Kelly Girl Chapter 23: Constable, Spare My Child free porn video

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Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 23: "Constable, Spare My Child" By Wanda Cunningham When the three girls came into the lady's bathroom behind the Carl's Jr., Kelly and Phil were both standing in front of the mirrors, pretending to fluff their hair and check their makeup. Kelly had intended to simply brazen out any encounter but recognized the girls in the mirror from the color combinations and their voices. His plans had no contingencies for something like this. "Are you really Kelly Drew?" asked Crystal, cutting to the heart of the question that had been bugging the three shadows all afternoon. Kelly squeezed his eyes tightly shut, what do I do now? But Phil turned to look at the girls, "Oh, do you know my niece? Kelly, are these friends of yours?" He pitched his voice upward and added a bit of a musical, feminine lilt. I never expected to use this voice outside of prison, he thought. He turned his wrist in a ladylike way and smiled. "Uh, yeah? Uh..." Kelly didn't know what to think of Phil's abrupt adaptation. Phil beamed at the three nerve-stricken girls. "I'm Kelly's Aunt Connie, Connie Phillips." All Kelly could think of just then was that Connie was the name of the Manns' housekeeper. "Oh, yeah," said Kimberly. "Uh, we went to school with Kelly last year? I'm Kim." "Well, that's nice. You're certainly a cute bunch; I bet the four of you hang out together? Hmmm." Phil practically cooed. "N-not really?" Kelly said, staring at his father now. How was Phil doing that voice? And his manner and movements had changed too. Actually, a little too feminine for Kelly's comfort. It really must be hereditary, he thought with dismay. Valerie announced herself. "I'm Val and Kelly was kinda our friend but- -uh..." She trailed off, suddenly unsure of what pronoun to use. Crystal leaped in. "I'm Crystal. And it's just that Kelly's kinda shy?" She tried looking hard questions at the tiny blonde, like--is this really your aunt? And, which are you, a boy or a girl? Oblivious to such hard looks without his glasses, Kelly stammered some more. "W-we were just leaving. Uh, the mall is closing? Gotta go?" But the three girls didn't clear the way to the exit. Instead, Kim stepped directly in the way. "Are you going to tell us what's really going on?" she demanded of Kelly. "Believe me, I would if I thought you'd believe me?" said Kelly. "I mean it," said Kim. "You've been sneaking around the mall for an hour or more, buying things like wigs and...and, you're in disguise?" Phil thought the girls must have detected his masquerade, doing drag shows in prison wasn't the same thing as posing as a suburban housewife. "You mean the sunglasses?" he trilled. "And the wigs?" said Kim. "We saw her buy them. Besides, Kelly, yours is hot pink." Kelly and the other two girls stared at Kim, she'd just called Kelly 'her'. "And the place out there is swarming with cops?" she gestured behind her. "You two don't look like bank robbers," added Valerie. Phil laughed. "No, no, we haven't robbed any banks." Kelly giggled, nearing hysterics. No one said anything for a moment. Finally, Crystal sighed. "So the cops are after you, if we promise to help you escape will you tell us what's going on?" Kelly shook his head. "Not ever?" asked Val. "I should just give myself up," said Phil, letting his voice return about halfway back to normal. "So it's just you that's wanted by the cops? Aunt Connie?" asked Kim. "Just me," Phil agreed. "How about you help us and I promise to tell you everything afterwards?" suggested Kelly. Then he hiccoughed loudly just as Kim started to reply. "Will both of you swear you didn't hurt anyone?" Kim demanded. Kelly nodded, Phil looked uncertain. "I've never hurt anybody on purpose in my life," he said, "but why should you trust me?" "Because you two are obviously related," said Kim. "You look alike. Maybe you are Kelly's aunt and maybe not, but Kelly wouldn't ask us to help someone who didn't deserve it." Kim's decision carried her two friends along. Crystal asked an important question, "Are they going to be looking for the two of you together?" "Uh, probably?" admitted Kelly. "Then we split you up," said Kim. "Valerie, you're most obviously not Kelly, you go with Aunt Connie. Just go on out, don't talk to anyone and don't look back. Um?" Kim faltered trying to think where they should go. "Right," said Valerie. "Um, we could go to the theaters?" "No," said Kelly. "That's still part of the mall, uh, can you take the bus to the Flower Street Station in Santa Ana?" "I guess so?" said Valerie. "But I've never ridden the bus that far?" Phil stopped them. "I don't want you kids to get in trouble," he began. "Don't worry about us," said Crystal. "How much trouble can we get into, we are kids. We might get grounded or something?" "Eww. Grounded?" said Valerie. Her friends looked at her. "Well, okay, I'll risk it. It's an adventure?" she giggled. "C'mon, Aunt Connie." She took Phil's hand and tugged him toward the door. "I don't? I'm not? Let me get my bag?" said Phil. "C'mon, Aunt Connie! We'll miss our bus!" said Valerie, getting into the spirit of things. Phil resisted long enough to give Kelly a goodbye kiss on the cheek. "I love you, sugar." Kelly returned the kiss and whispered into Phil's ear, "Be safe, Daddy. I love you, too." He sniffed back tears and Phil did the same. In moments, Kelly, Crystal and Kim were alone in the restroom. "Okay," said Kim, after Kelly had dried his eyes. "Now, I've got to know. Why the heck have you been pretending to be a boy for the last year?" Kelly's eyes widened. "Yeah," added Crystal. "You didn't hardly have nobody fooled. Is Connie your mom's sister? She's got a different last name than you?" "She's my da-hic!-my dad's..." Kelly trailed off, confused. Should he continue lying? Or come clean? And how could these two think he had been going to school disguised as a boy? His head spun with the weirdness of it all. "Your dad's sister?" supplied Kim, guessing. "Your parents don't live together do they?" Kelly shook his head. "Oh," said Crystal. It was a familiar scenario now. "So your Aunt Connie was taking you to see your Dad and the cops think she kidnapped you?" Kelly stared at Crystal. "That's -hic!- that's pretty much it, actually?" "Okay," said Kim. "So we got to get you out of here and back to your Mom so they call all this off? But if they find you here, they'll be looking even harder for Connie, right?" "Uh, I guess so." "It's like one of those daytime talk shows," mused Crystal. "'My aunt kidnapped me because my mom made me live as a boy.'" "Hey! No...! Mom, oh, foot!" "What?" asked Kim. "Foot?" asked Crystal. "Mom's in Las Vegas with her boyfriend," Kelly said, adding another hiccough for emphasis. "Yow." "That's harsh," Crystal said sympathetically. "So if they catch you, they take you to Children's Court. You don't wanna go there." "No," said Kelly. "I've got a cell phone? If I can call, uh, Andie, she's actually, um, my Mom's friend and...and...and...." He retrieved the cell phone from his purse and stared at it. "How can I call her, this is her cell phone?" "She probably wouldn't answer then. So call someone else," suggested Crystal. "Can't call anyone from here, we're too far underground," said Kim. "We're underground?" said Crystal. "I thought we were just under the mall?" "Same thing. Ditz," said Kim. "Wait!" said Kelly. And then he hiccoughed into the silence, losing the momentary opportunity. "Andy?" said Crystal. "That's a guy's name?" "Andie like Andie McDowell," said Kim. "Oh, yeah," agreed Crystal. "Stop talking! I'm trying to think!" Kelly insisted. For most of half a minute, no one said anything. Then Crystal asked, "Who did your hair, Kelly? It's really good. I mean, not the wig but the hair you had in the mall, um, the color and the curls and..." "Just shut up," Kim warned her. "She's trying to think." "Well, I know that. Sorry, Kelly. I'm not used to people needing to think." "You don't." "Pleh!" Crystal said to Kim, a sound that expressed the idea of sticking one's tongue out without actually doing it. Kelly rubbed his temples and made no comment, except another hiccough. "Okay, we get out of here where the cell phone will work and we call Richard, uh, my Mom's boyfriend's son?" "Is he cute?" Crystal wanted to know. "What the heck does that matter?" said Kim. But something occurred to her. "Kelly, do you like boys?" "Now who's asking un-elephant questions?" "What kind of questions?" "Wait," said Kelly before they headed out the restroom door. "I can't use this cell phone, uh, it might be traced?" "Wow!" said Crystal. Then to Kim, "Well, you have yours don't you?" *** Valerie and Phil had made their way out of the Carl's and headed deeper into the mall; Phil's idea being to get away from the front of the Sears store where he had parked Andie's stolen car and Valerie intending to stay inside the mall until they were closer to the bus stop. "Sure are a lot of cops," said Valerie cheerfully, pretending to be as clueless as she sounded. "Wonder what's going on? Is it a policeman's holiday?" Phil smiled. He didn't fear being captured, the worst that would happen would be another prison term. He'd done that before, he didn't want to do it again but he knew he could. Or there might be an alternative. Would anyone spot him as a fake he wondered? No one seemed to be paying him the slightest bit of attention. Valerie stood almost as tall as he did and seemed to be intent on staying between him and anyone in uniform while they made their way down the cross corridor toward the southwest exit. When Kelly had come up with the plan to disguise Phil as a woman he had been reluctant. Too many memories of prison tied up in that. Odd, what a man will do to survive. But it had worked, for a time. And when it had stopped working, the warden had put him in solitary, for his own protection. Just as he had spent the first year in prison in solitary, because his conviction had essentially been for molesting his daughter, the warden had wanted to wait until he could be simply blended into the prison population. But a man only five foot three, with blond hair and bright blue eyes and a slender build can be in danger in prison in a number of ways. One of those ways is to be without a protector--a larger, tougher con willing and able to fight if necessary. A protector who is going to want a payoff. Phil sighed. In the particular prison in which he had spent nine years, an underclass had existed of men who needed such protection or sought it out on their own. Before prison, Phil's experience with homosexuality had been a few very confused drunken escapades in which he had participated only minimally and sometimes under protest. It was only after he went to prison that Phil realized that he, the convicted rapist, had himself been raped more than once, and likely would be again. That's when he had chosen Jerry Temple, out of the men who threatened him, frightened him, desired him. Phil shook his head to ward off the memories. He followed Valerie up an escalator and into a large and still busy department store, his mind replaying the tragicomedy of his life. They walked through the women's wear section and he wondered what Jerry, his protector, would have thought of seeing him dressed like this waltzing through the aisles of skirts and lingerie. Jerry would have laughed his ass off, thought Phil. A wide mirrored wall caught his attention. The middle-aged woman with the teen-age girl looked completely natural. He paused. "Huh?" said Valerie, turning to look back. "No time to shop," said Phil. The voice he had perfected for Jerry--it had been Jerry that had told him to call himself Connie Phillips--the way of moving, that Jerry had liked, all of the things he had done for Jerry, they were still part of him. Life with Jerry had actually been pleasant in an odd way. Phil--Connie--had been lucky choosing a protector who wasn't at heart a violent man. Jerry had never beat him, had never done any of the cruel things that other 'girls' in prison had had to endure. "C'mon, Aunt Connie," Valerie called. "We don't want to miss the bus." "We won't miss it," said Phil. "We won't miss the bus." Jerry had bought him things in prison, lingerie and makeup, even dresses from catalogs. Phil had at first pretended to enjoy the games of make believe. Jerry called him his trophy wife and seemed especially pleased that other men in the prison desired 'Connie'. After years of pretense, Phil eventually lost track of what was counterfeit and what was real. Jerry had been a bright spot of caring in a dull grey world. When the guards came and told him that Jerry had had a heart attack, he'd been in their cell, painting his nails. Jerry never made it out of the prison hospital, perhaps on the outside he could have gotten care that would have saved his life; fifty-nine wasn't that old. They hadn't let Phil visit Jerry in the hospital; they didn't even let him attend a funeral. He had felt like every other widow who ever lost a protector who had become a friend. It was hard to admit to himself, he had come to love Jerry and he thought that Jerry had loved him, strange as that sounded. Facing what he had become and the dire situation in which he now found himself had landed him in the hospital, too. Nervous prostration, the doctor called it. But part of it was grief, Phil knew. And then solitary where Phil had worked to reclaim his masculine self, rejecting the 'Connie Phillips' who had been Jerry Temple's prison wife. That might have been the hardest of hard time. Valerie pushed open the lower level doors of Nordstrom's and they emerged into the parking lot. At least twenty police and security officers had looked at Phil and seen only Connie. They walked toward the bus stop, a place with a few cement benches and round signs announcing the various routes that stopped here. Valerie tucked an arm through his in companionship and he smiled at her. "I hope they catch up to us soon," commented Valerie. "I mean, Kim and Crys and Kelly." She giggled. "Sorry." "That's okay," said Phil. "You can wait here at the bus stop for them, I'll take the first bus." "That's all right, I can go with you..." but Valerie chewed her lip. Santa Ana was Terra Incognito without her family or friends. Phil squeezed her arm gently, "Hon, if you don't know where I went, then no one can get you to tell. From the Flower Street Station, I can take a city bus, a Greyhound or a train, right?" "Oh. Okay," said the little brunette. She hesitated. Phil tapped her on the nose with a fingertip and she giggled. Then he moved toward the benches next to the street, putting down the heavy bag he'd been carrying. He didn't look at her or say anything more and after watching 'Aunt Connie' for a minute longer, Valerie headed back toward the mall. When she got there, though, the police weren't letting anyone back in. *** Andie found Bartolo Mendoza near a cluster of Costa Mesa Police vehicles. "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded when he saw her. "What the hell do you mean telling me to shtay behind?" Andie retorted. Bartolo struggled not to smile; Andie's slight lisp was most cute when she was somewhat annoyed. "Okay, you can stay here, with me. Stay out of the way, though." "Yesh, sir," Andie grinned. "Have you found out anything?" The police lieutenant looked grim. "Nothing good. No one has seen either of them, not for sure. Well, we did get one good report, parole officer says that this Phil Constable is a non-violent type." That good news had been balanced by the report of items stolen from the veterinarian office where Constable had worked. But Mendoza would give up a hand before he told Andie about the surgical instruments and something called an old-fashioned humane killer. He gathered that such a device held one bullet and could be used to shoot large animals in the head at point-blank range with no chance of missing. It made him ill to think of someone kidnapping a young girl while carrying a thing like that around. "Non-violent huh?" Andie sniffed. "I'll give him violenshe if I get close enough to him again." "Easy, easy. It's our job to catch him, I don't want to have to protect him from you," Bartolo grinned. "Loot!" someone called. Mendoza looked up. "Loot, call being transferred on mobile from the station." Someone handed him a telephone handset. "Hello?" he said into it. "Lt. Mendoza, this is Dr. Harold Mann, I'm at John Wayne and I've got the missing child's mother here on the phone, she'd like to speak to you." Andie heard Harry's deep voice even with the receiver next to Bartolo's head but she kept quiet, straining to hear both sides of the conversation. "Hi, I'm Barbie Drew, Kelly's mom. They already told us at the police station that they had no new news, um. But I wanted to tell you, the man you're looking for is Kelly's father, he's not going to hurt, uh, her. He's never seen her and he probably just wanted to say hello in private?" "We have no intention of hurting him as long as he releases your daughter unharmed. We'll do our best, uh, Mrs. Drew, and our first priority is, of course the safety of the child." "Okay," said Barbie. "I just wanted to tell you, um, Phil isn't some desperate criminal, he's probably just confused and lonely. And thank you." "Barbie!" Andie said loudly. "Mr. Mendoza, can I talk to her?" Bartolo looked at her, startled. "You've got good ears and you're damned nosy as well as not staying where you're told." But he handed the phone over with a smile. "Don't talk long; we need that for calls from the station." "Okay," said Andie, then into the handset, "Barbie, I am so sorry this happened. I feel so guilty." "You ought to," said Barbie quietly. "What was the big idea of dressing Kelly up?" Andie waved a hand, "It was just a short of joke that got away." "Well, I've talked to Harry and he's going to cut off your allowance," Barbie said. "I don't get an allowance from Buzzy?" said Andie, puzzled. "Well, first I had to talk him into giving you one so he could cut it off," Barbie explained. After a moment, Andie made a noise halfway between a laugh and a sob. "You forgive me?" she choked. "I forgive you," said Barbie. "Let's just get Kelly back and we'll find out how much of an ass-kicking you really deserve." "I love that kid," Andie cried. Barbie sighed. "You shouldn't make people you love do things they don't want to do." "I'm an idiot," said Andie. "No argument, wait a minute, I'm getting another call on this damned thing. Harry, how do you..." Andie took the handset away from her ear, "She must have hung up accidentally." "Either that or someone at the station noticed two civilians having a private conversation on a Police Mobile," commented Bartolo. Andie wiped her eyes and grinned at him. "It's all going to be okay, I know that, now." Bartolo didn't say anything. He handed the phone set back to the officer who had brought it and returned to the task of managing an orderly and unannounced evacuation of one of the biggest malls on the West Coast. *** "Pete! Pete! Slow down!" Richard yelped. "I'm getting a call on the cell phone!" "Why do I have to slow down for that? We're almost to the airport." asked Pete, but he did slow down as his younger brother answered the cell phone. "Richard?" said a voice. "Huh? Who's this?" "Someone you know wanted to call you but her cell phone might be traced so I'm calling you." "Kelly?" Richard gasped. "No names, but you can find this person, walking North on Bristol Street from MacArthur Boulevard on the east side of the street. She's wearing burgundy slacks and she really wants to see you." "Oh, geez! He's going to think...." Richard had a thousand questions but whoever called had broken the connection. And that last voice had sounded like Kelly. He looked up, "Christ, Pete, we're on MacArthur! Keep going!" "Huh?" "Kelly's at MacArthur and Bristol waiting for us!" "But we were going to pick up Harry and Barbie?" "I'll call and tell them to take a cab! Can't you go any faster?" "Wait a minute!" Pete said, stopping at Campus Drive, glad for once that a red light gave him time to think. "This MacArthur goes North- South, the one at Bristol goes East-West, they can't be the same one!" "They are! It turns west when it gets to Santa Ana! Now drive!" "It's a goddam red light, you moron! How do you know they're the same?" "I can read a map!" "I'm the one with a driver's license!" "Yeah, but you get lost on the way to the bathroom! It's green, go!" Richard punched numbers on his phone. Pete went.

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Kelly Girl 12 Permanent Dirt

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 12: "Permanent Dirt" by Wanda Cunningham Andie carried...

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Kelly Girl 24 Dixie Cup Love

Kelly Girl 24: "Dixie Cup Love" The three taller girls sat with Kelly on the bus bench at Bristol and MacArthur. The fading summer turquoise of an early evening sky in Southern California promised a gorgeous sunset. Valerie, the slender brunette, sat half turned around to watch the western sky. Flotillas of birds had begun seeking their rest; seagulls heading toward the shore from a hard day at the landfills; crows heading from shopping malls and athletic fields toward Disneyland where...

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Kelly schoolgirl pocket money Chapter 6

All of that was in the past, however, leading up, if you remember, to the Thursday evening before Kelly was due to make her first paid visit to Jim's house. Jim was up in his bedroom with his collection of dirty magazines and videos, and his collection of panties. He was anxiously waiting for Friday to come, and had been saving himself for her, but couldn’t wait any longer. That was why he'd come upstairs to his secret collection, and why he had videos, magazines and panties spread...

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Kelly Girl 8 Pygmalion Promises

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 8 - "Pygmalion Promises" By Wanda Cunningham Down the hall from...

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Kelly Girl Part 13 Another Hole In My Head

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 13: "Another Hole in My Head" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly...

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Kelly Girl Part 14 Floop and Happenstance

Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...

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Kelly Girl 21 Night Before Morning

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl 21: Night Before Morning The two boys and two girls tried to ease their way past Grant Walker, the reporter from the O.C. Register, the...

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Kelly Chapter 2

In the first chapter, I explained how Kelly and I met. We were two lonely people in loveless, sexless marriages. We met on an adult dating site, chatted, texted and sexted for weeks before we actually met. The culmination of those events was the most sensual lovemaking session of my life. Now we continue:We hadn't seen each other for a few days but had kept up a barrage of texts, in which we now included emojis and short sayings that represented our thoughts and growing feelings.One morning I...

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Kelly Girl 6 Not Very Ladylike

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 6 -- Not Very Ladylike By Wanda Cunningham "Did I hear my name?"...

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Kelly Chapter 4

Then there was the time I had to go to Las Vegas on business. My wife had no interest in going to Vegas nor the time to go. Kelly’s husband was on a business trip of his own to somewhere in the Midwest. So I took her with me to Sin City.Day 1I scheduled our arrival to be late morning on Sunday. That way we had time to check out the town away from The Strip. We had both been there many times before we met so we had no real interest in that part of town. Instead, we decided to go shopping for...

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KellyChapter 6

Kelly woke first in the morning and found she had moved through the night ending on her back with Laura's arm draped across her. Finding her resolve, she kissed the beautiful girl quietly sleeping beside her. "Good morning sleepy head," Kelly said. "Time for us to get up and go see if Todd is hard at work yet." Laura smiled at Kelly before reaching up to give her a tender kiss. "My god," Laura said suddenly, "It's Monday already. I have to go to work this afternoon." "No...

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KellyChapter 9

The ringing of the phone did not wake Kelly up Thursday morning. The poking in her ribs by someone in bed with her did. "Are you going to answer that fucking thing?" Laura asked. "My head is going to explode." Glancing down at their nude bodies, seeing the partial glass of wine on the nightstand, and feeling the dried remains of last night's multiple orgasms brought back a rush of memories. Kelly blushed slightly and peeled her sticky body off the bed, untangled herself from Laura and...

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KellyChapter 8

After their shower, an attendant showed them to the mud bath. Entering a room with a number of narrow acrylic beds, they were directed to leave their robes and escorted to two beds side by side. The beds were more like shallow baths, complete with a drain on one end and raised edges as well as a built in head rest. Before they lay down, a layer of warm mud was poured on each bed and the girls were capped with plastic hoods to protect their hair. Sliding into a comfortable position,...

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KellyChapter 17

For the first fifteen minutes, Doctor Myers performed the basic tests on Kelly. Sinuses, ears, eyes, throat, and nose were all clear, her heartbeat, and blood pressure textbook perfect. Kelly peeled off her T-shirt but kept hold of Laura's hand the entire time. MaryAnn warmed up her stethoscope and listened to Kelly's breathing and her lungs. "I see you're still smoking, Kelly." Kelly looked up with fear. "You can tell that from listening to my chest?" MaryAnn laughed. "No, I can...

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Kelly Chapter 10

Trade Show Day 1Living relatively close to Las Vegas, attending the annual trade show there is a simple drive across the desert. We wanted some time for ourselves, so we went a day early. Even Sundays in January, on the Las Vegas Strip, are crowded and packed with people from all around the world. Through our MyVegas points - you can online slots where you can earn “gold” coins that can be used at MGM properties - we had a reservation for a room at the Bellagio. I had made the reservation...

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KellyChapter 10

Todd woke up to the feeling of a warm mouth gently sucking on his very erect cock. He had been dreaming, or so he thought, a very erotic dream filled with vivid sensual imagery of a sexual night spent with Kelly. As his eyes slowly took in the sight of Kelly's head bobbing up and down on his shaft, he realized it had not been a dream. It had finally happened. He and Kelly had totally consummated their relationship. "Good morning, beautiful," he said. Kelly stopped only long enough to...

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KellyChapter 16

Kelly woke, completely and instantly, totally unlike her usual return from the land of Nod. She lay quietly for a while, reveling in her lovers' touch. She knew that Todd's hand was on her ass, that she held Laura's panty clad cheek. She could feel how their legs tangled, and Laura's warm breath on her breast. Feeling mischievous, she slid a finger under the elastic and stretched it out... "Do that and I'll bite!" said a quiet voice from under her chin, and sharp teeth closed around...

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KellyChapter 18

Todd eased the Hummer onto I-77 heading south towards Columbia. Cara and Ami, having claimed the rear seat for smooching and snoozing, started to sing, "Hit The Road Jack," and Laura and Kelly playfully joined in. Todd just shook his head. The ride was smooth and traffic was light. Kelly and Laura, not being able to decide who would ride solo on the middle bench, had squeezed in together on the wide 'shotgun' seat up front. As they left North Carolina, Laura had said, "Here I go...

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Kelly Girl 5 AllMyTroublesBear

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 5 - "All-My-Troubles-Bear" By Wanda Cunningham Early in the...

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KellyChapter 3

The sun was streaming through the windows and as morning moved towards noon, the light shifted across the room slowly revealing Kelly's nude body, lighting first her hair and then sliding like a silent intruder over her eyes. She brushed her hand across her face trying to shoo away the invader, but it was too late. The light had stirred something in her subconscious and it slowly turned on her other senses. Disoriented, Kelly, eyes still closed, tried to place where she was and why Aaron...

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KellyChapter 22

Todd sighed, wishing he could have a cold beer and a hot smoke. Two intense orgasms and his lovers were upstairs. "Damn, it's still early in the day as well," he thought. But he was going to fix Kelly and Laura. Slowly, he got to his feet and staggered out of the darkroom. Vanetta didn't say a word as he passed by her desk, but she was smirking as he stumbled into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Evian and Kelly's cigarettes then collapsed onto the couch. The same couch where he had...

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Kelly Girl 7 Too Pretty for a Boy

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 7 "Too Pretty for a Boy" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly held...

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KellyChapter 5

Todd and Laura were asleep, face-to-face, entwined with each other, when the sound of a ship's emergency klaxon went off. Todd rolled his head back and groaned. "Sorry," he said to Laura reaching over her, "I forgot to turn the alarm off last night." Laura, stirred by Todd's movement, turned to look at the alarm clock he was trying, without much success, to swat. "Hey," she said. "I recognize that. It's a 'Shuttle Pod' isn't it? From Star Trek?" Todd laughed. "No...

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KellyChapter 28

"Do you mind if we stop off to see Muriel before we go to the club, honey?" Kelly asked Laura. "Of course not, silly," said Laura. "We have the whole day to ourselves now." "Thanks, sweetheart," said Kelly. "It might sound funny to you, but I could have sworn I heard her talking to me last night when your mom and dad were over." "Maybe you did," said Laura seriously. "I get feelings. Mom says they're premonitions, but I don't know. I wouldn't buy lottery tickets on it!"...

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KellyChapter 21

Kelly flopped down on the bed. It had been a great weekend, but the ride home had tired her out. With all the excitement Celeste had created with Meuller's Wheel and the reunion of Chuck and Deanna adding to the general flow of adrenaline, she hadn't been able to sleep on the ride back to Charlotte. They had dropped Erin off after leaving the marina, and the five had been bubbling with news from their various encounters for the rest of the four-hour drive back. It had been late and dark...

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KellyChapter 32

Kelly had received an invitation to speak at a meeting of the War College Officers’ Wives Club. When she checked with Rita, she was told it was a standard invitation. The President traditionally spoke at the Club’s major spring meeting. Rita was sitting across from her in her office. She had been teasing the girl about the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The girl spread her legs wide and rubbed her groin gently. By this time Rita had become accustomed to Kelly’s teasing. She...

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KellyChapter 16

As they talked, they heard a helicopter approach and land close by. Ames’ aide got out, followed by Kevin Murphy who was carrying a cardboard box. He ran up and saluted Kelly who then looked at him carefully. His eyes still showed black, but there was now only a Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose. He saluted Ames and said, “General, your lunch, sir!” He opened the box and Kelly started to laugh. In the box were a dozen wrapped hot dogs. She helped herself and passed the box around. Solov...

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KellyChapter 25

The next morning Kelly and Mike were up at five o’clock. They were surprised to find Bill and Chris up, too. Somewhere the two reporters had found BDUs and combat boots. Then after a quick cup of coffee the four went outside. At five-thirty it was still pitch dark and quite cold. Kevin and Katrina were waiting in jeeps and drove them over to the parade ground. They took their positions at the head of the formations. It was obvious from the confusion that the division had never been assembled...

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KellyChapter 22

The next morning Chris Collins put on a bathrobe over her pajamas and went out to the suite’s kitchenette. Kelly was standing at the counter watching the automatic coffee maker make coffee. When Chris entered, Kelly looked at her and asked, “Did you sleep well?” Chris grimaced at Kelly and replied, “As a matter of fact, no. I’ve never heard such noises coming from the next bedroom. How are you feeling?” “Absolutely wonderful! Chris, I can hardly wait to be married. Then it will all be...

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KellyChapter 33

It was a warm day in May in Northern Virginia and Kelly was walking back across the campus of the College after finishing her teaching for the day. She was amused at the way it was going. Her course in Military Strategy had become the most popular course in the school. Enrollment was now so large she was thinking about breaking it up into sections, but wasn’t sure she wanted to take on the additional work. Then she ran her fingers lightly over her abdomen. It was now starting to round out. At...

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KellyChapter 29

Todd was at it early Friday morning. He had left with Ami and Cara shortly after the sun had come up, and they were at the studio before 8:00. Todd had quietly slipped out of bed leaving his two lovers to embrace each other in sleep as he dressed, ate with Ami and Cara, and driven to the studio. Vanetta had come down when she heard the door open and helped Todd as he worked on the gymnasts' make-up. Then the girls had gone into action. Robert came down at 9:00 and had breakfast with Vanetta...

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KellyChapter 10

Kelly and Catherine King went to the Officers’ Club which appeared to be an English pub. Cathy told her it had been one until SACEUR took it over. Kelly was glad she was wearing her new silver oak leaves. Her rank got them a table by themselves in the corner in spite of the club being very crowded. Theirs was the last vacant table. As they were being seated, three young officers headed over toward them. Kelly thought they looked drunk. One came up and declared, “We trust you candy-assed...

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KellyChapter 7

Laura arrived home a little after 6 o'clock Monday afternoon. Laura and her three younger siblings lived in a modest but friendly home on the south side of the city with their parents. Her dad was a policeman and her mother worked part time in a grocery store to help make ends meet. After liberally applying Aveeno on her butt to soothe the burning, she had supper with the family. As usual, it was a lively affair during which the family shared the news of the day. As the dishes were being...

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KellyChapter 8

With two weeks to go, Kelly and Mike had a long weekend free. Since Kelly had discovered there was a romantic interest between Ken Carson and Mary Harris, she talked to Mike, and they invited the couple to join them for a weekend at Virginia Beach. Mike made reservations and they all drove down together. It was the first weekend off the base since they had arrived and they were determined to make the most of it. The weather was beautiful: sunny and warm. On Saturday the girls were lying on...

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KellyChapter 9

Mike and Kelly had been in England for three weeks when a call came for Mike from Colonel Hawkins. He told Mike there was a special briefing at SACEUR — Supreme Allied Command-Europe — which was now located in London. Because there were elements of the briefing involving activities behind enemy lines, Mike and Kelly were both requested to attend. Beginning at Quantico and at an intensive level for the three weeks they had been in England, Kelly had been reading military history focusing...

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KellyChapter 24

Mike was driving as they rolled through the main gate at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. They exchanged knowing glances. The sentry hadn’t looked up from his comic book — he just waved their car through. Mike and Kelly were both in civilian clothes and both had deep tans from their Hawaiian honeymoon. They found the headquarters building and walked in. Kelly was wearing a leather jacket with a fur collar similar to a World War II bomber jacket over a sweater and skirt. Her golden hair was back in a...

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KellyChapter 20

"Hi Daddy!" Chuck turned toward the voice and froze, his eyes wide in shock. For a moment, he saw his Helen, but she wouldn't be calling him Daddy... Then she stepped into the full light of the morning sun. "Deanna!" He stood and walked hesitantly toward her, stopping a pace away. "I've missed you, Poppin." "I've missed you too, Daddy!" They looked at each other for a moment, and then Chuck opened his arms. Deanna took the last step between them, wrapping her arms around...

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