Murder Mystery Weekend Pt. 06 free porn video

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The Big Reveal

Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure.

Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then Barb and Ben. Eric was 7th. Sheila, Lena, and I ended up sharing the couch.

Teresa explained her rules for the grand finale. ‘You will all vote for the person you think is the murderer. You may also explain your reasons, or your theory, and how you came by it. After your vote, the rest of us can guess who you really are. Finally, you can reveal your secret motives and your goals. Are we ready? Claire, you were #1. You can start.’

Claire blushed, of course. ‘I think the murderer was … Leo.’ She pointed a finger at her brother.

– ‘Me? Isn’t it enough that you shot me? Now you have to kill my reputation, too?’

– ‘Why, Claire?’ asked Teresa. ‘Why do you think it’s him?’

– ‘I don’t know. He looks … shifty.’ She had no clue. Claire probably simply adopted the same theory as her companions on the ‘bad’ side.

– ‘Does anyone know who Claire was?’ asked Teresa. ‘Anyone other than Ben, Barb, or Craig?’

– ‘A pirate groupie.’ guessed Sheila.

– ‘A wannabe pirate.’ I said.

Teresa handed Claire another copy of her character description, and encouraged her to read it to us.

PENNY – an adventurous young woman, you always wanted to be a pirate. You ran away from home so that you could go to Kingston and join Redbeard’s crew. You arrived too late, he had already been arrested. Friendless, and desperate for work, you sign on as a sailor aboard HMS Retribution.

– ‘Did you have any special equipment?’ prompted Teresa.

Claire blushed again. ‘I had … the Bible.’

– ‘Which you gave to Colin.’ said Ben, with exasperation. From the very slight hesitation before he said my name, I knew that he wanted to say ‘fucking Colin’.

– ‘I traded her information for it.’ I said. ‘She had no way of knowing that it would be valuable later.’ I was just trying to get her off the hook. From the look she shot me, I think that Claire appreciated it.

– ‘Craig.’ said Teresa. ‘Your turn. Who do you think the murderer is?’

– ‘Leo.’ said Craig. ‘He had a pistol. Plus, I saw him go down into the basement.’

– ‘To get a beer.’ said Leo. ‘Completely innocent.’

– ‘Does anybody know who Craig was?’ asked Teresa.

– ‘Another wannabe?’ guessed Sheila.

– ‘No.’ said Eliza. ‘He was a pirate.’

Craig read us his character description, supplied by Teresa.

ONE-EYED JACK – a former member of Redbeard’s crew, you were able to escape capture. You signed on as a sailor on HMS Retribution, hoping that you could either rescue Redbeard, or locate his hidden treasure. Be careful: there will be agents of the Crown aboard, including the Captain.

– ‘I had a pistol, too.’ said Craig. ‘I probably should have worn an eye patch. Sorry about that.’

– ‘That’s OK.’ said Sheila. ‘Maybe you were the jack of hearts.’

– ‘Or spades.’ said Eric. When everybody but Sheila looked at him, Eric shrugged. ‘Two of the jacks in a deck of playing cards only show one eye. Hearts, and spades.’ That was my friend Eric: the idiot savant.

– ‘Leo?’ said Teresa. ‘You’re up.’

My buddy turned and pointed. ‘Ben is the murderer. He had a pistol. Plus, I saw him go into the basement. I went to get a few beers, but Ben came up with nothing in his hands.’

– ‘Any guesses who Leo was?’ asked our Captain.

The most anybody knew was that he wasn’t a pirate. Leo took great pleasure in reading his brief bio.

ENSIGN MAYWEATHER – You are a naval officer, disguised as a common sailor. Your mission is twofold: ensure that the pirate Redbeard reaches Barbados to stand trial, and discover if any members of his crew or other pirates are aboard the ship.

– ‘A narc?’ said Eric. ‘Were you going to turn us in and confiscate the treasure? Now I don’t feel so bad that you got shot.’

Barbara was next. When Teresa called her name, Barbara sat up straighter. ‘I’m going to say that the killer is … Eric. I don’t quite know why. Just a feeling.’

Eric looked happy to be a suspect. When Teresa asked if anyone knew who Barbara was, we answered in chorus: ‘The Falcon!’ Some of the others were generous enough to admit that I had come to that conclusion first.

She read her description:

THE FALCON – You were one of Redbeard’s top lieutenants, and most likely to succeed him. Loyalty led you to sign on as a sailor aboard HMS Retribution, in the hopes that you might arrange your Captain’s escape. But you also know that his treasure is somewhere on the ship – and that it would be enough money to set you up as a pirate captain in your own right. Beware, though: your old rival Ned Mulligan was recently sighted in Kingston …

I gave Teresa a quick look and a grin. She had set me up quite thoroughly. The Scar was out to kill me, and the Falcon knew I was around. I was lucky to have survived.

Ben was next. He guessed that Leo was the murderer. Maybe that was where Craig and Claire got the idea. He was a bit annoyed when most of us guessed that he was the Scar. But he hammed it up when he read his character sheet, growling and snarling.

THE SCAR – You were one of Redbeard’s most notorious and villainous associates, renowned for your skill with pistol and cutlass, your cruelty and ruthlessness. You know that Redbeard’s treasure is aboard, and will stop at nothing to get it all for yourself. You know that the gypsy is aboard, and that she can help you to locate it – if you can seduce her, or marry her. Finally, your arch-rival Ned Mulligan may be aboard. It’s time to dispose of him once and for all.

– ‘Whew!’ said Eric. ‘That’s quite the bucket list.’

– ‘Wait a minute!’ said Barb. ‘What’s this ‘all for yourself’ crap? Were you gonna backstab me at the very end?’

I tried not to laugh aloud. I was more than a little pleased to see that Ben had failed to achieve any of his goals. Except for having sex with Barbara, I guess. I glanced at Teresa again. Had she been trying to steer Ben towards Lena? She had also made a point of asking me to ‘be nice’ to her. Was that some elaborate plot to have Ben and me fighting over Lena?

It was Eric’s turn.

– ‘I think that the murderer is Colin.’ he said.

I tried to look innocent and offended at the same time. ‘Me? Why?’

– ‘You had a pistol. You could easily have gone to the basement – almost everybody did that first night. And you had more of a motive than Ben, or Leo.’

– ‘Anybody know who Eric was?’ asked Teresa.

All of the good guys knew that he was a runaway priest, since he had performed the wedding ceremony. Then we had to explain about the marriage.

– ‘Wait a minute!’ cried Barbara. ‘Colin and Lena got married? That’s so cute!’ She got up and came over to me, to give me a big hug and a wet kiss. Then she did the same to Lena.

– ‘You married her?’ asked Ben. ‘Just to make sure that I couldn’t? And I fucking missed! Aaargh! I still can’t believe I rolled a ‘2’!’

Teresa had Eric read his description.

TOM HOOK – You sailed with Redbeard years ago, and participated in some of his bloodiest atrocities. You were having horrific nightmares, and couldn’t do it anymore. You deserted, and ran away to become a priest, trying to atone for all the crimes you committed so long ago. When you heard about Redbeard’s capture, your remembered his treasure, hidden aboard his ship. You could build a decent church with all that money.
But beware of the Falcon and the Scar – they may remember you.

– ‘Would you really have spent your share of the treasure on a church?’ asked Leo. ‘Or would you drink it?’

– ‘Maybe a bit of both.’ admitted Eric. Then he stood up. ‘While I have the floor, I just want to say thanks to Teresa. This was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the treasure hunt, and all the clues, and everything.’

– ‘Hear, hear!’ said Eliza. Others joined in.

Teresa waved her hand. ‘Eliza deserves the credit, for hosting us all.’ There was a little mutual admiration society scene, and then some hugging, before everyone resumed their seats.

Sheila was next. Her guess took us all by surprise.

– ‘I think Teresa was the murderer.’

– ‘What? Why would you say that?’ asked Barbara.

– ‘Well, I don’t feel sure about any of the other suspects. Besides, Teresa had a pistol. She also had the key to his cell. Remember the vomit? Maybe she fed him something that made him puke, or pass out. That way she could get close and shoot Redbeard while he was out cold.’

– ‘Interesting.’ said Teresa, without giving anything away. ‘Does anyone know who Sheila was?’

– ‘She told us her name.’ I said. ‘Any relation to Anne Bonny?’

Sheila grinned. ‘My little sister.’ Then she read her profile.

KATHLEEN BONNY- You are the older and far more successful sister of Anne Bonny, and a renowned pirate in your own right. You command a sloop, the Devilfish, which is following HMS Retribution at a distance. You were a rival and sworn enemy of Redbeard. Hearing of his capture, you took the opportunity to sign on with Captain Fairwind, disguised as a common sailor. You hope to find and abscond with Redbeard’s treasure.

– ‘Mission accomplished.’ said Eric, tipping his hat to her.

– ‘You fooled us all.’ said Leo.

– ‘Except me!’ objected Eliza. ‘But I didn’t know you had your ship. Does that mean that I get forced to walk the plank, while you keep the whole treasure?’

Sheila looked thoughtful for a moment. Then she laughed. ‘No! Now that I know who you are, I think that this will be the start of a very profitable partnership.’

– ‘Who is she?’ asked Leo.

– ‘Not her turn.’ insisted Teresa. ‘Lena is next.’

Lena blushed shyly when everyone turned to her. ‘I think murder was done by … Sheila. She had pistol. And good reason to hate Redbeard.’

Everyone had some idea about her character, but Teresa had her read the description anyway.

ESMERELDA – You are a gypsy fortune-teller, sometimes gifted with the second sight. Redbeard often consulted you for advice. One of his lieutenants, the Scar, is trying to force you to marry him. You hope to escape to Barbados.

– ‘I gave Lena extra clues, to simulate her second sight.’ said Teresa.

– ‘That’s fair.’ said Eric. ‘Worked out great for us. Well, until Sheila and Eliza robbed us.’

It was my turn next. I had been thinking about the murderer for some time, on and off. When I found out that it was me, I stopped worrying about it, and concentrated on spreading rumours and false accusations. But if I had to pick someone else … I recalled seeing Craig coming out of the basement before I went down there. But he had no motive …

Then I remembered the last person I had seen coming up the stairs –

– ‘Eliza is the murderer.’ I said. ‘I don’t know about the pistol, but I definitely saw her in the basement. And I can rule out many others because they didn’t have a motive. But I don’t know about her – yet.’

– ‘Does anyone know who Colin was?’ asked Teresa.

– ‘Dirty Ned Mulligan.’ said Barbara, with a smile.

– ‘Fucking Ned Mulligan.’ said Ben, almost simultaneously, with a scowl.

Eric also knew that I was a former member of Redbeard’s crew, as did Lena. So did Eliza, to my surprise. I read them my profile.

That left Eliza.

– ‘I think Colin did it.’ she said. ‘You went into the basement as I was leaving it. And you had a pistol, which I didn’t.’

– ‘Does anyone know who Eliza was?’ asked Teresa.

– ‘I do – but only because she told me.’ admitted Sheila. Ee was pretty pleased that none of us had recognized her, or figured out her identity.

SILVER SALLY – You are the waitress/ serving wench at the Mouldy Maggot tavern, a low dive frequented by the worst pirates, including Redbeard and his crew. You have picked up a great deal of gossip working there. You are the one who told the authorities where Redbeard could be found, and you collected a reward for turning him in. But you also knew that his treasure was hidden aboard his ship, so you signed on in the hope of getting your hands on it.

– ‘So who did it?’ asked Claire.

– ‘Wait – what about Teresa?’ said Eric.

– ‘Captain Fairwind.’ she said. ‘That’s all. No secret identity. No secrets at all. But Claire is right: it’s time to unmask the real killer. I will now count to three, and on 3, I will ask the murderer to stand up. Ready? One. Two. Three.’

I stood up. Then I noticed that Eliza was standing next to me.

– ‘What the hell?’ said Leo.

– ‘Both of them?’ said Eric.

– ‘Eliza – would you go first?’ asked Teresa.

– ‘OK. As it said in my profile, I’m the one who ratted ol’ Redbeard out. Then I found out that a lot of his crew were signing up on the ship. If any of them talked to him, they might find out that I was the informant. Better for me if he never got the chance. So I poisoned him.’

– ‘The vomit!’ I said. ‘I knew that was important.’

– ‘Right. I don’t know if he would have died, since he puked up a lot of the poison I gave him. So maybe it was just attempted murder for me. Luckily, Ned here went downstairs and finished the job. With a pistol, too, which steered attention away from me. Thanks, Ned.’ She patted me on the arm, and sat down.

– ‘Ned?’ prompted Teresa.

I repeated what the final clue had told me about my motivation.

– ‘Damn it!’ said Ben. ‘I should have guessed it was you!’

– ‘But we do have winners.’ announced Teresa. ‘Both Eliza and Eric guessed that Colin was the murderer.’ She presented each of them with a bottle of wine labelled ‘Pirate Cove’. ‘And then somehow, Colin guessed that Eliza was the murderer – which was also correct.’ She presented me with a third bottle. ‘Congratulations.’ she whispered.

– ‘Who has a corkscrew?’ asked Eric. ‘This prize should be shared.’

The mystery was over, but the drinking was just beginning.

Barbara found me, and wrapped me in a tight hug, giving me the full benefit of those heroically-proportioned breasts. She pulled me close, and whispered in my ear. ‘I can’t believe it was you all along. Just imagine if I had stabbed you in bed … that would have made for a different ending, wouldn’t it?’

– ‘I would have died happy, that’s for sure.’ I replied.

I had to find Sheila, and congratulate her. ‘You timed it perfectly. In fact, you did everything perfectly. You didn’t look too eager to join us, so I never suspected a thing. I’m very impressed by your cunning and duplicity.’ I doffed my tricorne, and gave her a bow.

– ‘Thank you very much.’ she said, with a curtsey.

– ‘We’re OK, you and I?’

– ‘Better than that, Colin. Curiosity satisfied, and still good friends. Nothing to feel awkward about.’

– ‘I’m glad.’ I said, and gave her a big hug.

Then I found Teresa. ‘That was wonderful.’ I told her.

– ‘Glad you enjoyed it.’

– ‘Tell me: how did you assign the parts? It worked so well.’

– ‘You won’t believe me, Colin, but I took a page from your book, and left it to chance. I drew playing cards, matched to the different parts. I only cheated twice – I didn’t want Claire to be the Falcon – I think Barbara did a better job of that. Don’t you agree?’ She treated me to her patented half-smile. I wondered how
much she knew about what had passed between Barbara and me.

– ‘She was excellent in that part.’ I agreed. ‘And the second?’

– ‘Lena as the gypsy. She could have been Penny, I suppose, but the other parts would have been hard for her.’

– ‘Speaking of Lena …’ I said. Something had been bothering me, tickling at the back of my mind, since Friday.

– ‘Yes?’

– ‘I’m curious, Teresa. How on earth did Lena ever get picked for an exchange program, when she speaks so little English?’

Teresa tilted her head, to look at me sideways. It was a reflex of hers, when I said something particularly intelligent or perceptive, or when I surprised her. ‘Her uncle pulled some strings. It was supposed to be Lena’s cousin who came over. But the cousin got pregnant and was beginning to show. She would have had to go home to give birth. The family suggested Lena as a last-minute substitute, and her uncle called in some favors. And here she is.’

– ‘Wow.’

– ‘Would you do me a favor, Colin?’ she asked.

– ‘Anything.’ I told her.

– ‘It’s a big one.’ she warned.

That caught my attention. I looked into her eyes. But my ex-girlfriend would have made a good poker player, she gave nothing away.

– ‘Your wish is my command.’ I said.

-‘You’ve been busy this weekend.’ she said.

– ‘Me?’ Playing innocent doesn’t work with Teresa.

– ‘Don’t be embarrassed, Colin. I told you to have a good time. It appears that you’ve been doing exactly that.’

– ‘Umm …’ I had no answer to that.

– ‘Remember – I told you this weekend was not going to be about us.’

– ‘I’m a bit confused, Teresa. What is it you expect me to do? Or not do?’

– ‘I don’t expect you to do anything. Someone else might, though …’ Teresa pointedly looked over my shoulder. Lena was standing on the other side of the room. She was sipping on a rum concoction, but plainly observing the two of us. I gave her a little smile. Lena smiled back. I turned to face Teresa again.

– ‘Jesus, Teresa – are you asking me to -‘

– ‘You married her, Colin.’ Then she saw the look on my face. ‘Relax. Breathe. I’m just kidding.’

– ‘Teresa, for Christ’s sake.’ I said.

– ‘I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to do. But if you’re holding back, or staying away from Lena because you want to get back together with me, you’re making a mistake. This weekend is not about you and me. I mean it.’

‘If you find her attractive – if you find her appealing, then you should do what comes naturally. If that means taking her to bed, then I would be happy for both of you.’

Can you imagine your ex-girlfriend talking to you like this? Neither could I. It was bizarre, confusing, and yet strangely tantalizing. Mostly confusing, though.

– ‘Now I’m going to tell you something you have to keep secret.’ she said. ‘Promise?’

– ‘Of course.’

– ‘Lena hasn’t had all that many positive experiences with men. Because of her height, a lot of guys are intimidated. She attracted a lot of basketball and volleyball players. Most were assholes. They treated her like she should be grateful for their attention. It didn’t do much for her self-confidence, as you can imagine.’

Teresa reached out and put her hand on my arm. ‘She needs a nice guy who will treat her right. I know that you can be that guy.’

– ‘Teresa …’

– ‘Listen to me. You should act as if I wasn’t here at all. Do what Lena would inspire you to do. And if you do sleep with her, Colin – treat her right. Don’t fuck her a few times and then dump her. Don’t break her heart. But don’t deliberately stay away from her while you try to calculate your chances of getting back together with me. It’s not about that. It’s about Lena. Treat her right.’

– ‘Is that your favor, Teresa?’ I asked. ‘You want me to sleep with Lena? And then be her boyfriend for the year?’

– ‘You’re not listening, Colin. Do what you want. Forget that I’m here. My favor is actually quite simple: Can I sleep in the den tonight? Alone, I mean.’

– ‘And where do I sleep?’

– ‘Wherever you like.’ she said.

I couldn’t read her at all. That Mona Lisa smile, that sphinx-like expression that I found so alluring, now had me completely stymied. I didn’t know what she wanted. Hell, I didn’t know what I wanted. So I decided to take Teresa at her word, and act as if she wasn’t there. First, though, I asked her for a favor in turn.

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I watched as a bolt of lightning zipped across the sky, followed quickly by another and then a third. Thunder rolled, starting softly at first as if coming from a great distance and then rising to a quick crescendo of almost earsplitting sound. The wind pushed my car along the road and I cursed myself for being so stupid as to be out on a night like this. If that call hadn't come in, I wouldn't be here. No, that wasn't exactly true. If I hadn't been so greedy and certain that the buyers...

3 years ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 6

Mike was at his desk completing paperwork when the phone rang. He briefly considered allowing the call to go to voicemail. Then decided he would only have to deal with it later, so he answered it. “Detective Hammond’s desk”, he answered. “I have some information you may be interested in.” A disguised and toneless voice told him. “What kind of information, what does it pertain too.” he answered evenly, while getting a pen and a notepad ready. “The kind that involves your daughter’s...

1 year ago
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Mystery DoggyStyle

The sequel to Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks“What do we do next?” Chelsea asked me. We’d had so much fun playing Mystery Cunts and Mystery Cocks that we were dying for a repeat. “Who do you think you fucked?” I asked Chelsea. “Jack or Tyson or both?” “I don’t know!” she said. “But I have an idea for a new game tonight.” We told the guys we’d start at seven. Chelsea was so excited she came over at six. “I’ve got to take a shower,” I told her, stripping off my shorts, tank top, and panties and...

2 years ago
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Murder Misstery Finis

Murder Misstery Finis © 2007 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she the saga concludes, Maddy vows to end her life on the lam. By the author of The Jessica Project "Jacques, when I saw Dr. Villiers, the name I gave him was Madison Monroe. Do you think we can trust him not to talk to the police?" "How did you pay him?" "Cash, under the table." "Then...

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The Mystery Caller

My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in Manhattan. We'd arrive together but almost every night, we'd leave separately. In the heart of winter, Stoney decided to have a Valentine's Day Party at his house and invite only the best-looking women we could find. The night of the party, I put on my sharp black Armani suit, loaded up with flowers, grabbed a bottle of champagne, and drove across...

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The Journey into Mystery

"The Journey into Mystery" "The Journey into Mystery" A Work of Fiction by Traveller   PROLOGUE Julie Martine is a secretary working for Dr. Vladimir Petrovich, a plastic serguon. She leads an ordinary life. Everyday, she wakes up exactly at the same time, dresses in a sexy suit that hugs her busty body, puts on her high heel shoes and goes to work. She carefully chooses the perfume and the accessories she'll wear that day. One day it's the seductive pearl necklace, on the other it's...

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Mystery Shopping Threesome

I always used to wonder how one can have sex with multiple partners, that too without any connection. I got to know about it when I stepped into something which used to be an EEWW thing to me. My husband (Anuj) and I (Suman) do a lot of Mystery Shopping wherein we evaluate customer service provided by the retail stores. All this happens anonymously by the mystery shoppers with the prior approval from the retail clients. Some people think we are detectives but we are not. One fine day, Aashu...

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Mystery Plunge

Mystery Plunge By Julia Manchester © 2010 This is a work of fiction. The characters of the story are all fictitious, and any resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The events portrayed are likewise fabrications. This work also includes mature subject matter and may not be appropriate for those under the age of eighteen. No part of this work may be published, reproduced, posted or distributed in any form, including electronic storage and...

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Murder Misstery Redux

Murder Misstery Redux © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did.... After faking her death, Maddy is enjoying her life as the mistress of the Parisian doctor who is turning her into a woman. The next few months were among the happiest of my life. Long, lazy mornings puttering around my apartment, fixing myself breakfast while I picked up French...

3 years ago
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Murder in Pink Part 2

Murder in Pink Part 2 by Tanya Lynn Cast of characters *The good guys* David Scott and Tanya Lynn Lamm- our intrepid, dual identity private eye and hero. Carol Darfler- loyal secretary who knows his dual identity. Steve Romeros- police detective and Dave's best friend and former partner Susan Taft- David's girlfriend and Tanya Lynn's best friend. Various minor characters (cops, etc.) *The victim* Lydia Sisneros- a vicious old lady who had spent her life...

1 year ago
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Murder in Pink Part 3

Murder in Pink Part 3 by Tanyalynn ?? Author's note-I missed a couple of characters in the last part's cast of characters- Karen Lamm- our heroes sister and a lawyer Rusch Graham- a lawyer and friend of the hero. Tom Rivera- a cop who hates Steve, our hero's cop buddy ? I spent the night racking my brain trying to figure out what I knew. Sometimes the solution to a mystery I am reading will come to me in my sleep, but it didn't work. Steve called at about 9 am to...

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The Mystery of Celia Allene

“Now don’t you go anywhere my dear, I won’t be too long, hopefully, perhaps home by eleven.”“How can I go anywhere, you’ve tied me to the bedposts.”“Oh, yes, I knew there was something I was supposed to do before I left. Sorry darling, I’m late already. You don’t mind, do you E?”“What if I need a wee-wee?” Came the quiet girly pleading tone from the bed."Darling E, I do not think you want to urinate on the bed. The consequences do not bear thinking about, especially for you."“But you said I...

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A Mystery Spot

While traveling through the Midwestern states along highway US-2, my friend Chris and I saw a place advertised as being a mystery spot. We talked about it, as in my travels during the late nineteen hundreds saw such odd places in Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois, but to see one still there, open for business and available to see, I said he should stop and see it. When we arrived, the building was as all the others I remembered, it painted all black except for a large red circle where two doors...

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The Masked Mystery Under her spell

The morning was bright and beautiful. Birds singing in the trees, the sound of people laughing walking by. It looked like the day was going to be a good one. I jumped out of bed , threw off my panties and ran to the shower room. Stepping inside , the nice hot water flowing over my body. I grabbed my body wash ,squeezed some into my hand and started to lather it all over my body. As I went between my legs my mind wondered into thinking I’d love a nice orgasm to set off my day. So I began to...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Woman

I stand behind you, my hands roaming the front of your body. I explore from your neck to your thighs. My hands are shaking and desperate, but I'm keeping my control for now. I turn your head to the side so I can reach your lips. I bend down and kiss you, deeply and urgently, a taste of what's to come. My lips find the back of your neck as my hands withdraw from you. I reach for the zipper on your dress and slowly start to lower it. I'm going agonizingly slow, drawing it out, torturing both of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Leela The Mystery 8211 Middle Of The Saturday Night

Hey all! Devil here! A New Trilogy: Leela the Mystery. Of course Title inspired by Ek Paheli Leela starring the Beautiful Sunny Leone. So here is the First Installment of Leela the Mystery. Pls do read and mail me all your Comments, Feedback and Suggestions on Coming to the Story.. This Story is about Parth. A Final Year Engineering Student from Pune who just now moved into a New Hostel. Read on to know what happens with him there… In Parth’s Words: So after spending 3 Years at My College...

1 year ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

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Mystery Sex

Mark lived in a rural area of his state, owning more than 200 acres of timberland. Actually, he owned in partnership with his mother as part a business he started and she supported. He was developing a reputation for high-quality, solid wood furniture that he designed and constructed himself. He had helped his dad build the large two story house that he shared with his mother, his aunt (mother's sister) and three sisters. His dad had died suddenly about three years ago, just as Mark was getting...

2 years ago
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Robin Bedeviled by Mystery Woman

****************************************** A Romantic FanFic of the Crime Fighting Duo ****************************************** Author’s Note As I was cleaning out a folder of old story ideas, I found this one. A guy I had worked with, a half-dozen jobs or so ago, was a real Batman fanatic. Long before the movies came out. He belonged to one of the early online fanzine groups. At lunch, we would talk about the stories he wrote. This story we sort of collaborated possibilities together...

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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

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Mystery Lover

I sense your presence before I see you. I feel your breath before I taste your kiss. My eyes arWoman meets her Mystery Lover.e closed before your lips touch mine. I don’t know what you look like. Your lips caress mine gently. There are other people around but you don’t care. You tell me to keep my eyes closed and take my hand. Where you are leading me, I don’t know. I feel something hard against my back. I hear a door open and you move me sideways. You push on my shoulders and I sit. The door...

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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

3 years ago
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The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor

The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor By Cassandra Morgan The taxi rode slowly along the mountain road, and I had to admit, the scenery was something out of Ansel Adams' portfolio. The sky was high, as advertised, and the low mountains were green. I supposed that in another few months, they would be covered in white. There were crossing rivers in the valley, blue and green and peaceful. I looked out the back window for wildlife, but I couldn't see any. I sighed and settled back in the...

1 year ago
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The Mystery of the Baton Rouge

          THE MYSTERY OF THE BATON ROUGE                   The name’s Jack Wayne. I’m a private detective. It all began on a sweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbing through a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass of bourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office.   “Hey, Jack.” she said in that annoying tone she had. “Jack, put the book down for a minute!”   “What is it with you?” I growled. “You always butt in right when I’m getting to...

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Murder in Magnolia

This is my first posting of a non-erotic story. This is actually a story taken from a new Matchmaker Bandits novel I currently have being edited. I have removed the Bandits and adult content leaving this, the PG-13 rated version. After four attempts, I have found all the errors I could. Please let me know what you think of it, rate it, leave feedback (even bad) and point out errors if you find them. *********** This story is fiction. According to my internet search, there is no town in...

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A Chyoo Murder Mystery

-Chyoo Murder Mystery- Heather pulled her lower lip into her mouth and bit softly down on it as a pleasure filled moan escaped her. She pressed her left hand against the wall to support herself, while her right hand moved between her legs. The blonde slipped two fingers between the pink folds of her pussy and began to massage herself. The hot, steamy water showering down on her large breast caused her nipples to perk up. She was deep into the moment, rubbing her clit and pushing herself to a...

2 years ago
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Pool Party Mystery

It seemed like everyone in the neighborhood had shown up this year for our annual pool party. Susan loved entertaining and mingling with all the guests. I loved grilling and looking at all the sexy ladies in the summer dresses and bikinis. I had to admit that we had some of the sweetest looking women around at out parties. Everyone enjoyed coming since we always had plenty to eat and drink. I had just flipped another burger on the grill when I heard voices through from the open window behind...

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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 3

“’s you!,” I exclaimed, staring in astonishment. To this day, I don’t know which of us was the more surprised. Him, at suddenly finding himself staring at a completely naked eighteen year old blonde girl, showing off her teenage delights, or me, on discovering a young, tall guy, perhaps in his mid to late twenties, standing naked in front of my large mirror, with a pair of my lacy, pink knickers in his right hand, wrapped around a most impressive, totally shaved penis. On hearing my...

Straight Sex
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 2

I stared for what seemed like hours, as I tried to make sense of the scene. Someone had stood at my dressing table and masturbated, ejaculating their load all over it. It was obvious from the results they had left behind that they had squirted their cum at least four or five times, to leave the trails of cream spread across the furniture. Judging from both the amount and the length of the various lines of cum, it must have been a series of very powerful ejaculations, especially the one which...

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The Mystery Blonde loyalsock

There Carter was lying on his sun bed by the pool. A few feet away the waves lapped gently at the white sand beach. Overhead the palm trees swayed in the breeze against a perfectly blue sky. The island was as close to paradise as he thought it possible to get.All the stresses and strains of his work life eased out of his pores as he lay there, thinking about not very much at all. And then suddenly this absolutely stunning woman came along the path and walked up to the bar. All eyes were focused...

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Leela The Mystery 8211 End Of The Road

Hey everyone! Devil here. So this is the Third and Last Part in Leela the Mystery Series. Please do read and mail me all your Feedbacks, Suggestions and Comments on Coming to the Story.. Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Basically a Law Student from Delhi. So one Night while returning home he meets Leela. Read on to find out what happens… In Raj’s Words: The Clock Struck 1AM and I was on my way home after attending my friend’s Dinner Party. My SUV was in a full speed as I kept driving...

1 year ago
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The mystery gift

Jenny was puzzled by the delivery note that a packet had not been possible to deliver; she had not ordered anything since she was never home to take deliveries.She wondered if she should go to collect after work or whether to ask her mother who lived nearer to collect. Jenny thought she had better collect herself.She would have the rare evening with her teenage son out tomorrow and could collect the package and open in privacy.Jenny was looking forward to a relaxing evening alone and she toyed...

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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 24 The Mystery of Two

Satnam College – Monday, 8:30 AM Shobha was standing outside her college building. She was wearing a tight white shirt and blue jean shorts that hugged her ass. She and her friends had arrived early and there was still half an hour left until their first class. Her friends were complimenting Shobha about her clothes. “Shobha you’re looking gorgeous in this outfit!” “Yeah, Shobha! You’ve been dressing rather fashionably since the past few days.” “Oh it’s nothing! I just needed a change in life...

3 years ago
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Murder in Pink

I wrote this story when I was a young, new author, as a tribute to my favorite kind of novel. I am cleaning it up a little bit, but bringing it over here otherwise unchanged. It was pretty popular back then, and if there is some interest in it now, I have a sequel in mind. Murder in Pink Tanya Lynn I opened the door to my office and walked in. I said hi to my secretary Carol and went to my private office with my messages. I needed to get ready to see a client who wanted...

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Murder in Another Orbit

Har Li-Quat, recently promoted to the status of Rectifer-First, allowed a pleased smile to surface as he floated at his desk. The changing hues of his cubicle walls reflected his good humor. He was no longer a probationer, but a full-fledged member of Computer Central's Rectification Bureau. Foxy-faced, with red hair and a bristling moustache, he wore his full-organic soma with the ease of long practice. Only a few of his closest confidants knew his secret; that he hadn't been decanted in an...

2 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 2

"Maureen," I asked her right from the start of our conversation, "was it just me, or was Bad News Bear really the worst thing you've ever watched in your entire life?" "Worst doesn't begin to cover it. Sometimes there are bad shows that are really almost kind-of fun to watch, being awful but in an interesting or amusing sort of way, but Bear was completely different. Terrible in the very worst way, not just merely bad ... but really something actually evil." "And you've watched...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 3

The psychiatrist, Dr. Brent, was finally making some headway into the case; he had been seeing this patient for about a year now. The patient was middle aged. He was trying to come to the beginning of the psychosis. He had put the patient under hypnosis and was trying to go as far back as memory would allow. In reviewing his notes he could pinpoint what his patient thought was close to the start of the problem. “I am waiting for the mailman, I know that dirty magazine will be delivered this...

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Birthday Weekender

I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...

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