‘Very nice to meet you’ and then added ‘Call me Susan!’

The elevators in my building aren’t small, but Ben – who wasn’t either extremely wide or very much taller than I am – seemed to fill the space with his presence to the point that I almost couldn’t breathe. Or maybe I just had to stop breathing to prevent myself from sniffing the air, his clean, natural man-smell spreading heat waves through my body like a wildfire. ‘Oh no’ I thought to myself ‘not now, not this man’. I could not possibly be attracted to this man, a man that would have access to my home, my safe haven.

How I got through the discussion with Ben about my need for extra storage space and changes in the color schemes in both bedroom and living room, I don’t know. No man had ever put his foot inside my apartment, and having an attractive man walk around my two most important rooms made me feel uncomfortable and jumpy, with the added complication that all of my senses told me I wanted him.

He looked at the rooms, measured walls and windows, made notes about what needed to be done and took his time going through everything in detail. I kept my distance by standing in the doorway, answering his questions and telling him what I wanted.

I didn’t tell him all of the things I wanted of course, because frankly, I didn’t think he’d like my tacky suggestions about sexual favors. And ‘handy man helps woman and ends up in bed’ is such a porn film cliché. That last thought almost made me laugh out loud and when he finally left I was completely exhausted, having spent half an hour jumping between almost every emotion known to mankind.

After a quick dinner – a salad that neither had taste, nor calories – I decided to take a bath to try to calm down before going to sleep. There’s something about just lying in warm water, letting thoughts come and go without consciously sorting them through, that has always had a very meditative effect on me. Since warm water was the only type of calming medication I ever used, the first thing I did after moving in was to buy a very nice, spacious bathtub, where I could easily fit my entire body.

I was lying in the bathtub letting thoughts pop up and fly away like tiny soap bubbles, just breathing, feeling and being in the moment, when I suddenly realized that most of the thoughts that were spinning in my head were surprisingly exact memory images of Ben stretching, bending, turning around, standing still and walking. I had barely seen what he was doing when he was there, having been stuck in anxious thoughts about someone invading my home, but it seemed that some part of me had been interested enough to store a lot of detailed information.

Needless to say, the calm I was trying to reach was hard to come by that evening and after going to bed I tossed and turned for a long time before breaking out one of my favorite vibrators. The choice of being alone doesn’t just automatically make a woman’s natural urges go away and life had taught me that a self-reliant girl is a happy girl.

Some of the things I had collected through the years were not only very beautiful, but also highly useful, especially when it came to giving pleasure. The fact is that I probably owned the most expensive collection of sex toys in our little corner of the world. Some of the dildos and vibrators were just beautiful to look at, but not very practical to actually use, but still just looking at them also gave a guilty sort of p
leasure. Most of the changes I wanted in my bedroom were actually because I was running out of storage space for my secret collection.

The thought of Ben’s hands building and touching the shelves where I would keep my beautiful pleasure treasure was enough for me to climax, clamping my lips shut to prevent myself from screaming aloud.

* * * * *

The woman I had spoken to over the phone had had one of the most sensual voices I’d ever heard, a smooth, low voice where you could easily imagine a lush, golden-haired sex goddess, dressed in thin clothes that showed more than they hid, almost certainly lying back on a comfortable bed of jewel-colored pillows, slowly describing what she wanted me to do, whilst pleasuring herself but somehow keeping her orgasm back until I was able to come there and…

I had to pull myself roughly back from that wonderful fantasy to at least try to keep a professional conversation going. Thankfully aided by the fact that I’d had the same type of discussion hundreds of times before, I managed to ask the right questions and even, surprising myself, made some suggestions that she seemed to find interesting. The call ended after we decided when to meet at her apartment and I stood up with annoyed puff, pulling restless fingers through my hair.

Obviously there was such a thing as going without sex for too long and if this was going to start happening every time I talked on the phone with a woman, then I’d better find a way to fix the problem. But it was not that easily fixed after all, was it? I wasn’t into casual sex, I would never go to a prostitute and it seemed that dealing with the problem all by my lonesome wasn’t quite cutting it anymore. That just meant I had to start dating again, didn’t it? Or sign up for a dance class, cooking class or some other standard way of meeting ‘your true love’. I had been with enough wicked witches from both east and west to know that I didn’t find any of those ideas particularly interesting.

Sometimes I wished I was a little bit more like my brother, who wasn’t very picky, never kept the same girlfriend for very long and seemed entirely happy about the way his life was going. But then again, I suspect he did have quite an active sex life, at least compared to mine.

I sat down, grumbling to myself about uneven distribution of female assets, and finished writing notes on our new building project, be it with golden sex-goddess or not.

– – – – –

The woman that walked up to the apartment building where I was waiting was not a golden sex-goddess, but rather more like a silver fairy creature, thin and almost brittle. As she walked with fast footsteps towards the door and into the building I realized both by the way she was walking and by the way she was dressed that my first impression of her might have been wrong. She didn’t seem fragile, but strong, decisive and perhaps a bit cold.

I hurried into the building as she was heading for the elevators and stopped her with a quick ‘Ms. Carlton?’ and when she turned around that strange effect of seeing something delicate being quickly replaced by an impenetrable aura of strength hit me again. This woman was a complex combination of personality traits sending very mixed signals. As I joined her in the elevator two more thoughts hit me, the fact that I wasn’t choked by the cloud of strong perfume that usually accompanied basically all women and the fact that she was in all essentials the living, breathing dream woman of my brother’s, cold, businesslike, unsmiling, strictly dressed, hair in a tight knot at the back of her head, absolutely perfect. I made a quick decision to keep my brother away from this project, after all – he had enough female attention as it was.

Studying her discretely I could tell that she – Susan – was a slim, tall woman with a narrow waist, small breasts and lovely long legs. I spent some time thinking about long legs wrapped around different parts of my body and when we stopped at the right floor I took some time to adjust myself as she walked towards her door. Ok, so the problem was getting critical if I couldn’t go in an elevator with a woman that wasn’t even my type.

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In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

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prison humiliation is the worst

I can’t remember what I was arrested for. I can’t remember my trial. All I know is that I’m not to be released from prison anytime soon. And until I am I’m at the mercy of the warden and the prison guards. I was in the prison shower, stark naked and showering with thirteen other naked girls. I was somewhat surprised to find that all of the other women in the shower were extremely attractive. They were slender and young and somewhat athletic looking, with abdominal muscles visible underneath...

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White Pussy Boy 3 Gay

When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup truck parked in front with a long, low chest of drawers sitting next to a large mirror in the back. I walked up to Jay's place and knocked on the door. He answered, shirtless. I felt my body reacting on its own, my cock starting to stiffen in my jeans."Hey, whiteboy. Let's...

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Lucky David 1

My story starts when I was 15 I lived with my mother and 17 year old sister Sarah our father had left many years before. Maybe because I was a slight build and had quite delicate features I was always in trouble over something and my mother was getting very stressed with me. My sister was always on at me to be nice but I just ignored her The final straw was getting caught causing some damage to a neighbours garden. Mrs Henderson was quick to complain to mum and called the police who...

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Milf 2 Boys

Tim and Jeff had hated Billy for the longest time. Ever since grade school they looked down on him with nothing but scorn and envy. They were both bitter, hormonal teenagers, 18 and angry at the world. Since he was little, Billy had led a carefree, happy life.Billy's mother, Amy Robertson, was an attractive woman in her mid 30s, who loved her son very dearly and walked him to school every morning. It was this kind of smothering which led Billy to have quite a sheltered and wimpy personality,...

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A Sexy House Geust

This is a true story that happened to me back in the late 80’s. A friend of the my folks, stayed with us for the weekend. She was in her early 20's and attractive, she would wear sexy outfits. She stayed in the guest room, and would go out to local bars at night. Saturday evening, she got ready to go out again. I took noticed of what she wore and was excited by it. It was a different variation from the night before. A silk blouse, a stonewashed denim miniskirt, 4” black open toe D'orsay...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 1

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters. This is chapter 1.When I deflowered Jayne she was the oldest virgin I have ever fucked. When I took her virginity she was 85 years old.As mentioned in the previous story about Emily and I, Jayne is an 85 year old virgin with a slim build, good size tits, and wears mumu dresses all the time with nothing under them. She was sheltered and repressed from having sex...

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An unsent letter

--I've been married for seven years. And he's my seven-year itch. I wrote this because I couldn't stand just thinking anymore. I haven't touched him. Maybe I never will. But...well, you'll see.--I want you.God, I want you.I want you beside me. I want you *inside* me. I want you to feel my inner muscles clench around you. I want you to fill me, fill me deep. God, I want you inside me.I want to kiss you, want your lips on mine. I want to kiss your neck and taste your sweat. I want to press...

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A Walk in The Woods

I looked at my watch as I drove into the shopping mall’s rear parking lot, found an empty spot, pulled in, and let the engine idle. I looked at my watch. I was right on time. In a minute or two, my cellphone rang.“I’m here. I’m getting out of the car now.”“Right, I’ll be at the rear entrance to Sears when you come out.”We had this down to a science. Sandy was parked at the other end of the mall. I knew exactly how long it would take her to walk through the mall and out the back entrance of...

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WebYoung Aidra Fox Lilly Ford Trophy Hunter Part Two

The girls finish up and Aidra adds another memory: Jones’ panties. She puts them in her special box of memorabilia. What the girls don’t know is that someone has been watching them the whole time. Lily Ford is a little jealous; why can’t she get girls as hot as that? She greets Aidra, who’s still ecstatic over the pussy she has just eaten and wonders if they can talk. Lily asks how she manages to get girls that hot. She points to her box and explains that those are her...

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Tiny Coercive Part II

Tiny Coercive : Part II, By Reavan. master's Bedroom. Sandra lit a lamp turning the wick to a soft glow and then lit two candles on the opposite wall, leaving the drapes closed before waking her master and madam. "How can I pleasure my master this morning?" She curtsied deeply smiling seductively and then presented her body, swaying her hips, flaunting her curvaceous full figure in the soft flickering lights. Opening his eyes, blinking and stretching, taking in his servant's luscious flesh; he...

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The Surprise Weekend Away

“Daddy are you ready for the weekend?” she asked smiling up at me.It was Friday night I just got home from work to hear that my loving wife had booked a long weekend away at a country resort for my daughter and myself. It sounded like a relaxing weekend of spas and drinks, maybe the odd game of tennis; to get away from the city would be fabulous.“Of course, honey, your mother has put things in a bag for me, so I think we're ready,” I replied.A big smile appeared on Amy's face. “Can we get...

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My Male CumSlut

Amanda just woke up from one of the kinkiest dreams she’d ever had. She sighed and said, “Wow, what a dream, it either means I need to go shopping for a hot pink bra, matching panty, garter belt, hose and heels. On the other hand, Skip, my new friend (who is a cross dresser) needs to buy one for our hot intimate cam-chats. Better yet, buy us both a matching set. When she first met him online, she said to herself, “Oh shit, not another guy who loves to wear woman’s clothing. He is probably an...

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You belong to me

I still remember the day when she walked into the kitchen in a bikini. It was white g-string bikini. It looked completely sexy on her. I was 14 when it happened and honestly i loved it. There were instances over the next few years where I would catch myself looking. Sarah continued to grow up. Her legs became long and slender, but muscular and powerful at the same time. Her breasts were bigger and I could see her nipples through her shirts when she didnt wear a bra around the house. The summer...

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Mistress Dyvias Email of Horror

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. This story is written for one of my favorite critics,...

3 years ago
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Katrina Part One

The most amazing part, in my mind, might be that we made it home alive--although the sex comes in close second. After a night of hardcore whiskey abuse, Katrina and I had somehow navigated my 2001 Chevy Trailblazer through thirty-three miles of pouring rain up the dirt-road to her house. Parked thirty feet from the door, we sat in silence, considering the storm.“Not worth it,” I muttered, nestling into the upholstery. She shook me a bit harder than necessary. “Come on, my bed’s too cold for...

Love Stories
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Lesbian night pt 10

She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete mirage. Itbecame clear that Jake never could commit to a single woman, he craved for more and more. Maggie had caught him with their house maid in the shower. she stormed out of their Manhattan penthouse and was now roaming the streets desperately in search of a place to stay. She had very less money saved up and barely had any friends in the city. So there she...

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The Chamber II Power Shift

First off, I would like to thank everyone for the kind words on my first story. I would never have dreamed that so many would like it. This story is somewhat of my thank you to all of you. The first story was a brain child of mine that I have worked on and refined for a few weeks. This one is much more raw, created over the course of the two days following the submission of the first. I will continue to edit and polish it for the foreseeable future, but I wanted to go ahead and get...

4 years ago
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Blue balls

One evening I was pottering around in my garage, thinking of sanding an old wooden door knob, but not actually doing it. My mind was elsewhere, and every few moments I looked out through the open door across into my neighbor’s yard, hoping she might be heading towards her pool for a late dip, which she sometimes did.I’m talking about Suzanne. She was about 35, recently divorced with shared custody of a young girl. For four days every week she was a good mother, took the child to school, dressed...

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To MoltChapter 5

The morning after Paula had called with the terrible news, I was hung over, sleep deprived and deeply depressed. The flight to Seattle and then to Eugene had to be the worst I ever experienced. Sandy stayed up with me the night before sharing drinks, listening to Vy's and other punk rock music and listening to my reminiscences until she passed out. At the time between steady girlfriends, even if I had one, it would have been Sandy I would choose to comfort me or share the burden of my pain....

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The Little Purple Dress

It must have been about 3:30 in the afternoon. We had both been busy all day. We had lunch together, but we went with other people from the office so we weren’t able to do anything affectionate. You came to the door of my office and started to speak to me when one of the men in the hallway decided it was the proper time to chat you up. As he continued to attempt to hold you in conversation you eventually leaned back against my doorway as you mostly listened to him. While I wasn’t overly...

Straight Sex
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Numerous DelightsChapter 9 Dinner

The moment the Embassy car dropped Derek at the main entrance to the Golden Palace, no side doors for this visit, he was escorted by an obsequious guard through the Throne Room and to a door behind the dais. From there a eunuch escorted him along a corridor into a large, well-appointed dining room whose walls were decorated with beautiful fine mosaics depicting scenes of sexual excess. The Emir rose from the table and said, "Good. I'm glad you could come. There is something I want to talk...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty YAVARA I blasted through the roof the chieftain’s hut. I didn’t stop for their exclamations, nor to see their faces of wonder before I scorched through the sky. Prestira’s dying thoughts were echoing in my mind. They took her, she said, they took Elena! Stay with me! It’s too late. It’s all my fault; I did this. No! I thought, This was Leveria, not you! I killed Patricia, Prestira’s telepathic voice sobbed, I burned her alive. She screamed ‘why’ the whole...

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An open familywith few restrictions2

The author holds exclusive rights to this work. PART ONE Hi I’m Kara, I’m 18 years and four months old, and I live with my Mom and Dad. As 18-year-olds go, I’m happy enough, I’m cute, I mean, If I don’t say it, who will? I weigh about 92 pounds, and I’m a senior at Sacred Heart Academy. I play soccer, eat and study, in that order. We live some ten miles from town, so I usually ride the school bus to school. I like it out here in the country, lots of trees. No, we don’t live on...

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She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Ruffling the short, soft spikes at the back. She was waiting for him but knew he’d come from nowhere and when she least expected it. She fiddled gingerly with her lip piercing and adjusted her sweater. She was nervous and she knew it. It had been so long since she had seen him but they had been texting constantly for the last few months and it was comfortable. She glanced around the museum again and then returned to gazing blindly, dead ahead. ...

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Retirement Community Life

I’m an active 75-year-old retired electrical engineer and now widower since my wife of 55 years died from cancer two years ago. For the first six months, I moped about the house and just mourned the loss of my partner in life. The next six months was devoted to our children and traveling to see them and our grandchildren. Then it was back to moping about the house with nothing to do but my old car hobby. I had lovingly restored a hot rod from my youth; a 1962 Chevy Impala two-door hardtop. It...

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Lexis Moms Party

"Why don't you join us, Ella?" said Lexi with a syrupy sigh. She lifted her foot and flexed her toes outwards, spreading apart the thin nylon of her suntan pantyhose. With a distracted eye, I noticed that her toenails were painted a shade of deep crimson that perfectly matched the shimmering gloss of her full lips. Beside her, Karen slid her hand along Lexi's thigh and nuzzled into her neck, causing Lexi to lean her head back and moan quietly."I'm sorry... I mean, I'm not a..." I paused, unsure...

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we needed the money so Sue went out and got paid for sex pt 1

Many years ago, things were very tight, we had to sell things to make ends meet and the kids needed clothes and shoes etc, but money wasn’t coming in, my husband was working but his new job didn’t pay much, We had met a couple Ginger and her husband, for swinging, and later found out she did part time prostitute work some evenings for business guys, at first I didn’t say any thing, as we got on well and met them a few times, then one day she rang me asking if I was busy that night , I...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 19 Civil Engineering February

15 Months, 462 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance It's rather too early in the morning when my mobile chimes to say I have a text. I grunt and turn over in bed. Who is texting me at... 6.30am? I grope for the handset and try to focus on the screen. I open the text. It says, "Joseph. Can you do lunch on Friday? I suggest The Cranford Wine Bar in Warwick about 12.00? Regards, Andrew Edwards." Andrew Edwards? Just who exactly is Andrew Edwards? I don't know any Andrew Edwards, do I? Then...

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Young and beautiful Chap 2

Shopping at my supermarket is always a lot of fun when you're young and pretty...and enjoy dressing kinda sexy! I have a very nice wardrobe of enticing clothes...many sheer, skimpy, scoop-necked...and I really love to put them on every morning, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and usually fingering my pussy!My lingerie is pretty, too! Mostly white lace, half-bras and thong panties..allowing a good amount of bare flesh to be seen by any onlookers. Especially when I bent over to pick...

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TeenagersChapter 2 Grandpas Advice

God was still scowling when Michael ushered a stoop shouldered, little old man into His office. An unruly shock of white hair rimmed a ruddy scalp with age spots. The old man's looks didn't match his spry step and bright eyes. "You may sit there, Sir" Michael instructed courteously. God's eyes widened when the old man said, "Thank you, Sonny. If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know." "I think..." and at the man's raised finger, choked as if swallowing what...

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Sam and AmyChapter 18

Sam reached up above her head in the driver's seat to the console there and pressed the button next to the intercom speaker. "Amy, we are here," she said. In a few moments Amy's voice returned from the speaker, "Be right there Sam. A few minutes later Amy slid into the passenger seat beside Sam. Before they had left home, Sam and Amy had planned out their route and the places they would go. Sam had printed them out from her computer and so they proceeded to the first stop on their...

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