Amazon: Part 6 - Charm School, Week 2 free porn video

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Amazon - Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude: A soft chime interrupted Nicole's story. A voice followed saying, "This is General Tanais, Your Majesty. Do you have a moment?" "Certainly, General. What can I do for you this morning?" "Your Majesty, I have updates on a couple of items you asked me to keep you informed about. First, the last group of wounded is scheduled to arrive in the infirmary at ten o'clock this morning." "Thank you, that's wonderful news! Have the doctors let me know when it will be possible for me to visit. This is the group needing the regeneration treatments, right?" "Yes, ma'am, and everything is ready for them. We've contacted their families as well and arranged for local housing for as long as they want or need it. "I also have an update on the last eight volunteers from the opposition. They will arrive this evening and be housed in secure quarters." "Make sure the screenings and evaluations on the volunteers are performed and let me know when they are complete. I'll need to interview them when we're sure they're not an immediate threat." "Yes, ma'am." "Very good. Anything else?" "No, Your Majesty." "Good. Keep me posted." A second tone sounded as the connection was broken. Nicole breathed a large sigh of relief as the tone sounded; the arrival of the wounded was long-awaited good news. The last assaults late last summer had succeeded in eliminating the remaining facilities, and organized remnants, of the opposition; unfortunately, several of her Amazons had been wounded to the point they could not travel safely. Even with the years of experience she possessed, it still pained her to know it was her orders that had put them in the line of fire. It seemed to her that their homecoming was the true end of her long war. As she turned her attention back to her companion, she noticed a thoughtful, yet puzzled look on Sarah's face. "You have a question, dear?" "I'm not sure where to start. I guess the first thing that confuses me is how you could have just left your old life behind like that. Didn't you love Beth?" Over two-hundred-seventy years of pain and loss flickered briefly in the eyes of the queen, causing a moment of worry for Sarah as she wondered if she'd overstepped a boundary. "Sarah, I loved her at least as much as you love your James. We were married for thirty -- nearly thirty-one -- years and even with the normal ups and downs of life, she was always a part of my heart and soul; she still is. "I had made a promise many years before I even met Beth that was even more important to me. I promised God that I'd follow Him no matter where He led. If I had broken that promise, I couldn't live with myself -- I couldn't *be* myself -- but it was hard not to say 'no'. "For a long time, too, I didn't understand why Beth couldn't just come along and help me adjust to my new life. As time passed, and I thought it through, I realized that she and I would have wound up stuck in the same relationship we always had; I don't think we'd have been able to break out of the 'Tom and Beth' mindset. That wouldn't have helped me adjust to my new role in life. I had to get through the adjustment to being a woman. "It also raised the risk of being tracked by our enemies the first time Beth showed up somewhere with me as I am. They were looking hard for me, and they were watching Beth for years. As much as it hurt, the parting kept her safe." She smiled sadly. "There are still mornings, maybe once every twenty years or so, when I wake up and I think and hope I'm back with her and that all this," she waved a hand vaguely around, "has all been an elaborate dream. I know better, though." She shook her head to clear those idle thoughts from her mind. "Do you have any other questions?" "Just one for now, I think. I guess I don't really understand what happened with Artemis. You two are so close now that I can't imagine her treating you that way." "It took me a long time to really understand that myself. Something she said to my husband, Sam, put it as well as it could be phrased. She said, 'When I saw Tom with the scepter, all I could think was that it was all a cruel joke -- that the same men who'd crushed the nation all those years ago had won a final victory.' Someone else suggested it was like a Grand Wizard of the KKK taking control of the NAACP. It was as if her worst enemy had taken over and all her dreams were crushed." She thought for a moment and gazed into memories of the early years of her life, chewing pensively on her lower lip. "It took a long time for her to heal from that hurt, and it was painful to me, too. "That's a major reason I don't tell this story to many people. Artemis and I reconciled more than two centuries ago, and I don't want something that was just between us, and settled long ago, to cause trouble within the Nation now. She and I are where I wanted us to be -- truly relating as mother and daughter. Even when I told my story to your great-great- great-great-great grandmother, Kate, I left that part out to keep the peace. Only a few people know any of my real history, and even fewer know of the problems Artemis and I had. I must insist that you keep that part to yourself." The sharp look that accompanied the last sentence provoked a gulp and a "Yes, ma'am." Nicole stood and stretched. "Good. Now I think we'd best wait until later to continue this story. I need to be ready when the Infirmary calls, and you have your weekly staff meeting. We'll get back to it this afternoon if we can." Sarah smiled and nodded. "I'd really like that. Thank you." ***** The next few hours passed in a blur for Nicole. She first headed for the training room. There was only time for an abbreviated version of her training regimen, but it was thorough. Some of the equipment they'd installed had been customized, providing enough weight to push her to her limit. The treadmills, too, were non-standard; the maximum speed of the equipment was above her maximum and allowed her to stretch herself at last without going outdoors. After a quick shower, she dropped into her office to handle any communications that needed attention. As much as she wanted to hurry, there were phone calls, electronic messages, and the odd hardcopy document that needed her personal attention. Her staff, as usual, had marked the most critical items, allowing her to quickly review and delegate them to the proper people. She grimaced briefly. ~Now that things can settle down, I wonder if we can finally get a paperless office setup?~ Her mandatory office tasks done, Nicole was finally able to leave her home and followed the tree-shaded pathway to where the infirmary stood. The walk in warm spring sun gave her a chance to re-focus on the women who'd sacrificed parts of their bodies in the fighting, however temporarily. She spent much of her late morning and early afternoon visiting the infirmary and her injured daughters as soon as the doctors gave permission. She didn't need her empathic abilities to know how much her visit and being back home meant to her wounded warriors -- the smiles and laughter as they spent time together were sufficient evidence. She sat in the ward listening to the thoughts and concerns of each of the women as they considered the treatments ahead and adjustment to a peaceful existence. A common concern was what would happen to them all, now that their ancient enemy had been eliminated. She was also pestered for the latest news by the returnees as they shared their noon meal. Finally, the nurses arrived with the afternoon medications and chased Nicole out of the area so they could care for their charges. Nicole delayed her departure long enough to speak with the doctors and nurses about the treatment schedules. As Nicole spent time with the returnees, Sarah chaired the weekly meeting of her staff and handled the daily tasks of her job; a major part of her job as the Queen's attendant was ensuring the smooth running of the royal household and coordinating the operations of the Settlement as a whole. She smiled to herself as she recalled her youthful dreams about her future. ~I never thought I'd be the Chief Operating Officer of a multi-billion dollar organization.~ The civilian and military staffs began laying out tentative plans for a homecoming celebration for their returned sisters when their medical condition permitted. The mood in the meeting had become noticeably lighter in the last six months. Teams were still in the field, but it was for security, cleanup, and rebuilding; now they could focus their efforts and planning on growth. Disaster relief, and search and rescue sounded much more appealing than hauling equipment around the world to assault another enemy strongpoint. It was a wonderful feeling. ***** By mid-afternoon the balcony was shaded by the house and mountain as the two women returned. Sarah brought a tray with two glasses of ice and an insulated pitcher of tea. She poured the glasses full and sat back in a chair to listen as Nicole resumed her tale after receiving a brief report on the morning's staff meeting. *********** Monday, January 15, 2001 Doubletree Suites 3:00AM PST Nicole woke and wondered what had caught her attention. After the incident at the beach, she had had difficulty relaxing enough to sleep, and several times she found herself half-awake and reviewing the incident in her mind. The sound of a soft sob finally identified the cause of her current wakefulness. With the door between their rooms open, she was able to hear the sound of her friend and sister Amazon, Kate, in the next room as she wept quietly. Nicole rose, grabbing her robe as she used the light leaking around the curtains to find her way into Kate's connected room. The severely rumpled blankets on the queen-sized bed testified to the disturbed sleep of the occupant. The random patter of wind-driven water drops as the condensed drizzle dripped from the eaves was punctuated by the occasional hitch in the breathing of Kate as she tried to sleep. The redhead stepped to the bed and sat on the edge closest to the blanket-wrapped young woman; she reached out and gently rubbed Kate's back. "Hey! It sounds like you're having a hard time sleeping, too." A small nod from the lump on the bed showed Kate was awake and heard, but she didn't respond verbally right away. Her sobbing had stopped, but small sniffs indicated her distress. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to wake you up." "You had a nightmare about the beach?" "Yeah. I keep hearing the sounds of that kid's wrist and the screams. I've never done anything like that before." Another shudder shook the bed. Nicole slid up on the bed with her head propped against the headboard. "Come here," she said, as she reached over and gently pulled at Kate's shoulder. She continued to coax her young companion until she had rolled over and was snuggled up with her head on the tall woman's shoulder. Nicole just stayed still for a moment, gently stroking Kate's head and hair to soothe her distressed friend. "What made you come in here?" Kate asked. "I don't really know. I find I'm more ... tactile I guess I'd call it; it seems that human contact is more comforting now. I seem to need the touching more these days, and I thought you could use some of it, too. And I'm sorry about last night. It's part of my job to watch out for you, and I really made a mess of it." There was no response for a while, and Nicole continued her gentle stroking. Kate finally spoke, murmuring quietly as she soaked in the attention. "You seem to have a good mothering streak." She almost purred. "It wasn't your fault, you know. It wasn't like it was deliberate; you didn't know those hoods were there, and you sure didn't know they'd come after us." Nicole hugged her companion. "I appreciate the thought, but when I think of what might have happened to you...." A stray tear was hastily wiped away. "I guess I need to talk to Artemis and try to get us both some kind of training. I know those four would have probably tried to rape us, but when the one kid's wrist broke it was horrible. No matter how much they deserved it, I still have a hard time with what happened. I may have to be a warrior, but I don't have to like it." Kate returned the hug; the tension was finally draining away as the nightmare-driven adrenalin wore off. "It's OK. It really wasn't your fault, and I wasn't hurt, just scared." A yawn interrupted her comments. "Can we talk more later? Tired now." "Okay. G'night, sis. Sleep well." A soft kiss on the top of the brunette's head was answered by a contented mumble. Nicole gently extracted herself from the snuggling brunette and returned to her own room and bed. The conversation, brief as it was, had helped release a bit of the underlying tension and guilt she'd harbored. The quiet, steady breathing of the sleeping youngster in the other room soon caused the older woman to begin slumbering again. ***** 5:00AM PST Doubletree Inn Dana Point, CA Their peaceful sleep was shattered by the alarm clock in Nicole's room, followed shortly by a no less annoying announcement of the time by Kate's alarm. Nicole woke slowly and reluctantly after the disrupted night's sleep. She finally managed to silence the alarm after a bit of fumbling. A slight blue fog formed around her head from the commentary about short nights and alarm clocks. It took h dormant muscles to the point they were willing to consider holding her tall form upright. A moment's fumbling with her robe and she was able to check in on her companion who was sitting, looking slightly dazed as well, on the side of the bed. The two seemed to agree that waking this morning was a bad idea. "Morning, Nicole," came Kate's slightly embarrassed greeting, as she gathered her own robe and stood, wrapping it around herself. "Morning, Kate." Nicole smiled gently at her companion. An unspoken, mutual agreement kept them from further discussion of the previous evening's incident as Nicole returned to her room with an admonishing "Get into your sweats for your morning workout, Tigger." She snickered quietly to herself at the muttered epithets from the other room about dealing with big-mouthed sisters and parents. Nicole shot back, "I heard that!!" Once they arrived downstairs, Nicole started her out at a moderate weight, a mere hundred pounds, and let her do one set of repetitions. The weight was increased in twenty-five pound increments until she reached two hundred pounds. At that point, between the weight and the number of repetitions, Kate was starting to show signs of strain. The workout weights for the rest of the Nautilus(tm) routine were scaled to the bench weight, forcing Kate to work without unduly straining her muscles. She was pleased with the results on the weight machine for the moment. She recalled her high school years when she'd do well to manage ten repetitions with a fifty-pound weight. There was still a long way to go, as she recalled Alex's comment that some professional football players used over four hundred pounds of weights for their workouts. ~I need to be ready for anyone, even one of them.~ Kate thought as she recovered, turning her attention to her companion as she began her own workout. Kate had also been astonished at the pace she managed to keep on the treadmill. She thought back to her days in high school, when the best she could manage was an eight-minute mile. Kate's astonishment at her own abilities had lasted only until she watched Nicole begin her own routine; she saw the weight and speed Nicole used and the ease with which she performed her exercises. She understood at that moment just what some of the physical differences were between her and her Queen. ~What's ahead that she'll need all that? ~ That thought sunk in as she settled into her running pace on one treadmill as Nicole began her own, more demanding run on another. Nicole ended the workout looking as if she'd not even begun to test her physical limits, despite having maxed-out the weight settings. As the two started their return trip to their rooms, Nicole checked the machines one last time to ensure the settings were reasonable; she also wondered where Keith was. ***** After their post-workout cleanup, Kate walked from her room into Nicole's to see when they needed to leave for breakfast. Nicole sat in a chair, TV remote in hand as she watched the local news. She had dressed neatly in a knee-length, dark-gray skirt, white blouse and a matching jacket that was draped over the desk chair. Her jewelry was simple -- just silver hoop earrings, a silver necklace, and a watch. She was the very image of a smart, young, formally dressed businesswoman. Kate gave her a quick once-over as she walked up, noting the black, heeled shoes that waited by the jacket. "You're looking good, sis, at least for a business outfit. You did a surprisingly good job on the makeup, too; it doesn't look like you're wearing any at all." "I'm not." Kate gave a surprised look at her friend's admission. "Why not? You did a good job Saturday evening -- at least once we got you working with some better color choices." The cascade of red hair rippled as Nicole's shoulders shrugged. "I really don't know how to do it right; I seem to put it on too heavily, or maybe I'm just choosing the wrong colors, or something. It never ends up looking right. I'm hoping the class in England week after next will fill that gap." Her hands waved in frustration, then gathered her loose hair and flipped it back. "I guess I know where my work is going to start this evening, then." Kate shook her head and smiled. "You need to have at least a basic ability so you can manage between now and then. I guess we'll need to go do some shopping for some basics again. I think we'll pick up some magazines as well, so you can start getting up to speed on what the modern American woman your age should know about life and fashion. Artemis may have helped you with some of the techniques, but it seems she's a little dated on fashion trends." "*Another* shopping trip?" Nicole moaned. A totally unsympathetic grin perched on her friend's -- or fiend's -- face. "That's another thing we need to work on. You need to learn how to appreciate the finer things in life! Besides, other than that outfit we bought for the club, I haven't seen you wear anything that wasn't business wear or jeans." Nicole glared at her companion, but resigned herself to her fate. "Shopping later; I'll let you pick the shops. And I only brought business wear on the trip, since I don't like hauling more than one big suitcase on long trips. I do have a few more outfits back at my apartment." She harrumphed and changed the subject. "Now it's time to head out for breakfast." Slipping into her shoes, and wearing her jacket against the cool morning drizzle, she led the way out of the suite toward breakfast. The mischievous brunette continued to tease her friend as they made their way downstairs. ***** 8:45AM PST Etiquette School Kate and Nicole walked into the school facility and found themselves directed to a different room from the one used the previous week. This room also had a computer-fed projection system for running the presentation, but it was relatively spacious, with a pair of long tables in the middle that were spaced to permit passage between them. As before, stacks of handouts and name cards decorated the table surfaces. The two Amazons identified their designated seats, which were separated by several seats. A quick re-arrangement of the name cards put them back in close proximity, and they quickly occupied their new territory. They settled into a comfortable silence, taking time to scan the material as the other students entered and found their seats. Finally the instructor arrived and began the day's course on "The art of business entertaining and being entertained." The thought echoed in both brains. ~I wish this class were more entertaining....~ ***** 6:30PM PST Doubletree Inn The door thumped against the stop as Kate and Nicole trooped into Nicole's room. Each carried shopping bags in addition to their purses and briefcases. Nicole also carried a bag holding Chinese take-out for their dinner. "Next time we drop the briefcases off *before* shopping!" Her grumpy tone of voice reflected only a hint of the aggravation Nicole felt at the moment. The weight was trivial -- the back end of a small car would hardly be a burden -- but the awkwardness of the bags was extremely irritating for some reason. Kate shot a concerned look at her companion, uncertain as to how to respond to the atypical attitude, which normally was more calm and collected than anyone had a right to be. "Nicole? Are you okay?" For an instant a sharp, cutting response was readied for launch at the youngster. The redhead bit back on the temptation and instead shrugged as she replied, "I'm fine, just a bit irritable for some reason. Let's get this stuff unpacked and sorted out." The two worked silently and efficiently, ending with the empty bags folded on the bed and an array of new cosmetics and magazines on the table. "Can we eat before we start? I'm kinda hungry." Kate's stomach rumbled as if in agreement. She was hungry and was hoping that some food would help counter Nicole's current mood. "You're right, I guess. We can start on the lesson after we finish eating." The meal was oddly silent, with Nicole unwilling to initiate a conversation and Kate wanting to give the food a chance to work its magic. The boxes emptied and the expression on the tall redhead's face finally began to lose its edge. "I guess I was hungrier than I thought. I'm sorry for taking it out on you." "That's okay; you're allowed an off day once in a while. Besides, you've been so even-tempered, I was planning on having you checked to make sure you're really human. I'll bet you were even good at your first ob/gyn exam." Nicole's slight blush clashed with her hair. "I, um, haven't had one of those, yet." Kate's eyebrows bounced toward her hairline. "You haven't? Then what are you doing for birth control?" "I'm not using anything at the moment, just self-control and abstinence. There's so much to learn that I haven't had time to even think about doctor appointments." Kate's surprise gave way to concern. "Nicole, promise me that as soon as you can you'll find a doctor and get yourself set up with some kind of birth control. I know it doesn't seem important right now, but all of a sudden you're going to find yourself in a situation where you'll either be thankful you have it, or wishing you did." Nicole's blush deepened. "I've been trying to suppress that line of thinking for a while. I'm not entirely ignorant about such things; it's just that Beth and I never had to worry about it, unfortunately." Kate put a reassuring hand on Nicole's arm. "I'm just trying to help you take care of yourself. You said part of my job is to help you learn what you need to know about being a woman, and birth control is part of that. You're different inside; you can get pregnant now. You need to think ahead enough to keep that from happening by accident, because even condoms fail sometimes. Guys can afford to forget about that since they don't have a nine-month penalty for a mistake -- a woman can't. You can't forget it either, not anymore." A moment of consideration, and the knowledge that her companion was correct, caused the redhead to nod in agreement. "I know, Kate; it's really odd to think that after so many years of wanting so desperately to father a child, I now have to worry about being a mother." She smiled sadly and rubbed her hand over her abdomen. "That has to be one of my life's great ironies." Kate wrapped her arms around Nicole's shoulders and held her for a while. "I can't imagine how you felt, or feel. I've never thought about not being able to have children, and I don't know that I'd be able to handle it." Tears began to trail from Nicole's eyes. "There are so many options and tests now that can be run to find out what's wrong, or even In-Vitro Fertilization. There was nothing the doctor was able to do for us back then. There were so many times we'd gotten our hopes up -- when Beth's period was late -- and when it started we just broke down." She gave a shuddering sigh and settled back looking a bit puzzled. "You know, it's a little odd how much a good cry seems to help, now." She brushed the tears from her eyes. "Sorry. This is taking some getting used to, and it's hitting some very sore spots I've had for a very long time. Beth and I started fighting this shortly after our marriage, around 1970." Kate nodded. "That's okay; it goes with the territory. That's how we girls deal with our emotions; we let it out rather than holding it in. Are you up to that quick makeup lesson now?" "I think so." Nicole sniffed a bit as she reined in her emotions. "Okay, let's start with getting your face cleaned up. You already use a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer?" "Certainly! That was one of the first lessons I had drilled into my head. I use all three, morning and evening." Nicole rummaged in her cosmetics case. "I also have some eye makeup remover for the waterproof type of makeup. Artemis said she wanted to make sure I have a full line of cleansers, since that's one of the most important parts of skin care. I have to admit that it feels good to wake up feeling that clean." "Good, so go ahead and clean up; a little cold water will help the red eyes. Once you're done, we'll go over the differences between day and evening makeup. Some of this you won't need for normal daytime wear, only for special occasions. We'll go through the whole thing, but I don't think it will take too long." A few minutes later the cleaning was done, and the short lesson began. "Now remember, the objective for daytime makeup is just to enhance what you have, not make you into something different. You want to use lighter colors and less of them." She scooted several bottles and containers that were unsuitable for the task at hand and replaced them with some of the new purchases. A quick explanation of just why she was making the changes interspersed her efficient movements. The first part was easy, as Nicole quickly applied the eye base smoothly and evenly from eyelashes to brow; it was a standard procedure and well practiced. The second step was equally quick to accomplish, as the base shadow went on as usual. "Remember, for daytime you may or may not use even a base shadow. If you're just heading out to class, you might just use mascara, and maybe eyeliner. Now, instead of the darker gray contour shadow you had at first, you want to use this lighter gray. It still brings out the gray of your eyes without making you look like your eyes are sunken in your head. "You don't always need the highlight shadow, but you'd want to use one of these lighter frosted colors if you do. Remember, it only goes just under your eyebrow, from about the middle to the outer edge. "Now the last part of the shadows is the accent; it goes on the lid in a thin line from the middle to the outside, just over the lashes. Then you just use a little lighter eyeliner and you're done! Now clean it off, and give it a try solo." It took a couple of attempts to learn the proper brush and sponge loading and the knack of applying the proper amount of eye and face makeup, but after Nicole completed two full applications with no corrections required, Kate pronounced herself satisfied. "There! That's better. You have the mechanics down, but we just need to get you some practice at these little details. We'll work more on color choices next time we go shopping." She looked closely at her friend's face and eyebrows. "Looks like you're doing fine on keeping your eyebrows under control. Darn! I was hoping for some plucking to do." Kate grinned at the sour look from Nicole and a remark about sadists until she took a good look at her friend's fingernails. "Speaking of little details, what are you using to trim your nails, a pair of scissors or just your teeth? These look like a Salvador Dali nightmare." The nails in question were perhaps a quarter inch long, but had odd shapes and angles. A raised eyebrow accompanied Nicole's puzzled response. "I use nail clippers and a file; what did you expect me to use?" A Tigger-type growl clearly communicated Kate's opinion. "If you hadn't already told me about yourself, I'd know now. There's no way any girl your age, looking like you do, could put up with nails like this. You're such a *guy*!" Nicole very pointed looked down at herself, then back up at Kate. "I think the weight of evidence is greatly against you." She grinned at the irritated brunette. "You know what I mean!" Kate huffed in annoyance. Her stern face slowly crumbled to a smile. The two finally dissolved into giggles as Kate grabbed and tossed a pillow at the unrepentant Nicole before bouncing away. "I'll be back in a minute." She quickly disappeared into her room and returned with a small assortment of files, emery boards, orange sticks, and bottles. "I may know what you mean, but I'm going to make you spell it out anyway." Nicole half smiled at her friend as she stopped to think for a moment. "It may be very clear to you, but I'm still learning. Just remember I probably know less than your typical fourteen-year-old girl about all this." "How? I don't understand how anyone can not know something about this stuff. Here, give me a hand so I can start fixing your nails while we talk." Kate grabbed Nicole's right hand and began repairing the appearance of the surrealist collection of fingernails. Nicole observed the activity, filing away the tools and techniques. As she watched she gathered her thoughts for her reply. "Kate, first you have to remember when I really grew up. Back then, any guy that showed any interest in anything remotely 'girly' would have been branded as a 'queer' and shunned by everyone, if they were lucky. They'd wind up in a quiet spot beaten up if they weren't lucky. Even if there's a lot more tolerance of homosexuality now, I'll bet there's still a lot of peer pressure that would keep most guys from learning anything about makeup and nail care." The redhead shrugged gently, careful not to move the hand under reconstruction. "There's a whole different set of priorities when you're a male: skin care stops at making sure you don't cut yourself shaving unless you have acne, and nail care means getting most of the grease and dirt out from under your fingernails." "I noticed that with Alex, but I really don't understand it. Don't guys care about how they look?" Nicole grinned at the chance for a lesson going the other direction. "Okay, what do you expect when you want Alex to look good?" "Well, I expect him to be clean and neat. Guy's clothes don't have much variety in styles, so I just hope the colors don't clash -- at least not too much. I don't mind if he doesn't use aftershave though; he has a nice scent that is all his own when he's freshly showered." "That last part about scent is something I wouldn't know about yet. Notice what you said yourself -- you expect Alex to be neat and clean with clothes that look okay for where you're going. Think about what you expect for yourself in contrast. What do you expect to do when you get ready to go out?" Kate thought for a while before responding as she finished one nail and began on another. "I think I'm beginning to see your point. I think about where we're going and what I want my clothes to tell Alex and everyone else; on top of it all, I add in the styles, color matching, and makeup and what that needs to look like. It's like the clothes we wore Saturday. I wanted something that looked classy, but let everyone know there was a confident and sexy woman around." The redhead nodded. "And now you're starting to see the difference. I've *never* had to deal with any of this; it's never even been a consideration. I had to deal with making sure my ties and suits went together and that I had plenty of black socks that went with *everything*. Hair was never an issue either, other than making sure it was clean, trimmed, and neat." Kate giggled. "You're kidding, right?" "Nope. I'm completely serious. And black shoes for all occasions, too. The only other kind of shoe I had was white sneakers. Period. "It's something you want to keep in mind with Alex; he'll never understand the importance of your clothing choices to you or any woman. The options aren't there for him and never have been." "I've already noticed that. He doesn't understand it takes time to choose the right outfit for each occasion and gripes about how long it takes for me to get ready." "Just remember that he doesn't even think in the same terms that you do; make sure you cut him some slack, because there's no way you'll make him really understand. Whether it's a cultural thing or genetic, men *think* differently from women and have an entirely different frame of reference. I'm just beginning to learn just how much difference there really is." Kate sighed as she contemplated the futility of educating her boyfriend and returned to her task of restoring one set of Nicole's fingernails to a semblance of order. She made a mental note to have her friend pick up the required tools of the trade during their next shopping trip. "Once I'm done with this hand, you can do the other. Then we'll put on a clear coat to protect them. After that, we'll check your toenails. I think they looked okay Saturday, but I might as well check after a good look at your fingernails." She shuddered slightly. ***** Tuesday, January 16, 2001 Etiquette School 8:55AM PST Nicole had taken some extra time this morning to put on the makeup she'd avoided before. She'd deliberately used a very light gray shadow that seemed to darken her eyes to a storm cloud gray. Kate did a quick double take when she walked in and grinned in approval. The two women finally made their way to their assigned seats for the day's seminar on "navigating the place setting," "correct handling of the knife, fork and napkin," and "the silent service codes." An intimidating array of flatware, plates, cups, and glasses lay before each seat -- a maze of twisty little passages, all alike to the uninitiated. Kate looked at the table with worry. "I've never seen that much of a place setting before. I don't have any idea what to call most of those things, much less what they're supposed to be used for." Her tall companion nodded in agreement. "I understand. I've seen some place settings with more than two forks, but this." She waved at the array of metallic implements. "I don't want to even think about what some of them might be for." She leaned over to take a closer look at an odd looking fork. They looked at each other, shrugged, and sat down for their day's indoctrination. Nicole made a comment about them being Lewis and Clark exploring new territory. Kate thought for a moment before quipping that it was usually more like Abbot and Costello. ***** Etiquette School 2:25 PM PST Stuffed. Utterly, wonderfully stuffed. However intimidating the full, formal setting was, this meal made it worth learning. The school had arranged for a catered meal from an excellent local restaurant and had used the luncheon to allow students time to exercise some of the skills taught in the classroom that morning. Kate and Nicole sat, contented victims of tryptophan overload, and sipped at the excellent coffee provided at the meal's end. The stimulant might even keep everyone awake enough to pay attention to the material in the afternoon session. And it meant they hadn't had to go out in the damp, drizzly weather for a mediocre lunch, either. Life was good. ***** Doubletree Suites 5:10PM PST "I'm still not hungry. I think my stomach is still trying to finish off the third course from lunch." The brunette sat in a near stupor on the couch. "Gripe, gripe, gripe; everybody's a critic!" "Ice cream. Just a little ice cream and I'll be set." Nicole winced. "You may have the ice cream. I'll stick to sorbet, or frozen yogurt." The question in Kate's face provoked further clarification. "Tom and dairy products never got along too well; he had a bad case of lactose intolerance. It seems that I'm still just as lucky on that point." "Do we need to stop by a drug store to pick up something? It's just not right for you to miss out on the joys of splitting a half-gallon of chocolate ice cream." A shrug, followed by a comment about enjoying not feeling bloated and gassy was the only response, which provoked a snicker from Kate and an offer to purchase a small fan. Nicole glared as long as she could, until the smile on her friend's face provoked a quiver of her lips. The smile turned into a grin as the quiver surrendered to a full-blown laugh. "Okay! We can go for goodies, but you pay this time." A short trip to the store procured the required supplies of sweet treats, and the two settled down to enjoy their creamy treasure. "Nicole, we took care of the minimal make-up stuff yesterday. Is there anything else you think we need to cover while we have a chance?" She looked her friend over. "Something maybe with your hair?" The discussion proceeded from there over hairstyle options. Nicole was insisting on simple, low-maintenance styles, and Kate reminded her friend that with only a little extra work she could have something both easy to manage and very stylish. "You need to at least learn how to do braiding, Nicole. It's one of those things that can make hair as long as yours manageable when you're active. It doesn't take long, either." After stowing the remaining ice cream in the refrigerator, the bossy brunette dragged Nicole into a chair near the dresser, where the largest mirror in the room hung. The long, loose, red hair draped over Nicole's shoulders as Kate studied it for a moment before grabbing a brush. It was all Nicole could do not to purr audibly. The feeling of the brush massaging her scalp before gently tugging at the hair as it continued the downward journey was amazingly soothing. Kate grinned as she watched the redhead's eyes flutter shut under the gentle assault. "You have exactly one hundred years to quit that. Ohhhh, my!" The implied threat was subdued by a renewed assault on her nerve endings by the hairbrush. "Just think of what it feels like to have your hair being washed. That's more of a scalp massage than this is. Any more questions about why visits to the hairdresser are so popular? And if you think this is good, you have to try a visit to a spa!" A slight frisson of delight punctuated the memory of her last trip. "Uh-uh," was as coherent a response as could be managed at the moment. "I'll talk about a visit to the spa some other time. I haven't taken a bath since before Kennedy took office, just showers." There was a moment of silence, other than the susurrus of the brush as it coursed through the long red hair. "I really have a hard time grasping how old you really are sometimes. You need to learn just how good a long soak in a tub can feel." Kate went silent for a while. "We'll work on the bath thing another day, though. Nice as I know this is for you, it's time to start on the rest of the lesson; besides I don't have a spatula around to peel you off the floor if you turn into any more of a puddle of mush. We'll keep it easy for tonight and focus on just a simple braid." Awkward as it was going to be to execute on her own hair, Nicole accepted the utility of the braid in keeping her hair under strict control at critical times, even if it meant spending time fiddling with it. Learning how to perform the task was harder than she'd expected. The first pass was a challenge. She brushed it carefully to smooth it as much as possible, which wasn't much with her natural wave. Kate suggested she start by just parting some of her hair into equal groups -- Kate called them strands -- and getting a feel for that part of the task. ~I thought that a strand was just a couple of hairs, just like a strand is a single piece of copper wire? Oh well, I won't be stranded by terminology! Heh!~ The thought of the pun provoked a quiet snigger from Nicole; Kate gave her a puzzled look, but didn't push for an explanation. It took several tries, with concentrated effort, to manage a consistent separation of the wavy mass into three nearly equal parts. The strands of hair needed to be kept apart and under the proper tension while braiding, and gauging the proper pull took a couple of tries, but finally she started to get the hang of the technique. The second pass wasn't a lot easier. Nicole struggled again to maintain an equal pull on each as she wove them together. The situation improved, but the resulting braid still looked sad. It was better than her first try, but still lacked a lot in looking right. The result was quickly unbraided and brushed out to hide the evidence. The third pass went a bit better, as her fingers started to learn the patterns of weaving. She was able to focus more on coordinating her fingers to maintain an equal pull on each strand, which was still a problem. Her hair wound up looking like a reasonable braid this time, though. Kate watched her work through the process and was finally content with the result. "Okay, that's enough for tonight. You understand what you're trying to accomplish; you just need to practice. If you want to keep your braid for sleeping tonight, you can use that elastic band to keep the end from unraveling." There was a long silence as the redhead gazed at her image in the mirror. The long braid trailed from the back of her head over her right shoulder. ~I look like someone out of an Irish storybook. Or I have a cable with copper shielding connected to the back of my head.~ Having her hair pulled back in a ponytail would have been nothing new, but there was something different here that she didn't yet understand. Ponytails were common enough on men these days, but braids were pretty much a feminine monopoly. Other than dreadlocks, that is. Somehow it seemed to change how she saw herself. ~I can't say it bothers me as much as it used to, but it'll take some getting used to.~ She shook her head and returned to the outside world as she secured the end of the braid with the offered elastic. They still needed to talk to Artemis and see what her recommendations were for some kind of introductory training. "Kate, before we call it a day, I want to see if we can get Artemis' thoughts on training. Lady Artemis?" Their patron silently faded into view before the echo of the queen's call faded from the room. She looked over the two Amazons for a moment. Artemis nodded and smiled at Nicole. "It looks as if Kate has been working with you; I like the braid." She looked again at Nicole's face. "And the makeup is different, too. It's a good look for you, Nicole." "Thank you, Lady." Only a hint of a blush reflected in her face. "I called for some advice, if you'd be willing to offer it." Nicole quickly sketched out the events of Sunday evening that ended with the youths being injured. "I'm not so much bothered by their getting hurt. That's a consequence they deserved. I *am* concerned that neither of us had the kind of control over our abilities that we need. We need some way to help learn how to gauge our strength when it changes. Some of it could be handled by a martial arts class, if Kate has access to one as a part-time graduate student at UCLA, but it's a problem for the future as well when we start gathering sisters from areas that don't have classes we can use." The dusky-skinned goddess considered the situation. "I don't have a suggestion at the moment. The ancient Amazons weren't empowered as you are, and it wasn't a problem. I will consider it and be back in contact when I have something. The martial arts class for Kate is a good idea, I think. I hadn't considered the side effects of your increased strength." Kate sighed as more of her free time was consumed for the indefinite future, provoking a grin from Nicole and Artemis. "I need to come up with a better way to convince new recruits, too. I think poor Kate was ready to jump out the window." "The steel hoop was convincing, but you're right. There has to be a better way." The new arrival finally caught sight of the empty bowls on the table. "Is that ice cream?" Laughter began, this time from the two Amazons at the lustful look in the goddess' eyes. The remaining goodies were retrieved from the refrigerator and shared as the three bandied about ideas about training. ***** Wednesday, January 17, 2001 Etiquette School 8:40AM PST Each morning Nicole and Kate had rigorously worked through their exercise routines. Kate's performance was improving steadily as she worked out. The routine was no longer exhausting her as it had before despite Nicole's raising the Nautilus(tm) weight and treadmill speed, as she became accustomed to the exercises and her endurance ramped up. The morning had also sold Nicole on braiding her hair. The weave was a little loose from the night's sleep, but had held together well enough that she decided to leave it alone until after the workout. As she dismantled her braid afterward, Nicole found that even counting the time to undo the braid, the lack of tangles made it quicker to get her hair in order. ~I definitely want to keep this in mind when I have long hair. ~ Nicole had also kept an eye out for Keith, and was puzzled when he'd not shown up any morning this week. The reason finally revealed itself, or herself, early this morning. They'd seen a decidedly rumpled, petite blonde leave a room down the hall and scamper to another room across the hallway as the Amazons headed downstairs. As they returned from their workout, the blonde was dressed for the day and heading back into the same room she'd exited before. Nicole heard Keith's voice call out in greeting as she entered. ~He just wanted to get laid. That's all it was.~ She thought to herself as she gritted her teeth against the rising ire. ~How *dare* he!~ She blinked for a moment and then quietly chuckled at her own reaction. How many times had Tom been witness to similar scenes, as travelers took advantage of the relative anonymity of a hotel to enjoy life on what they saw as the wild side. She snorted in amusement at being, once again, on the other side of that divide between the sexes. Kate turned a questioning look at her friend at the sounds. As Nicole explained, the two found themselves fighting a bad case of the giggles at the redhead's new perspective, especially after Kate made a comment about Keith's finding "a new exercise routine." They barely made it back into the room before the howls of laughter started. It was hard to stay focused during the seminar on "American, Continental and Japanese styles of eating", as each time they looked at each other the snickers threatened to break loose again. ***** Doubletree Suites 6:00PM PST They'd grabbed a quick bite before returning to their rooms to change into something more suitable for the cool, dry evening weather. Nicole was still wearing minimal makeup from the morning, but she freshened up and darkened her eye shadow just a little for nighttime. Kate had conceded that jeans were far more practical for their planned excursion, but had insisted on a satiny, light-green blouse for Nicole, replacing the white cotton top she'd originally chosen. "You need to think more about how you dress. You can be comfortable and look good, too!" Another moment of looking, and the brunette pulled the shirt tail out of her friend's jeans. "Hey! What're you doing?" "Hush a minute!" Kate rearranged Nicole's blouse to leave her midriff exposed and tied the shirt tails in a knot to hold everything in place. "That's better!" "Do you really think this is necessary? And what's with the shirt? Now my middle's chilly." The redhead fumed and pulled futilely at the blouse as her shorter friend gripped an arm and led her from the room. The grin on the brunette's face was almost feral. "Come ON, Nicole. You look good like that, and it's a popular style. On top of that you might be memorable, but you won't stand out if you dress like anyone else your age. You agreed to this, and it's a lovely evening to go walking around the shops. We don't even have to buy anything; you just need to start learning what to look for." They piled into Nicole's rented Grand Prix for the short trip to 'The Shops at Mission Viejo', a typical American mall with two floors, four anchor stores, and a bunch of generally forgettable little shops in between. Nicole found a parking spot on the back side of the mall, near the food court and Old Navy(tm). Kate, honed by years of practice, geared up for her role as instructor in 'Mall Crawling 101'. The two stayed in the fringe of the flow of traffic, walking slowly down the lower floor, examining the stores' window displays as the brunette kept up a running commentary on the contents to an inattentive companion. "Ow!" "Pay attention, Nicole!" The reluctant shopper rubbed her ribs where the elbow had impacted. "I was ... mostly." "C'mere." The exasperated brunette dragged her friend to a quieter nook. "Look, believe it or not, I have a point in this. Do you want to know what it is?" A slightly more interested look and shrug was sufficient to continue. "*Sigh* Nicole, I know you don't have room to pack a lot of new stuff, and I know you don't like shopping yet, but right now I'm not shopping to buy. We're here so I can help you learn what to look for. "Remember when we walked all over that mall Saturday? I knew pretty much what I was looking for and where I'd find it. Know why we took the long way around and checked stuff in all those other stores?" Nicole smiled and nodded. "You were trying to get me a start on all this, right?" "Uh-huh. Not just the things that look good, but those that don't. Even more importantly, why they do or don't look right. All this is part of what you need to know, and we don't have a lot of time before you leave town again, right?" Again the redhead nodded. "I know, truly I do. It's ... just that learning to be interested in all this is hard." She waved off a comment before it began. "Yes, I know that to act like a woman my apparent age I need to know all this. I *am* retaining it all, believe it or not. I have an eidetic memory, remember?" Kate nodded. "I know there's a lot of change in your life, sis; I don't know how you're managing it all as it is. What we're doing now is one of those fundamental female things that you just have to know how to do. Learning where to look for what things and how a woman shops are going to be important for you to blend in. You need to try to look like you enjoy it, too." Nicole nodded and promised to be more engaged in the activities, and even show a little enthusiasm. The two resumed their excursion, with both now venturing opinions about the various outfits on display and suitable accessories that would be needed for each. They finally made their way around to a place that caused the tall redhead to freeze for an instant. "Nicole? Is something wrong?" Kate's companion looked up at the sign over the shop before them. The last two and a half months dropped away as the vivid memories of her very first shopping excursion came to the forefront of her mind. A tremor ran through her frame as she relived that time. A soft touch on her arm snapped her back to the present. "Sis?" Nicole shook herself, relieving the momentary stress, and led Kate to a quiet corner. It took a couple of minutes to explain her reaction. She related the discomfort of being in a situation where she'd been a woman for less than a day and was forced to try to act like stripping to the skin was nothing new. She received a sympathetic look as she related her story. "That wasn't a very nice way to introduce you to all this." "In a way, it made sense. There wasn't, and still isn't, time to waste; I had to come to grips with the changes as quickly as possible." A small, humorless laugh escaped as she continued. "I think Artemis was trying to get a little revenge on men through the situation, too. I was just a convenient payback target." "Well, tonight we'll do it the easy way if you want. What kind of lingerie do you have so far?" Nicole's mouth opened, snapped shut, and then opened again. Finally her power of speech was restored as her brain caught up. "Most of what I have is just cotton briefs, and a couple of pairs of other styles, other than one thong." A wash of pink touched her face at the memory of that item. Kate wrapped an arm around the other woman's waist. "I'm beginning to see why you haven't learned to enjoy shopping. You haven't had a chance to learn just how much fun it can be, or just how good some of these things can feel to wear. Are you willing to let me help?" With a nod the offer was accepted, and the two walked into the store. Nicole's experience was markedly different this time. Kate nudged gently and frequently encouraged, but she never seemed to force any issue. For the first few minutes they stayed with styles that were fairly modest, but made of satin or silk. Gentle suggestions that Nicole note the texture of the fabric led to an appreciation of the selections as they worked through the color options. The two gradually expanded their choices, looking at and talking about the other style options available. Kate quietly shared some of her early experience with the more risqu? styles, leading to sniggers from both women. Explanations followed as to how some of the styles fit with certain dress styles and made both the dress and the body in it look best. The two finally left a little more than an hour later. A few purchases had been made by each and, unlike the first time, Nicole left feeling reasonably comfortable with the stop. The two looked around as they exited, and for once it was the redhead who asked, "Okay, where do we go next?" ***** Thursday, January 18, 2001(63/30) Doubletree Suites 5:00AM PST ~Oh, man, I feel rotten.~ The alarm had sounded and been turned off, but Nicole lay there feeling the cramping and queasiness that signaled her impending period. ~At least I have some ibuprofen and tampons around this time.~ She rolled over, and managed to get her legs over the side of the bed. A second effort and she managed to stand and staggered her way to the bathroom where the hoped-for relief waited in her travel kit. A glass of water and a couple of pills later, she was on her way to the fitness room with Kate in tow. The occasional wince finally caught Kate's attention, as they made their way downstairs. Kate wheedled unmercifully until she got Nicole to explain what was happening. The sympathetic comments were heavily intermingled with digs about a guy finally learning the business end of PMS. At the end of their morning exercises, Nicole only half-heartedly chased her up the stairs to their rooms. Relatively quiet epithets about ways to end her life accompanied the mad scramble and were answered by giggles from the intended target. ***** Etiquette School 9:00AM PST ~Almost done with the week! Thank heaven!~ Nicole felt as if her brain was wanting to take up residence outside her skull to escape the inundation of meal-related classes. ~Let me see. Part two of "American, Continental and Japanese styles of eating", "Making the toast", and "Finessing the check." Oh, joy.~ Both Kate and Nicole had similar looks of resignation to their fate as the instructor pulled up the first slide in the presentation on "Japanese styles of eating." The chopsticks at each place were a tip- off that they'd have the pleasure of learning to use them. Somehow the 'Lunch will be provided' sign didn't look quite as appealing when the only utensils were a couple of bamboo sticks. The two made notes to check for extra napkins. ***** Doubletree Suites 7:00PM PST Nicole was sitting comfortably on the edge of the bed; the ibuprofen had kept her cramping to a tolerable level; she was feeling comfortable and content to sit and enjoy quiet conversation after a light evening meal. The situation provoked a small grin. ~Beth, if I ever see you again I'm going to apologize for not appreciating how crummy you felt during your periods.~ The class lunch had consisted of a selection of oriental foods intended, based on appearance, to provide a tasty selection of foods that gave the students an opportunity to learn the fine art of chopstick manipulation. Kate sat cross-legged on the couch. "So, sis, what do you want to do this weekend? I don't think my folks have any big family plans, and I haven't talked to Alex yet, but I think the three of us can find something to do." Nicole shook her head. "Kate, I'm not going to L.A. with you this weekend." Kate looked stunned. "What! Why not?" Nicole smiled as she explained that with her period due any day, she really didn't feel up to much more than a little down time. "I'm not really even looking forward to the class tomorrow. It's only my second period, and I'm not used to having them yet. "Go home and have fun being with your folks. I'm not going to be much fun for a couple of days, and when I get back I'll monopolize your time again." Nicole smiled, moved to the couch, and hugged Kate. "Besides, this gives you time to think up the next lesson you think I need. And I think your mom needs some reassurance that we're not joined at the hip." "I noticed her giving you odd looks once or twice. Did she say something to you?" Grateful for having considered this conversation earlier, the redhead responded. "We had a couple of talks while you weren't around. She was worried about how quickly you and I became friends, since you don't usually get this close to someone new so soon." Kate looked puzzled and a little hurt. "She's right; I don't usually make friends this quickly. Do you really think this will help?" "If I let you go home by yourself this weekend, it will help your mom start to understand that I'm really not a threat. I'll miss you, but if it keeps the peace in your family then it's worth it." "If you don't come this weekend, when will I get to see you again?" Sadness colored each word of the question. Nicole thought for a moment. "I'll be here all next week, and I fly to London next Saturday. I'll be flying out of there the following Saturday morning and getting back here at about two o'clock Pacific Time. I figure I'll be in the hotel up your way by, say, five o'clock or so, two weeks from this coming Saturday. I can give you a call when I get there." The young brunette pouted. "I just found my big sister; I'm not ready to do without her yet. " "Pull that bottom lip back in before a bird roosts on it." A soft swat by Kate connected, accompanied by giggles from both women. "I'm not looking forward to being by myself either, but between your mom needing reassurance, and it being that time of the month, I think it's best. Besides, do you think it's any easier for me to give up time with the only family I have?" Her young friend blushed and hugged her in response. "Is there something I'm supposed to be doing while you're gone?" Nicole returned the hug. "As far as what you could or should be doing, you have a computer at home?" Receiving a nod, she continued. "I'd like you to download a program called CUSeeMe; if you don't have a web cam, I'd like you to pick one up. That will let us do computer-to-computer video conferencing, at least until I get to boot camp. I might even have possible recruits call or conference with you, if you're willing. You have a different perspective on all this, and it might help someone along the way. "You need to keep up your workouts; most universities have exercise rooms for students, so you should be able to stay in shape if they let part-time grad students use them. You should also sign up for Aikido, or Judo if they do. Those are soft, defensive techniques and should help you learn more control over your new strength. "If you don't have access, we'll have to see what we can do to fund *something* for you. I just don't know what or how, yet." Nicole tapped her chin with a finger as she thought for a moment. "I already gave you my business card, so you have my phone number and work e-mail. I'll sign up for a Hotmail account when I have a chance and send it to you. I also want to get your personal phone and e-mail addresses. "Other than that, keep up on your field. I suspect we'll have sisters scattered all over, so the more we can take advantage of computer networking and software, the easier it will be to cope with our growth and keep track of everyone." "I'd be happy to help however I can, you know that. Do you have any thoughts on the Amazons long-term yet? I mean, anything I can look at while you're busy doing your Marine-thing? I think I'll have some time and, who knows, maybe I can shanghai Alex into helping." "I really appreciate the help, but for a while I'm going to be just trying to bring in recruits. Remember that you'll get that 'tickle' again if you come across a recruit, so keep your eyes open. I'll want to meet them, but you can talk to them if you feel comfortable with doing so. We don't have the financial resources to do much else, yet. Long term I want to set up a base, a settlement for ourselves, where we have enough room to grow, train, and be able to keep unfriendly strangers at a distance. Until we have the money, we're stuck with doing what we can on the cheap." Nicole huffed a little in frustration. "Now that we've settled that, what's on the schedule for tonight?" "They're re-running 'Titanic' on HBO. I was thinking it would be fun to sit and watch that again." "Again? I haven't watched it a first time." Kate stared incredulously at the other woman. "You're...." She stopped and shook her head. "No, you aren't kidding. All right, then. It's time you started learning about the wonderful world of 'chick-flicks'." She made a mental note to collect books, movies, and magazines titles for the next seminar on 'Being a Modern American Woman'. Resigned to her fate, Nicole handed the remote to her tormentor and steeled herself to the beginning of another painful part of her education. ~DiCaprio! I hate DiCaprio!~ She thought for a moment. ~Kate Winslet's kind of cute though.~ With that small solace, she settled in for the evening's entertainment. "We should have gotten some popcorn!" "Shhhh!" "The whole evening is sunk!" "SHHHH!" "Waiter! I need more ice!" *Thwop!* ***** Friday, January 19, 2001 (66/30) Doubletree Suites 5:00AM PST If the mild cramps hadn't been enough of a tip-off, the red tinge on the tissue this morning would have done the job. With a sigh of resignation, she dug into her travel case and extracted the first pad and tampon for the day. She made a mental note to include extras in her purse for later. She took the ibuprofen automatically now, as the effect was almost magical on how she felt. Despite the wonderful little pills, she really didn't feel like exercises today. Between feeling irritable and the bloating, she wanted to just skip that part of the routine. Unfortunately, the real world didn't permit days to be called on account of such things, so she resigned herself to the need to suck it up and get moving. Fortunately, the lesson for today was another half-day session, so at least she'd be able to ru

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Amazon Part 9 Dancing Queen

Amazon - Part 9: Dancing Queen By Itinerant Edited By Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, February 5, 2001(84/51) Washington, D.C. 9:00AM EST The conference room quieted as Carson called the meeting to order. It was a sizable place, with two rows of tables facing the end...

1 year ago
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Amazon Sex Toys

I recently bought my first pocket pussy. Well, to be honest, “pocket pussy” might be a bit of a misnomer for what this was. This thing was huge, definitely not fitting in anyone’s pocket. I did a fair deal of research before settling on one. There is a large range of different types, prices, and qualities to choose from, and I wanted to familiarize myself with a few products before making a final decision. Especially since I would be putting my dick in it. Wouldn’t want to get some shady...

Online Sex Toys Shops
4 years ago
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Amazon Wife

"You summoned me daughter?" Karl said. Leanafel was his youngest and the only daughter remaining in their home. She was in bed with Jadea again. The two had become quite close and were seen together more and more over the previous months. Karl assumed it was only fitting. Leanafel was of an age. Soon she'd have to decide if she wished to stay in the hidden lands of Themyscira or venture out into the rest of the world. "Yes father," Leanafel said. "Send a few of my step fathers...

4 years ago
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Amazon Bride

I'll never forget the first time I saw her. It was my first day of college. I walked into history class, and there she sat on the front row. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing black T-shirt and shorts which showed off her awesome legs. It wasn't love at first sight, but as soon as she looked at me and smiled, my heart was hers. Serendipitously, the seat directly adjacent to hers was vacant. When class began, we did the perfunctory introductions. It was then that I...

4 years ago
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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

1 year ago
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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

4 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter Part 2

Liz and Julie ate in silence. Neither knew the other was thinking about the previous day’s events and particularly the sexual pleasures they had experienced. Both were embarrassed by their thoughts and were hesitant to talk. A few minutes later, the two natives returned. They reached down and pulled the captives to their feet and led them out of the hut. They walked for about 100 yards away from the village until they reached a pond that was fed by a small waterfall trickling off a cliff...

3 years ago
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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

4 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

1 year ago
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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

3 years ago
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Amazon Part 4 Debutante

Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...

4 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 05

‘I am not what you think I am, I am the light of the Amazon, and that means I am…’ Jessie hated to think the worst of Jack but his eyes were saying things that she really didn’t want to hear. She’d known since that morning he wasn’t normal. Human, probably, normal, living, breathing, leave your underwear on the bedroom floor, and your nasty socks on the kitchen counter, and drink your juice with vodka in it, maybe. Live in society with a nine to five job, and a house with a mortgage and two...

4 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 04

Hope you enjoy this next chapter of AmazonHeat the story of Jack and Jessie. I adore these two characters and I hope you do too. If you have any suggestions, or if you have any thoughts as to how the story should progress, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will try to incorporate your thoughts as best I can. I can’t always tell my characters what to do, but I will try. Enjoy! Morning came, the glow of the tropical sun lighting the entrance of the cave as Jessie rose and stretched...

3 years ago
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MY ASIAN HIGH SCHOOL WIFE part 2 The first weeke

My wedding night was not what I had imagined it would be. I was now married to an 18-year-old Japanese girl, half my age and still in high school. I had known her less than a month but saved her from her evil stepmum and bad home situation. I picked her up at school, drove her to city hall and after two brief but very intense romantic encounters, I dropped her off for her friend's slumber party, her first one, which she really didn't want to miss. I didn't blame her but it meant I had to...

3 years ago
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When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as Chris Farren was about to discover... AMAZONS by BobH (c) 2013 -1- What was I doing here, I wondered as I was ushered into the office of the head of Olympus Images? I was a jock who wasn't good enough to make the leap from high school football to the pro leagues, and I had no illusions about my academic grades, which had been...

1 year ago
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Amazons The Other Side

When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as brothers Jack and Chris Farren were about to discover... AMAZONS: THE OTHER SIDE by BobH (c) 2013 (This is a version of my story 'Amazons' retold from the pov of another character, Julie Gibson. It contains spoilers for 'Amazons', of course.) -1- I don't remember how old I was when I saw my first drag act on TV -...

4 years ago
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SRU The Lust Charm

This story is a sequel to my story Envy Charm, written to the specifications of Robyn as a prize for my second story contest. SRU: The Lust Charm By Morpheus An incredibly hot looking blonde slowly walked down the corridor, her whole body swaying erotically with every step. She couldn't have been more than 20 at most, dressed in a tight skirt and halter top that left very little to the imagination. The faint tapping from her high heels echoed loudly, in spite of all the people that...

1 year ago
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Third Times The Charm Part 1

Charm is absolutely perfect. Well, to me she is. Her dark hair, thick and almost Spanish, grazes her hips in soft waves. Her slim body, perky 34 C breasts and firm, round ass are all sculpted out of her spotless white skin. Blue eyes peer out from thick lashes, full brows and lips, and a smile that makes me want to do terrible things. To me she is absolutely perfect. We met by chance through my ex-boyfriend, and immediately I fell head over heels. We eventually began seeing each other behind...

4 years ago
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Amazons of Accor

It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...

3 years ago
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The Charm Terri Takes Control

The Charm: Terri Takes Control Terri Collins was an ordinary housewife, with a typical marriage, which had started out well, but over the years had cooled. At first, her husband Rob would do sweet little things for her, for no reason at all. But now, to get him to even do one of his chores was like pulling teeth. And she was getting sick of it. For his part, he told all his buddies at the bar that he was constantly nagged at home. And he was tired of her telling him what to do...

2 years ago
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The Charm

He sat on the bench and stared into the park, his spirit crushed and his heart broken...When he had first appeared at the club he was naive and clueless but he was bold and full of ego...The women of the club had seen right thu him.."Are you a Dom?" they asked, his ego and selfpride would not let him answer anything but "Yes"...They had made short work of him...ripping away the facade that he had made for himself, in no time he was beaten and kneeling on the floor....the women had tricked him...

3 years ago
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Amazon A story of Female Muscle

There are amazons through out the world. Women with strong muscles that dwarf men and strength like no other. There are women that tower over men and can crush a man with ease. These women are also feminine and sexy. They tend to love sex and be dominant. Some are sadistic and other are sensual. Few can match their fiery sex in bed but they love seeing weak men try. They love sexual domination. It is a conquest to them. These women can be warriors, female bodybuilders, celebrities, your next...

4 years ago
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Amazon Beths Story

Amazon - Beth's Story By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Author's Note: Some of you have expressed interest in what happened to Beth Edwards. Her sacrifice was equal to Tom's, and she is equally deserving of attention. What follows is at least a brief look into her life during and after the events in 'Amazon: ReGenesis'. ********** Saturday, November 25, 2000 Waukesha, WI A wave of dizziness passed over her as she stood up, as if the world was changing in an instant around...

2 years ago
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The Charm of Aphrodite

Derick stood in front of his altar, carefully inscribing the last of the designs on the piece of copper foil. He checked his work against the illustration in the book, and smiled when he saw that it was perfect. He took the vial of rose-oil and anointed the charm, reciting the accompanying text, which ended, ‘Most holy and revered Goddess, Laughter-loving Aphrodite, I beseech you, grant me the object of my affection. By your most holy name PASIPHAESSA KYTHEREIA I ask this.’ He brought the charm...

3 years ago
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SRU The Envy Charm

SRU: The Envy Charm By Morpheus Sean watched the gorgeous redhead in the cheerleader uniform intently. Heather Hodson, one of the prettiest, and most popular girls in school, was the center of his attention, and at the moment, his daydreams. Sean licked his lips, barely able to take his eyes off of her. She was a frequent guest in his wet dreams, as well as in nearly every other male's in that college. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, Sean stood up, carefully tossing...

3 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 28 Charm Control

My girls were ready to protest my idea that they should not be involved with the search. "Ral, you can't leave us out of this search. They may be your family but Mandy is a part ofourfamily." Yvonne thought. "You might think it's dangerous for us to be out there trying to find them with ... whoever is responsible for all of this, but it is our choice to face that danger or not." I was hit with those well-organized thoughts as soon as I left the doctor's office. I think I surprised...

3 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 02

Jack tucked his machete under his arm and watched her stumble off into the trees. This little woman was an amusing sight, especially with her pants down around her ankles. He liked her pluck, and her determination to keep up with him. He’d heard her stomach growling, and he’d known the impending thunderstorm startled her. He’d expected her to fall all over him in a mass of tears and whimpers begging him to tell her where he was taking her, and when they could eat, and how much longer did she...

4 years ago
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Amazon Adventure

Today as I look back at the last one year, I can't believe how drastically my life has changed. My life has gone from New York yuppie to a villager in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest. I cannot say that I am either happier or sadder with the current situation I find myself in, things are just different. The difference in my life situation is something that I have learnt to live with, it is something that I cannot escape, at least not at the moment. However even if I have a choice,...

3 years ago
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Amazon Driver

I've been waiting on a package from Amazon with some parts for my truck. This would be the second attempt. The first disappeared. I asked that the driver deliver them directly to my door, I'd be home waiting.About this morning someone was knocking on the door. Sure enough, it's this young striking hunk of a black man with my package. Said he was under orders to hand deliver it. I barely heard him as I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This k** was a god. Maybe 5'9", 170 lbs, and toned as hell. Not...

4 years ago
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Fifth Times the Charm

‘Hi, Jan.’ ‘Oh, Alex! Just a sec… Okay, so I see you’ve signed up to bring a dessert-y thing to the company picnic. How many family members will be coming, too?’ ‘None. I don’t have any family.’ Jan blinked. ‘Girlfriends are okay, too.’ ‘None of those, either.’ ‘Okayyyyy…’ Jan’s look must have implied mental gears shifting. ‘I’m not gay, either,’ Alex said with a little chuckle. ‘I didn’t think I could be that far wrong about you, but… If not that, well, it makes you not having a...

4 years ago
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The CharmChapter 2 Freed by Mom

As the months passed and the school year approached an end, Monica’s physical appearance changed drastically. First, the streaks of gray slowly disappeared from her hair, leaving her a thick head of lustrous auburn. Then the lines on her face gradually faded and her skin became more soft, moist and firm. Her body became toned, her gradual, round curves became sharper, wilder, and her clothes became baggy and ill fitting. All the beauty that had appeared faded came back into full bloom. By...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Engorgement Charm

Harry was laying on the spare bed in Ron's room at the burrow and was staring up at the ceiling. It's finally over, he thought. Voldemort is finally gone, maybe now Ginny and I could be together, forever Harry began to think of her naked body, which he had actually seen during his sixth year and immediatley got a hard on. Harry tried to jerk off, but he just didn't have the feel to do it. Lately, he noticed, his boners just weren't very large. He had, unfortunatley, seen other guys...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

2 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter

Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...

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Amazons of Gaming

The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...

4 years ago
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Good Luck Charm Part 2

Very rarely do those crazy legendary moments actually happen in a baseball game. You know, like this: Carter Daniels stepped up to the plate, bat in hand and ready. The crowd was screaming his name, all his teammates were on their feet in the dugout despite being insanely sore- because this was the defining moment. Get this home run and we win the game. Get this home run and we remain undefeated. Get this home run and we beat last year's championship winner. Get this home run, Carter. Get this...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Breast Friends 2 Peggy and Charmaine

Please first read Breast Friends and then read the following to find out how life progressed for two of the friends...enjoy! Peggy’s life plan was to work very hard during high school and get a scholarship in a top UK university to study law. After that she would move to London , get a well paid job in a big law firm, and eventually start her own practice. Her prince charming would come along somewhere along the way. Peggy parents who were not particularly wealthy had...

2 years ago
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A Lucky Charm

"Excuse me," the tall redhead in the light green leisure suit and matching skirt said as she stepped up to the small desk just inside the restaurant entrance. "May I help you?" the hostess asked with a smile as she looked up from her seating chart. "My name is Gabrielle Adams, I'm meeting Julia Logan for lunch," the thirty-seven year old replied with an equally warm smile. "Has she arrived yet?" "Oh yes, Mrs. Logan arrived just a few minutes ago," the younger hostess said as she...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e6 Charmaine 45 teacher from Plymouth

Series 3, Episode 6: Charmaine We float in over a wooded area on the outskirts of a small city. Beyond the trees long curving estates, built in the 60’s to provide housing for the British middle-class. This is Plymouth, on the English South coast, and beneath us are the Parkway Woods. Our next subject is standing with her husband infront of one of the houses closest to the woods. We close in on them (drone footage). They both look happy to be on camera. Tall, slim, with sharp features and...

3 years ago
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Third Time Its a Charm

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

2 years ago
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Charmed Girl Power

Prelude In a downtown tenement of San Francisco, Lena, a 16 year old girl sat on her bed, head in hands with her long straight brown hair hanging down like a curtain, obscuring her face and the tears on her cheeks. The events of the past two days had turned her world upside- down. The blazing row with her parents in the mall had started it when she had flung her arms out in anger and frustration. The catastrophic results of this action had demolished a shop on one side and had taken out the...

3 years ago
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schoolboy charm

As we live in an affluent area of our city we seem to get a lot of doorstep sellers, most of them are selling shit and we bin them off as soon as possible. A couple of months ago I was sat reading a book when there was a knock on the door, I thought here we fucking go again, upon opening the door stood a young man dressed in a shirt and tie asking if I wanted to buy some books.I invited him in and he told me he was selling these books as part of his 6th form project, I looked and there wasn't...

1 year ago
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Schoolgirl and schoolboy

This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

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Charmed BunsChapter 3

Meanwhile in the Christmas Ball Room overlooking the twinkling lights of the San Francisco skyline was nearly full. The pretty long blonde haired witch swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed into her black slacks. Billie the coed witch found herself in the presence of “Piffy Piper at the hip party, which was being attended by her sisters Piper, Phoebe and Leo. Witchcraft is a learned craft and much responsibility is needed to learn and use it...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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Charmaine and Tony

* Charmaine and Tony * Charmaine had her own fantasies as well waiting to be fulfilled before it was too late in life to do so. She had a healthy sexual appetite and being a professional dancer, she was constantly aware of the sexual and physical chemistry between the sexes as it is expressed in dance. She found herself looking at males in ways she had avoided in the past. But it became more difficult for her to deny the desires she felt. At first she thought there was something wrong with her...

1 year ago
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Amazons Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...

1 year ago
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Second Times A Charm

GraceHe’d said the views were stunning and he was right. Only an hour up the trail, Grace had a picture-postcard vista spread before her. Majestic, jagged peaks, a patchwork of forest and meadow green, the still water of Llyn Elsi, sunlight dancing on its glassy surface. It was beautiful, tranquil yet wild. An unspoiled wilderness on civilization’s doorstep, accessed via walking trails even a novice hiker could tackle.But he’d also been right about the weather. The air was stirred by a sudden...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Debbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesman

Debbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesmanWe are Alan and Debbie, happily married for many years. A while ago we were in Devon on a touring holiday and one day drove into Cornwall . We lunched in a small village pub, then went walking and looking at the few shops there. Late in the afternoon we came across a small shoe shop. My wife had been looking for some open sandals for a while. On entering the shop we were met by a gentleman of around mid-50's. My wife would have been 53. Another...

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