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Jon Garden had disappeared. No one knew his whereabouts. His family had gone into hiding, having fallen out of favor with the political elite of a corrupt African government. They were being hunted by the authorities.

The belated news came from half a world away, through an old email message in an account I had all but abandoned. The message was sent nearly three years before by his cousin to everyone on Jon's contact list, and had sat unopened in my inbox all that time. Had I not decided to check through dozens of pages of messages before I deleted the account, I would never have received the news. He disappeared nearly four years ago, with no word since, but the tears I shed for his unknown plight were still drying on my cheeks, as I remembered our time together. We were close friends for many months while we were both students at the university, years ago...

Shortly after the fall quarter had started in my second year at Ohio State, I received a message from the chair of the history department, asking me to come to his office. This wasn't too unusual, as I was one of the departmental majors who tutored underclassmen in world history, and helped the instructors as a teaching assistant. The meeting wasn't what I expected, however, and I soon came to understand that it was in the nature of being a request for a favor.

One of the foreign students here at the university was the son of a high-ranking military officer in the Mugabe government of Zimbabwe. His father had sent him to the United States for an education in history and political science through a special arrangement with the State Department, but while he was supposed to be here in Columbus studying politics and history, young Mr. Malembwe had apparently been utilizing his time in America to study interpretive dance in the fine arts department instead.

I had seen him around before, in Sullivant Hall, where the Department of Dance was located, as I had a class there in American Indian studies, and worked in a building nearby on the East Oval as a life-model for a couple of drawing classes in the Art Department. He impressed most everyone as a very affable fellow who spoke English fluently, but with a pronounced east African accent. He was dedicated to dance studies, and not even remotely interested in the disciplines his father had sent him overseas to learn.

Consequently, he had fallen behind in his history courses, and I was asked to tutor him to catch him up. Unfortunately, his stipend didn't provide funds for a private tutor, so I suggested an alternative, in lieu of my usual fee, wherein we could work out a trade. Jon could teach me African dance, in exchange for me tutoring him in history. The arrangement seemed to work out logistically too, as we were in the same building together at the same time, three days a week. I could audit the dance class, while he had daily history classes in Dulles Hall, where we could work in one of the offices in the history department.

The first time Jon and I met, we recognized each other, because we'd passed one another going to and from classes in the same buildings every day, but our first introduction was more than a little awkward. He came to meet me in the art department to pick up my tutorial syllabus, and someone directed him to the classroom where I was sitting in a life-drawing class, in the center of a group of art students, posing stark naked. I saw him looking through the window in the door, staring at me, and I motioned for him to come in.

I had to excuse myself, while I padded barefoot across the cold studio floor, slipping my robe on along the way to the door. He was a bit nonplussed, and apologized for interrupting the class, but I figured it would be less embarrassing to get him on his way, rather than just make him stand there and watch me pose naked for another twenty minutes. He said he was surprised to discover I was his tutor, as he'd seen me around campus and figured I was just another one of the pretty girls on campus that the football team banged, not the academic type. I smiled, and joked that I banged the chess-team instead, then told him where and when to meet me at the history department offices, and sent him on his way with his study materials.

As strange as our initial meeting had been, our first tutorial session together went better than I expected, but we mostly just spent the first hour getting acquainted, as I was interested in learning about his life growing up in Africa. After he got used to the idea that I was a nude model, as well as a history prodigy, I found out Mr. Tinaye Malembwe preferred going by an Americanized version of his name while he was here studying in the states. It was a close translation of his African name, and here on campus, people knew him as Jon Garden. What seemed to interest him most about me from our conversation, was my Native American background, which led us to a discussion about his love of African dance, for many of the elements of the native dances from both our cultures were similar, in as far as their atavistic symbolism.

Because his father wanted Jon to follow him into political aspirations in his country, he had been under pressure from his family to learn as much about history and politics as an American education could bring him, but I was much more enthusiastic to learn what Jon could teach me about dance, than he was in learning world history and politics. I tried to make the subject matter as interesting for him as possible, even if his interest seemed to be centered around our budding friendship, more than his studies. He was gratified to have someone teaching him who understood and supported his preference for the arts, even at the expense of his father's plans.

He certainly reciprocated, as far as teaching dance was concerned. It was his greatest passion, and he was a gifted interpretive artist and choreographer. It seemed a waste to try to force him down another path, but parents were parents. Dance soon became my passion too. After just a couple classes, Jon had me on the boards learning new steps and moves, but it required me to tone up a whole new set of muscles. He put me on a routine of stretches and exercises to build my leg strength and flexibility, which also helped me with my modeling assignments as well.

Jon's body was a dancer's body, muscular and strong from years of physical training. We practiced dance routines together during and after class, and moved our history sessions to late at night, since I had keys to get in the history department offices after hours. It made things easier for him to have the resources of the reference library in the professors' offices available to us. As he trained my body and built up my stamina, I trained him how to improve his study habits, and learn how to do research more effectively. After a few weeks, he began to show improvement academically, and our shared duties as both teacher and student built up our trust in one another.

He wanted me to learn a whole dance routine, and be able to perform it in front of an audience with him, so our practices became more intense. He choreographed a whole performance to a piece of music with a throbbing Native American drumbeat, specifically with my physical abilities and background in mind. As dance partners, we made a striking couple, and even during our practices, we usually attracted an audience. Jon had quite a following in the department, and he was a big influence on a lot of the students studying dance. We honed our moves together and I eventually got used to him lifting, swinging, and catching my petite body without the fear of being dropped on my ass. I developed more and more confidence as a dancer, while he showed vast improvement with his grades.

With a public recital scheduled a week before the end of the quarter, I was letting my apprehension about dancing in front of an audience gnaw at me. While I had complete confidence posing in the nude for a class full of art students, the idea of goofing up a dance routine in front of a large audience gave me the willies! One of our costume designers who had drawn me in art classes, suggested I practice the routine in the nude because I always seemed to command the room when I was posing nude for drawing class, and the primitive motifs of the native dance would seem rawer if my body was raw too. I knew that it was something I wouldn't have a problem with, as I had often presented myself in front of an audience without any clothes on, but I wondered if Jon would be able to keep his cool if we were to actually try it. When we talked about the possibility, his main apprehension in actually going through with it, was his fear of being expected to dance naked too.

When word got around that I was actually considering training for the dance either naked or partially naked, some of the more avante garde among the dance department even got enthusiastic about the possibility of me performing it that way in front of an auditorium audience during the winter dance recital, but the instructor put the brakes on that idea before it got any more press. She was open to seeing Jon and I trying it in a practice, just as an artistic experiment, and she even suggested someone from theater-arts record a video of the experimental native dance.

With this project now becoming the center of artistic attention between several fine arts departments, I decided to have my long brown hair woven into strings of braided beads, so it would swing wildly around my body when I pirouetted and lunged during the routine. Everyone liked the idea, so one of the girls in the make-up department spent the early evening with me, twisting my hair into long, beaded strands, from tight corn-rows around the top of my head. Jon had choreographed my part of the dance into an imaginative meld of Native American and African influences, and the eroticism of the raw, animal-like moves I was performing would be made even more dramatic with my butt-length hair separated into a curtain of beaded strings.

The next afternoon, I doffed my dance leotard for my first nude practice, and walked onto the floor wearing nothing but a skin-toned thong, so just my pussy was covered, leaving my breasts and ass completely exposed. I went through the parts of the routine that I didn't need Jon on the boards with me, and Jon, along with several other dancers watched me try performing the piece practically nude for the first time, to see how well I moved with the long, beaded strings of hair whipping around my head. With my hair swinging in rhythm with my body, the whole experience looked and felt very exotic, and as I turned my head towards the mirror-wall with each spin, I watched myself with as much erotic fascination as did my audience. I knew this would be a dance to remember!

Jon removed his shirt, and wore only tights as he joined me on the dance-floor, and his ripped abs and dark, muscular arms made his body just as attention-grabbing as was mine, but my state of undress seemed to literally throw him off-balance, as he was terribly self-conscious performing moves with me that we had heretofore perfected. His fear of accidentally touching my breasts when he swung me up in a lift, caused him to lose his grip around my ribs, letting me slip out of his grasp, to hit the stage unceremoniously.

That one slip-up set us back weeks. I was bruised, but eager to work through it. Jon seemed incapable of getting past it. It was more than just the accident, I later learned. Misty, one of the black, female dancers told me Jon had been getting harassed by a few racists on campus who had heard of his dance routine with a nude, white girl, and they had made what I hoped were only empty threats against him, but which were crippling his confidence to pull off this very daring artistic endeavor. We made a few more tries during practices with no one around watching us, but Jon began to rethink the whole project.

We had been spending so much time working on my dance, that Jon was falling behind again with his history studies. We were both frustrated and tired, but I insisted he meet me on the third floor offices of the history department, so we could go over the things he needed to catch up on before his grades started to slip. It was late at night, and most of the building was deserted. We met in the lobby, and took the elevator up to three, but the doors opened onto darkness. Down at the other end of the long hallway, some light spilled out through the glass door of the office of the department secretary, which guided us down the long, dark corridor to the suite of professors' offices at the other end.

I unlocked the outer office and one burning table-lamp on the secretary's desk was all we needed to navigate back through the darkened suite of offices of all the history professors in the department. We got to the reference library room on the far side of the office of the department chair, where we usually studied together. We flipped on the lights and tossed our book-bags on the study table, settling into some uncomfortable plastic and metal desk-chairs, presumably designed by the Marquis de Sade.

Jon, usually upbeat and polite, merely looked at me with a distracted expression that said: 'So?' I knew we weren't up for this, but we were here, so I pulled out the history syllabus from my bag, and tossed it on the table in front of him. Jon rolled his eyes and looked out the window into the night. I had never seen him like this. The set-backs in the dance department just turned his mind to the other current problem-at-hand, his set-backs in learning the things his father had sent him halfway around the world to study.

"Hey!" I prodded. "You with me?"

"Yeah, right!" He turned and looked at me. "Twentieth Century British colonialism. Chief Lobengula sure got his black ass handed to him, dint he? What's up with that?" I smiled, in spite of myself, and Jon just watched as I spilled my chin onto my interlaced fingers on the table-top, with my elbows stretched out lazily on either side. I turned my head and looked up at him out of the corner of my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I prompted.

"Everything is wrong," he answered. "We can't do this thing the way you and the rest of the folks down in Sullivant want you to do it!"

"Don't let those racist crackers intimidate you, Jon!" I pleaded, but I knew they had shaken him up. "Its just art. They'll never understand it!" Whatever I said didn't negate the fact that ignorance and prejudice were alive and well at Ohio's biggest institution of higher learning. Some clowns would always be jealous of a black man dancing with an attractive, near-naked white girl, even if they had never touched each other sexually. I thought about that for a moment, unable to fathom such prejudice. Then I got an idea.

"Jon, could you run Steve and Malcolm through the routine to learn your part?"

"Why?" he replied. "Malcolm is as black as I am!"

"Strength in numbers," I said. "Misty and Diana have been learning my part for the past two weeks, but I want to add one move to the number. I twirled a string of my beaded hair around in circles, slapping the table-top with each orbit to get his undivided attention. Then I explained to my dance-instructor how I wanted to change the routine. After I explained it, he thought the idea was brilliant, but wasn't sure it could be done.

"Well, let's find out right now!" I demanded. Before he could make another objection, I removed my jacket, and pulled my top off over my head so I was naked from the waist up. There was no open floor-space in the small library room, but the old oak study-table was huge, and very sturdy, so I got up on the table-top and beckoned him up with me. He balked at first, but I assured him he wasn't going to hurt me, even if it didn't work. I got in front of him, turned around so my back was towards him, and told him to extend his arms for me to fall into when I fell backwards, so his forearms would catch me under my armpits.

"Okay, now do it," I said.

"Beth, are you sure about this?"

"Just do it, and then swing me around like I told you." I insisted.

I fell back, trusting him to catch me, and felt his strong arms wedge under my armpits. As ordered, he clamped his big hands around my bare breasts and pulled me off my feet, swinging me around in a circle. The heavy table scraped loudly on the floor, shifting with the torque of our twisting weight. I gasped for breath halfway through the arc, and my legs extended out, knocking the book-bags off the table, sending them flying across the room. Jon planted his feet and brought me to a stand-still again, as we both regained our balance.

"Wooo!" I caught my breath, as we looked around the room to survey the damage we had wreaked. The flying book-bags had knocked a row of reference books off a shelf at the end of the room, but nothing that couldn't be righted. We looked at each other in surprise, and burst out laughing. Jon's pale finger impressions were slowly disappearing from my soft breasts as the blood returned to the surface, where his hands had temporarily squeezed it away from my skin. I realized what I had done wrong, and told him we had to try it again.

Jon looked at me like I was crazy, but I reassured him it would work better the next time, so I pushed him back into position in the center of the table, and I turned to try it again. This time, as his forearms lodged beneath my armpits, I clamped my arms down tightly around them, so my weight was supported entirely under my arms instead of being transferred around my boobs as we swung around. It worked beautifully, and this time, I didn't lose either my balance, or my breath.

I looked at my dance-partner, awaiting his verdict, and he agreed that it just might work. We discussed how we'd have to change the order of the steps, and simplify Jon's part while stretching out mine, with Diana and Misty dancing along with me, providing I could talk them into doing the routine topless with me, at least for awhile. I was even thinking of a way to convince the dance department chair to allow us to do the performance in front of an audience, and not just for the videographer, because the dance was about to acquire new meaning.

Jon's mood had brightened, having worked out a possible solution to his concerns about the performance, and since our minds were on dancing, not history, I plugged my brand new iPod into the media center in the reference room, and cranked-up a dance-mix as loud as the small speakers would go, not enough to shake the windows, but loud enough to get our feet moving. I jumped back up on the table and our arms reached for the ceiling as we gyrated around each other, dancing with abandon on the hard, leather table-top.

It suddenly occurred to me that I was still topless, dancing on a table in front of an open window in a classroom building with all the lights on. I turned to see if anyone might be watching us from another building, but unless someone was in the math tower across the courtyard, probably only a janitor or two could see us at this time of night. But for the first time, out of all the times he had seen me like this, Jon was staring at my bouncing breasts with an unaccustomed glint, and it was turning me on!

I danced up close, and wound myself around him like a cat, knowing I was exploiting a moment of weakness in his hitherto honorable demeanor towards me. Jon had been such a gentleman throughout our relationship, and to all the other girls around his orbit as well, even as they admired the considerable swell in his dancer's tights. He had seemed oblivious to their flirtations, and I wondered if he was so innocent as to not even realize what they wanted from him. But I had a weakness for playing the seductress towards guys who seemed inured to my charms, and Jon, with his glinting eye, had, in my estimation, resisted just about long enough.

Once around his hard, toned body, and I danced in front of him again, pressing my bare breasts into his shirt, until I slowly pulled it up, and then they pressed into his steel-hard abs. He closed his eyes, swaying to the music as if lost in another world, while my nipples dragged down his ebony skin, turned upwards against the friction of his flesh, until I was on my knees before him. His sweats fell with a tug, and his thick manhood sprang back in quick recoil. Not that inured, I smiled.

Tinaye meant 'we are with God' in Shona, the language of the Karanga, his people in Zimbabwe. I knew that Tinaye respected me, as both his teacher and his student, even as I received his engorged penis into my mouth, but I was hoping tonight, God was looking the other way. His swaying changed from synchronicity with the music, to that of the rhythm of my mouth, sucking down his enormity, pulling him in and out. His abs rippled above me as he thrust himself forward at the hips in tight, needful lunges. He had a lighter band of skin around the middle of his enormous charcoal cock, just below the head, where he'd been circumcised, and my tongue caressed his thick ridge right at that spot, until I felt him pulsing within my lips.

After a few minutes, I tasted his pre-cum, and swept it off the tip of his head with a flick of my tongue, then fell backwards onto the table, pulling my jeans and panties off my hips as I rolled on my back, and then forward again. He got on his knees between my open legs, after staring at my naked body long and hard. The beads in my hair slid around on the table-top noisily as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the table. He climbed down to the floor, with my open thighs around him, and rubbed his bulbous glans between my inner petals, until I was soaked, then gently opened me up with his probing head until he had worked himself halfway inside me. I caught his ass behind my heels, and pulled him all the way in, until I felt my pussy-walls stretched to the limit.

He slowly pumped himself in and out of me until he was sure I was relaxed around his girth, then he began fucking me hard and deep, until I was nearly delirious with the pleasure. He leaned forward, taking my breasts in his hands and squeezed my hard nipples, kneading them between his fingers. It was the third time this evening he had taken my tits in his hands, and the third time was the charm. I tensed up, and my soaked pussy exploded around his cock, as I came again and again, grabbing his cock inside me with each wave of intense ecstasy. I thought about the weeks we had spent together, our friendship changing each day, until we felt a close and trusting bond, which we now consummated with our genitals locked together for the first time.

He pulled me up from the table-top and I wrapped myself around him with his thick cock still buried deep inside me. With his hands holding me up under my ass-cheeks, he lifted and dropped me again and again onto his manhood, as I felt his meaty phallus ram deeper and deeper into me, my arms on his broad shoulders, and my fingers laced behind his neck. We kissed. At long last, we kissed, and my tongue found his, as I dug my heels into him needfully. He turned, and sat on the edge of the table, pulling me along on top of him, never breaking the intimate connection between us. Then he laid himself down on his back, while I sat upright and rode on top of him, feeling the deepest penetration into my tingling innards I had yet felt.

He reached up and fondled my breasts again, and I lost it again, gushing my juices all around his shaft. I lifted up, rolling my pelvis into him, forwards and back, feeling him move around inside me at ever-changing angles, until my oozing cum ran out everywhere, soaking his loins. I lifted, and dropped myself down, forcing him inside my stretched pussy so deeply I nearly screamed! I got up on the balls of my feet and squatted over him, guiding his massive erection back into me as I plunged down, again and again, until my thighs ached. I looked out the window into the darkness, wondering how many people might be watching us, almost hoping we had an audience.

Most of all, I wanted the bastards who had tried to intimidate Jon from dancing with me, to see what he was doing to me now. Jon and I weren't in love, but we had spent so much time together, building a bond of mutual trust and friendship, that this seemed the final step in our deep curiosity about each other. It was something we had to do, in order to know one another completely. This was the ultimate dance we performed together, and I think we both knew it would only happen this once, so we made it last. He stayed inside me for what seemed an eternity, but being a gentleman to the end, asked me if I wanted him to ejaculate into me.

At my bidding, with his eyes glazed over, Jon issued forth a river of cum inside me, which spilled out of me, even as I felt him pulsing still more of his seed into my stretched chasm. My breasts, glistening with sweat, heaved in his two hands, as I felt his massive orgasm subside, emptying himself into my womb with twitching spasms of his prone body. He remained inside me for many minutes, as I leaked out around his girth. It was over, but I was unwilling to break the bond, even as I felt him slowly dwindling inside me. When I finally lifted off of him, feeling his limp snake pull reluctantly out of my hole, I thought about all the students I had tutored in this room, never to this end!

Neither of us needed to speak about what we had just done. It was understood. Dancers dance. We had partnered together, joined, to create harmony and beauty, then separated, just as we did on the dance floor. We would dance again, for the enjoyment of others, but this dance had been for just us. And we had satisfied our curiosity.

Before we left, we had sex twice again, in the little study room we had used so many times before, but we turned the lights out, having risked enough attention for one night. Having had sex with Jon, there would no longer be any awkwardness or hesitation performing the intimate moves choreographed into our dance. No more falls. No more slips. And no more reticence on Jon's part, to touch my naked body in front of others. If for no other reason, our night of intimacy had gotten us past that hurdle.

The next afternoon, I gathered the other four dancers whom I planned to include in the performance, hoping they would be brave enough to perform a few moments of daring, in order to make what was to me, an important artistic and political statement. Jon and I ran through the moves together to show them how it could be done, and a conversation with the make-up department reassured everyone involved that my 'clever' scheme could be pulled off with a bit of practice. Within a week, we were ready, and performed the piece, as re-conceived, for the department chair and the recital director.

We incorporated excerpts from "African Sanctus", a composition by David Fanshawe, along with a native drum score derived from American Indian motifs. Our faces were painted in native fashion, and the other two girls had their hair bead-braided like mine, which hung strategically over my bare breasts at the start of the performance. We wore thongs, under ragged-edged doe-skin flaps, hanging from fine, leather strings tied around our hips. We three girls danced low to the ground, as if searching, side to side. Leaning forward on bended-knees, doing squat-lunges with our legs, our arms stretched out to the sides in exaggerated swings.

Our bare breasts became visible only fleetingly, when we rose up into the spotlights with our hair thrown back. The effect was titillating, as it was so momentary, our movements, fluid and quick. The anticipation of exposure permeated the dance with only the briefest of teases. The three male dancers held their arms high, revealing palms and fingers which were heavily grease-painted, white on Steve's white skin and black on Jon's and Malcolm's black skin. Halfway through the dance, we employed the critical move.

Misty fell back into Steve's arms, while Diana and I fell back into Malcolm's and Jon's. Their hands clamped around our bare breasts as they swung us around in a circle, and at the completion of the move, we were thrown free, with our breasts now covered in grease-paint, in the shape of the hand-prints of the male dancers. Paint now covered our nipples and most of our bare breasts - Diana and I with black hand-prints on our white chests, and Misty with white hand-prints covering her small, black breasts. With our breasts now obscured under paint, we displayed them proudly.

We completed the dance in mostly upright stature, so that our painted 'hand-bras' could be plainly seen by the audience. As anticipated, the unexpected move brought a cheer from our audience every time we performed the piece. The primitive dance was a show-stopper, and the brief moments of nudity were enough to enthrall whatever audience was in attendance, but not overt or sexual enough to keep us from performing it for an open crowd in the auditorium.

While I got what I thought was the better end of our bargain, Jon did get caught up in his history courses by the end of the quarter, and the professors in Dulles Hall never found out the reference room in their offices had been used for not only dance-practice, but fire-hot, interracial student sex as well! Jon and I had brought a lot of attention to the dance department that quarter, and our performance inspired more experiments into indigenous dance by students from other cultures. It was the highlight of my sophomore year, and cemented Jon's position as an honors student in the dance department.

As I reread the old message in my email, I wondered where he was now. I hoped that wherever he had gone, he was dancing, and that he was still creating as much beauty as we had together, years before. I had intended to close the account, and my finger hovered over the delete button, but I couldn't do it. Maybe one day, word would come. This news had taken years to reach me. I could wait a few more years.

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Moms Lap Dance

Hi, I'm Randy, and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as incest. It started two years ago when I was twenty-two. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful, sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club.After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...

3 years ago
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But honey it was just a dance

I doubt, very much, if I’m the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I’m not the best provider, I’m certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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School Dance

Another chapter from my book Tales of Ginger and Quinn. Available on Amazon and Kindle in Ereader and paperback format. Under my pen name Raul MontanaThe first day of school is always special, but today is extra special because this is the first day of Quinn's freshman year. Although the town is small, the high school is not. It is a regional school, so students from miles away come there. This does add to ethnic diversity. However, the school is still mostly white, primarily a rural farming...

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You Dance

Chapter One RICK I was eating supper, when I heard the familiar sound of ball hitting pavement. Then I heard the same sound, but in rapid-fire bursts. That was my summons-well, not really, more like a request. But when I heard that sound, I generally followed it. Where it led me was to the driveway right next door to mine. I had grabbed a sweatshirt-it was only mid-March, in Massachusetts-and headed out. "Was wondering if you heard," came wafting over from the driveway. "Of...

3 years ago
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The Best Dance

Mandy moved with grace about the stage, her slim body moving in perfect sync with the music. The song was a powerful ballad about lost love and remembered passion. The dancer was perfectly in tune with the music and the story it told; the movements of her body capturing every nuance of the music and lyrics. I sat spellbound, unable to take my eyes from the sight of my friend’s twin sister. Seeing Mandy in action almost hypnotized me, stirring up feelings that I dared not express to her or to...

First Time
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Twisted But Precious The Morning After the Sunrise Dance

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...

Love Stories
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All She Wants to Do is Dance

All She Wants to Do is Dance by Andrew J. Mellon "Hey having a good time!?" Bill yelled out over the thumping, head pounding music. Alex Cook took a swig of beer and then gave his friend a look of disgust, "I can't believe this piss cost five bucks." "Come on man, enjoy yourself, muscle up to the bar with some one dollar bills and get in on the action. That's what everybody else is doing." Alex took a look at the rest of the group, crowded around the bar, yelling and waving...

3 years ago
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But Honey It Was Just a Dance

I doubt, very much, if I'm the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I'm not the best provider, I'm certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...

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Country Club Dance

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson and did I get away with something cool! My parents are always trying to get me to do what they want and stuff. Well, their latest plan was to have me join in with the junior country club set and kind of be a nerd. Hah! My friend Claudette and I changed their plans as you'll see when you read my latest story. Every June, the Young Texas Wranglers put on a "Start of Summer" dance at the Big Spring Country Club. Now, I'm not too sure what the club is all about,...

2 years ago
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Shall We Dance

It’s a beautiful wintery day. This past week will not be one that will go down as very productive. The number of assignments that have not been completed is a company record; it’s the largest weekly carryover the company has ever had. That means Monday will be a horror. All the incomplete assignments from this past week, as well as any new inquiries that have come in during the weekend, will be facing the crew Monday morning. Fortunately, I have nothing planned for the weekend, so I’ll rest up...

3 years ago
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The Dance

"I don't know how you scored tickets to the ballet, Anna," Chelsea said as they pushed open the door to the Women's Co-op. "And not just any ballet, either, but the Kirov." "They just dropped into my hands," Anna said. She unbuttoned her coat and headed for her ledgers, stopping when she saw movement in the back of the room. "Who's there?" "What... ? Oh." The figure appeared out of the dimness, Kalliste Periakes. "I didn't expect you back." She was a slender woman of an...

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Castaway ExplorerChapter 7 Empire Day Dance

The annual Empire Day party was in full swing. I had to keep it together because Merritt looked stunning, and pulling her into my cabin was all that was on my mind. However, Merritt wanted her chance to show me off to her sophisticated and influential friends and I didn't want to ruin her fun. The nightclub was packed. As we worked into the crowd, the heat seemed to creep up and up as there were so many bodies in such small space. Merritt wrestled with her dress, trying to keep her small...

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Raised From The Dance

I started this because I got blocked on something else. And then, instead of being able to fight through the block, this story kept jumping into my head begging to be told. Stories can be so temperamental at times. My first rough outine came up just short of 10K, which meant a story around 20-25K. It ended up closer to 26K, which was fine because I could post it as one piece. But, after I finished, I didn't like the ending. So I rewrote and expanded the ending, which brought...

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After the Dance A Sequel to Club Dance

After the Dance: A Sequel to Club Dance By Becky Marie Prologue Last time we checked in with Bob and his wife Karen, they had just won the opportunity to perform their country line dance routine on ClubDance, the TNN country western dance program hosted by Shelly Mangrum. Bob did not perform as you might expect, however. For example, Bob's attire for the program included a nearly transparent white blouse with red fringe and a flippy red skirt. Under those, Bob was wearing...

5 years ago
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The Dance

The Dance By Jamie Lynne Williams [email protected] It was Wednesday morning. Jack was going to do it. He signed up; he paid his money; now it was time to do this. "This" was attending his first cross dresser's overnight event. He had attended a few of the monthly meetings at his local chapter; he went dressed as Jack for the first meeting, then as Jill for the next four. Now it was time to leave the city and spend four days dressed.and hopefully have a good time. As Jack packed his...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 20 Dance dance dance

Sinking into the warm water, she felt herself relax, and the abuses of her body slowly fade away as the water cleansed her. Reaching down, she ran her fingers through her openings, letting the water soothe and clean her all over. Letting her sister scrub and wash the rest of her body, she relaxed, almost falling asleep under her sister’s touch. “Yes, it, sounds fun -- I brought everything you bought me already ... anything ... you know ... that Jax would like ... but we can look, you know...

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The Last Dance

The company’s New Year’s Party was its biggest party of the year. It hosted three others during the year and I never really wanted to go, but Winifred “Wini” O’Dell, my wife of twelve years, did, so I went. She always disappeared several times during the night for an hour or so and I always sat and talked to people until she was ready to go home. This year was going to be different. We’d arrived on time and were escorted to our table. The band had already started and as soon as we were seated...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 16 Halloween Dance

Another big social event coming up was the Halloween dance. I wasn’t planning on attending, with my social status being so low at the present time. Unfortunately for me, other people had plans for me which I didn’t know about. My best friend had actually done something impressive, he had asked out the girl he liked to be his date for the dance. He told me about it the morning after he did it, for once he was on the bus as he didn’t have practice that morning. He told me he had been scared...

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Wedding Dance

"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...

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The Bachelorette PartyChapter 1a Loren Comes to Dance

Two nights later I was mixing drinks behind the bar on the women's side when the door opened and she came in. It was a slow evening, and there weren't more than a half a dozen women in the bar at that point. She saw me, and came over to sit on a stool at the bar. She asked for a glass of wine, and I placed it in front of her, then leaned on the bar, in case she wanted to talk. She didn't say anything for a moment, so I decided to open the discussion. "Have your friends decided what...

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Our Dance

We both really liked to dance, but to dance by ourselves is always the best way to go. They say ‘dance like no one is watching’ and we do dance just like that when we are in each other’s arms. Let me set the picture here. We are wearing next to nothing and have not been able to keep our hands off of each other all bay or even through dinner. I pull out my phone and queue up our favorite play list. The music starts… She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the place we liked to dance. It always...

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Scarf Dance

(This is part of the series of ‘Silverbridge’ stories but can be read on its own.) ********************* Copyright Oggbashan 22 June 2002 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************* I got my revenge on John when the Twinning Committee arranged some...

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SRU The Dance

The Dance (A Spells-R-Us Story) by Hawkyn Bob came out of the Walden Books with a look of exasperation on his Face and 2 books in a bag. "Frack! None of those books on dancing made any sense" he mumbled to his friend Tom as he headed for the Nature of things store. "I'll catch you later Bob." His friend said as he took off the other way. "I gotta see if the Cindy has forgiven me yet." He added. Bob watched Tom walk off and absent-mindedly wondered why Tom hung out with him. ...

1 year ago
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Two can play the gamethe dance

As I sat before my computer keys stroking, I recall my few encounters with a hot young white doctor. it was a friday night and being single it gives me the many chances to explore the club scene. being 24 years old, tall, black with a well toned body, derived from spending 6-7 days at the gym, I decided to head down town the beautiful city of montreal. After getting all dressed up, making sure my dreadlocks were perfectly styled, I hit the train, thinking of what the night was going to offer....

5 years ago
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Lap Dance

Francis waltzed into my room where I was lying on my bed reading a Cussler novel. “Hey, what the hell is a lap dance?” I was focused on the book so I asked “A what?” “A lap dance. Mel asked me last night to give him a lap dance but I don’t know what he was talking about so I said no way. What is it?” My mind started running, first off I was going to have to body slam Mel for asking my 17 year old sister to do something like that, second, my sister was still naive enough not to know, third,...

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Power Chapter Twelve The Dance

A couple of weeks passed and the next LGBT Dance was held. This was something of a misnomer since there were few other dances held at Anthony, and everyone was welcome. The LGBT student association put on the dances. Alcohol was sold at the dance, but only upperclassmen could buy it. Freshmen got the upperclassmen to front for them, so everybody who wanted to drink was able to do so. Since the girls had been to the dance before we asked them what to wear. They said it didn’t matter. Nobody with...

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What a Dance

After a bus ride that took about four hours, we arrived at the hotel. Our school only had brought about 30 people to the conference, but looking around I saw that there must have been a couple thousand high school kids in the hotel. We checked in and headed up to our rooms. I was staying in a room with Jack and a couple other friends, Chris and Alex. We had a few hours to waste until the conference started, so we mostly just sat there and chilled in the room. I thought back to what Jack had...

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Slow Dance

Slow DanceOne of my wife’s friends was over after work one Friday night. I jumped up and washed the dishes as they sat at the table and talked. My wife’s friend Kathy, is big and she was complaining to my Holly about being so fat and unattractive. She is big, but she has a very pretty face and huge tits. Attractive BBW in my book. Holly joined in saying how she felt the same. Obviously out of sympathy as she is nowhere near the size of her friend. Holly has the curves of a mature woman. It’s...

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the unforgettable dance

gym...dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who than I was in finding a partner of my own. I wasn't really sure why I even went. Habit, I guess. Something to do. It's not like I was in demand or anything. As far as dances go, I'm Mr. Sidelines. I came to the dance alone, like I always did. Occasionally, I'd get my nerve up and ask some girl to dance with me -- usually some shy but acceptable...

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Spanked at the Dance

I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned Modern Dance

Lessons Learned: Modern Dance By Shawna Stimple Michael awoke around noon, to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. At first he was startled by the weight of his head, until he remembered his previous days adventures. Rolling out of bed, he noticed a little silk blue robe that matched his nightgown. "When in Rome..." he thought, as he slipped on the skimpy cover. In the kitchen Millie was slaving away, preparing breakfast. She turned towards him, grinning ear to ear, as she...

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Spanked at the Dance

I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...

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The Girls Who Dance

Jack Burdock, 30, is a day security guard at the Spark Mall/Youth Centre. He knows he shouldn't, but on his patrols, he likes to look at the girls who dance at the Youth Centre. Really, it started because they put in the mirrors. And I'll tell you for why. First, the corridor on the third floor was really quiet and empty, even when they put benches on it. Nobody wanted to go there, there weren't no stores or anything. But when they put the of mirrors on the wall, oh-ho, the trouble...

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A Dance

Molly smiled weakly at her friend on the dance floor. Brenda looked so happy, dancing with her boyfriend, that Molly could almost forget her depression. Molly picked up her glass and took another sip of the punch, running her eyes around the gym. The decorations looked cheap and shabby. Molly had no idea what anyone saw in these events. In truth, she had spent most of High School avoiding dances for just this reason. When Kenny had asked her to the prom she had been excited, though. Putting...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 32 Can I Have This Dance

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 26, 2010) Chapter 32 - Can I Have This Dance? I was very nervous standing in the lobby of the ActiveLife Dance and Fitness Center. It was a large facility just outside of Beverly Hills that seemed to be designed specifically...

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Ready to Dance

Ready to Dance? By BoundNightmares Copyright 2009 BoundNightmaresAlso from BoundNightmaresPliableDarknessFor more information about me, please visit my smashwords profile page is a work of adult fiction.  If you are not an adult, this work is not for you.  The characters are not real.  The scenes and situations may or may not be possible.  For your own safety and the safety of others, do not try to duplicate anything you read here. ...

4 years ago
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Doriss Last Dance

Doris and her husband, Randy, were meeting two other couples at the nightclub on the Red Mile at 42nd Street. About two or three times a year, the couples went out to relax and have some fun. The men usually were quite content to just sit there all night and have as many beers as they could hold. The women on the other hand, liked to dance and were constantly on the dance floor, as there was no shortage of available men to dance with. Many of the men came back for seconds and thirds, but the...

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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 17 The Dance

Our end-of-the-year party was better than last year. Lara had found out shortly after we arrived that she didn't much care for Earth alcohol so she agreed to be the designated driver for us. This meant I could enjoy all the margaritas and tequila shooters I wanted and not have to worry about driving. As usual, there was food, karaoke singing, dancing, and stories shared, overall, just a good time had by all. At one point, a handsome young man asked me to dance. I decided one dance wouldn't...

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The Dance

It has been said that when you dance, do so like there’s no tomorrow. It has even been suggested that the dance mimics life itself. That the music is like the heart beat of the soul, as the heart moves the blood thru the body, the music moves the bodies across the dance floor. And for the length of a song, a lifetime can be experienced. At least that’s what they say.Like the first step upon the dance floor, shall I lead with my right or my left and if it’s wrong, well you notice? Perhaps you...

2 years ago
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Hot Dance

Ready to Masturbate? Unzip and Start! If you like my story, do mail me at How long can I stay home alone and watch movies? I decided to go to M.G. Road and do some bird watching. There are so many good looking girls in this city. I was shamelessly staring at all of them. I especially like the ones with good height, good ass and clear skin. And there are so many of them in this city. One thing amuses me of these malls and streets like M.G. road, they are always filled with beautiful girl. I...

4 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 9 The Spring Dance

A New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...

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Soldiers Dance

September 1951 Barbara walked down the long dirt driveway, kicking rocks along the way. Sitting unused in the field was the Cole family tractor. She wasn't sure why Mr. Cole never sold it; it would still fetch a pretty penny. Her dad said Mr. Cole still believes he can go back to farming someday. Barbara didn't know much about farming, but from the look of his fields, no more than dirt and dust these days, Barbara wasn't so sure. She knocked on the screen door and when no one...

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Anita and the Sadie Hawkins Dance

Chapter 1 It happened -- I couldn't believe it. Anita had called and asked me to be HER date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Oh no!!! No way, no how!! You've heard of the Sadie Hawkins dance, right? That's when the girls get to ask the guys for a date to the dance. The point is that the girl asking the guy out usually is NOT the cutest, sexiest or most likely girl for the guy to go out with and some of the more homely and ugly girls in the school get a chance for a date with the guy of their...

3 years ago
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Last Dance

Doris and her husband, Randy, were meeting two other couples at the nightclub on the Red Mile at 42nd Street. About two or three times a year, the couples went out to relax and have some fun. The men usually were quite content to just sit there all night and have as many beers as they could hold. The women on the other hand, liked to dance and were constantly on the floor as there was no shortage of available men to dance with. Many of the men came back for seconds and thirds but the girls...

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Last Dance

One final look-over in the mirror and I’m ready to go. Tight jeans…check, Nice top…check, Stack heeled boots…check. Subdued makeup, hair up and out of the way…check. With one last spritz of body spray, I look at my reflection and smile. She smiles back, the picture of a fun-loving country girl ready to dance the night away. Normally I don’t go all out like this, but you see, its Karl’s last night here. And I want it to be memorable… ‘Excuse me…would you like to dance?’ A voice interrupts...

4 years ago
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A Wedding Slow Dance

Although I promised myself I would not attend, I found myself back at another Davis family wedding reception, with many of the same family members and definitely the same music as the last time. The Davis family is known for beautiful ladies that are willing to play and plenty of free booze. The flirting young ladies and the coy smiles from the MILF’s triggered all of my memories of that last disappointment to flood back into my mind and my heart.I had worn the same thin white silk shirt that...

Wife Lovers
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Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance By Paul G. Jutras It was raining when Ryan got to school soaked to the bone. As he leaned against the brick wall, he slipped off his white sneakers, turned them upside down and dumped water into the nearby potted plant. His bangs looked stringy like limp noodles. "What a day for picture day," he said as he saw his white dress shirt, pants and sleeveless sweeter reflected in the office window. "Come on," Dotty called as she put her raincoat in her locker and...

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