Honesty_(1) free porn video

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“Is something wrong?” Comes the deep, throaty voice of his companion. That voice alone was enough to rumble deep beneath his heart and stir in his stomach.
“No.” Xavier responds, despite himself. He only wanted to get back to sleep. Stanley being awake all night fussing would interrupt that for sure.
“Okay.” He can barely see through the weak flames, when his friend turns to lay back on his own bedding. Stanley's was made of an old bear hide, if he remembered correctly. Xavier decides in that moment that it isn't worth his time to think about, and moves to stare back up at the stars in the sky. They're placed at random, twinkling just the same, some bright and some dim. He can just barely make out the different constellations he'd been trained to find since he was a teen. The shield, the sword, and the bottle. The fish, the staff. The dragon was his favorite. It curled majestically through the night sky, made up of all different stars, watching over everyone carefully as it tended to do. Still, the rocks poke endlessly into Xavier's back. He regrets his choice to not wear armor.
“Stanley?” He calls into the night, just above a whisper.
“Yes?” Comes the ready response.
“Tomorrow night. We are getting a room at the inn.”


Luckily, they managed to scrape together enough gold coins to afford space at the nearest inn. Dawnbrook was a town not famous for its hospitality, but it did well enough. There were small shops that lined the dirt road into town, and houses scattered back just beyond them. The river flowed some distance away, the sound of the water wheel at the sawmill splashing up into their ears as they walked. Stanley felt the need to redirect Xavier away from the shops, concerned with keeping their small wad of coins intact for the time being. If he wanted a room at the inn so badly he would need to control himself.
“I don't understand. There is a barter system, you know.” Xavier points out impatiently, being taken away from the last shop on the road.
“I do know.” Stanley nods, keeping his eyes forward.
“I may not have had to spend any money.”
“This way, there is a guarantee that you won't. Instead of a chance.”
Xavier frowns, blowing a lock of tawdry red hair out of his eyes. He crosses his arms over his chest defiantly. His eyes stay put on Stanley's, watching him intently instead of the road.
“Why must you always control me like this?” Xavier asks as they enter the inn.
“Control you, how?” Stanley seems unimpressed, placing their ten coins on the counter in front of the keeper. Some of the coins are caked in river mud, and he hopes they're clean enough to be recognized.
“You won't allow me to do anything for myself. You claim that it's 'safer' that way.” Xavier raises his hands in a quoting motion, following Stanley still to the room they were assigned. He waits for the door to close behind Xavier before he sets his pack down and responds.
“It is safer that way. If I wasn't looking out for you, you would get yourself into far too much trouble.”
“Horseshit!” Xavier snaps through tight teeth. “I could handle myself just fine, even before I met you!”
“Xavier, please.” Stanley relents, pulling at the straps holding his armor to his body. “I do not want to quarrel with you.”
“Then admit there is nothing to quarrel about.”
“I won't lie to you.”
Xavier narrows his eyes, stomping to the other end of the room. Stanley continues unhindered, unstrapping his chestplate with practiced and easy movements. He sets it down on the floor by his pack, starting on the belt keeping his tassets in place. As it's removed, Xavier's eye is drawn to the shape of Stanley's groin beneath the chainmail. He feels unsure about lusting after his companion as he had for some time. If it isn't a distraction, it's surely at least unprofessional. Prompting him to think, was this a professional relationship? Surely it was. They were business partners, most likely. Traveling the countryside looking for odd jobs, be it vanquishing necromancers or leading trolls and their mammoth horses to less destructive places. He and Stanley had accomplished a lot in their time together, but was that grounds for a courtship? Perhaps.
It occurred to Xavier then, as Stanley finally sat to remove his boots, that his thoughts had gone completely off course. Grounds for a courtship or not, this mean clearly understood nothing about who he was or what he wanted. Xavier was angry all anew.
“Xavier,” Stanley says softly, catching the look the shorter man holds. The frustration is obvious, but the dusting of blush between his freckles just seems out of place. “I mean no harm by what I say. But you are just... naïve.”
“Come off of it! You have no idea-”
“I do, though. And I know that you need someone to protect you from powers that you're careless with.”
“I do not need anything like that! I don't need you telling me so, either!” Xavier shouts, his voice becoming higher as his anger mounts. “I am not careless, nor am I naïve! You treat me like a spoiled prince, and I'm sick of it! I didn't hire you, I didn't ask for your service. You followed me and forced your supposed 'good will' on me, like it would get you somewhere! Well, where has it gotten you?”
Xavier watches him with his hip cocked. Stanley doesn't respond, only stares at him, evenly. His hands are frozen on the cuff of one of his boots. He doesn't dare move.
“It has only gotten you self-imposed burdens and scars.” Xavier finishes, darkly. His chin tips up to reflect the confidence in his words. Stanley's head bows lower, as he removes his boot in full.
“I will accept those burdens and scars,” he says, slowly, “so long as they keep you safe.”
“Why!?” Xavier's voice rises higher than it had yet, angry and tinged with desperation. “Why do you care this much? Do you have some kind of need to feel important? Do you get off on a job well done? What, are you hoping one day, I'll jump into your arms like a grateful escaped prisoner!? Is that it?”
“Then, what?”
Stanley rising to his feet serves to effectively silence Xavier. He pads forward on the rough wooden floors, stopping just in front of the shorter man and raising both hands to his face. He holds the soft jawline between his fingers as gently as he is capable of. One huge calloused thumb brushes across the swell of his cheek.
“Because,” Stanley murmurs, swallowing thickly. “I care for you.”
Xavier's awe twists hard into sour disdain. He takes hold of Stanley's wrists, pushing them away forcefully.
“Get your hands off of me.” he says. “This is so not the time for humor.”
Stanley starts a rapidly weakening excuse as Xavier steps past him, laying down onto the bed. Throwing himself, really. He presses his face into the raggedly sewn pillow, hand grasping the blanket tight. Stanley frowns in pity. Xavier's knees are pulled up to his chest, the curve of his ass visible beneath the clinging fabric of his robes. Everything about him is delicate, soft and practical. Offset completely by the immense power of the magic he holds. Stanley is quite possibly drawn closer by this, coming to sit on the edge of the bed beside him.
“I'm sorry.” He says, mournfully low. “I didn't want to hurt your feelings.”
“Regardless. You did.” Xavier is muffled by the pillow.
“How can I make it up to you?”
“Oh, stop.” He raises his head from the pillow some to look at Stanley. The tears at the corners of his eyes are the saddest thing the man's ever seen. “You think I'm just a child.”
“I don't,” Stanley slips off of the bed to kneel beside it, eye-to-eye with Xavier. “I think that you're strong and confident, and well educated. The magic you control terrifies me. That is why I want you to stay safe. There aren't many skilled mages left in our world, and I think that it would be tragic if I let one as magnificent as you slip through my fingers.”
“You're just saying that.”
“I won't lie to you.”
Xavier considers this for some time. His eyes, an electric glittering blue, cut a hole into Stanley's heart that wasn't there before. His hand comes up again, slower than before, to test. He wipes at the one fallen tear gingerly. It smears across Xavier's cheek, uncovering the barest hint of a smile.
It becomes clear in that time to Stanley that he won't say anything. Not that there's much to say, anyways. Xavier's thin fingers have come up to rest over the knuckles on Stanley's hand, and they curl around the back to grasp it and lift it closer. He uses it to sort of pull himself up and away from the pillow, rising up slowly and leaning further in.
They meet halfway in an exhilarating kiss.
Xavier's tongue is slick and pliable, edging its way in ever so insistently. Stanley exhales a contented sigh through his nose, pulling the other man closer by his chin and deepening their kiss. A hand suddenly touches at Stanley's shoulder. Xavier's fingers tighten into the fabric of his undershirt. It's soaked in sweat and dried river mud, and neither of them can wait for it to be removed.
They watch each other undress silently, all the while ignoring the bustling of the inn outside of their door. Stanley drops his chainmail in a jingling pile off of the side of the bed, his undershirt following, covering the metal over like a tarp. His tanned skin is obscured some by smatterings and tangles of hair growing in any and all possible places. Xavier traces a hand through the dense fur on his chest, dragging his fingers down through the line it draws to his groin. The hair there is thicker, somehow darker, and makes his mouth water. His focus is broken by Stanley's hand redirecting his own down to the bed. Stanley pulls with purpose at the sash holding his robes together, sitting back on his legs when the knot finally gives. He unfolds Xavier's robes open like a book that he just can't wait to read. Those soft blue pages fall open onto the bed, revealing fine smooth skin peppered with freckles. Stanley can't resist, and bends down to run his tongue up the swell of Xavier's chest. He lets out a breath and coos, head lagging to the side as Stanley's tongue stops at his neck. It's accompanied by a kiss, a breath, and the distinct feel of teeth pressing just into the vulnerable side of his throat. Xavier gasps, fingers tightening around his hip.
Stanley's large hands continue to work beneath the guise of his lips, pulling at the waist of Xavier's trousers and tugging them down to his thighs. He looks down between them. He sees the head of his own cock, masked by foreskin, very near to Xavier's. He dwarfs the other man considerably, in many aspects, but this one the most obvious. He drags his hips down.
“Oh,” Xavier sighs, feeling Stanley's cock slide up against his. He bucks his hips upward, his flat stomach brushing against the solid ripple of Stanley's. “Gods. Stanley, please.”
“Please, what, my dear?” Stanley asks, honestly.
“Touch me.”
He can't say no to a request like that.
Stanley's hand wraps around both of their cocks, hardly able to make it the whole way because of his own. He strokes once, twice, spreading precum from them both across their lengths. He's obsessed with the feeling of Xavier's gasps ghosting across his ear.
“Do we still have the oil?” Stanley finally asks.
“My bag.” Xavier groans, soft and lovely. He moves to get up before Stanley can do it first. Crawling out from beneath him, he sits on his knees to reach over the side of the bed to retrieve the vial.
As he digs almost frantically into the largest pocket, he feels Stanley's hands grasp firmly onto his ass. The thumbs spread his cheeks wide. His soft hum peaks to a cry as a flat tongue sweeps across his entrance.
“Stanley...!” He's breathless as the man tongues at him. “Filthy. So filthy.”
There's only more pressure on his ass as the tongue presses into him. Lapping at his hole, opening him up, their course has been set. Xavier hands the glass bottle back to him, the translucent yellow-green oil sloshing around inside. Stanley sits up on his knees and pulls the cork from the bottle with his teeth. Where this oil came from, he has no exact knowledge. He pours a liberal amount directly onto Xavier. The man stays on his knees, cheek pushed into the bedding, heart beating in his ears as the oil is spread over his ass. How they got to this point is all a blur to him. The oil drips down from his hole, and Stanley palms absently at his balls. His other hand works dexterously to finger Xavier open. The man gasps with every extra finger inserted, rubbing insistently at his insides and scissoring to stretch him out. All coherent thought is out the window.
“Stanley,” Xavier pants, looking up as best as he can. “Stanley. I need...”
“I know. I know,” the larger man kisses delicately at Xavier's tailbone before sitting back to look at the sight before him. Legs spread, ass swaying in the air, soaked and slick and open. His cock hangs flushed and heavy beneath. Stanley gives it a few sympathetic strokes, rising up behind Xavier to ready himself. He tugs at both of them with one hand each, spreading the oil evenly. He takes a second to pour a bit extra onto himself, figuring there can't really be too much.
“Are you ready?” Stanley asks, placing both hands on Xavier's hips.
“Do it. Please. Give it to me.” Xavier cries dumbly into the blankets, fisting his hands into the fabric, eyes squeezed shut. The sight of him begging like that will never get old, Stanley decides, and promptly lines up with his entrance.
At the first push of Stanley's cock, Xavier's eyes fly wide open. One of the hands at his hips keeps him from bucking back and forth, and he relents to stuttery moans instead. He's held in place and defenseless against the onslaught of that massive dick. The head works its way in suddenly, and he sobs weakly into the bed. Time stops, for just a few moments, as Stanley slides his cock the rest of the way in. Xavier struggles to regain his breath. Stanley lets his out, relieved as he sinks into the tight heat of his virgin ass.
“Hey,” Stanley mumbles from somewhere behind him. “It's okay. That's all of it. That's it.”
“You're so big,” Xavier whispers, almost in awe. “I can't. It won't...”
“It will.” He's already reaching for the remainder of the oil. “I promise. We can stop any time, okay?”
Xavier only forces out a noise in response, hiding his face once again. He's too overwhelmed to ask to continue, and too prideful to say stop. He's well and truly stuck.
Stanley ignores the swell of pride in his gut and pulls back slowly, oiling up the length of his cock until it drips onto the bedding. Slow once again, he pushes back into Xavier. Part of him can't wait to just fuck with unashamed abandon, but he silences it as soon as it occurs to him. Xavier's comfort is worth more to him than that.
Pulling nearly all the way out and pushing back in, he repeats this motion several times. He watches Xavier's shoulders all the while to gauge his reactions. The redhead still has his face hidden to muffle his cries and disguise his flushed and red cheeks. Eventually, his shoulders fall, arms relaxing. A particularly deep move releases a full and deep moan, as opposed to the short and chopped ones he'd been giving. Stanley moves like that again in response, and he relaxes further.
“Uh huh.”
Their brief conversation sparks Stanley to keep going. He increases his pace, still just as deep, moving in until he feels his own balls nudge against Xavier's. The noises below him spur him to go even faster. Stanley rolls his hips, bending over the other man's back as he fucks harder.
Xavier cries out at the tingling spreading beneath his skin and over his shoulder blades, worsening as Stanley's hands come to wrap around his chest. He tugs at Xavier's nipples, the feeling going straight to his cock. Another bead of precum dribbles out, quickly swiped away by the blankets beneath them. Stanley stretches him wide, fucking into him hard, leaning over his back and holding him down further. Xavier's moans get louder, more encouraging. The tingling is all over now.
“I'm so- Gods, I'm so close.” Xavier sobs, gasping at the lewd sounds of Stanley's hips slapping against his ass. Close to what, he didn't know. But the mounting pleasure in his gut was enough of an indication. It felt like the same underlying fire as panic, but he wanted it. He wanted it bad.
“Come on.” Stanley growls closer to his ear. “Come on, gorgeous. Come for me.”
“Oh my Gods.” Xavier lets his head fall back down to the blankets, moans silenced in his throat by the shock of one particular thrust. It's deep, like it's pressing into his stomach, and immediately followed by more of the same. He makes a very undignified squeak. It causes Stanley to go even faster.
“Please, Stanley, I'm so- I'm so...”
“Yeah. Yeah, let me hear it.”
They were both talking gibberish, and they knew it. Xavier's only got worse as he came. Babbling complete nonsense, riding through his orgasm, painting the blankets with thin stripes as Stanley continued to fuck him. He slowed down some, sure, and finally pulled out. He rolls Xavier onto his side, then onto his back. The other man has gone limp and does nothing to object.
Stanley pulls his legs back up and positions them more open than they were. He gets a good look at Xavier's face as he thrusts back into his ass. His cheeks bright red and freckles nearly hidden by the blush, splotching all the way down to his shoulders and up to the tips of his pointed ears. His eyes are half-lidded, tongue up front and center in his open mouth as he pants. His cock drools the last little bit of cum onto his stomach, misplaced and swaying with the force of Stanley's hips.
He seems a long way off from coming, which concerns Xavier to some degree. His hands reach up weakly to wrap around Stanley's shoulders, and the man dips down to kiss him. The slapping gets louder and more pronounced this way, Xavier's ass more open to him. Stanley moves his hands under Xavier's lower back, lifting him some, giving him a better vantage point to fuck deeper. Xavier lets out a gutteral groan at this.
It takes Stanley five more minutes to cum. Pistoning relentlessly in and out of Xavier, keeping him held up like a ragdoll, pumping cum deep into his ass. He wonders distantly how far up it had gone. When he pulls out, finally, there's only a bit frothed up onto the length of his cock. He sits back and actually watches for any to come dribbling out.
“Stanley,” Xavier pants, exhausted. He makes no move to do anything but breathe.
“I love your ass.” He mumbles idly. Xavier lets his head fall back onto the blankets once again, arms laying limp at his sides. He tightens up again, tensing as Stanley's finger digs into his hole. Fingering him shallowly and withdrawing a wad of stringy cum. He feels it being wiped back onto his hole as more comes dripping out. Xavier lays an arm over his face, embarrassed.
“Don't look at it.” He says, quietly. Stanley obeys and moves up to lay beside him.
They stay like that for some time. Xavier curls into Stanley's chest, and Stanley holds him tight, almost as an apology for fucking him senseless. They both debate on their own time how often this reward system will come into play.
Xavier decides that, if it's going to be like this every time, then maybe he'd like Stanley to insult him more often.


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Years ago there was a fun party house my friends and I use to hang out at. A mutual older friend owned the place. It was a drafty old farmhouse secluded in an urban area. Almost every night someone would buy a keg of beer and people would just seem to show up. It was a great time in my life I was young and carefree now I miss those days.I first met Dave at the party house and at first glance I found him rather unappealing. He was just an average looking guy, with not a lot to offer. I...

4 years ago
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My fantasy of my wife

My name is Jason 35 yrs 5 10 married to a beautiful Indian girl from south India Kerala. I am Software guy got married to my wife 8 yrs back. About my wife her name is Sheena 5. 3 Fair sexy and mother of three she work as nurse (RN) we are settled in NJ. And sexual life is good. I always had a fantasy of seeing my wife getting fucked by someone else. It’s not that I am not good in bed, reading stories on the net were other husbands get their wife’s fucked I also started to have those fantasies....

1 year ago
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My Subs Fanstasy No1

Okay. Well we were on our vacation. And decided we wanted to go out to a club. And you made me wear this really skimpy outfit that barely covered anything and a collar so no one would mistake that I belonged to you. We start dancing and making out with each other and I start grinding you and after about 3 minutes you grab my hair and force me to the floor and tell me to get on my knees and you force you dick inside my mouth. And your really facefucking me more aggressive then you've ever done...

1 year ago
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FootFetishCarDates Clara Trinity An Adventurous Footjob Session

Sexy and cute Clara Trinity meets up with her date and she gets inside the car. She is funny and beautiful, and loves to make out in public. She loves to show off her pretty feet and as they park the car, the horny guy lifts her feet and licks her bare soles. She enjoys when he touches her between her toes with his wet tongue and squeezes her breasts. After getting rock hard, he lets out his cock and Clara starts stroking it hard and rough. She wraps her both feet on his shaft and gives him a...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Publicly Disturbing That Pussy

My partner and I were dispatched for a public disturbance. We arrived at what seemed like 3 suspects arguing at a corner. Turns one of the guys walked in on the suspect fucking his wife. When he asked the man to leave his house the suspect started swinging. This is when we arrived to break it up and take the suspect in for public disturbance. The suspect told us “ It ain’t my fault that she loves the big black dick!! Shit I’d fuck her again!!” so before dropping him at the station we decided to...

4 years ago
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Amanda the Domina that was really a sub Part 1

When you are a Dom you tend to attract subs and slave girls in much the same way bees are attracted to honey. Sometimes a good look is all that it takes for both sides to know. Still, while Dominating women would normally be assumed to be incompatible with you, since you technically have the same tastes, some Dominas are actually slaves in disguise.I first met Amanda in a BDSM live show, in Athens. I took a few shots of her with her slave on stage. I found her very hot, beautiful and quite...

2 years ago
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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 12

I don't know what I expected but it didn't happen. He just lay there, not breathing, his heart stopped. We did all the usual tests as soon as he died. I laid my head on his chest for over a minute, listening for a heartbeat. Bev was checking for a pulse on both his wrist and his neck while I was doing that. After a time, she pulled out a mirror (it wasn't on the list but women always have mirrors and Kleenex) wiped it off on her shirt, then held it near his nose for a minute or two. It was...

3 years ago
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Kellys first time part 1 showers

It was a warm day. Kelly was sunbathing in her back yard, enjoying the sun, listening to her music and relaxing. She was 17, and had the perfect body. Slim, yet curvy. Her tits weren't too big, but not too small. She had a high waistline and long legs. With her eyes shut, she was totally oblivious to the fact her older sister had her boyfriend and a few of his friends round. They decided to interrupt Kelly's relaxing sunbathing session. "Hey twerp!" her sister shouted out. When she got no...

2 years ago
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Playing with my first Titties true but with diffe

Well I was 17 and had a crush on my best friend’s younger s****r (Theresa). She was was two years younger. She did not drive and she knew I had a crush on her. So yes she talked me into driving her over to her boyfriends house. Obviously, I wasn’t getting anywhere or so I thought. Anyway, her boyfriend comes out and they start to make out in the passenger seat. I guess I got as a consolation prize, his s****r. We had never met, she was a bit younger than me, blonde with small tits. So they...

2 years ago
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Moms a Cheat

Today was the 30th of October, one day before Halloween. People had dressed in costumes around college as it was friday and they wanted to celebrate a little early. Walking down the halls I've seen outfits that normally shouldn't be sexy but with todays imagination and creativeness anything can be sexy. From a college girl wearing a skin tight cat costume to my college teacher wearing a nun outfit that outlined her perfect curves. Im not sure if it was because I have a high sex drive but...

3 years ago
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Fuck Me in This Parking Lot

It is pitch-black and darksome and poorly lit outside. Outside of the car that is. The clouds too, just like the sky, are tenebrous and overcast and dusky and gray. I breathe out and suspire deeply and deeply as I look at them. Yes. Stian Elberd is perched and settled in this car of ours right next to me in the driver's stall, and when I gaze at him, he strikes me as being studious and reflective and cogitative. Ruminative and cogitative of what? I am not acquainted with that...

3 years ago
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Honey Eyes

It was late, and I had kept you waiting.I hate doing that, but the press hounded me because of my talk on ‘stochastic models for predicting geographical responses to global warming’. It was really hard to get away. You can even see me in the television interview looking at my watch. I was sure you would be tired of waiting, and not terribly happy with me, but I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be sweating under portable TV lights.As soon as I was out of the conference centre I...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Making It Work Ch 05

Sorry everyone, I started my internship and I have even less time than before to write. I’ve had this chapter almost completed for a month now and I’ve finally found the opportunity to finish it. Enjoy. Cassandra ******* I counted down the hours to David’s departure. It was hell knowing that I might never see him again yet I couldn’t see him off properly. I’m so angry and hurt. At least now I can say that I have closure. He decided to let it go and I willingly let him instead of fighting for...

3 years ago
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Moriah Teaches Sex Ed

The alarm clock went off and James reached across the bed in exhaustion from last night’s exploits. Moriah twitched and moaned in her sleep, her body begging her not to get up. James shook Moriah awake after waiting five minutes. “Honey, it’s time to get up. Today’s the big day, and you are going to be late if you wait any longer.” Moriah growled and lifted her head up to see the neon green numbers on the clock that read 7:05AM. “Do I have to get up?” Moriah complained, dark circles still under...

2 years ago
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Apne Se Badi Girlfriend Ko Chod Ke Rulaya

Hi dosto ye meri phli story h so if dere any mistake in writing dan sorry, now I come to the story and my name is Mayank n mene abhi b.com ke xam diye h to dsto ye bat h 2 year phle ki phle mein apne bare m btadu mein haryana hissar k rhne wla hu meri height 5″7 h or m lund kafi mota or not so too big bt ha kisi bhi ldki ko ruladega ye meri gurantee hmare relative mein ek ldki h or jo mjse 2 year badi h oh dun worry wo m sis nahi h bht dur ki relative Mein thi uske bare m to kya btau ek dam...

2 years ago
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TemptationChapter 8

Yumi's mind raced through different scenarios, thinking about what was going on, and why she felt so scared and nervous. She could feel butterflies in her stomach, and almost bolted out of the shower, when she felt Vanessa's hands moving down her back. All thoughts ran back to her and Paul in her bedroom, and wondered again if Vanessa saw her son coming out stark naked. Breaking down, Yumi started crying, which got the attention of Vanessa, who turned the small, Japanese girl around, and...

2 years ago
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Megan and Kyle v2 part 6

“Good morning Carol, I am well, thank you.” Carol has been my executive assistant since I took over the business when my dad died. She had been his assistant for many years prior and had been with the company for more than three decades. “What is on the schedule today?” “You have a call with the bank at 8:30, Dwayne at 9:00 to discuss changes on the shop floor, a meeting with Megan and me at 10, lunch with the sales team, and at some point in the afternoon, you need to see Joe in shipping....

2 years ago
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You gently run your fingers across the contours of my face, down my button nose your fingertips go, and then you trace the defined outline of my lips.I’m paralysed by it, my lips try to quiver but your fingers hush them.You pull me close to you and wrap yourself around me, enveloping me with desire yet there’s a distance between us.My eyes are closed now and I’m somewhere else, somewhere that isn’t here with you.Where I am, is unimportant, I’ve never been to this place before, I’ve never used...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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ReunitedChapter 7

The sun was shining on my face, that is what woke me up. Where am I? Am I not in my hotel room? Lifting my head off the pillow, I feel my head is going to explode. Raising my hand to check the time, it was after ten in the morning. “I never sleep this late,” I said to myself. Managing to sit on the side of the bed, I turned to see on the wall a picture of my father with Melissa. I knew then that I was at Melissa’s house. On a chair sitting in the corner of the room were some clothes, sitting...

4 years ago
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My First Job

When I graduated from college, there was a recession and no-one seemed to be hiring in my home state.   After many months of pounding the pavement without success, I went to a job fair and landed a position as a factory outlet manager.   The store was just being built in Kittery, Maine and they needed someone to oversee the interior design phase, manage the store, hire staff and have it all done in time for the holidays.   It was the best offer I had, so after two weeks of training, I was off...

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The ConcertChapter 3 Junes Story

June couldn't cry any more. She'd cried all she could cry. There were no more tears left. Erica was spooned up behind her, trying to comfort her, but it wasn't enough. Mummy had gone years ago. That scar had never properly healed, just scabbed over. It was too easily broken open again. Daddy had gone earlier that day. That new scar was red-raw and bleeding. It felt like it would never ever heal. The two people she loved most had both gone. She was even sucking her thumb – something she...

4 years ago
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The Neighborhood Family And Me

Hello friend!! I am a huge fan of this Indian sex stories website since from school days. Basically I’m from typical part of Tamil nadu kind of bit reserved fellow as this are not expressed frankly. Few feelings which I couldn’t share to anyone regarding this story happened to me, finally I decided this is the right place to share and no one gets hurt because of this. I’m Varun, 25 years old now. Living with my parents currently in Bangalore as I’m the only son, they moved on with me. Working...

2 years ago
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The Choice

Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...

2 years ago
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Catching my wife Part 19

As the three girls, all laughing and giggling, entered Connie's kitchen, Connie excused herself to change. My wife suggested that she give my daughter a brief tour, as they would all be staying there until the kitchen remodel was completed. My wife led my daughter through the house, room-by-room until they "accidentally" walked in on Connie. Connie was in the middle of changing her clothes and was dressed only in her panties and bra. "Oh, Aunt Connie" my daughter exclaimed, "We're so sorry.......

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davids story

“david, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site (szaab.com) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down my...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Sweet Sophia See The Professional Debut Of Jaxson Briggs

See H?️M Fuck is pleased as punch to bring you the professional debut of Jaxson Briggs ?? and we paired HIM up with the lovely Sweet Sophia ❤️ & her talented tongue ? for this week’s update. After our tireless director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM ????‍♀️ Jaxson stands and disrobes with the assistance of Sophia, who just had to get a taste of tht BBC once it was free from those See HIM boxers ? Sophia grabs the lube ? and gets HIM all slick ? & stiff ?...

4 years ago
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We were just getting into the second half of the walk when it happened. Initially I wasn’t keen on joining the local ramblers that fine summer evening but the day’s painting had gone well and I felt that a change would do me good. I met the group of about thirty strong outside the church. I knew quite a few of them but there were also some newcomers. The energetic leader set off at a brisk rate and soon the rather hilly route had strung us out fairly well. I was a bit out of condition and found...

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Breaking in Ones New Body

The Doctor flipped a switch, and the familiar vworping sound was heard, as the TARDIS dematerialised from the planet Skaro. "Well then, that was certainly a challenge, wasn't it, Doctor?" Romana said. "Oh hardly," the Doctor smiled. "Defeating the Daleks is mere child's play for me. You know, I faced them just after my first regeneration too. The planet Vulcan I think it was. Of course, I had Ben and Polly to look after me." "Vulcanites?" "No no, they were from Earth. You...

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Innocent Mom Son And Daughter Romance Part 8211 3

Hi, it’s Chan again from Chennai. Thanks for your valuable feedback. Please give your feedback at Do read first and second part of the story. Here’s the third part of the story. As we both smiled and my sister asked us “what happened?” My mom answered to her, “Priya, you have a surprise tonight”. I told that tonight will be our best and unforgettable night in our lives. My mom told her to get ready. I requested mom “mom, you both wear traditional saree so that we have passionate romantic sex”...

1 year ago
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Lady Rochester Ravished

I had been in South America for a bit making a few quid doing a bit of surveying like, but I got homesick and when I heard of this estate and mansion up for grabs at a knock down price I couldn’t resist. Time to put me feet up an enjoy some peace and quiet or so I thought. Trouble was I didn’t have time to become settled in me new place before the visitors started arriving. Just to make our acquaintance or so they said. They knew I were a widower and me lad were not wed. That was the...

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Culture Shock 1223

After booting up the Internet and logging on to Messenger, Elaine was notified of two new messages in her email box.She knew one was from herself. She'd emailed a whole host of links she'd unearthed after Googling the names 'Gloria Brame' and 'Jay Wiseman' on the library's computer earlier in the day. They were the authors that had set Gary on his path. Between classes she'd had a bit of spare time and the library seemed to be the logical and safest place to go. At the time she hadn't been so...

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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 5

I'm sitting in the chair beside Damien's bed, waiting for him to wake up. I feel his hand move ever so slightly in mine so I open my eyes. His eyes are closed but he's scowling and trying to move his right arm, which is has an IV attached to it.  "Hey, baby. Don't move ok? You just got out of surgery," I say softly and squeeze his hand. He opens his eyes and has to squint against the brightness of the lights. "Jane?" he asks, his voice a little hoarse. "Do you want some water?" I ask and he...

1 year ago
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The Date Ch 06

Lisa woke to bright sunshine in the softest bed ever! Momentarily confused, the previous evening came back to her in a rush of images. The last thing she remembered was curling up with the pillow after some of the best, kinkiest and hottest sex of her life! Jeff must have carried her here. She realized that she must be in their room. The Victorian decor was beautiful with satined wall paper, corniced ceiling, lace curtains over multi paned windows. The bedding was a creamy buttery yellow with...

2 years ago
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The Smell of SexChapter 9

"One! Boy that Laura sure be one nasty pussy slut! You can smell her from out here," the loud voice proclaimed for the world to hear. 'Oh God! Someone will hear her and my reputation will be destroyed!' thought Laura. Reluctantly, Laura pulled the fingers from her sex and quickly got up off the floor. She tore off her panty-apron and made her way to the door. "TWO! - Last night that white bitch done sucked my c-" Laura opened the door open as fast as she could to stop whoever it was...

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

3 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Chapter 12

DeAnn's Submissive Weekend Chapter 12 ======================================================================Five of the male dominate members came up on the stage where I was stilllaying. One of the men laid down on his back and others pulled me up and putme on my knees so I could sit down with his hard cock up my pussy. I ended upwith a cock in each hand and one in my mouth while another cock was beingrubbed all over my face.My hair was bunched up in at least two fists as my face was guided...

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