GreeniesChapter 10B free porn video

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July 20, 2146
Deep space, near the sun

Mermaid had finished her deceleration burn several days before and was now drifting along in a solar orbit, just over sixteen million kilometers away from the bright yellow orb that gave life to the solar system, well inside the orbit of Mercury. Her orbit was east to west, timed to correspond with an intercept course with the approaching armada when it came around from the other side. By this point, nearly four weeks after leaving Triad and encountering their first contact, the crew was as well drilled as they were going to be for their mission. They had run through every procedure so many times that they could do them in their sleep, and often did.

On the bridge everyone was strapped into the chairs since the engines were no longer burning and there was no acceleration to provide even the most meager of artificial gravity. Brett drifted into the room from the direction of his quarters. He was well rested after a five-hour sleep period and had just finished with his traditional post-awakening bowel movement in his private bathroom, although the vacuum device that needed to be employed in the absence of gravity took much of the pleasure out of such an action.

"Good morning, Brett," greeted Sugiyoto, who had been in charge of the bridge during his absence. Sugi wasn't quite up to taking complete command if something should happen to Brett, but he was getting there.

"Is it morning?" Brett asked with a yawn. "I didn't notice. I guess I must've missed the sunrise."

"Well, a figure of speech really," Sugi told him, unbuckling and floating up from the command chair. "It's actually about 1600 New Pittsburgh time, and the sun is most definitely up. We've done six heat dumps while you were out. It's rankin hot out there."

"Nothing like the sun," Brett said, ignoring the chair for the moment and propelling himself over to the corner of the room, where a coffee maker designed to work in zero or minimal G was always percolating. He grabbed one of the pressure cups and fastened it to the tap, allowing the cup to fill. "About three of these things and I should approaching wakefulness," he said. He kicked off the wall and pushed himself over to the captain's chair.

"All systems working just like they're supposed to," Sugi told him. "Waste heat is currently at 64 percent with another dump due in about ninety minutes or so. Our position is on the screen, right on course. And we're do for a communication link-up in ten minutes."

"Static," Brett said, pulling himself into the chair with a practiced flip of the hands on its back. His backside settled neatly down in place and he quickly pulled the strap around his waist, securing himself. He set his coffee cup down on the magnetic holder that was specifically designed for such a purpose. "I've got the con," he said automatically.

"Brett's got the con," said Mandall, who was operating the helm at the moment although there was really nothing to con since they were in a stable orbit and weren't maneuvering.

Sugi drifted over to his own chair at the detection console, relieving the junior crewmember who had been training on it. The junior crewmember was then allowed to return to below decks to get a little sleep.

"Nothing out there yet?" asked Brett once Sugi was strapped in and tuned in to his equipment.

"Nothing but the sun," Sugi said after checking the board.

"About what we expected then. It's awfully nice of those WestHem folks to continually broadcast their present position to us. They surely making our job a lot easier."

What he was referring to were the media reports being beamed out live from the armada in each and every briefing given by General Wrath and Admiral Jules. These reports were seen not only on Earth and on the Jupiter colonies, but on Mars as well since Internet transmissions were still being sent there. In each briefing, for the enjoyment of the viewing audience, a graphic would be presented of the armada's exact position in space at that particular moment in time. This graphic was always accompanied by a countdown clock showing how many hours, minutes, and even seconds until the first ships entered orbit around Mars. The Martian intelligence network, which would have otherwise been blind to the armada's exact course, speed, and location, was beaming this information via communication laser to the Owls that had been deployed, therefore keeping them constantly updated on their targets' position. While it was possible that the information might actually be deliberate misinformation, designed to mislead the Martians, nobody really believed that. It was so very Earthling to transmit such information out for the entertainment of the masses.

"Like General Jackson said," said Sugi, "it's their arrogance that's gonna defeat them."

"Here's to their arrogance," Brett toasted, picking up his coffee cup and grabbing a sip. "Now how about giving me some status reports on crew fitness? Are they keeping up with their exercise routines?"

They talked of crew fitness and other shipboard physical and sociological factors for a few minutes, Sugi hesitantly bringing up the fact that at least two sets of couples had formed among the coed crew members and that there had been some experimentation with zero gravity sexuality in the storage rooms.

"Did you actually catch them doing this?" Brett asked. "Or are you merely telling me rumors?"

"One is a rumor," Sugi said. "But Wentworth and Loggerman I actually caught in the act. I'm sorry, I hate to rat people out but..."

"I understand," Brett said. "And I'm sure that no one blames you for ratting them. After all, you are the executive officer. But tell me something, were they on duty when you caught them?"

"No," he said. "They were both on sleep period."

Brett simply shrugged. "Well then, I guess that's their right as Martian citizens, isn't it? As long as they weren't pilfering the food, damaging anything, or otherwise endangering the ship, I say let them screw their brains out. Maybe they'll find some new positions."

After a flabbergasted silence by the bridge crew — who had really been expecting Brett to simply explode when he heard this — laughter broke out.

"In fact," Brett added, "let's make that a general order for the crew. Anyone who can score themselves a companion, of either sex or creed, is free to use any storage room for sexual activity as long as they are both off duty and as long as no one needs the storage room for anything else at the moment."

"Are you serious, Brett?" asked Sugi. "Do you really want to put that out for the crew?"

"Fuckin aye I do," he replied. "It'll help boost morale. After all, a happy crew is a productive crew. We may not be the best-trained or the most experienced crew in space at the moment, but goddammit, we're gonna be the happiest."

"I'll put it out right away," Sugi assured him, already thinking of a certain torpedo technician that had been casting eyes at him lately.

"Of course, if there are any fights, physical altercations, or any other problems as a result of this policy, it will be rescinded immediately," Brett qualified. "Be sure to put that bit in as well."

By the time Brett was finished with his first cup of coffee of the waking period, it was time for the communications link-up. The standard status report was prepared and digitized. It was roughly one third the size the standard report had always been back when Mermaid had belonged to WestHem and had been run by Commander Hoffman. Admiral Belting just didn't want to hear about all of the non-essential things that the WestHem bureaucracy had insisted upon. Belting wanted the basics: current speed, course, fuel and consumable status, and whether or not contact had been made with the enemy.

"Establishing link," said Frank, the young communications technician. He pushed a few buttons on his computer screen and the communications laser on the top of the ship popped out of its housing and rose slowly upward on a narrow, retracting pole. The laser itself was only three millimeters in diameter. It spun on it's axis, guided by the ship's computer which was utilizing the exact positioning and attitude of the vessel so that it could hit the receiver — a two hundred meter dish — on a communications array on Phobos. Once it was in position, a window popped up on Frank's display letting him know that the laser was locked.

"Go ahead and send it," Brett ordered.

"On the way," Frank responded, pushing the transmit button. The laser pulsed for two and a half seconds, sending a modulated beam of light out across the emptiness of space. Nineteen minutes later, the beam struck the receiver just five meters off center and the information was encoded and sent via encrypted radio link to Admiral Belting's office. Twenty-six minutes after that, a message was returned to them, sent through space as an encrypted radio signal.

"Ok, let's see what they got for us," said Brett, who was now on his third cup of coffee. "Open the report and let's see where our friends are today."

"Right," said Frank, punching the encryption code so the message could be de-scrambled.

The computer took less than five seconds to break the code and display the information on Brett's view screen. It was another position report of the WestHem armada, updated less than three hours before. The front elements of the fleet were just on the other side of the sun, almost exactly where Sugi and Brett had plotted them out to be on their chart.

"How's it look?" Sugi asked as Brett perused the data.

"If these reports are accurate, we should be able to detect the lead elements in twelve to sixteen hours."

There was a moment of silence on the bridge of the ship as everyone contemplated that fact. They had been out in space for weeks now, all of them knowing what their mission was, training hard for it, but at the same time, trying not to think too much about the danger of it. Well now that danger was just around the corner from them. Now it was very hard to put off thinking about it.

"Sugi, let's make sure that everyone is well fed and well rested before then, okay? Once we start tracking them, things are gonna get rankin busy around here."

"Right Brett," he said. "I'll make sure."

July 21, 2146
Deep space, near the sun

It was 0532 hours when the first detection was made. Mermaid was drifting along in her orbit, her passive sensors peering into space, paying particular attention to the area between ten and twelve million kilometers due west of the sun, along the planetary elliptic. Sugi, who had just come off of a rest period of his own, was looking at the display, waiting for it to show him something different. Finally, at long last, it did.

"Con, detection," he said aloud, moving into formal naval procedure now that something was happening. "I'm getting some strong flickers from bearing 296 mark 05."

"Copy, Sugi," said Brett, who had not had any more sleep since the last radio update. "What do you have?"

"It's in the medium range, spread out over about two hundredths of a degree. Moving rapidly from right to left but holding on the elliptic."

Brett nodded, already knowing what he was seeing, but he wanted to hear Sugi identify it as well. "What's it look like to you?"

Sugi took a deep breath, hesitated for the briefest instant, and then said slowly, "Absorption heat on the side of a spacecraft maybe?"

"Exactly," Brett told him. "The sun is heating that ship up mighty hot. Good call. Get it up on the display and give it a target designation. That's probably the lead ship of the armada."

Sugi continued to track on it, fine tuning his instruments a little. Within five minutes he was able to detect other information from it as well, namely internal heat from an inertial damper and some faint radar waves, probably from the anti-meteor defense.

"Do we have an ID on it?" Brett asked.

"Computer has it as a Seattle class anti-stealth frigate. Not enough of a signature yet to identify the particular ship. And we're still bearing only at this point."

"Okay, let's do a little maneuvering and see if we can get a range. Helm, stealth procedures in place."

"Copy that, Brett," Mandall replied. "Thrusters on minimum, cooling systems on main plasma jets active."

"Very good. I'm sounding the acceleration alarm." He pushed a button, activating it. When it was done running through its cycle he turned on the intercom. "All personnel," he said, his voice broadcast throughout the ship. "We have detected a Seattle class frigate coming around the sun. It is probably the lead element of the nice folks that we came out here to meet. We will be maneuvering at low acceleration to attempt to pin down a range on the ship. We will not, I repeat, not, be going to general quarters just yet." He turned the intercom off. "Helm, turn us to 270 mark 300. Once aligned begin a burn at point one G."

The ship turned on its axis and then began to slowly accelerate, changing their orbit. The plasma ejecting from the rear was still white hot, but was cooled enough and was coming out at such a rate that the ship would remain invisible to infrared detection, especially from the distance they were at. As she moved along, and as the target of their inquiry moved along as well, Mermaid's sensors continued to collect data, everything from heat levels to Doppler shift. Within an hour an exact range and speed was pinned down.

"612,345 kilometers," Sugi announced when the calculations were complete. "It's on a course of 186 mark 1, moving at seventy kilometers per second. Fusion engines are idle."

"Beautiful," Brett said. "And the other targets?" While they had been tracking the first target, four others had come into view and were now being tracked as well.

"I've got a tentative ID on target two as another Seattle class frigate. Target three, four, and five are still unknown."

"Let's keep working them," Brett said.

They kept working them and one by one the front escorts of the armada were all identified and their courses and speeds calculated. They were all moving on the same course, towards Mars, at the same seventy kilometers per second. Ship number five was a California class, lagging behind the main escorts but unmistakable due to its size and the amount of heat it generated, even with engines off.

"They're running dumb," Brett said in amazement as he stared at the data coming in. "They're probing forward with nothing more than radar beams for anti-meteor defense and a few active systems. They don't seem to have any attack craft up at all."

"Then that means we've achieved surprise?" Sugi asked.

"Either through blind luck or their own stupidity, it would seem so. Let's start setting up an intercept course here. Helm, bring us to 340 mark 0 and decrease the burn to point zero six G."

"Copy, Brett," she said, making the adjustments. This course and speed put them facing directly towards where he hoped their targets — the large Panamas — would begin to emerge in another thirty minutes or so. Mermaid was off to the side of the formation and moving relatively slowly at an angle of about forty degrees towards it. Brett's plan was to slip in behind the front escorts and in front of the middle escorts to take advantage of the gap in coverage.

A few more escorts became visible and were identified over the next twenty minutes, Sugi's skills with the computer becoming such that he was able to get signatures from them and assign actual ship names. And then, the moment that they had been waiting for, the first of the Panamas appeared. It, like the California, was unmistakable on their screen once enough data was collected. The Panamas were huge and they absorbed a lot of heat from the sun on their hulls.

"Here come the targets," Brett said happily, though with a little trepidation as well.

Two more came into view over the next fifteen minutes and Sugiyoto calculated their courses and speeds out. Brett then made his decision. "Let's go after number three to start with," he said. "The angle of attack is about right and the front escorts will be well beyond our firing position by the time we get there."

"Sounds good, Brett," Sugi said, staring at that particular ship on his holographic display.

"Helm," Brett ordered next, "calculate a course to target twelve please, the third Panama in the line. Let's go for a 400,000 kilometer release."

Mandall hesitated. "Uh, Brett," she said nervously, "don't you think that maybe you should do that. I mean..."

"It's your job Mandall," he told her. "You've done it on the simulation many times. Just do the same thing here."


"You'll be fine, Mandall," he said. "Now get it done while our window is still open please."

She nodded and bent to her computer screen, inputting several pieces of data and letting it know which target she wanted to prosecute. The idea was to put the ship on a direct intercept course, a collision course in fact, and then, when 400,000 kilometers out, to release a torpedo and set it drifting on that course. The ship could then turn away and move to another position while the torpedo drifted on. By the time the torpedo was detected Mermaid would be long gone.

"I've got the course," she said after a minute had gone by and after she'd double-checked her data. "It's on your screen right now."

Brett took a glance down at it but didn't bother to check it himself. "Very good, Mandall," he told her. "Get us on that course please. And I think it's about time that we go to GQ." He pushed the red button on his panel that sounded the general quarters alarm. He then turned the intercom back on. "All personnel, we are now prosecuting a Panama class transport ship that is presumably filled with WestHem marines and their equipment. Let's get to general quarters now and button this ship up. The fun has begun."

While the ship turned and began to head towards its target, the crew went into the general quarters drill. By now they were well practiced at this all-important aspect of combat operations and they had their emergency pressure suits on and their stations manned in just under two minutes. Brett, hearing the reports of manned and ready from each station, beamed with pride at this accomplishment. He had taken a bunch of civilians, undermanned a warship with them, and despite the madness of it they were behaving like a veteran crew.

Things became very tense as Mermaid closed in. The first group of escorts moved beyond her position, their holographs drifting rapidly across the display and off the far edge of it. Though they could still send attack craft after Mermaid, there was no longer much danger of being detected by the Seattle's. Then the Panamas began to get closer and closer. The minutes ticked by and the range closed to half a million kilometers.

"Twenty minutes to firing point," Mandall reported. "Still on target."

"Thanks, Mandall," Brett told her. He then raised Chad Hamilton in the torpedo room on the intercom system.

"I'm here, Brett," Hamilton answered up within two seconds of the hail.

"We're less than a hundred thousand kilometers out," he told him. "Coming up on the firing point. Load torpedo tubes one and two and set the weapons for semi-controlled flight."

"Copy," Hamilton replied. "What's the burst range?"

"Set it for fifty kilometers. I won't those things to burst as close as possible. I don't just want those Panamas wounded, I want them dead."

"You've got it, Brett," he answered.

The next thirty minutes went by slowly, with everyone on the bridge watching the display in front of Sugi's terminal, staring fascinated as the symbol that represented their target came closer and closer to the center.

"Twelve thousand kilometers to release point," Mandall reported at last. "That's just over two minutes, Brett."

"Two minutes," he repeated, chewing his lip a little. He called Hamilton again. "Torpedo room, open tube number one and prepare for launch."

"Opening tube one," was the reply.

On the front of the ship a circular hatch irised slowly open, revealing the blunt nose of the torpedo. On the bridge, Mandall began to count down every ten seconds as the launch point approached. When she reached zero Brett gave a simple order.

"Launch tube one," he said.

In the torpedo room, Hamilton took a deep breath, tried not to think about what he was doing, and flipped up the protective cover on a large red switch. Across the room from him, at the same time, one of his enlisted men flipped up a cover of his own. With a nod towards each other they pushed down on their switches, thus fulfilling the requirements of the launch system. Nothing terribly dramatic happened at that point. There was no sound, no gout of flame, no shuddering of the ship. A simple hydraulic arm connected to a plate of steel extended, pushing the five-meter long weapon out of the tube. When the arm reached the end of its stroke the mounting bracket released from the rear of the torpedo and it slowly drifted out in front of the ship, its powerful rocket engine idle.

"We have good separation," Hamilton reported to Brett. "The weapon is drifting free."

"I copy good separation," Brett said. "Let me know as soon as you have a laser lock on it."

The torpedo, which was nothing more than a two hundred megaton thermonuclear missile, was encased in radar and heat resistant material to keep it from being detected as it moved in on its target. On the top of it a three-meter laser receiver dish unfolded from its case and stuck up into space. When the weapon, which was moving at about a half a kilometer per hour faster than Mermaid — was six hundred meters from the ship, a tracking laser shot out from a mast located atop Mermaid's sensor array. Similar to the communications laser system, this beam would keep a lock on the torpedo as long as a line of sight was maintained. With this link established, Mermaid's computers, acting under orders from Brett, could control the torpedo. It's course could be corrected by the tiny maneuvering thrusters and a short burn from the main rocket engine, or the engine could be throttled up to full power for the terminal dive to target, or the weapon could be detonated in the event it was detected and the target began to fire on it. In case the line of sight was lost or some other problem caused the disconnection of the beam with the ship, the torpedo had an active seeker head as well and was programmed to continue seeking its target and correcting it's own course. The optimum detonation range — the range that was considered universally lethal to a ship — was inside seventy kilometers, although heavy damage would be inflicted anywhere up to one hundred and fifty kilometers away.

"I have a laser lock," Hamilton reported. "The weapon is continuing normally on course."

"I copy you have a lock," Brett responded. He turned to Mandall. "Sugi, how many Panamas do we have identified now?"

"Six," he said, "and two more ships are just becoming visible on the display that are more than likely Panamas as well, but I don't have quite enough data for a positive ID yet."

"Good. Put them on my screen. I want to get that second weapon out there too."

"On the way," he said.

"And keep your eye peeled for Owls. We know the WestHems have some out there but we don't know where they are. The last thing we need right now is detection."

"I'm looking," he assured him.

Brett looked over the display for a moment and ran some basic angles in his head as he compared his ship's position and speed with that of the oncoming vessels. It looked like he could turn Mermaid and launch on the sixth Panama back with a minimum amount of maneuvering and within the time frame allowed him by the first weapon's trip to target.

"Helm," he said to Mandall, "lock onto target fifteen and plot a launch course. Once again, let's shoot for 400,000 kilometer separation."

"Plotting," she said, turning back to her computer screen.

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They sleep for a few hours, both overtired from all that has happened that day, that week.  It is dark when they awake together.  Smiling goofily at each other both remembering what has occurred, Donald kisses her as he hears her stomach rumble.It does amuse him what a good appetite Emma has.  She will eat lustfully at each meal they have, and while never asking for anything later, he can always tell, even without the rumblings when she is craving something to eat again.“Shall we spend the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Lake House0

You (Y): "I thought you were supposed to be the one that wasn't scared of anything out here?? That was what made me agree to come out here with you alone!" Me (M): "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting it. Plus I zoned out for a little bit there." Y: "Have you been smoking or something? I told you I didn't want you doing that while we were out here since it's just you and me." M: "No! I told you I didn't even bring any with me. I want to spend time with you." Y:...

2 years ago
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Becoming His Again Part Three

It's Saturday morning and I have been asleep next to Kend all night. I'm still getting used to serving two Dominants. It's especially difficult since I have a hard time submitting to anyone other then Sir.I have tried multiple times over the months since I lost his favor. Other men claim they are dominant. However, all they are into is spanking. That is a huge turn on for me but I like the mental aspect as well. I wonder how Kend will be.While still in my reverie Kend wakes up, sees I am awake,...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 157

Thursday started off like all my days did - digesting page after page of updates. The CIA update on Russia was almost chilling again. Russia was moving one more step closer to civil war - a war that would certainly involve current and former Eastern Bloc countries and all of Europe. There were reports of armed fighting in today’s brief. The DOD people were in Nigeria and had approved a location for the new Doppler radar installation. The Army Corps of Engineers was drawing up plans for the...

1 year ago
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Strip Poker

It was going to be a night that none of those assembled would ever forget, and for a variety of reasons. Not only was it Tom's 30th birthday, but it was his bon voyage party; he was leaving the next afternoon to spend six weeks in Valdivia, Chile, where he'd be building a school for the poorest of the southern city's poor. But, the longest lived -- and possibly most embarrassing -- memories of this evening would come from the strip poker game that was nearly ready to begin. Tom's wife, Leena,...

3 years ago
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TwinsChapter 3

After we told Addy everything we did over at the Swanson's house, she was shaking her head about it. "You talked Jeff into flirting and fucking his own mother?" she said incredulously. "It was all based on the way you and I communicated just prior to our 'hook-up, ' Addy," I calmly replied. "What do you expect of me now ... to go over and swap sons with a woman I barely know?" "No, Mom ... I thought it necessary to tell you everything that happened, because of our new...

4 years ago
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What a Wife and Son Deserve 15

“Yes we got it. Sorry to here about your family trouble we know you have been living the straight and narrow since she got pregnant and we can’t blame you with that since kids are involved. It’s too bad about the boy but your response suites your old ways nicely.” They all chuckle at that part. “Well let’s start packing up all our slaves stuff to get him out of your hair. So what are you doing with the wife then?” “She is my slave since she, and willing to since she doesn’t want...

2 years ago
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A Lucky Callboy Having Threesome With Hot Aunties

Hi All. This is Rahul from Bangalore . This is my 3rd story in ISS . I am a great fan of ISS and following since 4 years . It’s a great platform where everyone can share their feelings and memorable experience . I am 5.7 ft tall with good personality and very active person . I had lots of experience with different gals and aunties and they are very happy with me and the satisfaction I give them . I have enjoyed my life to an extent and give the same happiness to people who are in need of me...

2 years ago
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Fairwater II

She was looking forward to having dinner with one of the party, an young man near her age by the name of David. The thought of being near him brought a smile and blush to her cheeks. A simple dinner, maybe a bit more flirting, and as usual nothing ever seems to go right for my simple plans.... Tonight was no exception... David was waiting downstairs for her to arrive, watching the main room gradually fill with all manner of people, human, elven, dwarf, etc (editor - imagine Lord of the...

1 year ago
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My first 3some

Steve & Jean lived in Wales and wanted a third to join theiractivities and they wanted that someone to be me. We met on a lateFriday afternoon, I was supposed to be away on business, the initialcontact was very shaky but Jean soon put me at ease, after a couple ofdrinks we decided to head for a hotel room close by where they werestaying. Now the nerves really kicked in, I was excited and scared,wondering what I was install for me or would I be safe.Steve soon put my fears to rest; there was...

2 years ago
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I Knocked On Her Back Door

I suppose it even happened to cavemen. You come home from a hard day of hunting dinosaurs with a club and find your woman in the back of the cave getting boinked by another caveman. Of course, being a sensitive, considerate caveman with a tiny dick, what else can you do except sit out in front of the cave and let them finish. It wasn’t the first time a girlfriend had cheated on me. But I didn’t think Mary would. And not in my own bed. I was twenty-nine, she was twenty-two. She’d had only one...

2 years ago
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A PromiseChapter 2

A couple of days later I was summoned to see the company's owner. Mr. Kopolova's office was as vast as the one I shared with the entire IT department and naturally fitted out to a far higher standard. It was the first time I'd ever got close to this inner sanctum and was mightily impressed. After waiting outside for the prescribed amount of time, I'd been ushered in to stand in front of a huge cherrywood desk waiting to be told what was wrong with the computer system there. I could think...

3 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 34

I was worried now too. Can you reach them?" Jonna said, "Yes, they're just being questioned." "About the weapons?" "Yes, and they have linked us to the gold too. It sounds like they're not sure though." "Where are they?" "Toronto." "They're out of our range." "Camsa and Christiane are half way." I concentrated on Camsa and through him I found Lauren. At this distance, thoughts weren't clear but I felt relief that I was now communicating. This meant that the...

3 years ago
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Being Mastered the finale

His eyes bored into mine as he could see the realization in them that my discipline was to get even harsher yet. “You will get 12 strokes with this riding crop. You will count the strokes out loud. After each one, you will thank me and ask for the next. If you lose count, we will start again. If you keep count, and sound appropriately grateful right to the end, you will get a reward. Do you understand?” My brain raced – twelve, and I had to be grateful and ask for each one. What else could he...

2 years ago
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Steal away time with you

They went to a late night dinner and had far too many drinks. The pair had been friends, then lovers, and then friends again. He was her constant as he never judged her and was always there for advice. She sat watching him toy with his drink and slowly raise it to his lips. He caught her watching and gave her a shy sly smile. Dinner ended and the pair of life long friends headed to his place for a nightcap.  Cold beer in hand and wandering his kitchen she wondered what she was doing there. The...

1 year ago
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Bag Lady the Retired Marine Ch 08

Chapter 08 Hoping for the best, but receiving the worst reaction, Dave tells Susan that he loves her. Dave carried Susan’s naked body to his bunk and put her down gently on her side as if she had been wounded in combat and he had carried her out of harm’s way and to safety. Only, unlike he would if she was a wounded war buddy, he gave her a long, wet kiss. Then he ran around to the other side of the bunk to climb in his bed with his body turned to face her when lying down. Barely enough...

2 years ago
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Nasty BoyLovely Girl Part 7

The Perm was finished and my set lacquered into a helmet which framed my exquisitely made up face. My nylon encased legs were wobbly on my three inch pumps. What Mother had told me cut right through my bra supported bosom and pierced my, now, half girlish, heart. My Father had not just been punished as a teenager, but also as an adult male. And within the last few years. Miss Vicky has mentioned my father having spent a great deal of time in the her salon and in the same styling chair...

3 years ago
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Training Her RightChapter 7

To her surprise the man smiled and leaned forward. He cupped his hand under her chin and pulled her mouth up to his. The kiss was gentle and sweet. "Now that's a good little girl," he whispered to her then kissed her again. This time she felt his tongue pushing into her mouth and she eagerly sucked it in feeling him exploring her teeth and the rest of her mouth. She felt his hands stroking her back and then her bottom, then he brought both hands around and cupped her small tits in his...

3 years ago
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IM Fun

At one time I was a member of AFF looking for a friend with benefits. I had emailed back and forth with Dana, and we teased one another and moved to IM chat to get acquainted. One weekday morning, I logged in the check mail and found that she wanted early morning IM chat. After hellos, her message read ‘I’m horny and need to fuck!’ I responded with, ‘I’m ready for a good fuck myself.’ ‘I need fucked in the ass’ was her reply. ‘When?’ I asked her. ‘NOW’ Within 20-minutes, there was a knock at...

3 years ago
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Woodstock 1975

Freedom of the PressWhen I was twenty years old I decided to use a newspaper to improve my romantic life. To be more precise, I wanted to create a romantic life where none had existed before. I had gone to the City College of New York expecting to meet girls - or even just one girl, perhaps - as well as get a degree to improve my chances for some as yet unspecified career.By the summer of 1975 between my sophomore and junior years I had made no progress towards the first goal. I had become an...

First Time
1 year ago
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Gold Diggers

CHAPTER 1 Rudely belching, Russell Matthews held up a finger signalling for another beer and Rosie with pink cheeks and a wide bottom arrived at the thick oak table and leaned over to deliver the pint of ale. ‘Nice titties Rosie.’ She pouted and said then why didn’t had attempt to play with them like other regulars and he said she was too young for the likes of him to try going around the racecourse with her. ‘But mom wouldn’t want me being chased around the racecourse ‘cos the racecourse...

2 years ago
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Fall of a Kingdom

***My Introduction*** ((Hello everyone, names Lucianna. I’ve been reading CYOA Erotica for a few months now. And I’ve been reading here as a invisible guest. But I felt it was time to finally give it a try. So forgive me for spelling, grammar, and just poor descriptions. But I’m always up for feedback, suggestions, and just getting better. If you want to add to my story. Don’t hesitate to! I’d love to see participation. If you have any requests please feel free to share! Thank you and I hope...

3 years ago
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Arman Ki Khatir Ihsaan Ki Baazi

Main ek 28 years ka nuajawan hoon. Hamesha apne bussiness mein busy rahta hoon. Mummy papa se dur akela rahta hoon. Meine appartment mein ek flat kiraye par le liya aur apne kam se kam rakhta hoon. Kabhi sex practicly nahi kiya tha par jab bhi time milta hai to computer par sex dekh leta hoon. Ek din subah mujhe kahi bhi jana nahi tha, pura din aaram hi tha. Subah 9:00 baje jab main breakfast kar raha tha to bas u hi meri nazar balkani mein kapde sukhati aunty par padi. Pahli hi bar mein uske...

4 years ago
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Mami ko meri girlfriend

Hai mera name Raj Hai. Meriar karib 25 saal hai, mai Bilaspr ai ob Karta hoo, meri first postig bilaspr ai thi, ai vaise bhilai kaa rahea valla hoo, maine job join kiya tab mai Room laker Kirya may Rahena Laga,mghe khana kai liye bahut paresani hoti thi, isliye mere ghar wale nay mughe mere door kay Mama key yaha rookene kai liye bola,maine mana kar diya,par mama nay jid karne lage to may unke ghar aa gaya,mere mama kya alwa mami aur unke 2 bache Rahte thaey. Mami ki umar karib 34 saal hogi,...

2 years ago
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My First Encounter With Best Friend

Hey indian sex stories dot net readers, this is Adarsh. I am from Bangalore. This is my first story here on ISS. I have been reading these stories for the past year and I thought it would be nice to share my wonderful experience. About myself: I am 6’1, have an average body and have a 6½ inches monster down under hehe. Coming to the heroine of this story, her name is Shreya, she has a wonderful body with the perfect curves and a body that anyone would die for. She has 34D cups and is fair in...

3 years ago
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Art ProjectChapter 10 Exhibition

“The countdown has begun,” Zen said as she faced her webcam. “I promised something truly unique tonight and you have to participate to make it happen. We need 2,500 tokens to get it started. We’d like to start the show in thirty minutes so there is still light in the window. You’ll want to see our Dolly silhouetted in the window before the artist arrives.” Her computer chimed and a message popped up on screen. RagsToRiches just tipped Zen 150 tokens: Come on, guys. I’ve been looking forward...

3 years ago
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Weekend Training P1CH1

======================================================================= I woke up and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see anything either - I was blindfolded. I was physically very uncomfortable as I slowly realized I was stomach down on some kind of flimsy plastic fabric which was spread on what I imaged was sand. As I became more aware, I realized I didn't have any pant or shirt on. My hands and legs were behind my back, I tried moving them but couldn’t. My ankles and wrists were tied...

2 years ago
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Wendy After the Gym

Wendy After the GymWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 5

“Are we there yet?” Tabatha asked, dropping down at the edge of an inviting field of tall, sweet-smelling grass. “You should know,” Alana replied, following her dear friend’s example and dropping down next to her. “You’re the one who goes where she’s needed.” “I know,” Tabatha sighed, grinning and grimacing at the same time while she stretched muscles that were aching from so much walking. “My mind wandered, and I was back in Boston, watching a stupid TV commercial for some theme park.” “I...

3 years ago
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My Journey Into Serenity Chapter 33

The final culmination and the fate of Jim and his sister, Serenity, lies in this final chapter. Quoting Jim, "Nothing good lasts forever." What I wouldn't do for my girlfriend... 'Which one?' There is no fucking which one. There's only Serenity! 'Stop kidding yourself, Jim.' Fuck off. --- "Jimmy... Jim... For christ's sake, JIM!" "Wha- What, oh shit, sorry, Serenity!" I blushed. "Jimmy, you've been really weird lately, what's going on? Can I help you?" Serenity said, her head and arms on my...

3 years ago
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The Sleepover Part Two

" Britt, you okay?" Tonya asked her on their way to lunch. "I just don't feel so hot," she responded. "Are you coming down with something?" Lara asked stepping back from her. "I'll be okay," Brittany responded. She kept up the same act when she was home. She ate very little and didn't join her family for TV time. Finally onTuesday evening she told her folks she was coming down with something and asked them to call her off from school tomorrow. Since their daughter...

3 years ago
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Playing alone at home by night

I was home alone again that cold night; with my beloved husband flying out of town. We had just finished a long chat on video call, since Victor had arrived to his hotel room. He had been talking about him coming back home and the dirty things he would do with me in our bed…When I shut down my phone, I realized how horny I was and how frustrating it was to know it would be at least three more days before I could ride my husband’s hard thick cock. I tried to occupy my mind with other things but...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader Short Stories 02

Author’s Note: This is the second of a series of short stories about cheerleaders. Each story will be unrelated to the other and it will deal with both high school and college students. All characters will always be at least 18 years of age. The characters will either be cheerleaders or students hoping to make the squad. In some stories, mothers will go all out to assure that their daughter makes the squad. In this story it is strictly mothers and daughters involved in lesbian sex. STORY # 2 —...

4 years ago
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Katie And The Koral Chapter 3

I came to slowly.I could hear Darius speaking, the sounds meant nothing initially, like a background drone, then sudden clarity." the new bitches place.  Things got rough and I'm going to need your help sooner than planned. Get round here now Roger and bring Jamal. You'll need to get the full gear - and don't forget the serum. This is going to be a long job, so make it two vials, it's in the fridge. See you in twenty."I opened my eyes.  I must have been carried upstairs to our...

2 years ago
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Sex in the office

I work early mornings stacking shelves in a supermarket. There is just me, the cleaner, and two guys out the back with the trucks. The cleaner is a beautiful middle eastern woman in her mid thirties. She has great tits. It’s funny, in her work clothes you can barely see the extent of their size from the side. It’s only when she bends over, and thankfully enough as a cleaner, she does this a lot! I can’t handle it when I’m working near her. It doesn’t help that she...

1 year ago
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Granite GiantChapter 5 Decision Made A New Career

As busy as he was, Al took the time to walk me through the entire process at Granite Giant. All we had in Courtenay was an office in a strip mall with a small showroom to feature the samples. What it lacked in elegance, it made up for in economy. Al was much more interested in taking his customers to see actual installations and meet the satisfied customers. He was that confident and the buying public responded to it. I studied the economics of the business and I learned just why Al was so...

4 years ago
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Freaky Honeymoon

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Freaky Honeymoon - Chapter 1? ? ? ?Marsha could not believe what had happened last evening! Meeting the Landers had resulted in a night that she could not have ever imagined. Emily and Charles were a couple in their forties. She was plump and buxom with short dark curly hair, while he was tall, slim and bald. One thing led to another and after a few drinks she and Andrew found themselves in the Landers suite. Another drink and the next thing she knew she was giggling...

2 years ago
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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 14

It was obvious she’d done this before. Obvious. It was also obvious it had been for shithead Rodney before he knocked her up. I tried not to think about that and concentrated on how very good she was at it. She explored my penis almost eagerly and handled it as if she’d found a new favorite thing to fondle. I lay back with my head on the backrest of the couch and groaned. Not only was she good at it, she could tell when I got close. I felt her tense up and stop, freezing as if she was afraid...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Paige Elena Threeway

We told you we’d be seeing more of petite up and comer Paige and we were right! But it gets better because this time it’s a three-way with our favorite yoga instructor, Elena. We’d be happy to see either one of them bent over and naked, but the pair of them is a true ass paradise! The fact that he had two of the sexiest girls back for seconds with him being the third was not lost on our man TC who was definitely up for it, if you know what we mean. Things get going fast and...


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