Terms Of Acceptance: Conclusion free porn video

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Terms of Acceptance: Conclusion By Donna Allyson Copyright 2000 Chapter 8 Sarah had been testifying for well over an hour when she was interrupted. The chairman of the board decided to call a recess... "Miss Morton, if you are nearly finished with your testimony, you can rest your case at this point and we can make our judgment base on what you have presented so far, or we can take an hours recess and continue at 8 PM?" "Well sir, I was planning to testify about my last three years living as a girl so that I could prove my seriousness of complying with the law. I really don't want to go to jail and my options are very limited. I would really like to exercise what options I do have available to me. "Miss Morton. We do have a detailed report from Dr. Roberts that gives a chronological report of the last three years of your treatment and lifestyle. I and the other members of the board are quite familiar with all of that. I think we could wrap this up now favorably to you and save us all a lot of time." "Yes sir, I agree." Sarah replied in her well practiced soft feminine voice. "Good. One question, for the record, do you wish to become a girl full time and permanently or do you wish to revert back to your male persona and the punishment that will go with it." "sir. I have come to far at this point and I really do like the lifestyle that I have lived the last three years. I don't think I would fare well in a prison environment." The Judge looked at Sarah for a long moment. "This court is in recess for one hour. We will reconvene at 8 PM for our decision in this matter." Everyone stood as the panel filed out and then Sarah left the hearing room. Nancy and Mary met her in the hallway. The two women and the almost woman embraced each other warmly. It was the first time that they had been able to get together since early morning. At that time the outcome looked a lot more uncertain. Dr. Roberts joined them in the corridor. ***** "Sarah, Ladies, If I may, can I invite you to some refreshments? There is an nice coffee shop still open across the street where we can wait for the hearing to reconvene." Dr. Roberts asked. Sarah looked at her court appointed psychologist. She had come to respect him greatly for his real concern for her well being both as Saul and as Sarah. "Thank you Doctor. That's most kind of you." Sarah replied. "It is my pleasure. You must be Sarah's sister Nancy?" Dr. Roberts asked, looking at Nancy. "I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. Sarah has told me all about you. Seems as though you are one heck of a lady." "Oh not really Doctor Roberts. I just care an awful lot for my brother or I guess I should say my sister now." "So she tells me. That is a compliment to you. Both of you." As Dr. Roberts looked first at Nancy and then at Mary. This ordeal that Saul has had to go through has alienated many families. Especially siblings. "And why is that Doctor?" Nancy asked. Nancy took the doctor's proffered arm and Mary and Sarah followed behind holding hands as they headed out of the building and across the street towards the coffee shop. "Many factors Nancy. Call it a sense of betrayal in some cases. Others are because one sibling feels a sense of rivalry developing. In others it is just that they cannot take the humiliation of having to explain to neighbors or friends why their brother wants to become a girl. It can even be a combination of all three and other factors. Generally there is always some sort of embarrassment for the family, which results in alienation and hard feelings. In Sarah's case however there seems to be little of that." "Except for my father, Kent. He is still having some problems with my being in this situation in the first place. He blames himself for not stopping me that Christmas week three years ago. Mother of course loves the idea of having another daughter to fuss over." Sarah said as a reply to the doctor's comments. The foursome were seated at a round table in the far corner of the coffee shop. Nancy and Mary sat on each side of Kent and Sarah sat directly across from him. Each ordered a light snack and waited for the waitress to leave before resuming their conversation. Kent Roberts turned is attention to Sarah. "So tell me Sarah. Are you comfortable with what will happen after the hearing? I am very confident that the board is going to allow you your freedom. Of course you do realize what that will mean." "Yes I do Kent. It will mean that I will be forever a woman. Am I completely okay with that? No. Would you be? But it is a lot better than the alternative. "Look at these Kent. 34-B bra and still growing. No balls between my legs for that last 3 years. Hell, I guess I should be used to it by now. Sarah replied. Just a hint of aggravation in her voice. Only thing I miss is trying to get Mary pregnant the old fashion way." Kent looked over at Mary who had turned a beet shade of red at her lover's comment. "Really Saul. That was not nice." Mary said. "Well it's true dear. I know we have an option but I will miss the other way." The rest of the hour passed swiftly. Dr. Roberts did manage to get Nancy to agree to meet him for dinner later in the week. Mary and Sarah exchanged knowing glances at that. In reality that would be a nice match if anything did develop. ***** Sarah took her seat at the witness table. She looked over at Mary and Nancy seated in the galley. They each gave her a thumbs up as a sign of encouragement. Turning her attention to the Chairman of the hearing board, Sarah waited to hear the decision that would seal her hate for the remainder of her life. "Sarah Ann Morton, please rise and hear the findings of this board." Sarah rose slowly. She could feel the weakness in her legs. "This is it." She thought to herself. "Miss Morton. It is the finding of this Board that you have complied with all of the requirements that were imposed on you at the time of your conviction of violating the federal statutes against cross-dressing. I would like to point out that it is our conclusion that you did not violate these laws for any purpose that was intended to deceive the public or to hide your identity for the purpose of committing a crime. It appears to us that your acts were solely for self gratification and because of these extenuating circumstances we feel that it would not be in the public's best interests to send you to jail. However, we are duty bound to uphold the laws as they are currently on the books as regards punishment. Therefore, since you have agreed to and have fulfilled the requirements that you undergo estrogen therapy and have lived full time as a woman for the last three years, it is the sentence of this board that you be taken immediately to the National Health Institute facility in Phoenix and there submit to the surgical completion of your Gender Reassignment program. It is our hope that you can and will become a productive and contributing member of the female population." The members of the board looked straight at Sarah as the Chairman continued. "Do you Sarah Ann Morton agree to these Terms of Acceptance?" Sarah took a moment before replying. She took a deep breath and looking straight at the chairman and in a firm and confident voice replied, "Yes Sir, I do." "Good for you young lady. If I may speak for the entire board, we wish you well. You have two hours to meet with your family privately before you will be transported to Phoenix. Good luck to you Miss Morton. This hearing regarding the case of The United States verses Saul A. Morton, now to be known as Sarah Ann Morton is now concluded. Sarah sat back down. She buried her face in her hands. She wept. 'So it had all come down to this.' She thought thru her tears. She could not help feel a great deal of relief that she was not going to spend most of the rest of her life in jail. But the thought that she was about to become a girl in the true sense was overwhelming. She had never considered that her cross dressing escapades would lead to permanent life in dresses. It had been fun but now it was to be the norm. But still... she let the thought die as she became aware of Mary and Nancy presence beside her. She looked up at each of them in turn and she wept even harder. Nancy and Mary managed to get Sarah to her feet and took her to the private lounge just outside the hearing room. Ten minutes later Sarah had regained her composure sufficiently to become aware that her father had entered the room and was standing quietly at the back of the room. "Daddy" was all she managed to get out as Daniel Morton rushed her and hugged her. Nancy and Mary joined the due and for a couple of more minutes the three of them formed a circle around Sarah and together they shared their last moments with the boy who was about to become a girl for real. Sarah looked around furtively, "Where's Mother? Didn't she come with you?" She asked. "She was not feeling well but she said that she would see you at the hospital in a couple of days." Her father replied. "Are you sure she is alright? You're not hiding anything are you?" Sarah asked, obvious anxiety in her voice. "No Saul. It is just a bad case of the stomach virus. She will be fine." Sarah visibly relaxed at this assurance. During the next two hours Sarah's father rediscovered his child. He came to understand at least a little that the last three years had lost him a son but gained for him a new daughter. Saul Morton may have had to endure the experiences of living like a woman for the past three years and he may have stood before the chairman and state that he would agree to the Terms of Acceptance that he had been offered, but in actuality he had a long way to go. It would only be during the next year that he or should I say she would really come to understand what becoming a true female was to entail. The first crisis was actually only a few hours away. This time would test the resolve that Sarah\Saul had built up during those previous three years. Chapter 9 Nancy and her father said their goodbyes as the two hours drew to a close. Daniel Morton had finally come to grips with what was about to happen to his son and had reconciled himself to the fact that he was about to gain another daughter. He made a point of telling Saul this and made him promise that he and Mary would come and stay with him and his mother during his recuperation. Saul was relieved immensely. He knew that although he was physically more female now than male due to the over powering influence of the estrogen coursing thru his body, he knew that once he was transgendered, he would need all the support he could get. Saul had hugged his father like he had never done before even as a child. Daniel had returned this in kind. Saul promised that he would come when it was all over. Mary had spent the last 15 minutes alone with Saul. Not much was said as she had come to accept that nothing else could be done to prevent the inevitable. The conversation between then was strained. "Did they tell you when you can go home Saul?" Mary asked. They told me that these new laser techniques are quite thorough and heal quite rapidly. So if no complications arise, I will be released in four or five days. But you can visit me day after tomorrow. "You know I will Saul. Do you want me to bring anything?" "Not really. Whatever you want I guess. I did pack a few things that I will probably need." "So what happens now? When will they..." "Operate? Tomorrow morning. They don't wait to long. They said it was to prevent unnecessary anxiety. Boy is that an understatement. Three years being prepped for this and I am still a nervous wreck." "Saul I will miss you. I know after it is all done you will still be you but as a girl, but I will miss you as a man. I still love you. You know that don't you?" Mary asked almost pleadingly. "Mary. I still love you too. But... can you... you know as a woman does with another woman?" Mary thru her arms around Saul and kissed him hard. "You wait and see if I can." Mary replied as she pulled away. ***** Sarah/Saul sat in the back seat of the air car. The female court officer beside him was courteous enough not to try to engage him in conversation. She was astute enough to know that this was not a good time to talk to those she was escorting to forced SRS. The trip was only about ten minutes by air car anyway. Not really enough time to engage in a conversation. Saul was thankful for the woman's silence. The air car landed on the roof of the National Health Institute's Hospital and the female escort took Sarah down to the reception desk. After signing some paperwork, the girl turned to Sarah and said, "Good luck dear." She gave Saul a friendly light kiss on the cheek and was gone. Saul was then escorted by a young nurse to a semi-private room on the third floor. The second bed was unoccupied. "You may hang your dress in the closet Miss Morton. If you wish the rest of your garments will be cleaned and returned to you before you leave. You may but them in the hamper in the lavatory. Please put on the hospital gown and get into the bed by the window when you are finished changing and have unpacked your suitcase. It is quite late and we will not have anything else to do tonight. The morning nurse will be in at 7 AM to prep you." The nurse turned and left the room without waiting for Saul's reply. Saul did as instructed. He removed the light blue dress he has wearing and hung it up in the closet. He took off his slip and removed his pantyhose. He unsnapped his bra and placed the under garments in the hamper. Standing in front of the mirror he examined his body. Three years of hormones had had its effect. His 34B breasts were well developed and his skin had taken on the small layer of fat that made his skin quite soft. He had lost most of his body hair and what was left was quite soft and downy. Except for his male genitalia and some masculine features in his face he had a fairly feminine body. His hair had grown quite long during the past three years was straight full bodied. Reaching all the way to the small of his back. Saul took his brush and brushed it out. At one point his hair brushed across his nipples and he felt them respond to the touch. He shivered as they responded and sent an 'electric' shock down to his groin. He had come a long way and was paying dearly for his cross-dressing transgressions. Saul sighed. He finished putting his hair into a French braid. One of the techniques that Mary had taught him to do before going to bed. He went to the bathroom and relieved himself. It struck him that this was the last time he would be able to pee standing up. He felt a pang of regret overtake him. 'This was it.' He thought. They are going to do it to me tomorrow. As he got into the bed a sense of melancholy overtook him. He started to cry. He cried himself to sleep, almost like a little girl... It had been a long exhausting day and full of fear and trepidation about his future. He just wanted it over so that he could get on with the rest of his life. Chapter 10 Fourteen miles away on a remote hillside a lightning storm was in progress. A bolt of lightening hit a long distance telephone relay station. The long distance lines went out. ***** Saul had lain awake for over an hour. The early morning light streaming in the windows signaling the start of a new day. Saul looked at it as the start of a new life. He lay in the bed waiting. He knew that it would not be long before they would come and get him and turn him into a girl for real. He could feel the anxiety building inside the pit of his stomach. A sense of regret overtaking him for the events that had led him to this moment. He wished that he could go back three years and not go to that stupid costume party. He started to have doubts about become a female. He had convinced himself that he wanted to do this but now that he was committed and there was no going back he was having second thoughts. Saul was not able to contain the tears that streamed down his face. 'This is a hell of a time to have second thoughts' He said to himself. His self-pity was interrupted as an orderly wheeled in a gurney followed by a doctor and a nurse. The orderly turned and left the room. "Good morning Miss Morton. I am Doctor Hendrix. I am to be your surgeon today. This is Nurse Simpson. She will prep you for surgery. I have gone over your medical records and barring any last minute complications we should be ready for you in a few minutes. Do you feel well? Any colds or illness in the past week?" "No nothing. Just a case of nerves at the moment." Saul replied. "That's understandable considering what you are about to have happen. I am obligated under the law to ask you if you want to reconsider. You have been given a reduction of sentence in response to your cooperative attitude since your original sentence. If you wish, we can forgo this operation and you will be sent to the Federal Correctional Facility for only 10 years instead of the original 30 to 50 year sentence. We will of course stop all hormone requirements and your body will return to a semblance of normalcy within a year or so. During that time you will be kept here so that we can help your transition back." Saul was shocked. He had not expected this reduction. His mind started to work overtime. He could keep his manhood if he was willing to spend 10 years in jail. He started to cry. The estrogen working it's magic on his emotions. His thoughts working overtime as he considered the possibilities. He had after all had to learn how to live, act and respond as a woman as part of his transition. He knew that he would never be able to fully return to his former self. At best he would be considered an effeminate male. Was he willing to accept this along with ten years in prison. Saul made up is mind. "No doctor. It is too late for that. Lets just do what has to be done so that I can at least start a new life." Saul said with a broken voice. "Fine. I think that is best as well. The nurse will give you an injection to calm you down a bit. She will then prep you and take your vitals. One last question Sarah, Do you wish to have a local and be awake or would you prefer to be asleep?" "I told the anesthesiologist on the phone yesterday that I would prefer to be asleep. I haven't changed my mind on that." "Okay Sarah. The SRS operation takes three or four hours. But with the addition surgery to implant your new reproductive organs and the feminization of your features and voice, you will be under for more like 7 or 8 hours. That is a long time to lay on the table awake. We prefer our patients to be awake. Less chance of complications. But in your case I think total anesthesia it is a better choice. We will keep you asleep until tomorrow morning in order to give your body some healing time without you having to endure the initial pain. When it is all over I will come around to see you." "Thank you doctor. I appreciate your candor." Saul replied. "Your welcome. See you soon." The doctor turned and left the room. The nurse for the most part was very professional. She said very little except to instruct Saul to turn this way or that as she gave him an injection and took his vitals. She lifted up the hem of Saul' hospital gown and proceeded to shave is groin. She was quite adept and was done in less time than Saul used to spend shaving his face. She applied a coat of antiseptic to his genitals and was done. She packed up her tray and as she turned to leave she looked at Saul for a moment. She smiled. Good luck Mr. Morton. I don't really agree with this law but we must follow it. What they are doing to you is a shame but if I may be so bold, it is not at all bad to be a girl. It is a lot better than you think. I know. I have been on both sides of the fence. She winked and was gone. Saul was amazed. He would never have guessed that that pretty nurse had ever been a man. Saul felt a lot better because of her remarks. Thirty minutes later as Saul lay unconscious in the operating room the first part of his total transformation was completed as two small obviously atrophied testicles were dropped into a beaker of formaldehyde. ...Sarah had finally been born into reality. ***** "This is a CNN Breaking News commentary. Washington, DC. Congress, today passed and the President immediately signed a bill that revokes the controversial Gender Re-assignment law. The law was revoked when an amendment was attached at the last minute without debate, to the Justice Department's supplemental appropriations bill. Analysts reported that there was no debate as this law that made sex changes mandatory for cross dressers was being challenged in the US Supreme Court. Apparently it was the opinion of most Congressmen that this law would be thrown out by the justices, and Congress, being in an election year felt that this unpopular law if revoked by the members would serve well in their individual elections. The terms of the revocation stated that no further forced gender reassignments would take place after 6 AM today at any of the country's five centers. Since no surgeries are scheduled on Wednesday's it is assumed that no other impositions of this punishment will take place. All those persons imprisoned or under sentence will be released or granted full pardons immediately. More will follow as it becomes available." ***** Mary turned off the TV that she had been watching while passing the time until she could ring up the hospital. The announcement came as a surprise. There had been no indication that the law was going to be changed. She picked up the phone and called the hospital. "No Miss Harrison, We have not heard anything like that." Said the secretary. "One moment please." The woman picked up the schedule for the day's surgical procedures. She looked at the listing and then at her notes... She went to the fax machine and took out the printout that had just been transmitted. She gasped. I'm sorry Miss Harrison. The operation is just about over. We just received the fax. I am afraid it is too late. Yes. I will check again. I will let you know. Good bye." Without knocking she went into the director's office. The director, a balding man of about fifty years old looked up at the secretary as she came in. It was obvious from the look on her face that there was a problem. "What is it Susan. You look like you have seen a ghost." "Sir, I think we have a problem. She handed him the fax and the schedule." 'Oh shit." He said as he picked up the phone and called the operating room. Dr. Hendrix hung up the phone. He was sweating. He had scheduled this surgery at the last minute. It was Wednesday no surgeries were normally scheduled on Wednesday's as most doctors were not available. He had decided to do this SRS case only because his golf game was canceled and his wife was out of town. He had nothing scheduled and had decided to get this one case out of the way. He knew that he was in big trouble. He knew that the Institute's policy was not to use the operating room on Wednesday's but that they also did not enforce it. Hendrix was sure that today they would make an exception. The Institute did not like lawsuits and they tended to find a scapegoat if possible. At 2 PM the plastic surgeon was well into the process of reconstructing Sarah's face. The SRS surgery along with the implantation of donor ovaries, fallopian tubes and womb. The bundling of Sarah's vocal chords had also been completed. The improvements in micro laser surgery and tissue matching had come a long way since the millennium. Tissue rejection in organ transplants was a thing of the past. Chapter 11 Sarah came awake slowly. The gray shadows giving way to the light that was streaming in the window. Her eyes fluttered open finally. Her face was partially covered in bandages although there were openings that allowed her to see. For a minute or so she struggled to recollect where she was. Then she remembered. It seemed like only a moment ago she had been staring up at the lights in the operating room ceiling. But she was now in her room. There was something different though. She tried to figure it out. Finally she did. She was in a private room. Much nicer than the one she had been in earlier. Much more cheery she thought. The door to her room opened and the nurse who had prepped her for surgery came into the room. "Good morning Sarah. I'm Tiffany Barrett. I will be your attending nurse until you are discharged. Don't try to speak yet. The incisions in your face and neck need to heal for another day. The swelling should be mostly gone by tomorrow. I am going to give you an injection to keep the pain down and help you to relax." The nurse placed a pad of paper and a pencil on the bed beside Sarah. "Sarah, if you need to ask for anything you can write it on the pad and that way I will know what you are asking or need. Dr. Hendrix will be in to see you in an hour or so. In the meantime I will start an IV for you nourishment. You will not be allowed to eat anything until tomorrow. If you need me just press the button and I will come right in." Tiffany placed the hand switch on the bed next to Sarah's hand. Sarah picked up the pad and wrote a message on it. "I knew you were going to ask that dear. It is always the first thing that an SRS patient asks. "Yes it is all over. There were no complications and you are going to make a very pretty girl. Congratulations. Welcome to womanhood dear. And yes, it is morning. You have been asleep for almost 24 hours." Sarah wrote again----- Tiffany read the note and smiled. "Yes she is Sarah. She called yesterday afternoon and we told her that everything was fine. She will be here this afternoon to visit. But right now you need to rest for awhile longer." Deep inside her mind Sarah felt relief and fear at the same time. Her time of humiliation was over but the fear of the future seemed like a wave rising up out of the very depths of her soul. Her concern was for Mary. How would she react to this change? As Saul. He and Mary had talked long and seriously of the implications of his loss of manhood. Now that it had happened Sarah was not sure if Mary would be able to accept it for real. Mary had told him that it would not matter in the least, but Sarah was still worried. She fell back to sleep. Nurse Barrett just smiled and left the room. ***** Sarah opened her eyes to the sound of noise in the room. Mary was sitting in the armchair next to the window. "Mary, Hi." She said weakly, more a squeak than words, as the pain in her throat well up and reminded her that she was not supposed to talk. "Shush. The nurse said not to let you talk, sweetie." Sarah picked up the pad and started to write. She noticed that her nails had been manicured and a red polish applied. She examined her hands and looked at Mary inquiringly. "Oh, I did that while you were asleep Hon. I thought you might like it. You looked like you could use some cheering up. Besides you might as well get used to it. It is expected now." Saul had made a point of not wearing much makeup during the time he had been forced to dress like a girl. It was his way of protesting what they were doing to him. True he had been required to dress and act like a girl in public and that the hormones had made that a lot easier but the use of cosmetics had not been a stipulation and he had used that along with the fact that he could dress as a man in the privacy of his own flat as a form of mild rebellion. "I know Saul." Mary said. She knew what was going thru her lover's head. "But you're not a man anymore. You're a girl now and you might as well enjoy it. It is one of the things that we girls take pride in and you might as well too." Sarah handed a note to Mary. As Mary read it she laughed. 'Well would you at least stop calling me Saul then? It probably isn't very appropriate now.' The note said. "Okay. I don't think Saul is right either Sarah. It is just that it is going to take some getting used to. After all it isn't every day that a girl looks at what was to be her future husband and sees that he has become her girlfriend" 'I wouldn't know. I really haven't seen much of my new self yet. You can break it off between us. I would understand. ' Sarah wrote. "Not on your life sweetie. We will make do. It will just be a little different that's all. You just wait till you are back home. You'll see. I have a few surprises for you." Mary said with a hint of humor in her reply. "Look Sarah. I have to go now. The nurse? Tiffany? - Said only a two hour visit today and that is almost up. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" Mary asked more as a statement than a question. She leaned over and kissed Sarah on the bandage over her mouth. I'll bring some things with me then. Mary turned and was gone. Sarah felt a loneliness well up inside her as she watched Mary disappear thru the door. Dr. Hendrix came into Sarah's room a short time after Mary had departed. He was accompanied by another man who was also wearing a white lab coat. The embroidery over the pocket said ' Staff '. "Hello Sarah. This Is Dr. Peter Benson. He is a staff psychologist. I hope you don't mind but it is necessary for him to evaluate your post-op well being." "Nice to meet you Sarah." The older man said. "Hello Dr. Benson. If you are here to see if I have gone over the top and jumped into the looney bin you will be quite disappointed." She wrote on her note pad. Dr. Benson chuckled after reading the note. "I'm glad you have a sense of humor after all you have been through. That's a good sign. Do you mind if I sit?" He asked pointing to the chair in the corner of the room. Sarah shook her head indicating, a No she did not mind. Hendrix came alongside the bed and took her pulse. He checked the pupils of her eyes. Taking a pair of scissors he cut away the bandages from around her mouth. Gently he placed a tongue depressor in her mouth and checked her throat. He smiled. "Good, good you seem to be coming along well Sarah." Right now I would just like to see how I look without all these bandages and tubes sticking in me." Sarah replied. I think we can accommodate you there Sarah. You are healing nicely. More rapidly than I thought. I want you to practice talking now. But only short words and stop if you feel any severe pain. And don't worry if your voice sounds funny. It will be a few days before you will have your new voice working correctly. okay? Sarah wrote, "Yes" on her pad. "Now I want you to understand that we did quite a bit of reconstruction on your face and throat and even with micro surgery there is going to be some swelling and discoloration. But it will subside and should totally disappear in about ten days. I guarantee you will be quite pleased with your new features. As for your new plumbing, we will wait until tomorrow to unhook you." Hendrix paused, looking away at the other doctor. Sarah could sense that something was not right. She noticed that the doctor was hedging. Fidgeting more the word. "What's wrong doctor? You seem to be holding back something. I can feel it." Sarah said with some difficulty. "May I sit down Sarah?" Hendrix said pointing to the chair beside the bed. Sarah said nothing. She just nodded her head. Fear rising up inside of her. For the next fifteen minutes Hendrix told the girl lying on the bed about the revocation of the Gender Laws. He was most apologetic in his explanation about how the surgery was almost completed when they had received the news and it was too late to stop at that point. Sarah listened to the explanation without saying a word. The bandages on her face hiding her expressions. Hendrix finished is explanation of what had happened and why. "I'm sorry Sarah. It seems like such an injustice that you had to go thru this and have the law changed just a few hours to late." "So, can you change me back doctor" Sarah asked. "No. It is too late for that. To many changes have been made to your body. You would not be able to withstand another sex reassignment. Besides, you are missing a few parts now." "So I'm stuck like this permanently?" Sarah asked bluntly. An edge to her voice. "I'm afraid so." Dr. Hendrix replied. "Okay then doctor. You are going to have to pay for this little error. "Oh?" was all Hendrix could say at the moment. "You are going to treat Mary, Nancy and I to a nice dinner when I get out of here. Sarah giggled. "Deal." Hendrix replied, obviously relieved. "It will be my pleasure." Dr. Benson wrote a couple of notes in his book and silently got up and left the room. Sarah never noticed him leave. On Friday morning, True to his word Dr. Hendrix removed all the catheter tubes and bandages from her body. He explained that for a few days she would feel a lot of discomfort when she needed to use the toilet. He explained the need to take extra care in cleaning her new urethra's opening to prevent infection. He left her an antibiotic ointment to apply each time she passes water. Sarah was now functioning on her own. The nurse, Tiffany came in after the doctor had departed. She was carrying a large hand mirror. With Tiffany's help Sarah was finally going to examine the results of the surgery. She also got her first experience with and instructions in the use of a dilator. "You will need to use this two or three times a day for the next couple of months or so Sarah. She had not given that part of this experience any thought. The sight of that semi rigid latex imitation of a penis had made Sarah quite embarrassed but Tiffany had assure her that it was quite necessary to prevent her body from closing up the new opening. "Just make sure you apply that ointment around the opening before you insert the shaft." Tiffany remarked, pointing to the jar that the doctor had left. "It's good for both?" Sarah asked. "Yes it is. Antibiotic in a KY jelly base." Tiffany said with a smile. The logic of the explanation made sense but it did not make it any easier for Sarah to accept this first and very intimate female necessity. "Now lets get you out of that bed and into the bathroom. You need to try out the new plumbing. I'll help you this first time and after that you're on your own." The girl stated. Ten minutes later, her body's needs satisfied, quite painfully and embarrassingly as well, Sarah was helped back to the bed. This time however she sat on the edge instead of getting into it. Tiffany held the mirror out to Sarah. "Moment of truth dear. Do you want to see what you look like? Sarah took the mirror with shaking hands. She looked at the nurse with some trepidation in her eyes. Tiffany sensed this and nodded her head " Go ahead Sarah." She said and smiled. "Welling up a reserve of confidence Sarah held the Mirror in front of her face. She gasped, several seconds passed and then Sarah stated excitedly, "I'm pretty Tiffany." "Yes you are dear. Very pretty. How about if I brush out your hair and get you presentable? Then we will take a walk down the hall. You need to bet some exercise. Besides, you have company coming this morning. " "Thank you Tiffany. I would like that." Sarah said happily. ***** It was later that morning when Mary accompanied by Nancy arrived carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a large pink and white teddy bear and several other packages. Sarah was sitting up in bed when the two women entered the room. Sarah felt a lot better. Tiffany had brushed out her long hair into two ponytails and had tied it on each side of her head with some red ribbon. Sarah had even allowed Tiffany to apply some lipstick to give a little color to her lips and a touch of blush to her cheeks. Sarah actually felt human again, if not actually feminine. "Well look at this." Nancy said as she entered the room. "Do I actually see my new sister smiling? And wearing lipstick? " "Hi Sis. Don't start. I do have to look the part now, don't I? Sarah replied good naturedly. "Gee Sarah, you look wonderful. How are you doing inside?" Mary said as she planted a kiss on Sarah's cheek. "I don't know Mary. I think I will be okay with this. After all I have had three years training now." Sarah responded seriously. For a few moments the three young women just looked at each other but said nothing. Nancy as usual broke the awkward silence. "Hey. Lets knock off the gloom. Sarah wait until you see what we brought you." She reached into one of the packages and took out a box. It was gift wrapped and had a label on it, which said: 'To my new daughter. Hurry home. Your Father' Sarah took the package and tore open the wrapping. She started to cry. In the box was a pretty pink A-line skirt and matching jacket with delicate white flowers embroidered in a heart shape over a small pocket on the right breast and on the cuffs of the sleeves... "Oh Nancy, it is beautiful." Sarah said with a cracking voice. "Sarah, Daddy did not know how to express his feelings in writing but I think you can get the idea from his gift. He picked it out himself. And you know how he hated to go shopping. Especially in the women's department." "And he is coming to pick us up tomorrow and take us back home." The doctors said that you are healing so well that they are discharging you tomorrow. Tiffany? The nurse? She is coming with us. The Institute is paying her salary for the next two weeks to look after you." Mary said excitedly, without stopping for breath. Sarah was surprised. Tiffany had not said a word about that. "Really? What brought that on? The Feds are not usually that generous. "Lawsuits I think. They are afraid you may sue." Nancy replied a note of sarcasm in her voice. "Anyway look what else we brought." Mary stated as she handed Sarah another package. This will get you out of that hospital gown." Sarah opened the package. It was a mint green nylon sleeping gown with ivory lace trim on the neckline and sleeves. There was also a matching cotton lounging robe. "You know Mary. I never allowed myself to wear these things before." Sarah said with mock seriousness. "I know. But I think that it is quite appropriate now. Don't you think?" Mary replied. Nancy just giggled. "I never could win when you both ganged up on me. Okay, help me get into this thing." Sarah said. Chapter 12 As it turned out, it was two days before Sarah was released. Dr. Hendrix had found some mild infection around the incision on Sarah's abdomen and had decided to treat her with antibiotics for an extra day. On Sunday morning, Sarah was discharged. She had decided to wear her new pink outfit and a light ivory blouse that Mary had brought with her that morning. As with all hospitals Sarah had to get into a wheelchair in order to leave the grounds. It was her father that had come into the room, wheelchair in hand. He had insisted that he be the one to escort his new daughter out of the hospital. The orderly had obliged. Nancy and Mary, followed by Tiffany, left the hospital and went to the aircar pad on the roof. Several minutes passed before Daniel Morton pushing his daughter's wheelchair came onto the roof. The chauffeur opened the side door and helped Sarah inside. Tiffany pushed the wheelchair back to the door and then returned and got inside with Mary Nancy and Daniel Morton. Tiffany fussed over her charge. Adjusting the belts so that they did not irritate the surgery points. Nancy and Mary smiled as they watched the young nurse do her administrations. Finally they were off the roof and on their way home. Sarah was asleep within minutes. The exertion of getting ready to make the trip had tired her. ***** Sarah woke with a start as the air car landed. "We here already?" Sarah asked. "Sure are sleepy head. You slept all the way." Mary answered. Sarah looked out the window of the air car. She could see her mother standing on the porch with one of the maids. Sarah seemed to sense a look of tiredness about her. She seemed to be stooping more than the last time she had seen her. As they walked up the path towards the house Sarah leaning on her father's arm for support asked, "Dad? Is Mom okay? "Sure. Why do you ask?? "Oh I don't know. I saw her from the window and she looks tired." "Probably just worry over you that's all. I'll bet she comes around real quick when she sees how you have changed. She has been working real had getting ready fore your return. A 'real tyrant' the last week getting everything just right." "Oh Dad, what's so special about this visit. It is not like she hasn't seen me in a dress before." "No Sarah, but not as her daughter." Sarah did not know how to reply, so she let the comment go un- answered. As they drew close to the porch, Sarah could detect no sign of anything wrong. Louise Morton stood proud and straight as she always did. Nancy and Mary who had been walking ahead of Sarah and Daniel greeted Louise and went immediately into the house with the maid. Daniel and Sarah climbed the stairs and with an unspoken word passing between himself and his wife, left Sarah on the porch with her mother and went inside as well. Louise took Sarah's hands in each of hers and held Sarah at arm length for several long moments. She looked her new daughter in the eyes. "Saul you are beautiful. Are you okay with this?" Louise asked. Her question obviously tempered with genuine concern. Sarah did not know how to answer. In one respect she liked her new form and appearance yet on the other hand she knew that she would always miss her manhood to some extent. The fact that it was taken away forcefully was upsetting to a great degree. "I guess I will have to now won't I Mother. It really isn't that bad." "I guess so. But your father and I love you no matter how you look dear. "Thank you for that Mom. You have no idea how much that means to me." "Welcome home Sarah. Louise pulled her new daughter to her and hugged her tightly. Sarah returned the hug likewise in return. Both women shedding tears of joy. Daniel stood in the living room with Nancy and Mary as they watched through the windows of the French doors. Mary and Nancy both held an arm of the elder Morton and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He said nothing but the tears running down his face gave evidence to his happiness and reconciliation. ***** All three girls took the following year off as a sabbatical from their classes. Sarah healed perfectly and with the help of Mary, Nancy and Louise, she grew in her womanhood both physically and emotionally. ***** Epilogue Fourteen months passed. Sarah had learned her lessons well. She had become very self sufficient both in her mannerisms and her ability to care for her new body. She had had a somewhat awkward and painful experience when she experienced her first menses but the other women of the household had helped her thru that compassion and understanding. Sarah developed a conservative taste in the way she dressed and when it was time return to the university for her last year of study, she looked and acted very much like a young woman destined to become the future executive. As the year progressed Mary and Sarah although very much dedicated to each other, found that they could not engage in a lesbian relationship. They had tried and found it unsatisfactory. They were normal heterosexual women and each agreed that it was best to seek a relationship that was satisfying to their needs. They had agreed that they would always be close friends and no matter what happened they would always be there for each other. ***** After graduation Mary took a position with Honeybone in Phoenix as a Human Resource Specialist. It was later that she discovered what that company had developed and could not help but be amused at the irony. (Read Saga of Joe Bates by Anonymous and Shawnlea by Donna Allyson) Sarah moved back home and took a position with her father's company. In less than three years she had proved herself so well that she had moved up to the position of director of marketing. It was because of this position that Sarah had her second encounter with Dr. Hendrix. After the repeal of the GRA laws, Dr. Hendrix had opened a research laboratory in nearby Charleston, West Virginia. At first Sarah did not know who was the head of this new company that was proposing that her firm manufacture a new line of micro catheters. When Dr. Hendrix walked into her office to submit his proposal, both Sarah and Hendrix were shocked when they came face-to-face with each other. For over and hour Sarah and her surgeon did little else than discuss how she had fared over the previous four years. Hendrix pointed out that he had promised to buy her a meal and had never had the opportunity to do so. Sarah canceled all her appointments for that afternoon and agreed to let Dr. Hendrix buy he that long awaited meal. Six months later, Sarah became the bride of Dr. Charles Hendrix. Mary and Nancy were the Maids of Honor. Mary was quite obviously pregnant. When Sarah questioned her on the who and when of this miracle all Mary would say with a sheepish grim was that she had made a stop in Dallas and had visited a certain depository. She would not say any more but Sarah knew exactly where she had gone and for what. She had told Sarah that her fianc? was sterile and that he had agreed to this as an alternative. Sarah knew and felt even closer to Mary now even if she would not admit the entire truth. As for Nancy, She married a handsome rancher who had wooed her while on a trip to visit Mary. Sarah had been amused by this. If anyone could herd cattle, it was Nancy. All in all Sarah was pleased with the way things had turned out. Charles was a loving husband to her and a dedicated father to their three daughters. Although Sarah's secret never came to light among her friends and associates, Sarah was content. Acceptance was achieved. END

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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT – PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to … do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high I...

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Renee Conclusion

Renee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...

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Ron and Ronnie The conclusion

Okay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...

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Ron and Ronnie The conclusion

Okay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...

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Mom Caught Ushellip Part Two The Conclusion

Mom Caught Us….Part Two… The ConclusionThis work is a fictional story, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. If you enjoy it, be sure to look through all of my other stories, also.VIJason stood a little more an arm’s length away from his daughter, her petite body was still boyish, but filling out nicely, she was a very cute and sexy young girl of 14, with blue eyes, which held a gleam in them, of which Jason was quite familiar with. He realized she was more experienced than he...

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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 12 Conclusion

Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 12: ConclusionThe four teens finished their couple-shared showers around an hour ago and now were relaxing in the girls' bedroom as the TV played at the end of the room. A few cups of soda littered the room along with two nearly empty pizza boxers (thanks mostly to Sam) were strung on top of the crate stacks used as steps at the end of Sam's bed.Sam was propped up with some pillows as she sat up in Cat's bed watching the television and just having finished another...

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The Cornholing Conclusion

The Cornholing(Conclusion)Fred’s wife, Freida, retuned home for about a week. During this time, I went to their house a couple of times to clean the pool. It was different being around them as husband and wife after what I had seen Fred doing with Tom. The day after Frieda left I went down to see Fred. I had told Fred that I would be coming down in hopes that he would not have Tom over. When I got there, he was by himself. He opened the door and let me in. We walked out to the pool and...

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Renee Conclusion

Renee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...

Straight Sex
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Sexual Experiments in my youthCONCLUSION

Before you begin, check out the first 2 parts:http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/156274.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/175910.htmlAnd the Conclusion…As I lay on my back, fully erect and fondling myself, I began to feel the warm liquid seeping out from my asshole. Brian sat next to me, watching my penis intently, satisfied after having emptied his seed into my youth virgin ass. “Do you want me to help you shoot your jizz again?” Brian asked.“I think so,” I said softly, “but...

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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT - PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to ... do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high...

Group Sex
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Caught MasturbatingCONCLUSION

The sexual tension really only builds if you start at the beginning (it's worth it!):Part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/90334.htmlPart 2: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/91053.htmlPart 3: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/91706.htmlPart 4: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/94676.htmlPart 5: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/98873.htmlPart 6: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/105335.htmlPart 7:...

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Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson The Conclusion

Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson (The Conclusion) My arms were stretched straight up over my head, metal handcuffs circled my wrists and were tied to a metal ring that had been embedded in the ceiling. The rope which was hoisting me up left me suspended from the ceiling in such a mannerthat only the toes of my black 4 inch heels touched the floor. The hard metal of the handcuffs cut into the skin of my wrists and a burning ache traveled through the muscles in my arms and shoulders. I felt...

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Tempted Teased and Tied Up The Conclusion

Part 4 Once in the car I reach to the dashboard GPS and enter an address. I don’t tell you what’s at the address or where it is, but rather just tell you to follow the directions. The directions will lead us to a hotel in the city. It’s a nice elegant suite with a view of the lights of the city. I know this evening will end soon but I’ve rented the suite for the weekend, plenty of time for additional fooling around. As we drive down the highway I slip my heels off and turn sideways in my seat...

Straight Sex
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How A Lost Mobile Turned Me Into A Complete Whore Part 5 Conclusion

Hi Natasha again with part 5 of my story. If you are new to this, my story parts are set up a little differently. And I ask you to please read the old parts or you won’t understand anything. The reading order is a bit weird. First read Part 3 (which has part 1 in brief, since part 1 is not on the site), then read part 2, then read remaining Part 3, and then read part 4 and 5. So the order is Part 3(half) -> Part 2 -> Part 3 (remaining) ->Part 4 – > Conclusion. Links can be found at the top. So...

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Unusual Punishment Conclusion

Unusual Punishment: Conclusion By Norman O. Johnson Part Six: Life Sentence Electrodes were glued to my forehead, my right forearm, and the top of my breastbone. "Is your name Karen Lauterbach?" asked my investigator. He was a stocky SBI man with a flattop and a well-trimmed moustache. The moustache looked rather good on him. "No," I said. This was the preliminary phase. I was supposed to reply 'no' so they could test how the lie detector's needle would bounce if I told a...

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Jason Conclusion

Jason's Moonstone Experience - Part 2 (Part one saw myself get the Moonstone and experimenting with it to become Jennifer.) Well after the Moonstone stopped glowing I thought I was male once and for all. Well, that is what I thought! I had put the Moonstone back in the cloth and put it back in my underwear drawer. I guess that after I left for work my brother apparently found the Moonstone. He must have pulled it out of the cloth and while he was messing around it began to glow...

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The Sex Wife Section 4 Conclusion

The Sex Wife: Section 4 (Conclusion) By Diana Heche Part 6: Charles I was feeling a touch hung over and down. I stayed out too late with Mike and Patricia and now I was paying the price emotionally and physically. But there was going to be no physical and especially no emotional rest for me today. Charles had been visiting my mother's grave yesterday, and there was no question in my mind that when I saw him, he was going to ask me to "be her." We...

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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

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A Reflection on Mischief Conclusion

Reflections on Mischief: Conclusion By Solon Plorry Part Two The story Ms Vanity had written and never posted was a complex and involved tale. It was about this old mansion on a hill above a village. The villagers learn that there's an old man who discovers he owns the hill mansion and is visiting for the first time. They fear he will see (one ballroom wall is a ancient survey map) that all the surrounding farms and homes belong to the mansion estate, and at best they will...

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