Lessons Learned: Modern Dance free porn video

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Lessons Learned: Modern Dance By Shawna Stimple Michael awoke around noon, to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. At first he was startled by the weight of his head, until he remembered his previous days adventures. Rolling out of bed, he noticed a little silk blue robe that matched his nightgown. "When in Rome..." he thought, as he slipped on the skimpy cover. In the kitchen Millie was slaving away, preparing breakfast. She turned towards him, grinning ear to ear, as she heard him enter the room. "Good morning sleepy head. How are you feeling this morning?" Michael took a seat at the kitchen table, yawning, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I'm fine. My head is a little sore, from all the tugging on my hair." "Don't worry. We'll take care of that shortly enough. First you need a good meal. We've got a big day ahead of us." Millie carried two plates over to the table, and they quickly dug in. Michael couldn't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal. His family was more of the, pick it up on the way home, type. When they had finished eating, Millie rushed him upstairs, to the shower. "We've got a big day ahead of us. We're meeting the girls from the home ec. Class to help everyone finish their dresses, over at Kim's," she pulled a shower cap over his curlers, and handed him some flowery body wash. She left him a towel, and some fresh undies on the toilet seat. When he finished washing himself off, Michael slipped on the new pink panties, as well as the matching pink bra, which this time, had it's own built in gel padding. She also left him a pink satin camisole, with little flowers running across the neckline. He was grateful to feel a little less exposed today. In her bedroom Millie was already dressed, and putting the finishing touches on her hair. She was wearing simple black tank top, and a short blue tiered skirt, with a belted waist. Still staring in the mirror, she said, "Your outfit is on the bed. Let me know if you need any help." Michael slid the skirt up his legs with relative ease, but he fumbled a bit with the blouses buttons, since they were on the wrong side. He didn't know what to do with the bit of ribbon hanging from the round collar. When Millie finished her hair, she helped Michael with the complex garment, and led him to the mirror, to get the full picture. The skirt was midlength, and white with navy polka dots. It had a sheered waist, and swished loosely around his hairless legs. The blouse was woven, white, short sleeved, and had a tapered waist. The attached ribbon was tied in a large floppy bow, sitting just below the neck. He was amazed at how feminine his body with a simple change of clothes. Next she had him sit at her vanity, and instructed him in the art of makeup. After about an hour, and several tries, he finally managed to recreate the look Kim had the day before. She removed the rollers from his hair, and brushed it out heavily, creating soft black waves that fell just below his shoulders. Millie was elated, at her creation. "We just need to accessorize, and we're ready to go," She put a pair of black dangling earrings, into her ears, and stepped into a pair of black t-strap sandals with 3 inch heels. Then, she place a pair of navy and white button earrings into Michael's ears, and had him step into a pair of beige round toe Mary Jane pumps, also with three inch heels. She slipped him into a white cardigan, with navy trim, and place a white knit beret on his head, right on the crown. She grabbed herself a black leather purse with a long shoulder strap, and handed him a navy buckled handbag, and the two were on their way out the door. The walk to Kim's was a quick one, but they still received many polite waves, and many impolite stares, from the middle aged men mowing their yards, and the neighborhood boys playing kickball in the street. "If they only knew," Michael thought to himself, feeling a bit devilish. At Kim's all the girls were already hard at work, desperately trying to finish their outfits, before the big dance. Millie, being the sewing prodigy that she was, made sure to help every girl put the final stitches on their creations. Michael on the other hand didn't know anything about sewing, so he stayed in the kitchen with Kim helping her bring refreshments to her guest. Around four o'clock, they started making an early dinner, so every one could eat before they had to get ready. While the two were cooking they finally had a chance to talk. "You're suddenly a pretty good sport about this," Kim said bluntly. Michael would soon learn that this girl always said what she was thinking. "Well I realized Millie just wants me to understand her a little better. In spite of the fact that we can really get on each others nerves, I do love her very much. She's like the little sister I never wanted." After a few laughs Michael added, "But seriously, I do miss the way we were when we were kids. I could trust her with anything." "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were actually a pretty good guy. Maybe I'd like to get to know Michael a little better, after Maddy leaves town." "I think he'd like that," Michael said with a wink. When everyone had finally finished their dresses they all sat down and ate together. The conversation jumped from topic to topic, but this time Michael found himself more involved, and curious as to what the girls thought. When they were finished they all headed upstairs, dresses in hand, to finish getting ready for the big night. Michael went into the bathroom, and changed out of his outfit, and into the pink slip they had given him. He went into Kim's bedroom, where he sat in a chair while Millie went to work on his hair. She tied it all up high on his head, in a loose ponytail, and pinned curl after curl to the base of the band. She then pulled a few strands loose around the sides, and front, and when she was finished, he looked like he was a princess ready to go to the ball. She handed him the pink dress that she had made, and left to go finish herself. Once he was dressed he stepped into the pink heels, and walked downstairs, waiting for the others to finish. They trickled into the living room, one after the other, each wearing a very pretty and stylish dress, with their hair up in a variety of beautiful hairstyles. The last girl down was Millie. She was wearing a dress identical to Michael's only in an indigo. Her hair was done up almost identically as well. "Copycat," Michael said, sticking his tongue out. "You just wished you looked as good as me," Millie responded, comically striking a pose. Kim's dad had hired a limo, sort of as a treat for his daughter, but also to make sure each girl went straight to the dance, and then straight home. The first half of the ride they listened to lady gaga, until someone stated that Maddy was being such a good sport, she should pick the music. Michael was surprised when they all knew the lyrics to every Bad Religion song he played. They pulled up to the dance, singing at the top of their lungs, and perhaps just a little off key. Inside the girls took their table, and continued to chat, blowing the bubbles that were left as party favors. After half an hour, a few of the nearby boys managed to hide their nervousness enough to ask some of the girls to dance. Soon, more than a few girls were off dancing, leaving Michael and Millie alone. "I guess I've been kind of a bitch," Millie said, feeling a little guilty. "That's Ok. I've been kind of a bitch too." "How about, next time you come visit, we'll do whatever you want." "I think that'd be great." "You promise you don't hate me." "Never." Just then a boy approached their table. He was tall blonde, and good looking. He looked straight at Michael, and said, "Hi. I'm rob. Would you like to dance.?" "Umm...." "She'd love to," Millie answered for him. Rob asked, "What's your name?" "Maddy," Michael replied nervously. Rob took Michael by the hand and walked out to the dance floor. It was a slow song, so after Michael awkwardly almost put his arms around Rob's waist, he thought better, and placed them around his neck. In the close proximity Michael could smell the alcohol dripping from Rob's breath. "You're a sexy little thing aren't you.?" "Excuse me?" Michael said, taken aback. "Why don't we ditch this lame fest, and you can come outback, and show what else you're working with." "Who talks like that?" "You know you want me." "I most certainly do not." Michael broke free and started back for the table. It was then that he felt Rob grab his arm, and spin him around into his chest. Rob kissed him full on the mouth, forcing his tongue through his pursed lips. Acting instinctively Michael bit his tongue as hard as he could. Rob shoved Michael away, blood pouring from his mouth. Michael then reach back with a fist, and punched his assailant square in the nose. While Rob lay on the ground bleeding from every orifice, Michael made sure to kick him square in the balls. Kim noticed the commotion, and ran up to check on Michael. After seeing he wasn't the one needing any help, she chuckled, and said, "Now that wasn't very lady like." Michael breathing heavily with rage said, "I don't think he'd know how to handle a lady." Soon enough the entire dance had noticed what was happening, and all the girls ran to Michael, checking to make sure he was OK. Millie was crying, and wouldn't stop apologizing. "I'm so sorry I got you into this." Michael hugged her tight and said, "It's not your fault. It's this giant douche rapist in training." Mrs. Fredericks came storming across the dance floor. "Robert! What is the meaning of this?!" "This psycho-bitched attacked me. Ask her." "I'm afraid I saw the whole thing young man. Come with me. I think we need to call your parents." Once the commotion settled down, the girls and Michael continued to enjoy the dance. A few other boys danced with Michael, but they all made sure to leave room for Jesus, after they saw what she did to Rob. When the dance was over, the limo dropped every girl off at home. The last house before Kim's was Millie's. The three stood outside of the car while they said their goodbyes." Kim asked Michael, "If I kiss you, will you bite my tongue off?" Michael grinned, and replied, "Not on purpose," They shared a long passionate kiss, until they noticed the tapping of a heel on the pavement. Millie. faking appall said, "Did you forget about me? I mean come on. I'm right here," The group laughed, and hugged, making plans for Michael's next trip and finally saying goodnight. On the way to the door, they noticed Sharon peeking through the blinds. When the entered the house, she tried to pretend she was reading a magazine, and look surprised by their entrance. "So what have you two been up to? I see you're dressed for a night on the town" she discreetly grilled. "Yeah, that is sort of my fault," Millie said, waiting to be grounded. "And what about that little kiss Mr.?" "It was just a little kiss. It might be something more. We'll have to see." "And what dress will you be wearing next time?" Millie jumped in, "I think that after tonight, this is the last dress that he'll ever wear." Michael added, "I will say it was a fun place to visit, but I definitely don't won't to live here, if you know what I mean. I'm going to go upstairs and shower. I have to leave early tomorrow." "Not so fast young man!" Michael froze fearing the worst kind of punishment. His aunt's face brightened up, and she added, "I've got to get a picture of this first." She had Millie and Michael stand and pose, while she clicked away with her camera. After she'd had her fill of the fun, Michael went upstairs and showered, washing away the last traces of Maddy. He retired to bed, exhausted from the days events. The next morning, suitcase in hand he stood on porch with Millie, while his parents waited in the drive way. Millie wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, and said, "I'm going to miss you." Michael squeezed back. "I'll miss you too. I'll be back in 2 weeks though." "Oh yeah. Kim wanted me to give you this," Mille said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. "It's her phone number. I'll warn you. She's a little crazy. I feel bad for you if you don't call her before you're back in town." "I wouldn't dream of it. Be sure to talk me up a lot while I'm gone." Michael walked out to the car, and started his journey home. The next visit all the girls were at Millie's house waiting for Michael when he arrived. They spent the weekend, racing go karts, hanging out at the arcade, and watching comic book movies. He even taught them how to play Ultimate Frisbee. He felt very flattered that they revolved the whole weekend around him, but made sure that next time, they could do whatever they wanted as a group. Michael and Kim continued to date through high school, and they even went to the same college. He finally hit his growth spurt, but Kim would still occasionally tease him about how one of her dresses would look darling on him. Millie kept her promise, and deleted the pictures from her phone. She never told anyone else about her and her cousin's little adventure. Her mom however kept one photo of the two in their matching dresses with their arms around each others shoulders. She had it framed and kept it above the fireplace mantle. The caption at the bottom of the frame read, "Millie &Maddy, BFF's"

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Modern Dominating Divorcee

Hey all thanks for your comments on my previous experiences. It was great to read them and thanks for all new proposals that you made, surely gonna get unite and make your wishes true. Keep sending your response to This context is all about a lady who is independent and aged around 33. She has her own boutique in Mumbai and is divorced just a year back due to some complexions in marriage. She is fair with 5’7 height 70 KGS and 34 d- 26- 36 figure. I received her email on my Kolkata diaries...

4 years ago
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Bhaibhi Ko Modern Banake Goa Mein Choda

Hi friends, my namee is rohan. im from mumbai. my age is 20 muscular body 7″ cock. my parents and 1 sister live in pune n i live in mumbai with my bhaiya and bhabhi. my brother age is 25 n my bhabhi age is 23 just 3 years more than me. her figure is 36 24 34 a perfect figure which iike she is littke bit modern she does gyming,swimming,etc.now to story,abhi se story hindi mein hogi ye kahani…..kuch jyada purani nhi bas 1 mahine pehle ki hain ki kaise mene apni bhabhi ko pura modern bnaya ke...

3 years ago
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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 2

After lunch, Nick enjoying another liverwurst sandwich, we headed en masse to the ACT theater complex to spend the afternoon with first readings with our new casts. Only Rosa and Alexandra and Chanda remained behind. Nick and his daughters definitely changed the atmosphere of the workshop. For one the usually ultra cool Natasha with her proud Goth presence acted like a love struck and horny teenager in Snake's and Betty's presence. She melted as soon as we arrived and he hugged her and...

2 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 6

(The Summer of Year Two) I'd wandered up and down the river many times before I chose the location of my wall. As the stream came down from the North it headed West toward the compound inner wall, then turned and flowed back South-East. It was at this bend that the terrain dropped a few feet in a series of three rills. Each small drop wasn't more than three or four feet, but when taken together, the river dropped at least ten feet as it made that turn. Twenty feet further back from the top...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

3 years ago
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Lessons Learned

When I walked into the club for Gina's bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I'd left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music and whirling...

4 years ago
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Lessons Learned Lesson 1 Respect

I walk into class and take my seat in the middle. My girl, Lacy, takes her seat next to me. "What's up girly?" she asks. "Hey!" I say excitedly, maybe too excitedly. "Okay, spill.” “Spill what?” “Who is he?" "Who is who?" I say with a sly smile. The bell rings and a man walk’s in closing the door behind him. "Saved by the bell." I think to myself. I look at the man. He's tall with dirty blond hair, blue-eyes, and very handsome. Sexy I must say. "Good morning class. I am Mr. Miller. I will...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned

If I told you that I was just a little nervous and only slightly intimidated from the view in front of me, that would be flat out lying. I am hoping that when you read my story about this one day in my life, you will understand why it is that I feel that lying isn't always the best answer. So I bring you this story with as much truth as I can remember and leaving out as much lying or stretching-of-the-truth as I can. I was so scared I was shaking in my seat as my mother's car(with me in the...

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Lessons in lust from Allison part 2

Lessons in Lust From Allison Part 2 Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You like the sound of that?” I nodded...

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Lessons Learned

My name is Jasara. I'm 22 and in college. My skin is the color of coffee. I have jade green eyes and long flowing hair the color of a raven's wing. I stand 5 feet 6 inches tall and have 32DD breasts. My waist is tiny. Last semester, I was in danger of losing a scholarship because I was failing African History. I remember the day that I found out. "Jasara, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Of course, Professor Swanson. What is it?" "Jasara, I hate to tell you this but as things stand right now,...

4 years ago
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Lessons Learned

First day at Center Hill High. After your Aunt who you live with got a new job in the city, it was either move in with your older sister or move to the city. She's a nurse, your Aunt, and works long hours to keep you kept. "Love you, seeya!" You call out, after eating a burito and a sausage egg and cheese sandwhich from the microwave and drinking some OJ. Your bookbag on your back, your dressed in black pants a little short and tight for you, and a red shirt with an old black leather jacket you...

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Lessons Learned

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to talk my stepmother out of giving me a spanking, rules were rules, as she so often said. She wasn't the real mother of any of us, but she had been married to our fathers and ended up with us. She always said that none of us were too old to be spanked if we were still living under her roof, so the fact that I was eighteen didn't matter. My stepbrother, Jeff, and I were the only two still living at home, and both of us were seniors in high school. I had...

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Lessons Learned

"What do you think is in it?" Sabrina asked eagerly, standing over the dark blue duffle bag. Becca shrugged and tossed her long blonde hair back over her shoulders. "I don't know, but we're going to find out!" She answered, drawing back the zipper. The two young women had been going through some old boxes in the basement storage unit assigned to Sabrina's new apartment. Someone had left a bunch of stuff in it and never cleaned it up. Half of the boxes had been full of garbage and the other half...

1 year ago
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Lessons Learned That Summer

I love reading about older seducing young boys, here’s what happened to me. Our next door neighbor, and mom’s best friend is Judy. She practically lives over at our house, but I’m not complaining. You see, Judy is about 25-27 years old, but still looks like a teenager. She has , flat tummy and a perfect ass. I have heard my mom refer to her as being ‘loose’. I think that is because she wears clothes that accentuate her figure. She has been the focal point of almost all of my masturbation. I...

First Time
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Lessons in Submission

Lessons in Submission Lessons in SubmissionCopyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reservedPrologue ???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This...

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Lessons for a Tease

Candie stood 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighed a mere 110 pounds. Her lightly tanned face was accented by deep blue eyes, a button nose, full lips, and was surrounded by long blonde hair. She was just past her eighteenth birthday, and her class had recently graduated from their small town high school. Candie had been an early bloomer. Her breasts had started developing while she was still in elementary school. By the time she started her freshman year of high school, she had a firm set of...

1 year ago
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Lessons in Physics

I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...

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Lessons Inspired by a movie, a husband tries to paint his wife's nails. He's not very good, so he ends up with a very public lesson in the proper technique. Don't try this at home. That's the disclaimer they give on those extreme stunt shows. Maybe they should have put that in the movies, too. For when I tried to copy a scene in one movie, things just got out of control. My story begins happily. I was in my mid twenties, employed as an advertising copy writer and already...

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Lesson Learned

I’m Ivan, a brand new airman on my first assignment in the USAF. Yes, my name gets commented on a lot, but with my grandparents being from Russia, it’s a family name. In fact, I am expected to name my own first son the same — when I get around to having any.So, if you’ve ever had a 'first' assignment, it’s a lot like having a first job. There is a shit-load of stuff for you to learn and this story is about one of those lessons. About me, I am six-foot three-inches, 160 pounds, and in pretty...

2 years ago
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Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned! I learned my lesson early as a young man to be honest with myself and any potential romantic partners about my inner sense of femininity. I learned it the hard way. The only girl I ever got really serious about, to the point of borrowing money to buy a three hundred dollar engagement ring, I wasn't honest with. Her name was Cynthia. I should have told the truth to her, and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Or maybe it would have never begun. We...

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A Very Modern Family

Note : This story is a parody of ‘Modern Family’, the sitcom. All the actors are above 18. * Dylan laid back on Haley’s bed with a wide smile on his face. ‘Nice, Haley’ he said to the slender brunette whose lips were wrapped around his cock. ‘You’re getting much better at it this!’. Haley smiled at the compliment. She had only recently started giving blowjobs, but she quickly learned how much she loved doing it. She held the cock in front of her, mesmerised by its size. ‘Mmmm! You taste...

3 years ago
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Soul Mates Part 1 The beauties of modern technology

Joe was a sex god, long, black hair that reaches his shoulders, which I just yearn to run my hands through as I kiss him passionately. He has the most beautiful bright blue eyes, which look almost unnatural. His slight chubbiness just makes my body lust for him more, wanting him to hug and hold me and kiss me, make me feel safe in his arms. MSN pinged and my attention was brought back to the real world (in my mind I was slowly undressing Joe). Ah, Joe had just signed in. It was four...

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Guide to being a Modern Cuckolding BULL

Wanna be a ‘Modern Cuckold Bull’ Here is a simple guide to achieving this quickly and safely. This guide gives a list of rules to be memorized and followed. The reasons for each rule will be explained in detail as to why they are so important. Then psychological reasons will be offered for each step you will take. So are you the type of person that throws away the instructions when assembly is required? If so, this is not for you. But if you are wanting to assemble a harem with perfect wives,...

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Modern Relations part 06 Valentines Day Master

“I’m home,” Alex yelled as she closed the door. “In the bedroom,” Kevin called distantly. Alex put her briefcase down on the fourier table, then headed to join her future husband. She thumbed her engagement ring, loving the novelty of it. Alex found Kevin toweling off his head leaving the rest of his lean muscular body wet. “Mm, dripping man. Just what I need,” she said, hugging his moist body from behind. “Careful, you’ll ruin your suit,” Kevin cautioned. “Casual Friday at work today,...

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