Blojobs - A Mystery - Magic In Her Throat! free porn video
Even in my horny state. I was too smart for that. The serous working girls (a constantly changing cast) had a more direct method - you pull up and they hop in the passenger side. While this was a pretty good sign that they were not police, if you did it on the Avenue, you were both exposed to the view of all other traffic - including the unmarked Crown Victoria prowlers. The safest way to make a discrete connection was to meet the ever sharp eyes of the strolling hooker, nod once toward the nearest corner and drive around the block, then pull up to the curb on the side street a couple of hundred feet short of the Avenue. The pros were always there waiting with a smile.
The going rate in those days was $15 to $20 for head. This was plenty cheap and instead of dickering I made it clear that tips above the base rate were in order for good service. Pay up front and $5 or $10 more after the act. It was all potluck at first. The good whores would get right to work, freeing up their tits and pants as they took you into their mouths. The skill levels were all over the place. Some were novices. Some were accomplished cocksuckers. Occasionally one was so inept (immediately evident) that I'd pull out, zip up, and send her off with the base rate and a polite thank you. These women would never se the inside my car again.
Most were spitters, but there were a few surprising women who wouldn't give up my cock until they had every drop of cum down their throats. These women were rare and usually short timers on the Avenue.
About three months into my twice weekly prowls, I stopped for a lanky, short haired, plain looking blond who introduced herself as Karen. After pocketing her $20 rate she got down to work. Twenty seconds in she had me as hard as rock and balls deep.. For a guy who's enjoyed hundreds of blow jobs, I still have no idea what was going on in Karen's throat. With her lips at the base of my cock and her tongue doing who knows what, she was causing sensations I'd never felt before. Within 90 seconds I was spewing a load of hot cum that never saw the light of day again. When she came up she licked her lips, grinned and asked if it was okay? I know I was trembling as I dug in my pocket for another twenty.
After a repeat a couple of days later, Karen gave me her address and phone number. During the next month or so, Karen drained my balls at least ten times. I know I never made it to the two minute mark. Once out of curiosity, I jacked off just before going to meet her.
The result was the same - a mad rush of indescribable pleasure followed by powerful ejaculations.
Shortly after this encounter, Karen answered my call only to tell me that she couldn't meet me. The night before she'd been badly beaten by a "date". I asked if I could see her for a few minutes and she agreed. I drove to her apartment on the other side of town to present her with a small bouquet of gas station flowers and a fifty dollar bill. That asshole had left her with a busted up face and broken teeth. I stopped by with cash a couple more times in the next two weeks while she was healing.
We got together a couple more times after she recovered and though her attitude was even sweeter than her usual friendly demeanor, her blow jobs were just as lethal. Shortly later her phone was disconnected and I never saw her again.
If you've read this far, you have arrived at my mystery. Please, if you know, let me know. Just what was this woman doing to me with her mouth and throat? I have enjoyed what a young woman described as a California Blowjob - very good with lots of tongue action. This was not the same. I did ask Karen and she either couldn't or wouldn't explain it. Maybe she had some rhythmic control of her gag reflexes (is that even possible)?
Thirty five years later, I still think of Karen and her magic throat. Hope you're well dear.
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