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Amazon - Part 10b: Home Stretch By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Washington, D.C. 6:00AM EST Connie had been stirring restlessly, even before the alarm sang its raucous song. Her sleep had been broken by sharply imaged dreams that had, more than once, left her suppressing a scream of fear as she bolted upright in her bed. She went through her morning routine on autopilot, quickly showering off the sweat from the terrors of the night and dressing as nicely as her limited wardrobe allowed for the day at the office. She primped quickly as she paused by the mirror next to the door, but froze as the face of a man -- her older near-twin, it seemed -- overlaid her image. As quickly as it appeared, it faded; she shook her head and left for work. From the back of her mind came a sense of disorientation, and the same feeling she had when she slowly awoke from a deep sleep. ***** WGSS Offices 7:50AM EST As Nicole had watched the local newscast this morning, there was a long report about an accident the previous afternoon -- a hit-and-run that had left a high school senior in the hospital's Intensive Care Unit, and several of his friends were interviewed. The boy was popular enough that area police were making every effort to locate the vehicle. The cold air had lent an edge of caution to the morning drive; Nicole trusted her driving, but the snowflakes were greasing up some of the area roadways, where the locals seemed to have forgotten any prior adjustment to slick highways and were sliding dangerously close to each other. Years of driving in upstate New York, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin had instilled reflexes in the redhead that the change of body hadn't affected. There were one or two cars that had slid off the road as they made their way to the office; tow trucks were out in sufficient force to have arrived on the scene before the two commuters had driven by. This morning's e-mail included a typically terse message from the Colonel. He'd arranged for use of the facilities at George Mason University, and said he'd scheduled workout times for Tuesday and Thursday evening, plus Saturday mornings from seven o'clock until noon, to help Nicole with her preparations. This Thursday's session would be an orientation for the rest of the month. He noted that she was scheduled for a visit to the recruiter Saturday, and he'd not expect a Saturday session this week. She made a note of the location and times as she sent a reply, then scooted off to meet with Angela's team. The next batch of data was due to be reviewed, formatted, and entered into the database. The work was hardly challenging, but having a chance to look over the types of data collected was interesting. She made a point of finding out about the equipment employed, and just how and why it was used as part of the site scanning effort. Nicole tapped away at the keyboard, making occasional notes as she worked. As she clicked to enter a block of data, the system hesitated for nearly half a minute. As the screen finally updated, Nicole frowned and made a note of the time. ~With the horsepower we have in the server room, there's no excuse for that kind of hesitation on this size database. If there isn't a heavy load on the system, something isn't right.~ More notations went on the notepad as a series of checks came to mind. She wouldn't be here long, but at least she could clean up whatever configuration problem had caused the hitches. ***** Washington, DC Hunter Security Offices 8:00AM EST The mood in the conference room was hardly less somber than the day before; Rodney had sprung for coffee and a couple of dozen boxes of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls, but for the most part the pastry was left untouched. It was an obvious attempt to encourage morale, but, after the events of the previous day, no one was interested in anything except their own job. Connie stopped at the doorway, hesitant to enter. She'd had an odd tension in her forehead all morning, and the muscles in the back of her neck were taut. This early meeting to continue planning for a significantly higher level of spying on the Wing organization, and their new employee, Nicole Harrison, was a continuation from the previous afternoon. With the weekend coming up, Connie needed to be present for the planning on her upcoming career in the Marine Corps. The appointment book at the recruiter's had been duplicated for the day, and the young man who'd had the appointment following Harrison's had had an unfortunate 'accident' yesterday afternoon. As soon as the call had been placed to cancel the appointment, the call was made to take the spot. The meeting had been planned to run all day, with a lunch brought in to allow planning to continue while the participants fed themselves. The office couldn't affect operations outside the region, but they had begun re-organizing into task groups to cover what had to be done locally, and provide coordination with the team that would keep an eye on Connie while she was in the Marines. The young woman was studying the outline of what was expected for the next few months, learning her part in the surveillance effort. ~They're putting too many assets on this,~ came the thought as she reviewed the plan. ~So many people on the break-in team will get in each other's way. They'll likely get caught before they crack the WGSS security system.~ She sat upright, puzzled at her own thoughts. ~Where did that come from?~ She was lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Rod walk up beside her at the table. She started when he spoke. "Connie?" She spun around, and relaxed quickly when she saw her 'mentor'. "Mr. Graham! You startled me." "I'm sorry, Connie. Chelsea and I wondered if you'd like to join us for supper tonight?" The young woman's face lit at the prospect of company and a better than average meal. She was more than happy to accept the invitation. ~At least that hasn't changed,~ Rod thought. ~Whatever the shape, a good meal is still a draw.~ ***** 12:00 Noon EST WGSS Offices The bridge group was waiting for Amelia to arrive as Nicole pulled a chair up near the table. Marissa and Tejas had just arrived, and set out the cards and score sheets as the microwaves hummed away on their lunches. Amelia was looking much the worse for wear as she walked in; it wasn't so much any one item, but the slight slouch of her shoulders, the slight bag under her eyes, and the frequent blinking of tired eyes made it clear that the night hadn't been restful. "Morning, Amelia." "Hi, Nicole." The blonde looked longingly at the hot water spigot; a nice, hot, *strong* cup of tea was tempting. She hadn't gotten up early this morning, but less than five hours of sleep had made the morning difficult. Her state hadn't escaped the redhead's notice. "I'm sorry I kept you guys up last night. I should have left earlier." Amelia sat down and started in on her lunch, while Marissa and Tejas dropped into their chairs. It was fun, but the blonde's game was noticeably less sharp than normal. She shot a grateful look at Nicole when a cup of hot tea appeared at her place; a few sips later, as the stimulant took hold, she began to wonder just how the woman knew what was wanted. ***** "Okay, Nicole, how did you know?" Amelia and Nicole were alone in the server room at the moment, getting organized for the afternoon's work. "Pardon?" "The tea." With a small grin, Nicole explained. "One of the extra gifts I have is the ability to sense emotions -- *just* emotions. Your longing for the caffeine, when you looked at the hot water dispenser, was like a halogen lamp. It wasn't too hard to figure out." "I think you were sent just to make my life weird." Amelia cocked her head. "Now that you're around, even if Trish and I say no, I suspect things won't ever be back to normal, either." "I'll only be here 'til about the end of next month, so take heart. Things should settle down after I'm away from here." The two spent time reviewing the tasks completed the day before, and Amelia found herself already digging deeper into her job jar than she'd expected. The redhead had made significant progress on the week's task list. "Amelia, before I get started today, I'd like your permission to run some tests on the database system." It took a few minutes for Nicole to explain what she'd seen, why she thought it might be a problem, and what she intended to do to determine the root cause. There were a couple of points where she had to explain her chain of reasoning, as the breadth of her experience pointed to possible problems that hadn't occurred to the comparatively inexperienced blonde. The look from Amelia was a mix of awe and confusion. "Nicole, there is no way on God's green earth that you could be a new college graduate. I've been out of school for over five years, and gone through several training courses for both the hardware and software in here. I have been working with these systems nearly every day, and didn't know to even *look* at some of these things!" The redhead shrugged. "Those courses never tell you quite everything you wind up needing to know." "But how...." For a moment, the youthful mask dropped. "For now, let's just say I've had some good teachers." "That's a 'Microsoft Help' answer: completely correct, and utterly useless." She grimaced. "Is there any reason why I shouldn't just give you a list of things I'd like you to look at for the next four weeks, and let you work them in as you run your tests? And will you let me look over your shoulder from time to time so I can learn what you're doing, and why?" "You're the boss. I'll work with you however you want me to." The skepticism radiated from Nicole's companion. "Right. I suspect there's an awful lot you can't, or won't, tell me unless I accept your invitation." The only reply was a silent shrug. ***** 5:45PM EST Amelia's Apartment Trish dug into the spice cabinet as she had the kitchen duty tonight; she'd finished her classes early enough to get a head start on the preparations. She had had a distracted day -- the fatigue from the late night made her work harder to focus on the Music History lecture. Her friends had remarked, too, on her weariness -- though not without taking advantage of the situation. "Trish, you and your partner really should wait for a non-school night." Normally, such a comment would have received a risqu response; today her brain was functioning on -- at best -- two cylinders out of eight. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks, and the group around her gave themselves a high-five in celebration of a long-sought -- and very rare -- success. She managed to keep up with the required note taking and was grateful when she finally wobbled into the apartment. The cats, by some means known only to them, seemed to know she wasn't up to dealing with their feline shenanigans -- the two parked on the back of the couch and just observed. The previous evening's events continued to run through the back of her mind; she wasn't certain she trusted Nicole -- the story was just too bizarre to be credible. ~But Amelia *does* trust her, it seems., and if there's one person in this world I trust, it's her.~ They had much to talk about during supper. ~Maybe we should invite Nicole to the performance this weekend. We'll see how she behaves in our social setting.~ ***** 6:00PM EST Rod Graham's home Rod had finished setting the table and was standing as Chelsea put the finishing touches on the meal. There hadn't been much time for the two to talk before Connie was due, but Chelsea was dealing with a faint echo of the frustration that Rod felt. She felt as if there was something wrong and that it revolved around Connie, but couldn't identify just what the problem was. Connie was shy, hesitating as she entered a house that her memory told her she had visited before, though she seemed to recall other visits by someone else. The three quickly settled around the table, and the meal passed quickly and pleasantly between the good food and conversation. Rod deliberately guided the conversation away from topics that could stray too close to the new situation at work. After the meal, however, they settled themselves in the living room. Connie was relating the strange confusion she'd felt the last couple of days -- almost as if she wasn't herself. Chelsea shot her husband a look, which he returned with a minimal shake of the head. Later, after their guest had left, the couple were talking over the cleanup. "Something's wrong about her whole situation, Rod. What's going on?" Rod explained the situation as best he could, and by the end of the evening, his wife was alternating between fury at what had happened to their friend, and fear of a similar fate for her partner. ***** 8:30PM EST Nicole's Apartment Dinner had gone well, and Nicole had retired to her bedroom to do her journal update and language lesson for the day. She stood and stretched after hunching over for so long. The journal was up-to-date for her new life, but there was a lot of work to capture her life as Tom. The time spent recording that life she'd left behind also gave Nicole time to wonder how that missing part of her heart was doing. ~It's safer for her, but, dear heaven, I miss Beth so much.~ It took a while to force her thoughts away from that channel, and return to a more immediate question. "Artemis? Do you have a few minutes?" The goddess blinked into the bedroom. "What can I do for you, Nicole?" Nicole outlined the events of the previous two days, and the discussion with Amelia and Trish. "I don't want you to be surprised, or offended for that matter, but I really felt we could use someone with Trish's talent. She didn't cause the 'tickle' at first, but after I asked her to join, we both felt it." Artemis nodded. "I think you got your answer; I don't think I'm in a position to argue, either. She seems like a very good person, though hardly a warrior." The redhead shrugged. "I really don't want to build just an army. We have a nation to create, and that means a history, music, ceremonies, and all the rest. Will you work with Trish, if she accepts, so she can learn what kind of music she can begin looking for?" "Certainly, but isn't that a waste of resources? Having someone who's just a musician seems a bit of a waste." Nicole grinned. "I was thinking that, for centuries, the bards were teachers to an otherwise illiterate populace as they traveled around the countryside. We're not illiterate, but I think that might be another way to use Trish's talents. I think she'll need more schooling, but she can set up the 'Introduction to the Amazon Nation' course that we'll eventually need." ***** Thursday, March 1, 2001 9:30AM EST *Clickety-clickety.* Tap, tap, tap, tap, ... The rhythmic tapping of fingernails on a desktop reflected the impatience of the person at the computer. The system was working, but it was like trying to pour ketchup out of a newly opened bottle. It was taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r, or at least it seemed that way. After years of working on high-end clusters for large clients, it was annoying at the moment to be dealing with the smaller, slower systems here. ~Just an incentive to tune them as best I can, I guess.~ She checked the list, and grabbed another image file from Angela's project archive. ***** 1:15PM EST The closer hissed as it fought to shut the door against the out-rush of air from the server room. The figure at the console didn't react until the soft clumping was close enough to speak easily over the noise of the fans. "Hi, Amelia." Nicole didn't even turn as she greeted the newcomer. "Why aren't you running the tests, yet? I'd have expected you to have the scripts set up and kicked off already." "I want to run the full set of tests; if I don't, there are a couple of configuration options I could miss the settings for. Besides, this way I have everything set for a post-fix retest, and can make sure things work as they should. And the data will be captured to back up the choices we have to make." "You're being obscenely thorough, you know." "This is what I do, Amelia. Attention to detail is critical; you know that as well as I do. This way, I can write up a report for you that will show Joanne what we did, why we did it, and the improvements it made. You'll probably get a bonus for it." "If any bonuses are handed out, you'll be on the list. Oh, by the way, Trish and I wondered if you'd like to join us at the coffeehouse tomorrow night. Trish is booked there for the weekend. You might enjoy the performance, and you can meet some of our friends, too." "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Amelia. Thank you for inviting me along. I have a morning appointment Saturday, so I can't stay too late. Can we meet at your place, and I'll follow you?" The two agreed on a time, and Amelia suggested very casual, comfortable, layered clothing. "It will be cool at first, but the room will warm up once everyone shows up and has been there a while." ***** 6:30PM EST George Mason University Nicole had grabbed a quick, light meal -- taking time to change into workout clothes -- before making the short drive to GMU's campus, thankful for the fact she didn't have to fight the dense traffic on the Beltway. The chilly wind made her grateful for the jacket she wore as she scurried from the parking lot to the building. The Colonel was waiting just outside the locker rooms of the Recreational Sports Complex. They moved off into a nearby office. "First, I want you to try each of the physical tests you'll be required to complete. That way I'll have an idea of what we need to work on. We'll also take time to run through a practice ASVAB...." "Pardon? ASVAB?" "You'll need to learn the acronyms, the government in general, and the military in particular, love them. A.S.V.A.B stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. It's a series of tests that will measure your skills and determine whether you're qualified to enter the military, and what sort of specializations you're qualified for. I have some practice tests for you. We'll run through the physical tests first, and then you can take the ASVAB." His reaction to her time in the three-mile run was almost funny. She'd tried -- really -- not to show off. Managing a steady six-minute mile, and ending the run without really breathing hard, wasn't a good way to avoid attention. He refrained from comment, though, as he'd seen long-distance runners with a similarly slender frame. The pull-ups and sit-ups were more an exercise in patience; she hardly pushed herself and managed sixty sit-ups in the two minutes. The pull-ups were as bad -- or good, depending -- as the rest of the testing. He sat down on a bench and just looked at the redhead. She'd breezed through every physical requirement, and appeared to be capable of levels that the very best of his SAS troopers would find unachievable. Given her body shape, she must be made of pure muscle; the running wasn't much of a surprise, but the number of pull-ups she'd managed had revealed a strength not reflected in her build. He gazed steadily, and intently, at the young woman, as she took the time allotted for recovery. It wasn't as if she needed it. ~Who ARE you, Miss Harrison? WHAT are you?~ The hair on the back of his neck rose as, at the moment those thoughts ran through his mind, she looked in his direction and quirked an eyebrow. She stood, quietly at the moment, stretching and testing the muscles in each limb. The exercise had -- almost -- been fun. She hadn't let go; she had tried to demonstrate that the physical part of this training was the least of his worries. Perhaps, though, his background might provide *something* to do that would be more of a challenge. He was sitting quietly on the bench, in that state of relaxed alertness, when she noticed he was gazing intently and his emotions were a whirl of questioning. She looked in his direction and quirked an eyebrow, curious to see if he'd explain. The feeling of questioning intensified, and she felt a spike of concern. "Ms Harrison, that performance was nothing short of remarkable. Would you care to explain how you just managed to exceed the physical requirements, and do so without -- so far as I can tell -- appreciable effort?" ~I knew this could happen.~ Nicole cringed inwardly as she tried to assemble an explanation. "Colonel," she began, "as long as I've been physically able, I've worked hard at trying to keep up with as rigorous a set of exercises as circumstances permit." He knew quite well that she was withholding information, though he doubted she was lying. She had to understand what he was trying to accomplish, though. "Ms Harrison, one of the things that basic training is supposed to accomplish is to teach you how to push beyond your physical limits. It is an essential skill in combat, and has saved my life and the lives of my squadmates more than once. My intent is to help you find those limits now, and start teaching you before you get into training. I cannot do that if you will not push yourself to find those limits." "Colonel," she stopped. ~What can I say?~ Stirling watched as her face reflected her internal debate. "Nicole, I'm going to assume this, too, is tied up in whatever you and Doctor Wing are involved in. I think it may be well if we three sit down together and talk about this situation. You will hardly need this much of my time, just to learn the various ranks and the like." He waved at a stack of paper. "You can read without spending three evenings a week jogging around a track, and I can check your memorization easily. "You managed to exceed every level of physical workout I'd planned on, so at best I'll need to take time to re-plan my workouts. If nothing else, we can make sure your endurance is built up. For now, we can look at the material you should learn prior to reporting to boot camp. I've included a copy of 'Military Careers', which outlines the jobs available. I flagged some of the specializations that are best suited to prepare you for a team lead position." His exasperation was clear, and the redhead was hesitant to add to it. "Colonel, I think you need to know that I have an eidetic memory. It won't take long to memorize this material; if there is other material you think I'd find helpful, you might want to dig it out. This," she waved at the stack, "should be well in hand by Tuesday." "You and your mentor aren't making this any easier." ***** Friday, March 2, 2001 7:45AM EST Angela had brought her car to a stop in the WGSS parking lot, and, as she turned the machine off, turned to her roommate. "Nicole? We normally go out as a group for lunch on Friday; would you like to join us today?" "Sure! Just let me know when it's time to go." Such things were typical for small companies, and being invited along was a good sign that the team had accepted her as a part of the group. ***** 11:45AM EST As a result of the earlier invitation, Nicole found herself collected from the computer as the team piled into a couple of cars for the twenty-minute trip. The lunch location turned out to be the 'Big Bowl', a Chinese and Thai restaurant in Reston. The place had a stir fry bar, Thai curries, and a group share menu. Several people recommended the bar, and for this week, Nicole agreed. Angela displayed a taste for hot dishes, selecting a spicy Sichuan beef entre. Nicole snickered at the choice. "Angela, I didn't think you needed to toast your tongue to get rid of the aftertaste of my cooking!" The group laughed as the newest employee got her turn being gently hazed about her cooking skills. ***** 1:15PM EST WGSS Offices ~Okay. The scripts are set up and ready to run. I have the priority set so it won't bog down the work other people are trying to do, and the data is redirected to a volume that's pretty much free. That will prevent any weird delays due to disk contention.~ She double checked the disk free space and reassured herself that there was sufficient room for the data that would be collected. It wouldn't take too much room, but crashing the system due to a full disk wouldn't endear her to Amelia. She might get fired, and then she'd be stuck queening for the rest of her life. As if she wasn't going to be doing that anyway. She scanned the command file one last time, closed it, and started the process. By Monday, the initial results would have been captured and analyzed by the tools she'd either found or re-created. ~Okay, now that that's done, let's see how much more of Amelia's job jar I can empty today.~ ***** St. Anne's Episcopalian Church, Reston, VA 7:30PM EST The jacket had come off early, as the crowded basement of the church had filled with local folk music fans. Nicole had, at first, found herself busy helping Amelia as she set up a sales table near the door; she'd taken time, though, to complete her collection of Trish's music. She left her friend with a hot cup of coffee, and found a seat a little closer to the platform. The first set finished, and as the notes died softly in the crowded room, Nicole opened her eyes. She'd closed them, allowing the musician to paint a picture within her mind, undisturbed by the surrounding crowd. It was a visit to an art gallery, where each person's experience created a unique image from the words and music from the stage. Nicole joined in the generous applause, and marveled at the creativity displayed by the young woman taking her bow. Trish was someone to be treasured as a friend, even if she decided she didn't want the burdens that would come with accepting the Call. The redhead slipped out of her seat, and quickly slid into a chair behind the sales table; Amelia sent a grateful look her way as the line of customers built. The blonde nudged her helper. "If they want it autographed, just flag Trish over." Nicole found herself chatting amiably with various people as they browsed the stacks of CDs and other merchandise; it was interesting that there was such a range of ages present -- including one child who was wearing a stocking cap. "May I help you?" Nicole asked her, or him. The young one's parents came up behind with one of the new CDs, as the end of the line finally arrived. She noted with interest the red hair on both parents. The young one held out the CD. "I'd like to buy this one, please." Nicole smiled, and handled the transaction. "You prefer this kind of music?" The mother nodded. "My daughter has a friend who heard Trish, and loaned her a CD to listen to while she was going through chemo. She insisted on our bringing her here tonight, and we're both glad she did." "Would you like me to get Trish to autograph the disk for you?" The girl's face beamed at the prospect. "Could you, please?" "I'd be happy to. Trish!" Nicole waved a hand at the musician. The adults struck up a conversation while waiting for the signature, and it continued after Trish moved on to sign other discs. The child, Tara Davidson, was undergoing treatment for leukemia. The doctors were pleased with her progress, but her hair loss was an emotional drain since she was frequently teased. She had been a very pretty child, and the bald look made her stand out. "We'd like to get her a nice wig; her treatments will be continuing for a while, but it's hard to find one with anything like the right shade of red. She was really proud of her hair color; it was almost like yours, miss, and pretty unique." The mother, Marilyn, watched the reaction of the red-haired woman at the table. She seemed young, though apparently mature for her age; at least her vocabulary was more like Marilyn's own parents than was typical for someone in her mid-twenties. Still, sympathy showed clearly on the young woman's face, before it changed to a thoughtful look as the tall redhead glanced in Tara's direction. ~She's thinking about my little girl, it seems. I wonder just what she has in mind?~ Tara caught Nicole's glance, and smiled uncertainly. The woman's look was intent, but not frightening; there was a hint of warmth and friendliness in the look sent her way. The youngster relaxed a bit, as she felt no threat from the other side of the table. Nicole glanced at Amelia, and, after receiving a nod, offered to see what she could find. "I may have an idea how to help your daughter, Marilyn, but I'll have to make some phone calls first." The family left a phone number for further questions. ~If I have to chop my hair off, at least I can make good use of it.~ ***** Saturday, March 3, 2001 Fairfax Center 8:00AM EST It was a pleasantly short ride to the recruiter's office, as it sat a couple of miles down the road at the mall. She wasn't sure what the events for the day would be, though she understood from her chats with David Stirling that she'd be here awhile for some testing, then, if there were no disqualifying problems, she'd get an appointment at a nearby processing station for the next step. She had allowed plenty of time, even given it was early on a Saturday morning, and she arrived well ahead of her appointment. The office was empty at the moment, though there was a door open to the back rooms, and she sat patiently in a chair, eyes closed, thinking and listening. The faint swish of cloth on cloth called her back to alertness, and she opened her eyes. A few moments later, a block of a man, dressed in a Marine uniform, entered from the open door. Nicole noted his eyes as they quickly scanned the room, lighting on her for a moment. His utter lack of reaction was reassuring. The last thing she wanted was to deal with someone who forgot the axiom 'appearances can be deceiving.' He stopped at his desk and checked something atop it. "Ms. Harrison?" The next half-hour was a superficially casual conversation. The man, Sergeant Raymond, was quite good at his job. Whether by training or natural talent, he quizzed her about who she was, her background, why she was there, and why she thought the Marines would be interested in her. In particular, he was curious as to her age; she was six years older than the typical recruit -- and built rather lightly for the stresses of military life. "And," he continued, "it seems odd that someone with not one, but two college degrees would side-step Officer Candidate School. Can you enlighten me as to your reasons for that choice?" "Certainly; I did some research, and found something quite interesting. Second Lieutenants who come up through the ranks have a lower casualty rate in their units than those who just go through OCS. I don't mind taking time, if it means saving lives." He nodded, whether in agreement or just thought she didn't know. "Alright, I think we can continue with the rest of your screening. With your education, you will be enlisted as at least Private First Class, which means you'll be expected to handle more than the average recruit." The next ten minutes were filled with verification of information -- Social Security Number, driver's license, birth certificate, and -- last but not least -- proof of high school graduation. The first of an imposing stack of forms was filled in, and the Sergeant quickly made copies of the documentation. He dropped back into his chair, and smiled at Nicole. "One thing you'll learn quickly is that the military runs on paperwork." He handed her a clipboard full of forms. "All these need to be filled out. Once they're done, you'll take an aptitude screening test, the ASVAB. It should take about two hours or so; I'll go over the paperwork while you're taking the test, and we can review the forms. Once all that's done, we'll take a look at your test results. I suspect you'll be done before noon." "Sounds good, Sergeant. I'll get started on these." As she stood up, the door opened. A young woman walked in looking very uncertain of her destination. She caught sight of the tall redhead, and Nicole sensed a spike of worry that settled back into a low level of fretting as the new arrival walked to the desk where the Sergeant sat. "Hello, I'm Constance Sinclair. I have an appointment with you for this morning." It was her -- the target. The tall redhead that had everyone in the office in a dither had just stood up and moved to a table. Connie recalled the briefing she'd received, but ink on paper did no justice to the woman. Even the photographs were inadequate to seeing her in action. She was tall, and graceful as a model. Even though she was dressed casually, she looked like she'd stepped out of a catalog. Her make-up was done with restraint. She looked elegant, even with her long, braided hair trailing over her back. The young woman was envious. Still, there was warmth in the smile that had been directed her way; the impression, after only moments of contact, was of invitation and welcoming. It was like she was inviting Connie to come into a warm, hospitable room. ~It's ironic,~ the little brunette thought, ~that the best link we have to a group as dangerous as the Amazons is a woman who leaves me feeling a lot like Rod does.~ She felt more restlessness from a back corner of her mind, and a sense that things were deeper than she knew. ~It's like my woman's intuition is screaming at me.~ ***** ~Paper, paper and MORE paper.~ Nicole flexed her hand as she paused to read the instructions for the next section of the form. ~Hospitalizations. Let me think -- nope none of those. I've hardly had time to need it, and given the overhaul I got from the manufacturer, I doubt I'm ready for any major maintenance for a while.~ She racked her mind for a moment, and tried to send a nudge to that odd corner of her mind where the memories of Nicole's past resided. Still, nothing bubbled to the surface. She'd had a complete set of immunizations, no injuries other than the odd scuff from a fall, and had never had to be hospitalized. ~I -- either of me -- had the flu, and chicken pox, but nothing more serious than that.~ Some of the information she filled in was a bit of a guess, since she didn't know her exact weight, but she filled in the spaces on the forms as best she could. The next form was fairly short as it inquired about drugs, arrests, and her status as a conscientious objector. She had little to put on the form, but there wasn't any hurry to finish, and she took her time. ~No drugs; no arrests -- not even a traffic ticket.~ She thought back to Tom's youth. ~Come to think of it, he didn't have any tickets either.~ The conscientious objector question rolled around in her mind for a minute; she objected -- strenuously -- to anything more than the violence required for self-preservation. Being called into a life where she was likely to be involved in a low-intensity war for years grated on her nerves. She reviewed the stack of documents one last time from top to bottom, and secured them to the clipboard as she heard Sergeant Reynolds finishing up with Constance. The young woman -- proportionally less slender than Nicole, but by no means heavily built -- still radiated nervousness as she talked with the Marine. ~She's really not happy with being here, though she's hiding it reasonably well.~ The queen considered her options and decided to see if she couldn't draw a little attention from the child. ~I can have a little fun, anyway.~ She walked up to the desk, clipboard in hand, and waited until she caught the man's attention. "I have the forms filled out ... sir." The man's eyes locked on her like twin cannon, and narrowed; he had noticed the slight pause. "Ms. Harrison, I appreciate the intended courtesy, but in the service you should NEVER call a Sergeant 'Sir'; you should always say 'Sergeant'." "I'll make sure I remember that, Sergeant." She felt Ms. Sinclair's tension level drop a little as the recruiter's attention was diverted for a moment. ~Mission accomplished.~ She resisted the temptation to wink at the man, though she barely managed to suppress a smile. He handed the clipboard full of forms to Constance, and directed her to the table Nicole had used. "Now then, Ms. Harrison, we'll get you going on the tests. If you need to visit the head, you might want to do so now, before you get started. Ordinarily, we'd administer just the screening test, but with your education, I think it's more efficient to let you take the full test now. Fortunately, we have the computer based version, so you'll get a score immediately on completion." ***** 12:30PM EST Fairfax Center ~Well, that went well.~ The recruiter had been more than pleased as he looked over the ASVAB results. She'd scored in the ninety-ninth percentile, with only her 'Auto and Shop' score being less than stellar. ~I never did care for working on cars, anyway.~ He looked up after reviewing her scores. "You'll have your pick of any MOS that has an opening, based on these scores. Do you have any preferences?" He was smiling happily at the thought of the potential revealed. "I do; I've worked with someone who's been in the military, and they think my skills and interests will match best with MOS 0261, a Geographic Intelligence Specialist." The sergeant nodded. "I see no problem, but that MOS requires a top secret clearance." He outlined the process -- performed by the Naval Security Group Liaison -- including the checks on the family. Another form was extracted from a file, and they spent a few minutes ensuring all the requisite information was captured. Reynolds reviewed the paperwork, and the two went over the contract to ensure Nicole understood all the commitments on both sides. "I'd plan for a trip to Richmond next weekend. There's nothing in any of this data to indicate you'll be rejected. You'll receive the information in the mail, probably by Wednesday, with where you need to be, when, and what you'll be doing when you get there." He made some suggestions as to how to pack, and as she stood, he made one last recommendation. "I'd work on your physical conditioning. Upper body strength and endurance are important." ~Well, that's that for today. It's early enough to do something yet.~ It had been too long since her last visit, and it really was time. She pulled out her cell phone and punched the first speed-dial number. "Hello, Michael. Would you mind if I spent the rest of the day at your cabin?" ***** Sunday, March 4, 2001 12:15PM EST Amelia and Trish's Apartment "So what do you think, Trish?" Amelia had parked on the couch, and Yang took advantage of her stretched out legs to occupy the blonde's lap. She'd been quiet since the two had shared brunch. "About?" Yin had appropriated the back of Trish's chair, and blinked as the two-legged residents broke the comfortable quiet. "Nicole. Her offer. I've been turning it over in my head for the last four days, and I've told you what I've seen around work. She has Colonel Stirling nearly talking to himself," Trish tittered at the image, "and I swear she knows more about the network and server systems than anyone her age has a right to. She's smart, and caring -- you saw how she reacted to that kid with cancer." Trish nodded. "She has something in mind to help, that's obvious." The brown haired woman smiled at her partner. "I like the idea of working with, and for, someone who can care about one child. She also seems to be willing to accept us as we are, which is a big plus in my book." "So?" There was a long pause as the young woman thought through what she knew. "I think we should accept her offer. What do you think?" "I agree with you; let's make the call." ***** 12:30PM EST Nicole's Apartment The rain was beating on the wall, rather than the window this morning. March in Virginia was proving to be like April or early May in Wisconsin -- damp and windy. The trees were just beginning to pop their buds, and the hint of the new life was a comforting reminder to Nicole. Angela had wandered off for the remainder of the day, as there was a weekend seminar at Georgetown given by one of her old professors; the redhead was snuggled into 'her' reading chair, with a mug of hot chocolate on the side table. Her quiet review of the material from David Stirling was interrupted by the chirping of her cell-phone. The caller ID popped up Amelia's number. "Hi, Amelia. What's up?" "Nicole, Trish and I have made our decision. We accept your offer." ~Yes! YES! *YES!!*~ The redhead's heart rang with the pure joy of knowing that she and Kate were that much less alone. There would be time later to bask in the emotions; for now, it was time to bring her new sisters into the family. It took a fair amount of self-control to restrain the urge to dance. "Thank you, Amelia," the queen finally responded, her pleasure obvious in her voice. "We'll need to get together for your induction. Will this afternoon work, or do we need to schedule something for later?" "We're free this evening, so if it will work for you, why not come by around six o'clock. I'll have something ready for supper; then we can sit and you can answer some of the questions I've been dying to ask." "I'll be happy to; there will be at least four of us for supper, Mela, but I'd like to see if I can get Kate Tanner, my sister Amazon who's in California, here as well. I want all my sisters to get to know each other. I'll call as soon as Kate gives me a yes or no." "It won't matter much. I'll have plenty for everyone." "Wonderful! Assume five for supper then, and I'll see you a little before six -- and thank you, Amelia. You don't realize, yet, just how much this means to me." Nicole ended the call, with a huge smile on her face. "Artemis? Do you have a moment?" "Yes, Nicole? What can I do for you?" The room, empty an instant before, now held the ancient, but now familiar, goddess. Even the strain in their relationship couldn't sour her happiness as the redhead continued. "Amelia just called; she and Trish have accepted the Call." Artemis' eyes widened, and her smile was nearly as radiant as the queen's. "I'd like to have the induction this evening -- six o'clock works for them -- but I have a couple of other issues. I'll need a way to get there without calling attention to us, and I'd also like Kate to join us. Are you willing to help get Kate and me there and back home?" "You'd like me to go pick up Kate, then take both of you to Amelia's?" "Almost. I intend to call Kate and see if she's available. If she is, I'd like you to take me with you so I can say hello to the Tanners." The black-haired woman nodded. "That would be fine. Shall I wait while you call?" "If you would, please." Artemis' sharp hearing allowed her to listen to both sides of the conversation, and she grinned as Nicole filled her friend and sister Amazon in on the events of the past several days, and the plans for the afternoon and evening. The young brunette was enthusiastic in her agreement, and plans were quickly made for the visit to the West Coast, and the return trip for the ceremony. ***** 4:30PM EST/1:30PM PST Tanner Home Nicole and Artemis blinked into the living room at the appointed time, and the waiting young woman started at first, then beamed at their arrival. Artemis received her due respect, as she acknowledged the slight bow from Kate. The tall queen, however, was on the receiving end of a distinctly sisterly pounce. The two found, once again, the warmth of affection that each felt for the other -- something that seemed to be unique to them. Kate's affection for Alex, as deep and intense as it was, reached a different part of her soul from that place held by Nicole. The young woman was, to a degree, conflicted by the divergent calls on her loyalties; she knew, however, that she had made a deliberate choice to accept the call to the Amazons. Her first loyalty would be to her queen and sister. Nicole, too, felt that warm bond to Kate. It was -- unique. As much as Tom had loved Beth, this feeling was on a conscious level; she knew that her sister was here. Artemis departed for the moment. She wasn't ready, yet, to introduce herself to the others in the Tanner clan. Nicole and Kate vanished into the kitchen to spend the remainder of the next hour catching up on the state of the Tanner family. It was far too soon, for Nicole, when it was time to exchange farewell hugs and depart. ***** 5:30PM EST Amelia and Trish's Apartment The wondrous smell of cheddar cheese permeated the whole apartment, with undertones of baking bread and cinnamon that were sufficient to leave both women's mouths watering as they put the last touches on the cleaning and straightening of their home -- even the cats' litter box had been subjected to the frenzy. It was almost like an expression of nesting instinct. The cats were parked in their usual place, on the back of the couch, as Amelia checked once more on the state of the meal. Trish was tinkering nervously with the tuning of her favorite guitar when three figures faded into the center of the room. As they began to solidify, Trish gave a small 'eek' of surprise, and moved to interpose herself between the intruders and her partner. The sound caught Amelia's attention; she spotted Trish's movement and looked for a handy weapon. Both relaxed, at least a little, as they recognized at least one of the new arrivals. The tallest, their friend Nicole -- who carried a bag of some sort -- was accompanied this time by two more women. The shortest, a slender brunette, who sniffed curiously at the smells from the kitchen, was at the left of the redhead. ~That was seriously COOL!~ Kate thought to herself. ~It was like a Star Trek(c) transporter without the hum!~ Her nose demanded her attention, and she sniffed again; there was something here that smelled delicious. The third person drew their attention like a magnet draws iron filings. Though not as tall as Nicole, her black hair and Mediterranean features only emphasized her other-ness; there was a sense of *power*, and an ageless feeling of the ancient about the youthful looking woman. Even the cats seemed to sense the unique nature of that visitor. They had sat up, at first, when the strangers arrived, and seemed prepared to leap down to examine the intruders. Almost as quickly, they stopped, and sat down with their tails curled around their paws. They looked very much like a pair of ceramic statues, other than the motion of their heads to track Artemis. Amelia moved out of the kitchen, after ensuring the food was going to be all right. She recalled Nicole's mention of Artemis' identity as one of the company's directors, but watching as someone just faded into the living room, and knowing that that person was literally divine, made the blonde's mind race. Four days was too little time to re-evaluate the convictions of a lifetime. Trish placed her guitar on its stand and joined her partner. ~People just *don't* appear in the middle of a room.~ The nebulous thoughts she'd hung onto of God and faith were returned to the forefront of her mind. Her parents had brought her up in the Catholic Church, and she'd been properly catechized. She recalled the lessons about saints and angels, though as she'd matured she had lost her enthusiasm. The natural questioning of a teen approaching adulthood, coupled with the blatant hypocrisy of supposedly fine, upstanding churchgoers, and dark whispers of other -- and far worse -- behavior on the part of some priests, had led her away from organized religion. Nicole stepped forward from the newly arrived trio. "Amelia and Trish, I'd like to introduce you, first, to my friend, and sister Amazon, Kate Tanner. Kate, this is Amelia Ten Broeck and her partner Trish Peyton." Kate moved over to the two candidates and greeted them with a characteristically warm smile. "And this," Nicole resumed, "is Artemis, the patron goddess of the Amazon Nation. Amelia, you know her as Doctor Dianapopolis." Artemis nodded at the two, somewhat nervous, young women before she spoke. "Amelia, I am more pleased than I can say that you have accepted the Call. I've had a chance to see just how capable you are, and anyone who has been able to earn your love and respect, as Trish has, is equally worthy, I'm sure. Are you both certain of your decision? This is a last chance to change your minds." Trish was first to respond. "I'm sure; let's do it." Amelia grinned at her lover, and added her assent. "Very well," Artemis began, "Amelia Anjenitje Ten Broeck and Patricia Ellen Peyton, do you swear your allegiance to your Queen, obeying her in all things and forsaking and renouncing all other allegiances? Do you swear to support your sister Amazons, giving them all the aid and comfort in your power? Do you swear to aid the weak and helpless as you are able?" Trish winced at her full name, but straightened and spoke clearly. "I do." Her partner smiled and echoed the commitment. "I do." "Nicole Joy Harrison, do you, as Queen, accept Amelia and Trish as your sisters and true Amazons? Do you swear to protect, teach, guide, comfort, and aid them?" "I do." Nicole smiled at the now-familiar oath. "Then welcome to the Amazon Nation, Amelia and Trish, my new daughters." She placed a hand on each young woman's head, and a soft silver glow spread over their bodies. As the glow faded, the two wobbled a bit. They reached out to steady each other as they recovered from the changes made. Kate sent a sympathetic look their way as she recalled her own instability after her empowerment. A few moments later, as the two new Amazons finally acclimated to the physical changes, each of the four gasped in wonder. It was the same sensation of bonding, and affection, that Nicole and Kate knew -- perhaps not as intense, but there nonetheless. Nicole seemed most affected -- perhaps because of her unique position as the nexus of the bonds. She just stood with tears trailing from her eyes and a look of wonder on her face. Amelia and Trish recovered quickly, and, after each promptly ensured that her partner was well, they turned their attention to their new queen. Kate blinked and shook herself. She, too, had felt the bonds take hold with the new sisters. The warmth, while not as intense as that she felt with Nicole, had left no doubt that these women, too, were part of her new family. The brunette focused her attention on her tall friend as she noticed the tears that ran down her cheeks. "Nicole?" she queried, reaching out a hand to the redhead's nearest arm. "Are you okay?" A shiver ran through Nicole's frame, and her look of wonder turned to one of joy. "I can feel you, you know -- all three of you. It's like nothing I've ever felt before." She shook herself again, wiped her eyes, and directed her attention to the new inductees. "Amelia, and Trish too, before you wander off, I have something I want you to do for me." She retrieved the bag she'd brought, and pulled a few aluminum cans out. After commenting that the cans were empty, she tossed one can to each of the three women. "Catch!" Kate caught hers cleanly; Amelia and Trish found themselves holding refugees from a trash compactor. It took a few more tries before the new Amazons began to adjust to the increased strength of their grip -- fortunately, Nicole had brought *lots* of empty cans -- but at last they too were able to catch the flimsy cans without immediately crushing them. "I thought it might spare some of the fragile items around your house, like glasses, musical instruments, doorknobs, and the like," Nicole said. "We thought about using raw eggs, but this seemed a neater solution." "So, now what?" Amelia looked questioningly at her nominal subordinate. Kate's stomach growled at that moment. "Ah! Now we have supper, I see." The quintet snickered, and the final preparations for the meal were completed with all hands helping. The collateral damage to the kitchen utensils was, thankfully, minimal. ***** The table had needed both extra leaves installed to make enough room, but everyone clustered around one end, with Amelia at the head of the table. Nicole and Kate sat on one side, and Trish and Artemis occupied the other. The cats stropped each set of legs around the table, before tucking into their own meal. The main course was a cream of broccoli with cheddar cheese soup, which was served in hollowed out, homemade, bread boules, that was tasty and filling. The discussions around the table were limited to casual conversations about family and friends. After a few samples of the soup, Nicole took a sip from the bottle set at her place, blinked, and took another sip. "Oooh! Kate, have you tried this stuff? It's wonderful!" Kate put her spoon down, and sampled the beverage. "Wow! Amelia, this is something! Where did you get it?" "It's an English import called Blackthorn hard cider. It took some work to find a local vendor, but it tastes so much better than anything produced in the states that it's worth it, and I like the flavor better than most beers." The green salad that followed the soup set the stage nicely for the dessert -- a homemade apple pie that was light on sugar, generous with cinnamon, and altogether delicious. After the last crumb of piecrust was corralled and consumed, Nicole sat back with a contented sigh. "Amelia, that was a spectacular meal! It was even better, I think, than the last time I was here." Nicole's comment drew strong agreement from the other two visitors. After a little time for the meal to settle, and more of the cider, the five teamed up to clear the table. It took little time before the group relocated to the living room area; the cats parked on the laps of their humans, as the after dinner conversation commenced. Amelia looked relieved as she finally had a chance to ask a question that had nagged at her for most of the week. "I think my first question is obvious, Nicole. Just how is it you know so much about the systems at work?" "The short answer to your question is easy. It's because I've been working on systems a lot bigger and more complex than that for years, and I've worked on database systems longer than you've been alive." The bewildered look was answered with a gentle smile. "That's the short answer; the long answer is?." It took less time than Nicole had expected to tell her tale. She'd told them her whole story, both her life as Tom Edwards, and since -- though she carefully omitted any reference to the lingering issues with Artemis. Trish sat silently as she tried to reconcile the reality of this tall, slender beauty with the story. Kate, because she'd heard the story before, found her eyes misting. She'd had time to see some of the price her friend had paid. Amelia shook her head slowly. "You poor thing," she finally said. Nicole shook her head. "I made a promise, Amelia, and there was no limit to it. Rather like my wedding vows; when I said "for better or worse," I never put a limit on just how bad 'worse' could get." She smiled grimly. "I never put a limit on what I'd let God call me to do, either." Trish turned to Kate. "You heard this story before?" Kate snickered before answering. "Oh yeah! If you want a little more irony, it turns out that my dad was working with Tom on a project last year. Nicole was almost in a panic when my dad asked if she was Tom's daughter or niece." There were a few more questions to Artemis, as the newcomers tried to understand more of her role in the situation. Inevitably, the major bone of contention between the queen and goddess came up. "What about men? How will they fit in all this?" Nicole caught Artemis' glare, but ignored it. She'd not start this job by being dishonest. "That point is one that Artemis and I haven't fully settled. Men destroyed the ancient Amazons, and they're our primary opponents today; Artemis thinks we need to keep men out of the nation. Despite that, and the fact that men will never have a command role in our nation, I believe we'll need their talents. Selectively, and carefully, but there will be some in advisory and training roles. We have a long time to settle the issue, though. It's not like I'll be going anywhere." Trish caught the undertone in her voice. "You mean a lot more than you're saying." Nicole nodded and explained her virtual immortality to the group. "I'll have to figure out how to keep a low profile, but it gives us time to settle the situation." Amelia looked sharply at her, but before she could speak, Nicole continued. "Yes, Amelia, that's one of the reasons why I said what I did about my successor; the only way I get out of this job is to die, or complete my assigned task -- *however* long that takes." She paused, lost for a moment in thoughts of the future, but quickly returned to the situation at hand, as a pleasant distraction from the present topic came to mind. "Before I forget, we have a very accomplished musician among us! Trish, are you willing to give us a little concert?" Trish was more than willing to accommodate the request, though she was very tentative in handling her guitar. As she began a quick warm-up, her eyes widened. She actually had to back off, as her new strength put vastly more stress on the strings; the strings had sounded like they were buzzing at times. She also found that she was easily able to play several riffs that were difficult to impossible before. ~Doc Watson, eat your heart out!~ She grinned, and launched into several of her favorite songs with the energy of a musician who truly loved her craft. At one point she looked at Nicole, gave a mischievous grin, and commented that she'd play and sing some oldies that *some* of the women might know a little better than the newer numbers. A medley of Woodie Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Joan Baez followed, and Trish found an impromptu trio joining her robust lead, as Nicole and Kate picked up the melodies, and Amelia anchored the harmony with her strong alto voice. After her little concert, Trish plucked idly at the guitar strings. "You know, that was harder than I'd expected. Trying to play softly enough on some passages was a challenge. I felt like I was playing everything more forte than I wanted to." She muted the strings and grinned as she continued, "But on the other hand, I can play for *hours* now." "Okay," Nicole stepped in, "Kate needs to get home, and I do, too, before Angela returns. I'm not so worried about Trish, since she and I don't cross paths very much." She turned to the strawberry blonde. "Amelia, I know the opposition is around, and they're probably watching me. You have to make sure you don't treat me any differently at work, okay?" "Yes, Your Majesty!" Amelia stood and gave an elaborate curtsy. "You!!" Nicole mock-fumed at the teasing as the other women giggled at the silliness.

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Direct continuation of Part 10 Billy almost passed out as he exploded for a second time in Ana’s tight cunt. She was riding him hard and showed no sign of stopping. It was a fine line between pleasure and pain as the athletic blond girl on top of him started to cum; her pussy clenching on his cock in shivers of fire. The new student lay on the bed, his head spinning, as he listened to the squishy sounds in the room. It seemed a bit unreal. Ana was still humping his young cock, which now...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 10B Grace weds three continued

IN GRACE’s WORD When they strapped me to the breeding stall my insides were turning and there was no sense of excitement. I was fearful but kept trying to make Tabby’s words override this fear. “Do not be afraid, my child,” she had said. “You will enjoy what is going to happen to you, immensely.” Happen to me? My three husbands, whom I had never met, are going to consummate our marriage by f*****g me. But Tabby had not said that. I tried to sit bolt upright as I repeated the words again....

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SensualistChapter 10B

It turned out that neither Alice nor Brad could go with me to Hilton Head. Brad took a rain check, saying he could join me the latter part of the week, possibly as early as Thursday evening. Alice told me her mother had flatly refused to allow her to go off on such short notice. But Alice had not given up on joining me at the ocean, and confided to me that she intended to keep badgering her parents to let her go. "After all, I'm a high school graduate and soon to be freshman at Georgia...

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 10b

Matt's preliminary hearing was the following Monday morning, once again before Judge Waters in the Santa Ana Superior Court building. Matt arrived looking much better than he had during his first court appearance. His face was no longer swollen and most of the bruises were fading away. He was dressed in a suit and tie, his long hair hanging over his shoulders. The accusations against him were read. He was officially charged with: possession of cocaine for sale, possession of marijuana for...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 10B

I lay on my side with Martha spooned behind me. Gazing out the small window that overlooked East 87th Street, I gradually returned to earth. I was startled at how quickly and completely I had fucked and climaxed. In trying to recall each detail of the past few moments, I felt I'd lost all control and all awareness; the whole event seemed blurred. Martha slid a hand down my arm and up again, as if learning anew the textures her fingers found there. She said softly, "I missed cumming like...

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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 10B

In the morning, Sherri had a smile on her face that told the whole story. Lisa shook her head and at breakfast said "I may not understand it, but you two are happy, and I guess that is all that matters." "It is to us, and should be good enough for anyone." Sherri said. Lisa took her leave of her friends, and went back to her own apartment. She told them she had the rest of her life to figure out and should probably get started. She promised to be at work Monday. Robert said no problem,...

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IntemperanceChapter 10B Exposures

Jake was actually quite concerned that Mindy would do just as he'd suggested and call an end to the relationship in the name of imagery. He knew, based on phone calls the two of them had shared, that Georgette was pressuring her to stay as far away from Jake as possible and to start repairing the damage the photos had inflicted. "She's trying to set me up with Joseph Clark," Mindy told him during one such conversation. "Can you believe that?" "Joseph Clark?" Jake asked, lying in bed...

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The Wolf SummersChapter 10b The Cradle of the Pack

The schedule would have been a nightmare without Brittany managing my time. She made sure I was where I needed to be; helped sort out the Smith Holdings documents I needed to read and had the Lees write up synopses of the rest; and generally served as a firewall from the world outside of my home. "Don't you have something better to do with your time?" I asked her once. "I'm contributing to the future of Smith Holdings," she said with a shrug before shooing me out so the maid service...

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SamChapter 10B

At the end of the period, when everyone headed down to the showers, I saw Steve hang back, so I waited with him. When there was no one in the room but us he spoke. "I apologize for the trick. Lamont set the machine, but the rest of us saw him do it, so we all knew about it and none of us said anything." "That's OK. I got even," I said. "Yeah, I noticed. Poor Lamont. You ruined his weekend, you know. He's going to be self-conscious for days." "Yeah. Poor Lamont." "You could fix...

1 year ago
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GreeniesChapter 10B

July 20, 2146 Deep space, near the sun Mermaid had finished her deceleration burn several days before and was now drifting along in a solar orbit, just over sixteen million kilometers away from the bright yellow orb that gave life to the solar system, well inside the orbit of Mercury. Her orbit was east to west, timed to correspond with an intercept course with the approaching armada when it came around from the other side. By this point, nearly four weeks after leaving Triad and...

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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

4 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter Part 2

Liz and Julie ate in silence. Neither knew the other was thinking about the previous day’s events and particularly the sexual pleasures they had experienced. Both were embarrassed by their thoughts and were hesitant to talk. A few minutes later, the two natives returned. They reached down and pulled the captives to their feet and led them out of the hut. They walked for about 100 yards away from the village until they reached a pond that was fed by a small waterfall trickling off a cliff...

3 years ago
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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

3 years ago
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Amazon Part 4 Debutante

Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...

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Amazon Heat Ch 05

‘I am not what you think I am, I am the light of the Amazon, and that means I am…’ Jessie hated to think the worst of Jack but his eyes were saying things that she really didn’t want to hear. She’d known since that morning he wasn’t normal. Human, probably, normal, living, breathing, leave your underwear on the bedroom floor, and your nasty socks on the kitchen counter, and drink your juice with vodka in it, maybe. Live in society with a nine to five job, and a house with a mortgage and two...

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Amazon Heat Ch 04

Hope you enjoy this next chapter of AmazonHeat the story of Jack and Jessie. I adore these two characters and I hope you do too. If you have any suggestions, or if you have any thoughts as to how the story should progress, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will try to incorporate your thoughts as best I can. I can’t always tell my characters what to do, but I will try. Enjoy! Morning came, the glow of the tropical sun lighting the entrance of the cave as Jessie rose and stretched...

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When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as Chris Farren was about to discover... AMAZONS by BobH (c) 2013 -1- What was I doing here, I wondered as I was ushered into the office of the head of Olympus Images? I was a jock who wasn't good enough to make the leap from high school football to the pro leagues, and I had no illusions about my academic grades, which had been...

1 year ago
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Amazons The Other Side

When the Amazons passed from history into legend, the world thought it had seen the last of them. It hadn't, as brothers Jack and Chris Farren were about to discover... AMAZONS: THE OTHER SIDE by BobH (c) 2013 (This is a version of my story 'Amazons' retold from the pov of another character, Julie Gibson. It contains spoilers for 'Amazons', of course.) -1- I don't remember how old I was when I saw my first drag act on TV -...

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Amazons of Accor

It was a cold evening in the coastal city of Deni. Fog and mist filled the night air, and fur-covered guardsmen walked the streets, carrying torches that lit the dim night. The shops in the small Nordic merchant town were closing their doors, and the mead halls were coming to life. Meanwhile, a few guardsmen were posted on towers overlooking the cost to make sure that the city stayed lit, and to ensure that incoming ships wouldn’t run into the rocks. As one guardsman stood watch on his tower,...

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Amazon A story of Female Muscle

There are amazons through out the world. Women with strong muscles that dwarf men and strength like no other. There are women that tower over men and can crush a man with ease. These women are also feminine and sexy. They tend to love sex and be dominant. Some are sadistic and other are sensual. Few can match their fiery sex in bed but they love seeing weak men try. They love sexual domination. It is a conquest to them. These women can be warriors, female bodybuilders, celebrities, your next...

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Amazon Beths Story

Amazon - Beth's Story By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Author's Note: Some of you have expressed interest in what happened to Beth Edwards. Her sacrifice was equal to Tom's, and she is equally deserving of attention. What follows is at least a brief look into her life during and after the events in 'Amazon: ReGenesis'. ********** Saturday, November 25, 2000 Waukesha, WI A wave of dizziness passed over her as she stood up, as if the world was changing in an instant around...

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Amazon Heat Ch 02

Jack tucked his machete under his arm and watched her stumble off into the trees. This little woman was an amusing sight, especially with her pants down around her ankles. He liked her pluck, and her determination to keep up with him. He’d heard her stomach growling, and he’d known the impending thunderstorm startled her. He’d expected her to fall all over him in a mass of tears and whimpers begging him to tell her where he was taking her, and when they could eat, and how much longer did she...

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Amazon Adventure

Today as I look back at the last one year, I can't believe how drastically my life has changed. My life has gone from New York yuppie to a villager in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest. I cannot say that I am either happier or sadder with the current situation I find myself in, things are just different. The difference in my life situation is something that I have learnt to live with, it is something that I cannot escape, at least not at the moment. However even if I have a choice,...

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Amazon Driver

I've been waiting on a package from Amazon with some parts for my truck. This would be the second attempt. The first disappeared. I asked that the driver deliver them directly to my door, I'd be home waiting.About this morning someone was knocking on the door. Sure enough, it's this young striking hunk of a black man with my package. Said he was under orders to hand deliver it. I barely heard him as I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This k** was a god. Maybe 5'9", 170 lbs, and toned as hell. Not...

2 years ago
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Amazons take a mother and daughter

Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...

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Amazons of Gaming

The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...

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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 2

Esme rounded on her. "Marjory, girl, you have just GOT to tell us what that was all about! It sounded so weird, what you were saying, that we must know what the other end was. It sounded like your fella was on his knees!" Marjory started to tell her sad tale, about falling for her Derek, and making love with him, in the expectation that he was the love of her life and they would get married eventually. She had had a series of shocks. It was a shock to discover how unyielding her parents...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 10

He waited, then listened to a reply. "Right. Thank you. Please note that he is about to be arrested, so we don not want him leaving." He closed the call. "Thanks, Ruth, for reminding me. He will not be able to leave now. Now we just hav e to pick him up. Where will he be?" "This time of day? Probably heading out for his evening meal, either at home or in a restaurant. Do we know if he is married?" "The data we got for him does not mention any spouse, so presumably not," replied...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 6

It had been three months since that fateful encounter with the erotic truffle, which had afflicted village schoolteacher Trevor Defreitas, Annabel Montford, a former pupil of his on Earth, her two younger sisters Tracy and Dinah, and their tour guide, Amelia Cross. That accidental exposure, in a shared meal, led to a night of drug-fuelled sex between Trevor and all four girls. Afterwards, upon considerable reflection, the girls realised that apart from all three sisters losing their...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 10

George and Marina helped Georgina clear out her flat. Most of what she kept were pieces of inexpensive jewellery that she liked; her photograph albums; and mementos of Amelia’s childhood. George declared that it would be easy to copy the photos on to a digital file and keep them on a memorystick, as well as being available on her phone. They decided to deal with that on George’s computer at home. Georgina asked, “George, can we eliminate my late husband from some of the photos, when we put...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 11

"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 11

Bob Kempe, the Governor of Rehome colony, was at his office when he received an unexpected call from the Personalia. “Governor, we have been analysing some of the statistical data that is compiled in major countries on Earth, and we have observed that there is a set of trends which may interest you. The statistics on crime contain data on assaults within families, and in recent months this has begun to decline, to an extent that indicates this to be a real effect and not a statistical...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 8

"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 5

Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 3

Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 18

Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 7

"Hello, is that Mrs Cross? Or should I say, the former Mrs Cross?" "It is. Who are you, and what do you want?" "Madam, I am merely the bearer of glad tidings about your daughter." "My daughter? You know where my daughter is?" "Indeed, madam. Allow me to introduce myself more formally: I am Robert Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet of Rehome." "Rehome? Oh, yes I have heard of it. Why are you phoning me? Is my daughter in your colony, then?" "You are quick on...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 17

"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...

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