FamiliesTied Ashley Lane Vanessa Sky Family First
- 2 years ago
- 21
- 0
Early the next Sunday morning they packed up the camper as much as it needed to be to make the short trip over to the Amish campground, then they each threw a small suitcase in the Mustang and headed north. It would have been possible to stay over another day, but the Amish weren't going to work on Sunday, and the weather forecast called for rain on Monday, so there was no real reason to stay.
The route north had gotten pretty familiar to both of them by now: I-59 to Birmingham, then I-65 north through Nashville, Louisville, and Indianapolis, then I-67 until they were in Michigan. They made another night stop at their usual motel in Nashville, where Catalina wore her string bikini in the pool. "It's nice to be able to wear a bikini again," she commented after a month of wearing jeans and, at the most risqué, short sleeved shirts around the Amish.
"After the Amish head north, let's head over to Bill's for a couple days," Roger suggested. "That way you can work on your tan and show off your tattoo."
In all the hours they spent in the car they didn't often discuss two of the things that had them both worried: the situation with the settlement, and where Bonnie might be. They couldn't do much active worrying about the settlement since having it in the judge's hands seemed to mean that it would get settled fairly, and there had been no news in their e-mails and phone calls with Ralph Gerjevic. The situation with Bonnie was different -- there had been no word from her since they'd headed south the last time, when she had been planning on going to the Cleveland ComicCon. Catalina had sent numerous e-mails and gotten no response; repeated phone calls only reached her answering machine. It really hadn't worried Catalina much in the beginning, but as time went by the concern increased -- which is why they went directly to Amherst, rather than taking the quicker route east on the Indiana Turnpike before heading to Wychbold.
Stopping by Bonnie's house didn't solve the mystery. The front sidewalk had been shoveled, but the walk up to the porch and the steps had not been shoveled since the last snowstorm a couple days before. "Well," Roger said. "By the looks of things, wherever she is, she's not in Amherst."
Fortunately, Catalina had a key to the house. They found the heat had been turned down, and nothing seemed out of place, but there was no sign of Bonnie. The mystery deepened when they went out to the garage, to find Bonnie's car there. "That's really weird," Catalina said. "If she went somewhere she'd have gone in her car."
"Unless she went with someone," Roger pointed out. "You want my guess, she must have gotten tired of winter and gone somewhere with a friend. Six will get you two she's laying out in the sun at some nudist resort."
"Yeah, but you think she'd have left a note," Catalina responded.
"Maybe she did and we just haven't found it."
They headed back into the house and searched high and low. There was no sign of a note from Bonnie explaining where she might be. The only thing they found that gave them any sort of a clue was a note saying, "Grace, make sure to water the plants upstairs, too."
"Who's Grace?" Roger asked.
"A neighbor up the street," Catalina told him. "She might know what happened."
They headed up to the neighbor's house and found the elderly woman at home. "The only thing I know is that Bonnie called me up one evening about a month ago and said she was going somewhere," she said. "She asked me to go over and water the plants every few days."
"Do you have any idea where she was going?" Catalina asked.
"No, she seemed like she was in a hurry. You know your mother. When she gets an idea in her head it's hard for her to wait."
"Oh, yes," Catalina sighed. "Do I ever know that!"
It was getting dark by the time they gave up hunting, still without a clue. It was clear that Bonnie wasn't in Amherst, but where she was going or how she got there was a mystery.
"Jesus," Catalina said as they headed back to Wychbold in her car. "I don't know what to do next."
"Me, either," Roger agreed. "She knew you have the hearing the day after tomorrow, and I thought she would have wanted to be there for that."
"I think so too. But maybe it would be for the best if she isn't there. I can just see her getting up in court and mouthing off at Delmer."
"Yeah, that wouldn't help your case any. Look on the positive side. We know she went somewhere, probably right after ComicCon, so we have to assume she's all right."
"Yeah, but she's still my mother," she replied. "Can I help it if I'm worried? I mean, we've gone longer than this before without making contact, but given the situation with Delmer I just don't know what to think."
It was well after dark before they pulled into Roger's garage in Wychbold. Roger had called ahead to Larry the day before to tell him they were heading back, so once again, Larry had the driveway cleaned out and the heat turned up -- especially on the hot tub. They weren't in the house five minutes before they were climbing in to soak away some of the road sores.
As usual they went to Becky's for breakfast the next morning, but after that there wasn't much to do except for a few odds and ends that had built up. Those included going through the mail, throwing out most of it, and opening the two or three pieces that might be important. The only other thing of importance was a quick face-to-face talk with Gerjevic at his office, but all they got out of that was that things had been quiet, and he hadn't heard of any new settlement offers on the property. "I hope that means deBoer has been able to talk some sense into your cousin," he said.
"Sense? Delmer? Don't make me laugh," Catalina snorted.
"Well, it could mean that he managed to convince your cousin that you have a halfway reasonable case. It's all going to be up to the judge, so we're going to just have to wait and see what happens."
Roger and Catalina met the attorney for breakfast at Becky's the next day; they'd agreed to ride over to Hawthorne together.
"I'm a little surprised," Ralph told them over coffee. "I'd expected to hear of some kind of a revised settlement offer before we got this far, but it hasn't happened."
"Knowing Delmer, I'd bet he's thinking the judge will buy whatever line of bull he has about settling for $90,000," Catalina said.
"Not knowing your cousin that well, I'd guess you might be right," the attorney replied. "On the other hand, I can't believe that deBoer couldn't have talked some sense into him. Oh, well, that's why we're going to see the judge this morning. At least we've got a reasonable settlement proposal, while his is way out of line. I don't know this Judge Langley very well, and I've only had a couple cases in front of him over the years. From what I recall he seems reasonably fair, so I think we've got a good bet."
"I don't say that I want to settle for ninety thousand," Catalina said. "But I want to get this settled once and for all. This running back and forth is turning into a pain in the butt, especially to have to come back to Michigan when the weather is this bad."
"Yeah, it could be better," the attorney agreed. "It's been a snowy winter, and there's been a time or two I've been envying you down there in Mississippi."
They finished their coffee and got on the road. There had been snow overnight, and while the roads were passable, they could have been better, so the drive over to Hawthorne seemed slow. They got there in plenty of time, parked, and headed into the courthouse.
This was the first time Roger had been in the courthouse in Hawthorne. It was a fairly new building, only about ten years old, but was mostly masonry, about as sterile as the typical elementary school without all the kids' drawings hanging on the walls. The probate courtroom was almost as bad, with wood paneling going up the walls about eight feet and stopping, and painted cinder block showing above it up to the acoustical tile ceiling. Delmer and deBoer weren't there when Roger, Catalina, and Ralph arrived and took seats at one side of the courtroom, but they arrived soon afterward and took seats about as far away as they could get. While no words were spoken, Roger thought that Delmer had an expression on his face that showed a lot of satisfaction and belief that he was going to get away with whatever he had planned.
As Gerjevic had warned a month before, the Smith estate was fourth on the docket posted on the bulletin board in the hall outside the courtroom. Two of the three cases preceding them were as he had predicted, rubber-stamp affairs that couldn't have taken three minutes each to clear up. The third took longer, a complicated legacy with several conflicting claims, and an hour wasn't enough to settle things. After an hour of wrangling between several attorneys, it was as clear to Roger as it was to Judge Langley that it was no closer to being settled now than it had when it started. Finally, he said, "It strikes me that there are still several areas here that are unclear. We could be here all day and not get anything accomplished." He laid out a list of places where he thought there was going to have to be some grounds for agreement, then set a date for a new hearing six weeks in the future and called for a brief recess.
Several attorneys and their clients left the courtroom after that, mostly muttering and complaining among themselves. "Jesus," Catalina told Gerjevic, "I hope our hearing goes better than that."
"It should," Ralph told her. "We really only have one point at issue, the disputed value of the land, and we have some facts on our side."
Five minutes later the court was back in session, just about enough time for the judge to be able to make it to the john, Roger figured. "Next item on the docket, Estate of Homer C. Smith," the judge said. "Documents presented to the court by the attorney for the executor indicate that all items of the legacy have been settled with the exception of a settlement on a quarter section of land that was to be left equally to Delmer E. Smith and Catalina R. Smith. The documentation indicates that the Smiths have been unable to reach a mutually acceptable settlement on this land. Is that essentially correct, Mr. deBoer?"
"That's correct, your honor," deBoer said, standing up. "Mr. Smith has made an offer to settle on the basis of a payment of $90,000 as being half the value of the land, but Miss Smith has rejected the settlement and has made a counter offer considerably larger than Mr. Smith feels is justified."
"Mr. Gerjevic," Judge Langley said, "I believe the documents indicate you are Miss Smith's attorney. What is your client's position on this?"
"Your honor," Gerjevic said, "In our petition for a hearing you will find an assessor's statement on the value of the land dated last month showing it being of a value of approximately $650,000. That is a figure considerably more than the $180,000 that Mr. Smith's settlement proposal appears to be based upon. Based on that assessment, Miss Smith made a counteroffer of $325,000, which is half of the much more realistic and current estimated value of the land. At our last meeting Mr. Smith refused to even consider anything over $90,000."
Annas Abrichtung - Teil 1([email protected])Die folgende Geschichte ist beinhaltet die detaillierte Darstellung unterschiedlichster erzwungener sexueller Handlungen. Sie ist als eine Fantasie f?r Erwachsene und darf nicht von Minderj?hrigen oder solchen Personen gelesen werden, die sich durch solche Darstellungen verletzt f?hlen. Ich weise ausdr?cklich und aus meiner vollen ?berzeugung darauf hin, dass ich solche Handlungen in der Realit?t als verabscheuensw?rdig empfinde und die strafrechtliche V...
High school had been uneventful on the girl front for me, I had fooled around a bit but never sex. I had always been afraid of it, and I hadn’t wanted to lose my virginity to the wrong person. So I found myself at university with my V-card fully intact. But it was still early, the semester had barely started. I had met a few girls but either they didn’t show interest or I didn’t. With a 6’1 athletic build I felt fairly confident in my body. In high school I had suffered from moderate acne...
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Author’s Note: Apologies to those who have found my work-in-progress for the lengthy lapses between chapters. While I would rather spend my time with Amber, Sam and their families I find that life continues its relentless tug on my available energies. There is at least one more chapter waiting, hopefully it will emerge sooner than the last two. Thank you for your patience and interest. * Amber stumbled out of bed in the morning, forcing herself into action so she could have breakfast with her...
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Incestthis was written for me by my former lover (we fantasized about being married and having fun like this).. I hope you enjoy as much as I do! As I told you all before my wife and I have been married for five wonderful years and our sex has been increasing with intensity, kink and lust each year of our marriage. My wife, Lee, is a gorgeous blue eyed brunette with big natural breast and face of an angle with long beautiful hair that most women would die for. Her girlfriend, Jen, is a tall...
Friday evening and Alice was asked to put on the red dress. She loved wearing that, it was hugging her slender body like it was tailor made, and with the two zippers in front her Master could open it up, both from the bottom and from the top. Just putting it on made her feel good since he always had plans when he asked her to wear it. She attached the collar and the leather cuffs and did take a look at herself in the mirror. With the matching red shoes she though she looked sexy. Alice did go...
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This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer,contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults. No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied.This is a fantasy I have about my neighbour. Enjoy. Hugs and Kisses Jennifer.I have lived next door to Mr C for about 6 months now, and have been attracted to him ever since the first day I saw him I am only 28 so there is a big difference in our ages,...
So we had watched another couple fuck and enjoyed it very much. Jenny had also witnessed a man with a very large cock fucking a woman. This woman offered to have let Jenny’s young body take a turn at fucking that big dick if she wanted too. She didn’t want to or was to scared to try it at least then. I wondered if I would have tried to stop her if she had decided to try it. Did I want her to experience it at this time in her sexual life at her young age? Or would I be to jealous and want...
I was on top of her, ready to fuck her in the missionary position. Before the sexual intercourse, I tapped my stiff, hard cock on top of her pussy. "Quit playing and put it in me baby.... I want your dick", declared a horny Ms. Kitty. I then stuck my dick deep inside her pussy, and she was like, "Ahhhhhahahah fuck yeah." When my pulsating dick was inside her warm, tight, wet vagina, I felt like I was in heaven. Her pussy felt enjoyable around my rock-hard cock. Within five minutes, she started...
FantasyMy brother and I are hanging out in the living room when Mom and Dad are away on a work trip. My brother insists in watching boring Sports-Pro Channel 5 so I’m watching some movies on his iPad. I found his folder titled “secret” and I’m watching the clips in awe. It’s so cool to see porn stars having sex, there’s a lot of enhanced boobs, huge rod-like penises, wild thrusting, golden blonde hair flipping, squirting, cumming, gooey-wetness, but is this how...
xmoviesforyouChapter Two: Ginny's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Tuesday I trembled as I let the shower spray fall on my rump and pussy, my fingers reaching into my sex to wash out the futa-cum my friend, Candice, fired into me. It was both our first time. She stood nearby me, watching me cleanse my new deflowered pussy of her girl-spunk. It was only the second day of the Program, and I had cheated on my futa-girlfriend, Samantha. People always claimed that...
I awoke with a terrible need to use the bathroom. If I had still lived in my nice little house on the cull-de-sac, I would have gotten right up. Since I no longer lived there, and since the distance from my bed to the bathroom was about twenty-five feet of bone chilling cold floor, I lingered in the bed. Coal stoves are pretty to watch and cheap to run, but they tend to leave a house cold as hell first thing in the morning. If I could make it as far as the bathroom, I would be all right. In...
Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Back to Lena now as she reprises feelings about Gianna and her and Mike get it together again. Lena’s Tale: At Nardo’s House I suppose I should start by saying how I felt about the time at the villa after Mike and Gianna got together again. I was really happy that it...
Paul smiled slyly at his wife, Beth, and said, “Fine, I’ll move here” and began sucking on her other tit. “Perfect……..sweet just like a honey dew.” Paul moaned as his tongue ran over her round 38D tits. “Just like a honey dew………….” Beth relished having her tits sucked and leaned back on her pillow in pleasure. Opening her eyes briefly, she saw the clock. Paul had one hour to get to the airport. Pulling his face away from her chest, she said, “Ummm, that was so good, but you need to get...
He reached down and opened his nightstand drawer. I strained against the ties and sneaked a peak inside. There were lotions, lubes, a vibrator or two, some handcuffs and other sordid sex implements. I hoped he would use anything and everything on me and in me. A long peacock feather appeared in my line of vision. Dave touched my mouth with it first. It's softness traced the curve of my lips in light strokes. Tracing an imaginary line down my chin and down the long line of my neck, he tickled...
ReluctanceSeveral authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Faleena and El Paso City. The story titles will be: ‘El Paso – author’s name’ e.g. ‘El Paso – Jake Rivers’ This is a follow on to our first ‘invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regularly semi-annual event. Thanks to Copperbutterfly for her editing work. It was a hard country, this...
Hello readers. I have been contemplating over the years to share my experience with you. I held back. But after a decade since I first discovered this site, I have decided to break my shackles. I am the only son of a fairly well-known family. Often, I feel I am the only black sheep of my family whose record otherwise is impeccable. My only weakness is SEX. This I discovered long back when I was a teen. I am a teetotaller, neither smoke and don’t even take tea or coffee (at times during...
It was quite a while later that Mr. Bell and Judge Thorson opened the bedroom door and announced that our guests had departed, leaving a small army behind to protect us. He was seriously disturbed, and I waited and waited for him to say what was on his mind, but he just paced, thought, thought and paced. Millie and Colleen knew he was holding something back, and after the Thorsons left, Millie confronted him about it. "Jim, what is it? What's got you so wrought up? Spit it out! We're too...
November 20, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “And Elyse dressed you down properly for being so insensitive?” Jessica asked as our trio walked to the hospital on Wednesday morning. “She did. And I have the welts on my butt to show for it!” “Welts?” Kara asked. “Elyse decided I had been a very bad boy and needed to be punished! You know she has a flogger!” Kara burst out laughing, then with an evil grin, swatted me on the butt. “Ow! Damn it! It’s still tender!” “Good!” she said primly. “Perhaps...
I’ve read stuff like this in the past and have always wondered if even one of the stories is true. Let me assure you that this is absolutely factual. If it’s not extraordinary compared to works of fiction or if I provide too much background information, please be patient and forgive me. I hope the fact that this is reality outweighs the exaggerated stories that are superficial and purely fantasy. I know it does for me! Both my wife and I are in our early 30s. We have been together for...
My family consist of my father,my mom,my sister and myself aman.My father is 51 and my mother is 38.My age is 20.My massi name is meenakshi and she is 30.I was very normal guy until I get a chance to fuck my mother.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing around woman around me. Slowly I dived into world of incest taboo porn especially massi and her sister son.First I watched son and mom porn but I got a chance to fuck her now I want my massi.It simply blew my mind I started imagining...
"Shelley ... Shelley, wake up." It took her a minute to recognise Rick's voice. He was shaking her gently. "Honey, you're hot." "So are you," she mumbled through the haze. "No, really," Rick said, brushing her hands away. "You're burning up. How do you feel?" "Like shit." Her head was still pounding. She felt cold even though her body was covered in sweat. Everything from head to toe ached. Rick's hands put his hands on her forehead. They were cool to the touch. Opening...
Weekend of fun at black beach, “nude beach”Well it all started out Sunday morning (father’s day) in San Diego California beach. My wife and I were walking along the beach and the tide was high so there wasn’t much area to walk. We started to leave and my wife said lets go to black beach, we have been to Torrey pines above black beach before. They hang glide over the cliffs and it’s neat to sit and watch them for hours. Well when we got to Torrey pines we walked to the cliffs my wife just keep...
Josh Ruben was a man who liked to dally with women, particularly married women. He was not a man for a long term serious relationship, he like variety in his sexual encounter and he like women who already knew what they were doing in bed, and did not expect him to marry them, at least most of the time. They knew how to fuck, how to suck, and how to make themselves cum. Josh enjoyed making other men cuckolds, he like to fuck their wives, and he liked it even better when they knew it and could...
Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty continue to wait together for their Prince Charming. The waiting has gotten to them and they can’t stop snapping at each other. Their argument is interrupted by a doorbell, which turns out to be an exterminator who’s had reports of critters. The three princesses don’t abide by anyone fucking with the critters, so Snow White knocks the exterminator out. When the exterminator comes to, he’s tied up and dressed as Prince Charming....
xmoviesforyouMark Sheila went with me to the west coast on Wednesday. We worked on the plane all the way across the country, mostly on tentative plans to break apart our chemical companies and then do various recombinations into multiple corporate units. I wanted to sell off the commodity or heavy molecule parts of the business, and thought I might have a buyer with the Italians I’d talked with in Milan. I wanted to keep the higher margin specialty chemicals in my own portfolio of businesses. I also...
She was my sister and I loved her. But when Mom called and told me I had to have her up to the school for 4 nights I was pissed. It was the 4 day weekend -- Founders Day into Memorial Day -- and I'd been looking forward to the college parties and particularly to getting closer to Sandy- my new girlfriend. I was a sophomore and woefully undernourished in the pussy department, but Mom doesn't take no for an answer. She and Dad were off to Barbados, there was no one else, she didn't trust Annie...
Priscilla Devereaux sat morosely in the hospital, her wrists strapped to the bed. Things had become worse since her coming here, under Dr. Hemmings' care two days ago. She had required special surgery for an anal and a perineal tear after the dogs that had raped her had torn their swollen penile lock-knots from her tender orifices, and she had needed a pint of blood to replace what she had lost that day when they had brutally degraded her at the same time as she wallowed passionately in her...