This is a continuation and conclusion of a Classic TG tale by Diane
Christy called "The Sisters of Athernia", which was posted in 1997, but
never completed. Diane Christy is not writing anymore, and her email
links have not worked in many years. A post eight or nine years ago said
Ms. Christy had been a flight attendant, and had passed away.
NOTE: You can find Part One Here at FictionMania by using various search
functions. One of the easiest is to use (at the top of the web page) the
search function: Author Quick List > D > Diane Christy. Or go to
Part Two won't make much sense unless you have read Part One.
Although there is no space travel, no aliens, and the story takes place
in the present day, the mechanism of transformation is SciFi. But if you
don't like SciFi, don't let that description discourage you from reading
the story.
Part Two deals with what happens after the lengthy transformations in
Part One.
Note that Miss Christy's idea predated the television series "Lost" by a
number of years.
Part One appeared on Michelle Johnson's site, dragscape. It then
appeared on Sapphire's site, dreamscape, and perhaps other sites. I
posted it on FictoniaMania (FM), The Big Closet, and StorySite after I
found out Ms. Christy had passed away, and also posted Part Two.
If you insist on skipping Part One.......
You should know, at a minimum, that four college guys are "shipwrecked"
(aircraft wrecked) on a mysterious island called Athernia. It is run by
men, all of whom are thirty-three years old and in top shape. All the
women on the island are in their twenties and beautiful. No one ages or
gets ill. The island was created by aliens long ago and abandoned. Women
can't survive on it for very long, and all future shipwrecked men are
changed into "girls". The alien machine that created the island does the
transforming and is used on the four guys. Diana, one of the guys, tells
the story.
More Than You Wanted To Know About Why Part Two Was Written:
I saw "The Sisters of Athernia" Part One on a web site and, although the
thumbnail description didn't describe anything I thought I'd enjoy, the
note did say the story was very well written, so I decided to read the
It turned out to be one of the most entertaining pieces of TG fiction I'd
ever read. Not only was it well written, but the plot and the details
were very clever. I was very disappointed to find it was incomplete.
Years had passed since Part One had been written, and there was no hope
that a Part Two would ever appear.
But I wanted to read a Part Two. Despite never having written anything at
that time, I decided to take on the orphan and spend a few evenings
writing my own Part Two and ending. How long could that take?
(A year.)
From the very first word of Part Two that I typed, there were an infinite
number of options open to me, and with every scene or sentence there were
a million directions to go, so you should blame any poor choices or
failures on me, and not Ms. Christy.
It should be noted that because the story follows a natural escalation
through the four weddings there are bolder sexual references in Part Two
than in Part One. Part One is probably an R rating, while Part Two has a
few brief X-rated scenes, so a "light X" would be accurate.
With the addition of the 70,100 words in Part Two to the 59,800 words in
Part One, "The Sisters of Athernia" is now 129,800 words long, the length
of a paperback novel.
I attempted to use Diane Christy's writing style, so the story would flow
seamlessly from part one through part two. Her style is very different
from my own, and writing in the first person was difficult to get used
to, but I thought it was important to give the story continuity. I don't
know if I was successful, but it was fun to try. It was a daunting task
for my first story (and in fact I took a couple breaks and wrote other
stories before posting Part Two, partly to find, and write in, what
became "my" natural style).
I hope you enjoy it.
The Sisters of Athernia Part Two and Conclusion
by ABC de F
The drive to the residential area was very short, just a few blocks, but
I was nervous all the way. I supposed it was like a girl would feel on
her first date - magnified by about three million! I was alone in a car
with someone who was much larger and stronger than I, and someone who was
responsible for changing my body from male to female, whether or not he
had actually pushed the button. He was a man, and he saw me as a young
and pretty girl. I felt very vulnerable. I could have really used the
presence of my buddies at that moment - even if they did look like
twenty-year old girls themselves!
It felt very odd to be in the passenger's seat while someone else was in
control of the car. I would have been much happier driving, but of course
that wasn't how things worked on Athernia - at least not for us "girls".
Peter was a perfect gentleman, however, making small talk and generally
trying to put me at ease. I, on the other hand, was coy and shy and a
little flirtatious! The things I said embarrassed me, and every silly
feminine gesture I made just made it worse - but I couldn't stop!
Rick, in Robert's car, had pulled out in front of us, and we were
following them. A glance in the side mirror confirmed that my other pals
were following us.
"Here we are, dear," Peter said. "That's our house."
He pointed to a very attractive upscale Southern California-style home
with a huge, perfectly manicured front yard. My schooling made me notice
various trees, bushes and plants, none of which belonged in the South
Pacific. It looked like old growth, and even the grass they had chosen
was a native to the American Midwest. Thick vines climbing the 6 ft
wooden fence on both sides of the house were of a group found in the
Southeastern U.S. and never found out here in the middle of the ocean. In
fact none of the vegetation should be growing here, but grow it did, and
perfectly, too, just like everything else in this weird place!
"Oh, it's beautiful, Peter!" I cooed.
I tried to keep my mouth shut because everything that came out sounded
either deferential or like I was excited to be with him - but I had zero
control over myself! What I wanted to do was throw open the door and bolt
across the street and into the tropical jungle! What I did was put my
slender, dainty hand on Peter's thigh!
He smiled over at me and pulled into the driveway.
What now?! Please, please don't get out, I begged him in my mind. I don't
want to go in your house!
Down the street I saw the other cars pull, one at a time, into the next
three driveways.
Peter put the car in reverse and slowly backed out.
"I can't wait until I move in with you, Peter. I know I'll be the
happiest girl in the world!" I said.
Lie! Lie! Lie! I'm not a girl! I'm not happy! And I'm not moving into a
house with a man!
"You will be if I have anything to say about it," he said with a smile.
"I hoped you'd like the house. It wouldn't be proper to take you inside
now, unescorted, but tomorrow night you'll get to see it all."
"It's lovely! I can't wait!" I assured him. My heart had skipped a beat
and it showed in my voice. I wasn't sure if the skipped beat was my ring
making me appear giddy or my inner terror at the idea of what these four
guys had in mind for Jack, Rick, Kevin and me after our....weddings!
We drove at a very leisurely pace back the few blocks to the main
building, passing the row of men's shops on the right and, a block
further, the ladies shops on the left. I remembered them from when we'd
first arrived on the island. I couldn't have imagined at the time that in
a few days I'd be shopping there! But the whirlwind of events was all
beyond imagining!
Peter pulled to a stop in front of the main building and the other three
cars pulled in behind us. He hurried around to get the door for me and
held out his hand for support as I gracefully exited, making sure to keep
my shapely legs together and trying to keep my dress from riding too far
up my stockinged thighs.
We each held hands with our....dates....swinging our hips and joking
playfully as we walked to the doors. Peter and Sam were there first,
holding the doors open for the four of us, with Robert and Alex bringing
up the rear.
Without being told we automatically ascended the stairs and went to the
same room we had been put into when we had first arrived on Athernia.
Jack, Kevin, Rick and I lined up against the wall near the doorway, each
looking gorgeous and as happy as any girl could be.
Peter took my small hand in his and looked me in the eye.
"I want you to know how much I care for you, Diana, and that I'm going to
do everything in my power to make our marriage happy and successful," he
said. He leaned forward and for a panicky second I thought I was going to
be kissed on the lips by another guy! Instead he just pecked my cheek.
"Thank you for a wonderful evening, Peter," I answered, blushing wildly.
"I'm going to try to be the best wife there ever was!"
Wife? How could I say something so stupid! I was never, ever going to be
any guy's wife! They really had the ring on maximum control tonight.
Every little gesture, every word, was so damned feminine! I vowed that
the moment their control relaxed I was going to run for it. I was not
letting anybody put me in a wedding gown! Even if I would fit into one
Peter smiled. "See you at seven!" he said and turned to walk away.
On either side of me similar scenes were being played out between Jack
and Sam, Rick and Robert, and Kevin and Alex. My buddies, of course,
weren't in control of their words or actions either, and were acting as
loony and gushy as I was! I knew damn well they were thinking of making a
run for it the first chance we got! The wedding thing had all of us in
internal panic!
As the men walked away the door behind us opened with a whoosh. We waved
good-bye to the men by holding up a hand and wiggling our fingers, a big
smile on our faces. They gave us a masculine wave back and trooped down
the stairs together.
Once inside our quarters the door whooshed to a close behind us and I
knew we needn't bother to test it. It wasn't going to open until the men
wanted it to.
The four of us made our way to the now familiar couch, carefully avoiding
any glance at the TV screen where the bad news TV lady had appeared. We
placed our purses on the coffee table and sat down, our nylon covered
thighs sliding against each other as we crossed our legs at the knees.
Our posture was perfect.
Then, one by one, we carefully opened our pretty purses, took out a slim,
white cigarette and fancy lighter, lit the cigarette and took a deep
draw. It was terrible to see my best friends daintily holding their
cigarettes with the tips of their fingers in the most feminine way
imaginable. Worse yet to see them turn their heads to the side and blow
the smoke out through beautiful red lips. Jack had even curled his little
finger and thumb and was clicking his long, red nails together.
I hated being forced to smoke the long, slim cigarettes, and not just
because I didn't smoke! As I looked at my friends I saw that the smoking
added a sort of pseudo-sophistication and very real sexiness to their
feminine appearances.
I had never thought of smoking as sensual, but the way we were made to do
it, it sure was! I watched Jack bring his slim hand to his lips, watched
those lips open slightly with just the hint of a kiss, and watched the
white cylinder sliding between them. He snugged his lipstick covered lips
around the tube, gently drew a breath, and removed the cigarette, holding
it in his fingers, up by his beautiful nails. His lips stayed slightly
puckered for a fleeting moment, then parted sensually as he drew in air
and exhaled. A stream of pure white smoke billowed out, forming a
delicate cloud in the air before disappearing like the magic in a fairy
tale when you close the book.
My friends didn't actually look sophisticated as much as they looked like
young girls trying to look sophisticated, and that made it all the more
sensual! I knew only too well that I was giving the exact same impression
as I was forced to smoke along with them! I hated every second of it, but
there was nothing I could do to stop myself! I looked as calm and in
control as Jack, Kevin and Rick. And just as damn sexy!
"Aren't they sweet!" Kevin said, breaking the silence.
"And so good looking!' Jack said with a giggle.
"So studly!" I blurted and the giggling spread to all of us.
"Well you're right," Rick said when we'd quieted down. "They are sweet,
and they are good looking! And they are studs! But don't forget one very
important thing, girls!"
I winced inside when I heard Rick refer to us as girls.
"They're gentlemen, too!" he said.
We all smiled and agreed. I didn't want to be talking like this, but none
of us could stop! Would we be made to continually play this role!? The
words sounded natural, but not coming from our lips! There was no one
else around to impress, so why did we have to sound like a bunch of
schoolgirls getting together after a date?!
"I'd say we'd have to consider ourselves very lucky," Rick agreed.
"Considering what's out there these days!" He made a cute little groaning
sound. "We've done very, very well for ourselves!"
"Did you notice how nice they behaved on our first date!" Kevin cooed.
"Alex didn't even kiss me on the lips when he said good-bye - as much as
I wanted him to!"
We all smiled our agreement and took another drag on our cigarettes,
looking as sensual as any four young women could possibly look.
"I wonder what the party's going to be like," Kevin mused.
"Reception," Jack corrected.
"Formal reception!" Rick added with a laugh.
"Does that mean...." I started, ".....formal gowns? Ohhhhhhh!" I put the
cigarette in the large glass ashtray and clapped my hands together in
glee. The other guys put out their cigarettes - all four of the filters,
I noticed, had red rings around them - .and jumped up. We hurried into
our separate sleeping quarters, hips wiggling and heels clattering.
I found myself making a beeline for the clothes closet. Opening it up I
saw a beautiful red formal gown, with super fancy heels sitting on the
floor just under it.
I let out a squeal just as three other feminine squeals filled the air. I
grabbed the gown off the clothes rod and almost ran out the door, only to
be met by the guys coming out of their bedrooms, all of us holding our
formal gowns on hangers! We ooohed and ahhhhed and we all seemed excited
about the prospect of really dressing up fancy.
We finally calmed down and returned the dresses to our individual
closets. It was time for a quick shower! I turned from the closet and
began undressing. What happened to one of us inevitably had happened to
the other three ever since we'd arrived so there was no reason to think
the guys were being allowed to do anything different than I was. At this
very moment they, too, were slipping out of their heels and dresses.
When I was down to bra, panties and hose I started thinking about this
formal reception they had planned for us. I had only been to one wedding
in my life, when my older cousin got married, and I seemed to remember
that the reception was after the wedding.
I unhooked my bra and put it on the bed. Having boobs was the strangest
thing! I couldn't wait until we got out of here and I got back to normal!
I wanted to be a guy again so bad! I wanted to hang out at the campus bar
and talk sports!
I pushed down my panties, then worked on the garter belt and all the
strange button and eye things that held my nylons up.
As far as I was concerned they made a wise choice in holding the
reception before the wedding - because there wasn't going to be a
wedding! That was too crazy! The ring might be strong, but I didn't
believe it could overcome the massive resistance I felt?that we all felt
-to the idea of us marrying other guys! That big thing in the ceiling had
done unbelievable stuff to our bodies, and the ring certainly had a lot
of power. Even at this moment I was involuntarily going to the bed and
getting the fresh white robe that had been put there for me. I knew that
meant I was ready to take a shower. This time there were white slippers,
and I put them on as well.
I met Jack outside my door. He rolled his eyes and furrowed his brow as
if to say how wild and unpleasant all this dressing and undressing stuff
"Yes," I said, but that was all I was able to get out.
We walked to the bathroom, turned on the separate showers and got in. I'd
hardly started washing when I heard Rick and Kevin enter the bathroom and
busy themselves brushing their teeth.
We were all strangely quiet while we showered and brushed and went back
to our rooms. We smiled at each other but there was no real conversation.
Once in my room I removed the bathrobe and slippers and went to a dresser
drawer, taking out matching red panties and lacy bra. I didn't want to
put them on, of course, but my hands and body just went about doing just
that. The device was in total control of me. There was a point where I
thought about trying to seriously fight it, but I had just been wearing
the same kind of clothing before my shower so it seemed like a small
point to make. I knew they could make me wear girl's clothes. I hated it,
but it was frustrating objecting to everything they made me do and not
being able to change any of it. All I accomplished was to establish a
long series of little defeats.
Besides, this was a long, long way from agreeing to their wacko idea of a
marriage! That was my line in the sand. That was not going to happen!
I took a pair of red pantyhose from another drawer and sat on the chair
in front of the vanity to put them on.
As I watched myself pull the pantyhose up my beautiful legs I had to
admit that the men knew what they were doing. If I had ever wandered into
some fantasy where I could have custom ordered a girl, the result would
have looked very much like I Iooked!
I stood to pull the red pantyhose up, noticing that they were a
continuous tone to the waist, like the kind that showgirls and barmaids
wore. I adjusted them into place and sat back down, swiveling on my
little butt so I could look at myself in the mirror.
I tilted and turned my head, evaluating my make-up. I could have been an
ing?nue or debutante getting ready for her coming out party. The make-up
was flawless, but not quite right for a formal affair. Fortunately, there
was a small bowl of cotton balls among the various lotions on the vanity,
along with a bottle of remover. I dabbed a little of the cream over one
eye and gently rubbed the coloring off. I did the same with the other
eye, then went back and repeated the process to remove the mascara.
My eyebrows seemed okay, though I darkened them slightly before
reapplying my eye make-up. This time I chose a high-lighter with a slight
red tint, a color that would be brought out by my gown. I also added some
liquid eyeliner. I reapplied mascara to my long lashes, making them even
fuller and longer than before. The eye shadow I chose perfectly matched
the reddish eyeliner, and then I went to my eyebrows and darkened them
even more. I really liked that effect.
I sat back and looked at the result. The tiny bit of red I had added was
brought out even by my red bra. With the full red gown it would be
But of course the lipstick was wrong now. I put a small dab of make-up
remover on another cotton ball and worked on my lips. It wasn't necessary
to do a total removal, just enough to get the majority of the color off.
I knew what was next and sure enough I reached for a lip liner. I
outlined my mouth very carefully, choosing just the shape that would be
the most attractive. Then I reached for a tube of semi-gloss lipstick. I
removed the cap and twisted the bottom until the truncated red rod
protruded from the top of the gold case. I very carefully refreshed the
shape of my lips, leaning close to the mirror to be precise. When I was
happy with the result I retracted the lipstick and put it away. Then I
lightly blotted my lips on a tissue.
This red was deeper and richer in color than what I'd had on before and
was perfect with the rest of my make-up and evening gown.
There wasn't much else to do and I simply touched up my cheeks slightly,
blending in the coloring with a soft brush.
The results were amazing for the little work I had put into it. Simply
adding or changing color slightly and doing a little altering had changed
me from a pretty eighteen-year-old girl to a much more grow-up,
sophisticated look.
The jewelry box on the vanity was open and I unerringly reached into it
and brought out a pair of very fancy dangling earrings. Each had what I
took to be mini-diamonds, silver, and a red stone that might have been a
ruby. Each earring had a teardrop shaped top section with the ruby in the
middle, and a tiny section that hung from that. I put the sharp metal
point through the lower piercing in my ear and snapped the female part on
the back. They looked very, very sexy.
I tilted my head from side to side and the dangling earrings touched my
skin. Peter was going to love them!
I was ready for my gown.
I took it back out of the closet, tossing the hanger on the bed. It
zipped up the side, though the zipper was very cleverly hidden by a
smooth overlay and I almost didn't see it.
I stepped into the long gown and pulled it up my body. It was form
fitting at the bust and then went almost straight down with only a hint
of a waistline. It was a little snug at my hips. There was a long slit up
one side. But the most unusual thing was that there was a circle cut into
the gown between the bust and waist where my bare skin showed through.
From the feel of it I thought the gown would appear shapeless, but when I
stood in front of the mirror it turned out to emphasize my shape instead.
It clung in the right places, but was loose and shimmery enough to lend
an air of class.
This was the first time they'd made us dress in long, formal gowns and I
appreciated having my legs covered up. Covered until I sat, that is! The
slit in the side of my dress went from the floor almost to the top of my
leg so when I sat down and crossed my legs at the knees the gown came
open, revealing the entire length of my legs when viewed from my left
side. If I didn't make an effort to hold the material in place my other
leg would have slipped out, too. And it was cut so high I would have
ended up showing more than just legs!
They made me strike poses in front of the full-length mirror. I wanted to
shut my eyes! Instead, I studied myself, smiling in approval! I put my
fingers on my hips and spread my feet. The slit in my gown opened up and
my entire leg to the top of my thigh was exposed. I understood why they
had made me wear those particular pantyhose instead of stockings!
My age was harder to guess now, but I thought most people would have said
twenty-five or even twenty-seven, unless they looked close.
The formal dinner gown was almost floor length until I slipped into the
fancy heels, which elevated me just enough to keep it from touching the
Back to the mirror for a final look. Would they ever stop making me look
at myself?!
I reached for the jewelry case again and came up with a small pin which I
attached to the dress above my left breast. The effect was just right.
Damn them!
I hadn't heard the tell tale click of heels on the hard marble floor
outside our rooms yet. I figured the other guys were following the same
pattern I had followed, but I seemed ready to leave. Maybe I would have
to be the first one out. I didn't want to go out at all, let alone be the
first one to show myself.
Even though all of us knew that we had no choice in what they were making
us wear, the make-up we had to put on, the hair styles we wore, and the
attractive curves of our bodies, it was still humiliating to appear like
this in front of the other guys. It wouldn't have been so bad in front of
strangers. But to look beautiful and totally feminine in front of Jack,
Kevin and Rick was about the most embarrassing thing in the world! The
fact that they looked just as sexy and just as feminine helped a little,
but only a little!
I picked up my purse and emptied it on the vanity. I went to the dresser
and from the top drawer got a small red clutch purse, covered in sequins,
and took it back to the vanity, transferring all the items I'd just
dumped. It was a tight fit, especially with the package of cigarettes,
but I managed to get it all inside.
One final check of my hair and the smoothness of my dress and I was
ready. I picked up my purse and headed for the door.
As I stepped from the bedroom I heard a clicking to my right. Kevin was
coming out of his room. He looked really spectacular in a floor length
ice green gown, scooped low in the front so his breasts puffed out the
top. He had matched the light green of the gown with his hose, shoes,
make-up and jewelry, just as I had matched accessories with my red gown.
"Oooooh, baby!" he said when he saw me. "We are going to light up some
eyes tonight! You look fabulous, Diana!"
"So do you, Kathleen!" I gushed. "I've never seen you look more
He struck a pose with his legs apart and I saw that his dress was slit
just as high as mine!
"Pure sex!" I laughed.
He giggled just as Rick walked out of his room.
"What about me, girls?" he said. "Do you think Alex will notice little
'ol me?"
He was dressed in a similar gown, though the neckline was much higher.
His color was a glossy caramel and he looked like a million bucks. He
turned around and showed us that there was no back to the dress. He was
bare to the waist!
"Oh!" I exclaimed.
"Rita, you can't be wearing a bra!" Kevin said, feigning shock.
"I'm not!" Rick said. "It's built into the dress!"
"Really?" Kevin asked.
"Really," Rick said. "I don't think I need a bra anyway. I'm so firm! I
bet we all are!"
"I think I could wear it," I said.
"Me, too," Jack's voice said, and he stepped out of his room.
His outfit - gown, heels, hose, jewelry, make-up - was royal purple and
it was just the right shade to show off his tanned complexion and dark
hair! He didn't have to turn for us to see the distinctive cut of his
gown. From his smooth underarms to his waist, on both sides, there was
bare skin! Only a single strap held the front of the gown to the back.
"Another braless tramp!" Kevin joked.
"Another firm busted braless tramp!" Jack joked back.
"Do you think these gowns will be too sophisticated for the guys?" Rick
"They are rather reserved," I said.
"Not for a minute!" Jack laughed. "They'll love every bare inch!"
Whenever we started in with the girl talk I got upset inside. It was so
horrible to hear my buddies carry on like that, and I hated it when I
found myself joining in all the silly talk! It was so not us! How could
we be standing around in dresses! How could we be talking about built-in
bras! We should be talking about classes or our term papers or sports or
girls! We shouldn't look like girls! But we couldn't shut up!
"We look like a set!" Kevin said.
"We doooo!" Jack cried. "We've all dressed the same, but different."
"The same but different?" Rick teased. "But you're right. Isn't it too
We all giggled.
"Well, the boys are going to get an eyeful tonight," I said. "C'mon,
let's go sit down."
Like a gaggle of geese we all wiggled our way to the couch and made
ourselves comfortable, chatting along the way.
There was no possibility to avoid more girl talk and I almost wished the
TV lady would come on. At least when she left they seemed to give us a
period of free speech and we didn't have to sit around and tell each
other how beautiful we looked or how much we were looking forward to
seeing our dates again! Thankfully, at least none of us were forced to
refer to the four guys as our fianc?s!
I realized as I sat on the edge of the couch, gracefully smoking another
slender cigarette and chatting mindlessly, that we were acting out a
scene that I'd seen many times before. Girls alone, talking among
themselves and making all kinds of gestures and expressions that they
never would have made if there had been men present. It was terrible to
think that we were girls all the time, even when we were away from the
men of the island!
The girl talk seemed to go on forever, with speculation about what the
insides of our future homes looked like and what the reception might be
like, but the door finally whooshed open and Peter, Sam, Robert and Alex
walked in. They were all wearing black slacks and white dinner jackets.
The four of us stood and greeted them. They really got a good look at our
gowns then and I could tell they were a little bowled over. No doubt, we
were a hit! It was really cute the way tried to sneak looks at the spots
of bare skin but pretend they weren't really looking!
"All ready, Diana?" Peter asked me.
I couldn't help but notice that his eyes wandered to the designer circle
cut out below my breasts.
"Ready, darling!" I said brightly. "Just let me get my purse."
I retrieved the matching red purse from the coffee table, just as my
buddies were doing with their purses, and we walked hand-in-hand out the
The club was packed. Apparently every one of the island's sixty-two
people was there, all dressed to the nines. We paraded in as couples and
were led to a center table that seated all eight of us. Mr. Lawson came
over with his wife Karen to personally welcome us, and then crossed the
dance floor to a small stage.
"Ladies and Gentleman," he said and the room quieted. "Ladies and
Gentlemen of Athernia I'd like to welcome you, and give you all the
opportunity to meet our newest citizens. A few of you have already met,
but for the benefit of the rest of you let me introduce - Miss Jennifer
Sue Thomas - Would you stand up, please, Jennifer."
Jack, blushing prettily, stood. He held on to Sam's hand for moral
The gathering applauded her.
" - .and Miss Kathleen Louise Benning..." Mr. Lawson intoned.
Kevin stood, blushing even more fiercely than Jack.
" - .and Miss Diana Lynette Johnson - "
I stood up, amid the polite applause, and felt myself flush. I looked
around the room, as if to let everyone see me, but I was really looking
at them. There were no signs of recognition from any of the other
"girls", nothing that said "I know you're a guy that's been transformed
into a girl, just like I was, and I understand what's going on in your
head right now." Nothing but bright, perfect smiles.
" - and Miss Rita Ann Taylor."
Rita joined us, standing and smiling.
"Thank you, ladies," Mr. Lawson said.
We sat down, each of us grinning at our dates and squeezing their hands.
"And of course you all know the four gentlemen sitting at the same
table," Mr. Lawson said. There was a little mild applause and more
"I hope all of you will do your best to make our new citizens
comfortable," Mr. Lawson continued, "and give them a hand in learning
their way around. And I don't mean just learning their way around the
The "girls" in the gathering all laughed. The men smiled indulgently.
"But that, too," he said. "Make them feel welcome and at home. They'll be
leaving us early this evening.... They have a big day tomorrow."
There was more applause and I was shocked to see that some of the "girls"
applauded the loudest. Knowing what had been done to us - what had been
done to them when they came here as guys - how could they possibly
applaud the idea that we were supposed to get married to men tomorrow?!
They should be trying to rescue us, not applauding our planned fate!
"But I hope that each of you will be able to find a moment to personally
welcome them to our community."
With that he stepped down from the stage, amidst much applause, and came
over to our table. One by one he took our hands and again welcomed us to
the fold, being sure to compliment each of us on our appearance. With the
four men he simply shook hands and congratulated them.
Others began to drift over to the table as music started. Two couples
immediately took to the dance floor and were quickly joined by a dozen
more. Conversations bubbled up around the room and it began to sound more
and more like a party.
"I'm Teressa Lee Wallace, but call me Tess," a beautiful brunette said to
me and stuck out her hand, smiling in that vivacious way that all the
girls of the island had. She wore a very expsensive baby blue chiffon
dress with a dramatic V front that went down all the way to her navel. A
narrow strap at her ample breasts kept the two sides of the dress from
bursting apart!
"Diana Lynnette Johnson," I said, smiling back. "I'm glad to meet you."
"You should be," she said, "I'm your bridesmaid!"
My bridesmaid! That's what she thought!
I wondered who she had been before they'd made her a girl - and also
wondered how she could help them do this to me!
"And this is Barbara Jane Kesterman," Tess said, moving slightly to the
side so another beauty, this time a blonde, could get close to the table.
Barbara's smile was just as big, of course.
"I just love it when we have dressy events here," Barbara said. "Hi, I'm
Jennifer's bridesmaid."
Hearing his name Jack turned. "I'm Jennifer!" he said.
"I know!" Barbara said and we all laughed.
Two other girls on the other side of the big round table were introducing
themselves to Kevin and Rick. One of them was wearing the sheerest
evening gown I had ever seen!
"We're taking care of everything tomorrow so you don't have to worry
about a thing," Tess assured me. "It's going to be a beautiful sunset
wedding at the Pavilion on the beach, so we'll have all day to get
"Oh, thank you! You're so wonderful," I said. "I'm going to need all the
help I can get!"
Bring four shotguns and a boat, I wanted to add!
"Not to worry!" Tess said. "Well, we'll be off. We just wanted to
introduce ourselves and welcome you to Athernia. I know you're going to
love it, once you get used to it."
That was the first time any of the women of the island had said anything
that even hinted that things weren't as they appeared. But before I could
react - providing they had let me react, that is, which they probably
wouldn't have -she and the other three were gone, replaced by a mixture
of men and women, all of whom wanted to introduce themselves, welcome us,
tell us how beautiful we were, and congratulate us on what they thought
was going to happen tomorrow.
The faces and expressions of good will went by so fast that none of them
really made a lasting impression. The men, even though they were all in
their early thirties and good looking, were a bit more varied than the
"women", especially in height and weight. No one was especially tall or
short, and no one was especially under or over weight, but the range was
broader than with the women. It didn't look like there was two inches
difference in any of the women's heights, or more than ten pounds
difference from the thinnest to the heaviest.
When we'd met the last of the inhabitants of the island Peter excused
himself from the table, telling me he'd be right back. Sam said the same
thing to Jack, and Robert and Alex joined them. It felt strange for the
four of us to be suddenly alone.
"What do you think?" Jack asked.
"I think it's lovely!" Kevin said. "Everybody's so nice and friendly!"
"And such a good looking group!" Rita said.
"We're very lucky girls!" I added. Girls?! I wanted out!
"In more ways than one," Jack said. "No one seems to want for anything
here. And did you notice that Mr. Lawson mentioned the shops? I'll bet
they're fabulous!"
"They have to be," Kevin agreed. "Do you see how beautiful all the girls
are? They had to buy their clothes right here on the island. I can't wait
to get a peek in some of the shops we passed!"
"I know," Kevin said. "Some of these dresses are killer!"
We all looked around the room. To the rest of the people here it was
probably old hat, but to us everything was brand new and we were taking
it in as fast as we could.
Slit skirts - slit to the hip in a couple cases - seemed to be the
favored style. Quite a few were low cut, and Rick wasn't the only one
wearing a backless gown. A couple girls wore sparkling gowns. I didn't
know if they were sequins or what, but I was afraid it was something I
was going to learn!
Even with all the beauty and provocative clothing I noticed that the men
never cast a leering eye toward any woman other then their wife, and the
girls only had eyes for their husbands.
There was a difference, though. The gaze of the women was adoring,
deferential and loving, while the men acted confident, considerate and
content. Their behavior on the dance floor crystallized the whole thing
for me. There wasn't a doubt that the men were leading and that the girls
were expected to gracefully follow, which they happily did.
"Here you are, dear,"
I turned to find Peter setting a drink in front of me.
"I hope I got it right," he said.
It was a Pink Lady.
"My favorite!" I said, humiliated again!
"Would you care to dance?" he asked.
"I'd love to," I said. I took a quick sip of the drink, then he took my
hand and led me to the dance floor.
I wasn't surprised to find that I could dance, though I hadn't been able
to just a few days earlier. I could also follow his lead, easily, and we
glided around the hardwood dance floor. A few minutes later I saw Jack
dancing with Sam, Sam's hand on Jack's naked back.
Before the music stopped we'd been joined by Rick and Robert, and Kevin
and Alex. My buddies and I flowed with the music, as if we'd been dancing
as girls all our lives!
We returned to our table. Our purses, which we hadn't even thought about,
had been left unwatched, but on Athernia that obviously wasn't a concern.
We chatted more - fortunately no one brought up the wedding that they had
planned for us - and danced twice more. We nursed our drinks, apparently
being limited to one for the evening, and did a great deal of smiling.
All four of us were holding hands with our respective partners before the
evening was through!
Men, women, and couples came to our table to indulge in convivial small
talk, even though each of them had briefly been by before. A couple of
the men told me they worked with Peter "at the lab" and would love to
have us over for dinner some evening. I, of course, replied that we'd be
Eventually everyone had come by a second time and we were left alone. We
talked about the island, the shops, and the houses. Alex seemed to really
enjoy dancing and kept Kevin on his feet for much of the evening. It was
amazing to watch Kevin on the dance floor, in high heels, naturally
moving in smooth coordination with Alex. The flash of leg when he did
turns was super sexy! We had all been able to do the same thing, but
being able to watch, and almost study, how the two of them moved brought
home the astounding detail of the ring's control.
All the activity didn't give me much time to think. The only real moments
I had were when Peter excused himself to go to the men's room. I
pretended to watch the dancers but was really trying to come up with some
kind of plan to get us out of here.
It was difficult to concentrate. I'd start thinking about all four of us
ganging up on one of the men and forcing him to tell us how to escape and
suddenly I'd find myself thinking about what kind of drapes I wanted in
my new house! I would try to figure out how to storm the control room in
the main building and before I could come up with anything Sam would ask
me what I thought about the music. I could never seem to focus on the
By then Peter was back and the men decided it was time to leave. The rest
of the crowd was involved in talking and dancing and so on, and we were
able to slip out without causing too much of a commotion.
Outside, we paired off, holding hands again, and the guys walked us back
across the park to the main building.
Upstairs we again turned with our backs against the wall near the door
and told our dates how much we'd enjoyed the evening. They said the same
thing and kissed us good-night.
This time it was on the lips. It seemed so much a natural part of the
flow of things that I almost didn't realize what had happened!
Another guy had kissed me on the lips! Never mind that it was a quickie!
A guy kissed me on the lips! And I kissed the son of a bitch back!! I
wanted to slap myself in the face! What was I doing! How could I have let
him do that! What next!?
I grinned and said good-night. Peter winked at me and I bounced my
eyebrows in girlish pseudo-embarrassment. He laughed and waved.
The door whooshed open and we went inside.
I awoke gently. There was no buzzing alarm clock or sunlight. It was a
slow, gradual experience and by the time I was fully awake I felt alert
and very refreshed. I glanced at the clock on the night stand and
discovered I'd slept eleven hours!
Sitting up and swinging my legs out of bed, I was immediately reminded of
my girl's body. I was not only lighter, shorter and shaped differently
than I had been a couple of days ago, but I was dressed in a modest white
nightgown. It only took a second to become aware of the new me!
I slipped into the small white bathrobe and headed toward the bathroom. I
almost bumped into Jack outside the entrance to my sleeping area. He, of
course, was dressed in his cute little bathrobe and I could see his
cotton nighty above the V of the robe's opening.
"Good morning, Diana!" he said with a big smile.
"Good morning, Jennifer! I hope you slept at well as I did!" I answered
as we walked toward the bathroom.
"It was scrumptious! I feel soooooo good!"
We entered the bathroom.
After brushing our teeth and gargling we stripped out of the robes and
nighties and got into the showers. A few minutes later I heard Rick and
Kevin come in and turn on the water in the sink.
"Hi, sleepyheads!" Kevin said when Jack and I stepped out of the showers.
"'Morning, Kathleen," Jack said. "Oh, I've got to tell you, I wish I
looked so good first thing in the morning!"
"You do, silly!" Kevin said. "I slept soooo good!"
"Me, too!" Rick said. "I was dead to the world."
"That's good," Jack said, toweling himself off. "We've got a big day
ahead of us!"
We all giggled.
I tried to initiate some normal conversation, but nothing came out. I
couldn't even meet anyone's eyes and make direct contact that way!
Jack and I tossed our nighties into the disposal chute and put on our
"I wonder what we're going to wear this morning," Jack said.
"Let's find out!" I said, and led the way back to our sleeping quarters.
What I found in my closet and, as I discovered a bit later, what the rest
of the guys also had found, was a simple cotton sun dress. Mine was
orange and quite pretty. The bra and french cut panties I found in the
drawer were a very light, misty orange. The sandals in the closet had
only two inch heels. Everything was cute and feminine but more
utilitarian than what we'd been given to wear up to now.
It didn't take any of us long to dress and we all put on a minimum of
make-up, brushed our hair and were ready to go. As soon as Kevin and Rick
caught up with us we all gathered in the main room for coffee and danish.
They apparently weren't going to give us any time to talk. No sooner had
we finished than we heard the whoosh of the door opening. Two men, both
dressed in expensive suits, one gray and one dark blue, each wearing
colorful silk ties, stood there smiling at us. Their look said it all,
and it was as humiliating as hell!
Just as quickly their expressions neutralized to mildly pleasant and one
said, "We're your drivers. Everyone should be arriving at the Pavilion
within the next hour and we don't want you to be late."
The four of us started toward the door, operating under remote control.
"By the way, you all look very beautiful," he said, his voice friendly
and not the least bit flirty. Under the circumstances I suppose flirting
was about the most inappropriate thing possible, even from his point of
view! But come to think of it I never had seen the slightest indication
of anyone flirting. The "women" did something that might be called
flirting, but only with their husbands, and even when surrounded by any
number of gorgeous babes, none of the men ever seemed to even sneak a
covetous look at any woman other than their wives.
Each of our escorts held his arms away from his body and two of us hooked
our arms in theirs and were escorted down the stairs and out the door.
Two expensive automobiles were at the curb and the men opened the doors
for us so that Jack and I were in the back seat of the first car, and
Kevin and Rick in the backseat of the other.
We were driven in the direction opposite to the housing area and there
was nothing but tropical jungle on either side of the very neat and
glassy smooth two-lane road. From the time we'd been awakened until now
it was apparent that we were under a control that was even stronger than
usual. Despite what was happening Jack and I only exchanged one quick
glance in the back seat, and that was apparently meant to be reassuring.
It wasn't! At least inside. Outside I was exactly what they wanted me to
After only a short distance the road took an abrupt turn to the left,
heading toward the beach. What they called the Pavilion came into view
almost immediately. It was a one-story building and, except for the
island's main building, the biggest I had seen. It was probably half
again as big as Club Athernia. There was something "beachy" about its
look, even though its architecture was fairly simple. All white, with a
type of sandy stucco finish and burnt-orange tile roof, it gleamed in the
late afternoon sun.
Over a dozen luxury cars, mostly sports cars, ringed the large circular
driveway and a couple more were parked near the entrance. Our drivers,
however, took a single lane driveway around the right side of the
building and pulled to a halt by a mini loading dock.
They helped us out of the cars, and led us to the concrete stairs and up
to the double-doors on the dock. When they opened the doors I could
faintly hear calypso music playing.
Still without speaking the six of us walked down a hallway and stopped at
another pair of double doors. One of the men turned to me. "I work with
Peter at the lab," he said, "and I know how hard it's been on him all
these years being a bachelor. He's a great guy and you're a beautiful
girl. I want to wish you both all the happiness in the world."
After being so silent and almost cold since they picked us up this
surprised me, especially when he hugged me and congratulated me again. I
thanked him, of course, and I think he suddenly realized that it would be
less than polite to ignore the others so he congratulated us all. The
second driver did the same and we became entangled in a smiling,
handshaking, hugging mass. The double-doors opening behind us interrupted
the gaiety.
"They're here!" a girl's voice called out.
We all turned. The four girls who had introduced themselves as our
bridesmaids at the reception all gathered around the door. From the
giddiness and nervousness they displayed you would have thought it was
their wedding!
The two men excused themselves, obviously a bit overwhelmed by the
chatter and gushing and hugging of eight women!
The room we entered was large and utilitarian. The walls were simple
cinder block, painted a light industrial green. Boxes with band
instruments, sets for stage shows, props of all kinds, and artificial
plants had been pushed back against the walls to make room for a long,
beautiful blue brocade sofa and some free space.
Two sets of double-doors on the far right wall were marked, by stencil,
Storage One and Storage Two. On the left wall was a set of doors marked
Gentlemen and Ladies. There was also a blue tiled hall to the left of
these doors that made a ninety degree turn after what I guessed was the
depth of the restrooms. Apparently there were showers behind the
restrooms, sort of like in a gym. Directly across from where we had
entered there were four make-up chairs lined up facing mirrors that were
surrounded by circular light globes, just like a back stage dressing
room, which in fact is what the room was apparently used for most of the
"We've got a lot to do, girls, so let's move along," Tess said. "Let's
get out of those clothes and get in the showers - and use shower caps so
you don't get your hair wet!"
Though she spoke with happiness in her voice it was apparent she had
designated herself House Mother.
Jack, Rick, Kevin and I dutifully undressed, handing our clothes to our
individual bridesmaids who quickly put them on hangers. As we got down to
bra and panties they handed each of us a gigantic white towel and heavy
shower cap. Even pink shower shoes were provided! It all happened so fast
and so efficiently that I didn't time to look around, and when I finally
did I saw the other guys wrapped in white like I was.
We toddled off to the tile hall, made the turn and sure enough there was
a communal shower with eight separate showerheads and controls in a room
completely covered in blue tile. A grated drain was in the center of the
slightly graded floor.
The four of us put on our shower caps, careful to tuck each wisp of hair
underneath, and hung our towels on the hooks over the maple benches. As
we walked toward the showers I realized that this was the first time I'd
seen all of my buddies naked. When we'd been transformed we'd been naked
but that was before the process had been completed. I'd caught glimpses
of one or the other as we shared a bathroom in the morning, but we'd
never all been completely nude since then. Seeing the three of them
brought back a high school fantasy of being able to peek into the girl's
shower room after gym. Except these were no high school girls! The three
nude bodies reaching for the shower controls were the finest I'd ever
seen, professional models in girlie magazines included, and if I'd had a
dick it would have been as hard as rock!
I saw the other guys looking around as they, too, satisfied their
curiosity about what we all now looked like in the buff. We were all
smiling, not, I'm sure, because we were happy but because the control
wanted us to look that way. To each of us it appeared that the other
three were happily accepting their new bodies, and even though we all
knew better the apparent gaiety of our buddies had to have some effect on
It was an unnerving experience watching the hot shower water bounce off
the full, perky tits of my best friends. When they turned and soaped
their bubble asses and long legs the action created a strong feeling in
me. Not of lust, the device saw to that. A feeling of futility. We had so
obviously been created for the enjoyment of men! I knew that from the
beginning, and the fact that they were going to try to get us to marry
other guys made it pretty plain! So did the TV lady. She came right out
and said it! But seeing those three magnificent nude bodies all together,
and watching their soapy hands run over their curves, and knowing that I
looked as much like them as they looked like each other - And knowing
we were all behaving like it was a fun experience - So the strong
feeling wasn't one of lust. It was a feeling of futility and defeat!
We came out of the showers together and stood in the anteroom drying off.
The conversation was pretty pointless, all about how good the showers
felt, how nervous we were, and what our wedding dresses would look like!
We wrapped the large towels around us and padded back into the main room
where we found our four bridesmaids thrilled to see us. We were each
ushered to a make-up chair and the preparations began.
Having someone else apply my make-up turned out to be almost enjoyable,
considering the torment I went through the few times I had done it
myself. I really hated the idea of painting my face and tried to resist
from beginning to end, so the device completely ignored me and made me do
what I didn't want to do. I was no more happy about having make-up on
this time, but it was a relief not to be forced to do it to myself.
Tess, my bridesmaid, was very talkative, but then all of them seemed to
be that way. It kept things rolling so we never got a chance to stop and
think about the whole thing!
"This foundation matches perfectly," Tess told me as she applied the
liquid. "I'll make sure to write this down for you and send it along
later. Do you know what you're using now?"
I didn't. The stuff that went on first was called foundation? "I think
the bottle I found on my vanity had a number five on it, but..."
"Number Five! Good! This is another brand and it's very, very close to
what you're already using. Men couldn't tell them apart! How about
"I don't know," I said. "Is that the stuff you put on with the little
"Like this!" she said and stoked a soft, puffy little brush against my
cheeks. "Don't need much of it," she said, "You're blushing on your own!"
That made me blush more! But that didn't stop her from applying some of
the coloring.
"The key to a blush is not to use too much," she said. "Very subtle.
Ooooh, that looks good! Now the eyes!"
Tess spent half an hour doing just my eyes and eyebrows. It was tedious
yet interesting in a bizarre way. She kept the conversation going
constantly, asking questions and telling me what she was doing and why
she was doing it. I realized I was being educated in a way that would
further my feminization. Did they honestly think that I was ever going to
put make-up on my face voluntarily?!
The brows were first. She complimented me on how "naturally" arched they
were and what a nice shape they had, then used an eyebrow pencil to
define them a little better. She used another kind of base, giving me all
the pros and cons of eyebrow base versus brushed on eyelid powder. She
followed that with another powder for coloring and then started on my
lashes. The transformation had made them longer, fuller, and added some
curl, but she outlined them with two different pencils, one for above the
lash and one below, each a slightly different color.
"We don't want you to be flashy in the least," she said as she worked,
"but this will make your eyes stand out nicely so the groom's eyes will
be drawn to them. Eye contact is so romantic!"
Even with my feminine lashes Tess thought false eyelashes were a good
idea for the occasion. "You can wear them all the time," she said. "I
I had to admit that they made my eyes look more dramatic and more female.
"Now a little mascara - waterproof! Brides have been known to cry at
their weddings!"
I laughed with her but the word "bride" resounded in my head! I'd been
distracted by all the things happening, the questions she was asking, the
things she was doing, but the word snapped me out of that. I was being
prepared to be a bride! And I hadn't even been fighting for the last
hour! I realized I was hoping for some last minute intervention of some
kind. Since the whole idea of being the female in a wedding ceremony was
so preposterous I'd been irrationally expecting something to happen that
would set things right. Something that would switch me back to a
believable life! How far could this - weird world - weird joke - or
whatever the hell it was, go on?! I hadn't really thought it out but
maybe at the last minute the grooms would say, "Hey we can't go through
with this. We know these girls are really college guys inside and we
can't handle that, so let's just stop this whole thing before it goes too
But that wasn't going to happen. This body of mine is what the men of
Athernia had created, and they'd done it thoughtfully and very much on
purpose. They had decided everything, from our measurements to the rules
of the island. They had decided on the houses and the shops, and the
clothes we would buy in those shops. They had decided our ages, and their
ages. And the single men who had been chosen as our grooms had waited too
long to pass up the opportunity to have a custom built wife -even if she
was a man inside!
There would be no mira -
I was brought back to the present by Tess's voice.
"You don't have to daydream about it," Tess laughed. "It's all going to
be a reality in just a little while!"
I smiled back at her and apologized.
"Unless you were daydreaming about tonight!" she said with another laugh.
I blushed.
"Well I don't blame you! Anyway, I was telling you about the lipstick.
I'm going to use two layers, a light, and a medium over that, leaving
just a hint of an edge. It'll give your lips a slightly fuller look and I
think Peter will like it! Then I'll put a lip sealer on so it won't
smear. We don't want that to happen today!"
Two lipsticks! And I was the one who hated the lipstick more than any of
the rest of the goo I was forced to apply!
But she was right, in the end my lips did look fuller and more
"Now let's get your hair fixed," she said. "The wedding will be inside,
but even though we're right on the beach we don't have to worry about
humidity here! Our men are so clever with those things! So no droopy hair
and no wind-blown look! With this gorgeous head of hair we won't have to
do much! It's so thick and naturally wavy -"
She chattered on while she brushed, reverse brushed, sprayed, blow dried,
shaped, and shaped some more. For all the compliments about my hair she
spent an awful lot of time fooling with it! It was three-quarters of an
hour before she stepped back for a final look.
"There!" she said. "What do you think?"
She moved out of the way and let me see myself in the mirror. From the
neck down I was a big white towel. But from the neck up I was beautiful!
She did a better job on the make-up than the controller had made me do!
"That's wonderful, Tess!" I exclaimed. "Thank you!"
"That's what a bridesmaid is for," she said with a smile. "Now let's get
you dressed!"
On either side of me Kevin and Jack were getting the finishing touches
put on their hair. Rick was already up and standing in the center of the
room looking at the items his bridesmaid was holding in front of him.
Before I could get a good look at anything Tess put her hand on my arm
and said, "Your things are over here."
She led me to an oversized dresser and pulled out one of the big drawers.
"Here we go," she said, handing me a strapless bra. "Your wedding dress
is Italian satin, which will go so nice with your hair and complexion.
All your undergarments are satin, too!"
I took the bra, and the matching white satin bikini panties, and turned
to head to the restroom.
"Oh, here," she said. "Everybody's too busy to look. If you're modest
I'll turn my back, but it's just us girls." She turned her back, and I
glanced around. Kevin's bridesmaid was still fussing with his hair,
Jack's was just finishing up, and Rick was already in his bra and panties
and was sitting down drawing on a pair of white stockings. Each of them
was wrapped up in his own business. Besides, we'd just all seen each
other naked in the shower, and what did I care if the bridesmaids saw me
naked. I took off the towel and tossed it on a chair.
The white satin bra was smooth on the inside and out. I placed my breasts
in the cups, bending slightly and adjusting them. The cut of the bra
pushed them up and together just a little. The hooks in the back were
easy to attach and I was surprised that the bra, though snug, wasn't
tighter seeing as it had no straps.
As I was stepping into my panties I remembered that in high school and
college the girls I had taken to bed always dressed by putting on their
bras before their panties, just as I was doing, and I had always wondered
why since I had looked on the pubic area as being more intimate. I didn't
know why I had instinctively done the same thing but I felt it must have
had something to do with the fact that a girl's genitals were internal so
nothing much really showed there. Breasts were definitely external and I
guess that's why they - why I! - put on the bra first.
Tess said, "All ready?"
I felt kind of foolish now about my natural modesty and wondered if it
had been me or the device. I was still monstrously self-conscious about
having a girl's body so it may have been me. Then again, it could have
been the device making me behave like a shy virgin bride. I really hated
not knowing if I had chosen my actions or not!
Before I could think about it too much Tess was back with more clothing.
She handed me a pair of white stockings and an off-white garter belt.
"Don't worry, no bulges will show through," she said. "When you see your
dress you'll know why. Hurry up and get these on and I'll get your
A set of three familiar chimes sounded and all eight of us fell silent.
The bridesmaids stopped what they were doing and walked as a group to the
door, a de-animated quartet.
I felt myself stand up and walk toward the blue brocade sofa near the
center of the room. Jack, Rick and Kevin were doing the same thing, all
of us in approximately equal states of undress. They looked gorgeous and,
though I found it hard to think it, as sexy as I'd ever seen them! I knew
I must look the same to them in my satin bra and panties! We were
powerless to stop ourselves but, surprisingly, we were able to look into
each other's eyes and see that mixture of fear and questioning that was
now so common in our lives.
We sat primly near the edge of the sofa, legs modestly together, our
backs straight, and looked at the TV screen as the chimes sounded again.
The blank screen came to life with the familiar image of the relentlessly
cheery and deeply gorgeous woman we all dreaded seeing.
"I just wanted to pop in for a short chat and to wish you girls my very
best on the most important day of your lives," she said with the widest
and most sincere smile I'd ever seen on her. "I know you're looking
forward to it with all your heart, and that's perfectly understandable.
You're probably as nervous as a cat with kittens right about now! So many
details! You're worried that you'll be so nervous you'll make a mistake
and ruin the day for your grooms!"
She flashed another bright smile. "Well, ladies, not to worry! Your
control will be working full-time to make this a perfect wedding for the
men, and give you both a memory you'll cherish for the rest of your
lives. You'll all be totally beautiful young brides and when it comes
time to say 'I do' the words will come from your mouth with all the
sincerity and affection you feel in your hearts. The ceremony, girls,
will go off without a hitch and thanks to your controllers there wasn't
even a need for a wedding rehearsal!"
The last thing in the world I wanted was a perfect wedding - where I was
the bride! How could I be the bride?! It was a world tossed on its head
and the only thing I wanted was out! Now! I wanted this insanity to stop!
I wanted everything to go wrong! I wasn't about to be some guy's bride! I
didn't want it to happen, perfect or not!
But all I could do was sit there quietly, a little smile playing on my
lips, and watch the vivacious woman on the screen. The other guys must
have been in the same situation because I didn't catch any movements out
of the corner of my eye.
The unceasingly cheerful woman resumed speaking. "Well ladies, as eagerly
as you're looking forward to the beautiful moment when you and your
fianc?es say 'I do'," she said, "I know you're also eagerly looking
forward to tonight!"
Stop! I screamed inside my head. Don't go there, pleeeze! It's not going
to happen! Not to me, not to Rick, not to Jack and not Kevin! We can not
be brides! There can NOT be a wedding night! How