A Curious Woman (1) free porn video

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They met one day through the high chain-link fence of the space port gate. The landing pad area was an old NASA concrete expanse. Behind her was the dusty desert of West Texas. The high-speed rail car that had brought her to the backside of the most active freighter port in the solar system had already left. The man had seen many visitors come and go over the twelve years he’d operated his tramp freighter, in the almost forgotten dark corner of the remote space port. “Seen three aliens,” he told the young woman, swatting at a swarm of gnats bothering his face. The annoying persistence of the creatures wasn’t much different than his visitor. He was only fifty, but his leathered skin made him seem older. His thinning hair reinforced that perception to most. The woman was attractive, shapely, in her mid-thirties. As a reporter, she had tried to visit him often in the last two months. He finally gave in when she changed networks.

“I’m Rick,” the man said. “Captain, if you prefer.”

“Captain, really three aliens?” the woman asked him, shifting her eyes away. “That’s more than most have seen.”

Rick laughed and looked at her through the fence. His balding head gleamed of sweat in the hot environment. He suspected his half -bitten ear had soured her stomach. “I had that loading machine accident when I saw my first female alien,” Rick thought, as she looked back at him.

A blue blazer covered her sheer blouse. Her breasts were clearly visible when the gusting wind opened her jacket. Rick noticed her eyes danced when he was caught peeking at her hard nips. He was glad he had agreed to meet her in person. Rick decided, she looked even better than on her new network show. Her attire was so much more alluring than when she worked on Space Station Cooking with Celebrities, with a trendy but conservative audience. However, it was her family link to the last director of NASA that influenced his judgment, at least that is what he claimed. He had a soft spot for families of the recently defunct organization that had lasted two hundred years; also, he enjoyed watching her investigative reports on the naked news channel.

Curious about what he’d read on one of those paparazzi, image-covered, magazines, he asked, “How are you and your husband liking West Texas?” But he already knew that the man had run off with a young model. In the past few weeks, he had read a couple of articles about the drama. He considered her a minor celebrity, because of the switch over from the cooking show to a mainstream news organization. Her natural looks and non-augmented body was the new fashion and the source of rating increases. Middle America was tired of all the fake body types.

“Vince and I are divorced,” the reporter said, crossing her arms and adding scornful eyes. He was sure the sagebrush against the fence would burst into flames if she were any closer to it.

“No offense intended. I remember him from one of your cooking shows. You know, ‘World’s Worst Husband Grillers?’”

She laughed. “That was my highest rated episode.”

“Maybe he’ll audition for ‘World’s Worst Husband?’” He offered to mollify her, placing his hand over his heart, and flaring his fingers out like an explosion.

“Perhaps. You’ve sidetracked me,” the reporter announced. “I’m here about your life, not mine.”

“I know,” Rick said with resignation, rolling his eyes. He knew not to make a big deal about his faux apology. Women didn’t like that. “But I’m not talking about my divorce either.”

He must have said the right thing because she gave him a warm smile.

“Sure thing, we’ll not mention your old marital status in the background material,” she offered.

Her sincerity was real, but Rick felt behind her beautiful smile that something crude lurked. In the silence of the moment, Rick saw the woman’s gaze take in his complete body. His fat belly and aged imperfections weren’t the body of her former ex. He knew she was assessing his physical condition as much as he had reviewed her. He coughed and cleared his throat, as if trying to take control of the situation again.

“We’ve both had our hearts broken,” he announced, his Midwestern accent coming through strong. His posture slumping. “And, we’ve both moved on. We should share a drink in my cabin. Our walls will be adjoining, so it will be a short walk.”

“Is the alien aboard?” the woman asked, ignoring his invitation. She looked superior. She looked aloof.

“You’ll see soon enough. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a Visitor. It’s a Space Service privacy regulation,” Rick answered. “But I’m sure you know that. The SS considers it a security issue and I could lose my license if they’re monitoring us.” His head lifted to the frosted globe on the gate pole. “As you know, they are pretty tight-lipped about the aliens, even after five years. I’m not senile enough to believe this is your first rodeo. I suspect you have some backchannel source. Your sweet smiles and reporter ways have someone feeding your eagerness and persistence to take a ride to the moon. Why else ride my old tramp freighter? This Saturday night launch is nothing special.” The reporter smirked back at him.

Rick opened the secured gate, using his hand on the bio scanner. Putting out his hand, he said, “Nice to meet you, Carrie.”

She reached out and shook his hand. “There isn’t a special handshake I should know about, if we meet a Visitor?”

He laughed and closed the gate. Carrie had passed the last hurdle to boarding his commercial ship. She had already passed through the three layered rings of high-security and the gates controlled by the military. This landing pad was his, one of the few privately licensed launched pads left in the independent country of Texas. He marked the thrill of finally touching her, the feel of soft skin. He wanted to touch her much more, and he had the only access to what she desperately wanted—a Visitor.

“After you,” he insisted.

Rick watched her small rounded backside as she entered his self-driving service cart. “Nice ass,” he thought to himself. She was looking at his freighter. “Things look much more impressive when you get closer to them,” he commented.

“The skin of that thing, so radiates the sun,” she answered.

“Skin is hot to the touch too,” he answered with a laugh, thinking of her.

She nodded, understanding not to touch the hot spaceship under such a harsh sunlight. She already had a dry mouth from the intense sun that made it uncomfortable to breathe. Over the last century, West Texas had become one of the hottest deserts in the southwest. The lack of rain water and dried up rivers had depopulated the region. The domed city of El Paso contained most of the remaining residents in the area.

The service cart drove up the spaceship’s loading ramp, and once Rick and Carrie exited it zipped away. Two cargo men were operating loader machines, containers labeled “Oxygen” were everywhere in the half-filled cargo bay. The silhouette of another man in an office was the only other person that Carrie could see. Rick hustled her to her simple cabin, which was well away from the busy cargo bay. He locked her in, explaining once the ship lifted off, she would have the freedom to roam. She knew the terms of their agreement and didn’t protest, turning on a music player.

As owner and captain of the tramp freighter he had made sure she was assigned to the room next to his. Through the vent in the wall Rick could hear almost everything that went on in her cabin. He decided to sit on his bunk and listen carefully for a while. It was fortunate the cargo boss handled the loading and Rick had no duties to attend to for an hour. He daydreamed about Carrie, visualizing her stripping for her news segment. Her slim hips and athletic muscles always excited him. Unfortunately, not twenty minutes later the cargo boss informed him the foodstuffs intended for the moon base were stolen in El Paso. The food bandits had blown a hole in the border wall and driven three truckloads of the specialized foods into Mexico. “Thank God the cargo isn’t my responsibility until it’s on my ship,” he thought.

That night, Rick ate dinner in his cabin, listening to the sounds the woman made alone in her cabin. Carrie had already eaten her dinner. Her music station was tuned to old dance music. “A rather nostalgic choice,” he thought, sipping his soup. The fresh vegetables in it were a rare treat, carrots and peas were his favorite. Living on the ship even when grounded, he rarely went to town for fresh food. He would normally enjoy a whiskey with his meal when in the space port; however, when an alien was on board the SS forbid delivery of alcohol. There was always a work around, even on a military base. In this case, he stocked beer for Visitors in their cabins; the SS didn’t need to know he drank it. The authorities regulated his life even more because of his private dealings with the Visitors. He was sure the SS were jealous, regular citizens didn’t see, let alone work with the aliens. In addition, they would interact with only a handful of men in the government.

Carrie often sang the vocals of the songs she played. Rick didn’t particularly like the sad songs, which she sang the most. He imagined her sitting on the tight fitting bunk with her blazer off, shaking her body to the faster songs. As time passed towards the night launch, she called someone, breaking the SS’s no contact rule while on the base. Rick didn’t care. She was rather foul mouthed during the conversation, violently slamming the adjoining wall. Carrie’s personal tirade actually endeared her more to Rick. “There is a real person inside that skin,” he thought.

“You are not to wear my shoes!” “What?” “Babe, listen to me. You are not just my ‘rebound’ partner.” “You say that because I’m on assignment.” “I love you honey.” He didn’t like the sound of that. Moreover, no one had called him endearingly for a long time.

Once in space, Rick flipped the autopilot on. He let the navigation equipment deal with the micro changes required to keep the tramp on course to the moon base. The Visitor sat behind him in the communication’s pod, where he listen to the military chatter on the channel. The boredom on his chiseled features didn’t surprise Rick. He looked like anyone else, surprisingly human; and, he was equally bored when in the low-tech bridge. Earth’s space flight capabilities were primitive in comparison to the Visitor’s science, exploration vessel.

“Darp, tell me again, why you let a female on our ship?” Rick asked, after popping a piece of gum in his mouth.

“It’s a controlled environment with no oversight by SS.” Darp smiled, his perfect teeth shined brightly. If ever allowed, his handsome image on a romance novel cover would sell millions.

“Tell me what is really bothering you? Once we lifted off all governmental control fell away. That was part of the deal with your planet.”

“Don’t think for one minute the bureaucrats in SS won’t blame me for taking a female reporter to the moon, especially with you aboard,” Rick snapped.

“You blue-planet people are so emotional.”

“Did you ever see the Star Trek episode where Dr. McCoy...” Darp waved his hand and cut off Rick.

“We are not closet Vulcans,” the alien said. “We’ve been over this before. Only some of us have pointed ears. As a social scientist, I have had to watch all of your science fiction telecasts. You’re obsession with the latest version of that ancient entertainment telecast is showing.”

“They got it right. All the Visitors I’ve transported have the same level of emotions as a Vulcan. Just be glad no one calls you one,” Rick said, laughing.

“Rick, you speak plainly and don’t hide your thoughts and intentions from us. That is, your charm,” Darp answered, slightly tilting his head. “Thus, I will continue to study humans on your ship. If I do it on Earth or your space station, it won’t be a controlled environment. Your government would find a way to interfere, affecting the results.”

“I’m the one that told you they couldn’t be trusted,” Rick added.

“That too was true. You’ve been a true friend to us,” Darp responded. “It has been an interesting experience to observe you. Your behavior with this reporter has been particularly enlightening.”

“I haven’t hidden my interest in her,” he said defensively.

“You know I don’t care about your sexual activities. I refer to how you lie to her,” Darp explained.

“Humans lie to each other. I’ve never hid that from you,” Rick answered, even more defensively.

“Yes, this will be an excellent couple of days,” Darp pronounced. “I will return to my monitoring station, and then you can unlock her door.”

Rick didn’t mind guiding her around on the official tour. He laughed to himself when she protested not seeing any aliens. Once, he was back to his duties, Carrie announced she was going to interrogate the two cargo hands. They were mutes, and he doubted she had an implant to talk to them. “It’s good to be ex-military with sub-vocal implants,” Rick thought.

Sunday morning, Rick’s Visitor parked his butt in the navigator’s chair again. The captain had fried up some eggs, bacon and toast, poured coffee and served it to the alien. Rick had spent the last hour listening to Carrie pester him about meeting the alien. She hadn’t taken his smirks well, storming back to her cabin. The 100 meter long ship felt smaller and smaller, each time he lied to her. Before making breakfast, he had listened in on her cabin. The occasion cry of offensive words had punctuated her room, many of them directed at him.

“I like the spunk of the reporter,” Rick expressed to Darp once he joined him for breakfast with his own plate of food. Rick was more of a muffin lover, his meal had his eggs and bacon sandwiched within the hot muffin. “She is single,” he went on, “I like having her next door, but don’t you think it’s time to meet her?”

Darp ate his food quietly. His attractive face looked about Carrie’s age. “Truthfully, I intend to after eating.”

There wasn’t much to the meal, so Darp finished up quickly. “I like how she looks,” he commented.

“Is that from her news show or your feed to her cabin?” Rick asked.

“I don’t need any drama from you,” Darp answered comically.

“Why, I think that was an attempt at humor,” Rick boosted.

“I am not sure other social scientists at home will understand my clinical observations on this ship. They are much more serious minded than me,” Darp uttered, over his shoulder before disappearing into the bowels of the ship.

“He cracks me up,” Rick thought. “I’ve seeded a pinch of humor into his consciousness.”

The alien dropped down a deck using a ladder. It was an old ship. The steel grated floors had their navy-gray color rubbed off in foot paths that marked long use. The narrow passageways were unlike his experiences on his science vessel that were three times as wide. Even the overhead lights had a worn look. However, the alien knew the ship’s mechanics were in top form. The captain had been a rich man. Where it was important he spared no expense, engines, environmental systems, and such.

The alien rang the cabin door chime, and then knocked when there was no answer. When the woman answered, Rick was watching from the hallway camera. She wore a simple white-tee shirt, with the words ‘Foxy News: We have nothing to hide.’ Rick remembered her wearing it earlier. Darp handed her his bio-card, something Visitors did with the opposite sex, when meeting a person for the first time. Rick really hadn’t thought to ask why. He had only seen Darp do it with another alien, and at the time he thought it was like a business card. Carrie flapped the card under her nose, and then stopped talking. The alien looked expectant, not moving, keeping Rick glued to the bridge’s monitor. Finally, the woman shrugged and waved the alien inside, closing the door. Rick fumed about Darp getting into her quarters so easily.

After an hour, Rick went back to his ready room, which was attached to the bridge. He worked on electronic paperwork for their arrival at the moon base. Carrie found him there, glumly filling out the disclosure concerning her—a female passenger. There weren’t regulations that applied to his vessel about bringing a woman, but it was understood. Only SS vetted operatives shipped out to the moon base, which happen to be where the Visitors operated from. Indeed, no one had successfully cracked the SS’s control over commercial vessels, dragging them under complete military influence. There was only one tramp freighter allowed to the visit moon base, and only a few high ranking officers knew Visitors used it. In fact, the world’s United Government’s ruling body puts substantial press on West Texas to leave Rick alone. However, the country of West Texas was mighty independent minded. They controlled the Space Service, and the SS had a near monopoly on solar commercial operations. The obvious counterbalance was the UG controlled the military and the Moon Base.

“Hey,” Carrie said. A warm smiled greeted Rick. She tousled her hair nervously. The bright pink glow of flushed cheeks wasn’t lost on Rick.

Rick swung his chair around to face her better. “I’m not the prying type, but I am glad you found your alien. He is a good friend of mine, even though he plays his scientific games with me. Perhaps you’ll become a good friend too.”

“He sat with me in my room,” she answered. “He gives a great interview.”

“Now, now, I am a professional spacer. I’ll respect your privacy,” he said with a sincerity that didn’t measure up to his thoughts.

She stood and touched his hand. “There’s nothing private about quizzing an alien about his life, tastes and preferences.”

He inwardly cringed.

“He wasn’t what I thought at all. He looks totally human,” Carrie said rather dreamily. The doe eyes were hard to miss. “We are going to use the activity center in an hour. You could come with us if you want.”

Carrie totally missed his furrowed eyebrows, lost in her own thoughts.

Rick shook his head. “You don’t need an old captain getting in your way of a hot story.”

“If you want to join us in virtual reality game, I don’t mind,” she continued flatly, while moving to the doorway. “I owe you.”

“Sure,” Rick said. “We’ll meet there. I’ll grab a few beers, and after the game you can ask to see his office. You do drink beer?”

“I was a college girl. What college girl doesn’t?” she answered, backing up into the doorframe.

“See you then,” Rick said. He watched until her butt disappeared.

Rick went back to the bridge and passed the time in the command chair.

Just before ten o’clock, a solar flare swept the ship, battering the old vessel. Looking over his instruments Rick was pleased no system errors blipped on the main board. He went to his cabin and took a quick shower. When Rick stepped out to dry the water off his body, the communication panel chirped. At a touch, the recorded voice of Darp announced, “Tell Carrie I’m stuck in an experiment. I can’t play a VR game right now.”

“She won’t like this,” Rick said to the wall.

He took his time dressing. From the alien’s hidden cabin he grabbed two beers, humming a happy tune all the way to the activity center. There he pulled out two glasses from a cabinet and found the Virtual Reality headsets. He also tuned into the space traffic control system, which was a habit when so far from the bridge. The ship was highly automated and had a top notch thinking machine. Yet, the captain was old school, and he still followed the important communication protocols. A few minutes later, Carrie bounced into the room, in her tee-shirt without a bra, understandably Rick was immediately affected.

“Where is he?” she asked, as a greeting.

“Good to see you again,” Rick answered, holding up two beer bottles.

She moved around in such a way as to peer down all the intersecting hallways. Rick was pleased to smell the freshly showered scent of the woman. He happily noted her pointed nips. In her hand was a personal interface device. “She was probably going to video him playing the VR game,” Rick thought. “It would be a light and airy segment for her show.”

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

2 years ago
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The road to womanness

When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...

3 years ago
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Curious Teen Jessica

Ok got that out of the way so being in a small town i don’t really have a lot of people around my age to interact with apart from the ones i know or the ones that know me but treat me like i don’t exist but the weird thing is i see a lot of older people, I’m talking like people in their 20's older guys and they seem to know how to hold a committed relationship and people always say the older you are the more you know whenever i walked around town i just look at them and think being an adult...

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Curious No More

I began dressing in my sister's clothes. I would get so hard and excited when I felt the soft panties against my cock and the bra wrapped tightly around me. But my dress up time was always short. Now that I live on my own I have my own femme wardrobe and plenty of time to dress and perfect my makeup and appearance. The more I dressed and the longer I stayed dressed, the more I wondered what it would be like to be held closely by a man and feel his warm embrace. Soon I began to wonder what it...

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Curious Sister 4

his is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

2 years ago
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Curious Sister 4

this is the last installment of my curious sister,in curious sister 1,2,3 i told of the time of when i used to walk around naked hoping my sister would see me, which she did and then her friend Christine joining in the fun after a few sessions they asked me to fetch a mate round then they could see other boys dick.s.A few weeks after our last session one Friday our parents said they would be going out Saturday and told my sister to ask her friend Christine to sleep as she was a year older than...

4 years ago
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Curious Sister 3

Please read curious sister 1 and curious sister 2 on my blog to keep up with the latest story update.It was the red hot summer of 1976 when my showing off naked in front of my sister and her friend escalated,it was a Saturday morning when my sister informed me that mum and dad were going out that night and her friend Christine would be sleeping over, I felt a surge of excitement go through my body as I knew they would expect a nude performance from me.Saturday evening came round and our parents...

2 years ago
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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

1 year ago
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It was in the early 80s .It was summer time and school was out. Our parents were off to work as usual and we had the house to ourselves all day. Not much to do other then some house hold chorse etc. Ove the years I had always wondered what it was like to have real sex and also wondered what it was like to be a girl and have a cock fuck me. Oh well, that late morning the curiosity got the best of me. I had snuck into moms room and stole one of her nighties and some of her panties. I snuke them...

4 years ago
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curious no more the story version

I wrote a short blog entry about my first experience with another man. A number of folks asked if I could give more detail and make it a story. This will also be my first story. Be forewarned. I write how I talk. And I am prone to going off on tangents and derailing my own train of thought. It sure is sunny out. What sounds good for lunch today. A little background on the characters that appear the fun event that took place. Myself, late 40’s married over 20 years. Wife is hot and cold on...

1 year ago
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The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, hardcore sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Curious(An audacious look behind the façade of a seemingly proper girl)The most intriguing part of life is in its details. A hidden reality is found in unexpected gestures that only last a split second. A different secret side of a person, discovered within a moment. These unexpected...

2 years ago
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When I married my ex-wife we had both only had sex with one other person in our lives. This was one of the few things we had in common. Our marriage lasted 8 years but before we divorced (we fell out of love and couldn't get along) she had let it slip that although she had sex with only one other guy before me, she had given about 8 other guys blowjobs. I was a little surprised but she treated these incidents as though it were nothing more than goodnight kisses. My ex-wife could give a good...

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Curious Pt3

Here it is the next chapter, Yes I know it's been too fucking long between chapters, yes I know my grammer and punctation suck and yes I know it's too fucking short. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene so bear with me CURIOUS PT3 By Dake9872 My peaceful slumber is disturbed by the most unsettling, realistic dream of my life. In the dream I'm Brooke and I'm in Brooke's room, I look around and wondering what's going on . I look down and realize I'm naked as a newborn....

4 years ago
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© 2002 Today is the day. I am so nervous. This is my first real experience. I just met this guy online and I am going to meet him. Did I mention that I'm so nervous? Breath Nancy it will be ok. I remember talking to him. He asked me so many questions. He always liked my answers. I am so afraid he won't like me, so afraid. I wasn't prepared for this. I was thinking this was going to happen next weekend. All of a sudden the day is here. I have to get to work and I'm waiting for his...

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My Wife the Womanizer

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. My Wife the Womanizer By Couture (c) 2002 Couture email: [email protected] "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive...

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Bicurious no more

I am a 40 year old man, I have a good body and have been bicurious for some time. I frequently fantasise about being with another man when I masturbate.This summer I took myself off to a Greek Island for a short break and a bit of Sun.The first evening at my hotel I felt quite tired so sat in the bar with a beer and just absorbed my environment.  The evening’s entertainment was a karaoke.  Some of my fellow guests at the hotel were good singers and they sang a few songs I quite like.One of the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Curious3160 in Vegas with VerySexy

A erotic chat from the netcurious3160 [06/07/2013 11:53 am]I go to Vegas the first part of every year for some seminars. (That part is true & fact) You've flown out to meet me. We meet in the lobby of the hotel/casino. Off to the elevators & up to my room on the 25th floor. Reaching down and caressing each other as the elevator climbs. In the room, the curtains are pulled back, letting in the warm sun. We stand in front of the window, kissing and caressing. Starting to remove each...

2 years ago
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Bicurious first time true story

Hope you enjoy my true story of my first time, this is the only place I can share this, not something I can chat about with friends down the pub.A bit about me, I have an athletic build, short hair and a nice trimmed 6.5 inch uncut cock and had come out of a long term relationship 8 years ago. At that time I had always considered myself straight and had no attraction to men, the difference now is that while I don't have an attraction to men, I am attracted to a nice cock and open minded enough...

3 years ago
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Bicurious roommates Ch2 An escalation

Luckily my worries were shortly laid to rest, as my colleague cheerfully greeted me like always. Not once, during this day, did he mention anything about last night or act out of the ordinary. He did seem in a slightly better mood than usual, but everything else was perfectly normal. Later that evening, lying on my bed, I was thinking if I should go see what he’s up to. Was he watching porn again? Should I join him again? I had asked him yesterday to show me another hot video today, after...

4 years ago
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Bicurious roommates Ch1 Yeah I told you was a pretty hot video

As part of the ground rules of living together as two guys and with our loved ones far away, we agreed early on that we’d both need our private time to do you-know-what. We agreed that we’d just do it in our own respective bedrooms with the door closed and locked. No questions asked, no judgment. At first it was as we agreed, but as the days went by, my temporary roommate became more relaxed with the whole privacy thing. He’d forget his door slightly open or take “long squeaky showers”. I...

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Bicurious roommates Ch3 Shower Hour

Thinking about it made my morning wood even harder and I couldn't resist stroking it and imagining his cock in my mouth again. This was still just roommates helping each other out in this difficult time, right? I just used my mouth instead of my hands this time. That’s how I tried to justify my lust filled actions this time. Unfortunately I was quickly interrupted by the alarm. I reluctantly stopped touching myself and got up to meet the new day. Like the previous day, my...

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Bicurious roommates Ch4 Submission in the Dark

Thinking I’d sneak off to my own bed, I slowly started to get up. I didn’t want to wake him. I did not get far, however. Sensing movement, he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me close. I wasn’t sure if he was awake or still half-asleep, embracing me out of instinct. He was now spooning me from behind, pushing his substantial manhood between my thighs. I felt its hardness and the heat it radiated. He slowly started moving his hips and rubbing his cock against me. He was hard again. Or...

4 years ago
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Bicurious In College No Longe

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

1 year ago
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Bicurious In College No Longer

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

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Curious Clients 5 Ariel Abused

Ariel's anal abuse was a wonderful warm sexy successful satisfaction. She still badly needs to pee. However, she finds herself back under the control of Professor Peter. Shyly, she remains silent and wonders which price she will have to pay to get his permission? ... Or in her filthy fantasy, which price she secretly would want to pay so dearly?Ariel is a sweet shy student with sexual obsessions, which is why she consults a friend found in the net, Professor Peter at his Experimental Erotics...

3 years ago
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Curious About Sex

Kate had been walking in the park for almost two hours, walking and thinking. She had just turned fourteen and like most freshmen in high school she was tremendously naïve when it came to boys. Also like most teenagers she was curious about sex and she wanted to know was what it was all about. What did it feel like to kiss a boy? Did people really stick their tongues inside each others mouths ... and if so, why? What did a cock feel like? Did girls really suck on boys' cocks and then swallow...

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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 2 THE COTTAGE

It is a dreary damp, late summer day and the coach shudders as wheels crash into pothole after pothole, the degree of depth and danger disguised by the many full to the brim puddles strewn over the road surface, there barely being a yard length of flat road surface in the entire Weald and Downland of this county. Lord Ferdinando Briant, pulls back a drawn curtain to glance out of the unglazed coach window. There is little to see as the mist from the fields reduces visibility to less than a...

1 year ago
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The Saleswoman

Well I have always had a fantasy of a saleswoman coming to my door, wearing high heels, sexy stockings, a tight skirt and low cut blouse. She knocks at the door and I invite here in. I let her start her pitch but soon interrupt her by asking "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" for which I get a smile. I the ask "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" at which she laughs some more. I then say "nice outfit, it would look even better on my bedroom floor". The...

2 years ago
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Door to Door Saleswoman

Door to Door Saleswoman Susanna says: - This story, along with the tale of the Handyman and the Blind date, were three of my earliest stories and were focussed more on gratification and lesson character, but I like them as it shows my journey as a writer. Here is a story that is always just around the corner for many T-girls and TVs, it also takes some courage to make a spur of the moment decision like the one in the story and not all of us have had that courage when...

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Rape Of The Saleswoman

Here's the info I can think of  ?????????????????????????????????? RAPE OF THE SALESWOMAN Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a...

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Being Treys Wingwoman

"Fuck it; you've had your ten minutes," I whined, pushing the shower door open."Mom, come on, I'm in here, can't you wait your turn?" he griped, peeking at me."What, you've seen me naked, both while being on top of me and on the bottom too. You're gonna take all the hot water too," I mentioned, getting in front of him. "So, you're going to share.""Fine, Mom," he moaned.I giggled and let my hair get wet. "Will you wash my hair for me, son?""Sure, Mom."A few seconds later, I...

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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

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The Tales of Megawoman

Five years ago, Joanna DiSanto was a normal business woman on her way home after a busy day at work. As she was walking along, an old woman bumped into her and told her that she would go on to change the world, Joanna just shook her head and kept walking to her studio apartment. Suddenly she became aware of squealing brakes behind her, she moved as fast as she could in her high heels and was able to get out of the way of the tanker before it smashed into her, but she wasn't so lucky with the...

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Linda the hottest sportswoman

This story begins one day of the month of June. I remember that I left work at the hospital and went to the park. There I sat on a bench that was near a small lake. It was a little hot, and I needed to disconnect a bit from the difficult day of work I had had. While breathing fresh air, I looked at the sky and saw the sun fall, -It was beginning to get dark- I feel a very strong cry from a lady. I stop, look back and see a lady on the floor. I approach very fast. When he saw that delicate face,...

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