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Hanna Mumbling incoherently under his breath, as most mad scientists do, Dr. Zevorling was working away on his latest invention. As, with most of his inventions, he felt that it was sure to revolutionize the future and make him famous, rich and attractive to the many beautiful creatures who had never endured his company for more than twenty minutes. Namely - attractive women. Keeping in line with the great and proud traditions of mad science, at age 67 Pjotr A. Zevorlin had not even the remotest resemblance of a "way with women". However, as he tweeked the final bolts on his latest contraption, a glint of excitement escaped his usually dry grey eyes. The words of victory echoed through his underground laboratory. "Yes, yes, YES! Finally the world will know my name! My greatest achievement to date! Behold, Hank, my transduckifier has been completed!" "What, pray tell, is a transduckifier?" answered the forementioned Hank while hopping on two of his tentacles. "I won't go into the details seeing as you are a mutant octopus without a degree in advanced physics and temporal mechanics, but suffice it to say that from now on, all the world's duck problems will be solved!" Hank hopped towards the professor and studied the immense machine reaching upwards to the three metre high ceiling of the lab carefully. "What exactly...does it do?" he quietly asked, all too familiar with the moodswings of mad scientists. Excitedly the professor began an account of how hunters might never have to carry those heavy guns and equipment with them in order to go out and shoot ducks, when all they had to do was take any object, organic matter or otherwise, place it inside the transduckifier to create a perfect copy of a deceased duck. "But couldn't hunters go to the store and buy one there as well?" Hank innocently asked. The room fell quiet, deadly quiet. Untill a tumbleweed rolled by accompanied by a famous western music-score. After shooting a mouth-harp player, Dr. Zevorling returned to his lab infuriated and bent on wreaking nothing but havoc, destruction and many other bad things. "Why do you have to criticise and belittle everyone of my exploits Hank? Why is it that every time I come up with a plan you seem to have nothing to contribute but snide comments? Sometimes I think I never should have made a mutant octopus out of you Hank! I will show you, I'll make a machine this time that will end all criticism, starting with yours! Get out of this lab and don't come back untill I say so!" And so, he began again, tinkering and plotting and skeeming. After three days of aimless wandering around the mad scientist's castle, Hank the former lab assistant turned mutant octopus was wondering about his particular predicament. It had all gone downhill since the time he criticised one of the Dr.'s earlier projects: an accountant-tracking device. He'd offered that nobody would want to be interested in finding accountants outside their working place anyway. It was two nights thereafter that the doctor had secretly snuck into his room, drugged him and put him into a damp and cold cell. For two weeks he had sat there, only getting a bit of water and bread every day. After he began suspecting that the water was somehow tainted, it had been too late. Zevorlin had put some kind of chemical inside of it that'd made him obey every direct vocal command given. After a while, and after enough instructions, Zevorlin felt assured that Hank would never leave the castle. Hank reacted by pleading with Zevorlin night and day to let him go. The doctor listened to the pleading for a few days before he became fed up with it and had his assistant turned into this mutant creature, with one of his devices that miraculously did work like intended. Stuck as a talking octopus for what would seem to be the rest of his life, the only pleasure Hank had gotten out of his life to date had been to subtly annoy the doctor on a constant basis, but never enough to warrant treatment even worse. Though it seemed that with the failure of the transduckifier things had gotten a lot more complicated... Suddenly, an all too familiar voice rang out through the castle's many electronic speakers. "HANK! Hank, where are you? Come to my lab at once!" Hank could feel his body slither automatically down the stairs to what he suspected was a nasty and horrible end. "HANK, where are y- oh there you are, come here and let me show you my latest invention. I have been laughing madly about this one for quite some time now... When the mirth stopped I immediately thought of a subject that might be willing to participate in the first series of tests." Grinning evilly, Zevorlin pulled at the sheets covering a large cylindrical object in the middle of the laboratory. They fell away to reveal a very high device obviously designed to house a person. Its base was round and all around it little monitors and lights were flashing. There was a door that opened to reveal a space not much larger than a normally sized shower-compartment. After being told to step inside, Hank slithered his way in as the doctor closed the door behind him. "Are you ready Hank?" Zevorlin asked, still grinning. "This might feel a little strange, but don't worry, it's only let a few inanimate objects implode." Feeling thoroughly at ease, Hank wondered if there was a heaven for octopods. - A humming noise grew steadily louder as the machine was obviously working up to whatever it was supposed to do. Through the door Hank could see Zevorlin flicking switches and pushing buttons in typical mad scientist fashion. "Alright Hank, hold on to your tentacles, this is it!" The hum had turned into a roaring storm of electrical buzzing, and just before everything went black, Hank thought about how sorry he felt about never having had the nerve to ask his girlfriend to give him a blowjob. "Welcome back to reality, my formerly squidlike companion, tell me, how do you feel?" Opening his eyes after never expecting to see light again, Hank took in little of the surroundings at first. "I feel weird," he answered, "what have you done to me now?" Hank was almost too afraid to ask, but curiosity had gotten the best of him. "I have freed you from your predicament," the doctor answered, grinning as sly as a fox - if foxes could live to an age of one-hundred-seventy-one. "I have given you a new form which I believe to be far superior to your previous one. First I thought about just turning you into a mouse with a genetically enhanced brain, but a colleague of mine already did that. No, I have made you into something that is far more pleasing to the eye, if I do say so myself. Stand up, and take a look at the new you." Hank noticed he was still under the influence of the chemical, or perhaps the doctor had given him another dose after whatever chemical cocktail it was. He stood up and immediately noticed several things. First of all, he stood taller than the doctor by a good ten centimetres. Second: he felt a weight on his chest, pulling down. Third: he felt long hair tickling his back. Hank gulped as he immediately understood what had been done to him. The slender arms, the soft flawless skin, the delicate fingers... "There's a mirror over there, go and take a look!" the doctor urged him. Hank walked over the mirror, keeping his head down a bit, still looking at his transformed body. When he approached the tall mirror, he gazed into it absolutely stunned by what he saw. She was gorgeous! Pulling the long strands of his raven dark hair, feeling up the contours of his body and having the woman in the mirror imitate every move was unbelievable. Her face was very exotic looking, big brown eyes looked out from under long dark lashes and small, finely arched eyebrows. A small upturned nose, flaring nostrils as her breathing became erratic. Her upper lip was arched like that of an angel and the lower lip stuck out a bit, giving the impression of pouting a little. When Hank looked alternately at the mirror and himself he realised he had been given the body of a centerfold model at least. Big, firm breasts protruded from his chest with very little sag, a flare to the hips going out from a curvy waist. Legs that ran for miles... Experiencing synaptic and sensory overload once again, our lab assistant fainted with a feminine sigh. "Gathering by your reaction, I'd say my work is a succes, wouldn't you say, Hank," the doctor teased him as he came to. "Of course, such a name is totally inadequate for someone with such lovely proportions such as yourself, we must find you another one." He continued, "perhaps we should feminize it a bit, how about Hanna? Yes, I believe that will do nicely, from now on you shall be called Hanna." The person formerly known as Hank got up from a cold metal slab, obviously having been put there while unconscious. He shuddered as a flicker of what the doctor might have done to him while sleeping passed through his mind, though he quickly put it away. "Doctor, this time you've really gone too far, I will not be some eye- candy for you to have parading around so you can get your rocks off. Turn me back at once!" The sly grin that had been painted on the doctor's face faded away. "You wish to return to being a slithering mutant? It can be arranged if you wish..." Realizing the dire situation he was in, Hank hung his head and looked down despondantly, giving as much of an answer as can be done without words. The doctor resumed a matter of fact tone as he asked Hank, "Haven't you noticed something other than just your outer transformation?" The way in which the doctor said it set alarm bells off in Hank's head. "What do you mean?" he asked carefully. "I know I'm still under that drug you gave me before you made me all squiddly, but I suspect that's not all, is it?" "Very astute of you. No, it is not all. You see, as we've been sitting here, chatting away so to speak, you have failed to feel ashamed of being entirely without clothes." Hank tried to register this but some parts of it just kept deflecting off the core of his mind. For some reason he could not think of a single reason why being naked should be anything but a normal and acceptable under all circumstances, say maybe, a cold december night in the outdoors. "What's wrong with being naked?" he asked the doctor, whose smile became even more triumphant if that was possible. "Wonderfull, wonderfull. I see the added subliminal instructions I have given you seem to work properly. Now to reveal the others; as you will undoubtedly will find out," said the doctor pacing back and forth in obvious delight with himself. "Some of the subliminal instructions will only come into effect under certain circumstances. Others will be in effect all of the time. You have already noticed that being naked comes natural to you. This will be so on all occasions, save for the rare one of you receiving company other than my own. I have always had a thing for bigbootied buxom beauties in the buff." At this almost vogonian attempt at poetry, Hank winced. The doctor continued undisturbed, "Also, as time will pass you will perhaps notice that your self-image will alter. After all, we can't have someone looking as good as you being sad all the time about losing some meaningless previous life. Furthermore, some of the instructions I have given you during and after your transformation will ensure that you cannot betray me in any way. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say that you are better off letting go any thoughts of escaping. My voice alone is more than enough to prevent any such attempt. I have made it so that you always remember part of who you are, but in time you will come to love your new self. I still need someone around for the generic labwork, and you always had a knack for menial tasks. Finally, to overcome the inhibitions you must to this moment still posses, I have instructed your brain to release a steadily increasing flow of modified hormones into your blood. These will ensure that a sexual revolution of sorts will take place inside your system. There won't be bra-burning cells inside your body marching for emancipation, but let's just say that you will feel as sexual as someone with a body like yours should. Oh, and before I forget: As you are now a perfectly formed woman, your gender is female. From now on your name will be Hanna, you will answer only to this name and it will be the name you will give to yourself." Hankh...anna could only despair after this speech, this bastars had taken hi..her life away. And it seemed that the asshole had all bases covered. Furiously, Hanna, balled her hands into fists, digging her nails deep into the palms. She let out a terrible cry of pain. "Goddamn you, you son of a bitch, you megalomaniac, you complete and utter waste of flesh! You perverted swine, you stinking excuse for a human being! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!" With that, Hanna turned around and started to run out of the lab only to hear the doctor yell out, "Have your little tantrum lady, it will do you no good. You will return here in exactly two hours!" Slamming the door behind her Hanna ran up the long stairs, her breasts bouncing somewhat painfully, causing her to slow down a bit. She muttered under her labouring breath, "God, I swear... I swear I'll make him pay for this." She went to the room she'd been assigned when she still was Hank. It was a mess, there was slime everywhere and it smelled of rotting fish. She sat on the bed, her head in her hands, trying to block out the filthy stench. It was no good. When she'd been an octopus, cleanliness hadn't exactly been a priority, having no sense of smell and all. Remembering the time before that, she realized cleanliness had never been a part of Hank's life either. Having had plenty of time to discover every nook and cranny of the castle in the past, Hanna realized that there were a few other rooms that might be suitable and started gathering what little things she considered worth keeping. She picked up a picture of his former self and his pretty ex-girlfriend, a pink floyd cd covered in slime and a few odd other keepsakes. Closing the door behind her, as if somehow closing the door on a different life, she knew exactly which room she was going to. It had been the doctor's grandmother who had lived there for more years than he cared to remember. It was still furnished and warm, with a fireplace but central heating as well. It had been Zevorlin's mother, coming from a long line of aristocracy, who'd coughed up the money for this entire castle. Stepping into the room, Hanna delighted quietly in the soothing warmth of it and the amazingly dust-free, clean environment. Somehow this room had never become dusty after all these years. The professor's mother had lived here for most of her senior-citizen existence, living to the ripe old age of ninety-seven. Hanna had come to this cursed castle a few years after the old lady had croaked. All she knew about her was that Zevorlin had hated her with a passion, sometimes still mumbling curses under his breath about "the witching old hag". The room felt nice to Hanna, it was one of the few places inside this infernal hellhole that exuded a warmth, a living warmth of some kind. As she pondered further on her current troubles, wondering about escaping, she sat down on the soft, luxurious bed. How to make that bastard pay for what he'd done? Sure, physically, things could've been worse. Hanna cringed as she thought of her previous physical state. But now she'd been turned into this...beautiful creature, there was no telling what the madman downstairs would do to her. She shuddered as an image of a wrinkled, naked old Zevorlin waving a ten inch dildo crossed her mind. She threw up. After a long time of fruitless contemplation and endless frustration, Hanna somehow found herself leaving the room automatically and descending the many flights of stairs. She wondered why she never got goosebumps on the way down, a little draft as always blowing through the windy castle. "Must be one of the alterations the doctor made," she mused. "And I bet two hours will have passed exactly as I walk into the lab again." She opened the big, metal door to the passageway leading directly to the lab. As she strolled into the scientist's workshop he turned around and looked somewhat grim. "I see you have returned, just as I told you to. However, much as I'd like to try out your body and all of it's delicious curves, it seems we are expecting company tonight. I just had a phone-call telling me that my nephew is coming over tonight to discuss the redistribution of MY inheritance. The ingrate works for the I.R.S. and is expecting me to either come up with one million dollars in bribes for his silence or face prison for twenty years of unpaid taxes." Hope sparkled inside Hanna, and she could barely contain an uttering of excitement. Maybe this was a way out. Surely the nephew, whoever he was, would find it hard to resist helping a damsel in distress, especially if she was drop-dead gorgeous. "So, however much I'd enjoy doing the dirty with you right now, I have to make plans to thoroughly thwart any ideas about getting my money this urchin has. As having you around will undoubtedly be beneficial in distracting this cousin of mine, I will that you dress most provocatively tonight. In the room of my dearly departed witch of a mother, there should be plenty of items suitable for just this occasion. Weird woman, still ordering from victoria's secret, when she should have been wearing diapers. Go then, but first: give the good Dr. a little kiss." Thoroughly repulsed but unable to stop herself, Hanna leaned over and planted a fat juicy one on the lips of her captor. He looked quite shaken after that and had turned into a striking resemblance of a tomato. Hurrying away from the sickening sight of an aroused Zevorlin, Hanna went up the stairs again to what'd been "the weird witch's hide-out", now her own room. Once there, she threw herself on the bed trying to pull her thoughts together. Tonight, she'd have to make it count, nobody normally went near this castle, save for the postman and the occasional stray dog. This might be her only chance of escaping. Remembering the orders the doctor gave her, she got up off the bed and pulled the sheets from what emerged to be antique looking closets, still perfectly preserved though. All around it, the old brown wood ridges were carved in the shapes of mythical creatures, mermaids, goatmen with wooden pipes, angels, demons in all shapes and sizes. She marvelled at the craftsmanship and wondered why she'd never taken the time to look around this room some more. Everything seemed so new, yet so old. As she pulled on two of the big wooden doors both fronted by mirrors a wardrobe was revealed to her like none she'd ever seen. Even though she felt a little odd having to pick out clothes when she was perfect without them, she rejoiced in the possibility that some of these clothes might make her even prettier somehow. In the closet hung dresses, blouses, skirts of all shapes and sizes. Some dresses looked like they were right out of the middle-ages, yet felt spanking new. Tons of shoes were lying about inside the closets, that stretched across a wall at least seven metres wide. She opened all of the doors and found that a certain logic had been applied to ordering the various garments and accessories. In one closet there hung these medieval dresses of beautiful shape and size. In another hung skirts and shirts in varying ranges of sexiness. One closet was entirely dedicated to underwear, ranging from victorian girdles that looked way too constricting to super-sexy lace bras and panties. Another one was dedicated to all black rubber wear, latex, insanely high boots and looked like the closet of dreams for a dominatrix. There were even a couple of whips hanging off a nail inside the closet. Zevorlin's mother sure had been a free spirit for her time... Wandering about, trying to decide what to wear Hanna noticed she had no thoughts of repulsion towards anything she might choose from these clothes. She had no qualms whatsoever about trying all of it on, and she'd never been a crossdresser when she'd been Hank. She silently wondered if she could ever go back to being a man, after feeling this way though she pushed it out of her head. There were more important things to worry about now, before any of that would become of significance. First, she needed to escape from the clutches of this horrid doctor and his (voice-)control. What better way to get help than by being the most drop dead gorgeous girl for a hundred miles around. A thousand even, probably. She felt a little weird about giving thoughts to wrap a man around her fingers, but she decided it was for good and freedom and all. After trying on different outfits, ranging from too demure to "come-fuck-me-now!!!" she settled on a very classic but beautiful dress that came down halfway to her knees. It was as if she'd slipped inside a glove, so perfectly did it fit her curvey figure. It was as black as her hair. And made from very soft material not unlike silk but a bit thicker. Underneath it she'd put on a lacey push-up bra that accentuated her firm C cup breasts. After she'd found out what size she now wore, she also was surprised to find inside the closet many other bras ranging in cup-sizes from small B to big EE's. Maybe the doctor's mother'd had breastsurgery at one point? The black string she'd put on felt really good, which surprised her because as Hank she could've never suspected having on something like that could be anything but a bother. Hank's girfriend had always complained about them, while wearing them. Though the logic on his girfriend's part had seemed strange to Hank, it was perfectly understandeable to Hanna. Trying to decide what shoes to put on, Hanna tried on two very high, very shiny black boots just to see if she could walk around in them. To her surprise, it was easy as pie. And after seeing how good they looked in combination with the rest of the outift, she decided on keeping them on. In all the excitement Hanna had forgotten the time. Mincing around in her bedroom (she was already beginning to think of it as her own) on high heels, she was suddenly startled to hear the dr's voice over one of the omnipresent voiceboxes inside the castle, "Hanna, we have company, come and join us downstairs." Unable to resist, Hanna closed the door on a somewhat messy room, thinking she was going to clean up a bit later. Wait, that wasn't what she'd planned on doing... Suddenly it came back to her: the reason why she was dressed like this. Escape! Reassured of her objectives but still a bit unsure as how she was going to get away from her predicament she descended once more one of the many staircases. As she neared the downstairs den the doctor approached her, coming out of the room. His jaw fell just a little short of the floor. Seeing the doctor in total awe gave Hanna confidence, and she decided to try out some of her new "assets" on this horrible toad of a man. Breathily she asked quasi-innocently, "Did I dress right? These clothes are awfully tight but feel sooo good." Then, licking her lips and forcing down protests from her stomach, she approached the doctor and trailed her finger along the old man's wrinkles. He seemed to have lost all ability to communicate, but somehow recovered, "A, ah... You look amazing, bedazzling even, I'm sure my nephew will have his eyes on you the whole time, remaining blissfully unaware of the fate that is to befall him." "What fate, doctor?" Hanna said, prodding. "Seeing as you turned out to be such a heavenly creature, I was thinking about bestowing upon him the same honor." Hanna fell silent, pulling back a little. The doctor noticed. "And you shall be the means through which I shall reach my goal. I want you to be the most flirtatious woman you can imagine around him, tease him, play with him, respond to him. I want you to take his mind completely off of thoughts concerning the reason he's actually here, which is to take my money. And later in the evening, when he's horny and all but drugged out of his mind, he shan't be a problem ever again. Now go through that door and do as you're supposed to," Zevorlin ended, slapping Hanna's butt. Hanna entered the den, it appeared very old without looking worn somehow. There were dead animals stuffed and mounted, a roaring fireplace and plenty of comfortable chairs for company that would normally never visit. But now there was company, and Hanna noticed how the doctor's nephew looked attractive at first glance. There stood a man gazing into the fireplace, his back only a little turned to Hanna, allowing her to see his chiseled features and short, jetblack hair. To announce her presence, Hanna softly cleared her throat. He turned around and reacted like any red-blooded man would. That is, he had to catch his jaw to keep it from falling to the floor. Before him stood the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Standing by the doorway was a wet dream come to haunt the waking. "Hi", she said. "My name is Hanna, and who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" It took him a little while to catch his words. "My name is Mahler, Fred Mahler. I am the good doctor's nephew, though I'm not surprised he didn't tell you I was coming. If I were him I would have never left your sight... Yet he seems to lack many social skills." Licking her lips seductively despite and yet not, Hanna sauntered further into the den. Fred continued, as he approached her, "What is a beauty like you doing in this old man's damp excuse for a home?" Almost whispering in her sultry voice Hanna replied, "It is the doctor who made me who I am. If it wasn't for him, I would've never looked like I do now." Then, faking insecurity and batting her eyelashes, Hanna asked, "How do I look?" Fred stepped towards her with as much casualness as he could muster. "You look like an angel, all that's missing is the wings. You look like Eva must've looked to Adam, like Julliette to Romeo..." Smiling her incredibly sexy smile, Hanna brushed past Fred, their arms touching for a moment, sending shivvers down her spine. "Thank you, you are so kind. Oh, but where are my manners, would you like something to drink?" Fred asked for a scotch. The large liqour-cabinet at the far end of the den was an alcoholic's dream come true. As she went over to the cabinet and brought back a fine bottle of single malt and two glasses, she asked Fred about his visit. While Hanna poured the drinks, Fred danced around the real reasons for his coming. After a while he changed the subject and began asking questions about Hanna. "Well, to tell you the truth, I can't tell you the truth," she said after finding out she couldn't mention her former life. Somehow the doctor had imprinted upon her mind never to speak to others about her existence as Hank. Stammering and getting lost in her words, she began to cry, knowing that trying to tell Fred about her plight had become almost impossible. Fred, in the meanwhile, clutching his second scotch, felt a wave of sympathy wash over him for this poor girl who was probably a little crazy. When he'd asked her to tell about her life, she broke down and started to speak almost nonsensibly. The first thing he did was put his arms around her. That seemed to comfort her a little. Being so close to a weeping angel was almost too much, he knew he had to kiss her. Yet he wondered if this was the right time? A little seed was planted in his mind then, knowing a little about the old man's fondness for weird science. Maybe he'd done something to her. Someone this beautiful couldn't be all crazy. Then suddenly, he asked her, "Has that strange uncle of mine done anything to you?" Immediately Hanna stopped her sobbing. Though she couldn't speak of it, her eyes spoke the truth to this handsome man, whose arms she felt like being wrapped in. Fred noticed the the deep sadness in her eyes and he knew that he'd stumbled upon truth. Just at that moment, the doctor stepped in. "I see you two are having a good time," he chuckled. "Leave those young people alone for five minutes and what do you get?" Fred rose to his feet, while Hanna remained on the couch, looking very scared. "Alright, uncle, what have you done to this poor girl? She's looking at you like you're the devil incarnate!" Eyes narrowing, Dr. Zevorling took a step forwards. "Now Hanna", the doctor said, "we've been over this, you don't think I'm a bad man, in fact I rescued you from that carwreck seven months ago just outside the castle grounds. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead." Then turning to his cousin, "I'm afraid Hanna is still suffering from some memory loss due to the carcrash. In the aftermath of the accident, I had to nurse her back to full health. It's too bad that some of the mental damage will never be fully repaired. You see, in the process of healing, she had very bad nightmares. Somehow, I ended up in her nightmares, which is why sometimes she forgets who I am. Especially if she's been drinking, I told her to stay away from the liquor cabinet, but sometimes girls will just not do as they're told." Fred questioned his uncle about Hanna, the carcrash, who she might have been. The doctor had an entire story prepared and managed to ease the worry inside his nephew's mind concerning the supposed damsel in distress. In the meanwhile, Hanna having been put under the doctor's voice-control again, could only corroborate the totally made-up story on several points. Now that an hour had passed, and Fred had drank a few more scotch (also emptying Hanna's for her sake), he was getting a little inebriated. Hanna, having no choice but to fall back completely into her flirtmode, did everything she could to highten the intoxicated man's mood. Soon, Fred had almost forgotten about the reason for his visit in the vicinity of such an enigmatic and angelic beauty. He even forgot to notice the doctor's departure from the den. Winding her fingers around his tie and pulling him closer, Hanna whispered, "Would you like to go somewhere more private?" Fred was putty in her hands. Hanna none too subtly escorted him out of the den and up to her bedroom. She continued flirting with him, glancing over her shoulders at the man behind her. When they came to her room, she opened the door and motioned for him to follow. Almost immediately, a wave of excitement came over Fred; 'this had to be his luckiest day ever! To find such a beauty willing, and very able, here was simply amazing, almost too good to be true!' After pushing her soon to be lover onto the bed Hanna began a slow strip-tease that seemed to come entirely natural to her. She moved with such sexy grace, it would have appeared to any observer that she was a highly skilled professional. Though there was no music to accompany her slow gyrating movements, in her head there played the same song over and over again; # I.... have become comfortably numb... #. Fred couldn 't take it anymore and pulled her onto the bed, where he immediately and agressively began to massage her breasts while he held his lips tightly on hers. Little high-pitched moans of excitement were barely audible over Fred's heavy breathing, and they told no lies; Hanna was drifting away. She imagined herself sliding deeper and deeper into warm seas, where snakes would be waiting... While Fred tried quickly as possible to remove his clothes, Hanna began fingering herself, and the wetter she became the more she reluctantly admitted to herself that this was how it was supposed to be. She was a girl, but she'd be a woman soon. Fred, now completely naked, began a slow trail of kisses from one set of lips to the other. As he came to the moist but hairless pussy and smelled this woman's glory, he could take no more delay and pulled himself, somewhat clumsily further on top of her. When he entered her, Hanna let out something between a deep growl and a moan, while leaving her nails to scratch the man's back. All conflicting emotions were pushed further down and down untill nothing but the wave on which she now rode carried her. As the pace quickened and his forcefulness grew she dug her nails even deeper into his flesh, drawing blood. "Harder!" she whispered at first, almost viciously. "Harder!" she growled. Fred was covered in sweat, on his back it mingled with drops of blood. Hanna could feel it, she was coming closer, closer to it, that dim point of light became brighter and brighter until she felt like she was thrown. Thrown into the deepest pleasure she had ever known. And at the same time, Fred couldn't take it anymore and let open the floodgates. One last thrust from the man sent Hanna riding the seasnake, stars shattered and were born again. Fireworks exploded and angels wept as every colour imagineable filled her every thought. Not long after, a pretty much exhausted Fred rolled off of Hanna and while sliding his left arm under her, pulling her closer, whispered, "You are amazing, simply amazing." Hanna opened her and kissed Fred without doubt, without sorrow or regret. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms, all worry seemingly purged from their minds... She was standing before the closet in the room of Zevorlin's mother, but it looked a lot different somehow. As she moved a bit closer she understood why; the carvings on the closet-doors were moving! The mermaids looked like they were swimming through other carvings of satyrs who were actually playing panflutes now. She could hear the soft and alluring tones of their music. Everywhere on the doors carvings had come to life. Fascinated, Hanna tried to touch one of the satyrs. As her finger made contact, it froze to appear wooden again. When she pulled her hand away, the creature came back to life. "Do you not wonder child, what it is that really hides behind these doors?" - Where had the voice come from? It'd sounded like a woman's voice, older but not like croaking. "Go ahead, take a look for yourself and know, the door is open." Hesitantly Hanna pulled on the large wooden knob of one of the doors, and slowly pulled it open. First, it appeared that nothing was different, however, the clothes inside had acquired an unearthly glow. Some of the clothes inside this strange closet were glowing red, while others glowed with a green hue, a yellow or a pure white. Mesmerized, Hanna pulled out a dress that was glowing with a pure kind of white light, it felt amazing to her fingers. Like some kind of aura was emanating from it, entering through her digits. "Go ahead, dear girl, put it on and see how it looks on you," she heard the strange voice say. Hanna removed the darker clothes she had been wearing and put on the white, low-cut sexy dress. After she put it on, she could feel a strange feeling come over her, as if something was changing her, subtly. When she stepped away from the door to look into a mirror, a surprise befell her; she had changed! Instead of her previous raven black hair, she now was a blonde, her long curls falling halfway down her back. Also, her breasts had gotten somwhat bigger, still round and firm, they pushed the fabric of the dress out enticingly. Her face had changed somewhat, her lips looked like they were fuller, her eyelashes longer, giving her the look of an even more sultry, yet innocent, angel. Amazed, she wondered why this had happened, and as if by magic or telepathy the now familiar voice answered, "You are ready to discover the secret behind this room and the closet from which you took this form. As you might have guessed, I am the mother of that twisted science-loving son of mine. My name is Mrs. Agathaiana Belandra Censerra-Zevorlin, but may call me Agatha. It is for you that I have left this magic inside the castle, to aid you in teaching that son of mine a lesson. Your coming to this castle and your transformation was shown to me a long time ago. While my son spends his time tweaking senseless machines and carrying out pointless 'research', I was practicing magic of all kinds. We stayed out of each other's way as much as we could, but I knew one day he would take his science too far and damn himself and others with it. It is you who will be the instrument of his damnation, if you agree, that is; for this magic I have bestowed upon you in your dreams requires the acknowledgement of your soul to proceed." The voice remained silent after this, and in her dream-state Hanna was left to wonder what she was to do. Somewhat frightened as she was by these new and strange developments, she could almost envision no one more deserving of punishment than Zevorlin. However, he had given her this great new body to enjoy all kinds of new pleasures with. A battle was fought inside her psyche; while she hated Zevorlin with a passion he had also shown her so many new exciting emotions and things she'd never imagined of doing while she still was Hank. But when she thought about how the dr. had treated her before all the new changes, she became certain that revenge was what was due her. Standing still before the mirror she said, "Make me a part of your magic, so that I can teach Zevorlin a lesson." It was as if the entire room shivvered, welcoming her and warming her. The voice returned, "Thank you, young lady, I see you are ready to receive the teachings of ancient magic. You shall be the daughter I never had, but would've gladly raised instead of my son. Each night, in your dreams, I shall return to teach you more. But tonight, I have only shown you the way to change your form again. When you are awakened, you will find that by concentrating enough, you shall have the same power as you have experienced tonight. Choose your outfit carefully, because with every item you change yourself in ways sometimes unexpected. Soon you will be able to become anyone you desire, but that day is still in the making. And for the moment you have to endure the torments of your captor still. Worry not, your day for revenge will come!" Lingering thoughts of strange dreams came to Hanna as she awoke to find the bed empty beside her. Immediately she realised what had happened; she'd had sex with a man! And loved it! And now this man was probably in the clutches of that mad scientist, undoubtedly at his mercy. As she jumped out of the bed naked, the realisation of what might have happened to Fred collided with the strange memories of the dream she'd been having. That strange voice... it had told her something, something about revenge... But for now Hanna just hurried down to the laboratory, where she was sure to find the doctor. As she entered the laboratory, her fears were immediately justified; she could just see how the doctor was ordering Fred into the metamorphosis-device. Fred was obviously under the influence of the same kind of drug given to her, she screamed, "Nooooooo!" But it was already too late, the doctor had placed himself behind a plexiglass shield, pushing various buttons designed to activate the machine. As he heard the scream coming from behind him, he merely turned around for a moment and demanded, "Silence!" before continuing to program the machine. Hanna, now unable to utter even the softest of words, and physically incapable of hurting the doctor could only stand by and watch as Fred was covered in a strange glow and seemed to disappear for a minute. When he returned, he was Fred no more... ...to be continued... Copyright - (2006) Auryn Dawn

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Sophie and her Mother

I had often wondered what became of Sophie Dupree, and was absolutely delighted when her name popped up on Facebook. I sat back in my office chair and memories of a wonderful summer came flooding back. It was our final year of school when boys and girls were mixed for the first time; eighteen year olds full of shyness and bravado. No one would have described Sophie as the most beautiful girl in the class. To be honest, she was more pretty than beautiful. I remembered the heady combination of...

2 years ago
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Accidental Enjoyment With Anni Bhabhi

By : Funlover.Aravind Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of ISS. I used to read many stories and mastrubate on my own, i am going to narrate a story which happens in my real life one week before. My brother is working in MNC Chennai we are staying in Chennai my brother need to go US official last week so he went, I am working in am BPO as Team Manager so i used to go night shift and used to sleep in morning. This incident happened two days before, in my home my father mother, my brother, Anni...

3 years ago
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No Limits

It started innocently enough. They were having sex, good, hot sex, as they had done with decent frequency since before marrying five years ago. At twenty-eight and twenty-six they were still energetic and hot for each other, and regular exercise kept them fit and attractive to each other. Combined with their love for each other and their compatibility, their easy nature and youthful ardor, sex was fairly frequent, in spite of their relatively vanilla expressions of desire. This particular...

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Pantyhose at Marks continued

After covering Mark in cum then licking each other clean we all sat around with another drink and relaxed. We chatted about our fantasies and experiences. I had my laptop with me and fired it up and got out some discs of my private photos and movies, some of just me and some with my wife, mostly with one or both of us dressed in pantyhose or stockings. It was a big turn on to hear these guys, sitting here, some of them wearing my wife's underwear saying sexy things about my wife and what they...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 53

Time: January 2, year 204,894 5:40 AM Honolulu Local Time (T plus 19 hours, 40 minutes) Twenty minutes before black-hole injection, the slip-ship's reality projection point jumped from one meter above the event horizon to five microns above the event horizon, approximately 71.5 kilometers from the geodesic center of NBHX35. The orbital period remained at 1.50 milliseconds. The ship was now traveling 99.9999999997% of the speed of light. A second of Kyle's and Brianna perceived time...

4 years ago
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The Day My Secret Was Discovered

My wife and I have been happily married for four years. She is the dominant one in this marriage. Just recently I have discovered how much I enjoy wearing women’s clothes. I love how the panties feel between my ass cheeks. The silkiness of the nylons on my legs as I slide them causes an erection every time.  My wife had no idea until one day when I had Friday off from work. As soon as she left for work, I went to our bedroom. There, I quickly stripped off my t-shirt and shorts. Glancing at the...

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As I was surfing the internet looking in the web for sex in chat sites,  I suddenly became  engaged chatting with a beautiful girl from Cordoba, México, but… I happened to be familiar with that town!  We continued like this and from there on we started to swing to Messenger in order to have a more stimulating chat. It came to my mind I never was lucky at this kind of contact, so I had to take it cool. The problem here was hers  introducing the subject first by saying she’d soon go to Jalapa,...

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Why a skirt is a girlrsquos best friend

It was always fun for her to go shopping after a long day at work. She found it the****utic, in a strange sort of way. Just to be able to do what she wanted, when she wanted, and buy what she wanted. All this without a client or boss breathing down her neck, too, which was a relief. But, alas, the sad truth was, NO ONE had been breathing down her neck, or on any other part of her body in a long time. And that was something no amount of shopping was going to fix.As she strolled from store to...

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BackroomCastingCouch Laiken 01222018

Cutie alert! 18 year old Laiken is a borderline virgin – she had sex a grand total of 10 times, and it was all with 1 guy – her current boyfriend. In fact, she has never given a blowjob before (probably true, just watch her casting) Never swallowed, never played with girls. Today, money troubles tempt our teen to turn from Homecoming queen, cheerleader, and straight-A student to dick sucking, fucking, cum swallowing pornstar hopeful. We love how Laiken looks like she shouldn’t...

4 years ago
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Linda in a blue dress

It started when we went out. Linda was wearing a nice blue dress that came down just 3 inches above her knees. She had no panties on because I told her not to put any on. She looked so fucking hot in that blue dress, I was walking around with a boner. We went to the store, we were looking at some clothes and had to go shopping for some food. I noticed couple young guys following us, starring at Linda. I went to a different aisle to get some items on the list. When I came back, those guys were...

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