Waterfall KeepChapter 3 free porn video

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"By the way, your mention of festering has reminded me of the pain that Lord Bushton must be suffering. Take this and administer it to him at the rate of two drops in a cup of wine whenever the pain hits him. It cannot cure him, but it will alleviate the pain and make it possible for him to attend and enjoy the wedding."

"Thank you Granny Eltman. How much do I owe you for the medicine?"

"Take the medicine as a small part of my participation in the great fight that we are facing. I will have more things for you later on, and you will pay me for them by the way you conduct the war that we have stumbled into. Now go. I fear that you are needed elsewhere."

I left Granny Eltman with a bow, and returned to Rolf and the horses. "Come, Rolf, we must hurry back to Blakeslee Keep. Granny Eltman says that we are needed there."

It took an hour of riding at our best speed to reach Blakeslee Keep, and it appeared that we were just in time. A band of 15 of the King's soldiers were there demanding to be allowed entry to the Keep. The Captain of the Guard was preventing their entry, but it was about to come to blows when I arrived. I asked in my most authoritative voice, "Captain Morley, what is going on?"

"Ah, My Lord Geoffrey, I am greatly relieved to see you. I was just trying to explain to Capt. Holson, here, why I could not allow armed men to enter the Keep. Perhaps you can make him understand."

"Capt. Holson, why are you here with an armed troop? Blakeslee Keep is not in rebellion and has paid this year's taxes in full, so, why an armed troop of the King's men?"

"Who are you, Sir Knight?"

"I am Sir Geoffrey Armbrewster, son of Agard Armbrewster, of Springfeld Keep. Lord Bushton was wounded in battle a few days ago, and I was asked to take over administration of Blakeslee Keep until he regains his strength. Now, please answer my question."

"Very well, Sir Geoffrey. You have already answered the main reason why I was sent here. The King's Council was notified that Blakeslee Keep was no longer being held by Lord Bushton, and I was sent to verify this. These soldiers are with me for the obvious reason that it is unsafe to travel without armed protection.

"Now that you have shown to be running the Keep while Lord Bushton is recovering, there is no further need for my presence. Therefore, I will bid you have a good day and leave."

"Hold, Capt. Holson. You and your men cannot be turned away with such an affront to the laws of hospitality. Please tarry with us long enough for a hot meal and some wine. Certainly, your horses need to rest. It is just past noon, and you surely should be fortified for you return to the capitol. King's Home is much farther away on an empty stomach!"

"Ah, Sir Geoffrey, your words are a true balm to my empty stomach. I will take great delight in accepting your hospitality for me and my men. Thank you very much for your courtesy."

"Capt. Holson, I hope that you will not be insulted if we eat in the informal dining room. Lady Bushton is visiting at Springfeld at the moment, so I try to keep the formalities to a minimum in her absence."

"No problem at all. I am sure that she appreciates the way you husband the Keep's resources by not overdoing a simple meal. Not only that, it reinforces your statement about Lord Bushton's relative health. Surely, the Lady would not leave her husband if he were seriously injured. You, Sir Geoffrey, appear to be a man of remarkably good sense, and I feel lucky to meet you. Now, if you please, my men and I would like an opportunity to shed our armor and get out of the hot sun."

"Capt. Morley, please escort these good soldiers to the informal dining room and order a suitable meal for them. I will join you as soon as I pay my respects to Lord Bushton."

Capt. Morley bowed and led the King's men away to get comfortable and to eat. Rolf said, "My God, Geoff, that was smoothly done! I was sure that we were headed for serious trouble. You just made Capt. Morley a winner by doing his duty, Capt. Holson a winner by explaining why he did not need to see Lord Bushton, and you a winner by making a friend at court. Dammit, I wish that I were that smart!"

I laughed and said, "You don't have to be smart if you are lucky enough!" Frankly, I was happy that things turned out the way that they did. Undoubtedly, this should allay fears at court about Blakeslee Keep, and keep things quiet until after the wedding.

I hurried up the steps to Lord Bushton's sick room. Elbert greeted me with the news that nothing had changed in here. I gave him the potion from Granny Eltman with her instructions and told him that a meal would be sent to him. I also told him about the noise he had heard at the front gate and how we worked that out. He breathed the same sigh of relief that we all had and settled down to wait for his lunch.

I rushed to the informal dinning room to join our guests. I apologized for being so slow to return, but I explained that there were several matters that I had to discuss with Lord Bushton. I told Capt. Holson that Lord Bushton sent his greetings, but he was too tired from our discussion to have Capt. Holson visit him. The apology was graciously accepted, and we talked about trivialities until everybody had eaten, and the troops were ready to leave. I made sure that they had plenty to eat and drink so that they would be in a good mood when they left the Keep.

Elbert was relieved at 4:00 PM by Rolf, and Elbert went to look over the prospects among the maids. He was on the prowl because he was bored to tears sitting with Lord Bushton, and he was going back on duty at 8:00 AM when he relieved me.

I had originally intended to write a detailed message to Father explaining what Granny Eltman had said, but I changed my mind when I realized that the information was too sensitive to be trusted to a written message that might be taken by our enemies. I decided to err on the cautious side, at least until I found out who our enemies were.

Instead, I simply wrote a note saying that I would visit Springfeld Keep tomorrow, and I hoped that he could spare me some time for a conference. That should get Father's attention since I had never before asked him for a conference. Late that evening, I received a message that he would visit me at Blakeslee Keep because he needed an excuse to escape the wedding preparations. That sounded like a fabricated excuse similar to my "conference" request. Now, I was really anxious to see and talk to him!

I had a private supper with Elbert and brought him up to date on what he had missed at Granny Eltman's. Elbert was very disturbed because he was a devout believer in the axiom that anything to do with magic was evil, or bad luck at the very minimum. He would accept that Granny Eltman was on our side if I said so, but he was still a little bit skeptical.

That night, I relieved Rolf at midnight and he staggered off to bed. Fortunately, I had been able to grab a few hours sleep before I showed up for my watch duty, but I was probably not as alert as I should have been. I estimated that it was about 1:45 AM when the trouble started.

Lord Bushton woke up groaning in pain, so I knew that it was time for some of Granny Eltman's potion. I mixed some in wine per her directions and got him to drink it all. It must have worked as advertised because Lord Bushton was sound asleep within five minutes. I had just sat down when I happened to see a black cloud sweep under the closed door and into the room. Such a black was almost impossible to believe: the black simply swallowed any light that reached it.

After a few moments, the black smoke or whatever it was coalesced into a form that resembled a human, but was too black to look like anything real. I rose from my chair, knowing that this thing was here to kill Lord Bushton. I drew my bastard sword and approached the apparition. I had the impression that it turned toward me, though I could not see that it actually moved. I swung my sword at it, and the blade went through the figure just as if it had truly been smoke!

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Traffic crawled to a standstill as the sun sank lower in the sky. Inside his recently purchased, but slightly used, Honda Civic, Jacob sat mumbling expletives under his breath. The sea of brake lights seemed to stretch on forever in front of him with no end in sight. Letting out a yawn, Jacob toyed with the buttons on the radio and pondered the choices in life he had recently made.Why did I ever take this stupid job, in this stupid city, with all this stupid, damn traffic! His mind raged,...

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Mom Daughter Cum Together Part 1

Introduction: mom and daughter teasing each other turning each other on,,,,how far will it go? Pam enjoyed spending girl time with her daughter Josee. Sipping drinks on the decki, in the back yard. It was private, and on a hot summer day like this she couldnt help it, her mind always wandered to the subject of sex Pam could see it in her 15 year old daughters eyes. Josee was, she knew, disappointed in boys. She could see the hunger on her daughters lovely face and there was no doubt in her...

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sister in Law with 18 year olds Part 4

After Jane put the mobile down. I said "Well?" "Well what?" "Jane do you want to take a dare from me?" "Oh i don't know. "What does that mean? Why would you not take a dare form me? After all the tings we have done together today it would probably be very tame." With that I poured another glass of champers from the latest bottle to arrive courtecy of the management. "No pressure Jane lets call room service and get something to eat. I could do with a big steak. What do you fancy?" I kept plying...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 11 Everybodys Working for the Weekend

Maggie Turner lay in a blissful slumber. She unconsciously moaned as she felt herself being licked and caressed between her legs. When she awoke, her hands automatically found the head that was bringing her such pleasure and she began to stroke the hair attached to it. Maggie and Paul Turner had a complicated relationship. They had become partners in starting a Financial Brokerage House when they decided to quit their jobs as local representatives for big companies. At the time they were...

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IHaveAWife Vanessa Cage 22851

Blackmail is still a thing, right? Right! And Vanessa Cage is cagey enough to enforce it when she needs to — like with her boss, Sean. She has the document that he needs in order to close a deal on a weekend deadline, but she won’t give it to him unless he gives her what she wants — his big dick! She knows his wife is out of town since she booked her travel, so there are really no excuses for him, what with Vanessa’s big tits and big ass all up in his face! There’s only one thing to do in this...

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Sister Brother Lover 2

Chapter Two Two days later and not much had improved. Our mother and father were still acting distant. There was no talk during meals and only what was necessary the rest of the time. It was not surprising that Pat turned to me during this time. Mother announced that she had shopping to do and would bring something back for dinner. I wondered if it was an excuse to not have to be around Pat but kept my mouth shut. Shortly after she left Pat came wondering into my room. “Can we...

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Sunjay fucks Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Dear ISS readers I have come to you yet again about another experience with my hot and horny devar Sunjay. Is baar main hindi mein likh rahi hun. Uss raat couch ke fucking ke baad Sunjay aur mere jismani relations badh gaye the. Hum ek doosre se milne ke bahaane dhoondte the aur akhir ek din mauka mil hi gaya. Main job se wapis a rahi thi, raat ke 9 baj chuke the aur bahar bilkul andhera ho chukka tha. Maine Sunjayko phone lagaya aur poocha kya woh free hain? Usne kaha haan. “ghar pe log hain...

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Caught By sister jerking on Cam

(i did not write this)Hi, my name is Ryan and I'm a 22 year old student. I live with my parents as my university is pretty close to where we live, and I have a pretty big room of my own and get all my cooking and laundry done by mom, so I'm in no hurry to leave.I have a younger sister named Magdalena, or Mags for short. She's 19 years old and is about to start at the same university. I've always had a strained relationship with Mags, as we were the only two k**s in our family and we never got...

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THE LIVE STREAM HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLDBY ROBOLOVERJust staring at my finger, looking at all the ridges and not paying attention to the current meeting that was in progress. Recently my enthusiasm had been lacking for the publicity firm I worked for, I thought it would be Hollywood parties, red-carpets and coked-up starlets, but here I was giving more thought to my finger then the person talking about per-diems and expense reports. I glanced across the table at Merriam who was in a sexy silk...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 37 Karls First Visit

It was about a week after Sarah arrived that Karl's curiosity got the better of him. He had heard the story of Geoffrey's and Alf's visits to Jacqui's Place within hours and had heard several versions of each of them since. With every telling they became more fantastic than before. When he got to Jacqui's Place, the door wouldn't let him in. It chimed to Jacqui that there was a visitor and she pretended not to recognise him. Eventually she let him in and agreed to list him as a regular...

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Jock TalesState Champions

Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...

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The Find Book 2Chapter 5

The fried chicken was excellent. Tom and Steve sat with Anna, Meg, Vickie, and Micky. First Meg apologized but told them they cannot go in without them so no supervisor can override an order. If you can’t no one can! Both said great idea. Okay talk, Meg told Tom about the 3rd cave, Micky’s arm, the temp change, the distance between #2 and #7, then what they found, 19 feet in #3-1 and 14 feet in #3-2 and that’s not the depth yet. We don’t know yet just deep or will it go into another...

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By Larry Malone Mom asked me to stop in and drop off a package for my Grandpa on my way home from school and to see if he needed anything. Gramps was in good health but Mom was always a worry wort so I stopped by. Gramps is a little hard of hearing so, as always, I used the extra key under the door mat and let myself in. As I closed the door, I saw Gramps laying on the living room couch, pants and boxers pulled down to his knees, His face to the back of the couch, His bare skinny ass...

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BrutalCastings Makeena Reese E48

There’s been a lot of things said about Texas, some of it is even good, but there is one fact about the Lone Star state that cannot be disputed, and that is some of the finestt looking women in all of creation hail from there. Makeena Reese is living proof of that fact. What a hottie, and when she finds her way to Master Brick’s casting couch for her modeling audition, Brick can’t wait to get her out of her super short shorts and role play her into giving up that sweet Texas...

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Mind the TimeChapter 44

In truth ... Vee was doing two pages at a time ... one right handed and one left. There didn't seem to be any difference in the writing. Her penmanship looked like chicken prints until one looked at it for a minute, unfocused ones eyes, and the missing lines in the letters sorta slid where they were supposed to go. It wasn't Gregg ... it wasn't anything anyone had ever seen before ... but it worked. And it was fast. For sure, no one was going to cheat off her tests. One hour and forty...

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