The Future Has Chnaged Now Amazon Women Rule Part2 free porn video

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Darren to Jades transformation and school my nail begin to grow as well my hair I had a brown colour hair but it look like it was changing blond colour my nails had grown to inch in length my skeleton started to dissolve and my as my body started to change there was a lot pain I began to scream in agony I looked down and saw my balls of my penis disappearing as they slowly went up my body I was left with a skin thing hanging of my body as they travelled up my body the begin changing my body inside with a uterus and ovaries I was screaming so much in pain again then I felt my spine crack and reform it self as well as my hip began to get wider and my bum became rounder and plump I looked half boy/half girl my bottom half like a girl as my legs were smooth long I wonder were my new strength would come from as the nano worked to make me strong them I saw my penis skin slowly start shrinking and started to disappear before my eye it was starting to form a clitoris and started form thick pinks of labia forming my vagina at the same time my mind was getting information about the facts of my mind being a girl growing up with my mom with my slave father and starting my period and my life at school with my amazon sisters and my hatred towards males I began to cough as my throat began to burn I notice I was losing my Adam's apple my voice started get higher and I notice when I screamed a again I feel on the floor as my began a feminie arch in my spine I also notice my breast area started get dark and starting ballooning I saw my breast start to grow from A cup to B cup to C cup to D cup I was not sure what the final size would be I knew I always wore a bra I started to breath slowly as I was feeling my body was finally finish I felt my muscles and skin begin to squirm. My facial features changing shape, becoming utterly feminine. A few soft pops and squelches issued from my face but soon fell silent. My face felt entirely different. it was completed I was a 16yr old Amazon Girl the a pain finally came to the end my mom entered the room help me up and said "baby your hair and eyes I have change" I went up to the mirror notice this beautiful blonde hair girl with blue eyes I thought my eyes were brown like my hair but then I always had blue eyes and blonde hair my mother gave me my bra and panties I found out I was a D cup in breast size I giggled I knew I was that and then put my panties on up my beautiful strong legs I felt different in so many ways beside my hourglass figure and I felt strong and smart I knew my body was always female my mom then gave me my amazon school uniform it was white blouse and black skirt above my knee and knee high black leather boots with a heel 3" high I wobbled at first then it became natural with hips swaying and that we left hospital area and return Ms alexander office on the way I saw 2 slaves being loaded on the truck to slave education camp I thought to my self I knew those slaves but I knew I never be caught with those male scum we arrived back at the admin building My mom told to sit down as she gave them a paper telling that I was finished the I remember that I was a boy a yucky boy yew gross Ms Alexander ask for me to come in she said Jade you will be heading for warrior camp today I replied " i know Ms Alexander I knew this day was coming told her she replied with "ok Jade you can go back to class ask Chantelle when you can be come a cheerleader " I replied yes Ms Alexander and left for class for some reason I knew how to get there when arriving at class my teacher said welcome Jade I went over sat with Chantelle I ask her about my cheerleader spot she said " Jade you cheer uniform is in your cheer locker remember " I replied " yea I know I also remember Chantelle and I are best friends Chantelle also told me I am head cheerleader we not like the one from earth past we like school police we applied for the cheerleading job as our mom's are police military force officers her mom is the commander of zone 12 and my mom is the commander of earth. and we will be same as our mothers you see Zone 12 is once called California our teacher told us zone 12 was destroyed in a earthquake around 2070 before we left our earth mankind was still in charge terrorism was still very big and tribe known USA was always fighting against others in zone 8 which was called the middle east it was decided in 2090 our great queen of the time decide that all amazon woman to leave earth by then amazon forest were destroyed by man and we knew it was time to move on from earth we left and started looking for new home world we found a planet suited to our needs we called it Amazonia our scientist introduced us to nanotechnology we got strong beautiful and smart our head scientist was male but turned a amazon female she then gave all the amazon women the nanobots she also headed our technology advancement I was told she use be the USA tribe head scientist but she was found in jungle and our queen turn him to her it was decided in 2190 the queen want earth back so we decided to return and invade it my amazon sister had earth under our control with in 2 weeks the tribe USA was last to fall my sister decide that earth should be under martial law all men tribe leaders were killed and lot were sent camp 7. all zones have 4 of these camps males do not have names in that camp, it took my sisters over 10yrs too fix the eco system the way it was late 20th century it was decide if we gave birth to a boy a chip will be inserted in the brain stop aggressiveness by 2020 we decide that boys at the age of 16yrs will be a slave or female 90% of boys become slaves the boys are sent to re-education camps know to them slave training camps that would be last time they saw their moms as their mothers if they return to them they will call them Mistress we will be going amazon warrior training tonight for training I been told it done old fashion way after 2 weeks we go to the re- education camp to learn who our slaves are going to be my teacher says they will learn that you are control not them our slave can only come from category C not the others the class came to a end Chantelle and I left we left and went to our locker we saw a slave walking down from his class room it was slave Simon Chantelle looks at me says "Jade you want have fun with slave" I giggled and said "why not only male trash "she giggled "yea her reply " and walk up to it "hello Simon " Chantelle says "hello Mistress " he replies "this is Mistress Jade " she replies with " hello mistress Jade " he bowed I looked at him and said 'you will learn to bow at all mistress" slave with use of my boot I kicked him down to the floor put pressure on his neck I then said "Do you understand me slave "while chocking he replied yes mistress Jade I released him and said 'fuck off you male piece of shit " he ran off Chantelle and I giggle that was fun she replied I said "I know I fuck'n hate males so much I'm looking forward to their Re-education camp for some fun " she replied me too bestie " we went saw our moms my mom told me to have fun there I responded with I will mom I have my best friend with me she my amazon sister soon the bus arrived and we knew we were off to Warrior camp Chantelle said here we go best friend I sad yep here we go the bus drove off to camp the boys point of view As miss Darren and I leave from class we walk to our lunch area in the school it designed for boys who have not been selected and the ones who have like my self I was done yesterday afternoon I was have been trying find away to get rid of chip in my head but I have not succeed my name is Simon Robinson I have 3 friends one name is Darren albert and Jack they have been sent a detention to our vehicle arrives to take us to slave training camp we were eating our lunch when I saw mistress Chantelle walking up to Darren she replies with "your mother has finished her Mission and you are accompany me please to mistress Alexander office with me " he replied with " ok Simon i'll see you later " he left that was last time I saw my friend I ate my lunch alone the bell rang I returned to class when I arrived there a guy name Andrew ask "where is Darren " I replied with "selection " wow " he replied with" I think he'll get slave like us" he continued with I sad "Maybe his mother is very high up in the government" then the teacher walk in she said "Darren has gone to selections " I replied with" Yes mistress " she said " ok now class since you are all going to slave training camp you need to know what you are in for there u will be assign dorms and you will need a full medical as well and be given task to do some of you will not get selected as house slaves some will go to breeding camps for your boy juice some will get Construction work some will be farmers and so on" she said then we were told about the Amazon girls coming to our camp they love hurting us or playing their games with us, The teacher got a message telling us Darren had his selection and he was being sent some where else in other words someone told me he was going to be converted to one of them I felt a lot of sorrow I had lost my best friend. As the day continued we learnt why being under Amazonia rule was not bad and life was so much better we learnt that man nearly destroyed this world and zone 12 was by earthquake we found out cause of war by man the class and day ended. I left the class room I was walking from my classroom when I saw mistress Chantelle and another female they were giggling they walked up "hello Simon" she said I replied with "Hello Mistress she replies with "this is Mistress Jade "then I said "hello Mistress Jade "i bowed she then said "you will learn to bow at all Mistress slave " then I felt a kick to legs then I was on the ground with her boot choking my neck she then said do you understand me now Slave: I replied with Yes Mistress Jade "she released me and said fuck off you male piece of shit " I ran off hearing them giggling in the background that Jade was real nasty bitch I saw albert and jack put on a truck in chains Albert was already in a orange dress and Jack was still in his school uniform I walked up to told Amazon police guard who I was we were load and the truck drove off taking to us camp and our new life we arrive at the camp we were told stay on truck until our names were called once category A like albert he was only one and the category B were unload like jack and 2 other boys I found out I was category C they started calling our names my name was finally called I was sent section c3 once I walked there I told the guard my name she directed me to my room I was sharing Andrew once I settled in we had our dinner and then stayed in rec room to our 8pm curfew I then went bed and thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep ******************(Jack's point of view)******** we were seating in class when Darren returned back from selection Simon ask him to sit down next to him calling him Miss and Darren sat next to him Albert ask him what happen he replied with an emergency came up albert said ok then mistress Chantelle walk up and squeezed our shoulders and said put your collars on now slaves so we did albert and I my shoulder hurt a lot and she was not tyring hard that bitch albert said then Darren replies with you should have put your collar on albert he got up and said I hope you become a slave like you fuck'n prick then he try to hit Darren with a minute 2 cheerleaders were here grab him put him on the ground they mumbled some shit he was ben carried off to holding area I tried to grab them but I forgot about their strength I was `then taken away with albert we were put into different rooms like cells I was put in chains on my arms and legs a few hours later I was taken to a medical room in chains I was examine by a doctor then was sent back to my cell around end of day I was taken in chains to the truck and loaded for Slave training camp the truck arrived at slave training camp after category A went first where I saw albert being lead away I was unloaded and sent category b in the camp the re-education area I knew I screwed up by hitting a cheerleader a long time ago they were the weaker sex not any more we are the guard ask for my name told her Jack I was then put in a dorm with other slaves in chains all the time we had dinner and once in bed we were chained with toilet next to us I went to sleep slowly thinking I fucked up at school today *******************(Alberts view )************ fuck my shoulder was sore I said that bitch my shoulder hurts Darren replies with you have should worn your collar I got up angry and said I hope you are slave you fuck'n prick I was about to hit him when I was on the ground with a boot on my chest I was told I have bee charged and sentence to slave train camp I was carried off to holding area before than Jack tried hit the girls but not succeed he was on his way with me to the cells about 30mins later I was moved to a room and amazon police officer came down ask me about my family I told her nothing I was then thrown back into my cell about 2hrs after I was dragged out of my cell and was back in the same room the police officer said My father was now at camp 7 maximum security and my mom was being held at local police station I t was depending their court cases on terrorism charges my dad was facing the death squad which was in 1hour time. I don't know what happens to mom I was told maybe re-education on Amazonia then I was then ordered to strip out of my uniform and I was told put on this orange dress my collar and dress had the same number I was given Ballet flats to wear I was no longer Albert I was now 46478 it was on my dress as well I was given a needle to settle me down and then they my chained legs and arms I was loaded on the truck for slave camp in my own cell the truck arrived at the camp I was unloaded first and put in a their security section I saw jack going over to a special area he was in chains but so were the other males it know category B slaves I was getting Moved to category A top security I was no one I walk up to the door the guard said name I said 46478 good I was put in my cell meal time I was given my meal in my cell as I was getting tired a guard came on said 46478 your father was executed today for his crimes and your mother has been sent Amazonia women re-education centre on Amazonia she wont remember you I was then told if I am good I will be put as category c slave and have a new name or even some thing else my life as Albert was gone I was now slave 46478 if I ever could see Darren again I would say sorry I might meet him again but I don't think so I heard whispers on the truck he was converted to one of them a female amazon girl I went to sleep thinking if the government knew about us would life be different for me and my family or maybe not all I knew I was now scared of my fate the girls warrior camp the bus left school we were in our way to amazon warrior camp I was a bout 2hr journey there Chantelle and I were talking g about our fun at school with that slave I think since my early day as little girl I have always hated males sexual I know I am bisexual I would fuck a guy only for reproducing more amazon sisters and that if I had a boy I would love him like any mother would but I would ask see if I could have it changed to a girl our scientist is working on that problem I was just glad I was born a girl the bus finally arrived at camp All females must got to warrior camp for 3yrs from 16yrs til 19yrs for eight weeks a year for amazon training we got the bus and waited for the Colonel to come out of her office she says "hello ladies and welcome to warrior training camp for next 14 days you will learn basic skills like fighting and self defence your strength and will use to the fullest and remember Ladies we are not the weaker sex any more men are you will learn new skills while you sleep will be learning different languages and fight in subliminal ways of learning and we have also daughter of our earth command here and the daughter of zone 12 commander Ms Jade Jamison and Ms Chantelle peters please give then nice welcome she finished colonel said right "ladies the dinning room is B my office and Admin building is C the recreation room gym and leisure room and pool area are A building when we call out your name you be issue a hut " they called girls name out then Chantelle then I was called with a girl name Crystal we given hut D next to everything we carried our bags to our hut when we got there we found a notice to us it said that will be training in a white dress like our amazon sister did when they lived on this planet before man destroyed our life and left foe peace in space your training shoes are in you closet dinner is at 7pm every night subliminal training begins 10pm at night to 6am thank you colonel Anderson we un pack our bag got undress put on our white dresses on and gold knee laced up sandals with 2"heel walked to dining room I notice my dress had my name on it same as Chantelle and Crystal we arrived for diner I said to my bestie I hope we don't train in theses she replies with me too we went in dinning room saw all the girls with same dresses and same sandals on the colonel spoke ladies these sandals are your training shoes after tonight you wont even think you have a problem so enjoy your meals we started eating our dinner we soon finish then headed towards the recreation room and played pool and stuff no girl is aggressive to each other like Boys would be talked on the phones to their moms Chantelle and I got to know crystal and other girls there was about 23 of us in sophomore year here as came to 945 we returned to our huts I changed into my nightie and got into bed we were told to put on our ear buds then we started go to sleep. As we slept new things were going into head like how to wear our sandals without any trouble new languages and how choke and break a males neck enforce their punishment and other stuff and how to select husband slave martial arts use a sword a gun and know how to fight with out a weapon the next morning we got up showered wash our hair and stuff then put our make up on and got dressed in our white dresses and put our sandals on left for our breakfast after our meal we had sword lessons combat training all types of martial arts as we came up to lunch time the colonel announces that the princess has assassinated last night so we will be selecting a girl to replace her I went to lunch thinking who could be the next princess Chantelle and I walk back to our hut and wonder they catch this terrorist around here if caught thy are executed a few hour they were caught and executed the hunt on now for a new princess Crystal return soon said this camp will be part of the princess hunt I was in shock Zone 12 never been in the search we all know what we are going to be in life like me I will follow my mom become a police military officer like my best friend Chantelle but you can be changed into a princess by the government representative of our queen Ms Alexander is only our careers representative and boys selection Officer this person is higher than she has power sack you or anything oh well it won't be me I am the commander daughter of entire earth police force except Africa where their tribal women control their men in agreement with Amazonia if they need we help them any time we will come to them with no problems they have our nanotechnology and they were first of their females who contacted us 2189 for help and we came and invaded earth after lunch was fitness class like running around the camp and push ups and sit ups and so on then more martial arts training cause our strength now it doesn't take long our speed around campus is about 35miles/hour running that why a male cant escape us and our strength is so strong the strongest guy would never hurts us. We are the stronger sex now not Men they are considered the weaker sex but we will not do construction work that their work it will dirty our nails yucky dirty nails that reminds to polish mine tonight in black I ask Chan to help me my bestie and I real close by around about 5pm we told that was it for the day as we were going back a car arrived with a new girl we went over to her and said hi I'm Jade she replied with I'm Jasmine I sad cool this Chantelle my best and crystal I see you have been put in our hut I said can I call you jazzy she said yes I think Chan and I might have new nest friend we went back to our huts relaxed showered again Chan help with my nails hand and feet I did her I got my naval pierced same Crystal Jazzy and Chan all the girls were doing it here I changed into a new dress and went for diner and after diner we went recreation room till 945pm then bed for subliminal training this continued for next 4days (not including nail polish part or belly piercing for next 4 days ) around the 5th day a car arrived with the queen's representative in tow she was here to look at a few girls the colonel said with my mom and Chan mom with her . Chan and I walk up to our moms and hugged them I said hi mom she replied with hello baby girl how are I said good and learning a lot about our culture and stuff Chan was talking the same to her my mom then said Baby girl I have some news for you I replied with what mom she continued baby girl you been selected for princess role I said what why me I am your daughter I suppose to follow you in my career it been since I was a little girl. my mom then replied with Baby you are only on the short list and if selected you don't take the job until your 20yrs old any way but you will called princess instead of Mistress or Ms your decision days is in 5 days time until then continue your training here and when did you get your bellybutton pierced I was in sports bra and tight sport shorts and my sandals on this was also part of our training gear I giggled to mum said second night here . Jazzy Chan and I and all the other girls here got them done she replied with ok Jade but if you do become our princess it doesn't matter you will be in black leather any way I think what she was saying is if become our next princess I have keep my naval piercing covered at training I was wearing studs in my ears mom told me my twin sister was arriving tomorrow from being sick she will put same room as Jazzy, Chan and I I'm looking forward seeing her. so I did until that day arrives I thought to my self will I be a princess or A police military officer I will find out in 5 days time if princess I want Chan as my body guard if not then we going same police military squad together oh well who know what my fate is I will know in 5 days time the next day I saw a car drive into the camp I notice it was mom with Kylie she got out of the car and I went up cuddled her "hey sis I sad she hey Jade I saw mom how was the ride here mom said good Kylie comes over says sis congrats on princess nomination I turn to my sister and thank you but I want be like you and mom a police military officer Kylie says sis you have Chan and me with you I said I know jazzy is going be a scientist cause of her greater knowledge on nanotechnology I sad come on sis we will get you into your training dress, as kylie walked to our hut Chan and jazzy welcome her with open arms I was glad kylie with us our hatred to men will fun at slave boys camp when we arrive the in 9 days time we got in there kylie change into her dress and sandals I painted her nails and toes she giggled at the story of us give that slave Simon a hard time she said your right he is fuck'n piece of male trash we laughed and headed for lunch after lunch for us it was sword training and martial arts for jazzy she was in science building then it was dinner then the rec room I saw crystal said this my sister kylie and she said hi then the 5 of went and hang around telling stories of us growing as friends and our hatred to males as we are Amazon girls

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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

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Modern Amazon Feminist Society

Modern Amazon Feminist Society By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), bondage, trangender (TG), Body Modification and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the...

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My Amazon Lover

I am a thirty six year old housewife, who keeps herself in excellent shape, I'm five foot one inches tall, Italian with black hair, brown eyes and I have a B cup, my tits stand up without any help, which enables me to go braless whenever the mood strikes. I am also totally frustrated, as my husband is climbing the corporate ladder and has been working weekends for the last year on various important projects, which is why I am sexually frustrated, he hasn't touched me in about a year. One of my...

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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife SpeaksPart Five

In the Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Five by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Penthesilea, Nanette's First Wife Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Alistair, Nanette's Second Wife Ira, maid to Rylann Hadrian, Rylann's new maid ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required to have at least two...

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Amazon Part 10b Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10b: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Washington, D.C. 6:00AM EST Connie had been stirring restlessly, even before the alarm sang its raucous song. Her sleep had been broken by sharply imaged dreams...

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Amazon Part 10d Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10d: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Sunday, March 11, 2001 Williamsburg, VA 1:50PM EST ~I can't believe I almost *forgot*!~ Nicole had been muttering imprecations at herself during her drive from Fairfax to Richmond. It...

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Amazon Parts 2 and 3

Amazon: Part_2-History Lesson and Reality Checks HISTORY LESSON and REALITY CHECKS By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Interlude - Monday evening, 11/27/2000 Nicole soon retired to her bedroom, now cluttered with bags both full and half-empty, and cleaned up...

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Amazon Part 8 Charm School Week 4

Amazon - Part 8: CHARM SCHOOL Week 4 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. *** Monday, January 29, 2001 Somerley It was amazing! After all the clich?s about foggy, rainy England, she was here during *lovely* weather. Not warm by any means, but sunny and dry nonetheless. N...

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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

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The Ladies of the Amazon

I was born and raised in a privileged life style. When I was born, the pregnancy was too much for my mother and she passed away giving me life. My dad was devastated, or at least that is what I was told, but fortunate for him and me, he had a personal assistant who happily switched positions from his PA to being my nanny and giving me the feminine side of life, a well rounded young lady would need. I was raised in a large ranch in northern Colorado, just north of Denver, my dad had come from...

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Amazon Part 10c Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, March 5, 2001 Nicole and Angela's apartment 7:20AM EST "You're in a good mood this morning. What did I miss yesterday?" Angela was indulging in a breakfast of biscuits with sausage...

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Amazon Part 10a Home Stretch

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Amazon: Re-Genesis: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Part 10a Author's Note: The menu is, of course, courtesy of the incomparable Amelia R. ********** Sunday, February 25, 2001 6:12AM EST The alarm hadn't even wakened her this morning, and...

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THE AMAZON QUEEN (Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang)By: XTALESAll characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex.If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.PS: I am not a native English...

3 years ago
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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

2 years ago
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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife

In the Amazon Empire: an Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Two by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Antonischard, focus of the story Hemia and Uther, his parents Dr Gertrude Hagelaur, teacher of the demanding comazon-prep phys-ed which prepares school boys to become wives Reverend Portia, a priest of the Goddess who serves as a match-maker Nanette Penthesilea, an Amazon noble who wishes...

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Cassanova and the Amazon QueenChapter 2

Casanova's introduction to the court of the Amazon Queen was a shock to his nervous system. His body was used roughly by both the Queen and several of her entourage to quench their need for impalement by male flesh. In all honesty Casanova was quite happy with the turn of events and offered thanks that his juices were running strong enough to satisfy all concerned. Although he was accustomed to using and discarding his conquests with scarce a thought about their post-coital feelings,...

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Amazon Part 7 Charm School Week 3

Amazon - Part 7: CHARM SCHOOL Week 3 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, January 22, 2001 Washington, D.C. The orders were clear, even if the scope of the task itself was not. Carson Sinclair had been directed to follow up on a company known to...

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The Amazon Hotel

The Amazon Hotel By Margaret Jeanette Harriet Tuchow was working as a clerk at the bank. One of her regular customers was there and he always told her a funny joke. It always made her day. Meanwhile her husband Thomas was explaining a report to the president of a five restaurant chain that he was bookkeeper for. The chain had made a record profit last quarter. More people were eating out and they were getting their share. The president praised his bookkeeping and told him to...

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(Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang) By: XTALES All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. PS: I am not a native English...

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Busty Amazon Hitchhiker

Busty Amazon Hitchhiker by rmdexter“Oh my God, look at that woman; she’s incredible,” I thought to myself as I approached the figure standing next to the freeway on-ramp, her right arm extended, thumb pointing up.I’d just finished four days of sales in this city, meeting with more corporate reps than I cared to remember. Business had been good, with some existing contracts extended, plus a couple of new ones I was glad to land. I was only 27-years old and had started out on this business...

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Enter the Amazon

XXXecil by request: Enter the Amazon by: XXXecil Part 1: Rewritten Loyalties "Is she still at it?" Private Matthew Bellows asked the security officer, a Corporal, in the chair beside him, as both of the blond, crew-cut soldiers glared with unabashed delight at the image displayed in one of dozens of screens linking every security camera in the east wing of the lonely, black-budget bunker. One of the screens, on the...

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The Unlikely Amazon

It happened on the night of my tenth birthday. Not that anyone had acknowledged the occasion. My uncle, who had "taken care of me" since my mother's death the way a slaver "takes care" of his stock, certainly didn't give a damn about my feelings. I'll never know why, but I can see looking back on those days that he resented me in a way that went beyond simple callousness. Perhaps things were bad between him and my mother, and having me around was a constant reminder. It hardly matters now...

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses

Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses  The Earl, still decked in his combat amour watched the erstwhile twin princesses of the Amazons kneeling naked, bound, lovely and humbled at his feet. Their heads bowed before the man who now owned them, the beautiful loose curls of their hair; one blond the other brunette flowed down in cascades to the pert round orbs of their tits. He looked down at his new slave girls with a smile that wasn’t cruel. True they had caused him a lot of trouble but they were...

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Amazon Part 9 Dancing Queen

Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen By Itinerant Edited By Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, February 5, 2001(84/51) Washington, D.C. 9:00AM EST The conference room quieted as Carson called the meeting to order. It was a sizable place, with two rows of tables facing the end...

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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 4 The Celebration Gangbanging an Amazon Princess

Alexander gathered his robes and put them on. He then went to the pavilion's door and pulling the flap aside spoke to a guard stationed there. He returned to his throne and beckoned Diana to stand on his right side facing the doorway. Within five minutes the flap was again drawn aside and about thirty men filed through. Diana had attempted to cover herself as the first man stepped through the door but Alexander was harsh. "Do not cover yourself, Princess," he ordered. "This is my...

4 years ago
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Contest at Amazon House

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given...

1 year ago
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Cassanova and the Amazon QueenChapter 3

The Queen of the Amazon's was most pleased with Casanova's ability to charm four new female recruits away from their protective families and a lifetime of male dominance. She felt that instead of robbing them of their liberty, her new boy-toy had liberated the pretty young girls from the degradation of serving their male masters like slaves rather than part of the close family unit. Casanova was a bit ashamed of his deception in tricking the young women into the dark and allowing them to...

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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

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Air Amazon

"AA-TSCD-4289 Three Seven Four requesting landing rights near Amazon tower." From an initial ground-view glance, an object with the appearance of a black-winged robot flew through the night sky. Upon closer inspection, however, one could clearly see it to be a high-tech battlesuit, if one's imagination had conceived of the thing before it zipped out of sight. The suit's size reflected that of a large, yet divine woman whose proportions matched those found in men's magazines throughout...

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The Amazon Box

Nelson couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to come up with his idea as he hurried home from school. His box from Amazon was supposed to arrive today, and he didn’t want anyone, especially one of his sisters to find it before he got it safely out of sight. Nelson was a pretty normal looking senior, with short blond hair and a skinny adolescent build that had caused its fair share of friendly teasing over the years. Fortunately, he had a ready smile and was a genuinely nice guy so...

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Amazon Part 6 Charm School Week 2

Amazon - Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude: A soft chime interrupted Nicole's story. A voice followed...

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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

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Kandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...

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Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman The Amazons

Despite quitting the Justice League and retiring from being a superhero, everyone believed her to be Wonder Woman, yet she had so far avoided meeting Wonder Woman's people, the Amazons, worried they would realise she was an imposter. But no meeting can be put off forever.... (Note: This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the others then, at the very least, you should read WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN? before reading this one.) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN:...

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Bother in law fucking my Mother part2

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother - Par "Ashley, whatttt? my mum gasped. "Aunty, please undress. I want to see you naked" Ashley groaned. Mum just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son-in-law, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her curvy long legs going up to a round full arse, up to a slightly...

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The Yong Amazons Part 3

Young Amazons Part 3Recap of parts 1 and 2: Edward and James are Fitters in the Albion Army. Their colleagues had been caught, tortured and executed by two ruthless young Amazons. The girls had stalked the two surviving men and caught them and beaten them up. They had led them bound and naked through the forest. They had come across a four man Albion Army patrol. The young girls had confronted the men and butchered three of them instantly. The fourth was milked of his semen before being...

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Teen Titan Chronicles 3 Amazons Attack

I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic; it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...

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The Young Amazons Part 4

The Young Amazons Part 4The beautiful Young Amazons utterly humiliate their naked male captives as they lead them into the crowded citadel arenaRecap: Edward and James are soldiers. They found their colleagues dead, both had been savagely whipped and emasculated by two beautiful young Amazon warriors known only as Tight Skirt and Thong. The girls had beaten up and captured Edward and James, binding them and leading them naked to a forest clearing. En route they encountered a four man Albion...

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