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Some say that Curiosity killed the cat or in this case could it kill a marriage?
As they sat eating dinner, she noticed that he was staring thoughtfully at her. She waited since she thought he was just gathering his thoughts before speaking. But he didn't speak. He just stared at her for a few more moments then resumed eating; chatting casually as though the moment never occurred. Dawn was puzzled just a bit because she had been so sure that Mike had something on his mind that he wanted to talk about. She knew him well. She should since they had recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.
"Mike, was there something on your mind that you wanted to speak with me about?"
"No ... well ... yes ... maybe ... I don't know, honey, there is something but I'm afraid to try to talk to you about it. I'm pretty sure that you won't like it and that you may get really angry with me." Mike paused and then looked down, not meeting her eyes and beginning to appear more agitated as each moment passed.
"Would you like a drink, maybe that will help you settle down and help you get whatever it is out and we can talk about it, what ever it is." Mike nodded his head "Yes, I think a drink is just the ticket here." "Would you like me to fix you one also?" "No" Dawn said, "I think I'll just have coffee, thanks." They quickly cleared the table and with the economy of years of living together, did the dishes and then taking their drinks went into the living room. Dawn sat on the couch at one end, expecting Mike to sit beside her as he had always done through out their marriage. She was surprised when he took a seat in the chair across from her. That is when she finally realized that he had something important that he was trying to talk her about.
"Mike, please try to relax. You can tell me what is bothering you. I promise to try not to get upset or angry. I want to help you with this if I can." Taking a deep breath, he began to speak. "Dawn, you know that I love you with all my heart and soul and that you are the one woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with but lately I've become very curious about something." She raised an eyebrow and looked at him inquisitively, nodding at him to continue. "I hate to bring up old painful memories and I know that these particular memories seem to be as painful to you as they are to me." Mike paused again for a moment and then said, "It has to do with your affair." Dawn sat up much straighter and glared at Mike. "I really don't want to talk about THAT. It was twenty years ago and I can't believe that you are bringing that up again now after all these years. You're right. It is painful for me and I DON'T want to talk about it." She then stood, her face flushed angrily "I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Then without a good night, a kiss or hug, she quickly left the room and went to the master bedroom, changed into her nightgown and went to bed.
Mike sat in the living room, quietly finishing his drink. He stood and instead of following his wife to bed, fixed another drink and returned to his chair. For over an hour he sat there lost in his thoughts. "We've been married a long time. Longer than most of all our friends and yet even after all this time, some things are just hard to get out there so they can be discussed. This is important to me and I would really like to talk to Dawn about it. I guess I'll just have to wait for a better opportunity." He sat there then reminiscing about how they met and fell madly in love.
Theirs was a quick, hot romance following by marriage less than a year after they met. Dawn was his soul mate and he loved her deeply. She was an intelligent, quick-witted conversationalist. She was funny and loving. She expressed her love for him easily and for all to see. Dawn was also a very attractive woman. She did not have the figure or features of today's models but there was an aura of sensuousness and simmering sexuality about her than enhanced her features and her figure. When she walked into a room of people, the men followed her with heat and lust in their eyes and the women cast furtive jealous looks in her direction. The thing that amazed Mike was that Dawn seemed totally unaware of this affect she cast over any gathering. "Damn, even at 50, she is still one gorgeous creature and I'm glad that she is my wife. Hell to look at her you would never guess that she has given birth to three wonderful children."
Mike and Dawn and just recently entered the "Empty-Nest" part of their lives. Their daughter Rene, and son, Jake were both married and were raising families of their own. They had lost their oldest son, James, several years ago due to illness and even today felt that pain sometimes very keenly. The loss of a child almost always did one of two things to a marriage. It either destroyed it with grief and depression or it brought the couple even closer together and allowed them to share through the strength of their relationship to pass through all the stages of grief. Fortunately for them, they were in the latter and much smaller category.
Many marriage counselors agreed so many times two events in a marriage were responsible for the end of a couple's ability to stay together. The first and most common was adultery and the second was the loss of a child. In both cases there was a death involved. The first was the death of the trust and love of the injured spouse and the pain, they all agreed, was almost equal to the pain experienced from the death of a child. Mike and Dawn are a very rare couple. They had survived both an adulteress affair and the death of their son, James. It had never been easy. It had at times seemed to be more than any human could be asked to suffer and survive.
But they did it and although there were many scars, their love and affection for each other was as strong today as it had ever been in their thirty years of marriage. "Dawn is not just my wife; she is the mother of our children, my lover and my very best friend. I would rather be with her any time or day than hanging out with my buddies at the golf course or the bar." Mike smiled as he did every time he had that familiar thought. It so completely described his love for Dawn.
With a sigh, Mike finished the last of his drink and slowed trudged into the bedroom where his wife appeared to be sleeping. He quietly undressed down to his underwear, got into bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.
"God damn him!" Dawn thought. "Son of a Bitch and shit, I can't believe that after all these years he has brought up my affair with Sean." She was so pissed that she couldn't sleep and when Mike came into the bedroom, she had pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't have to look at him or talk. Dawn hated to talk about those times. Her guilt was sometimes overwhelming and she did her absolute best to keep any thoughts of the affair firmly out of her mind. Mike had really raked her over the coals about the whole thing. He had been in a rage for almost a year and just when she thought that she couldn't take him anymore and was seriously thinking of seeking a divorce, he had begun to change back into the man she had married and loved with all her heart.
The affair had lasted much longer than she had ever thought that it would. For almost two years, she and Sean had taken advantage of the many opportunities and Mike's trust to carry on behind his back. The first few times she had experienced guilt about cheating on her husband but as with most things, she had quickly felt less guilt and more excitement as the months and years passed. Eventually Sean had moved away and the affair had quietly died. Dawn had taken a long look at her marriage and decided to try to pull it back together again.
It was really difficult for her because so many times she caught herself thinking of Sean and what they had meant to each other. Yes it wasn't love she said but often with a small inner smile she would say yes it wasn't love but the sex had been fantastic. Dawn was also puzzled by the lack of affection from Mike. He just didn't make any attempt to hug or kiss her and sex was definitely lacking. When they made love, he just seemed to be fucking by the numbers. There was no real passion. One day she realized that the real problem was that she was trying to tear down a wall between her and Mike that she had spent two years building. No matter what signals she tried to send to him about her love and interest in sex, he just didn't see them because he was so used to being excluded from her affections.
Slowly, oh so slowly, their life together began to improve. Occasionally Mike would look at her and she would see that light of love and lust in his eyes. They started talking more and occasionally he would even hold her hand when they were walking side by side. Then the old shit hit the fan. About six months after he had left, Dawn learned that Sean was getting married. Suddenly her emotions seemed to be taking a roller coaster ride with the entire rapid ascent and descents and the loops of that carnival ride. She could not come to grips with the idea that her Sean had found someone that she couldn't steal him away from. She was so jealous of the woman she had never met that she began to lose control of her emotions.
Then she did something really stupid. After years of hiding her affair, she did the one thing guaranteed to bring it out into the open. She confessed. Not only did she confess but also she tried to convince her husband that it was a one-time occurrence and that it had just happened. She told him that both she and Sean had been so guilty and that is the real reason that he had moved away. Stupid, stupid, stupid! It never dawned on her that Mike would actually talk to Sean about it. He did talk to Sean and that dumb ass had confessed to everything. He told Mike when it had started and then he gave details about how they had snuck around behind his back. How he could have been so dumb, he even told Mike about the things that they had done in bed. Some of those things they had done she had denied to her husband then and still did even to this day. Maybe that was because she and Sean had been lovers and what you might do to please a lover in bed, you might not do for your husband. She did not want her husband to think less of her by doing something like that but on the other hand the more Sean wanted of her the more she loved the sex between them.
To this day she had not realized that Mike might want to enjoy that kind of sex with her. Of course Sean had been monumentally stupid but she had been dumber than even he because she had CONFESSED. Not only confessed but she had even lied in her confession. That had been a real tough pill for Mike to swallow. At first he had thought for a long time that she had fallen in love with Sean and actually intended to leave and take the children with her. That had really hurt him. Then when she told him that she hadn't been in love with Sean and that the reason for her unfaithfulness had been the dirty excitement of having sex with another man that had almost destroyed the last of his love for her. It turned out that Mike had been hurt much more deeply because her affair had been based almost solely on the sex. He felt then and still does today that he had somehow not measured up to what his wife had needed in their relationship. He had also been hurt and angry because Dawn had almost destroyed their marriage, not for love, but for her selfish need for something that she thought he could not give her.
But Sean did not break his engagement and married his fiancé. For a long time, she had thought that they weren't going to make it. It took a lot of patience on her part and Mike was eventually able to forgive her. She was sure that he had never forgotten and she had done nothing since then to make him change his mind. There had been those two brief affairs that Mike had in the first year after his discovery of her deceit. Both had been quick and meaningless to him and he referred to them as "payback" and "revenge". He had felt guilty about them and although he never told her, they had both been very unsatisfying in the sex department. It had been the basic "get on, get in, get off and get out" sex.
Dawn had been hurt but seemed to get past them fairly quickly. She had thought that he might think that this had made them even. Mike had let her know in no uncertain terms that his brief flings didn't make them even close to even. He had felt some guilt though and she was pretty sure that he had never strayed again. Not often, but sometimes she thought fondly of Sean and what they had shared. She had not loved him but there had been a strong affection and of course there had been the hot, exciting sex. Sean was a good lover and his cock was larger than Mike's. Maybe that and the excitement of cheating had been why the affair had lasted so long.
Dawn still could not understand how she had come to be so uncaring about how she had treated Mike. She had denied him love, affection and yes sex. So many times she had come up with excuse after excuse because she simply did not want to have sex with him. Sean was taking care of that for her and she had loved every minute of it. Looking back, she saw how cold and heartlessly she had treated Mike. She didn't believe that she had ever stopped loving him but in looking at her actions at that time it had sure looked like she had. She had told Mike time and again that she always loved him even then but secretly in her mind she wasn't that sure. She loved him now and that was what was important.
Her affair had started in such a simple manner. Melanie had been Sean's girlfriend at the time and as some women do tend to do, she bragged about their lovemaking. She would talk about how big Sean's cock was and how it filled her more than any other man had been able to do. She made many casual comments on how long and thick it was and how Sean could get hard again almost immediately. She crowed about his staying power and the number of orgasms that he gave her. Melanie was a slut and had slept with many men so Dawn was sure that she had sampled plenty of dicks and was an expert on cock size and style of lovers. Dawn had tried to brag about Mike's lovemaking but even though she knew that he was a competent lover, her claims about their sexual romps sounded forced and unenthusiastic even to her. Eventually Dawn became curious. "Just how would I feel with another man's cock in my pussy? Another man who is not my husband?"
In an amazingly short time she started having frequent fantasies about Sean's cock. She even had those fantasies while her husband was fucking her. She would close her eyes and pretend that instead of Mike it was Sean fucking her with his big, hard cock. That it was Sean filling her hot pussy with his spurt after spurt of cum. Sometimes Mike had trouble making her cum while he was fucking her but she certainly had no trouble Cumming while pretending that it was Sean fucking her. WOW, that had been some of the best sex she had ever experienced. It was but a few weeks later that Dawn had seduced Sean and taken him away from Melanie. Melanie had never even figured out what happened. All that she knew was that Sean had lost interest and broken up with her. She didn't even realize that Dawn was the "Other Woman".
So it had been curiosity that had started the affair but it was the sex that kept it going. Occasionally but not for long they would be friends instead of lovers. Then she would get the old itch again and before Sean knew it he was back in her bed. She was actually proud of herself that she could take Sean from any other woman. She felt that it proved her pretty and desirable and it made her gloriously happy that Sean wanted her so much. Dawn could not remember if during these breaks whether she had ever made love to Mike. It was not that he wasn't a good lover but rather that she had no interest in fucking two men. So she chose Sean and didn't really worry about Mike. In retrospect, she often was surprised that he didn't have an affair of his own or even a series of one-night stands. At least she didn't think that he did. Even back then the idea of Mike fucking another woman made her jealous and angry with him. Her double standard was simple. She could fuck another man but she would cut his dick and balls off if she caught him with another woman. At the time it made perfect sense to her but now she couldn't believe how stupid and selfish she had been.
The whole affair had always been about her and her wants and needs. It wasn't that she didn't care about Mike and the children, she simply didn't think about them when it came to satisfying herself with her big dick stud. Once she had heard a phrase that so completely described how she had been then. Simply put, whenever she had to choose, she most always chose lust over love, Sean over Mike. She also had not noticed how unhappy he had been back then. He had not realized that she was fucking Sean behind his back. He only had known that she didn't show any love or affection towards him. Many times he had felt excluded and shut out. He had several times referred to himself as a third wheel. The children and his job had occupied much of his time and helped him keep from going crazy. With all the doubt about his marriage, he had never thought that Dawn could have been such a callous person as she had been during that time. Yes, in this case curiosity had almost killed the cat.
Dawn eventually drifted off and spent the remainder of the night in a restless sleep. She woke feeling tired and out of sorts. Noticing that Mike was already up and gone, she lay there thinking and wondering just what it that Mike had been trying to tell her last night. She was curious and decided that she would try to let him tell her tonight after work.
They both worked for the XYZ Company but in separate departments. She was a department head in Finance and Mike was a consultant in human resources. They were both successful and highly regarded as valuable assets to the company. That evening, Dawn made one of Mike's favorite meals and went out of her way to let him know that she was not upset about the previous evening. "Honey, I'm really sorry about how I acted last night. I never even gave you a chance to say what was on your mind." Dawn gave Mike a hug and then planted a hot lingering kiss on his lips. After breaking the kiss, Mike said, "It's ok sweetie, it really wasn't important anyway and I can't really remember what it was I wanted to talk about." "Don't be silly, Mike, because I know you too well and I know when your trying to just gaff me off because you think I don't want to know what it was. We'll have a nice dinner and then we will both get a drink and try to get out what ever you want to discuss."
They sat down to dinner and enjoyed the pleasant talk and delicious meal. "Damn, Dawn, you are the best cook. That pot roast was so tender and tasty. What a great meal and I'm stuffed." Just looking at Mike's plate, Dawn could tell that he had really enjoyed his meal. The plate was almost clean enough to put away without washing. She was quite pleased with the way the meal had turned out. "Mike, go ahead into the living room. Make us a drink and I'll finish in the kitchen and be right in for our little talk." Dawn was actually somewhat excited and a little anxious to find out what the big discussion would be about so with her drink in hand, she sat on the couch and looked with raised eyebrow at Mike and nodded for him to begin.
"Dawn, just remember what I said last night that you are the only woman I love and I want to spend the rest of my days with you." She said, "Of course dear, I know that you really and truly do love me, so go on." "I've been thinking about this for a while, in fact, for about four weeks now. Do you remember that you had told me once long ago that the reason that you decided to have an affair with Sean was because that you were Curious?" "I think I can vaguely remember something like that, dear." "Actually, Dawn thought, I remember that it was specifically curiosity that did get me into this whole mess." Clearing his throat, Mike continued, "Well, I don't really know how to say this so I will just come out with it. I've become curious." "WHAT?" Dawn stuttered. "I don't understand what you mean by curious. Curious about what?"
"Just let me finish" Mike said, "please try really hard to keep from interrupting me since this is really difficult for me and I don't want to screw this up. It's really important to me so promise to hear me out." Dawn tried to remain calm, looked at him and said, "go head, Mike, I'll do my best to be quiet." "Well like I've been trying to tell you, Dawn, I've become curious about something and when I tell you what that something is, please try to listen and don't blow your top. There's a story to this and I want you to listen. You know about my night course I took a few months back. I have been trying to learn how to write stories. Well I want to tell you that it was a great course and my instructor was absolutely marvelous and I feel that I learned so much. Frances was just wonderful and about halfway through the course, she took me under her wing and has since been giving me private tutoring."
"Just what the fuck do you mean by private tutoring?" blurted Dawn angrily. Mike steadily looked at her "please sit down Dawn and please be quiet. I'm trying to tell this as carefully and I can and you need to just shut up and let me finish", said Mike sternly putting special emphasis on the words "shut up". The look on Dawn's face when he told her to shut up was almost priceless and it was all Mike could do to not laugh. That would have really pissed her off royally. Her mouth clamped shut and her eyes flashed angrily but she did not utter another word. "I'm so pissed at him now, he could tell me anything and I won't make a sound." Dawn thought.
"As I was saying," Mike continued, "Frances and I have been spending a great deal of time together and we have become close friends. Such close friends that we have become comfortable talking about anything with each other. No don't worry, I haven't told her about your affair. I don't think that she would be interested any way. However, we have talked just about everything else such as sports, life, sex and fidelity. We have shared many things with each other about our lives. I have found myself becoming quite fond of her."
With those words, Dawn felt suddenly faint and dizzy. It took almost a superhuman effort to keep from yelling and screaming at Mike but somehow she managed to just sit there and look blankly at him. Mike took that as a sign to continue. "I know what you are thinking and I swear that we have not been having an affair. We have hugged and kissed but she has not so much as let me touch her in any other way sexually. It is not as though I haven't thought about it but we both agreed that it would have been mean, ugly and horrible thing to do to you. Of course we have talked about someday making love, having sex and enjoying each other's body. Many times she has laughingly referred to these conversations as table sex since they usually have only occurred while sitting at a table. Last week, I told Frances that I had been feeling a great deal of guilt about her and what we have been doing behind your back. I just couldn't let it go on and even though nothing has really happened, it would just be a matter of time before I failed you and slept with Frances if she would have me.
So after a lot of talking we agreed that I should ask you." She just couldn't contain her self any longer. Mike watched as her face went from anger to confusion, back to anger. "How could you do this to me," she hissed. "After all the anger, grief and misery we have gone through over the years. I just can't believe or even begin to understand how you could treat me like this. This is just so over the top of anything that you could have possibly done to me. I just don't know what" Dawn began to sputter and even spit as she tried unsuccessfully to get out the words that could describe the feeling of betrayal and abandonment ripping a gigantic bleeding hole in her heart, in her soul. Damn you!" During her tirade at Mike, Dawn had risen and paced furiously back and forth across the living room. Suddenly stopping in the middle of the room, she took several deep shuddering breaths and tried to get herself under some type of control. Then she turned to him, braced her legs and crossed her arms over her breasts, and said through clenched teeth "Mike, I don't know yet what I'm going to do about this. It has been a huge shock to me and I'm so hurt and angry right now that I just can't think straight.
Well you and your slut, Frances, want to ask me something so let's get this over with and go ahead and ask your question." "Well I knew this was going to be hard," thought Mike, "but this is more difficult that I had realized it would be." "Honey" "DON'T call me honey," Dawn interrupted fiercely, "Don't call me sweetie or darling or anything else right now. I don't feel like your honey right now." "With a shocked look on his face, Mike said, "Well this is obviously too much for you to handle. I had hoped that with over thirty years of marriage, we could sit down and talk with each other openly about anything." Starting to get angry, Mike continued, "Obviously I was wrong and although I had not intended to hurt you this much I have made a serious error in believing that we could talk about this. Frances and I had felt that by bringing our attraction for each other out into the open that we could prevent what you and I had so painfully experienced so many years ago. I can't put you through what you did to me. I just couldn't do that to you because I love and respect you so much. I was going to ask you to consider letting me have an affair with Frances. I can tell by the look on your face that at this point my question is not a surprise.
Yes I'm very curious about what it would be like to have sex with her. You had your long-term affair with Sean and I don't see any reason why I can't have one also. Probably the reason I haven't done anything until now is because I had never found anyone who had made me curious before now. I don't love Frances because I love only you. We would have been discreet and would have been as careful as you had been with Sean. I had really wanted this but only if you would have been able to understand why. I had really thought that you would have understood especially with your experience with Sean. I guess I was wrong. I will call Frances and let her know what your answer was and that I will never see her again." Mike was quite surprised that Dawn had let him get through his statement. She was just standing there glaring at him and so obviously beyond any words at this moment. Knowing her, he was sure that state would not last.
Dawn watched as her husband, the man she loved and adored, turned and walked into the kitchen. She heard him talking briefly on the phone to someone. Then he came out of the kitchen and walked past her to the bedroom. He didn't say anything as he passed and she said nothing to him. Dawn collapsed back onto the couch. At first she was so stunned that coherent thought was beyond her. After some minutes, she began to calm down and was able to try to understand what had just happened. "Where in the fuck did that come from? How could he even begin to think that I would share him with that slut? If he so much as puts one little finger on her I'll cut his dick off and divorce him so quick he'll never see what hits him." Dawn rose and started pacing again. She always felt that she did her best thinking when she was on the move. "Just because I had my affair, I'm sure as hell not going to stand by and let him have one also. Why would he think that would the fair? What's good for the goose is sure as hell not good for the gander." Abruptly, she stopped pacing and thought, "Would I think this was fair if the shoe was on the other foot? What would I be thinking if everything was reversed?" Dawn realized that she definitely did not like where her thoughts were going and that when she decided "This is definitely one I need to sleep on, if I can sleep at all." Finally calm enough, she went off to bed to try to get some sleep.
The next morning, Mike and Dawn managed to rise, get dressed and out the door and to work with no unnecessary words. They did not see each other for lunch and Mike arrived at home at 5:00 that afternoon. He was surprised to see his wife's car in the garage. She usually did not get home until approximately an hour after him. She was just a little bit of the workaholic, which was the main reason that they did not ride to and from work together. Over the years, he had gotten tired of waiting around work for her to finish one thing or another before they could leave.
Cautiously he entered through the kitchen door. There was no odor of food cooking and there was no wife. "Hmmm," he thought. "This does not look good for the ole watashi." Putting down his briefcase, he looked further into the house and still didn't see Dawn. "Oh shit, I'm a fucking dead man walking," he thought. Then turning and looking up the stairs, he could see their bedroom door and it was closed. He knew that was a really bad omen. Since they were the only ones living in their home, they had become accustomed to leaving that door open. There was no one else there and therefore any reason to close the door.
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The year changed, and after a discussion with our doctor we decided that half a year of breastfeeding would be enough. Our little terrorist was more or less playing with Marie's breasts, rather than eating, anyhow. No, I was not that jealous - I had been very happy to watch Marie breastfeeding our Angel. But her teeth started to be quite sharp, and the task was sometimes more pain than pleasure. So, no more breastfeeding. Once Marie's periods started she would start taking pills, too. Then...
I'm not a huge fan of social media given the countless incompetent morons that utilize it to spread lies and misinformation BUT I will say that after messaging the wrong TAMMY BIGGS by mistake, I do enjoy the possibilities of new connections. I was in Tallahassee, Florida for a conference and was reaching out to another speaker for the event by the name of Tammy Biggs. However it turns out that I clicked on the wrong Tammy Biggs by mistake but my did it lead to quite some fun!My message was...
The stag week had been going better than expected. Ben, the guy a week from marriage, had been having a great time enjoying the last few days of freedom in Amsterdam. Even I had managed to put an ill-advised night between myself and his fiancée out of my mind, at least enough not to give away what had happened to Ben. All in all there were 5 of us and the week had been spent mainly drinking and exploring the seedier areas but on the last night the best man Mark had suggested visiting a fetish...
Hey, it's Sammi again. Last week I had an amazing encounter with a crush of mine, Alex, who had decided that rather than confronting me about how much he wanted me, he was going to be shy and watch me clean my house naked from my window. But what he didn't know was that I knew he was there watching me, and instead of freaking out and calling the cops, I thought it might be more fun to let him watch. I even put on a little show for him. But this isn't that story; this week I was at my friend,...
Group SexYou’re a new Forensics cop at Van Nuys Agency. You are sill a rookie. Van Nuys Californian is a small town in California. This is a town where most of the nation’s porn is made. A place of silicone, sex shops, broken dream and misdeeds. The CSI team solves the case in Van Nuys. The people who were part of this team were Casey Sprinkles- Lead Detective She is 6.2 with red hair and was an X porn star. She did wonderful movies like Cum shitters, Cum guzzlers, Dominant bitches, Girls on midgets,...
When Lana reentered the classroom, she found Dr. Lewis sitting at his desk underlining something on a sheet of paper. She boldly walked up to the front of his desk and looking up Dr. Lewis said, "Did you forget something, Lana?" "I wanted to say that—hey wait a minute, how did you know my name? You didn't even call role?" "Doesn't mean I don't have the roster," he said showing her the paper he'd been studying. Lana saw that it was, in fact, a copy of the class roster and that Dr....
That night, he had Wendy bound with her hands behind her back and her knees bent, ankles tied together and pulled up towards her back. When the door bell rang and when he returned he had with him Francine, Tanya and a big black guy he introduced as Carlos. After spanking Wendy for a good twenty minutes he untied her ankles and had her spread her legs showing everyone her pussy and arse. Carlos and the other guests were then invited to strip and Johnny announced to Wendy, You are going to...
hi yesterday my boy friend came to my house when i was alone and he had brought a pair of pink salwar kameez and a red silk saree with matching lingerie. when he arrived at home i was very happy as we both were alone for whole night at my house when he came i had just come out of bathroom after having a shower when i was taking my underwear to wear he stopped me and handed the panty he had brought to me and asked me to wear i smiled to him and wore that panty after that he put on the bra and...
CrossdressingFor some time now I had been curious what it would be like to be with another woman. I had plenty of experience with boys, but I wanted to know what it was like having sex with a woman. I knew it would be different, physically and emotionally, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to know how it was to make love to someone of my own sex. Sadly, being the small town girl that I was meant it was hard to find someone who would let me. Most lesbians in this town were quite closeted, especially all the...
I’m daisy I’m 34 and a prostitute. 4ft 11 tall, slim body 34cc tits and firm ass. This story is about how I became a whore. My father walked out when I was young, leaving me and mom. My mother started drinking a lot and had regular men friends over ( who always ended up in her bed ). But she always protected me from them. Then when I was 16 she came home early one day and caught me getting fucked by a boy called Jake ( he took my cherry ). Instead of screaming she said carry on laughing as she...
The first time i meet my stepsons girlfriend i was jealous from the start. She had beautiful eyes, soft white skin, plus a nice set of tits! They were ready to jump out of her shirt. The way she wore her hair pulled the beauty right out! I know it was wrong to be attracted to her but i have a wife that stopped enjoying sex several months ago so i couldn't help it. After a few times of her stopping by i started to notice that she was looking at me also. I seen that my stepson was running around...
Danica heard the chime the next morning that signaled someone arriving at the teleportation pattern. Although happy to see Celes, Danica was nowhere near as joyful to see who accompanied her — the thief Telanor. Danica's scowl must have spoken volumes, because Telanor put his hands up defensively in front of him and said, "Hey — I'm here on orders, and you're going to need me." Danica snorted derisively at that, but Celes countered her notion. "He's right by me thinkin', Dearie. T'...
I walked slowly back to the shop thinking. It was hard to let the past go, it had controlled my life for so long. I suppose it was an excuse to keep myself safe, I didn’t let people get close because of my past and that kept me from getting hurt by anyone. The afternoon passed in something of a blur for me then. I had a few customers but not enough to call it a busy day. When I got home I found John waiting for me in the kitchen. “Hi mum, look I’m sorry about last night.” he said as I gave...
I am a 28 year old male. I can best describe myself as a pervert who enjoys showing off my skin to others. Yes i love being nude in front of others. I was born and brought up in hyderabad. I used to live in a small flat (apartment) with my parents and i did not have any siblings. I did not have many friends in the flat as there were none about my age group expect bhavani and sunitha who were living in the neighbouring flats. Bhavani is 3½ years elder to me and sunitha is 2 years elder to me. We...
Ich war gerade zarte 18 Jahre alt, als ich mich in einen tollen jungen Mann verliebte, der allerdings schon 20 Jahre alt war. Es waren tolle Tage und Wochen mit ihm, die Freiheiten die er hatte, eine eigene Wohnung, ein eigenes Auto, mit dem wir immer wieder mal zu den nahegelegenen Seen gefahren sind, gebadet und naja auch eine wenig Petting gemacht haben.Zu der Zeit waren meine Tittchen noch stramm und fest und es zeigte sich erst der erste weiche Flaum an meiner Muschi. Er liebte es, bei...
Interesting. Did the girl’s moms tell me to knock them up so they could screw that boy without risking having a kid with a ticking time bomb? I had an early meeting with the last university before catching my flight home at one in the afternoon. At home, I found Molly waiting for me in my room, naked, with her legs spread. She didn’t need to tell me what she wanted. Her pussy was so full of my semen that it was oozing out around my dick whenever she came. We only stopped our fuck fest when...
I wish to help married women . Are you locked in a loveless marriage? Starved of attention and affection, partner away or too tired to pay you the attention you deserve, non-existent love life? Or are you just looking for some excitement in your life? But you don’t want to end your marriage either.Looking for a part time lover to fulfill her private straight desires? Tell me .. I respect womanhood and vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man . This happens when women...
Room 609, Velvet Pleasures hotel, Goa. “I am sorry Disha. I am really sorry for the humiliation you had to endure in the last couple of hours.” I said seeing my wife lay naked on the floor bathed in cum. She was drowsy and almost unconscious. That’s because I drugged her before she got fucked by four horny old men. I carried her to the bathroom to clean her. Resting her by the wall I took the handheld shower and started cleaning the cum off her chest. Suddenly I had the urge to slap her...
This is not a true story. Duh! But it might have been. No sex but Adults Only, anyway. ================== After School Job by BoyChiq and Lainie Lee I got home from school and like every Friday night, I started for my room to change clothes right away. My mother called from the kitchen. "That you, Jerry?" "Yeah, Ma, it's me." I dumped my books on the bed and pulled the rubber band from around the ponytail that I wore tied close to my collar. My nearly black hair fell...
[ “Bob, it’s Sergeant Gregory, he wants to talk to you.”] Bob motioned for us to stay quiet and put it on speaker. “This is Bob, what’s up? Do I need to come in or something?” “No, unfortunately, this is probably unrelated, someone has broken into your apartment and trashed the place. Your landlord gave me your brother’s number. You had him listed as an emergency contact. How soon can you get over here?” “I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. I’m leaving now.” When we got out to Bob’s van,...
Author Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought The readers of Literotica might like it. ************ The Roamers had just finished their lunch and set off for Hyaline for supplies. As they neared Hyaline they could hear the sound of battle and as they got closer they could see that Hyaline was under attack from an army of wastelanders. These were those that had been affected by the radiation of the Great War and...
"Good morning madam" the receptionist looked to be about eighteen or nineteen, a beautiful girl who was immaculately turned out in a short white smock coat which displayed a generous cleavage as she bent to check my name on her register. "Ah yes" she smiled, "If you'd care to take a seat, I'll call for a girl now" I sat and leafed through one of the mildly pornographic magazines I found on a low coffee table until another girl came through and announced that she was Sonia. "Call me...
(a story)they both sat silently in the black cab as the cockney cabbi chatted inanely about the previous evenings the girls was dresses like some sort of neogothic cyber pixie, thigh length bright orange boots, and a mini skirt that barely seemed to go below the pale white of the top of her legs. A cheap leater jacket barely covered her petite frame. richard seemed to hide behind his glasses as the cabbi sped through the deserted street of central london heading east.they arrived at what...
Hi fellas, this is Nathan, 25 years old gentleman who loves exploring kinks with other people. I usually surf around the web to connect with people who are into cuckold and other fetishes. I have my fair share of experience meeting people and being part of their fantasies. A lot of Indians pose themselves as cuckold but are merely fake ones. I have had the most enjoyable experience with white people who really enjoy sex and are straightforward about what they want. So, while surfing the web,...
by Fidget Friendly Fun: Amy's Story Amy had a problem. She and her boyfriend Brian were very much in love, and their sex life was great, except for one little thing: Brian loved blowjobs, and Amy hated them. Hated them. They'd been able to get past it as a couple for the most part, but Amy could tell that Brian wasn't completely satisfied. And since Brian had been pretty much perfect to her during the two years they had been together, Amy had resolved to give him a blowjob for his...
I woke up at eight on Saturday morning. I was instantly horny again. Am I really going to go through with this? Ken did build the deck, and a deal's a deal, right? No. I'm not doing this because of the deck. I'm doing this because I really want to. With that decided, I got up and prepared for the day. I took a quick shower. I made sure there was no stubble on my pussy and then, stepping out, lightly oiled by skin again. I applied a drop of Chanel No .5 in a few strategic locations. (He...
I should have seen it coming when my daughters started to complain about Corky. Corky, that's my son. He's a husky teenager, friendly, happy, a really good kid. But he has Down syndrome, so even though he's 18 -- an adult in the world's terms -- he's like a younger boy. In some ways, like a much younger boy, mentally, trapped in a man's body. Sure, it was hard on us at first, when we found out, but life goes on, and so does Corky. Like a man, he has urges. Like a boy, he has curiosity....
Thank you for calling Cinematic Robo-Sluts, sir. We are the top selling robotic company in our class. We have provided top notch Robotic sex dolls for over four decades now, we have gotten the provisions from several movie studios and actresses (who've signed away their likenesses) to make a new line of Robotic sex dolls based on various movie characters and characters from various television programs. But mostly movie characters. We are called "Cinematic Robo-Sluts" after all. These fembots...
My ex son in law stops by every so often to help with chores, borrow tools, simple hello's etc. Of course by etc I mean sex, oral, anal, pretty much whatever he wants to do to me.I admit I was always a tease, for him anyway. Subtle things like buttoning my blouse as I enter the room to not so subtle such as wearing a tight white tee and rubbing ice on my nipples as he's walking up the walkway. All in good fun and trust me he did the same, I had seen many a raging hard on in his jeans and...
A couple of days before the move I was having lunch in the diner when three idiots sat a couple of booths in front of me. They were making off-color remarks to Stacy and I was getting a bit pissed but she handled it nicely and took their order. After she walked away I heard the guy on the end saying he was going to put the make on her. Of course his buddies grinned. Stacy came back with their order and set them in front of them when Mr. Macho Idiot asked her out. She nicely said, "No, thank...
True Story! and he did mom's lez lover too!Presented by Oediplex 8==3~The following is a narrative shared from a real mom - until just after the shower scene - then my OediPal, KiwiSailor, helped me edit and complete the narrative based on the true facts of her confessions. Just like Tom_Hathaway and Tuballcain, Julie is an actual person that I can vouch for, who experienced a positive sexual relationship with her son. Oediplex 8==3~I have one c***d (Robert) and I have been given my 'Freedom...
There is something tranquil about early mornings in the mountains. The cool air seems to preserve the very best of the night and color it with morning light. Lord Blackmon loved greeting the dawn chill with a cup of good coffee, seeing a doe in the distance and watching the first birds of the day take flight. So he was surprised to see Master Carl already sitting outside nursing his own cup. “Good morning.” Master Carl still wore his suit and tie. He also wore a worried look on his face....
Pichli kahani mein aapne padha tha mere aur Priya ke baare mein. Subah subah mera lund chus ke Priya be mujhe apna hi muth pilaya tha. Aage ki kahani. Hum dono naha dho ke breakfast karne room se bahar aaye. Ek chasmish ladki t-shirt aur pajama mein hall mein Swati ke sath baith ke baatein kar rahi thi. Priya: Raghu yeh Payal hai, meri roommate. Payal: Good morning, Raghu. Kal raat kaisi gayi dono ki? (Smile karte hue) Priya: Bohut achi, Raghu kafi expert hai. Main bus khada hoke smile kar...
The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...
Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe After reviewing the events surrounding my funeral and that rejuvenating period of rest with Kaleigh, I was once again ready to jump back into instructing the Energists. I performed a quick review of all the concepts I had previously helped the Energists acquire on this journey towards their becoming individual physical beings. Not surprisingly, all the Energists were able to articulate a solid grasp of that material. Several of the more daring...
As I walked in the door, I looked at Dad's empty chair. I closed the door and made a beeline for the chair, sinking into it with a sigh. Thursday, practice had been rained out, so the coach pushed us twice as hard yesterday. Today, I worked at the gym club all morning, but now, I could just veg out for the rest of the weekend. Life was good. It'd be better if Tami hadn't gone to Seattle with her mother, but life was good. I picked up the remote and flicked through channels, finally...
Unlike many in the business you're not a loan shark, you charge 'competitive rates' and only choose those who can pay you back. Possibly because of this you're not loaded either. But you're fair and frequently give extensions making you almost a respected member of the community. Which considering your job is no small feat. Of course there are always accidents, the other week you had to beat up a guy for not meeting his extra extension deadline, but he paid up afterwards and nothing more was...
"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...
I think all boys do it at least once… As boys are growing up and start to learn about erections, masturbation, and sex, I think they all play around with another boy’s penis at least once. Usually they find out about girls, pussies, and sex and they don’t ever think about other boys again. As I was growing up, I lived in a very rural area, and sex was a topic that was never touched openly. My parents never told me anything about sex. At school, our health teacher talked briefly...
I am sitting out on the patio of the room I have taken at the beach. I told everyone I just needed to get away and sort things out. I don’t know who I answer to any longer sexually. I am only submissive sexually and now I am confused. Tammy and I had been friends for so long and I always thought it was strange as cute as she is that she did not have a boyfriend. Some women have been burned so badly by a man that they can’t be with one without the horrors resurfacing. I think that is...
Sweet wife Maddy May has finally made her choice for some international meat and her husbands Latin friend Ramon is just the cock to fill her pussy tight. Maddy’s husband sits back and watches her pussy get wetter with every touch Ramon gives her tight sensitive pussy before he spreads her wide and licks up every ounce of sweet pussy nectar. Maddy sucks that hard cock deep and her pussy takes Ramon’s cock even deeper until he covers her body is his hot thick Latin cum and then feeds...
xmoviesforyouHello, mera name Viki hai aur mai 21 years ka hu. I am a huge fan of ISS. Yeh jo story mai batane ja raha hu wo meri aur meri chachi ke hai. Aj jo mai incident batunga yeh mere sath 2 yrs pehle hua tha. Story start karne sai pehle mai apne baare mai aur chachi ke baare mai bata hu. Mai Delhi ka rehene wala hu, mera lund 8 inch ka hai and mai virgin tha uss time. Meri chachi wo bhi delhi mai rehti hai. Unke 3 baache hai. Mere chacha ek reputed MNC mai kaam karte hai and mostly office ke kaam mai...
"Excuse me, Mr. Deeson?" Kevin Deeson looked up from his computer at the sound of the voice and focused on the startlingly beautiful woman standing in his classroom doorway. "Are you Kevin Deeson?"she asked. " Yes, I am," he answered the woman. The woman said, "I"m Amy Jo Miller, the new biology teacher, and I will be in the classroom next door." "Please come on in I'll be with you in just a second, I have to finish entering these last few items on this purchase order." "I'm sorry, did I come...
July 12, 1845 We made it to Salmon Falls today. There was an Indian village there with around twenty lodges. The Indians catch the salmon as they were going up the falls. They had plenty of the fish and were willing to trade for almost anything. The leader pointed out a nice field to me that was near the water and knee deep in grass. He said we were welcome to camp there, so I agreed. Ab was pleased I had chosen this spot. I think everyone on the wagon train was pleased with the salmon....
What a delightful thing, having Cindy in the house with me. Two weeks into our relationship we were less awkward around each other. That's a good thing when the 'house' is an 8x35 foot travel trailer. But snug was okay. The bed was queen-sized, HUGE for me by myself, but perfect for me and my Cindy. We had a sofa we could share, the dinette, a little floor space. The big drawback was the bathroom. Even though my customized trailer had, for these things, a HUGE shower, it was big enough...
Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. I respectfully disagree. Opposites attract, and it often works wonders. Please allow me to elaborate on that, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Joel Saint-Vincent, and I was born in the City of Montreal, Quebec, to a Haitian immigrant father and a French Canadian mother. My folks, Lucas Saint-Vincent and Marlene Tremblay split when I was in the tenth grade, and I guess you could say that I come from a broken home. I’d like to think that my...