The Coven Of The High Priestess Of Hell free porn video

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What if you stumbled upon a Witches Satanic Ritual? What would it be like? Would you like it? Would you resist? Would you join in with gusto? Here is how I saw it go down!!!!!!


I checked and made certain that my cell phone was off. Whatever was happening back here in the middle of the night, I did not want to announce my presence by having my phone go off! I had seen people getting out of a vehicle and going into the corn that bordered my property. The car drove off. I drove home, got my shotgun and went to check things out.

I had hit a small lottery jackpot in the winter and bought this ten acre farm on the edge of a small Ohio town for next to nothing. People said weird things happened back near the remains of an old house. I was told all kinds of stories and each one was more fantastic than the last! I figured some k**s from the local school were heading back there for a party. I chuckled at the thought of how they were going to piss themselves silly when I fired the shotgun off into the ground near them!

Sure enough, there was a bonfire visible just over a rise of the last hill on my quasi-lane I had carved back to the property. I killed the engine on my pickup, grabbed my gun and circled around to where the field came up closest to the house. I could hear voices, but it was strange. They were not talking and laughing. At first I thought they were singing, but then I heard them chanting! The hair on the back of my neck and arms stood on end!!!

The fire was probably about six feet around, with flames licking high into the inky night sky. There were probably close to 20 people in a ring about the fire. What stopped me cold was they were all paired off. One person in each pairing wore a dark robe like an old time monk costume. The other was naked. I mean, not a stitch! Some were men, some were women, some were young adults, but I saw at least a couple of bald men and white haired women!

My shotgun was a double-barrel job that I got from my Dad. I had not even brought any extra shells and I was fairly certain what was in it was just birdshot! It was not going to be a match for a bunch of wacko Satanists doing something weird in the middle of the night! So I started to back out of there, like right now.

I had taken about four steps back toward my truck when the chanting stopped. I have no idea how or why, but I knew they had stopped because of me. Slowly I turned around and the woman may have stepped out from the other side of the fire, but from where I stood, she seemed to step out of the fire in a dark red robe that was open down the front. Even from where I was several yards away it was plain to see the only thing beneath her robe was alabaster flesh! She took two steps away from the fire, toward me and slowly raised and arm and beckoned me to come to her with her index finger. My feet were moving immediately, but not away from her as my mind wanted! I found myself walking slowly out of the shadow toward the fire!

She was beautiful! Tall, stately, with a mass of black hair falling in soft ringlets she looked like temptation herself. Her pubic region was devoid of any hair and every bit as white as the rest of her. Her rich full breasts were barely covered by her robe, though the cleavage and side boob was out there for all to see as it rose and fell with every breath!

A man took my gun as I walked past him in almost a trance. Two women came and stood at either of my shoulders. They both wore the robes. Two more came and knelt in the wet grass, their knees nearly on her feet and mine. I remember wondering how the hell I got that close.

Her lips were painted black and a silver ring wrapped around her lower lip. Two more rings pierced her eyebrow. She had sharp features and when she looked me up and down, her soft pink sensuous tongue slowly rolled over her lips. Her eyes appeared to simply be dark dots in the middle of white eggs, but they seemed to miss nothing… not even my thoughts or my soul’s desires!!!

She raised her eyes and smiled at me saying something. It meant something like, “He will do.” But to be blunt about it, I did not understand the words. I only understood the look. The upturn curl of her lips at their corners and the flash in her eyes just before she thrust both of her hands up into the night sky and she called out something else in the unfamiliar tongue, then slowly turned and the chanting began again as she slowly walked around the fire, mumbling something. I followed even though my mind was screaming for me to run!

I was conscious only of hands removing my clothes and my willingness to let them. I was surprised when they pulled and tugged my pants down that I was fully erect! It did not make sense to me but it seemed to be business as usual to the four women that were undressing me!

Naked in the night, surrounded by people I did not even look at, they led me around the fire. On the other side, there was almost a platform made of pallets that stood waist high. The four women walked me up onto the top of the pile. They tied my ankles and wrists to their ankles. Once they were done, everything went silent. I could just see one of the men walk to near the fire and throw a bucket of powder into the flames. It roared and all manner of colors flickered through the flames as they reached up into the night sky. A pungent scent filled my senses and everything began to spin!

The two women who had tied my wrists to their ankles pulled their robes up. “To cleanse you from the stain of purity and remove the innocence of life and love we now wash you filthy so you will be worthy to receive and to give the pleasure of death.” Each of them in unison began releasing streams of piss and urine all over me! I did not dare to open my mouth in protest but somehow I could not close my eyes in denial either! As all four women bathed me and emptied their bladders I went from revulsion to curious to decadence to desire as the last drops fell on my flesh. They then stood to the side.

I was fully erect. I mean, I had a hardon that looked like it belonged to some ancient fertility god! I could see it without lifting my head! It ached as it stretched my flesh and I groaned as I could feel my senses consumed with the need for sexual gratification. I looked down and knew without a doubt that I had never been this large in my entire life!

I felt the platform rock. A woman in a robe stood over me. I mean, she came up and stood right over me! Her heels were just below my hips to the outside of my thighs. “Receive him into our circle sister that he may be one with us forever!” the four said. Chanting began as I looked up into the face of the middle aged woman with short brown hair. She was plump, even in the robe I could tell that. But she also had a glassy eyed far away glazed look on her face as she said, “I receive him as one with us, I receive him as one within me!”

The chanting increased in volume and she squatted down, grabbed my cock and even had I tried I could not have resisted her as she pointed my enormous stiff cock at her wet pussy and then sank all of the way down on me! It was not long, maybe a minute at the most that she rocked with me locked inside of her and then the chanting stopped. With help from the four other women she stood up and walking over my torso and face she descended the other steps as a young blonde, barely an adult took her place!

“Receive him into our circle sister that he may be one with us forever!” the four said once again and she responded with the same formula of, “I receive him as one with us, I receive him as one within me!” She was naked and despite the cool October air, she was lathered in sweat that made her tiny tight tits look like obscene bronzed bee stings! She was hairless and tight as she sank down and grabbed my cock. She rubbed the glistening dome of my throbbing cock head against her slit and then sank down onto me in a single motion ending in an incredible shudder! The chanting began again as she looked off into the future or the past or into whatever dimension existed only for her! When the chanting stopped, she stood up and a flood of our coupling spilled out over my chest and face as she slowly shuffled over my body!

Six more women came up the platform and the ceremony was repeated each time. Each time, my balls rose higher, my need grew stronger and my cock seemed to grow ever longer and thicker! An old woman and then a MILF followed by another older woman came and took me into themselves and with each my hunger for pleasure swelled.

The last was a blonde in her twenties. She wore a robe but discarded it and handed it to one of the women at my head. She had enormous, swollen tits, whose fronts were covered by dark areolas! But what could not be denied was the bump of her navel being pushed out by the very pregnant belly!! I thought it was equally likely for her to give birth as for me to enter into her when I was so large and she so full! Yet after the words were spoken, without ever looking at my face, she reached down and grabbed my cock and slowly began working me into what became the tightest fuck of my life! She did not bounce and thrust as had the others when the chanting began, only wept and slowly rotated her hips causing my cock to stir deep within her! I grabbed and squeezed onto the ankles of the women whose feet were near my head and I thought I was either going to lose my mind or loose my load deep into her womb before the chanting ended but when it ended, the hands helped her up and she too walked over me.

I was untied at this point and led to stand in front of the alter stage. Everyone was now gathered shoulder to shoulder in a semi-circle around me. The two naked attendants climbed the alter and squatted down at its corners. I am certain that those standing in front of them were able to see all of their pussies judging from how they were sitting with knees and feet so far apart. The other two went back to the semi-circle.

Suddenly the woman who had first summoned me was standing before me in the center of the alter. Her robe was open, resting only on her shoulders arms and back. She was the embodiment of beauty, with pink nipples, plump pussy lips and the most perfect creamy white flesh ever to have walked the earth! “Looking down at me she asked, “Are you ready to drink from the chalice of lewd, lascivious lust and join in the lurid life of decadence that we all share?”

I had no idea what the hell that meant but I heard myself reply, “Yes, I am ready to drink it in and be filled with the lust and hedonistic seed of Satan.” She smiled down at me and the two naked attendants stood up and removed her robe.

She sat down with her legs hanging over the side of the alter, spread mere inches from my face. “Cum and drink as you are filled as requested.” The attendants sat to either side of her and I saw them grabbing hold of my hands, pulling me face first forward and into her beautiful spread pussy.

There were female voices then antiphonal men responding, but I could not focus on what was being said. The consuming presence of needing to eat her pussy was all I could think of.

Then hands were on my hips. Hands spread my ass. Something was pushing. There was pressure, pain and noise! I realized some of the sound was my own screaming as something that felt like molten iron was shoved up my ass! He was nearly done when I realized that I was being ass fucked by a man for the first time in my life!

The chanting stopped and I felt him pull out. My legs nearly buckled as I felt hot splatters of lust and acid like sperm splattered across my ass and back. There were screams and chants. Then there was only my weeping. I heard her coo softly, “You will be soon like one of us. You will be filled with desire that can be given and never taken from any you ever want. You must endure! For now, receive the bounty of my desire!” Hands pulled my face tight against the smooth flesh of her cunt and I felt hands on my hips and probing in my … what had been my virgin ass!”

I lost count of the men violating me or the number of orgasms the brunette goddess had under my mouth! On and on it seemed to go and had it not been for the grip of the attendants I know I would have fallen over and died.

It had to have been an hour or more later and the acrid smell of something burning filled my senses and I found myself once again on the altar. This time I was tied to the wood. Men were throwing different powders upon the fire and though it was not burning as brightly as before, the various showers of color and magic sparks filled the air. There were people having sex nearly every direction I looked.

The priestess came and stood over me. “It is time you join my coven. It is time you join your soul forever to my whims, my desire and my lust. Fill me with your seed that I might bear a c***d to lead the rite in the future. Come unto me my whore, my slut, my slave to my lust!”

She took my stiff prick into her and slowly I felt the knob of my head part and enter into the heated entrance to her pussy. Slowly she rolled her hips, allowing the tip of my cock to familiarize itself with the pleasures that she could give it! I groaned and she smiled. A yellow fire burned within the dark centers of her eyes almost as if the cauldrons of hell were already burning within her soul. Then with a wicked smile she pushed down and took my throbbing swollen knob into the tight inferno of her vagina! It was like a velvet vise squeezing, caressing, imprisoning and enveloping me in a cocoon of perfect pleasure. I did not so much as feel myself push deeper into her as feel my cock lengthen and thicken, burrowing into her as she hovered over me, her perfect white breasts swaying hypnotically over my chest.

Slowly the molten passage opened and yielded to my intrusion into the core of her hellish interior! She hissed as I pushed deeper, stretched her wider and sank further into her body. With her nails she scored lines of pain across my chest though they barely were recognized in the firestorm of lust consuming my mind. I could see, feel and know what was going on around me but all that my brain could process was the sensation of piercing deeper into the darkest, hottest, wettest hell core of evil lust ever known to walk the face of the earth!

When at last she reached the root of my cock I watched as she reached down and opened the lips of her labia as wide as possible so as to envelope as much of me as she could get in her cunt. Then she leaned forward over me, bending the steel of my erection within the cauldron of her pussy and she took my lower lip between her teeth and pulled and bit until I could taste the iron taste of my own blood in my mouth. “You have wounded me. I have wounded you. We are shrouded now in the oneness of death, passion life and dreams. Experience every pleasure, every fear, every desire and nightmare in the consummation of our two hells into one!”

Her hair fell in curtains to either side of us. But I could feel hands on me. Many hands were touching, squeezing, fingering, clawing, holding and twisting my flesh as she slowly began to fuck me. The hands were touching her and in my mind I could see the fingers penetrate her ass, squeeze her tits and slap her bottom. She moaned and her eyes rolled back into her head as the chanting of those gathered around us blocked out everything but the momentary and exquisite nature of our coupling! Hands were roaming over my balls, lips licked my flesh… in my mind I saw a mouth biting her round ass leaving teeth marks and the start of a dark and painful bruise.

She was well and truly fucking herself on me now, sliding the length my cock which felt as if it had swollen to the size of a young tree. It was almost as if she were impaling herself on me and I felt as if I were being skinned alive! My flesh, my personality, my self-esteem and personality, values and identity were all being peeled back layer by layer and tossed into the volcanic eruption that was building within her!

She slammed herself down onto my hips with a scream that only ended as her teeth sank into the flesh of my shoulder. Shudders became quivering pulses of pleasures building into violent eruptions of unmitigated licentious lust! The boiling magma of our coupling boiled out and flowed and then exploded over our lower bodies. My own body was so overcome with need that my mind shattered into a sky filled with a thousand painful pinpricks of light, lust, need, revulsion and unbridled fucking! So consumed by the ripping sear of my cum boiling out of me and flooding her sweet womb that I was only vaguely aware of anything else. The noise, the hands, her teeth, my own shrieks only existed in as much as they were the background tapestry of the union of souls in the most profane of manners!

Reality spun, my vision shrank until the only thing left visible to me was the glint of desire in the deepest part of her eyes and then that too was gone. I floated above the conflagration into the sky as a spark from the fire. I saw my limp corpse lying there nearly lifeless as she shrieked and raised her face to look up at me. Crimson streaks of my red blood ran over her chin, lips and back down her neck as the cry threatened to rip the very fabric of eternity apart!

As I floated above the lurid tabloid, I watched as those gathered, turned and retrieved clothing and reverently departed leaving only the two of us! I could see the twitch and pulse of my still engorged cock as it disappeared into her stretched and torn slit. Hand prints, bite marks, sweat and exhaustion rested over us as a dark mantle of wicked union. When the last person left the clearing, I felt myself being pulled down from my place among the celestial beings to rapidly slam back into the spent and raw existence of reality.

With a shudder I knew that she too had returned from some other realm. The color drained from her face and her moan began low and slow but soon resonated with the world as a whole and shook the world such that leaves fell from a nearby tree. She looked down at me. A smile of completeness and fulfillment rolled across her features and I felt my own satisfaction begin to ease my erection. As I relaxed I felt my tender cock slip from within the depths of her followed by the boiling torrent of our combined fucking pouring out upon us.

She helped me to my feet and we walked silently to where our clothes were folded several yards away. Before I could bend to pick them up, she put a finger under my chin and turned me toward her. She smiled at me and kissed me for the first time tenderly as a woman and not a priestess. When at last that kiss ended, she turned us both back to the stacked sk**s. She lifted a hand and the flames shot up from them, engulfing them in a fire whose heat we could feel nearly twenty feet away.

“We are bonded now. You will come when I next beckon you. It will be on Halloween and then you will join me in the circle. You shall then witness what few get to see as the b**st takes his virgin into the afterlife!” She kissed me once more, picked up her robe and turned and walked toward my house as I pulled on my pants. When I next looked up at her, she only somewhat seemed to be there and before she reached the corn, she was gone.

The fire was gone as was all sign of ash. The grass looked fresh, clean and untrampled. I picked up my shirt, put my underwear in my pocket and slid my shoes on as I continued to scan the grounds looking for something to confirm that I had not lost my mind. But there was no physical sign to be seen as the sun lightened the eastern sky.

I had almost convinced myself that it had all been a dream when I rubbed my hand over a place on my shoulder. It was rough. It was a scar. It was a scar of flesh torn from my body, in a place I had never had a scar before.

I shuddered and went back to my truck


It is October and spooky crap is happening everywhere!!!

So a supernatural encounter with all sorts of vile people is not completely out of the question! You might want to look out the back window of YOUR house! Then again, maybe you don't!!

Let me know what you thought of the story with a comment, vote or even a share/favorite on your page, and thanks for reading!

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The High Priestess

High Priestess Alarra paced in her chambers, anxiously awaiting official word of her campaign. Alarra’s kingdom had been at war with the demonic forces of corruption for years, and had made steady progress in pushing them back. All official reports indicated that victory was near, despite horrific casualties, and rumors this morning were that the army was returning after dealing a final strike. The front gates of the city sent word that her general had arrived, ahead of his armies, and would...

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Priestess of Cybele

"Priestess of Cybele: An Erotic Biography" An Exotic Proem for Adults in Four Line Stanza by The Orifice at Delphi ([email protected]) it will become you; and if you are glad whatever's living will yourself become. girlboys may nothing more than boygirls need. ee cummings "Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that...

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Witchcraft The Dark Moon Coven Part 2

He was a cute thirty year old guy, he was tall with a nice smooth face, even nose and and slick dark hair. Stephanie was a witch, something the rest of her family knew nothing about, she belonged to a group called The Dark Moon Coven, which was not the wicca organization, but was a devil worshiping cult dabbling and more in the black arts. Stephanie and some of the other women in the coven were trying to establish the Cult of Isis, which was a demonic force, a female sex demon that...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 7 Earth

“Follow the path you’re on and you’ll reach your destination. Divert and you may reach your destiny. If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu “So, Jason, how did your meetings go?” Razza asked when they were a few hours away from Earth. “The leaders were very impressed with both Porquenta and Mars and have decided to invest heavily in research and education on both planets. The coordination of the war effort is also going to happen on Porquenta in a...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 17 Charassa Marine Training Base 4

“When you face the most terrifying fears remember the crux of your future is the confrontation of your fears and learning the truth of perseverance and inexorable movement forward.” - Merken. “I am Col. Griffis Melo Lucas and I am in charge of training you for your mission to Skrept. I have fought many battles against the Coven. I specialize in underground warfare and I have been tasked to teach you how to survive this potentially disastrous task for which you are ill-equipped and...

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The Temple Priestess Ch 03

Chapter 3: A temple priestess Anouk’s quick learning pays off This story is set around 5,000 years ago, in Babylonia. In pre-Christian times, just before the patriarchal Hebrews invaded places like Canaan, goddess worship was widespread and sex was connected to spirituality. One thing we are permitted to do at this pleasure temple is to watch others engaged in the sacred sexual union. Of course this is done discreetly, through strategically placed gaps in the brickwork surrounding the love...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 9 Priestess

all characters are over the age of eighteen ***ARAN SUNBLADE – Somewhere in the Karvani mountain range, Western Ekistair*** Aran had just taken his third step into the pitch black tunnel when the rumble of grinding stone signaled behind him. He turned to see the archway closing, taking with it what little daylight penetrated the persistent darkness. Unable to see whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and moved forward, his booted feet treading carefully and his hands outstretched to feel for...

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The Coven 2 Elephant and Castle

Elephant and Castle (The Coven: # 2) by AUC2747 Authors Note: This is the first time I've ever tried to write any sort of extended story. I've written technical stuff before (and this probably shows in my writing style, please bear with me! :-), so I hope this isn't too bad. Maybe I'll extend or continue this story at a later date, as I have some ideas in that direction. Still, that's in the future. In the meantime, yes, this is the second in what I hope will be a whole series of...

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The Coven

The Coven Chapter I: SorceressLizbeth felt ill. Her throat was dry, hoarse. The air was hot and moist, but a chill wracked her bare flesh. She felt dirty. A coarse grit clung to her skin, as she lay in the darkness; cold stone against her breast and belly, cold iron against her wrists. The air smelled awful, the odor of human stink wafting through the tunnels and assaulting her without mercy. Beyond the thick iron bars that lined the cell door's only window, she saw only the faintest flicker of...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero Confounds a Ghost Makes Love to a Bereaved Priestess

There are many tall tales written in the popular magazines of Tarant and Caladon about life on the edge of Arcanum. Daring do on Thanos, trips to the Vendigroth Wastes, eking out a bold and brave and free living on the Morbihan plains, with nothing but your gun to keep you safe from the invariably savage tribes of orcs that would then be slaughtered by the dozens. Those tales, for some reason, rarely mention the typical fare for one living out at the edge: A hideous slurry of beans and pork...

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Cheerleader Coven

Cheerleader Coven By Trisha Max and Stuart watched them from the top bleachers, pretending to talk to each other, but in reality totally transfixed at the spectacle below. Stuart was particularly anxious, but Max wasn't far behind him in excitement. They were in the gymnasium. Down below, on the basketball floor, the cheerleaders were practicing their routine, jumping up and own, thrusting pom-poms out from their chests, and forming elaborate human pyramids. There were six of them,...

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Coven Dark Side

Coven - Dark Side By Anon Allsop Pandemonium ran rampant, the State title for football was finally theirs! The boisterous fans were there cheering for the team, they had finally defeated the Lincolnview, Dragons for the first time in four tries with a very convincing 34 to 3 pasting. This was a very exciting accomplishment for the school as everyone played a crucial part in supporting the team. As it is for any game, not everyone went home happy. The Dragons were favored,...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 10 The Wicked Weasley Witches Coven

Chapter 10 -The Wicked Weasley Witches Coven Hermione sat at her desk reviewing a thick case file when there was a knock at her door. Mundungus Fletcher had been picked up the night before, and this time he had stolen goods on him. She was trying to decide which one of the prosecutors under her would be the most appropriate to handle the case. “Come in,” she answered as she closed the folder and set it in the center of her desk. The tall woman who entered her office was striking and...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 2 The Home of Ouma Chatzke

“The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed.” – Carl von Clausewitz Jason enjoyed sitting at the comfortable seat next to the well-worn table in the home of Ouma Chatzke. The smell in the room was delightful, reflective of the influence of an interesting piece of olfactory art carefully placed on the side on a side table. Jason appreciated his improved sense of smell that allowed him to enjoy the delicate nuances of the piece of art. “I’m...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 10 Family in Danger

“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...

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The High Priestess of the Willow

The High Priestess removed her white cotton gown, undoing the buttons one by one until her breasts and her pudenda were revealed in glorious dénouement. She was attended by her Sisters, her breasts anointed with first the lavender and then the rose oil, as she stood in the glow of the nearly full moon. Her raven hair cascaded to her waist and her stately presence brought gasps of awe from those picked to witness the event. The chosen one was brought forward, his hands bound, his eyes staring in...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 4 The Priestessrsquos Inspiration

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Faerie “He’s going to be a while,” I said, a smile playing on my lips as my brother followed the faerie princess into the pavilion grown out of the grass in moments. Nathalie giggled. The fourteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she rubbed her hands together. Her small breasts jiggled as she squirmed, her blonde, braided pigtails swaying about her head. Then she looked to her right and squeaked, covering her tits. The...

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The Coven Part 1 Reed1

“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!” a young woman yelled as she was dragged in through the front door by a grinning Jackson. He had her by the neck of her collar as everyone in the bar type area laughed and grinned at the pitiful woman. She was attractive, with dyed blonde hair cut into a messy bob, and huge brown eyes. She was in some sort of uniform, but it was torn up so bad that nobody could make out for sure what it read. She panicked, looking around the room at everyone, hoping for...

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The Coven Part 1 Reed0

“HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!” a young woman yelled as she was dragged in through the front door by a grinning Jackson. He had her by the neck of her collar as everyone in the bar type area laughed and grinned at the pitiful woman. She was attractive, with dyed blonde hair cut into a messy bob, and huge brown eyes. She was in some sort of uniform, but it was torn up so bad that nobody could make out for sure what it read. She panicked, looking around the room at everyone, hoping for...

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The Initiation into Elaidas BDSM Coven

Please read, and if you enjoy, at least give it a thumbs up.  Comments are VERY appreciated and are what keep me writing!!  So if you enjoy and want more, let me know!! ~~~~~~~~~ The chrome chain fastened to the wide black leather collar that not only encompassed my throat, but held my chin stiffly up while riding snuggly on my shoulders was unnecessary to say the least.  I would have submitted to Elaida had she simply raised a well-manicured fingernail.  Yet their presence made her smile and...

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The Coven and the Virgin

David groggily opened his eyes. Two things caught the attention of his still confused mind. The first, naturally, was that he seemed to be outside, lying on his back. The sky above was dark, clouds hiding the stars which most likely shone down on him. What the hell was he doing there? The teen blinked, registering the second important matter requiring his attention. A nude girl was holding a knife over his chest. Well. That wasn't good! "Oh Lord of all that is Dark, please accept this...

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Halloween Sorority Coven Costume Sex Party

“It's so big! It's so hard!” You think you hear an excited female voice exclaim as the sound slowly starts you on the way to regaining consciousness. “Owww . . .” the woman groans, “please . . . slow down . . . I can't take it . . . let me catch my breath . . . please . . . not another climax . . . I'm cumming so hard it hurts . . . please, another orgasm will destroy me . . . I can't take another . . . oh please have mercy . . .” Your eyes slowly blink, as you can now make out the desperate...

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Cheaters Coven

Mae put down her steaming hot chocolate and got up to answer the door. She was a little slower than normal and winced slightly at the dull pain in her hip. She was no spring chicken anymore and age was slowly becoming more of a problem to her. She tried to put more of a spring in her step as she walked to the front door, feeling that the more motion she put in her walk, the better it would feel. Like so many things in her more recent life, it was a case of ‘fake it till you make it’. Recent...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 5 Porquenta

“We’re harvesting the fruits of the seeds planted by those before us. Make sure you plant the right seeds for those who come after you. Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Jason looked down from the shuttle as they slowly descended towards Porquenta. “Why are we going so slowly?” Jason asked. “I handed control to Porquenta at his request, he is flying us.” Said the Captain. “We are getting close to the ground,” said...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 11 The Big Day

“Well, guys today’s the day,” said Beth in the Empire Intelligence Meeting Room, University of Cassiopeia standing in front of both groups. “The course was excellent, thank you very much Jason for organizing that for us all. Just having a source for all of the new generation surveillance stuff is in itself a priceless benefit. We have our plan for the day, we have our equipment ready?” Beth asked. “I can’t seem to get my insect drones to launch,” said Mandy Fritzell. “Can you have a quick...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 13 The Pirate Strike

“The pirates would kiss Hayden, and sometimes they would cut off a hank of hair - ‘as a reminder of yer kisses, me lad’ - and one of them even cut off a piece of his earlobe. This particular pirate was Bill McGregor, and he was the one Hayden feared the most. Bill McGregor was the worst of them - and at night when everyone else was asleep, Bill McGregor would come looking for Hayden, his step slow and hollow on the planks of the deck, his voice a deep whisper. Boy,’ he would murmur. ‘where...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 28 The Priestessrsquos Lie

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Zanyia The cloud of insects surged down at me, hungry. The world grew darker, an artificial night falling on me. My skin crawled. My stomach tightened. The swarm came at me from every direction. My tail swished. I had to go somewhere. I didn’t want to get devoured but— Purple sprang around me. A dome of mystical energy manifested a heartbeat before the insects engulfed my body. The bugs slammed into the shield. A great, angry buzz rumbled...

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The Masterton Covenant

"I know why you're here," the old man says. He is sitting at the back of the club, still wrapped in a shawl despite the roaring fire behind him. He doesn't bother to turn, instead staring into the flickering flames as he sips a glass of brandy. "I've seen that look before, that hunger. You think you've exhausted every pleasure this world has to offer and you're looking for some new thrill to ease the tedium. Then you heard about them and you wondered if it was possible, without dying...

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After high school coven

100% fiction! Well here it is then. Well past the depths of mid-night and my best friend was getting ready to get her jollies off on my older sister. It is true that I pretty much did take my nether region frustrations out on her brothers. "Turn about is fair play!" She had said I would say that I've created a monster but even Dr. Frankenstein knew when to take a rest and recovery hiatus. Well this very dirty doctor is headed to her shower. Call it an executive decision but my pleasantly abused...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 23 Burn in Hell

“I hope you are feeling rested after our little holiday on Porquenta,” said Jason. “Ergol, this is a lovely comfortable study. I do like your palace.” “Thank you for inviting us to Porquenta, we had an enjoyable time. Porquenta and I had a series of conversations,” said Ergol. “He has played a very active role helping you as has Mars. The two of them are very different. Each has their own personality,” said Ergol pensively. “Nuswa completed a very big upgrade of equipment yesterday. “I am...

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Covenant of Wolves

Chapter One?Goddamn, I hate these fucking cum shot posers!?  Millie tapped a spiked heel against the concrete.  Loud music thumped not too far from where she and a half a dozen others stood waiting for admittance to the club.  ?Move it you fucking asshole! They’re playing Combichrist!? Some in the line looked at her oddly, wondering no doubt if her elongated ears were the real thing or if she were a human trying to pass as a Fae.  That was the usual response wherever she went when she was on...

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The Coven of Vampires

The young couple Dem and Matt and lived a quiet life together. However, Matt had a dark desire, he wanted to be a vampire. One night on his way home from work he heard a strange noise coming from the alley. Matt headed to the alley. In the alley, a woman in a white nightgown stood before him. He was speechless. Before he could react, the woman bit him on the neck and disappeared into a mist. Matt hurried home where he was greeted by his lovely wife Dem. “Her neck is pulsing” Matt thought as he...

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CovenChapter 1

I pulled the cord open, lifted the robe self-consciously from my shoulders, and stood in the circle with the others, facing the fire, with the darkness to our backs. But perhaps I should explain... Despite the best of intentions I had fallen asleep waiting for Michael to arrive, and the rhythmic pounding on the door confused me further. By the time I reached the front of the house to shut the noise down I remembered what was going on, and I opened the door and dragged him in. Michael and I...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 8 University

“If you’re going through a rough time, keep going until you reach the end. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill “Hi Razza, I’ve hardly seen you guys for the last few days I’ve been so busy, I’m terribly sorry. What have you been doing?” Jason asked as they walked along on campus towards the information technology laboratory to speak to the professor. “We had a great time traveling around with your daughter and grandchildren. We all found Chuck and Chloe very...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 9 Empire AI and Computing Systems CC

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Tania Biech reminded Jason of many of the trashy young woman he had met at University when he was younger. Her bottle blonde, shoulder length hair was slightly disheveled as if she had recently risen from her bed after a heavy night and had made only slight efforts to get herself in order. Her blue...

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