Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad
- 3 years ago
- 45
- 0
Tammy had come into her dorm room with a letter from Jason, the love of her life. It was a shock to learn that he was not only married, he was a lowlife, insensitive jerk. After reading it I dropped it to the floor.
Tammy and I were spooned on Shirley's bed with me trying to comfort her. I was rubbing Tammy's stomach and talking about whatever entered my mind. She had stopped crying but was clearly still very upset.
I froze and felt Tammy's body go rigid. We waited for Shirley to ask us what was going on. Seconds passed and turned into what felt like minutes or even hours. Why didn't she say something? What was she doing?
Shirley's sigh broke the tension and I knew she had read Jason's letter. I felt her lean over me and kiss my cheek. She whispered in my ear, "Let me take care of this." I rolled off the small bed and she took my place next to Tammy, who began crying again.
I tried to concentrate on my accounting homework while Shirley comforted Tammy, but found myself paying more attention to the whispering that was going on between the two girls.
Shirley, I thought, was making matters worse by trying to convince Tammy that she would be better off without the louse, Jason. In my opinion, that was not what Tammy needed right now. But Shirley must have pulled the right strings because eventually they were sitting up and joking about how Shirley had come into the room and found Tammy and me cuddling on Shirley's bed.
We invited Tammy to come to the apartment to have dinner with us but she declined, saying she needed to be alone. Again I wasn't sure that was the right thing to do but Shirley pulled me out of the room and we went home.
That night we retired early because there was so much to talk about. What had happened in Tammy's room that afternoon was forgotten; there were more pressing matters to discuss.
First, Angie had announced at dinner that she was moving. She didn't elaborate. All she said was that she would need some help, not saying where she was moving or with whom she had arranged to live. Charlie, who had been sleeping on the couch the past few nights, and I, who had been staying out of Angie's way as much as possible, agreed to lend a hand.
Angie had excused herself, saying she needed to pack. This left Charlie and me to do the dishes.
"Did Charlie say anything?" Shirley asked.
"He sort of apologized for bringing Angie into the apartment in the first place. He blames himself for allowing her to carry her actions to the extreme. I let him off easy and told him I was glad it would be over soon."
"I'm glad it's coming to an end too. Want to go for a run later?"
I winked at her and opened my economics textbook. The run would feel good but knowing we would be showering together afterward made it easy to concentrate on trends and economic policies for now.
The next day brought even more excitement. At lunch I learned that Tracy was moving out of Kent and Skip's apartment, but Kent clammed up when Amy joined us so I didn't find out where Tracy was moving.
Observing them during the meal, I could see why Kent and Amy had hit it off together. Their dispositions complimented one another perfectly. While she was outgoing, he had a placid personality and let things come to him. In addition to tennis, Kent's interests included classical music, something Amy claimed to have an appreciation for. I secretly wondered if she could remain quiet long enough to really listen.
Seeing them together was a treat. He was a foot taller than her and his arms were long enough to wrap around her twice. The way they looked at each other said it all; they were a perfect match.
"How's Skip getting along with Laura?" I asked.
Kent smiled at Amy before answering. "Splendidly, we think. I've hardly seen him since the party."
"I can't wait to tell Shirley she was wrong. She scoffed at me for trying to be a matchmaker."
Amy cocked her head, quizzically. "Was that why you invited Laura to the party? Were you being a matchmaker?"
I nodded, not wanting to divulge the truth that I had invited Amy to meet Skip and I saw Laura with Kent. It didn't turn out the way I'd envisioned; it had turned out better! Someday I would tell the two couples about the domino I had seen but not for a long, long time.
Later that day, when I saw Skip in our computer class it was hard to believe that he had sought me out to talk about his lost love only a week before. It sort of irritated me that he didn't thank me for bringing him and Laura together, but seeing him exuberant about life again was payment enough.
"Spring is more than a season," he said, making me think about our conversation the previous Friday. It was an offhanded remark but it told me he had been paying attention to my analogy.
Olli didn't meet me at the gym so I went through my routine on my own, extending my times on the bicycle, stair-climber and rowing machine. While changing from one piece of equipment to the next I looked around the room, recognizing most of the same people that always worked out on Friday. Noticeably missing were a pair of girls who usually used the rowing machine before me.
I made the run to the apartment at top speed, looking forward to the weekend. While I was in the shower, the machine answered two phone calls. I returned Luke Foster's call first. He offered the two desks at a reduced price if I would take them unfinished. He said they had been sanded and were ready for a couple of coats of stain. I agreed to put the finish on and he said he would deliver the desks the following morning. He ended the call with, "Remember, it's a cash transaction."
The second call was from Olli. He apologized for not meeting me at the gym that day. "Thanks for working out with me. You're the only student I knew that I could trust."
"What do you mean?"
"Sammy, I was working under cover. Don't worry; I didn't put you in any danger. The case was wrapped up on Wednesday night. Thanks again, buddy."
He hung up before I could find out what the case involved or if he would be coming back to the gym on Monday. I got the impression he was finished working on his stamina.
Charlie came in alone, his eyes full of excitement. "Did you hear about the drug bust?"
"No, but I suspect I'm about to hear it."
Shirley came in just as Charlie was finishing his story. Naturally, she made him start over at the beginning.
"A dorm room opened up and Angie wanted to move in right away so we took some of her stuff over. We'll move the rest of it tomorrow. While we were there we learned why the room had been vacated. Two girls were kicked out of school for selling drugs."
This triggered something in my mind. "Did this happen Wednesday evening by any chance?"
"I suppose so because Angie heard about the room on Thursday. She told us she had a place to stay last night, remember?"
"That's right, she did."
Shirley wanted to know who the girls were but Charlie didn't know.
"I believe I know who they are, I mean I don't know their names but they worked out at the gym when Olli and I were there. He just told me he had been working under cover and wrapped up the case on Wednesday."
Anger showed on Shirley's face. "That bastard! Is that why he wanted you to work out with him? They could have been armed and dangerous."
Shirley had her arms around me, rubbing the center of my back, to make sure I hadn't been shot in the back, I suppose. Her action was over the top but I liked what she was doing. "Now that you mention it they did look dangerous. They didn't wipe down the rowing machine seats when they were finished either," I said, winking at Charlie.
"I'm concerned for your welfare and you're making fun of me," she said, accusingly, pulling me closer so she could reach my shoulder blades with the palms of her hands.
"I'm sorry. Would dinner at Stella's make it up to you?
"We could go into the bedroom so you can prove to me that you weren't harmed but on second thought I'm hungry and pizza would be good. That way I wouldn't have to get dressed up."
Charlie overheard her and offered to go after the pizza. Shirley immediately perked up.
"Get the kind you and Angie had last weekend."
And that is how the Friday night pizza tradition got started. By the time Charlie returned with two large pepperoni pizzas we had changed clothes and had a bottle of chardonnay on ice.
Even Charlie looked more relaxed without the threat of Angie's outbursts. I realized this was the first time we had really talked since school began. I told them that Luke was going to deliver the desks the next day and since I would need to hang around the apartment to receive them, Shirley agreed to help Charlie move the rest of Angie's stuff. That was fine with me.
Tammy had declined our offer to spend the weekend at the apartment, saying she needed to be alone. But we didn't talk about the letter Tammy had received, not in front of Charlie.
Nor did I say anything about the letter I had received from my sister. We were having too much fun. I didn't want to upset Shirley. Well... I didn't want to think about Heather's letter either.
Dear Sammy,
Your nephew is going to grow up without knowing his uncle. Is that what you want to happen, Sammy?
But K.O. isn't what I'm writing about; it's Mom. She's been having headaches, so bad that she has to stay home from work. She thinks something is growing inside her head but the doctors can't find anything.
Some days she's so sick that I have to stay home from work too because I don't dare leave K.O. with her when she's hurting so badly.
Let your conscience be your guide but I urge you to come for a visit before it's too late.
Thanks again for the money. It really comes in handy, especially when we can't go to work.
P.S. If you come to see us, let on it's to see your nephew. Don't tell mom I wrote to you about her headaches. Okay?
I did show Shirley the other mail I had received that day. It was the official invitation to Alice and Carter's wedding. Shirley immediately started sketching a dress she planned to make.
"Don't you have enough to do without making your own dress?"
She looked up from her drawing, glanced at Charlie and then at me. "I like sewing and I know exactly what I want to wear to the wedding."
"You work in a dress shop. Isn't there something downstairs that would serve the purpose?"
"No," she said, with finality.
"Charlie, let me give you some advice. Don't ever fall for an older woman. They're too set in their ways to listen to reason."
Charlie didn't know whether to laugh or crawl under the table. Shirley's look even frightened me for a second.
There was hell to pay in bed that night. She resisted my attempt to pull her to me.
"You're going to miss me when I'm gone. Who's going to look after you?"
"You're not going any place. You're going to the graduate school across the river."
"I'm not even thinking of the grad school. That's strictly your idea." She still sounded adamant but shoved her hips into me when I slapped her on the ass.
"You're going to stay right here with me."
"What would you want with an old woman like me?"
"You're mature. That's one of the things I like best about you," I said, feeling her nipples harden against my chest.
"Am I a good kisser?"
"I don't know. Let me check."
Our kiss was soft, nibbling at first, progressing to full suction until we were forced to stop and take a breath.
"You're an excellent kisser."
"Not bad for an old lady. Is that what you mean?"
"Not bad at all."
"Am I a... good... lay?"
The way she asked the question, haltingly, uncertain, like she really didn't know, made me want to assure her.
"You're the best!"
"How do you know? Shouldn't you check?"
My cock was fully extended, pressing against her pussy. It felt open and damp.
"It's not necessary to check. I already know you're a good lay," I teased.
The head of my cock was buried in her pussy and we were dangerously close to full insertion. I knew she was on the edge and wouldn't have objected if I had pushed forward.
"That was yesterday; this is today. I'm a day older. You need a current evaluation to see if I've lost something... or, I could be better. Aren't you curious?"
"I'll get a rubber."
"Ooooh, okay, hurry," she said, but when I didn't budge she became inpatient and wrapped her leg around my ass.
Concerned that she would draw me into her, I broke away and ran to my dresser where we stored the condoms. When I got back to the bed she was on her back, legs spread wide and folded at the knees.
She became very talkative the second I entered her. "Tell me you love me. Tell me it's good. Tell me I'm not too old."
"You're not old at all. It's good and I love you."
"Shut up and fuck me," she laughed, pushing her pelvis up to meet my thrusts. "Shut up and fuck me," she whispered.
We wore each other out and immediately fell asleep in each other's arms. An hour or so later I got up and flushed the used condom down the toilet. Shirley welcomed me back to bed but decided she needed to pee. I was almost back to sleep when she came back to bed, wanting to talk.
"How was it?"
"Am I a good lay?"
"I said you were fantastic, didn't I?"
"Not too old?"
"I like it when you tease me."
"That's nice."
"It makes me want you more."
"That's nice."
"You made me beg for it."
"Do you love me?"
"How much?"
She finally rolled over, mumbling, "I'm not old; you are."
Shirley woke up in a playful mood but when she saw that I wasn't responding she asked what was wrong.
I showed her Heather's letter.
"When do you want to go?"
"I was thinking between Christmas and New Years."
"Heather's letter sounds serious. It's got to be sooner than that, Sammy."
"We can't go at Thanksgiving. Alice would never forgive me if we missed her wedding."
Shirley folded the single sheet of paper. "How far is it?"
"From here? I don't know exactly. It's six hundred miles from home but it may be a little less from here."
"We'll have to take one day off from school. Which is the best for you, Monday or Friday?"
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My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...
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Hello all, I m Bilal from Islamabad and I m now 27 years old. I m 5’10 in height, have a wheatish complexion. I have completed my studies and now a days I m running ma own business. We are just three family members, my younger brother is a student and my mom is housewife and my dad has left us for good. Though we live here in Islamabad but (as many people) we are also not originally from here. I am also a regular reader of sex stories on the internet. Today I have finally decided to tell you...
Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...
Hi friends. I’m an old reader of desipapa and all the other desi pages. But for the first time I’m going to share mine story with you. First of all I should introduce myself with you. My name is rehan and I’m of 23 and the son of a business man. I’m from Islamabad. Pakistan. It all happened a year ago when I decided to make a computer center. I used to teach the students myself. There are different classes of males and females. One day I was sitting in my office working my office work and I saw...
I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...
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We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...
Hello friend mai laghbhag 5 saal say is site par stories padta hun aur enjoy bhi karta hun bhout story to fake hoti hai our ik si hoti hai jo padhtay he samj mai aa jata hai ki jai fake hai sab se badi baat se site par sab ka lund 9 inch ka hota hai khair mera lund normal size 6 inch ka hai Abb mai story par ata hun je story meri mere dost our uski sister ke wich ki hoyi chudi ki hai mera name arman hai mai punjab mai ludhiana ka rahne wala hu meri height 6ft hai normal body colour white hai...
Hi mera naam Pranav hai. Mai 24 sal ka hu aur bangalore mein rehta hun. Dikhne mein to mai normal hu but mere andar sex drive bahut hai. Iska reason hai ki mai 10 sal se porn dekh raha hu jo mai daily karta hu aur on roj 2-3 bar muth marta hu. Bina hilaye mujhe nind bhi nahi aati. Hamesha kisi hot ladki ko soch ke ya porn movie dekh ke hila leta hu. Maine kuch bar prostitutes k sath sex bhi kiya tha but usme jyada maja nahi aata. Wo log paise k liye karti hain entertainment k liye. Unke sath...
Mera naam Honey hai.mai U.P ke ek chhote se sehar me rehta hu.Mere parivar me meri bibi Shobha hai, mera bhai Vicky aur uski wife Neha, aur hamari bahan Rinki hai.Hum teeno bhai bahan ek dusre se kabhi ghule mile hain.Rinki ki bhi shadi ho gayi hai aur uske pati ka nam Amit hai. Hum teeno ki shaadi se pehle hum dono bhai apni bahan Rinki ke sath oral sex karte the jaise kiss karna, boobs dabana vagairah.Isme Rinki ko bhi maza aata tha.Dhire dhire hamara oral sex intense sex me badalta gaya aur...
Those Little Girl's: Just when you did not think life could get any worse Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Kelly/Kellie: Me 10 year old boy Sally: my older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Oh, my god these girls are crazy. What am I saying, they have me dressed up like a little girl and a little baby girl at that. I am the one that is supposed to be older...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Apke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar padh rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle. Jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id . PART 13: Jism Ki Bhook Ne Karwat Badli Narrated by Amit Payal ke bye bolkar gayi. Shradha apni tang se darwaze ko dhakka...
Dear All, my name is Shahzad and I belong to Islamabad. I am 28, whitish with an athlete body structure. I’ve fucked so many girls in my life but I never sucked a “PUSSY”. This is how I started sucking the pussies. And even now I prefer sucking instead of fucking a girl provided she is neat & clean. That was Nov. 2005 I was going to home from my office (My office is in F-7 and I live in F-10). Right in start of main double road to F-10 a girl (Around early 20s) asks for a lift. I stopped...
Hello readers this is Rehan I’m from Islamabad Pakistan. 23 years old with a athletic body. I’m 5 .9 in height. Now about my story she is not my real aunty she is working in my house since my childhood she is not a very aged woman she is 34. Because in their family they marry their children in early ages .my aunty is very tight with a good figure of 36″27″36″.her hips are moving here and there and I love her virgin gland. her hips are just like two beautiful watermelons full of sweet juice. but...
IncestHello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...
Hello, Everyone! About me, I’m 22 years old guy from Ahmedabad. I’m pursuing my Engineering from reputed college in Ahmedabad and basically, I’m from Ahmedabad itself. So I’m living with my family. Any female of any age from Ahmedabad or anywhere can mail me at You can also mail me your feedback! I used to think how can one person have so many encounters after reading stories on ISS. But after having 3 different encounters, now I know life is full of surprises. ;) I had my first encounter at...
Hello friends… I am here with a new story of mine. This story is about my male escort service in Ahmedabad. As I had started this job 3 months ago it took lot of time for my first call but that fun at last. I had tried many escort companies and groups for doing this job but finally i got to know that they all were fraud and in that all I had lost round 15000 to 20000 rupees. I had borrowed some from my friends and other people and I was unable to pay them I got depressed and tensed. Then I...
Hello Readers, This is Raj Sarkar from Ahmedabad..Introducing myself I am 29 years old , 5’10 height, 70 kg …with fair complexion. I have been serving the females for long…in Ahmedabad. But today I am here to share my experience with you, which happened about two years ago. This experience changed my life. I shifted to Ahmedabad about two years ago , and rented a house in thaltej area of Ahmedabad, The locality was good. I use to stay on 8th floor of the multi storey apartment. My job hours...
January 5, 1983, Circleville, Ohio I sat in stunned silence, completely unable to speak, and barely able to breathe. Of all the things that could have happened or could have been said, that was the last thing I would have expected. That was doubly so after Katy had asked me to make love with her. I fought the urge to simply get up and walk out of the house. That was what I certainly would have done in the past, but I was resolved not to run away and not to be a coward. It took a few minutes...
Now, starting with my sex story I am Rahul 5’6” inch tall with good looks and having an penis of 6.2 inches as I practice penis enlargement exercise daily. My previous client was priyal about which I shared my experience. Now after posting story I got 5 clients . Today I am going to tell about my encounter with aditi(name changed). She is 32 yr old housewife having no kids her figure is 34-30-37 she was so hot. She mailed me and told me to have my service at her home when her husband will left...
Hello everyone, this is Rahul from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. this is an real incident of my life.I am regular reader of Indian sex stories .This is my first story .I have spend around 10,000 rupees for male escort job. They advertise on locanto, vivastreet, etc.. I have contacted some of them and I wasted my money so, I request all of boys to be-aware of their agencies. Now starting with my story I am Rahul from Ahmadabad, Gujarat , age 18 yrs, height 5”6’, fair looking handsome boy having cock...
Coming to story. . . So my first affair with that lady ended as she now had more members in family and we don’t use to get any chance to meet or talk so we mutually separated for betterment of each other. That time I was in my early 18 and she was some 28 yrs old. Then for two years I was also busy in studies and admission in college and all so dint had time or got any chance. About me right now I am 20 yrs old, doing my engineering and living in Ahmadabad, India. Body, height and dick size all...
Hello readers mera naam Mohit hai aur main Ahmadabad, Gujarat se hoon. Main 23 saal ka ek good looking ladka hoon aur mere lund ki size, 6 inch hai. Mujhe meri pehli strory rajkot ki gf ko hotel me choda ka kaafi response mila aur mail bhi aaye. Usme se ek bhabhi ji ka mail aaya tha mujhe aur ye kahani usi ke bare me hai, maine use puchh kar ye sachhi ghatna idhar likh raha hoon. 2 din pehle ki hai baat hai, uska mail aaya mujhe aur direct humne baat ki aur number exchange kiye aur direct main...
Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...
Hello iss readers I am Rahul from Ahmadabad. Writing my first story over iss hope u guys like it for any feedback email me on I am Rahul age 21 living in Praladnagar area of Ahmadabad. This incident happens a month back. I was in search of a girl who can pose boldly for me for a photo shoot. After lot of search I was not able to find a girl and I was disappointed. I was going out for some work and it started raining I saw a girl and omg! she was my college mate named Saloni and was fully wet...
Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...
Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...
Hi, dosto ye mera pehla story hay. Is story me mein bataunga ki kaise maine apne chachi aur bhabhi ko chodke meri mummy ke sath hue dhoke ka badla liya. Main tab 7-8 saal ka hoon, tabse sunte aaya hoon ki, mummy or mere chachi dono me nehi banti hay. Tab pata nehi tha kyu. Par mummy kabhi bhi mujhe ya papa ko unke ghar jayada jane nehi dete the. Ek din meri mummy or papa me bahut jhagra chal raha tha. Main bas school se wapas aya, aur darwaje par dastak dene hi wala tha. Jhagra sunke me darwaje...
Eh story tab ki hai jab mai 13,14 sal ka tha,meri bua 27 ki unmarried,meri maa 37 ki aur mare papa 45 ke jo ki bank me job karte the papa hamare sath nahi rehte the oh job pe rehte the ghar pe maa meri bua aur mai hi rehte the papa ne hume good life dene ke liye town me rakha tha hum sab ko. 13 ,14 sal ke hone kae chalte uss time pe mai keval sex ke bare me sochta tha aur sex ko discover karna chata tha.Mujhe meri bua bahut sexy lagti thi mai apni bua dekh kar mutth marta tha bua ki har ek...
By: Ro_k_y Hello friends me Ashu phir hazir hoon Rabi ne apni soteli maa se liya badla-I ka 3rd part lekar. Iska 1st and 2nd part sabhi ko bahat pasand aya aur sabhi ne mujhe jaldi se jaldi iska dusra bhag bhejne ko kaha. Agar kisine 1st and 2nd part nahin padhi he to bo kuch samjh nahi paega. To is liye mera un doston se ye guzarish he ki bo pehele 1st and 2nd part padhne ke bad isko pahde. 1st part padhne keliye...
A Turn for the WorseWritten By: Lady LoraPart OneThe bar was dimly lit and clouded with cigarette smoke. Slow music drifted through the air like a fragrant scent. It was as if magic was in this place; everything was dreamy, sleepy and soft. I became dizzy and sat down at the nearest table. At the stage, thatwas surrounded by candles and burning incense, sat a woman. Her voice was low and silky; she sang and hummed her tune beautifully. I looked away from the stage and checked my phone again for...
Hi everyone I am very big fan of ISS for very long.This is my 1st story if any mistake you see so forgive guys..Let me describe about my self..This is addictedboy only. H:-5.11’inch fair complexion tool size 6’3…..Working in (mnc) .If any girls bhabhi’s and aunties wants secret sex with me so please email me on It will be secret always. So not have to worry about it. So guys let”s me come to the story which happen last 18aug with me in volvo bus. Guys just introducing the queen of this story...
Hello Friend, I am Rocky from Gandhinagar- Ahmedabad, Gujarat,, me ek 25 sal ka ladka hu aur ek private company me kam karta hu. mene pehla sex mere life me jab me 20 sal ka tha tab kiya tha.Tab se mene kafi baar sex kiya hua hai, muje sex karna achha lagta hai. Meri koi GF nahi hai abhi so jyadatar free time hota hai to me online chat karta hu, Searching karta rehta hu ke sayad koi Ladki ya Bhabhi ya Aunty mil jaye sex karne ko. Bahot din regularly chat pe koi mili hi nahi Par ek din mera...
That cold winter Ana convinced me to take a quick vacation at Barbados for our wedding anniversary and I happily agreed.When we arrived at the resort, the people were so welcoming, especially some local black guys who were obsessed by my wife and her toned body.After checking in and changing into some more comfortable clothing, Ana and I went for some drinks at the bar in the lobby. My sweet wife was wearing a sexy outfit; just a green lime bikini, which looked awesome on her curvy body. One of...