Murder Misstery Melange free porn video

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Murder Misstery Melange © 2007 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Maddy - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did... as the saga continues, Maddy begins life as the lover of her doctor in Paris. By the author of The Jessica Project. I stood outside the door while Jacques made a quick survey of the apartment. Apparently it hadn't been occupied in several weeks, and with the return of the summer heat, it must have been very stuffy, because I could hear him drawing back curtains and opening windows. When he returned, he was perspiring slightly, and he took a moment to mop his forehead with his silk handkerchief before he surprised me by lifting me off my feet and carrying me over the threshold. I let him kiss me gently on the lips before he put me down. After the night we'd spent together in the bedroom of my suite at the Plaza Athen?e, it was feeling quite natural to respond to him as a woman, and we lingered over another kiss before he showed me around my new surroundings. "In the morning the sunlight is marvelous," he was saying, "and you can just see the spires of Notre Dame from this window." I stood next to him, looking out over the expanse of tiled rooftops towards the Seine, listening to the cacophony of traffic in the Latin Quarter. I could afford to live anywhere I wanted, but how could I top this? I followed him through the elegantly furnished parlor into the charming boudoir, where an imposing Louis XVI bed promised endless delights to come... I thought back to the night we'd just spent together, my first as a woman. Jacques had been so gentle, patiently probing the new erotic hotspots on my trembling body, sensing when to linger and when to push... he'd lovingly undressed me before we slid under the duvet, and after he rolled me onto my tummy, I surrendered completely when he eased himself into my quivering ass. At first I thought I was going to burst, but his hot breath whispered encouragement as he nuzzled my ear. Once I knew that he was inside me, my resistance yielded to his steady advances, and I reveled to sublime jolts each time he poked my prostate. While one hand kneaded my nubile breasts, and the other stroked my whimpering cock, he eased himself in and out, in and out, until we both came in a rush of exquisite pleasure. I'd lain there, weeping softly, after he popped out and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. My feelings of shame and remorse were tempered by the knowledge that my fate would have been the same had I turned myself in. Only then, instead of enjoying the tender mercies of a gentle lover in Paris, I would have been taking it up the ass from hardened criminals at the Menard Correctional Facility. After Jacques left me I occupied the rest of the day becoming familiar with my new surroundings. It didn't take me long to unpack my Vuitton suitcase, and it seemed strangely permanent to put away my lingerie and stockings in dresser drawers. My wardrobe may have been meager, but everything I had was very chic: summer skirts and dresses from Saint Tropez, the latest fall fashions from Knightsbridge, and my one Paris original, which I carefully hung in the bedroom closet. Although the apartment was in a historic building and filled with antiques, it was equipped with modern conveniences, and I was pleased to discover a state-of-the-art microwave and espresso machine in the kitchen, as well as a personal computer in an alcove off the parlor. I was wearing my favorite sundress from De Bijenkorf in Amsterdam, which would be perfect for a late summer afternoon, but I noticed a few clouds gathering in the distance, so I tied a cashmere sweater around my neck before I stepped into a cute pair of ballet flats for my first foray into the Latin Quarter. During my six months in Provence I'd become used to daily trips to town for the fresh breads and produce that are the staple of French cuisine. I was inspecting the lettuce at a local market, when my cell phone rang in my purse. "Hello?" I answered after I fished it out. "Maddy, where are you? I tried calling you at the apartment." It was Jacques. "Shopping." "But of course, how like a woman... I was calling to make arrangements for dinner." "That's very sweet, Jacques, but I've already planned our menu for tonight." "Pardon?" "I'm not used to cooking for two, so I can't make any promises, but I don't think you'll go home hungry. Appetizers will be served promptly at seven." "You never cease to surprise and delight me!" "Just bring the wine, okay?" "Rouge or blanc?" "Better make it one of each." I rang off and put my phone back in my purse. Then I busied myself with the womanly task of planning a romantic dinner for my man. Jacques arrived precisely at seven, damn him! I was still fussing with the place settings, and I hadn't had time to put the Camembert in the microwave. "Let yourself in," I shouted on my way to the bedroom. I heard him opening the door and inspecting the kitchen while I hurriedly brushed my hair and touched up my makeup. Then I took a deep breath to compose myself before I waltzed serenely into the parlor. "I guess the custom of being fashionably late didn't originate in France," I pouted. "To the contrary, punctuality is a dying art in Paris, except when a beautiful woman is involved," he said as he opened a bottle of Chardonnay. The microwave beeped, and I took a moment to put on a pinafore apron, tying it behind my back while Jacques looked on with amusement. "Surely you didn't find that here?" he asked. "Are you kidding? When was the last time one of your kept women cooked you a meal?" I taunted him. "This is a first," he acknowledged as he opened the other bottle of wine with a flourish. "Voila! My work is done here." "Men!" I placed a platter of melted Camembert with slices of baguette on the coffee table and sat down next to Jacques, self- consciously playing with the hem of my apron while I waited for him to pour the wine. The crystal in the apartment was baccarat, and after we clinked our glasses I drained half of mine in one unladylike swig. "Tell me, Maddy, what possessed you to do this?" Jacques asked as he refilled my glass. "There are some things we need to discuss, and not in a crowded restaurant." That morning Jacques had placed a call to Dr. Villiers, a colleague, who specialized in sexual reassignment surgery. I had an appointment with him the following morning, and I wanted to know what I was getting into. "What's going to happen tomorrow morning?" "Dr. Villiers will conduct a more traditional physical examination than I've performed on you," Jacques chuckled. "He will assess the progress of your feminization, and establish a schedule for your surgery." "What exactly would that involve?" I asked, dreading the answer. "Maddy, I have observed the procedure many times. The technical aspects aren't for the squeamish. Are you sure you want to talk about this before we eat?" I nodded as I drained my glass. Jacques refilled it once again while I nervously nibbled on a slice of bread and cheese. "Very well," he sighed. "After your testicles are removed, the remnants of your scrotum will be used to create the labia for your vagina. The vagina itself will be lined with the skin from your penis after it is amputated, and the stump will be reconstructed into a clitoris. And of course, your urethra will be redirected to enable you to urinate like a woman." I felt the bile beginning to rise in my stomach. "The recovery process takes several weeks, and is frankly very painful because of the necessity to dilate your new vagina regularly to keep it from closing up..." I bolted out of the parlor towards the boudoir. Before I could make it into the bathroom, I threw up into the folds of my pinafore. Jacques' belated efforts to salvage our dinner were to no avail. After a restless night alone in my new bed, I felt almost human when I awoke before dawn. I was famished after going without dinner, so I wrapped my robe around my nightgown and fixed myself an omelet and a double espresso. Listlessly, I sat down at the computer and booted it up. Before I went on the Internet to do some research on sex change surgery, I decided to check my emails, on the off-chance that there might be messages from my old life. To my surprise there were two from Tracy. My heart sank as I read the first one: "Maddy, I'm still mad at you for lying to me about what you did to Norman Wolf, although I'm willing to believe that it was an accident. I'm sorry I lost it after you told me, I was hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth, and I realize now how hard it must have been for you to tell me, and what you must be going through. I'm worried about you, although from your clothes and jewelry it looks like you aren't exactly starving. Please be careful, I still think you should turn yourself in, Tracy PS - I like you as a brunette." Silly, stupid bitch! I had to assume that the FBI and the police were still monitoring her emails. Not only had she pinned me to the wall as Norman Wolf's killer, her catty comments about my expensive clothes and jewelry might even have tipped them off about my stolen millions. Not only that, she'd alerted the authorities to the fact that I was still disguised as a woman, down to the color of my hair... the last thing I needed now was to make this permanent! I looked down in dismay at my heaving breasts. Short of a double mastectomy, I was stuck this way, in fact I'd become reconciled to spending the rest of my life as a woman. Would it even be possible to change back? And did I really want to give up my relationship with Jacques? If Tracy's first email threw me, her second was like a kick in the head: "It's me again, back in Chicago, just wanted to let you know that I went to Burberry's before I left for the airport, I asked them to show me that outfit you had on, they are still talking about the rich American girl who bought out the store! Missing you, Tracy." Damn her! My hands were shaking as I scrolled up to my inbox to see what time her message was sent. Yesterday, at 6:41 pm Chicago time... the middle of the night in London. Assuming the FBI was already on it, they'd have alerted Scotland Yard by now to question the staff at Burberry's about the mysterious brunette who went on a shopping spree. From there it wouldn't take long for them to uncover my French credit card in the name of Madison Monroe, which would lead them directly to me here, in Paris, since I'd used that card, and my bogus passport, to take the train from London to Paris three days earlier. How much time did I have? It was almost nine o'clock in Paris, only eight o'clock in London, so the shops wouldn't be open for another few hours, and with any luck the authorities would start at the flagship Burberry's in Haymarket before they fanned out to the other branches. First things first: using the telephone in the apartment, I placed a call to Jacques' office. His receptionist put me through immediately. "Jacques, I'm sorry for the way I behaved last night," I said. "Maddy, the fault is all mine. I should never have gone into such appalling detail before dinner." "Let's just say your bedside manner leaves something to be desired." "Touch?. How are you feeling this morning." "Much better. Jacques, I'm sorry for the short notice, but could you please cancel my appointment with Dr. Villiers?" "Completely understandable under the circumstances." "Darling, I have to leave Paris for a few days, and I didn't want you to think I was running out on you. I'm going to leave some clothes in the apartment if that's okay." "But of course, it is your home now, Cheri. Where are you going?" "I'm really not sure... sorry to be so mysterious, I'll tell you all about it when I get back. I love you!" "Je t'aime." I used some precious time searching the Internet for travel information before I hopped into the shower. No luxurious bubble bath this morning! I shaved my legs standing up, and didn't bother to wash my hair. Just like a regular girl, I told myself. Soon I was dressed in a simple skirt and top, with my hair pulled back into a ponytail, and a smidge of eye liner and lippy. I quickly packed my suitcase, leaving out the incriminating clothes from London. All the while I was searching my memory, trying to remember each time I'd used my new credit card and Madison Monroe's passport. By the time I left the apartment, I'd worked out the beginnings of a plan. First I hailed a taxi to the Gare de Lyon, where I used Madison Monroe's credit card to buy a ticket in first class on the next TGV express to Marseilles. I also used my credit card at the station bookstore, where I purchase several travel guides to Tangier, Casablanca and Morocco. Also before I left, I spent some time at a travel agency next to the station, asking a lot of questions before booking passage on a ferry that same evening from Marseilles to Tangier. The last thing I did was to exchange all of my remaining travelers checks for cash. The crack train took three hours to race from Paris to Marseilles. The scenery through the south of France was magnificent, but I was preoccupied with other things. After we arrived in the sweltering port city, I checked my suitcase with the concierge at a hotel near the station. Then I treated myself to an expensive lunch at the hotel restaurant, once again using my credit card, before I made my way to the wharf where the ferries departed for Tangier. Boarding would begin in about an hour, I was told. After I stopped at a souvenir shop to buy a beret and sunglasses, I found an Internet caf? near the terminal, where I sent Tracy this message: "Tracy, I was so happy to hear from you! Sorry it took so long to respond, I am on my way to Casablanca. How many times did we watch that movie together? Been thinking a lot about what you told me, now I need some time to decide where I go from here. All my love, Maddy." Au revoir, Terry, I said to myself on the way back t the wharf. She was nothing but trouble for me now... Terry may have showed me now to be a girl, but Jacques had shown my how to be a woman! As soon as the ferry started boarding, I presented my passport and ticket to the purser and took a place at the rail. Before long the gangway was crowded with an onslaught of passengers, a surging mix of Europe and the Muslim world. Amidst the bustle and babble, nobody noticed a pretty girl sauntering against the tide of humanity and slipping away from the wharf. Nor did they see her adding the shredded remains of a credit card to the polluted waters of the harbor. I returned to the hotel, collected my suitcase and tugged it back to the station. Wearing my new beret and sunglasses, I paid cash for a seat in second class on a train departing from Marseilles that evening. Eventually we would wind up in Paris. It would be a long and miserable night for a millionairess! I called Jacques just before we left. It sounded like he was in the middle of something... dinner with another woman perhaps? He told me to wait a moment before he asked, "Where are you?" "Still in France. Jacques, I have a huge favor to ask. Could you loan me a car for a few days?" "Madame Bochy is in Monte Carlo, you are welcome to use her Mercedes." "Great! Can I pick it up tomorrow morning?" "Of course. I'll bring it by your apartment, just ask the doorman for the keys. I must go, au revoir." He hung up before I could say goodbye. I brooded over his abrupt sign off as the train pulled out of the station. How like a woman I'd become! I tried to put him out of my mind, working through the details of my plan once again. Now that I had a car to cross the border, everything had fallen into place perfectly. My passport would be worthless to me now, flagged as a forgery at airports and border crossings, but it was perfectly safe for me to travel within France, and a woman in a Mercedes with Paris plates was unlikely to have to produce her passport while driving between countries in the EU. The train was packed with vacationers returning home to Paris from the south of France. Fortunately I'd been able to reserve a couchette, which meant that I'd be sharing a cramped compartment with five other passengers, both male and female, each of us spending the night on a foam slab with a blanket and pillow and zero privacy. Needless to say, I was somewhat self-conscious when I came face-to- face with my fellow travelers. They were obviously more accustomed to life in second class than I was: to my dismay, I noticed that my bunk was on top, which meant I'd have to climb over two of them to turn in. The lower bunk on my side of the compartment was occupied by a young man who was already asleep, but the middle bunk was taken by an elderly Frenchman who couldn't keep his eyes off me. I tried as best I could to be ladylike as I put my foot on his bed and climbed up to the top bunk in my skirt. What a hassle! I closed my eyes and tried desperately to get some sleep, but it was impossible. Tossing and turning, I went over my escape plan once again. By now the authorities would have identified Madison Monroe as the woman who spent thousands of pounds at Burberry's, and a routine check with her credit card company would send them chasing after her in North Africa. However it was her past movements that most concerned me: once again I painstakingly went over the trail I'd left since I arrived in Europe. Madison Monroe had surfaced in Amsterdam in February, coinciding with the date and place where Ashley's trail went cold. >From there she traveled to Paris, and after a brief stay she flew on to Nice, where she rented a villa in Provence and rented a car for six months before flying to London. Then back to Paris again, on her way to Tangier... there was nothing to connect me with the apartment in Paris, and I blessed Jacques for convincing me to stay there. Yes, I'd thought of everything, and by this time tomorrow I would be in the clear. There was one little detail that I was unaware of, but it would become apparent soon enough... Eventually I must have fallen asleep, because I was awakened by the sounds of my coach mates getting up and dressed. I'd taken off my skirt and top and folded them carefully under my pillow. There was nothing for it but to climb back down in my bra and panties to get myself dressed. The lecherous old man on the bunk below me enjoyed the spectacle of my jiggling breasts as I hopped down, pulled on my top and hurriedly stepped into my skirt. At least I didn't have to worry about a bulge in my panties giving me away - the hormones had taken care of that. I found my shoes somehow and got into the long line for a lavatory. Being a woman was an incredible hassle, but not being a rich woman was a total bitch! Eventually I pulled myself together and staggered into the crowded dining car, where I waited in another line for a table to share. There was no romantic rendezvous with a distinguished doctor this time, only two elderly women who glowered at me as I nibbled on my croissant and sipped my coffee. I sullenly ignored them as we rolled through the suburbs of Paris, only returning to my compartment to collect my suitcase when it was time to get off the train. Fighting my way through the crowded station with my suitcase in tow, I'd never felt so grungy in my life. To add to my misery, it was raining in Paris, and it took me forever to hail a cab to my apartment. How I missed my Burberry's trench coat! I took the precaution of having the taxi drop me off a few blocks away, so I was soaked to the skin by the time I dragged myself to my door. The doorman greeted me with pity. "Mademoiselle, I have some keys for you," he said. My heart soared at the news. He was kind enough to bring the car around for me, and soon I was crawling through the rush hour traffic in the warmth and luxury of a Mercedes. Things were looking up! Eventually I was able to cut against the traffic and start making good time on the motor way north, towards the Low Countries. It was late morning when I pulled off the expressway and motored into Lille. I had two objectives: a beauty salon, and a passport photo shop. It took me a while to find a salon where someone spoke English - any mistake in translation could be a calamity. Finally a girl understood when I told her the look I wanted, and I surrendered myself to her care. After my sleepless night I dozed off in her chair as she expertly shampooed, cut, died and dried my hair into a perky blonde wedge that made me look like Ashley once again. I was very relieved when I woke up - it made me look so cute! I tipped her generously, and she pointed me towards a photo shop on the way out. After a quick bite to eat at a local caf?, I was back on the motor way, heading north once again. The Belgian border presented no obstacle, and I was able to make it over the border into The Netherlands before dark. I pulled off the expressway in Utrecht, where I settled on an obscure hotel - all I requested was a room with a bath! I soaked forever, washing away my memories of the dismal night on the train, then put on a dress, heels and stockings to dine alone in the stuffy restaurant. I didn't mind getting dressed up: it felt wonderful to be a wealthy woman again, and I couldn't help but notice how much more attention I got as a blonde. I was up early the next morning, feeling thoroughly refreshed. My new hairdo was a breeze to style, and I thoroughly loved my new look. I wore the same dress to the breakfast room, turning the heads of the same men who had ogled me the night before, but none of them were as brash as Jacques. Soon I was back in his wife's Mercedes for the short drive to Amsterdam. It was just after nine o'clock when I knocked on the door of my forger friend. He greeted me with the same suspicion, and he didn't know who I was until I asked him if he remembered Madison Monroe. He recognized me at once, and soon we were negotiating the terms of our next transaction. "I need a French passport this time." I gave him my new photos, and a sheet of paper with a new name and address. Once again I offered to pay a premium for same day service, and once again he didn't disappoint me. I killed a few hours at the Van Gogh museum, treated myself to another Indonesian lunch, and collected my new passport in time to beat the traffic out of Amsterdam. My spirits were soaring during the drive back to Paris. It was very late when I finally pulled up to my apartment building. I left the keys with the doorman, rode the lift up to my floor, and collapsed into bed as soon as I took off my dress and put on my nightgown. I slept until almost noon. It was a crisp sunny day, and I felt safe laying out a Burberry's skirt and cashmere sweater to wear for the day. I tossed a bra, panties, and tights on the bed and returned the remaining contents of my suitcase to my dresser drawers and closet. After a long, luxurious bubble bath, I put a robe over my bra and panties and went to the kitchen to fix myself breakfast. I was just ladling some scrambled eggs onto my plate when the telephone rang. It was Jacques. "Maddy, I'm so glad you are back. Madame Bochy is returning this evening, and I would have had to invent a clever excuse about her Mercedes." "Well, you're in the clear. I guess this means you won't be coming over for dinner tonight," I said peevishly. "I'm afraid not." He seemed preoccupied, and I sensed that something was seriously wrong. "Maddy, I have a waiting room full of patients. I'll call you tonight." Maybe he was pulling back because of my reluctance to take the next step? "Before you go, can you give me Dr. Villier's number?" I asked impulsively. I jotted it down in my now girlish handwriting, and after a moment's hesitation I called the number. The surgeon would know me as Maddy Monroe, so I used that name when I called his office. I was in luck: he'd just had a cancellation, if I could come to his office immediately, he could squeeze me in. There wasn't time to think about the enormity of what I was doing. Still dressed in my Burberry's ensemble I went downstairs and the doorman hailed me a taxi to Dr. Villier's office. When I presented myself to the receptionist, I was asked for my French national insurance card. I explained in broken French that I would be paying in cash and that I'd been referred by Dr. Bochy, which did the trick. After I was ushered into an examination room, a nurse instructed me to strip down to my bra and panties, and she returned a few minutes later to take a blood and urine sample. After she left I sat awkwardly on an examination table for a long time until a kindly looking man with gray hair and stooped shoulders entered the room. He introduced himself as Dr. Villiers, and his physical examination was quite complete. He lingered over my breasts before he poked and prodded my pitiful privates. He read my chart carefully before clearing his voice. "Your health is excellent," he began, "although your hormone levels show an elevated level of testosterone in your blood, which is perfectly normal at this stage. Even though your testicles have atrophied considerably, they are still impeding your development into a woman." "Could I ever go back to being a man?" "Highly doubtful," he said dismissively. "Chemically speaking, your body is much like that of my female patients who wish to change their sex. If Dr. Bochy were to put you an aggressive program of testosterone therapy, you might regain some of the secondary sex characteristics of a man, and of course we could always remove your breasts." I suppose I wasn't surprised, but each word was like a nail in the coffin of Matt McCoy. "Is that what you want?" Dr. Villiers asked impatiently. "No," I heard myself say. "It's too soon for us to perform sexual reassignment surgery. As Dr. Bochy has doubtless explained, there is a mandatory waiting period. However, if you wish, I can make sure that your testicles stop interfering with your continued development into a woman." "How would you do that?" "By removing them. There is a routine out-patient procedure called a bilateral orchidectomy, which I can perform here in my office." My head was spinning. Once my balls were gone, there would be no turning back... but according to the doctor, I was too far gone already. Maybe if I took the plunge, I could hold onto Jacques. "How soon can you do it?" "We can do it today," Dr. Villiers said. The rest of that day is a blur. I remember a nurse prepping me, and the doctor administering a local anesthesia. After I was numb, he made a single incision in my scrotum and pushed my shrunken balls through the opening. When I heard two distinct snips, Matt McCoy's manhood was medical waste. Tears were running down my cheeks as Dr. Villiers stitched me up. When it was over I looked down with dread, but all I remember seeing was my empty sac with a bandage on it. Other than a dull ache from where my balls used to be there was no pain, only a profound sense of loss and despair. Somehow I managed to dress myself, and climb into a waiting taxi. I went to bed as soon as I got back to the apartment, and cried myself to sleep. I was feeling almost normal the next morning, a little stiff and sore, but there was no pain to speak of. I was famished after skipping dinner, my emotions were a mess, and I didn't seem to have any energy. It was an effort just to sit down at the computer and boot it up. I was about to get on the Internet to do some research on the after-effects of castration when the telephone rang. It was Jacques. "Maddy, how are you? I spoke to Dr. Villiers this morning, and he told me what he'd done. How are you feeling?" "Okay, I guess." Maybe it was my highly emotional state, but I could tell that there was still something wrong. What had I done? "Maddy, I need to see you, today. It's rather important." My heart sank - how could he dump me after what I'd just been through? Reluctantly I agreed to meet him at Le Relais at noon, and spent the rest of the morning moping around the apartment. When I finally got myself dressed, my panties fit a little better, although I was still stiff and sore, and it was an effort to bend over to ease up my stockings. What had I done? After I was finished dressing I took a long look at myself in the full length mirror on the back of the closet door. From my blonde head to my silky toes I was a beautiful woman. All for nothing! With a sigh I stepped into my heels, wrapped a gold chain around my waspish waist, and went off to face my fate. As always Jacques was waiting for me in the same romantic booth. He did a double take when he saw my hair. "Stunning!" he exclaimed. "It reminds me of the magical night when we met." That didn't sound like someone who was about to dump me. Still my heart was beating hard beneath my breasts, and I waited cautiously for him to open up to me. "You should have called me before you went into surgery," he said. "I would have been there for you." "You sounded very busy." He sensed my discomfort, and went straight to the point. "Last night when you called I was in the middle of a very awkward conversation. Two gentlemen whom I believe you Americans refer to as 'the feds' came to my home, asking some very direct questions. About you." I felt sick to my stomach. God, please don't let me throw up in front of Jacques again! He motioned to the waiter for a glass of water, and waited until I gulped it down before continuing. "First, let me ask you a direct question: that second prescription that I gave you in Monte Carlo last week... did you ever fill it?" "No. After our night together in the Plaza Athen?e, I flushed it down the toilet." "Thank God!" he sighed with relief. "Why is that so important?" "Because of what I told the agents last night. They'd come to ask me about a prescription I wrote for a... person using the name Madison Monroe back in February." "What did you tell them?" "That I write hundreds of prescriptions every month, and I have no recollection of anyone using that name. They showed me a crude sketch, obviously drawn by a police artist, that was actually quite a charming likeness of you, although as a brunette with long hair. Still I was of no help to them, and of course there are no records of a patient by that name in my files." "Why did you ask me about the new prescription?" "Isn't it obvious? They were able to trace you back to me from the prescription I wrote for you in February. By lying to them, I set myself up for perjury if they could show that I wrote another prescription to the same person a few days ago." "Jacques, I owe you an explanation..." He tried to cut me off, but I wouldn't let him. My words tumbling together, I told him everything about myself. He seemed intrigued by my account of my unwanted transformation, and if my halting description of Norman Wolf's murder bothered him, he didn't show it. When I told him about my escape to Amsterdam, and my subsequent efforts to cover my tracks, he was genuinely impressed. "You fascinate me," he said when I was finished. "What is your new name?" "Madeline Moreau," I said shyly. "Enchant?e! It all reminds me of the story of the Chevalier D'Eon, a French nobleman who disguised himself as a woman to spy for the king. Eventually his treachery was unmasked, and he was compelled to spend the rest of his life as a woman." "I didn't do this for king and country, Jacques. I did it for you." After the emotional roller coaster I'd just been on, it wasn't surprising when I totally lost it, bawling like a baby while he held me in his arms. "Really, Madeline," Jacques said as he dabbed my tears once again, "I'm going to have to stop taking you to Le Relais before the staff has me arrested for abusing a woman." "Nothing doing, Monsieur," I said through my tears. "What can I do to save your reputation? How about a blow job under the table?" At that moment I might have done it, I was so in love with this wonderful man who had risked everything to save me. "I'm afraid that would be a blow to both of our reputations," he laughed. We bantered back and forth like two lovesick teenagers, sharing a bottle of wine and each others' entrees, both of us wanting the moment to last forever. Finally, with a glance at his watch, he told me it was past time for him to return to his office. "Madeline," he said seriously while we waited for the check, "it would probably be wise for us to lie low for the next few weeks. I'm not sure those fellows from the FBI bought my story, and I could never live with myself if I helped them find you." I knew he was right, but my heart ached at the prospect. Now that my manhood was gone forever, I was ready to embrace my life as a woman, as his woman. "I understand, Jacques. Do you think I should leave Paris?" "That would probably be a good idea. Depending on how thorough these people are, if they trace my calls it could lead them to the apartment." I nodded in agreement, already thinking ahead to my next moves.

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A Murder Misstery Grounded

A Murder Misstery Grounded © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she the saga concludes, Maddy bids her mother adieu and confronts her future. I was awakened a few minutes before landing by someone tugging on my blanket. "Strap yourself in, Maddy," Mom said urgently. "We're almost down." I sat up with a start, and after a glance out my window at...

1 year ago
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A Murder Misstery Epilogue

A Murder Misstery Epilogue © 2009 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did...after returning to Paris, Maddy confronts her demons as she reclaims her destiny with the man who turned her into a woman. I was on cloud nine all the way to the apartment, even my taxi driver commented on how radiant I looked! I tipped him handsomely and tripped up the stairs while he...

3 years ago
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Murder in the First

‘Tell me Mister Challiner,’ I looked into those eyes, those steel hard, blue eyes, set in that smiling face, the face that told me that she thought she had me right where she wanted me. ‘Tell me,’ She was making this a personal question not one for the Judge, not one for the jury, this was between myself and her. ‘On the night of the 23rd of August, where exactly were you?’ The she who was making life uncomfortable for me was my attorney Judith P. Slattery. The ‘P’ she would never admit, stood...

2 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 5

Sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair in an interrogation room at Homicide Central for the next day and half almost without a break gave me plenty of time to think. I shifted the events of the last few weeks about in my tired skull and all of the known facts around and around into different positions and I thought I understood the entirety of the big picture. Well, a portion of the entirety anyway ... maybe just not the really important part though. My problem was that I still didn’t know...

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Murder Mystery 8211 Part 1

Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy their hands to satisfy their needs… Here I am writing a story that a fellow ISSian who left it incomplete. I liked his fantasy so I would rewrite it to you with much spice. I will make sure you get the complete essence of the story. Hi readers this my third story here. This is gonna be different and based on my fantasies. The story will...

4 years ago
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Murder on the River Thames

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900*** "The Queen is Dead! Long Live the King!"What more important change than the death of a sovereign. At least, for the nation. Perhaps not for individuals. The end of the Victorian Age. The beginning of the Edwardian period. Would this country continue to be successfully powerful, or would it pass into dust following past empires.Early in the morning the Baroness Gullane took her constitutional along the...

2 years ago
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Murder is Easy

Murder is easy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was rudely shoved to the ground and roughly held there by two guys, then I felt my skirt being yanked up. Without pausing, my panties were taken down to my knees and I felt his hands on my hips. Discovering my secret, he punched me in the head a few times, then he pushed against me, making me yowl in pain. He kept pushing until he finally pushed into me. I was ashamed, afraid and humiliated past the point of tears, then he...

1 year ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 2

Mike ignored the voice that seemed to be distant and calling his name. Instead he concentrated on the files in front of him. The other thing that all these girls had in common outside of their profession was that they had all recently, within the last six months, had an abortion. They may have hidden it from their friends, neighbors, family members, but their medical records told all. He had searched Candi’s medical records to find out if she had been pregnant and found out that she had...

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Murder Fit to a T Part 1

?MURDER: FIT TO A T ? by Rob Grant Cast of Characters Lieutenant Dan Italia, half Italian, the other half mixed Scots-Irish, English and a little German, he was the 'whip' or commander of the Sixth Precinct Detective Unit (PDU), also known as the Sixth Squad. With nearly 20 years in, he was close to optional retirement, even though he was only 43. He held a Bachelor of Arts in History from a small state university in his native Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts in...

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Murder Two

Murder Two by jo199 I know that it sounds really chill, but I still think that killing him was the right thing to do. Admittedly, he wasn't a bad person, or anything like that. In fact, he was a regular goodie two shoes at times, though not particularly towards me; understandably not at the end for sure. So how, you might ask, is it perfectly fine to murder a perfectly healthy human being, and come out the other end thinking it the right thing to do? Let me start out by...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 5

The Investigation had moved into its fourth month, there was not any new victims, and many believed the killings had finally stopped. The newspapers no longer carried it as a front page story, and it wasn’t the lead on the evening TV news any longer. The killer just appeared to have stopped and as long as there wasn’t anything new the murders were looking like they would go unsolved. Mike received a phone call in the middle of the night it was from headquarters. “Mike, the killer has done...

3 years ago
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Murder Mystery Weekend Pt 06

The Big Reveal Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure. Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then...

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Murder on the Phucktacular Express

"OK folks, nothing to see here. Please go back to your rooms" Lt. Will Swallow ordered the crowd as he made his way from the kitchen to the train's bed compartment. Inside I, Captain Ivana Swallow was bent over ass up, inspecting the deceased body that was sprawled out on the lower berth. Will moved behind me and rubbed his crotch against my tight firm ass. "Mmmmmmm, what do we have here?" Will smiled wickedly. "I wish you would stop doing that. What would happen if someone...

2 years ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 4

The psychiatrist was going over his notes on the patient. Darlene Watson –Drake was born, February 16,1963. Her mother died while she was a young girl. Father never remarried, and started to sexually abuse her by age eight. Her father was a known drug dealer, mostly marijuana, according to subject. Under hypnosis subject has stated that she killed her father May 30, 1980, before her high school graduation. According to her it occurred, because he had tried to rape her while she was getting...

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Murder House

I watched as a bolt of lightning zipped across the sky, followed quickly by another and then a third. Thunder rolled, starting softly at first as if coming from a great distance and then rising to a quick crescendo of almost earsplitting sound. The wind pushed my car along the road and I cursed myself for being so stupid as to be out on a night like this. If that call hadn't come in, I wouldn't be here. No, that wasn't exactly true. If I hadn't been so greedy and certain that the buyers...

4 years ago
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Murder by NumbersChapter 6

Mike was at his desk completing paperwork when the phone rang. He briefly considered allowing the call to go to voicemail. Then decided he would only have to deal with it later, so he answered it. “Detective Hammond’s desk”, he answered. “I have some information you may be interested in.” A disguised and toneless voice told him. “What kind of information, what does it pertain too.” he answered evenly, while getting a pen and a notepad ready. “The kind that involves your daughter’s...

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Murder in Pink Part 2

Murder in Pink Part 2 by Tanya Lynn Cast of characters *The good guys* David Scott and Tanya Lynn Lamm- our intrepid, dual identity private eye and hero. Carol Darfler- loyal secretary who knows his dual identity. Steve Romeros- police detective and Dave's best friend and former partner Susan Taft- David's girlfriend and Tanya Lynn's best friend. Various minor characters (cops, etc.) *The victim* Lydia Sisneros- a vicious old lady who had spent her life...

2 years ago
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Murder in Pink Part 3

Murder in Pink Part 3 by Tanyalynn ?? Author's note-I missed a couple of characters in the last part's cast of characters- Karen Lamm- our heroes sister and a lawyer Rusch Graham- a lawyer and friend of the hero. Tom Rivera- a cop who hates Steve, our hero's cop buddy ? I spent the night racking my brain trying to figure out what I knew. Sometimes the solution to a mystery I am reading will come to me in my sleep, but it didn't work. Steve called at about 9 am to...

1 year ago
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Murder in Magnolia

This is my first posting of a non-erotic story. This is actually a story taken from a new Matchmaker Bandits novel I currently have being edited. I have removed the Bandits and adult content leaving this, the PG-13 rated version. After four attempts, I have found all the errors I could. Please let me know what you think of it, rate it, leave feedback (even bad) and point out errors if you find them. *********** This story is fiction. According to my internet search, there is no town in...

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Murder in Pink

I wrote this story when I was a young, new author, as a tribute to my favorite kind of novel. I am cleaning it up a little bit, but bringing it over here otherwise unchanged. It was pretty popular back then, and if there is some interest in it now, I have a sequel in mind. Murder in Pink Tanya Lynn I opened the door to my office and walked in. I said hi to my secretary Carol and went to my private office with my messages. I needed to get ready to see a client who wanted...

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Murder in Another Orbit

Har Li-Quat, recently promoted to the status of Rectifer-First, allowed a pleased smile to surface as he floated at his desk. The changing hues of his cubicle walls reflected his good humor. He was no longer a probationer, but a full-fledged member of Computer Central's Rectification Bureau. Foxy-faced, with red hair and a bristling moustache, he wore his full-organic soma with the ease of long practice. Only a few of his closest confidants knew his secret; that he hadn't been decanted in an...

2 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 2

"Maureen," I asked her right from the start of our conversation, "was it just me, or was Bad News Bear really the worst thing you've ever watched in your entire life?" "Worst doesn't begin to cover it. Sometimes there are bad shows that are really almost kind-of fun to watch, being awful but in an interesting or amusing sort of way, but Bear was completely different. Terrible in the very worst way, not just merely bad ... but really something actually evil." "And you've watched...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 3

The psychiatrist, Dr. Brent, was finally making some headway into the case; he had been seeing this patient for about a year now. The patient was middle aged. He was trying to come to the beginning of the psychosis. He had put the patient under hypnosis and was trying to go as far back as memory would allow. In reviewing his notes he could pinpoint what his patient thought was close to the start of the problem. “I am waiting for the mailman, I know that dirty magazine will be delivered this...

1 year ago
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Murderous Glee 2 The Laughter Is Back

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and contains acts of extreme violence, sexual slavery, and other things not suited to the real world. Don't imitate and avoid reading if it will make you upset. Murderous Glee 2: The Laughter Returns Episode One: Jill Came Tumbling After I think its best to start with the last person I killed before getting back to society. I had escaped the clutches of a cult of Dianic wiccans who had turned me into a woman for my supposedly chauvinistic...

4 years ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 6

It was with a sudden start that I woke up many hours later at about the middle of the afternoon of the next day. I’d fallen asleep sometime during the early morning out of sheer exhaustion while sitting down on the concrete floor back against the corner wall next to the storage room door for ‘just a minute or two’ to rest my eyes. Now as I scrambled back onto my feet I was still boned tired from most of a week without proper sleep, and now sore from sleeping on the floor for nearly half of a...

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Murder Doll

It was an ordinary morning, and you have woken up to the sound of birds chirping. Seemed peaceful, right? Well, not really, for the newspaper's latest article involves Xenon Inc., and it ain't pretty. Not as pretty as you are, though. As you leave the bedroom to shower, your past of joining the Raven Assassin group run through your mind. Seems that they count on you to protect the city of Wrix. And it's also the year 4011. After you shower, you gaze yourself in front of the mirror. Your name is...

1 year ago
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Murder by the NumbersChapter 3

Maureen was still crying when I left her late on Sunday afternoon, but these I believe were tears of relative happiness and joy rather than sorrow. Besides, I was sure that those welts on her well sodomized ass would heal up in no time. We’d both rather enjoyed ourselves this weekend and I was still positively giddy for the duration of the drive back home to New York. Like the redeemed Scrooge on the morning of Christmas day, excitement effused out from every pore and I wanted to laugh and...

2 years ago
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Murderous Glee No Longer a Man

Glee I hate myself, because I am no longer a man. It wasn't the way life was supposed to go, but the current me is the result. When I was 20 and in college, I was still a virgin. There were enough wild parties, but I was always too damn shy to really enjoy them. I had one girlfriend in high school, but I wanted to wait... and she didn't. We broke up and she went on to become known as a bit of a slut. Anyhow, my chance for things to change finally presented itself in the form of...

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The Double Tapp

PANEL1: Panoramic view. The futuristic city is center, beneath it’s protective dome. Several outpost spread around the city in the dense jungle. Near one of the outpost a fireball rises from the jungle. The outpost sends a transmission to the city. Radio Voice Command. This is outpost 4. Recon team is in route to investigate the explosion. PANEL 2: Sunshine, AKA ‘Heavy Arms’, Enter a jungle village. Everything is burned or destroyed. Charred skeletons riddle the landscape. SUNSHINE Danni,...

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Brief Encounter Train Blowjob

The floods in England this week, as well as this video, remind me of a great experience I had back in January 2003 while on a train trip from Amsterdam to Koln. It was a biierly cold morning as I headed from my hotel in Damrak to the train station. It was a week into the new year and the skies above were ominous. Locals warned tourists to be careful of roof tiles falling onto pavements in the wind. There were menacing clouds curling fast in the air of a low pressure system associated with...

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Threesome By My Wife

Hello friends, this is Soham(name changed) again. This is my second story here on ISS. For those who don’t know, I am 25 years old and happily live with my small family. For my previous story, please click on my name above and read the first one. Getting back here, this is a continuation of the events that happened after the first one. As mentioned in the last story, my wife Disha(name changed) had sex with a stranger from Himachal Pradesh named Aditya to fulfill my fantasy of seeing her have...

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Winter of the DriveIn

It was 1968, and Cheryl and I had been best friends since third grade. We had done everything together it seems. Sleepovers, experimenting with make-up, we even had our first periods a month apart. The only thing she got first was boobs. Of course, now that we were both 18, she was a buxom brunette and I was still a willowy blonde.But that did not get in the way of our being friends. We even double-dated once we turned 16. Depending on who the boyfriend was at the time and which one of them had...

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Leomon Returns

Leomon Returns Chapter 1 It had been five years since the death of Leomon. Jeri was now 17 years old and had grown into her body well. Her hair had grown and now touched her breast which were now 44D. She was a size 3 and had plenty of curves. While she has always felt like she had long legs she now felt like they were her best feature as they were smooth and silky. She went out for a walk grabbing her digivice every year on this exact same day to where she first met Leomon. When she arrived...

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It was Sunday morning and Amanda sat across from me in my living room. “She jerked you off?” “Look, I’m not trying to upset you. I just don’t want to lie to you about anything.” “No, I’m not upset. Just surprised.” She said. “I thought she wasn’t supposed to touch you because that would be considered ‘cheating’ on her boyfriend.” “Well, you did ask… You said you wanted to keep things casual right?” I asked. “Yeah, but I didn’t know some other girl was gonna jack you off...

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A Lush Encounter

A Lush Encounter I reckon It started innocently enough. I had discovered Lush Stories and was becoming slightly hooked, making fast and intimate friends among the membership and enjoying the erotic writing. I found myself very much attracted to a handful of Lushies because of their humor, intelligence and just plain sexiness, truth be told! When I first started viewing Lush frequently I had just moved to a new town and rented a couple of rooms in my band mate’s home until I found something...

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Bodyguard Blackmail

Being a bodyguard to a famous celebrity had a lot of benefits. You get to go to all the hot parties, drink for free and travel for free. The better part is getting all the dirt on your client and their friends. I wasn’t usually into blackmail, but my latest client was just too ripe a target. I really wanted to bankrupt Taylor Swift. As you would have guessed, she’s as prude in her personal life as she is in her public one. No drugs, no boyfriends, barely drinks. Stays covered up even when...

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I Fucked My Mommy8217s Ass For The First Time

By : Akku1511 Hi guys, gals n my pickles….. Akku is back with 2nd part of “I saw mommy getting fucked” This is not s story but my real life happening. U will find my previous story in couple’s category. Don’t forget to write your feedback to me via emails. I’ll be waiting for you. So let’s start the story. After that day I saw them a lot of time fucking each other in different positions. The water goes over the head when I saw them fucking when my mom is at terrace, bend forward to take...

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We all shared the rent and they shared me

It was my Junior year of college, at that point I was mostly a closet cross dresser, with the exception of Halloween, and a few select occasions. I had been sharing a house with two other guys, and I they both knew I would dress, but we didn’t speak of it, well until tonight. I was sitting around doing shots and watching tv with my two roomies, let’s call them Jon, and Barry. Jon was a small skinny Korean k**, who was very much influenced by Barry, the all American boy, tall, blonde athletic....

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VivianBy J.J. ScribeI was horny one night and my girlfriend was out of town so I decided to go to an xxx video store for some porn. I’ve done this before and picked out some dogs so this time I went up to the counter and asked the attendant, a young woman, for a little help. She was surprisingly attractive for someone you usually find working in a store like this. And she was very friendly. She said her name was Vivian as she guided me toward the back wall. As I followed her, I couldn’t...

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HandsOnHardcore Roxy Risingstar Blonde Babe Plowed In Hotel Room

Hands On Hardcore proudly presents a dirty ass licking and pussy fucking piece starring gorgeous blonde, Roxy Risingstar and John Price. Roxy is one hot little hooker dressed in a tight leather mini-skirt, sheer black stockings, and high heels all of which accentuate her incredible curvy ass and toned legs. Watch as she spreads those stems impressively wide to accommodate Mr. Price’s big prick and take it in as deep as he can shove it. This is some hot hotel sex scene that will have you...

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Onlyfans LiaChapter 6 A Story of Unusual Bequests

“Jim, is there something I can do for you?” Lia asked as she walked into the kitchen, freshly showered from the morning’s dawn raid in search of isolation, nature, and somewhere for Miss P to run wild. It had been only her second outing, and as advertised, both Miss P and Lia had ‘needed’ a good boning afterwards, so the question of Lia’s offer to do something for me left me a little lost for an answer. The long tee-shirt she was only wearing was paying things off for me, too. “Something you...

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daddy daughter

Tasha looked at the gorgeous man and couldn't help but wonder who he really was. Yes, he was her father, but she did not know much about him and that needed to be changed. He was six-foot two-inch tall, dark black hair that was graying around his temples and a very rugged face. He always had a smile for her and as of late, it started to excite Tasha and she noticed Dad with quite a few hard-ons. She knew it was weird, but Tasha didn't think of him as her Dad, she thought of him as one very sexy...

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Sexual Awakening First Trip to Europe

She stared out the window at the passing scenery, at seemingly endless acres of fields and vineyards. Her face had taken on the melancholy look of her thoughts as they ran deep. Ten years of marriage she’d given him, fifteen years of her life in all, for what? For him to decide that she wasn’t worth it. They’d been through rough times before, but this time was different. The relationship was cold. And when she suggested they try some time apart, he left and didn’t look back. In the time since...

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Keeping it in the Family Ch 04

Keeping it in the Family Ch. 04: The Final Chapter Fuck the Fourth That night I slept in my own bed and Angela came to me. Our lovemaking was more so just that, lovemaking, gentler, less hurried, less frenetic, but no less the enjoyable for all that. I let her take the lead, sitting on top of me and being eaten until she could stand it no more but had to have me inside her, moving back down to impale herself on my straining cock, sliding slowly down my length until we met, bone to bone. The...

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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever. Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the...

2 years ago
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Seventh Heaven With Sanjana 8211 Part I

Hi, this is Linga writing another new story. If you like this, you can message me or get in touch with me at I hope you all liked my earlier story about me, my wife and my sister-in-law. Without any further ado, here is my next story. Kindly, note that this is a long story in multiple parts and would contain many details. It needs enough contexts to make it interesting. Lingeshwaran, affectionately called Linga (after Lord Shiva), is a strongly technical guy with hands on experience in...

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My Buddy

I have had great sex with many men over the years, But I think of my friend Buddy was one of the best sexual encounters of gay sex with a man i everwould have and never could known. He was very sexy and he was already known has a lady's man. I had a crush on him for sex as i was gay i never said him that.He was pretty friendly with me and was easy to talk to and honest with me as he was a buddy of mine very close he knew I was gay.I liked him very much and I wanted him . I took the opportunity...

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Sister wife

My wife is beautiful and loving but she just doesn’t enjoy sex anymore. My wife and I have been married for nearly 30 years. In that time we had four kids in addition to the one she had when we got married. She has also been in the throws of Menopause for a few years now. I am still horny as hell on a consistent basis and sometimes I would be fine to fuck a tree in the knothole if I thought it would work. She and I have had a longtime friend of hers that used to work with her that has...

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Sexcapades of a travel agent

To all you sexy,amorous women and men. This is Shannon,(an alias)single and always ready to mingle in and around Pune. Well i am no Gods gift to women but must say have a pleasing personality,athletic body with a lot of hair oops how can i forget the main instrument of pleasure my boneless piece of meat well around 6 inches,come on gals it only takes around4/5 inches and thats the length to satisfy,another good attribute is my sexy voice with which i bet could make you cum, jokes apart....

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Taking One For The Team Part Six Ownership

I couldn't wait for the next morning. All the things I wanted to put into effect had already been done. Now it was all about implementing them. I sat at the couch and wondered about who I wanted to promote. I had narrowed it down to Tiffany and Mike; I knew what Lauren and Samantha had said about Mike, but they didn't know him as I did. Sure, there were times where he could be a bit friendly, but I knew I could get more out of him. I booted up my Playstation and put on my headset. Nothing...

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Island Getaway Part 1

“Another?” The waiter smiled as he bent over to clear the empty glasses from the table. He was young, fit, tanned, and in possession of a job that most guys his age would kill for. What a life, Dave thought, as he caught a glimpse of his wife eyeing the young man’s physique beneath his tropical print shirt. When he’s not serving overpriced drinks down here, he’s probably up in the hotel giving some young chick a wild story to take back home along with her vacation photos. Dave smirked at Lydia,...

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Chastitys Vacation with Mistress

Chastity's Vacation with Mistress"Are you dressed yet?" Mistress whined as I looked longer than she wantedto slip my skirt and tank top on. It really shouldn't have taken a long time,but I got distracted with the view. It was only the parking lot but so manycars and people we're roaming around in it. We we're staying in a casino resort;it was a beautiful place with murals everywhere. As soon as I got my skirton and heels we were out the door. Slightly embarrassed by my clothes becausethe tank...

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Sponsor a Drag Queen

Sponsor a Drag Queen My husband and I had always been keen on charity work. We had done sponsored head shaves, sponsored beard months (him anyway but rather modest outcome!), sponsored walks, runs and swims, sponsored fasts, the ice bucket challenge, sky dives, and pretty much anything you can think of that could be sponsored. Typically, we would give the money to cancer research as cancer was in my family genes and we had lost several close relatives. Mainly breast...

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dungeons and dragons with my cougar milf

We were hanging around and partying a lot near the U of M a few years ago. there was a message board at the bar looking for d& D players and since the bar was not looking promising we decided to give it a try.My wife was dressed for a night on the town at bars or clubs and probably a little too provocative for the D&D crowd. We arrived at the address and as we entered, We were given some basic choices for characters and names and after about 15 minutes we were set up. Most of the people...

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