Kya – Palace Lari’Sota free porn video

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What the Hell is all this? This is a capsular erotic story set in the larger Center Worlds Universe. This has been written as a means of pulling different ideas together so that I can explore harder concepts than the main books convey, and also as a means to explore different directions that the characters may take. It comprises, erotic coupling, science fiction elements, war, violence, and some things that may be distasteful to tender readers. You have been warned, proceed at your own risk.

Kya Kilvanysa Desinlo ran like her life depended on it. All her life she had been a runner, easily able to outdistance anybody she had trained with. Her long legs were built for running, and now, she ran, as she knew her life depended on it. Once they found him, she would be dragged onto the block and executed by a monoblade through her neck. This was not something she could escape from easily, but she had to. Everything had gone wrong.

Her instep still hurt from where she had roundhoused him to the floor before grabbing the thin dress from the desk and bolting out the side door from his chambers. As she dashed down the corridors, passing surprised staff, Kya had swiftly pulled the dress over her naked shoulders and fastened it, then began to truly run. It would only be a matter of time before one of the advisers came in to find out why the Lord Emperor was quiet.

He was not the Lord Emperor. Not hers anyway. After meeting the Gods earlier, those horrific nightmares from beyond the edge clouds, Kya had been placed in his chambers to recuperate. She welcomed the respite, for the creatures that had created them all were truly a horrific sight to behold. Her mind could barely comprehend their shape, let alone understand what they were.

Lord Emperor Tyo Masilec. The last of his line, the consort to her Lady Aya. Kya let the tears flow as she ran down corridor after corridor. The palace was huge, easily fifteen square kilomers of buildings covering the Capitol of the Confederacy. Kya kept her focus and let her memories wash as she thought over the events that had led to this point.

Earliest memories were of being lifted from a broken place and being given to a warm other mother. She had been told that her own mother and family had been killed in an attack. She had survived, and Mistress Tya had been chosen to raise her. Kya had no idea of her power or potential at that tender age of four, or why she had been given special treatment. All she knew was she had a mother again, and she was safe.

A year later, she met the young Lady Aya. Also from a broken home, but this was different. The younger girl was horribly injured in an assassination attempt, and even young Kya understood that this other girl was more important than she was, this was a Lady. The Daughter of a Clan Leader. This girl was royalty. Mistress Tya was quick to correct that thinking with a firm swat to a bared behind. The girls were not different. They were her girls and they would be together. No special treatment, what happened to one would happen to the other, and that was that.

Lady Aya recovered from her injuries with no real effects other than specifically stunted growth that would mean as an adult she would only be 150 centimers tall. Fully developed, no health issues, but small. Since most of her clan averaged 200+ centimers, this was very dramatic, but, nothing they could do.

The girls grew together, Aya slightly jealous that Kya was growing taller, but it was never something to cause hurt over. They were inseparable. Always causing pranks and trouble for Mistress Tya, getting a firm spanking when they justly deserved it, and growing up in the palace and learning how to be proper ladies of the court.

Lady Aya, Kya loved her so much and now she was gone, possibly lost forever. That diminutive powerhouse. Barely coming up to Kya’s breasts, but with so much energy and life that Kya could not help but love her dearly.

From an early age they had slept together, exploring each other as they grew, then being able to gossip about boys and plan their attacks. When they had reached the age of Majority, Lady Aya went wild. Kya thought that maybe she had bedded fifty in the space of a few short months. Finally being able to be free sexually.

Then, her Lady had set eyes upon the Lord Emperor himself. With Kya to assist her discretely, Aya had managed to get the Emperor into her bed and into her tight sheath. Kya giving her a gel cap before to ensure she had enough lubrication to handle the man’s thick tool. Her lady was so sore, but yet satisfied afterwards that she could not stop talking about it for days.

Kya’s own experiences were more sedate. She had been training for the past six years to become Lari’Sota. An Intimate Companion. Only in the Palace were Lari’Sota honoured. On the streets, they were considered common whores or courtesans. Kya head been trained in every aspect of Lari’Sota while the Lady Aya had been learning the ways of the court. Kya was ready to be with her lady until the end of days.

Those days came swiftly. The Lady became the Emperor’s Consort, and although there was an angry upset when she learned that she could not carry a child to term. Aya had taken her anger out on Kya, until Mistress Tya stepped in and got firmly to the bottom of the matter, putting Aya back into the correct mindset firmly. Even at the age of nineteen, Mistress Tya had explained, the girls were still her girls, and they would feel her hand across their backsides if they stepped out of line.

Then came the night of the Emperor’s celebration, when a covert team he had assembled, had broken a smuggling ring. He had celebrated with Aya and the covert officers, lots of food and bubbly wine. He had gotten drunk, and by the time he had noticed, one of the officers had taken a strong liberty with his Aya. He allowed it, his mind fuzzy with drink, and the Lady Aya had slapped him. The sound like a gunshot in the suddenly silent room.

He struck her back, and then she was gone. Not just gone from the room, but fled the palace. In her own upset and anger, the lady had taken a shuttle pod and tried to go to her own home, but entered the wrong set of coordinates into the autopilot.

Now the combined fleet was in pursuit, not just because she was a lady of the Clan, but because her pod had been captured by pirates, and they were heading for the fleshpots of Rygol, where the Lady Aya would not survive more than a week before she was torn apart by a T’Ressi male’s two-pronged penis.

Kya stopped, breathing hard, she had reached the outskirts of the palace, and was close to the Lari’Sota meeting chamber. But, there was a noise she was not familiar with. Kya eased around a corner to take a look, her eyes widened. Guards were gathering Lari’Sota up and putting them on transports.

A tap on her shoulder made her jump and she reflexively lashed out, her hand brushed aside by Mistress Tya as she then gathered Kya into a firm hug.

‘Come with me, quickly and quietly.’ Tya said, then vanished behind another wall. Kya obediently followed and slipped down a narrow staircase that disappeared as the wall rotate to cover it again. They began to descend a very long spiral staircase, seemingly carved from the rock itself, and it went down forever. Kya’s mind wandered as her feet automatically walked down the never ending stairs.

She recalled being summoned to the Lord Emperor after Aya had fled.

‘My Lord, what is the matter?’ Kya said, slightly out of breath as she came to a halt in front of Lord Emperor Tyo Masilec.

‘As a Lari’Sota, if your mistress ordered it, would you lie for her, Kya?’ Tyo said, looking at the girl who was barely older than his Fal’Shia.

‘My life is built upon honesty, My Lord. Lies are not part of my culture, and we do not lie, not for anybody. I will withhold information, but I will not say anything that is untrue. What is the matter?’ Kya replied, sensing something
was very wrong as the Lord Emperor was highly agitated.

‘Is Aya in your chambers?’ He asked.

Kya shook her head. ‘She was to spend the night with you, My Lord. Her bed had not been slept in this eve. What is wrong?’

Tyo sighed, then roughly grabbed Kya’s arm and pulled the girl into his chamber, glaring at one of his adjutants. ‘Privacy, and for the sake of your foolish head, keep it that way until I say so.’ As the adjutant nodded frantically, Tyo swung closed the doors and to Kya’s surprise, locked them.

‘Please, sit down.’ Tyo asked. Kya immediately sat on the floor in front of him.

Tyo raised an eyebrow, then sat cross-legged in front of her.

‘I-‘ he started, then felt a loss for words. Kya sensed something and reached forward to take both of his hands in her smaller gentle ones.

That contact allowed her empathy to flow forth and Tyo felt a calmness that was not normal, but still relaxing. ‘Tell me, My Lord Emperor, Tell me what is so troubling to you.’ She said in just barely a whisper.

‘I struck Aya.’ Tyo said.

‘You struck Aya.’ Kya repeated.

‘She ran off, and I do not know where she is.’ Tyo continued.

‘She ran off, she has left the palace?’ Kya asked.

Tyo shook his head. ‘We have no idea. I have people searching the entire complex. So far, nothing. Kya, I was a fool, I need to find her and make this right.’ He finished, and she sensed the full weight of his sadness and despair.

Kya stood and gently pulled him to his feet.

‘Come with me, my Lord. We will find her together.’ She said as he rose.

She recalled when she realized that she had to help him as her lady would have helped him. As a Lari’Sota, she was sexually available to Clansmen and women for pleasure and release. Kya was one of only two who had been granted Right Of Refusal. The other one was right ahead of her, descending this endless stairwell. Kya could choose her bedmates, and although she had enjoyed a few different men and women in her time, her heart and body belonged to the Lady Aya, and she liked it that way.

Now, the Lord Emperor had a need, and Kya knew that because of her bond with her Lady Aya, she could help him. His Lady was lost, Kya could sense that. The inner turmoil was tearing him apart and crippling his ability to make decisions that would let him rule the Confederacy.

She had spent the night with him, providing empathic comfort to his troubled mind so he could sleep, but not spreading her legs for him. She was Aya’s companion. Not even the Lord Emperor would violate that. For he loved Aya as well.

The next morning, she could sense the one thing that Tyo feared. Aya’s father. Ryo Camelin was the Fleet Commander for the Confederacy. His was a stringent military mind and brilliant tactical planner. Every time he had gone into battle, he had been the victor. He always fought for the Confederacy, and stood behind Masilec rule with no questions, even against the other clans.

Now, Tyo Masilec had to face him, for he was the only one who might be able to find the Lady Aya before something truly terrible happened.

A little sooner than Tyo anticipated, the shuttle landed and he watched the distant figure of Ryo Camelin step out, talk to an adjutant, then stride towards the chamber where Tyo was nervously pacing while Kya sat serene as always.

Ryo walked into the room and up to Tyo. ‘By your leave, Emperor. What is so gods damned important that we had to pull out of a survey that was four cycles in the planning? Where’s Aya?’

‘That is the problem, Ryo. I don’t know.’ Tyo said.

‘What?’ Ryo exclaimed. ‘Kya? Where is your mistress?’

‘We do not know, Lord Camelin. Aya left the palace last night without warning. She took a shuttlepod which entered neospace. We do not know where she left to or why.’ Kya said as she rose and stood by Tyo, who looked like he was about to fall over if a strong breeze blew in.

‘Tyo, sit down, Kya, please attend to him.’ Ryo snapped, then turned and pulled out a comm and contacted the massive battlecruiser in low orbit, as Kya led the Emperor to a chair and pressed him down into it with firm hands.

‘Captain Kalen, we have a situation. Shuttle pod left the palace without a flight plan, hopped into neospace, and nobody knows where it went, Aya is on board, and it may be flying blind. Which Pod, and which landing skirt?’ He asked.

Kya replied ‘Pod G63, skirt 12. Concierge has the details.’

The Captain still on board the orbiting battlecruiser acknowledged as he pulled the records. Then linked them to the navigation array in orbit around the planet.

‘Neospace plume corresponds to pod, insertion point on vector 62. Commander … That’s the buffer.’ Kalen reported.

‘Kalen go! Don’t wait for me, go! Get her, now!’ Ryo yelled into the comm.

‘TGX-2 acknowledge. We’re making Vortex jump now. I’ll let you know when we have intel…’ The line dropped as the massive ship jumped into Vortex from low orbit, causing a shockwave that was visible in the atmosphere as a plume of white stratospheric cloud.

Ryo walked over and sat down heavily in a chair, but waved away an attendant with a drink.

‘That’s going to play merry Helva with planetary weather for a month. What in the worlds possessed her to try and fly a shuttlepod? Aya can’t drive a flitter without crashing into a support post.’ Ryo muttered.

‘That would be my fault, Lord Camelin.’ Tyo said, getting to his feet and standing at stiff attention.

Ryo looked at the Emperor. ‘You addressed me as Lord. You don’t address anybody as lord … my gods, Tyo. What have you done?’

Try sorrowfully told the tale, and as he did, Ryo sat and listened. He did not leave any detail unsaid, and then sat down, allowing silence to fill the room.

Ryo chuckled. ‘Tyo Masilec, you are a fool.’

‘I know that, Lord Camelin. I am a fool twice over, I struck your daughter and I have then asked for your help to locate her.’ Tyo said, unsure how to react.

‘Oh drop the lord preamble, Tyo. I’m not upset at you. Ye gods, if Aya had been really angry she would have gutted you, right then. You know how stubborn she is.’ Ryo said, waving Tyo’s concern off.

‘I thought you had done something really foolish, like hurt Kya, or managed to run over her favourite clustercat or something like that. This …’ He got up and grabbed Tyo by the shoulders, gently shaking the younger man. ‘This is a lover’s quarrel. We’ll fix it, Tyo. We just have to get Aya back.’

‘Was definitely pirates, Commander.’ Came Kalen’s voice over the comm shortly thereafter. ‘We have the drive signature and are tracking it using the Inertial buoy network. We’ll have it narrowed down in a few more hours. We are in pursuit. Do I have permission to cross the Buffer?’

Ryo looked at Tyo who nodded. ‘Confirmed, TGX-2. You are clear to enter United Suns space. Track that ship and bring them back alive.’

Kya and Mistress Tya paused to recover their breath. ‘How deep are we?’ Kya asked.

‘About half a kilomer, we’re not there yet, my girl. We need to continue, are you ready?’ Tya asked her.

Kya felt the ache in her legs from the running, and now descending so many stairs, but she nodded, and they continued their descent as her mind kept drifting back to process the memories.

With the Commander back on board his ship to directly take charge of the search for the Lady Aya and the pursuit of the pirate vessel, the Lord Emperor could no longer put off the requirements of office. He had to govern the Confederacy.

‘I’ve got to go be government for the Clans, Kya. You stay here and keep an ear out for any incoming from our group. I need to know of any changes, as they happen.’ Tyo said with a sigh.

She got to her feet. ‘I will stay with you, My Lord. I have a comm, if any messages come in, I will relay them to you as they o

‘I’m not too sure how well I’m going to do. I cannot stop worrying about what may be happening to Aya,’ He said as they walked down the hallway towards the section of the palace that governed the Confederacy. The major feature was the Great Hall, where every Clan held council and the real decisions were made and passed into law.

Kya had her hand gently resting on his arm, and she sensed all the tension in him. She made a decision and steered him into a small conference room, then closed the door, and before he could realize, secured it.

‘What are you doing?’ He asked.

‘I am going to do what my Lady would do in this circumstance, Lord Tyo.’ Kya said as she stepped back from him and reached behind her to unfasten the top of her dress.

Tyo came forward and grabbed her arms, preventing her from loosening her dress. ‘Kya, you don’t have to. You are not under that sort of requirement.’ She stepped back out of his reach and wriggled her hips. The dress shimmied down and pooled at he feet, leaving her breathtakingly naked in front of him.

She smiled and held out her arms to him invitingly. ‘I do not have to, however, I wish to. This is what my Lady would do, so I will take her place, for now, and until she returns.’

‘Aya will kill me.’ Tyo said, unmoving.

Kya stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck so she could whisper into his ear. ‘My Lady will understand. I know her, my Lord. I know how she thinks and what her heart sings.’

Tyo still was very undecided. Kya could sense the turmoil within him, anger tinged with violence tinged with sorrow and loss. She gently led him to a couch, then bent over so her bottom was presented. ‘Then punish me, My Lord. It may make your feelings easier if you apply a firm hand to an errant Lari’Sota who has overstepped her boundaries.’

She reached over taking his wrist, firmly slapped her buttock with his hand. ‘Punish me, My Lord. It will help.’ She then turned and rested her head on her arms.

She winced as his hand connected again, with her other buttock. Tyo had large hands, and they definitely stung. Kya could also sense his emotional pressure, and focused on that, not on the physical. No matter what he did, her body would heal. His emotional state had to be dealt with or he would lose function.

Tyo struck her again, and again, leaving red handprints on her alabaster skin, until her buttocks were aflame with the overlapping marks from his hand. Kya stoically lay there, accepting her due as being somebody who was coming between him and his Aya. He was angry with himself, angry with Aya, and angry with Kya.

Tyo put one hand on the small of her back and continued to slap her bottom. Firmly overlapping her cheeks with his hand as he struck her, adding colour to her buttocks until they were a deep fiery glow.

Kya shed silent tears as he continued. Feeding off his emotions and sensing when the mood was fluid and was beginning to change, she turned and grabbed his hand, then kissed him firmly.

‘Now, my Lord. Use this errant Lari’Sota for the purpose she is here for. She has been punished, now take your pleasure from her. Use her for your need.’ She whispered, then returned to her position, but spread her legs apart for his access and balance.

Tyo’s head was a whirl with emotions, but his desire was strong and foremost. This little slut had offered herself to him. Aya was gone, but this was Aya’s girl. Aya’s servant. She was like Aya, and would do fine for him to use.

Tyo opened his pants and pulled out his cock, feeling a hardness that belied his inner turmoil. Kya’s reddened buttocks and the cleft between them beckoned. She braced herself as she felt his hands firmly on her hips, then his thick shaft split her open and he drove into her with a savage fury.

Kya gasped as the Emperor groaned. Her sheath was tight and lubricated. Not glove-tight like his Aya, who was so small he had to be careful at times. Kya was almost as tall as him. So her body fit him better, and there was no difficulty. He began to thrust into her, fingers gripping her hips and digging into the skin as he pounded against her sore buttocks. Feeling the heat rising from them as he pressed his belly and thighs against her.

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Kya Aap Meri Biwi Ko Try Karoge 8211 Part I

Main Ahmedabad ka rehne wala hu, mera naam arman hai aur meri age 28 years hai aur mera yahoo maik id: hai me air India me, me job karta hu. Meri biwi ka naam Jhanvi hai jo ekdum bholi bhali ladki hai use chudai ke bare me kuch jyada pata nahi chalta, ye story recently abhi hi November month ki hai jab mene meri biwi ko kisi aur mard ke sath sex karte dekka tha muje yakeen nahi ho raha Tha kyo ke jab me use chodta hu aur muh me lene ke liye bolta hu to vo mana kar deti hai aur bolti hai ke ye...

2 years ago
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Kya karti

Im rani from ranchi mai ek simple ladki hoon 22 saal ki , im not lookin so hot but you can say cute,baat 6 month purani hai mere pados me ek ladka rahta hai jiska naam sunil hai woh mujhe kuch dino se kuch alag najro se dekhta tha woh bhi thik thak hi dikhta hai au mere sath hi padhta hai, par meri usse kabhi pahle baatchit nahi thi. Us roj shaniwar tha maths ki class ke baad teacher ne chutti de di,woh mere pass aaya aur bola rani kya tum apna notes dogi mujhe apne notes cmplete karna hai ,...

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Star Wars A Hutts Palace

Jabba the Hutt was by far the most notorious crime boss in the galaxy. Respected by some and loathed by many others, the oversized slug gained a reputation over the years for his ruthless personality and fast rise to power in the criminal underworld. Dabbling in everything from spice running to slave trading , the Hutt amassed an overwhelming fortune throughout the years. Like many of his species, Jabba grew sedentary in his later years and began overindulging himself in the fruits of his...

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Sylvia at the fashion palace

Sylvia wrecks her Girl Scout uniformBefore Judy and I left ''Ranger Books'' I threw the Girl Scout uniform away. It was a mess. There was no way I could wear it out of there for five minutes, let alone for that long bus ride across Los Angeles, with the two bus transfers.No way in the world to my voice lesson! Nobody bothered us on the way down, but that cum covered dark green cotton reeking thing would get us both an afternoon with c***d Protective Services, the very last thing we needed. I...

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The Palace Maid

Joe Abernathy's wife knew about his cross-dressing from their third date. Susan said she was not bothered by it. She let him do it from time to time. Joe knew her previous boyfriends were effeminate. Susan never liked the man's man, John Wayne type. To Joe, Susan often seemed more accepting of his cross-dressing than he was. Joe had an androgynous appearance in his youth that was amplified by his long hair. Susan playfully threatened to divorce him if he got a man's haircut when he...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 49 Palace Turmoil

Two years later a telephone call from the Kobekistani embassy broke the news to Prince Ghasaan, now eighteen and about to go to University, that the Emir, his father, had died and that his eldest half-brother had succeeded to the throne as His Magnificence Emir Mustapha, may he live for ever. The funeral was to take place the following day and the new Emir had ordered all the sons, acknowledged or otherwise, of the late Emir to be at the funeral. The Ambassador volunteered that he could not...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 4 The Golden Palace

The sumptuous Triple Palace, its façade covered in ruby, emerald and gold inlays, impressed Tamsin tremendously. Although it was already dark, the whole building was floodlit. "Am I to stay there?" she asked, her voice muffled through the abaya which he had insisted on her wearing throughout the journey. "In the Golden Palace, the central part," replied Kamal Qumsiyeh. When they drew up at a small side entrance, Tamsin was handed over to a fat negro with an odd voice and hurried along...

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A Wild Day In The Royal Palace

"Princess Verona! It's time to wake up!" The maid yelled as I desperately try to hide in my soft covers and pillow. The maid pulled open the curtains and I groaned at the harsh light. "Please wake up princess, the prince's 3 brothers are arriving today at the palace and he will need you to greet them with him!" I sat up slowly, still in a daze, "Where is the prince now?" "He's waiting for you outside in the courtyard, please hurry!" The maid responds in a panic. "Yes, yes alright." I get up off...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Kya Socha Tha Kya Ho Gaya Part 2 Komal Ko Choda

Next day guitar class me maine mere song ki practice start kar di. Us din main “Kaise mujhe tum mil gayi” song pe practice kar raha tha. Main iss song ki practice 3 din se kar raha tha aur mujhe aaj woh complete karna hi tha. Maine jaisi hi pehli line gaana aur bajaana start kiya waisehi mere baaju me baithi Komal uski practice karna rok di, aur mujhe dekhne lagi. Main thoda uncomfortable ho gaya. Maine socha maine kuch galat to nahi gaaya na. Ab maine mera song complete kar diya. Maine komal...

2 years ago
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Kya Ladki Thi Wo

Hi friends and this is Sameer pahle main apne bare me batana chahunga main delhi main rahta hun aur ek simple ladka hun, thodaaaa sa good looking hun jada nahi color fair hai meri half body athletic and half body Yoga wali hai ha ha ha ha guys aap log jante ho ki yoga wali body kitni attractive hoti hai koi bhi ladki ho ya aunties agar aap sex kar ke khush nahi ya unsatisfied hai to pls mujhe meri id pe contact kare jo niche last me hai Aur is story ka feedback to please de, khair maine pgdm...

2 years ago
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Kya din tha

Yeh baat tabki hai jab me 11th class me padta tha. Me apni class ka monitor aur apne school ka top dancer tha. Annual function ki practices chal rahi thi mera solo dance tha. Me kaafi sharmila type ka hoon in case of girls. Me aur mera friend ashu us din thori der k liye ladkiyon ki dance practice dekhne lage. Tab maine apne school ki sabse sexy ladki isha ko bhi dance karte dekha. Isha bahut hi hot hai, uska colour ek dam pink hai aur uske boobs ek dam soft soft lagte hain, aur wo hamare...

3 years ago
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Kya Socha Tha Kya Ho Gaya Part 1Khushbu Aunty

Khushbu aunty. Uska naam hi kaafi tha logon ke lund khade karne ke liye. Mera naam Gaurav hai aur main Panvel me rehta hu. Ye kahaani tab ki hai jab main Vapi me job karta thaa. Ab tak maine vapi ke 2 sex incidents bataaye hai is site pe. To chalo main ye incident bhi aapke sath share karta hu. Mujhe to aap jaante hi ho, Gaurav, height 5’11” body gym jaake taraashi hui, lund 7″. Ab main Khushbu aunty ke baare me batata hu, woh Ahmedabad se thi aur Vapi me uske husband ke sath rehti thi....

3 years ago
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Kya Maza Dya Hay

Hi i m Shahina 35 years old live in orangi town i m one teacher i m one divorce women yeh aaj say 3 months pehlay ki bat hay jab hamaray school main govt nay ek school or banwaya tha wahan school ki starting aaj say takreban 7 months pehlay hoe thi wahan ka engineer or contractor donon ek he tha uska naam shayan hay uski age lag bhag 25 years old hay he is a one handsome and gud looking guy huwa kuch yun tha unka sara cement steel bar saray ozar wagaira wahin hamaray school main...

1 year ago
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The Keys To Her Naughty Palace

When Tabitha was sixteen, she lost her virginity to Ralph, the head boy of her brother’s all-male school. He wasn’t particularly keen – he was quite happy rummaging around in her knickers and wasn’t expecting to get his dick inside a girl until he went to university, but she more or less insisted.After all, they had been going out together for several months and people assumed they had done it, which was what really mattered. It was all about image, and Ralph was captain of the rugby team and...

Oral Sex
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Beautiful Nightmare Palace of the Damned

I had only been waking a little way now the terrain was slabbed with burning torches, I was so close to the palace of Emperor Longdong, in fact I could see up ahead to shadowy figures coming towards me, more Penis Warriors well I had nothing to fear might as well check out the cocks."Hello Gents" As well as being naked except for me bag and shoes, reckoned that would get their attention, it did they stood either side of me and spoke in their growly tongue "You are the one everyone has been...

1 year ago
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Royal Palace Town My Sore 8211 Part II

HI Everyone This is a story of a “ROYAL PALACE TOWN MYSORE” two weeks ago.let me tel u about myself Myself Punithgowda living in mysore doing my BE in one of the top reputed college. i am a big fan of ISS wenever i get a time ill sit infront of ISS and spend time in reading the stories in has been coming awesome in tese days,nd i lov it. i’m 5.8inches in hight,slim and some wat a perfect guy.let me come to the story this happened two weeks ago between me and my moms friend. Her name is...

3 years ago
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Sissy Palace Hotel Part 1

It had been a busy four weeks. Lisa’s male side had been working virtually every day travelling around Europe. It did limit the time “he” could spend as Lisa but as the visits to regular cities he did know the best gay cinemas and bookshops so he could get some cock. In one cinema he had stripped down to stockings, bra and panties and the dirty old men that visited had no doubt that he was there to be used for their pleasure. However, he had spent every night alone and had missed waking up with...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 15 Triple Palace

The Emir’s palace was visible from some considerable distance away. It looked the sort of building a child might have made, if given a truly tremendous number of Lego bricks which were all yellow. It had six floors and there were perhaps a hundred windows at each level. It was flanked by two smaller versions of the same style, but one green and the other red. Close up, they looked even more massive and Nicola realised that the yellow was caused by some form of glittering gold paint covering...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 8 Another Week in the Palace

Ginaya opened her eyes to see two mouths sucking her nipples and her nipples were rock hard as usual. She wrapped her arms around both of them squeezing them affectionately as they suckled her. At least my nips are not sore anymore but it seems like I just closed my eyes, she thought and then sighed in pleasure as they built her smoldering fires of arousal to molten hot flames once more. The following light period the effects of the pill began to wear off. The seventeen people started...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 2 The Gromelix Palace

The next morning the whole group went along. There was much excitement about meeting Dragons. The group removed their clothes as before and turned into Tyrannosaurus Rexes. One of the Queen’s guards met them in shimmering armor carrying a decorative sword the length of a great white shark, in a silver sheath, and accompanied the group into the Palace and to a larger meeting room. The room was magnificent with many runes on the walls, statues, paintings and tapestries. The light looked to be...

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The New StartChapter 36 The Palace

Tani had found that the insert in her ass was flexible and squeezed together allowing her to walk normally but when she bent over or spread her legs apart it opened invitingly. She walked over to one wall that had a box with a number of switches. The light in the chamber was very dim almost dark. When she tripped one of the many switches flood lights sprang to life and illuminated the sea around them. They had and awe inspiring unobstructed two-hundred-eighty degree view of the sea around...

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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 2 A Wild Time at the Palace

Aside from the one giggle, Tammi kept to her vow to be on her best behavior as they waited to be shown into the Emperor and Empress. The Emperor's throne room was a stunning sight for Tammi to behold. The two matching thrones were made of hand carved hardwood and radiated nobility and power. The thrones were displayed in an ornate room with lofty ceilings and fine tapestries covering the walls. It was truly a stately room suited for royalty. The ladies entered and curtseyed. Tammi's...

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Kayla kinky Cock palace

Have you ever took a second and thought about how you met the one you love? Or maybe wondered how many other? It was early February 8th that was the day we officially met. I was at my apartment have a girls night with my girl Nicole we were doing the typical slumber party girl night thing like hair, makeup, music, drugs, and the occasional talk about men and there bullshit that we females tend to put up with. Nicole was having problems with her kind of sort of boyfriend Trent. Trent and I had...

Group Sex
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Kya Tum Taiyaar Ho

Hello Dosto. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. ( sabhi naam badle hue hai). Mera naam Sachin hai. Meri umar 24 saal hai. meri shaadi 1 saal pehle Barkha se hui thi. Hamari shaadi ek arrange marriage thi isliye mai aur Barkha ek dusre se acchi tarah se parichit nahi the. Kyunki mujhe shaadi ke turant baad Banglore jana tha apni job ke liye isliye hamari suhaagraat thodi der se mani. Shaadi ke karib 15 din baad maine Barkha ko Banglore bulwa liya. Jab mai use banglore airport par lene pahucha to mai use...

3 years ago
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Kya Aap Meri Biwi Ko Try Karoge 8211 Part III

This is the last part of my story please refer for my part I and II. Mene dekha ke uncle bed par lete hue aur meri biwi change kar rahi hai usne sari utar di aur blouse aur petticoat bhi uske baad almari mese vahi silver vali bra and panty set nikala aur pahen liya aur uncle ke pass jake beth gayi, uncle ne uske pith pe hath firya aurUncle: aaj to jane man bahot time hai to aaram se karengemeri biwi: boli thik haiuncle: paas aa jana kehke use apne paas sula diya aur kissing karne lagemeri biwi:...

4 years ago
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KYA FAMILY HAI…..! Hi, I am Sahil and I am 25 yrs old. My father name is Anurodh and he is a Stockbroker. My mother name is Kavita and she is social worker. I have a sister whose name is Payal and she is 19 yrs old doing her graduation, we are from Hindu family. After completing MBA my father opened a business for me because he love me very much and he wanted to become me a boss of himself not a servant of any other company. My business started and we are in progress. After few months my family...

2 years ago
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Kya tumhe woh raat yaad hai

Hello friends, mera naam Subbu hai aur aaj sab ke liye bilkul nayi kahani lekar aayi hu. ko itna pyaar dene ke liye bohut bohut shukriya. Ye kahani hai Renu ki jo 28 saal ki ek vivahit mahila hai. Uska pati Manoj kaam ke silsile mein kuch din ke liye bahar gaya hua hai. Aaj raat Renu bechain hai kyuki aisa pehli baar hai ki Manoj ne itne dino tak usko pyaar nahi kiya. Isi tadap ke saath Renu Manoj ko ek khat likhti hai. Use batane ke liye ki kis tarah woh apne jism ko khud hi sehla kar dilasa...

4 years ago
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Flashing at the Hamburger Palace

When I was in college I knew a girl who was an exhibitionist. At the time, I didn’t appreciate how much fun that type of play can be. How I wish she were around now. Thoughts of her come to mind because of a rare treat I received at a Burger King. It was a lovely day in May about two in the afternoon. I stopped to get a hamburger. The place was almost empty. As I placed my order, a couple entered. There was a little maze that led to the counter and I watched the couple as they snaked...

3 years ago
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Passions Within The Palace Walls

What was it about this woman that when ever he, thought about or spoke to her made his love shaft stand proud and tall, almost as if it was calling out to her, come here and take me into your secret places. ‘Show me how you can love me.’ He recalled the feather light touches of her finger tips as they played up and down his shaft as if it was some musical instrument. In truth it was an instrument, an instrument of pleasure which he and she used in their games of love. Hot passionate games which...

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Escape from Inga Palace of Sin

Inga was a powerful busty German woman. She was tall and very powerful. She was also a sadistic, nymphomaniac ruler. No man could handle her in bed. She took joy out of crushing men and women with her sexual skill and power. No one could handle her. She all ready own Germany and was moving on to other countries. She spoke in a cheesy cartoon accent. She love to dominate people and was a little crazy. Some said she couldn’t be killed. Maybe she was right. Her strength was amazing. She stood 7.4...

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The Palace of Ice

You stand in a great hall. The walls are made of ice, tastefully decorated with icy sculptures depicting various mythical beasts, decorated with snow and filigrane carvings. But it is not the decor that attracts your attention, but the simple, broad throne at the other end of the hall. For some strange reason, you feel a strong need to sit on it. Unable to resist the urge, you continue toward it. As you walk through the hall, you notice that you're wearing no cloths- yet your are not cold at...

3 years ago
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The Palace of Sodomy

Copyright 2005 Jordan Rivers  This text contains material of an explicit and adult nature. If you are not of legal age to view such text DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. The following incidents and characters are fictional and in no way reflects any known persons, situations or places. Any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

2 years ago
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Flashing at the Hamburger Palace

© 2002 LaffWithMe Press Internet [email protected] - [email protected] When I was in college I knew a girl who was an exhibitionist. At the time, I didn't appreciate how much fun that type of play can be. How I wish she were around now. Thoughts of her come to mind because of a rare treat I received at a Burger King. It was a lovely day in May about two in the afternoon. I stopped to get a hamburger. The place was almost empty. As I placed my order, a couple entered....

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 6 The Palace

A man stepped forward and grabbing Ginaya's hands began to dance pressing their two naked bodies together. Ginaya noticed that instead of their areolas being circled by LED's the men had another arrow in the center of their chests. Their dick and balls were colored bright red just like her pussy. The man spun her around and into the arms of another, this time a woman who held her pressed just as close. They danced to the slow almost hypnotic beat of the music and each time Ginaya was spun...

2 years ago
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Junkyard Bitch

Copyright© 2002 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Damn, he better appreciate this, Rosie thought as she pulled up to the dilapidated shack with the weathered 'office' sign hanging precariously over the door. After turning off the engine Rosie stepped out of her car then walked reluctantly toward the building. As she stepped through the door Rosie found herself hoping that the building would remain standing long enough for her to get back outside. "Hello?" Rosie inquired, her voice...

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Junkyards Hammer

The line at the ship’s store wasn’t that long today. After all, it was the only place that most of the crew had to spend their money. The store was a closet sized niche directly across from the ship’s post office and sickbay. Most of the people in line were buying toiletries, stationary, and underwear. My purpose was slightly different. The big, shiny new boom box with the dual cassette players was what I was after. I had just been promoted to Seaman, and the extra sixty dollars per month was...

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Kyaras Birthday Party Part 1 FIXED

On saturday we went to her house and we realized I was the only boy invited. I saw my friend Kyle. We saw all Kyara's hot friends CK, Ashley, and Patricia. Plus Cherrymae. They were all in their panties and bra's as it was a slumber party. CK had the biggest boobs 34 C cup. Ashley also had big boobs at C cup. Patricaia had the smallest boobs at B cup. And cherrymae had medium sized boobs at C cup. After talking and eating dinner and playing games we had truth or dare. "Ck! You start" said...

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Shoukyaku of Blackflame

Following the eastern coastline of this continent, a serpentine mountain range traverses the terrain that separates the united kingdoms of Altrad from the Mauritzian Sea. Though its peaks reach high enough to be snowcapped, the portion of this rambling dagger-like skyline which we focus on tonight is devoid of frosty white. For a span of countless miles, the precarious mountains are visibly sodden with soot and peppered gray. Ash sifts through the air like desert sandstorms, creating a lifeless...

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Kyase Chachi Mere Patni Bani 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, mera nam Krishna hai 21 yr old maharastra se medium body wheat colour skin 6-foot height 7″ ka Lund joki kisbhi aurat ko satisfy Karta hai. Mai sabi readers ko batana chahta ho ki ise story ko padne se pahile aap “Kyase Chachi Mere Patni Bani” Padai please Reviews and comments bhegia. Be patient and read the sex story. this is quite a big chudai story. Ab chachi ki aur meri sex life mast chal rahi thi mai daily chachi ko ek bar choda tha. Ek din hum chudai me busy the tabi chachi...

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