TV Impersonation -- 2 free porn video

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What a mistake that was! I was halfway up to Zelda, who was arranging a Window Display, when suddenly a customer came in and I realized that all I was wearing was the tiny G-string! I ducked behind a rack of dresses, but not before his eyes lit up at the sight of my scantily-clad body. "Hey-hey!" He was a slender man in a well-tailored suit, with wavy brown hair and a soft voice. "My my Zelda, is this the new help?" "Oh Rod, you Hound!" Zelda scolded smilingly. "You keep away from her! She's here to be made over!" "I'd like to make over her myself!" Rod smiled and began walking over to me. I felt so embarrassed, what with my new breasts and all, standing there in just a G-string, having a man ogle me this way! I noticed that Rod wore boots with elevated heels, and I thought I could make out a trace of lipstick on his mouth as he stood on the other side of the dress rack looking over at me. "Can I help you pick something out?" he asked. "N-No," I said, snatching up the first dress that came to hand. I held it up in front of me, and, as Rod laughed, backed over to a dressing room. "You'll look charming in that," he called as I ducked inside. "Be sure and let me see!" "Yes indeed," I heard Zelda through the door. "Come out as soon as you have it on!" Alone in the dressing room, I looked at what I had picked out. It looked about my size, pink and rather ruffled and frilly, with a pleated skirt. Unfamiliar as I was with women's clothing, I saw nothing odd about it I pulled it on over my head, slipped my arms into the sleeves, and began the strange process of buttoning up the back. Once on, I noticed that it was rather tight around the chest and perhaps a bit short, but as there, was no mirror in the dressing room, I couldn't see quite what it looked like. "Come on out!" Zelda called. "Or shall I come in after you?" Rod put in. I opened the door and stepped out, wishing I knew what I looked like. "Oh, you're just Darling!" Zelda gushed. "Come look at yourself!" Curious I tiptoed over to the mirror near the window. And what I saw shocked me! It was a little girl's Party Dress! The puff-sleeve shoulders and ribbon trim gave a childish appearance even to my full-bosomed figure. The ruffled skirt was tight around my waist and flared out at a high angle, almost like a ballet dancer's tu-tu, showing off my legs nearly to the tops of my thighs. With my bare feet and legs, the little-girl effect was even more pronounced, including my wide-eyed expression as I took in the picture. And the sheerness of the fabric made me acutely conscious of my lack of underwear! "Charming! Just scrumptious!" It was Rod, stepping up c1ose behind me. "Come Darling," he smiled, oozing charm. "Let's get you some white stockings and sandals. Then we can go to my place. I can fix you up a little play-pen and feed you something nice. Then tonight, I can put you in diapers! Won't that be lovely?" To my relief, the door opened again and Eva came in, carrying some packages. "Eva!" I called. "Over here!" She looked at me, surprised. "Julia? Whatever have you gotten yourself into? Roderigua, Sweetie!" She smiled, looking at Rod. "How have you been?" "Oh dear, is she with you, Eva Darling?" Rod's voice suddenly became much softer. "And here I've been trying to put the make on her!" Eva and Zelda both laughed. "That's one for the books," Eva said. "You, a Male Impersonator trying to pick up a sweet little she-male like Julia!" "But this can't be Julia Van--" Rod started to say. But I was talking at the same time. "Male Impersonator? You mean R-Rod's really a..." "Roderigua's as feminine as I am," Eva laughed. "She just enjoys acting a little mannish, don't you, Rod Dear?" "Mmmm, you should know, Sweetie," Rod seemed oddly perplexed, but trying to recover her poise. I wondered what was bothering her, but she quickly said, "Well, I must rush, People! So nice seeing you all! 'Bye Dears!" And she hurried out of the shop. I wanted to say something about how strangely Rod had acted, but I was afraid of offending Zelda, so I stood quietly as she and Eva picked out a dress for me. It was a stunning thing in white satin, cut close to the curves and set off with a gold chain belt. Underneath it, I wore charming pink bra and panties. Snug nylons encased my shapely legs, held up at the top by a sexy garter belt, and set off at the feet by white pumps with four inch heels. With a stylish purse and a pearl necklace, I was every inch a good looking femme! "Lovely!" Zelda complimented me as I posed before the mirror. "Where are you going in that beautiful outfit?" "I was thinking about Clarisse's Club," Eva said. "Clarisse's Club?" Zelda seemed surprised. "But isn't that place a little... er...." "Butch?" Eva finished. "Mmhmm. That's why we picked it. I told you Julia had to do some rather daring things in drag!" "But masquerading as a lesbian?" Zelda asked. "What if he -er- she's discovered?" "I don't think there's any chance of that," I put in. "You're too skillful and I'm too good an actor. Besides, I've heard some interestingly nasty rumors about Clarisse's Club!" "So have I," Zelda cautioned. "About spiked drinks, sticky-fingered help, and even some Blackmail photos!" I smiled. "Exactly!" After about an hour at Clarisse's Club, I was starting to get bored. It was a tavern that had passed through a lot of hands over the years,and each hand had left its own unique fingerprints. There was a stage at one end of the bar from its days as a strip club. Now, one rather bored- looking dancer gyrated on it, flanked by two bird cages the size of telephone booths where other dancers had Performed in the club's Go-Go Dance days. Tables now crowded what had been a Dance Floor, and a lot of rather odd-looking women crowded the tables. Yes, there was a lot of action here, but I wasn't getting any of it. Oh, a couple of the Butch Ladies had cast lustful glances my way, and. one rather persistent lezzie in blue denim had flirted with Eva, but so far there didn't seem to be any opportunity for real scandal. Nothing that would prove especially awkward and embarrassing for Julia --whom I was now impersonating -- to live down. I glanced over at the jaded belly- dancer up on the stage. That was it! "I've got an idea," I whispered to Eva. "No time to explain now; just applaud whatever I do!" "What have you got planned?" Eva asked. "This," I said, rising unsteadily to my feet. "Hey!" I called, in a slightly tipsy-sounding voice. "How about some real dancing?" The dancer on stage tried to ignore me as I sauntered toward her. "Come on, Bitch," I sneered. "Let's see some Strip-Tease! Why, I could do better than that! Yeah, Me! Julia VanLow!" The dancer, a ripe Brunette in a red body shirt, could ignore me no longer. She shot a dirty look my way. "Think so, hunh?" she dared. "Come on, Julia!" Eva helpfully called from the crowd. "Show her how to do it!" "Yeah!" a few more of the lesbians yelled. "Strip contest!" "Dance!" "Take it off!" Smiling I stepped up onto the stage. "One side, Tramp!" I said to the dancer. "Julia VanLow's gonna show you how to do a real Lez Dance!" I started dancing in time to the music. The dancer tried to keep up with me, but she'd already been on for hours, and the effort had taken its toll. Although she was probably better-muscled than I, she couldn't hope to keep up with my sleek feminine movements as I undulated in the white dress. "Take it off!" someone called. I flashed a smile and slowly, teasingly, removed the gold chain belt and let it drop to the floor. Moving with the music, I reached behind me and eased down the zipper on my dress. The crowd rewarded me with wild applause as the dress slipped off, making a white silk puddle at my feet. I nimbly danced out of it and did a few sexy kicks in my scanties, showing off my nylon-clad legs and the sexy heels I wore. But as I danced, the crowd suddenly started a new round of applause. I glanced over at the dark-haired dancer to find that she was removing her body-shirt! Her small round breasts bounced free of the stretch fabric, her taut nipples jiggling at me in a bold dare. This was a little farther than I'd intended to carry this thing! I hesitated, dancing about to stall for time, hoping my uncertainty didn't show on my face. "Take it off!" came the calls. "Boobies!" "Flash 'em, Honey!" "Tear her clothes off, Dawn!" Holding her body-shirt up at the waist, the dancer, Dawn, moved closer to me. "The crowd wants a show, Baby," she said softly. "You gonna give it to 'em, or do I have to help?" This definitely was getting out of hand! Trying to keep a smile on my face, I reached behind me and unhooked my bra. Then, my false but real- looking breasts came into view as I tossed it to the floor. The crowd cheered wildly now at the sight of two topless girls dancing before them. Then, to my horror, Dawn lowered her body-shirt, exposing her G-string- clad crotch. She could tell that I hadn't wanted to remove even my bra, and this was her bold taunt to drive me even further. "More! More!" the crowd demanded. "Rip 'em off, Dawn!" I knew I was in trouble. All I had on now was my heels, hose, panties and garter-belt. If I lowered my panties, as the crowd was urging, my leather cache-sexe would come into view, revealing me as a man. I shuddered to think what this male-hating crowd would do if they knew my true sex. I looked around for Eva, but I could tell from her face that she couldn't help me now. I had to get out of there! Swiftly I reached down toward my dress. But even as I did, Dawn's high- heeled foot clamped down on it. "You heard the customers," she sneered. "Strip!" Suddenly she bent over and picked up my cast-off chain belt, swinging it at me like a whip. "Take that, Bitch!" She laughed. "Ouch!" I cried as the chain slapped across my smooth thigh. "Please stop! Ouch! That hurts!" Dawn looked-like fury incarnate now, wearing only her G-string and heels, swinging the chain wildly. I jumped back, looking for some escape from her stinging attack as the crowd hooted and jeered. Desperate, I ducked into one of the over-size bird cages on the stage and slammed the door! Dawn slammed the chain against the bars a few times, frustrated by her inability to get at me. Then she smiled wickedly. "Won't come out, hunh? Well then you can just stay there!" Gleefully she wrapped the chain around the bars of the door, knotting it securely, sealing the door closed -- I was trapped on that stage on full view in a cage! "Now," she smiled, "take oft-the rest of your clothes and I'll let you out. Otherwise, you can just stay in there and dance for everybody." "No!" I cried. "I won't dance! Gimme back my clothes and let me out of here!" "Won't dance, eh?" a butch yelled up from the crowd. "Here, give her these!" And she tossed up a book of matches! Chuckling Dawn picked up the matches, struck one, and tossed it flaming into the cage! "Well, Bitch?" she asked, striking a commanding pose, her bare breasts jutting out proudly. "Will you start dancing? Or do I douse you with Hundred-Proof booze and throw in some more matches?" "No!" I cried. "No, please! I'll dance! See?" And I started dancing wildly inside the cage. The crowd cheered, but I felt just awful, having to gyrate around inside the narrow cell, feminized and topless before a crowd of cruel lesbians. "Keep it up, Slave!" Dawn snickered. "It's almost Eleven O'Clock and this place closes at Three!" * * * The next four hours were simply horrid. I was the center of attention for the sadistic women, who delighted in seeing an unwilling victim -- me -- forced to dance before them half naked. Dawn started to put her body- shirt back on, then stopped and smilingly put on my dress instead! Then she made me trade shoes with her and give her my stockings and garter belt, forcing me to dance in just panties and heels while she lounged elegantly in my clothing. Once I looked around for Eva. She had been biding her time, sipping a drink offered her by the lesbian in blue denim. Suddenly she looked glassy-eyed, and I watched in fear as the dyke pawed at her amorously, then led her unresistingly out--taking my purse! After a few hours, the crowd tired of me at last, and as closing time came, they filed out. Cunningly, Dawn left with them, still wearing my dress. Clarisse, the brassy dyed-blonde who owned the place, locked up behind everyone, then walked over to me. "Well, Sweetie," she said. "Looks like you played out of your league and got burned. Now you've got just one more problem." "What's that?" I asked, huddled inside the cage, hugging my nearly-nude body. "Besides dancing, Dawn also cleans up around here. Well, she's gone. But you're here in her place!" "You mean... ?" "Right! If you want me to get you out of there and help you get home, you'll have to do the maid's work around here. Otherwise, you'll be tomorrow night's attraction too!" I could tell I had no choice. With Eva gone, I had no one to turn to. There was no way I could get back to her place with no money and in just heels and panties, so I glumly assented and Clarisse released me. "You'll find an apron and gloves behind the bar," she said. "The floor has to be swept and mopped, the ashtrays emptied and the glasses washed." "Bu-t don't I get any clothes first?" "Oh no, Honey." Clarisse smilingly shook her head. "Clothes come later. I'll enjoy the view better this way!" So for nearly two hours, I slaved away in my panties as Clarisse sat back and watched me. Finally, I rinsed the last glass, and Clarisse said, "That was good work, Honey. I was just going t give you bus, fare, but you did such a nice job, I think I'll give you cab fare instead. Now let's get you some clothes!" In a back room, I found to my dismay that the only clothing available was some old dancing outfits. I looked through stacks of nighties and sequined tights before I finally settled on a black leotard that would at least cover me, although the thin fabric molded itself to my every curve. Outside, I quickly hailed a cab, and despite the amorous approaches of the driver, managed to get to Eva's. It was a long wait in the lobby of her building, getting her to answer the security buzzer, and a few early- morning joggers looked at me curiously, but finally she answered and a few minutes later I was back in her apartment. "Ugh!" she groaned, rubbing her head as I entered. "That dyke slipped me a mickey! What a night I've had!" "No worse than mine!" I said. She smiled at my appearance, then winced. "Oooh! My head! Why not get a shower and come to bed. We can talk about it this afternoon." That seemed like a good idea, and after a few minutes washing and toweling my feminine body, I crawled into the sack with Eva and fell asleep. Late that afternoon, dressed in one of Eva's robes -- a light pink silk thing -- I told her about my evening over a very late breakfast. "If you think that's bad," she said when I finished, "take a look at this!" And she tossed a newspaper in front of me, open to the Society Page. It was bad news indeed, for there was a picture of my Cousin Julia at a Society Function she had attended last evening -- while I was impersonating her! I realized that now, even if we spread the news of my shameful display last night, we could never convince anyone that Julia had been at Clarisse's instead of her Social Event--All that humiliation for nothing ! "Eva," I said. "This convinces me more than ever that we haven't been going far enough." "Not far enough?" She raised a quizzical eyebrow. "I should think you'd have had more than enough by now." "I haven't even begun to fight," I said. "I've made up my mind to smear my Cousin Julia's name and get that inheritance And I'm going to do it. I've just been making half-tries when what I need is to go all out!" "Meaning?" "Consider this," I said. "The first night I tried this, I failed because I didn't have any breasts. Last night, I got in all that trouble because I didn't dare take down my panties. Well, we're going to try again. And when we do, I'm going to be totally prepared! Get Zelda on the phone; I want the shots, the pussy-wig, everything for a total Female Transformation!" I will pass rather quickly over the next five weeks, since they were completely filled with preparation for my new role I started taking a series of shots from Zelda that -- along with dieting, corseting and exercise -- gave me an excellent feminine figure, including a well-shaped and very real bust! I bought one of those pussy wigs that confined and concealed my genitals, disguising them completely. It was laced and glued on so securely that Zelda herself said it would take an expert to remove it. As my body developed, I practiced walking, talking, sitting and standing in a completely feminine manner. And by the end of five weeks, I could pass as a complete female, even when totally nude! Of course I had to make several adjustments in my life style. For one thing, I could no longer go to my apartment, my bank, or anywhere else that I might be recognized. To solve this problem, I took Eva to my banker before starting the transformation and had all my bank accounts made into joint ones with her as the partner so she could get me money when I needed it. I also announced that she would be taking my place at all trustee meetings and would have complete control of my affairs in my absence. Naturally I had to change my relationship with Eva somewhat. For one thing, it just wasn't practical to pay her a Thousand Dollars a Night for Five Weeks. For another thing, I needed someplace to stay. So we agreed on a fixed fee and I moved in with her. Since many of her days were taken up in handling my affairs, I ended up doing most of the housework around her apartment. But Eva still took on "customers" -- just to stay in circulation, she said -- and often brought them back to the apartment where she would introduce me as the maid. She even bought me a cute little uniform, which I wore whenever she went out on a "date". If she brought someone home with her, I'd have to serve them drinks, then sleep in the spare bedroom. You can imagine how I protested about this when Eva announced it one evening at bedtime. "Hey!" I squeaked. "I'm paying for this -- I shouldn't have to act as your maid; I'm the one in charge!" "Oh really, Sweetie?" Eva grinned at me as I stood there in a flimsy pink nightie. "Would you like to try going to your friends and associates looking as you do now and saying that?" I blushed as she giggled at the thought. "You're getting my services at a bargain rate, Hon, and you should be prepared to make some concessions...unless you want to call off the whole deal now!" She was right. There was no way to back out of this arrangement now. I lowered my eyes meekly and mumbled my assent. "What's that, Sweets?" she persisted. "I said you're right, Eva," I said in my now-feminine voice. "I will act as your Maid if you insist." "Oh, I wouldn't force you, darling," she went on. "I won't ask you to be my maid unless you really want to!" "I-I do." I forced out the words. "Then say you do -- and ask me very sweetly to let you -- otherwise you can get out of her just as you are now!" My tummy lurched and my head spun at the thought of being turned out looking so feminine--and in this sexy nightie! "Please, Miss Eva!" I squeaked. "Please let me be your maid Miss! Oooo, I want to so much!" "Very well, Sweetheart." Something about my pleading seemed to have aroused her; her voce was pleased, husky, and very very sensuous.... "Let's kiss and make up!" And so we spent an hour making love -- which is to say I spent the time pleasuring Eva with my lips and tongue, she thrilled to at least three orgasms, and I went to bed horny and frustrated! Oh yes, there were inconveniences, not the last of which was going without sex for five weeks. I mean, that pussy-wig was on rather securely, and it tended to get a little painful if I tried to get an erection wearing it. The thing was woven into my natural pubic hair and would take hours to get off, so I was pretty much stuck with it. But whenever Eva would carelessly show off her body to me, which was pretty often, I'd get a rush of the old Masculine Desire, along with a very feminine tingling in my breasts. I kept reminding myself that once I had completed my impersonation of Julia, got her thoroughly discredited and guaranteed myself the inheritance, then I could return to Manhood with relish! Meanwhile though, there as the awful mincing and simpering I had to do whenever Eva had a man over: the leering looks and impudent hands copping sly feels and pinches... and the awful sensation that the more feminine I got, the sexier these men looked to me! Another problem was in deciding just how to discredit Julia. Over the weeks, I thought up and discarded several plans--until Eva told me about the Lust Resort! The Lust Resort was the underground name for a hush-hush, high security Swinger's Camp that catered to the very rich and kinky. Clothing was optional and bizarre sex games abounded. Eva told me there were several luxurious cabins on the grounds, a beautiful lake, a mansion full of "Pleasure rooms" and even a stable of pony girls to service dominant masters. In all, it seemed like the perfect place for "Julia" to get involved in a scandal. Eva and I agreed that I would go in first and establish some kinky relationships, then she would sneak in some camera equipment to snatch incriminating photos of "Julia". We both agreed that it would be necessary to put Julia out of the way while we were carrying out our plan, and I had worked out an elaborate kidnapping scheme when Eva came home with some good news. "Julia announced at the Trustee meeting today that she's going into seclusion for two weeks," Eva said as I served dinner in my maid's uniform. "She says she plans to stay in her own house with the phones cut off and no visitors. It's some new kind of meditation she's into." "Whatever it is," I said. "It's perfect for us! With her away from witnesses for that length of time, I can fake the evidence and frame her with it perfectly! We won't even have to kidnap her!" "Then we'd better get you packing, little Missy," Eva said. "Julia starts her seclusion in two days!" "Right!" I said. But I had been doing some thinking myself. Eva's new take-charge attitude had been worrying me. And this Lust Resort idea, combined with Cousin Julia's very convenient plan to go into "seclusion" seemed a little too good to be true. Maybe it was al falling into place, but just in case.... I placed a phone call to a very special Private Eye I heard about.... Two days later, I was ensconced in a comfortable bungalow at the Lust Resort. The place certainly lived up to Eva's description! It seemed that almost everyone there was on the prowl, not just for sex, but for the most bizarre forms of sex. A few women could be seen leading men around on leashes. Many more men rode about in light carts pulled by pony girls who were naked except for sandals and leather hoods that covered their heads, blinding and gagging them so that they were completely dependent upon the whims, of their masters. Group sex, with a heavy lesbian slant, was also popular here, along with various forms of bondage and assorted other sex games. I noticed almost at once that although all manner of clothing was worn here, total nudity was reserved for slaves and pony girls. Most dominants and those not into SM games wore some sort of clothing to walk about the resort in. In fact, nudity was quite a source of embarrassment for the slaves, and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught out without clothing was automatically assumed to be a slave -- and was treated as such! On my first day there, I decided to get intc the swim of things literally. I put on a daring French Wrap swimsuit, a large floppy hat and sandals, packed some things in a light bag, and strolled out to the lake. It was a popular spot. Once there, I let an eager slave girl anoint me with sun-tan lotion and I stretched out in the bright sun, listening to the sounds of ribaldry all around me. "Hi there! Lonesome?" The voice startled me. It was feminine, and vaguely familiar, but I didn't recognize the speaker. "Hello." I decided to get acquainted with this woman. "Julia VanLow's the name. Sit down, Miss - er?" She dropped to her knees beside me, and I almost recognized her, but not quite. She was wearing a skimpy bikini that showed her rather slender figure to good advantage. Then she spoke again, and it hit me. "Roderigua Cortese is my name," she said. "But most people just call me Rod!" "Rod!" I gasped, the female -- er, that is the male impersonator at Zelda's!" "Right," she said. "I'm going through a rather different phase right flow, trying to express my mannish traits without denying my basic femininity. I dress as a woman -- my true sex -- now, but I still act rather masculine." "Er - so I see," I said lamely. "But what's with you, Dear? No one would ever guess you were a man any more. And I know you're certainly not Julia VanLow... She's a friend of mine!" "Shhh!" I cautioned. "Please don't tell anyone. It's -uh- rather complicated, but I have to stay here for a while under that name." "Have to?" Rod smiled. "I wonder what the real Julia VanLow would do if I told her about this! Come to think of it, I wonder what the other vacationers here would do if they knew you were really a man!" "Oh Rod," I pleaded. "You wouldn't tell anyone?" "I might not," She considered. "If you were to -- how shall I say? -- placate me a little." "Anything," I said. "I'll do anything, give you anything. Just please don't give away my secret!" "Hmmmm," she mused. "Anything? That sounds sort of interesting. Tell you what: Why don't you rub me down with suntan oil while I think it over." "Yes Ma'am, right away," I said, hurriedly getting out the oil while Rod stretched out on a beach towel. "And while you're rubbing," Rod went on, "you can tell me all about how you happen to be masquerading as Julia VanLow. Start with your real name and don't leave anything out." And so, crouched there in my skimpy bathing suit, rubbing suntan oil over the lanky, beautiful Roderigua, I explained a little bit about how I was trying to frame my Cousin Julia, and why I had gone to such lengths to impersonate her. I didn't tell her about the inheritance at first, but Rod could tell there was big money involved somewhere, and she eventually got me to admit to it. "So if this thing works, you'll be even richer than you are now, right?" Rod asked. "Th-that's about it," I confessed. "But if someone -- me, for instance -- were to expose you, you'd not only have wasted all that work, but you'd also have to do some tall explaining." "I guess so," I said. "Not to mention the charges that could be brought against you. Why, you'd be lucky to stay out of jail!" I hadn't thought of that! "Jail!" I squeaked. "Oh, Rod, you won't give me away, will you?" "Not if you play your cards right, Beautiful," Rod said. "The way I see it, we can work very well on this together." "What do you mean?" "You're here to get involved in some, kinky escapades to smear your Cousin's name. Well I know of a good one: You're going to fall in love with a rather dominant woman, Julia. You'll do just anything to please her. And she'll make you do plenty! Why, in a few days the whole resort will know that Julia VanLow is the sex slave of - Roderigua Cortese!" "You?" I asked. "I'm going to be your - your slave?" "That's right, Julia," Rod said firmly. "And you can start right now by taking off that swim suit!"

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By Sonam Sharma hello everybody main hun sonam sharma.i am a very open girl.main aj apke saath apni life ki ik sexy moment share karna chahti hu.mera rang gora size is 34D and my ass is 36 (bahar ko hai bhut).poori figure hai 34-28-36.aur main bilkul bindaas girl hu. garmi ke din the.bahut barish hui thi lakin abh halki halki baarish ho rhi thi.main poora bheeg gyi thi. main apne pink salwaar kameez mein raaste se chalkar apne ghar ki taraf jaa rhi thi.meri bahar ko nili hui gaand geeli...

4 years ago
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Die Erziehung der Gaby

Seit vier Wochen bin ich jetzt mit Gaby zusammen. Kennengelernt haben wir uns auf einer Party. Voll war die kleine Maus und ich fand sie total niedlich. Ich habe sie abgeleckt, geknutscht und später auf dem Klo gebumst. Heute kommt ihre Freundin von der ich nur gehört habe. Wir sind bei Gaby in ihrer Wohnung. In den letzten Wochen haben wir mehrmals täglich gepoppt. Ich bereue nicht das ich Gaby erst im hellen richtig gesehen habe. 49 ist die kleine süße Bumskugel. Die Haare schwarz gefärbt,...

2 years ago
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Growing UpChapter 8

Starting the engines, turning on the navigation lights and hoisting the anchor, they set off. From the flying bridge Rob turned on a large spotlight to light the way as they moved across the lake. Rob had warned her to dress warmly and right now the sweater she had over her shoulders felt good. "Rob, this isn't the way to the marina." "I know." "Don't we have to go back to the marina to at least get the car?" "The car's not there any more. It's where we're going." Totally...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 63 Out of State Visitors

Saturday, October 24, 2009 My schedule that week was the night shift, Tuesday to Friday, and then I would have off, Saturday to Tuesday. That worked out well, since Saturday was my parents’ anniversary, and both Kelly and I would have the day off. I would be able to sleep late and then we could go over to the house later. Since it was their Silver Anniversary, the plan was for Bobbie Joe, Kelly, and me to take the parental units out to a nice dinner. Jack and Teresa couldn’t be there, of...

3 years ago
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The Early YearsChapter 9

Walking out our front door and turning left. You would cross over the street that led into our development. Around a slight bend to a couple of completed homes. Behind these homes was a holdout. A farmer who was still in operation. I recall a friend telling me that we could sneak through the fence and go watch the fish in his pond. No Trespassing! Keep Out! What did these signs mean to us? Nothing. We crawled through the fence and made our way through the corn stalks. Near the end of one...

2 years ago
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Johns Visit By Jackie

John, married to Julie for eight years, was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. John left home at four on a Monday morning and did not arrive back until late on a Friday evening, or even early on a Saturday morning. John's only means of contact with his wife during the week was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly.John travelled all over the country delivering and collecting goods and spent his nights either at truck...

3 years ago
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Me And my Awesome Indian Mom

visit on to see more top rated stories like theseGuys!To understand this New Fictional Story of mine, U must know the meaning of few Indian words, which will be constantly used herein:-'Mangalsutra'- A necklace worn by women as symbol of her marriage.'Saree'- A Beautiful Dress, which a majority of Indian Women wear.'Blouse'- A Sexy Bra, worn with 'Saree'.'Pallu'- A piece of cloth from 'Saree', to cover blouse.'tilak'- A Red Colored circle, made from powdery stuff and applied...

1 year ago
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I looked up Shagle this morning in Urban Dictionary, wondering as I typed it in if I’ve just grown old and uncool. I never heard the word until this morning, and I was a little relieved that it wasn’t listed in the online dictionary of fake swear words. The only downside is that, without anything else to go on, I couldn’t guess what kind of site would be built on the name. If Shagle’s just another name for boring-ass memes, the site probably isn’t worth a mention on ThePornDude.Then again, if...

Sex Chat Sites
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At Murphys Pub

It is just after midnight when we got home Cindy was pissed at me for flirting with one the guys we had met during our evening out. Little did she know I did a lot more than flirt? We had gone to dinner then stopped to have some drinks at Murphy’s Pub. When we got there we sat with some of Cindy’s lesbian friends and they were drinking wine and talking about which chick they would like to take home and fuck. I was bored with the conversation and went to play darts with some guys from the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed MotherChapter 13

Roger Carmel groaned and lifted his face from the double bed as the entrancing young whore, Kim Copeland, sucked his stiffened, aching cock. He stared down at her contorted face, and the salacious view of his hard shaft of flesh sunk between her ovaled lips increased his excitement a thousand-fold. His penis was still wet from the juices of her recent orgasm and it glistened like the stump of a rained-upon tree as she bucked over him, a mad demoness of desire. Vast heat built deep in his...

4 years ago
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Moth Ch 030

Submitted to by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 100

With hunting season over with, Mike thought that it was safe to move the dogs outside again. They hadn't much liked being locked in the barn, and seemed gloomy, not seeing the sun, or being able to go out for their accustomed run. Mark's prediction hadn't quite worked out; there hadn't been much snow during hunting season, but the day after it was over with, several inches had fallen, and Mike and Mark had both taken off work early to get the dogs out and take them for a run up the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 457

This group is compliments of John A. Why?????????????? Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke? Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters? Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage? EVER WONDER... Why the...

3 years ago
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Pakathu Veetu Paiyanai Kuthiyai Naka Vaithen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Manju, vayathu 22. Naan Tamilnaduvai sernthaval, ippozhuthu kalluri padithu mudithu veetil irukiren. Enaku kaamam meethu athiga aarvam irukum, enathu thozhigaludan niraiya kaama kathaigal pesuvom appozhuthu avargal kaathalargaludan eppadi sex seithaargal enbathai pagirnthukolvaargal. Aanal ennal avargalidam en kaama kathaiyai pagirnthukola mudiya villai athanaal en kathaiyai ungal idam pagirnthu kolgiren. En kathaiyai padithu niraiya aangal kai adithu ennai oopathu pol...

3 years ago
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Lusting for brother

Gross. That's what they would call her. Well, if they knew what she thought about, how she wanted him so bad, that she ached for him. Even now she was watching the clock, waiting, knowing that when she got home from school he would be there. Her name was Allie, and she was lusting after her own brother.Allie had just turned 18, a senior in high school. She was pretty, with long, flowing dark hair, big gray eyes, a cute little upturned nose, and a mouth that most guys considered a blow job...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Deepika Kiere More Than She Bargained For

Kiere is in need of a haircut. She walks in to where her hairdresser, Deepika, is waiting for her. When Kiere takes a seat and begins talking about her day, she realizes that Deepika’s hands have wandered from her hair to her shoulders and lower. Once Kiere clues in, she’s certainly open to proceeding. Turning the seat around so she can sit in Kiere’s lap, Deepika makes herself comfortable. She slides her hand into Kiere’s shirt to feel up her busty tits, then works the...

2 years ago
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Virginia and Her SistersChapter 3

It was Friday evening and I had arrived at Valerie's place to collect Simone. I was escorting her to her graduation ball. I hadn't met her in person, only having seen Simone's photo last weekend when the twin sisters had organised me as escort for the evening. I had splashed out with my allowances and hired a stretched Hummer to take us to the downtown hotel venue for the ball. I was also armed with a beautiful bunch of flowers and corsage when I arrived. Virginia met me at the door and...

2 years ago
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Office Sex With Prachi

Hi, this is Rohit as you enjoy my stories. I use to work on a company in Mumbai where I meet my co-worker (Prachi) who is married but was advantages and bold. But that didn’t stop her from having an affair with me over the course of a few months. Prachi was a 42yr old married co-worker who at first didn’t interest me and seemed more interested in the boss than her husband. She was fair skin, about 5ft 4inches, 110pounds, with average sized hips and, by my estimate, C sized tits. She worked in...

3 years ago
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The Love of Older Women

I was seventeen years old. Just finished high school, barely, and unsure as to what to do next. I knew that I didn’t want to go to college like all of my friends. At least not yet. Maybe sometime in the future but for now I wanted to get out the the small town I had been raised in. What I wanted, and needed, was some adventure. Something that would get me out of my comfort zone. I decided that travel would fit the bill. As an incentive to finish school my parents had promised me a sum of money...

2 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 10 Carol

She felt Tamara before the knock at the door – a tornado of fear, anger, and despair. So it was Carol who shot out of the bed, and hurried toward the door, scared for her oldest friend. “Tammy?” she said as she opened the door. Her friend, always small, seemed even tinier, drawn in upon herself, struggling under some great weight. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” In reply, Tamara held out the phone, and played the voicemail over its speakers. When it was finished, Carol said, “Candy, wake ‘em up....

2 years ago
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Shall We Dine

They say if your mother breast feeds you that you become orally fixated. I don’t know about that. Seems that virtually everyone before the 20th century would have an oral fixation. Anyway this is my story and I am fixated. On pussy. On eating pussy. And on having my cock sucked. That is all I really want from sex. Sucking and eating. And I get what I want. Oh I have fucked, of course. Nothing wrong with it in any way. But it just does not get me off the way eating a beautiful woman’s cunt...

1 year ago
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My Wife Melinda Takes Two Plus Eats Pussy Part 7

I stood in awe as Jerome worked his monster cock in and out of Melinda's pink once sweet, innocent, mommy pussy. I swore he spread her almost as wide as when I watched our two babies come out of that same hole. I worked my cock furiously. This might have turned into a **** but I couldn't be hotter than I was. I watched Jerome's cock ram into her cervix over and over. Melinda's pussy was so wet but his cock was so long her could never get those last 2 inches into her.Jerome leaned down and...

2 years ago
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Reeled in and ensnared by a devious wench

“Really Hargreaves this is quite intolerable” I railed at my butler as yet another desperate mother brought her ugly mean spirited daughter to meet me. The pretexts were quite ludicrous, but for some reason I was seen as quite the catch, an unmarried titled gentleman with a country estate, town house, his own hair and teeth and quite able to walk unaided being it seemed quite an extraordinary rarity. I used my usual charm and wit, “Lady Charringfold what a delight!” I simpered, “How kind of...

4 years ago
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Jackie and I Part 2

Jackie and I (Part 2) By Mel Stewart I just stood there with my mouth open, not knowing what to say. Jackie stood there for a few seconds with that smile on her face and simply said, "Well?" "Let's sit down and I'll explain." I decided to just tell Jackie the truth. I waited for Jackie to move to the living room, but she stood there and said, "Ladies first." I gave her a look and walked into the living room and we both sat on the couch. "I guess I should just come out and...

2 years ago
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Hopes Chronicles

This a is a memoir of how I remember the events combined with details from my wife's diary during those years. It all started before her forty-third birthday. We had been married nineteen years, and she was still as beautiful and sexy as when we were married. Her name is Hope. Hope said to me at the breakfast table one Saturday morning, "Have you heard of the 'Wild Oaks Project'?" "I said, "Can't say that I have. What is it?" "There's this California woman, Robin, who is about our age and...

4 years ago
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The rhythmic click-clack of her three-inch black stiletto heels against the concrete ground reverberated off the walls of the alley, intensifying the sound as if it were a hundred pair of feet instead of just the one. Had it been night instead of day she never would have chanced walking through the dirty alley with its discarded trash and wandering bums, but it was not night and the alley was the only short cut that she knew of. Hidden in the midday shadows a dainty pale wrist lifted revealing...

1 year ago
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I stayed in her bed for a while, having a bit of a sleep in after a few months of hard work with practically no rest was hard on my body and i was planning to not really do anything for the week i had off, just to recover. Her younger sister was at home most of the week aswell. She was just drop dead sexy. She had filled out really well. Blonde, about 5 foot 8, and amazing arse that i always loved to watch walk by whenever i was over. Her tummy was flat and well defined, it looked amazing....

4 years ago
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The Arousing Adventures of Mikhail the White Mage

Mikhail woke up in his small, cold bedroom. He splashed some icy water on his face to wake himself up and quickly put on his white robes with red linen. Today was the day he was finally going to graduated from White Mage Academy after five long years. He wolfed down some bread and waved his mother goodbye as he walked to the Temple of Eir while whistling. His thoughts were in the clouds so much so that he literally bumped into Gudbrand the handsome blonde knight-in-training, his best...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 10

Bob opened the door a crack and saw his wife in bed with their youngest son. Billy spit his mother's tit out, sprang up and fell to the floor. "Dad!" "Don't get in a sweat, Son," Bob said as he closed the door behind him. Judy giggled as she helped the teenager back into the bed. "Dad's not mad," she murmured. "It was his idea." Billy looked perplexed. He hid his face in his mother's breast. She motioned to Bob to sit down while she comforted the teenager. "She's a good...

2 years ago
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Her Reminiscence

"Ah, these eyes, can never get them right the first time!," I thought. "Looks better now, I've spent too much time getting ready," I kept mumbling to myself. I'd been looking forward to this day, my date should be arriving anytime. "Perhaps, I should keep him waiting. I've to look perfect. Am I wearing the right lipstick? Should I use something that tastes better?," my mind started to wander. We were going out for the first time; needless to say, I was quite nervous. We met only a few...

4 years ago
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Hentai Heaven

a world where is genders and species are infused together. Tens of Thousands of years ago, too many wars and chemical weapons have been used. In additions, mad science and viruses all help creating the world as of it today. The world now all about how powerful is the money and pleasing is the sex. People evolve so much to have extra organs in different places as well (animal ears, horns, long tongue , extra dick, mouth nipples,…. ), or just part or half other species. They evolve to never had...

4 years ago
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All the Women I Wanted

The aliens on Talos IV could give me any girl I wanted.My ship had been mysteriously guided to the charted but unexplored planet, Talos IV. I went to the surface to investigate and was soon k**napped by the Talosians and locked up in a spacious, well-furnished apartment. It was like a fancy hotel suite with a large, lavish bathroom and an attached gymnasium with a small heated pool and Jacuzzi spa. It had a closet with plenty of clothes and a replicator that could provide me with meals. I...

4 years ago
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in the begining

I guess the best place to start is the beginning. I was very sexual at a very young age earlier than most. A few of my friends were older so I could always borrow dirty magazines off them and I for some reason loved pantyhose .I stole a pair of my mom’s knee highs and wore them under my socks , they felt great and I felt a mixture of sexual but also of shame . As curious boys will do we began to find ourselves in some sticky situations. I remember a friend of mine who I stayed over at his place...

4 years ago
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Wanting Tina Back

Randall sat on the park bench with his back straight and wearing crisp, freshly pressed clothes, as if he were about to have a job interview. However, the roses in his hand gave away that he was waiting for a woman he wanted to make his best impression on. One of his knees was bouncing up and down with nervous energy, which made him seem more like a teenager waiting for his first date than a college age man waiting for his girlfriend of over a year. Randall was good looking in a boyish way. He...

1 year ago
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Her First Time On The Farm

Her name was Kelly, at the age of 15, she was only a Freshman in high school, but had the body of a well developed 18 year old girl. She was only 5' 2'' 120 lbs. but had a fairly big chest, and a round ass. Every guy in her class wanted to fuck her, but they all saw her as prude and didn't dare to ask her becuase they knew she wouldn't do such a thing. The summer was over, and Kelly was off to her aunt and uncle's farm for the summer. She didn't have a boyfriend, so she really didn't mind...

First Time
1 year ago
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GloryHole Rharri Rhound 09022019

Rharri’s boyfriend must be crazy. He thinks she needs to work on her head game. I find it hard to believe that Rharri struggles sucking dick…but whatever. She has a great idea of going to an adult bookstore to find a “how-to” book on sucking the D. Only problem is…the adult bookstore doesn’t carry actual books…just videos, toys and uhh gloryholes. The store clerk appropriately points out that if she wants to get better at something…she needs to...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 45

I spent Monday and Tuesday in my office working with the girls and time with Jacob and Robert. They went with me to Fort Smith Tuesday afternoon to watch the training of the new men who had arrived on Monday. What was left of the special operations team and the training group were putting them through the paces. I only hoped that the rush in the training wouldn’t come back to haunt me. The boys looked at the Fort as a new playground with all the buildings; each had something new that needed...

2 years ago
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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

3 years ago
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The Bad Boy Experience

" Mya wake up sweetie it's time to go to school" my mom chanted from down the stairs. I groaned and got up rubbing my eyes which were bloodshot since i'd been doing a paper all last night only getting 2 hours of sleep. I got out of bed and ran to the shower before my brother could get there before me, we had two different bathrooms but the other was my mom and dads room and i never go in their room. I bear him to the bathroom and as i locked the door i could hear him cursing me out. I...

3 years ago
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Cooking With Mom Part IV

The night after Mom fucked Greg, his Dad and me I was talking to Greg about me and him having some fun with Mom together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Mom would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When Mom got home that night I had dinner in the oven, wine chilling and I had just rolled a joint. Greg had put some music on and Mom was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She had had a hard day at the real estate office and she was looking...

3 years ago
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Miss Jacks Part Seven FINAL

PART SEVEN FINALEven though I was now broken, thrashing around like a fish out of water. I was still fucked relentlessly .During which injections were administered frequently, actually keeping me hard, forcing me to discharge was now in a demented state frequently passing out. It seemed to me as if I was flouting in a dream.Someone was shaking me. In a daze I could hear my aunts voice .Wake up get dressed room service is on its way we check out today had you forgotten now hurry up.Ok, I...

3 years ago
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I am finally a woman Episode 8

I started my transition at 45, with the goal of becoming a sexy BBW. After two years of electrolysis to get rid of my beard and quite a lot of disgusting, unwanted body hair, by which I regained a smooth, dainty appearance, I began taking hormones a few days after my birthday. Although quite late, my decision to embrace my real gender finally signified the onset of a new era of inner peace and self-realization. I had always identified as a woman in my soul, and the blessed hormones were...

1 year ago
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Reddit Spreading, aka r/Spreading! Don’t you just love it when women spread their pussies wide open and wait for pleasure? Well, that is how all women should be, and on r/spreading/ subreddit, you have a world filled with obedient chicks. So, if you enjoy seeing girls get spread just for the users of Reddit to have some dirty content, I think that you will love what r/spreading/ is all about.Reddit is a free website but is not a pornographic one. Does it have pornographic subreddits with actual...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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First Taste of Black Cock Pt1

That was the first time in my life that I had any interactions at all with black people in either my workplace or in our everyday lives. We bought a nice home in the northeast suburbs of Jackson, where the black population is less concentrated, but we still encountered many black people there. I have always tried to take care of myself and stay fit, although at five feet and nine inches tall and weighing one hundred and fifty-five pounds I am definitely not heavily muscled. I joined an athletic...

1 year ago
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This story is about a girl who got Fucked By a older man forcefully. If you want to get more hot stuff like this then don't go anywhere just browse Hey there, my name is Reneesha. I am from Assam 20 years old. I would like to share my personal experience with you guys and I hope you enjoy it. Firstly about my background I m a very open sexy Indian girl. And one more thing guys. If you like my story then get more sex stories of mine at I was born in a family with my father...

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My Best Friendrsquos Wife

Wanda and I wanted each other from the minute we met, but I had to make the first move.I first met Jim and his wife, Wanda, right after my wife and I moved into a large condo complex on Melbourne Beach, Florida. They lived right next door and we quickly became good friends.I immediately wanted to get between Wanda’s legs. She was SO attractive with gorgeous brown hair, dark eyes, and lips that I wanted to kiss. Every time we got together, Wanda and I would flirt with each other secretly. I’d...

1 year ago
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Juicys first Big Black Cock

I'm so very wet now and my relaxed pussy is letting out the occasional blast of bubbles, air that’s being forced in as he pulls out to the tip then slides it back in. I'm so relaxed and calm I almost forget I’m in a room with a total stranger, deep inside my hungry cunt while my doting husband massages my back and shoulders, until I feel my assailant grip me tighter at the hips. The next stroke he goes deeper, I feel it pushing me inside, then again deeper and again it pushing my insides. The...

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keletons in my closet part 7 Finding Johnrsquos skelet

Skeletons in my closet part 7 Finding John’s skeletons and creating more of my own. When we got home from my mother's funeral. I walked my daughter to her room telling her to lie down for a while as she was upset from burying her grandmother. I walked out to find John once again standing at his war wall. I saw his hand go to that picture of him and those 5 men. I went over to him.I wrapped my hand around his waist as I asked, ”How many of those men had he not forgotten?”John looked me in my...

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Big Boobs Girlfriend

Hey folks and I’m Fun Fetche name changed and I’ve been visiting this site frequently and thinking of sharing my experiences with you people atlas I’m here narrating one of my experiences. I’m 27 from Pune working in a reputed company good looks average built much humorous and a happy go lucky guy This incident happened almost 3 years back in my home town nearby to Pune on of my friend owned a internet cafe and we all friends use to hang out this cafe chit chat around and have fun it was kind...

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