Sonni's Mystery Lover free porn video

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'Oh shit!', Charlie thought, 'Red alert! I already know I'm not going to like this.'

'Damn!, Sonni thought. It was clear that her husband of eight years had just gone on the defensive. 'He probably even used one of his damn Star Trekisms. I hope it wasn't a red alert.' She had been feeling kind of unloved lately because he had been traveling on business too much. But now she felt she had to continue.

"I've been thinking, We need to spice up our love life a bit."

'Oh, fuck me,' Charlie thought dejectedly. 'I'd rather be having a root canal without novacaine than having this conversation right now. I'm sure she's feeling something is all my fault and now I have to fix it. Why can't I figure out how to avoid these situations? Oh well, the only way out is to swim the river of lava.'

"What have you got in mind, Sweetie?"

'Damn!', Sonni thought, 'He's not going to make this easy.'

"I don't really have anything in mind, Hon. I just think we owe it to ourselves to have a little more excitement in our lives."

'Of course. And I get to provide it whether I can tell what the fuck she means by that or not. I am so screwed. I hate these fucking blame sessions. It's not like I'm the only one in this relationship who has a role in making her life happier. Why can't she just be happy in her own skin? She'll be mad if I leave it up to her, but I already know this is a futile exercise in searching for Unobtainium. She can be such a needy person sometimes. This has to be one of those "Women are from Venus" things.'

"Well I'm all for excitement. What do you think we should do?"

'Of course he's not going to suggest something. He's leaving it all up to me. He can be such a dick sometimes.'

"Charlie, just suggest something."

"You know I've always wanted to try anal sex with you. That would spice it up."

He knew Sonni wouldn't go for that. She never had. But now he could say he suggested something and that put the ball back in her court. He knew she was afraid to suggest something and risk being disappointed when it didn't meet her expectations and have only herself to blame. They had been through these quests for solving whatever she was mysteriously unhappy about before.

"Just... ...forget it, Charlie. If I'm not worth a little imagination."

'Oh great. The drama queen bullshit. It's all over but the pouting.'

"Well, Sonni, you've given me so little to go on, I can't begin to imagine what would satisfy you."

"Satisfy me? I want this for both of us. A little effort would be all it would take, but you don't even want to try."

"I would be happy to try, if it didn't seem like a guaranteed waste of time."

"Well, you won't know if you don't try. You make me think I'm not worth a little effort."

"And you make me think that nothing I ever do is good enough."

"You never do anything, Charlie."

"I guess I learned my lesson too well, then."


"You forgot to put 'clueless' in front of that epithet. And that's not my fault. I am completely clueless about what you mean."

The tears came then. Sonni knew that he was right, from his point of view. She knew that this was one of those 'Men are from Mars' things. She was a bit surprised when he took her in his arms and held her until she stopped crying. It took him a while to learn that was the only thing that would help when they reached an impasse.

Charlie knew that wasn't the end of this issue. He knew that Sonni wouldn't be happy until he tried something and failed so she could have a chance to throw something in his face. That would be the price he had to pay for not knowing her well enough to suggest something more attractive than a buttfuck. He decided to make an attempt that would be "over the top", either a spectacular failure or a raging success. Something that would be memorable for the rest of their lives, together or apart. He felt ambivalent about which result was achieved. He often wondered whether staying with Sonni was worth the grief it involved. He loved her, but she was 49 % sweetheart and 49% bitch with the other 2% a matter of perspective. Too much time with her would push it to the bitch side and too little time with her, like now with this period of business travel, would also push it to the bitch side. Things beyond his control were preventing him from achieving the balance that would keep her in the sweetheart zone.

He remembered that she had once commented on how exciting one of her romance novels was. That seemed like a good place to get ideas about what appealed to her. He found the book and skimmed through it. Most of it was pretty tame, but he got to a dogeared page and knew he had found a key to what pleased her. He was surprised by what he read there. He spent the next couple of days planning and purchasing for a special event.

Sonni knew that, sooner or later, Charlie would try to do something new and different. He had that guy's need to fix broken things and she knew that he either would fix it or break it worse, but either way, she would soon feel something other than the same old feeling of stagnation that their sex life had become. She had gone out to buy some new sexy lingerie during her lunch hour on the Friday following their little spat, hoping the weekend would present the opportunity for her to show that she had made a token effort to spice up their bedroom behavior.

At around 4:30, she was thinking about how she would surprise him at the door when he got home from work. Her cell phone beeped and when she looked at it, it said only "Message Sent". 'That's odd,' she thought, 'Must be one of my earlier texts got stuck in some queue.' She went back to daydreaming about their evening until quitting time at 5 PM.

She was so anxious to get home that she wasn't really paying attention as she got behind the wheel of her car and buckled her seat belt. When she leaned back after starting the car, she heard a rustle in the back seat and suddenly there was a scarf wrapped around her throat. She started to scream and felt the scarf tighten on her throat, not enough to hurt her seriously, but enough to show her how helpless she was.

"Quiet!" said a strange mechanical voice right next to her ear. "Drive!"

She nodded her head to indicate she would obey and the scarf loosened.

"Where to?" she whimpered.

"You have a cabin in the mountains. Drive there." The voice was clearly being fed through some sort of electronic distorter, but she desperately searched for a clue about the speaker.

"I don't have enough gas to get there. We'll have to stop."

"Nice try sweetheart. You have plenty of gas. Don't make any wrong turns. I know the way."

"I don't know the way from here. I've only been there staright from home."

"Don't play dumb, Sonni. We both know you've driven straight there from work before."

She was convinced her abductor was her husband. He was the only other person who had been to the cabin since they had bought it. It was their favorite place for a weekend getaway. She had met Charlie there before, but she was sure that she had never told anyone about that.

She drove, occasionally glancing into the mirror and trying to see her abductor. Only once did she see enough to confirm that it might be Charlie. He had a man-sized neck and shoulders and was wearing a black motorcycle helmet with a dark faceplate. His clothing was also black, including the black gaiter that covered his neck. She sniffed to see if he smelled like Charlie, but other than a faint whiff of Charlie's cologne, his unique scent was not present. She decided that with all new clothes and a recent shower, Charlie could fool her nose. The cologne was telling, but not conclusive. It was common enough.

When she parked at the secluded cabin, he ordered her to give him the car keys and then cuffed her hands to a chain around her neck. When he let her out of the car, she noted that his height was close to Charlie's and the difference could be explained by the helmet and the boots he wore. Her panic had slowly eased during the drive as she considered that this might be Charlie's attempt to spice up their lovemaking. She had mentioned role playing to him only once, years earlier, but his unenthusiastic response to anything other than the traditional male fantasies convinced her not to bother trying again. This was like a favorite scene out of one her favorite romance novels.

She was even more convinced it was him when he directed her straight to the bedroom when they entered. The room was decorated for romance, but there were some new additions on the bed. Silk ropes were visible on both sides of the headboard. She was disappointed when he put a leather mask on her. It completely covered her eyes and was fastened tight below her chin. And it was dosed with Charlie's cologne. The scent was now so strong that her attempts to smell anything else were useless.

"This will only be unpleasant if you give me trouble. If you don't, I'm hoping we'll both enjoy it." He began to remove her clothes and soon she was naked on her back on the bed with her arms bound to the corners of the head board and her legs spread with a stiff bar. She offered no resistance, completely convinced by his demeanor that this mystery man was Charlie.

"Hmmm. Convenient." Sonni heard something hit the ceiling and then fall on the bed. The leg spreading bar was jerked around and suddenly she felt her legs being raised up. She realized that some kind of rope or cord was wrapped around one of the trusses that held the roof up. She felt a rubber-gloved finger with something cold and wet on it pushing into the crack of her ass.

"Wait. I don't want this. I'm not interested in anything anal."

She heard a strange mechanical stuttering sound and realized he was chuckling at her.

"This isn't a democracy, Sonni. We won't be voting on everything that happens to you. I'll stop at any time, leave and send someone to rescue you. All you have to do is say, 'I want to go back to my boring life, Sir.' Until I hear that, I'll do whatever I want. There might be a little pain. Hopefully any of that will be followed by a lot of pleasure for you. I have no desire to hurt you, just to take you outside your comfort zone for a while. I'll give you a minute to think about it."

She heard him step away and then she heard clicking sounds. She realized he was taking photos of her. She thought about what he said. This had to be Charlie 'spicing it up'. She decided to trust him.

"What will it be, Sonni? Shall I continue."

"Yes, continue please."

"Good girl."

The finger returned between her ass cheeks and started to press against her tight ring.

"Relax and push out a little."

His finger pushed into her and it did cause some pain, because Sonni had never even pushed her own finger in, but it was well lubricated and as he moved it around, she stopped fighting it, relaxed, and to her surprise, the pain went away. When another finger slipped in, it didn't really matter. She had gotten the hang of it and to her surprise, the fear began to melt away. When his fingers slipped out, she expected to feel a cock enter her, but instead a butt plug went in and she felt a sudden smack on her ass cheek which caused her to tighten down on it.

"There. I trust that wasn't so bad."

"No, it wasn't. I'm surprised."

Sonni suddenly felt something brush against her nipple and it stiffened up. "Oooh." She heard a buzzing sound start and felt a vibrating hard object touch her other nipple. "Ahhhh." Now both nipples were stiff and she was feeling a tingle in her pussy. She felt clamps being applied to both her nipples. They weren't squeezing very tight, just enough to let her know they were there.

The mystery man lowered her legs back to the bed and crawled up onto her then, straddling her hips. He started to run his hands all over her breasts. His smooth gloves felt both strange and exciting. He squeezed her breasts and checked her wrists to make sure her bindings weren't too tight. She felt surprisingly comfortable.

"You are so beautiful, Sonni. I think your husband is a lucky man."

"I think I'm a lucky woman, Charlie."

She heard only the strange mechanical chuckle. He removed a nipple clamp. Then she felt it, a warm wet alive thing against her nipple as the blood flowed back into it. The mystery man sucked and gently chewed on her. She could feel teeth, but not pain. Thinking she might trick him into speaking without the device, she said, "Charlie never uses teeth."

"Maybe he doesn't know you like it."

'Damn!', Sonni thought. 'He either didn't fall for it or he doesn't have another voice.'

Suddenly, she felt a new sensation. It took her a few seconds to recognize it. It was a burning sensation on her nipple. Burning cold. Ice.

"Ohhh. That's cold."

The mystery man removed the ice and then warmed her again with his mouth.

"Ahhh. That's warm."

He placed the clamp back on and Sonni suddenly felt a strong twinge in her pussy.

"Ohmigod! Charlie, that's really got me hot!"

By the time the mystery man finished repeating all he had done on the other nipple, Sonni was writhing, trying to get her knees together to get enough stimulation to come. The spreader bar just wasn't letting her get any relief. She could feel her juices draining down her ass.

"This is torture, Charlie. You've got me so horny."

"Your husband won't be here for a while yet, but I'll be happy to do something about that."

"Oh come on, Charlie. I know it's you. It has to be."

Again, she heard only the eerie mechanical chuckle. It was maddening that he wouldn't admit it, but also exciting. The thought that she might be under the control of someone else added to the thrill.

The man climbed off her then and she felt his breath on her mound. 'Finally,' she thought. She felt the delicious sensation of his tongue as it slid into her. It found her clit and circled it, bringing her to the brink several times and pulling away each time. Then she heard a buzz and felt a vibration as some sort of toy eased into her slit. When it got to her clit, it felt like a ring that completely circled her engorged nubbin. Whatever it was, it worked quickly, bringing her to a powerful orgasm. Her hips bucked repeatedly, but the mystery man's weight was on the spreader and he kept the toy in place until she had another.

"That was wonderful, Charlie."

Again, he responded with a chuckle.

She felt her legs being lifted again. He bent her knees and tied the spreader to the headboard of the bed. She was now splayed out quite completely.

"Now for something completely different, Sonni."


"Remember, you can go back to your boring life with a simple request."

"You haven't disappointed so far."

She heard a buzzing sound start and felt something slip into her pussy. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It felt smooth and curved and it must have had something jutting out from it, because right when it pressed against the front wall of her tunnel, it also made contact with her clit. Then she felt the man's hands between her ass cheeks and suddenly the butt plug also started to vibrate. The amount of stimulation she was getting was incredible. The curved vibrating dildo was thrusting into her repeatedly when he removed the nipple clamps. The added sensation drove her over the edge and she came with a gusher that sprayed onto the mystery man. She had never squirted before, but it felt as if every muscle in her groin was completely out of her control.

As Sonni recovered from the 'completely different' orgasm, she heard the rustling sounds of her mystery lover packing clothing into a bag.

"Someone will be along shortly to rescue you. You will find your car parked where we started. I hope you will remember this for a long time."

"I will. You can bet on that, Charlie. And... ...thank you."

The mystery man chuckled, "My pleasure, Sonni. Your husband... ...won't hear about this from me." Then he unlocked one wrist and put the key in her hand.

She heard her car drive away as she was freeing her other hand and removing the mask. She removed the spreader bar and looked around for her clothing, but found only her purse and a bag of lingerie with a note inside that said, "Wear these for your husband." It was a man's handwriting, but definitely not Charlie's. A chill went down her spine. Could she have been wrong? Could she have acted like such a slut with someone other than her husband? The idea both terrified and thrilled her. Whoever it was, she had survived the experience and had the most intense orgasms of her life. The idea that it could have been a stalker scared her, but she couldn't help but feel excited.

The vibrating butt plug was still in her ass and still vibrating. She looked around but couldn't find the dildo or whatever other toy he had used on her. She dressed in the lingerie after cleaning up as best she could. It seemed like the kind of lingerie Charlie would buy for her, thigh high stockings, crotchless panties and a sheer babydoll that really hid none of what she would have chosen to hide.

It seemed like at least 30 minutes passed before she heard a vehicle drive up. She looked out through the front window to see Charlie getting out of his truck. She quickly did a mental calculation. There was no way that he had time to drive her car back and return in his. That would have been a two hour round trip. She didn't know what to think, but she was there with no clothing other than lingerie she would never have bought for herself. She decided to play along with the mystery and reward Charlie for keeping her guessing, if that's what he was doing, or protect him from learning of her experience until she had time to think about it all. She quickly went and lit the candles in the bedroom.

She heard the front door being unlocked and opened and the sound of Charlie's voice. "Sonni?"

She rushed out of the bedroom and into his arms. "Oh, Charlie. You're finally here. I'm so happy to see you." She kissed him, expecting to taste her pussy on his face, but not detecting it. He tasted like a breath mint, but he often did when her arrived home from work, so she knew he had them in his vehicle. He also smelled faintly of his cologne, but now she smelled him, as if he was in the same clothes all day. His attention to detail was either extraordinary or the mystery man really wasn't Charlie. She decided to stick with her plan to play dumb.

"Wow, Sonni! This is a surprise. I'm glad I got here on time. Your text said to come prepared for fun, but this is not what I expected. I brought your clothes and everything you asked for. Um, where did you hide your car?"

"Oh. I had a friend drop me off. I told her to leave it at the parking garage."

"Um, no other clothing?"

"She took it with her. I didn't think you would mind."

"No, of course not. It must have been kind of weird explaining that to her."

"She's a good friend and you know we have to keep our secrets."

"Right. Shall I open the wine?"

"Later. I have a special surprise for you in the bedroom."

"Lead on. And may I compliment you on your taste in lingerie?"

"Why, thank you. I knew you would like it, and I wanted to show you that I can spice it up for you."

They entered the candlelit room and Sonni began to remove his clothing. She rubbed his hard cock as he kissed her and removed his shirt and tie. Charlie squeezed her ass cheeks and felt the vibration from the butt plug. He fingers slipped into her crack and touched the plug.

"What's this? Sonni, you are full of surprises tonight."

"I know, Charlie. I even surprised myself. I have a confession to make..."


Sonni was enjoying the pretense, if that's what it was, that Charlie was giving her. She decided to keep it going.

"Well, this is kind of embarrassing. I turned myself on so much while waiting for you that I kinda took care of myself already. So I'm going to give my ass to you."

"Really? I don't want to deprive you of your fun."

"Well we've got all weekend. And who knows, maybe I'll surprise both of us and enjoy it. Now let's get Mr. Happy nice and hard."

She dropped to her knees and took his cockhead into her mouth, stroking the shaft until he was rock hard. She grabbed the tube of lubricant that the stranger had left on the dresser and coated Charlie's cock thoroughly with it. "This will be a first for me, Charlie."

"I can't believe you're even letting me do this, Sonni. You can bet I'll be careful."

Sonni got on the bed. Charlie eased the buttplug in and out a few times until, when he removed it, Sonni's hole was so relaxed it just remained wide open until he eased his cock in. When his hips touched her ass cheeks, she said, "Ooh, Charlie. That feels kind of good. We should have done this years ago. Can you hand me that butt plug?"

She wiped the plug on the bed and then held it against her clit. Now she had an excuse for changing the sheets so he wouldn't notice the wetness from her earlier squirt. "Mmmmmmmm. This is feeling really good. Fuck me charlie. Fuck my ass."

She mentally replayed some of the evening's earlier events, remembering the mystery man's strange touch and the deliciously helpless feeling she had while he toyed with her. She felt herself respond as Charlie pummeled her ass, smacking hard into her until his cock erupted, spraying his cum into her as she came again.

As his breathing returned to normal, Charlie withdrew from her. "Sonni, that was incredible. I promise. I'm going to try hard to find some way to spice it up for you, too."

"Charlie dear, what time did you get that text message?"

"Around 4:30. Why?"

"Just curious about how long it took after I sent it. Can I take a look at it? I want to see if I remembered everything I wanted you to bring."

"Sure, but can't you just check your call log?"

Sonni looked into her purse and there was her phone. For some reason she had assumed the mystery man had taken it with him. She checked her sent message log and read the message. It told Charlie to arrive 'for a good time" precisely at 9 PM and to bring wine, cheese, crackers, eggs, orange juice and bacon.' She checked her received message log and found an odd message from a number she didn't recognize. It had a string of numbers and characters including Charlie's phone number and the text that her phone sent to Charlie's phone. She also noticed a low memory warning and checked the photo buffer. It was full of photos and videos. She would have to find some privacy to view those later.

"Damn, I knew it. I forgot the Summer Sausage. I was hoping for some meat for tonight."

"I brought that, Sweetie. I saw it next to the cheese and thought it might be a good snack. You hungry?"

"Oh, thank you. I'm famished. I guess I didn't plan this as well as I thought."

"I'll open the wine."

Charlie smiled to himself as he pulled the cork. Learning how to hack her phone and make it send that message was a stroke of genius. Getting a store clerk to write the note for the lingerie bag was easy. The only loose end was his neighbor. Mike didn't know what Charlie's plan was, but Charlie needed him to bring his truck to the rest area where he had changed out of his mystery man clothes, and to take Sonni's car back to their garage, and to take the mystery man clothes, helmet, and voice distorter away until Charlie could deal with them. He also needed Mike to park the car in their garage instead of where she worked. It would give Sonni an extra thrill to think the mystery man had access to their home while she and Charlie were at the cabin. If Mike didn't spill the beans, Charlie could see playing dumb and keeping Sonni guessing for a very long time. He smiled at the idea of her finding the sex toys with her clothes in her car. He hoped they would mysteriously show up in their bedroom.

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“Now don’t you go anywhere my dear, I won’t be too long, hopefully, perhaps home by eleven.”“How can I go anywhere, you’ve tied me to the bedposts.”“Oh, yes, I knew there was something I was supposed to do before I left. Sorry darling, I’m late already. You don’t mind, do you E?”“What if I need a wee-wee?” Came the quiet girly pleading tone from the bed."Darling E, I do not think you want to urinate on the bed. The consequences do not bear thinking about, especially for you."“But you said I...

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A Mystery Spot

While traveling through the Midwestern states along highway US-2, my friend Chris and I saw a place advertised as being a mystery spot. We talked about it, as in my travels during the late nineteen hundreds saw such odd places in Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois, but to see one still there, open for business and available to see, I said he should stop and see it. When we arrived, the building was as all the others I remembered, it painted all black except for a large red circle where two doors...

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The Masked Mystery Under her spell

The morning was bright and beautiful. Birds singing in the trees, the sound of people laughing walking by. It looked like the day was going to be a good one. I jumped out of bed , threw off my panties and ran to the shower room. Stepping inside , the nice hot water flowing over my body. I grabbed my body wash ,squeezed some into my hand and started to lather it all over my body. As I went between my legs my mind wondered into thinking I’d love a nice orgasm to set off my day. So I began to...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Woman

I stand behind you, my hands roaming the front of your body. I explore from your neck to your thighs. My hands are shaking and desperate, but I'm keeping my control for now. I turn your head to the side so I can reach your lips. I bend down and kiss you, deeply and urgently, a taste of what's to come. My lips find the back of your neck as my hands withdraw from you. I reach for the zipper on your dress and slowly start to lower it. I'm going agonizingly slow, drawing it out, torturing both of...

Group Sex
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Leela The Mystery 8211 Middle Of The Saturday Night

Hey all! Devil here! A New Trilogy: Leela the Mystery. Of course Title inspired by Ek Paheli Leela starring the Beautiful Sunny Leone. So here is the First Installment of Leela the Mystery. Pls do read and mail me all your Comments, Feedback and Suggestions on Coming to the Story.. This Story is about Parth. A Final Year Engineering Student from Pune who just now moved into a New Hostel. Read on to know what happens with him there… In Parth’s Words: So after spending 3 Years at My College...

1 year ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

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Mystery Sex

Mark lived in a rural area of his state, owning more than 200 acres of timberland. Actually, he owned in partnership with his mother as part a business he started and she supported. He was developing a reputation for high-quality, solid wood furniture that he designed and constructed himself. He had helped his dad build the large two story house that he shared with his mother, his aunt (mother's sister) and three sisters. His dad had died suddenly about three years ago, just as Mark was getting...

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Having fun with a mysterious phone sex lover

I’ll admit it: the first six months after my divorce I was like a blind dog on Viagra , ready, willing, and able to jump on anything female. You see, I’d been married for almost 10 years to a good-looking but very uptight and very frigid woman; at 37, I was finally free and clear and happy. I was determined to have a good time, and I did. My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in...

2 years ago
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Robin Bedeviled by Mystery Woman

****************************************** A Romantic FanFic of the Crime Fighting Duo ****************************************** Author’s Note As I was cleaning out a folder of old story ideas, I found this one. A guy I had worked with, a half-dozen jobs or so ago, was a real Batman fanatic. Long before the movies came out. He belonged to one of the early online fanzine groups. At lunch, we would talk about the stories he wrote. This story we sort of collaborated possibilities together...

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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

2 years ago
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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

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The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor

The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor By Cassandra Morgan The taxi rode slowly along the mountain road, and I had to admit, the scenery was something out of Ansel Adams' portfolio. The sky was high, as advertised, and the low mountains were green. I supposed that in another few months, they would be covered in white. There were crossing rivers in the valley, blue and green and peaceful. I looked out the back window for wildlife, but I couldn't see any. I sighed and settled back in the...

1 year ago
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The Mystery of the Baton Rouge

          THE MYSTERY OF THE BATON ROUGE                   The name’s Jack Wayne. I’m a private detective. It all began on a sweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbing through a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass of bourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office.   “Hey, Jack.” she said in that annoying tone she had. “Jack, put the book down for a minute!”   “What is it with you?” I growled. “You always butt in right when I’m getting to...

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A Chyoo Murder Mystery

-Chyoo Murder Mystery- Heather pulled her lower lip into her mouth and bit softly down on it as a pleasure filled moan escaped her. She pressed her left hand against the wall to support herself, while her right hand moved between her legs. The blonde slipped two fingers between the pink folds of her pussy and began to massage herself. The hot, steamy water showering down on her large breast caused her nipples to perk up. She was deep into the moment, rubbing her clit and pushing herself to a...

2 years ago
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Pool Party Mystery

It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had shown up this year for our annual pool party. Susan loved entertaining and mingling with all the guests. I loved grilling and looking at all the sexy ladies in the summer dresses and bikinis. I had to admit that we had some of the sweetest looking women around at out parties. Everyone enjoyed coming since we always had plenty to eat and drink. I had just flipped another burger on the grill when I heard voices through from the open window behind...

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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 3

“’s you!,” I exclaimed, staring in astonishment. To this day, I don’t know which of us was the more surprised. Him, at suddenly finding himself staring at a completely naked eighteen year old blonde girl, showing off her teenage delights, or me, on discovering a young, tall guy, perhaps in his mid to late twenties, standing naked in front of my large mirror, with a pair of my lacy, pink knickers in his right hand, wrapped around a most impressive, totally shaved penis. On hearing my...

Straight Sex
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 2

I stared for what seemed like hours, as I tried to make sense of the scene. Someone had stood at my dressing table and masturbated, ejaculating their load all over it. It was obvious from the results they had left behind that they had squirted their cum at least four or five times, to leave the trails of cream spread across the furniture. Judging from both the amount and the length of the various lines of cum, it must have been a series of very powerful ejaculations, especially the one which...

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The Mystery Blonde loyalsock

There Carter was lying on his sun bed by the pool. A few feet away the waves lapped gently at the white sand beach. Overhead the palm trees swayed in the breeze against a perfectly blue sky. The island was as close to paradise as he thought it possible to get.All the stresses and strains of his work life eased out of his pores as he lay there, thinking about not very much at all. And then suddenly this absolutely stunning woman came along the path and walked up to the bar. All eyes were focused...

3 years ago
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Murder Mystery 8211 Part 1

Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy their hands to satisfy their needs… Here I am writing a story that a fellow ISSian who left it incomplete. I liked his fantasy so I would rewrite it to you with much spice. I will make sure you get the complete essence of the story. Hi readers this my third story here. This is gonna be different and based on my fantasies. The story will...

2 years ago
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Leela The Mystery 8211 End Of The Road

Hey everyone! Devil here. So this is the Third and Last Part in Leela the Mystery Series. Please do read and mail me all your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story.. Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Basically a Law Student from Delhi. So one Night while returning home he meets Leela. Read on to find out what happens… In Raj’s Words: The Clock Struck 1AM and I was on my way home after attending my friend’s Dinner Party. My SUV was in a full speed as I kept driving...

1 year ago
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The mystery gift

Jenny was puzzled by the delivery note that a packet had not been possible to deliver; she had not ordered anything since she was never home to take deliveries.She wondered if she should go to collect after work or whether to ask her mother who lived nearer to collect. Jenny thought she had better collect herself.She would have the rare evening with her teenage son out tomorrow and could collect the package and open in privacy.Jenny was looking forward to a relaxing evening alone and she toyed...

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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 24 The Mystery of Two

Satnam College – Monday, 8:30 AM Shobha was standing outside her college building. She was wearing a tight white shirt and blue jean shorts that hugged her ass. She and her friends had arrived early and there was still half an hour left until their first class. Her friends were complimenting Shobha about her clothes. “Shobha you’re looking gorgeous in this outfit!” “Yeah, Shobha! You’ve been dressing rather fashionably since the past few days.” “Oh it’s nothing! I just needed a change in life...

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Mystery Encounter Her Story

It is dark and silent. I can see a very faint glow of light streaming in through the slit between the curtains, the moon is bright tonight. I am naked in the bed of a room which I have never been in before and I am waiting with anticipation. My heart is beating rapidly from the exhilaration of what I am doing, what I am about to do. I have never agreed to meet an online acquaintance until now and I have never been physically unfaithful in my marriage before. I am very nervous, excited, aroused...

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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 1

It was now May 2002. The incident with Tom was still in my thoughts, and whilst I knew that the outcome had been the right one, I found myself slipping down into a depressive state of mind. I had begun to recognise the signs a few days after seeing Tom that evening. The constant sexual hunger I had grown to accept as normal for me seemed to fade. And with it, the need to masturbate several times a day was no longer there. My energy levels dropped, and everything became an effort. Life had lost...

1 year ago
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The name's Jack Wayne. I'm a private detective. It all began on asweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbingthrough a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass ofbourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office."Hey, Jack." she said in an annoying tone. "Jack, put the bookdown for a minute!""What is it with you?" I growled. "You always butt in right whenI'm getting to the best page, Betty!""Excuse me for interrupting your reading hour!" she...

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Mystery Motel 2

Regina was slowly waking up when all of a sudden Amy came to her bed in a panic. She said, "Wake up Wake up Michelle is gone!" Regina's head was slowly engaging and she said, "What! Michelle was here last night!" Regina put on the satiny robe and she ran downstairs and she saw Elbert and Lillian. Regina said, "I was so worried about her I knew she was having a hard time with not having her former life. We have got to find her." Elbert said, "Your car is still here I don't...

4 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 13 A Male Watcher Raises Questions One Mystery Explained

Waking up the next morning, I rubbed my eyes and immediately sat up and glanced at Cate's bed. Unfortunately it was empty, unmade and apparently never slept in. I sighed and collapsed on the bed. "She never came back, huh?" Patricia asked, rolling over and flicking the hair out of her eyes. "No," Allison answered. "She never came in all night." When I glanced at her, arching my eyebrow in question, she blushed. "Being a 'party girl', I'm used to staying up nights. And carrying...

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The Tournament 05 The Mystery

Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________ ‘Again!’ Morrigan cried and I swiftly turned and brought my sword to my opponent’s neck. Faster this time, he dropped his broadsword and cried mercy. My goddess clapped. ‘Keelin, this is excellent!’ I was dripping with sweat. For two years I’d wandered and spent time training with weights, fighting strangers. This past year training with Morrigan was sheer hell. She should have...

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A Christmas Mystery

Bobbie slowly became aware of the pounding in his head. He felt like he had just been hit in the face by Mike Tyson. With his growing awareness, Bobbie also noticed the pain across his chest and the cold. God, he was cold! Then it hit him, his pickup truck had hit a patch of ice and he had slid headlong over the embankment to land nose down, ass up in a snow drift. The pain in his head was from the airbag deployment. The pain in his chest was from the seat belt, and the cold – well it was only...

1 year ago
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The Mystery of Misty

She was always there. Day after day, at the same time, at the same street, and walking the same confident way. Her strides were long; her back was straight; her long brunette hair was either in a ponytail or swaying about in the wind. She oozed class and sophistication.  I never saw her in jeans, slacks or shorts, always in various designer skirts or dresses. Top of the line shoes adorned her feet from pumps, to sandals, to six inch high heels.I could always tell when she had important business...

4 years ago
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A beautiful mystery gift on my 30th Birthday

Being a working wife and mother there is rare opportunity for adventure. But on my 3oth birthday my husband surprised me with an incredible adventure and fantasy come true. He wouldn’t tell me what he had planned for the evening, but it went without saying it would involve sex. Or so I hoped. I am a typical woman who enjoys sex and often fantasizes about others joining us. All sorts of thoughts were racing through my mind as I prepared for the evening. I wanted to walk out and have...

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Murder Mystery Weekend Pt 06

The Big Reveal Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure. Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then...

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Mystery sex toy

Introduction: Family life Hard to believe how life turns out I am happily married man and a farther of 4. When my wife and I met we fell in love and completely lusted over each other we had sex so much it would cause my cock to hurt at times lusted so much we would use butter as lubricant just because we were in the kitchen at the time we wanted anal sex. We enjoyed each other bodies and what we could do for each others pleasure and excitement. Before we started our family which may I add...

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Mystery sex toy pt2

Introduction: The truth will cum out Me and Kate are laying side by side on our bed panting breathless from our incestual sex session with our 16 year old daughter but Kate has no idea it was her daughter sitting on her face no idea she was lapping up her daughters juices. Im now laying there panicking about what had just happened how caught up in the heat of the moment that I had our daughter join in or that even worse I tricked my wife into thinking I had arranged a threesome, how will she...

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Mystery Man

I don't know why I let Laura talk me in to coming to this place. It's so not my thing. I feel weird in this outfit too, with thigh high boots, short pleated black leather skirt and a matching bustier. What was I thinking? "It will be exiting," Laura had said giggling. "Something you will never forget in your whole life." I'd argued against it, saying I didn't need this particular experience. Then Laura had hit me with the deathblow to my argument, "Imagine yourself on your deathbed..." She...

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The submissive wife and mystery girl FULL VERSION

The examination had been in progress for nearly two hours now. I was starting to get seriously bored, and there was still an hour to go. My job as an exam invigilator was meant to be temporary. That was nearly 18 months ago, and I was still no closer to getting my dream job as a fireman. I was sat at the side of the exam hall and my eyes scanned over the sea of students eagerly scribbling away. My attention was drawn to a brown haired girl who was sitting quite close to me. She was wearing a...

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Teen Diaries 19 Halloween Mystery Fuck

Dear Diary, It's me, Angel. I haven't written in a while, but I'm 17 now. My birthday was just last week, but it wasn't that great. Anyways, yesterday was Halloween and I went with my friends to a costume party. It was my first time going to a party that wasn't hosted by friends from school. Becky got the invitation from her boyfriend, who is in college. We all went as slutty princesses and I was Snow White. The costume was a little tight and my 36c breasts were hard to squeeze into it....

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Blojobs A Mystery Magic in Her Throat

Many years ago, when sex at home was in short supply I began to notice the women who prowled a mile long stretch of a main drag known as the Avenue. The chief of police ran ongoing crackdowns but the trade continued. Watch out for a real looker - most often a police decoy. Pull up to curbside near one of these beauties and she would invariably come around to the drivers side window to make the deal and the bust.Even in my horny state. I was too smart for that. The serous working girls (a...

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Mystery Man

Here I sit in a straight backed chair, my arms tied behind it. My knees are tied to the chair so that I cannot close them. My top unbuttoned so that my bra covered breasts are bare; my skirt hiked up to my thighs. I am blindfolded and totally unable to see the slightest hint of light. I turn my head at a sound to my left. It sounds like the scuffling of feet but I can’t tell for sure. I wonder what is going to happen to me and the anticipation is making me wet. I hear a door open, voices...

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The Mystery Guest

Emma had waited so long for this night. It had seemed a lifetime since she and John had had any swinging fun, due to the new baby. She had that feeling as though her insides were doing somersaults. It had been John’s idea to meet someone in a hotel, mainly to get back in the 'swing' of things. The only detail Emma knew is that she was in for a treat, but not who it was with, or how many. John arrived back from the hotel bar with a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine. He had a very happy...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Tale of Hollywood Mystery Magic and An Unusual Medallion

Please send or leave comments so I know whether my time writing this was well spent! Thanks for all comments. _______________________________________________ A Tale Of Hollywood Mystery And Magic, And An Unusual Medallion! An Altered Fates short story by Caleb Jones (Inspired by the Oscar winning actress, Hilary Swank.) Hilary Swank read the headline one more time, still unable to believe last night's events were true. "Swank Wins Oscar" Sun, Mar 26, 2000 05:54 PM PST LOS...

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