Saving The Coven Royals - Book 4Chapter 21: The Old Emperor’s Palace, Merpakt: free porn video

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“Jason, this Palace is close to two million years old,” said Ergol as he showed Jason around. It was utterly magnificent, but with a different style to the other palace he saw so briefly on Skrept. It was ornate with fine carvings everywhere, yet there were few straight lines and passageways. The rooms had domed roofs with extensive landscapes painted on the walls faintly lighted, showing scenes of the outside planet. Some walls had detailed carvings of scenes of Cockroaches going about their daily lives, tunneling, building and at war.

Ergol watched Jason as he traced his finger above a series of pictures along one of the walls.

“We were sentient, long before those in the Collective, but not all of us achieved sentience at the same time. Our species was well ahead of the other Cockroaches and we were greatly helped by an ancient people who gave more than they took. The other Cockroaches were a hundred thousand years behind us. By then we had thriving civilizations and were traveling to planets some distance from us, with our primitive ancient slightly faster than light engines. We had been helped by the ancients and we helped the other Cockroach species develop. In time they joined our Empire and we lived in peace for a long time. I will tell you more of the history another time but suffice it to say that this palace is very old.

“Come with me I want to show you something,” Ergol said warmly, “you will be the first person in a million years to see what I’m going to show you.”

Ergol moved close to a wall in a comfortably furnished room with similar boat like chairs to those used in the Collective. He looked carefully at the wall. He moved his front claws cautiously into an aperture and then slowly turned them. A small section of the wall slowly opened to expose a passageway that looked as though no one had been in it for a million years. Several dim lights came on in the passageway, which surprised Jason.

“Come through Jason I promise you, you will not be harmed, but I cannot predict how you will react to what you see!” Ergol said grinning and waving his antennae excitedly. He led Jason down a shadowy passageway and then down a steep ramp into a square room that had tiny ancient exquisite paintings on the walls of a variety of creatures and scenes.

Jason looked at the nearest wall. None of the creatures looked familiar to Jason other than the Cockroaches. He saw large Slugs with Jellyfish attached behind their heads. There were odd ape like humanoid species carrying weapons sporting sharp pointed teeth. There were insects the likes of which Jason had never encountered, lizards with six legs, beings that looked like mist and others in unfamiliar environmental suits, but sporting four arms and some with eight legs, a unicorn like being with a scorpion tail and multiple legs like a centipede. Jason found the images disturbing. He found two other humanoid species one with elven ears like Porquenta’s originators, and one that looked like the people of the Empire but with very different uniforms.

“Jason these are some of the ancients I encountered and the paintings are mine.” Ergol remarked. “I cannot tell for sure which are your people, but I promised never to identify some of the ancients to anyone ever.”

Ergol moved over to a point on the wall and after careful inspection he pressed two points on one of his paintings. “It’s been a long time since I have done this and I have to dredge up very old memories from my crystals. My ancient brain begins to fail me, though the medical pod on your ship promises me that within months I will be a youngster again. I must admit I do feel more energetic. The medicine of the Collective is indeed amazing! Now watch,” said Ergol and pointed at a large table on a single pedestal very slowly rising from the floor.

From the table a small blue flame began to form. It rose four or five inches above the table. Jason began to feel a pressure in his head as if he was under telepathic attack.

“Relax Jason, don’t fight it, I promise you will come to no harm.” Ergol said to Jason on noticing his distress.

Jason breathed and relaxed while watching the flame hypnotically moving above the table. The flame enlarged and Jason saw a room within the flame beginning to form. There was some kind of being present within the room, but even with his sensitive Cockroach eyes there was too little light to see what it was.

The being appeared to arouse itself and Jason could feel words beginning to form in his mind.

“Who disturbs me in my rest? I have much work to do and I need my time of rest, let me look at you.” Said the being in a feminine sounding voice while looking directly at Jason. He could not see her face.

“Ergol, I see you, welcome back old friend I am delighted to see you have returned and I surmise that matters that we discussed a while ago have come to pass?” Said the being.

“It is true Nuswa, much time has passed and I have been in exile. I have brought along the friend who rescued me.” Ergol said.

“Of course, Ergol I know who he is, and I know his people. I have seen in your mind all that has transpired, you need say no more. I am sad your period of incarceration lasted so long, I did not predict that, but time does not have as much meaning for me as it has for you, yet I have missed your company and I have not settled easily knowing the evil ones lived in your home.” Nuswa said and then turned to face Jason.

“You and I do not need the artifice of the flame, move your consciousness from outside and you will see me within,” Nuswa instructed.

Jason could’ve sworn that he was looking at Porquenta’s older sister. Her voice was no longer heard within, but he heard her giggle, the pressure on his head eased as he relaxed.

“Ah, young Jason, you do recognize from whence I arose! I am the mother of all Porquenta like planets. I have been slumbering and resting for much longer than I realized.

“Ergol as I check my systems, I can see that I am sadly in need of much maintenance. However, I would suggest that you send all of the technicians and the scientists who will work upon me to visit Porquenta first, so that he can assess them and remove those who are malign and will sabotage me. He can educate those who will do the repairs. It will all move very much faster that way. My communication arrays are not functioning and neither are most of my repair drones. Jason if you will, please send Sheila and Claudette to the planet to see me. I can arrange with them directly what needs to occur and they can further assess for themselves the full scope of the problems I face. I fear I sank into a state of inertness with the lack of company and purpose! I neglected myself. It is sad to die of self-neglect and loneliness even for a machine such as myself. Sentience can be a curse when you are lonely.

“I regret I am not myself, I feel tired and my mind is sluggish. Let us arrange to meet again when I am repaired. Ergol I am pleased your incarceration has ended, but for both of you I regret the war is not ended, but the scope has grown,” said Nuswa as the table sank down and the flame extinguished itself.

“Ergol you promised me a surprise and I am well and truly surprised. I have summoned Sheila and Claudette and I have sent them the telepathic images of how to get here and what to do. They tell me they are in the palace and have reached the wall and ask your permission to enter.” Jason explained. Ergol waved his claw.

Jason heard footsteps two minutes later and was embraced by two excited young women.

“Jason, you and Ergol have other things that need your attention, leave Nuswa to us, she is precious to us and we will take great care of her.” Sheila the AI representative of Porquenta said as she pushed on the wall and the table began to rise again.

“We will take it from here and make all the arrangements necessary with the secretary of Ergol who has returned,” said Claudette the AI representative of Mars.

Audience Room of the Old Palace.

Three weeks later Jason sat next to Ergol and the representatives of the allies who sat in a long line facing the audience on a raised platform in an expansive conference facility in the palace.

Ergol rose and spoke to the room telepathically.

“I would like to thank all of you for everything you have done. I believe my people are rallying to support the crown and morale is much improved as is productivity. The citizens are enthusiastically rebuilding our fleet and we are delighted to join the alliance. I have sent one hundred thousand of our scientists to assist on Porquenta and Mars. We have contributed the specifications of all our new weapons, shields and armor to the general cause and I thank all of you for those ships that you have returned to help us defend ourselves. We are also commencing shipbuilding activities using the facilities on Porquenta. I thank the Collective and Ouma Chatzke for the help they have provided to us to assist us in getting back on our feet industrially. It is hard to believe so much has happened in three weeks.

“For the last million years I have lived a very cloistered existence, and I am overwhelmed meeting all the different beings I have met in these few short weeks, some old friends like the Warriors of the Apocalypse and the Orcs who were so different in my past experience. I am delighted to meet all. I feel the goodwill from all of you as part of the start of friendships our people so badly need. There is much joy and celebration in our towns and cities throughout the holy Coven.

“The Coven was founded two and a half million years ago by my father in the earliest years of our sentience and was intended to be a Covenant between ourselves and the Gods. These illusory Gods and that is what they were, turned out to be the Jellyfish who are the backers of the Octopi, the people of Dhoom. They sold the story of paradise and when we did not want to move to a different universe, they swore revenge. They attacked us and tried to enslave us. They did genetic experimentation to try and attach to us, and then they killed nearly half of the people on this planet, my father included. Our planetary infrastructure was entirely destroyed. They killed as many of our scientists and academics as they could.

“They are the consummate behind-the-scenes manipulators. I believe, we will not know their true motives but they do no good for anyone without them selling their souls. I have evidence they were behind those who undertook the coup d’état. Before that they were my enemies, after the coup they became my bitter enemies.

“Today I do not wish to think any more of our mutual enemies, I want to remember today as a day of thanks to you all and a day of the beginning of a new Coven.

“Today I honor all of you. Each of you has played a critical role in ensuring an evil regime was overturned. What happened, is much more than I expected. I had hoped to escape and to live as the Emperor in exile in the Collective. To find myself together with my family all of whom are intact is a pleasure and a joy I did not expect to experience in my lifetime.

“What most of you do not know is that these events were prophesied by a great Oracle who was one of my family members. Our family is filled with people who can see bits of the future, however, my mother was an extraordinary woman. She wrote down her predictions in a document that spans three volumes, Oraculus 1, 2 and 3.

Jason suddenly became aware of Cyril, previously seated and now lurching drunkenly to his feet. He began to bleed from his ears and his eyes. He appeared to be having a battle within himself, “no I don’t want to do it”, he cried. Jason noticed his hand rising to face the Emperor. He placed himself in front of Ergol, but at the same time Julia stood in front of Cyril and blocked his hand while she struck with her other hand, directly into his face, smashing his nose backwards with her palm, then she cried out in pain and distress.

Same as Saving the Coven Royals - Book 4
Chapter 21: The Old Emperor’s Palace, Merpakt: Videos

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----------- "So what are the risks of... you know. Of dying?" Kathryn asked. "We take every precaution," the Japanese man across from her guaranteed. He was in his late forties - gaunt, stoic, the stereotypical Asian businessman in a sharp suit and thin glasses. He regarded her scrutinizingly, like a material resource perhaps, but not moreso than he would look as such upon any other clerk that worked for his organisation. "The Palace contracts the very best doctors in the country and...

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The Royals 8211 Episode 2 8211 A Night Of Pleasure

The Royals is a sex story series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

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Dolcett Palace

I did not write this. I found it on the web.ALL DRESSED UP After shaving her pussy completely in the shower, Trine looked at her body in the full-view mirror in the bathroom. She was not very tall, but not too short either. She wore her dark-brown hair shoulder- long. Her s*******n years old body was delicious, with its ripe, C-cupped breasts and fine, round bottom. All in all, Trine was happy with her looks. And that was good, she thought, because not much of her would be hidden this evening....

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 23 Golden Palace

Summoned to the Golden Palace by telephone some months later, presumably as a matter of urgency, Henry met the Emir in the small anteroom to the harem of the Golden Palace, though he did not know it as such. "I asked you to come here because we never really had the opportunity to chat when I used the Imperial Voyager the other week. I wanted to see if there is anything you want for the ship?" asked the Emir, apparently with nothing of urgency or importance to impart or ask. "No, Sir, she...

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The Palace of Change

This is an experimental new universe in which a magic being sets up a pleasure palace with the most exquisite of females around. But there's a catch, they are all deserving transformees who came in one time or another. This universe is free for all and I desperately want people to improve on it just don't do anything really disgusting. However detailed transformations would be greatly appreciated. That's the best part of it after all ;) The Palace of Change By Demonn The...

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Kya Palace LariSota

What the Hell is all this? This is a capsular erotic story set in the larger Center Worlds Universe. This has been written as a means of pulling different ideas together so that I can explore harder concepts than the main books convey, and also as a means to explore different directions that the characters may take. It comprises, erotic coupling, science fiction elements, war, violence, and some things that may be distasteful to tender readers. You have been warned, proceed at your own risk. ...

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The Coven of The High Priestess of Hell

What if you stumbled upon a Witches Satanic Ritual? What would it be like? Would you like it? Would you resist? Would you join in with gusto? Here is how I saw it go down!!!!!!--+------------------------I checked and made certain that my cell phone was off. Whatever was happening back here in the middle of the night, I did not want to announce my presence by having my phone go off! I had seen people getting out of a vehicle and going into the corn that bordered my property. The car...

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The Coven Part 1 Reed1

“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!” a young woman yelled as she was dragged in through the front door by a grinning Jackson. He had her by the neck of her collar as everyone in the bar type area laughed and grinned at the pitiful woman. She was attractive, with dyed blonde hair cut into a messy bob, and huge brown eyes. She was in some sort of uniform, but it was torn up so bad that nobody could make out for sure what it read. She panicked, looking around the room at everyone, hoping for...

1 year ago
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The Coven Part 1 Reed0

“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!” a young woman yelled as she was dragged in through the front door by a grinning Jackson. He had her by the neck of her collar as everyone in the bar type area laughed and grinned at the pitiful woman. She was attractive, with dyed blonde hair cut into a messy bob, and huge brown eyes. She was in some sort of uniform, but it was torn up so bad that nobody could make out for sure what it read. She panicked, looking around the room at everyone, hoping for...

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The Initiation into Elaidas BDSM Coven

Please read, and if you enjoy, at least give it a thumbs up.  Comments are VERY appreciated and are what keep me writing!!  So if you enjoy and want more, let me know!! ~~~~~~~~~ The chrome chain fastened to the wide black leather collar that not only encompassed my throat, but held my chin stiffly up while riding snuggly on my shoulders was unnecessary to say the least.  I would have submitted to Elaida had she simply raised a well-manicured fingernail.  Yet their presence made her smile and...

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The Coven and the Virgin

David groggily opened his eyes. Two things caught the attention of his still confused mind. The first, naturally, was that he seemed to be outside, lying on his back. The sky above was dark, clouds hiding the stars which most likely shone down on him. What the hell was he doing there? The teen blinked, registering the second important matter requiring his attention. A nude girl was holding a knife over his chest. Well. That wasn't good! "Oh Lord of all that is Dark, please accept this...

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AHSOKA TANO PLEASES THE PALACE—by Jim Tonic Chapter 1: A Betrayal and Passing Jabba’s Guards Anakin Skywalker hated the sand. He always had. And here, on the surface on Tattoine, he saw something that caused him more anger than he’d ever felt before. Only his Jedi training was keeping his temper in check…barely. It wasn’t the face of the man standing before him that caused his blood to boil. It was all he represented. The lives he’d taken with that aura about him. That cold...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 13 The Emerald Palace

Passing beyond the garden they went down another short corridor and came to a small green door which opened as they approached it. Beyond they were in a large, airy room which seemed to be a smaller replica of the Throne Room of the Golden Palace. "This is your Throne Room," said the Emir, "We are now in the Emerald Palace." "But that doorway leads directly to your harem?" Elaheh was puzzled. "Yes, I had it made especially for you. There are guards on it and only you will be allowed...

2 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 7 The Ruby Palace

The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...

3 years ago
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The Royals 8211 Episode 1 8211 The Princess8217 Procession

The Royals is a series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age-old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven thousand...

1 year ago
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Halloween Sorority Coven Costume Sex Party

“It's so big! It's so hard!” You think you hear an excited female voice exclaim as the sound slowly starts you on the way to regaining consciousness. “Owww . . .” the woman groans, “please . . . slow down . . . I can't take it . . . let me catch my breath . . . please . . . not another climax . . . I'm cumming so hard it hurts . . . please, another orgasm will destroy me . . . I can't take another . . . oh please have mercy . . .” Your eyes slowly blink, as you can now make out the desperate...

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Cheaters Coven

Mae put down her steaming hot chocolate and got up to answer the door. She was a little slower than normal and winced slightly at the dull pain in her hip. She was no spring chicken anymore and age was slowly becoming more of a problem to her. She tried to put more of a spring in her step as she walked to the front door, feeling that the more motion she put in her walk, the better it would feel. Like so many things in her more recent life, it was a case of ‘fake it till you make it’. Recent...

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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

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Passion at the palace

Note : this story is completely fictional! It was a warm, tepid, windy evening in Saudi Arabia. The magic carpets were glistening in the moist dew, a moistness which was only to increase... Maramaramara, his thoughts abroad with the distant breeze was at the end of his had lasted 2 years and now it was nearly complete. the palace gold was nearly his. these two years had been ones of intrigue and inspiration as he encountered many different characters who thought him many different...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 8 The Royals

“How was the week?” Brecht asked as they all sat around her table as dinner was served. “Before we answer, Brecht may I introduce you to Palatal Nulagor who is Jason’s political partner at the War College,” said Razza. “We are looking at lining her up to take some of Philippa’s role. Her father runs one of the Jumo planets, Beeliar.” “Ah yes Beeliar; I remember it well. I hope your family survived?” “Yes, thank you for asking Prime Minister. They were saved just in time.” “Jason, one of...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 4 The Golden Palace

The sumptuous Triple Palace, its façade covered in ruby, emerald and gold inlays, impressed Tamsin tremendously. Although it was already dark, the whole building was floodlit. "Am I to stay there?" she asked, her voice muffled through the abaya which he had insisted on her wearing throughout the journey. "In the Golden Palace, the central part," replied Kamal Qumsiyeh. When they drew up at a small side entrance, Tamsin was handed over to a fat negro with an odd voice and hurried along...

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