Murder in the First
- 3 years ago
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"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900
"The Queen is Dead! Long Live the King!"
What more important change than the death of a sovereign. At least, for the nation. Perhaps not for individuals. The end of the Victorian Age. The beginning of the Edwardian period. Would this country continue to be successfully powerful, or would it pass into dust following past empires.
Early in the morning the Baroness Gullane took her constitutional along the River Thames. She was well dressed for the foggy winter day. Shiny black leather high heeled boots and a long billowy skirt flowed out from her bustier and over her bustle. As usual the blouse was delicate white silk, The bottom was a dark grey linen. A grey damask jacket covered her arms. A silver chain with a carved jade leaf hung from her ivory neck. The small bowler hat was cocked over an eye as ginger locks were scarely covered, ruffling out upon her regal shoulders.
She heard the news shouted by newsboys. She had read the story earlier. Certainly a change that would resonate for some time.
On this day in January of 1901 Elspeth gazed across the Thames at the Battersea Gasification Station. Even now it was working, competing against the Beckton Gasworks in the East End. One or her favorite cityscapes, lit up with lamplights and distilled coal gas the plant supplied itself and others in her adopted city. Beautiful this time of the morning as stream sweepers and sky sweepers were busily carrying out duties in assigned lanes of the river and the sky.
The one man vessels had all spread out earlier from the docks in the East End near the River Lea. The piers were needed for the streamers so the authorities ordained the skylers would refuel with needed hydrogen gas in stations nearby. The two fleets resided together at night when not busy in the water and air.
Each steam powered streamer filtered out pollutants from the water. The skylers were held aloft by hydrogen filled bladders and slowly moved with flaps powered along by strong legs, cleaning the air with screens for this purpose. With dozens of cleansers completing this daily task the Queen had been well pleased that her Cleanliness Decree of 1890 would most assuredly have pleasant results soon. But she had passed. Her son was the new King. Would he care as much as she for the health of the nation?
To her left, down the river and to the east, the lady noted the vision of a sunrise that would soon rest memorably in her mind, the vivid colours aided somewhat by the still begrimed atmosphere hovering over the industrial triumph of the British Empire. A lone jackdaw called out from the bare branches of a London plane tree in the lot across the roadway. Gulls circled above sending noisy welcome to the river's feast below.
Her ladyship contemplated the final change of importance in her own life. Recalling with contentment the decree of divorcement had come through. She had aptly proved he committed adultery. Also, necessary for a woman, she proved he had deserted her.
His adulterous acts were recorded with Kodak cameras hidden in his sleeping quarters. They illustrated him in rousing sessions of lusty play with cousins. That was adultery, not incest. After all, Charles Darwin had married his first cousin, Emma Wedgewood, of porcelain fame. No, it was not legally incest, which would have sufficed to obtain the divorce with the addition of the adultery. However, he did Elspeth the favor of deserting her financially.
She installed a camera in a peephole a previous baron must have drilled. Mayhap it had been a baroness. No matter. She used it.
She took dozens of photographs as she watched her husband with two female cousins in flagrante. It was somewhat of a surprise how much she enjoyed watching. Particularly the lady cousins.
With a tingling in her lady parts her body urged her to touch herself. She did on more than occasion. Lifting away the billowy skirts, seeking her special button, peeking into the bed chamber. Rubbing it and slipping one finger or more into the dampness she created with her caresses.
Luckily the stone walls were thick. Her sighs and moans unheard by husband and adulterous cousins. It gave her proper instructions into her own sensual needs. She vowed to continue her self education when freedom came to her.
The Third Married Women's Property Act of 1893 allowed her to retain control of her own property after marrying. She kept herself with no help from her spouse for over five years, living and studying in Edinburgh for most of that period of time. Now a free woman at liberty to pursue her own wants and needs.
There was little traffic along Grosvenor Road as she strolled. Little noise to disturb her peace except for the 'woosh' of a vactrain with its human cargo being sucked through the pneumatic tube underground. Elspeth noticed something as she stood beside the river near the Grosvenor Vactrain Station.
At the base of brick laid steps, there at the riverside, a group of men in burnished copper embellished blue uniforms and polished leather helmets were gathered. Seeming to attempt raising some sort of vehicle from the turgid waters. A floating streamer and its disconsolate operator drifted stoically beside it.
Two people were dressed in mufti. A man with a long dark belted coat over striped trousers, A woman in a long somber skirt and a simple blouse with few ruffles to feminise it. They stood in their highly polished leather boots and their modest daily top hats. Presumably officials in charge.
The short man lifted his smog gogs from his face noting her presence at the top of the stairs. He rubbed his neatly trimmed goatee and then spoke behind a gloved hand to his female compatriot. She removed her own goggles and began carefully ascending the damp, moss encrusted steps towards Elspeth.
The baroness pressed one button on her brass repeater timepiece pulled from the pocket of her frilly bustier. Tinkling chimes rang out as she read the time. Just turning 6:45 in the morning of her first day as a free and divorced lady. The young woman, with a shiny brass badge prominently displayed upon her bosom, approached and spoke.
"The inspector wants to know what you're doing at this time of the morning, hereabouts," she demanded, abruptly.
"You might ask the inspector if it is proper for one of his minions to speak so, without courtesy, to a lady in this day and age. Have the rules of etiquette changed with the death of our dear Queen?" She replaced her filigreed art nouveau watch to its pocket as she spoke.
The young woman seemed to understand rather quickly that she might have made an error. Her hand went to her head and touched her small chapeau above short brown curly locks.
"Your pardon, ma'am. I'm Sergeant Schumacher. We've had a terrible work done here today. Would you tell me who you might be, with all due deference."
"It pleases me to give you that information. I'm rather proud of that information, my girl," and with that she proffered a card from her waistband.
The sergeant accepted and read to herself the following:
Elspeth Valmoral, Baroness Gullane
BSC (Hons), MChem (Hons), LLB
No. 12 Pimlico Road
"Septem contra Edinam."
Rather befuddled, the sergeant spoke again, "Sorry, ma'am but what does it all mean?"
It means, sergeant, that I have a Bachelor's Degree in Science, with honours; a Master's Degree in Chemistry, with honours; and a Bachelor of Laws degree. The Latin means 'Seven against Edinburgh' and the inspector might know to what that refers. It would be worth the while of a pioneering woman to know the history of that motto.
"Mayn't I just bring this to the Inspector? Thank you, ma'am." She did a small mixture of curtsy and bow, touched her feminised top hat, and turned about to return to the scene of the crime.
"Wait, sergeant. Tell me your inspector's name. He will soon have mine and I would most assuredly wish to have his, if I may."
"Inspector Lorenzo Healy, ma'am. Sgt Daphne Schumacher, at your service." She eagerly moved to return to the ongoing investigation below.
"Apt name, Daphne," thought Elspeth. She watched the small nymph-like creature carefully glide down the steps. Smiling to herself she also wondered how fierce the short inspector might be.The lady began examining her surroundings more closely now with the knowledge that something rather dire had happened. She saw the mast-like rod protruding out of the waters below, quite near the shoreline. A Union Flag flopped damply from its pinnacle. Another pennant hung below but she could barely discern its colours. No matter. She recalled it well and the one recently beneath it was now absent.
In the murky waters she could barely make out the metallic object with wheels. Burly bobbies had raised it partially. Waters poured off what seemed to be a cushioned leather covered seat. The process of removing an inert, shapeless mass from the seat began. Gears and polished copper and brass were more easily seen with each passing second, as was the steam engine. A lifeless body, for such she saw it was, was laid upon the damp unforgiving stonework.
Peering more intently she made out rather fresh black marks upon the granite setts of the roadway. The black streaks led from the left side of the roadway to the edge and then ended as if some object had been pushed over the low retaining wall beside the track. Her discerning eye recognised a substance, probably rubber, used in pneumatic tyres.
She knelt down, took out a folding Barlow knife from her shoulder bag, and took scrapings from each tyre track. Her specimen jars were labeled especially for this purpose. She had printed precisely with her gold and mahogany Faber-Castell fountain pen what each contained. They were safely in her leather shoulder bag.
The baroness had not overlooked the astonishing change she had just observed in the world of authority figures. "What is the world coming to," she thought gleefully, "when little women are becoming sergeants in the masculine field of policework." Then she pondered when and where she had last seen that steam powered wheeled vehicle she recognised in the Thames below.
She also recognised how coincidental it was being part of three such noteworthy changes in the world.
Elspeth returned to her flat and laboratory on Pimlico Road. She entered quietly through the rear. She climbed a well oiled solid bronze stairway to her living area. She wished no creaking steps to alert her apprentices to her approach. She learned a lesson well in her marriage domicile. Through two peepholes especially made when she obtained these rooms she could look directly into the sleeping rooms of her young pair.
She knew their true names but called the girl Dora, and the young male Pan. She often called out "Pan...Dora, what are you up to? Is there yet Hope?" That amused her.
They anticipated her return from her perambulating and were not completely naked. The young man laid upon his cot with his male member stiffly at attention. The young girl ministered to him with her lips. She licked and sucked as she pleased with her skirt pulled up and away such that her ruffled underwear was exposed, as were her lady parts. His tongue sought to explore her nether lips open to his attentions.
Their mistress enjoyed the wet sounds even as she touched her own dampness. She had learned to crave this pleasure. Her own passion expressed itself softly, with whimpering moans of delight. Pan began to hunch himself and hump upward into Dora's filled mouth. The girl was grinding her juicy femininity over lips and face, getting closer to fulfillment. Both began to shudder as their mistress jammed her fingers forcefully into her leaking slit.
Completion on both sides of the wall. In the sleeping chamber and the private hallway. Elspeth used a damp towel to wipe herself clean, sighing with relief.
As always, she gave her apprentices time to be busy about their duties when she entered. They were not lazy but lost track of time while playing or reading. She used the brass door knocker, in the shape of a naiad, to alert them to her presence.
She noted how intricately the heavy oak door was carved with creatures of myth frolicking across its surface. There was scurrying of feet as the young people scrambled into working mode. It made her smile. She rescued the two of them from the streets of London where they have been living as urchins for years.
They knew they were both just now achieving twenty years of age. Elspeth gave them a home short months ago when she moved to London.
Each was bright and biddable when properly instructed. They learned quickly. Their antics gave a great deal of pleasure. She paid them at least as much as they could earn as shop clerks. She knew she gave them an education that was enriching, both personally and monetarily.
She rescued them from Newgate Prison upon their release for minor infractions. In passing by Old Bailey in the City she was happy to remember what her MP told her. Newgate would be closed and razed within the year completing the drastic change in the lives of her students.
With money to spend as they pleased they often played with clothing, modeled for her pleasure and their own. Today Pan wore some wide suspenders decorated with wildly chaotic copper filigrees holding up grey linen trousers with silk stripes down the sides. His sleeveless work shirt was white ruffled satin. He sometimes wore a brace of polished brass pistols in buffed leather at his waist. A wasted effort to grow facial hair gave the women some degree of stifled laughter at times.
Similar in tone was Dora's brocade corset atop a pair of velveteen jodhpurs with a wide black leather belt. She might sport a burnished bronze pistolet. Both wore glossy casual boots, comfortable for work in the laboratory and flat. Each wore their hair in natural ringlets of blonde tresses. Quite nearly the same length, just off the shoulder.
Elspeth was in the main room of the flat where her extensive library was maintained. Books and maps covered the walls. Heavily brocaded chairs and settees were there for their comfort. Just off this large room was the more important laboratory. It was a working chemical laboratory filled with hand blown glassware and testing supplies. Many metal tools were in their proper places for woodworking and metalworking as needed.
She broke her fast with a meal of tomatoes, a slice of streaky, and one poached egg prepared by Pan. The young ones had eaten earlier. It was time to test her samples and see what she could discover. It might confirm her idea of what occurred by the river during this past night. Within an hour she and her aides had made a discovery that might be of use. The specimens she tested were of two, and only two, types of rubber. Clearly they were both from pneumatic tyres. But of different chemical makeup.
Not necessarily two vehicles. There were three tyres on the wheeled vehicle she had seen. One in the rear and two in front. Someone could have put tyres manufactured with three different chemical compositions on the contraption. Still suspicious. She suspected it indicated two kinds of conveyance had been present. Not just present but involved enough in some sort of struggle to leave remnants of that fight on the street's surface. If she could gain access to the wheels of the transport being pulled out she could be certain. As she pulled away from the lab table a rapping of the bronze door knocker was heard. Someone was at the entryway. Dora moved swiftly to answer the summons.
"Sgt Schumacher, do you not recognise this insignia?" Inspector Healy inquired, holding up the scrap of material taken from the three wheeled vehicle now at Scotland Yard.
"Ay, sir, it's that of the Royal Fusiliers, it is. My father served in that unit here in the City. Their officers have a club in the Westminster borough, near enough to where we found our evidence this morning. Never did know what that motto meant."
"Honi soit qui mal y pense," quoted the inspector, "which means something along the lines of 'may he be ashamed, or shamed, that thinks badly of it.' Many a group or person carries the same motto. But not that sigil. That's unique to the Fusiliers. Let us take a wee visit to that club you mentioned, sergeant."
They called up a steam powered Hansom taxicab and soon drew up in front of the club of the Retired Royal Fusiliers. The cab operator was told to wait upon their return.
After a short argument about the sergeant's right to be there, being a woman, the Inspector was ushered into the great room, leaving the rather irritated Sgt Schumacher in the main hallway suspiciously watching members enter and exit, or climb the stairs to upper floors.
Sgt Schumacher glanced swiftly around as she paced the hallway. Few passed her by. She saw the knob of an inconspicuous door underneath the stairway. Curious, she opened the door. It was not a closet. Rather a long passage to another stairwell, presumably meant for maintenance purposes. Dim light shone from gaslights. She entered unseen.
It was a worker's passageway, narrow but wide enough for workmen with tools. There was access to ductwork within the walls of the structure. The woodwork was dry and cracked from alternating heat and damp over the years. She stepped carefully. Just a small amount of dust arose. She ignored the urge to sneeze.
She crept up the stairs and could see glimpses of an occupant now and then. Most rooms were empty at this time, their occupants out and about. Then she happened to see, through an crack in the wall, two gentlemen committing the crime of sodomy. Sgt Schumacher saw the two, in the nude, lying in an unmade bed, stroking each other's stiffened flesh.
What to do? The sergeant knew that the situation demanded action. She lifted her skirts. A hand was caressing a stiffening breast nipple. the other was wriggling its way around her cotton underwear and into her juicy quim. They pleasured themselves as she did the same. Biting her lips she continued rubbing faster as the gentlemen kissed each other and kept manipulating sexual organs.
The speed was maintained, indeed, increased and the sergeant felt a tiny orgasm thrill her nerves. She kept playing with herself, anticipating more to come. A man moaned and started spurting his jism into the air. Immediately the other left off jerking and crouched over to take the hardness in his mouth. The one squirting his spunk rammed as hard as he could into his companion's mouth and grasped his head, assuring the rampant rod's fulfillment.
She didn't stop making herself happy with the sensual touching but soon came to her senses, made herself presentable, and turned about to return to the main floor. She hoped the inspector was not now searching for her. A final glance through the crack showed the other gentleman now receiving similar treatment.
Inspector Healy made his own examinations of the interior of the warm and comfortable main room with its heavy leather covered seating while waiting for several minutes. Couches and easy chairs were spread throughout the room with few occupants this time of day. Walls were covered with banners, weaponry, and paintings of famous battles.The Royal Fusiliers had been important participants. He noted in his mind the banners especially.
The mustachioed club secretary entered, walked up to the inspector, and extended a hand. "What may we do for the local police, inspector?" He didn't smile.
"Quite simple, sir. Might you tell me if any of your members are in possession of private carriages of any type? There has been an incident. A special contraption, of a kind we've not seen, was involved."
The secretary seemed taken aback, but gathered his thoughts. "I cannot believe any member of ours would be involved in an incident. In any case, inspector, as far as I know several members have private vehicles of varied types."
He paused, then continued, "And, of course, Sir Needmore uses his wheeled chair. Rather small, but capable of traversing our streets under the power of a small steam engine. He has entry to the club using our special lift in the rear. He has not appeared today. He is not expected on a daily basis."
"And why would he be needing this contraption anyway?"
The secretary answered rather grumpily, "He lost the use of his legs at the Battle of Kandahar. Some are rather proud of Sir Needmore, inspector."
"His name would be Sir Chesley Needmore? Is that correct? Would his wheeled chair be having three wheels, then?"
"Yes, but if you knew this already why are you here, inspector?" he inquired abruptly.
"Quite simple, sir. We found his body in the Thames this morning. His identification card merely had his name and a motto. As if he expected any and all to recognise him. We did not. Now we know."
The secretary nodded and shook his head at the same time, a rather skillful trick. "How did the accident happen, inspector?"
"Under suspicious circumstances, sir. And I would be needing a list of all members who have their own carriages, of any kind, if you please. Send it by pence to Scotland Yard. You do have access to the Pneumatic Parcel Post, do you not? Most important establishments do by now," the inspector noted.
"Yes, of course. Sir Needmore was rather a problem member, for some, but I'm certain he will be mourned. He was an officer in the Royal Fusiliers! The list will be penced within the hour, inspector." The secretary turned on his heel and strode away.
Inspector Healy walked out into the entry hall as Sgt Schumacher slipped out of an obscure doorway from under the stairwell. She smiled and nodded to him as they left the building.
"We're off to pay a visit to the only person we might be calling a witness in this case, sergeant. Be quick about it."
"Ego Postulo Magis." The inspector was reading from a card he had pulled from his vest pocket. "I believe I know what this motto means, more or less, baroness. I should like to hear what you think."
"Yes, quite, inspector. It means, to be precise, I need more. Why would anyone want to proclaim their need in such a motto?"
"The gentleman in question is Sir Chesley Needmore. He attempted a bit of wordplay on his surname."
"Well," the lady said, "simply ask him for certainty." She smiled and poured out more Twinings tea for the inspector seated in her flat. The stalwart little sergeant was to the side, sipping tea and nibbling a biscuit.
"I think, madam, that you might be guessing this gentleman is the one we pulled from the Thames." He smiled back at her. "I would be wondering if you might be knowing the gentleman."
She laughed. "Please, do me the favor of calling me Elspeth, if I am given the honour of addressing you as Lorcan, inspector."
Both now chuckled as the sergeant looked back and forth, wondering what was happening. She took another bite and another sip of tea.
"Allow me to relate the little I know. I've seen a man moving about the streets here in the Pimlico District of the borough using a steam powered device that appeared to function as a chair of kinds. To get him from one place to another. I never observed him stopping. The apparatus was provided with three wheels and an engine to power it. You know this, Lorcan.
"Perhaps you do not know that he flew, from a simple mast above his seat, three pennants. On top was the Union Jack. Below it what appeared to be a military banner with an insignia and a rather commonplace motto. The bottom pennant displayed the words you quoted earlier."
"Exactly," stated the inspector, "and we have two of those banners. We lack the third. It was torn away since two brass grommets and scraps of material were left behind."
"Well, in addition to the motto there was also a green flower displayed..." and she paused, then continued, "perhaps a zinnia, or carnation. Even a mum. I was never sure. The only reference to a green flower that I'm aware of was the novel The Green Carnation. Some say it concerned Oscar Wilde. That gentleman himself died this past November." She stood suddenly. "Yes, it was in November that I heard of Wilde's passing in Paris. I have just begun to observe the three banners on the wheeled chair in the past month or so. It has been out on the streets since I first arrived here some months ago. But the flying of the three just began very recently."
She grabbed some writing paper from a table nearby. Dipping a pen into a brass gear casing that held some India ink she swiftly wrote out the motto and drew a flower beneath it. She handed it to the sergeant after blotting it to avoid smudging.
"I see," said Inspector Healy, glancing at the paper. "Wilde was the sodomite who was imprisoned in Reading Gaol. I knew he had been released from his sentence. Not that he had died." He became quietly contemplative, mulling over this information.
"Oh, before you go, perhaps you would like to have some forensic data I obtained, Lorcan."
"What's this about forensic information? We've examined the body, all of its clothing, and the chair in question. What type of forensics are you in possession of, baroness?" The inspector's tone had quickly changed to one of authority.
"I'm not questioning your methods, inspector. However, I took some samples of what I believe to be remnants of tyres that had skidded upon the granite setts of the roadway, just above the place of death. Let me just relate to you the particulars."
Elspeth then told her guests of her results. Both listened closely. Finally the inspector asked if he could have a formal report from her ladyship along with the samples she had taken from the scene. He indicated that the forensic lab at Scotland Yard would be repeating her tests and getting scrapings from each tyre on the wheeled chair with the understanding that if they found a suspect vehicle it's pneumatic tyres would be tested as well.
"I trust every effort is being made. I'll send along my report using the pence I have installed in my lab. It does serve a fine function for the transmission of small objects and documents about the city. I make myself free for your use in this endeavour. My best to you, sergeant." The lady rose now, smiling, indicating that the meeting had completed to her satisfaction. Pan and Dora appeared from the pantry.
Within a fortnight Inspector Healy received the report from Baroness Gullane. He perused the list of private vehicles sent from the secretary. He sorted out the case to this point.
"You saw that list of members' carriages from the club, sergeant?"
"All are conveyances using horses save those underlined, inspector. I saw that. We should eliminate all the wagons, carriages, and such using the horses. Our man would have used a steam powered vehicle.
"Our working theory is that a more powerful engine forcibly pushed the smaller into the Thames. To be honest that has been the theory since we determined that two vehicles had been at the scene after forensic testing. Thanks to the baroness, to be sure, sir.
"We know from further forensics on those three steam powered vehicles listed that just one is matching the samples taken by the baroness and our own lab men where the murder occurred. That single carriage had noticeable recent repairs of its exterior brass and copper fixtures. Matching damage was done to the wheeled chair. It's a murder, sir. I think we've agreed upon that right now."
"You made your point about her ladyship, sergeant," and he grinned ruefully. "One other thing we know. At least, I do. When we first visited the Retired Royal Fusiliers club I was lucky enough to see the exact banner that Sir Needmore had devised. I saw it just above the fireplace. It returned to my memory where I had seen it after staring at the lady's drawing right here on my desk for some days now. It had been stuck on the mantle as something of a battle token or remembrance."
"Would it be time to interrogate this gentleman, sir? Captain Gregory Hardbotham is the name, inspector. He knows we examined the vehicle. And a mighty hulking bit of engine work it was. You've seen that report."
"Sgt Schumacher, we are off. I've called for a steam Hansom and sent a message ahead to the club that the captain should await our appearance. We have more than enough evidence to count him as a person of significance to the case. His living quarters are in the club itself. Several members reside there."
"Yes, sir," said the sergeant, with a knowing smirk.
Their Hansom pulled up to the club. The inspector and his sergeant exited it, telling the driver to await their return. He saluted and sat back to rest, just feeding a few bits of coal to keep his engine ready for use again soon.
The club's secretary met them in the main hallway. "If you are here to see Captain Hardbotham he is gone, inspector. He departed some minutes ago with a single valise in hand. His engine awaited at the curb for an hour."
"Blast, man! Did you not tell him I wished to speak to him on a matter of importance? Do you know where he is going? Which direction?"
"I beg your pardon, sir. I've done my duty in this matter. His engine was pointing down the roadway towards the east." He turned abruptly on his heel in finality.
"We are off, sergeant. Get in the taxi. We'll follow the damned fellow. Head east, man," he commanded as the two jumped into the front seat. In the rear the driver was now frantically stoking his engine and getting the vehicle moving down the street.
Inspector Healy had a hunch the captain was heading for the docks in the East End. There were one man skylers there. Perfect for the gentleman to use in an escape through the skies. The police force had been asking the authorities for their own skyships for some time now. They had not yet been approved and put into action. They were a mere five miles from the piers where the Queen's own cleansing fleet was located.
The escaping steam engine soon appeared in the distance. They swiftly gained on it in the ensuing minutes. The docks along a branch of the River Lea came into view. The inspector called out for more speed.
They came within a few hundred yards of the captain's vehicle. There were several skylers anchored and floating with their hydrogen bladders full. They were pulled close to the ground so that operators could mount them easily when it was time to attend to duties in the sky lanes.
Captain Hardbotham sprang from his still moving escape vehicle. He pulled a pistol from his trousers belt and fired at the inspector and the sergeant. His bullet rang out as it hit a metallic surface, harming no one.
He used his weapon to force the few skyler operators there away from the floating vessels. He loosened a mooring hawser from its lanyard and jumped aboard as the skyler slowly began to rise away from his pursuers. He continued to fire his pistol, reloading at least once as he ascended.
"Damn the man! Sergeant, use your weapon. No one fires upon the Metropolitan Police without repercussions."
It took only one shot from Sgt Schumacher's brass handgun to complete the case, more or less. The hydrogen gas filled bladder of the escaping vessel exploded in flames and fell into the River Thames. They pulled the captain's body out later that afternoon when reinforcing bobbies were called in from Scotland Yard.
Elspeth received a letter from Inspector Healy the next day. it arrived via her personal pence. She smiled and congratulated herself on having the use of the Pneumatic Parcel Post.
She examined the contents as she enjoyed her afternoon tea. It was a note from the inspector as well as a copy of another letter presumably written by a Captain Gregory Hardbotham. She read the note as follows:
Your ladyship,
If I may, Elspeth,
This is to make known to you the resolution of 'our' murder case. You may read the murderer's letter. I relate the gist and thank you for your part in bringing the case to a fitting end.
Sir Chesley Needmore was, indeed, a libertine. He decided to flaunt his need for other men publicly following the death of one of his heroes, Oscar Wilde.
Needless to say, this did not go over well with his club and others who had served in the Royal Fusiliers. Captain Hardbotham decided to send a very real message to other 'catamites', as he called them, and murdered Sir Needmore using his steam powered vehicle to push the wheeled chair into the river. You see, 'shame' had been brought upon the unit. Then he displayed his contempt for his fellow officer by hanging Sir Needmore's motto above the mantel of the fireplace in their mutual club. Somewhat as a battle trophy, one might say.
That much we had deduced, except for the captain's motive. Now it makes sense. But no man may decide the fate of another man without proper authority involved. The captain received his due when he died in flames yesterday. I'm sure you have read the accounts that appeared in the Times this morning.
Please know I send my most humble regards, Baroness Gullane.
If we meet again, the pleasure will surely be all mine.
Inspector Lorenzo Healy, Metropolitan Police Force
She sighed as she put the note down. Taking up the murderer's letter, she read it through, snorted in an unladylike manner, and sighed once more.
"Pan...Dora. Fresh tea, if you please. And some biscuits. More shortbreads, you lazy crew."
She was soon lost in a reverie about even deeper and more profoundly welcoming changes to come.
Some months later a solemn ceremony was performed at the Seven Sisters for Suffrage club in London. The club was established after the National Society for Women's Suffrage came into existence in 1867, and the UK Medical Act, allowing the licensure of women as physicians, was passed in 1876. The SSS club was a place for members of the feminine gender to gather with others who were working in the forefront of the Cause. Baroness Gullane was a member and she had put forward Sgt Schumacher for membership. She had felt it rather noteworthy that the sergeant was the first to achieve her rank in the history of the Metropolitan Police Force.
Upon completion of the induction Elspeth and Daphne spent some time conversing in the intimately small parlor just off the main room of the club. They talked of many things, especially their shared murder case, but often the lady seemed to turn the subject to news concerning Inspector Healy. The sergeant just smiled and enjoyed her moment.
Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy their hands to satisfy their needs… Here I am writing a story that a fellow ISSian who left it incomplete. I liked his fantasy so I would rewrite it to you with much spice. I will make sure you get the complete essence of the story. Hi readers this my third story here. This is gonna be different and based on my fantasies. The story will...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
So far: River is nearly all girl now, and is anxiously awaiting the events of the morning, where she will attempt to stem the flood of teen suicides that are happening in First Nations settlements across Canada, including the River Reservation. At least she hopes to solve the problem locally. It was another moonlit night when River left the campsite. It was still early ... the dawn birds had yet to herald in a new day. It would be several hours before 4 a.m., when she had asked the...
So far: Ricky, now known to everyone outside of his family as River, has made a connection with the large river that flows through a First Nations campground towards Lake Superior. Now, the elders of the reserve have arrived at a ceremony intended to admit River into their tribe. But somehow it all changes, and the elders all bow down and ask to join River's tribe. ------ ------ "What? Wait. Yes. No," Ricky quailed at the site of three dozen older men and women bowing in front of...
River and her stepdad were never close, but he didn’t mind her staying around the house and lending her some money here and there. The occasional blowjob or fuck helped motivate Brad to help her. The first time Brad had raped River was two months ago. Brad did not plan or really want to. But with River’s mom leaving them, he couldn’t help but resent the girl. He didn’t want to, but it happened. That resentment manifested as an aggressive lust one day when River spoke back to him...
Chapter 15 So far: Two new characters are introduced and their backgrounds explored, along with their odyssey to the river. Now they have met River and are invited into the water. ----- --- ------ River welcomed the new people into the river. Nick was hesitant, knowing how cold the water could be, but Carla immediately smiled at River's soft voice, and entered the water. Nick followed, and they waded out to the deeper part of the river. Nick was astounded how warm the water was,...
Chapter 11 So far: Jerome the yearling wolf has died, but two new wolves have joined the people. One of them decides that Moonie can atone for his sins, and over time the river cleanses his soul. The story of Moonie was told, both before the time of this tale, and after. As River and Wayne walked back to the Waters' campsite, River continued to tease the big man. She reached up and stroked his chest, marvelling at the muscles she could feel. "What?" "Just checking to see if...
So far: River's parents return that evening, only to discover what happened this morning. Dale is adamant that he will kill the molester, even if it means going back to jail again. River, however, is dejected and mopish as the river continues to ignore her. River and Wayne were silent as they drove back into the park from the town. After they crossed the little covered bridge, River sobbed twice, and then broke out into tears. Wayne quickly pulled over, and then slid along the...
Chapter 24 and 25 Chapter 24 So far: The events in Stone Ledge reach a conclusion, and not a happy one. However Marilyn receives a treasure, and the flotilla heads back to the reserve in record time. The suicide of Virginia Audette is not yet a completed story, however. -------- ------- ------ As Marilyn and Nick admired their tiny new baby, River came over. "It isn't over," she said. "The river said that there will be a hearing the day after tomorrow, before Ginny's funeral....
CHAPTER 4 So far: River is now a girl, and a revered leader of the people, after a special rite at the river. But her parents are in peril, with her father apparently in jail, and her mother seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. River rushed to her mother, who was close to losing it. "He went home last night, and got in after midnight," Alison sobbed. "He went into the office early, and found it was full of police and accountants. Somebody has stolen several million dollars...
CHAPTER 10 So far: Shortly after a traditional religious ceremony at the river had been a huge success, River and Wayne are running full tilt through the reservation towards the highway, where Moonie's chicken hatchery stands. Two shotgun blasts had been heard, and one squeal from a wounded wolf. River was a few dozen yards behind Wayne as he veered away from the river, running at full speed. Even so, she nearly caught up with him as they neared the hatchery, where they saw an old...
Chapter 28 - A New Dawn So far: Dale introduced a stone mason to his family, and River and the river helped him choose apprentices. Then Dale took Mark out hunting, or was it the other way around? ----- -------- ------ On Friday night, while Dale and Mark were still at their camp, in between hunts, River got up as usual at 2 a.m. and went to the river. She had been in there for about two hours when she looked up and found, to her surprise, a taxi from Sudbury Yellow Cab pulled...
Chapter 21 So far: things are moving along nicely. Alison and Mark are on the road north again, now permanently, with Nick escorting them. River has seen another couple given a special treat by the river, as her store starts to come together. And the expedition north is days ahead of schedule. ----- ----- ---- Connie called in sick on Thursday, her third day in a row. "Lovesick," she joked to River, as they worked setting up the store. She planned to drive back to Sault on Friday...
Chapter 30 - School Days So far: River learned how to tan a deerskin, and then there was a great coming together with people from many of the area reserves. The river taught all of them the language and the history, and one boy in particular learned something important. Homes were found for all the new students, and the high school is going to be close to bursting, mostly with grade 9 students. It was not all arrivals though. River had to say goodbye to Wayne, her first First Nations...
Chapter 39 - Death So far: Many of the residents of the area were updated on their winter activities, while a new and ominous character was introduced into the story. ---- ----- ----- Spring came on March 20 that year, although most people still considered March 21 to be the official date. Manitou seemed to prefer the second date, since the ice on the river broke up early in the morning and River and Mark went out at 2 a.m. to find the river filled with ice chunks flowing downstream. "We...
Chapter 26 So far: Nick solved the problem of a home for his new family, at least until a permanent place is completed. A delegation of the river people headed to a hearing at Stone Ledge, where Ginny's parents were banished. Luv's grandfather opted to move to the river reserve, while her grandmother decided to try her luck in the bigger city of Thunder Bay. ------- ------- ----- After the trauma and excitement of the past few days, River was looking forward to a quiet day ahead...
Murder is easy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was rudely shoved to the ground and roughly held there by two guys, then I felt my skirt being yanked up. Without pausing, my panties were taken down to my knees and I felt his hands on my hips. Discovering my secret, he punched me in the head a few times, then he pushed against me, making me yowl in pain. He kept pushing until he finally pushed into me. I was ashamed, afraid and humiliated past the point of tears, then he...
Mike ignored the voice that seemed to be distant and calling his name. Instead he concentrated on the files in front of him. The other thing that all these girls had in common outside of their profession was that they had all recently, within the last six months, had an abortion. They may have hidden it from their friends, neighbors, family members, but their medical records told all. He had searched Candi’s medical records to find out if she had been pregnant and found out that she had...
River "Are we there yet," 14-year-old Ricky Waters moaned for at least the fiftieth time this morning. But finally the answer wasn't "No, not yet," but "almost" as his father slowed to pull down a side road toward the mountains. "Mangadetigweyaa Nature Preserve" was printed on a sign by the entryway. The place had been a provincial park when Ricky's dad was a boy, and he had come camping here every summer during the 1980s. He had decided that, with Ricky going into high school next...
Chapter 40 - Resurrection So far: The river has died, and River wants to die too. But there is Luv to think about, and her family. The men try to track down the killers, and are assisted by a very attractive and competent OPP officer, and a very plain and incompetent MoE agent. ------ ------ ---- The men went to the Waters' house first, and finding it empty, went next door to Nick and Marilyn's where they found it nearly full of women. River was holding Luv while eating pancakes. Liesl was...
CHAPTER 9 So far: River is back in the park after a long ride to Sault Ste. Marie, where she met, and collected two of the river's people who had been trapped in a cycle of prostitution and drug addiction. She will take them to the river as soon as they arrive at the campsite. They pulled into the campsite at about 10:30, after letting Gail and Gina off at the JR camp. The tired boys immediately went to their tent, and Alison told River that she would look after unloading the van...
Chapter 13 So far: River met with her family, and got an update on their activities. The next morning River and Liesl got a ride with Wayne to the edge of the reserve to visit with an interesting couple. After visiting one shop in the morning, she was headed to another home. ----- - -- ----- "Anna Audette?" River asked George. "Is she related to Kyle?" George chuckled. "No. Or at least not closely. There are five different families named Audette on the reserve, and six with...
River was lying on top of his covers naked with his door closed. This morning had been the last day of high school, ever, and he was celebrating by himself by jerking off. Being a lefty, his left hand was pounding furiously on his 7 incher, while the nails of his right slid up and down the light brown dusting of hair connecting his happy trail to his chest. River climaxed pinching a nipple and imagining Hox leaning over him biting his neck with his dick inside River’s ass. River jumped...
CHAPTER 12 So far: River had a productive Monday, visiting many of the artists on the reservation. Tomorrow she and Liesl would visit some of the crafts people. River is heading back to the campsite to see how her mother and father made out in their days. ----- -- ---- River arrived at the campsite in time to help clean up the dishes. The boys had spent the day at the river, running wild, claiming they were fishing. They did catch one, in the traditional way, not...
Chapter 41 - Retribution So far: The river has not died, but is greatly wounded and River might still lose it. But a sting is set up to catch the polluters, and then Kyle and George Audette come to the rescue to help get it cleaned up. Our friend from the MoE makes another appearance, and really does little to help things. ----- ------- ------ Sid Oldman got to work more than an hour before the day shift started. He was a bit upset to see a forklift left out in the loading bay,...
Chapter 29 - The Students Arrive So far: The river saved another cancer victim, who decided that she and her daughter may stay in the area. Then news came of a near- disaster at Moose Portage Reserve that was narrowly averted by Rod and the girls. Finally, Mark wins twice, getting his trophy into the new house, and con(vinc)ing River to treat his hides. ---------- ------ ------ Sunday morning found River in her usual spot. She had a pair of trousers of her fathers to mend, and...
Chapter 17 So far: Everyone on the reserve had spent a busy week preparing for the Sunday services, when the Prophet and the Singers would leave on their expedition. ------- ----- ---- Sunday morning River was up in the early darkness as usual, standing in the river. She remembered a story from one of her helpers in the store on Friday. This was Small John George, a cousin of the Tall John who had returned safely with her brother the night before. Small John was one of the idlers...
Chapter 37 - Celebrations So far: Miners try to take the reserve as their own, and a small war erupts as the First Nations decide that they will no longer let the white men take what it theirs. The river keeps the war bloodless, in a way, and eventually it is resolved. ------- ------ ------ The town and reserve were abuzz for several weeks after the miners' war ended. It was nearly the end of November when River realized that her birthday, or Ricky's birthday, as odd as that now...
Chapter 20 So far: Mark and Alison no longer have any ties to Toronto, and plan to head north following their respective adventures, riding in convoy with Nick. As well, let's update what River and the others were doing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. ------ ------- ----- While Alison might have wanted to get back to St. Mary's as soon as possible, the three did not get away as early as they might have wanted. For one thing, none of Mark's clothes fit him, so he wore some of...
Chapter 32 - Moose Hunting So far: Mark has an interesting first few days at school, showing his teacher that he is not a slow student, and helps others in the class. He makes a friend at lunch, which leads to an after-school fracas the following day. ------ ----- ------ River woke up at 2, and then went to wake Mark. She expected more of a battle getting her brother out of bed early, but actually found him quick to get moving and dressed. While River never used a flashlight to...
Chapter 36 - The War So far: grand openings abound, with the Ojibwe Co-op and the Waters house getting most of the attention. Nick's and Marilyn's house, and the credit union also opened. Finally, River gets another idea, and the First Annual St. Mary's High School Fashion Show is the result. ------ ------- ------ In early November Mark and River were waiting for the sun to come up on a Friday morning when they heard a chorus of wolf howls from a few miles down the river. They got out of the...
CHAPTER 8 So far: River avoided problems with the law while helping the river cure the elders from the hospital. After that, there was a shopping trip to beautiful downtown St. Mary's in the evening, in preparation for the bigger excursion to the city on Saturday. Finally, River sees that her dad has a secret, which he won't tell her. River woke early again, and was able to spend an hour in the river before heading back to wake her family first, and then went back to her tent at...
Chapter 27 So far: River came up with a solution that will keep Dale from losing most of his workforce during deer season, in a way that will please Mark. The river refused to cure the cancer victims who come to it, with one possible exception. The prophet headed off to visit two more reserves, and River has a new hobby, sewing. Finally, Marilyn finds another project, and plans start for Ginny's House II. ------ --------- ----- The next morning River spent most of her time at the...
River walked slowly in the moonlight toward her hot tub. The night was warm, but her heart was still cold from the breakup. She needed to feel again, it was difficult to continue being so cold in her life. It was difficult to pretend to be fine while having her heart ripped out. Her longing needed relief so that she could rest and she had not felt that in so very long. It was okay to let him go, but there were still many other things in her life that needed to be taken care of. She knew her...
Chapter 23 So far: Kyle's Rube Goldberg invention is a huge hit, Alison's tormentors are punished, and Mark makes a new friend in the Toronto police force. Finally, the northern expedition is a huge success ... until they return to Stone Ledge. ------- --------- ----- Rod reached the tree first, and Ria was amazed when he seemed to run up the trunk in a display that was equal to those parkour moves she had seen on the Internet. But Rod had never before done anything like that,...
Chapter 34 - The mine So far: Wayne headed off to college in London, Ontario. On his mission from Manitou, he meets new friends, both four-legged and two-legged ones. He gets a ride back north for Thanksgiving, and Ginny's House II starts to become a reality. ------ -------- ------ Soon after Thanksgiving Neil Audette's divorce was finalized in Thunder Bay, and as soon as Nick and he returned home, they started working on the mine in earnest. Neil took his samples to an assay place he knew...
CHAPTER SEVEN So far: River had spent much of the morning in town treating and finally liberating several elders from the local hospital, where they had been encouraged (trapped?) to stay in a scheme rigged by the administration of the hospital to maintain a higher bed count. With the elders freed, River needs to take them to the river, to allow them to be cured in the ceremony that they had missed on Monday. At the river River pretty much duplicated the ceremony from Monday. After...
Introduction: Women Unwillingly Encounter Dogs The River by rodeotexas Rhonda age 31 came from a strong German heritage. Both sets of great grandparents have had immigrated from Germany at the turn of the century and settled near Red River, New Mexico and succeeding generations only married within the German community. A lithe, five foot Nine Inches Her German heritage had imparted Rhonda with firm beautiful high set voluptuous European up tilted, size 36 DD breasts. Rhondas strenuous...
Chapter 42 - Conclusion So far: The mill has changed hands, and a media frenzy waited for the First Nations occupation to erupt into violence, which never occurred. Nick and River negotiate a settlement, and a new couple return to St. Mary's. ------ -------- ----- A day after returning to work after her activities on the river, Const. Sandra Harper was passed by a black Mercedes travelling well in excess of the posted 110 kph speed in the opposite direction. Her radar gun recorded the speed...
Chapter 16 So far: River meets two new people, and the river bestows gifts on them. Carla gets a family, and a chance to be a girl, including a shopping trip. River and her new lawyer go to town, and make up with the hospital and the liquor agency. Then they cap off a busy day with a trip to Colin, resident computer nerd, and discover that a viral product means money will be coming into the reserve. And now: For a change we will look at the following four days, Wednesday to Saturday...
The woman was old and bent and gray, long in her days and hard-set in her ways. As constant in her course as the river which rolls past her place. Those whom she’d loved, (and some who’d loved her, she supposed) had long gone away, moved on or, mostly, passed on. Somewhere, (Tennessee, or Georgia she had heard) dwelt her children’s, children’s, children, but they neither knew her nor cared to. Yes, she was old, but the river was older still. Her family had dwelt on its banks for many...
Chapter 1The year was 2002, it was summer and I wanted to take a canoe camping trip. There was no one I knew who would go with me except one.Betty and I had met on the internet on a dating site. I had looked at her profile where she had posted a picture of herself. I looked at that picture and she looked like an old schoolmarm from the early 1900s. I read her profile, she had stated, “If you are looking for a real woman then look no further.” “Humpfff,” I thought to myself, ‘I’ll bet. She is...
Chapter 22 So far: the river has cured the doctor of cancer, although he won't admit it yet. Progress in getting a bank branch for the town has taken a different tack, with the possibility of a credit union managed by Alison. Both of Alison's children are registered for school in September, although not without problems. ------- ------ --- On Friday many of the townspeople were standing outside of Red Door First Nations Arts and Crafts, as the new store was named, and that name was now clear...
CHAPTER FIVE So far: Camping can be dangerous, as Mark learns when he is accosted by a strange, creepy man in the camp washrooms. River is minutes away, running faster than she ever has in her life. She doesn't know what is wrong, but the river has told her that Mark is in danger. She needed to get to the camp, find out where Mark is, and then get to the washrooms before the young boy is scarred for life. There isn't enough time. (Warning, this episode deals with pedophilia, and if...
Rhonda age 31 came from a strong German heritage. Both sets of great grandparents have had immigrated from Germany at the turn of the century and settled near Red River, New Mexico and succeeding generations only married within the German community. A lithe, five foot Nine Inches Her German heritage had imparted Rhonda with firm beautiful high set voluptuous European up tilted, size 36 DD breasts. Rhonda's strenuous exercise combined a weightlifting and distance-jogging regime that she had...
I met Carl in high school. He was my best friend then and he will always be that to me. He had transferred into our school during our senior year from a small town in upstate New York. His dad was a supervisor at the paper mill in town. His mom didn’t work. She didn’t have to because his dad was kind of a big shot at the mill. He wore a white shirt and necktie everyday to work and had to go to a lot of meetings. They lived in a big house on the edge of town. Both of my parents worked at the...
Chapter 33 - Wayne's Mission So far: Night taught a science class, the Credit Union is started, and already expansion plans are made, and a massive moose chooses an honorable way to die. ----- ------- ------- Wayne arrived at the dorm in London with his roommate Jeremy just after noon on Monday. They spent the next few hours unloading the car and setting up their rooms. The dorm had two separate bedrooms with a shared bathroom and kitchenette, not the shared bedroom only type...
Travelling upstream on the River Rhine was slow work. Their barge was pulled by no fewer than eight horses. Still, the progress made against the strong current of the river was slow. And this was a swift passenger barge! The lower parts of the river had been much less of a problem. The party had crossed the Channel from London and arrived at Katwijk, Holland, the next day. Here, one of the arms of the River Rhine delta emptied into the North Sea. A first leg by river boat had taken them to...
?MURDER: FIT TO A T ? by Rob Grant Cast of Characters Lieutenant Dan Italia, half Italian, the other half mixed Scots-Irish, English and a little German, he was the 'whip' or commander of the Sixth Precinct Detective Unit (PDU), also known as the Sixth Squad. With nearly 20 years in, he was close to optional retirement, even though he was only 43. He held a Bachelor of Arts in History from a small state university in his native Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts in...
This story is about how a raped a little red haired girl named Lucy. Before I raped Lucy, I had never even thought about doing anything that might get me into serious trouble. A series of unlikely events lead to my actions, maybe it was destiny. I still can't figure it out. I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't stop myself. It was the most exciting sex filled night of my life, let me tell you about it. It all started over a year ago. It was early spring, my wife and I had spring...
Chapter 35 ? Grand Openings So far: Word about the gold rush is on, and big companies wanting a piece of the action were surprised and upset when they couldn't convince the band to give up a share, in return for ruining the environment and rerouting the river. And Mark was taught an interesting lesson. ----- ------- ----- The months of September and October brought changes to St. Mary's. In the last week of September, the Ojibwe Co-operative had its grand opening. The store had been open for ...
Murder Two by jo199 I know that it sounds really chill, but I still think that killing him was the right thing to do. Admittedly, he wasn't a bad person, or anything like that. In fact, he was a regular goodie two shoes at times, though not particularly towards me; understandably not at the end for sure. So how, you might ask, is it perfectly fine to murder a perfectly healthy human being, and come out the other end thinking it the right thing to do? Let me start out by...
The Investigation had moved into its fourth month, there was not any new victims, and many believed the killings had finally stopped. The newspapers no longer carried it as a front page story, and it wasn’t the lead on the evening TV news any longer. The killer just appeared to have stopped and as long as there wasn’t anything new the murders were looking like they would go unsolved. Mike received a phone call in the middle of the night it was from headquarters. “Mike, the killer has done...
Chapter 38 - Moving On So far: River gets some great news from the river on her birthday, and then sees her small celebration grow and grow and grow. Finally, Mark brings back a historic Ojibwe celebration with Longest Night to celebrate the solstice. ------ ------ ------ Winter in northern Ontario can be bleak. Snow, cold, short days, long nights and bad tempers for most people. But along the river the last one didn't occur this year. In February River promoted a winter festival, with all...
(Preface: The River Boat was created between Annora and My Erotic Tail. This tale of Abby and Sam on a house boat on the river grew from a small idea (SRP) into a wonderful tale. Thanks for the wonderful co-write Annora. I hope everyone enjoys the read as much as I enjoyed the write. A special Thank you to LadyShianne for editing.) (Chapter One) The Cherry The ride from the airport was long and quiet. They exchanged views of their expectations of this vacation get away. But the travel had...
?Fun on the River? PrologueThe Right Hon Mrs Grace de Vere Cobblehaugh sighed deeply. Mrs Cobblehaugh (pronounced ?cobbler?) was not happy. Yet why should this be? The heiress to the vast de Vere estate had every right to be content with her lot. After all, she was a beautiful, intelligent woman with a handsome, dashing husband. It was a glorious summer day in 1895, and the lawn outside her holiday cottage stretched down to a pretty little river. She was wealthy; she was healthy; she...
Growing up by a river is a strangely special thing. No matter where I travel in the world I keep finding myself drawn back, as I just seem to find real peace while I am there. Even now though I work in the city, I still head back up to our family farm, just to chill by the river… especially as my parents get older and need more help. With that said, I don’t actually stay at the main house when I am there. Don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful old homestead, the original portion...
Straight SexThe Big Reveal Finally, Teresa called us together for the ‘Big Reveal’, as she called it. We moved inside, gathering chairs into a big circle, and getting fresh drinks. Our Captain placed us individually, in the same order as her list that had been posted in the kitchen – the same one that helped us find the treasure. Claire was first, then Eliza. Craig looked so forlorn, that Teresa relented. She had the girls trade places, so that Claire and Craig could sit together. Leo was next, then...