Katie Lusts Her Father PART2
- 3 years ago
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Time Irrelevant: Within the Energists' Universe
After reviewing the events surrounding my funeral and that rejuvenating period of rest with Kaleigh, I was once again ready to jump back into instructing the Energists. I performed a quick review of all the concepts I had previously helped the Energists acquire on this journey towards their becoming individual physical beings. Not surprisingly, all the Energists were able to articulate a solid grasp of that material. Several of the more daring or extroverted Energists even demonstrated some of the concepts once again, which a few said was very beneficial to practice after our brief break in instruction.
Before I started in with the few remaining concepts which I felt they would need to understand, I asked them a couple of important questions. "Before we begin, can you avoid directly examining my neural memories and truly listen to my instructions? I believe this practice at learning concepts as individuals instead of as mind-readers will be more practical and will simulate how you will acquire new skills on your world."
The Energists collectively processed this request and determined it would be beneficial for them to work like this. Suddenly, a sound amplification device was created, similar to a headset microphone. "Please allow me though to have limited access to your thoughts as it will allow me to quickly comprehend if you are grasping the concept or if additional or varied instruction is required."
I could immediately sense some trepidation within the Energists but I then heard them say, "Your request makes sense to me." At the same time, I felt a lowering of the anxiety levels within a majority of them.
"Thank you for trusting in me here. I will let you know if I believe it best for you to access my neural network to speed up your learning process." I heard my words come through a system of suspended speaker devices. I was amazed at how well they were able to transfer their energy into physical matter until I had my own 'duh' moment of comprehending E = mc2 and these beings were the embodiment of 'E'. "Man, I wish I could have a fraction of your ability to control energy like that!" I said out to them through the sound system.
Before I asked my second important question, I vaguely accessed a small, almost hidden murmuring of thought within the Energists before it suddenly dissipated. At the same time I felt the Energists turning on and off their instant access to my neural networks. I knew then that they would keep a neural connection with me except when we were actually in our teacher-student mode of interactions.
When I refocused on my instructions I asked, "Will you Energists be completely autonomous or truly unique individuals on your home world? Knowing this will help me fine tune my instruction. Knowing whether you will be 'connected' to your central collective or if you will be living as true individuals on your home world will influence my instruction methodologies for these last few concepts."
"We will be separate individuals once we ask for the initiation of our final transitional process. Each of us will be responsible for 'its' singular wellbeing and for raising our own offspring." I was about to comment or question them on their 'we ask for' statement but was immediately refocused back to the intent of my initial question.
The Energists then added, "We have no plans for formal schooling of our offspring like you humans have with your procreation units." I found it interesting that they volunteered that nugget of information with me but I was glad they did as it helped with my arrangement of thoughts.
"Ok. That will alter what I was going to work on with you next. You not only need to learn these concepts but all of you will need to be able to teach or instruct your offspring in how to function in your world. I'm not sure it is a good idea to negate a community based instruction system in your world but that is a choice you Energists will have to make."
"Why? What is the basis for your attitude or position on us not having 'school-based' instructional system?" I heard variations of these questions from nearly all the Energists. However, there were varying levels of emotion intertwined with those questions from the ever growing number of Energist individuals.
"While in your current state of being, you are easily able to acquire new information and practice any task which I put forth to you. Also, I've found that if three or more of you are able to perform the task, everyone here has access to those physical sensations and experiences which greatly aids your learning ability. However, with you becoming unique individual beings, you won't have that future benefit when learning. Each individual and your offspring will have to learn on their own. It may be a struggle for some of you to teach them and for your future offspring to learn all the needed physical skills."
"We recognize your viewpoint but still believe our method of raising our offspring will serve us best."
"Alright," I said though I wasn't sure if the Energists completely understood the entire gauntlet of ramifications of that position. "When you are truly individuals, won't it be a waste of your newly important time resources to have each and every one of you teach or instruct your offspring in the basics or species wide tasks. If one or a few of you were able to instruct a large number of similar aged Energists, wouldn't that free up valuable time to pursue other important physical, spiritual or intellectual tasks."
"We see your point but we value 'family' units more than you humans appear to value them. It is the Energist parent's responsibility to ensure its offspring is well prepared for anything life can throw at them. In addition, we previously accessed one of your favorite rock bands whose classic album, The Wall, includes a group of well-known songs on how your people don't want to participate in their poor education system. Why would this be a favorite part of that album if you did not agree with the intent of the song writers?"
I smiled at them as I recognized Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1, The Happiest Days of my Life, and Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 as that referenced group of songs from Pink Floyd. I then chuckled and tried to clarify the real meaning behind those incendiary songs. "Roger Waters and David Gilmour, the song writers, used these songs to actually satirize most forms of government intrusion in people's lives including education. However, when Waters sang, We don't need no education. or We don't need no thought control, he used a 'double negative' here with 'don't and no'. By doing so, he actually made that statement a desired quality for children and adults to experience. Do you understand that facet of the English language?"
The Energists search mind memories for English language rules and for other examples of this unique writing or communication style. As a strong majority of them accepted my explanation, I continued. "The point of this incredible group of songs is that we humans DO need a high quality education to become well-rounded individuals. In addition, Waters really wanted to indict teachers or leaders who attempted to stifle or control a child's uniqueness as the real culprits to a quality education. Please search my neural network for any other information on this form of poor education."
The Energists quickly searched and examined my memories, both for poor educational organizations and for satirical and sarcastic like examples to help elucidate the full meaning of my argument. When I saw a strong majority of them had an elementary grasp of that concept, I provided them with one more key example from 'Part 2'. "Waters and Gilmour said in a 'backdoor' type manner that a good education would lead to quality individuals. Just like you hope your offspring will become." The Energists all agreed with me on that point.
"Now, do you see or hear any mention of the individualistic word 'I' anywhere in that song?" When I sensed that the Energists were slightly confused at my line of questions, I helped them with out, "No you don't. They were again being sarcastic by continually using the collective 'we' throughout that song. The point of that song, and really of any quality educational system, is not to brain wash or provide 'thought control' to the students but to foster creativity, thinking and true uniqueness."
The vast majority of the Energists were signifying their recognition and understanding of my interpretation of those awesome songs. I felt like I needed to show the Energists a little gratitude for adapting to a totally different way of thinking so I said, "I want to thank you for bringing those songs to my attention and then letting me explain a new concept or two to you because of them. In addition, I think you all are progressing well by showing your openness to adapting a species wide belief. That takes a good amount of courage and portents to your intellectual wellness."
I was shocked when I heard them reply, "We appreciate your words and your valuable instruction here. However, we Energists still value our offspring too much to let another Energist teach them what each individual parent believes is valuable. It is the Energist parent's duty to ensure the wellbeing of its offspring and we have seen countless examples of humans 'throwing their child' into a system and abdicating all personal responsibility for their development to that system. That outcome is not what we want with our offspring."
I couldn't really disagree with their words but I think they generalized a few bad examples of our education system and poor parents to the whole human population. I decided to make a stand for what I truly held dear, so I said, "Please shutdown your neural connection to me for the moment and just listen to my words here." When I felt the severed connection, I pronounced, "I think you underestimate our overall valuation or affinity to our children. Have you forgotten the concept of sacrificial love which we explained to you when you brought Kaleigh and me here with you?"
Again I paused to let them recall their individual memories of Kaleigh's and my explanation of that concept. "Most adult humans would willingly die to save our child, our grandchild or really any child's life. I believe you would do that as well if the situation developed in your new world." The Energists slowly affirmed my last statement. Because they did not truly know death yet other than what they learned from us, they were still somewhat naïve about this concept.
After I sensed a growing understanding of sacrificial love with the Energists, I continued with my explanation of the importance of a quality education. "Now to extrapolate this human concept to that of a school, we just have found that certain humans have a gift for instruction and sacrifice or pouring out their 'heart' while instructing the children or learners in their charge. We humans then take advantage of these gifted people by having community or societal instructional groupings or schools. I call this a sacrifice because humans have not typically rewarded quality teachers for their service to our most valuable resource, our children. Good teachers teach because they love teaching, not because they hope to become wealthy."
The Energists were processing my words individually as I asked them to do and were slowly seeing the value of a quality education system. I felt like I had to be completely honest with them as they were not accessing my neural network during my soliloquy so I offered, "Our schools are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, as some 'teachers' are just that in name only. These people simply view teaching as a job or paycheck and don't truly care for the welfare of their students. These are the teachers which Pink Floyd sang about in their songs." The Energists laughed at that statement and for the first time in a long time, 100% of them agreed in unison with my statement.
I wasn't set back by their unanimity and continued my argument with the word that I found captured their undivided attention and could possibly raise their 'dander' up some. "However ... however," I repeated that troubling word again for major effect. "When good humans, like myself are motivated and focused on helping their students learn what we believe is important, I know a great teacher can do a MUCH better job of instilling the key concepts and information than, for a lack of better word, 'ignorant' or lackadaisical parents. I honestly believe that quality teachers are the key to developing productive and intelligent children and young adults."
I sensed my double barrel shotgun blast of 'Howevers' had a persuasive impact on a good number of the Energists. I then sensed a slight change in a large majority of the Energists' beliefs but it still wasn't as major a shift as I had hoped for. Because my neural network was still isolated from the Energists, I came up with an atomic bomb-like concluding point for my educational system argument. Just like when the crowd at my funeral buzzed with anticipation at the showing of my video, the Energists' ability to anticipate and respond to forthcoming physical information was becoming much more human-like.
"YOU!..." I shouted out to them through my microphone, "Logically selected or claimed me to be WHAT for you?" I paused again to let those physical words sink in. I read a good number of their thoughts before saying, "Most of you are correct in predicting my question as being rhetorical and not in need of a response. However ... I am going to answer it for you to physically simulate your ears and hopefully act like an exploding bomb inside your heads."
I once again paused for emphasis and to allow the Energists to create that image in their minds. Then I spoke slowly and very deliberately. "I – was – claimed – to – be – your – teacher, – your – instructor ... WHEN – YOU rejected previous humans as not being useful to you. YOU then basically discarded them or killed them for nothing."
I waited as a major buzz was created within the Energists, which caused a reexamination of their thought processing after I accused them of senselessly murdering those prior claimed humans. When I sensed serious consternation at their conundrum, I softly added this piece to my argument, "You MUST logically realize that if you don't believe in the power or influence of specialized teachers or instructors as a valuable community resource, then your professed sense of moral superiority over humans is a COMPLETE sham."
I then sensed a good majority of the Energists were agreeing with that statement. I personally felt that each and every one of the Energists should recognize the logic behind my words, so I then added, "You MUST believe in the value of quality teachers or you would NOT have needed to claim me for this task. You could have simply taken some 85 year-old, near death, nursing home patient and 'claimed' that person to do this job." My soft spoken words created a forceful argument and caused a disturbed hornets' nest like flurry of cognitive activity within the entire Energist collective. I could tell that my argument on the value of a quality educational system was going to shake their previously held belief to its foundation.
When I sensed only a few holdout Energists, I finished my educational stance with, "You could have easily arranged to claim someone who would not have been missed as much as me, and thus allowed me to live my life with Kaleigh ... but you didn't. Therefore, your belief that each individual Energist will be solely responsible for instructing their offspring is an illogical act because you previously told me that you actively selected me for this 'teaching job'. Right now I find that difficult to swallow here as your esteemed teacher ... or am I still your 'lower than pond scum' slave?"
The buzz which I first heard was now a cognitive roar as the entire Energist collective was actively engaged in heated discussion. I had a difficult time deciphering the complete gist of their discussions but I felt good that it appeared the Energists were thoroughly digesting the key points of my argument.
Suddenly the Energists fell completely silent. Then all I heard one all-encompassing voice say, "You have truly challenged our thinking and our beliefs on the value of an organized educational system for our offspring. While it may cause us future apprehension, we have decided to adapt your educational systems to form an Energist community based schooling structure. Several individual Energists have already been identified who appear to have this 'instructional gift' which you mentioned in your very persuasive argument. As you have pointed out very succinctly, we Energists once again have come to value your instruction and more importantly, your leadership in assisting us with our transition to our new home. You Dr. Michael Nevins will never be considered 'pond scum' or a slave by us." I received a good many mental high-fives, especially from the 'instruction-oriented' Energists. I could not sense a single Energist being who still held that previous conviction.
"Your statement that our new time constraints would have value was indeed a solid line of reasoning. As future physical beings we are learning about the myriad of novel experiences which will fall upon us." I then heard numerous simultaneous thoughts from the Energist individuals telling me what they would like to focus on or engage in with their new found time constraint. Since a good number of Energists would be somewhat relieved at the loss of their 'parental' instructional duties, I noticed a sense of excitement within the Energist community. I did my best to address or comment on any individual Energist's ideas as I was able to filter them from the bewildering symphony of thoughts.
After communicating with countless Energist beings, I said to all of them, "Thank you for listening and responding to my argument in such a positive manner. However, and this is a 'good' however, we have other lessons and concepts to cover and learn." With those words the Energists quickly refocused their thoughts back onto me, from their previous future based desires or avenues of learning and actions.
"Before you begin Dr. Michael Nevins, we must address one of your scathing comments. We Energists are not indiscriminate killers who simply claimed humans for no reason. Your physical words pierced our cognitive spirit, and we vehemently wish to inform you that we have a strong moral ethic or code of conduct. Even though we will be individuals, we Energists have made provisions to monitor what we consider immoral or pre-criminal type thinking. Should any Energist individual begin to develop these types of thoughts, there will be a system in place to help overcome or eliminate those detrimental cognitive processes."
I was reminded of a Steven Spielberg movie, Minority Report which had a futuristic system to detect criminal activity before it occurred. I hoped the Energists' system would work better than that science fiction system which required two of the three 'precogs' to predict a future murder.
I wasn't surprised in the least when I heard, "Our deviant control system will be much better and more 'humane' than that found in your Hollywood movie. This is one of five areas of concern where all Energists will remain subconsciously linked for the betterment of our new society. A fail-safe super computer will monitor our subconscious deviant thoughts and alert an Energist safety specialist team. This team will work with that Energist to adapt or eliminate any deviant or criminal cognitive thought processes."
Before I asked, the Energists answered, "This is not mind control in any way. No major cognitive functions or appropriate long term memories will be adjusted or eliminated. In addition, this adaptation of deviant thoughts will remain completely private, so no stigma will be associated with the Energist being who developed these detrimental cognitions."
"That appears to be a valuable societal resource. This monitoring will include every Energist, even those who are going to be the leaders of your society?"
"Yes, although we will not have true 'leaders' or a government structure like you have on your Earth," the Energists replied. "Another of our subconscious monitoring links will include a 'vision for the world' cognitive system. With this, every Energist individual will have equal input into how our world should be governed and how our worldwide resources should be employed or allocated for the betterment of the Energists."
As I was about to ask for an example, the Energist explained, "If a group of 25 individuals believe something for their local community would be beneficial, for example some type of transportation system, or 250 Energists opt for a continental or worldwide issue, then that thought will be shared subconsciously via our super computer. Then all Energists affected by that issue will subconsciously decide whether to implement it or some other type of system to address the original idea. When such a large impactful Energists' decision has been made, the appropriate Energist beings will be informed and they will work to carry out the entire new agreed upon plan of action. Similarly, we Energists could decide not to implement any option if it was deemed to be of little or miniscule present or future value."
"That appears to be a good system for the development and implementation of worthwhile projects for your world," I complimented the Energists. "However, and this is a cautionary use of that word, please be careful when a strongly held individual or small group opinion is rejected by the larger group. Those individuals' emotions or feelings may get hurt, and should an individual or group feel like they are being ignored or devalued they may become resentful and eventually protest or revolt against the majority decision makers. Do you have a plan in place for dealing with this resentment or honest disagreement to a local or larger societal decision?"
"We believe we Energists will be able to work through those types of differences of opinion. We have plenty of experience communicating our thoughts within our collective. We recognize differing viewpoints but have benefitted greatly as a whole by replacing our smaller group views for the good of all."
"Very well," I replied back to them. "Just please be careful and recognize that you are now about to become more individualized which may cause some unplanned or unexpected issues within your planned societal decision-making system."
"Yes, we will 'keep our eyes and ears open' to guard against any future surprises. You have done a superb job in identifying potential issues prior to our transitional journey. We are much appreciative of your input and challenging words on these novel issues."
"You are welcome most welcome my new friends," I replied to the entire collective of Energists. "Since you will become basically isolated from your previous cognitive collective, I think you need to recognize and understand your true limitations within your new physical world. Currently you are able to control your world with your cognitive powers, much as I can control my vocal apparatus to form easily recognizable words. We both do these actions automatically and rarely suffer any direct harm from these deeds. I am highly concerned though that some of you will experience and possibly suffer various levels of bodily or cognitive harm from your 'misguided' superiority complex."
The Energists gave a collective gasp and physically shuddered when they heard my words, but not a single individual considered my cautionary statement as worthy of additional discussion. When none of the Energists expressed any of their individual concern at my words, I rebuked them with, "Your refusal to engage me or challenge me now, even though a good number of you disagree with my statement is actually proving my point. Your silence in the presence of human-like fear or disgust at my statement suggests that you need to reevaluate your own perceptions of your abilities as you start your new life. With humans, I constantly had to prompt or draw out questions or concerns from my students. Their silence or desire not to appear 'stupid' hindered their learning of material. Then we teachers would often assume our students had a clear grasp of the material because they didn't ask for any clarification. That assumption is often wrong and our students then suffer the consequences for that error."
The Energists were now soaking up my verbal lesson and several of them then said, "I don't understand your belief that I have misguided superiority or personal perception issues. How can what you just vocalized lead to a betterment of ourselves or our offspring?"
"Good question. Access my memories for my explanation of what 'assume' means in relation to my students and to me as a professor." I felt my memories being probed and then I heard two distinct sounds from the Energists. One was an Energist expression of laughter and the other was a sound of disbelief or confusion. "Some of you were able to understand those memories, while I can tell some are struggling to comprehend and apply the meaning behind my instruction of that word."
I heard more laughter and also several shouts of, "Please explain, clarify this word and your memories of it."
"The word 'assume' can be broken up into its three parts: 'ass'; 'u' meaning you; and 'me'. On earth, an ass is a dumb stubborn animal or a colorful metaphor for where our waste products, our feces are excreted. Therefore, no human likes to be thought of as an 'ass' or the first part of the word assume. The 'u' refers to my students or to 'u' Energists right now. The 'me' is the instructor or ha-ha-ha me."
I paused and quickly recognized that nearly all Energists were up to speed with me. The few who didn't get it right away were quickly integrating the others' understanding with their own. When all were up to speed, I continued, "With the identification of the three parts, I would then say to my students, 'YOU will become an ASS if you do not let ME know that YOU do not understand or comprehend what I'm teaching.' In addition, I would often add this to humor my students, 'I or 'ME' really don't care if I'm an ASS or a fool up here teaching you because I've already got a bunch of letters behind my name: BS, B.Ed., MS, and PhD. However, YOU should care about being an ASS right now because you are trying to get a few of those letters behind your name.' So when we, you and me ASSUME that we are on the same page regarding your transition to your new world, you Energists will be the ASS or the ones to suffer any future consequences as you venture out into your new physical existence."
I heard thousands of individual Energists fearfully ask the same basic thing, "Are you trying to tell me that my prior knowledge has given me a false sense of security and that I may become damaged, hurt or possibly killed before my scheduled end date?"
"Good question and please turn off your neural link to me," I replied to them. "Currently you are vastly superior to me cognitively and you can learn things much faster too. But you are inferior to me on most physical tasks like my more physically more able students were during their learning of new sports or skills. You Energists are able acquire some of these physical skills quickly and you are all excellent learners for the most part. However, let me explain how your misguided perceptions of your abilities might hinder your transition or possibly cause harm to you or some of your companions in your future world."
All the Energists were listening to my words with utmost interest when I said that they or a fellow Energist might be harmed due to their false or incorrect perceptions of their new abilities. I recognized a sense of urgency in many of their thoughts as I prepared the next part of my lesson in my highly charged mind.
"This very important concept is about the compatibility of your 'perceived versus actual competencies' and it will be especially important in your new physical realm of existence. In humans, as we get older and more experienced with our skills, abilities and cognitive tasks we develop a close positive correlation between our actual physical or cognitive competencies with our perceived competencies or our internal beliefs on how good we think we are on those tasks. Our young children or adults with limited experience on a task often over-estimate their perceived abilities, which possibility could lead them into actions they should never have attempted. Similarly, some of these people may under-estimate their actual abilities which could limit their success or 'paralyze' them with fear as they prepare to do that task."
I was overwhelmed by the Energists' request of, "Can you provide me with some examples of this disparity between perceived and actual competency and how it may influence or alter an individual's actions or behaviors."
I smiled at their request and began with a simple recollection of one of my favorite television commercials. "You will need to create or imagine this scene in your minds. A dad was watching his young 4 year old son play youth soccer. The child fell repeatedly as he attempted to kick or pass the ball, he illegally used his hands several times, and just had an awful experience playing the game in his father's viewpoint and any adult who watched that commercial. When the dad went to check on his son after the game, he sympathetically asked, 'Are you OK buddy?' The young child replied, 'Did you watch me?' to which the dad said that he did. Then the little boy raised his arms up in the air and shouted, 'I WAS AWESOME!'"
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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...
Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...
Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...
Part II (Final part) of "Remember the Leatherparty's COC Amsterdam ?""Well trained boy you have here..." the Co-organiser said to Mark. - "Not really, he's still quite new to the scene, so tonight is sort of D-day for him". "Well, it looks like he already capitulated, don't you think ?" - "I'm not so sure, he's got quite a reputation of being a little smartass. So i want to break him in good!".Ofcourse Mark was right, i've been around since young, like i told you. With the opposite of a...
I woke up still on the floor, but this time whoever had hit me had taken further precaution by tying my hands and feet together. I was "hog tied", as it was known in Texas. There was also a hood over my head, preventing me from seeing anything. I pulled at my bonds but didn't feel any give. Whatever they had used to tie me up was metal and extremely strong. Nothing came to mind that I couldn't at least bend. "Good, you're awake," said a male voice. I couldn't see anything. The hood...
Monday Maybe what keeps us on our course is fearing how the shock of change will shake the people whom we know. Let your hair grow long, too long, then cut it short, and watch the flicker of reaction in others' eyes, whether or not they say anything -- though we all know most will say something. It's not really the way a friend might react, nor parents, brothers, sisters -- the ones who know us best, who may even love us -- they aren't really those we fear to shock. Other...
Jane couldn't wait for college to end, so she could see her sexy boyfriend and show him off to her parents. Lynn had slept a little better, resigning herself to the fact she had to act normal and conceal her sordid secret from her family. For the sake of harmony, she would live with the guilt, the shame, the humiliation, until she could come up with a solution to the nightmare that had become her life. As the evening approached Lynn prepared the chicken meal with trepidation, the sick...
When Michael stepped inside and closed the door, he gave Kathy the same kind of kiss as his wife had. He was quite an imposing man; short cropped blonde hair, very piercing pale blue eyes, a little over six feet tall and built sturdily, weighing somewhere around two hundred pounds. My heart skipped a beat when I took in the complete picture. Now I wondered how Kathy would convince the woman to get naked while her husband was right there. Donna gave me a hug and a nice kiss and then her husband...
CrossdressingContinuing from Part 1, I woke in the morning with Lee and Karen still cuddling into me, their naked bodies looked great as the Morning Sun came streaming through the window. I kissed both of them on the forehead before getting out of bed. They seem to move closer together as I stood at the end of the bed. My cock was feeling a bit sore as it had been a while since I had come twice within an hour but it did twitch a bit as I left the girls sleeping. Naked I walked from the bedroom to where my...
Her ass was red and a little puffy around her asshole. I asked if she enjoy ever thing was has gotten so far, and she responded in a purr with a “yes”. I lead her to our basement where my wife and I have some fun and kinky stuff set up for sex. I had a swing attached to the ceiling and a twin bed with straps at the corners to hold someone down. The bed was almost in the middle of the room so I could get all around it when some is on it. Zoe also liked it because it gave her the chance to move...
The whole night was spent very restlessly as most of the women where crying and all I could do was keep reliving the horror of the attack upon my village and what I witnessed here and was subjected to myself at the hands of the Empress. It must have been the middle of the night as the moons was bright and the sky full of stars when screaming began and several guards came into the room. The guards began to drag people regardless of age or sex into the middle area of the room that had a...
The whole night was spent very restlessly as most of the women where crying and all I could do was keep reliving the horror of the attack upon my village and what I witnessed here and was subjected to myself at the hands of the Empress. It must have been the middle of the night as the moons was bright and the sky full of stars when screaming began and several guards came into the room. The guards began to drag people regardless of age or sex into...
ReluctancePart 2 Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old All, I added a few paragraphs from Part 1 so my story would be easier to read. I hope you enjoy my story, I am sure I missed a few spelling an especially grammar so please forgive. Hugs...
Darren to Jades transformation and school my nail begin to grow as well my hair I had a brown colour hair but it look like it was changing blond colour my nails had grown to inch in length my skeleton started to dissolve and my as my body started to change there was a lot pain I began to scream in agony I looked down and saw my balls of my penis disappearing as they slowly went up my body I was left with a skin thing hanging of my body as they travelled up my body the begin changing...
After having Lisa block two orgasms this morning I went back to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made pancakes and some bacon. After a bit the girls came down. They had both showered. Lisa was wearing nothing but one of my buttoned up dress shirts, Ashley had just one of my sweatshirts."I'm so hungry, this looks great." said Ashley as she sat down to eat. We were all pretty hungry after the events of the night before and that morning. We made small talk while eating, not bringing up the...
Introduction: This story is pure fantasy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas and I do plagerize myself from time to time. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the...
Tyrese had a grin on his face from ear to ear. He had a video camera in his hand, which he had pulled out of the bag earlier to record every minute of this wife being ravaged by Freddie’s cock and my cock. He now set it down on an end table next to the coach, aiming it directly at Jill’s position in the middle of the living room floor. Then he stood up and starting taking off his clothes, all the while staring at Jill. He circled her like a predator ready to pounce on its prey....
There was no more doubt . Iam loving cock. especially big dark full of veins powerfull black cock of the pastorEvery txt i received on my phone i wished it was him wanting to see meIt has been only 2days since he showed me how i love to be fuck and I crave itits the 3rd evening after school. i lube my dildo and watch netflix sit on it , desperate for a real cock in me , pounding away in my tight pink hole i keep training to accept his bigger cock without whimperingI had dinner and aroud 8pm he...
I’d fixed my clothes back to how a proper secretary shouldlook, and Richard had sorted himself out too. We had gotten dressed in silence, not an awkward one, just in contemplation of the situation. He pinched my bum on the way out, right where he had spanked me, probably to remind me he was in control. I still wanted to kick him in the balls. I opened the door and froze in horror to see Allie, the head teacher, stood outside with a look of pure anger on her face. “What the FUCK do you think you...
I’d fixed my clothes back to how a proper secretary shouldlook, and Richard had sorted himself out too. We had gotten dressed in silence, not an awkward one, just in contemplation of the situation. He pinched my bum on the way out, right where he had spanked me; probably to remind me he was in control. I still wanted to kick him in the balls. I opened the door and froze in horror to see Allie, the head teacher, stood outside with a look of pure anger on her face. “What the FUCK do you think you...
ReluctanceBy Dina PetroContinuation of part 1 of the storyI did not object or resist as I wanted fucked by then so bad, all I wanted was to feel his cock sink deep in me and satisfy my hungry pussy, I was screaming and moaning as loud as I could, he was ready to cum when he pulled out of me lay down on his back while I took his cock in my mouth and started milking it taking each and every drop of his thick white cock cream.While trying to suck his dick clean I lifted my head up towards the door to be...
“Man, your ass too phat bruh “ “I know, I know. I’m thick as a bitch huh? I hear that shit all the time”! “I bet you do! I bet all the gay niggas be trying to holla”. “Bruh! You have no idea. I get more free drinks in the club than the females I try to holla at”. “I bet you do”; *slap*! Pete trailed off as he laid a solid slap on his homie’s right ass cheek. This caused Rome’s booty to jiggle as he shot his friend a sly look. “Aight bruh, any more of them this weekend and I’m charging...
The conversion of Stef part 2 The next morning Anne came down to breakfast as normal and as she sat and drank her V8 she said without looking up at me sitting at the table in my bathrobe, "What panties, stockings and bra have you picked for today?" I just sat there saying nothing, I had been hoping that this little experience was going to be finish, but I guess I was wrong. "I guess I'll wear the black ones after I shower." "Just make sure you do I will check when I get...
I groaned into her tit. Mom's hand slid up and down my cock faster every time I pulled her nipple into my mouth. My hands were helping now and squeezed her tits together and into my face. She pushed out her chest for me. It urged me to suck even harder on her nipples. I was devouring her huge tits and we were both loving every minute of it. "Darrell... you're good at this... you're gunna make me cum just from this. I want to make you feel good, baby. Oooh... let mommy help you with this hard...
John escorts me to the bathroom, where I shower the cum off my body, carefully keeping my hair and makeup dry. It cost to much to spoil so soon! As thw water runs down my body I wonder how did I get here? and why has it taken so long! such conflicting thoughts and yet I am determined to go further, my body is tingling all over with emotion, expection and trepidation. Time to move on with my life, explore who I can really be. Stepping from the shower I see myself in a full length mirror, do a...
"Hey! Jack" Melvin greeted just as i opened the door."Come on in Mel!" I replied."Hey!" Then we both laughed, as we each say out our old times nick name. Afterthat i went to get a drink for Melvin, while he made himself at home."Is this yours? Can i try it?" Melvin asked me pointing to the playstation."Sure!" I went over to join him and played with him. While we were playingwe chatted along, talked from old times to new times. First he asked meabout my parents and slowly about me! Soon we...
Kristy wanted to be used and she got her wish. The man at her pussy stopped licking and thrust his cock deep in her. She saw stars and then extreme pleasure. He was a little rough but she liked it. Harder and harder and pounded her pussy. She moved from one cock to the other sucking and keeping both hands full of the men's erections. Faster and faster he pounded her pussy...until...her orgasm finally took control of her. She moaned with the cock in her mouth and tried to thrust her hips to feel...
I continued to go to the gym a few times a week after my first encounter with 'the black hulk,' as I had named, and I continued to see him in the weight room lifting huge weights and pumping his bulging muscle ever bigger. However as tends to happen the attendance in the gym picked up, with the new years resolution crowd. So I hadn't had a repeat of our one to one encounter in the locker. We would just give a nod of recognition when we saw each other. That all changed early this week.I had...
I had been dying to fuck this woman soon as I laid my eyes on her. She had this look about her where you know she was ripe for the taking and I will have my fill I thought. I lifted her up so she was facing the small mirror and her beautiful small feet perched on the sink basin. With that I ripped off her nylons and started to rub her pubis gently through the satin fabric slowly, then suddenly hard and fast. She moaned in excitement of my fingers rubbing the soft delicate skin of her folds. I...
“I told you Hailey that I would be back soon” I said as I reached down and pinched a nipple “did you miss me?” Hailey pouted at me and said “You were mean leaving me alone like that. But I forgive you.” “Well I have to do my job, after all that’s why I met you in the first place. But don’t worry, I plan on making it up to you.” I said. I undressed , just leaving on my socks. I reached between Hailey’s thighs and ran my fingertips along Hailey’s lips. They were still wet, even though I...
They arrived at his flat.By this time there was a visible stream of cunt juice running through his fingers and down her leg.He unlocked the door whilst locked in a deep kiss with her and without quite knowing how, got the door open at which point they both almost fell in a heap in his hallway.A small flat – bedroom left,bathroom right,sitting room straight ahead.She kissed him,squeezed the bulge in his trousers,smiled and said ‘gotta go’, sliding into the bathroom and closing the door.Suddenly...
Bruce stood up as I laid there quivering in fear and agony. After a few minutes I felt the sole of a bare feet pressing on my shoulder. Turning I saw Bruce standing in his underwear. Bruce told me to ' ... get on your knees. You got to get busy now. Take my shorts off and start to kiss my dick! ... ' I looked around and saw Daniel and Charlie sitting on the couch watching me intently as I got up to my knees. Bruce stepped back till he was in the middle of the pad and told me ' ... crawl...
I slide Emmie's underwear off and spread her legs open. I began kissing her at her smooth navel, slowly working my way down to her honeypot. I touch the tip of my tongue to her clit and she spasms with sensitivity. I slowly lick her clit from bottom to top with my wet tongue, putting pressure on her clit as I lick. Emmie is breathing hard and starting to make moaning sounds that only add to my pleasure of giving her oral. "Fuck, yes!" she says. "Eat my pussy good!" My fingers come up and...
I said "Now what?" With a smile. He said "Now I wanna do things to you that I've always wanted to do to you when I first met you back in high school. I said "High school? I don't remember… I said "Now what?" With a smile. He said "Now I wanna do things to you that I've always wanted to do to you when I first met you back in high school. I said "High school? I don't remember you from high school. Did I know you?" He said "Back at high school, I was in your biology class with Ms. Keystone....
FantasyPlease see blog for part1 Emily and I are older, now, in our mid 20's. By now, we have experimented with anal sex, fantasy role-playing games, light bondage and have been dabbling in domination and submission. Neither of us are into pain or humiliation , but we both enjoy kinky sex as we define it. At one point, Emmie approaches me with the idea of incorporating a third player into our secret fuck sessions. "Someone we can abuse." She puts it. "What do you mean by abuse?" I ask. " Someone...
My girlfriend, by now soaking wet, stops sucking my dick and asks my friend 'Are you really going to fuck him?' 'Oh yes', he says. 'I'll prepare You then', she says and start sucking his dick hard. Her long black curls move up and down. My friend keeps on fingering my ass. 'I think he's ready', my friend says and my girl takes his dick out of her mouth, spits on it once more and puts his big knob against my virgin asshole. Slowly he pushes his dick in my ass. 'Oh, that hurts a little.' I moan,...
"Hey, you look tired! How was the last day of the conference?" I enquired as I started to set the table for supper. "Ah long, boring but good for business. I'm kidding it was good just tiring sitting those long hours. Something smells good, what's for supper?" Shan replied as he took off his shoes and put away his briefcase. "Spicy chicken pasta and some focaccia bread for later. Why don't you go freshen up by the time I set the table?" I said whilst handing him a glass of juice....
“So what exactly do you expect me to do? I can’t come up with that kind of money at the drop of a hat!” I can’t keep the emotions from my voice. Rage, anger, guilt, hate, disgust and so much more are running through my veins and keeping my eyes from my daughter who is currently on her knees in the corner with some guys cock pumping in and out of her throat. “You see Matthew, that really isn’t my problem and quite frankly, it shouldn’t be your daughters either and yet somehow, you’ve allowed...
So as the 4 of them crowded my bails of hay Daddy let them know that this was a Break In, Fuck this Sissy hard , I mean fucking hard,....Shes born to service my cock, and whoever elses cock I choose to put in her mouth...".....I spoke."Daddy these men have been traveling awhile, can I please allow them to go ahead and relieve their bladders into my mouth...pretty please Daddy??".......' Alright, Well get your cum guzzling ass up and start drinking these men up... 2 of them looked like...
_____________________ CHAPTER 3 _____________________ The next few weeks were sort of a blur, but that's often how it feels when you're deliriously happy. Rachel was completely true to her word, and she keep every ounce of cum drained from Jason’s balls. He just couldn't get enough of her, and she couldn't seem to get enough of him. At first, fucking while his mom was home was completely off-limits, but before long they were even sneaking into each other's rooms while...
We got home a few hours later. The SUV came to a stop and the three of us began unloading the camping gear and any supplies that hadn't sunk in the lake. I walked around the living room to get the kinks out as went into the bathroom to clean up after their orgy ride home. I grabbed a beer and walked into the room to see Havana bent over in the shower and Liz working her black strap-on into her from behind. Havana gasp as Liz's cock entered her in a long slow stroke. They kissed over...
“E.. eezzeta..” I blushed with qualms. I knew I had messed up and the only way to be out of that mess was to find a good excuse. “I’m so sorry. I…I don’t know—“ “It is ok Evans. I hope you aren’t feeling bad about what had just happened,” Ezeta interrupted. “I don’t know what came over me. I am sorry for my act and I will take the rest of the night on the couch. I--” I rolled my eyes in bewilderment as my mouth dropped open. What came out of her mouth was totally...
I left off after my first blow job from Mary.... The next day met up with both Mary and Danielle at our smokers club a block from school, Mary and I hinted and teased about our fun the night before, She had already told Danielle about learning from me how to suck, and she wanted to skip class with me for more fun but had a test so she couldn't...then Danielle pipped in, can I have some fun with him. Well as I learned later these to shared everything with each other....I was to be a...