River - 34 free porn video

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Chapter 34 - The mine So far: Wayne headed off to college in London, Ontario. On his mission from Manitou, he meets new friends, both four-legged and two-legged ones. He gets a ride back north for Thanksgiving, and Ginny's House II starts to become a reality. ------ -------- ------ Soon after Thanksgiving Neil Audette's divorce was finalized in Thunder Bay, and as soon as Nick and he returned home, they started working on the mine in earnest. Neil took his samples to an assay place he knew in Sudbury, and it was not long before word got out about the new gold strike in Northern Ontario. Within a couple of days there were strange faces in town, as prospectors were clambering over the terrain to see if more gold could be found. It was clear to those on the reservation that there would be no more gold to be found, but the outsiders didn't know that, and they spent more than a month tramping over the countryside. The reserve was off limits, however. Nick had secured the mineral rights to the entire reserve with the Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, which gave the band the right to limit exploration within its boundaries. Of course, that didn't stop the prospectors from trying. It was the people's partnership with the wolves that did that. Any prospector wandering (accidentally or not) onto reserve land soon had a wolf urging him on his way. But the individual prospectors were not the problem. They provided a bit of excitement to sleepy St. Mary's, and the money they spent in the store and the tavern were certainly welcomed. It was the men in suits that were more of a bother. No less than three different mining companies approached the band, offering to buy the mineral rights. A session was set up to allow the various representatives to make their pitches. The evening the meeting was held in the high school nine elders, including River, and the four members of the band council who were not elders listened to the presentations. Northern Mining and Manufacturing went first, offering $100,000 cash, and a 25% royalty on all gold extracted. Nick was present as band legal representative, and asked the pointed questions. "You mention royalties on gold. What are the royalties on other minerals extracted?" "Most of the rest of the materials will be worthless slag," the representative said. "There will be no royalties on that." "True, most of the material is slag, but our sources indicate that there is substantial silver in the ore, and there may be other useful minerals, like copper or nickel." The suit was flustered. He had not expected to face such a savvy lawyer at a remote northern reserve. "We tend to use the value of other minerals to offset costs of mining." "To increase your profits, in other words," Nick offered, and the man didn't dispute it. "What type of mining process will you use?" "The most efficient process is to strip mine," the man said. "The overburden is removed to the depth of the seam, and the ore is extracted. The overburden is generally stored offsite, creating a small hill that could be used for recreational purposes." "Sounds like a garbage mound to me," Nick said. "Why not return the overburden to the original site?" "That can't be done," the man said. "You can't put the overburden back when the mine is still active. And to replace it later is just wasteful, moving it a second time when there is no further profit in it. You could use the hill for skiing, cross-country, and hiking in season. It could be a great asset to the community." "I see. And the gold seam appears to run under the river. How would that be removed?" "That is not difficult," the man in the grey suit said. "It is just a matter of relocating the river." River gasped when she heard that. "We just divert the water course, probably a few miles up, and provide it with a new outlet to the lake. The land where the mine is will eventually fill up and provide a beautiful lake." "What will that do to the harbor in town?" Nick asked. "It should cause no problems," the man said. "There might be a need for some water flow, but water could be piped in. In most such cases the river mouth just becomes a bay, and functions well as a marina. Silting might require dredging every few years, but that is a cost that is readily covered by your royalties." "It is our understanding that there are $150 million in gold in the vein, according to prices from last week. When would we get our share of the money?" All the men from the three groups got wide-eyed at that estimate. If true, then the mine was three or four times the size they had been expecting. "We would have to do a lot of testing to determine the full value of the mine, of course," the man said. "Your band would get your money at the end of every year. If the mine is of that size it will take 10 or 15 years to clean it all out." "Finally, we wish to know what proportion of the work will be done by natives, and what proportion will be done by outside workers." The man hesitated. "We will use local people whenever possible. Most of the jobs are for skilled mining positions that will have to be filled by experienced miners. There might be 10 or 15 positions your people could fill, things like drivers of the smaller trucks. That is out of the workforce of 250 that would be at the mine." Copper Cliff Resources was the next to speak, and it seemed they were going a bit on the fly. They promised $250,000 up front, as an advance on royalties, and 30% royalties. "Does your company expect to use the same mining techniques as Northern?" Wayne asked. Blue suit answered. "Yes, to a large extent. I think I detected a major concern over the environmental impact, so I'm glad that we put together this presentation of some of the rehabilitation efforts our company has accomplished in other places." He showed a 10-minute slide show. "Very pretty," Nick said. "But I expect that those areas were also very pretty before the holes were dug and mountains raised." "Of course raw nature is always better," the man admitted. "But we bring things back to as close as possible to what we started with, with the benefit of having removed the economic assets from the land." "Thank you. And now for the final outside bidder, Canadian Shield Mining," Nick said. The third set of suits said little more than the first, although this was a smaller company and didn't offer any payment up front. But they offered 40% commission. Their presentation was less glitzy than the others, and Neil had said this would be the best of the three for the project. However, Nick had a surprise for the suits. "As I mentioned, there are three outside bidders on this project," he said. "However, we also have an internal bidder. You know that Ojibwe Mining Company was founded several weeks ago. This was not to be merely a shell company set up to receive royalty payments from outside companies, but as an operating company. I would like to have its representative speak. Miss River Waters." River stood confidently. She was quite outraged at what she had heard, and could sense that most of the elders were as well. Moving the river, stripping land away and throwing it on a pile that they would call a hill or mountain, creating a great scar on the earth that they would call a lake when it filled with stagnant water. "Gentlemen," she said to the band members, ignoring the visitors. "Our company is very new, but we do have over 25 years of mining experience within our principals, and we hope that we can provide the community with an asset that gives back to the community, rather than tearing it apart in the quest for dollars. "We are aiming to build a small tunneled mine, with a small workforce going underground to extract only the gold-bearing ore, with as little of what has been called slag as possible. We will use a small workforce, who we will train in mining techniques, entirely from the people of the band. Our goal is to extract about $3 million a year from the mine." At that point, the man from Northern Mining burst out laughing. River stopped, and turned to him. "I'm sorry, but this is a joke, right?" he chuckled. "I mean you bring in a little high school girl, and feed us this tripe. Tunnel mining went out in the 19th century. In case no one has told you, it is the 21st century now. And $3-million a year? No one does it like that. It will take forever to complete the project and move on." "Sir," River said calmly, "I didn't interrupt your presentation, even though I dearly wanted to when you casually decided that our river was unimportant and could be moved and replaced. I hope you will give me the chance to make our presentation." "You mean it is not a joke? You are serious?" the man said. "It is not a joke. You people see this project simply as a means of making a quick buck. Get in, get the gold, and then get out. We look at it differently. The Ojibwe view is that the earth is something we share, not something for us to abuse. We wish to use this project as a long-term way to provide jobs for our people, and resources for improving their lives. I'm not sure that piling up rubble and calling it a mountain would improve anyone's life, except for your shareholders, perhaps." "We know our methods are dated. But many of our people still hunt with a bow and arrow: a technology 2000 years old. We know that it is easier with a rifle, but there is a peacefulness in going into the woods, using your skills to approach the animals silently for a chance of success. Sure, you can shoot a high-powered rifle from two miles away and bring down an animal, but where is the pride in that?" "Our goal is to start a small company. We will use four underground workers at first, until they are trained, and then form a second shift. Eventually we will have four 40-hour shifts a week, with an eight-hour maintenance period. There will be another three men per shift taking the ore to the smelter." "A smelter too? This is too much?" the man from Northern laughed. River stared at him until he apologized for his outburst and then continued. "Yes, we will have a small smelter to extract the gold and the silver from the ore. We know our operation will be less efficient than sending the ore to a central refining company, but we expect to extract 98% of the metals. It will also provide another 12 local jobs, operating on a single shift. So in total there will be 40 workers, and an office with one or two other jobs. The big difference is that these are jobs that we can expect to last at least 50 years. Jobs with a future." River sat down, and the band members grouped together to discuss the bids. River had the right to join in, but didn't as a sign of respect for the other bidders. After only five minutes of discussion, they returned and Nick stood. "Gentlemen, I wish to thank you for coming to this meeting today. Our band elders and officials have voted unanimously to select Ojibwe Mining for this project. Thank you again." "This is preposterous," the man from Copper Cliff shouted. "What do you expect?" the man from Northern replied. "They are a bunch of primitive Indians. Throwing their money away, and then claiming they need more and more from our taxes." "I wouldn't talk about taxes," Nick retorted. "It is my understanding that your company hasn't paid any in the past 15 years, taking tax credits that completely offset your fair share, in spite of your huge profits." "This isn't over, my friend," the Northern rep said. "You have control of the reservation, and a small claim to the north, but I know mining, and gold in one area will occur elsewhere nearby. We will find it, and we will mine it." The meeting then broke up, with the visitors grumbling as they went to their fancy cars, laughing at all the old and broken down pickup trucks that the elders drove. They even mocked the newer truck that they had seen Nick had arrive in. "Can't be much of a lawyer if that's all he can afford," the man from Copper Cliff said as he left. Nick didn't hear the comment: he and the rest of the elders were inside congratulating River on the job she had done. ------ ------- ----- The next morning River got a chance to visit Marilyn, partially to thank Nick for his help at the meeting the day before, but mainly to get a chance to see the baby. Still only a month old, she was developing at a rapid rate with the love she was getting from her parents, all her grandparents, and all the other people of the reserve who had fallen in love with the tiny baby, still small for a newborn. Some were lucky enough to earn a smile from the infant. Carla and Liesl were visiting before heading to their respective busses, and River heard them gossiping about some "cool guy" that Liesl had met at school. From the way she gushed about him, River thought he must be a TV or movie star. Finally she asked who it was. Liesl turned red, not realizing that River had been listening. "Uhm, it's Mark," she finally stammered. "Sorry, but your brother is just the coolest boy in middle school. All the girls think so, not just me." Mark, a heartthrob? River had trouble believing it. Liesl explained. "He is not just big and strong, he is the nicest boy in the whole school. He stopped all the bullying, and before class and during recess he often stands near the grade five girls, and makes sure no one teases or bullies us. He always helps other students understand the work, so he is super smart. He even wrote the story that our class is reading." "I know that story," River admitted. "It is really good." "It is great," Liesl said. "Most stories they give us to read are about kids in the city, and it is hard to relate to them. But Mark's story is about right here, even though it was many years ago. Mrs. Cutler said she can even use it for our history class." "So Mark can pretty much have any girl in the fifth grade," River noted. "The whole school," Liesl said. "Even the grade eights like him. Jocelyn McKellar kissed him yesterday." "What?" River exclaimed. "She has been after him for weeks," Liesl said. "She is really pretty. Her boobs are nearly as big as yours, River, and she has a really nice figure, and long brown hair. Super cute, and one of the most popular girls in the school. Anyway, she has flirted with Mark for weeks, but he never reacts, and I think that bothers her. She pretty much can have any boy in the eighth grade she wants, just by a wink. But not Mark." "Tell me about this kiss," River said. "It was at the end of lunch," Liesl explained. "Mark was watching the kids leave the cafeteria, so no one bullied anyone else. Jocelyn just walked up to him and planted a big kiss on him, right on the lips." "How did he react?" "He shouted yuck, and wiped his mouth with his shirtsleeve. Jocelyn nearly started to cry. I bet she never had someone act like that when she kissed them before." "Well, he is only 10, no 11 now. I guess that is a bit young for kissing girls," River suggested. "Yeah. If he does though, I hope it will be with me," Liesl admitted shyly. "Well good luck with that," River said. "I just hope he does it with someone his own age when he is ready. You have to remember that boys develop slower than girls, so we have to wait for them to catch up on things. Just because Mark looks older, and acts older with a more mature attitude, he is still a kid your age inside. Wait for him, and maybe you will be the lucky one. I do know that he likes you as a friend." "He likes me?" Liesl said. "As a friend," River repeated. "Just don't go pushing him into something he isn't ready for. That would be the quickest way to lose him, like that Grade 8 girl did." "Yeah, I guess so," Liesl said. "Thanks for talking to me River. Oh look, now I have to rush to the bus. Give Luv another hug for me, Carla." "Quite the little Peyton Place, around here, isn't it," Marilyn said with a chuckle as she helped Carla change the baby. "Yes, I think I will talk to Mark about it tomorrow at the river." ----- ------- ------ Mark and River now both spent their early mornings in the river. Mark no longer needed a flashlight to see in the dark, and was starting to learn the animals and trees the way River had when she first started visiting the river. After they finished their homework, Mark dictated another story for River to type. His original story was still being used in class, but his fans (all the rest of the class) begged him for more, so he was now on his third short story. Mrs. Cutler would print several copies out and the students shared them back and forth. Even Grade 6 and 7 students could be seen reading them. "Mark," River said. "I understand you had a run-in with Jocelyn McKellar the other day." The big lad looked at her. "How did you hear about that? The river?" "No, I have other sources," River said. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No!" Mark said abruptly. "Okay, but if you ever do ..." "She stuck her tongue in my mouth," he said. "It was gross." "Ah, that wasn't part of what I had heard," River said. "It surprised you, I guess." "Well, wouldn't it surprise you if someone stuck their tongue in your mouth?" "If I wasn't expecting it, or if it wasn't someone who I wanted to do that, then it would." "Why would you want anyone to do that?" Mark said. "Well, if it is someone special, someone you really love, then that can be a way of expressing that love. Has Dad explained things to you: about girls and boys and making babies." "Yes, and that is gross too. I mean ... oh, yuck." "You are still young Mark, and he probably wanted you to know all about that once you grew bigger. You look older now, and people think you are older." "I know, but sometimes I am just a little kid inside," Mark said. "Yes, and it makes it hard. You know, Jocelyn would have felt terrible the way you reacted to her." "What? She was the one who started it. I didn't want to kiss her. Or anyone. And certainly like that. Have you ever kissed anyone like that?" "No I haven't," River said. "Wayne ... well, I would for him, but he has never tried it. He knows I am too young for him now, and the river: it doesn't want us to, so we don't. But I know Mom and Dad kiss that way. That's where the slang expression "suck face" comes from, you know." "Really? I didn't know that. You know, I feel a lot better after talking to you about this River. Do you really think Jocelyn would be upset?" "Big time," River said. "I mean I understand she is one of the prettiest and most popular girls in Grade 8. Then she sees a boy she is interested in, and she finally gets her nerve up to kiss him, and he reacts like it was horrible. That would be so damaging to her ego." "What do I say to her? I didn't mean to upset her." "Talk to her, alone if you can. Tell her it wasn't that you were disgusted, just that you were surprised. Remind her that you are only Grade 5, and are not ready for things like that. She should be going out with boys her own age, not younger ones." "Thanks River, I will do that."

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"You don't really want to know about my sex life or nearly the lack of one." I told her. We had joked about sex as Carol was growing up and had our talk about safe sex, I had let my ex wife do the sex talk with Carol. Carol had asked questions about different things about sex over the years but nothing that was personal. "Dad you are a great looking guy and I wish you would get out more, maybe get laid once in a while." Carol was blushing badly by the time she finished saying...

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I am finally a woman Episode 10

Consecrating my centre of femininity to Mustapha in a formal way -a spiritual decision that marked my definitive submission to him- had a very profound meaning for a woman like me. In Najib's list of feminizing procedures, accepting the Seal of Devotion in her navel for eternity is a move only a woman can make as one of the highest concessions to her man. The Seal is formally imposed on the woman; the procedure is preceded and followed by a day spent in seclusion, from sunrise to sunset,...

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My BFFs Daddy

Introduction: My bestfriend and I have been friends our whole lives, we were in kindergarten together, cheerleading in school, we were like sisters. We always had sleep overs because we were like family. One saturday night I was having a sleep over at my bffs house. We did the norm, you know rented some movies, made popcorn gossiped, really just hung out. Well it started getting late and we both were dozing off so we decided to retire to the bed. Now dont think this is a lesbian story, no way,...

3 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 21

The sun was barely a smear on the wide Bay when Anne's stepmother entered her bedroom and shook the sleeping girl's shoulder. "Wake, Anne. Wake up, girl," she said loudly. Anne rolled over and opened her eyes, saw the stricken look on the woman's face, sat up and asked, "What's wrong?" "Your father is dead, my girl. He died in his sleep. His body is already hard and cold." Anne choked back a cry, inhaled deeply and put her feet on the floor. "Are you sure?" She felt as if there...

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Room Service For One

None of my stories are intended to offend. Please feel free to comment as all comments, whether positive or negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me at [email protected] with your comments, thoughts or ideas for stories. Emma had planned a quiet night in her hotel room until she discovered an even better way to relax. Room Service for One Emma was tired! She was getting too old for this, even at 37. All she wanted to do was check into her Mayfair hotel, go to...

4 years ago
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Helping Each Other OutChapter 6 Knocking on the back door

After dinner, Sue sent Nancy upstairs with two enema kits and told her to get a shower when she was done. She should put on her nightie with no panties and come back downstairs. Sue and Debby did the dishes while Faith and Dave got a quick shower. The others were assembled in the family room when Nancy joined them. "Nancy, are you sure you want Dave to fuck you in the ass? Even if we take all the proper precautions, it may still hurt. It certainly won't ever feel as good as having a cock...

2 years ago
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AvatarChapter 12

Nicole and Anna went down to a local dance hall/bar that Anna used to frequent before she had become preoccupied with Nicole. As soon as they entered the bar, the bartender, a pretty, tall, dark haired, slightly overweight woman, waved her hand and said, "Anna, long time no see! How've things been?" Anna walked up to the bar, and the two leaned over and gave each other a friendly hug. "I've been well. Much better recently." "That's great. Who's your friend?" "Oh, where are my...

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Ya Never Knowdo YaChapter 2

Thus began my love of boats. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am until noon and Tuesday, Thursday from noon until 4pm. The three day class was sitting in a pram identifying the ropes and pulling the right one. "I know it's boring," said Gary ... the junior division instructor. "We want you to be able to find the right line underwater if you have to." "Muscle memory," he called it. It all boiled down to repetitive behavior. It Was boring. We had drop-outs. We had Chicago fathers...

2 years ago
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Stag Night Tranny Gang Bang

I really still don't know why, to this day, i said i would go with Ross to the Stag night. It was probably one of my more stupid decisions in life!!I'd met Ross a couple of times before, mostly at the S Club in Merton. Ross was about twenty three, really good looking, and loved the whole cross dressing scene but didn't dress himself and described himself as an ardent 'admirer'. He'd approached me at the bar one night and we'd got talking. Although I was much much older than him it only seemed...

4 years ago
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Good Girl Learning to Beg

?Come here.?His voice behind her held that subtle something that warned her it was not a request.  Her breath caught and she stiffened in her chair, frozen momentarily as the usual complex m?lange of emotions and thoughts washed over her: excitement, anticipation, trepidation.  A tiny thrill of fear mingled with hope – would he do something terrible to her?  Half-wishing and half-fearing he would.?Come.  Here.?She swallowed hard and slowly pushed her chair back.  She braced her hands on her desk, ...

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the cruise

Mr.T and I decided to take a cruise Vacation day finally arrives we booked a 4 night 5 day cruise . We are waiting to board the cruise ship Mr.T is talking with the gentleman behind us turn looking at them both smile hello I am Mrs.T reaching out my hand to shake his takes my hand in his hello Ron is the name.releasing his hand smiling nice to meet you as I scan his tall lean body,salt and pepper hair ,ice blue eyes. Ron noticed me looking him up and down smiles winks, blushing turning as I...

4 years ago
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First Lady pt1

It was a fresh but bright, late September evening when my "boyfriend", Dave, picked me up outside my house, I had told my mum I was going to do some refer work with Dave's daughter for a school project, (an excuse, once again provided by the devious mind of Dave), "I'll have her home by 10," he called to my mum as she waved me off.We drove for around fifteen minutes before pulling up outside a large detached property. The area was one that I didn't know at all. " Come on sunshine," said Dave,...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 25

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggie Star must Die! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trick here was to do this without getting anyone else killed. That was going to be tricky as there were too many loaded people with the drug in their blood stream thanks to mass marketing. My plan was simplicity itself. Set me up in a club and set the place up so it can be defended. ...

1 year ago
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Beth and Tracey Chapter 2 of 3

Someday I am going to learn that making a bet with my girlfriend is a lost cause. Not only do I usually lose, but also the stakes never seem to be what I thought they were. Not that she is dishonest; it’s more like she’s unexpected. If she says we are going fishing, I expect to be sitting on a lake or river trying to catch lunch. She would be driving me to the coast to catch a ride on a charter and we get to spend the day after some game fish. She did that once. We showed up dockside in bikinis...

3 years ago
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Fucking landowner

Hi! This is Pabby with squeal of the story fucking landowner’s daughter Jyoti and her brother Deepak. If any females, gals, couples or groups wanna contact me plz mail me at As all of us had fucked each other in each other’s presence and had seen each one of us naked there remained no inhibitions among any of us. Jyoti and her brother Deepak became sex-maniacs and wanted to take full advantage of their parents’ absence. They wanted to try every type of sex before their parents could come....

1 year ago
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strapon Pegging First Timer

She grabbed me by the ear and directed me to the bed. She has done this many a time before, however, she has been quite tired lately so I figured it would be some heavy petting the just a quickie before sleep. Oh how I was wrong. I was not ready for what happened next. On our way to the bed she took my shirt off, NO, she ripped my shirt off. Lay me on my back on the bed and started to suck and chew at my neck and chest. Before I knew what was happening I was blind folded and she was preparing...

3 years ago
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Another Easy One

I was very, very busy when the phone buzzed, about a half-foot deep in the prettiest blonde secretary in the pool, a slut who was in danger of rolling right off the side of her desk if I didn't keep both hands on her gorgeous boobs, and she didn't keep her high-heeled feet hooked together behind me. So I tried to ignore it, but she could not; training I suppose. While I continued to hammer my thick and all-but-bursting rod into her, she picked up the handset and said, "Mr. Wrightson's...

3 years ago
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Hunger Ch 03

I woke up with a sore head and my ears ringing from the sound of two angry voices shouting at each other. ‘What have you done to her?’ Jerry’s angry voice said. ‘Why would you ever think that I’d do anything to her?’ Ben’s angry voice replied, not much calmer than Jerry. I tried to sit up, to stop their fighting, but fell back weak and dizzy into what appeared to be my bed. They were standing just outside of the room, and I decided to try to call them instead. ‘Hello’ I said, obviously too...

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First Time Sex Stories 6 Basic Instinct

Introduction: A young girl and boy lose their virginity after watching Basic Instinct First Time Sex Stories #6: Basic Instinct By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. Wed known each other since infancy...

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From Tearoom to Bedroom

I had done the teaching, now maybe it was time for me to be the student again… I was having ridiculous thoughts about her, another sign that Korea was turning me into a sex addict. I respected this woman too much to go in there with only sex on my mind. She was the best professor I ever had, the smartest woman I knew. I loved her quirky style—the way she zipped around the classroom with a fierce attitude, how she dressed with colorful socks under sandals. The fact that she was a Korean woman...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 4 Honestly I Wanted to Slap Her

Elizabeth Grey - Part 04: Honestly, I wanted to slap her By Carmenica Diaz We walked from the club laughing, arm in arm. So different, I thought, from how we went into the club a few hours earlier. 'Now,' I confessed, 'I'm absolutely starving.' 'So am I. Let's have lunch and celebrate,' Angela said, swinging the clarinet case around. 'Lead the way.' 'I start with Heather tomorrow,' Angela told me after we had ordered. 'Sherry finishes up next week so I...

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Boyfriend Se Breakup Or Collegue Se Apni Choot Ke Opening Karwai

Hey friends today I am narrating the story of how I fucked my collegue who had breakup from her bf. For feedback mail me at or kik at pkgargxx   Hi guys mera naam shriyanjali sen hai. Meri umar 25 hai or mai kafi hot hu. Mai bilkul butter chicken jaise rasili or chikni hu or mera sarir mai maal sahi jagah pe hai. Yahi wajah hai ke mai jab bhi kahin jaati hu toh sab mujhe ghoorte hai apni bhukhi nazro se.   Mai ek seedhi ladki thi pehle and ek bande ke saath loyal thi. Haalaki hamara relation...

2 years ago
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Episode 20 8211 With Hot SisterInLaw

Gautam was restless, he wanted to talk to someone and seeing the lights on in his sister-in-law’s room, he headed for there. But Rashmi was asleep, unaware that the door to the balcony was open, unaware that Gautam had come through that door and stood awed looking at her flawless body. She was fair and equally beautiful like Kiran. The thin, sleeveless top and the shorts didn’t cover much of her wonderful body. Gautam stood at the door, awestruck and aroused. Due to Kiran’s pregnancy, they were...

1 year ago
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Jenny By The River

I had ridden my BMW 900 into the rolling hills of northern Victoria, to visit friends at their house in a little town of only a few hundred people. My friend’s had two teenage kids and while we were all chatting some other kids dropped in. When I saw Jenny our eyes met and locked. I was about thirty two with a beard, jeans, denim jacket and short boots. With the motorbike I must have cut quite a dashing figure, interesting to a young girl. After a cool drink the kids decided to go for a...

4 years ago
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Hamilton Pool

DISCLAIMER: It's fiction, ladies. That means I made it up in my head. It has no bearing upon and is not drawn from any true events, nor are any of my characters based on actual persons living or dead. COPYRIGHT: I made it. It belongs to me. I'd rather it not be reposted - I wrote it for Fictionmania fans - but if you absolutely must share it, please have the decency to give me proper credit. Thank you! TRIGGER WARNING: Life can be a scary, dangerous place filled with moments of...

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Daddys Little GirlChapter 6

In the morning, I awoke as I normally do, at about 5:00. The sun was just beginning to rise. Billy was still in the same position as before. He must have sensed my morning stretch because he awoke realized where his hand was and yanked it away. "Gail, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." "Don't worry about; I sort of enjoyed waking up that way. Go out and get dressed; I'll be out shortly." He crawled back to the front seat, got his sneakers and clothes, and jumped out of the cab to dress....

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The Id and the EgoChapter 2

Two very frustrating days later I received a phone call from Jen, "Harry, this is Jen Watson, would you mind if Mum and I came and visited you this afternoon?" "I'm looking forward to it Jen, what time can I expect you, perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" "That would be nice Harry, eleven thirty alright with you?" "That will be fine love, see you then." Shortly before eleven thirty I heard their car coming up the drive way. I had prepared a cold collation and was just...

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Curiosity at its Finest

I've always been a little curious about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend whom I love and find very attractive. But yet I find my self wondering what it would be like to be with a girl. I have this attraction to women that I can't get over. Don't get me wrong, I have an extremely good sex life with my boyfriend and we always have amazing sex, but being with a girl has always sparked my curiosity. There's just something about them that turns me on. There is just something about them that guys...

4 years ago
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Adriana running the company part 2

Adriana running the companypart 2Adriana looked at him. There was fire in her eyes.She was sitting on the floor, and when she had removed her jeans and panties, she put her sneakers on again. Took the keys to the company out of the pocket, before she threw the clothing over in the corner. “I told you that you would not get free help” Baz said and burped. Then he opened his second beer. She looked at the watch, on the wall above the door to the garage. It was not yet 10 am on a Sunday morning....

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Sex Er Suru Class Room Theke

Hello bandhura, ami vishal from delhi, amar age ekhon 30 kintu ei story amar class xii th er,,,jadi kono housewife,widow baa kono meye secret sex interest rakhen tahole pl amake sudhu ekta mail korun at vishal0137777at the rate yahoo dot in ,,,ebar story te asha jak,,ami takhon class twelve pori date 19th november 2000 amarr janmodin chilo,,roz sakale ami 8 tai schoole jai kintu sedin 7.30 te gelam birthday bole,,,class e dhukei dekhi amar gf nisha ek bunch red rose niye dariye ache,ami classe...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Ch 03

Kris sighed. ‘I’m sorry I tricked you. I should I told you. Can you forgive me?’ ‘Kris, there is nothing to forgive. I think it was time that one of us took the step.’ Matt put his hands on her hips. ‘So what do we do now?’ ‘We take our time, go step by step and see what happens next. Is that what you want?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Good,’ Matt said. ‘One more thing.’ Matt pulled her close and kissed her. It was short and without feeling. He broke the kiss and moved back. Kris smiled. Matt kissed her again...

3 years ago
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drunk sex made him cum twice

The night started out pretty typical. My husband got home from work and sat on the couch to watch the game. He said to me "want to go have some fun?" I replied by telling him I was tired and wanted to relax. He seemed irritated and went back to watching the game. I asked him if there was anything else he wanted to do since I felt kind of bad since we have not had sex in about two weeks. He asked me to grab him a beer. I grabbed him one and even got myself one. I said "mind if I have a beer and...

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My Life Part 12 Surfer Girl

The last week had been a disaster. Isabella had went into labor. She was experiencing extreme discomfort. Out of concern, Mounika and Davika had taken Isabella to the hospital. They had taken Blanca with them. Alejandra had stayed behind with Priya. Luckily, the baby was healthy and delivery ended up going rather smoothly. But, of course Isabella needed ID at the hospital which she couldn't provide. This triggered people to start asking questions. Within a day they had started...

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