Maa ki sewa se mewa paya
- 3 years ago
- 24
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On the way to her condo, Julie read me the riot act.
"Damn girl are you stupid? Do you want him to walk out on you? If yes, just tell him you're done. Don't play with him. He doesn't deserve that. He'll give you his last dime, the shirt of his back, anything you ask but you have to leave him his dignity and some resemblance of male pride intact."
"You pull another stunt like you did earlier with talking about outing his being a cuckold and he's gone and I for one will support him any way I can."
"It's up to you to repair his trust and heart. Both are damaged, not the point where they can't be fixed but it's going to be rough. My suggestion is to cool this stupid cuckolding thing for a week, go away some place for the weekend, leave the CB home and fuck each other's brains out."
"That's the last thing I'll say on this. Well maybe not. He promised to try to hang in there 'till your three months trial is up but if he walks before that, I know he's had a really good reason and I'm coming after your slutty ass."
I was stunned. No one, I mean no one had ever dared to talk to me like that.
The rest of the ride took place in icy silence. When we pulled up in front of her place, I popped the trunk so the door flunky could grab her golf stuff and as soon as he closed it I was out there.
That bitch, well she's gonna be busy for the next few days making up all the lost sex with her love and after that she'll be to pooped. Maybe she'll forget about us, stay out of our lives. Not. I know wishful thinking.
Well at least maybe she'll forget about the golf next Saturday or it rains cats and dogs and I can continue hubbie's training.
I don't know how it happened but I wound up in front of a little park. I got a coffee, if you want to call it that from some little place, walked across and found a secluded bench to do some thinking.
I knew I screwed up. I should have been nice to Terry and soothe his bruised ego instead I let my stupid mouth run away and say the one thing that I said I would never do. I know I would never out him to his friends. I love him too much and I know he'd bolt like greased lightning if I ever did embarrass him like that. I have to be careful.
I've been talking to this guy on line. Supposed to be a "bull" a term in cuck circles for the alpha male who controls not only the wife but also the cuck.
He gave me some ideas. So the idea of a weekend of reconciliation with lots of hot sex is not going to happen. I'm not going to give any release 'til the last possible day under that stupid agreement. Now I wish, I never had come up with that idea. It gives Terry some leverage. Shit, shit, shit.
Well I better get home, face the music and be a lovie dovie wife. Sooth his wounded stupid male pride.
When I pulled into the garage and walked into the house everything was quiet. No Terry, at least not down stairs. His cars were both in the garage and his wallet and keys were in there usual spot. I looked outside. Not on the patio or the pool.
Better look upstairs.
There he was the SOB sleeping like a baby. Immediately evil thoughts flashed through my brain. I have him where I want him. I know we need to talk but under my terms.
If I can secure his hand so that he can't run off I can make him listen to reason – my version of reason. Not his, not the bitch Julie's.
I took my shoes and tee shirt off and put on the sexiest bra I owned. Had to fish it out of the laundry and it had cum stains on it. Good.
Then I grabbed the silk ropes out of our toy chest, looped one around his hand, not too tight to wake him and secured the other end on the bed post cleat. The loop around his wrist would tighten as soon as he tried to move that arm. Next the other one.
He grunted – I held my breath – but he didn't wake up.
I carefully walked around to the other side of the bed and laid the rope behind the bed post. Now all I had to do is pull really hard, stretch his arm and flip him over on his back in the process, loop the rope around the post a couple of times to keep him pulling the rope out of my hand. With the friction around the post I was sure I could hold him and secure the end just like on the other side.
Ready, set pull.
Terry exploded when he got yanked around.
"What the fuck!"
But I was too quick for him. He started struggling but there was not enough slack in the ropes to slip one of them over the wrist.
"Terry calm down. I'm going downstairs and fix myself a cup of tea. Hopefully by the time I get back here you've calmed down enough and we can talk."
I left him ranting and raving as I closed the door to the room behind me.
Pretty soon it got quiet. I had my tea and went back up.
Terry glared at me but stayed quiet. It was clear that he was still agitated and I had to be careful with my words and actions.
Stepping into the bathroom, I got a wash cloth, ran cold water over it and squeezed it almost dry.
Sitting on his bed I started to first wipe his sweaty forehead cleverly pushing by boobs together to emphasize the cleavage and then his chest.
I repeated the process one more time and neither of us said a word.
I threw the washcloth into the bathroom from where I was sitting and started.
"Terry I apologize for tying you up. But we need to talk and I can't have you running away to your 'good fairy' Julie when things get uncomfortable."
"I know I made some mistakes this week. And the one earlier today was a whopper. I'm truly sorry. I hope that you know me well enough to know that I would never out you like that. You may have trouble believing it but I love you and only you."
"I treated you like shit when I should have been nice to you after our mid week session with Julie. I guess I got the wrong vibes from you. You were so accepting with all the shit we put you through that I got the idea that you liked it. That it was a turn on and you wanted it to continue."
"Regarding my action earlier this afternoon, I was angry, jealous of the two of you."
"Yes damn it, jealous. It was clear that two of you had a great time Friday night and this morning while my Friday night went straight into the crapper."
"Tell me about it, make me understand because right now I'm still ready to dump this whole thing and get on with my life."
That scared me. What did he mean by that? Get on with his life? Divorce? Gotta be extra careful now.
"Babe, the guy I hooked up with was a total loser. I mean he sent out all the right vibes down in the bar and even up in the room. He had a nice 'package' and was in overall good shape. I thought that maybe I had a winner. So I gave him my patented 'mouth hug' and he came like a fountain."
After that I was so ready to get fucked, you know, take me, throw me onto that bed and fuck me 'til I cried uncle. Did not happen. It took almost 45 minutes to get the bastard hard enough so that he could get his dick into my pussy, then he came in no time flat and after that he was done. So I sent him packing and had to use my dildo to get myself off. What a wasted evening. I think that if you had been in that room next to mine, I would have found a way to get your CB off and had you fuck me silly. That's how horny and unfulfilled I was at that moment."
"So babe, I'm really frustrated and would really, really love it if I could ride your face. Please."
That sat him back on his proverbial heels. I never ever said please when I needed his tongue in my pussy.
"We can talk after that some more. I'll be much calmer and relaxed if you get me off a couple of times. Please."
There is was one more time, the please.
He smiled a bit, the first time since he came home from golf. Actually the first time since he walked into the house on Thursday night and I rebuffed him.
"OK Clarissa, being locked into this blasted CB I understand the need for some gratification. So go ahead. I'll do my best.
"Terry I love you, you are the best and the greatest."
And before he could say anything more, I planted first a kiss and then my pussy on his face.
After several orgasms I needed a break so I snuggled up against Terry and started to lick my juices off his face while playing with his nipple, not really pinching hard for maximum pain, more playful.
I know that turns him on and I was right because he started to breath more deeply. I sure even to its maximum extension, the CB was getting pretty tight.
"Look babe, I know I screwed up. I hope that we can work this out. I'll listen to your concerns and if you really want to pull the plug, I'll have to be OK with it but I really hope that we can keep this going."
"Clarissa, I don't know. I'm so confused. I was not happy with the way you treated me after our night with Julie. I was disappointed. I feel that you really had no serious regrets about taking away my possibility to use the safe word. I know you said you were sorry but it did not feel like you really meant it. Maybe if you had shown me some TLC I would feel different."
"I just can't understand why you are doing what you are doing. From what you've told me, every time you went out to get fucked it was some sort of bust. Some, like last night worse than the earlier ones."
"Why continue, why take the big risk. You know how I feel about you. All my insecurities. You are not helping those at all. For ten years plus I thought we had the greatest relationship in the world. I was happy and thought you were too. Obviously I am wrong. You seem to feel that something is lacking. I still don't believe your story that that lunch set this whole thing in motion. I think it has been festering in you for a long time. Maybe part of it is my fault for going along with the Domme/sub games we've played. Maybe it gave you and still gives you a false sense of where my head is."
"Yes I enjoyed them, still do but I can do without them too. You know just have the great hot sex life – at least in my view – that we've had all this time."
"To be frank, you haven't said anything earth shattering that could make me change my mind about stopping this whole thing. Maybe you should try being honest with me and most importantly with yourself."
To say that I was stunned by Terry's comments was an understatement.
He really wasn't buying my line of reasoning. Just didn't believe me. Now what? I had to gain some time.
"Babe, do you think that for the moment we could have sort of a truce. You know, not make any permanent decisions."
"I think that both of us need to reflect on what we have said here today. While we are doing that, I promise to be the most caring and loving wife for you that I can be short of letting you out of that CB. Please babe. Let's see how the week goes. We can take this topic up any time one of us wants to and revisit."
"You may not believe me right now but I truly regret my actions this week. I was stupid. I risked losing the love of my life by an uncaring attitude. Not realizing that I was hurting you. That things had gone out of control."
"So please babe, are we good for now, a status quo for a bit before you make a final decision to let the safe word stand or not?"
"OK, for the moment status quo will do but if you don't release me from these bonds right now and do mean NOW, not 10 or 30 minutes later I'm going to pee in this bed. The result of that will be that I go into the garage and cut off the CB because as I have said before and I'm firm on that I'm not sleeping in OUR room with that bloody thing on."
"The CB will stay off 'til you have bought a new mattress and linens for this bed."
I knew he was serious, so I quickly untied him and left the room while he bolted for the bathroom.
The last thing I want is to give him any excuse to get rid of that CB. Then it dawned on me. He said it would stay off 'til I replaced the mattress. Interesting. Part of his mind is still in the subbie mode.
I'm going to take a nap. Maybe we continue the conversation a bit later. I know eventually I'll have to come clean. He knows me to well and if keep telling him half truths, sooner or later he will call me on it. He told me earlier that he wasn't buying my BS.
I heard him come out of his room.
"Hey hon, I put the two bottles of beer back into the fridge. It was a stupid stunt. Go ahead and enjoy if you are so inclined. I'm going to take a nap. You had yours. If I don't come down by five, please come and wake me."
"OK, see you later."
I went down stairs and decided to surprise and confuse Clarissa by doing her laundry like I had been doing. Then I got the beers from the fridge in the kitchen and put them into the one on the patio for a bit later.
Jumping into the pool, I did 25 laps, then soaked for a while in the spa before grabbing one of the beers. I decided to stay on the patio and listen to the ball game on the radio rather than watching it on TV.
To me it's more enjoyable that way. I love to listen to the announcer and color commentator as I form pictures in my head of what is going on down there on the field. Call me weird but that's just the way it is.
Recalling Clarissa's stunned look when I told her that I wasn't buying her BS, I started to wonder if she would come clean or at least partially in an effort to keep me locked up and under her thumb.
I'll give her the rest of the day to figure out what to do. I really want to make an effort to hang in there for the rest of the time like Julie had asked me to. In part I needed it for myself. Trying to find out how far my need to please and submit to Clarissa really went. If I pulled the plug now, I would never know for sure. I love the stupid bitch and I don't know if I could live without her.
I sat there musing about our future, having the second bottle of beer in my hand when I almost dropped it.
Clarissa snuck up on me and pushed her naked boobs against the top of my head.
"Hey can I have sip?"
"Sure, here. Finish it if you want to."
"Thanks babe."
"Listen, thank you for doing the laundry. That was a nice surprise. I really did not expect that."
Clarissa had pulled a chair close to where I was sitting. She forced one leg between mine and started to tease my dick and balls with her toes.
As the speed of my breathing increased, she had a huge smile on her face before giving the beer bottle a virtual blow job.
She was on sexy lady and things were getting very tight in that CB.
Putting the beer down,
Honey, I'm going for a swim. Join me?"
"No, I did already twenty laps."
"OK, how about when I come out, we take a shower together and figure out what to do about dinner. Maybe go out locally. After that we can talk some more."
"I like the idea of going out but I prefer to take a shower alone. Things are very tight in a certain area of my body and I'm not sure if I can stand the extra pressure..."
Pouting - "But baby, you love to wash My boobs and pussy."
"I know, I'll unlock you if you promise not to jerk off or try to force yourself on me, you know what I mean. I can wash and inspect your precious cock before locking it back up. That way you still have to deal with the sexual frustration but at least, it won't be quite so uncomfortable for you."
"OK, but if you start teasing me with one of those not to completion blow jobs, stuff like that I'm out of there and no guarantee that I won't jerk off. So as long as you conduct yourself in a 'professional manner' say like a nurse would do when she had to wash some guy's genitals, you have a deal."
That's the way it went. Clarissa did her laps and then we headed for the big shower in the master bath.
True to her word, she unlocked my CB before we got in. I got to indulge in one of my favored activities, pampering and washing that luscious body of hers. Even though I was unlocked, it was still hard on me, not being able to stick my dick into her wet pussy. Yes, Clarissa had at least one pretty serious orgasm and a several minor ones in the process.
She pretty much behaved herself and only once pressed her butt against my raging erection for a brief moment.
"Oops, sorry babe."
But the grin on her face told me clearly that she wasn't sorry at all.
"My turn to wash your back and some other things."
True to her promise, she spent a minimal amount of time on fondling my balls and dick. While she was doing that, I was saying the alphabet backwards and in German. That takes a great amount of concentration and came in very handy when Clarissa could not resist and gave the head of my dick a couple of licks.
"A bit of leakage here babe. Wasn't going to waste it."
Well I got through that and we both dried each other.
"Should I lock you up now or are you going to be a good boy and not jerk off while I dry my hair?"
"I got it. Maybe you would like to redo my toe nails while I do that. You'll be busy and I don't have to worry that you are tempted."
"Sure Princess, I'll do the toe nails."
The smile on Clarissa's face was priceless when I called her 'Princess'.
At that point I really wasn't sure how often I would do that, one thing was for sure, unless there was a major shift in our relationship, 'Goddess' was out.
Clarissa being Clarissa just couldn't resist using one foot to tease my balls and dick while I was working on the other one. It was playful and not a constant, so I let it slide. Besides, I kind of enjoyed it. Being out of that blasted CB was too much of a treat to spoil the moments.
"OK babe, time to lock you back up. I'm just about done up here."
Clarissa uses minimal make up on casual nights like this and had completed that while I put finishing touches on her toe nails.
"Ice or a punch into your balls?"
"Go get it and hurry back. I'm timing you and your cock better be still hard or you'll get that punch into your balls anyway."
It's still a shock as Clarissa iced my raging hard down to size so it would fit into the CB but a lot easier to take when you see things coming.
We decided to go out to eat in a local restaurant and since it was a beautiful evening with temps around 70 and low humidity we walked the mile from our house.
Dinner was pleasant, we gossiped about things and friends. There was an art auction coming up in a month or so. Clarissa was not sure of the exact date. This one was sponsored by the foundation and benefitted local talent. We always enjoyed that and had purchased a few pieces for our house at previous ones.
When we got home, I decided not to strip which earned me a frown but Clarissa didn't say anything.
"I'm having a cognac and a cigar out on the patio. Anything that I can get for you?"
A challenge to her earlier statement that I was no longer allowed to have alcohol, or at least needed her permission like the two bottles of beer earlier in the afternoon.
"Thanks babe, I'll just have some water. I want to keep a clear head for tonight. The two glasses of wine at dinner are enough for me. Maybe later after we had the rest of our conversation."
That in itself was a good sign I thought. I didn't have to prod her. She knows I'm not satisfied with her previous explanations of why this sudden urge to expand on our occasional kinky play.
Since it had gotten cooler, I started a fire in the outside fire place, then got her water and my cognac and cigar.
I was sitting, enjoying the cigar when Clarissa joined me on the double lounger in front of the fire place.
"Thank you for a nice dinner" this was followed by a kiss, a nice one but not one of those where are the tonsils kind of kiss.
"Can I have a couple of puffs?"
This is something Clarissa would do on occasion when I had a cigar or even my pipe.
Damn that witch, I was hard by the time I got my cigar back because she had treated those three puffs like a blow job. No she didn't get whole cigar wet. Just the way she put her lips around the end and the glint in her eyes conveyed the message.
While Terry was doing my toenails I came to the decision that I had to tell him more than I had about my needs and urges. Hopefully he'll accept them and we can move on.
I took a deep breath.
"Terry, you are right. I've been hiding things from you. Please promise me that you won't interrupt and let me finish. I'll answer questions if you still have some after I'm done."
"Again, I want to make clear that what I'm telling you has no effect on how much I love you. As matter of fact, the main reason, that I've been hiding these urges, struggled to fight them was because I love you so much and don't want to lose you. In the end they got stronger and stronger and could no longer push them back into the dark recesses of my mind."
"But let me start at the beginning. It all started almost two years ago."
Terry started to say something but I put a finger on his lips
He nodded.
"One of the guys who worked for me got caught by the IT guys reading porn on the computer during working hours. They mostly ignore what people do during lunch time but not at three in the afternoon. They had a record of this searches for about three weeks when they brought it to my attention. One of the sites he almost spent an hour a day on was called Storiesonline and the other Cuckold Place. I had to look up cuckold in the dictionary. When I read the definition I was intrigued."
"Anyway, I had sit-down with the guy gave him a warning and I haven't heard anything further from IT, so I guess he got over it or is doing his reading at home."
"The day after that incident, you went out of town for a few days. Once home alone I started to explore those web sites. Especially the Cuckold Place one blew my mind. There are tons of categories and threads. Some with pictures, others just stories. Some are labeled 'real life experience'. Not sure if they are but they could be. Others are clearly pure fantasy.
The thing is that to my surprise I really got turned on by stories where the female character either is or evolves into a controlling bitch totally emasculating her man and some others by this fellow GH where while clearly in charge the wife also is very much in love with her guy and takes care that he knows it and while pushing him, never goes beyond a certain line."
"Like I said, I was turned on and every time you went out of town, I was burning up batteries in my dildos while reading those stories."
"After a couple of months of that, remember, I started to talk about fantasies while we cuddled after hot sex and mine always involved a third person. Also I started to introduce very slowly the cuckold theme into our role play."
"All this reading and our FemDomme games and now the cuckold role play with my dildos made me long for a strong dominant guy. He would control me and I in turn had total control over your sex life. Making it a reward system. If you were a good cuck, I would give you some loving. If I wasn't happy you would be punished by long teasing sessions without relief."
"Unfortunately, you could never be that strong guy in my fantasies because a very long time ago you out of your love and devotion to me gave up control of our sex lives. It's not that you didn't and don't take initiatives but the final decision to go forward or not is always mine."
"I tried to fight my urges, honestly I really, really have because I am afraid of what they could mean to our marriage. I know that I'm risking it all."
"I can't fight them any longer. As much as I love you, I do need this fantasy man in my life. Not all the time but several times a month for sure. I'm sorry babe. I wish it wasn't so."
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The walls seemed to vibrate from the echo inside the village hall. Every second inherited another boom, and then a crackling fizzle as the cheap speakers failed to keep up with the bass. Crystal had had enough. At 16 years old she knew it was strange not to enjoy the party life style as all of her friends from school did. Mandy had practically forced her to the ‘leaving school party’. “Come on it will be great!” She had shouted at her down the phone that evening. “There will be a lot...
“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....
'Have you heard the news about the white men?' he said, looking around at his friends in VR chat, most were similarly engaged in sexual fantasies and not much interested in the chat aspect. His all Japanese group of friends looked just like him despite their situation, the possible issue of players becoming so...
Diary of a dark haired beauty as she roams across the ocean to the New World. (Pirate Era) Diary of Anne Breckinridge part 3 Part III The days passed slowly and one day like the others William visited me bearing the same old bread and water, along with his lustful needs. I did as before and pleased him with my mouth, as was his favorite taste of fornication. I was moving my lips faster along his manhood when I heard his moaning become more incessant and he began panting slightly, just then a...
Hey i have been reading ISS for 3 years now n finally i thought of submitting my story.My name is Aryan n i stay in New Delhi.Any hot girl or lady can email me at am 24 years old…tall slim and fair and just completed my MBA.Any girl or ladies who want a good fucking nite can mail me and i will give her the best nite of her life. So this is a story of my girlfriend Sonali who used to study with me in college in Bangalore from where i have done my graduation .I used to stay in JP nagar and this...
Hi dosto mai saif fir se wapas aa gaya apni maa bahi dusro ke rakhal ka part 7 le kar aaya hu jaisa ke aap sab mera maa k bara me janta hai ke wo kitni badi chudakar hai nam anjum aur ab unki size thodi badh gai hai 40 36 42 ho gai.Sedhi se bat hai bhai itna chudwagi to badaga na..Khair bhai aab aaga ke story par aata hu jinona meri pheli story nai padi hai plz pad lena tab jakar samajh aayaga ye story.Aur mujha comment aur mail zarur karna aap loga ka mujha bhout sara mail aaya hai mera mail...
Little Goldie Rush is no stranger to monumental discoveries. This pretty Latina is named for one of the most MASSIVE events in USA history but she is about to experience a HUGE event of her own. MANDINGO! How will Mandingo fit inside this tiny babe? That’s for you to find out. She’s never had a cock so huge, she says so herself, but it doesn’t stop her from committing to the task and working her magic mouth on that enormous black cock. Little Goldie is ecstatic to finally take...
xmoviesforyouThis happened quite some time ago, shortly after Stacey and I were married. She was 27 at the time and I was 28. We were married for just over one year, but had dated all through high school and college so we were quite comfortable with each other. As with most couples, even though we had been having sex since high school, after getting married we went at it like rabbits. I think partly because we just thought that's what newly married couples did. Well after about a year of marriage we found...
The dam broke loose, and I kept going and going! Sharon asked me to pull away for the ‘drip shot,’ a term I hadn’t heard before. Minutes later, after I had my clothes back on, and Brandi was brought a towel, I was given a contract to read and sign guaranteeing me at least $2,000 per film. I made sure I was never expected to perform with another guy, or she-male, and I had been given a high five from the two cameramen and was handed forty fifty-dollar bills. I like cash! We exchanged emails...
One of the things about living in a small town is that calendars tend to lose significance. Not only can you lose track of the days of the month, but the days of the week can also become vague. Having a church, preferably with a bell, helps. Folks then have a reminder of when Sunday comes around. Other events that required a church bell, like weddings and funerals, are widely known, but the weekly call to services on Sunday is easily recognized. It was Sunday when Obie usually picked up his...
I climbed out of bed and walked quietly to the bathroom. I did not want daddy to wake up to me getting up yet again to go to the bathroom. I would say that I got up every three hours or so nowadays. I should probably mention to anyone who has been keeping up with my story that we have jumped a little forward into the future, not by much, but enough. The last time that I told any of you a story, I was five weeks pregnant, as of today, I am four months pregnant. A lot has happened over that...
IncestDisclaimer: Nobody can lay claim to the Dark Side of the force. This is a speculative 'alternate history' fan fiction based on the Star Wars stories and as such I make no attempt to take credit for these characters or in any way profit from the telling of their stories.Returning to her quarters after her regular morning workout, Mara Jade strips off her exercise clothes and steps into the shower. She sets the controls for a hard, hot spray of water and runs her fingers through her hair as she...
A day of assignments had passed and reading was piling up, so Lacey was already a little stressed. She threw some books in her backpack and didn’t bother to change out of the sweats she’d been studying in last night. A tank top and a pullover hoodie and sneakers completed the outfit then she was off to bike into town. Dorsey noted this with veiled consternation as she came in the door. If it had shown for a moment, she’d missed it having been wrapped up in her own world. He’d even put on a...
David stared out of his study window. It had been raining all morning and he was daydreaming, watching the puddles forming on the gravel driveway outside. A welcome day off gave him the chance to catch up on a pile of paperwork and emails. The only semblance of light relief had been a text from Kate saying she had a surprise for him later.The postman’s headlights shone through the gloom and he feared it heralded even more work. While sorting through the bundle, one package stood out. A brown...
CuckoldI got off work late one night a few days later and had five voicemails, all from Lindsey, the first four sounding more and more urgent. Finally the last one said that she had a surprise for me when I got to my apartment. I wasn’t in a rush to get home. I was tired and just wanted to crack open a beer, watch some TV and relax so I stopped and picked up a 12-pack. I arrived home to find my apartment full of people. Lindsey ran up to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. She dragged me into my room...
"C'mere, are you lost?" said a female voice.I looked up from the travel guide on my tablet and smiled sheepishly at a woman about my age. "No. Just overwhelmed. I've been looking forward to vacationing in Europe for months and now that I'm here, I'm trying to decide what to see next.""Well first off, welcome to Cork," she said as she held out her hand for me to shake. As we shook, she continued with, "It's a wonderful city and I'm sure you'll fancy it. Are you a Yank?"Was it that obvious I was...
We’re on a pretty grimy old terraced street in the grim northern city of Gateshead. The houses are wall-to-wall, narrow and double story. Brick walled, with a front door and a single window on the ground level, two windows on the upper level, and an almost pointless one-meter front ‘yard’, before a low brick wall and then the pavement. The side of the road is nose-to-tail with parked cars. Walking toward us, the familiar figure of our hostess, Charley. It’s a lovely day (by the standards...
Mei awoke first. She had slept a dreamless sleep yet didn’t feel particularly refreshed while she lie looking at the ceiling and thinking. She watched the warm rose-cream light of morning make the wallpaper and textured ceiling glow. It was nice. It was calming as was the breathing of those next to her and the human warmth against her thigh. The quiet moment let her think and feel the discrete emotions which floated inside her like gilings in the pink wedge of sunlight. The feelings were indeed...
What the Hell is all this? This is a capsular erotic story set in the larger Center Worlds Universe. This has been written as a means of pulling different ideas together so that I can explore harder concepts than the main books convey, and also as a means to explore different directions that the characters may take. It comprises, erotic coupling, science fiction elements, war, violence, and some things that may be distasteful to tender readers. You have been warned, proceed at your own risk. ...
My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants' daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. –Excerpt from 'The Tyrants' Daughter: An Autobiography' by Saint Chasity Alberta Glassner Mark Glassner – May 9th, 2053 "I'm ready, Grandpa," little Liza smiled at me. Well, she wasn't really that little at fifteen. She was my youngest grandchild, daughter of Marcelo and...
I'd seen her quite a few times in the parking garage, but only from a distance. Petite, no more than five feet tall with an ass to die for, her shirt concealing what looked to be a fine pair of tits. I had to have her. One day perhaps.Tonight, being very late, the garage was virtually empty, but I could see her car parked on the far side next to a large pillar. Looking around, I saw no-one. There was no sound apart from the echoing sound of traffic outside. Many of the strip lights were out,...
It was 5:00 and Trish would be home from work in 45 mins. So Maria decided to do something special.Maria spent all day cleaning the house for Trish. Everything had to be perfect. Trish was turning 25 today and Maria had planned and entire weekend of fun. It's a good thing that Trish's birthday fell on a Friday because now Maria could spend the entire weekend pleasing her woman. The house was clean so Maria jumped in the shower making sure to wash really good so she could give her woman a fresh...
LesbianRosie is preparing notes for her canine reproductive stages lecture next week, sorting through notes and organising her untidy office. She always looked pristine, her dark wavy hair swept across her perfectly structured cheeks, wearing a white blouse that floated across her pert breasts, and carefully matched pencil skirt which clung to her curvaceous frame. She’d have to leave the lecture preparation until later she thought, her 4.00pm student appointment with Joanna was due. She pulled her...
Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 19 MORE BUT FOR WHAT Jeff, it seems like youre more interested in your friends than in me. I wish we could see each other more. Maria, were together now. Why talk about that now. Lets enjoy the moment. I cant talk about it when youre not around. My best moments are with you, Maria, but we need to keep our other friendships strong too. Actually, Id like to take our friendship to the next level. Next level? What do you mean? We talk about...
Oliver Flynn is studying when his stepsister Kimora Quinn comes to the kitchen looking for a snack. Since Kimora is wearing a miniskirt and thong, Oliver is instantly distracted. Kimora is also super nice, so she strikes up a conversation with Oliver. She confesses that before Oliver and his mom moved in, she spent a lot of time alone feeling herself up. Oliver eventually figures out that Kimora used to fantasize about being caught masturbating, which makes him super uncomfortable. He closes...
xmoviesforyouIn the middle of a busy, outdoor mall, a glass cube is unloaded from the back of a trailer. It measures ten feet in all dimensions. Outside of the metal frame and door handle, it's perfectly clear. Two men in white coats, serving as both medical professionals and security, escort the robed artist inside. The men soon exit with the robe, leaving the naked artist standing alone. They observe everything from the truck used to pull the trailer in. The first passersby hurry away in embarrassment,...
Chapter 7 Diego went back to his room and found the new phone. It was a brand new iPhone and had all of the girls' numbers along with Oscar's and Kyle's numbers listed. He smiled as he read Polly's entry, simply, "Girlfriend" but her picture. He looked through the phone and found a bunch of pictures that startled him. He liked Polly a lot but what she did was too much. He fought back tears, they were not what he wanted from her. He rang her number and Dorothy answered it. He asked...
About a week later, I started thinking about her again. Why was I thinking about her? Daisy… I mean, Charlie was actually a stripper at a strip club I went to. And I actually had an inkling she was one.“You know where I am, Daddy. Ask for Charlie…”The way she said that turned me on so much. I wanted more of her. Knowing the consequences, I still wanted it. So, when I told my boys…“Wait. Daisy’s a stripper? And you fucked her?” My best friend Bruce said. I nodded in affirmation.“Daisy? Dirty...
MoneyTo understand what happens next you have to know the word empathy. When you see a car accident and think to yourself: ‘I hope no one was hurt.’ You feel empathy for the participants of the accident. When you see a message about a funeral and feel the grief of the family you are being empathic. It is the ability to identify with someone else’s feeling. It is something most people come into the world with, but not all people. A fine example was Joan, who was born with no sense of empathy, if...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 14, 2010) Chapter 39 - Relax, It's Just a Concert The 25-minute limo ride to the hotel was uneventful. It was also quiet. Josh was staying at home during the trip, leaving only Dad and I to make the journey to the Hotel...
I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...
Emma - Taken By Surprise by Sara R?ver ?viell? I had never had a good relationship with my sister Lisa, maybe because it seemed that my parents always favoured her, or maybe it was with her being one year older I had always been bossed around by her. Or even maybe it was because she was so pretty and clever, that even from an early age she had won some beauty competitions and had been the centre of attention of family and friends. By the time we reached senior school, she was one of ...
Jen couldn't move. Carlos had left her over 30 minutes ago. Sitting in her car, she felt like she was in shock. She couldn't believe what had happened. She was both repulsed and aroused as she re-played the scene in her mind, remembered the old man's thick cock inside of her, his hands on her breasts, his tongue in her mouth, his cum shooting into her. She abruptly decided that she wouldn't tell her husband about it. If it had been just Carlos — well, she'd tell Michael about that,...
Terms of Acceptance: Conclusion By Donna Allyson Copyright 2000 Chapter 8 Sarah had been testifying for well over an hour when she was interrupted. The chairman of the board decided to call a recess... "Miss Morton, if you are nearly finished with your testimony, you can rest your case at this point and we can make our judgment base on what you have presented so far, or we can take an hours recess and continue at 8 PM?" "Well sir, I was planning to testify about...
Introduction: Another trip to the mall………. This is part 2, and just took place last week………… Dad honored his request to take Nicole, Samantha and I shopping. As we drove, dad questioned Nicole and Samantha about if they had any second thoughts or issues with keeping the relationship we created going. Neither had anything negative to say and we adamantly agreed they were 100% into our little pact that was created pretty much out of thin air! We all made plans on which day we would go and what...
[WARNING: Ciarra isn’t an impossibly innocent and bland Isekai self-insert, or a brooding anti-hero. She’s a villain. She’s amoral and a sexual sadist, with her own twisted version of morality and honor. This story isn’t for children.] All the others had just ran away, with little thought and no planning. The foxkins trail led me directly to an old abandoned fort. Her lingering scent carries hope and resolve. Fading scents from many bandits covered the area, all of them were familiar from...
I slept in past lunch, before slowly getting up for the day. I read the newspaper, called my mom, and finished the new Steve Martin novel "An Object of Beauty", which by the way is a riveting novel about the art world in America in the 1990s. Around three, I called Gwen. "Hi Darling," I cheerfully opened with. "Hi," she responded, reluctance lingering in her tone. "So, do you want to go out for supper and an early movie before heading to the club?" "Sure," she said, after a...
Flora woke to the sun shining through her bedroom window and, as she became more aware of her surroundings, she realized that she was lying against a man’s strong chest. But, instead of unease from what could have been, she felt satisfaction and peace. She barely remembered the events of the night before but, what she did recall, was filled with love and connection and filled her with a desire to only be closer to the sleeping man in her bed. Closing her eyes, she snuggled closer to him,...
My name is Ruth, a 22-year old former au pair. I have always considered myself conservative and shy. I never imagined that one day I would engage in any activities that are remotely scandalous. Up to the time I left for overseas to work as an au pair and study part time, I had only slept with my high school sweetheart, Paul. He was my everything and we made vows on my departure that we would marry when I came back. However, fate had other plans.Beautiful nude sexy girl in innocent pose"I never...
Work of a slut Work of a slut. I sit there, thinking about my day. 6 hours behind the desk, pussy full of vibrations as I fulfill my instructions for this evenings meeting.I have to be ready, stimulated, and orgasmic when I arrive. It is the duty of a true slut to be prepared and I strive to perfection.The vibrator has buzzed inside me all day, the belt firmly secured around my waist and between my legs, ensured that it stayed in place, and once he set the control on it, my destiny was...
During the weeks that passed, Tamara told her brother all about her fantasy. She explained to him that it was necessary for her peace of mind that she take Golden Flash up the ass. He thought that she was just being a silly little girl at first, and tried to laugh the idea off. But the golden-haired beauty, whose tan was getting darker every day, was being stubborn with him. In time Larry learned that his sister did not consider her fantasy a joking matter, and stopped being funny. He...