The Amazon Priestess free porn video

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This story is totally fictional and contains scenes of a graphically sexual/violentor sexually violent nature, and by continuing further you agree that you areat least 18 yrs old and that you have no objection whatsoever to reading suchextreme adult material.


Helga surveyed the unconscious rebel girl with disgust. Only a short whileearlier they had both given and shared in lustful union, but the girl had failedto give the priestess the information she urgently required. So lust had turnedto anger, and anger to unbearable pain that sang loud in the cave deep beneaththe castle. As the Kraal guard replaced the cooling iron back into the furnacethe priestess reached out a hand to stroke the girl's bloody breast.

'Another tragic waste,' she thought, 'the pathetic weakness of these rebelsisters disgusts me, for in the end they always talk.' Helga was displeasedthat she had broken her toy. But now of course there would be many more freshones to add to her collection.

The deep space intruder circled the field only once before the pilot consideredit safe to land. After alighting in the long grass he reduced the engine toa low hum and his brief double flash of light was answered by four more flashesfrom the edge of the forest. He was relieved to see only two figures racingfrom the trees. Turning quickly around in the cockpit he nodded to the figurebehind.

Clutching the case of star mines Claire opened the little door. A pair ofeager and friendly hands reached up to help her to the ground. She smiled brieflyat Astra and Erin before they ran back to the cover of the forest. The intruderpowered up its engine and immediately made for the safety of home.

Deep among the pines the three women stopped to catch their breath.

"Astra, I am so glad to see you again," Claire gasped and hugged the beautifulAmazon woman. Then Erin interrupted their reunion.

"We must hurry Earth Girl. The soldiers are everywhere. It will not be safeuntil we reach the village…" but her words were cut short by a suddenmovement in the undergrowth.

"HALT!" yelled a brutish voice as ghostly black figures sprang out to surroundthem.

"A KRALL PATROL! ...QUICK YOU TWO, RUN!" Erin shouted and lifted her laserpistol. But before she could take aim her jacket glowed scarlet from the impactof a dozen deadly rays. Astra screamed "NOOOOOOOO!" as her lover collapsedinto the bushes. Then the remaining pair were seized by the soldiers.

The science officer sat busily examining the case of star mines that layopen on the table. Blood dripped from the corner of Claire's mouth as the youngEarth agent turned her head defiantly back to face the fat ugly Jarl. Tearsclouded her vision and she winced in pain as the brutish Kraal behind her tuggedviciously at the roots of her hair.

"So young and so stubborn!" grunted Bera the Jarl then turned once againto Astra. She raised her fist and then cursed as the Amazon warrior spat inher face. Fury danced in the petty official's eyes as she wiped her sleeveacross her cheek then raised her arm higher. Astra instinctively closed hereyes, but the blow never came.

"I do hope district leader…" said a soft but firm female voice, "thatyou are not damaging our goods!". The pompous official looked round in angerto see who dared to have seized her arm. Then her boots clicked as she camerapidly to attention. The thug holding Claire's hair also demonstrated an urgentdesire to stand erect.

"I see you are getting nowhere as usual Bera," the Huscarle tutted sarcastically.

"Regretfully 'no' Madame. But I have only just begun."

"Then you will cease at once," spat the tall blonde. "Have I not told youthat these Rebel prisoners are to be turned over to me?"

"My er…apologies," grunted Bera in frustration. "but what can youdo that I cannot do? They are being most stubborn."

"That is none of your concern," the blonde smiled as her eyes scanned thebodies of the two prisoners.

Astra was Claire's contact in the Amazon resistance. A very tall strikinglybeautiful twenty five year old brunette, with straight black shoulder lengthhair that framed her high cheeked and noble face. A faded black crescent adornedher forehead, the sign of a privileged member of the imperial household. Likethe rest of her all female race, her skin was a dark green hue, and flowedlusciously downward over her proud prominent breasts and the fabulous muscularframe that betrayed her former warrior status. The Huscarle moved quietly aroundher, gazing lustfully at her sister Amazon's curves.

Claire was once again secretly visiting this distant and isolated planet,as the Amazon nation was still at war with Earth. At twenty years she was youngfor an Earth federation spy. However, her stunning looks and figure, and theaddition of a skin dye, permitted her to mix unnoticed in the higher echelonsof Amazon society, where only the finest and most striking of women were permittedto enter the imperial court and enjoy favour from the high ranking officials.But Claire was not attracted to women, entirely the opposite, but she had yetto meet a suitable breed male on her home planet. The Earth girl had had touse great skill and bluff to avoid the sexual advances of the Amazon race,but Astra had prepared her for this. The Huscarle emissary addressed them oncemore…

"You shall both be most welcome to spend a few days with my mistress. Iregret that you have been treated so clumsily and I am sure some way can befound to make your stay in the republic a more pleasant one." "Oh yes! andespecially…" she said turning to Claire, "for our honored ambassadorfrom Earth… Err, Claire is your name, isn't it? …who is so farfrom home." Astra glanced briefly at her friend in shock. It was clear nowthat someone had betrayed them.

It was a long flight through the dark forest and high canyons of that warmsummer night till at last the transporter hovered before a huge iron gate.The transport was surrounded with grunting Kraals and their barking dogs. Farbeyond In the distant haze Astra shivered as she could just make out the familiarblack masonry of the twin towers that reached high to the starry heavens above.They then passed through the gate and on for another half mile along an avenueof very ancient trees. Claire glanced out of the window and fancied she brieflyglimpsed her home sun bright in the dark blue sky. She suddenly felt very homesick,frightened and lonely. Silently, without alerting the guards she shuffled closerto her companion.

The grey stone cell block was cold and damp. The only furniture was a hardwooden bunk, an old hair mattress, one grey blanket and a filthy wooden bucket.High above the bunk the cool night air entered freely through a thickly cobwebbediron grating.

"Now Earth girl, if you would please remove your clothing," grinned the evilold crone. Claire was shocked by the request but as the dungeon mistress raisedher whip she reluctantly began to comply. She was down to her grey regulationunderwear when she posed a question.

"What has happened to my friend?" she asked, "…AGHHHHHH!" then yelledin pain as the whip sliced across her bare thigh.

"Never mind your rebel friend you little whore!" the crone yelled, "STRIP,NOW!" The old woman's hand flashed forward and tore off her bra. "Oh my dear!,so pretty!" she leered, her eyes roving hungrily over the full and voluptuouschest. The girl recoiled in horror as the old woman cupped her breast and squeezedit cruelly.

"STOP! …PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!" said Claire, recoiling in horror anddisgust.

"No indeed Earth Girl," the crone sighed. "You are lucky that my mistressholds you in such 'favour'." Then she turned to leave. "No girl, you shallbe permitted some rest tonight. But now I have an old friend to visit and talkof bygone days."

The young Amazon warrior lay in her cell unaware of her impending visitor.She drank deeply from the jug that had been left on the floor. The ruby liquidwas putrid, but better than nothing after their long journey. Then she lookedat the wine and wondered. Somewhere deep in her memory something was tryingto tell her that all was not right. She turned quickly as the key grated inthe ancient lock and the door slowly creaked open.

"VALDA!" Astra spat in disgust. "I should have detected your foul stenchwhen I entered this hell hole."

"Greetings Huscarle," glared the crone. "I'm glad you remember me. Your dearold friend has come to see that you are comfortable. You have noticed thatI have been so kind and provided you with a proper bed. I'm hoping I can useit to make you feel more at home." Astra sprang up with horror from the mattressas she realized what the old woman meant.


"My my, yes, weren't they also the cries of many a pretty young rebel sisterall those moons ago," the crone smiled as two guards entered and closed thedoor behind them.

"I WILL BREAK YOUR NECK IF YOU DARE TO TOUCH ME!" Astra screamed, standingdefensively with her back to the wall. Then she stumbled as her vision blurredand her legs began to feel strangely numb.

"Oh I think not, 'noble warrior'," the crone laughed. "This time I have takenthe precaution of making us a little more even. Did you not enjoy the finewine I generously provided?...Ha Ha, perhaps not. Maybe your memory of thisplace is not what it was after all."

Astra realized that she had been drugged and tried to make for the door.Then she collapsed, her arms wildly striking out at the guards as they draggedher up onto the filthy bed and began to remove her clothing. When she was nakedthe guards bound her wrists and ankles to the iron bed frame and the evil cronebent down and glared with hatred into the young Amazon's flashing eyes.

"Look at me Huscarle," she sneered, fingering the wicked purple scar thatcrossed and disfigured her face. "Do you not remember this kindness that youbestowed on your loyal slave?" Astra turned her head away in disgust, but thecrone seized her hair and savagely twisted her back to face her. Then she bentto kiss her hard on the lips, the girl gagged, choked by the foul stinkingbreath. Astra bit the crone's slimy tongue then yelled in pain as a gnarledtalloned claw struck her cheek. Then she yelled again as she felt the handsqueeze her breast and the mouth bite her nipple.

"You are such a beautiful creature Astra. But you never held love in yourheart for your faithful Valda. Well now my Amazon sister…" she saidrising from the bed and removing her clothing, "we will make the love thatyou so cruelly kept from me." Astra struggled fiercely against her bindingsas the disgusting naked creature crawled between her magnificent thighs andsettled her body down. She wailed as the wet slobbering mouth lapped at thesoft tanned marble skin of her neck, sucking at the velvet softness then lickingdown to her heaving chest to suckle with great relish at her dark green nipples.Astra's screams carried up through the grating to echo around the high stonewalls of the courtyard, rising higher and higher until they drifted throughthe open window of the bed chamber.

"What was that?" Freya asked. Raising her head from Helga's breast she listenedintently to the scream.

"Hush my dear," the priestess whispered, firmly cupping the eighteen yearold's head and return her mouth to her swollen nipple. "It is only a patrolreturning with some rebel prisoners. But you are here tonight to please me,and I to please you. Is that not what you desired as the reward for your tribe'sbetrayal?"

"Oh yes mistress!" smiled the girl eagerly up into the priestess's dark greeneyes. "And also the station you promised me in the imperial court."

"Yes, yes of course my dear… Meanwhile, is it not so much better herewith me tonight than living in that filthy little village?" Helga cooed, strokingback the soft fringe of her young lover's golden hair, then bending down shetenderly kissed the top of her head. Freya happily closed her eyes and openingher lips she sucked once more at the engorged nipple.

Helga was high priestess of the northern tribes. Standing at six foot tenwith a powerful muscular body, she presented a warrior vision of terror tothe women of the Amazon nation. Utterly ruthless in her conquests for powerand glory she had for many of her fifty terrible years kept the people of thenorthern lands firmly crushed beneath her boot. Many would agree that she wasstill very beautiful, as if they would 'dare' to say otherwise. Wearing onlya brief loin cloth and long heeled boots, and the long ebony cloak trimmedwith ermine and gold that billowed in the wind, she stalked her personal kingdom.All but those in her special favour would tremble at first sight of the figurewith the long raven hair that swept majestically behind her; an unforgettablevision of tyranny that haunted the dreams of those who dared to oppose herwill.

Claire lay petrified and unable to sleep. For an hour she had heard Astra'swailing in the next cell. The old crone spat a stream of obscenities as sheabused the young warrior. Then came the terrible thwack, thwack of a heavywhip. "YOU WILL LEARN TO BE MORE COOPERATIVE YOU DIRTY REBEL WHORE! …NOWSTAY STILL BITCH!....GUARDS, HOLD HER DOWN!". Claire trembled as she listenedto the rhythmic creak of the rusty bed springs.

In the early hours of dawn the shouts and screams died away leaving the Earthgirl feeling icy cold inside and totally alone as she lay curled on the roughwooden bed.

High up in the scented candlelit room the young peasant girl was squealingin exquisite pain as she struggled to keep a balance on her knees. The powerfulhand that gripped her hair tightly in its fist pushed her face savagely downwardinto the pillow. With her wrists bound tightly behind her back, Freya was beginningto suffocate, but she barely noticed as the huge leather dildo pumped relentlesslyinto her hot dripping sex.

The huge Amazon's feet gouged deep into the mattress and her powerful thighmuscles bulged and rippled as she ground her hips hard against the soft whitebuttocks beneath. The high priestess had worked the young maiden for severalminutes and their naked bodies gleamed with hot rivulets of sweat that heavilystained the white silken sheets. Now the two rutting females grew close totheir inevitable orgasm, and as Freya's gasps increased in their urgency thepowerful Amazon grinned and pulled the greased plug from the sopping swollenpussy. Then as the girl writhed and uttered desperate pleas to her lover shesuddenly froze as she felt her buttocks being prised apart.

"And now young one…," the high priestess hissed, "you will experiencethe true reward of a 'traitor'," and drove the immense love toy brutally home.

The girl's gasping breaths turned to heartrending screams of pain as thedildo plummeted deeply into her virgin rectum. Helga pushed her face down oncemore into the pillow, and as her mouth and nostrils filled and blocked withcool white silk, Freya fainted into a merciful oblivion. The mighty Amazonuttered a triumphal cry of bliss and brutally rode the peasant girl like arag doll, her naked arms and legs senselessly flailing at the hot, humid andintimately perfumed night air.

It was late in the morning when Claire and her battered and heavily bruisedfriend were taken to the great hall of pleading.

"Greetings my dear Astra. I had hoped for a long time that you would returnto my side."

"Then you will wait for ever Helga. I will do nothing to help you and yourkind. And is that the way you greet a Huscarle of the imperial line, havingme whipped and abused by a mere jail serf?"

"INGRID!…" the priestess called to her Huscarle, "Is this true? Iwill not have my guests treated so rudely. See to it that the crone is givenfifty lashes."

"WHAT! Can this be the same priestess who ordered the flaying alive of awhole town? Time was, when you would have made it a thousand strokes of thewhip!"

"Your memory serves you well noble warrior. Ingrid, make it one hundred lashes.The crone has served me well and will hopefully continue to do so."

"Why are we here?" Claire asked, "and who are you?" she demanded.

"My my! a feisty one for a change. I shall have much sport with you," Helgaremarked with an evil smile. "I am Helga, high priestess of the fifty firstdynasty, and you Earthling are at my private estate. You are here because youare a spy and were caught bringing star mines onto our planet…and Iwould like to know why?"

"I will tell you nothing," Claire answered defiantly.

"Alas, that is probably true, but you 'will' provide answers, though it willnot be to me, for I shall ask Astra to question you most thoroughly." Astrastared at Helga with surprise. She must know, Astra thought to herself, thatshe would never agree to cooperate.

"You evil bitch!" Claire replied. "You are mistaken! My good gentle friendcan surely do nothing to persuade me to talk. She would not know of such wickedways."

"Gentle!...You did not tell her then sister!" asked the priestess lookingenquiringly at the embarrassed warrior. "Mm, I see! …Well Earth girl,many moons ago Astra was not just my lover, but also my constant companion,my most willing helper in 'all' things."

"So?! …I know her only to be kind and loving. She could not hurt me,nor could she harm anyone else!"

"You do not understand you stupid girl! Astra was my chief interrogator!It was with her help that I brought about the collapse and failure of the greatrebellion. In those dark times the land ran red from my suppression of therebel sisters. Indeed, if it weren't for Astra's most gifted skills then ourgreat empire would surely have fallen."

"Yes," admitted the warrior shamefully, "it is true Claire, my dear friend." Thenshe turned back to face Helga. "Yes it is indeed true, but when you massacredall the sisters in those mountain villages, I could stomach no more of yourevil. Now I am a leader of the rebels and I have turned my back on the empire'sevil deeds. Priestess, I will NOT help you now…or ever!"

"Very well then," the priestess replied, then reaching out her hand she removeda piece of cloth from the table beside her. "Astra my love, I think you knowwhat these are." The young rebel stared in horror at the bowl of huge purpleseed pods.

"What is it Astra? What are those things?" Claire asked, and turned to seeher companion trembling with fear.

"Those, my dear Earth girl are Kraken pods" the priestess explained. "Theyare the unborn young of one of this planet's oldest native species. Alas theyare not the friendliest of pets, would you not agree Astra?"

"I…I…" the girl was lost for words. Then she looked Helga inthe eye, her lips quivering and said "I still won't talk, and neither willClaire. And if you are so stupid as to feed us to that abomination then youwill never learn anything."

"Mm, yes, that is true my love. But now you will both come with me as I shallhave the final word in resolving this matter." Helga arose from her throneand crossed the room to enter a long corridor. The guards seized the two youngwomen who screamed abuse as they were dragged into the tunnel to follow thepriestess. Astra thought she heard Claire whisper something and a name to theblonde Huscarle who looked very surprised and nodded grimly, then turned back.

"What was that about?" Astra enquired as they were brutally shoved alongthe passage. "And how do you know Senator Arranor?"

"I can't tell you," her friend whispered back, "Where is she taking us?" Claireasked nervously.

"Don't worry dear friend." Astra replied with tears in her eyes. "Our ordealwill be over very soon," she added bravely.

The party descended a long flight of very ancient stone stairs. After turninga few corners Claire saw a dim light up ahead. They found themselves standingon a stone balcony set into the wall of a huge cavern that was illuminatedby flaming torches. Claire caught a glimpse of movement below her and lookeddown onto a writhing mass of putrid brown flesh. Astra knew this horror onlytoo well and instinctively backed away in terror as a hundred stinking tendrilsreached upward toward the smoky light.

But something else had also caught Astra's eye. Over the pit hung a smallcage in which she could see Freya, her naked and terrified younger sister.Then she saw all the faces, faces of people she knew so well. A throng of nakedwomen from her home village were locked into the other larger cages that linedthe cavern wall.

"You will observe my dear Astra that I told you I would have the final word.Either you agree to interrogate the Earth girl… or your sister, andyour family and friends will get to play with my little pet… Look downAstra…," she cried, pushing the young warrior so that she was forcedto lean over the rail, "see how the Kraken's body throbs with it's scarlethue. It is ripe with seed and needs somewhere warm and moist for it's childrento hatch. And dear sweet Freya looks nice and warm, I know, I had the pleasureof her beautiful young body only last night."

"ASTRA…ASTRA…PLEASE HELP ME!" the girl desperately called toher sister. There was a sudden loud hissing below and the tip of a long tentaclesnaked up and fastened its sucker onto the base of the cage, making it swingwildly and the young girl to scream even louder.

"What will happen to her if she falls?" Claire asked in horror.

"This creature Earthling, is a Kraken. It has a particularly disgusting modeof reproduction. It excavates itself a hole in the forest then waits for anunsuspecting victim to fall into it's trap. Indeed, the empire has lost manysisters to this creature's insatiable appetite. Once in the trap the Krakenbinds the humanoid then seeks an entrance to its body to implant a seed pod.Then it fertilizes the pod, which will then hatch. The new Kraken then feedsoff its host, gradually devouring it from the inside out. The empire normallyfinds the creature most useful for the tidy disposal of the captured malesthat we use for our own breeding purposes."

"The Kraken has acquired Freya's scent. See how it strains upward to lovinglyembrace her. Perhaps soon she shall welcome the beast with open arms. Whatsay you Astra my love?...will it be Claire or Freya and her tribe that willsing for me.?"

Astra realized that she was defeated and reluctantly fell to her knees atthe priestess's feet in total subjugation. The Amazon gave a triumphant smileand seizing the young warrior's hair she drew her loin cloth aside and pressedthe rebel's mouth to her sex. Astra gagged and momentarily turned away in disgust,but then glancing up at the cage she turned back and began to lap hungrilyat the Amazon's moist lips and clitoris, just as if she had never abandonedthem. The only difference now was that she could no longer stomach the tasteof such an evil love.

"GUARDS," the priestess commanded, "take the Earth girl to the pit of sorrows.I'm afraid Earthling that you will not find our questioning pleasant, for thisplanet is the home to an ancient kingdom and we still retain some of our moretraditional ways."

Later that afternoon, high up in the priestess's bed chamber the handmaidenknelt nervously on the bed beside the naked entwined lovers. In one hand sheheld a short leather whip. With her other hand she waited for an opportunityto pour a little more scented oil onto the writhing bodies beneath her. Shetipped the bottle into her hand and reached under the young warrior. Carefullyshe smoothed the warm liquid over her mistress's huge breasts and stomach,that then undulated with her mounting passion and slipped most pleasingly againstthe hot sweaty skin of the girl above.

Astra gasped with pain as the powerful muscular thighs held her head tightlyin their vice like grip. She grunted in disgust as further up the bed behindher Helga's long tongue probed at her sex. Leaning forward she closed her eyesand bent her head to lap at the priestess's bloated wet, sticky labia. Helgaraked her razor sharp fingernails down the firm sweating back of her loverto encourage the young warrior to seek out her clit for special attention.Astra's nose and mouth burrowed deeper into the fleshy lips, her nostrils fillingwith the heady intense aroma of the female she hoped would never be her loveragain.

Gripping the immensely powerful buttocks with her hands, Astra licked hardat the huge purple love bud, then she squirmed as she felt Helga prize aparther buttocks and insert a roughened leather plug. She winced and murmured inpain as the rough intruder was twisted inside her, then she gasped as the Amazonfound her clit, and drawing it into her mouth she began a rhythmic slurpingsuctioning of the highly sensitive purple button. Every once in a while thehandmaiden would apply either more oil, or employ the short whip on Astra'sraised buttocks when she felt her mistress's needs were lacking sufficientattention.

Claire lay in the small dungeon carved out of the dark native rock. It hadbeen hours since the guards had dragged her deep into the bowels of the castleand flung her into the cell. Deep in her mind there stirred a terrible feelingof doubt. What if she were wrong, she thought. Would this day end in triumphfor her and her friend, or would they face doom together. In the meantime,she tried not to think of the terrifying ordeal ahead.

Then she pricked up her ears as she heard approaching footsteps. The heavydoor opened and the Kraal soldiers seized her by the arms and dragged her fromthe cell. They passed further down the narrow rock tunnel and through anotherheavy door. Claire found herself in a large and very ancient high round chamberwith a vaulted ceiling, and set in the rock face just below it was anothersmall balcony equipped with a large chair.

Beneath the balcony the girl was horrified to see a tall square cage, forthere inside lay the writhing hissing body of a much smaller Kraken. Clairewas almost relieved when the guards moved her away to the center of the chamberand handcuffed her wrists to a long chain that hung from a pulley in the ceiling.Her attention fully occupied by the terrible creature, she barely struggledas the guard kicked her legs apart and attached her ankles to a pair of heavysteel rings in the floor. When the Earth girl was secured, one of the Kraalsmoved to the wall and pulled on the other end of the chain until Claire wasstretched up and wide like a three pointed star.

It was a very different Astra that entered the interrogation chamber. Shewas still naked, except that now she was attired in a very sparse gleamingblack web of thin leather straps and knee length boots, the uniform of an Amazoninterrogator. Claire saw the bitter hatred in her friend's eyes as she wasremembering how she had just been forced to pleasure the wicked priestess.But Astra tried to hide her disgust and gave a weak smile to the young spy.She approached the hanging girl and spoke softly to her.

"Please Claire, I beg you. Tell me what you were planning to do with theexplosives, then there will be no further suffering."

"Astra, you know I cannot. I am not afraid of pain. We have been trainedwell on our planet." The Amazon looked away. She knew that the girl had noidea of what lay in stall for her, nor of her fate yet to come.

Then she shocked the Earth girl by suddenly turning and kissing her on thelips. Claire was stunned for a moment and tried to pull away but the Amazonkissed her harder and then pushed her tongue between the soft green lips andplunged it deep into her mouth. Astra quickly moved in closer and pressed herbody against her friend, her hands stroking the soft downy skin of her flanksthen moving around her to glide up and down her naked back.

The Earth girl was squealing now and struggling against her bondage. Shehad expected some kind of torture, but not this. Astra pressed her groin hardagainst the girl's own unprotected virgin mound. Lowering her hands she squeezedthe soft buttocks then pulled them toward her, slowly grinding her moisteningpubes firmly into the virgin's mount.

Claire could only feel disgust. This wasn't the male lover she had so desperatelycraved for, this was Astra, her dear friend. But as the beautiful female caressedher soft sweating skin she felt a strange new feeling well up inside her andit begin to grow and blossom. She tried desperately to hide this from the youngwarrior.

Astra's eyes closed in bliss as the top of her thigh felt the first trickleof her lover's arousal. Breaking the kiss she dipped down to kiss the softnessof the girl's neck. Up the silky slope she lapped with her lounge, then down,then up again to pause and nibble at the delicate ear lobe. Claire gasped nowwith pleasure, and taking the hint the warrior softly kissed down her neckonce more then on down to the soft twin heaving globes of her chest. Kneadingthe girl's buttocks, Astra continued to undulate her hips then pursed her lipsand blew hotly across the small sensitive nipples. A thrill raced up the girl'sspine and she half closed her eyes as she bent her head to view the sourceof this wonderful new sensation.

The Amazon's tongue lapped gently at the soft teat, teasing it, then lettingher lips alight like a butterfly on the throbbing bud that slowly engorgedwith nectar. She kissed it briefly before looking up into the sleepy doe eyes,then parted her lips and nipped the baby soft tip with her sharp teeth. Clairesquealed and her body tensed, she tugged hard on the chains as the lips closedonce more to draw the nipple deep within.

Claire panted and her nipples grew larger as the young warrior avidly suckled.Astra smoothed her palm down the girl's flat toned stomach, then followed onwith her mouth, kissing downward, gaining little gasps of welcome as her tonguesought out any sensitive areas beneath the soft skin. The Amazon dropped toher knees before her captive prey, her hot breath searing Claire's tremblingbody as her lips mouthed the inner planes of the silky damp thighs. The girlmoaned and instinctively pushed out her hips, and then it came, the touch ofthe velvet tongue on her soft Venus mound. Astra breathed deeply her lover'sperfumed, intimate scent.

A few tiny droplets, perhaps more, alighted on the tip of her nose and flushedcheeks as the young Amazon sighed and entered within the delicate petal folds.At once she set her tongue to more serious work, probing, exploring, dippinginward and upward, her taste buds savoring the sweetly perfumed nectar of love.Gently, she tickled the tiny pearl of flesh before wetting her lips and drawingit in. A simple fold of skin now hid this act of rapture from an uncaring andwicked world as the little nub tingled and grew, revealing it's passion toits attentive worshipper.

Then leaving the young spy gasping for release, the Amazon rose to her feet,kissed the girl's lips once more and walked over to a bench. Claire was bynow almost insane with pleasure. She tried to twist her head around and callto her lover, begging her not to leave her like this. Then she felt the chainsthat held her wrists move and her body started to tilt forward until she wasbent at the waist. The warrior returned to her view. Claire gasped with surpriseand shock as she gazed down at the huge member that had sprouted from her lover'sgroin. The long length of black leather gleamed with oil in the torchlight,and then in an instant that seemed to Claire an eternity she had crossed thefew stones to stand once more between the girl's widespread thighs, but thistime it was behind her.

The Earth girl gasped as the firm, slippery head probed the entrance to herpussy. Astra fed the dildo gently forward until it could move no further andClaire gasped with a tiny twinge of pain. The girl patiently hung there a momentstaring at the wall. Then Astra reached around her and plucked briefly at theswollen nipples then attached two shiny steel clips that bore tiny razor sharpteeth. Claire screamed with pain and instinctively pulled back, and the warriortook this opportunity to drive the dildo deep into her belly. The Amazon grippedher slender waist then began to rock gently back and forth on her feet. Clairemarveled at the wonderful rippling sensation that spread through her body.She gasped as her nipples also moved, tugged firmly downward by the array oflittle gold weights that hung from the clips on tiny chains.

Astra ran her hand up and down the girl's smooth sweat streaked back, lovingthe intimacy of this act of female union as her hips gyrated faster and faster.Claire could hear the soft slup slup of moist skin as her body futilely attemptedto grip and retain the greased invader. She heard the sharp wet slap of theAmazon's thighs against her buttocks as they jarred her body forward inducingthe nipple weights to dance in the air and send electric shocks of pain toassault her fevered brain.

"YES…YES!...FUCK ME ASTRA…DEEPER…HARDER!" Claire calledout loud.

"STOP…STOP THAT AT ONCE!" came Helga's angry scream from above.


Claire wailed in desperation as Astra pulled out the dildo.

"OH GOD ASTRA, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!...PLEASE!" but her lover lookedfearfully up at her angry mistress. She knew that she had failed her as thepriestess sat back on her chair and glared down at them.

"Can this truly be the same Huscarle who once painted these walls red withthe blood of so many rebels. I think not…" she laughingly mocked, "youhave grown too soft Astra."

"What would my lady have me do then? I had no idea the Earth bitch wouldact in this way."

"Maybe…and maybe not. Perhaps you have slept with her already."

"NO my lady! But I can still try to…"

"Silence," the priestess spat, "you will apply some of your old methods tothis female. I need answers from her now, and you will provide them…unlessyou wish us to return to the Kraken's chamber."

"I …I will try your ladyship. But I shall need more time to…"

"YOU NEED MORE TIME?" Helga screamed. "Well then, I will provide you witha little incentive to help you make better use of my precious time. Guards,bring the girl forward." There was a scream then Astra froze as she lookedup and saw Freya being pushed toward the open edge of the balcony. She struggledfeebly as the guards holding her wrists begin lowering her into the top ofthe Kraken's cage.

"A little encouragement for you interrogator. The Kraken is only an adolescent,not yet fertile, but it still has the instinct to mate, which your dear littlesister might find rather uncomfortable. So I suggest my dear that the longerit takes you to get the Earth girl to talk, then the longer young Freya willsuffer. It is up to you …Guards, release the girl."

Freya screamed as the Kraals let go of her and dropped her to the ground.Though dazed she attempted to get up but a tentacle lashed out and seized herankle. The girl screamed again and whimpered as she desperately tried to kickthe disgusting thing away. Twisting her naked torso Freya rose to her handsand knees and scrambled across the floor reaching out to the bars. Then shescreamed again in horror as her fingers slipped from the stinking slime coatedsteel.

Another tentacle lashed out and wrapped around her other ankle, both nowpulling the girl back across the ground to the waiting beast. Two more tentaclestwined around her arms then they combined their efforts to lift her into theair, bending her body back like a bow and spreading her limbs wide apart. Thecreature's body then quivered and split down the middle. It opened up to reveala mass of writhing probes, each tipped with a tiny clawed mouth that gapedopen and closed. The probes reached up and latched onto Freya's body and beganto creep and crawl across the soft green flesh, exploring, seeking openingsto enter and other places to suckle in order to arouse the humanoid for impregnation.

Astra could only stand and stare at her sister in horror as she witnessedher impending rape. Her brain was registering Freya's pitiful calls for helpbut she could do nothing. Even if she could force open the door, she knew thata rescue was impossible without a weapon or stun gun.

Freya screamed and babbled futile pleas as a mouth found her breast and closedover her nipple. Immediately two rows of tiny teeth dug into the soft fleshand the air was drawn out of the brown bud, tugging the teat deeply into it'sthroat. The creature seemed to instinctively know that it was missing somethingas another probe snaked up the girl's heavily sweating belly and found herother breast. Freya's eyes bulged with terror as a thick stubby growth snakedaround and around her thigh then firmly nosed its way into a gap it found betweentwin folds of soft skin.

As Astra was forced to witness the plant creature's ravishment of her sistershe felt so totally helpless. Then she turned back to Claire, a look of angerand grim purpose in her eyes. Ejecting all trace of pity from her mind shecrossed quickly to the wall and selected a long heavy black whip. The Earthgirl's eyes now darted to and fro in terror. She desperately twisted her headaround to seek out her friend, then saw stars as her naked back exploded inpain. Claire screamed long and loud. Astra glanced at her writhing tormentedsibling then her arm rose again and again and the cavern echoed to the songof intense agony. On the balcony high above the priestess groaned with herrising heat as she lay back in her chair, her fingers busily rubbing her clit.

Time after time the whip sliced deep into the tender young flesh releasinga mist of scarlet droplets into the hot rising subterranean air. The Huscarlestalked around her prey permitting the razor sharp leather to seek out themost sensitive areas of skin and tense firm muscle. Angry welts merged intoa fine purple web across and around Claire's back, buttocks and firm outerthighs.



The tip of the whip curled around her waist and licked at the soft sensitiveunder skin of her heaving breast. Astra moved quickly to the side and drawingher arm far back she grunted loudly and sent a coiled spring of terrible painto bite savagely at the girl's sensitive nipples. Claire briefly lost consciousnessat first as a total numbness then a raging fire burned in her chest.

Urged on by the priestess, Astra moved to face the young spy and most skillfullysent forth a series of stinging blows that scorched her tender inner thighs.Claire's naked body twisted and danced to the fiery tune of the whip whichsprayed the air with her hot sweat.

Freya's screams now reflected a new desperation as the probes deep withinher body sought the seed pods that had not, and could not be implanted. Nevertheless,the creature instinctively began to discharge a foul sticky fluid intendedfor their fertilization, and though not finding any pods, the beast's instinctwas to keep searching, and by so doing increase the unwilling sexual arousalof the host. The arousal of the humanoid was vital to the reproduction process,as otherwise the natural defenses of the girl's immune system would destroythe alien sperms.

"INTERROGATOR," Helga called to Astra, "You know what I want to hear now.I wish to smell the sweet aroma of our guest as she writhes for me in her torment."

Tears welled up into her eyes as the young warrior threw aside the whip andcrossed to a smoldering furnace. She could barely see clearly as her hand hoveredover the instruments that protruded from the glowing coals. Freya screamedas the Kraken began to force an opening in her cervix. Astra quickly pickedout a glowing iron and returned to her friend, then touching the tip to herslender neck she slowly drew it down her back trying desperately to close hermind to the terrible screams of her friend.

The priestess breathed deeply and shuddered, her fingers working her clitwhile her other hand tugged at her nipple. It only aroused her further as afresh iron was applied to the screeching writhing figure below.

"TALK DAMN YOU!..." Astra cried as the Earth girl's eyes rolled in theirsockets and she began to shake uncontrollably and dribble like a maniac. "Claire,pleeeease…" Astra pleaded. "Don't make me do this!" she sobbed.

"Damn you…Astra!...damn you!" the girl whispered weakly as she hungfrom her chains, her body an open raw wound that dripped scarlet to minglewith the heavy stream of sweat that ran down her legs to the floor. Freya screamedfor longer intervals now as the tiny razor teeth of the probe dug into hervagina walls and then held fast as the creature pumped more corrosive fluidinto her body. The two outer tentacles sucked harder on her breasts, the tinymouths pulling and tugging at her raw bloated nipples.

Astra stumbled across to the furnace and removed a pair of glowing tongs.Then she hurried back to the girl and closed the bright orange tips over her….

Claire could never have imagined such pain. It broke her will completely.

"I'll…I'll... tell you,….but pleeeeeeeease, no more!" she sobbed.

"TELL ME GIRL," Helga screamed, "WHY DID YOU COME HERE?"

"I…I…came to this planet to kill you, you evil bitch!" shecried. "My planet has been holding secret negotiations with your empress forpeace in this quadrant."

"LIES!" Helga screamed and laughed. "THEY WOULD HAVE TOLD ME SUCH A THING!...speakgirl, tell me that you came here to murder the empress, and I will let yougo."

"It is not a lie!" protested Claire. "The Federation has heard of your evilreputation and it was a condition of peace that you should perish. Your empressrequested our help as it would have been an embarrassment for the imperialcourt to be involved in your disappearance."

"Claire!" Astra exclaimed with shock. "You knew this would happen to you!...whatI would do to you! …but why allow yourself to suffer?...I don't understand!"

"She was buying time for me to contact the empress," said a voice from behindthe priestess. Helga turned quickly around to see her Huscarle Ingrid standingwith a group of heavily armed imperial infantry.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Helga screamed.

"I notified Senator Arranor of the high council that you had captured thespy. The empress has been persuaded by her councilors to intervene," Ingridreplied. "There are many at court who would now like to see peace with Earthat any price…and you 'mistress' are the price they are prepared to pay.I have come to carry out the council's orders. Guards, free all the prisonersand take the priestess to the great cavern. She has only one friend now whowill willingly caress her."

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" the Amazon screamed as the soldiers seized her and draggedher away to the Kraken's lair and a most hideous fate.

A week later Claire's wounds had healed with the aid of the Amazon's veryancient and powerful remedies, and she lay back now on the bed in her new lover'sarms. Astra looked so sad as she was still feeling so ashamed, not just becauseof her abuse of her friend, but also for discovering that her sister Freyahad been the traitor. Thanks to the intervention of the new peace treaty, Freyawas not to face the Kraken, for the Amazons had been forced by the Federationto have it destroyed. Freya was forever banished to a slave mining planet inhabitedmostly by rough males, desperate for a mate who wouldn't choose to executethem afterwards.

Claire bestowed a gentle kiss on Astra's cheek.

"And now my love, I hope that you still have that wonderful toy. Oh!...andI think I would love to try those little clips again, too!"

High up in the candle scented imperial bedchamber, the handmaid knelt bythe side of the entwined lovers. Lovingly and willingly this time, she pouredthe perfumed oil once more into her hand and smoothed it over the heaving breastsand belly of her new mistress. The young Amazon warrior gazed deeply into theEarth girl's fluttering eyes as she continued to undulated her hips, strokingthe hard leather smoothly back and forth. She plucked at the swollen twin budswith her lips then hooked her arm under her lover's slippery thigh, and quicklyturned her body. Claire gasped as she felt the fullness return within oncemore. Kneeling in her own total subjugation, she clawed passionately at thecool white silk as the Amazon drove deep into her belly; and the glitteringarray of tiny gold weights danced her nipples and her soul into paradise.

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The Unlikely Amazon

It happened on the night of my tenth birthday. Not that anyone had acknowledged the occasion. My uncle, who had "taken care of me" since my mother's death the way a slaver "takes care" of his stock, certainly didn't give a damn about my feelings. I'll never know why, but I can see looking back on those days that he resented me in a way that went beyond simple callousness. Perhaps things were bad between him and my mother, and having me around was a constant reminder. It hardly matters now...

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

3 years ago
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Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses

Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses  The Earl, still decked in his combat amour watched the erstwhile twin princesses of the Amazons kneeling naked, bound, lovely and humbled at his feet. Their heads bowed before the man who now owned them, the beautiful loose curls of their hair; one blond the other brunette flowed down in cascades to the pert round orbs of their tits. He looked down at his new slave girls with a smile that wasn’t cruel. True they had caused him a lot of trouble but they were...

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Amazon Part 9 Dancing Queen

Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen By Itinerant Edited By Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, February 5, 2001(84/51) Washington, D.C. 9:00AM EST The conference room quieted as Carson called the meeting to order. It was a sizable place, with two rows of tables facing the end...

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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 4 The Celebration Gangbanging an Amazon Princess

Alexander gathered his robes and put them on. He then went to the pavilion's door and pulling the flap aside spoke to a guard stationed there. He returned to his throne and beckoned Diana to stand on his right side facing the doorway. Within five minutes the flap was again drawn aside and about thirty men filed through. Diana had attempted to cover herself as the first man stepped through the door but Alexander was harsh. "Do not cover yourself, Princess," he ordered. "This is my...

4 years ago
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Contest at Amazon House

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given...

2 years ago
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Cassanova and the Amazon QueenChapter 3

The Queen of the Amazon's was most pleased with Casanova's ability to charm four new female recruits away from their protective families and a lifetime of male dominance. She felt that instead of robbing them of their liberty, her new boy-toy had liberated the pretty young girls from the degradation of serving their male masters like slaves rather than part of the close family unit. Casanova was a bit ashamed of his deception in tricking the young women into the dark and allowing them to...

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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

3 years ago
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Air Amazon

"AA-TSCD-4289 Three Seven Four requesting landing rights near Amazon tower." From an initial ground-view glance, an object with the appearance of a black-winged robot flew through the night sky. Upon closer inspection, however, one could clearly see it to be a high-tech battlesuit, if one's imagination had conceived of the thing before it zipped out of sight. The suit's size reflected that of a large, yet divine woman whose proportions matched those found in men's magazines throughout...

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The Amazon Box

Nelson couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to come up with his idea as he hurried home from school. His box from Amazon was supposed to arrive today, and he didn’t want anyone, especially one of his sisters to find it before he got it safely out of sight. Nelson was a pretty normal looking senior, with short blond hair and a skinny adolescent build that had caused its fair share of friendly teasing over the years. Fortunately, he had a ready smile and was a genuinely nice guy so...

4 years ago
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Amazon Part 6 Charm School Week 2

Amazon - Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude: A soft chime interrupted Nicole's story. A voice followed...

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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

2 years ago
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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

2 years ago
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Kandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...

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Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman The Amazons

Despite quitting the Justice League and retiring from being a superhero, everyone believed her to be Wonder Woman, yet she had so far avoided meeting Wonder Woman's people, the Amazons, worried they would realise she was an imposter. But no meeting can be put off forever.... (Note: This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the others then, at the very least, you should read WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN? before reading this one.) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN:...

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The Yong Amazons Part 3

Young Amazons Part 3Recap of parts 1 and 2: Edward and James are Fitters in the Albion Army. Their colleagues had been caught, tortured and executed by two ruthless young Amazons. The girls had stalked the two surviving men and caught them and beaten them up. They had led them bound and naked through the forest. They had come across a four man Albion Army patrol. The young girls had confronted the men and butchered three of them instantly. The fourth was milked of his semen before being...

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Teen Titan Chronicles 3 Amazons Attack

I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic; it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...

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The Young Amazons Part 4

The Young Amazons Part 4The beautiful Young Amazons utterly humiliate their naked male captives as they lead them into the crowded citadel arenaRecap: Edward and James are soldiers. They found their colleagues dead, both had been savagely whipped and emasculated by two beautiful young Amazon warriors known only as Tight Skirt and Thong. The girls had beaten up and captured Edward and James, binding them and leading them naked to a forest clearing. En route they encountered a four man Albion...

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The Young Amazons Part 2

The Young Amazons Part 2Recap of Part 1: James and Edward were Fitters in the Albion Army. They had been deployed fixing a cart, on returning to their compound, they found their two colleagues brutally murdered, both had been castrated and savagely tortured. They had fled in total fear and panic and were stalked by mysterious pursuers through the forest. Their pursuers trapped them and were revealed as two stunning, beautiful Amazon girls. The Amazons had engaged the men in combat and easily...

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