DanicaPart 10B free porn video

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Danica awakened early, and slipped carefully from Cheron's bed to avoid waking the cleric. The blonde licked her lips and moaned in her sleep, obviously dreaming about something very pleasant.

Danica dressed and went to bathe. When she returned, she found Celes alone in the common room having something to eat.

"The creatures managed to extinguish the fires. They began fighting amongst themselves almost immediately, but they're being much more careful with fire now. It was a near thing that they prevented the whole woods from becoming engulfed. The one they called Big Spells — the mage — was obviously as important to the goblins as the one Brandon slew was to the orcs. They were in great chaos for most of the night. The individual leaders and shaman have restored order somewhat. The goblins aren't very trusting of each other though, and they refuse to let other goblins anywhere near their individual groups," Celes revealed.

Danica let out a little chuckle. "It's working. The wizards controlling this whole mess will have to come out to restore order soon, or their army will dissolve around them."

"The demons and undead are starting to stir. They're spreading out through the wood trying to quell the chaos. The monsters fear them greatly, and it seems to be having some effect."

"Damn, I didn't think they would be so easily cowed. Maybe the wizards won't emerge at all."

Celes shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. "Perhaps not, but it still thins the numbers of the creatures arrayed against us. It certainly does no harm, and it's delayed an attack that was fast approaching. Winter is about to come full on us as well. I actually expect the snows to be coming soon. It's only two days until Midwinter's day."

"Do you think it will be a bad storm?" Danica asked.

"Not really, but I wager there will be a thick blanket of snow on the ground for the Midwinter celebrations."

"I'd completely forgotten about the season approaching, we've just been too busy."

"Not as if we have much to celebrate," Celes said with a sigh.

"We're away from Zoraster, we're among new friends, and we're doing something worthwhile," Danica countered.

"Perhaps, but it's also something Zoraster wants, and that taints it."

Danica sighed and rubbed Celes' shoulders. "We should at least try to enjoy the celebrations."

"I'm sorry; I'm just in a mood this morning. Speaking of new friends, do you think one of you could possibly keep Terran occupied? When Janelle drew him into your nightly play, he started trying to draw me in as well. It's a rather painful reminder to me," Celes said with yet another sigh.

Danica sat down and laid her hand on Celes' trembling fingers. "I'm sorry; I didn't even think about how it must make you feel."

Celes waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Enjoy yourself. It only gives you all stronger bonds to each other. It makes us more effective. It could have been dangerous if anyone had started acting overprotective when we were in the wood, but it didn't turn out that way. Just give Terran somewhere to stick his pole besides in my direction and I'll be fine." Celes finished with a laugh.

The laugh sounded genuine to Danica, and she laughed with her friend. Celes then changed the subject back to the original topic of discussion. "Terran and I have pinpointed what we believe to be the areas where the wizards hide. The misdirection is strong in those areas, and we can't penetrate the fog. It actually serves to point them out, rather than hide them."

"We may have to strike at them directly."

Celes shook her head. "Too dangerous. We don't know their capabilities or anything about the area around them. We'll find a way to draw them out, or at least reduce their armies enough that we have only the wizards to contend with."

"Where are they?" Danica asked.

"One is in the Northeast, near where the undead seem to congregate, another in the West where the demons seem to be most concentrated, as we had guessed. That would be our Necromancer and our Summoner. Another is somewhere in the South, and one is near the center of the wood. That would be Illusion and Charm," Celes explained.

"Have we been near any of them?" Danica asked.

"We were closer to the fringes of the central one than I like to think about when we attacked the first bunch of goblins," Celes answered.

"The goblins would have been the easiest to coerce into something like this. They are ever greedy. Where are the ogres mostly?" Danica asked.

"The South — the greatest concentration of them is there."

"The ogres would have been the most difficult to persuade. Perhaps Charm makes his place in the South."

"Makes sense, and that leaves Illusion in the center. Considering the illusions stalk the whole of the wood, it seems even more logical."

"One who has concentrated so much on learning to wield such great illusions would probably not have had time to study a lot of other magic," Danica mused with a smile.

Celes smiled back, following Danica's line of thinking. "And one who is protected against illusions would only have to deal with the wizard, and whatever powers he might have besides his command over the false images."

"We should concentrate on drawing out Illusion. His power would seem to be the one we would best be capable of overcoming," Danica reasoned.

"The creatures of Phantasmal Force must take a great deal of time and power to create and maintain. I would think that destroying a few of those might invoke his wrath," Celes agreed with a crooked grin.

Danica laughed and clapped her hands. "I think we have our course. Seek out the Phantasmal creatures, destroy them, and keep causing chaos as best we are able amongst the real monsters in the process."

The women nodded and broadly smiled as they considered the idea. The others awakened and filtered in as Danica and Celes spoke.

Terran delivered disturbing news that the numbers of undead and demons were increasing. "Many an undead goblin, orc, and ogre now stalk the woods. The dead automatons goad the living monsters away from each other, stopping and preventing fights by standing between the combatants. A shaman has appeared and started whipping the goblins into line — a half a dozen dangerous alchemists with him. A very rare orc shaman has also arisen to bring the orcs into order as well."

The companions' carefully created chaos was beginning to unravel.

There was little they could do about it, however. The snow started falling that afternoon. The blanket of white would make it difficult to sneak around invisibly in the wood, and illusions could not make footprints in the snow look as monstrous as their illusionary bodies.

Danica determined that there was little they could do but wait until the creatures in the wood tramped around enough to hide new tracks. Subsequent snows that night and the next day delayed that even more.

Only a light dusting fell on Midwinter's day — just enough to lighten the hearts of the group as they joined in the celebrations. Tradition said that snow on Midwinter's day foretold a lucky blessing upon the coming year. Upon their return to the fortress that evening, the companions' spirits quickly dampened. Terran reported that few skirmishes broke out between the monsters, and that the host appeared as though mobilizing to attack in force.

Danica and Celes went to inform the Commander of this the next morning when Celes and Terran observed stronger signs that the creatures were mobilizing.

The Commander nodded gravely when informed of the news. "I have other ill tidings, though they come from welcome mouths. Go bring Nara and Mara to us," he said to a nearby soldier.

The soldier saluted and hurried to obey. The Commander continued, "I have learned that more creatures enter the wood from the South. The sisters brought me this news only yesterday, greatly dampening my appreciation of the Midwinter festivities." He paused when the soldier returned, leading two women. "I will let Nara and Mara tell you what they have learned."

Danica studied the two women. They were obviously twin sisters, though it appeared that the one whom the Commander introduced as Nara had slightly darker skin tone than the other. They were both lithe, curvy, and had long, dark brown hair. Their full lips and exotic features gave them a unique and enticing beauty. Nara wore a silken gown that reached her ankles, while Mara wore a light, faintly translucent outfit reminiscent of the desert people's dress. Danica guessed it likely that they traced their ancestry from the Southern peoples of Draxnog, as their features and skin tone seemed to suggest such.

The Commander expanded his introduction of the sisters. "Nara is a seer, and a healer. Mara commands great magic, is one of the finest unarmed fighters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and is a dancer of the highest order as well. Both are so well studied that they put rangers to shame in the field, and even the elves nod in respect to their tracking ability."

"You boast our skills perhaps overmuch," Nara said.

The commander laughed. "I will try to remember that the next time I am lying on the ground with one of you standing smiling over me and a knot on my head. I think the sisters would be of great help to you, whom those here are already starting to call the Companions of the Forge." He rolled his eyes and sighed after saying the fanciful name. "I decided not to argue. Indeed, the appellation seems to be quite appropriate once I adjusted to it."

"Suren' we could always be usin' a couple more what knows t' ways o' the wild as well as ye're sayin' they do. The woods is dark an' twisted. Me scryin' can only let us find half o' what we seek," Celes said with her accent in full force.

Both women nodded their heads. "We would be pleased to join you as well. We have heard of your forays into the wood, and we are quite impressed. You fight with precision and careful planning. We hope we might serve to join the harmony of your formidable brotherhood," Mara said.

"Tell them what you told me when you arrived," the Commander requested.

"There are more monsters entering the wood from the North. We have seen two tribes of goblins and three of orcs. There were shamans and alchemists amongst the goblins and a rare orc shaman as well," Nara said in response to the Commander's urging.

"That would explain the sudden calming of the creatures. They've replaced the leaders we managed to kill," Danica grumbled.

Nara nodded sympathetically. "One of the goblin tribes also whipped along a swarm of woodland trolls. Several groups of ogres with magi among them, and a group of four hill giants and two ettins made their way into the woods just before we came here to report."

"Three hunnerd an' more new beasties in t' wood. That's fearful news fer sure," Celes lamented.

"There is some good news, however," the Commander interjected, "The sisters made contact with an old friend of mine. He commands the best cavalry units I have ever seen take the field. His men have been slowly making their way here in small groups, hiding amongst the villages and farmsteads. If the creatures attack again, they shall find a hundred and fifty of the finest warriors to ever sit astride a horse striking at their flanks."

"The Training Grounds were never designed to be a defensive position. Routing the creatures when they attacked has been a testament to the skill and determination of the students and masters here. It is perfect terrain for cavalry charges, however. The mounted warriors of Lord Daniel will take a heavy toll if the creatures attack here again," Mara said.

Celes warned, "Them critters are rilin' up and ready to come fer sure, ye can be bettin' on that — an' soon."

"We shall be ready," the Commander declared. Looking at Mara, he said, "Tell them of the raiders."

"A band of perhaps forty goblins turned aside before entering the wood. They have been raiding the villages and farmsteads of the area. The people are pleading with the Grounds and the nearby city of Oakhaven for aid. We do not know if they are under the direction of those in the woods or a rogue band, but we believe they should be stopped," Mara explained.

"I have sent patrols, but they cannot catch the creatures. They are wiley and scatter at the first sign of aggression against them. We have never been able to track them to wherever it is they hide," the Commander added.

Nara gestured to Mara and said, "My sister and I can track them, and we believe you and yours would be best suited to end this particular threat. Your combined skills should enable you to destroy the band with much greater certainty than a patrol of soldiers from the Grounds."

"They are taking women as well. Three were taken from a farmstead in the West just last night," the Commander revealed.

Danica's eyes hardened at the mention of this. "We will destroy them," she said, carefully controlling the rage in her voice.

"We should be introducin' ye ta the rest if'n ye're ta be joinin' us," Celes stood up and suggested.

The women nodded and the Commander said, "Please do. It gives me a sense of great comfort to know the sisters are joining your formidable band. When the attack comes from the wood, return here. The fortress is strong, but it would be nearly impossible to defend with such a small number — regardless of your skill. You can join us here and aid in the defense. I will send papers briefing you about the general defensive plan, so that you may find where best to utilize your unique skills.

"We'll return when the assault begins. Now, let's go introduce you to everyone else and make plans to destroy the goblin raiders," Danica said with her eyes flashing.

Everyone warmly welcomed the sisters, and the twins quickly meshed into the group. They discovered that Mara had instructed Venaru in the openhanded fighting arts, and both he and Janelle in woods lore.

Cheron glanced at the two beautiful sisters and licked her lips, winking at Danica when nobody else was watching. Danica chuckled, knowing that Cheron was already making plans to draw the two sisters into the intimate companionship the group shared.

Mara danced for them that evening, her dance a sensual and stunning display of agility and flexibility. Her movements entranced them all, and the companions praised her skills when she finished.

"If you would like, I shall look into the mists and see what I may of your destiny as it is shaped by your actions. Many questions are often answered for those I read, even those who knew not the questions were there," Nara suggested.

Nods and words of agreement met that suggestion, and Nara used her seer's powers to read their destiny, one by one.

To Brandon she said, "I see change for you — though not a radical one. I see you going to another place, near somewhere where deep tunnels lead into the earth. You seem quite content with your new surroundings."

"That don't sound half bad," Brandon said with a smile. "I was sure she was gonna tell me I was gonna end up married and raising a pack of kids."

Nara chuckled and stepped over to Janelle and Bear. "Your destiny is intertwined with that of Bear. I see great happiness for you both, and strong, beautiful children."

Bear and Janelle both blushed, Janelle laying her hand on Bear's strong arm and looking into his eyes with a smile.

To Celes she said, "Your destiny is quite clouded. I sense a mark upon you — a hated mark — the curse that affects you. I see also a means to end this curse. That which can free you is both a source of great pain and great joy to you. I am sorry I cannot tell you more." Nara laid a hand on Celes' shoulder in a sympathetic gesture as she finished.

"'S alright. I'm for dealin' wit' it. Been doin' it fer some time now."

She turned to Terran after offering a warm smile and another pat on Celes shoulder. "For you I sense great renown and the praise of your peers. I also sense danger in the source of your renown — the possibility that it might be turned to evil."

Terran looked stunned at the revelation. "I shall remember your words."

She nodded and went on to Venaru. Her eyes opened wide and she said, "I see an end to your life's quest. I cannot see whether it be for good or ill, but I see it ending not far in the future."

Venaru tensed, his bearing revealing anxiety. "What has changed that my destiny shows this now?"

"I am not sure. Your destiny and your quest are tied with our purpose here. No more can I tell you," Nara answered.

"It is enough," he responded and smiled.

To the dwarves she said, "I see for you long years, great battles, the comfort of your kin, strong sons and daughters who bear your names with pride and honor..." She paused and laughed a moment before finishing, "... And a great deal of ale and spirits."

The two dwarves glanced at each other with wide grins. "That's fer soundin' like a fine destimitatchy ta me," Griffith said with an explosive laugh.

Everyone laughed with them as Nara moved next to Cheron, "I see someone of your order, another who serves Heraklan. This person guides you to another level of spirituality, and sexuality. I see many men and women sharing themselves with you and this other — and great blessing from your god."

Cheron smiled and squared her shoulders. "Praises unto Heraklan." Danica noticed something passing between the two women as they looked into each other's eyes. Danica quivered with desire upon seeing the obvious recognition and likeminded thoughts shared in that momentary glance.

Nara moved to Danica and said, "I see bonds long firm in you broken. Bonds of your own forging, but without the knowledge you had made them. Those bonds were tempered by someone close to you — though they had no intention of causing them. These bonds have been broken by bonds of another type. These bonds may be broken as well. I see an intertwining of your destiny with that of Celes, but your destiny is clouded, even as is hers. I fear I can tell you little more."

The revelations surprised Danica. Nara's voice in her mind surprised her even more. I also sense your powers of the mind. We shall speak of this in the halls of our minds when time permits and we are alone.

Danica found her mind whirling through the revelations for the remainder of the evening, as the companions got to know the two new members of their fellowship.

Danica spoke with Cheron about keeping Terran occupied, and the cleric proved willing to put off her conquest of the sisters for a night. She had yet to find out what mysteries Terran hid beneath his robes, anyhow. Bear and Janelle naturally went together to their rooms, obviously practicing for those many children Nara had predicted. Brandon's eyes followed Mara from the moment she finished her dance, and the two of them left together after a brief, private conversation.

Looks like you'll be getting a private dance tonight, Danica thought with amusement.

Venaru went to his quarters alone, obviously still lost in thought about the end of his mysterious quest. Nara came and sat down with Danica, the redhead sitting lost in thought once everyone else left.

"There is one other thing I sensed about you when I touched you," Nara whispered, reaching under the table to lay her hand on Danica's thigh. Danica looked up into Nara's eyes and shuddered when she saw the desire there, mirrored by her own now that Nara's touch awakened her to the world around once more.

Nara led Danica to her new room in the fortress shortly thereafter. Once there, the seer quickly undressed Danica. She smiled and caressed Danica's body as she revealed it to her eyes, ending by running her fingers over Danica's nether lips. Nara brought her fingers to her lips and tasted Danica's juices with a satisfied moan.

Nara then undressed as well. Danica admired the woman's body as Nara slowly revealed it. Nara had large, firm breasts, with small areoles surrounding her stiff nipples. Danica couldn't help thinking that they would be perfect to wrap her lips around and flick with her tongue. Only the narrowest strip of hair adorned Nara's mound, pointing toward her dark and glistening lips below.

Nara moved forward and pressed against Danica, kissing her passionately. Danica reveled in the feeling of warmth and their breasts pressed against each other. Nara lay Danica down on the bed and slid between her legs with a sigh of anticipation. She slipped her tongue out of her mouth and softly washed it over Danica's folds. Danica moaned in bliss and watched the beautiful dark-haired woman lick her pussy.

Nara used gentle strokes, exploring Danica thoroughly. Her tongue touched Danica everywhere — so softly and gently. Nara maintained her slow pace for many long minutes, but Danica never grew frustrated or anxious. Nara's tongue steadily built Danica's fires ever higher. Danica arched her back and gasped as the slow building fires within her surged white-hot under the seer's gentle tongue caress.

When Danica came, she emitted a soft, "Oh," and a long, high-pitched moan. Her back arched gently up off the bed and she could feel the flow of her cum as it oozed from her into Nara's still lapping mouth. Nara's gentle caresses kept Danica coming for minutes rather than seconds, a constant soft glow of ecstasy that caused Danica's eyes to roll back in her head.

Same as Danica
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The Annihilator Part 4

Indeed, only very light patrols were on the outskirts of the city, as the rogue Annihilator was expected to go after the government offices in the heart of the city. However, a policeman had come in the morning to interrogate some of the teachers and students as to whether they had maybe seen a strong, young man. Some of the responses seem to be irritating him, as most seemed to just praise their best sports talent, who wasn't the brightest, though. Tanner had woken up to the noise around...

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Reddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on Reddit.com you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...

Reddit NSFW List
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My Little Hapa

© 2002, all rights retained. Genisis This little lark about piece popped into my head at a roadside fruit stand in Auburn, California. I had just returned from a Christmas break week in Hawaii, and, brown as a nut, stopped in for a delicious hamburger. The flirtatious, pretty girl behind the counter commented on my tan, asking if I'd been to the Islands. I told her yes, I'd been wind surfing at Kona over the break, and was now heading up the mountain for some boarding. We chatted for...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 10 Meeting the Locals

Jimmy Walcott was arriving in his office a little bit late on that December 24. His wife June had demanded that he mounted the Christmas tree in the old cast iron stand before he left, but now he had a few hours to set up the servers for the holiday. Christmas or no Christmas, the people who frequented his websites would be expecting fresh meat. Jimmy was operating a total of seven websites that showed nothing but celebrity material, pics and videos, nudes and embarrassing moments, glamour or...

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The Glass Elevator

On the average weekday, at rush hour, the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles averages over 20,000 cars at any given time on the 55 mile stretch. For Phillip Riley, the trip from his job in San Pedro—a small harbor town just south of Los Angeles, to his home in Pasadena took an hour and thirty-seven minutes in gridlocked traffic. Stuck in his car, Phillip would gaze at a glass elevator that rose up and down the exterior of a downtown skyscraper. He assumed the skyscraper was a corporate law firm or some...

Straight Sex
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Take a Chance on MeChapter 2

Maybe it was that I now had something and someone to come home to, three actually, but, as I said before, my masters seemed to treat me better than ever before. It might have been my attitude. Before, living so close to Vivian, in her building even, always gave me the reminder of our past together and the wrong she did me. I never got such a feeling in those hills or with the girls, mind you. Carrie, I guess was to give birth first. Lu Ann nor Carrie wanted me to know if we were to have...

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Shall We Dance

It’s a beautiful wintery day. This past week will not be one that will go down as very productive. The number of assignments that have not been completed is a company record; it’s the largest weekly carryover the company has ever had. That means Monday will be a horror. All the incomplete assignments from this past week, as well as any new inquiries that have come in during the weekend, will be facing the crew Monday morning. Fortunately, I have nothing planned for the weekend, so I’ll rest up...

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Absolute App

"As you know, you guys have chemistry test today, so please clear up your desk." Students in the class started to put working tools and cellphone in their desks or bag packs. Then teacher started handing out three papers stapled into one. Students skimmed through them once. Some had eyes of full of confident and some had eyes of doubts. When clock's long needle was pointing at six, telling there was only thirty minutes left, the teacher looked at one of the students and below him. And there,...

Mind Control
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My friends dad 19

“But do you ever wanna see your mom again?” I asked. “Well she's my mom. So I guess I do, why do you ask?” Jeanette asked. “Well, nothing I guess. I mean, I don't know how you are feeling exactly, well because I haven't been in that boat, but I can't imagine anything that would make me never wanna see my mom again,” I replied. “I wanna see her again, I'm just pissed right now I guess. I don't know how long I'll be pissed off exactly, but still this is bullshit,” Jeanette...

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AmberPart Two

The scene from the locker room replayed through my mind over and over and turning me into an excited, nervous wreck. All I could think about was how much I wanted it to be my turn and how I was going to do it. My next class with Amber was study hall. I was glad for it because I would finally have a chance to let my mind go and try to think. I took my seat next to Amber, as always, and laid my head down on my desk. I was instantly lost in thought and oblivious to the world until a small paper...

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Fred Ward is a 18 year old guy who just finished High School not too long ago. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, not very muscular since he doesn't work at all. Fred is sadly still and virgin and his 6 inch cock is ready for action. Fred got himself a job at a food court at the mall which has a shitty pay but Fred is happy to be making some sort of income. It's Monday and Fred just got to work, the mall is usually not that crowded this early in the morning so it is actually kind of...

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We are in bed together. I am lying on my back with you on my right, lying on your side facing the window. We have come away on holiday together and have found ourselves in a double bed instead of singles as we expected.My heart is racing so fast I can almost feel it beating out of my chest. Every time I shut my eyes all I can hear is my heart banging in anticipation of what I am going to do next and what your reaction will be.Reaching across, I put my hand on your hip and slowly start to draw...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Delayed ReactionChapter 2 Getting Acquainted

"Are you telling me that you hired that lovely bird from the restaurant?" "I did indeed, Doogie. She was the answer to my prayers." "I'm sure she was, but can she do the job?" "Doogie, get your mind out of the gutter. She is a very bright, very motivated young lady who will be excellent at her job." "Aye, and she's got a fine set of bristols and a lovely bum to boot. I have my suspicions of you, Cameron Macdonald." "You know my rules, Doogie. Never foul your own...

3 years ago
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Seeing Matts Stars Part 2

Introduction: Here is part two of my latest story. As with most of what I write, theres a lot more to this than sex (in fact, you wont find any sex in this part), so to full enjoy the tale, please read part one. I look forward the reading any and all comments, and –as always– I hope you enjoy. -SS I crossed the road leading to a small house set back a few yards from the sidewalk, moving toward someone unloading his car into the driveway. He turned when he heard the sound of my sneakers against...

2 years ago
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Master Bator Jorge the Masseur

"...ooohh Darling, this feels sooooo smooth.... You have never shaved me before, and got me all slimy! Now baby... while you fuck me good, you can tell me about that surprise you have been telling me since we arrived to this resort...."Full of lust, the hot woman was getting in all fours to show her husband her new clean look, when a clear KNOCK - KNOCK - KNOCK ! came from the door. She barely had the time to grab one of the diminute towels to half-cover herself, as her husband opened the door...

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Mom And Son Sexual Adventures Mom Helps Injured Son

Hi, this is Abhinav. I am back with another erotic mom and son story. This story will definitely give you a mind-blowing experience. It’s a pure incest adventure story that happened between a mom and son. So let’s get into the plot about how a mom helps injured son. Let me introduce my self first. My name is Abhi. I like pornography and bike racing. These two things are my favorite. Earlier I don’t have any fantasy or incest feeling on my mom. But, everything changed with one single incident in...

1 year ago
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The Job

Your name is John and you are running low on money and you decided you need to get a job. You have just graduated college and you decide you want a job that involved pretty women. ___ As you look through the newspaper, your eyes catch sight of something. The ad reads: If you are looking for a job, come on in to FST where the best jobs are! This is an All-Female job, but today, we are also looking for one lucky male! To apply for a position, please call (777) 455-1337 or visit our website at...

1 year ago
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Whither I Go

I woke up early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I tried turning and tossing, but this didn’t work. Next I tried tossing, then turning. Even with all that exercise, sleep was elusive if not forbidden. As I laid there, my mind went to and fro, forth and back, Hither, Thither, and Yon. A fairly pleasant trip, all in all. Then I began to wonder. No, no, not wander, silly. Wonder. Most of us are all too familiar with to and fro, and while we misuse forth and back a lot, few think about...

4 years ago
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Scorn and ReconciliationChapter 2

Dad wasn’t in a good mood the next day. I felt awkward between them, given what I’d heard the night before and was happy when they each slipped off to engage in their own activities for the day. I did the same, retiring to my room to fart around on my computer. I waited until early afternoon to go downstairs to get lunch, hoping to be on my own, but Mom was there. She was drinking a cup of coffee and browsing through a stack of magazines on the kitchen table. I felt her eyes on me several...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harem 1 Popping Kissing Cousins Cherry

Chapter One: Popping Kissing Cousin's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston “Ugh, I can't believe how much homework Ms. Ayers gave us for math,” my cousin and best friend groaned. She shook her head, her braid of sandy-blonde hair dancing across her shoulders. “Doesn't she know it's the weekend, Clint? I don't want to spend it on figuring out sign, cosign, and tangent.” I snorted, nodding my head. Melody hated math. “How long until you scream at your homework and...

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Muleskinner BluesChapter 12

I woke up some time later. My mind swam up out of a fog and I was instantly alert. My eyes sprang open, but when I tried to move it was as if I was mired in quicksand. I was lying on my back with my head cradled on something soft. My legs were out straight and my arms were at my sides. I did not appear to be tied up; instead, it was as if all my limbs were asleep. I twitched just then as my muscles were starting to come back to life. The second time I twitched, Helena's head loomed over mine...

1 year ago
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Sallys Little Sissy

Sally's Little Sissy I'd been writing a regular piece for a woman's magazine on unusual marriages when someone in the office said I ought to visit Sally and Pete Kendall. They gave me a number and I rang one Tuesday morning. Sally answered and said that she was more than happy to be the subject of an article, subject to the usual anonymity. She could speak for Pete and she knew that he wouldn't mind either. I asked about the marriage and Sally just said that it would be better if I...

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Topper 01 Good Deeds Are Where They Find You

Topper was written by Thorne Smith, made into a movie in 1937; with sequels: 1939, 1941 and a TV show from 1953-1955 01) Good Deeds Are Where They Find You By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Mr. Topper," the senior bank manager's secretary said, as she opened the office door, "I'll be leaving now. Is there any..." She stopped because there, behind his desk, the distinguished man in his late-fifties had his arms up and out at the elbows, swinging them around as if he doing...

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HussiePass Kimberly Snow First BBG For 20YearOld Starlette

The lovely Kimberly Snow ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and seeing as she said she’s ready for two guys, we brought in our good friend Danny Steele ? & new stud GI Joey ? for this rather wild BBG update ? After our latest director, Big ?? Lou, helps us get acquainted with the Northwestern cutie ?? Kimberly gets naked, shows off her gorgeous body, and uses her fingers to moisten up her hairy meaty vag ? Danny & Joey make their way into the scene with some lube ? for...

2 years ago
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Short History

Hi, my name is Theo. I've been a transvestite for so long that I've forgotten since it all started. I remember as a young boy I liked to take pictures in women's underwear, to admire myself in the mirror and to touch myself. Gradually I began to expose myself to friends. They were the first guys to give me the confidence I needed. For these boys I was the sexiest girl. I liked that, it excited me. I liked the way they looked at me, I liked those perverse thoughts they had about me. I wanted to...

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Hot Enough III

Three naked people, mother, brother, sister, sat or lay on a bed, all eyes toward the bedroom door. They were waiting for a man to walk through that door, a man would would be husband, father, and lover.A little over an hour earlier Dave and Karla had given and taken their virginity in a lust driven sex bout that was capped by Eva, their mother, walking in on them as they lay buck naked and showing all the signs of a hot fucking. She had announced that not only was she not angry, she was going...

4 years ago
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Freedom Ride

The sun had set less than six hours ago over the world-spanning urban sprawl. The billions of homeless in New York City, alone, were sound asleep at 4:00 AM when an alarm clock woke Den out of a deep sleep. With a yawn, he put on his glasses and crawled out of his bunk and shuffled down to the bathroom. Joanne was sitting on a toilet and called out to him as he walked past, "Hey four-eyes, sleep alone again last night?" "Fuck you," he muttered as he walked past. "Not if you were the...

1 year ago
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The Bank Manager

  I looked up as there was a knock on the door, it opened, and my secretary showed Miss Montana in to my office.   The young lady was every bit as eye-catching as I expected from her rather stern voice on the phone, and I fully intended making her pay for the way she spoke to me. Little did she know I intentionally reduced her credit limit, as I had done with other women who then had to come and plead their case, not to mention give me a blowjob here in my office.   I stood up, knowing I...

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Double DaddiesbyWhisky7up©This follows on from 'Reach For The Star' and 'Bound To Happen Again'. Thanks as usual to LadyCibelle for the edit...especially as she caught a 'continuity' error I missed!*It had been a few weeks since she was last here, playing with herself as she watched him masturbate at his desk after he'd got in from work. The tree house needed a bit of a clean up since then and Chantal was glad of the distraction as she tidied some magazines and picked up a couple of candy...

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I Check Out The Checkout Girl

Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?”The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in The supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age.“I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight The menace of u******e drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into The computerized register before returning my license to me.“ Wow that’s how old you are?...

3 years ago
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My First Time with a Female

This is the story of how I lost my virginity to a girl/woman.It was near the end of the school year in 1985. She was 17, I had turned 13 in November of 1984.I had gotten into some trouble at school. As a punishment my mother made me stay with a "baby sitter" after school until she got home from work. The "sitter" was the 17 year old daughter of my mothers best friend, Her name was Erin. This punishment was for one week. The instructions were pretty clear. I was to go to her house right after...

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Do Pariwaron Ka Milan

Hi friends, main shukriya ada krta hun ISS ka jisne mujhe apne anubhav aap sab logon tak pahunchane ka mauka diya. Jinhone mujhe mail krke comments bheje unka bhi mere khade lund se dhanyavad. Aur jinhone milkar mujhse apni choot aur gaand marwayee unhen us meethe se hole pr meri ek jordar pappi. Keep commenting and giving more inspiration. Main raj aapko apni behan simran and mom usha ke sath chudai gatha aapko pehle hi bta chukka hun apni pehle ki kahaniyon me jinka tile tha….ghar me swarg...

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My golden shower debut with Marcella

The first time I experienced golden shower was when I was 25 - I hooked up with this older woman at a nightclub in Dublin, it was a place known for bored married ladies on the prowl and a few of us used to go there as it was a great place to get laid.This woman was about 35, very tall and slender, blonde short cropped hair, kind of punky, I liked her, we hit it off, danced, had a fw drinks and I asked her back to my place. She told me she would have to be home to hr suburban semi in Dundrum by...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E15 Patrice Heslop 48 from Rutherglen

We fade in on a residential suburb ... The sky is grey, and so are the buildings ... Semi-detached, two-story, pebble-dashed post-war homes, fronted by high hedgerows. The wide street between them looks like it’s dual carriageway, but the sides of the street are entirely taken up with parked cars. There are even cars parked in the bus stop space – meaning that the bus passing through our shot has to stop in the middle of the road to let off passengers ... One of whom, a middle-aged,...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 21

Amber had booked them into an ocean-facing room on the 6th floor, with two queen beds, a balcony, and a big closet. The bellhop drone wheeled out of their room once it was done loading up the closet with all of Amber's worldly possessions and all of Tyler's new feminine wardrobe. After it left, Amber and Tyler spread out on their beds, exhausted from the hypersleep. They soon drifted off, still wearing their traveling clothes, until early the next day. Before he knew it, the...

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Analized Kendra Spade Welcome Home Anal

Petite asian babe Kendra Spade waits at home patiently. Her alarm goes off, letting her know the time of day she that pleases her the most is approaching. The all natural teen disrobes with glee. She begins to touch herself in anticipation. Kendra Spade hides and waits until the man of her dreams enters. He sees her clothes on the floor and follows the trail until he sees the petite teenager. Kendra spreads her ass for him. She smiles and signals to him what she wants. This nude teen wants to...

3 years ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 04

Francis hugged Patrick from behind as he stirred the oatmeal. Then she spun around to show off her pants suit. ‘How do I look? I have to take depositions today and I want the opposing council to know I mean business.’ Patrick turned his head to evaluate his wife’s attire. ‘Your outfit is positively unisex. At least take your hair out of that bun.’ ‘It’s the style,’ Francis shrugged. She set the bowls out on the table and sat in her spot by the door to the fire escape. Patrick dished the...

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