Bill And Amber, Conclusion free porn video

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Amber’s right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. “Bill,” she yelled out, “Bill, please answer me, please Bill, I need you, please, oh God, please answer me.” Her voice trailed off and she began to sob knowing her Bill was not there to answer her.

Amber had been all over the world in lonely hotel and motel rooms, away from her friends and family most of her life, but never had she felt so alone as she did then. She turned and braced her back against the wall, lifted her knees to her elbows and put her face in her hands. She couldn’t think. She needed to think. Somehow there had to be a way to fix this. Bill loves her, she had no doubt of that, and she knew how much she loved Bill. Love conquers all…right? I’ll find him, I’ll explain, he has to take me back. He just has to!

Amber jumped up and headed to the shower. She had to look her best when she found Bill, she would do whatever she had to, to get her man back…anything!

Amber had no concept of the time when she stepped out of the shower. Amber’s beauty was about as natural as it could be. She required very little make-up, but did what she needed, to look as beautiful as she possibly could.
She picked up her cell phone to check the time. She was shocked to learn it was one thirty five in the morning. She knew there wouldn’t be any, but she checked for voice mails from Bill…nothing. She didn’t care what time it was, she walked out to her car and started her search.

Bill was still tossing and turning, trying to get some actual sleep. He could see a little light coming from the windows and reached over to check the time on the motel’s desk clock…six a.m.

He had left word for a seven a.m. wake up call but there was no need to wait for it, he hadn’t gotten any real sleep up till now, it was silly to think he would get any with-in the next hour.

Bill stepped into the shower and tried to mentally set up his itinerary for the day. Bill knew what he had to do. He really had no choice anymore. He would call into work and take the day off, something he hadn’t done since he first started there over ten years ago. He would call an attorney and start divorce proceedings. Amber had given up her modeling career when they got married so he would make sure she got the bulk of the assets.

On the way out to an all night restaurant, Bill stopped in at the motel office and cancelled his wake up call. He went down the street and sat at the counter. He was trying, desperately to hold it together. He didn’t want to break down in front of the entire restaurant. He sat there for awhile, nibbling on his eggs and pancakes, just staring into space. He didn’t even hear the waitress ask him if he wanted more coffee so she just filled his cup with a shrug of her shoulders.

Bill thought back to all the pain he had experienced over the years knowing Amber had been cheating on him; he also thought about his love for her and all the great, great times they had together. Was it worth the pain, he asked himself? You bet it was! Would he ever do it again…hell no! Never again! From this point forward he knew he would never love another woman. He wouldn’t give himself a chance to. Even if he tried it would never work. He would compare every woman he met to Amber. There wasn’t a woman in the world that would measure up, at least as far as he was concerned.

Bill took a cup of coffee to go and drove back to the motel room. It was time to start things rolling. He had turned his cell phone off when he left the house. There was no way he could talk to Amber right now and he knew she would be trying to call him, so he used the phone in his room. The first call would be to the company. His boss, he thought, wasn’t going to believe this. Mr. Anderson, or as Bill now called him, Ed, and he had become pretty close friends over the years. Ed had been Bill’s boss from the first day he worked there. Together, mostly from Bill’s extraordinary efforts, they rose through the corporate ranks together. Ed appreciated Bill and gave him whatever he needed to succeed. Bill appreciated the latitude.

Bill’s secretary, Anne, answered the phone. “Bill Meyer’s office.”

“Hi Anne, it’s me.”

“Mr. Meyers,” her voice sounding concerned that he wasn’t in the office yet. “Is everything okay?”

“Not really Anne, but it’s nothing I can go into right now. Can you put me through to Mr. Anderson, please.”

“Sure, Mr. Meyers, I’ll put you through right now. I hope you’re alright.”

“Thanks Anne, I’ll be okay.”

Mr. Anderson picked up on the first ring. “Bill,” he said with a question in his voice, “what’s wrong, are you okay?”

“Well, I’ll be okay but I need some time off, Ed.”

“Ah, Of course Bill but please, what’s wrong? Is there anything I can do?”

“Amber and I are having problems, Ed. I’m going to file for divorce.”

There was a brief silence, Bill knew Ed was having trouble digesting what he just said. Everyone who knew them thought they were the perfect couple. “Bill,” Ed finally said, “I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s actually hard to believe, Bill. Are you sure divorce is the right thing to do, what ever it is, it can’t be patched up?”

“Ed, to tell you the truth I’m not sure about much of anything right now, but I just don’t see anyway out of it. I wish I did. Ed, is there anyone in our corporate law firm that also deals with divorce?”

“Ah…ye…yeah, I…ah, I think so,” he was just so shocked, he couldn’t believe Bill was serious. “Let me get you their number a minute, give me a second.”

A few seconds later Ed gave Bill the number of the law firm his company had been using for years. Bill wrote it down on the complimentary scratch pad supplied by the motel. “Thanks Ed.”

“Yeah, of course Bill, no problem. Listen Bill, I know it’s hard to believe but we can get along her without you, for a few days anyway, you take as long as you need. Damn! I hope you guys can work this out though, you and Amber just seem like you belong together.”

“Thanks Ed,” Bill said with a sigh, “I just don’t think that’s going to happen.” With that Bill said good-bye and dialed the law firm’s number. He explained the situation and told the lawyer he wanted to file under irreconcilable differences and he wanted to give Amber the house, all the furniture, her car, and most of the money. The attorney told him it wouldn’t be a problem and as long as she didn’t fight it, things should go through quickly. Mr. Baker, his attorney, gave Bill an appointment for the following day so they could get together and hash out the details. He said Amber would probably be served with the papers by the end of the week already. In the mean time, he told Bill, to go to the bank and take out half of the savings and half of the checking, then open accounts in another bank under his name only. After that he should call the local newspaper and run an ad stating he was no longer responsible for Amber’s debts.

Everything was moving so fast. Bill hadn’t even had time to really ponder what life will be like without Amber. As he tried to picture his life without her he broke down again and started to cry. He laid on the starched sheets of his motel bed and bawled like a baby.

An hour had passed. Between the lack of sleep and his crying, Bill felt like he had been hit with a truck. He still had to get to the bank. Before he left he found the number of the local newspaper and ran the ad. He then headed for the bank.

After doing what he had to do, Bill went down town and just started to wander around. It had been awhile since he had been in the loop. He remembered he used to go to the show to keep his mind off Amber when she was still working so he thought he’d give it a try. He found a movie that sounded interesting, got some popcorn and went in. It didn’t work. He just sat there thinking about Amber and what he was going to do without her. He finally got up and left in the middle of the show.

He wandered around some more until he realized he was hungry. He still hadn’t turned his cell phone back on yet, in fact, he realized he had left it on the desk in his room. It didn’t really matter. It looked like it was starting to get dark already and he hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

Bill needed something beside a hamburger. He looked around and found a place that offered a good steak. He ordered a beer to go with it and took his time. Hell, he didn’t have anything else to do.

By the time he got back to the motel it was ten p.m. He sat and watched the news on TV before going to bed. He hoped he would be able to get some sleep. He was absolutely exhausted. He laid for awhile with an occasional tear running down his cheek. Tomorrow he had to call Amber, he didn’t want her to get blindsided by the divorce papers was his last thought before drifting off to sleep.

Bill was wakened by a knocking on the door. At first he thought it must be the door to the next room, but no, there it was again and it was definitely his door. Still a little groggy, he looked at the clock. What the hell? It was just past three in the morning, who the hell could be knocking on his door at this hour? Then he heard her voice. “Bill, please let me in, please.” It was Amber.

Bill jumped out of bed and just through on his trousers with no underwear. “Just a minute Amber,” he yelled as he grabbed his shirt. He opened the door. There she stood, looking up at him. She was different. She didn’t look like the self-confident, independent fashion model he always knew, she looked scared, vulnerable.

“May I come in?” she asked in a semi hoarse voice.

“Yeah, sure, of course, come on in,” Bill said in a voice that expressed his shock. “How the hell did you find me?” he asked.

Amber slowly walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. “I’ve been driving around searching for your car in every hotel and motel parking lot I could find,” she said.

“You have to be kidding me.”

“No, I’m not kidding. I left the house about one thirty yesterday morning and I’ve been driving around ever since. I waited for you in the company parking lot for awhile, but you didn’t go in to work. So I just kept driving until I saw your car. I haven’t eaten, I haven’t slept. I had to find you, Bill. I had to talk to you. I know you, I know you’re planning to leave me, but you can’t Bill, you just can‘t. I would die with out you. I will just die.”

She broke down and started to cry uncontrollably. Bill ran over to the bed and sat down next to her. He put his arm around her and tried to console her, he couldn’t stand to see the woman he loved in so much pain. Amber laid her head on his chest and held on to him. He held her tightly and let her cry herself out.

After awhile Amber’s sobbing started to subside. “How long have you known?” she asked.

“Since Paris,” Bill answered.

Amber’s head jerked upward. She looked at Bill with a shocked face. “Paris,” she exclaimed, “but I haven’t been to Paris since before we were married.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Bill sadly. He rubbed her shoulder trying to still comfort her as much as possible.

“Oh my God, honey, you’ve known all this time, I’ve been hurting you all these years. Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” Just starting to realize the pain she had put him through, Amber started to cry again.

It had only been the last few months Amber thought that Bill was getting suspicious, she didn’t understand how he could have known all this time. “How?” she asked between sobs, “how could you possibly know about Paris?”

Even after ten years, the call he received back then was still very vivid in his mind. “Your boy friend called me,” he said, “some guy called me and held the phone up so I could hear water running, then said you needed a shower because he had been fucking you all night.”

Amber was horrified. She had no idea Jon Paul had done that and never realized how cruel he was until just now. “Oh my God,” she said, “I never knew. I’m so sorry honey, you never said anything, I didn’t know.”

“I know,” Bill said, “I was going to say something. When I picked you up at the airport that day. I had a whole speech all ready; I was going to ask you right out if it was true. Then you came running and hugged and kissed me and somehow it just didn’t seem important anymore.” He smiled slightly as he remembered their reunion that day.

“I was trying to convince myself the call came from a jealous model who had her boyfriend call,” Bill said. “But then I saw you with another guy after we were married and I knew the call from Paris was for real.”

Amber was shocked to hear Bill had seen her with someone. She had always been so very careful. No one, absolutely no one except Judy ever knew she was having affairs. “You saw me?” she asked. “where, when?”

“It was about six months after we were married,” said Bill. “I had a luncheon appointment to go over some software applications with a client but he had left the paperwork in his room. So, after lunch we went back to his hotel and went up to his room to get it. Just as our elevator doors were closing the elevator doors were opening across the lobby. I saw you walking out; there was also a man in the elevator with you. I almost yelled to you and waved, then I saw you turn and kiss the guy. I almost threw up right there. That was at the Marriott down town.

Amber listened in horror. That was Steve she was with. All these years she thought, what Bill didn’t know would never hurt him. That was something she never wanted to do, hurt Bill, and here that’s all she did for years, hurt the man she loved.

Since Bill walked out Amber thought, if she could just talk to him she could smooth everything over, but now, knowing what she now knows, reconciliation was looking more and more like a real long shot. She straightened up and looked at him. She wondered why he stayed with her all those years. Now, when she looked into his eyes, she could see the years of pain she had caused. Suddenly she felt unworthy of any joy ever again in her life, she certainly knew she was unworthy of the man sitting beside her. She accepted the inevitable. Even though she knew the affairs were over, she knew she had to let him go. There was no reason for him to ever trust her and the last thing she wanted now was to hurt him ever again. “Could you just hold me honey, can we just cuddle one more time?” she asked.

He smiled. They laid down on the bed wrapped in each others arms and went to sleep.

The next day Bill and Amber would share their last meal together, breakfast at the little dinner down the street from the motel. They had each accepted their fate. Amber asked if she could ask him a question. “Why did you stick with me all these years?” she asked.

Bill smiled, “because I love you, Amber, I love you more than life itself. Because, in spite of knowing you were with other men once in awhile, you always came back to me. I know a lot of guys would call that being a wimp, and I guess they would be right, but some things in life just aren’t that easy, that black and white. Yeah, I was hurt…more than once that’s for sure, but my love for you and the good times we had together more than out balanced the pain.” Bill looked into her gorgeous eyes, “Honey, I wouldn’t trade the last ten years with you for anything on earth.”

That was the last time Bill and Amber saw each other. Julia, Amber’s friend from the modeling agency years ago, had started her own agency. When she heard about Amber’s situation she offered Amber a job as a liaison lining up jobs for the new models. The only hitch was, Amber had to move to New York.

Bill threw himself into his work and was instrumental in landing some of the biggest accounts the company had ever seen.

Years later the long, still shapely legs of a former fashion model clicked down an upper Manhattan sidewalk in her four inch high heels. As she passed by a news stand something caught her eye. There, on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, was a picture of Bill Meyers, a little gray around the temples maybe, but otherwise looking the same. “Bill Meyers,” read the headline, “named C.E.O.” Amber smiled while, at the same time, a tear ran down her cheek.

She threw some money at the attendant and grabbed as many papers as she could carry. She hurried to her office where she could sit down and read the rest of the article. She was sad to read that Bill Meyers, a resident of Chicago, Illinois, was divorced and was now a confirmed bachelor. She had hoped that he really would find a woman who deserved him.

Amber sent him a telegram congratulating him and said she would love to have dinner with him if he ever got up to New York, but he never did.


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The final chapter Amber and Kelly in the shower

The three of us lay there, naked, on the couch for a while, watching the remainder of the porno. I was laying on my back with my head on the arm rest. Amber was on my left with her head on my chest and Kelly was on my right with her head on my stomach. We were, again, telling each other which porn star we would fuck and it what positions. The last scene was a shower scene. There were two girls and a guy. Amber picked her head up off of my chest, looked at me and grinned. I knew that look by...

2 years ago
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Amber and Friends

He thought he had gotten away clean when he saw his ex and her friends come into the bar. Alas, he was not so lucky. “Jake? Jake!” Amber said. She ran across the lot and caught his arm ten strides before he got to his car. “I thought that was you.” “Oh, hello Amber,” he said. “Hello yourself. I thought you were in Miami.” “I was.” Jake took a moment to look at her. She had lost weight through her middle, which only served to accentuate her ample chest. Her hips and ass also appeared to...

3 years ago
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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

2 years ago
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Amber Lamps

Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn't believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left until her stop, she...

3 years ago
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Amber Takes a Risk

Amber smiled as she helped Mrs. Robinson unlock her mailbox. "Oh, you got a package!" she winked at the old lady. "Order something nice from the home shopping channels?" "Oh no dear. Those are probably my sleeping pills. You know, the one that the butterfly goes in people's bedrooms late at night in the TV ads. They're the only medication that does a thing for my insomnia." The younger woman tried to suppress her excitement. What perfect timing! "Here, you take these, and I'll...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Amber The Clients

Amber arrived at the Dutch Brothers' headquarters excited to see Jesse. She had spoken to Jesse on the phone a few times and liked him. They had both flirted on the phone occasionally when they talked and Amber was a bit nervous to meet him. She was hoping he was at lease as good looking as all the other Dutch Brothers employee she had met during her last trip up to their headquarters. It seemed to Amber that Dutch Brothers only hire attractive employees. Amber walked into the relaxing space of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Lisa Amber An Unexpected Evening

Lisa appeared suddenly in our lives, well, Amber’s life. She had been hired to work in the same office and they immediately became friends. They had a lot in common. About the same age and similar backstories. So naturally, the girls found reasons to do things together and talked regularly. I was glad because it gave Amber someone close that she could have some fun with and do girl things. The only difference between them was that Amber had found me and Lisa had a bit of a spontaneous streak....

2 years ago
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Survivor II Alternate story of Amber

Amber Brkich is the 22-year-old administrative assistant from Pennsylvania. She was one of the most attractive women to compete in this second Survivor challenge. Her weight had dropped to 100 pounds since being dumped in the Australian Outback, but this didn't hurt her figure in the least. In fact, it made her even more attractive, with her light-brown hair cascading over her slender shoulders. She had gotten into the Survivor game in hopes of winning the grand prize of one million...

4 years ago
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Mitch and Amber

What the hell was she thinking? Amber had done it she had agreed to go on a weekend trip with a man she hardly even knew; she hadn’t even met the man in person.   They met six months ago online and after the first few conversations they had been intimate with one another.   She still didn’t know if she should be ashamed of herself or just be accepting of her behavior.   Her thoughts ran through her mind making her even more nervous than she already was.   Mitchell was going to be there...

First Time
2 years ago
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Amber The Teen Tranny Part 2

Friday couldn't come fast enough! Amber and I had made plans to go for dinner and drinks and for her to spend the night at my place. I picked her up and could hardly contain myself when she got into the car. She wore pink nylons, short black dress that rode up when she got into my car, pink garter belt, pink silk thongs and high heels. She leaned over for a kiss and we ended up in a grope session right outside her place. She finally pulled away and said we should go before someone from her...

5 years ago
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Amber hires melanie

Amber had inherited the business from her late husband and had grown it tenfold. What started out as a small firm of engineering consultants had now grown to include architects, civil and hydraulic engineers, quantity surveyors and a construction division. With her business acumen, talent at networking, people skills and background as an architect, although she had never really practiced, Amber had proved that all round knowledge, common sense and people skills were a better recipe for success...

3 years ago
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HotWife Amber The Clients The Finish

The rest of the morning went smoothly. They somehow were able to get on with the day's business and interact, almost as if nothing had happened. Nobody seemed to detect any thing out of the ordinary during any of their meetings or throughout the working lunch. Amber was relieved that there was no awkwardness. After the last meeting of the day, Jesse asked Amber to hang back until the rest had left the conference room. Amber was thinking that Jesse was going to say a standard, "We won't say...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Amber Gets Stretched The final chapter 7

When the day of the shoot finally arrives, I decide not to even open the shop, hoping that Doug will let me on set during the filming so I can watch as Amber gets fucked senseless. When Amber arrives, I'm instantly turned on by her outfit. She is wearing a skin tight shirt that hugs her tits perfectly, not hiding anything and exposing her stomach. Her skirt is very small, showing lots of ass. "The guys are going to love you," I say with a grin. Amber pushes her blonde hair back behind her ears,...

2 years ago
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Seducing Amber pt2

Amber and I laid on the bed for a while relaxing and for me going over what had just taken place. I finally got up and told her I was going to make some tea and she said that would be nice. Throwing on a sheer nightgown I headed for the kitchen and when I had finished making the tea and putting out some ladyfingers, Amber came into the kitchen having already gotten dressed. I was a little disappointed, but I knew she might still be a bit apprehensive. We settled down on the sofa and had just...

3 years ago
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Amber Chapter 7 Saturday

It was a stressful 24 hours. It was what I wanted; of course it was what I wanted. But sometimes you just can't have what you want, or rather who you want. Amber. My schoolgirl fantasy; my knicker-showing tease.A date.It was ridiculous how excited and scared I was at the prospect of going on a 'proper' date with Amber. Excited, scared and stressed. And there was something that came naturally when I was any of those things. I cleaned the pipes three times at work, each time provided only...

5 years ago
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HotWife Amber The Clients Part 2

Amber arrived the next morning on time. She was wearing a nicely fitting mid-thigh length skirt, tall boots, and a professional close-fitting blouse. Jesse was in the lobby when she arrived. Jesse tried to be discrete when he looked her up and down, but Amber caught him. Only a moment passed before Jesse called everyone around and announced that he would have to push the meeting back two hours. Nobody was disappointed in the delay and many started heading out for coffee or to check their...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Amber wont do it again

Introduction: 17 Year old Amber Davis is in trouble Go to your bedroom and take off your panties!But Daddy.Go to your bedroom and take off your panties, Now, Amber!s*******n year old Amber Davis could not believe what was about to happen. Her father was going to spank her. Amber had only been spanked twice in her life. The last time was five years ago when she was twelve. She knew she had broken the rules, but a spanking at her age. It was too humiliating to even imagine.Jim Davis continued...

2 years ago
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Curious Amber

Amber breathed out and then sucked in as much air as she could. The sensation from the cyber skin vibrator tapping at her anus was slowly driving her mad with pleasure. Her girlfriend of five years, Marie knelt behind her caressing her ass cheeks and pussy. Amber felt the toy slide in an inch, and she gasped as it stretched her a bit more than what was comfortable. It was bigger than the previous one and Marie had promised to be gentle with her. She always was and Amber loved her for it. Her...

2 years ago
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Curious Amber

“Oh, oh, slowly Marie, slowly.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that you look so fucking sexy.” Amber knew she did, and she was proud of it. Ever since she was in her late teens and had finally grown into a woman, people had always commented on her hourglass figure, piercing blue eyes and her raven black hair. Not that she was a bitch about it, but she knew she was hot like shit and enjoyed the attention. Marie was also a very attractive woman. Being five years older than Amber made her thirty and she...

2 years ago
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My Step Sister Amber Forbbien Love

*** " Scarlett" I open my eyes to see Amber standing over me. Why are you standing over me? "I rush up here, I am like so excited to see you" "you're". " Yes, lil sis" "you never called me sis before" "I called you sis before" "No you haven't". " I made breakfast for you" "where's mom" "at work and I had just drop dad off at the airport for his business trip. I'll be downstairs if you need me". Amber leaves my bedroom, I slide my feet into my sandals and I head...

2 years ago
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Amber Pays the Rent Reposted

Amber was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...

3 years ago
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Amber and Bobby Fraternal Twins with benefits

I had developed too over the past years and now stood 6’00” tall and weighed 168 pounds. Our hair and eye color was the same but I was tall and lanky in stature. Puberty had also left me with a cock that grew instantly to 6” in length and typically stayed rock hard for most my waking hours. As weird as it seemed in my head I always looked at Amber and wondered what she would look like and feel like naked. I never acted on it but the thought was in my head daily. Amber and I were both...

4 years ago
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Amber Womb of the State

Mature and Younger, Flashing, Up Shirts, Cuckold, Cream pie and KinkyAmber blushed as the boys whistled at her, she stood dressed in a formal long Red Gown. Behind her walked out James in a tuxedo, they were attending an award ceremony of 20 year service as foster parents. Their present 4 foster boys had seen them leave, together or separate every night for the past week.It was 21 years ago at the age of 35 that James suffered a massive stroke. He went from a commercial pilot to rehab and...

3 years ago
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Asian Amber Picks Ch 02

Amber and I got off at the gas station but I was clearly in the dog house. This had to be the strangest situation I have ever been in. Amber stayed outside and sat on a nearby bench while I called CAA. I must have been on the phone for at least thirty minutes, trying to explain the location where my car was. Luckily the time I was inside gave Amber time to cool off and rethink the situation. I walked outside, Amber waved for me to come over and patted the bench next to where she was sitting to...

2 years ago
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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 15 Amberrsquos Trip Paris and Back Home

Mike’s phone buzzed as he sat at his desk. It had a simple text message, “Download file from ur cloud mailbox. XOXOX Amber”. He figured out that it must be around four in the morning where Amber was. She was up late to be sending him something; he reminded himself of the eleven or twelve hour time difference between them. His body trembled as he wondered what it might be. He prayed it would have rich sexual content. It took a few minutes for the large video file to download to his iPhone;...

3 years ago
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Amber gets a ride home

The work day was winding down and everyone was getting ready to go home. Amber was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up and bring her home.   “Amber, do you need a ride home”, Tom asked her.   “No, Justin will be here any minute, but thanks for asking”, she replied.   “OK, I am going to finish some work, so if you change your mind I will be in my office.”   About a half hour later Amber walked into Tom’s office and asked for a ride home.   As they walked to Tom’s car they made small talk.  ...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Amber Brief Stardom

Amber really hoped to die and called her landlord to say she would be moving out next week. There was no money to pay the rent. The chances were only one out of 50 but she would be executed if not selected and want to entertain others with her nudity and death but thought a lot about and would need to privately hang from a tree in the back yard hoping someone would find her and have fun removing her body. Being homeless was not fun but she would risk it. She called her ex husband and said...

4 years ago
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The Shed Spying on Amber

Amy is my twin sister. We were born less than an hour apart. By all accounts we were a “surprise” to our parents and older siblings. Charlie, the oldest, turned 33 last month. Meg and Liz (also twins) turned 28 in April, and the closest to us, Amber, will be 25 this fall. Amber just finished college at State and moved back in after graduation. She was taking the summer off to relax before starting the job hunt for a career. Our parents are very laid back and thought this was a grand idea....

3 years ago
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Amber and the Nurse Candi

I sat up and ran a hand through my straight black hair. I was a bit confused about why Amber was even here? I worked as a part time nurse at the local high school. I shared it with another nurse but today was her off day. Amber had come into my office complaining about being sick. I had examined her and found no reason for her to even be there. I shook my head as I spoke to her about this, ‘You seem perfectly fine to me. I can’t seem to find anything wrong. Are you ok? Is there something else...

2 years ago
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Part 2 Amber and her niece

Introduction: Continuation of I Met a Young Girl At the Bar Part 2: Amber and Her Niece After that incredible evening with Amber, I wanted to see her again and talk about what would come next. It was like it had been a dream. Never in my right mind would I have thought a woman existed that met every quality I had been fantasizing about for the last 15-20 years. And I could legally be with this woman! I called her and she wanted to come to my house for dinner. I agreed, telling her I would do...

2 years ago
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Part 2 Amber and her niece

After that incredible evening with Amber, I wanted to see her again and talk about what would come next. It was like it had been a dream. Never in my right mind would I have thought a woman existed that met every quality I had been fantasizing about for the last 15-20 years. And I could legally be with this woman! I called her and she wanted to come to my house for dinner. I agreed, telling her I would do the cooking since I love to cook. She happily accepted and it was set for her to come...

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