Shall We Dance
- 3 years ago
- 47
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It’s a beautiful wintery day. This past week will not be one that will go down as very productive. The number of assignments that have not been completed is a company record; it’s the largest weekly carryover the company has ever had. That means Monday will be a horror. All the incomplete assignments from this past week, as well as any new inquiries that have come in during the weekend, will be facing the crew Monday morning. Fortunately, I have nothing planned for the weekend, so I’ll rest up for the upcoming week of terror.
I’m Don Parsons, a widower, 51, and I live alone; my wife died of cancer over twelve years ago. I work for a tech company that specializes in computer viruses and some programming. My specialty is viruses. I have a reputation of being able to locate and destroy without losing data. I wish it was always the case, but some of the little devils really can make a mess out of our client’s databases.
Keeping on top of the latest idea’s and techniques requires reading many articles and numerous emails every week. Today seems like a perfect day to get caught up on this task. After sorting the piles of mail in the order of importance, the reading starts.
The task is going well when the doorbell disturbs my concentration. My first thought is some religious group is on the prowl, out to save my soul, an impossible task. Not happy with someone ruining my train of thought, I open the door, ready to do battle. To my shock and astonishment, standing before me is a young fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl dressed in a fluffy pink dance costume. To my embarrassment, I feel tingling in my lower extremity of my body. This young teen has been made-up to look very sexually appealing. Her cheeks show evidence of a soft blush, her eyebrows have been professional accented, but what really has me tweaked is the effect of the lip-gloss. Her shining blond hair is pulled back into a tight bun. Her lips look so kissable, even though I realize is young. She has smallish breasts, but her engorged nipples are pushing against the tight fitting dance costume.
“Sir, would you like to buy a chocolate bar to support my dancing academy? All your neighbors have bought some.”
What a sales pitch from someone so young. The youthful girl gives me a plastic covered confirmation, stating that she is a member of the Lorraine School of Dance, and is authorized by the school and the candy company to offer the bars for sale on their behalf. She is smiling, stimulating the feelings I shouldn’t be harboring about this delightful example of eye candy. Taking time, I study the rest of her petite body. Her short skirt ends at just below her hips. Her body fitting stretch tights are pulled tight into her crotch. There is an interesting span between her thighs for such a young girl. My mind envisions her interesting pussy, outlined in the material. Her legs are well developed from her dancing. I’m looking at a perfect example of a young Lolita.
“Certainly I will be happy to support your dance academy. How many bars do you have left?”
“I’ll buy them all. Won’t you come in while I get my wallet? What is your name?”
“Avery. I can’t come in unless my sister comes, too. My parents told me to be careful.”
“By all means ask your sister to come in as well. I will be back shortly.”
My wallet is in my night table beside my bed with my keys and all the items I carry with me during my working day. I’m a creature of habit, thus saving me the headaches of worrying where things are. When I return to the doorway, I’m sure I’m seeing double. Standing beside Avery is her double; mind you, she is older, but in a matching costume. This young lady has also has small breasts and very noticeable nipples pushing against the material. Her long red hair is a ponytail, swaying as she moves. She seems intent on viewing my vast entertainment and computer equipment. Like her sister, her legs are well developed; making me wonder how developed the beauty between them. Then they both hear me approach and look up.
“This is my sister, Jayden. She is a dancer, too.”
“Hello, Jayden. Are you selling chocolate bars as well?”
Like her sister, her makeup is perfect. Her lips are full and inviting. Her green eyes are sparkling with a mischievous glow. As I move closer to both of them, their scent hits me. John Thomas reacts immediately. Jayden appears to have noticed my plight and a knowing smile appears on her face, much to my embarrassment.
“Yes, I’m but we are selling Avery’s first them we will start on my boxes.”
As sick as it sounds I think I would love to start on her box. Her skirt is as short, or maybe shorter, than her sister’s. When I look between her legs I am positive I can see her luv lips protruding. How I would love to enjoy her young body. Avery is beautiful but her sister is a real knockout.
“How many are in a box?”
The way she looks at me leads me to believe she took it the wrong way. Her eyes have a way of making me feel foolish. Jayden licks her lips before she answers me, all the time looking me right in the eyes.
“There are twelve to a box and Avery and I have to sell five boxes.”
“How many do you have left? How much is each bar?”
“We have two boxes left, plus Avery’s seven. They are three dollars each.”
Roughly calculating that is thirty-one bars or ninety-three dollars. Money is not a problem. The bars will end up at work where they will disappear before lunch on Monday.
“Tell you what; I will buy all you have left.”
“You will? Thank you, I never expected anything like this. We’ve been out since nine this morning and the most we have sold at one time is three.”
“No thanks are needed. I’ll take them to work. I am sure my co-workers will make short work of them. Can I offer you girls a drink, something warm?”
“Why thank you Mr.?”
“Parsons, but please call me Don.”
That is Jayden. I keep sneaking looks at her body and she keeps catching me, each time giving me that knowing smile. My kitchen has a large picture window overlooking my back yard. Over the years, I have added a pool that is seldom used. The balance of the yard is well landscaped and has many flowers and shrubs in season, all taken care of by a neighbor, five doors down. He approached me several years ago. He had just retired and loved working with plants. I had the worst looking yard in the complex, and he took it as a challenge to make it beautiful. He will not take payment for his labor of love, so each year at Christmas; I purchase a major gift for them. Last Christmas it was two tickets to Vancouver to see their son and his new family. The girls seem impressed.
“Wow, you have a pool. I wish we had one.”
“It doesn’t get much use. I never seem to have time.”
“It it was ours, we would use it every day.”
“If it was summer, you both could use it any time you would like. Just have your parents call me giving their permission.”
“Do you mean that? We only live two doors down from you.”
Now that is hard to believe. I’ve lived here for years and never noticed these two beauties. I really must be getting old, as well as going blind. During our hot chocolates, I learn Jayden is fifteen and Avery is fourteen. Jayden sits across from me giving me a wonderful view. She keeps her legs spread confirming that her luv lips are thick and puffy. There appears to be a damp spot in the centre, but that could be just in my imagination. I wonder how lovely they will be when she is older. Hell, I wonder what they look like now. She keeps moving her legs slightly giving me cause to keep looking between them. For some reason, I’m sure she is doing it on purpose.
“How long have you girls been dancing?”
“Avery has been for two years, me for six years. I really like it.”
When I look at Jayden she again licks her lips while we are eye to eye. Avery is aware of the interplay. Looking her direction, I notice her legs are now spread as well. Her luv lips aren’t as pronounced as Jayden’s, but they are very noticeable. I’m ashamed at the interest I’m experiencing. For some reason, these young teens have awakened something I’ve never considered before. My love life has been very sparse since my wife’s passing. I’ve noticed young girls in the malls, but have never thought of them in such a sexual manner. These two girls, in their revealing dance costumes, change that. Hell, I can’t keep my eyes from Jayden’s pussy area. Now I wonder how she would taste. Eating my wife was one of my greatest pleasures.
After we finish drinks, the girls get up to leave. Both thank me for the purchasing all their chocolate bars, and tell me they will have their parents call and to confirm they can use my pool in the summer. I provide them with my business card with my home number written on the back. As we reach the door, Jayden turns.
“We are having our Valentine dance recital Saturday. Tickets are only five dollars.”
Once a salesperson always a salesperson, they both leave with another five dollars of mine in their purse. Watching their bottoms swing down the walkway gives my fading hardon a boost. I haven’t felt this horny for a long time. My imagination has Jayden in my bed undressing, giving me a view of her sparsely covered pussy, beckoning me to come and partake of its juices.
Monday, as expected, is a zoo. Not only did we have the overload from the prior week, we have a record number of new inquiries for services. The chocolate bars are well received and disappear before lunch. By the time Friday rolls around, we are beat. That evening when I get home, I enjoy two Black Russians. Sitting in the kitchen enjoying the view of the snow-covered back yard my eye picks up the ticket for the dance recital attached to the frig with a small magnet. Visions of Avery and Jayden fill my mind. If nothing else, just watching those two will relieve the stress of the week, giving me something beautiful to think about. At six-thirty, I am on my way to the academy for the recital. The Lorraine School of Dance in located in an old factory warehouse that had been converted to a dance studio. The building retains its old character, but has been reborn to house the dance school; a number of cars are already in the parking lot.
Once inside, I don’t feel out of place. There are a large number of gray haired people in the audience that I assume would be grandparents to a number of the dancers. I find a seat four rows from the stage. The lights in the hall are dimmed and spotlights are hitting the stage. A speaker crackles, then a voice is announcing the performance will commence. The majority of the dancers are young girls, all in marvelous tight dance costumes. As they go through their routines, I’m embarrassed to admit I can’t keep my eyes off their crotches. Their tights are molded to their bodies, showing their prominent luv lips. The sizes range from very thin to remarkably noticeable. The darkness is a blessing, as I’m tenting. It’s not that I’m that big, only seven inches but my girth is about three inches. My wife enjoyed the full feeling. My mind is picking out the girls I feel could accommodate John Thomas. Many pass that test. Finally, Avery appears in a duet with another of her clones. They both do the splits several times, putting additional strain on their costumes. The view is breathtaking, as many times there luv lips are totally outlined. Now I am licking my lips, wondering what wonders they are hiding.
Because of the darkness, I am sure they can’t actually see into the audience. After Avery and her partner perform, they get a standing ovation. How I would love to show my appreciation of their young bodies. My tongue rolls around in my mouth as I imagine eating those young pussies. Then, new music starts. Jayden comes out as a soloist.
Her movements are so sexual, I’m sure I’ll cum in my slacks. John Thomas is hard from the beginning to the end of her performance. My view flips between her eyes and her crotch. Her large luv lips are full and my imagination says puffy with excitement. If I didn’t know better, I get a feeling she’s looking directly at me numerous times during her performance. An eerie feeling creeps through my body and ends up at the head of John Thomas. When her dance is over, the audience roars with appreciation. After the recital, I am the last one to leave, willing my hardon to subside. My body is begging for relief. I have never used a prostitute before, but tonight could be the first time.
Abbotsville has one section of the city where it’s rumored that ladies of the night ply their trade. Leaving the building, I hear my name. Turning in the direction of the voice, Jayden is running towards me.
“I’m glad you’re still here. Mom and Dad had to leave early with Avery. I was going to have to take the bus. I really don’t like to when it’s this late. Will you give me a lift home?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
Jayden’s still wearing her costume. I’m overwhelmed with the same scent she and Avery were wearing when they were at my home selling chocolate bars. Helping her into my Suburban provides a beautiful view of her shapely bottom, well-defined cheeks in her tight costume. It doesn’t help my now raging hardon. Now, I’m really in a pickle. I so much wanted to get relief, building up the nerve to go and attempt to find a prostitute to take care of the problems created by Jayden. Now my problem is sitting beside me.
“I saw you in the audience. Did you like my dance?”
“It was very interpretive. You’re very talented.”
Jayden’s tights are a soft white material. Her legs are spread displaying her covered charms. Her short skirt allows a wonderful display; her tight bodice molded to her body, really makes her very erotic looking. Dumb me, I keep sneaking looks between her legs and, of course, Jayden keeps catching me. Each time she just smiles but never rearranges her body to deter my view of her charms. Again, my mind is sure that her crotch is damp, taking on a darker shade then the rest of her costume. Is she as excited as I am? Am I the cause? That certainly would be nice, if it is true. The problem is, how do I confirm it without making an utter fool of myself?
“Did you think I looked sexy during my dance?”
It takes a lot to make me blush, but Jayden manages it with a few short words. The heat of it floods from my toes to my face like a wave of fire. How in the hell am I supposed to answer? If I tell her the truth she will confirm what she must suspect; I’m a pervert for thinking of her in that context. Looking at her crotch, then her face confirms she has me made.
“I found it very erotic. You did a very good interpretation of the dance.”
“You still didn’t answer the question. Did you find me sexy?”
Jayden isn’t going to give up. I might as well bite the bullet and answer.
“Yes Jayden, you are very sexy. Your dance made me tingle.”
My answer must have been what she wanted to hear. She moves over to me, grabs my arm and hugs it, the heat of her body searing me. Looking down at the top of her head, her thick red mane makes me want to lean over and bury my face in the hair of this young minx. These thoughts and her hugging me do nothing to relieve my hurting body. Her hand runs up and down my thigh. Her fingers are inches away from my obvious tent.
“Did I cause that?”
“I’m ashamed to admit it, but yes, just looking at you gets me excited.”
There, I’ve admitted it. Now what is going to happen? Jayden will be either embarrassed at the comment, or it is the answer she wanted.
“Why be ashamed? I think you’re sexy, too.”
That shocks me, as I’m nothing to look at just an average gray haired mature guy with a trim body, but her bigger shock is her hand grasping John Thomas. Her touch nearly brings me to the brink. I look at her and she looks at me again, licking her lips.
“Jayden, you shouldn’t be doing that. If anyone ever saw you, I would be in the crowbar hotel and they would throw away the key.”
“Don’t you like it? I do, you feel so big. The boys I have seen are so small and they squirt after a few rubbings.”
Jayden is fifteen, and at that age is giving hand jobs! I wonder if she is into blowjobs, as well. I need to take control of this and nip it in the bud. She takes my right hand and puts against her pubes; so much for taking control. Her body heat feels so good my fingers trace her luv lips. Her dampness is evident on my probing finger.
“Jayden, please, you are not making this situation any better by doing that.”
“I feel better don’t you? I want you to think about this tonight. That is my house the big red brick one.”
My subconscious must have taken over the driving, as I’m shocked to admit I don’t remember turning onto our street. Pulling to the curb, Jayden moves away from me letting go of my hardon but she leans over and kisses me not a peck but a full-blown kiss on the lips with a little tongue to make it interesting.
“Thanks for the lift, Don. I hope we will see more of each other. Avery likes you, too.”
Before I can think of something intelligent to say, she’s gone. I watch her beautiful bottom swaying from side-to-side. She turns and waves, then disappears into the house, leaving me in an even more exasperated state.
Resolved to relieve the frustration, I slowly drive out of the subdivision to the purported red-light area. I’m hurting. Now that I’m here, what do I do? In the movies, the car drives up and a young lady dressed in very provocative clothing asks the driver what he is looking for. Hell there is nothing moving on the street. Then there is a knock on driver side window, nearly scaring the shit out of me.
“Hey mister, are you looking for some action?”
The height of my Suburban hides the source of the voice from my view all I see is a small hand. Rolling down the window, I peer out looking at a young girl. My guess she is fourteen or fifteen tops.
“Hi, I’m Bambi, hand job twenty dollars, blow-job thirty and an hour in bed seventy five.”
Bambi is wearing very short hot pants. They are molded to her young body. The high heels and fishnet stockings are similar to the girls you see in the movies. She is jailbait.
“How old are you Bambi?”
If she’s nineteen, I’m the pope. My mind says I’m crazy and John Thomas says go for it, it’s for sale. An hour with her would be very medicinal after the frustration of thinking of Jayden.
“Hop in.”
“What is going to be Mr.?”
“I have seventy five dollars, where do we go?”
“Your house or there is a motel down the street that rents by the hour. It not too bad and it is clean.”
Her description is correct. The room is functional for its primary purpose, which are quick fucks.
“Pay me first.”
Her hand is out. I count out a fifty, a twenty and a five. She tucks them in her purse and starts undressing. I just watch. She has a very sexy body. There’s no way she is nineteen. Maybe sixteen but I am guess in fourteen or fifteen. John Thomas loves watching what’s happening. Bambi is down to a red bikini panties and a matching uplift bra, trimmed with lace. Her lipstick and all her nails are the same shade. This can’t be the first time she has solicited.
“You can take off the rest, Mister. Aren’t you getting undressed? You paid for it and there’s no cash refund!”
Quickly undressing, Bambi watches as I reveal my engorged cock. My foreskin is rolled back from the tip. Precum is dripping.
“Wow, you are big Mister but I can take it.”
Removing her bra reveals the small cone like breasts of a young teen. They are definitely going to be sizable when she is a woman. Removing her panties, I am greeted with a shaved pussy. For a hooker, her cunt looks very tight. I wonder. She lies on the bed, her hair fanned out she actually looks angelic. Spreading her legs, she is ready. My body towers over this sex vixen. As my cock gets close to her pussy, her hands guide it to heaven. Slowly, I sink deep between her legs. Closing my eyes, I envision Jayden is under me. Bambi is tight. I can feel her muscles tighten as I stroke in and out. The old bed is noisy as we give the springs a work out. Bambi has the swing of her profession as she slams upward with each thrust. Since this is just for relief, I let go a horde of cum. Rolling off Bambi, I enjoy the feeling.
“You are big mister. You have to be the biggest I have done. Others have been longer, but you have been the biggest.”
“How long have you been hooking?”
“Four days.”
“What school do you go to?”
“North District.”
Now, I know she is not nineteen North District is a junior high school. She is fourteen or fifteen, I just nailed a minor.
“Now tell me your real age.”
“Fourteen, last month.”
“Why are you doing this? Where are your parents?”
“I need the money for school clothes. I’m practically on my own. My dad left Mom and me. Mom works as a clerk and makes enough for rent and food. Babysitting is nice, but it doesn’t pay nearly enough to buy all the things I need for school, especially clothes.”
“Do you know there are a lot of weirdoes cruising, looking for young stuff like you? They will eat you up and throw away the bones.”
“What am I supposed to do for money?”
“How much would it take to keep you off the street?”
“After what you paid me, I need three hundred and twenty five more.”
“How much did you need at the beginning?”
“Four hundred.”
“You haven’t had too much experience have you?”
“You’re the first mister. When I saw the Suburban, I took a chance. Any one that can afford one of those could afford to pay me.”
“What if I was to give you the money, would you quit trying to be a hooker?”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I can.”
“I really didn’t want to do this, but it is the fastest way for me to earn money. I would promise, but how would you know I kept it?”
“If I saw you again I would report you to children’s services and your mom would find out. I don’t think she would be impressed?”
“I promise, and I won’t go back at it, but if you need me, you can call me. My name isn’t Bambi; I took it as a street name. My name is Brianna Goodall.”
“Brianna, I did enjoy you very much and had I known this was your first trick I would have taken you home. How many times have you had sex with a cock?”
“You are the second. A boy at school took my cherry two years ago. Since then I have been using mom’s dildo when I masturbate.”
“You’re a very beautiful young lady Brianna. Get an education; I’m sure with your looks and smarts you will be able to overcome any obstacles. Get dressed and I will drive you home.”
“Take me home with you, please. Mom is working late and I really don’t want to be alone.”
Since I have already fucked a minor, what more could happen to me; besides she is an excellent bed partner?
“What would your mother think?”
“Nothing, I already told her I was staying with a girlfriend. I thought I would have lots of tricks, but I chickened out until I seen your vehicle.”
“Do you have any other clothes besides what you are wearing?”
“Yes, in the alley, jeans and a t-shirt. That is one of the reasons I need money; I need to buy more clothes for school. Mom can’t afford it.”
One thing I can afford is to buy any clothes Brianna may need. She has the body to really show off current styles. I will see how Brianna plays out tonight and maybe we can start her a new wardrobe tomorrow. Getting dressed, we drive to the alley where she quickly retrieves her clothing.
“Please, put on your jeans and shirt. Would you like something to eat?”
“Sure, where are we going?”
“What would you like?”
“I am not fussy, whatever you would like.”
Since there is a fast food restaurant is on the way to my house, we stop and go to the food court. Brianna orders chips and a burger. I have fries actually I order a double. I use lots of ketchup and vinegar to reduce the fat. Yes, I know but it sounds good.
After enjoying Brianna, I do feel at peace with the world. Studying her shows me she is a very beautiful young teen in her own right. She eats in a very feminine manner. I could have done much worse my first time picking up a hooker. She has a nearly perfect body. Now my imagination envisions her in all kinds of new lingerie. As we leave the restaurant, we pass numerous ladies-wear shops, still open. A large flashing sign proclaims they are open till midnight, as part of the Valentine day promotion! Over the years, I have always wondered about the women that could actually wear the panties and bras displayed on the mannequins. Brianna has such a body.
“Brianna, to show you I meant what I said, you can go into this shop and pick out two matching pairs of panties and bras and a nighty for tonight.”
The look on Brianna’s face is priceless. She hugs me.
“When you are done let me know and I will come and pay for you purchases. Don’t look at the prices.”
Women, regardless of age, seem to enjoy shopping. Men are the opposite. Sitting on a bench outside the store, I wait, enjoying the parade of young girls and women. A number of young teens remind me of Jayden and Avery. What am I going to do about Jayden? Then, thinking of what Jayden said about Avery liking me too, my cock starts it re-growth. It is nearly an hour later Brianna is at the door waving at me. My Gold Visa takes a sizable hit. It is a good thing I get Air Miles.
Brianna is just bubbling. All her purchases are in one small bag.
“Can I model everything for you tonight?”
“I hope so.”
Brianna snuggles into me on the way home. Caution hits me with a thought, ‘what the hell am I getting into with Brianna’. She looks so small leaning against me. Turning into the driveway, the garage door opens. Brianna sits up and stares at the house. As the Suburban’s rear bumper passes the sensor, the garage door closes, one of the wonders of technology.
“You live here by yourself?”
“Yes it’s my martial home.”
“I lived here with my wife; she passed away with cancer, twelve years ago.”
Brianna follows me into the kitchen, carrying her backpack and her purchases. I take Brianna for the tour of the house; everything seems to impress her. She looks at me with a questioning look.
“Is something wrong?”
“Oh, no, I just wondered if I could take a bath. I have never seen a bathtub that big.”
“Of course, I will show you were you can get a clean towel and where I keep the shampoos.”
Before I am even out of the bathroom, Brianna is stripping. I would have loved to watch but it is too early for that. Closing the door, I return to the kitchen and build a Black Russian. I am relaxing, watching the news when Brianna comes down the stairs. She is dressed in an old robe that was hanging in the closet. She looks humorous in that outfit. She doesn’t look humorous when she drops it. Standing before me is a vision of beauty. Brianna looks like a model in her soft blue matching bra and thong. She looks like a fashion model you see in woman’s magazines or on Fashion Television.
“With your body, you should be a fashion model. You look fantastic.”
“Thank you, I’m glad you like it. I have never had lingerie like this in my life. I wish I could have nice clothes like this all the time.”
Her small body is now against me. I enjoy looking at all the bare skin. What is covered is very provocative. My hand runs down her back and cups her sexy bottom. When I sit down, she crawls in my lap hugging me. She looks so delicate and appealing.
“What time does your mom expect you?”
“I am staying with you tonight.”
“Won’t your mom be expecting you?”
“I will call her now and tell her I’m at my girlfriends overnight. She certainly won’t mind. I had already told her I wouldn’t be home.”
I listen to the conversation with her mom. Just as she said, her mom doesn’t seem to appear too interested in whom she is saying with. Hanging up, she is smiling.
“See, I told you she doesn’t care.”
“Let me finish my drink then have a shower.”
Brianna runs upstairs in front of me to the master room carrying her goodie bag from the ladies shop. After a quick shower, I return to my bedroom to find Brianna lying on the top spread in the sheerest nightie I have seen. Her beautiful body is fully exposed. She is a very beautiful fourteen-year old.
“Do you like, Don?”
“Brianna, you are a very sexy tease.”
“I am not teasing; you can have whatever you want.”
Brianna feels so good against me in bed. Our second venture in sex will be long and slow as I intend to enjoy everything Brianna has to offer, and it’s plenty. My hands roam all over her body. Moaning under my caresses, she rolls on her side. The negligee does not have any panties. Moving down her body, I suck her small belly button getting a quivering re-action. Brianna’s eyes are closed. Her pussy has a mild erotic scent. The luv lips are glistening with her flow. My first taste with the tip of my tongue has me wanting more. Slowly spreading her legs, displaying the wonders of her peach, it opens like a flower blossom. The soft pink of her of her beautiful genitalia are to be eaten, licked and sucked. Sucking as much of the labia minor as possible into my mouth has her going ridged. The volume of tasty essence increases, my tongue acts as a sponge. Finally, I move Brianna to her side and with my head on her thigh, I bury my face in her pussy and enjoy. Feeling her bum, my finger finds her rosebud. It’s tight and needs attention. All the time, Brianna is moaning and exploding with climaxes. Her asshole is soft and pliable. Will it accept my cock? I hope to find out.
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More than a Dance 4th installment in the ClubDance series By Becky Marie Prologue In our last installment, Bob/Missy experienced further humiliation at home and at work in his increasingly feminine attire. His dance classes continued and he was introduced to another sissy dancer, Dan/Daphne. Dan/Daphne was a forced-femme little sissy at the insistence of his stepmother and stepsister. Bob/Missy was also forced to endure much more time with his co-worker Joe...
Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...
I first spotted Jin at The Element a nightclub in town. For the first hour of our acquaintance I called her Lynne, Jen, Jim and possibly another half-dozen names all of which were wrong. Once out of the nightclub I ascertained her correct name: Jin – short for… Jin (her father was Chinese). Jin was a freak. She danced all night on her own – but she was not alone. She had several male and female friends with her and flit between several people – one of which was, thankfully, me! She also sampled...
The Dance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a warm fall day when I stepped outside. The slight breeze lifted my skirt a little, but I walked along not showing any fear because I wasn't afraid. The first time I did this I had spent a long time getting ready, and I worked up enough daring to do it, then came the moment of truth which had finally arrived and I left the house dressed as a girl for the first time. That was when I was afraid. At the door I paid my...
Hi, I'm Randy and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as i****t. It started 2 years ago when I was 22. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We actually met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club. After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...
Introduction: Janet tells us about herself He Likes To Watch Me Dance Ive never written anything before so please dont be too hard on me. I only took the required English courses in Texas, both in high school and at the University of Texas. I dont know where to begin so Ill start when I was in high school. My folks didnt have any money. My Dad worked at the newspaper in the circulation department and he never made more than four hundred dollars a month. I have an older sister and an older...
Lounges always have been my ‘office’. I play guitar and sing for a living, and the fringe benefits are sometimes fantastic. I never know what's going to happen from one night to the next. This night started out no different than most others. I walked up to my little one-man bandstand, sat down on my stool, and adjusted the guitar and then the microphone. I primed my tip jar with a couple of small bills. I usually play guitar and sing to the accompaniment of what’s known as MIDI files. They...
Office SexMy Philosophy of Dominance and Submission First Dance The invitation had been specific as to time and place, but I really did not know why she wanted me there. She had never invited me to the studio before, though she had shown me a few dance routines at her home. I knew she had been waiting for this day, the first that her doctor would allow her to go without the back brace. I had wanted to do something to help mark it as special for us both. I had thought long and hard about...
CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...
Hi, I'm Randy, and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as incest. It started two years ago when I was twenty-two. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful, sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club.After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...
IncestI doubt, very much, if I’m the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I’m not the best provider, I’m certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...
We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...
Wife LoversAnother chapter from my book Tales of Ginger and Quinn. Available on Amazon and Kindle in Ereader and paperback format. Under my pen name Raul MontanaThe first day of school is always special, but today is extra special because this is the first day of Quinn's freshman year. Although the town is small, the high school is not. It is a regional school, so students from miles away come there. This does add to ethnic diversity. However, the school is still mostly white, primarily a rural farming...
Chapter One RICK I was eating supper, when I heard the familiar sound of ball hitting pavement. Then I heard the same sound, but in rapid-fire bursts. That was my summons-well, not really, more like a request. But when I heard that sound, I generally followed it. Where it led me was to the driveway right next door to mine. I had grabbed a sweatshirt-it was only mid-March, in Massachusetts-and headed out. "Was wondering if you heard," came wafting over from the driveway. "Of...
Mandy moved with grace about the stage, her slim body moving in perfect sync with the music. The song was a powerful ballad about lost love and remembered passion. The dancer was perfectly in tune with the music and the story it told; the movements of her body capturing every nuance of the music and lyrics. I sat spellbound, unable to take my eyes from the sight of my friend’s twin sister. Seeing Mandy in action almost hypnotized me, stirring up feelings that I dared not express to her or to...
First Time“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...
Love StoriesAll She Wants to Do is Dance by Andrew J. Mellon "Hey having a good time!?" Bill yelled out over the thumping, head pounding music. Alex Cook took a swig of beer and then gave his friend a look of disgust, "I can't believe this piss cost five bucks." "Come on man, enjoy yourself, muscle up to the bar with some one dollar bills and get in on the action. That's what everybody else is doing." Alex took a look at the rest of the group, crowded around the bar, yelling and waving...
I doubt, very much, if I'm the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I'm not the best provider, I'm certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...
Hi, I'm Katie Richardson and did I get away with something cool! My parents are always trying to get me to do what they want and stuff. Well, their latest plan was to have me join in with the junior country club set and kind of be a nerd. Hah! My friend Claudette and I changed their plans as you'll see when you read my latest story. Every June, the Young Texas Wranglers put on a "Start of Summer" dance at the Big Spring Country Club. Now, I'm not too sure what the club is all about,...
"I don't know how you scored tickets to the ballet, Anna," Chelsea said as they pushed open the door to the Women's Co-op. "And not just any ballet, either, but the Kirov." "They just dropped into my hands," Anna said. She unbuttoned her coat and headed for her ledgers, stopping when she saw movement in the back of the room. "Who's there?" "What... ? Oh." The figure appeared out of the dimness, Kalliste Periakes. "I didn't expect you back." She was a slender woman of an...
The annual Empire Day party was in full swing. I had to keep it together because Merritt looked stunning, and pulling her into my cabin was all that was on my mind. However, Merritt wanted her chance to show me off to her sophisticated and influential friends and I didn't want to ruin her fun. The nightclub was packed. As we worked into the crowd, the heat seemed to creep up and up as there were so many bodies in such small space. Merritt wrestled with her dress, trying to keep her small...
I started this because I got blocked on something else. And then, instead of being able to fight through the block, this story kept jumping into my head begging to be told. Stories can be so temperamental at times. My first rough outine came up just short of 10K, which meant a story around 20-25K. It ended up closer to 26K, which was fine because I could post it as one piece. But, after I finished, I didn't like the ending. So I rewrote and expanded the ending, which brought...
After the Dance: A Sequel to Club Dance By Becky Marie Prologue Last time we checked in with Bob and his wife Karen, they had just won the opportunity to perform their country line dance routine on ClubDance, the TNN country western dance program hosted by Shelly Mangrum. Bob did not perform as you might expect, however. For example, Bob's attire for the program included a nearly transparent white blouse with red fringe and a flippy red skirt. Under those, Bob was wearing...
The Dance By Jamie Lynne Williams [email protected] It was Wednesday morning. Jack was going to do it. He signed up; he paid his money; now it was time to do this. "This" was attending his first cross dresser's overnight event. He had attended a few of the monthly meetings at his local chapter; he went dressed as Jack for the first meeting, then as Jill for the next four. Now it was time to leave the city and spend four days dressed.and hopefully have a good time. As Jack packed his...
Sinking into the warm water, she felt herself relax, and the abuses of her body slowly fade away as the water cleansed her. Reaching down, she ran her fingers through her openings, letting the water soothe and clean her all over. Letting her sister scrub and wash the rest of her body, she relaxed, almost falling asleep under her sister’s touch. “Yes, it, sounds fun -- I brought everything you bought me already ... anything ... you know ... that Jax would like ... but we can look, you know...
The company’s New Year’s Party was its biggest party of the year. It hosted three others during the year and I never really wanted to go, but Winifred “Wini” O’Dell, my wife of twelve years, did, so I went. She always disappeared several times during the night for an hour or so and I always sat and talked to people until she was ready to go home. This year was going to be different. We’d arrived on time and were escorted to our table. The band had already started and as soon as we were seated...
Another big social event coming up was the Halloween dance. I wasn’t planning on attending, with my social status being so low at the present time. Unfortunately for me, other people had plans for me which I didn’t know about. My best friend had actually done something impressive, he had asked out the girl he liked to be his date for the dance. He told me about it the morning after he did it, for once he was on the bus as he didn’t have practice that morning. He told me he had been scared...
"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...
Two nights later I was mixing drinks behind the bar on the women's side when the door opened and she came in. It was a slow evening, and there weren't more than a half a dozen women in the bar at that point. She saw me, and came over to sit on a stool at the bar. She asked for a glass of wine, and I placed it in front of her, then leaned on the bar, in case she wanted to talk. She didn't say anything for a moment, so I decided to open the discussion. "Have your friends decided what...
We both really liked to dance, but to dance by ourselves is always the best way to go. They say ‘dance like no one is watching’ and we do dance just like that when we are in each other’s arms. Let me set the picture here. We are wearing next to nothing and have not been able to keep our hands off of each other all bay or even through dinner. I pull out my phone and queue up our favorite play list. The music starts… She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the place we liked to dance. It always...
(This is part of the series of ‘Silverbridge’ stories but can be read on its own.) ********************* Copyright Oggbashan 22 June 2002 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************* I got my revenge on John when the Twinning Committee arranged some...
The Dance (A Spells-R-Us Story) by Hawkyn Bob came out of the Walden Books with a look of exasperation on his Face and 2 books in a bag. "Frack! None of those books on dancing made any sense" he mumbled to his friend Tom as he headed for the Nature of things store. "I'll catch you later Bob." His friend said as he took off the other way. "I gotta see if the Cindy has forgiven me yet." He added. Bob watched Tom walk off and absent-mindedly wondered why Tom hung out with him. ...
As I sat before my computer keys stroking, I recall my few encounters with a hot young white doctor. it was a friday night and being single it gives me the many chances to explore the club scene. being 24 years old, tall, black with a well toned body, derived from spending 6-7 days at the gym, I decided to head down town the beautiful city of montreal. After getting all dressed up, making sure my dreadlocks were perfectly styled, I hit the train, thinking of what the night was going to offer....
GayFrancis waltzed into my room where I was lying on my bed reading a Cussler novel. “Hey, what the hell is a lap dance?” I was focused on the book so I asked “A what?” “A lap dance. Mel asked me last night to give him a lap dance but I don’t know what he was talking about so I said no way. What is it?” My mind started running, first off I was going to have to body slam Mel for asking my 17 year old sister to do something like that, second, my sister was still naive enough not to know, third,...
A couple of weeks passed and the next LGBT Dance was held. This was something of a misnomer since there were few other dances held at Anthony, and everyone was welcome. The LGBT student association put on the dances. Alcohol was sold at the dance, but only upperclassmen could buy it. Freshmen got the upperclassmen to front for them, so everybody who wanted to drink was able to do so. Since the girls had been to the dance before we asked them what to wear. They said it didn’t matter. Nobody with...
BisexualAfter a bus ride that took about four hours, we arrived at the hotel. Our school only had brought about 30 people to the conference, but looking around I saw that there must have been a couple thousand high school kids in the hotel. We checked in and headed up to our rooms. I was staying in a room with Jack and a couple other friends, Chris and Alex. We had a few hours to waste until the conference started, so we mostly just sat there and chilled in the room. I thought back to what Jack had...
Slow DanceOne of my wife’s friends was over after work one Friday night. I jumped up and washed the dishes as they sat at the table and talked. My wife’s friend Kathy, is big and she was complaining to my Holly about being so fat and unattractive. She is big, but she has a very pretty face and huge tits. Attractive BBW in my book. Holly joined in saying how she felt the same. Obviously out of sympathy as she is nowhere near the size of her friend. Holly has the curves of a mature woman. It’s...
gym...dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who than I was in finding a partner of my own. I wasn't really sure why I even went. Habit, I guess. Something to do. It's not like I was in demand or anything. As far as dances go, I'm Mr. Sidelines. I came to the dance alone, like I always did. Occasionally, I'd get my nerve up and ask some girl to dance with me -- usually some shy but acceptable...
I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...
Lessons Learned: Modern Dance By Shawna Stimple Michael awoke around noon, to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. At first he was startled by the weight of his head, until he remembered his previous days adventures. Rolling out of bed, he noticed a little silk blue robe that matched his nightgown. "When in Rome..." he thought, as he slipped on the skimpy cover. In the kitchen Millie was slaving away, preparing breakfast. She turned towards him, grinning ear to ear, as she...
I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...
SpankingJack Burdock, 30, is a day security guard at the Spark Mall/Youth Centre. He knows he shouldn't, but on his patrols, he likes to look at the girls who dance at the Youth Centre. Really, it started because they put in the mirrors. And I'll tell you for why. First, the corridor on the third floor was really quiet and empty, even when they put benches on it. Nobody wanted to go there, there weren't no stores or anything. But when they put the of mirrors on the wall, oh-ho, the trouble...
Molly smiled weakly at her friend on the dance floor. Brenda looked so happy, dancing with her boyfriend, that Molly could almost forget her depression. Molly picked up her glass and took another sip of the punch, running her eyes around the gym. The decorations looked cheap and shabby. Molly had no idea what anyone saw in these events. In truth, she had spent most of High School avoiding dances for just this reason. When Kenny had asked her to the prom she had been excited, though. Putting...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 26, 2010) Chapter 32 - Can I Have This Dance? I was very nervous standing in the lobby of the ActiveLife Dance and Fitness Center. It was a large facility just outside of Beverly Hills that seemed to be designed specifically...
Ready to Dance? By BoundNightmares Copyright 2009 BoundNightmaresAlso from BoundNightmaresPliableDarknessFor more information about me, please visit my smashwords profile page is a work of adult fiction. If you are not an adult, this work is not for you. The characters are not real. The scenes and situations may or may not be possible. For your own safety and the safety of others, do not try to duplicate anything you read here. ...
Doris and her husband, Randy, were meeting two other couples at the nightclub on the Red Mile at 42nd Street. About two or three times a year, the couples went out to relax and have some fun. The men usually were quite content to just sit there all night and have as many beers as they could hold. The women on the other hand, liked to dance and were constantly on the dance floor, as there was no shortage of available men to dance with. Many of the men came back for seconds and thirds, but the...
Our end-of-the-year party was better than last year. Lara had found out shortly after we arrived that she didn't much care for Earth alcohol so she agreed to be the designated driver for us. This meant I could enjoy all the margaritas and tequila shooters I wanted and not have to worry about driving. As usual, there was food, karaoke singing, dancing, and stories shared, overall, just a good time had by all. At one point, a handsome young man asked me to dance. I decided one dance wouldn't...
It has been said that when you dance, do so like there’s no tomorrow. It has even been suggested that the dance mimics life itself. That the music is like the heart beat of the soul, as the heart moves the blood thru the body, the music moves the bodies across the dance floor. And for the length of a song, a lifetime can be experienced. At least that’s what they say.Like the first step upon the dance floor, shall I lead with my right or my left and if it’s wrong, well you notice? Perhaps you...
Ready to Masturbate? Unzip and Start! If you like my story, do mail me at How long can I stay home alone and watch movies? I decided to go to M.G. Road and do some bird watching. There are so many good looking girls in this city. I was shamelessly staring at all of them. I especially like the ones with good height, good ass and clear skin. And there are so many of them in this city. One thing amuses me of these malls and streets like M.G. road, they are always filled with beautiful girl. I...
A New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...
When I paid my bill I got up and got on the elevator to go up to my room. Just before the doors closed a hand shot through the gap to hold the lift. The man from the bar quietly boarded and gave me a polite nod of greeting. He reached for the panel but saw that I'd already pressed the button for his floor. "Fourteen?" he asked in a calm tone. I nodded and waited for the box to jolt to life. We got to our floor without any other stops and we both stepped out and headed in the same...
September 1951 Barbara walked down the long dirt driveway, kicking rocks along the way. Sitting unused in the field was the Cole family tractor. She wasn't sure why Mr. Cole never sold it; it would still fetch a pretty penny. Her dad said Mr. Cole still believes he can go back to farming someday. Barbara didn't know much about farming, but from the look of his fields, no more than dirt and dust these days, Barbara wasn't so sure. She knocked on the screen door and when no one...
Chapter 1 It happened -- I couldn't believe it. Anita had called and asked me to be HER date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Oh no!!! No way, no how!! You've heard of the Sadie Hawkins dance, right? That's when the girls get to ask the guys for a date to the dance. The point is that the girl asking the guy out usually is NOT the cutest, sexiest or most likely girl for the guy to go out with and some of the more homely and ugly girls in the school get a chance for a date with the guy of their...