In The Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife And Mother Speaks Of His Life~Part One free porn video

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IN THE AMAZON EMPIRE: AN AMAZON WIFE & MOTHER SPEAKS OF HIS LIFE by Ginny Wolf The dinner party lasted much longer than the governor had expected. However, the guests were politically and financially important to him and to the decision he had to make. Finally, he entered his private office. After double checking to make sure the door was locked, he settled into his favorite reading chair with the brandy bottle close by. He carefully decoded the locked brief case and lifted out the extremely confidential report prepared by his chief of staff. It could be that this would give him "the" issue he would need next year. Three months from this early October night, the governor intended to declare his candidacy for president of the United States. It would be a grueling uphill battle, first within his own party, then against a skilled opponent, whoever the other side selected. For the first time in years, both major parties had several highly qualified candidates and for the first time in decades, not just one but two third party candidates, one from the far right and one from the far left, promised to make the election a close race. The winner needed to have an attention getting issue. Perhaps this report would give the governor his ticket to the White House. He lifted out the lengthy report which was replete with graphs, charts, maps, and photos. He began to read. After the usual detailed summary of the assignment, his chief of staff wrote that the report was in two sections. The first section summarized the Amazon Empire today with a reference bibliography, the maps and so forth. The second part consisted of a transcription of interviews done in New York City with the wife of an Amazon noble on special assignment with the Empire's delegation to the United Nations. The governor read the following: ***** History & Government: The origins of the Amazon Empire are obscure, shrouded in myth and mystery. Some hints are found in places as diverse as the Ukraine, China, India, Turkey, Senegal, Mexico, and Spain. Initially, the Amazon nation consisted of a federation of all women tribes from two groups- women who left their villages temporarily for service to the Goddess, and women who preferred an all female society. For centuries, Amazons lived as nomads, harassed and pursued by patriarchal societies. From the beginning, Amazon women did not fit into the patriarchal roles for women. They rejected typical marriage, instead marrying men who stayed at home to take care of the children and perform other "feminine" tasks while the women conducted public life as priests, poets, scholars, physicians, musicians, scientists, warriors and leaders. Since ancient times, Amazon males kept house, raised children, provided love to their warrior spouses. By 1750C.E., males routinely nursed babies and by the mid-nineteenth century, Amazon doctors and scientists developed the technology to turn their men into child bearing persons. Inseparable from their approach to love, sex, marriage, and reproduction is their approach to battle, having conquered many peoples and earned a worldwide reputation as fierce fighters. After being driven from Europe and Asia, the Amazons finally settled on a chain of islands running from the North Pacific to the South Pacific, probably around the tenth century B.C.E. From there, first by defensive warfare, then by wars of conquest, or by skillful negotiation or by outright purchase, they built an empire that today includes a little over 1.3 million square miles of land in parts of Asia, North America, South America and hundreds of islands scattered in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and a population of over 21.8 million people. For example, they purchased Alaska in 1892C.E. from a financially struggling United States by paying, in gold, $21,600,000, three times what the Americans paid to Russia. Or, another example, in an amazing war against the British Empire in 1906 C.E., they seized all of New Zealand. The current ruler is Queen Hestia, the twenty-seventh monarch of that name. She is an absolute monarch who reigns with the advice of a Privy Council of nobles but is not accountable to any type of parliament or congress. The members of the Privy Council come both from the oldest aristocratic families and from lifetime members appointed for outstanding service to the Empire in the military, the arts, the sciences, medicine, or education. The high priests of the seven key temples of the Goddess are included during their time in office. See more in "Religion" section which follows. This branch of the royal family ascended the throne in 1294C.E. Her Majesty has a harem of seven male "wives" who have presented her with twenty-nine princesses so legal heirs abound. Court gossip says that two of the wives are pregnant at this time. The male children, called "girbys," do not count for succession. See "Marriage & Family" section which follows. The aristocracy consists of families with roots shrouded in myth and ancient history as well as women promoted to aristocratic rank for service in the military, business, the arts, the sciences, medicine, or education. The lowest rank of aristocrats are called knight or "ladyship." In ascending order, next are baroness, duchess, countess, and princess. While titles in the oldest families pass from one generation to another, those bestowed more recently, that is in the last five centuries, do not automatically pass on. The reigning queen determines based on merit service whether the oldest daughter may inherit the title. Any noble, as well as other woman, may be promoted upward in recognition of achievement. The rank of princess is achieved only by birth; however, a queen or princess may select any man she wishes as a wife. All daughters born to a queen or princess have the rank of princess by birth. Military: At present, the armed forces number 2,374,400 women on active duty with another 1,187,200 reserves and 146,280 men who serve in non- combat roles as nurses, clerks, secretaries, weather forecasters, mechanics, home-front drivers and commissary personnel. The cream of the armed forces are the elite Royal Guard of about 35,000. Exact numbers of this branch are a well-guarded state secret. Not only do those women protect the Queen and royal household but are said to undertake dangerous and secret intelligence and counter-intelligence operations when and where necessary. Rumor says that they are better than MI5, the CIA, the KGB, the Stasi and Mossad ever have been. While losing battles once in awhile, the Empire has not lost a war since 1710C.E. Today the Amazon military continues to beat back minor but repeated threats from male dominated governments. Currently, none of these actions involve any major powers and are considered to be regionally contained matters. Several Pacific rim nations and two Latin American states have voiced concern about the Empire's growing influence in the trans-Pacific regions. The Amazon armed forces are the most effective of any world power in suppressing piracy in international waters and the interdiction of drug trafficking along the Pacific coast of the Americas. The greater danger seen by the U.S. State Department is that continued instability in any of several Central or South American countries could provide reason for the Empire to intervene or even make outright conquest which could leave these well-equipped forces close to, if not on, the U.S. border. Language & Religion: The Amazon native tongue is a form of ancient Greek. Additionally, the language over the centuries was flooded with influences from countless other tongues. The majority of Amazon women are fluent, on average, in nine languages in addition to their mother tongue. Most Amazon men are fluent in three or more language, even though men are considered less intelligent than women. See the section on "Education." The man I interviewed in New York spoke French, Japanese and English as well as Amazon and with practically no accent. He could read Latin and Greek. Royal decrees and the laws of the Empire are published in Amazon as well as classical Greek, classical Latin, English, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, a move which some analysts say indicates their ambitions to expand. Most Amazons practice worship of the Goddess, a monotheistic religion centered in "the Divine Feminine." While there are as many varieties of the religion as there are of other major world religions, ranging from conservative to liberal, general direction comes from seven key temples throughout the Empire, each temple named after a particular traditional manifestation of the Goddess, that is, Maiden, Mother, Crone, Wisdom, Beauty, Creativity and Love. All the priests of the religion are women, although men serve minor roles in temples and local congregations, for example as cleaning maids who keep the buildings neat. Convents of "nuns" exist in about four dozen locations. These "nuns" are males, often widows, who have satisfied their child-bearing requirements or were medically infertile, a rare but serious condition in Amazon males. See "Marriage & Family" section which follows. Each major city and most towns and villages have a local temple. High priests at the seven major temples are selected in rotation, one temple selecting a new high priest, next year another, and so on, each high priest serving seven years so that in any given year there is only one new high priest among the seven. While religious toleration exists in the Empire, it is limited to practices which do not discriminate against women. Hence, the heads of the major world religions-all males-are very anti-Empire. Yet complaints by them to the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights never amount to anything as investigators always find satisfied citizens throughout the Empire. The Royal Family and all the nobility follow the Goddess religion. Marriage & Family: The legal doctrine is that upon marriage, a man's legal rights are subsumed by those of his vira or groom or nova nupta. A married man has the status of filius velarius, literally, a boy covered or veiled. A filius velarius is not recognized as having legal rights and obligations distinct from those of his vira. Instead, through marriage a man's existence is incorporated into that of his vira. A woman and her wife are one person as far as the law is concerned, and that person is the vira, the woman. A married man, called a "comazon" after marriage, can not own property, sign legal documents, enter into a contract, or obtain an education without his vira's consent, nor can he keep his salary for himself. Working wives relinquish their wages to their spouses. In the Amazon language, no words exist from some traditional male roles, often the feminine includes the masculine, feminine words are applied to men and in some the applications are reversed and unnatural. For example, in a marriage "husband" denotes the woman and "wife" denotes the man. Amazon women and men use similar care when speaking other languages. Men are "brides" and "wives;" women are "vira" or "husbands" or "grooms." Female children are either "girls" or "daughters" and male children are "girbys" or "dohters." Siblings are "sisters" or "girthers." Since men are engineered to give birth, they are called "mothers" and women are called "mamas" rather than "fathers," a word which has disappeared. All sisters or girthers of mother or mama are "aunts" to the children. Both parents of either spouse are "grandmother" to the children. A married woman is addressed as"Vira" or "My Liege" or "My Lady" while her male spouse is called "Mrs" or "Nubila" or "Mistress." A single woman is properly addressed as "Domina" or "Patira" and an unmarried male, age 12 or over is called "Missus." Once he is betrothed, a man is addressed as "Mistress." Any person whose spouse has died is referred to a "widow." The male wife of any noble, whether knight, baroness, duchess, countess or princess is politely called "Dame." Amazon society teaches the ideals of "the Cult of Domestic Bliss," that is, that men are expected to embody the virtues of being wives, mothers and homemakers. Men are expected to fulfill the roles of a loving and faithful wife, a calm and nurturing mother, and be passive and delicate. The chief virtues in a good man consist of submission, uprightness, devotion and skillful homemaking. The home is his proper sphere and his task is to serve his husband, bear and raise her children and provide rest and renewal for her. Most all Amazon wives subscribe to a dozen or more men's magazines which emphasize fashion, beauty, child-bearing, cooking, homemaking and sexual satisfaction of one's spouse. They strive to spread the concerns for proper male values, encouraging motherhood as a religious obligation and preserving the memory of the Amazon Empire's history and securing its legacy by raising the next generation of citizens. Fashion and beauty are stressed because a man has to stay up to date in order to please his husband. Instructions for sexual submission are often included.The workplace is not the primary area for men; careers and professional advancement are deemed unimportant for men. Although somewhere between 50% to 55% of men work, these are pink collar jobs and related areas. See additional information below on types of males and their employment. Housekeeping and child care are the primary functions of the man. Decision making resides in the woman's power; she always has the last word, for example in choosing the place to live, selecting school for the children, all decisions about purchases, even how the wife and children are to dress. The man takes care of the largest part of the child care and pre-school education, providing for the children. The extreme emphasis on marriage, child-bearing and child-rearing, along with the minimal significance attached to careers for men led to the creation of three classes or types of men. The largest group of men are "drones." About 75% of males are in this category. Women expect drones to have at least two children. Drones perform service jobs, pink collar jobs and such professional jobs as performed by women in many other societies. Drone males work as maids, cooks, waitresses, cashiers, sales clerks, housekeepers, baby sitters, nannies, tutors, governesses, florists. You see these men employed as nurses, elementary school teachers, meter maids, school crossing guards, paralegals, flight attendants, librarians. In the world of fashion and beauty, they are employed as beauticians, manicurists, models, dress designers, and seamstresses. In business and commerce, they work as secretaries, receptionists, data entry clerks or bank tellers. In entertainment, they are actresses, chorus girbys, makeup artists, and script girbys. Another 15% of men are covey males, also known only half in jest, as "beef cows." These males are selected based upon physical fitness and emotional stability. They manifest strong love of "the motherland." Each one is expected to bear a minimum of 12 to 15 babies with a maximum of 25 infants. These men never work outside of the home. They bear and raise children. See additional information in the section on polyandry below. Many covey males literally spend decades bearing children and the rest of their lives raising children, their own or others. The remaining 10% of males are "breed mares." To qualify, a man must be among the best looking and intellectually brightest of males. Each is required to have a minimum of five babies and no more than twelve. If they work outside of the home, it is in some capacity in the arts or charitable work. They are society matrons, court attendants, fashion trend setters. About these men also, see more information in the section on polyandry below. Classical Amazon art and literature depict married men with both their head and face covered by a veil. Historians agree that it was commonplace for men, at least those of higher status, in the ancient empire to cover their hair and face in public. For many centuries, men, with the exception of young unmarried girbys, wore veils that entirely covered their hair, and often their necks up to their chins in the manner of a European wimple. Today in some parts of the Empire, a variety of veils and headdresses are worn by men in accordance with local custom requiring modest dressing. Many of these garments cover the hair, ears and throat, but do not cover the face. Others cover most of the face except for a slit or hole for the eyes. Males wearing these traditional veils usually wear exaggerated eye makeup which may include several sets of false eye lashes, accented with much mascara, extreme amounts of eye liner, eye shadow in various colors, artistically applied, and overstated eye brows created by removal of the natural brow hair and the application of cosmetic paint, sometimes in pastel colors and strange shapes. In a few remote corners of the Empire, women may require their wives to wear a veil which obscures the face completely, except for a netting over the eyes to allow the wearer to see or is made of a sheer fabric so the man can see through it. Today each Amazon man still wears a veil on the occasion of his wedding to symbolize his virginity and his submissiveness. Although elaborate hairdos are de rigeur for all brides, even the highest, most elaborate hair confection will be topped with a white diaphanous veil which covers the bride's hair and face. Just before the wedding ceremony, the mama places the veil over the bride's face, and traditionally expresses her willingness to give her girby to another woman. The veil stays on his face until just before the completion of the wedding ceremony. The bride kneels, the groom helps lift the veil from off his face, places her wedding ring in the bride's nose which as been pierced before hand in preparation and locks a symbolic white leather collar around his neck. The lifting of the veil is also a part of ancient Amazon wedding ritual, symbolizing the woman taking possession of her wife, as her lover and as her property. Among some ultraconservatives, the bride wears an opaque veil and he is escorted down the aisle to meet his groom. The lifting of the veil in the marriage ceremony symbolizes what will take place in the marriage bed as the Amazon deflowers her new wife. The ancient custom of the leather collar comes from the time when most brides of Amazons were captives from other tribes. Today it is largely symbolic; the woman usually removes it from her bride when she beds him on the wedding night. The vast majority of wives have pretty collars of lace, silk or velvet which they wear on special occasions such as weddings, remembering their own weddings with joy as they bow or kneel to have their husband lock the decorative collars around their necks. Some ultra-conservative Amazons still require their brides to wear the leather collar for the first year of marriage or until the birth of the first baby. And even in the most cosmopolitan parts of the Empire, one may see on a public street a mature wife who has offended his spouse and spends some time being reminded of his vows as he wears his leather collar while shopping or at the hairdresser. Polyandry is a common practice among the Royal Family and the aristocracy. It exists not only among the elite and most wealthy families, but also among ordinary citizenry. A woman can have more than one man as a wife at the same time, so long as she can financially support more than one wife. The Empire flourishes financially so that even middle class women can have two wives. The medical technology perfected, and kept secret, by Amazon physicians makes men fertile from age twelve to fifty or fifty-one. Fertile males have a "monthly" which corresponds to a woman's period. In the "up" part of their cycle, males are fruitful and readily become pregnant. Comazons often refer to getting pregnant as "being fertilized" which they consider a great compliment as a fertile wife is understood to be doing his duty to his spouse, to the Empire and to the Goddess. The particulars of the male cycle are kept secret from outsiders. However, Amazons refer to their wives with the same slang expressions used in the United States and elsewhere to describe female periods. During their "monthly" men are "on the rag" or "up for repairs" or "having a visitor" or "entertaining a home companion." Some Amazons joke about a man's period the way some men do here. The male fertility cycle is also used to justify polyandry as a woman may require sexual relations while her wife has his period so the additional wife or wives provide relief in the bedroom. Having babies is considered a patriotic duty. And having girl babies is an honor. The Royal Court maintains the "Order of Distinguished Matrons" to recognize any man who births twelve or more daughters. A woman whose wives are simultaneously pregnant is held in high esteem, a recognition not only of her sexual prowess but also her patriotism. In a polyandrous marriage, the children, regardless of who physically birthed them, call each wife "mother" and the non-bearing wife refers to her half-children as "heart children." However, a significant number of men refer to all the children, regardless of birth mother, as "my children." Most ordinary women marry a drone male and have two or three children. Both husband and wife work, helping the Empire's economy to be one of the most prosperous in the world. A woman who wants to make an impression in business, politics, the arts, the sciences or in the military will marry a covey male to have lots of children and gain recognition as a patriot. Breed mare males are usually the first wives in a polyandrous relationship. In such marriages, the second wife, and sometimes the third, are covey males, producing the majority of the children. If a woman is wealthy and powerful enough to have three or four wives, Third Wife and Fourth Wife are usually drone males who have their two babies then help First Wife and Second Wife raise, nurture and educate children. In polyandrous relationships, First Wife rules the roost at home and other wives defer to him. First Wife is directly accountable to the husband. In a wealthy house, First Wife oversees household staff such as nannies, cooks and maids. He renders a regular financial accounting to his consort. Men never have a choice as to whom they will marry. On the other hand, an Amazon woman can select whatever male strikes her fancy. She must ask the mama for the male's hand in marriage. If it is a breed mare male she seeks, the woman can expect to pay the parents a bride price. Most marriages are arranged marriages. Deals can be made by families directly with one another, by an astrologer, by a priest of the Goddess or by a professional marriage broker. Extra-marital affairs are non-existent for all practical purposes as is divorce. Sexual harassment is prohibited by law and cultural mores. The simple rule is that a woman may look freely and caress gently, but never pinch, grab, paw, fondle, feel-up or give any other unwelcome physical attention to a man. While a wife must submit to on-demand sexual relations and repeated pregnancies, physical, mental and emotional abuse are prohibited. Strangely, the male brides seem to relish their roles, perhaps due to chemical changes made during pregnancy or by a regimen of "domesticity medications" prescribed by doctors when the female husband deems it necessary. Same-sex marriage has been part of the Empire's society for centuries. However, to do their patriotic duty, the lesbian couple usually has one or two male "helpmates" whom the women impregnate and who usually keep house for the women. Most times, these are drone males who have their required two or three babies then function as maid, cook, or housekeeper for the female couple. Gay men may marry with permission of their mamas and must submit to being impregnated by women a minimum number of times. The children are readily adopted by families where the woman wants more children. Orphanages do not exist. All children grow up in loving families. Gay men usually perform pink collar jobs or clerical work. Many women maintain close friendships with other women which at times includes recreational sex. Amazon males are expected to be gentle and companionable with each other. They commonly greet each other with kisses and hugs and often walk hand- in-hand in public. For example, it is usual to see two Amazons walking together engaged in intense discussion while their comazon mates walk a few steps behind, handbags on their arms, stepping carefully in their high heels, arms entwined, giggling and cooing. Anything more than friendly touching or cuddling occurs only with the consent of the women who control the males. According to my informant, the wife I interviewed in New York, at times wives of the same husband may be romantically attracted to one another. Kissing, hugging, hand-holding and other such "making-out" are permissible but sexual intimacy may occur only with the permission of or even at the orders of the woman husband. In the royal household and other extremely wealthy polyandrous households with three or more wives, one finds strong women, often lesbian, employed as "guardian" to keep an eye on the wives, prevent feuding and hanky-panky among the wives and other tasks done by male eunuchs in old-time harems. My informant, about whom much more follows, told me this is necessary because "we men are such weak and emotional creatures." Legal System: Juvenile delinquency is minimal, the crime rate is low and the cities of the Empire are considered some of the safest in the world. All police officers, lawyers and judges are women. Arbitration or mediation resolve most civil disputes. The highest court of the Empire is the Queen's Bench, staffed by fifteen of the wisest and most senior judges. The Queen's Chancellor, selected from one of the oldest noble families, serves as chief lawyer of the Empire. While males are second- class citizens when compared to other nations, their status is protected and no physical abuse of men is tolerated. It should be noted that discipline of a wife by his spouse is permitted. Spanking, required wearing of a collar or veil, restricting movement or speech for a period of time are allowable. Any discipline by a woman which leaves a scar or welt, breaks the skin or bone or blackens an eye is a criminal offense. Few Amazons violate those rules. Society, Culture & Education: Poverty exists in few places in the Empire. One sees no beggars or homeless on the streets of major cities. Medical care is among the best in the world and available at reasonable cost. Yet Amazon physicians share little of their advances with colleagues throughout the world. Free public education of high quality is available everywhere in the Empire. It consists of three levels: elementary school, our grades 1 through 6; junior high school, our grades 7 to 9; and senior high school, grades 10 to 13. All citizens have at least secondary school diplomas. About ten percent of men go on to trade schools or the equivalent of American junior colleges. Another ten percent go to universities, but only with the consent of their mama or spouse. Few, if any, go to graduate programs. On the other hand, the vast majority of women (86%) earn college degrees and approximately half of them go on to post-graduate programs, including medicine and law. The Queen encourages and funds scientific advancement. Some of this research is highly secret and rumored to be related to the weapons superiority of the armed forces. The Queen also lavishes money on the arts. Theater, literature, painting and other endeavors flourish. It is common to find men as well as women discussing philosophy or poetry in the numerous coffee and tea shops found everywhere. The smallest village boasts a large library. All children enter school with a good command of languages, math and music. Although men are considered not as intelligent as women, most comazons with their thirteen years of schooling equal or surpass college educated men elsewhere. Clothing & Dress: Traditional wisdom said that Amazons have no care about their looks or clothing. Clearly, this is not the case. Most women in the Empire care a great deal about their appearance and are extremely fashion conscious. Women in the armed forces wear makeup if they like-and most do-while maintaining great skill in hand-to-hand combat and excellence with a variety of weapons, modern and ancient. Men dress the same as the women, wearing what their women tell them to wear. Thus, cosmetic sales two years ago, the most recent statistics available, amounted to $15.6 billion in U.S. dollars. Beauty salon and spa services are a $385 billion a year business while top of the line fashion sales exceed $500 billion per year. Since men are required to dress like women, only the rings in the noses of comazons tell a stranger who are men and who are women. However, while women have total freedom in the selection of footwear, one seldom sees men wearing anything other than high heels. Only men are seen in maternity clothes. Older men, particularly after numerous pregnancies, spend much time and money on hair-coloring, weight reduction and skin care. From an early age, males wear girdles or corsets, being taught that this is a proper part of training for their social roles. Young girbys, eager to be married, tend to wear more makeup than the girls but not always. A stranger walking the streets anywhere in the Empire feels like he has been transported to a land of only women. It is after all the Empire of the Amazons. ***** After carefully reading the report and pouring over the detailed charts, the startling photographs and extensive maps, the governor turned his attention to the interview with the Amazon wife which his chief of staff did in New York City. He read as follows: ***** I made arrangements through the Empire's delegation at the United Nations to interview a person who presented himself as "Mrs Nanette (Rylann) Penthesilea" whose spouse comes from an old aristocratic Amazon family, was knighted years ago for service to the Queen, later elevated to the title of Duchess and was on a special assignment with the Amazon delegation at the UN. Because he is the wife of a noble Amazon, Rylann (pronounced he told me as "ril-ann") may be addressed as "Dame Rylann." I met Dame Rylann, with his husband's permission, four times. What follows is an autobiographical account in his own words, compiled from three taped interviews and an essay which he wrote for me. He presented as a fifty-nine year old person, very womanly in appearance. About five feet five inches tall, he is pleasingly plump, having had repeated pregnancies. He reminded me of that former Hollywood glamour girl who now sells bras and girdles, still sexy, still shapely but not slim. He wears his hair in a style popular with society women. Also, he wears elaborate makeup, high heels, hosiery, up-scale dresses and expensive jewelry. Passing him on the streets of New York, anyone would take him for a woman except for his tenor voice and the wedding ring in his nose, where all Amazon married men wear their wedding bands. I should mention the appearance of Duchess Nanette as well. According to her diplomatic passport, she stands six-feet-three without high heels but wore heels each time I saw her. She has grey hair and green eyes, is sixty-four years of age. General in the army reserves and presently serving as special envoy from the Amazon government to the UN. Interestingly, when I asked Dame Rylann about his husband's military service, for example, whether she serves in the Royal Guard as our intelligence suggests, he coyly answered that he had no idea. "We men leave all that kind of thing to the women." Slim, muscular, ramrod straight, the Duchess' military background is obvious in her posture. Distinguished-looking hairdo, professionally done in a shorter style than her wife's hair. Uses discrete amount of makeup but like her wife wears expensive jewelry and clothes. Her polished nails hide a powerful hand grip. One night while the Duchess and Dame Rylann waited for their limo to return them to their hotel, some local thug, thinking two rich "women" made an easy target, tried to rob them at gunpoint. When the police arrived the perp was face down on the ground with a broken arm, broken nose, holding his privates and begging NYPD to protect him from "the meanest bitch" he'd ever met. The Duchess had no weapon on her person. A passer-by confirmed that the Duchess had taken the offender down with her bare hands without the aid of her two body guards who appeared out of nowhere. The responding officer wrote that the three tall women had military bearing and were quite fit; the fourth "woman"-by whom he meant Dame Rylann-was short, plump and calm as could be. The would-be robber alleged that "the little fat broad" at "the bitch's orders" held the gun in the punk's mouth while "I had to lick it like a damn lollipop" until police arrived. "The bitch said she'd put her high heel through my ear if I didn't." Officers found no corroboration of the statement. Identification revealed the perp had previously done state prison time for two violent offenses. To get a sense of the lifestyle of an Amazon male, I had asked Dame Rylann to provide as extensive an autobiography as he felt free to do and to describe the major events in his life which could portray for me how a typical Amazon male of mature years has lived and currently lives. I posed these questions to him in the vein of an anthropological and sociological study, which is in part true. I asked him to be frank about sexual mores, marriage, family, male grooming and clothing since other men do not understand much of the status of men in the Amazon Empire. What follows is his story, as I arranged it chronologically from the interviews and essay but I left nothing out. As you will read, he took me seriously and expressed himself with shocking frankness. At my request, he spoke and wrote in English. Some Amazon terms are self-explanatory. I limited editorial comment from me except where it seemed necessary to explain something he said or wrote. My comments are so marked in the text. We can discuss this after you have read it all, Governor. Believe me, it is a strange tale. The governor began to read. ***** I was born Rylann Antonischard on the 24th day of Tenth Month in 3250A.E.[Amazon Era] and the eleventh year of the reign of Queen Juno the Fifteenth, grandmother of the current monarch. Among my siblings, I am the fifth girby of eight, the eleventh child of nineteen. My birth occurred in the city of Portsmouth, New Zealand. ~Editorial Comment: The Amazons use a numerical system to identify months; 'Tenth Month' means 'October'. Likewise, days of the week are referred to numerically; 'First Day' is Sunday, 'Second Day' is Monday, and so forth. The year was supposedly the 3250th year of the Amazon Empire which would make the founding around 1300B.C.E. in our calendar. That would make the first queen a contemporary of Moses by modern reckoning.~ My mama, My Lady Hermia Antonischard, operated an extremely successful import-export business. She bought art, crafts, fruits, grains, teas and coffees from indigenous peoples on four continents, always at fair prices, thereby often cutting out and angering male traders from the United States, Western Europe, Japan and China. She built a network of contacts in the Imperial government and always found buyers for her imports, buyers who willingly paid a good price. She exported a large assortment of Imperial products to places like New York, Tokyo, London, Milan, Toronto, Los Angeles, and Paris. Being determined to become wealthy and move upward in Amazon society, she took as her bride a covey male to have as many children as possible. Particularly in the early years of her business, she traveled often but always impregnated her wife before she went on an extended business trip. When she returned, mother would present her with a new baby or be close to birthing another infant. My mother, Mrs Hermia (Uther) Antonischard, was a typical covey matron who kept a good house, taught his dohters the necessary homemakers' arts, taught his daughters love of country, taught us all basic literacy and math and provided domestic and social support to advance my mama's career. He loved bearing children regularly and without complaint. He never minded being referred to as a "beef cow" and happily called himself "a contented bovine who produces cute children and nurses them with my own good mother's milk. And I still have good legs despite my pregnancies." For a period of time he produced a baby a year. When heavy with child, he felt proud to go the market or the beauty shop in his maternity clothes. We children adored him. My girthers and I knew we were being groomed not just for marriage and child-bearing but particularly for marriages which enhanced mama's business interests and social standing. None of us minded it in the least. Of the eight of us girbys, mama, in consultation with a pediatrician and psychologist, selected only Birdella, the fourth born and second girby, to follow in mother's steps as a covey male. The other girbys were raised as drones, with the exception of me and my girbyther Theolan. Theolan was seven years older than me. As children, he and I were very smart, very pretty, very girbyish, loving nice clothes, makeup, hair styling and so forth from an early age. Mama loved all nineteen children; however, she cultivated Theolan and me as breed mares, beauties whom she aimed to marry off to good families for political purposes. He and I had our hair professionally done from an early age. However, I often heard the story that when mother took me to the beauty shop at age seven for my first permanent wave, I behaved a bit badly. I loved the curly look but hated the process. For my next permanent he told the beauticians to give me one of those old-fashioned machine waves, which were still available at that time. After that lengthy procedure, the weight of those clamps on my little head and cooking under that heat for twenty-five minutes, I promised mother to be a good girby and never misbehave again in the beauty shop. Theolan and I took lessons in piano, tap dance, ballet, poise, and art. In school we were cheerleaders, majorettes, drama club members and singers in the girbys' chorus, all at mama's insistence. We served as candy-stripers at the local hospital, hair models for her favorite hair dresser and waitresses at meetings of her ladies club. She made sure all of her dohters were figure conscious and doubly sure with Theolan and me, making us diet carefully and exercise strenuously. Mama put me into my first panty girdle at age seven. When I complained that my sisters did not have to wear a girdle, mama explained to me how important it is for a girby to grow up with figure control in order to please a woman and marry well. By that point, Theolan and my girbyther Dael, three years older than me, regularly wore corsets or firm open bottom girdles. They too emphasized the importance of figure training for girbys and gave me an idea of what my future held. Mother explained to me that even when he was big-bellied with a baby he wore a supportive maternity girdle, reenforced with stays. The next time mother was not pregnant, mama allowed me to watch while she tight-laced him into a corset. Looking at my poor stout mother encapsulated in that corset, I fervently hoped that I would never become so pudgy and I felt badly for Birdella, knowing he would become as rotund as our mother. By that time Birdella was 19, married and carrying his first child. His husband selected him as a Second Wife because she intended to have him bear fifteen children. Mother gave me first pair of heels when I was six. They were low heels, not much above flats but I loved those shoes and felt beautiful when he let me wear them along with my first pair of silk stockings. He and mama kept my hair fairly long while my sisters and the older girthers could wear their hair almost any length. The greatest plus was that my older sisters-Calpurnia, the twins Constance and Cordelia, Valeria and Hermia (named after mama)-loved playing with my hair, trying all kinds of styles. By age 5, I was used to sleeping with my hair in pins or curlers. Riding my bike or playing outdoors, I often had my hair up on sponge rollers. It is not uncommon to see little girbys playing with each other with their set hair covered with a hairnet or scarf. Mother gave me my first lipstick when I was ten. From then on my sisters taught me much about selecting a hairstyle and makeup to please a woman. I was their little mannequin. Likewise, they demonstrated the importance of skin care and gave me my first home facials. On many nights, mother, Theolan, Dael, Enos, the next girby after me, and I wore mud packs while we did supper dishes and folded the laundry or mother would cover our faces with a rich cream before he put us to bed. Mother allowed me to have my ears pierced at age 6 and to start wearing dressy ear rings for First Day temple worship and other special times. Because I was naturally very bright, intellectually inquisitive and well trained in my numbers and letters by my mother, the elementary school counselor and principal placed me in second grade when I started elementary school at age six. When I moved to junior high school, mama sent me to an all girbys school where the strong academic curriculum coupled with the domestic arts and a fashion-and-beauty curriculum and carried over into the senior high school. Students attended class from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., six days per week. In addition to great emphasis on academic accomplishment, the school administration maintained strict discipline. Disobedience, back-talking, cutting class or failure to do homework all drew severe punishments. A boy with behavior problems might find himself in a special study hall, wearing a diaper under his skirt, held into his chair with baby reins such as mothers use on toddlers, a baby's pacifier tied in his mouth. A prefect would walk the boy to class and every place else he had to go. I was a well-behaved child and never received any such punishments. I knew that if I ever did, I would receive worse discipline at home from mama. Just as I began my second year of junior high and celebrated my twelfth birthday, like clockwork, I experienced my first monthly. Mama was thrilled that her second pretty breed mare was moving from little girby to a missus, soon capable of marriage and child-bearing. She took me out of school for a few days and on my first plane ride as we went to the Temple of the Goddess Mother. To mama, it was very important to have me blessed and dedicated to the Goddess. In the hotel where we stayed, near the Temple, mama prepared me. Early in the morning she took me to an elegant beauty salon in the lobby where I received a facial and a chic hairdo. Mama had her hair done as well. Sitting side-by-side under the hair dryers, I felt like a grown-up missus, having a wonderful mama- dother time. My toes and fingers were polished with coral-colored lacquer. Shiny diamond studs placed in my ears. My eye brows waxed and plucked into pretty arches. Good luck symbols painted in henna on my palms and my ankles. When the beauticians, manicurist and hair stylist finished with me mama whisked me up to our room and dressed me. My outfit started with a pair of silky white panties. For the first time ever, mama laced into a corset. Assisted by a hotel maid, she clinched me so tight that I feared that she might split me in two. Sheer white stockings attached to the corset's garter tabs. A crisp white slip. A form fitting white dress that fell to mid-calf. To my delight, mama put my first pair of stiletto heels on my feet. White open-toed pumps with three-and-a-half inch heels. My polished toes glistened through my hose. To my surprise, a beautician arrived from the salon. Under mama's direction, he sat me down at the dressing table, covered my dress with a plastic cape and made up my face. First, he applied a bit of foundation. The lipstick and blush matched my coral nail color. My newly arched eye brows he darkened with pencil. Finally, and to my surprise, at mama's orders, he did my eyes in a lavish style with false eye lashes, much mascara, coral eye shadow on my lids, extensive eye liner. To complete the look, he applied a dusting of powder over my face. When I looked in the mirror after he removed the cape, I saw not only a classic doe-eyed look but one which resembled statues of the Goddess Maiden. With care he applied one more coating of hair spray to my fresh curls. Then, with gentle skill, he and mama covered my hair and face with a thin white veil. I was thrilled. My first filius velarius covering reminded me that someday mama would do this in preparation for my wedding. Before he left the room, the beautician called me "Missus Rylann," kissed my hand, told me how beautiful I was and prayed that Goddess would bless me. Mama tipped him generously. Walking carefully in my high heels and with my veiled face, I accompanied mama to one of the Temple entrances. A temple guard dressed in ancient Amazon battle costume and ceremonial sword, confirmed our appointment and led us into one of the prayer rooms, smiling at the veiled girby as I minced along in my new heels beside mama. The beauty of the prayer room greatly moved me. Sun light streamed in from lovely windows. Incense and candles burned in front of a life-sized icon of Goddess Mother. Delicate art work decorated the walls. Mama led me before a tall, richly vested priest, one of the tallest and most beautiful women I had ever seen. Even in my high heels, I looked up to the priest towering over me. Her gorgeous silver hair was piled on top of her head. Her aqua-marine robe, decorated with pearls, fell almost to the floor. The toes of her shiny black boots peeked out from the robe's hem. When we were directly in front of her, my mother spoke. "Greetings, Grandmother Ionia. Are things well with you?" she asked with great care. "Some things, some days, Daughter," the priest answered. The evident respect of one professional to another showed in the tone of both women. "Men still make war on our frontiers. Her Majesty is ill. Yet we are blessed here. The Princess Thetis will make a good queen when she ascends the throne after her mother. And we celebrate today a new filius velarius recently experiencing his first flow of holy creative juices. My Lady Hermia, would you kindly lift his veil that I might look upon the girby before I bless him?" "Certainly, Grandmother," mama answered, carefully lifting my veil to reveal my face and hairdo. The priest put her hand under my chin and raised my head. Her nails were polished in a rich silver lacquer and her hand gave off the sweet scent of exotic ointment. She gazed at me with evident love. Her eyes held mine to hers. "Gorgeous! You have done well, my dear Daughter. He is comely. He will be well married and breed well for us. This is your second breed mare, is it not? Are there more like him at home?" "Yes, Grandmother, he is my second breed mare. There are three other girbys yet at home and one more in my dear wife's belly. They are all drones. Only Rylann and Theolan, now betrothed, are breed mares." "You have done well, Daughter. Your wife is also to be commended. He has done noble service to the Empire. How many children has he borne you?" "He carries my eighteenth babe in his pouch." The priest smiled. "Nobly done, Daughter." Turning to me, she asked, "So my child, the Goddess has visited you with your first moon cycle. Are you thankful to be made in her image to bear and nurse children? Are you thankful that you are become fertile? Are you ready to serve her by becoming a wife and mother?" "Yes, Reverend Grandmother," I answered quietly, exactly as mama had instructed me. "I am truly thankful for being visited by the Goddess. And I do look forward to being a wife and mother. I want nothing more than to make a woman happy and have her babies." "Well said, child. You shall be richly blessed." Turning to mama, the priest asked questions I didn't understand at the time, about my first monthly. Mama replied, "He is enrolled at the Athena All-Girbys School. His teachers had him well-prepared. He knew exactly what he was experiencing. Told me immediately. Used a pad, properly and well. For the first time, the flow was good, well-colored. Not much cramping. Missed no school." The beautiful priest smiled again. "Good omens. Very good omens. In truth, he is blessed. He shall be fruitful with healthy babes. Marry him well, Daughter. Now let us pray." Grandmother Ionia placed her left hand on my belly. A strange warmth passed right through my dress, slip and corset, right to the depths of my insides. As she traced sacred signs with her right hand on my cheeks, forehead and neck, she prayed first in some ancient language, then in the Amazon tongue, asking the Goddess to give me true love, make me an obedient and sweetly submissive wife, give me great fertility with beautiful healthy babes, and bless me with long life to see my children's children. Mama and I joined Grandmother Ionia and another priest for lunch in a small private dining room. Grandmother Ionia came to the table wearing a figure hugging knee-length silver dress, sheer black stockings and silver high-heeled ankle boots. Whatever her age, she possessed a slender figure, shapely legs, flawless skin, a rich smile. Again, I thought her one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. The other priest was younger and shorter, also fashionably dressed. Her name was Portia. Her priestly duties included arranging marriages. She and mama talked business while a cute, plump maid named Elbert served us lunch. When Grandmother Ionia noticed that I was not eating much, mama explained that I was corseted tightly for the first time. Grandmother Ionia looked at me with compassion and understanding. "So Missus Rylann, you experienced your first monthly, a bodily ritual you will deal with for the next forty years. You spent hours in the beauty salon, you wear adult makeup and you are corseted tightly enough to be a bit uncomfortable. You learn much about the price a nice girby pays to look pretty and to have babies." I smiled and nodded, enjoying the attention from this attractive woman. For the first time in my life, I was being called "missus" which made me feel very grown-up, becoming marriageable, the state which every Amazon male wishes to achieve. "Yes, Reverend Grandmother. I like feeling grown-up. I know this is why the Goddess made me." She smiled her approval and somehow I knew that monthly bloating and cramping or enduring hours of beauty treatments or being tightly corseted are all worth it to please a good-looking woman. Over lunch, mama and Reverend Portia talked in detail about arranging a marriage for me. Portia seemed please that I would graduate from senior high school at age 17. She asked many questions about my health, intellect, schooling, grooming and personal habits, my place in the birth order and my astrological sign. She also sought much information about mama's business, what bride price mama wanted for me, what dowry I would bring to the marriage and what class of noble Amazon mama wanted for a daughter-in-law. Non-Amazons must understand that in Amazon society, the nobility do not look down upon the middle class or any other group of Amazons. Women marry across economic and social lines all the time. Society is flexible and women like my mama can always move upward. Making good marriages for her girbys, especially her two breed mares, was expected. What matters to an Amazon is that her comazon is attractive, intelligent, submissive and capable of bearing children. Portia explained to mama and me that the family of my husband-to-be would certainly have me examined by a gynecologist to verify that I could carry her babies. Only later did I understand the significance of that lunch. That conversation shaped my life and determined who I would marry.

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As Jason sat in the battleship on the way back to the Empire he thought about the last few days. He had very much enjoyed the time that he spent with Lauren and his family. All his women seemed to get on very well, and there seemed to be no detectable jealousy or ill feelings. Jason had told Lauren how proud he had been of her and her achievements since he had left and how impressed he was with the children. Cassius welcomed the family visit, some to tour and others to attend university....

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Amazon Part 10b Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10b: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Washington, D.C. 6:00AM EST Connie had been stirring restlessly, even before the alarm sang its raucous song. Her sleep had been broken by sharply imaged dreams...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Amazon Parts 2 and 3

Amazon: Part_2-History Lesson and Reality Checks HISTORY LESSON and REALITY CHECKS By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Interlude - Monday evening, 11/27/2000 Nicole soon retired to her bedroom, now cluttered with bags both full and half-empty, and cleaned up...

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Amazon Part 10d Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10d: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Sunday, March 11, 2001 Williamsburg, VA 1:50PM EST ~I can't believe I almost *forgot*!~ Nicole had been muttering imprecations at herself during her drive from Fairfax to Richmond. It...

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Amazon Part 8 Charm School Week 4

Amazon - Part 8: CHARM SCHOOL Week 4 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. *** Monday, January 29, 2001 Somerley It was amazing! After all the clich?s about foggy, rainy England, she was here during *lovely* weather. Not warm by any means, but sunny and dry nonetheless. N...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 20 Sheila and other Allies

Jason had just completed dinner with Cassius and Alana, Razza, Celia, Felicia, Gamma, Jonathan, Norbert, and Philippa; when he received the notification that the fleet had arrived from Parzool. Cassius very much enjoyed the meals at Jason’s house and eagerly accepted each invitation, unless he had pressing Empire business. He also enjoyed the whole household, with its diverse members and resulting interesting and stimulating conversations. The Queen invited them up to her ship for a brief...

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The Ladies of the Amazon

I was born and raised in a privileged life style. When I was born, the pregnancy was too much for my mother and she passed away giving me life. My dad was devastated, or at least that is what I was told, but fortunate for him and me, he had a personal assistant who happily switched positions from his PA to being my nanny and giving me the feminine side of life, a well rounded young lady would need. I was raised in a large ranch in northern Colorado, just north of Denver, my dad had come from...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 13 Jason Does it Again

“Ladies and gentlemen, today I think was a momentous day. This person is a precious rarity, a once in a billion years individual. We all know his exceptional background. Today that demonstration was universe shattering. Tomorrow I am sure that he is going to blow the minds in the Empire as he did ours. “His solutions even using their own mathematics were utterly beautiful. We do know the limitations of their mathematics and can see the difficulties that they were having. I thought when...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 5 Back on Earth

Chitrath and Norgazza accepted Jason’s invitation travel in the comfort of the battleship. Jason had suggested that the cargo ships be kept back until they had dealt with whatever needed to be done in the system. They were now called in. Chitrath and her father communicated with Lauren, and gave her an order so large that she queried the numbers of zeros, twice! Lauren was very excited to be seeing Jason much earlier than she expected. She very much liked the idea of facilitating...

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Amazons take a mother and daughter Part 2

Liz and Julie ate in silence. Neither knew the other was thinking about the previous day’s events and particularly the sexual pleasures they had experienced. Both were embarrassed by their thoughts and were hesitant to talk. A few minutes later, the two natives returned. They reached down and pulled the captives to their feet and led them out of the hut. They walked for about 100 yards away from the village until they reached a pond that was fed by a small waterfall trickling off a cliff...

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Amazon Part 10c Home Stretch

Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, March 5, 2001 Nicole and Angela's apartment 7:20AM EST "You're in a good mood this morning. What did I miss yesterday?" Angela was indulging in a breakfast of biscuits with sausage...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 19 The Duels

Jason invited his uncle and aunt for dinner. “I have something interesting to show you that I am sure you will find entertaining.” Jason said. “We have a trade delegation from one of the remote planets to meet, we will be happy to see you all tomorrow. Come to the palace and bring the whole household. The chef wants to make some new foods from Earth that he has been working with. “I am pleased to hear Winston is back with you and I hear from Nora you had quite an adventure,” Alana...

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Lost Empire 71

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0999 - Zan - still lost Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 6 on Shelby 8 on...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 2 1994 2000

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley Chen becomes cognizant of his abilities while still a pre-teen. He accidentally uses his "gift" to persuade his tutor, an older girl named Janet, to seduce him. They engage in a secret, furtive relationship for four years before...

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Amazon Part 10a Home Stretch

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Amazon: Re-Genesis: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Part 10a Author's Note: The menu is, of course, courtesy of the incomparable Amelia R. ********** Sunday, February 25, 2001 6:12AM EST The alarm hadn't even wakened her this morning, and...

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Lost EmpireChapter 71

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry Ungrown - unnumbered 0999 - Zan - still lost Rescued from Tendraxians so far 6 on Shelby 8 on Lucy Known and OR numbered 0100 - Derry (father ship) 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena Still with...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 17 The Council of War

Empress Xarina XII strode through her personal chambers as her body slaves prepared her clothing for the meeting. She stood with arms extended as the slaves wrapped a silk band around her breasts and tied it securely, followed by as hard leather corset that functioned as armor. A third slave wrapped her shaven pussy in a similar silk loincloth before the other slaves brought forth the thigh high armored boots. A long loin cloth was laced over her waist, followed by a light chain-mail skirt. A...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Interracial

One of the high points that comes to mind when I think about Adult Empire is its huge library of premium porn content. It's not like the Empire itself is coming with its own. You're entering this store packed with great porn from a variety of adult entertainment studios. What I'm focusing on this time around is Adult Empire's interracial porn section. Imagine a thick Asian girl taking a BBC into her pussy or a petite ebony girl being as naughty as can be with some white guy.Interracial porn is...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 17 Marco Petray

Jason only missed two days of university. His experience of the last few days seemed almost like a dream. He smiled thinking about Julia. He enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know her. He ran with Aylot and the dogs through the university. He noticed the air initially felt cool but he enjoyed the bracing feel as they ran. The dogs gambled around in front of him, and played with each other but Aylot enjoyed trotting next to Jason as they received many stares and amused laughter....

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Adult Empire Granny

Fridays had become the worst days of the week. I never had afternoon classes, and rather than spend it seducing bimbos on dating apps or fap to the latest porn content, I had to sit my ass in a nursing home that smells like shit and death with my eight years old grandpa with dementia to be taught Calculus. The fact that he would repeat the same thing for two hours made more. Until this fine afternoon, when I was strolling in this hellscape's corridors, I heard some sounds I could only associate...

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THE AMAZON QUEEN (Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang)By: XTALESAll characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex.If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.PS: I am not a native English...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 10 Collective War College on Senna Graduation Day

Jason and Philippa returned early the next morning to have breakfast with Ouma Chatzke. “Jason I do agree with your hypothesis. I suspect yesterday went some way towards its validation. I would not bother researching it while you are at University, the validation will occur nevertheless,” Ouma Chatzke said. “You know mother, sometimes you are really obscure, and I don’t understand what you are talking about!” Philippa said. “Jason, I assume you do understand me?” Ouma Chatzke asked...

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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 15 The Debacle of the Boxes

Jason called Cassius in the morning, and arranged to meet him that afternoon, together with his senior intelligence people and General Rikkel if available. Jason hoped that his life would simplify itself once he had sorted things with the new group of good roaches, and once he knew all the rules. The math was driving him crazy. He had to get it out of his head. He felt the rules were important but he did not know why. He felt more driven to work on the math than anything he could remember....

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Cassanova and the Amazon QueenChapter 2

Casanova's introduction to the court of the Amazon Queen was a shock to his nervous system. His body was used roughly by both the Queen and several of her entourage to quench their need for impalement by male flesh. In all honesty Casanova was quite happy with the turn of events and offered thanks that his juices were running strong enough to satisfy all concerned. Although he was accustomed to using and discarding his conquests with scarce a thought about their post-coital feelings,...

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Slave to the EmpireChapter 9 Sorcerer 1

As far back as he could remember, Savren Syrenasson always loved to watch his beautiful mother workout in the training hall. Nominally it was forbidden for those were not to take the oaths of the Dragon Kin to be present, but those who were of the blood were allowed to watch silently from darkened alcoves. The endless twirl and spin of his mother's spear cut a pattern through the air, leaving a trail of blurred silver as the spear's long silver blade sang its song of death. It was a perfect...

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The Arrogance of Empire

"Of hubris and arrogance, the heirs of the House of Daar were well acquainted, having turned a small trading village on the Sieti-Kha River into a continent-spanning Empire. It was somewhere between the trading league out of which Sieti-Kha grew and the Empire that Sieti-Kha became that common sense fled the founding Imperial House." --The Arrogance of Empire, Master-Professors Friedrich of Drakla, Jurgen Chandler, and Miroslav of Crossroads, the Departments of History and Political Science...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 2 The Hospital

Jason’s group, by this time, were all haggard and exhausted. The Emperor asked if they should look at the nearest hotel or go back to the ship. The nearby hospital staff were highly amused, and arranged for them to have accommodation in the wing of family suites within the hospital. There were many suites of luxury accommodation attached to the hospital. Many patients did not have rapid transport alternatives to distant solar systems and a considerable number of patients needed to stay in the...

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The Empire Cinema visit and my Wife well used

We had been to a Saturday lunch-time function at a town centre hotel in Huddersfield (which for those who do not know is a pleasant Victorian town on the Yorkshire Pennine Hills). My wife had a little too much to drink - she usually drinks in the evening - and as it was still early decided to visit the Empire, an independent adult film theatre, not far from the station.The membership formalities completed we were shown around and left to our own devices. As we entered the theatre we noticed...

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