Murder In Magnolia free porn video

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This is my first posting of a non-erotic story. This is actually a story taken from a new Matchmaker Bandits novel I currently have being edited. I have removed the Bandits and adult content leaving this, the PG-13 rated version. After four attempts, I have found all the errors I could.

Please let me know what you think of it, rate it, leave feedback (even bad) and point out errors if you find them.


This story is fiction. According to my internet search, there is no town in Georgia named Magnolia. The events never occurred. With that in mind, please enjoy the story.


Chapter One — ‘The Death’

July 1993

‘Stupid bitch!’ Jimmy Oglethorpe screamed as he produced a switchblade from his pants pocket, opened it and lunged dangerously at Becky Daily’s midsection missing her by a mere fraction of an inch.

Meanwhile, as Becky was attempting to reason with Jimmy, his two brothers, Sammy and Bert, had moved to blocking positions on each side of her boyfriend, Ethan Barns. He was surrounded on all sides. To his front was his candy-apple red 1968 Mustang, to the rear Jimmy’s pickup truck and on his sides were Jimmy’s two brothers.

When Ethan attempted to jump over the rear of the car so he could get to Jimmy, the two grabbed him by the arms and held him forcefully at bay and, it seemed to Ethan an almost horribly surreal moment compared to the calm tranquility of a few minutes ago when he had arrived there.

Ethan Barns loved his high school sweetheart, Becky Daily, and would have married her after graduation had they both not had the good sense to know that neither of them was ready for that kind of commitment. Both of them knew how hard it was to raise a family on the limited incomes provided by the few jobs available in the small rural farming community so they decided to wait a few years and build a nest egg before starting a family together.

When one lives in a small town like Magnolia Georgia, job prospects are limited and they really had very few choices, either work at the local chicken processing plant or join the military.

Since the only time Ethan liked dead chickens was when they were on his plate covered in barbeque sauce, he chose the military.

It almost broke Becky’s heart when Ethan told her that he had joined the Army after high school hoping to save up enough for a future for the two of them. She cried in his arms as she said to him, ‘I just know you’re going to meet someone and never want to come back! You’re going be just like everyone else and forget about this shit hole town and me.’

But he took her in his arms and assured her that he would return to take her away with him. When he did leave her, she honestly thought she would never see him again. She felt hopeless that day. She couldn’t even join the Army herself, a childhood injury to one ear had left her with a hearing loss and made sure that would never happen. So there she was, stuck in that awful little town, facing whatever nowhere low-paying job she could find to survive on.

Of course, the first thing the Army did was ship him out and, as fate would have it, for most of the seven years since his enlistment, other than on the occasional leave, he was stationed too far away from Becky to see her.

After Basic Training, he had taken his A.I.T., Advanced Individual Training or job training in the civilian world, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds Maryland for eighteen months and then was stationed at Fort Ord, California for six months. That was followed by three years in at Fort Benning Georgia, then three years in Germany, and then a year in Korea. Until finally, after spending the last year in Korea, Ethan had been shipped stateside to Fort Benning where he was to spend the last six months of his eight-year military career.

Ethan loved her so much and had spent too much time away from her.

His enlistment was almost up and so, the first thing he did when he hit stateside was to take his leave. Ethan drove back to Magnolia so he could ask Becky to marry him.

During the trip he ran over and over in his mind how he would propose to her only to forget everything. Instead, he simply asked her as soon as she opened the door.

She accepted without reservation and the two of them decided to go out for the night and celebrate.

After Becky went inside and retrieved her purse, the couple began walking to the street where Ethan’s car was parked. Just as they were about to get into it, Jimmy and his two brothers, Sammy and Bert, the town’s resident bullies, pulled up in an old beat-up black pickup.

They were such troublemakers that some of the local town’s folk had not so affectionately started calling them the ‘Red Tornados’, partly because of the red hair they all had but mostly because everywhere they seemed to go violence and disaster followed them.

Jimmy jumped out of the back of the pickup truck, staggered a bit, recovered his balance and then held the beer can he was holding upside down above him as he gulped down its contents. When the can was empty, he summarily threw the beer can directly at Ethan in a sign of utter contempt. All the while yelling at Becky, the enraged redhead started walking around the car until he stood in front of her.

From the way he was acting, it was plain to see that the man was drunk which made him all the more dangerous.

Ethan and Becky both knew this and Ethan could see the fear on her face. There had long been a rumor running around town about how Jimmy treated women. As the rumor went, Jimmy had gotten drunk one night after he picked up one of the local girls. Supposedly he had beaten and raped the girl. While he denied the rumor vehemently and would beat senselessly anyone he heard repeating it, it didn’t help his case when she showed up three days later at school with several bruises all over her face and arms. Nor did it help when she showed up pregnant three months later and then suddenly disappeared.

Another version of the sordid story added that the girl had been given an undisclosed some of money by Doc Harris and then ‘escorted’ out of town by the local sheriff.

‘I told you not to see him any more. You’re my girl now!’ Jimmy yelled at Becky in a slurred voice that usually comes after several hours of consuming too much alcohol.

Calmly she replied, ‘You’re drunk Jimmy. Go home and sleep it off. Maybe when you wake up in the morning you’ll remember that we only went out once.’

She hadn’t known about his reputation back then so Becky had dated him. Now she regretted it though, for every time he drank, Jimmy would come track her down and harass her as he attempted to assert his ownership over her .

But this time he was in rare form, Becky guessed he must have been set off when he heard that Ethan was back in town.

Unfortunately, Jimmy’s blood alcohol level was far too high for his brain to be functioning much higher than that of a rabid dog and he was enraged beyond belief. The inebriated man reached wildly for her blouse. It was obvious that he intended to tear it off, her leaving her exposed for all to see. ‘What are you doing with him? Didn’t I tell you that you’re mine?’

All the while, Ethan was protesting loudly as he struggled to free himself so he could help Becky.

‘Jimmy, I’ve told you before that this cave man attitude of yours doesn’t work with me. I can see anyone I want. Now go on home! I’m not going to argue with you any more.’ She told him flatly and started to get into the car.

Jimmy grabbed her and when he missed her blouse, the drunken man reached for her arm as he yelled once more. ‘Since you want to act like a slut, why don’t you show us all what a whore you really are and do me right here?’

Becky slapped Jimmy hard on the left side of his face and pulled her arm away from him.

From the force Becky’s hand had impacted his face, there could be n
o doubt that he would have a large red welt the next morning.

That’s when Jimmy yelled at her ‘Stupid bitch! No body hits me! Nobody!’ and took out the switchblade from his pants pocket and pressed the stud that exposed the knife’s deadly blade. He was well beyond reasoning now and just seemed to be ignoring her as he thrust the knife in her direction. Luckily, the drunken man missed her midsection by a mere fraction of an inch, mostly because she jumped back just at the last second before impact.

Ethan knew that Jimmy was going to try again, he had seen a few of his Army buddies get this drunk before and also knew that when they were in that condition, there was no reasoning with them. He feared for Becky’s life but with Sammy and Bert holding him Ethan couldn’t get to her. Ethan also knew that if he didn’t do something fast Jimmy was going to kill her.

Seeing what looked like a .38 revolver protruding from the right side pocket of Sammy’s blue-jean jacket, Ethan tried in vain to free his left arm free from Sammy’s grasp.

Cursing the two men, Ethan began struggling violently with the two brothers but they held him tightly. In desperation, he stomped down hard with the heal of his left boot onto the instep of Sammy’s right foot causing the man to wince in pain and momentarily loosen his grip. It was all Ethan needed and he suddenly broke his left arm free long enough to grab the pistol.

Before either of the two men holding him could react, Ethan snapped off a single shot just as Jimmy lunged as he made another attempt to cut Becky with the knife for the second time.

Jimmy grimaced for a second and then dropped the knife, which slid in the direction of Ethan’s car and disappeared. Blood began pulsing from a dark spot in the center of his chest all over the Budweiser tee-shirt he was wearing. Jimmy fell to his knees and continued his downward decent face first to the ground and lay there motionless.

He lay there with his life’s blood pouring onto the ground, creeping ever so slowly around him until it found its way up to his face and hair.

The two brothers ran to aid their fallen sibling but it was too late, Jimmy was already beyond help. Later, the coroner’s examination would reveal that the mortal wound had entered the man’s chest on the right side, penetrated his right lung, continued through his heart and then entered his left lung killing him almost instantly.

While Ethan had been trained by the Army how to kill, they had never showed him what it would actually look like. The reality is that all the training in the world doesn’t prepare anyone how to live with it afterwards. He just stood there stunned, unable to move as a sickening feeling grew in the pit of his stomach.

Someone inside one of the nearby dwellings must have heard the gunshot because, just then people began coming outside into the street to see what had happened. There was the loud sound of a shotgun being fired followed by a hissing sound as the front left tire of Ethan’s car suddenly went flat. That was followed by the noise created by several doors being slammed shut as people hastily sought the safety of there abodes.

‘Drop it Ethan!’ came a loud commanding voice from somewhere behind him. Ethan recognized the voice as that of, Johnny Wilkins, the county’s deputy sheriff and cousin of the three brothers.

The lawman had been on patrol in the neighborhood at the time, heard the shot a few blocks away and pulled his squad car up at the end of the block unnoticed in all the commotion.

Ethan looked over in the direction the voice had come from to see Johnny standing there holding a double-barreled shotgun now pointed directly at his midsection.

Johnny Wilkins was about twenty-two years old and it was common knowledge that he had gotten the job when he helped the Sheriff break up a bar fight that had broken out between some of the local boys and a small gang of bikers.

Since there was an opening at the time for a deputy, it probably didn’t hurt any that the sheriff just happened to be his uncle on his mother’s side either.

Despite the deputy’s youth, if the sheriff ever sent Johnny calling, nobody with any sense gave him trouble. Unless that is, they wanted a broken jaw to remind them while they were in the local jail of how stupid they had been.

When Ethan saw the lawman’s finger was on the trigger of the shotgun, he knew from the deadly serious look on the man’s face the deputy wouldn’t hesitate to pull it. Without saying a word, Ethan dropped the weapon to the ground and slowly raised his hands, palms outward, so that Johnny could see that both hands were empty.

Probably given courage by the presence of the lawman, a few brave souls had decided to step outside once more and see what was going on.

‘Has anyone called 911 yet?’ Johnny yelled in the direction of the crowd forming behind him.

An unidentified voice called back, ‘Tim has, they said they’ll be here three minutes.’

‘How’s he doing Sammy?’ The deputy asked his cousin.

Sammy, who was kneeling over his dead brother’s body, looked up and cried out, ‘He’s dead Johnny! That son-of-a-bitch killed him!’

‘Call Mattie!’ Ordered the deputy. Everybody in the county knew that Mattie was the Sheriff’s wife. Then added, ‘Tell her to wake Uncle Jack and tell him to get his ass over here right now and then tell Doc Harris to get over to his office.’

Just then, Sammy stood up and started walking in the direction of the pistol. There was a murderous look in his eyes and his face was crimson with rage.

Ethan suddenly got very nervous. Even though he and Johnny had been friends most of their lives, the deputy, dead man, and the dead man’s brothers were all cousins so he didn’t know how things were going to play out. He didn’t have to wait long to find out.

‘Sammy, cousin or not, if you pick up that gun I’ll shoot you down where you stand!’ Came the voice of the deputy. That was followed by the clicking sound of one of the hammers on the shotgun being pulled back.

Bert began rising to his feet, as he did, he said to his cousin. ‘You’ve only got one barrel left Johnny and there’s two of us! You can’t get us both!’

‘You’re right about that. And with you being related, I might even miss you. But I’ll bet that Ethan will make it to that gun on the ground there before you can get to me. And since we already know he can shoot straight, I’m betting you two won’t live to see tomorrow. You sure you want to take that chance?’ Replied the lawman.

Shocked expressions on their faces, his two cousins looked at him for several seconds. Then Sammy said to him, ‘You wouldn’t let that killer have a gun after he just shot down Jimmy, would you?’

‘Well now, to tell you the truth. I trust Ethan a whole lot more than I do you boys! So yeah, I reckon I would!’ Answered the deputy dispassionately.

They both knew their cousin didn’t like them and they also knew he meant what he said. The two cousins decided to back off rather than face two armed men.

They were aware that the deputy was the only one that knew the full story about what happened the night Jimmy raped that young girl and he also knew that Jimmy wasn’t the only one involved in it! No, there was no love lost between the three men at all.

Squealing wheels as it came to a halt, the sheriff’s car pulled up. All four wheels had barely come to a compete halt when the driver’s side door swung suddenly open and a man about six feet three inches tall got out of the car.

In less than one second he surveyed the situation, drew his pistol and aimed it in the direction his deputy’s shotgun was pointing.

The sheriff was a big man, weighing about 345 pounds with large shoulders and a massive chest. He had just a touch of a potbelly but you could plainly see he was every bit muscle everywhere else. His wasn’t by any means a handsome man, with his pitted face and large bushy eyebrows. I
n fact, he was down right odd looking, mostly due to the fact that in wore one of those old handle bar mustaches you usually only see in old westerns. From the look of his clothes, you could tell he had dressed hastily for he was wearing the blue jeans, a white tee-shirt, with his badge pined to hit, no socks and of all things brown Scooby-Doo slippers! On his head was a tan Stetson rancher style cowboy hat and, of course, his gun belt. But, as funny as he looked, nobody was laughing.

In an extremely deep voice, the man called out. ‘Everyone that did not see the what happened go home and stay there.’ Then he turned and said to his deputy, ‘You call the Doc yet Johnny?’

‘On his way!’ Answered Johnny replied.

The big man began walking over slowly as people started drifting back into their homes. ‘What happened here?’

‘Don’t know sheriff. I haven’t had a chance to ask yet. I’ve been busy trying to keep these two dumb-asses from getting themselves shot.’ The younger lawman said to his elder as he motioned towards the two surviving brothers with the barrel of his shotgun.

Just then, Sammy spoke up, ‘He killed him Uncle Jack!’ Shot him down like a dog. He didn’t have no cause!’

‘You’re damned liar Sammy Oglethorpe! You know full well Jimmy was trying to kill me when Ethan shot him!’ Yelled Becky.

The sheriff looked over at Bert and said, ‘Is that true?’

Bert looked glanced at his brother for a second, hesitated another second, then replied, ‘Nope Uncle Jack! She’s lying. Jimmy didn’t have no knife. He was just telling her how pretty she looked when she got all ‘bitchie’ and slapped him. Then Ethan took out a gun and shot Jimmy dead! Jimmy didn’t even lay so much as a hand on her.’

‘Their both lying sheriff! Jimmy was drunk and tried to rip my blouse. That’s when I slapped him in the face. Then he pulled out a knife and tried to stab me but missed. Ethan shot Jimmy when he tried to do it again!’ Becky retorted.

The sheriff turned to his deputy and said, ‘We’ll just have to sort this out at the station. Cuff him and put him in the back seat of my car,’ he motioned towards Ethan, ‘and then put her in the front seat.’ Then he turned to the two brothers and said, ‘You two boys can wait here while I go see if anybody else saw anything.’

When the crowd dissipated, Ethan said to his friend, ‘Listen Johnny, I’m not lying. Jimmy attacked her with a knife. He dropped it when I shot him and it went under the car. Just look for it!’

If there had been any other witnesses, they didn’t want to get involved for when the sheriff turned around everyone else had gone home.

‘Hold on Uncle Jack, it’ll just take a second for me to look under the car.’ The deputy said to his boss. Then he walked over and handed his shotgun to the sheriff and went back to his squad car. He retrieved a flashlight from the front seat. The young lawman then walked back to the side of the Ethan’s car and knelt down. He looked under the car for several seconds, moving his flashlight from side to side as he looked intently for the fallen knife.

He stood up and said sternly, ‘There’s no knife under here Ethan!’

As Ethan stood there in shock, the deputy walked over to him and said, ‘Ethan Barns, you’re under arrest for the murder of Jimmy Oglethorpe.’

Two minutes later, Ethan found himself handcuffed and sitting in the back of the Sheriff’s patrol car. Becky was sitting in the front seat. There was the distinct odor of vomit and cheap wine mixed with a very heavy amount of some type of disinfectant he couldn’t identify in the air inside the car.

With nothing else to do, the couple watched out the windows and waited for the sheriff to return. It was just about that time an ambulance showed up to be followed by a old gray ford sedan left over from the 1950’s. The sedan was being driven by the town’s doctor and coroner, ‘Doc Harris’. The doctor was tiny, skinny old man with round glass. He must have be at least seventy-two years old and Ethan thought to himself that the man looked to him like a taller, skinner version of the actor Henry Fonda.

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Glee I hate myself, because I am no longer a man. It wasn't the way life was supposed to go, but the current me is the result. When I was 20 and in college, I was still a virgin. There were enough wild parties, but I was always too damn shy to really enjoy them. I had one girlfriend in high school, but I wanted to wait... and she didn't. We broke up and she went on to become known as a bit of a slut. Anyhow, my chance for things to change finally presented itself in the form of...

3 years ago
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Blondie at the Club

My story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway. Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs. Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it. My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well...

2 years ago
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Ask Me Why

“I saw Cynthia Larsen at the grocery store today. She told me Jack came home to run the family business while his brother, Jeff, recovers from his accident,” stated Brenda Johnson to her daughter, Laura. “Jack?” asked Laura, as she suddenly decided to place a can of peas as deeply into the pantry as possible. “Yes, Jack. You remember him, don’t you? He’s your husband, or your ex-husband. I’m not really sure which description is accurate. Is he still your husband?” “Mom! You know I don’t like...

4 years ago
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Captured in Ajikistan 6

Captured in Ajikistan 6 – Night Raid ----------------------------------------------- A SHORT TIME BEFORE THE ATTACK… “This way, cunt.” The General hustled the petite, wavy-haired brunette into a tent on the edge of camp. Inside there was a threadbare mattress sprawled in one corner. In no time at all Aamir had stripped out of his sweat-soaked uniform. “You can call me Slave Kareena, Sir. My real Master calls me that,” Kareena said without thinking. She had grown accustomed to Hakim’s...

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Something In The Air

Something in the Air By Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 2000 Our principal story teller-Daniel, age 16. School had just started a few weeks ago. The three of us, Al DeAngelo, Brad Conley and I (Dan Carlysle) always took every opportunity to sneak off for a scuba weekend and Labor Day was no exception. We all really liked the coral reefs in the Keys even though pollution was taking its' toll there too. We usually stayed in Marathon at a rooming house. There was one room there that had a...

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5 Jessica AnnieChapter 3

The sun was setting and soon the sky would start to darken. For the next twenty minutes the two girls pranced around as Annie and I admired their beauty. They tossed a Frisbee I had brought in my back pack, played chase, wrestled and in between chatted with Annie and I. They knew quite well that they were being watched, and after a few initial awkward moments they settled in and put on quite a show. The shirts clearly displayed their breasts, with Jessica essentially naked from the waist up...

3 years ago
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The Journey Which Ends At Bed

I’m Rohit (name changed). For the first time I’m writing a story. Please feel free to post suggestions, positive criticism and comments.Email me @ Years back, I traveled to a metro city for official work. I always dream of having sex with mature women but it was all in vain until 2009. It was a rainy gloomy evening as our plane landed in an airport with a great deal of difficulty. Then I took a taxi to reach a star rated hotel. It is still raining heavily… so I rushed inside the hotel main...

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Dark Alley

These last six months have been horrible. My husband Tom has been totally consumed with his work at the corporation. This past week Tom and I traveled to New York city to the corporation headquarters, hopefully to seal a multi-million dollar deal. The company he works for put us in a beautiful Hotel, completely paid for by the corporation. Tom was within walking distance of the headquarters building. By Wednesday he would know if six months of work was successful. Six months of making...

1 year ago
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Wendys Fantasy

Had someone send me a message and ask me if I could write up a story for them. After talked for a bit know what she wanted to write about decided give it a shot. I was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted to live out but...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 46 Love Your Neighbor

January 17, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “My parents were kicked out of the church because they wouldn’t make me stop coming to Saint Michael the Archangel,” Mark said when I greeted him and Alyssa on Thursday afternoon. “Are they going to the Lutheran Church?” “Starting on Sunday, yes.” “What about yours, Alyssa?” “They’re supposed to have a meeting with the elders on Saturday morning. I invited them to Saint Michael, and Mark’s parents suggested they go to the Lutheran church.” “But it’s not...

3 years ago
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2 December 2006Chapter 2

Karen, Dan, and the kids stopped at Tim Horton’s for breakfast on the way to her old house. Brenda was mad at Diane when she told her she gave their dad a blow job. “I give him his next blow job,” she countered. Vicky called, saying she, Scott, Abby, and Brad would meet her at home for moving day. Cathy and Ben had also volunteered to help with the moving. They arrived at the house before anyone else and began sorting boxes. “Dan I think you should tell Diane, Brenda, and Brad about their...

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Kendra Enjoys Her Day Where My Focus Is to Please Her

It was an early Saturday morning, and I surprised Kendra by gently taking off her pajama bottoms while she was still asleep. I tried my best to not disturb her, but she looked down and asked, “What are you doing?” As I pulled the bottoms off, I came up and kissed her pussy gently through her panties and said, “Today is your day sweetie, I want to make it special and I’m gonna start the day off by worshipping your pussy.” I heard a little moan as I kissed her pussy through her panties. My mouth...

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The Sexy Knight

It is a bright sunny day as you walk into town. As soon as they see you the townsfolk run to you and ask for your help. "The Princess has been kidnapped by the Dragon and has been taken to the Cursed Mountain!" With nothing but your Armor, your Shield, and your Sword you head towards the Cursed Mountain to rescue the Princess!

2 years ago
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With the departure of Don Alonzo Puertocarrero I was to continue the campaign in Mexico alone. His departure was a relief. Now no one in the expedition was more high born than I, and so no one could countermand my orders. Even so I had argued with him when he said he was going to depart. He was foolish to leave. Fortunes were to be made here in the New World. Why toady at the courts? So much more could be made in this strange land of gold and flowers than in Madrid or even Vienna. At his...

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Rendezvous IIChapter 27

Hairy Amy woke up and glanced around, the sun was behind the mountains. Denver is unusual. The mountains do block the sun but the evening is very long. She slowly realized that I had let her asleep for hours. “You are a natural. Where did we go?” I reached in the door pocket and took out the chart. I realize it’s a map, but pilots call maps charts. I showed her the pencil lines and the airfields I did touch and goes ... and I do mean touch. A bare skim and outta there. “Fourteen? You...

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Summer Morning Strangers

She woke up to a warm summer morning – the whistle of someone cutting grass accompanied the birdsong outside. She had pushed the quilt off of her in the night to cool her skin, and as she stretched and opened her eyes, a memory drifted back to the week before when she had woken to the feeling of skin against her. Getting out of bed she pulled on her bathrobe and walked to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and pissed while the water heated. As she stepped into the shower the sensation of...

1 year ago
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I walked into the large metal walled room and sat on the single white plastic chair. A bright light prevented me from seeing the voice that spoke, a soft autoreactive male voice. “State your name, family name and then your Christian name… First name.”My tiny voice echoed in the sterile room. “State your age and sexual orientation.” I was okay with the first but what was he taking about orientation, Japan? “I’ll put you down as bisexual, covers both bases.”The confusing and often bizarre...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part XXXVI

Hi.. dosto ye meri first story hai or agar koi aunty, bhabhi ya ladki koi bhi intersed ho to plz mai me on ,mujhe ye site ka bahot hi intresting lagti hai,,,,i love dis site, ,, ye meri sachi story hai ….ha to ye us samay ki bat hai jab mai apni b.e (engg) ki padai indore k ek colg se kar rha tha or mere mumy dady bhopal mai hi rahte the undino mere ek dur k bhaiya hai jo bhel jhansi mai kam karte hai unki shdi huye 3 sal huye the. mai kabhi unki wife (mere bhabhi) Ko nahi dekha tha …unka nam...

1 year ago
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Back To BristolChapter 16

Dispirited is the word. I was dispirited. Luckily, the Friday after my short meeting with Molly was a very busy day. So, I threw myself into work, and tried to make sure that I was as busy as possible. I noticed that Carole must have picked up on my mood, because she didn't say a word about her soap opera, but she just mothered me all day, making sure that she got me to every meeting on time, that I did return the important calls, and that I had a proper lunch. One meeting in the afternoon...

3 years ago
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The Girlfriend Chapter Two

The GirlfriendChapter TwoThe next few weeks were difficult for me. I was working long hours on a d**gs case and whilst the overtime was welcome it meant Sophie was having to spend a lot of time on her own.One night I made an effort and came home on time with a bottle of good wine, not our usual cheap stuff. Sophie had ordered a takeaway from our favourite Chinese restaurant and I was looking forward to a date night, something we had neglected due to my work.I was, therefore, surprised when I...

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Repopulating the WorldThe Final Chapter

It had been 4 months since we last met our survivors, Allie, Tina, Rich and John, oh and of course Adam the first achievement in repopulating the world. Since our last visit, tragedy struck the survivors. Allie, who had been pregnant with her second child, had miscarried. The loss of the child had allowed depression to move in on her. She lost all sexual interests in the guys and even Tina. Tina had stepped up in Allie’s absence and had pleasured the guys, but recently she had missed her time...

Love Stories
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NubileFilms Emily Willis Make Me An Offer

Emily Willis is touring a house with her realtor, Kyle Mason. Emily has he eyes on more than just the property as she checks out the way Kyle fills out his clothes. She notices that he’s eyeing her back and decides to make a move once they reach the bedroom. Turning to step close to Kyle under the pretense of looking at paperwork, Emily sneaks out a hand to cup his hard dick. Kyle is reluctant to take things to the next step, but based on his obvious interest Emily takes the plunge and...

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Ten Day Cruise Chapter 4

When I woke up, I was on my side facing away from Glen.  He spooned against my back with his arm over my body.  I smiled when I realized he was gently holding my breast.  Placing my hand on his, I pressed him to my boob.  He stirred and then kissed the back of my neck."Are you mad at me?" Glen whispered."No, are you mad at me?" I whispered back to him.Glen rolled me onto my back.  He rose up and then kissed me tenderly.  "No, I'm not mad at you."I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him....

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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 3

Brenda's reign as "queen of cheerleaders" was going well so far. She'd actually had two affairs on campus, fucking both her English teacher and the varsity football coach in their offices. That night Brenda tried to decide what she wanted to do next in flexing her newfound sexual muscles. Brenda had really enjoyed seducing both Ed Richey and Bob Williams, the two male faculty at the high school, but now she wanted to try something even kinkier. She wanted to expand her horizons. In her...

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Sommerhitze Martin blickte Sehnsüchtig zu seiner kleiner Schwester rüber. Er begehrte Mila schon seitdem er denken konnte und jetzt, kurz nach ihren 18ten Geburtstag, starrten nicht nur seine Augen zu der süßen Blondine rüber. Seine Badeshorts saß verdammt eng. Mila rekelte sich auf ihrem Badehandtuch und scheinbar unbewusst streckte sie ihren Körper, der scheinbar einigen alten Säcken aufgefallen war, wie Martin missmutig feststellen musste. Auf dem Bauch liegend, um seinen vor Erregung...

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Too Much LoveChapter 24

“You know how to lead. Don’t you? Dance with me.” Monroe looked up, startled. Her new sister-in-law Sarah Parrish Masterson-Stone had somehow snuck up on her. How in the hell did she sneak in a big, white dress? “Sure. I can lead. You run out of boys to dance with already?” Sarah pulled her to the floor. “Of course not. I just want to dance with my favorite new sister.” Monroe smiled. “Of all things in the world, the one you did not need more of was sisters.” Every time Monroe saw Sarah...

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Nashe Me Uncle Ne Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam puja kaur hai or m punjab ki rehne wali hu . Mere ghar me mere alawa mere mummy papa, mera bada bhai or meri dadi rehte hai , mere papa or mummy dono private company me job karte hai or mera bhai delhi se btech kar rha hai wo whi per hostal me rehta hai . Me abhi 12th class me padhti hu or dikhne me sundar hu thodi helthi hu per moti nhi hu . Mera figure hai 34,30,32 or height 5 ft 4 inch. Mere boobs ka size noraml se thoda sa zada hai wo shayad...

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After last nights events we looked over the events for today. First was new rope bondage methods. The next was butt Bukkake glory hole. My wife said looks interesting. We finally made to to breakfast naked and wife in collar and leash handcuffed. I un cuffed her and we are and then walked around complex viewing several doms that their subs were bound between trees and being whipped. On couple sub was suspended upside down and the dome was placing several different dildoes , butt plugs and...

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This teen loves her Grandpa

This is a story about how I became a young girls fantasy fulfilled.My wife had passed away a couple of years ago, and I was at an age where sex was no longer on my mind 24/7.I lived in a house with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I was reading the local newspaper and camr across an article that highlighted the lack of accomodation for students at the local Uni. I had plenty of room and a shortage of money, so I sent over my details.I received a couple of emails the next day from two guys wanting to...

1 year ago
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Strip Club Revenge

The Polish girl stood in front of me and wriggled out of her black panties, sliding them down her smooth legs and over her ankles before kicking them aside."You like what you see, Mr Mills?" she cooed in a thick accent while fluttering her long eyelashes and smiling coyly.I did like what I saw. She had dark sexy eyes, fine black hair that tumbled down to her slim shoulders and big round tits. But her belly was a little too rounded, her thighs were just a tad too fleshy and she had a big arse...

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Escape from the Dungeon

Escape from the Dungeons – 8/12/08It took three strong men to hold her still, despite her being chained hand and foot. She had been brought to the Regent’s study, but within minutes she had kicked one man so hard that he had been sent to the infirmary. So more guards were summoned and while three held her down she was tied harshly with rope so that she could not move. She was hauled up again, and a guard hit her hard in the stomach. ?Is she ready for judgement, Sergeant?? the Regent asked. He...

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GangbangCreampie Reverse Cowgirls May Edition 05142021

Even though May has not ridden off into the sunset yet, it has already been a banner month for cowgirls. Professional rider Sloan starts things off with a (gang)bang. If there’s one thing she knows, it’s how to ride with a stud between her legs. She’s been riding horses for decades, now she’s graduated to Cocksmen. Sloan starts off with an air-ride from Will who ALLY-OOPS her directly onto Scotty’s cock for some intense reverse cowgirl. This gets her to her first...

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College Girls

In my life, I’ve met all sorts of people of various ages and backgrounds. It’s another story how I met Maggie, and that’s not important now. But, being in my late 30’s, I did feel pretty strange being at a party full of 20 year olds. I was out of place and I felt it. It wasn’t that I looked almost twice everyone else’s age, I didn’t. But, when you get older, there are subtle and not so subtle things. I was better dressed than the apartment full of 20 year olds. I also wasn’t stumbling drunk...

4 years ago
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After my brief encounter with Ken my married neighbor I realized my obsession with sex could be filled now that I was 18 , all my fantasy's , taboo lusts and needs could be satisfied . It was easier to become Kathy now that I could get away for a few days by myself . The book store an motel had quickly my sissy hide away , since no one knew me here . I'd rent a room in the back of the motel , an exit let me come and go without being noticed and the book store a 5 minute walk away . In my bag...

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