- 2 years ago
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Anna can't sit down today, well at least not comfortably. Nothing unusualin that; today is Saturday, and Anna is always rather circumspect about sittingdown on Saturdays. By Monday she will be to manage her office chair as longas it has her usual cushion, a nice soft fluffy one. But for now she sips coffeein her best friend Julie's kitchen standing up.
The reason Anna finds sitting rather less than comfortable is that her bottomand thighs are covered in black and blue welts. It seems to her, that it alwaysis. But Saturday mornings is the time for reflection on this.
Her regimen is quite ordered. Friday nights are spent with Sir. Sir is hermentor and takes good care to discipline her faults. And there always seemto be faults, no matter how good a girl she has been (and she always feelslike an adolescent girl again while she is around him). She can't quite resistspending money, or being rude to colleagues when they deserve it or whatever.No, Anna is far from perfect and Sir is right to make her uncomfortable, veryuncomfortable.
Every Friday evening, she finishes work around 5:30 and hurries home. Shemustn't be late or she'll really catch it! She always has to make excuses toher colleagues for missing the get together at the pub and it doesn't go downtoo well, but she can hardly tell them the truth. She was late once … andshe had to take the following Monday off and could still hardly walk on theTuesday. No, being late wasn't nice; Sir was a bit too strict for that to bepleasant.
Pleasant? Well yes, in fact her relationship with Sir was rather more than "pleasant".It was much more like the foundation of her existence. Sir was the one constantand dependable factor in her life. He was always there for her on Friday evening,and if it cost her a very sore bottom (and usually other parts of her anatomy)then she counted that a small price for the solace, comfort and friendship(and all right, let's admit it, the sex) that she derived from his company.And yes she had to own up to it, she took a great deal of physical and mentalpleasure from his ministrations – whether they be the beatings or theintimacies that would often follow. Mentor or not, Sir was most proficientin his use of her body, and the pleasures always seemed the more intense whenshe was still smarting from having her hide tanned.
At home she bathes and gets dressed. Sir will inspect her meticulously, herdress, her make-up and her cleanliness. It hadn't taken long for him to findthe secret pleasure she took from humiliation and now it is a key part of theirroutine for her to under-go a very, very thorough inspection when she arrivesat his house. And woe betide her if he finds anything less than perfect.
Once all is ship-shape she drives around to pick up her friend Julie. Thishas been a relatively recent addition to her routine, and one that has beenspectacularly successful. Sir had required her to find a person to witnessher Friday night sessions to increase her humiliation. At first this had thrilledher with fright, but slowly she gathered up the courage to take her long timebest friend Julie into her confidence. After getting over her shock at hearingabout Anna's secret life (and the chagrin about being left out of these ohso secret secrets!), Julie agreed with alacrity to be a witness to her friend'stribulation. Anna thought Julie had agreed rather too readily, but after all,that was what Sir had required her to arrange so she had achieved her objectiveand could hardly complain.
It is Anna who drives to Sir's house. Julie will be driving home as Annawill on hands and knees on the back seat, weeping. It is always this way.
Sir answers the front door bell, dressed in a suit and tie. Sir is alwaysthe gentleman, although he is often the devil as well. After welcoming thetwo ladies into his lounge room, the rituals begin.
A sherry for Sir and Julie, poured by Anna who then stands in the centreof the room while those two talk about the world at large. Waiting, waiting … alwaysthe waiting while the other two chat as though she isn't there. It is so hardto stand still, at attention as though on a military parade, wanting to bepart of the conversation … no, wanting to be the object of attention,and being ignored.
As sherry is finished, the talk always comes around to the behaviour of youngladies, their deportment, their nasty habits and so on. A fidgeting Anna isbrought suddenly to the focus of attention (oh dear … perhaps it wasbetter not to be the centre of attention after all!) as Sir rises and tellsher to present herself for inspection.
He walks around her, commenting on her hair, her perfume, complimenting heron her make-up – at least that which he can see. She colours when heasks if she has been as meticulous with the make-up he can't see.
Julie is rather helpful and points out that Anna's dress is wrinkled at theback where she has been sitting on it. Just a small crease, but Sir notes theimperfection. His voice has genuine sorrow in it as he remonstrates with Annaabout slovenly dressing and asks Julie to make a note of "six extras – twospecials". Anna squirms as she hears this – specials are not nice. Forsome reason, she is not especially grateful to her friend for pointing outher fault to Sir.
And then Anna's clothes come off. Stripping before Sir is one thing, buthaving to do it in front of Julie is quite another. It's so different fromwhen the two women are modelling clothes for each other; the act of undressingis exactly the same, but the implications, the formal inspection, that oneof them is undressing and the other is not all add up to a great deal of embarrassmentfor Anna.
Stripped to her underwear, the inspection continues. Sir's questions addto her shame. They are personal questions, and he hasn't even got to the reallypersonal bits yet! Is her underwear clean? When she takes off her knickers,will he find the gusset wet? The very questions make her wilt and yet at thesame time threaten to result in the very wetness she is so desperate to avoid.And all the time Julie sits there, grinning at her discomfort.
At Sir's order, Anna removes her bra, her knickers – yes they are ratherdamp, and it's rather difficult pulling them down with dignity over high heelswhile she dances first on one leg and then the other. She doesn't have to removestockings. Sir prefers to beat her while she retains her stockings, suspenderbelt and high heels. He loves high heels on her, often tells her how they helpto present her bottom to the cane so much better.
"Pick them up." The voice of command. She bends over and picks up the crumpledsilk panties. She knows what comes next. She offers them to Sir. She's trembling.She tries to look away but he holds her in his gaze.
"They're soaking!" exclaims Sir. Julie sniggers in the background. "I thoughtyou said you'd put on clean ones girl." His voice is that of one in command.She quails, she's a little girl again and she's been so very naughty.
At Sir's request Julie notes down twelve extras and this time six specials.Oh no, not six!
"Please Sir," Anna quails "I can't help it, I get so nervous and embarrassedand … and you know …"
"Yes, Anna. I know. You get so excited don't you?"
"No, Sir." she intones in a quavering voice barely heard. The denial is automatic,but the lie is obvious for all to see. It is in her eyes, her blush, her bodyand most tellingly of all the undeniable evidence between her legs.
"So, if I put my fingers to your sex, they would come away dry would they?" heimperiously questions, "And your nipples are standing so proud because youare cold perhaps?"
Anna is bright red, can you blush on top of a blush? She groans in defeat.
"Stand to attention Miss!" he orders. She does her best and resumes a stiltedstance that might pass for attention in one of the lesser regiments.
"Julie would you be so kind as to note that Anna told a lie to direct question,and has been caught doing so. Anna knows not to prevaricate with me. I awardtwo dozen extras with the crop. Twelve specials and note that her breasts willbe involved on this occasion! I will not be lied to." Sir is clearly in nomood to be trifled with!
Anna groans. Mortified! She hates breast whippings. If she takes pleasurein her beatings, these (and perhaps those between her legs) are the hardestto take. Pleasure comes from those only after they are well over and she cansavour the memory of past conflagration as she rakes over the dying embersin her mind. She admits to herself that it is quite a thrill through the weekto stand in front of her mirror and gaze at the marks on her body as they changecolour and slowly fade.
But the inspection continues. Stockings seem to have unaccountably got twisted – justa little, but enough for Julie to comment. Six strokes of the cane awardedfor this small misdemeanour, but no specials this time.
"Just you wait you bitch," thinks Anna at this betrayal. But hardly has shehad time to send the searing message from her eyes to her friend than her friendpicks it up with a smile and draws Sir's attention to the disarray of Anna'sgarter belt. Disarray? It is barely off-centre, but truly the little embroideredbunch of flowers that marks the middle of the garment is at least half an inchto the left of Anna's navel.
She can't bear to hear Sir's pronouncement – another six.
And now Sir starts the most intimate section of the inspection. Intimate?Very. We start with Anna's breasts. He notes that there are no marks on them(from last week's session with the tawse). Perhaps he had been too lenient.Anna quickly assures him that her breasts smarted for several days afterwards,and thank you she felt he had been quite strict enough. Sir raised his eyebrowsat this cheek! Watch it girl! But the truth is that her body has become accustomedto her frequent beatings and heals quickly. Now the evidence of the severestthrashings are gone in a week – just.
And now to the matter of cosmetics; the nipples were rouged the right colour?Sir asks Julie's opinion. Julie is rather rude and comments on Anna's titsbeing too saggy. Of course this isn't true but Sir forbears to remark on this.It is agreed that Anna has used the right colour and that the effect is ratherpretty.
Julie is unkind enough to look into the cups of Anna's bra and notice thatsome of the colour has rubbed onto the white material.
"She should take more care of her expensive underwear", Julie opines. Sircan only agree and adds four specials to the others already decreed for herbreasts. Julie remarks that it is only fitting as it is Anna's tits that havecaused the offence. But why only four?
"Of course, they have to be nipple shots." Sir explains. "And we don't wantto go overboard do we! Moderation in everything, I always say." Anna can onlywince at the thought. She knows he will use the crop and that she will sufferthe screaming agony later tonight and there is nothing she can do to preventit. Sir does not give reprieves.
At Sir's command she lifts her arms high in the air. She scrunches her eyesin shame as Sir first rubs his fingers over her armpits and then imperiouslyleans forward to sniff them. It's not fair, Sir forbids her to wear deodorant,so how is she supposed not to perspire standing in this room under all thispressure.
"Well, you seem to have managed to shave properly, I'll give you that." hemurmurs. "But I think you perspire more than is suitable for a young lady.Julie please note down a dozen strokes with the short tawse, six to each armpit."
This seems a bit rich to Anna. But she has the good sense not to complain.It would only cost her more and she's got enough coming her way tonight already.Anyway, she doesn't mind the attention to her armpits – as long as thetails don't wrap around to whip her breasts. That doesn't usually happen whenSir uses the short tawse, and anyway he usually whip her armpits from the frontso it should be OK.
Hands down to her sides now. Her back provides few pitfalls, though Sir isless than complimentary on her posture. But Sir regards her belly with a jaundicedeye. There are stern questions about her weight and her diet. Has she beenexercising?
Anna assures Sir that she has followed the strict regime he has laid downfor her to the "T". But unfortunately Julie chimes in just as Anna thinks shehas put it past him. She casually mentions how they went to the movies togetheron Wednesday instead of Anna going to the gym. She can remember how rude Annawas about "pulling the wool over Sir's eyes. He'll never know." Well now hedoes. I'm afraid it's rather too much of an offence to get off lightly. Ohno. It's two dozen with one dozen specials. Julie takes note that these (thespecials) will attend madam between the legs and she grins heartily at thethought. Just at this moment, Anna doesn't like Julie very much. In fact sheis rather hoping that the ground will open up and swallow the bitch up so thatshe can go straight to hell … which is quite clearly where she belongs!
Sir comments on Anna's legs. As usual he is rather complimentary about them.He says he doesn't need her to remove her stockings for him to see that shelooks after her legs. At last, a little ray of sunshine enters Anna's heart.But not for long.
Now Sir's attention is drawn to her bare pubis. Bare because Sir requiresit to be quite thoroughly shaven. He likes it that way. In fact she is requiredto wax her entire intimate area from mons to anus; ouch!! (or be waxed moreto point – Julie is most helpful in this regard, the bitch. She reallyhas taken a liking to hearing Anna scream! So much for best friends. "One dayyou'll get your come-upence, and I'll be there to serve it to you", muses Anna.)So she has suffered the tortures of hot wax to ensure that Sir will be pleasedwith her.
But, oh dear. Yes bare she is, but also leaking. The evidence of her excitementbetrays her with silvery droplets at the tops of her thighs. On closer inspection,her lower lips are rather altogether too glossy, even though she wears lipstickon them at Sir's request. There can be no denying the evidence. Sir remonstrateswith good reason about self-discipline and maintaining decorum like a goodyoung lady. The tally has now reached the maximum he allows for any singleoffence – two dozen (one dozen of specials and we know where these oneswill go). Julie sniggers again. Her own panties are soaking wet and she's beensneaking fingers up her dress every now and again for the last ten minuteswhile Sir's concentrating on Anna.
Anna's humiliation at the discussion of her most private parts knows no bounds.Surely it can get no worse than this. But, oh dear, Sir requires her to bendover and touch her toes. So? After all there will be a lot of bending overshortly. But, no, no it's not fair! Sir is parting her buttocks and inspectingher anus! When did she last go? Has she had an enema as he requires? Is sheproperly clean? Anna bursts into tears at last. Sobs rack her body as she contemplatesher misery. How could anyone retain a shred of dignity under such stern andunyielding questioning? But at last she provides Sir with the answers he requires.And in the end, it's only fair; after all Sir likes to avail himself of thepleasures of the back door to heaven so it is only natural he wants to makesure the rubbish has been taken out – so to speak. And yes, the pathto heaven has been thoroughly lubricated, Sir tests the passage with threefingers, which enter her easily. She straightens at his command and sucks theproffered fingers clean of the clinging lubrication – another reasonto ensure that her preparation is of the highest standard! The lubricant isher own recipe of oils and flavours as she knows she will get to taste it oneway or another before the night is through!
The inspection is over at last. Sir notes that she has been found wantingand that retribution will follow shortly. However, before it does, the ritualof confession now unfolds. Anna finds tremendous solace in this ritual. Forher it is the corner-stone of the entire relationship.
She kneels before Sir in her near naked state. It is now more than ever thatshe resents the intrusion of Julie. Julie is an interloper between two loversright now. But she remains, at Sir's insistence, though at least she has thegrace to remain quiet during this special time.
The confession has almost truly religious connotations for Anna. It is therecognition of her faults through the week. The things done and not done. Shedredges up her memory for each instance of imperfection and lays it beforeSir. And Sir gently examines each sin as if he were truly her priest. He murmurshis understanding of her failures. Sometimes she goes into excruciating detail,but he always listens with infinite patience, never hurrying her or trivialisingher travails.
The scene is charged with emotion. Sir whispers absolution and she weepsfrom gratitude. Tears fall steadily from her eyes, unheeded by her as she chokesout her stories of woe from the previous week. Sir collects the occasionaltear on the tip of a finger and brings it to his lips. He cradles her headon his lap and she falls in love with him all over again. In her turn she silentlythanks him for all the humiliations he has heaped upon her this evening andfor all the pain he is about to extract. She understands that he knows herbetter than she does herself and that if she suffers at his hands it is becausehe knows that she needs to suffer. She loves her mentor all the more for thetravails he requires her to undergo.
As with all true confessions, there is a penance to be ascribed. It is nota light one, but part of it is to be delayed … next week Anna will bringwith her several garlands of stinging nettles. She has felt these on her bottombefore and knows that her sojourn will be severe. But for this week, a ridingcrop will grace her buttocks and thighs two dozen times; that is, over andabove the thrashing that would ordinarily befall her and the other punishmentsshe has already earned this evening. But she asks for no mercy. Absolutionmust be paid for after all if it is to mean anything. It is what she came for.And tonight she is hungry to pay the price. Hungry for the sting of the cane.As the time for atonement approaches she is impatient for its bite.
The formalities of the first half of the event are complete. It is now intermission.Anna, of course, makes coffee and serves Sir and Julie. While she is in thekitchen, she thinks she hears a lot of rustling, moans and the odd shriek comingfrom the lounge. She notices that Julie's sopping wet knickers are lying onthe floor and that she is curled up on the settee with that "cat's got thecream" look in her eyes.
"I bet she's got a half a box of tissues stuck up her cunt" thinks Anna ratheruncharitably. But she doesn't make a scene; and using a word like "cunt" wouldmost certainly earn her a lecture and a rather painful penalty. She has enoughpunishment coming her way just now thank you. If Sir wants to fuck her friendthen he has every right to do so. But it irks her that she should have gonethrough so much unfulfilled excitement and frustration in the previous houronly to have some other female getting the stuffing that she so very much craves.
When the coffee cups and cake plates are cleared away. Anna returns to thelounge.
"We'll start with a nice warming up over my lap," says Sir nonchalantly ashe sits on a straight-backed chair in the middle of the room. Anna is virtuallynaked, her stockings and garter belt framing her bottom perfectly for the tanningit is about to receive. She places herself across his lap with as much dignityas she can muster. There will be scant amount of it left when she is finishedthis evening.
Sir's bare hand can be soft and gentle when he caresses her. Like right nowas he strokes her bare bottom. His fingers dip between her thighs and sampleher honey pot. It always amazes her how her juices seem to flow so constantlyduring the time she is with Sir (or just thinking of Sir). But the moment passes,and now his hands are not gentle. And hands, plural it is. Because Sir spanksher with his left hand and then he has her reverse position so that he canbring his right to bear.
Sir spanks methodically. He knows that smacking the same area constantlyincreases the pain substantially rather than letting the sting fade quicklyas other parts are smacked. And so it is ten hard slaps to each buttock andeach upper thigh (oh how she wishes he would stick to her bottom). And thenshe is required to slip off his lap and quickly lie in the other direction.She does this several times, amassing a substantial number of spanks. But thereis no counting for this preliminary adventure.
Anna knows that she must not try to shield her bottom. It is far too expensiveto her flesh for her to try. Sir had cured her of that annoying little habitby her third visit. The standard penalty was six strokes of the cane to theoffending hand (or six each if both had the temerity to be involved). The punishmentwas meted out immediately. On her first visit, she had suffered terribly andhad not been able to hold a pen until the middle of the following week!
It seems childish to her to cry from a mere hand-spanking when she will receivepunishments so much harsher later on. But weep she does. After the spankinghas been in progress for about five minutes, she cannot help but burst intotears. Her defences have been slowly peeled away by the constant barrage ofsmacks. At first little more than mildly uncomfortable, but as the sting growsand intensifies, it becomes all she can do to keep her hands away (oh she must,must keep her hands away). He legs kick up and flail in the air, and she iswriggling like mad, but Sir keeps smacking her, her buttocks and the tops ofher thighs. All is now red and the tears drip constantly, some falling on thecarpet below her, but most flung into the air as her head jerks from each successivesmack.
At last Sir considers her bottom warmed enough. He orders her to stand andsends her to the corner. There, she stands facing the wall, hands on head,snivelling and weeping. Her bottom and thighs are really stinging. She wishesshe could blow her nose instead of having to snivel, it's so unseemly and undignified.She knows her bottom is five sizes bigger than it was and must be shining likea beacon. She wishes she could rub the sting away but she does not dare takeher hands away from her head.
Julie stands behind her commenting to Sir on how she looks like a baby, cryinglike that from just a simple smacking. Julie is enjoying herself, the bitch.Julie wonders out loud how she's going to be able to take a proper punishmentfrom Sir. Through her tears, Anna vows to the wall that she can take it all,she'll show Julie who's a baby and who's a real woman.
Tears are dry now. Sir allows her to blow her nose.
On Sir's command, she fetches the cane from Sir's study where it hangs onthe back of the door. Her hand almost recoils from picking it up; she lovesthis weapon that has extracted from her so many screams and pleas with itsloving caress. She loves it … and she hates it.
Sir has placed two chairs back to back. She kneels on one and places herhands on the seat of the other. At Sir's command, Julie squats in front ofher and holds her wrists – we don't want her earning extras from gettingup do we! As Julie's short skirt rides up, Anna notices that she was right;the knickerless Julie does have some tissues stuck in her sex. "Not fair!" thinksAnna. The first stroke descends.
Anna always tries to be brave. She hates hearing herself cry out, even worsewhen she totally loses control and starts screaming. The first one slices intoher hot buttocks. Sir always starts nice and fair on the middle of her bottom.Soon he will lower his strokes to the sulcus and then her thighs, but for nowit is square in the middle. And bearable … just. She confines her vocalisationsto a small "ugh" through clenched teeth. Julie smiles up at her. It's sucha happy little ritual for Julie. She gets her jollies from Anna's pain, hownice.
Second stroke and Anna's head comes up. Ouch, sting starting to build now.The first stroke is smarting nicely and she starts to feel that delicious firebuild as the second one begins its task of raising the sting on top of thefirst. Delicious? Yes delicious and hateful at the same time. She cannot explainwhy she seeks out this feeling. Perhaps it is the intensity. Perhaps it isthe fact that she must undergo the fire no matter how much it hurts. She doesn'tknow, but time for reflection is rather short as the third stroke impacts afraction below number two. A rather more forceful grunt and one knee is jammedinto the back of the other.
The caning continues. Sir doesn't count aloud, but two dozen stripes arepainted on Anna's bottom. It is always a pretty bottom, but somehow the lividstripes of red, turning blue, serve to enhance its beauty. There are rathera great many tears. These started to flow at around stroke twelve. Lots ofkicking and drumming of legs on the chair. Much begging for the strokes tobe less hard; for a break, just a moment or two. Sir seems deaf to such pleas.Thankfully Julie hasn't let go of Anna's hands otherwise she most assuredlywould have broken position, and that would never do. And of course, there area further twelve stripes on the backs of her thighs. Sir always likes to makesure the thighs are well thrashed. Later he will add a further half dozen lowerdown towards her knees where Anna's stocking tops are. He likes to finish heroff that way. The smarting is rather special Anna tells him.
A little rest and it is time for the specials. First, she is allowed to rubthe atrocious sting and then she is facing the wailing wall again with tearscascading down her cheeks. There is a higher intensity to her weeping now andAnna has forgotten about dignity. Julie doesn't taunt her now. In reality,she rather respects Anna for her willingness to undergo the tests that Sirsets her. And also she is offering up for bottom to Sir's penis right now andtherefore more concerned with her own and Sir's pleasure than with her friend'sdistress.
Anna's wailing seems to be calming now, just as Julie seems to have takenup the cry herself, Anna guesses that her friend is having rather the bettertime tonight. But she smiles inwardly, even through her tears, knowing that,if Sir is buggering Julie (and he always does, the girls will discuss it onSaturday morning and Julie tells Anna that she adores being buggered by Sir),he will most assuredly service her in a most satisfactory manner later, foreand aft, so to speak. And Anna always finds sex after a thorough beating tobe so much the better for it.
Order is restored to Sir's clothing and Julie has a bit of a far-away lookin her eye. Anna is little surprised that Sir orders her to accompany Julieto the bathroom. It is made clear to her that she is honoured to imbibe Sir'sprecious seed, recovering it from both of Julie's lower orifices. Really! Thisis taking things a bit far. But Sir's steely eye is quite resolute. And whatis the harm? After all she and Julie have had plenty of girl on girl play-times –andyes even licked bottoms (but she wouldn't dare admit it to anyone, except Sirof course, during confession). And what is wrong with that, as long as theyare both clean. Anna suspects that Julie has been as meticulous as her, afterall Sir is a stickler for cleanliness. She suspects that Sir will have hadJulie take him in her mouth once the act was finished. Sir says it is by farthe best incentive to a girl to ensure she is clean – and Anna cannotbut agree!
Returning from the bathroom, Julie is very happy. She loves having Anna performfor her like that. Anna is very sore but feeling rather pleased with herself.Her bottom and thighs are still smarting something awful. But at least shehas the taste of Sir on her tongue. And Julie at least had the charity to applyher tongue to Anna's pussy while Anna attended to Julie's nether regions. Yes,very satisfactory.
Time for her penance. Two dozen with the crop. A wicked instrument and onethat searches her out. It tests her courage every bit as much as the cane.The bite and sting are a little different somehow, but every bit as painful.
Anna takes these lying back on the settee with her legs up over her head.Her bottom is hanging over the edge of the chair and Julie stands behind holdingAnna's legs to stop her dropping them or, even worse, kicking Sir. That wouldnever do.
It is a shaming, but most effective position. From the start, Anna yelpsand then howls as two dozen strokes are laid on with a will on her alreadythrobbing bottom and thighs. Julie has a job hanging on to those legs as theywrithe in agony. Sir whips her hard and without compromise. Each scream vindicateshis accuracy and style. He knows well how to ply the weapons of pain throughlong experience. Each howl is an acknowledgment of his mastery of his craft,and of this woman.
When the beating is over Anna is allowed to crumple to the floor, a sobbingwreck. She gingerly grasps her behind, her thighs, trying to rub the stingaway, the flames that sear in her tortured flesh.
Fifteen minutes of Anna sobbing and snuffling in the corner are sufficientfor Julie and Sir to consume a whisky while quietly contemplating her distress.
It is now time for extras. And there are rather a lot of them. In fact, thecount is 102! And 56 of those are specials. Specials? – special becausethey caress parts of her anatomy other than the more usual points of punishment.Very painful? Very! Perhaps delivered with a degree of leniency? No, I'm afraidthat just wouldn't do. Anna has to learn her lessons after all.
You don't want to hear about these extras do you. What you do? Very boringI assure you. Just a poor young woman getting the most frightful whipping!You really do! Oh well, I'll take your word for it. This is what followed …
Sir starts with Anna's armpits. Anna stands in the centre of the room, tryingto display a new resolve now that the previous tears have dried and she hasregained somewhat of her composure. Both arms raised with elbows grasped inopposing hands on top of her head, she awaits the smacking to start. This willsting, but its impact is relatively short lasting. There will be no bruising,and by tomorrow night, she not be inconvenienced any more when she lets herarms drop to her sides. A short tawse is produced and Julie gives her a quickkiss (at last some solidarity and compassion being shown?)
Sir stands in front and whips each bare armpit in turn. He is proud of hisskills and chooses this stance to avoid striking either her breasts or worse,her face if he were to deliver the beating from behind. Anna takes these blowswell as he alternates the strokes to each armpit in turn. He draws from hera grunt, becoming a rather distressed grunt by the time full measure has beendelivered; but in terms of specials, these are rather easy to bear. No tearsthis time, though the last few cause her to snort a bit.
Sir kisses each throbbing armpit and asks Julie to lock Anna's arms in place.It is time for Anna's breasts to be cropped. She hates this. This is real pain.She asks for a gag as she knows she will embarrass herself with her pleas formercy. And she doesn't want mercy; she wants to be taken over the hill to thatvalley of acceptance where Sir wants to take her. Julie's panties are pressedinto service (after being used to mop the juices from between the legs of bothladies – there is an abundance of moisture yet again) as a gag and theseare stuffed into her mouth with a scarf tied around her head to keep them inplace.
The riding crop is the same vicious black leather clad beast that previouslywhipped her bottom and thighs. Sir stands to one side and strikes. It is afull strength blow directed to the upper slopes of Anna's breasts. Anna buckles,and would fall to the ground if Julie had not been holding her. A thin redline springs up immediately. Tears sprout from her eyes and she starts to chokeon her gag. Sir gives her a moment to absorb the pain and present herself forthe next stroke. Sir insists on this. He often tells her the futility of beatinga woman who does not willingly accept her chastisement. In discipline, he tellsher, there must be self-discipline, exercised both by the chastiser and thechastised. "Bollocks, it just makes it easier to whip me!" she thinks, butshe doesn't say so.
Anna screams behind her gag at every slash of the crop. She writhes in agony.Sir alternates the blows between the upper and lower slopes of her torturedbreasts. He delivers the mandated dozen, but doesn't stop. No, she will wearsome of the other specials on her chest as well. And now, of course, come thefour nipple shots. Julie tightens her grip on the weeping Anna. Nipples hardenedin anticipation (Anna can't imagine why they betray her in this way. Don'tthey know they about to be whipped?)
Agony! The crop takes both nipples at the very tip. Oh, yes, Sir is verymuch on form tonight. How can she possibly take three more like that? But shedoes. The sting is incredible. She imagines that her tits her been ripped openat the very least. But there is no blood.
It takes several minutes between each stroke for her to settle enough toallow Julie to tighten her grip for the next; but eventually the four strokesare delivered. No misses, all on target. Released from Julie's grip, Anna fallsto the floor and curls up in a foetal position, cradling her wounded breastsin her arms, oblivious to world around her. "Never, never, never again." Shethinks to herself through her choking sobs.
A pussy whipping beckons. Relieved of her gag, Anna weeps and moans for awhile her mentor and friend look on. Can she arise for another torture?
As soon as she is able, Sir arranges her so that he has a clear field offire (a turn of phrase most apt for the occasion!). She lies face up on thekitchen table. Julie is squatting on her chest (her poor tits) bottom plantedin Anna's face (she's already rather familiar with that part of her friend'sanatomy thank you very much!) Julie holds Anna's legs, one on each side underher armpits so that Anna is reminded of her last visit to the gynaecologist,only this is so very much more exposed. Julie is fascinated with the weltson Anna's legs and bottom – how beautiful they look! Is that envy thatwe see growing in Julie's heart?
Sir approaches with a martinet. The dozen strands of leather will imparta fearful sting, but will not damage the tender sex on which they will strike.Anna cannot see the approaching doom, and so is not tensed when the first lashlands. Sir has aimed it squarely on her labia. The tips strike her mons andcatch at her clitoris. It hurts. Not desperately – not yet. At the firstlash it is more the shock of being whipped in such an intimate place. The painwill build over the two dozen she is due. Nevertheless, she kicks her legsand lands a high heel on the back of Julie's head. Julie does not thank her,but instead slaps an exposed buttock hard. Perhaps Anna will control her feetbetter for the rest.
And the rest come in a measured cadence. Sir strikes left and right as wellas centre, to ensure that the tender inner thighs also receive their fair share.In fact Sir allocated quite a few of the remaining extras to Anna's inner thighs.These are soon flaming red and she quickly moves to howls and tears. She struggleshard to escape from the lash, but Julie holds her well. There is no escape.There is pain. The martinet does not break the tender skin, but the smart mounts.
It is clear that Anna's body has a defensive strategy, perhaps ineffective,but at least it's trying! Her sex pours forth its fluids in an attempt to protectAnna's loins from this outrageous assault. Or perhaps it is just an expressionof her arousal. In either event, the martinet now slaps wetly between her legs.Its sound is now a splat rather than the crisp whipping sound of before. Butthat does not mitigate the awful smart that builds as the beating proceeds.
At last Sir is satisfied that this portion of the evening is complete. Heceases to flog the sex of his protégé and Julie frees the punishedwoman's legs. Again Anna curls into a ball and loses herself to her pain.
The interlude is brief and Sir rearranges Anna so that she now bends overthe kitchen table in the normal manner. Normal that is, for a woman about tobe caned. Yes, it is time again for the cane. Forty strokes remain. Rathera lot, but there you are - a naughty girl has only herself to blame. And thisone is still weeping and sobbing and trying to rub her pussy and thighs. Noself-control at all one might think. Well we don't expect to complete a girl'straining in one evening, do we.
Suffice to say the cane is plied with vigour. The focus of the strokes isthe lower part of the bottom and tops of thighs. Sir allows Julie to delivertwelve herself (he adds a few more to the tally because he thinks some of Julie'sstrokes are rather weak). Anna is rather beyond caring and has reached thepoint of just weeping more loudly when any particularly painful stroke lands.
However, Sir is a bit of a showman, so he always likes to finish with a flourish.For this he unclips Anna's stockings and rolls them down to her knees. He nowhas unbeaten flesh to work with and delivers six crisp stripes (though he hastrouble getting Anna to keep her legs together and it ends up being ten). Andfor the very last, there are four pussy shots from behind. These he deliversby aiming at Anna's delicious sulcus and caning short so that the tip of thecane disappears in between the afflicted woman's thighs. A shriek above allothers tells Sir that he has found his mark. It takes a while to convince thegibbering woman to resume her position each time for the other three but thetask is finally complete.
What an effort! Sir sits down to refresh himself with a whisky while Juliehelps the hobbling, weeping Anna up to bathroom. A long hot bath for both ofthem will restore the women to an appropriate state.
It is an hour later when Anna returns, her gait somewhat unusual (not perhapsfor Anna, but certainly not the gait of most women in the High Street on marketday), her marks livid and proud. She kneels before her mentor and thanks himsincerely for taking the time to correct her.
We draw the curtain now, as the two ladies reward Sir for his efforts. Inparticular, Anna, despite her pains, performs in a most enthusiastic fashion.And Sir acknowledges "bedroom athlete" as one of his talents. But rest assuredthat when they leave in the early hours of Saturday morning, Anna will be bendingover for the cane – another twelve well laid on, on her cruelly markedbackside. It is Sir's requirement that she leave his house weeping. It's justthe way it has to be.
AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework. It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music. Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious. No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes. Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...
We had arranged to meet at the local coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I could see you over in the corner. Would you recognize me? I wondered. As I walked over towards you and you looked up and smiled, your eyes were the first thing I noticed. I recognized them from the pictures I had seen, but your eyes had never looked that alive in your photos. They completely gave you away the fact that you were ready for us to meet. I stammered slightly saying hello as I sat down opposite you. After we...
BDSMAnna Prologue: Setting Goals Ok, it's got to be here somewhere. I'm sure it's in the bottom desk drawer. Maybe in the folder labeled "personal papers." Damn, no. Ahh, found it! What's it doing in with my old tax returns? No matter, at least I found it, my life goals check list. Back in middle school, Ms. Becker assigned her class to write down their goals for the coming school year, and for extra credit, what your goals were for when you were twenty-five, a grownup. It was about...
AnnaBy Carrie Anne ??????????? It had been one of those days?a Friday when everything that could go wrong at the office had gone wrong.? The payroll clerk had royally fucked up and paid everyone a thousand dollar bonus.? It has taken her forever to void out those checks and fire the payroll clerk.? Last time I will hire a man for position, she thought to herself as she drove home.??????????? Sheer exhaustion kept Anna home that evening instead of driving over to Biloxi with friends to...
It’s amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I’m thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I’m going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend, he’s not perfect, then again,...
It's amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I'm thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I'm going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend; he's not perfect, then again,...
LesbianAlan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one thing. Even though their relationship was purely platonic, it did cause problems for Janine...
Hi, I'm Anna Fontane. I'm 18 years old, about 5'8" waist length very curly brown hair and orange eyes. Yes, orange, most guys tell me they totally love my eyes because they look devilish and fiesty. I wear a 38 c-cup and have a little 29 inch waist. My ass has been lovingly described as "sweet as a peach" and most men I've met have either stared or groped at it on more than one occasion. But, the story I'm about to reveal to you isn't one about how all men normally drag their tongues on the...
Sunlight crept gently into the room and I awoke feeling unusually content. A slight movement caught my eye and there she was, leaning on her elbow watching me with an inquisitive smile on her face. "Morning you, she said leaned in and kissed me on the chest. Morning yourself, I replied and widened my smile of contentment. Anna moved closer, snuggling and I felt her body next to mine as we melded together. I wrapped my arm around her feeling her warmth mingling with mine. She leaned...
We had arranged to meet at the local coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I could see you over in the corner. Would you recognize me? I wondered. As I walked over towards you and you looked up and smiled, your eyes were the first thing I noticed. I recognized them from the pictures I had seen, but your eyes had never looked that alive in your photos. They completely gave you away the fact that you were ready for us to meet. I stammered slightly saying hello as I sat down opposite you. After we...
die Grundidee ist: Die Schöne und das Biest. ein hübsches Mädchen kommt an wiederliche, deutlich ältere Versager die sie und ihre Liebe benutzen: von diesem Kontrast soll die Geschichte leben... Anna schlenderte durch die Stadt. Das Zwinkern der Männer registrierte sie schon nicht mehr - es war Alltag wenngleich auch ein unangehnemer, aber Anna hatte die Gabe dererlei Auszublenden oder schlicht zu akzeptieren. das sie hübsch war stand außer Frage und wer hübsch war der durfte sich auch nicht...
Anna Janet L. Stickney "The way you see me now started back many years ago." The old woman sat in her rocker facing her Great grand son and daughter. "I know that you found it when you were in the attic cleaning. Lord knows that I should probably tell you how it started. When I was young, the women wore very fancy dresses of silk and satin, big bustles, and lots of lace. There was a war stirring in Europe as the Kaiser kept arming his troops. Then that Duke was killed by a...
Tonight however she could already feel her body tingle with want when her mind drifted to Nikolas. He was perfect in every way. She had met him only a few weeks earlier at a bar her friend had convinced her to sneak into. Being only 16 they had got some very unbelievable fake i.d.s but the bouncer waved them past watching Alanna's perky ass bounce away into the club. Alanna's friend Tiffany was use to clubs. However Alanna had never even drank before so the atmosphere frightened her. Smoke...
Julianna and I have been married almost 18 years. I am rather average looking by anyone's standards and consider myself the luckiest man in the world. My wife exercises almost everyday and her body is firmer and tighter, now, than it was when I met first her. She is 5' 8 1/2"tall, weighs about 110 pounds, and has an awe-inspiring 38DDD-21-34 figure. Julianna has a strikingly beautiful face, brown eyes, a great tan, and long blonde hair. Nature had blessed her with a beautiful pair of size-7...
Fetish(Please note: I wrote this as a romance between two women who became lovers, not a hot sexual romp. If your looking for such a story, I’m sure there are many here on the LIT site.) I was traveling alone some where between Sacramento and hell, after picking up my 2010, ice blue convertible BMW Z4, at the dealership. I was driving back home to Virginia City, Nevada, in hopes of a fantastic night with my lover. She and I had been together a few years, and with my career in full swing, I wanted to...
It's amazing how you trundle along through life, and then something comes along and throws everything out the proverbial window. That happened to me the other day. It was unplanned and uncalled for. There was no need for life to do it. I mean, there are plenty of other people in the world for it to pick on. Why did it choose to rain on my parade? I'm thirty, been around a bit, and I know, quite happily where I'm going. At least I did. I have a long-term boyfriend; he's not perfect, then...
Her golden brown curls reached midway down her back. Her eyes were a seductive icy blue. Her body was that of a goddess. A thick hourglass figure, a full perky bust, thick, but firm thighs, and petite size seven feet. She was the wife of a man named Devin Carswell. Her name was Annabel. She was the most perfect wife any man could ever wish for. Her cooking skills were excellent, her entertaining and hospitality made all happy, her cleaning routine was flawless, her oral skills always pleased...
CheatingI was sitting at beach with my wife's younger sister.Her name is Janna.She is 43 years old.My wife was at home and she was cooking.She told me that she could come one hour later.So,me and Janna went to the beach together.It was about 01:00 am.There was nobody at the beach.We were sitting on a beach towel.There were bushes behind us.Janna had a long and black beach dress.And she was wearing a white bikini with flower design.There was a long slash of her dress.Janna has short blonde hair ,almost...
Part 1Janna could not believe she had actually revealed her thru identity during her last chat with her English teacher. For the last couple of months she had been chatting with Mark (her teacher) but she used her internet name “cheecky girl”. As their chat sessions grew from friendly hello's to a bit of funny sly remarks and finally to exchanging sexual fantasies, she been hinting her true identity.When Mark finally realized she was one of his student he first was very embarrassed but later...
The birth of your first child is supposed to be a time of great joy and the months after the blessed event are supposed to be filled with awe, wonder and love. And it was that way, but only for six weeks or so. My life came crashing down at 3:37 AM on a Wednesday and I doubt that it will ever be the same again. I'd come home from work, charged up and ready for some fun. Deanna had a doctor's appointment that afternoon and he was expected to tell her that it was okay to practice sex again....
Deanna was in her bedroom. As thoughts of Maureen flooded her mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom extremely hot. Deanna had realized perhaps, she should put something cooler on. Deanna got out of her blue jeans. Lifted her blouse and grasped her bra. When Deanna did, her hand brushed across her breast. As if in a dream or in none. This brought Deanna back to the thoughts of Maureen. That warm soft thought of feeling Maureen's hand touching her. A sense of longing...
Your name is Alannah you have wavy shoulder length red hair, a cute face with slight dimples, A thin curvy figure accented nicely by your small round breast that fit perfectly on your sexy body. You just turned eighteen and you are extremely excited about being an adult. You're going out with your best friend Christy to have a girl's night out. Christy is a few months older than you and has promised to take you out for a night you will never forget. Looking through your closet you try to...
He’d always admired Susannah, ever since he joined the university where she worked. She was tall, with long dark hair and legs that a girl 20 years younger than her would be envious of... But he was a realist; he knew that all he’d ever have a chance to do was admire her from afar. Her with a highly paid senior role and him a lowly technician, he had very little to offer that she didn’t already have, a family, a very successful partner, the flashy car, the expensive design dresses and a...
It was a warm summer Sunday, and I was working in the garden as usual. I loved this time as it gave me the chance to genuinely relax. I'd had the garden now for about fifteen years, and at forty years old, I still loved working the ground. I even began to enjoy the people who would stop and ask questions. Why wouldn't I? It had been a great source of new lovers.I met Annabelle and her husband, whose name I don't recall, on this very afternoon. I could tell by the low-hanging sun that it...
WatersportsHanna Mumbling incoherently under his breath, as most mad scientists do, Dr. Zevorling was working away on his latest invention. As, with most of his inventions, he felt that it was sure to revolutionize the future and make him famous, rich and attractive to the many beautiful creatures who had never endured his company for more than twenty minutes. Namely - attractive women. Keeping in line with the great and proud traditions of mad science, at age 67 Pjotr A. Zevorlin had not even...
Annabelle woke up disgusted. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the raggedy nightstand. The time was five-o-three a.m. She lay back, exasperated. Beaten. She wiped the perspiration from her forehead before closing her eyes again. She looked over at her husband and cringed. Then she started to cry. Recent Past Annabelle was sixteen when she married Fred. He was twenty-one. At the time, she thought she loved him. When she found out she was pregnant, her parents decided they...
Brianna By: Malissa Madison Brian Carson wanted to be liked, as did any teen his age. At seventeen he was thin short and still sported a nearly hairless body other than his shoulder length sandy blonde hair. He was a loner at school, not really fitting in with any group in particular. His long hair kept him out of the Nerd pack, but the fact he didn't do drugs left him out of the group known as the Stoners. In fact his only close friends were Brandi and Brenda Simmons who lived...
JoannaHungover from the night before, Chris stumbled out of the shower and headed downstairs towards the kitchen, in search of orange juice. If nothing else, the OJ would quench his first - even if it could do nothing for the pounding in his head. The living room had been a tip the night before, at least, that was how Chris last remembered it. At some point in between then and now, the s**ttered bottles and empty cans had been scooped up. Good, Chris thought dimly - perhaps we can sort this out...
My sister, her husband and her daughter all celebrate their birthdays within the same week in August, from the 11th to the 17th. This year they decided to throw a big shindig with about 50 guests. Invited were, among others, my sister's midwife and her 11 year old daughter, a lovely brunette just showing the first signs of sprouting into womanhood. The weather had been unforgiving for weeks, making the water temperature very agreeable. There were ten of us making for the beach and as soon as...
This is a follow on to Luciana. It would help if you've read that. Can someone who is not who they were be trusted? Will retracing your steps solve anything, when nothing is the same... and should you try? It is not always possible to walk away even if you want to. The past is always there. There is some darkness, violence and general nastiness... so as before, be forewarned. Apologies if the Italian phrases are not exactly correct. Blame Google. This is a work of adult fiction. ...
Hanna James was coming to her car late Tuesday night. She worked later then normal and as she was just about to the bend she heard moans looking and scared to death she saw Penny Toms a VP from one of the upper offices getting fucked hard. The man had her bent over her own car dress pulled up and hammering her good with her begging for more. Hanna knew she should just leave and not watch but she was froze in place when she saw the huge black that was pounding Penny. Hanna was no angle she...
"Something happened recently that I want to tell you about," she began. "I've never been much of an exhibitionist; at least, not up until recently," Brianna sounded nervous as she continued on with her story."A couple of nights ago, my boyfriend and I had both just gotten home from work, and we were watching TV when we heard what sounded like someone outside our front door. I thought maybe it was my neighbor, Ella, but it was late, and she's old and was probably in bed already."Brianna spoke to...
ExhibitionismRob asked me to house sit and I didn't hesitate since he lives in abeautiful big house on the end of a Cul de Sac. There is only onehouse next to his and no one can see his backyard except the housenext to his.His neighbor Bryan is a local college professor at the communitycollege and doesn't seem to mind when we skinny dip in the middle ofa Saturday afternoon. He seems cool so I thought this was going tobe a great two weeks. I had no idea what was going to happen duringthese two weeks.It was...
HannahThis was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...
This was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...
by Hardrive I thought mom's problems started on that Christmas morning when Dad got me a gift that totally changed my life. The fact is that mom's problems started long before that, but at that time I didn't know and didn't care 'cause I was too wrapped up in the wonderful gift my father gave me. It was a doll and everyone said it looked just like me. It has long red hair, green eyes and a face full of freckles just like me. It even came with a Kelly green dress with white...
One weekend, Anna was rebelling against her over-protective parents and proceeded to get extremely drunk. She was brought to our door by a very understanding pair of policemen who left her in my custody. Not being accustomed to the copious amounts of rum she drank, she began to get sick and pass out. The exchange student and I kept her awake, made her drink lots of water to counteract the liquor, and walked her around the block for what seemed like hours. Anna hugged us and kissed us in her...
Zuzanna lag in ihrem Bett und schlug die Augen auf, das letzte Schuljahr! Mürrisch zog sie sich nochmals die Decke über den Kopf, der erste Schultag in ihrem letzten Jahr konnte gerne ohne sie beginnen. Um acht Uhr wurde sie dann doch von einem zaghaften Klopfen ihrer Mutter geweckt. So stand sie dann doch auf und trat vor den Spiegel. Die ganze Familie der 19-jährige Abiturientin stammte aus Polen, aus Danzig um genau zu sein. Ihre Familie war jedoch schon vor vielen Jahren nach Süddeutschland...
When i was in eigth grade, there was this redheaded girl in my class named Rianna. I hated her, and she hated my guts. Until, one night when we were on a band field trip together. We went to walmart, which is where our band teacher always took us when we were on trips. Rianna and I had gotten seperated from the rest of the group, and were a little lost. We wandered around walmart, trying to find the rest of our class. Finally, it became appearant that they had left without us. We talked...
Kewanna was surprised that Glenn had indeed kept his word and came to see her. She sat in a very nice restaurant looking over at him and had to smile. She had heard from so many guys they wanted to come meet her but none had so far. They made small talk while they had their meal. Glenn kept telling her how beautiful she was , how much she turned him on, and how glad he was to finally meet her. She was dressed kind of conservative but it still showed off her body also, the top hugged her breast...
AnnalogyBy Brewt.BlacklistApril-July 2010Drying OutIgnitionI TOTALLY swear that, as unbelievable as it sounds, the first time was completely an accident.I didn't even realize it had happened until I saw the mark. We had been fighting again; the usual stuff: money, sex, feelings, communications. And I blinked. I heard her sharply inhale, and her head was turned to my left. I hadn't seen her move, she wasn't moving now, and I didn't know what had happened. She was looking down; her face appeared...
"I always look on the sunny side," Polly leaned over breathing beer in my ear. I was still too scared to venture even a furtive panoramic of the place. Nevertheless, I couldn't imagine what sunny side my sister saw in this thoroughly dark and dank dive. "You always were a regular Pollyanna," I managed to mumble back. Got a regular elbow-in-the-ribs for that observation. On the long drive down from New York, I'd half-jokingly frightened myself with the notion that when I finally...
"Ah Lord Pinkerton?" an emboldened mature lady around my mother's age accosted me as I lounged amiably enough with my cronies at the Misses Fotheringay's ball at Southam Courtenay, "Have you met my daughter Molly?"I looked past the matron and there through the fug of intoxication I believed I beheld an angel, a great vision in gleaming virginal white, and at second glance an improbably plump one, "No, I haven't had the pleasure," I agreed uncertainly for the sweet Mull-berry wine had had its...
Hannah and I had been friends for almost fifteen years. I'd seen her go through two really shitty relationships and a horrible marriage. I'd watched her raise her kids on her own, even while she was dating the kids dad and married to the other guy she was with. I'd been there for her when she had her issues, dealt with her struggles, went through her divorce, and watched her kids question why these guys were the way they were. And all the while, we'd been best of friends.I'd never looked...
CheatingHannah lief mit den Akten unter dem Arm in Richtung des Büros von Daniel Anders. Sie trug einen engen grauen Rock und eine nylon Strumpfhose sowie High Heels mit Riemchen und eine weinrote Bluse. Sie trug einen Pony der Rest ihrer braunen Haare fielen ihr wellig, knapp über die Schultern. Sie Klopft an der Tür. Mr Anderson bat sie herein und sie schloss die Tür. „Schließen sie bitte ab.“ Mr Andersen war Mitte dreißig und hatte einen braun, blonden Seitenscheitel. Hannah schloss die Tür ab und...
BDSMMy name is Steve, and I have always been straight. It was a Saturday night and I wanted to head into San Francisco to listen to some jazz. It was about 7:30 when I arrived, and there were not many people yet or woman to watch. The band had set up and had been playing for approximately half an hour. I was sitting on a couch and had some room for others to sit next to me. I saw the door open and a tall strawberry blonde walked in, and our eyes connected. I was hoping she would come over and sit,...
TransSavannah by Janet L. Stickney He stood in front of the headstone, tears in his eyes, remembering as the sunlight filtered through the leaves of the huge oak trees, littering the ground with pinpoints of moving light as it weaved it's way downward, splashing bright colors as it reflected off of the headstones. A chirping made his eyes wander to the treetops, and he watched as a huge robin landed on the headstone and looked at him; the bird thrust out his red plumage and cocked...
Savannah Janet L. Stickney [email protected] He stood in front of the headstone, tears in his eyes, remembering as the sunlight filtered through the leaves of the huge oak trees, littering the ground with pinpoints of moving light as it weaved it's way downward, splashing bright colors reflecting off of the headstones. A chirping made his eyes wander to the treetops, and he watched as a huge robin landed on the headstone and looked at him; the bird thrust out his red plumage...
I had forgotten how tight Hannah’s pussy was.So, when I slipped inside her from behind, and looked down at the pale, white skin of her back, leading up to the long, curly, red hair flowing over her left shoulder, I felt a nearly overwhelming urge to cum inside her. “It’s been so long,” she said, looking back at me. “I missed you.”I missed her too, but probably only for the fact that she was 22 and I was 40 and she gave earth shatteringly good blowjobs. She wasn’t k**ding, though. It had been...
I had been married for 11 years, when my wife took her first full-time job. She worked at a department store in the jewelry department. All day long, she would help customers. On occasion, a worker from another department would help her out when there were too many customers. Well, this worker was a guy who was 10 years younger than her. He was only 19 at that time. His name was Ed.Donna (my wife) had been true to me for 13 years. We had discussed going out with others, and had decided that if...
Hannah lebt in dem kleinen Dorf „Rotwald“ nahe dem großen Wald. Die wenigen Holzhäuser mit den Stroh Dächern bilden eine märchenhafte Kulisse. Ihr Vater starb in einem der vielen Scharmützel gegen die Banditen der Gegend als sie noch ein Baby war. Sie hatte nur ihre Mutter, die beiden kamen über die Runden, indem sie Kräuter verkauften und die Kranken behandelten. Hannah ist 1,77m groß hat leicht bräunliche Haut und schwarze wellige Haare, welche ihr locker auf die Schultern fallen und braune...
TeenJoanna. In my last story, I told you how I came to live with Gordon. It is now six weeks later and I have taken to my new life like a mouse finding a hole in the skirting. At first, I thought Gordon was just a kind man satisfying his fetish for a transwoman, but as the weeks went on I found myself just waiting for his car to scrunch on the gravel, telling me that he was home. He liked me to always be in a dress and fully made up, wearing heels. That suited me. Not only was it what I...
Message-ID: X-Original-To: [email protected]: [email protected]: From: Johnnie X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 21:34:42 +0000 (GMT)Subject: {ASSM} Hannah - the whole story - (bbbbFF, MMMMMF, Slut, p**o, sex slave, voyeurism, exhibitionist, piercings, tattoos, b********y)Lines: 5435Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 08:10:08...
Hi friends, en peyar Hema enathu oru akka irukiraal aval matum oru paiyanai kathal seithu ulasamaaga irukiraal. Athai paarthu en manathil yathavathu oru aanudan naanum jollyaaga iruka vendum endru aasaiyaaga irunthathu. Athanaal en akka kathal seiyum paiyanai naanum sight adithu usar seithu sex seithen. Epadi seithen enbathai intha tamil sex kathaiyil ungaliam pagirugien. En akka kalluri padithu kondu irunthaal, naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluriku sendru muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En...
Trophy wife Athena Palomino has had enough of her limp dick of a husband. Not only is he injured but he can’t even keep that cock of his hard for her young tight pussy. Athena needs a real cock and eyes the physical therapist’s hard dick in his work scrubs. She grabs Ramon’s hand and puts it into her panties. Athena really is super wet and needs satisfied. Maybe fucking in front of her Husband will help get his blood flowing. Ramon is willing to do anything to help his patient...
xmoviesforyouCliff woke up early Friday morning and called Robin on her home phone. ‘I hope didn’t wake you up,’ he apologized. ‘No you didn’t. I just got back from my run. What’s up?’ Cliff smiled to himself as he stroked his morning erection. He thought, I’ll tell you what’s up. ‘I was thinking about stopping in Denver on the way back to Chicago. Do you have any specific plans Friday?’ ‘No I planned to work out of my home as we agreed. I was just going to make some phone calls and work on product...