Maulfotze indian porn

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 5

Teil 5: Der PostboteEin paar Wochen waren vergangen, seit Vanessa erfahren hatte, dass sie schwanger war. Noch war nicht allzu viel davon zu sehen, höchstens eine ganz leichte Wölbung ihres ansonsten flachen Bauches. Bei ihrer Mutter, die ja zwei Monate Vorsprung hatte, war dagegen schon eine deutliche Rundung zu erkennen.An dem Fick-Arrangement hatte sich durch Vanessas Schwangerschaft vorerst nichts geändert. Sie wurde weiterhin von Thomas und Marc regelmäßig gefickt. Und auch Sandra wurde...

3 years ago
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Sabina II Freundschaften halten nicht ewig

Die 31 j?hrige rotblonde Sabina hatte ihren Ehemann betrogen. Als ihr Mann Sven dahinterkam, zwang er seine Frau sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Mit striktem Sex- und K?rpertraining erzog er sie zur gehorsamen Sklavin. Doch nachdem er Sabina von einem Hund hat nehmen lassen und sie zwang Pferdesperma zu schlucken hatte sie Rachegef?hle. Wird Sven die Angelegenheit aus der Hand gleiten? Wen die ganze Geschichte interessiert, der findet sie in der Story Sabina und ihr neues LebenDanke f?r das positive F...

2 years ago
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Der Saunabesuch

Es war wieder Dienstag. Ich war um 12 h in der Sauna angekommen. Da mein Hengst, der mich dort benutzen wollte erst gegen 14 h da sein wollte, hatte ich genügend Zeit, mich in Ruhe zu reinigen und ausgiebig zu spülen. Von dort ging ich wie immer erst einmal unter die Dusche vor der Dampfsauna und gleich nass hinein. Ich hatte schon gesehen, dass sich dort einige tummeln müssten, da viele Handtücher an den Haken hingen. Die wohlige feuchte Wärme umfing mich. Ein, zwei standen schon in dem noch...

3 years ago
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Versaute Sklavenfotze

Neue Erfahrung Sie war 18 und unsterblich verliebt. Sie hatte eingewilligt seine Sklavenhure zu sein und ihm 24/7 zur Verfügung zu stehen. Er war 60, gut aussehend und dominant. Sie war zu ihm gezogen und so fing es an. Es war Samstag und er befahl ihr die high heels anzuziehen und einen leichten Mantel. Mehr nicht. Er öffnete die Tür und sie folgte. Er ging mit ihr zur Bushaltestelle. Es war eine belebte Linie und es standen bereits einige Leute an der Haltestelle. Er stellte sich hinter sie...

3 years ago
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Die geilste Nacht meines noch jungen Lebens

Hallo, mein Name ist Kristin und ich möchte Euch von etwas berichten, das mich ziemlich verändert hat. Letzten November rief mich meine Freundin Nina an, sie klang sehr aufgelöst. Wie sich herausstellte, hatte ihr Freund gerade mit ihr Schluss gemacht. Ich kannte Nina schon, seit wir fünf waren. So was nennt man wohl Sandkastenfreunde. Natürlich kannte ich auch ihren Ex. Er war ein echter Schönling, rasierte Brust, braun gebrannt und, wie Nina mir erzählte, mit einem ziemlich mickrigen...

4 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

4 years ago
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Das Treffen

Das TreffenAuf dem Weg zum Bahnhof, ?berpr?fte sie noch einmal pflichtbewusst ihr Outfit. Er hatte es sich so gew?nscht, als sie sich zu diesem Treffen verabredet hatten. Lange hatte sie gez?gert, und dann doch endlich zugesagt. Vor Monaten hatte sie sich endlich getraut sich anzumelden. Lange hatte sie gez?gert. Die Sklavenzentrale. Allein der Name war schon respekteinfl??end. Irgendwann kamen sie ins Gespr?ch. Dieser unbekannte Dom und sie. Viele Mails sp?ter, nach vielen intensiven Gesp...

4 years ago
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Die Geister die ich rief

...dürfen gerne auf ewig bleiben. Ich weiß, so geht dieser Spruch nicht. Aber in diesem Fall machen wir eine Ausnahme. Doch etwas zu mir: Mein Name ist Bernhard, von allen nur Bernie oder im Englischen “Börnie” genannt. Ich bin Anfang 20 und durchschnittlich gebaut. Ich sehe bestimmt nicht übel aus, bin aber sicherlich auch kein Adonis. Ich hab keinen so üblen Job (ich arbeite in einer großen Firma im Vertriebsdienst und werde gerade zum Kundenbetreuer hochgezogen) von dem ich nicht reich...

Group Sex
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Hotwife l t die Katze aus dem Sack

Ich sitze in meinem Appartement hoch über den Dächern einer großen Stadt. Da ich öfter in dieser Stadt geschäftlich zu tun habe zahlt meine Firma mir die Miete. Ein idealer Ort für ein Liebesnest. Es ist bereits 18.30. Um 18.15 waren wir verabredet. Ich denke an das letzte Jahr. Brav warst du, ja sogar schüchtern. Aber dann kam die Zeit in der du dich mehr und mehr verwandelt hast. Immer wenn wir uns trafen hattest du ein neues Outfit dabei. Wir verstauten es danach meist Sperma besudelt in den...

4 years ago
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Hannes Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten

Jeder der möchte kann mitschreiben. Eine Hure zum Achtzehnten „Hier Hannes“, mein Vater deutete auf eine verhärmt aussehende Frau. „Das ist Barbara, aber du kannst sie auch Babsi nennen!“ Seine riesigen Hände glitten über ihr stramm sitzendes Shirt. „Das sind Oschis“, kommentierte Vater und zog das T-Shirt rauf. Babis dicke fleischige Oberweite quoll aus dem viel zu kleinen Büstenhalter. Vati strich mit einer Hand über ihre rechte Brust und sagte, „eine Milchkuh zum Achtzehnten. Live und in...

2 years ago
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Bi Sex

„Du dumme Nutte!“ Ich pfefferte die Tür zum Schlafzimmer zu. Das was ich gesehen schnürte mir die Kehle zu. Meine Freundin Sandra und Nico mein bester Kumpel trieben es in unserem Bett. Ich hockte im Wohnzimmer auf meinen Lieblingssessel. Nico kam aus dem Schlafzimmer. Nackt, kein Stück Reue oder Schamgefühl mir gegenüber. Sandra kam dazu, ebenfalls nackt. Sie grinste breit und ich sah fassungslos zu, wie sie anfing Nicos Schwanz vor meinen Augen zu massieren. Ich saß einfach da. Wie...

4 years ago
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Schwanzgeile Flittchen

Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...

4 years ago
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Eine versaute Nacht

Es war zwei Uhr nachts und Franklin lag wach in seinem Bett. Neben ihm hörte er den regelmäßigen Atem seines Freundes. Er schaute in seine Richtung und sah das Benjamin tief schlief. Obwohl er ihn erst vor einer Stunde genommen hatte und Benjis Sperma noch immer durch einen Plug in Franklins Arsch gehalten wurde, konnte Franklin nicht anders und begann mit seinen Lippen Benjis Körper zu erkunden. Er liebte es seinem Freund jeden Wunsch von den Augen abzulesen und ihm die Befriedigung zu...

4 years ago
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Das Hausm dchen

Leere, eine Leere deren Ursache ich nicht kenne! Aber eigentlich habe ich alles, was ein Junger Mann wie ich zum glücklich werden brauch. Ein großes Haus mit Pool, Fitnessraum, Heimkino und sogar einer eigenen Bar mit Barkeeper im Wohnzimmer. Aber woher kommt dann diese Leere in mir? Am Geld kann es nicht liegen... da habe ich genug von meinen Eltern geerbt. Meine Eltern! Vielleicht ist das der Grund, warum in mir so eine Leere herrscht? Sie sind früh gestorben und waren nie richtig für mich...

2 years ago
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In Nachbars Garten

Es war Sommer und ich wollte wieder mal unsere geile Nachbarin Ira beim FKK-Sonnenbaden in ihrem Garten beobachten. Sie war so etwa 35 Jahre alt, schön drall mit großen, schweren Titten und sie hatte einen prallen und ausladenden Hintern. Sie war braungebrannt und hatte ihre Muschi immer blitzblank rasiert. Iras Ehemann Georg war oft auf Montage und sie nutzte die Zeit zum Sonnen in einer Ecke ihres großen Grundstücks, welche schlecht einzusehen war. Wenn man aber über die Mauer kletterte und...

4 years ago
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Liliandra Teil 1 Entdeckung der Schlampe

Diese Geschichte entstand aus einem Rp mit Liliandra.In der Story Geht es Perverser und Versaut zu Sache und ist nichts für jeden geeignet.Da es ein Laufendes Rp ist kommen noch Fortsetzungen.MarcelEntspannt lenke ich den S4 den meinen Eltern mir zum 20. Geburtstag geschenkt haben durch die Sonnen beschienen Straße des Vorort´s.Es ist gerade 12 Uhr als ich den Wagen in eine der vier Garagen Parke .Das ich heute so früh daheim bin liegt daran das bei mir 2 Vorlesungen ausgefallen.Die ersten zwei...

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Jenny die spermageile Hure Teil 1

Steffi und ich haben eine Überraschung für dich. Wir holen dich ab und bringen dich zu einem abgelegenen Gebäude. Es ist innen ein großer Raum, der teilweisse durch einen Vorhang abgetrennt ist.In der Mitte steht ein knapp 2 Meter langer gepolsterter Podest mit nur 50 cm Höhe. An den Seiten sind Pfähle in jeweils rd. 70 cm. Eine Videocam liegt auf einem Stuhl. Steffi führt dich in den Raum und verbindet dir die Augen. Danachziehen wir dich völlig nackt aus und legen dich rücklings auf den...

2 years ago
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Der verh auml ngnisvolle Chat 3

5.Ich lief nach kurzer Zeit tatsächlich wieder aus, ich konnte das abspritzen gar nicht verhindern. Was mich wunderte ist nur das mein Schwanz weiterhin steif blieb. Nun fickte er mich wieder tief in meine Fotze, da zog mir Herr Geilig die Gummimaske vom Kopf. Aber bevor ich sehen konnte wer mich fickte, steckte mir Herr Geilig wieder seinen Schwanz in den Mund. „So schön weiter blasen du Schwanzlutscher, du kannst gleich sehen wer dich Fickt, aber erst wenn du das zweite Mal abgespritzt hast“....

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Freundschaftoder mehr Teil 2 Das Flittchen

Teil 2Alle Personen sind frei erfunden und habe nichts mit der Realität zu tun. Das weiterverbreiten ohne meine Zustimmung ist nicht erlaubt,Um den Zusammenhang zu verstehen, empfehle ich den ersten Teil vorab zu lesen. FlittchenLange brauche ich nicht überlegen wie und wo ich meinen Plan umsetzten könnte. Ich fühle mich doch leicht eingerostet was das aufreizen einer Frau angeht also versuche ich mein Glück bei der großen Gemeinde...

4 years ago
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Geschichte zu Video Dirty Fat Bitch

Dieses ist die Geschichte zu dem Video "Dirty Fat Bitch" und den Fotos von "Fat Bitch"Fat Bitch heisst eigentlich Vera C. und kommt aus dem Ruhrgebiet, ursprünglich allerdings aus Thüringen sie ist Mitte 50. Ich habe auch kurz im Ruhrgebiet gewohnt und sie häufiger gesehen als ich mit dem Hund war. Wie das so ist, am Rhein kamen wir über die Hunde ins Gespräch und ich dachte so bei mir, Man die möchte ich mal ficken. Sie war so prall, dicke Titten, fetter Bauch, dicker Arsch und fette Beine,...

3 years ago
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Emmas Dem uuml tigung 4

Früh erwachte Emma. Ihr Körper schmerzte, die Fotze brannte, die Titten waren von der letzten Nacht noch gerötet und geschwollen, doch sie war glücklich. So glücklich wie noch nie in ihrem Leben. Ein Mann hatte sie gefickt. Ihr Herr hatte sie gefickt und zur Frau gemacht und noch viel wichtiger: Es war OK, dass sie dick war. Klaus schlief im Bett, dass er gestern extra noch neu bezogen hatte und Emma beschloss, dass sie ihm etwas zu Essen machen würde und ihn erst danach weckte. In der Küche...

2 years ago
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VORSTELLUNGSGESPR Auml CH der perversen ART Teil02

VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickmama Fortsetzung www

Teil 6Da Wochenende war konnte ich mich mal wieder ausschlafen, gegen 10 UhrKlingelte mein Handy und Heidi war dran.„Guten Morgen mein Süßer, kommst du heute zum essen! fragt Heidi mich„Ja so gegen zwölf Uhr kann ich da sein, antworte ich.Nach dem Frühstück räume ich endlich mal wieder meine Bude auf packe die schmutzige Wäsche für Heidi in einen Korb. Wie versprochen bin ich gegen Zwölf bei Heidi, die mich heißersehnt erwartet. Sie hat sich für mich deftig herausgeputzt, aus ihrem weißen...

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Oma Opa und der Feriengast Teil 7

Bei Oma Ellen und Opa Werner angelangt klingelte Leon an der Haustür. Als die Tür geöffnet wurde standen Oma Ellen und Oma Heidi splitternackt im Hausflur zur Begrüßung des jungen Paares.Leon starrte seine Oma Ellen an, die er bisher noch nicht nackt gesehen hatte. Sie glich ihrer Tochter, Leons Mutter Sabine. Tolle Rundungen genau an den richtigen Stellen und volle runde Brüste, die bei Oma Ellen allerdings etwas mehr nach unten hingen als bei seiner Mutter. Ellens blank rasierte Fotze sah...

3 years ago
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Zur sissy gemacht Teil 1

Mein Name ist Jens Bahlmann, 32 Jahre alt und dies ist meine Geschichte, wie ich von einem heterosexuellen Mann zu einer schwanzgeilen Sissyschlampe umgewandelt wurde.Es begann vor knapp 2 Jahren, ich war seit 6 Monaten nach über 3 Jahren Ehe von meiner Frau geschieden. Ich hatte herausgefunden, daß sie mich seit unserer Hochzeit regelmässig betrogen hatte. Durch Zufall habe ich es erfahren, als ich im Internet Fotos von ihr und mehreren Männern gefunden hatte., die sie als tabulose Gangbang...

2 years ago
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Strapon Power

Es war gestern,ich saß da trank einige Bier und spielte mir mit meinen Fingern an meinen Arschloch rum.Ich wusste genau das es schon viel zu lange her war das ich einen prächtigen Gummischwanz in meinen Arschloch gespürt hatte.Ich hatte mich schon seit Jahren immer wieder von Frauen in den Arsch ficken lassen.Ich denke nicht das ich ich schwul bin, aber so richtig geil werde ich nur wenn ich einen kräftigen Gummischwanz in meiner Analfotze spüren darf.....einmal hatte ich es sogar geschafft mit...

5 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 20

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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FKK Urlaub 7 Teil

Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....

3 years ago
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Ich will

Ich willCarola kniete mit dicken Tr?nen in den Augen nackt auf dem Boden. Ihre H?nde hielt sie hinter ihrem beinah kahl geschorenen Kopf verschr?nkt. Vor drei Wochen hatte er ihr alle Haare abrasiert. Nur was seit damals nachgewachsen war bedeckte ihren Kopf.?Bitte, Master, nehmt diese unw?rdige Sklavenfotze zur?ck? schniefte sie.Nachdem er ihr die Haare rasiert hatte war sie davon gelaufen. Es war zu viel. So w?rde sie sich niemals unter Menschen, schon gar nicht in der Arbeit oder ihren Freunden bli...

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Die Negerhure german

NegerhureEndlich! Endlich war das Wochenende da! Die ganze Woche ?ber hatte ich im Friseurladen meiner Chefin Haare geschnitten, gef?rbt, Dauerwellen gelegt und mich die ganze Zeit ?ber schon auf das Wochenende gefreut. Nun also, war es endlich soweit!Es war Samstag Nachmittag und ich machte mich bereit um in die Disco zu gehen. Klar, ich wollte auch etwas abtanzen, aber in erster Linie wollte ich mir wieder mal einen Kerl aufrei?en und mich endlich wieder mal so richtig durchficken lassen. Nein, i...

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A Journey of Passion Ch 06

She paced and hugged herself as she tried to calm the nerves threatening to take over inside her. Gabriela looked around her apartment for maybe the hundredth time to be sure things were in order. This was it. Seth was on his way home at last. They were meeting the next day for the first time. He’d made reservations for her to fly out to the hotel where they’d be staying. She’d soon be touching her man, the love of her life. Her mind drifted as it often did to how the two of them got...

4 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Four a Absorption

Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....

Wife Lovers
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Honesty 1

“Is something wrong?” Comes the deep, throaty voice of his companion. That voice alone was enough to rumble deep beneath his heart and stir in his stomach. “No.” Xavier responds, despite himself. He only wanted to get back to sleep. Stanley being awake all night fussing would interrupt that for sure. “Okay.” He can barely see through the weak flames, when his friend turns to lay back on his own bedding. Stanley's was made of an old bear hide, if he remembered correctly. Xavier decides in...

2 years ago
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What the Hell

Well Came home from work early the other day and caught my bitch cheating for the second time.. And this time with her Uncle.. No shit well he was married to her aunt at one time no blood there but still nasty as fuck if you ask me.. But thru it all I kept a level head cause we have a 1yr girl together...and Was not about to ruin me being in her life because her mother is a stupid whore.. My first thought was to snap and kill them to be honest.. But That would serve no purpose.. I instead did...

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Passed Down

I wasn't the first man that Nikki had cheated on her husband with.  Ron came before me.  Ron had made a mockery of Nikki's marriage after her husband left her.  Ron lived across the hall from Nikki and opened his door to her when she had nowhere else to go.As a show of thanks, Nikki spread her legs for him, and let him fuck her.  Nikki remained Ron's plaything until she moved back home.  Nikki was truly submissive. She liked to be used, abused and dominated. Nikki chose to put herself in many...

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The Crack of Dawn

Me and Dawn was both born 'n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We'd just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always "Just Friends." You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I'd moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn't seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...

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Merchant of Kappa VI

Humanity has sure progressed a lot in the next millennium. Interstellar warp engines were invented, humans have spread through the galaxy, populating over a thousand different star systems. But with progress, came decay. The Federation is what remains of the old democratic way of life. On federal planets social democracy rules, justice often prevails and people live more or less in harmony with each other. But majority of the settled worlds are independent. Ruled by dictators, large local...

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Carried away

Carried away – Part OneIt was a beautiful warm August afternoon as Mike and his wife Andrea drove into the beach parking lot. Mike had finally convinced his prudish wife to go to a clothing optional beach with him. She had made it clear that it was all right if he wanted to go naked but that she had no intention of taking off her suit. Mike felt content that his proper wife was willing to go at least this far.Mike parked the car and began to get the beach chairs and bags from the trunk. Andrea...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 37

After dinner, Kate, Clara and I stayed in the living room and played a game of Scrabble. We tried to use as many swear words and words with sexual meanings as possible. We finally had to quit when Kate claimed that PUZY was an accepted alternate spelling. It was a lot of fun just lying on the floor and playing a game together. At around nine, I walked Clara home. I felt more relaxed with her than I had before we had our problem. On my return trip home, I asked myself why this was. Why did I...

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We were all sitting at the window table ... four of us and three lookers ... playing Euchre and having a beer when the subject came up. They had some of the same tales as we had way back in Highschool... 'Golden Arm' and like that ... and it was my deal. You need to understand ... we were playing cards during all this ... I just left that out ... unless you want a lesson on how to play Euchre. I didn't think so. I don't know if this qualifies as a Halloween Story ... they're supposed to...

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Ma Ki Anokhi Chudai

Ye story meri mom seema ki hai.Jo ki ek housewife hai .Uski age 43 years hai.Jo ki kafi hot hai.Uska rang sawala hai magar uski gand jo ki in sabki bharpai kar sakti hai.Uske boobs bhi medium size ke hai .Mom koi bhi ladka ghoorke dekhe use bilkul bhi pasand nhi hai.Ye to ho gaya mom ka introduction ab mai apko boar na karte huye story pe ata hu .Ki kaise muze mom ke chudai ka chaska laga aur kaise maine use choda aur dusare se bhi chudwaya. Ye bat tab ki hai jab mai 10 th me tha .Mom so rhi...

2 years ago
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1 000 Words

“Gaaawwwd I’m so full!” the 40 year-old Layla Pope groaned. “Stretch me baby. Mmmmnnnnhhh...”Jayden Fuller obliged with aplomb, but it was bittersweet. Ms. Pope as his untouchable MILF professor. She challenged him; opened his mind to a new world. She was his better in every way. But now she was huffing and puffing with his cock buried in her, turned over and spread on her desk like a common slut. “'O brave new world,' Ms. Pope,” Jayden chuckled, pushing another inch inside her to mews of...

Straight Sex
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Brandy by the Lake

Ah, Brandy, let me take you back to that first summer by the lake. I know that a memory of every pleasure that we shared is burned indelibly into your mind and your body, as it is with me. But just indulge me now and lets go back there together in our minds. Feel free as the memories come flooding back to slip your slim, pretty fingers into your panties and tease your clit as it stiffens. As your pussy wettens, slide your fingers into its slippery depths to your heart’s content, knowing that...

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Older office pleasures

I’ve always been a big fan of older women big time. Lovely curvy, attractive, sexy older women I don’t know but it’s something about the way some of them walk and carry themselves. I can’t take my eyes off them, I’ve worked in offices with older women and it often drives me crazy with desire. It still does to this day. A few weeks my company had a get together party. Soon I started talking to a woman that I’d never seen before. She was friendly and chatty and was easy to get along with. Her...

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Some years ago i found myself working with the United Nations (UN) in Nicosia, which is a city split by the border between Northern (Turkish) and Southern (Greek) Cyprus. It was an 8 month mission and quite hard work but had its advantages. Due to our status we could travel quite freely between both the North and South of Cyprus so lots of different culture and scenery to enjoy. A number of times whilst driving through the Northern part of the city I had seen a Turkish bath house. I had been to...

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Training 2 Hubby

First off, these started as his fantasies not mine, but as time has gone on our sex life has gotten incredibly hot and I wish I had started earlier.I've known for a long time that my husband has some submissive fantasies, and even fantasizes about being forced to eat his own cum. This seemed bizarre to me at first, but now I love making him lick his cum off me every time we make love and he thanks me for it. I don't like to swallow cum, but it is super hot that he will do it on my command.After...

2 years ago
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BreedersChapter 11

Mario pressed the third button on the panel and the metal door opposite slid up and out of sight into the panel above, leaving the way open. The nearest dog turned at the sound of the door opening, stared into the darkened room, sniffed at the doorway and then cautiously entered the room. Behind him another... and another... each sniffing and smelling their new surroundings, assuring themselves of its safety and its occupants. "Close the door, Mario." There was an answering whir and then...

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An Accidental Love God Ch 01

Chapter 1: How It All Began I really had not meant it to turn out this way. It just happened and it was accident. I suppose that is not really a good way to start this. I should begin at the beginning. It started when I decided that I had enough of being the fat guy with the great looking wife. You could just see other people thinking ‘What is she doing with him?’ whenever we were out together. My wife is tall and lean with fantastic long legs and a very shapely ass. Her soft blonde hair is...

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Sister in law 1

One morning while we were at the table eating breakfast my wife, Kat, told me, "My sister and her two girls are flying in this weekend and staying the week. John (Her husband) was going deep sea fishing with his buddies and she did not want to stay home alone for the week. " I looked at her and groaned miserably. My sister-in-law and I get along great the farther away she is from me and I do not have to talk to her. She is always complaining about something stupid, and because of her OCD,...

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Twins Revenge

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

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MomPOV Raye Nudist all natural hippy chick

– 30 years old – Decided to do this because she is loving how her body looks – Loves being nude so figured why not get fucked on camera – Loves to connect with people and make them feel good – Is a sexy all natural hippie girl that is all peace and love – Has full on lesbian girlfriend that knows she is doing this – Likes men just as much as women so technically she is bisexual – Is very open minded and admits to craving a well hung man – She gets excited with the idea of body painting her self...

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Son and mom

Gerald was on his knees between April's spread legs, and he was just beginning to push the head of his cock between the dripping-wet lips of her cunt when the sound of the front door slamming echoed through the single-story ranch house. “Hi Gerry, I'm home!” a female voice called out. April stiffened, her eyes going wide. “Jeepers, it's your mom! I thought you said she wasn't going to be home until later!” “She wasn't supposed to be,” Gerald sighed. “I told her...” He shrugged and started...

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My wife Jen in the glory hole part 1

My wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each other's first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to make sure there wasn't anything too freaky, and then tell me which scene I should watch first.Fast...

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My entire routine had changed as well as my sex life. I had recently moved back from my hiatus out of state so that meant adapting to a different life style as well as a new routine. Not that I cared that things weren’t as comfortable as they used to be, I actually embraced it. I’m the kind of guy that likes change, who welcomes change, so that’s why it was easier for me to adapt to a different culture. Of course the culture was something I was used to – I used to live here, after all. It’s...

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At the Farm Part 4

"What are your plans for the girls? If she manages to get the other maid here, that is." Sigvard stroked his wife's hips with the tip of his fingers, pulling her towards him. She felt the warmth of his breath as she met his lips with her own. "Many years ago, when I first met David's mother, I lived somewhat of a different life. I traveled a lot, visited many places and got to know people with a slightly... alternative attitude to life. They considered themselves a hidden society, with...

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A Boy s Life

Miss Spencer was our next-door neighbor when I was growing up. She was a spinster, whatever that was. She taught English at the High School and all the parents in our neighborhood liked her. She not only volunteered for many neighborhood committees and organized neighborhood block parties and the welcome wagon, she looked out for the neighborhood kids in the summer. She was about Mom’s age. As a kid, I recognized that they weren’t movie stars, but I thought both of them were pretty,...

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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt6

I started my day as normal hitting the gym at 7AM, home for a shower, breakfast, and headed to the store. When I got to the store we had the normal morning meeting and told Steve, Jackie, and Keith to be back at the store by 9:30 so we can head to the new development site visit. Pat will meet us at the site too. After the meeting I called Mrs Lopez. Hi Mrs Lopez..Hi Mark..Please call me Heather..Ok, I will need to stop over after lunch today because some plans changed. I know you are going to...

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BlacksOnBlondes Brooklyn Chase Lisa Tiffian 09 06 2016

In addition to being “besties”, Brooklyn Chase and Lisa Tiffian are next-door neighbors. They’ve been friends for years, and in times of trouble, they have each other’s back. Which is why Brooklyn is sitting in Lisa’s kitchen — sad and lonely. Brooklyn’s hubby is out on another business trip, and even when he’s home, they’re not happy. Sex is horrible. Brooklyn’s married to a “small” man. After hearing her out, Lisa decides...

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My Mom Her Friend And Me

Hi all, this is Rajiv, from Mumbai. I am 5’9″, of an average build. This story is about how one afternoon turned my sex life around. I was 19 at the time and living a normal family life. I lived with my father and my mother in our 2bhk at Mulund. All of the following happened one normal rainy afternoon. It was a Saturday, and I had just eaten my lunch and was planning on taking a nap in my room when I heard a loud giggle. When I went to see what was going on, I saw that some aunty from our...

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Fan Fic

THIS STORY IS FICTION IT DID NOT HAPPEN. To understand this story you need to know the story line in the soap programme Emmerdale where Liv and Gabby are 2 friends both being about 15 years of age, in the soap Liv kissed Gabby on the lips Gabby pulled away and later agreed to forget the kiss. Liv allows Gabby to put a tattoo on her neck, at a party attended by most of the village Liv shows the tattoo not knowing that the tattoo said SKANK Gabby then tells every body about the kiss.A few days...

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Brenda and Sharon

My name is Brenda. I came to the university on my own. Parents gave me some money but I was working getting loans and grants for the rest. I had lived off campus with a dude who turned out to be a douce. He tried to put the moves on me and I wasn’t interested, for whatever reason. He just didn’t do anything for me. Anyway, I decided that day that I needed to move out and find a new room-mate. I couldn’t afford a place by myself. But this time I was going to find a female room mate. So I checked...

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65 Taking Pam a lover

65 Taking Pam a lover Jim and Pam had been married for about 8 years, they were just at the period where sexual experimenting had gone, and long term acceptance had yet to kick in, so they were bored sexually, having two c***dren Peter a lively 7 year old and at 6 Milly pretty blond and knowing tended to cramp the style a bit, but the k**s were loved and nothing would change that. Jim being a self employed journalist, spent long hours doing research, so for Pam, now the k**s had both...

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My Little Adventure Part 2

Both of my hands were on her ass cheeks now, rubbing them. I moved my mouth to her left ear, licking and kissing my way along the back and side of her neck. "I wonder what you're wearing under this skirt?" I asked as my hands kneaded her soft ass cheeks. "Let's find out, shall we," I said, as my hands moved to the button at the back of her skirt. She shivered to my touch, as my hands undid the button and slowly started to undo the zipper. I took my time, teasing her.I smiled as I saw the crack...

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My Sexual Awakening

She was a year older to me named Rita and lived up the street . Rita introduced me to the game of doctor-doctor. One day while playing in my garage, she removed my shorts and pulled down her panties. I was fascinated to see her pee hole , I began to touch her vulva and liked her soft, smooth skin. I started to feel her all over, up and down her legs, between her legs, her crotch and her bottom. She in turn was feeling my penis and my scrotum and we were giggling all the while. This was great,...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Adira Allure Joanna Angel 8217 s Dungeon Furniture Emporium 8211 Episode 1

Furniture collector Dante Colle is browsing around the dungeon furniture emporium when proprietor Joanna Angel checks on him. They chat about a particular piece of furniture, but Joanna quickly decides that she doesn’t like Dante’s attitude and scares him off. No sooner has Dante fled than Adira Allure walks into the emporium, looking to find a desk for her dorm room. Joanna notices how hot Adira is and gets an idea, telling her that she can give her a lot more than a desk. In a...

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OFFICE FUN 1 Beginning

This is a story of discovery and adventure for a mature woman, mother of two twin girls, and divorced. This is a story about a woman who finds excitement, thrills, and a part of herself she had never known and certainly never had the opportunity to recognize. Raised in a proper, conservative home, Patricia Mason was taught morality, propriety and the role of the woman in the household and a marriage. With old-fashioned ideas of the woman taking care of the house and the man providing for...

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Brother In LawChapter 4

Norman Wells, On The Mackenzie River Like the steady fire of a million cannons, the ear-splitting roar of the river ice cracking up reverberated off the distant Mackenzie Mountains, still shrouded with their winter mantle of snow and ice. Locals knew better than to be caught out on the river this time of year, when the thick winter shell begins to split and break into huge, house-sized chunks, sometimes rising from the frigid waters like giant freshwater glaciers, slowly beginning the long...

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A New PastChapter 59 Shadows

“What do you need, Paul?” Jyl asked over the video link. Her hair was lighter than usual, and it looked like she had just come in from the beach at Learmonth. “No chit-chat or catching up?” I asked with what I hoped was a sorrowful look. Jyl laughed. “It’s working hours for you. It’s Saturday for me. I don’t think it’s a social call.” I sighed. “Okay, you know me too well. Can modern medicine explain why we have deja vu’s?” I asked. “Wow, you don’t ask simple questions, do you?” She...

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sis s milk

He hadn't seen Cynthia in a little over six months, and the last time he'd seen her, she had looked as though she'd swallowed a basketball. A month later, Cyn had given birth to Lisa, his first niece. Let's see, he thought, that would make Lisa about five months old, now! He should have made it back to see his niece earlier, but living on the opposite coast made the trip an expensive one. And he'd used the last of that year's vacation days on his last trip home. Thankfully, the...

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Awakening 9

They all lay on the floor catching their breath,Josie kissed her husband gently, thank you,I love you so much Phil said the same,lovingly stroking her hair" come on now girls ,let's get showered and dressed for tonight, we will be about an hour boys, have a beer and rhen you can get ready" announced carolThe girls left,Phil amazed that his beautiful big tatted formerly shy wife was now so easy with her nakedness, even in front of the creepy horse cocked Fred,who remained standing where he was...

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The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The yard was its usual self. Exertion, and sweat, mostly male. Powerful men, some mature, some in their teens, but mainly men who were gloriously aware that they were at their prime, manhood celebrated. As he entered he was aware of his singularity in this company. He had lived a long, very long, time, and desire, dirty, selfish lust had grown with every passing year. He felt really good. That is to say he felt really bad, fucking, nasty, vicious and voracious. He had no concern for anyone or...

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Hi all another friday in the life of a glasgow taxi driver. I was sitting in the city centre when 2 thirty something females said to me how much to coatbridge the other guys all wanted £40 it was a quiet nite so i said how about £25 and they got in. So off we set a bit of banter on the way its always good to have a bit of a laugh with the punters. So one of them was bantering back and forward with me the other was talking but not as much as the other. The one that was doing all the talkings...

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Ashley s Adventures

In this plane of existence there are infinite univeres. Infinite senarios and out come. One thing they all have in common though is Ashley. In every universe strange things happen to her. Sometimes they are unexplainable. Occasionally they make sense. On this Adventure you will see multiple events that may seem bizarre or strange. Enjoy the ride. The guide lines are : This is going to be an open story about Ashley from my story Ashley's Body. It's going to be free to anyone that wants to...

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My first experience

Ever since I first told him I wanted to try bondage, I knew he was dying to try it. He was shocked that I wanted to try something like that, since he was convinced that I was innocent. It wasn’t that our sex life was boring, because it was far from that, but this was something new that neither of us had ever done, so it was exciting for both of us. He surprised me one day by buying handcuffs and testing them out on me while we were making out in my car. He cuffed me to the steering wheel and...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 12 Janet GriswoldChapter 7

Just as the girls had kept some secrets from each other in the past, concerning Chuck, Matilda kept a secret from Betty on this night too. She didn’t tell her sister that ... all things considered ... it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She rolled the rubber onto his straining penis herself, having read the directions at least a dozen times. She didn’t understand what that little extra thing at the tip was for, so she just ignored it, using her fingernails to get the slippery thing down...

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Ice and the three legendary beast Pokemon

They named her Ice for her ice blue eyes and her white almost translucent hair that fell down her back. Entei was her main father figure and took the girl into the cave he had made in the side of the mountain. There the three legendary beast Pokémon raised the little girl to become a strong sexy woman. Soon after she hit puberty Ice felt strange sensations that came from her groin and made her sticky and wet. When she was thirteen and Entei had fallen asleep she felt around in her panties...

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The Compound

Chapter 1IntroductionMy name is Brenna. I grew up in a small Midwest city with my father, stepmother and 3 older brothers. My mother died when I was 3 and my father remarried when I was 5. My stepmother was abusive, to put it mildly and I would make any excuse to get away from the house. I didn’t have many friends; no one wanted to spend time with the girl with the bruises.When I was 15 some new neighbors moved into our neighborhood. A father with 2 sons. The youngest son, Kurt was my age and...

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Last Years Christmas Party

The other night was my Christmas night out from where I work, it was a rather fancy dinner dance where every one can get dressed up and have a few drinks and let there hair down, oh and yes try and get that Christmas kiss and a bit more if they are lucky !!!!!!!. I got well dressed up, as soon as I arrived I was bought drinks from the some of the male teachers and being polite I didn’t refuse so you can imagine it didn’t take me long to start feeling a little pissed. I was asked for Christmas...

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B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 147

As soon as Randy left I said, "We have rented ten cars today and we are not even open yet. I think we need to change our plans. We need to leave Randy here for the next two weeks and let him do the training for the new hires here and if necessary use conference calls or possibly send Jack down for a couple of days to fill in the gaps." A short discussion followed. We would ask Randy as soon as he came back with the food. That had barely ended when Lorrie's phone rang. "Lorrie, Jessie....

2 years ago
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How I took my mother the first time

I have been lusting after my mother ever since I became sexually aware at the age of fifteen. She was 35 then and was a real beauty. About 5’5” in height and very fair, with a figure of 34c-30-36 and long hair, she was too sexy. I started masturbating around that time and fantasized that my cock was inside her cunt rather than in my hands. I often imagined how her naked body would look like and how it would smell, feel and taste. I was seventeen when I finally got to see her nude. It was...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9 Chapter 18 The End

Hans due to his size and strength was often seen as a bruiser with tremendous strength but little else. This was not the case since he was with the Olafson gang. He was asked about his opinion about other things. The woman across him was about as opposite as a being could be to a Saturnian, she was a Delicate. While Brana was certainly not a member of the original gang, she like the rest became like family. She had just stepped into his security office and without any hesitation floated...

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The Naked Weekend

Friday: We both get off work and meet at the bar with about 10 great friends. I change shirts in the parking lot. You change at work into a tight strapless dress and a see-through blouse over it. We get there about the same time and greet each other with a big hug in the bar that last about 30 seconds. Then a kiss on the lips that lasts more than 10 seconds. It is great to see each other. We then separate and start to mingle with our friends, laughing and having a great time. After...

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Sex stimulating tablets

I have been reading stories for the past 5 years but never shared any of my personnel experience with you peoples. So this is my 1st experience which I am going to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me , About me 19 Single average built from Hyderabad I got true 8 inches dick straight and bit thick I am going to tell you how I made love with my Aunt. If any aunt or girl from Hyderabad (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on ,...

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Making Milk for You

I was reluctant when you asked me to induce lactation, but not really surprised. You were always playing with my tits, suckling for what seemed like hours. You loved to fuck them, and spray cum all over them. When I found all the lactation porn on your computer, you seemed relived that now I knew about your fetish. We watched some together, and I had to admit it was fascinating. I wondered what it would be like to feel my breasts swell to the point of pain, filling up with milk until my nipples...

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A Model for CC s Pt 2

Chapter 2 While Linda was gone searching for the dreaded heels Victor gave the outfit he was supposed to wear a closer look. Just looking at the pile of pink gave him shivers. He really didn't want to put any of this outfit on, but it didn't look like he would have much of a choice. "It's only fabric, a bitter pill to swallow, but if you put on this dress now and let that horrid Linda snap some pictures, then get elected for the shoot and repeat this all over your troubles will be...

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Mum Dad and Auntie Sheila

It was approximately 8:45pm and dad was out as usual but mum was sat downstairs with her friend, I called her Auntie Sheila, she wasn’t my real Auntie but that’s what I called her. They were sat on the sofa drinking wine, I was sat at the top of the stairs, our room was open plan so I could see the TV from there, and where they were sitting, I was 15.As I watched the TV I noticed mum leaned over and whispered in her ear, then they both laughed, mum put her wine glass on the coffee table and...

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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

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The Man Eater 8211 Part 1

The urban dictionary defines the title word as the female equivalent of more male associated words like player – an irresistible woman who chews and spits out men after using them for some sort of gain – sexual, financial or psychological. It was few years back, when I was doing my Bachelors of Engineering from one of the colleges in Chennai that I met her first. After completing my first year examinations, I was happy to go home and also to move out of hostel. The biriyani that I had from a...

2 years ago
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Reuniting with MY sister

I hadn't seen my older half sister in over ten years. In that time she got married, had a daughter then divorced.I found my sister through social media then promptly flew to visit her. she met me at the airport and we hugged for what seemed like eternity. On the long bus ride home i don't what it was but there was an instand connection and I got turned on a bit. I felt that she felt it too but i quickly dismissed the idea. My sister and I are very open with one another and she told me how her...

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My first Time 93

I just started high school i was the new kid in the town as well. It all started when i fell down the stairs going to my first class when this guy came flying down the stairs and knocked all my books outta my hands. later that day at lunch i was eating alone by my locker when he walked past again he stoped in front of me, and with a think deep voice he asked if he was the one that kncoked me down when he flew down the stairs i look up and him and told him yes but it was ok and...

3 years ago
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THE BOSS S SLUT 6 Board of Directors Dinner

“Good evening, Sir.” Mr. Woodburn asked me to greet each of the Directors as they arrived. They had been in his home before, just in very different circumstances, so I would only need to guide them in the general direction of the Great Room where he would be entertaining them as they arrived. “Miss James, nice to see you joining us tonight.” I nodded politely. “I must say I much prefer the way you were dressed earlier, though.” He gave me a teasing smile. “Charles has spoken glowingly...

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California Adventure

I was so glad to finally be in California. I gave the nice guy a five as he put my bags on the bed. It had been a long trip, but I was finally here. I slipped off my heels and stretched out on the bed as I remembered all the layovers coming from Charleston to San Diego. People I'd talked to and rushing from one plane to another. It was pretty mundane till I reached Dallas and met some people who were coming to the same place. I was finally living my wishes. I had wanted to come to the...

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Fucking Chris

I had a crush on Chris for years. We had grown up together, played together, were bathed together. We were like siblings. I could tell Chris could never feel the way I do about...

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My sexual experience with a 60 year old lady

Several years ago, I had a neighbor (Linda) who's in her 60's. She was always nice to me. even flirted a bit, but I never thought much about it. One day in passing, she offered me to come over for a drink sometime, and had a devilish look in her eyes. A few days later I took her up on the offer. I knocked on the door, and when she answered, I could tell she already had at least 2 drinks in her. She offered me a shot of brandy. I'm not much of a drinker, but I took the shot. We were chatting for...

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A New Change

Chapter 1: Prelude/the first changes My fiance and i had just gotten back to our hotel room. We were on vacation in China and were really enjoying ourselves. "Baby", my girlfriend Laura spoke to me, "don't get mad but i got us a little... something." She held out her hand and revealed two tiny capsules with what looked like ground herbs inside. "What is it?" I asked. She responded in a coy manner, "so, this is our big vacation before we get married and i think we should really live it up. The...


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